Testing Stuffs

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
The disorganized test thread.

to business.






Matthew maintained his relaxed posture, being careful not to give away anything that would cause Behemoth to suddenly decide that he was tired of putting up with him. Not like it's my fault that boredom is a dangerous thing. Honestly, I could do a lot worse than a doomba. Unbeknownst to most he was making his first impressions of the team through his precious little bot. Coyote was interesting with her unique attitude. He returned the smile as he saw the gears click in her brain, a spark of amusement flashing in his eyes at her questioning. "I'm thinking of calling it Junior. Not really sure yet, though." Behemoth was bound to notice it eventually. Maybe if he knows I have a little device running around he'll be less inclined to destroy the thing when he actually does see it.

He was aware of his little bot passing by another teammate in the hall. That guy looked vaguely familiar and it bothered Matt because he couldn't place his face. Honestly, it was a dangerous thing. Havoc was a very private individual, and with all of his mocking and playing, a person who might know of his background prior to him becoming Havoc presented an awkward situation. Let's let that nickname die in a deep dark pit. "...Could name it Bucky. Didn't he have a knife at some point in Captain America: Winter Soldier?" His expression became more thoughtful as he sat back in his chair and neatly folded his arms across his chest, his expression falling into neutral territory. He put on a smile when the blond stepped through the door into the meeting room. "Mornin' Soldier." He greeted him easily enough. This is going to bug me. His little bot fazed through a woman's ankles while he was semi-distracted. After that happened he let the thing switch into its autonomous movement mode, deciding that he'd had enough of that. Probably one of his safer decisions.

"Yo Ghost, you hear about the Hoffman leak?" He asked as she walked in. It had come up during his perusing last night while he'd been tinkering away. She didn't look like she had gotten much sleep, maybe she was up and watching the fallout too. He was usually pretty good at squeezing in sleep, but he'd been a bit restless about this meeting. He was still a bit cautious with the idea of working on a team. Havoc had a role in getting some of them involved, but others had been brought in solely by Behemoth and he wasn't exactly sure what to think of them. He needed to figure out his teammates a bit better, figure out exactly what he'd be able to get away with before someone got fully irritated by his shenanigans. "I should probably look into that, haven't seen anyone with problems that big in a while." He had Behemoth mostly figured out, but then again he was a pretty easy read. Something about being a sometime ally and sometime enemy was always an eye opener as to what a person could and couldn't deal with.

He rolled his shoulders, sharp blue eyes focused back on Behemoth. "So, what are we working on today? Because I know I didn't crawl out of my apartment this early for no good reason."

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trial 3
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Matthew Michael Volt




Dialouge Color


Matthew toned up a bit from his bean pole days, but his clothing choices don't call much attention to his lean muscles and he much prefers it that way. His skin has seen the sun, maybe not all that much recently but he swears he had a tan back when he played baseball. It still bears the scars from an overly active childhood filled with wipeouts and faceplants, though the oldest scars are beginning to fade away with age. He carries himself like a large breed dog that hasn't exactly grown into its paws yet, always a bit awkward but enthusiastic all the same, making himself seem younger and more innocent than he really is. His eyes are a bright, but completely natural blue. And his hair is dark brown and naturally a mess on the best of days. His left arm appears to have a circuit board pattern "tattooed" on it in black ink, and the pattern glows in the dark. A similar "tattoo" is appearing down on his right ankle. Both of them also glow when he uses his power.

Typical Clothing
Long sleeved shirts and comfy sweatshirts galore, his closet boats a wide variety of colors but little variation in terms of overall style. His dogtag is usually tucked under his shirt. Jeans or khaki pants are his go-to bottoms. Two other items that are always constant with him are a pair of black gloves and rubber-soled black combat boots. He also wears some sort of smart watch on his wrist, though it's always hidden by his long sleeved shirts.


Matthew generates electricity. Not just the standard drag your sock covered feet on carpet and zap your sister brand of electricity either. He's more along the lines of a defibrillator. He can zap someone with the equivalence of a taser. He could do more damage, but he tries to avoid getting close to fatal voltages. But his real talent lies in his minute control of electricity among circuit boards. While it isn't quite technopathy, since he needs to see what he's doing, it gets hand-waved enough that he doesn't argue about it anymore.


Water is the enemy. He runs the risk of short circuiting on himself if he's dripping wet and trying to use his ability. Burns are common around his tattoos due to incidents like that, and anyone close to him when it happens might get zapped too.

