Testing Stuffs

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

𝕄 Maxi "Mashi" Milou 𝕄

Name- Maxi "Mashi" Milou

Gender- Male

Age- 26

Act- Strongman, "The Uncrushable Bug"

Veteran or New- Veteran of two years.

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 276lb
Maxi cut an imposing figure even before he ended up in the circus. His light greenish-yellow eyes are piercing, and his solid muscular build and broad shoulders were a product of the life he led before. His skin was fair, and appeared pale with his not-quite black but not quite brown hair. His hair has grown out enough that he has to partially tie it back to keep it out of his face. With the addition of his deformities, he is just that more intimidating.

His upper body has a tough, hardened black exoskeleton with various pointed spikes coming out his arms, as well as clawed hands. He has a second set of extremely long arms with similar black exoskeleton and larger clawed hands. Parts of his legs are also covered in the tough armor. The exoskeleton goes up to the lower half of his face, forming rough points along his jawline. He has a pair of sharp mandibles that sometimes cause him to have a lisp or chitter when he gets too worked up. He also has three tiny extra spider eyes, the same stunning green as his normal ones, on either side of his head which are visible when he has his hair up.

Observation - hardly anything goes unnoticed, and he's impossible to sneak up on.
Sleight of Hand - he was a nerd when it came to magic tricks.
Pickpocketing - having an extra set of extremely noticeable arms tends to have people distracted from his surprisingly nimble and more readily functional ones.
Exoskeleton - his hardened skin is tough to penetrate and can take a beating.
Brute Strength - his performance is a show of inhumane strength, of course he's strong.

Overheating - his exoskeleton does not allow body heat to transfer well, and he's prone to overheating after periods of intense physical exertion.
Stealth - being the large body that he is, as well as the shininess of his hardened skin, its pretty easy to spot him in a crowd or on the move.
Weak Points - his joints are soft spots, as well as his sides; injuries to these areas will hurt him significantly.
Self-Isolating - his attitude is his biggest detriment.
Hope - the thought of finding a way to become human again often skews his thoughts on escape.

Maxi's nickname, Mashi, is rarely used. It comes from his first days in the circus, where he was just getting used to his mandibles and having difficulty pronouncing his own name. He got most of his pronunciation problems sorted out, but sometimes during his less composed moments he slips up. The nickname Mashi is more often used affectionately by the veterans, and most newcomers that try to use it face a very intimidating staredown.

His arrival at the circus was fairly simple. His friends wanted to go and he tagged along, originally intending on pointing out how all the fake magic tricks worked as their group's resident sleight of hand nerd. After watching the show, he had been left with the surprising task of convincing his friends that it was real. The simplest way was to go back stage and see. The group of three were caught poking around the illusion barrier, and you know how the story goes. He'd acted as ringleader for their little group, falling hook line and sinker for Aveline's vision of escape and selling his friends on the hope. He'd been full of fire and life, but after seeing his friends die with those false hopes, he'd changed. He'd lost most of his bite, was more reserved and cautious.

Connecting with people in here was dangerous. He couldn't afford to open himself up to that kind of hurt again, and he mourns the fact that he had to change this way. This bleeds out into his short temperament and more snappish, isolating behavior. One thing that hadn't changed much was his ego. He'd been prideful of his appearance before he was turned into a monster, and he works hard to keep whatever normality he has left. The fact that his mandibles tend to make all sorts of creepy bug noises to go along with his words when he looses his temper is why he miraculously limits his outbursts. He didn't like sounding like a monster.

His observational skills are what keep him alive. He may not reach out for interaction much, but he is always paying attention and keeping track of what and who he can use to make things a little bit better. He makes deals with those that could come in useful. For example, he allows Harmony to call him Mashi in exchange for her use as an icepack when he's overheating.

Aveline - When he first met her, he trusted her blindly. Now, he has trouble putting faith in her, and often cautions newcomers to take her words with a grain of salt.
Meric - His feelings about the magician are about as complicated as they come. Respect, sympathy, distrust, pity, hatred; these emotions all swirl around him when Meric is present.
Morticia - He is terrified of what that horrific woman is capable of, and hates seeing her impact on Meric. His pleasantness with her is brought on by fear.
Harmony - No one would dare suggest that Maxi had a soft spot for the kid. No one. If only because they noticed how a bit of the old Maxi came back when she was present.
The Newcomers - He is less than inclined to bother with newcomers.

