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Sarcasm Queen
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Limited due to work, practically a ghost
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
romance, drama, slice of life, crime, horror, some fantasy


Character B doesn't want to be where he currently is, fronting up to his first day at work as a bodyguard for some woman who can't even remember his name. After his last tour of duty ended devastatingly he is forced to return to civilian life after a psychologist refuses to clear him for active duty. His former boss recommends him to a family friend who is in dire need of a bodyguard and it's about as close as he can currently get to his previous life so begrudgingly he accepts.

Character A has just landed a role in a hot new movie and she couldn't be more excited. But as her fame torpedoes her into stardom the actress is beginning to attract the bad with the perks...relentless paparazzi, overexcited fans and the more stranger and creepy stalkers. Her manager is running out of options since she has refused to take precautions or play things safe. Despite the actress's demands her manager finds a solution in hiring Character B.

Soiree in Stanton

Ever since (a) moved in with her best friend life has been a whirlwind of fun. Both are pursuing their dream careers and when they aren't working; both spend their time hanging out with friends in all of the local haunts or hanging about their modest rental. It was a huge move to the other side of the country for (a) but thankfully she had found her niche even if life gets a little out of control sometimes.

(a)'s bestie is living in a blissful relationship, living her single life vicariously through (a) who she claims is hopeless when it comes to dating. She is forever pushing (a) to people with the hopes that she will find love as well as luck in their city. After a long night out (a) trudges out of her room for a much needed drink of water, coming face to face with a tall, towel clad stranger (B) she has never met before. It's awkward to say the least; who is this guy? What is his deal?


(B) Lives life at a very fast pace and is infamous for never having stayed in place for too long to make any kind of attachments. He claims that true love doesn't exist and life is too short to be stuck playing happy homes. Of course there is a much darker and deeper meaning behind the outlook but no one has noticed since (B) is forever seen in the middle of the party scene playing entertainment hosts to wealthy people in locations spread across the globe. Want to host a raunchy yacht party in the Greek islands? Open the latest nightclub with a room full of A-listers? Hell host a private party in the penthouse of a luxurious hotel? (B) Is one of the most sought after entertainment hosts. In Stanton to meet up with his friend for a few nights whilst he works on an event closer to home, (B) crashes at his best friend's girlfriend's place. Arriving late he has a quick shower and wraps a towel around his waist before heading to the couch when suddenly things take an unexpected turn.

Escaping the past

Character (A) and character (B) are two strangers in a small rural town. There is a swarm of rumors around newcomer (A), a guy who just moved into a small cottage on the outskirts of town who is working cash jobs as a jack of all trades. Only no one knows much about who he is or where he came from. He is quiet and keeps to himself. Your character is a long-time local who isn't quite sure on the new guy either but he seems nice enough.

Character A has demons he is trying desperately to escape and this is the seventh time in the last year that he has had to move. Under the guise of a new name and completely different profession to what he was originally employed as, he just wants a quiet life. You see, only a few years ago he was living a great life, a cop in a medium sized city. He had a good job, great friends and nothing to worry about. Until the night Kylie Blackburn died.
The Story of (A)'s past is slowly revealed throughout the plot development and explains in time why (A) is so mysteriously private. What does become clear is that (A) has a lot of things to look over his shoulder about and when dangerous incidences begin to occur in town, the residents are left asking questions. Will he be able to get away from his past enough to settle here in this sleepy little town? Will he be driven to go back on the run? And will (B) tie him down long enough to remember his own worth?

Ryker's Revenge

In an age of piracy, Captain Ryker James Cavanaugh is about as notorious as they come. Having several claims under his belt and sailing on a stolen man o'war dubbed the Raven, Ryker is a force to be reckoned with.

Your character however comes across the pirate in an odd circumstance, tethered to the remains of the Raven's mast and near death after suffering exposure from the elements and a brutal lashing from the hands of another. How has he come to be in such a state? What happened to his ship and crew?

Murder in Slims Gully

It all started the summer Claire died. Character A (13) and Claire (12 turning 13) were inseparable as friends always playing together after school and on the weekends out in the fields of their hometown, a small mining village at the base of Plymouth Mountain called Slims Gully. It is a tight knit community where neighbours spend holidays and special occasions celebrating with each other. But nothing could protect the townsfolk from the horrors of that day twenty years ago. Character A was supposed to meet Claire at the local video shop after school before they were to spend that weekend at her house, Claire sleeping over where they would do as they always did, movie nights with lollies and spending the next day in town at the market fair. But when Character A arrives Claire never shows.

The following morning the air is disrupted by an ear piercing scream from a tourist at the car park of the Plymouth mountain trail. They've stumbled across a body dumped in the bushes just off the mountain trail path and it's none other than Claire. Her death is ruled a homicide and immediately fingers are pointed at a few suspects including Character B (15) who is also a close friend of Claire and Character A. Character B is labelled to have been the last person seen with Claire and from a witness account he is seen to be arguing with her. He doesn't help his situation when he refuses to cooperate with police. As the investigation into who killed Claire continues and her favourite bracelet is found to be in Character B's possession he is arrested. With a reputation before the murder of being a trouble maker, character B has little help in his defense and is later convicted of killing Claire despite the case having only circumstantial evidence against him. The town holds a memorial each year for Claire and most declare their wish to see Character B rot in prison.

Twenty years later and Slims gully hasn't changed much at all, still the slow paced town where everyone is known to each other. No one has forgotten poor little Claire, the girl whose life was cut short and they aren't likely too since a well known figure passes along the main street in an old beat up pickup truck. It's character B, thirty five years old and a hell of a lot different to the young boy he once was. Whispers circulate town in a frenzy as his face appears, most horrified to think the man accused of murdering Claire has the balls to come back to this place especially since he still completely denies murdering Claire all those years ago.