Magnetic fields distort his control of electricity, making things way more difficult than they should be. In a combat situation, it could throw off the aim of his taser-zap, and potentially hit a civilian or one of his teammates. The guilt would haunt him forever if it did any lasting damage.

Without his gloves and boots on, he runs the risk of accidentally shocking people who happen to touch him. Depending on what voltage he's at, he might actually do damage. With his gloves and boots on, he is incapable of dispensing any electricity, and thus a completely normal, weak human being without any collateral damage plan should someone try to hurt him. Anyone wearing a non-conductive material is safe from his output as well.


Electrically-conductive metal armor, with a Kevlar and copper fiber weave underneath in order to protect from any bullets sent his way. The metal has a black matte finish that doesn't reflect light, and there are small blue lights built into the inner forearms that glow in accordance with his voltage level. The helmet comes with a HUD display that identifies technological devices that he could tap into and use. Silver accents can be seen on the hands and feet of the armor, the higher conductive material allowing for greater control and concentration of his power.

Sniper rifle, for long range combat in the case that his powers pose more of a risk than a benefit. Hand gun, for approaching trouble that really has no business getting any closer to him after the warning shot from the rifle. Boot knife, for when shit really hits the fan.

Fighting dirty.
Fast math and extremely good guesstimations.


Basic Personality
Matthew comes across as a youthful, happy go lucky kinda guy. He likes to have fun and relax and just enjoy the little things. He's quick to make friends, with his clever tongue and carefree attitude. He also has a sarcastic streak to him as well when the mood strikes. He has a way with people that either makes them love him or hate him, and rarely does one walk the middle road. There is one little fact that people tend to miss completely when they first meet him. He isn't all sunshine and rainbows. He's closer to a snowy winter day. He knows he doesn't look weird, he knows that people don't automatically ping him as a guy with a power, and he plays it like a champ. With all of his posturing, it's easy to miss his sharp and observant gaze keeping track of every little detail. He's smart about how he handles himself. He generally dislikes and distrusts people on principle, preferring the company of computers and other devices. He doesn't care about most holidays, since he wasn't raised to look forward to them, and doesn't bother to fake enthusiasm for them either.

Mannerisms and Quirks
Matthew's always a bit twitchy, and usually has some kind of thing to play or mess around with in his hands. As socially engaging as he is, he always sets up clear and distinct boundaries, meaning absolutely no physical contact except for maybe a brief handshake.


Matt grew up bouncing around in the foster care system. He had the bright smile and cheery eyes routine down by the time he was six or so. As far as powers went, he didn't know he had any. His clothes were always static-y though. He remembered how he always shocked the other kids when he got shoved out of the way in the hustle to get food and get out of the kitchen before the foster parents had enough of the kids for the day. He was a perfectly healthy kid, but he never stayed in one house for too long. Maybe he was a bit too much trouble here and there, maybe he was the expendable kid, maybe they just didn't want him. Looking back at it, he figured that his records probably got mixed up and bullshitted along the way, leaving the potential for him to have powers written out as little to none.

He started to pick up on how to fight when he landed in a pretty bad house at age eight. The guy got drunk and toyed with the older kids, baiting them into fights. He watched and learned from a kid named Leo, who held himself really well. Rule One, be quick and don't get hit. Rule Two, make sure that your first hit is strong enough to make 'em regret their life choices. And rule three was to stay calm no matter what. Leo, like a couple other kids in the house, had powers. He wore a tag and everything. Staying calm was apparently the key to keeping any powers from acting up, as Leo explained. "Might come in handy if you're just a late bloomer. Or if you're in enough trouble to start freaking out. But, uh, leave the trouble for me. Keep your hands clean."

Leo aged out of the system after two years of staying in the bad house, and Matthew didn't hear from him again. The guy who ran the foster home, Jerome, got harsher over the years. The neighborhood was dangerous, and guns weren't exactly foreign to the fifteen year old anymore. Matthew stepped up to fill the role Leo had as the oldest kid: distraction and anger management. One night got bad, Matt took a nasty hit, but Jerome was the one who hit the ground. He was fine, just knocked out. But the other kids got scared, someone called the cops, and suddenly Matthew Michael Volt was a Rank 3. The faint marks on his arm that he'd attributed to a nasty fall in elementary school started to get darker and even glowed on occasion, and after he got moved to some government school for freaks, the nurse there noticed and he got bumped up to Rank 4.