Master is the Enemy.

can we be human again
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"The Inside Out Boy"
Name- Adrian Moltentide
Gender- Male
Age- 16
Act- The Inside Out Boy
Veteran or New- Newcomer

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 100lbs
Adrian has a very youthful complexion, and partnered with his height, he looks very childish. His big dark green eyes have an innocent quality to them which will more than likely fade with time here. There are speckles of blue pigment across his skin. His flaming red hair has been replaced with a mane of fiery red... squishy things? And most notably, he has a thick blue squishy tail with more of those red squishy things on it.

Adrian has gained certain qualities akin to a sea cucumber. A huge development is that he's able to breathe underwater. He has much more squish to himself than before, his bones becoming softer and more flexible. This makes existing outside of water much more laborious, everything seeming to take more effort as his body struggles against gravity itself.

He's also gained ability to regurgitate internal organs and suck them back in. This trick is extremely painful to perform, but the pain doesn't last long due to the new extremely rapid regenerative properties of his changed body. This does not help his perpetual baby face in the slightest. His blood has restorative effects on others as well, when applied to injuries it hastens the recovery process.

Good with computers, Adrian's current side project is programming the circus' lights to become automated during their performances.
Planning, rhythm, and timing are key things that he never falters with.
Recovery and healing capabilities, perfect to be used and abused in this hellish circus.

Low pain tolerance, truly something that needs to be worked on, though he doubts that it will ever get any better. He will do anything if it means not experiencing pain.
Physically weak, he isn't any good in a fight or struggle, even in water.
Difficulties moving outside of water, his weakened body makes him struggle and often lag behind the others, surely making him a detriment to any escape attempt.

Raised a rich boy with absentee world traveling parents, Adrian is more independent than people would first assume. He has a surprising little stubborn streak when he gets worked up enough over his autonomy, but with most other things, he has about negative ten willpower.

He has a tendency to fixate on things until they no longer catch his interest. Rhythm games have always been a fallback for him, and he has a restless habit of rebuilding computers and writing programs. Being tech savvy in a little world that revolves around magic is a huge struggle that he is slowly adapting to.

He has abandonment issues and is afraid of being alone. This tended to result in him hanging out with people that were only looking to use him for his money or connections. One night when the empty halls of his family's estate were a bit too looming, he decided to go to the circus that was nearby. While at the show, he fell victim to a certain siren's song. He'd left the circus to go get a bouquet to give her, but the Master caught him before he reached the flower shop.

It has been a week since he's joined the circus.

The Master: The Master is the enemy, Adrian pleaded with him to let him be useful in exchange for less pain and scored the computer side project. Whether or not less pain actually does come is up for debate.
Aveline: Her motherly qualities originally had him cautious, wondering if she was going to use him too, but he's slowly warming up to her.
Meric: He sees the magician as being two-faced, much like the others that had passed through his life, and is just waiting to hear what he wants in exchange for his little acts of kindness.
Morticia: This crazy bitch makes his life a living hell. She helped him "demonstrate" his deformity on his first day, and has been haunting his nightmares ever since.
Maxi: The guy is hella intimidating, but he swears he recognizes those freaky eyes from somewhere. This does not put him at ease in the slightest.
Harmony: Being forced to share a tank with her outside of practice and performing hours has seen Adrian become a begrudging pillow for the touch starved girl, his squishyness causing a lack of ability to fight her off.
The Newcomers: He's playing everything by ear with them.

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Name: Jackson Deltorre
Nickname: Jack, Jackie, Del
Age: 19
Act: Sharpshooter
Newcomer or Veteran: Veteran of 1 year

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 200lbs
Jack has broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He is as tough and durable as he looks. He has scruffy short blond hair, as well as an ear piercing. The only human thing about him is his head, everything else gives way to black machinery shaped to human form, gears and wires forged from wicked magic.

Jack's eyes were replaced with optic lenses, allowing him to see perfectly in the dark and aim with absolute ease. They glow orange when they are on.