Character B can't believe he is in Slims Gully after all these years and he sure as shit doesn't want to be there in the first place. The only reason he is back is to wrap up his late mother's affairs which involves working out what the hell to do with the family farm. As he drives into town he knows he is being watched and ridiculed and it hurts just as much as the day the police arrested him for murdering Claire, a murder he did not commit. He comes to town with the expectation to have things sorted and be on his way out by the end of the week but soon fate turns it's hand and he is caught right back, facing his fifteen year old self and the same accusations.

When Character B arrives, another body is found on the memorial date of Claire's murder. Everyone is talking and before Character B can leave he is hauled in for questioning. He swears to the police it isn't him but with no one on his side for the second time in his life, Character B is staring down the barrel of another wrongful conviction until the last person he could have imagined visits him. It's character A and she thinks he may just be telling the truth....

Variations to the plot
Character A and B can have genders swapped. Relationships to other characters can be altered, for instance Character A and Claire could be brother and sister with Character B Claire's boyfriend or Character A and Claire are friends with Character B Claire's sibling. For each pairing the plot may vary slightly to accommodate the change in details.
Keenan Ford Character Bio

Name- Keenan Ford
Rank – sergeant
Nicknames/Alias- known and referred to as Ford, a joke being that no one knows his first name. Has also been called Jack around his home town for being a 'jack of all trades' type guy.
Gender- Male.
Age- 32
sexual orientation straight
Relationship status varies regularly though currently single

Family :

Grandfather – Roy Snr.
Grandmother (deceased) –Margaret
Father (deceased) – Roy jnr
Mother (deceased) Sarah-Anne
Sister (whereabouts unknown) Julia
Nephew (whereabouts unknown) Stewart (referred to by Ford as Stu)


Height- 6 ft 0.83 in
Build- muscular
Eye colouration- honey brown
Hair- black crew cut
Skin- olive/ dark
Identifying marks- scar from shrapnel wounds located on his right thigh and lower back received the day his parents died, entry and exit wound left shoulder from a gun shot wound.
Often wearing standard army uniform or basic shirt with camouflage pants. Carries military gear and is always wearing his sunnies


Keenan is sharp witted and an adrenaline junkie. His friends describe him as nuts but will happily let him protect them under fire. Described as very much like his father by Roy Snr Keenan is proud, loud and crazy.


His mother, a nurse and avid supporter of human rights had been travelling with a volunteer group of medical staff providing inoculation against malaria, polio and other diseases in ravaged and war torn communities in an African country, meeting Roy Jnr when his unit provided security to escort them across the border. Roy Ford Junior, a soldier and well known larrikin persuaded Sarah to meet at a bar, both infuriating her and leaving a marked impression on her. It was however a successful move, and the two married, traveling with work and coordinating rendezvous when possible.

When away from work Roy joined Sarah in her work and the two were well known identities. Sarah became pregnant, residing in the city to have her child however was back out to work months after Keenan's birth. Keenan was a bright young child with a cheeky smile and larrikin ways just like his father which he has kept for most of his life. If his parents were unable to look after him whilst working he was never far away with one of the mothers in the village. Keenan was three when his mother gave birth to his little sister Julia. The small family remained in Africa until tragedy struck at a village where Sarah and Roy Jnr had been providing aid and helping to rebuild after a series of attacks on the villagers there.

Keenan was five and Julia his younger sister only two when his parents passed away in a raid whilst on the campaign in the jungle village. The children were among the surviving villagers that were rescued, Julia losing her leg from the incident and Keenan receiving shrapnel wounds. Taken by other relief members, the wounded were transported to an emergency medical station and the children were flown by medivac to the city hospital. Fortunately Keenan and Julia were kept together at the hospital and not having heard from the family when Roy jnr had said, his father contacted officials when concerns were raised. The children were later identified by their grandparents and the embassy officials worked to have the children transported home once it was safe to move them.

Keenan vaguely remembers his parents faces though cannot recall much due to his age at the time. He knows about them from Roy and Margaret, His grandparents who subsequently raised the children much as their parents would have. Though older, his grandparents were still active in the community, his grandmother volunteering and his grandfather a veteran who campaigned for the rights of his fellow men and what he believed in. Keenan and Julia went to a public school though Keenan had a habit of getting into trouble and never paid attention. Julia excelled in her studies and when she entered her teenage years knew that she wanted to study genetics. Keenan fell into a spate of trouble in his teens however Roy Senior would have none of this and took his grandson on regular trips to teach him what he knew of hunting, survival and the life he and his son had shared in the military. Keenan later enrolled in the army, wanting to take after his father and grandfather.

In later years Keenan Ford had moved up a few ranks in service and was no longer wet behind the ears but a skilled marksman and ranked sergeant. Occasionally taking leave he was fortunate to say goodbye to Margaret as she passed away peacefully at home from a long battle with cancer. His grandfather though grieving always remained as solid as a rock however now lived alone as his sister had disappeared. The only information he had was that she had met someone, had a son and had moved east, later cutting off all contact. He has put out information trying to track her down however had no luck.
Characters for Upper/Lower classes plot

Edith May Tarrant
Known widely as Lady Tarrant the Marchioness of Harrington, Edith is a prominent figurehead of the Tarrant family. Sister of the Late Marquis of Harrington, Lord Samuel John Tarrant, Edith took her young nephew in at the tender age of seven after both Lord Tarrant and Lady Florence Mabel Tarrant were killed under suspicious circumstances. Remaining confident that her brother and sister in law's deaths were deliberate, Lady Tarrant took the responsibility of overseeing the Tarrant family purse and lands until her nephew was of legal bearing age to assume his father's title.