After he aged out, he took on a job working at a computer repair shop. Everything was fine and dandy up until Jerome filed assault charges. Matthew wanted to fight the charges, but none of the other foster kids would back his statement. His state appointed attorney wanted him to take a plea deal. Then he got the offer from the ASA to make all this go away if he signed up, so he took it.


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⌊ Matthew Volt ⌉
▪ details

In character post.
Angel's Search Thread
Now Open


Welcome to my partner request thread. I'm looking for someone with enthusiasm towards character development who can match my posting length, which runs anywhere between 2-8 paragraphs. I usually reply about once a week, give or take. My interests run from steampunk sky pirates, medieval fantasy, modern mythology, to superpowers, and anthropomorphic animals in American western settings. I'll ask that you guys shoot me a PM if you're interested in figuring out a plot.​


The role that I'm interested in playing will always be on the left. The pairings that I am extremely interested in playing out at the moment will be listed in this color. Pairings with this marking (*) next to them mean that I have a plot in mind for them. Again, please PM me if you are interested in figuring out a plot.

Demon ♂ x Whatever (*)
Blacksmith ♂/♀ x Unlucky Adventurer ♀ (*)

Skyship Captain ♂ x Crewmate ♂/♀ (*)
Tired Medic ♀ x Accident Prone Captain ♂/♀
Merman ♂ x Captain ♂/♀

Company CEO ♂ x New Secretary ♂/♀ (*)

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㊄ Aaron Celeste ㊄
Age: 29 | Gender: Male | Sexual Preference: Bisexual | Race: Human
Personality: (Brief overview + 3-5 Positives and Negatives)
Backstory: (How and why they end up in Stillness)
Skills: (Includes Arcane and Mundane)
Voice(Optional): (How your character sounds)
Theme(Optional): (A song that fits your character)[/CENTER]

㊄ Aaron Celeste ㊄
Age: 29 | Gender: Male | Race: Human
Sexual Preference: Doesn't especially matter.

Aaron is a pretty even-mannered man. He's a good friend to have if you don't mind his bluntness and sometimes stand-offish behavior. It's pretty obvious that he was a younger brother if one spends the time talking with him. He isn't exactly fond of the cold and knows a trick or two to keep warm. Whether it's lighting a fire in one's belly or chopping wood for the hearth, he's got a knack for it. He's been known to rub a few people the wrong way, but they were generally asking for trouble and simply picked the worst person in town to bring it to.

+ Observant +
He notices things that most people don't.

+ Smart +
He's quick at figuring things out, and knows when to walk away from what he sees as a lost cause or to push for answers.

+ Courageous +
He isn't afraid of consequences, and faces challenges with a level head. It's rare to see him be shaken by anything.

+ Cautious +
He's hesitant to believe everything that he hears or sees. This saves him a bit of trouble when it comes to dealing with people of the less than savory sort.

- Secretive -
He believes that his business is his business alone, and has been known to get a bit confrontational when people pry too much.

- Stubborn -
He isn't one to be stopped once he sets his mind to something. Lord help whoever tries to talk him out of whatever he's committed to seeing through.

- Sarcastic -
He can be downright savage with his sarcasm when he isn't being mindful of his mouth. The snows of Stillness seem tropical compared to the coldness of him on a bad day.

Aaron was the youngest of the Celeste boys. Growing up on the farm, he also had to be the quickest and most able, otherwise he'd be mocked severely by his older brothers, and that was something that he strove to avoid as much as he possibly could. He learned the hard way to not trust everything his brothers told him, much to his humiliation sometimes, and by the time he was classified as a 'strapping young man' there was very little that could pass by without his notice or phase him. Of course, he had loving parents, Ma and Pop simply believed in education through experience and after the fourth boy, the others were old enough to do the teaching for them.

Of course, not everything was sunshine and rainbows. Pop had an accident in town, a cart had gotten loose and he hadn't been quick enough to get out of the way. The initial impact didn't kill him, hell, he had made it back home fine. But he passed away during the night from some sort of internal bleeding. His oldest brother took up being the head of the farm, as Ma was starting to get a bit frail in her growing age and hadn't exactly handled the loss of Pop well. Though, the family didn't have much time to grieve. They received notice that two of the boys were needed in order to fight an army of the damned. Knowing that the older boys needed to stay home, work the farm, and take care of Ma, himself and his slightly older brother Alution set off to go to war.

