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Stephen nodded at the woman grateful for coming up to him and guiding him through this unknown reality. He began walking with the woman, occasionally looking at her pregnant state, not that he hasn't seen or treated a pregnant woman before, there was one time he had to prevent the birth of an Elder God that invaded a woman's womb to enter the Earth Dimension. It was a weird experience but he did learn how much strength and vocal power a woman could have during childbirth. He tried to absorb some of her pain during that time and was struck with a wave of pain he had never experienced before, his appreciation for women grew after. To handle that much pain, even if he felt just a fraction of it, was outstanding. He would look around the city and weirdly enough, it was quite similar to his own reality, they both walked until they neared a restaurant.

As they entered the restaurant and sat at a table Melissa ordered, he observed her caressing her belly and was curious as to how many months the baby was. "How many months has it been?" He asked, gesturing to her belly.

@Kawashima Lightning
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Detective Maxwell | Wandering | *Open For Interaction*
It was a day of following leads for Detective Kensington as he walked down the sidewalk, phone at hand with the screen blue light illuminating his face. He appeared to be sifting through a series of text messages, but even with his eyes glued to the screen he remained alert, his ears twitching and tuning into any noise that brought some degree of alertness to him. He read and typed doing everything in the palm of his right hand only stopping to let out a drawn out yawn and rub his groggy eyes from all the reading he had to do. Today there wasn't anything big on his table, so he had the luxury of handling his less time sensitive cases while looking into the anonymous tips that came across his inbox.

Eventually the detective came to a halt at an intersection, his eyes catching the edge of the curb he was now standing on. His gaze lifted up from the screen as he looked over his surroundings; a rather desolate junction with little vehicle traffic and a few small businesses here and there. Kensington couldn't help but sigh to himself, feeling something was telling him today was going to be a long one. He reached out to press the pedestrian crossing button located nearby, then proceeded to wait for the traffic lights to allow him to pass…
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Claire Miller | High School Student | Starlight Academy Dorms​
Overall, Claire felt relaxed and comfortable. Maya's healing power helped a lot since Claire was in the final stages of pregnancy. Because she was young, it was a little bit more painful. Aside from the usual aches and pains, Claire considered herself lucky to not be dealing with any of the more major pregnancy complications she often heard about during her Doctor's visits. When the other woman talked about how she was an Undine, Claire simply listened, relatively intrigued. While the healing power was quite a gift. She frowned when Maya said that she isn't able to have a soul until she falls in love with a man. As Maya moved her hand to the belly and the tense feeling left, Claire smiled out of relief. "Well, thank you for that." She said, grateful for the girl's help in making the pain go away.

Shortly after the pain and tense feeling were gone, the baby kicked the palm of Maya's hand. "Well, that never gets old. Feeling those baby kicks." She smiled, looking down at the belly and even placing her own hand on top of Maya's, as it felt comforting and did, in a way, make Claire feel safe.

Brianna E. Rosario | College Student | Downtown Hospital​
Brianna proceeded to follow Dr. Star to her office. However, she did take it slow as she was relatively far along in her pregnancy and this week, she would be starting weekly visits up until the baby is delivered. Gently, while waddling behind Dr. Star, Brianna caressed the growing and firm belly, still astounded by the fact that another life was growing inside of her. Her other hand proceeded to move to her back as they continued to walk through the hall. It was not long until they arrived at the office, where Brianna sat down on the patient table. "Now I know my baby is due in about four weeks. The pregnancy has been going very well. Aside from my check-ups, which will be taking place once a week now, what did we need to go over?" She asked, curious while gently massaging the belly.

Sindy M. Tamura/Iron Sparrow | Software Engineer/Vigilante | Downtown, Harbor​
As the reality started settling in, Sparrow's blood ran a little cold. She readied her bow, pulling the string back and had it at the ready. Sadly, with the pregnancy taking its toll on her, the expectant vigilante did not think that her reaction time was up to par. Thankfully, it looks like her silent plea for help was answered. Before the thugs surrounding the pregnant vigilante could make a move, another one showed up, landing next to the Iron Sparrow, seemingly falling from the sky.
Steven Lasket/Tank said:
"I'm so sorry to interrupt you, but I think I can help you with these guys."
"Actually, I'll take all the help I can get. After all, I'm not as fast as I used to be. Not while I'm growing another human being." She responded.

Shortly after, one of the men charged at her. Sparrow released the arrow and since it was a Stick-N-Shock arrow, the man was stunned by the jolt of electricity, and he tumbled to the ground moments after the arrow stuck to his chest. His friends looked at him and proceeded to close in on Sparrow and her new Companion. When one of them got close enough, he was smacked across the face with Sparrow's Bow.

Marissa N. Tamura | Local Baker | Downtown Plaza​
The walk was a relaxing one, but nonetheless, Marissa was quite happy to finally be sitting down. Closer to the end of the walk, it started getting a little tougher for her to be walking...or waddling...and standing. It was a little tougher on her back to be standing for extended periods of time. However, sitting for extended periods of time was also bad unless specified otherwise. Overall though, she currently wasn't dealing with any significant pregnancy complications, so Marissa wasn't all that worried.

As she continued to caress the belly and contemplate on what to eat, Strange proceeded to break the silence, asking her how many months it has been. Marissa proceeded to straighten out her hair as she rested her hand on the belly. "About nine months as of last week." She answered. "I'm due in three weeks, but the baby can arrive between now and then, maybe after. Only about five percent of babies are born on their due date. And I'm not sure if my baby will be one of them." She said before taking a deep breath. "My Sister's due at the end of the week though, so her baby might." Marissa smiled. "So, Doctor Strange, right? Tell me more about yourself. You might be here a while."
Detective Maxwell | Wandering | *Open For Interaction*​

Maxwell's pause was brief, his eyes still glued to his phone. To this day he couldn't believe there was a time not too long ago where such phones were not readily available to the consumer base. Occasionally his eyes would rise from the blue screen, the phone's blue light highlighting his facial features while he looked around to make sure he wasn't walking into a pole.

