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Ruby Rose
Title: Huntress in Training
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, her
Age: 15
Race: Human
Voice ref: Lindsay Jones

Crush/Relationship: None at the moment

Weapon name: Crescent Rose
Weapon description: A High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe (SCSS) which Ruby built herself. It is based on her Uncle Qrow's weapon, Harbringer. He also trained her in the use of Crescent Rose. She would be considered an expert in it's use, in both offensive forms.
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Semblance name: Petal Burst
Semblance info: Ruby is able to negate her mass, move to a destination and then reassembling. She moves so quickly some might think it's a form of teleportation. Using this ability she can also split herself into multiple instances (3 at the most as of right now). When she uses this ability, what appear to be rose petals are left in her wake. Though they dissipate after a few seconds. She can also carry a limited amount of people and gear with her.

Color: Red
Fandom: RWBY

Appearance: Ruby stands at 5'2", her hair is black and cropped short and has pale skin. She has silver eyes, a rare trait. She is slim and she is muscular, agile and very fast. She wears a form fitting outfit adorned with a battle skirt and a red cloak. Most of her outfit is black. She also carries various kinds of ammunition.

Physical and Mental Troubles:
While using Crescent Rose, she is a formidable opponent. But without her scythe.. she is greatly lacking as a fighter. It's something she works on though. She has a certain aversion to meeting new people, she is much better at talking about weapons or mechanics. She lacks real world experience, and she can be quite naive.
Acceoted Cam ^^

Victor Zeyan

Name: Victor Zeyan
Title: CEO of Loveland Financial Group, head chef of Souvenir
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18, was 28 before getting thrown into Remnant
Race: Evolver turned Cat Faunus
Voice ref: Benjamin Diskin

Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush/Relationship: None at the moment.

Weapon name: Pause
Weapon description: A simple pistol that packs a good punch.

Semblance/Power name: Time Control
Semblance/Power info: Victor is able to pause objects and creatures for varying amounts of time depending on their strength and size. Since his arrival in Remnant, this has all been significantly decreased and he is still re-learning his limits.
Logo: A translucent violet watch face.
Fandom: Mr Love: Queen's Choice

Victor maintains a perfect posture and well groomed appearance, frequently wearing suits or at least a nice sweater. He's 6' tall, with broad shoulders and a nice physique. He has cold grey eyes, carefully maintained black hair, and a resting bitch face that should not be tested. A pair of cat ears can be seen poking out from his hair, one grey and one white. He has a fluffy grey tail that frequently goes bottle-brush when his temper flares or something spooks him.

Physical and Mental Troubles:
Victor is distrustful of those in powerful positions, and in general is terrified of sterile laboratory environments. He needs to feel like he's in control of his environment, and if he isn't, you might consider him more like a feral cat.

Victor is cold and aloof, generally lacking the good manners that one would expect from someone of his more formal appearance. He's calculating, and somewhat prone to overthinking. His careful assessments are what's kept him alive this far and more than likely he will not budge his stance when it comes to developing a solid plan. He is also quite the workaholic, throwing himself fully into whatever project he's taking on.

He isn't known to smile, at all. However, once he warms up to people, he frequently shows it through small kind gestures, such as making desserts and other sweets. He's always had a soft spot for animals. Should anyone comment on the kindness of his gestures, he will sass them into oblivion. He doesn't take compliments and isn't out to be well liked. However, he looks after those he considers friends and goes above and beyond to keep them out of harms way.

In the version of Earth that Victor came from, there was a push to develop the human race further, to go beyond its limits. A very rare gene began to appear, called EVOL, that granted abilities to those that possessed it.

During those early stages, those that showed their abilities frequently disappeared. So, Victor was careful. He kept his power hidden. At least until he was eleven. You see, he made a friend at the playground, and one day he spotted her running out into the street to save a cat. There was no way she'd be able to avoid the oncoming truck, so, he stopped it.

Unfortunately, the incident put him on the radar with the agency that had been collecting individuals with the EVOL gene for further research. It wasn't a surprise that in the following weeks a rag was thrown over his face and he woke up in a facility housing other children like him. It didn't take long before someone with a more volatile ability snapped under the strain of the testing they were forced through. He was nearly killed in the explosion that destroyed the facility, but was able to escape with a few other children.

They went on to lead their own lives, once again keeping their powers hidden. He established a financial group which quickly rose to the top of the industry due to his sound judgement. He runs a small restaurant whenever he feels like cooking. It features some of the best food in the area, but his attitude towards his customers as well as his whimsical hours usually mean only one or two customers whenever he's running the restaurant. Things were simple.