They were split off during training, Alution showing more promise as a cavalryman and Aaron as a scout. They trained his keen eye and able hands with a bow and several thrown weapons. He was most tactful with an ax. Of course, scouting put him on the front lines, seeing things that would forever follow him through his fitful sleep. He'd been the witness to the execution of prisoners deep within enemy lines: a cavalry unit that had thought to been lost. He still doesn't speak of how he hadn't been able to recognize Alution once they'd had their sick fun with him, save for the scar on his shoulder from when the old nag had bit him years prior. After he completed that mission, he wrote home, telling the story of a brave cavalryman who fought and died on the battlefield with a smile on his face with the knowledge that he took out many with him. And on the mission after that, he deserted and left the front lines far behind him.

His travels brought him to a quiet frozen town where he put his skill with an ax to use chopping firewood for the Lodge, and the habitual drinking that he'd taken up to quell his restless mind to use behind the bar, where he could bolster up some merry spirits and let the laughter keep the shadows at bay.

㊄ Light-footed ㊄
Once a scout, always a scout. And a scout who can't move silently doesn't last for too long.

㊄ Dexterity ㊄
There's a good chance that he can pull off anything that requires nimble hands, and anything he throws will most likely meet the target with deadly accuracy.

㊄ Woodcutting ㊄
He's handy with an ax, and we're leaving it at that.


Nolan North as Nathan Drake

Powerless & Sennzai - Unrequited
English Lyrics:
Pranks didn't grasp the core
Caught in a vast fog
I couldn't escape, nor choose
But I accepted it

My frozen heart was searching this place and
Those unstained hands of yours

Reflected in your eyes, a scenery
It's fine, even if it's just a lie
I prayed that, if I disappeared
You would have at least cried

My feelings grow stronger; will one day your voice
Become blurry?
For your pure eyes, these words, cruelly
Held the key

Reflected in your eyes, a scenery
This is the end engraving my heart
I'm praying that, if I disappear
You will at least look back.

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"Trakhni tebya, Solnyshko." Kot glared down at the blond haired nightshift security guard. The fabric of the outer layer of his costume was torn from where the guy had managed to strike him with a knife. It was difficult for the villain to keep a smile from his face, really. It had been an unanticipated strike. He hadn't even seen the knife on the male. Of course, the blade had failed to pierce the thicker Kevlar woven under layer of his costume, though he would have to sew up the slash when he got back home, and he had swiftly removed the blade from the guard's person once the original surprise had left him.

Now the guard was flat on his back in the dark lab, nothing except a flashlight that had been knocked clear across the room illuminating the figure clad in a dark bodysuit. A blue tactical belt was worn around his hips, and as he moved slightly into the light, the traces of a dark blue tiger stripes could be seen on his costume, and a black cat mask with a similar pattern was worn, hiding the robber's face.

It was odd that this laboratory had a partially armed guard, the others from earlier that week had been carrying guns. "You are brave. That is a good thing, though it will not help you in dealing with me. I'll give you a chance to leave before you get yourself hurt." There was a warm softness to his accented voice, almost like a purr as he loomed over the male. He turned his back to the male as he returned to sifting through an open filing cabinet, sharp gaze flicking rapidly over papers marked as classified, appearing to be searching for something in particular. He heard the guard tentatively rise to his feet, and a smile drifted onto his features.

He saw the change in the shadows and felt the guard get close, his steps quiet but still obvious to the masked villain. A dark chuckle sounded from him. "Solnyshko, you were warned." He spoke softly still, a note of humor to his voice now. He suddenly stomped backwards on the male's foot, an elbow driving straight back into the male's chest and knocking the wind out of him. And as Kot turned fully towards the male, it was with a hammer fist straight into the man's temple, which successfully knocked him out.

He looked down at the limp body on the ground and tisked softly, disappointed in the briefness of the encounter, before turning his attention back to more important things. The silent alarms began to go off, and he noted his decreasing timeframe. Seven minutes until the police would arrive on the scene, and he'd rather avoid getting shot tonight. While he was mostly healed up from the incidents earlier that week, there was still a dull ache in his leg from the mending bullet wound that certainly wasn't helped by stomping. He found the papers he was after and hastily folded them up and shoved them into a pocket on his belt, before running to the stairwell, with the aim to escape via the rooftop.