This went on for a moment, until a ping noise caught his attention, his lupine like ears doing a flick before he looked to his phone. He received a message, it was from a colleague. His eyes peered over the message, a newfound burst of energy flaring up from within as he read over the message. It had one attachment, and a short statement.

From Connor: Hey received a anonymous tip about a case you're working. Figured you'd like to read it.

The suddenly curious detective blinked a few times, his thumbs hovering over the screen with the phone resting in his palms. Eventually he tapped the paper clip icon beneath the message, and his eyes would widen. Whatever message he got, it was something big. It didn't tie to any of his current cases, which lead him to believe this was just pushed onto his workload for some special reason. It had a location, and a time, that time was now.

A curse escaped the young detective and he started to a run, typing in the address to his phone to get the gps route. Coincidentally, the location wasn't too far, so he didn't need a car. All he needed was a quick foot, and a dash of luck. Hopefully he'd come across something that won't lead him to mounds of paperwork…
Maya Brooke-Starlight City Dorms

Maya was not one to ever feel relaxed and comfortable, but she did know pain very well. So, it was always good to see the feeling of pain washing off the people she treated. It was so interesting to watch their facial expression as she didn't know what that felt like. It was a gift to be healed, but a curse to need to find love to feel. It was a good thing that the other girl was so young, as it made things like this normal. There was something messed up about needing to fall in love with a man to have a soul and to live happily. She wasn't even sure that she liked men in that way either. "I like to help where I can when it comes to feeling pain and getting better," she replied, musing for a second and wondering something for a second. Did it need to be romantic to gain a soul or could it be family related? It was a valid question she needed to research when she had the chance.

Maya was surprised when the baby would kick the palm of her hand. It was not something that she thought would happen in her lifetime. "I can't say that I know that feeling. I don't have many babies that kick when I feel the mother's belly," she replied, thought feeling better that she was making the other girl feel safe.

Julia Star- Starlight Hospital

Julia could definitely understand the pain that came with being pregnant. While she was not currently pregnant, she had twins over twenty years ago and that sort of pain with making anyone slower. She hadn't thought about her kids in a while, she should definitely call her son Michael when she got to check in on how he was doing. It had been diffcult for all of them since John had gone missing on assignment. Nobody, not her daughter, not her husband wanted to talk about the fact it was going to be a while. "Well, I do know that it's a bit late, but it seems that your doctor forgot to give you the paperwork on how you want to deliver. Do you want them to be there to deliver or have a mid-wife? It's just some paperwork, nothing more and nothing less," she replied back to her with a smile.

Steven Lasket/ Tank
As the reality started settling in, Sparrow's blood ran a little cold. She readied her bow, pulling the string back and had it at the ready. Sadly, with the pregnancy taking its toll on her, the expectant vigilante did not think that her reaction time was up to par. Thankfully, it looks like her silent plea for help was answered. Before the thugs surrounding the pregnant vigilante could make a move, another one showed up, landing next to the Iron Sparrow, seemingly falling from the sky.

Steven was known for a lot of his things and his landings were certainly one of them. He had mastered even making them look a little like Captain America, even if he wasn't exactly the man at all. Though, he did look a lot like him- which was something he used in a lot of his fights. T-Rae always said that he might be showing off just a little bit, but what good was having powers and being a hero/ special unit cop if he didn't at least get to make some use out of at least trying to look cool with sticking a landing?

"Well, it's a good thing that I was here to offer some help then. I expect having a baby might make things a bit more diffcult for most people," he replied.

Why was it that all of the villains in Starlight City were so impatient? It didn't take much patience for them to wait for him to finish a sentence, but it seemed that nobody wanted to give him that chance and he would move to strike whichever man was closest and then grabbed whatever man would get close enough for him to grab and throw him over at his companions and make short work of him. He hoped that all worked well.

@Kawashima Lightning

Michael Star and Gabriel Clark

It was too early in the morning for Michael Star to have to have a conversation with Gabriel Clark. It wasn't that the other man was a known for hire assassin or even owned a brothel that pretended to be a dining establishment that bothered Michael about the man. It was the fact that he was seen running from the hotel in the timeline where his uncle was shot and was the last person to see his brother, alive. Of course, he wasn't here to talk about any of those things. "So, you said that somebody came in and accosted one of your "Waitresses?" That doesn't explain why he is in critical condition at the hospital."

You know the answer to that, he needed to learn a lesson. He's not dead- which is a lot better than I can say for other people who hurt people I care about. Are we done here, Junior Officer Star?" He asked.

Michael wanted to punch him so much, but luckily for him, it seemed that Detective Maxwell arrived at this time.


Ryan Thorn

Ryan wondered what Orion was up too, but he figured it was a good idea to leave the new creation alone. He may think of him as a younger brother, but hovering might make him seem a little needy. So, the young werewolf instead decided to go for a walk, taking in the fresh air and not paying much mind to his surroundings, so he wouldn't notice if somebody was in his way. Hopefully, nobody bumped into him.

Maya Brooke-Starlight City Dorms

Maya was not one to ever feel relaxed and comfortable, but she did know pain very well. So, it was always good to see the feeling of pain washing off the people she treated. It was so interesting to watch their facial expression as she didn't know what that felt like. It was a gift to be healed, but a curse to need to find love to feel. It was a good thing that the other girl was so young, as it made things like this normal. There was something messed up about needing to fall in love with a man to have a soul and to live happily. She wasn't even sure that she liked men in that way either. "I like to help where I can when it comes to feeling pain and getting better," she replied, musing for a second and wondering something for a second. Did it need to be romantic to gain a soul or could it be family related? It was a valid question she needed to research when she had the chance.