Edith is well known in the social circuits, often coaching young women in conduct in their debuts into society. She is strong and to the point which has earned her the reputation for not being crossed often without consequence. Though she is rarely seen to dirty her hands, Lady Tarrant is a hardy woman who quashes gossip and stirs the pot at the right times.

Jasper (Jay) Samuel Tarrant – Marquis of Harrington​

Born in a time of prosperity for the Tarrant family, a little known fact is that Jasper Tarrant was born whilst his parents were at sea. His father Samuel was a captain in the Royal navy and owner of Tarrant Lines, a family business who constructed vessels for trade and warfare. On occasion free spirited Florence Tarrant accompanied her husband on long voyages since the controversial construction of the Suez Canal was in production and Samuel's job kept him at sea for much of his life.

Due to this, Jasper Tarrant lived a seaman's life until the suspicious death of his parents when he was seven. Taken in by his Aunt Edith Tarrant along with his little sister Ava (4) Jasper did not find himself comfortable on land and took a long while to adjust. Often in trouble since his free spirited parents had let him loose throughout his childhood, Jasper led his good friend astray more often than not until he left to join the royal navy under an official role at the age of twelve. A true seaman, Jasper took after his ancestors and grew into a fine young naval captain and experienced hand in the art of warfare and business. He let his own eye wander while away however when back on land his Aunt Edith schooled the Marquis of Harrington in all kinds of society and how to stand and command respect within the social fields of the land. As Jasper reached an age where the ownership and running of Tarrant Lines could be passed down he left the navy to focus on expanding operations given the large increase in demand for luxury liners and development of engineering and technology.

Not one for social events, Jasper prefers to do his own thing however still manages to command a room with respect and honour. He loves to love the ladies his own way and has not actively settled down purely because of the lack of vibrancy a woman has showed him by not conforming to the monotonous routine of high society. His Aunt Edith, very much of the same nature understands this and thus does not push her nephew.

Now mostly on land to oversee the global operation of his empire, Jasper Tarrant's reputation has circulated through the grapevine with rumours that he is to be seen this season with Edith Tarrant. Will they see the tall man with the striking emerald gaze? Perhaps he will be spotted riding, or dancing in suit with his lengthy black hair pulled back by the small black silken tie.

Ava Bennet (Nee Tarrant)​

Second child and only daughter of Samuel and Florence Tarrant, Ava was too young to remember her parents. Raised by her Aunt Edith and her older brother Jasper Tarrant, Ava has grown up in Harrington County at the family estate as compared to her brother's sea life. Unlike her family, Ava cannot stand the sea which may possibly explain her refusal to join her husband, Merchant Walter Bennet when he leaves port. Still she loves the man despite her brother's constant offerings to have her marry his comrades and maintains it will help the family fortune in the long run.

An avid fan of the social circle, Ava has been seen taking after her aunt by escorting young debutants (often friends of the family) and providing them with knowledge and passing on experience of social etiquette. Hoping to start a family soon with her husband Ava has adopted a rather maternal instinct. Don't be mistaken however, Ava can speak frankly and often spends time with her brother critiquing certain subject matter or individuals.

Lord Theodore Hershel​

More affectionately known as Theo, Lord Hershel is often seen in the company of his friends, more notably his partner in crime the Marquis of Harrington. Though more softly spoken and honey eyed then the dark marquis, Theodore offers a pleasant country life, his parents the lord and lady of Ashford, not more than a few miles from Harrington. The fair skinned brown haired man grew up in Ashford, forming a firm friendship with young Jasper Tarrant and Sister Ava when they were children. Often led astray, Theodore is often a calm conscience asset to the circle of his friends and more often the shy individual when it comes to affairs with women. Still it is customary to have a large night on the drink when visiting Ashford as is fox hunting.

Educated as a surgeon, Theo has recently joined up with another local doctor to open business in the local area which caters for all individuals and families. Business is healthy and they intend to make a difference. His father Malcolm now a retired barrister lives at the family residence with his wife Livinia and hopes to present his daughter Clarissa in the next few years to prominent young men to further her future of wealth. Theodore's younger brother Owen (24) is stepping out into society and is taking after his father as a lawyer in the city.

Dustin Reid

NAME:Dustin Reid
NICKNAME: Called Reid by his workmates, Reidy (sometimes Dustbin by a few closer mates) by his mates

Father – Henry Reid
Mother – Maggie Reid
Charlie Reid – currently incarcerated in state prison
-Ex wife- Rachel Hobson
-Children- Daughter – Millie Reid, known as Millie Hobson aged 4
OCCUPATION: Fire fighter
RESIDES AT: Currently resides at the local firehouse in the overnight rooms since moving to town
Raised in a small country town where his father was fire chief and his mother ran a small deli. Their home was a town house on a large block and occupying pet goats
HAIR: Short dark brown, often kept super short for work
EYES: Grey
Small amount of stubble
Small tattoo of 'Millie' and her birth date on his left pectoral muscle
CLOTHING PARTICULARS:Often gets around in Jeans and t-shirts or plain singlets and in his casual fiery polo shirt and fire pants
Dustin is kind hearted and down to earth.
Sees self as: just a guy trying to find his little girl
Is seen by others as: - Dustin is known to be 'that random guy' since he is quiet and not well known around the new areas
HABITS: keeps a six pack for football games on a Friday night, runs every morning at sun up.
BEST FRIEND: His good friend James however since James and Rachel ran off together the friendship is off the cards
OTHER FRIENDS: Some of the other firefighters but again since moving he has left his old life behind
ENEMIES and WHY: his ex wife and now ex best friend for obvious reasons
Spending time with his daughter, visiting his mum and dad
Dustin grew up always wanting to do something cool for a job, eventually taking after his father and becoming a fireman. A nice country lad he moved to the city in his late teens with the family after his brother was convicted of a crime. The family did not speak of what had happened but none the less moved so his mother was closer to both sons.