His natural voice had been lost, and the Master had some difficulties creating a new one, as it was his first time performing such an experiment. Overly emotional displays cause damage. As a result, Jack's words often cut in and out, and he requires frequent service to keep his voice in working order. This experiment did lay the groundwork for Harmony's little siren song.

Everything below his neck has been cybernetically enhanced as well, and have a similar orange glowing pattern when they are active. He is without a heart, though his inner machinery still keeps him alive.

And like any good plaything, he can be turned off and put away. He has no need for food, and is entirely dependent on the Master to sustain his life with magic.

He is the master's tin soldier, the sentry and sniper, a heartless machine with a pretty face.


Jack is a cold person. He doesn't like people, and makes sure that they know it. He feels trapped in his own body, and hates the fact that he needs the Master alive. He'd kill the man himself if he could somehow force himself to act against him, or if it didn't kill him as well, but both those conditions are a fantasy. So he resigns himself to being cold and angry and bitter.

He isn't nutty like the ringmaster's other lapdogs. Maybe having full control over his thoughts isn't such a blessing here. He has some fight in him, disobedient in all the little ways he can get away with under the Master's orders. He is careful to mind his mouth around Meric since he is the master's eyes and ears, but sometimes complains and loosens up when he feels it's safe enough to do so. He doesn't risk forming deep connections in case his orders call for their termination.

He doesn't indulge in fantasies, and hates to acknowledge the fact that he still has dreams. He doesn't want to feel hope, it's an emotion that can go fuck right off along with whoever's selling it. Ever since he was a kid, he's hated wishing for a better life, and some things never change. He hates feeling desperate, he hates being trapped like this, and he hates what he has to do.

All of this is kept close to his chest, as he isn't sure who would care, who he could trust at this point, or if his voice could even manage to relay these feelings. He's the murderer of the group, and anyone who was around for the great escape knew it.

Jackson grew up in a rough part of town, born to a single mother who struggled to keep the lights on. He fell in with a mafia family in order to help out Ma with the money. He didn't dabble in what he sold, and his efficiency saw him rising up the ladder, ensuring payment and painting walls.

He didn't ask questions, and always performed. He took his oath and followed his orders, and that made him a good soldier for the family.

He was killed, or at least he thought he'd been killed, by a wire across the neck. The master must have seen this unfold, as the next thing he remembered was gaining consciousness in a dark place, without a voice or sensation until his new world under the circus tent was turned on.

He hates having his life held hostage, but can't do anything about it. He can't disobey his orders, but he's found some wiggle room in them. While he is unable to resist them completely, he has found that he's able to choose the complexity of the shot he takes, and move around as long as it eventually led to the completion of an order. This simple trick is what prevented him from outright killing Aveline in her attempt to escape. His choice to ricochet the shot slowed down the bullet just enough that it didn't cause grievous injury, yet still had the stopping power to bring her down.

He remains uncertain that allowing her to live was the right choice after seeing the example the ringmaster made of her. His choice in the matter was bold enough that he might have alerted the master or the others that he had some fragment of free will left, but nothing has come of it so far.


Jack is a fierce gunman, his body built to handle the recoil of any weapon he might come across, and his eyes capable of deadly shot calculation.

He doesn't need to sleep, though he does enjoy it when he is allowed to.

His life is held by the Master. He has limited control of his own actions whenever the Master places an order.

The Master can power him down with a snap of his fingers.

He isn't waterproof and tends to suffer shortages on damp days. He is unable to guard the circus exterior on rainy days. Harmony's splashing is the bane of his existence and he keeps a wary distance from Adrian in case he ever picks up the habit.

An overdose of electricity could be the death of him as well.

He is afraid of dying, and believes that he will die if the Master is killed. This is not an option and he will defend the Master from bodily harm at all costs..... but, mental harm? That's another story.


Considering that he frequently is the one that lends a hand in capturing newcomers at the circus, all those that have encountered the illusion barrier since he was activated were frequently met with his darts. He feels an immense guilt in capturing newcomers and avoids associating with them whenever he can.