Maya was surprised when the baby would kick the palm of her hand. It was not something that she thought would happen in her lifetime. "I can't say that I know that feeling. I don't have many babies that kick when I feel the mother's belly," she replied, thought feeling better that she was making the other girl feel safe.

Julia Star- Starlight Hospital

Julia could definitely understand the pain that came with being pregnant. While she was not currently pregnant, she had twins over twenty years ago and that sort of pain with making anyone slower. She hadn't thought about her kids in a while, she should definitely call her son Michael when she got to check in on how he was doing. It had been diffcult for all of them since John had gone missing on assignment. Nobody, not her daughter, not her husband wanted to talk about the fact it was going to be a while. "Well, I do know that it's a bit late, but it seems that your doctor forgot to give you the paperwork on how you want to deliver. Do you want them to be there to deliver or have a mid-wife? It's just some paperwork, nothing more and nothing less," she replied back to her with a smile.

Steven Lasket/ Tank
As the reality started settling in, Sparrow's blood ran a little cold. She readied her bow, pulling the string back and had it at the ready. Sadly, with the pregnancy taking its toll on her, the expectant vigilante did not think that her reaction time was up to par. Thankfully, it looks like her silent plea for help was answered. Before the thugs surrounding the pregnant vigilante could make a move, another one showed up, landing next to the Iron Sparrow, seemingly falling from the sky.

Steven was known for a lot of his things and his landings were certainly one of them. He had mastered even making them look a little like Captain America, even if he wasn't exactly the man at all. Though, he did look a lot like him- which was something he used in a lot of his fights. T-Rae always said that he might be showing off just a little bit, but what good was having powers and being a hero/ special unit cop if he didn't at least get to make some use out of at least trying to look cool with sticking a landing?

"Well, it's a good thing that I was here to offer some help then. I expect having a baby might make things a bit more diffcult for most people," he replied.

Why was it that all of the villains in Starlight City were so impatient? It didn't take much patience for them to wait for him to finish a sentence, but it seemed that nobody wanted to give him that chance and he would move to strike whichever man was closest and then grabbed whatever man would get close enough for him to grab and throw him over at his companions and make short work of him. He hoped that all worked well.

@Kawashima Lightning

Michael Star and Gabriel Clark

It was too early in the morning for Michael Star to have to have a conversation with Gabriel Clark. It wasn't that the other man was a known for hire assassin or even owned a brothel that pretended to be a dining establishment that bothered Michael about the man. It was the fact that he was seen running from the hotel in the timeline where his uncle was shot and was the last person to see his brother, alive. Of course, he wasn't here to talk about any of those things. "So, you said that somebody came in and accosted one of your "Waitresses?" That doesn't explain why he is in critical condition at the hospital."

You know the answer to that, he needed to learn a lesson. He's not dead- which is a lot better than I can say for other people who hurt people I care about. Are we done here, Junior Officer Star?" He asked.

Michael wanted to punch him so much, but luckily for him, it seemed that Detective Maxwell arrived at this time.


Ryan Thorn

Ryan wondered what Orion was up too, but he figured it was a good idea to leave the new creation alone. He may think of him as a younger brother, but hovering might make him seem a little needy. So, the young werewolf instead decided to go for a walk, taking in the fresh air and not paying much mind to his surroundings, so he wouldn't notice if somebody was in his way. Hopefully, nobody bumped into him.


Ayami Noriko
Callsign Skoll

She has been walking through this streets for 2 hours already. No cell phone service. Of course she should have expected there are no fucking corresponding phone service in what appears to be America .Fucking Beautiful. She walks, impatiently. She should have know better than shooting at some creepy machine purportedly to "opena portal to hell". And of fucking course she got sucked into that portal when it explodes. Fuck that machine. Fuck that stone, and Fuck that dead cult demagogue as well as any foul God that one worship. Fuck...all of this. She thought, her eyes still glued to the phone, looking for services. She need to contact the US office of Heimar for a ride back. She sighed exasperatedly. She better demand extra expenses from that fat asshole that was her client in this contract. But she knows it's a long shot. Government agencies are notoriously stingy. Sh walks, before bumoping to someone that almost knock her flat on her ass. She looks up, preparing to apologizes....
Detective Maxwell | Interacting With Michael Star and Gabriel Clark |

The detective's run wasn't a marathon to say the least, but the jacket and the extra bits and bobs that he carried around didn't really help his journey. He arrived promptly, but still late from the looks of it. It seems the other officer, Michael Star, had already started the interview without him.

"Hello Officer…" The wolf trailed off, squinting his eyes as he tried to recall the name of his co-worker. In his defense it was a very big police department. "… Star is it? Apologies, this case was pushed onto me rather last minute." Maxwell explained as he stepped over to Star's side, only then did he catch a true glimpse of who he was dealing with.

The one and only elusive Gabriel Clark, to Maxwell's knowledge, no case ever did stick. Rumor has it anyone who got close to finding out anything dirty either ended up getting bought out or being added to a missing persons report. Maxwell was aware, but he had a bit of that foolish courage and ambition to stay his ground. The detective looked to Michael then to Gabriel, clearing his throat as he dipped his hand underneath his jacket warning, only to produce a pen and notepad just seconds later. With a click of a pen, the detective gave Michael a reassuring nod, a silent gesture to let the other officer know he wasn't alone on this new case.

"Well I am Detective Maxwell, we all know it's not a pleasure for you to strike a conversation with us… But I do have questions of my own. We aren't done just yet." The detective stated, his previous laid back demeanor taking a 180 transition to a more precise, professional one. "Can anyone vouch for you in regards to where you were these past few nights?" Right away Maxwell was landing on his feet running, his gaze seeming to lock on the assassin, a gaze that had an objective, one that was showcasing not only Maxwell's training but as well as his experiences and bit of street smarts. He looked to be trying to read the man, to see any verbal cues that might tell him if something else was afoot. Obviously it'd be near impossible for him to catch onto something, after all Maxwell was dealing with a professional, but perhaps his bold approach would give something away.