*Translation: Trakhni tebya, Solnyshko - Fuck you, Sunshine*
Angel's Search Thread


Welcome to my partner request thread. I'm looking for someone with enthusiasm towards character development who can match my posting length, which runs anywhere between 2-8 paragraphs. I usually reply about once a week, give or take. My interests run from steampunk sky pirates, medieval fantasy, modern mythology, to superpowers, and anthropomorphic animals in American western settings. I'll ask that you guys shoot me a PM if you're interested in figuring out a plot.
I can do MxF and MxM romantic pairings, I'm inexperienced with FxF and really don't have much of an interest for it, so I'll ask to avoid that gender combo.

Please do not reply on this thread. Any responses here will be ignored.


The role that I'm interested in playing will always be on the left. The pairings that I am extremely interested in playing out at the moment will be listed in this color. Pairings with this marking (*) next to them mean that I have a plot in mind for them.

My Hero Acadamia
"Sibling" OCs x Villains (Preferably Dabi and OC)

Warrior Cats
Rogue x Leader
Medicine Cat x Leader

Deaf!Clint Barton/Hawkeye x OC
Deaf!Clint Barton/Hawkeye x Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier


The role that I'm interested in playing will always be on the left. The pairings that I am extremely interested in playing out at the moment will be listed in this color. Pairings with this marking (*) next to them mean that I have a plot in mind for them. Again, please PM me if you are interested in figuring out a plot.

Demon ♂ x Whatever (*)
Blacksmith ♂/♀ x Unlucky Adventurer ♀ (*)

Skyship Captain ♂ x Crewmate ♂/♀ (*)
Tired Medic ♀ x Accident Prone Captain ♂/♀
Merman ♂ x Captain ♂/♀

Company CEO ♂ x New Secretary ♂/♀ (*)
Physical Education Teacher ♂ x History Teacher ♂
Merman ♂ x Assassin ♀
Bartender x Patron

Criminal ♂/♀ x Police Officer ♂/♀


Arsenal; Playfair Display;

    A groan pours from your lips as your eyes slid open. The first thing you see is the blurry image of a blonde man standing in front of you. He appears to be wearing a red flowing coat and looking at you with a wide grin. You attempt to get up only to take note that you're chained to the wall. Glancing up once more, you realize the man is laughing. "Welcome to my world, pet." He says as he takes a step closer to you.

    "Your...world..?" You manage to moan pitifully causing the red-clad man to laugh harder.

    "Yes, you silly goose. My world." He says as he motions to the cell that you're currently in. Absently, you take not that there are other people chained to the walls... deformed people... "I have brought you here and... fixed you." He chuckles. "...and you will perform in my circus." You open your mouth to object, but he notices this and cuts you off. "If you refuse... Well then, you will simply end up like the others.." He says with a sense of grim satisfaction before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

    What others..? You wonder to yourself. You can't help but try to imagine how many others there are... or were. You try to take a moment to process things. You were taken from your home and brought to this.. this circus only to be changed into... you don't know what. "It's best just to listen to Master..." A small voice says from across the room.

    You glance up to see the voice came from a rather small girl that is also chained to the wall. You instantly note that she has black wings and blood soaked bandages covering her eyes. You think she's looking at you, but you can't be quite sure. "If you don't... well.." She paused, raising a pale hand to pitifully motion to her eyes. "Our only hope is to escape..." She said softly, a look of what could only be described as determination crossing her face.

    Escape... You glance around at the others as they nod in agreement. You suppose it sounds like a good idea. First, however, you have more important things to worry about. Such as things like what that monster of a ringmaster did to you. Steeling yourself for the worst, you glance down to see what you've become...


    Welcome to the Dark Wood's Circus, pets.

    If you'd like to survive your stay here there are some things you should get to know. First and foremost being that I am in charge here.

    Who am I?

    My name is Killian, but only my dearest doctor may refer to me as such.

    You may call me Master.


    Because not only is that what I am to you, my creations, but I am also the Ringmaster of this circus.

    Secondly is that escape is futile and will be punished if attempted. It's been attempted before and a good portion of the examples are… no longer with us. However, if you'd like a living example of repercussions, look at the blind one. How do you think she came to be that way? The tent and open grounds may look vulnerable, but I assure you that they are not.

    If you've not connected the dots by now, I am a man of many talents. Magic is one of these such talents. Most of the doors here can only be opened through magic. Your chains and shackles can only be removed through magic. The reason no one can see the buildings behind our Big Top is through magic. This also means that the areas seeming vulnerable are also protected by, you guessed it, magic. You're actually catching on.