A dedicated fireman, Dustin has always worked tirelessly and loves his job. Though eventually as he met new people in his new home he formed a new love in the form of Rachel Hobson, a local blonde bombshell who had managed to catch his attention. The two dated for two years before a love struck Dustin proposed and they married. Shortly after Rachel fell pregnant and they welcomed a beautiful daughter Millie to make their world perfect.

Only things went south pretty damn quickly and so did Rachel, who one day vanished with Millie and Dustin's best friend James. Angry and heartbroken after coming home to an empty house, Dustin has been tirelessly trying to find Rachel and James only to see his daughter.

Character B doesn't want to be where he currently is, fronting up to his first day at work as a bodyguard for some woman who can't even remember his name. After his last tour of duty ended devastatingly he is forced to return to civilian life after a psychologist refuses to clear him for active duty. His former boss recommends him to a family friend who is in dire need of a bodyguard and it's about as close as he can currently get to his previous life so begrudgingly he accepts.

Character A has just landed a role in a hot new movie and she couldn't be more excited. But as her fame torpedoes her into stardom the actress is beginning to attract the bad with the perks...relentless paparazzi, overexcited fans and the more stranger and creepy stalkers. Her manager is running out of options since she has refused to take precautions or play things safe. Despite the actress's demands her manager finds a solution in hiring Character B.

Ever since (a) moved in with her best friend life has been a whirlwind of fun. Both are pursuing their dream careers and when they aren't working; both spend their time hanging out with friends in all of the local haunts or hanging about their modest rental. It was a huge move to the other side of the country for (a) but thankfully she had found her niche even if life gets a little out of control sometimes.

(a)'s bestie is living in a blissful relationship, living her single life vicariously through (a) who she claims is hopeless when it comes to dating. She is forever pushing (a) to people with the hopes that she will find love as well as luck in their city. After a long night out (a) trudges out of her room for a much needed drink of water, coming face to face with a tall, towel clad stranger (B) she has never met before. It's awkward to say the least; who is this guy? What is his deal?

(B) Lives life at a very fast pace and is infamous for never having stayed in place for too long to make any kind of attachments. He claims that true love doesn't exist and life is too short to be stuck playing happy homes. Of course there is a much darker and deeper meaning behind the outlook but no one has noticed since (B) is forever seen in the middle of the party scene playing entertainment hosts to wealthy people in locations spread across the globe. Want to host a raunchy yacht party in the Greek islands? Open the latest nightclub with a room full of A-listers? Hell host a private party in the penthouse of a luxurious hotel? (B) Is one of the most sought after entertainment hosts. In Stanton to meet up with his friend for a few nights whilst he works on an event closer to home, (B) crashes at his best friend's girlfriend's place. Arriving late he has a quick shower and wraps a towel around his waist before heading to the couch when suddenly things take an unexpected turn.

- Plot mash option - change of Character B to Greyson Beckett. taking out character B's traumatic backstory. Both characters have some similarities (refer to 'the boyfriend experience')

Character (A) and character (B) are two strangers in a small rural town. There is a swarm of rumors around newcomer (A), a guy who just moved into a small cottage on the outskirts of town who is working cash jobs as a jack of all trades. Only no one knows much about who he is or where he came from. He is quiet and keeps to himself. Your character is a long-time local who isn't quite sure on the new guy either but he seems nice enough.

Character A has demons he is trying desperately to escape and this is the seventh time in the last year that he has had to move. Under the guise of a new name and completely different profession to what he was originally employed as, he just wants a quiet life. You see, only a few years ago he was living a great life, a cop in a medium sized city. He had a good job, great friends and nothing to worry about. Until the night Kylie Blackburn died.
The Story of (A)'s past is slowly revealed throughout the plot development and explains in time why (A) is so mysteriously private. What does become clear is that (A) has a lot of things to look over his shoulder about and when dangerous incidences begin to occur in town, the residents are left asking questions. Will he be able to get away from his past enough to settle here in this sleepy little town? Will he be driven to go back on the run? And will (B) tie him down long enough to remember his own worth?

In an age of piracy, Captain Ryker James Cavanaugh is about as notorious as they come. Having several claims under his belt and sailing on a stolen man o'war dubbed the Raven, Ryker is a force to be reckoned with.

Your character however comes across the pirate in an odd circumstance, tethered to the remains of the Raven's mast and near death after suffering exposure from the elements and a brutal lashing from the hands of another. How has he come to be in such a state? What happened to his ship and crew?

Fun fact - Character Cillian Cavanagh and associated family from the story 'my heart is broken' shared with writer Dark Disney are descendant's of the captain,

It all started the summer Claire died. Character A (13) and Claire (12 turning 13) were inseparable as friends always playing together after school and on the weekends out in the fields of their hometown, a small mining village at the base of Plymouth Mountain called Slims Gully. It is a tight knit community where neighbours spend holidays and special occasions celebrating with each other. But nothing could protect the townsfolk from the horrors of that day twenty years ago. Character A was supposed to meet Claire at the local video shop after school before they were to spend that weekend at her house, Claire sleeping over where they would do as they always did, movie nights with lollies and spending the next day in town at the market fair. But when Character A arrives Claire never shows.

The following morning the air is disrupted by an ear piercing scream from a tourist at the car park of the Plymouth mountain trail. They've stumbled across a body dumped in the bushes just off the mountain trail path and it's none other than Claire. Her death is ruled a homicide and immediately fingers are pointed at a few suspects including Character B (15) who is also a close friend of Claire and Character A. Character B is labelled to have been the last person seen with Claire and from a witness account he is seen to be arguing with her. He doesn't help his situation when he refuses to cooperate with police. As the investigation into who killed Claire continues and her favourite bracelet is found to be in Character B's possession he is arrested. With a reputation before the murder of being a trouble maker, character B has little help in his defense and is later convicted of killing Claire despite the case having only circumstantial evidence against him. The town holds a memorial each year for Claire and most declare their wish to see Character B rot in prison.

