INTEREST CHECK GROUP RP PLOTTING Star Wars Mandalorian and Sith Roleplay

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Neuro Vampire

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Plot: The Sith Empire has pretty much gain dominance over the galaxy. The Galactic Republic is about to fall but the Jedi Order fell years ago. The remaining resistance is the Mandalorians. They had remained largely out of the fighting slowly recruiting and preparing themselves.

As darkness gripped the galaxy, Mandalore The Revolutionary saw opportunity. He prioritized recruitment and acquisition to further improve and equip a fighting force. Electrosword technology from the Kage, zillo beast hide armor, energy shielded armor, reinstating the use of crushgaunts, cortosis, and more. Such advancements allowed Mandalore to conserve on the use beskar but equip forces with Mandalorian grade equipment and fight almost the same if not better. He even made sure to have old Neo Crusader War Forges put back to use and is still seeking a way to revive basilisk war droids. In addition, he started sending out emissaries to train, recruit, and spread the Mandalorian warrior culture to other systems expanding greatly in the final years of the Galactic Republic.

Although equipped to battle against force users Mandalore the Revolutionary knew one of the best ways to fight the force is to use it. Just as with equipment acquisition and soldier recruitment he commissioned a revolutionary force based organization called the Mandalorian Knights. They studied the ways of the Jedi, Sith, Matukai, Jensaarai, and more to create their our traditions and practices. Lightsabers are just as common as Force imbued weapons and some senior Mandalorian Knights have newly made sith swords. Mandalorian Knights especially utilize the Jensaarai practice of forging force imbued armor as no member of the Mandalorian Knights uses Beskar. This is for necessary conservation purposes and encouragement of proper utilization of force imbuement.

About: The timing of the roleplay is up for debate but I figured legend continuity would be best with maybe certain things taken from the canon continuity.

Starting Point: Characters can be Sith, Mandalorians, Mandalorian Knights, deserted Galactic Republic, etc. Long as they can find a way in with the both character driven and story driven portions of the roleplay it's a go. When the story starts it will be during a mission to recover an operational surviving Basilisk war droid. The knowledge of this among other Mandalorian activities has garnered Sith Empire, Republic, and third party attention with some wanting it for themselves or simply wanting to stop the Mandalorians from getting it.
Nice idea. I'm in.
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Nice idea. I'm in.
Probably looking to set this around 120-130 ABY since the plot seems to match that era with another great Jedi purge and Sith Empire becoming the galactic dominant government. It also adds up because it was during the Vong War that allowed the Mandalorians to have more beskar. That also means Vong characters are eligible as well.
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I'd probably go with a Mandalorian Knight.
I'd probably go with a Mandalorian Knight.
Excellent choice they'll be on the team to recover the Basilisk war droid.

For a good entry for all characters the mission will take place on Ossus the site of third great Jedi purge which Jedi have been known to return to and therefore imperial patrols also periodically sweep the planet looking for those Jedi.
I'd probably go with a Mandalorian Knight.
I willing to start this roleplay with just us and see if anyone else jumps onboard
Sure, I guess.

What are your requirements for a CS?
[Appearance Image]













Plans for Development:


Name: Sebastion Cadera

Alias(es)(optional): The Single Blade Yovshin Swordsman, The Bastion of Clan Cadera

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Affiliation: Mandalorians, Yovshin Swordsman

Personality: Sebastion has a welcoming persona and doesn't keep himself particularly hard. He just has habit of looking approachable but nothing about his persona matches his looks. He has a unique interest in the various warrior cultures of the galaxy and how they can improve the Mandalorian Way. He is an innovator and his mind is always set towards the next improvement, upgrade, or innovation without fail.

History: Sebastion was not born a Mandalorian but instead a Yovshin Swordsman in Jar Kai on the planet Atrisia. Unlike most Atrisians, he made the choice to leave Atrisia. He left when he was 15 to pursue his goal of becoming a better warrior. That brought him eventually to the Mandalorians.

