CHARACTER Takumi's Characters

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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, romance, BL, action, magical, modern, horror (sometimes), scifi (sometimes), modern fantasy
Name: Emry Yilmaz

Race: Aspect

Aspect Type: Goat

Nationality: Turkish

Age: 21

Gender: Male



Emry has a lean build, with platinum blonde, almost white hair and gray fur starting at his hips and down to his hooved feet. Atop his head are two pronged horns that have stopped maturing, but add an inch or two to his height of 5'4". Due to spending quite a bit of time in the sun most days, he tans easily into a more tanned skin tone.


Emry is rather quiet, finding it hard to sometimes clearly and efficiently express his thoughts through words alone, and sometimes depends more on actions to convey what he's feeling or wants to say/get across. While he can be friendly to most he keeps his distance in most cases of first meeting someone.

Emry can sometimes be so in his head that the rest of the world around him fades into background noise. It doesn't happen too often, but when it does he may need something repeated to him a few times. Otherwise, he does his best at most tasks and works hard, wanting to help his family at heart.

Occupation: Fisherman, Merchant, and self proclaimed rock collector. If the rock has an odd shape or color, you bet it's going in his 'rock pouch'. While the term merchant is one he uses rather loosely, he doesn't mind trading or selling whatever baubles or odds and ends he's found to anyone interested if it'll give him a little extra coin, and has once or twice traded away or sold some of his rocks in his collection when in need of coin for simple medical supplies.


Growing up in a rather small Aspect clan that had a few among them that left and traveled or were once merchants, Emry always looked up to the Elders of their clan, but none more than old Burak Caliskan, who looked after him and his older sibling like a grandparent would and back when he was much younger, was a part of another clan that was nomadic, and was once much bigger before splitting into smaller groups. Burak always teased him growing up by commenting that unlike his older half brother Ahmet, who took more after their Father Nadir in looks and temperment, Emry ended up getting his hair and fur color more so from their calm and cool tempered Mother Deniz, yet seemed more so like the wind to the old goat, unpredictable and always on the move.

While many in their clan were either too old and frail or too young to work, both his father and mother did what they could to ensure that both he and Ahmet were as comfortable as can be, his father turning to labor to provide some form of money while his mother sold and traded whatever odd baubles and ends she'd find or make. She'd taught him to make simple bead or thread bracelets and how to mend cloth, and once when their clan started to become nomadic once more, took him to the nearest body of water to collect stones which started his hobby of rock collecting, mostly for a passtime, but also to see if they could find anything that could be of value. This is also when she began teaching him how to swim.

This eventually led to her having him begin working with her as a sort of assistant, where he quickly began to see just how deep the dislike for those of Aspect clans seemed to run. She told him that, no matter what he will do in life, to always be careful around humans. While many in Turkey sought academia and scientific advancements for the country while looking down to Aspects and relied on them for servitude and other fields of work, his clan continued to struggle outside of those being able bodied to pick up jobs of labor with varying degrees of pay until they found themselves outside of Rasht shortly after he turned twenty. Here, Emry had found some rather decent work in the fishing city, at least for a while due to an old man that was willing to employ any able bodied young men up for the job no matter the pay and his clan settled into the city proper to give their elderly some rest.


On Emry's person he carries a satchel with thread and needle, a pouch with what remains of his rock collection, a few bracelets and bangles tucked away in a separate, brown pouch for potential sale, a waterskin and knife in his sash as well as a cloak in case he needs to cover and hide his horns and ears. He also has a tunic top (something like this) that he wears on occasion, which he usually keeps folded in his satchel.

Skills: Fishing, swimming, sewing, very basic first aid, and climbing. Emry can traverse rough rocky terrain due to his hooves, and has done so a few times during his clans travels. While Emry can fight, he's not very skilled or trained outside of childhood wrestling matches with the few other goat Aspects his age or slightly older, and his skills with a knife are mostly used for tasks such as cooking or gutting fish or game. Though, he can pack quite a strong kick or headbutt. In fact, he has a rather sturdy and hard skull, as many of the goat aspect have.
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(Images created in picrew)

Tiun is lean with a bit of muscle though they are rather androgynous appearance wise, with mid-toned skin but its closer to the darker side. Their hair is long and black that's braided back or occasionally in a low ponytail, with blunt bangs framing their face. Tiun's eyes are gray and they usually wear the dangling golden earring pictured above in their left ear. Tattoos litter their body like runes, stopping just before reaching their elbows and forearms, as well as stopping just short of their hips.

"Mother would disapprove of so many tattoos, but I like them! Such a pretty shade of blue."