Twenty years later and Slims gully hasn't changed much at all, still the slow paced town where everyone is known to each other. No one has forgotten poor little Claire, the girl whose life was cut short and they aren't likely too since a well known figure passes along the main street in an old beat up pickup truck. It's character B, thirty five years old and a hell of a lot different to the young boy he once was. Whispers circulate town in a frenzy as his face appears, most horrified to think the man accused of murdering Claire has the balls to come back to this place especially since he still completely denies murdering Claire all those years ago.

Character B can't believe he is in Slims Gully after all these years and he sure as shit doesn't want to be there in the first place. The only reason he is back is to wrap up his late mother's affairs which involves working out what the hell to do with the family farm. As he drives into town he knows he is being watched and ridiculed and it hurts just as much as the day the police arrested him for murdering Claire, a murder he did not commit. He comes to town with the expectation to have things sorted and be on his way out by the end of the week but soon fate turns it's hand and he is caught right back, facing his fifteen year old self and the same accusations.

When Character B arrives, another body is found on the memorial date of Claire's murder. Everyone is talking and before Character B can leave he is hauled in for questioning. He swears to the police it isn't him but with no one on his side for the second time in his life, Character B is staring down the barrel of another wrongful conviction until the last person he could have imagined visits him. It's character A and she thinks he may just be telling the truth....

Variations to the plot
Character A and B can have genders swapped. Relationships to other characters can be altered, for instance Character A and Claire could be brother and sister with Character B Claire's boyfriend or Character A and Claire are friends with Character B Claire's sibling. For each pairing the plot may vary slightly to accommodate the change in details.
slow burn idea, similar to other ideas but I think this would be good to play on several versions with different dynamics.

Grayson Beckett isn't your typical boy next door, he's the owner of a club called Envy. located in a refurbished industrial block, Envy is well known for catering to a range of wealthy clients and whilst the first two floors are dedicated to a popular nightclub, the third floor is rumored to hold more sinful delights. whilst the club is a world in itself, Grayson is often found escorting a range of women of varying ages and lifestyles, attending local events right up to travelling across the world. When his friend asks him to attend an event for a double date, he obliges, after all it's just another job. But when he meets YC, things in Grayson's world much just start to get a little more complicated.

Extra info - I designed this plot around the character idea. I want to explore the dynamic of a character who is a male escort and how the lifestyle might impact a slice of life rp. that and i watched way too much of gigolos one weekend.

Its the dawn of the new social season and gossip is rife amongst eager debutants and aging socialites as to who will pair together with pending nuptials. With the end of war having brought many brothers and fathers back to the homeland, the first debutant ball of the year is set with invitations delivered across the towns that make up their glorious country. The world is ours to build as we set our characters into a scene of lords and ladies, courtship and duels. Who will fall marry? who will find themselves destined to be a spinster for the remainder of their days?

This one is open for a range of characters and plots. I love this theme and prefer to build a world inspired by edwardian and victorian era themes. Rules are simply that this is not strictly accurate however I do want to retain a little bit of stereotype i.e - realistic medicine for the time but not everyone needs to be a wilting flower. industry can be timber or iron driven, not accurate to real world age etc.

Tanner's Crossing is a medium sized country town with an estimated population of just over 6000 residents. Originally established as a major trade route junction, the town has grown significantly from it's original establishment of a trading depot, inn and general store. Whilst the original stores still stand today, they are graced either side by a long row of shops making up the centre of town. Named after it's founder Byron Tanner, the town has withstood the test of time, growing to be a bustling hub famous for it's bakery, annual orchard festival and national parks.

With in the world of Tanner's Crossing, brings us to the local firehouse where our plots take place.
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Kinsley MacNamara
Nickname: Mac
Age: 30 (can be changed to suit)
Height: 5'1
Weight: 130lbs
Distinguishing marks: tattoos of red roses and ravens strategically placed where her scars are
Physical Appearance: (FC: Ksenia Solo)
Pic option.jpg

Often sleeps in a hammock on her fire-escape.
Habitually tucks a paintbrush through the bun of her hair and quite often forgets to take it out when leaving her apartment.
Pulls her sleeves down if uncomfortable

Street jams
People watching
Classical music mashed with modern genres

Appearing to be weak in front of others
Being asked too many questions by strangers
Small spaces
Animal cruelty
People fighting other than for sport
Her father and his extended family

Born and raised in a suburb outside of New York City, Kinsley was originally named Kinsley Beckett. Only daughter and sibling to younger brothers Cade and Jonah, Kinsley's childhood was heavily marred by domestic abuse perpetrated by her father David Beckett. Despite the severity of the situation inside the Beckett home, her mother Leanne did extremely well to hide the truth from anyone the family interacted with. Despite the challenges the young girl faced, Kinsley was a spirited child who loved school and exhibited her creative talents. When Cade was born, Kinsley helped her mother to be the best big sister possible which brought more harm than good in the home as she got older, becoming more protective of her younger brother from their father and his wrath. Despite multiple instances of extreme violence, Leanne never left David and Kinsley eventually began to endure the brunt of David's abuse when Leanne was left in a heap or was occupied elsewhere with caring for Cade and later infant Jonah.