Savina Daye:
How long had it been? For Savina? Just a moment, but then...

I don't remember falling asleep. I don't remember being in a hospital either. There's really very little that can put me in the hospital so, well... I should just go ahead and open my eyes fully and see who else is here... "Hey... can you tell me how I got here? The last thing I remember was going to the college to enroll in classes or something and the next thing I know... well, I'm in a hospital room, I guess. I'm also a little fuzzy about other details too, but that can wait until I find proper clothes and... uh, check out of here?"

Tamara Rae "T-Rae" Holstead:

I walked up to Lincoln, but not too close, and just waited for him to notice me. He was surveilling a place, but so badly that it was practically comical. Once I sensed him flinch a little (the movement in the air of a sudden tiny jerk, imperceptible to most people but not me), I cleared my throat and pretended not to notice that I had surprised him.
"Sup, Sparkie? Trying to get up the nerve to talk to someone you have a crush on or what?" I asked quietly, so my voice didn't carry far enough for anyone but him to hear it.
Ryan Thorn

Ryan hadn't been paying attention to the girl, so he hadn't noticed anyone coming towards him and he hadn't expected to be bumped into. Despite being lanky, his werewolf strength always seemed to kick in as soon as he would bump into them. It didn't prevent him from also being thrown onto his back and landing on the ground behind him. It was the curse of being a werewolf who was still on a very low diet as he didn't believe in hunting people and would live on some meat and other meals. She would not find him above her for a second. "I'm so sorry about that, I wasn't really looking I was going. I hope that your phone is okay and everything. You're new here, aren't you?" He asked, already knowing the answer to his question. She was not someone that he knew and when it came to the city, he was able to pick up most scents and hers was not familiar to him. It was so weird that like Matthew, he was very good at finding people who just arrived here. "I'm Ryan Thorn," he added, slowly getting up and pushing his hair out of his eye.


Michael Star and Gabriel Clark

Michael hadn't planned to started the interview at first, but it was a good way to have gotten some answers out of Gabriel and it was a rare sight. Of course, as it was obvious from the conversation earlier, it had not been going well for him. Not that punching Gabriel would have been a bad thing.

He couldn't tell if he was more insulted that Gabriel had called him Junior Officer Star, or the fact that it was most likely that he only knew his name because it had been said by the person they were supposed to be interviewing. "I know the feeling. My father has been a bit all over the place since my brother's disappearance and he's been trying to fill in his spots as best as he can."

Gabriel had been listening to what Michael was saying and decided to bit his tongue. It would have been so easy to goad the young detective on about how he was the last one to talk with his twin, but he didn't think it would help with this interview as he still didn't know what it was about. It could be about so many different things and until he could pinpoint the exact one that it was actually about. Of course, it was still going to be interesting that he was going to be interviewed by the wolf detective. He would lean against the wall, patiently waiting for the questions that he sure were about to come his way, they were always the exact same types of ones too.

" Well, Detective Maxwell, I may have some answers for you. I didn't expect that there were going to be an end to the conversation that was going to be had just because we changed which of you were interviewing me. Well, here's the thing. I definitely can have multiple people vouch for me who work at the establishment and visit us, but both my clients and myself would like to know what this is about first. It seemed that your other partner buried the lead on what we are talking about," he replied, not taking even a second to make any expression. "I've also been too a lot of places outside of my establishment in the past few nights, so it's a bit hard to answer that question definitely without any more specifics." There was definitely a tick for a second, but it was becoming very clear to at least Michael that he wanted to know why they were here. Hopefully, Maxwell wouldn't bury the lead.


Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln wouldn't notice her at first, but after a second of poorly scanning the area, realizing that the other two had left, he would flinch a little bit as he hadn't expected anyone to bother him. Steven had left earlier and he had thought that T-Rae had left with her, but it seemed that wasn't the case. Boy, this was going to be a diffcult thing to explain to her.

"No, it's nothing like that, T-Rae. I just thought I saw someone from our world, but it seemed that maybe it was a trick of the light. I have no clue what famed neurosurgeon Doctor Strange would be doing here anyway."

Matthew Harris/Twiggy

Matthew had kind of expected that something would happen in the hospital while Liam was still healing, and he would glance over and see that Savina had appeared in the bed across from him. "Oh, you're back sooner than I thought. Usually when people disappear for an amount of time, it takes them a few weeks or months, you were gone for-" He checked his watch. "Less than twelve hours. We were bringing Liam here before we were going here. Oh, I'm sure that-" he would speed out of the room and come back with the clothes she disappeared into. " You don't need to check out... probably. Never checked in technically."

@Michale CS
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln wouldn't notice her at first, but after a second of poorly scanning the area, realizing that the other two had left, he would flinch a little bit as he hadn't expected anyone to bother him. Steven had left earlier and he had thought that T-Rae had left with her, but it seemed that wasn't the case. Boy, this was going to be a diffcult thing to explain to her.