    Don't try to inform our audience of what occurs behind the scenes. First, because they will not believe you. It's amazing what a few clarity altering spells can do. Not to mention that anyone that would interfere with our operations can't even see the flyers for our show. No one is coming to help you, just accept that. You can't even help yourself or… Well, you'll find out if you try. Please try and give me the pleasure of showing you.

    Just follow the rules, behave, and perform as you're expected.

    That's the only way you'll avoid my wrath.

    Heh, most of the time.


    The Schedule
    • 6:00am ~ Meric begin's daily preparations.
    • 6:30am ~ Dorms are opened and performers are unlocked to prepare for the day.
    • 7:30am ~ Breakfast.
    • 8:00am ~ Practice begins in the Big Top.
    • 12:00pm ~ Lunch.
    • 12:30pm ~ Unchained "free time" in Dorms.
    • 4:00pm ~ Preparations for Nightly Performance.
    • 6:00pm ~ Performance.
    • 8:00pm ~ Dinner.
    • 8:30pm ~ Dorms to clean up for the night.
    • 9:00pm ~ Chains are put back on, doors are sealed, Morticia and Meric report to Killian until he sends them to their own quarters.

    Just a refresher since it's been a while.
    1. Obvious. No god-modding.
    2. Respect the other people. If your character wants to bitch slap another character and cuss them out, go right ahead. If you want to bitch slap another person and cuss them out, take it out of the thread and preferably to a moderator. I'm not going to handle your petty arguments. At least not nicely.
    3. Damn, shit, ass, etc... If you don't like it, don't continue because there is going to be much more of it in the future.
    4. Literacy. Learn the word. Love it. Because I do. I'm not going to go all grammar Nazi on you, just please... please... respect the English language... After all. Good grammar is the difference between helping you Uncle Jack off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. I will behave. Until i 2ee 2hiit liike thii2. OR SHIT LIKE THIS. I do not want to feel like I am being screamed at through text. I, however, will not murder you for one or two misspellings. Everyone makes mistakes. I understand this. Just, like I said. Please don't abuse the English language. It is a beautiful thing.
    5. One liners are the enemy. Can we have at least a paragraph? Is that too much to ask? If I see a single sentence post, I will go beyond flipping my shit. I understand writer's block is a common issue, just please don't drop below three sentences.
    6. If you have read these rules in their complete glory, please put "Master is the Enemy" in your character sheet. If I do not see this, you do not get accepted. Plain and simple. I will tell you that you can have a place once you've read the rules.
    7. All characters must be approved by me before joining the role play. This is to prevent stupidity and, once more, to prevent shit flipping.
    8. There will be some screwed up shit in this RP and I don't want to mentally scar children. If you are not prepared for this, LEAVE NOW.
    9. Only two characters per person. That's it. No more. We're not having the RP revolve all around one person and their gazillion characters.
    10. If you are gone for more than a week without giving me a valid reason before you disappear, you will be removed from the RP. We're not all waiting on one person, we want to keep moving. If you are going on vacation or something tell me before you leave.

    Veteran or New-
    Information- (Relevant backstory such as how they were taken, as well as key personality info)
    Relationships- (it's possible to develop this as you play, it's the bonds between all the characters)

    • Killian played by @Azazel
      • Act: The Ring Master
    • Aveline Kimberly Angelo played by @Azazel
      • Act: Angel and Devil Aerial Show
      • Veteran of Four Years and Six Months
    • Sable Drake played by @Azazel
      • Act: The Human Snake - Snake Charmer
      • Newcomer
    • Cassia Locklear played by @Azazel
      • Act: Lady Lamia - Assists in Sable's Snake Charming
      • Newcomer
    • Karissa Angelo played by @Azazel
      • Act: Angel and Devil Aerial Show
      • Newcomer

    Full Character Sheets can be found here~ CLICK ME
    Our usual crazy OOC chat can be located here to contain the insanity~ CLICK ME
    We also now have a DISCORD SERVER! YAY! So, to pop in and say hello please direct yourself here~ CLICK ME

    If you would like to request to join our elite little group of crazy misfits, please drop a character sheet below and await review. Don't forget the rules and please respect our veterans.

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  • Love
Reactions: Azazel

Name: Clinton Francis Barton | Title: Hawkeye | Gender: Male | Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18 | Race: Human | Sexuality: Pansexual | Crush/Relationship: Open
Voice ref: Troy Baker as Hawkeye in Avengers Assemble


Weapon name: Soulstring | Weapon description: A crossbow capable of firing dust cartridge infused bolts and transforming into a bladed shovel for close combat and encampment needs.