  • The Master: The Master is the enemy, but also to holder of his life. Jack has all sorts of mental tortures planned for the monster, but he will not allow anyone to harm him physically. After all, a threat to the master's life is a threat to his own.
  • Meric: Jack does not like Meric in the slightest. He's jealous of his autonomy and despises the fact that he can get away with everything he does while he has the seed of the devilish ringmaster planted in him.
  • Aveline: He has her blood on his hands and he knows it. His actions during her attempted escape still haunt him, and he remains on uncertain ground with her.
  • Morticia: Jack is oddly comfortable around the doctor. His muted sensation in his metal body tend to make him less of a target for her. He hasn't pegged her as the gossiping type, so he finds it easy to talk to her whenever his voice is working.
  • Maxi: He is fairly certain that the bug will brutally murder him if he ever gets a good opportunity. He killed Maxi's last remaining friend from the outside during Aveline's great escape, and there would be no mercy from the bug.
  • Harmony: Jack gives her and her tank a very wide berth due to her splashing habit. He's fully aware that she's a little shit.
  • The Minotaur: Jack talks to Deutsch quite a bit, finding it easy to avoid topics that would stir up emotions with the muscle head.
  • Loveta: The she-wolf's stunt wasn't something that Jack could easily ignore, but seeing as no one tried to escape during it, he holds no ill will against her.

AUTOMATICA | Nigel Stanford ​

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Open Sign-ups
Dark Woods Circus


A groan pours from your lips as your eyes slid open. The first thing you see is the blurry image of a blonde man standing in front of you. He appears to be wearing a red flowing coat and looking at you with a wide grin. You attempt to get up only to take note that you're chained to the wall. Glancing up once more, you realize the man is laughing. "Welcome to my world, pet." He says as he takes a step closer to you.

"Your...world..?" You manage to moan pitifully causing the red-clad man to laugh harder.

"Yes, you silly goose. My world." He says as he motions to the cell that you're currently in. Absently, you take not that there are other people chained to the walls... deformed people... "I have brought you here and... fixed you." He chuckles. "...and you will perform in my circus." You open your mouth to object, but he notices this and cuts you off. "If you refuse... Well then, you will simply end up like the others.." He says with a sense of grim satisfaction before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

What others..? You wonder to yourself. You can't help but try to imagine how many others there are... or were. You try to take a moment to process things. You were taken from your home and brought to this.. this circus only to be changed into... you don't know what. "It's best just to listen to Master..." A small voice says from across the room.

You glance up to see the voice came from a rather small girl that is also chained to the wall. You instantly note that she has black wings and blood soaked bandages covering her eyes. You think she's looking at you, but you can't be quite sure. "If you don't... well.." She paused, raising a pale hand to pitifully motion to her eyes. "Our only hope is to escape..." She said softly, a look of what could only be described as determination crossing her face.

Escape... You glance around at the others as they nod in agreement. You suppose it sounds like a good idea. First, however, you have more important things to worry about. Such as things like what that monster of a ringmaster did to you. Steeling yourself for the worst, you glance down to see what you've become...


Welcome to the Dark Wood's Circus, pets. If you'd like to survive your stay here there are some things you should get to know. First and foremost being that I am in charge here.

Who am I? My name is Killian, but only my dearest doctor may refer to me as such. You may call me Master.

Why? Because not only is that what I am to you, my creations, but I am also the Ringmaster of this circus.

Secondly is that escape is futile and will be punished if attempted. It's been attempted before and a good portion of the examples are… no longer with us. However, if you'd like a living example of repercussions, look at the blind one. How do you think she came to be that way? The tent and open grounds may look vulnerable, but I assure you that they are not.

If you've not connected the dots by now, I am a man of many talents. Magic is one of these such talents. Most of the doors here can only be opened through magic. Your chains and shackles can only be removed through magic. The reason no one can see the buildings behind our Big Top is through magic. This also means that the areas seeming vulnerable are also protected by, you guessed it, magic. You're actually catching on.

Don't try to inform our audience of what occurs behind the scenes. First, because they will not believe you. It's amazing what a few clarity altering spells can do. Not to mention that anyone that would interfere with our operations can't even see the flyers for our show. No one is coming to help you, just accept that. You can't even help yourself or… Well, you'll find out if you try. Please try and give me the pleasure of showing you.