"No, it's nothing like that, T-Rae. I just thought I saw someone from our world, but it seemed that maybe it was a trick of the light. I have no clue what famed neurosurgeon Doctor Strange would be doing here anyway."
"Well duh. Name like that, Starlight is a perfect fit."
I joked with him.
"Besides, people appear and disappear from here all the time. Why the concern about a brain surgeon? It's not like he has universe-spanning power or anything... Why are you looking at me like that?"
Matthew Harris/Twiggy

Matthew had kind of expected that something would happen in the hospital while Liam was still healing, and he would glance over and see that Savina had appeared in the bed across from him. "Oh, you're back sooner than I thought. Usually when people disappear for an amount of time, it takes them a few weeks or months, you were gone for-" He checked his watch. "Less than twelve hours. We were bringing Liam here before we were going here. Oh, I'm sure that-" he would speed out of the room and come back with the clothes she disappeared into. " You don't need to check out... probably. Never checked in technically."
"I'm a little concerned about my memory gap, how I got here and why, but mostly? I'm concerned about a health care system that doesn't check people into rooms after twelve hours, unless I disappeared right away and then I am frankly relieved that I didn't wake up in some other patient's bed..."

Savina switched clothes nearly as fast as Twiggy had brought them, then realized in retrospect, this guy probably could see as fast as he moved and might have gotten an eyeful in that split second. After a quick blush, she looked at him again.

"So what now? I'm super fuzzy on what's happened to me over the past little while, and other that the fact that I know you have superspeed, I know nothing about you or where I am. It all seems like a vague dream I can half-remember now... I'm Savina. Savina Daye, just in case we hadn't met..."

Ryan hadn't been paying attention to the girl, so he hadn't noticed anyone coming towards him and he hadn't expected to be bumped into. Despite being lanky, his werewolf strength always seemed to kick in as soon as he would bump into them. It didn't prevent him from also being thrown onto his back and landing on the ground behind him. It was the curse of being a werewolf who was still on a very low diet as he didn't believe in hunting people and would live on some meat and other meals. She would not find him above her for a second. "I'm so sorry about that, I wasn't really looking I was going. I hope that your phone is okay and everything. You're new here, aren't you?" He asked, already knowing the answer to his question. She was not someone that he knew and when it came to the city, he was able to pick up most scents and hers was not familiar to him. It was so weird that like Matthew, he was very good at finding people who just arrived here. "I'm Ryan Thorn," he added, slowly getting up and pushing his hair out of his eye.
She looks down , her phone are still intact albeit no service. Sighing, she put it away.
" Tch. It's okay. And besides..." She adjusted her tie, and dusted her jacket. "I should be the one to be saying sorry. I'm the one not looking where I am going. " The girl takes a bow, beforenput up an apolegetic smile, reveal her wolfish canine

" My name's Ayami. Nice to meet you too, Mister Thorn. "

Ryan's werewolf sense could pick up a scent on her. A faint hints of...gunsmoke mix with a faint smell of flora. This smell seems to cling on to the girl 's every step , the umistakable harshness of cordites, the taste of battlefields , the ashes of war's conflgration. A scent that seems jarringly contrasted to her schoolgirl demeanor.
Detective Maxwell | Interacting With Michael Star and Gabriel Clark |

Kensington began frivolously writing on his notepad, as if everything that Gabriel said was a bit of information that was closer to his case, for the most part it was just your typical abbreviated notes that, but he made sure to keep things fresh and the person being interviewed in the dark, for now. Occasionally, Kensington's eyes would gaze would shift over to Michael, to see how the officer received the information as well. It was a delicate matter indeed, the trail could hit a wall if Gabriel got wind of what he was looking for.

"Well, you should know sir I can't reveal too much about my affairs until the case is closed its against policy." The detective said, a soft, disarming chuckle escaping him before he continued talking, doing well to keep his composure. He got a good measurement of how Gabriel answered normal questions, so he started with some more questions related to their work.

"First thing's first, I want to extend my sympathy for your waitress, it's a shame what happened, but there are some things we need to go over...How about the situation with your waitress, were you there to witness the disturbance at the time? Did you stick around, maybe call the police about it? " The wolf asked, but quick to follow up the statement with a very interesting comment, one that probably would get something out of the assassin. "Its okay if you can't remember the specifics, you run a crowded establishment, would be a pain for both you and I if myself and Officer Star here had to hunt down and talk to everyone one of your possible customers about this incident if I think you're pulling my chain here Mister... Clark is it?" He watched, waiting to see if Gabriel would have some sort of reaction. He knew of the rumors, and if it were true, Gabriel knew that business might get a little turbulence if the cops started visiting his potential customers. Kensington knew this was dangerous territory, but he was confident he might get the clues he needed from Gabriel. It was less of a question of whether or not Kensington actually had knowledge about Gabriel's client base, but more of whether or not Gabriel would risk this possibility of his client base being approached by the police. If it was a bluff that Kensington portrayed, it was a very serious one.

Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln hadn't even considered the joke when he had spoken those lines. It did made him crack a grin.

"Well, about that. From my knowledge, Doctor Strange was in the news for having some weird powers and stuff. I'm not sure if this happened a little before or after my incident though. But they might be universe spanning. Most powers seem to work here," he replied, a small electro ball bouncing in his to prove his point.

Matthew Harris/Twiggy

"I mean, it's pretty normal to be concerned about the memory gap and how and why you got here. It's the sort of thing that just happens. The hospital system used to care a lot about the patients that came and appeared and disappeared, but it happened so frequently recently that they given up on working things out."

Matthew had gotten distracted by his phone for the time that she had changed, almost as if the universe made sure that he hadn't gotten an eyeful of ladies. He figured she was blushing because she thought he had seen, but he hadn't due to his ADHD.


"The best course of action would be to get you settled in to here. This is Starlight City, I'm Mathew Harris, I guess you could say I was a local hero before I went to college overseas. Well, It's nice to meet you Savina. Oh, sorry, I just realized I finished m sentence. You could either apply to college here or get an apartment in town, those are free."

@Michale CS

Ryan Thorn

Ryan hadn't even noticed that her phone had fallen out of his hand, which wasn't that surprising.

"I feel like I was also not looking wasn't watching where I was going, so you might say that it was mutual destruction of each other. But thanks for that," he replied, awkwardly smiling as he would take a note of her wolfish canine in his mind.