Semblance/Power name: Target Acquired
Semblance/Power info: Enables Clint to mark a target and track it once it's well out of sight. He is able to 'see' his target through walls, see from longer distances, as well as their internal organs while his semblance is active. He can also use it to give his crossbow bolts a homing effect.
Color: Purple
Logo: Purple bullseye
Fandom: Hawkeye Comics by Matt Fraction, Marvel

Clint has straw blond hair in some typical unkept state, and sharp sky blue eyes. His usual style can be described in one word- lazy. He usually doesn't put too much effort into his appearance and generally settles for whatever's quick and easy to put on, resulting in a typical look of wrinkled tshirts and a mix of sweatpants and beat up jeans. He frequently has bandages on him. His most notable items, aside from his weapon Soulstring and a coffee thermos, are a pair of purple hearing aids.

Physical and Mental Troubles:

Clint is hearing impaired and he wears hearing aids to make up for this. He's self-depreciating, prone to addictive behaviors, and has a tendency of practicing to the point of breaking. He doesn't have a lot of faith in people or plans. He's given up before and it could happen again.

Clint is a fairly quiet guy with a sharp sense of humor when he feels like showing it. He often plays the fool, and sometimes has bouts of clumsiness that serve to either endear him or at least make others aware that he is a disaster of a human being operating under the guise of a functional one. He's intelligent and logical, with a very niche interest in fashioning dust infused trick bolts for his crossbow. He doesn't forget the people that end up doing him wrong and can hold a grudge like nobody's business. He can also be a bit cocky, often doing things to show off and prove a point, following the Rule of Cool whenever he can. What people don't see is the probably way too high number of hours he puts in honing his skills in order to pull off everything he does, or his struggles with not being good enough.

Clint Barton grew up in an abusive household with his older brother. He was hit hard enough that his hearing became impaired, though not totally lost. His father and mother died in a car crash after his father chose to drive after drinking. Barney and him spent six years in an orphanage before they ran away and joined the circus. He was trained to do archery tricks and pickpocket on the side in order to keep some food in his belly. When he found that his archery mentor was embezzling money from the circus, he made a plan to turn him in to the authorities, but was discovered and beaten within an inch of his life. He grew up into becoming a SHIELD Asset under Special Agent Phil Coulson, proving his worth and earning his keep with a bow while fighting alongside the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes. He doesn't remember exactly how he died, but coming back to life in Remnant might be The Amazing Hawkeye's best shot at a better life.

In character text here, blelele

clint barton

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OPEN SIGNUPS - Reborn in a world with a broken moon (rwby/multifandom crossover) sign ups open | IwakuRoleplay.com
coding for @Cyberelite2k


Theme Music

Despite the outcomes of their struggles, heroes will always die in the end. Be it time or injury, death is guaranteed to follow the heroes of every world. However, some of these heroes will wake up in the world of Remnant, picked out of their worlds upon their death in order to help save it.

They've been reborn in this new world being granted gifts and abilities they had from their previous lives. With these they'll have to try to blend in with the world and integrate into it. These heroes will encounter others summoned here and the inhabitants of this world as they go to the huntsman school of Beacon Academy.

They will have to adapt to the new world, its customs and people. Some will have difficulty but with help from each other and their other teammates they'll learn to deal with the difficulty.

It's time Remnant met the heroes of other stories, both mythical and tragic.

Hi anyone looking at this, this RP is simply about a various characters from various fandoms reviving in the RWBY world, both OCs and canon. They will go through Beacon at first normally until people and creatures from their home worlds arrive and start causing mayhem alongside Salem's plot. Along the way they will bond with each other and with their help they'll learn to come over their personal difficulties and the threats they face. I apologize for the simplicity and oddness, I wanted to get this out of my head and it could be potentially fun.

Character Index
The Chosen Undead/Astora - Dark Souls (@Cyberelite2k)
Hawkeye/Clint Barton - Marvel Hawkeye Comics (@AshenAngel)

Teams (will be formed and decided when characters start popping up)

Basically just have fun and try to include everyone if possible.


Voice ref:


Weapon name:
Weapon description:

Semblance/Power name:
Semblance/Power info:



Physical and Mental Troubles:



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Azazel 'Zazzy' Croft

Oh nope.
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