Name: Tiun

Age: 25

Gender: Ambiguous

Race/Nationality: Human/Talki

Occupation: Self-proclaimed Nomad


"For one with such pretty eyes, there's not much behind them is there?"

Words like that earn a cat like smile from them and no other response. While usually one who doesn't reply to such jabs, well…

"Perhaps I just see things in a…simpler way than you my friend?"

Tiun is a simple person, noted to seem not very bright and easily distracted by acquaintances. Others have more often than not, described Tiun as odd in some fashion, be it the way they dress or how one moment they can hold themself like a noble, then as a simpleton the next. Tiun is a rather friendly individual, though can quickly grow reserved around those they don't quite like.

Things like politics they try not to get into, though interest in such topics is fleeting.

Tiun Zang was the only child to Jie Zang and Lim Hu Zang but they were never really lonely, as they had their friends Lah Shan and Fuim Nang to keep them company growing up despite their somewhat sheltered childhood. The Zangs, Shans, and Nangs were all noble families of Woki-Tal that were close.

Despite growing up being taught as much as possible from their parents and tutors (despite some of it not quite sticking) as they grew older, they began to grow restless.

Then came talk of marriage. Their mother had been the one to begin talking about it even before they came of age, and Tiun had no real interest of marrying so soon, yet they met one such young noble that their mother had mentioned as a potential partner, and while pretty Tiun quickly realized that the two wouldn't be compatible with the two's personalities not quite meshing well.

The older they got, the more they considered leaving home, simply because they wanted to see new sights and meet new people. There was also the underlying fact that they didn't want to think about marriage for a while, and one day wrote a letter and left. Due to this, they dropped their family name and title of noble, assuming that their parents would be furious for leaving without a proper explanation and goodbye instead of a simple letter.

Swords, Spears, and Bows: Tiun was given basic training in spears, swords, and bows though doesn't have much of a preference when it comes to weapons

Hand-to-Hand: Rusty on their basic hand to hand combat training compared to their weapons training, Tiun has rarely had to use a fist to fight. In fact, Tiun would rather try and come to a compromise or make a new friend and/or acquaintance first before trading blows or drawing blades.

Other: Tiun doesn't mind if referred by he/him pronouns.
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Name: Kitoko

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race/Nationality: Aspect/Nubian

Occupation: Royal Guard


Hot-headed and rash as a child, Kitoko always found trouble in some form, picking fights with any and every other child such as her siblings and even older children. Never one to get easily discouraged, she'd be knocked down and always bounce back only to be knocked down again and again, something that persisted even as she got older and began training to join the Nubian military.


As a child, her mother was at her wits end with her child constantly butting heads with her peers, and getting into things she shouldn't to sate her growing curiosity. While most of their clan were known for their more solitary nature, Kitoko was always friendly and curious about others outside of the clan, and couldn't help but find those who were skilled in weaponry 'cool and interesting' showing an interest in fighting with weapons to protect others and look cool in the process.

While most elephant's aspects that occasionally joined the ranks of the Nubian Military or court were prided and praised for their memory and intellect over their strength and might, Kitoko wanted a position where her strengths were needed as she deemed her memory wasn't suitable for a different position.

After joining the Nubian military she found men and women who, while some weren't as strong, were quick on their feet and fast in their blows. Quickly and effectively reading her and knocking her down repeatedly until she grew frustrated at her lack of progress. So, she changed tactics in how she faced her dilemma by adapting her usual go-to brute strength fighting style to something more speed and agility oriented while still packing the potential for powerful blows.

This adaptable way of fighting and quick learning eventually led her to be the Princess' guard. Though Kitoko had a sneaking suspicion it was mostly to babysit she didn't mind at all, and despite that she claims to still be learning everyday she hopes to be more than good enough to keep the Princess safe from harm.


While most of her kind are heavily praised with their ability to remember well, Kitoko is a little above average at best with her memory. Unless there has been a slight made against her, the term "easy to forgive yet hard to forget" rings true in that sense.

Outside of her average memory, she is skilled in basic combat and using her heightened strength to, if needed, strong-arm her opponents into submission. Like many she was taught the sword and shield, spear, and bow though does not excel at one over the other, despite her slight preference with a spear she has a tendency to bash others with her shield. Though she is quick on her feet and isn't all brute strength and powerful blows, as she grew to adapt her usually fighting style to be quick as well as powerful if she needs to.

While not one to ride Rasps unless to travel long distances with the Princess, Kitoko doesn't dislike the creatures.

Other: Standing at just over six feet, she is a woman of large and broad stature, with a large appetite to match. She likes to eat much more than cook, and would likely be the only one able to stomach whatever concoction she'd make if allowed to set foot in a kitchen and cook by herself. She has no qualms helping out on occasion, however.
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