Ryan paused for a beat, trying to figure out why she had called him Mister Thorn, when he remembered he and Orion had been experimenting with the other one's powers and had used him as a test dummy. So, he looked closer to his 30s now.


"You can call me Ryan. I am actually closer to your age, I just have a friend who has a power to manipulate age and it's once a day thing, but we learned it works on other people too. He used his de-aging on himself earlier today, so I got to wait until morning to go back to how old I'm supposed to be."

It didn't take long for Ryan to pick up the scent of gunsmoke and flowers. What a weird combination and it seemed to surround the girl. Though in Starlight, it didn't surprise the young werewolf as it had a lot of people who had powers. Her power probably had to do with fighting. It was a similar scent to the one Garrett Gunn gave when he had been in town.


Gabriel Clark and Michael Star

Gabriel would pay attention to the way he was writing in the notepad and he would take a moment to take a breath, knowing that things weren't going to get easier with whatever questions that was being said. There was a moment of silence, wondering what the other officer was thinking and he took a look to see that he was glancing up to the junior detective. It would seem that he was the weaker link of the two, and with good reason too. Though, he had taken note that neither of him mentioned what this was about. It was the air of silence that made him catch his breath.

"Well, to be entirely fair, I don't even know what I'm being questioned on, so it doesn't seem to matter if I don't know any of the details," Gabriel replied. Michael would watch Gabriel, and wonder how he was able to keep his composure. It was interesting, compared to how their conversation had gone. He had gleamed some information from that conversation he had brought up. It just hadn't been on the record and he knew how Gabriel would twist to his favor.

There was a flash of red in Gabriel's eyes. This was what this was about. It was about the hospitalized waitress and the man whose arm he had broken. He had wanted to do a lot more. But if he mentioned he was there and had seen what happened, he would have to mention what happened next. " I was out when the incident started, but I was back before it ended. I gave the assaulter a less than graceful exit. I call an ambulance for her, I've never been much of a fan of the police, they tend to ask questions but not give enough details to what they want to know about.

"Well, you can certainly try to track down my customers, but a lot of them come and give their reservations under pseudo names, nicknames, alias, take your pick. I don't think I know a single one of their real names and when it comes to privacy, I don't ask them anything that isn't necessary. ou know how the dining industry can be, always so fast and quick. But I'll do one better for you and Officer Star, I'll let you see the register for the night in question," he replied, pulling out a book. It did have names that were fake and obviously so.

Michael wished he had gotten a chance to talk with Kensington before he had gone in. The clients and customers Gabriel had would deny being there for the night and the ones who would talk often would not be able to describe what happened clearly ever. It was one of the many reasons that bluffing never worked for them. And if he was serious, well, this was a dangerous game. "So, is there anything else you want to know about the night of the waitress assault, perhaps the security cameras?" Gabriel asked. There was the other thing. Gabriel knew how to get what he wanted in less than a few questions.

Ryan hadn't even noticed that her phone had fallen out of his hand, which wasn't that surprising.

"I feel like I was also not looking wasn't watching where I was going, so you might say that it was mutual destruction of each other. But thanks for that," he replied, awkwardly smiling as he would take a note of her wolfish canine in his mind.

Ryan paused for a beat, trying to figure out why she had called him Mister Thorn, when he remembered he and Orion had been experimenting with the other one's powers and had used him as a test dummy. So, he looked closer to his 30s now.


"You can call me Ryan. I am actually closer to your age, I just have a friend who has a power to manipulate age and it's once a day thing, but we learned it works on other people too. He used his de-aging on himself earlier today, so I got to wait until morning to go back to how old I'm supposed to be."

It didn't take long for Ryan to pick up the scent of gunsmoke and flowers. What a weird combination and it seemed to surround the girl. Though in Starlight, it didn't surprise the young werewolf as it had a lot of people who had powers. Her power probably had to do with fighting. It was a similar scent to the one Garrett Gunn gave when he had been in town.
"Right then...."

It's weird for someone to just...blurted out having powers like that, she thought. What kine of place is this ?...

Putting it out of her mind for a bit, she continues.

"Ryan is it ?...The name's Ayami. Nice to meet you...excuse me..."

She slip out her packet of Lucky Strike, and light one up, her movement is fluent. Routined. If Ryan looks carefully, he could see it in her eyes. Prominently golden in color, her eyes carries a sharp look characteristic of military experience, dulled by intense melancholy . A look out of place with a 16 years old

"My apologies. Been needing one for hours..."
The girl took a long drag, and breathe out. A jarring look for one so young, even if she politely breathes away from Ryan's direction.

" Name's Ayami, nice to meet you. If this is not bothering you, can you help me to the nearest hotel ? "
Lincoln hadn't even considered the joke when he had spoken those lines. It did made him crack a grin.

"Well, about that. From my knowledge, Doctor Strange was in the news for having some weird powers and stuff. I'm not sure if this happened a little before or after my incident though. But they might be universe spanning. Most powers seem to work here," he replied, a small electro ball bouncing in his to prove his point.
"So... what's next? I mean, I noticed you noticing whatever you were noticing thinking it'd be something cool. You on some kind of mission or what have you?" I asked, putting my hands in my pockets.

Matthew Harris/Twiggy

"I mean, it's pretty normal to be concerned about the memory gap and how and why you got here. It's the sort of thing that just happens. The hospital system used to care a lot about the patients that came and appeared and disappeared, but it happened so frequently recently that they given up on working things out."

Matthew had gotten distracted by his phone for the time that she had changed, almost as if the universe made sure that he hadn't gotten an eyeful of ladies. He figured she was blushing because she thought he had seen, but he hadn't due to his ADHD.