Just follow the rules, behave, and perform as you're expected. That's the only way you'll avoid my wrath.

Heh, most of the time.​


The Schedule
  • 6:00am ~ Meric begin's daily preparations.
  • 6:30am ~ Dorms are opened and performers are unlocked to prepare for the day.
  • 7:30am ~ Breakfast.
  • 8:00am ~ Practice begins in the Big Top.
  • 12:00pm ~ Lunch.
  • 12:30pm ~ Unchained "free time" in Dorms.
  • 4:00pm ~ Preparations for Nightly Performance.
  • 6:00pm ~ Performance.
  • 8:00pm ~ Dinner.
  • 8:30pm ~ Dorms to clean up for the night.
  • 9:00pm ~ Chains are put back on, doors are sealed, Morticia and Meric report to Killian until he sends them to their own quarters.


Just a refresher since it's been a while.​
  1. Obvious. No god-modding.
  2. Respect the other people. If your character wants to bitch slap another character and cuss them out, go right ahead. If you want to bitch slap another person and cuss them out, take it out of the thread and preferably to a moderator. I'm not going to handle your petty arguments. At least not nicely.
  3. Damn, shit, ass, etc... If you don't like it, don't continue because there is going to be much more of it in the future.
  4. Literacy. Learn the word. Love it. Because I do. I'm not going to go all grammar Nazi on you, just please... please... respect the English language... After all. Good grammar is the difference between helping you Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. I will behave. Until i 2ee 2hiit liike thii2. OR SHIT LIKE THIS. I do not want to feel like I am being screamed at through text. I, however, will not murder you for one or two misspellings. Everyone makes mistakes. I understand this. Just, like I said. Please don't abuse the English language. It is a beautiful thing.
  5. One liners are the enemy. Can we have at least a paragraph? Is that too much to ask? If I see a single sentence post, I will go beyond flipping my shit. I understand writer's block is a common issue, just please don't drop below three sentences.
  6. If you have read these rules in their complete glory, please put "Master is the Enemy" in your character sheet. If I do not see this, you do not get accepted. Plain and simple. I will tell you that you can have a place once you've read the rules.
  7. All characters must be approved by me before joining the role play. This is to prevent stupidity and, once more, to prevent shit flipping.
  8. There will be some screwed up shit in this RP and I don't want to mentally scar children. If you are not prepared for this, LEAVE NOW.
  9. Only two characters per person. That's it. No more. We're not having the RP revolve all around one person and their gazillion characters.
  10. If you are gone for more than a week without giving me a valid reason before you disappear, you will be removed from the RP. We're not all waiting on one person, we want to keep moving. If you are going on vacation or something tell me before you leave.


Check over the other character sheets for examples, feel free to jazz it up, add sections as needed, and make it pretty.

Veteran or New-
Information- (Relevant backstory such as how they were taken, as well as key personality info)
Relationships- (it's possible to develop this as you play, it's the bonds between all the characters)​



Full Character Sheets can be found here~ CLICK ME
Our usual crazy OOC chat can be located here to contain the insanity~ CLICK ME
We also now have a DISCORD SERVER! YAY! So, to pop in and say hello please direct yourself here~ CLICK ME

If you would like to request to join our elite little group of crazy misfits, please drop a character sheet below and await review. Don't forget the rules and please respect our veterans.

@Azazel Finally got the first post kinda fixed. The death of tabs took me some time to mourn but hereeee
Matthew Michael Volt

Havoc, Matt, Matteo

Half lightning elemental.

Dialog Color


Physical Build
Matthew is built like a brick house. Wide shoulders, a fairly bulky frame, standing in at 5'11". His semi long dark brown hair is often tied back in a bun or can sometimes be spotted as a staticky mane when his trusty hair tie gives up the ghost. He has deep set honey brown eyes, and some stress lines on his face. He stands up straight, good posture all around despite his less than refined appearance. He frequently fails to keep up with shaving, leading to scraggly mustaches and five o clock shadows.