He was brought into the Mandalorian way through his adoption into Clan Cadera. His Yovshin Swordsman background helped him grow into customs at a decent pace. However, it was not until he opted to switch to fighting with two different weapons in his hands that he became a truly noteworthy Mandalorian.

In his early tasks and assignments he proved himself to be a rising star among Clan Cadera which for thousands of years has not be worthy of renown. He's also one of the few non force sensitive Mandalorians that would volunteer for an assignment involving force sensitives. Such assignment are naturally dangerous and even more so to those without the force. Surviving them is what built his reputation as the Bastion of Clan Cadera and the Single Blade Yovshin Swordsman

  • Swordsmanship
  • Pistol Marksmanship
  • Martial Arts
  • Weapon and Gadget Technical Skills
Equipment: He does have an assortment of optional weapons and gear such as firearms and gadgets but those are chosen(announced) before mission
  • Zillo Beast Hide Armor: Has a similar durability to beskar
  • Mandalorian Crushgaunts: Gauntlets containing micronized beskar that enhances strength for crushing and gripping things.
  • Mandalorian Vambraces: Contains energy shields, wrist gun, darts, grappling wire, and flame thrower
  • Electrosword: In lieu of beskar he uses a sword that's imbued with electric current o magnetically seal it improving cutting power and allowing it to parry lightsabers/electro weapons
  • Standard Mandalorian Jetpack without missile

Weaknesses: No Force Sensitivity, Long Range Combat

Plans for Development:
  • Add Cortosis Weave to armor
  • Be selected to serve directly under the Mandalore
  • Become an actually skilled pilot

Other: Figured a non force sensitive player character to balance out the many Mandalorian Knight NPCs I'll have to play

Name: Quel Sho

Alias: Ghost Face

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Race: Nagai

Affiliation: Mandalorian Knight

Personality: Quel has a cold charm marked by an edge of cruelty. Bitter and cynical, she does not allow others close, believing that emotional attachments will only make her vulnerable - and yet. and yet. Her people believe that devotion to loved ones is the greatest virtue, and despite all she's been through a part of her still cleaves to that.

History: Quel Sho is a good girl gone very, very bad. She was one of a very few Nagai padawans in galactic history, the only Nagai in her generation to be accepted by the Jedi. She bore the weight of her race's reputation on her narrow shoulders, and she carried it with pride - until the Massacre at Ossus. While the vast majority of the Jedi who fell into the trap acquitted themselves with honour, sacrificing themselves to buy time for others to escape, Quel's master, after some initial resistance, realised the futility of struggle and attempted to surrender. Quel was shocked and tried to bring him back to the fight, but he stabbed her and left her for dead, defecting to the forces of the Sith. Quel survived, scarred in body and soul. Thoroughly disillusioned by the Jedi, she began to make her own way through the Galaxy. Since then, she has walked dark paths, sometimes simply in order to survive, but sometimes in order to become stronger. She has hired herself out as a bounty hunter, a bodyguard, a mercenary - and carved a name for herself as one who is willing to do things that others will not. Eventually she caught wind of a new group of Force user, the Mandalorian Knights, who sought to oppose the Sith. She joined them, not out of any conviction about their cause, but simply because they were the group most likely to help her gain her revenge.

Abilities: Quel Sho was a promising and talented padawan, and was particularly strong in the Control suite of Force powers. She could amplify her already breathtaking speed and agility to incredible levels, and used this to good effect in her use of lightsaber Form IV. She had also been initiated into the use of Form VII, but her training in it was dangerously incomplete, but she does tap into her cold wrath to feed the aggressiveness of her combat forms.

Equipment: Quel uses twin cortosis-laced tekh'la blades in combat. She owns a shoto-style lightsaber, but has not been seen wielding it since Ossus. She eschews the heavy, bulky Mandalorian armour in favour of cortosis-weave robes, which allow her to use her blinding speed to its fullest effect.

Weaknesses: Tempted by the Dark Side.

Plans for Development: Quel is gradually working towards mastery of Form VII.

Other: TBA