"The best course of action would be to get you settled in to here. This is Starlight City, I'm Mathew Harris, I guess you could say I was a local hero before I went to college overseas. Well, It's nice to meet you Savina. Oh, sorry, I just realized I finished m sentence. You could either apply to college here or get an apartment in town, those are free."

@Michale CS
"I thought I had an apartment and was going to sign up for college with this whacky princess from another dimension or something like that and next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed, and I like, never get sick. People have likened my powers to being similar to aliens... either Daxamites or Kryptonians... except I don't have laser eyes or freezy breath... or allergies to strange rocks. Are there, like, professional supers here? I came from a universe where I literally was in a college for super-heroes, and I hope something like that's available here. Where would you suggest? Is there a way for me to look up if I still have an apartment or whatever from my brief stay before? I mean I ... remember fighting at a dock, dragging ships around to save them and throwing... sharks or something and fighting some bad dudes around the harbor? It's still fuzzy but, I think I can pick up where I left off, and I'd probably just like to get a job this time. I can make a mean cup of coffee, I earned my way through Sky High as a Barista..."

Savina rambled a bit then sat down, fishing out a cell phone from her things. Battery was totally flat which caused her to grimace.


Detective Maxwell | Interacting With Michael Star and Gabriel Clark

Detective Maxwell glanced to Michael as if silently collaborating with the officer with the useage of non-verbal cues. He could tell he was caught on his bluff. Obviously, the layers that overlapped with Clark's business made things complicated, and the man a lot more elusive. The detective had no cards to play, all he could do was play along with Gabriel. Even with how much they knew about Gabriel, unfortunately nothing would stick. This made him clench his jaw, but he kept his frustrations hidden, or so he thought. The detective had to at least make something out of this interview.

Then, out of a sense of bravado, an opportunity presented itself, thank to Gabriel himself. The mentioning of camera footage piqued the detective's interest. Perhaps they recorded something Gabriel didn't
anticipate... Perhaps they show him in the same area, giving the detective an opportunity get a crucial bit of information for his case. He began scribbling notes on his pad, being keen to keep everything written down to himself. He had to be quick, before Gabriel caught on, or risk this conversation coming to an end.

"Cameras you say? Why that might help our case out a lot, might give us everything we need to make sure this guy doesn't wiggle his way out in court." Kensington said, looking as if he lit up with enthusiasm and newfound energy. He had to make sure this stayed on track with the first investigation of what happened to the Waitress, but perhaps he will be able to skim off the top and get the real information he was looking for. The answer to the questions that needed to be asked.

Ryan Thorn

Ryan would look over at her, and wonder if she was confused by how direct he was. It was just the type of person that he was.

Taking a breath, he would nod as she would ask his name. " It's nice to meet you, Ayami." He would wonder what she was going to be asked excused for.

He stared at the match for a moment, wondering what she was lighting up. Of course, he could tell it was a match, but that didn't mean he knew what its purpose was. He did take notice that her eyes seemed to offer more experience in them then anything he had seen in a while. Not that he hadn't seen a look like that before.

It was a relief that she had turned the cigar smoke away from him, though it didn't do much to ease the coughing he had upon still smelling. It was one of the many downsides to being a werewolf.

"You already said that. Well, we have one hotel and it's still kind of closed due to a murder that happened there. You could probably get a room if you sign up for Starlight Academy or there are a ton of empty apartments you can just live in. Would you like a guide to one of those two."


Lincoln Campbell

" I don't really have a plan per se. I was just thinking of tailing them, but seeing as I already lost them talking to you, I guess I should head back to the hospital. It's just that was the first time someone from back home wound up here which makes me wonder if other people might show up from our world."

Matthew Harris/ Twiggy

"I thought I had an apartment and was going to sign up for college with this whacky princess from another dimension or something like that and next thing I know I'm in a hospital bed, and I like, never get sick. People have likened my powers to being similar to aliens... either Daxamites or Kryptonians... except I don't have laser eyes or freezy breath... or allergies to strange rocks. Are there, like, professional supers here? I came from a universe where I literally was in a college for super-heroes, and I hope something like that's available here. Where would you suggest? Is there a way for me to look up if I still have an apartment or whatever from my brief stay before? I mean I ... remember fighting at a dock, dragging ships around to save them and throwing... sharks or something and fighting some bad dudes around the harbor? It's still fuzzy but, I think I can pick up where I left off, and I'd probably just like to get a job this time. I can make a mean cup of coffee, I earned my way through Sky High as a Barista..."

Matthew would nod and listen to her. "Most likely, if you did have an apartment here, it probably is still in your name and has- actually- one second," he replied, pulling out his phone and checking something in his phone. " Yup, it looks likes the apartment is in your name, though the princess well-" he would turn his phone back over to her. " One of my friends made this when he noticed she was gone."

Screenshot 2022-10-04 11.52.15 AM.png

" Oh, there are a ton of professional supers in this town. I'm a bit of a retired one, though my clone- who is if my notes are correct, you met before you lost some of your memories is still out and about doing things. I came to investigate my dad's company, especially after what happened in NY a while back. We got a few coffee shops and we do have that abandoned one if you want to make it your own. It's always been like this, a place where people can find themselves or get what they need easily. Though, I probably can see about getting you a phone charger."

@Michale CS

Michael Star and Gabriel Clark

Michael Star was a lot of things, but he wasn't an idiot. It was especially weird to him that Gabriel was offering his cameras to them, especially upon the fact that he had mentioned several times, both during this conversation as well as in the past that he cared about the privacy of his patrons. Would the cameras even show anything that would verify what he said or would the audio and video be so distorted that it wouldn't do anything but wast their time. Was this truly the business owner being generous or was it more of something to prove how great he was to the two of them.