Clothing Style
His clothing can best be described as threadbare and worn half to death. He has yet to develop a personal style, often just taking what fits from secondhand stores. He doesn't take much pride in his appearance and tends to see looking halfway nice as a chore.

A small abandoned trailer park home on the edge of town. He's making it into a habitable home, and living out of his van in the meantime.

Electronics repairman.

Matthew has only very recently discovered his abilities. He's able to give off small shocks, and gain an understanding of most computers he touches after a few minutes. When hit, he delivers a shock of equal force to the hit, and his injuries gain a black and white pixelation almost like tv static. His sister says he should be able to turn his whole body into a cloud of those pixels, but he hasn't wanted to try it.


He's bisexual, though leans more towards women for the most part.

He hasn't really been around enough to talk to most of the town's inhabitants, however from what he's seen he's taken a slight interest in Aliyah. He knows she's way out of his league.

Maci Marianna Volt, sister. He's still in the process of gaining an understanding of his sister. She's been helping him come to terms with his newfound abilities that she may have accidentally unlocked during their first meeting.

Michaela Volt, mother. Deceased. He wishes that she could have been there more for him growing up, but that wasn't in her plans and her partying lifestyle was what killed her.

Harrow, father. Alive and traveling as a full-blooded lightning elemental does, jumping from one storm to the next. Matt has a deep anger for the man, seeing that the guy was willing to raise his sister and leave him with his absentee mother.


Matthew is an easygoing sort of guy that seems a bit down on his luck. He doesn't let too much become known about himself, preferring to handle his problems in private. He has some spunk to him, often finding odd but funny things to comment on. He is a very down to earth person but doesn't put up with anyone's bullshit. He calls it as he sees it without apology. He always tends to be working on something, needing to keep himself busy. Self care is somewhat foreign to him, as he really isn't one to put his needs on the forefront of his attention. He just keeps pushing forwards, maybe not with as much optimism as he once had but at least he's working towards something.

Tinkering, listening to music, just chilling, cigarettes.

Uppity people, shopping, spending money, overcomplicating things.

Mannerisms and Quirks
Matthew's always a bit twitchy, and usually has some kind of thing to play or mess around with in his hands. He always sets up clear and distinct boundaries, meaning absolutely no physical contact except for maybe a brief handshake.


Matteo knew exactly where he rated on his mom's priority list, and unfortunately it was not at the top. Growing up, he had bounced from house to house for a few months at a time, staying with various distant relatives and bouncing around the US like a plastic bag on the side of the road. He learned to make do with what he had, always worried about becoming too much of a burden. He didn't care much for school and was lucky enough to graduate high school by the skin of his teeth.

He'd picked up work apprenticing an electrician and learned how to repair electronics on his own time. He had been dating a girl pretty seriously for a couple years, but she ended up passing away due to a long term illness. He was a mess for a good while afterwards. After his mentor suggested taking a DNA test to try and track down some family that way, he gave it a shot.

Turns out he had a little sister living in a place called Doncaster.
Also turns out he wasn't as human as he thought he was.
... Great.


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Maci Marianna Volt

Mace, Mayhem

Half lightning elemental.

Dialog Color


Physical Build
Maci has a delicate looking face and she has no idea where those genes came from since she definitely doesn't look like her dad save for her honey brown eyes. She has pin straight black hair that never strays out of place. She has a certain wild grace to her, an athletic build gained from a great deal of outdoor activities. Her posture is always on point.

Clothing Style
Her father sends her fine clothes from wherever he's recently traveled, and she enjoys dressing with style. Long light and flowy clothes are her favorites. She usually goes barefoot, though dons a pair of sandals when visiting the town proper.

Her father had purchased a large plot of land on the edge of town when they first moved there, building an estate where she could thrive even when the storms called to him.

She makes fireworks for a living.

Maci is able to control electricity and carries a charge that isn't something to sneeze at. When struck, she gives a shock of similar force to her attacker. Her injuries gain a black and white pixelation to them, no blood or bruises to be seen. She is also able to transform into a cloud of these pixels, much like her father transforms into a ball of raw electricity. She suspects her odd transformation is due to her only half-elemental status.


She is a biromantic asexual.

None at the moment.