A major turn point in Kingsley's life was the day her brother Cade asked to have a sleep over at his friend's house. She has either blocked or genuinely cannot remember some details however clearly remembers the moment her brother left with his friend. Her other brother Jonah was only six months old and she remembers her mother being exhausted. The ten year old girl was in her room when her father came home from work, belligerent and riled. Though there was little difference in the way her parents began to argue, what developed that evening was more terrifying then she cares to ever admit. As Kingsley came out from her room to find her father and mother arguing in the kitchen she begged them to stop, her father pushed her across the kitchen into the dining table. David and Leanne fought until Leanne attempted to defend herself and her children with a knife from the dishwashing rack on the sink. Though David was injured during the fray, he was easily able to take the knife from his wife before violently stabbing her to death before turning upon Kingsley, stabbing her as she tried to escape before he proceeded to murder his infant child and flee.

Though David Beckett had fled the scene, neighbours had already phoned emergency services to report concerns from the screams that could be heard during the argument. Left to die in the kitchen beside her deceased mother, Kingsley was found clinging to life by an attending officer and subsequently rescued. This event led to the arrest and trial of her father David Beckett who pled not guilty on grounds of self-defence to the murder of his wife Leanne. Managing to recover from the horrific attack, Kingsley testified against her father and there was little doubt over his guilt. Cade and Kingsley were entered into the foster system and David was sentenced to three consecutive life sentences for the murders of Leanne and Jonah Beckett as well as the attempted murder of Kingsley.

Whilst Kingsley was taken in by a loving foster family, the physical and mental scars left from the attack, trial and the separation from her last remaining sibling were extensive. For some time she was seen by a team of specialists however as she aged Kingsley's behaviour declined and she ultimately ran away from her foster home, living homeless on the streets until she was in her late teens.

She has experienced the ups and downs of street life and though she had never adequately addressed her issues in a clinical environment, Kinglsey has developed her own coping mechanisms (albeit unconventional and in a lot of ways negative) to get on with her life. Having little education and being homeless meant she was unable to find a decent paying job or permanent place to lay her head, right up until she was caught sleeping in an alleyway by local boxing gym owner 'Big Bobby'. Their first meeting was the start of an odd mentorship in which Big Bobby eventually convinced Kingsley that there was more in this world meant for her and that she deserved to learn her worth.

Since this meeting Kingsley has learnt how to defend herself decently and regularly attends Big Bobby's gym to work out. Discovering and helping to develop her passion and talent for art, Big Bobby assisted Kingsley in what would become an illegal but profitable trade of tattooing. New York had bizarrely outlawed tattooing however it did not stop Big Bobby from operating an underground tattoo shop at the gym where Kingsley has learnt and now applies her trade. When not earning cash to survive this way, Kingsley began to produce paintings in various mediums and selling them on the street. This grew more profitable and now Kingsley has made a name for herself for her artwork.

Bobby has helped Kingsley overcome many of her hardships in the past and has gained enough of her trust over the years to learn about her history. Kingsley eventually adopted her mother's maiden name of McNamara and Big Bobby assisted in making this a solid identity by nicknaming her Mac.

Making enough to get by, Kingsley eventually managed to secure a small apartment which she considers her sanctuary. She doesn't like to let anyone in her apartment and has decorated the walls with hanging bed sheets which she has painted intricate imagery upon. At night if she isn't tattooing at Big Bobby's boxing ring, Kingsley is secretly painting the walls across town under the guise of 'spider' (named because each of the paintings always has a small spider somewhere) with colourful, captivating street art which is both thought provoking and aims to add life to the local area.
The billionaire boys list.

NAME: Cruz Le'Strange
NICKNAME: often referred to by surname only
NATIONALITY: American/French
FAMILY: Le'Strange
Father - Pierre Le'Strange
Mother - Olivia Le'strange (nee hammond)
Siblings Jersey 30, Kendra, 33
DESCRIPTION OF HOME: Cruz currently rents a sky lounge apartment in the heart of the city, lavish yet simple in design with a very masculine set out of leather furniture and suave appeal.
HAIR: slick black hair in a rough cut, often gelled back when out with stray fringe strands of hair that fall occasionally
EYES: silver blue
often grows some facial hair just under the bottom lip and sometimes appears unshaven if he hasn't been at work for a couple of days.
often wears designer jeans, black boots and formal shirts, suits when working and at formal occasions, kicks back in a football shirt around home and singlet tops.
Sees self as: hard working, focused and not one to back down against a challenge.
Is seen by others as: wealthy bachelor, he's cheeky around his close friends and family but professionally he is a defense attorney that has a reputation as a shark in the courtroom. He is intimidating and always comes to court on a calculated approach.
BEST FRIEND: Archer Dupre
OTHER FRIENDS: very close to his sisters, his main group of mates are Laurence, Sawyer and Mattio
ENEMIES and WHY: other high rise businessmen due to work, some underground figures though this is not publicised.
HOBBIES/PASTTIMES: avid soccer player, once played state until a knee injury forced him to retire before he could break into nationals.
playing chess with his father and cards at family occasions.

The only Son and eldest child of the Le'Strange family, Cruz has had a privileged upbringing, his mother the daughter of a wealthy American businessman and his father having spent a long career in law as a district attorney and later as a judge. Crus attended boarding school just like his sisters and later attended law school to pursue a career in the same field as his father after having suffered a knee injury which dashed any hopes of a soccer career. With a talent for arguing and debating, Cruz made an impressive junior lawyer and eventually found better pay as a defense attorney. Despite his youth, Cruz fought his way and established a reputation in the law community for his skills in the court room under pressure. After successfully defending a client in two high profile cases, Cruz was scouted by firm Hanley and Hartford. Taking the offer to join the firm, Cruz has worked his proverbial butt off to become a partner in the firm.