Then, out of a sense of bravado, an opportunity presented itself, thank to Gabriel himself. The mentioning of camera footage piqued the detective's interest. Perhaps they recorded something Gabriel didn't anticipate... Perhaps they show him in the same area, giving the detective an opportunity get a crucial bit of information for his case. He began scribbling notes on his pad, being keen to keep everything written down to himself. He had to be quick, before Gabriel caught on, or risk this conversation coming to an end.

Gabriel noticed Michael's hesitation and there was a bit of a smug smirk that he put on for himself as he waited to see if the dog would take the bait. It seemed that the answer to his question was yes. "Well, then allow me to escort you to the security room, it's a bit of a way into the club and I wouldn't want the two of you to get lost," he replied, opening the door and leading the way into his club/restaurant. Maxwell would be able to see that somehow not a thing seemed out of place- well, except one thing. A crooked picture of what could have been a younger Gabriel,

The cameras were easy to see, they were positioned in places where they could catch all of the action as he would pass them. Though, there was something a little odd about them. Namely, that there seemed to be a silver coating on the lenses. As Gabriel would finally finish the walk to the security room, he would open the door showing the cameras and video for the detectives to view.

Lincoln Campbell

" I don't really have a plan per se. I was just thinking of tailing them, but seeing as I already lost them talking to you, I guess I should head back to the hospital. It's just that was the first time someone from back home wound up here which makes me wonder if other people might show up from our world."
"To be fair, the dude can teleport. I don't think talking to me was the full reason you lost him. If he's some magic dude, why not get ahold of someone or something that can detect magic? If he's this head honcho Sorcerer Supreme - which by the way sounds like a great name for a burrito - it shouldn't be any trouble tracking down his magical... wavelengths? Outside of that... what's going on? I haven't really had an assignment in a bit and I'm up for helping you in whatever it is you're up to." I was not about to take the blame on Lincoln's sub-par stakeout skills, but I was bored enough to tag along and see what trouble he got into.

Matthew would nod and listen to her. "Most likely, if you did have an apartment here, it probably is still in your name and has- actually- one second," he replied, pulling out his phone and checking something in his phone. " Yup, it looks likes the apartment is in your name, though the princess well-" he would turn his phone back over to her. " One of my friends made this when he noticed she was gone."

Screenshot 2022-10-04 11.52.15 AM.png

" Oh, there are a ton of professional supers in this town. I'm a bit of a retired one, though my clone- who is if my notes are correct, you met before you lost some of your memories is still out and about doing things. I came to investigate my dad's company, especially after what happened in NY a while back. We got a few coffee shops and we do have that abandoned one if you want to make it your own. It's always been like this, a place where people can find themselves or get what they need easily. Though, I probably can see about getting you a phone charger."
"Huh... that picture somehow makes me want to cover my ears... she must have been a loud person. I suppose I could help you with your thing, since I apparently have an apartment. And... abandoned coffee shops? This place really is that volatile, huh? I guess I could look into that, eventually. As long as I have a place to stay, I may as well help you with your investigation. Super-senses, nigh invulnerable, speed maybe close to yours, flight... etc... I'm sure to be useful somehow, and it'll make me feel part of this place to help out." Savina offered, grinning and waiting for his response.

In the skies above the city, a swirling portal with moderate sapphire blue, night pitch black, and snow white hues appears. At first, it is massive, spanning around fifteen hundred feet in diameter; however it rapidly shrinks down to around 8 or 9 feet in diameter. From it, emerges a chubby figured winged equine like lady with a unicorn horn, dark dusk blue like fur on her body, moderate cyan eyes, and shoulder length moderate sapphire blue hair with persian blue highlights and a similar color pattern on her tail.

As she closes the portal with a soft moderate cobalt blue glow of her unicorn horn, she mutters to herself "Oh for fuck's sake. My size protection counterspell was ineffective again. Lovely. Just lovely." She then groans in disgust and rolls her eyes before hovering over the city by... given her best guess at her smaller size, she guesses her altitude above the ground to be around three, possibly four thousand feet high. The equinid woman then adjusts her purple T-Shirt with sparkly black and blue jewels on it and her black gymshorts before starting a slow casual flightm taking a mental note of the current time of day, activity in the city below and other factors.
Detective Maxwell | Interacting With Michael Star and Gabriel Clark |​

Detective Maxwell's gaze ran over that smug smirk Gabriel displayed as the conversation continued. There was a silent, internal sigh that ran through the detective's mind as he glanced to Michael then began following Gabriel, his eyes running over their surroundings. "You run a rather nice looking establishment, Mister Clark. I don't think I've ever personally visited before. Is this all influenced by a specific theme?" The wolf commented, even slowly down to do a slow 360 degree twirl, seeming to be fascinated by the decorations and architecture. Obviously the detective had a ulterior motive, his desire for all the details being well known since the start of their conversation, perhaps it was just a formality, perhaps so he could maintain a friendly image.

The distinct details were quietly noted. What Kensington knew was kept to him. He maintained his previous position as the detective who was at a dead end, following the beaten path that Gabriel had methodically constructed for him to follow. Perhaps this was routine, with how many nosey crowds probably try to take a peek deeper into his business, or perhaps Kensington didn't give Gabriel enough credit for the assassin's talent for covering things up. When they finally arrived to the security room, Kensington stepped towards the terminal, scratching his chin as he glanced over all the monitors.

"Officer Star you probably have a better idea what to look for… Would you like the honors?" The detective asked as he turned to Michael. This footage review was probably not going to be fruitful, but perhaps it'll give them insight into what trick Gabriel had up his sleeve.

"Once we're done here I think we will have everything we are going to be able to get our hands on… We should probably be out of your hair shortly, Mister Clark." Kensington's focus would shift to Gabriel once more, giving that same professional demeanor as before, the same one that he had used to hide all his intentions. The question now is… Was Kensington focusing on the cameras still, or was he focusing on Gabriel's reaction to their efforts?