Matthew Michael Volt, brother. She accidentally shocked the wreck of a man that ended up on her doorstep. Then he pixelated just like she could. After that, the idea of him being her brother became much more plausible. She began teaching him how to control and use his abilities.

Harrow, father. Alive and traveling as a full-blooded lightning elemental does, jumping from one storm to the next. She knows that he can't fight his nature, and she knows that she wouldn't be able to keep up with him.


Maci is a picture of pride and grace, never wanting to give anyone a reason to worry about her. She thrives when faced with challenges, and has an endless curiosity to her. She loves exploring and venturing outside her comfort zone, sometimes biting off a bit more than she can chew but she always makes it work out. While she has a sunny disposition, she is cautious about sharing her heart with others. After all, her own father told her that he was not a good man to her birth mother.

Tea, decorating, gifts, plushies, thunder eggs.

Thunderstorms, tutors with attitude, anyone trying to take advantage of her kind nature.

Mannerisms and Quirks
Maci is often lost in a daydream, or preparing far too many projects at once. She likes to have a lot going on and absolutely hates boredom.


Maci was raised into wealth by her single father. He was kind and doting when he was around and made sure she was well looked after when he wasn't. In simple terms, she was very bored and very much cooped up. Her nights were often filled with sneaking out to go to town and see what normal people were up to and the general mischief that children her age got into. She took a liking to sparks and fire, and seeing what all burnt prettily. Her father began bringing her different fireworks from his travels and showing her how they worked. Needless to say she was thoroughly enamored with the subject, and began making her own.

After finishing her homeschooling, she started her own business selling her fireworks, as a Certified Mayhem Product. She enjoys her work greatly, however she's not so tech savvy and is currently having trouble designing her business' webpage. As her struggles with technology and personal stubbornness to handle brought out some of her less refined sour points, she had a bit of a breakdown. During a late night or perhaps early morning bender she got herself one of those DNA tests because she wanted to find out who her mother was in a bout of loneliness. Turns out she had a brother, who was good with computers, and wanted to meet.

With no ulterior motives whatsoever, she invited him to come over. She wasn't expecting a homeless looking man to show up on her front step. And when she was attempting to shoo him off they touched, and they shocked each other. And as it turns out her brother is a disaster of a human being. Go figure. While he's teaching her how to build her website, she's teaching him how to manage his recently unlocked abilities.



The Owls Of Ga'Hoole


Many years have past since the fall of the Pure Ones, and they have been banished to a scary story told to owlets to keep them from misbehaving, the Guardians a fantasy to keep trouble at bay.

Roleplay Rules
  • All Iwaku Rules Apply.
  • Please don't ghost on us, send a message if you're going to drop the rp.
  • Please make sure your posts add something to the story. If you don't give your fellow players something to actually respond to with your posts, then there isn't much point to posting them in the first place, right?
  • Three characters per person.
  • Please resolve any inter-player issues through PM, the OOC thread is no place for bickering.
  • The story is going to be focused on owls, but if you want to add side characters of different species found in the books run it by me first.
  • Please keep relevant content in it's respected thread. IC in IC, OOC in OOC, Characters in Character Index, you know how it is.
  • These rules are subject to change as needed.

Roleplay Links
  • Sign-Ups
  • Out of Character Chat
  • Character Index
  • Owl Dictionary
  • World Map

Players and Characters

Stephen Strange

I'm Doctor Stephen Strange and I approve this message.
Take the risk or lose the chance

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Victor Zeyan

Evil plans to take over the world.


In character text here.

Clint Barton

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Matthew Michael Volt

Location: Xavier's School
Interaction: Open

The cloud of static that slowly fluctuated out of the outlet in the kitchen next to the coffee maker probably looked more concerning than it had any right to be. Its movements were sluggish, uncoordinated. And it just kept getting bigger, the cloud almost moving like the mist of liquid nitrogen as it fell off the counter. But that was where the similarities stopped. The cloud began to condense back into itself and rise, slowly gaining coordination and compressing into the shape of one rumpled zombie of a man, pixels flickering between black and white before settling on skin tones and his pajamas. The static ripples as a long yawn is drawn out from Matthew. He stretches slightly, an electrical pop sounding as he cracks his neck either way.