NAME: Oscar Henriksson
Nickname: 'oscar the grouch'
Father – Erik Henriksson
Mother – Astrid Viklund(dec)
Siblings: none
DESCRIPTION OF HOME: large townhouse with high ceilings and white marble flooring. Crisp white walls are adorned with large, framed photography and painting featuring the feminine form and Swedish landscapes. There is artwork and sculptures throughout with the open loungeroom area leading out to a landscaped garden.
HAIR: Sandy brown/blonde mid length wavy hair
EYES: blue
always clean shaven
always wears a blue button up shirt with the sleeves folded to the elbow, slacks and black oxford shoes.
Sees self as: a gentleman. Quite often feels lonely.

Is seen by others as: quiet and stern, a harsh critic even to those closest to him.
HABITS: can make interns cry at the drop of a hat.
BEST FRIEND: none specific

OTHER FRIENDS: it is assumed that Oscar doesn't have friends

ENEMIES and WHY: has a long standing rivalry with another designer from Sweden after they were caught trying to produce one of his father's designs under their own name.
HOBBIES/PASTTIMES: has a coffee shop he habitually shops at. Used to have fun as a kid, helping to pin the hems of dresses for 'Lilliana' former lead designer for Erik.

Born into an established fashion empire was a gift that Oscar doesn't touch on a lot but is certainly the key beginning of his biography. Born to famous fashion designer Erik Henriksson and supermodel Astrid Viklund, Oscar was only four when his mother passed away from an overdose. Due to Erik's work and frequent travel, Oscar went wherever his father went and was homeschooled. Learning about the fashion world from an early age, Oscar experienced a childhood that few would never understand. Raised to appreciate fashion and the feminine form, Oscar began designing clothes as a youngster and is known to have spent hours in the cutting rooms with his fathers employees helping to create garments under the House of Henriksson name. Eventually interning and then coming on board as a fulltime designer, Oscar has designed evening gowns and bridal couture for well known figures across the globe, stretching as far as royalty. Eventually buying into the company, Oscar now shares half of the company with the remainder held by his father Erik. Having settled and opened a studio in America seven years prior, Oscar has remained in the city to lead the House of Henriksson in the American fashion scene.

NAME: Nathaniel Caruso
NICKNAME: Nate, Nathan
Father – Rick Caruso
Mother – Marie Caruso
Siblings – Julien(Jules) (Eldest), Samuel (Sammy)(Twin), Tristan ('T') (youngest)
DESCRIPTION OF HOME: Three level house in an affluent suburb which overlooks the city below. Designed by an architect to cater for his love of motorsport, the long driveway curves down into a large basement level where several cars, bikes and other vehicles are stored in showroom style, complete with a vehicle lift and mechanics area. The second floor meets the visitor parking bays on the side of the hill and is the primary entry point. The top level is comprised of bedrooms and bathrooms.
HAIR: Dark brown hair usually cut as a crew cut with fade.
EYES: Honey brown
has a Caruso motorsport logo on the back of his left calf with a promo girl holding a racing flag in the background and viper racing car underneath. Has a scar just beneath his fringe from Julien hitting him in the head with a golf club when they were kids. Subtle burn scar from a motorbike exhaust on the inner left calf.
Most often in a Caruso uniformed polo shirt and business pants. Wears a suit to formal events where required. Often in racing leathers at the race circuit.
Sees self as: a bit of a hazard but the better Caruso brother.
Is seen by others as: A good driver on the track, more business orientated than
BEST FRIEND: is close to his twin brother Samuel.
OTHER FRIENDS: Matt Davis (teammate) and a couple of guys from racing over the years.
ENEMIES and WHY: Some competitors purely out of competition and track gossip. One particular business partner because he dated the man's girlfriend several years earlier. Other luxury car designers due to his ability to sell just about anything.
HOBBIES/PASTTIMES: vacation trips with the family, competing in different sports against his brothers, loves restoring vintage model cars.

Caruso Motorsport began way back when the four Caruso boys were young, with Rick and Marie Caruso putting some money into purchasing a couple of go karts for the boys to play with out on their rural property. Originally imagined by the boys during games they played racing each other, things became more serious when eldest child, Julien Caruso asked his father to join the local sprint car club. Soon enough it became a family event and each of the Caruso boys entered the same or another variant of motorsport.

Nathaniel was an intelligent student and like the rest of the brothers, very much sport orientated. Combining his passions, Nathaniel became involved heavily involved in the racing scene and worked part time during his teens as a mechanic. Nathaniel's father Rick signed up Caruso Motorsport as an official entity and together the Caruso siblings contributed their own expertise and passions into making the business larger than life. Eventually learning the design and engineering aspects of vehicle manufacturing, Nathaniel worked with other industry experts and his family to create a luxury car line, sold as the 'viper'. A vehicle that stands next to other world luxury car dealerships, the Viper is now known globally, prized for its sleek design and modern technological enhancements, Caruso Motorsport has launched the vehicle for private purchase as well as creating a version for sport car racing. Nathaniel and teammate Matt Davis have been the drivers for Caruso Motorsport in the category since the first year of production.

Whilst Caruso Motorsport continues to boom, Rick and Marie are both happily retired and living on the family farm where Caruso Motorsport began.
Damon James Harris
Nicknames: DJ, Harris, Harry

Age: 36

Gender: Male



Role on Team: Hotshot Crew Member

Dialogue Color: #D1D5D8
View attachment 252960
Physical Build:
Broad shouldered mesomorphic build, bit of a rugby player athletic type.
Clothing Style:
quite often in public DJ is seen in jeans and random t-shirts or plain dark coloured button up shirt with rolled sleeves, kept constantly rolled so much so that the fabric has faded in portions. Wears boots or thongs (flip flops). At home or when relaxing, he will wear boardshorts and singlets, thongs (flip flops) or walk about barefoot. Has been well known to take his shirt off when working and stuff it through the loop of his jean belt.