Or at least, that was the case before he got entangled in more of the Evolver nonsense, threatened by a mysterious group that sought to unleash the EVOL gene on the unsuspecting public. Another incident occurred which forced him to step in, where another Evolver with a space distortion ability threatened his coworkers. Something happened during their clash and he whited out.

Next thing he knew he had cat ears and a tail and was in a world where his ability wasn't working quite the same anymore. He's raided several libraries since making it to Mistral, gaining a basic knowledge of the world. With the threats at hand he wanted to learn how to better combat the Grimm, and took the entrance exam for Beacon in order to better expand his knowledge of the world. Also he may or may not have adopted a cat and named her Pudding. And she totally wasn't smuggled into Beacon in his backpack.

to stay alive itself is the biggest challenge for you, right?
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Rehashing stuff isn't the greatest.
Sure you can join
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First just submit a character and we'll look it over
Hmm. This looks like it could be fun, but I'm afraid the majority of my OCs (and the few canon picks I am confident in playing, which isn't many), probably wouldn't work here.
Hmm. This looks like it could be fun, but I'm afraid the majority of my OCs (and the few canon picks I am confident in playing, which isn't many), probably wouldn't work here.
Who are the few canon picks you ARE confident in playing though? You could be able to make them fit in the RP somehow, you may never know,
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Hmm. This looks like it could be fun, but I'm afraid the majority of my OCs (and the few canon picks I am confident in playing, which isn't many), probably wouldn't work here.
Who are the few canon picks you ARE confident in playing though? You may never knew, you could make them fit in the RP somehow
Well, there's Sephiroth--who I've written before--and Alex Mercer from the Prototype games, but neither of those really fit the setting. At least not without breaking it. If not based on the fact that they're either villains or live in much darker worlds, then on the fact that they have way too much power at their disposal even if they do play nice, rendering a lot of potential PvE moot.

There's also Nyarlathotep, but again, doesn't really work. I mean I guess I could go the avatar route but it's still an eldritch deity at the end of the day. One who likes driving people insane at that. The only other canon characters that spring to mind at the moment would be either HUNK (aka Human Unit Never Killed) from Resident Evil, and Malenia. But the former is straight up an antagonist, while the latter is a living plague.
You always have the option of nerfing them to a suitable level.
Nerfing them, if we think it would be appropriate for the rp, would definitely happen. We've already had to do so with other characters
Yeah nerfing is an option
As someone who plays HUNK elsewhere, he's not really an antagonist. He's a soldier, regardless of his affiliation with Umbrella; they're simply a means to an end. Though he's cold and left some teammates for dead, there was no realistic chance he could've saved them anyway. Knowing your limits and what's feasible within the given timeframe isn't a bad thing. He has a surprising amount of good qualities balancing the bad when you read between the lines.
As someone who plays HUNK elsewhere, he's not really an antagonist. He's a soldier, regardless of his affiliation with Umbrella; they're simply a means to an end. Though he's cold and left some teammates for dead, there was no realistic chance he could've saved them anyway. Knowing your limits and what's feasible within the given timeframe isn't a bad thing. He has a surprising amount of good qualities balancing the bad when you read between the lines.
Hmm. While that is a fair assessment (and something I hadn't realized since I was just going off what he did in the games without much context beyond that), another issue to consider is tone. From what I have read thus far this RP is more lighthearted, and even if he's more pragmatic than outright villainous I'm not sure he would fit in Remnant.

Although I admit that it would be rather funny to see a man in full combat armor who's also a soldier have to deal with going to an academy. Not even fighting Grimm, since what difference does another abomination make, but just navigating being in a school with a bunch of kids/young adults who will in all likelihood end up getting on his nerves at some point.
As we go along, it's important to remember whatever character is brought into Remnant will NOT be the same as they were in their original world. Like Clint and Stephen are little more than teenagers right now. And Strange doesn't have most of his powers. So that's important to keep in mind when considering who you'd like to play.
As fair as that is, there's not much information about Hunk other than what little we know from his appearances in the games to go off of. So an alternate version of him, at least physically speaking, isn't exactly feasible since he'd stop being... well, a canon character. Especially since I don't think we've ever seen him without his gear on. He doesn't really have powers more so skill, so I don't see that being too much of an issue if I go with him. But that is just canon characters. OCs are still an option, even if most of mine I do not find suitable for it given their power levels.

Saying that though, the only one that's remotely reasonable that I can think of is Freomund, one of the protagonists of an Elden Ring fic I wrote. But his story is pretty much done, so there's that to consider.

I'll need to give it some more thought.
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