CHARACTERS Strvwbcrry's Muses

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🍓m i c k i e🍓
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Primarily Prefer Male
Romance, Slice Of Life
Hi! Sorry about having to make a different post. It wouldn't let me edit at all. Anyway, here are my characters. I will constantly update!
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Bobby Drake | Marvel | he/him | Ben Rosenfield or Troye Sivan
Kurt Wagner | Marvel | he/they | Axel Auriant or Archie Renaux
Billy Kaplan | Marvel | he/him | Lucas Jude Zumann or Dylan Arnold
Tommy Shepherd | Marvel | he/they | Willem De Schryver or Keenan Tracey
Teddy Altman | Marvel | he/him | Owen Joyner or Cody Christian
Damian Wayne | DC | he/him | Aramis Knight
Dick Grayson | DC | he/him | Brenton Thwaites or Jesus Castro
Jason Todd | DC | he/him | Jacob Elordi
Tim Drake | DC | he/him | Tanner Buchanan or Hendery
Roy Harper | DC | he/him | Thomas Doherty or Taron Egerton
Kal-El | DC | he/him | David Giuntoli
Kon-El | DC | he/they | Miguel Bernardeau
Jon Kent | DC | he/him | Jordan Elsass or Pol Granch
Colin Wilkes | DC | he/him | TBA
Garfield Logan | DC | he/they | Tenzing Norgay Trainor or Forrest Goodluck
Bart Allen II | DC | he/him | Jordan Fisher or Colin Ford
Rachel Roth | DC | she/her | Lulu Antariksa
Artemis Crock | DC | she/they | Si Thanh or Levy Tran
Barbara Gordon | DC | she/her | Kennedy McMann or Kiera Allen
Donna Troy | DC | she/her | Zion Moreno or Conor Leslie
LizzieSaltzman | TVD | she/her | Jenny Boyd
Josie Saltzman | TVD | she/her | Kaylee Bryant
Benjamin "Benji" Turner | Charmed | he/him | Thomas Doherty
Kelly Schade-Burkhardt II | Grimm | he/him | Freddie thorp
Edward "Moe" Calvert-Monroe Jr. | Grimm | he/him | Drake Rodgers
Frederick "Freddie" Calvert-Monroe II | Grimm | he/they | Deaken Bluman
Zigmund "Ziggy" Calvert-Monroe | Grimm | he/him |Axel Auriant
Conner Lance-Queen | DC | he/him | Archie Renaux or Nico Greetham
Benjamin Parker II | Marvel | he/him | TBA

made by zenith

AGE: 21-26
IDENTITY: Trans Female | She/Her
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: November 10th | Scorpio

PERSONALITY: Ava has grown up to be someone she considers fierce. She is sweet and has a big heart but she isn't the type to let someone mess with the people she cares about. Ava's also a bit sneaky. She always had something up her sleeves.
LIKES: Music, art, sweets, and loud noises.
DISLIKES: Large animals, getting dirty, bullies, and when people look down on others.

PARENTS: Miguel and Lottie
SIBLINGS: Mia (Older) and Angel (Oldest)
FAMILY LIFE: Ava's parents passed when she was nine, Angel (who was barely twenty-one) took her and Mia in. They often struggled to get by, it's how Ava learned to swindle.

made by zenith

NAME: Hiro
AGE: 21-26
IDENTITY: Male(?) | He/Him
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: February 14th | Aquarius

PERSONALITY: Hiro is a quiet person, but, fiercely protective of his twin sibling and those he cares about. He is told he is a creative mind, always making music or humming lyrics to a new song. Hiro puts a lot of pressure on himself.
LIKES: Music, playing bass, watching animes, and spending time with people he loves.
DISLIKES: Loud noise, talking, sour things, and babies.

PARENTS: Asahi (Bio), Aguri (Adopted), Ito Yua (Surrogate)
SIBLING: Chizou (Twin)
FAMILY LIFE: Hiro's parents are musicians, they met Yua through their music and the three became close. Yua eventually carried and donated her egg for the twins. Both Asahi and Aguri adored their twins and loved that Hiro wanted to go for music too.

made by zenith


NAME: Chizou
AGE: 21-26
IDENTITY: Nonbinary | They/Them
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: February 14th | Aquarius

PERSONALITY: Chizou is a person with a bright and bubbly personality. They love bright colors. They are often very sweet but they are a bit more aggressive than their twin.
LIKES: Art, Music, Manga, Bright Colors, and Sweets.
DISLIKES: Loud Cars, Assholes, People who pick on those differences, and vegetables.

PARENTS: Asahi (Bio), Aguri (Adopted), Ito Yua (Surrogate)
SIBLING: Hiro (Twin)
FAMILY LIFE: Chizou's parents are musicians, they met Yua through their music and the three became close. Yua eventually carried and donated her egg for the twins. Both Asahi and Aguri adored their twins. Chizou didn't get into music like Hiro, they liked art.

made by zenith
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NAME: Nate
AGE: 22-28
IDENTITY: CisMale | He/Him
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: March 5th | Pisces

PERSONALITY: Nate is someone who is responsible and intelligent. Sometimes he lets his ego gets the best of him. He is protective of his brothers even if he doesn't show it.
LIKES: Cars, music, dogs, Twizzlers, and reading.
DISLIKES: Most vegetables, most TV, math, people who talk too much, and most of the women his dad dates.

PARENTS: Anthony Adler and Melissa Nell
SIBLINGS: Nolan (Younger) and Nico (Youngest)
FAMILY LIFE: Anthony isn't known to be a good man, he knocked up three different women who gave birth to three different boys. Anthony didn't expect to have to raise the three boys. Anthony raised the three boys to always be in competition with each other. They are always trying to outdo each other.

made by zenith


NAME: Nolan
AGE: 22-28
IDENTITY: CisMale | He/Him
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC: May 19th | Taurus

PERSONALITY: Nolan is hot-headed, he is an angry man. Growing up in competition with his brothers was hard but it was even more complex when he saw that Nico and Nate have a closer relationship, leaving him out.
LIKES: Drawing, blue, pizza, and feeling left out.
DISLIKES: Parents, country music, cauliflower, and being outdoors.

PARENTS: Anthony Adler and Lilian Kyle
SIBLINGS: Nate (Older) and Nico (Younger)
FAMILY LIFE: Anthony isn't known to be a good man, he knocked up three different women who gave birth to three different boys. Anthony didn't expect to have to raise the three boys. Anthony raised the three boys to always be in competition with each other. They are always trying to outdo each other. Unlike his brothers, Nolan had his mother in his life. Nolan's mother blamed him for a lot of her issues when he would be home with her.

made by zenith