Sexuality: Hetero
Crush: N/A
Daniel Harris- biological father (estranged)
Mandy Harris (nee saunders) – biological mother (estranged)
Amy Saunders -maternal aunt (resides in New South Wales, Australia)
Described best as 'a bit rough around the edges', DJ is fairly laid back at least until his patience runs out. He loves a good laugh but does enjoy his own time out and freedom. He cannot sit still at the best of times and is quick to run towards danger and excitement rather than away from it, mostly to his own detriment. He is impulsive and brash (especially with his words which can come off the wrong way), becomes bored easily and can be hard to pull into line. He is intelligent and good at what he puts his mind to as long as he enjoys it. He is well known to create solutions and act quickly in situations which has helped on multiple occasions. He is charismatic and seems to easily attract people including a lengthening list of romantic partners. Do not be fooled, DJ does not do commitment and is fiercely protective of his heart and secrets.

A decent beer on a hot day
football and rugby.
Watching the sunset and night sky
The feeling of fear and adrenaline right before doing something crazy
A good old fashion fair fist fight.

Being harassed with personal questions
Staying in one place for too long
Being sober in a room of drunks
People who don't listen

Has a habit of putting his feet up on something when he is sitting in a chair.
Randomly chews on toothpicks dangling half out of his mouth.
Leans against doorframes or holds onto the tops of the doorframe.
Often comes out with Australian slang terms forgetting no one else will probably understand what he is saying

Skills: (5)
Resourceful and resilient
Strong self-discipline
Advanced experience with recovery and survival techniques
An unusual knack for negotiating and persuasion.

Detriments: (5)
Impatient and Brash
Can be distrustful of others.
Stubborn as all hell
Born in Broome, Western Australia (WA) to Daniel and Mandy Harris, Damon was three when his parents went through an acrimonious divorce. Mandy fled WA with little Damon back to her own childhood town in rural New South Wales (NSW). Told by his mother that his father simply did not want either of them in his life, Damon has never looked for his father and refuses to acknowledge his existence.

Mandy Harris was no saint herself, spending most of her money on cigarettes and meth than food and basics. With quite the reputation, Damon can recall various memories of strange people with his mother, sleeping on the floor with his teddy bear and his seventh birthday when he was picked up off the side of the road from the local policeman and taken to his aunt's house about three hours' drive east. It was this home where he found the love and care of Mandy's sister Amy.

From that point on, Damon was raised by his maternal Aunt and broke contact with his mother. He grew up in a country town near the Kosciuszko mountains, experiencing life on a cattle farm and living in a small rural community where everyone knew if you weren't a local. Though he struggled to learn at school when something didn't take his interest, Damon certainly wasn't stupid.

If there was trouble to be found, it was quite often Damon and a few rascal friends in the middle of the fray. It was not unusual for Damon and his friends to end up exploring caves on the holidays, rock climbing, hiking and camping across the mountain and taking advantage of available farm equipment like motorbikes and atv's to get around. Throughout his early teens into young adulthood, Damon volunteered for the local bushfire volunteer group and regularly attended fires, accidents and other emergency situations as most country volunteers do in rural towns within Australia.

Despite wanting to leave school early, Aunt Amy pushed him to graduate. Whilst working as an apprentice heavy diesel mechanic, Damon dated a local girl named Heidi who he had known from school. Though Heidi was not the most suitable person his aunt wanted Damon to date, it became a little too late when it was revealed that Heidi was pregnant. 18 and suddenly a father to be, Damon was fearful and unsure of whether they were ready to be parents whilst Heidi was smitten. Aunt Amy encouraged the two despite being less than impressed by the news and Damon began to save his wages with the intention of providing for his new family.

Circumstances swiftly changed one evening when the local volunteers were called out to an accident site. Coming across the scene, one car had drifted across the lane and collided with another car which had careened into the ditch. Tragically upon sighting the vehicle, Damon discovered that one of the cars was Heidi's and she was found deceased behind the wheel. Undoubtedly this tragic accident changed the course of DJ's life from here on out, leaving him with trauma, anger and overwhelming grief. This experience was incredibly hard on Damon who struggled with post traumatic stress for some time. He managed to complete his trade certification and continued to work as a volunteer firefighter but his aunt grew concerned at how her nephew had withdrawn into himself.

At the age of twenty, Damon announced to his aunt that he was going to travel, having saved up enough money to start with a trip across Europe on a Contiki tour. Anxious for her nephew, Amy still let him go after conceding that perhaps it was time Damon did something that would take him away from a place that held awful memories. The Contiki trip was six weeks of drinking, travelling and touring key places across Europe with other young people and the start of Damon Harris living out in the world with minimal possessions, wanting to experience the world without being held down. Since that year, Damon has travelled extensively through Europe, portions of Africa, south America and now North America, working and volunteering to get by. At the start of 'They Go In', Damon is currently living in town out of an old chevy express van which has been converted into a camper for full time living. He has purchased a Yamaha mt07 to get about when he has the van parked up. It's his first season with the crew after successfully gaining a spot through recruitment, only having tried out on a drunken bet made in the local bar.
Men at work – Down Under
Paul Kelly – Dumb Things
Powderfinger – These days
Hilltop Hoods ft, Maverick Sabre and Brother Ali – Live and Let Go
John Farnham – Playing to win
INXS and Jimmy Barnes – Good times
The living End – Til the end
Gavin Rossdale – Adrenaline

Work and Volunteering undertaken in his travels:
Helping to renovate and build new community facilities
Assisting wildlife conservation efforts
Disaster relief work and restoration of homes
Farming – both orchard and stock work
Search volunteer work including recovery
Volunteer emergency relief work and firefighting