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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

The Wanderer

Mysterious Stranger
Original poster
Invitation Status
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...
Or rather, in a different version of a Galaxy Far, Far Away. Where two different galaxies merged into one, events playing out far differently over the course of history. Along with the Droid Army of the Separatists from the Outer Rim, the Turian Fleet devastates the Republic from the South. The Quarians' home world of Rannoch is taken by the Geth and turned into a sanctuary for Droids and Sentient Machines as it sits behind a thick asteroid belt when the war starts to sizzle out and the Great Purge occurs. And finally, a strange new race emerges from the Unknown Regions, known as the Asari, who bring with them strange technology that is used to make Biotics.
The Rebellion kicks off with the remnants of the Turian Fleet and the various Cells with their respective heroes. A man known as Shepard deals with the Empire's shadier side of things to off-balance the Empire's underground hold. And the ever-wonderful Jedi Luke Skywalker destroying the first Death Star and helping his father return to the Light Side and kill the Emperor. Causing the all-powerful Empire to crumble into warring factions squabbling over what remains. With some even saying they're continuing the deeds of the Emperor. His final will as it was.
Which bring us to the present. Three whole years after the Destruction of the Second Death Star.
The New Republic is still stretching its wings and trying to get a proper foothold in the Galaxy amidst the power vacuum, with the Turians supplying the military and policing effort along with the veterans of the Rebellion, focusing its efforts on the Outer Rim as best as it can. The Citadel being a place of commerce and a hub for trade. Nearly a resort for the rich and important people, it also serves as a delegatory for trade issues and other small-fry issues that didn't require the New Republic's attention. And of course, the underworld element of the galaxy is thriving in the still-healing Galaxy. Which is where you come in.
By whatever means that has accosted you, you have become indebted to a Warlord from the Empire who has decided to call in that favor and he's making it clear that you can't say no.
"Refuse this offer and I'll see to it that you're carved and used for rations by those barbaric Lizard Aliens."

What a wonderful situation...

A little guide for Backgrounds and their bonuses.

Character Sheet
Name: [The name of your character, can include nicknames and alias. Can be affected by Race.]
Age: [Self Explanatory. But be warned, the older, the more your character may run into situations that can not benefit them.]
Gender: [Self Explanatory.]
Race: [Do think carefully about what race you pick as some do have pros and cons to their reputation in the Galaxy, as well as inherent genetic abilities or debuffs unique to them.]
Sexuality: [Self Explanatory.]
Appearance Notes: [If you don't got arts or whatever you have isn't providing enough information, you can list it here. From scars, tattoos, unique appearance details to style of clothing.]
Personality: [The basics for your character, likes and dislikes, how they act and so on, morals. Can be as simple as you want or as detailed and intricate if that's your prerogative. Can even be adjectives in this style: "Positive - Kind, Intelligent, Understanding. Neutral - Biased, Shy, Apathetic. Negative - Cruel, Arrogant, Overtly Critical" if you want a far more simple and easy method. Especially since I forgot this bit and I feel bad. ;-;]
Affiliations: [Past and Present affiliations, think carefully as this can affect some things encountered in the story.]
Relations: [NPC or Character Relations that is entirely optional, can talk it out in the Brainstorming chat in the Discord.]
Gear: [What gear they have on them.]
Assets: [What assets they have available, from credits to ships to Droids.]
Skills: [Ranked from S - Master, A - Excellent, B - Above Average, C - Average, D - Below Average, E - Poor, F - Beyond Hope. Whatever skills your characters, from fighting to cooking or simply knowing history goes here. Go nuts. Will say though that only a max of two S Rank Skills.]
Abilities: [Optional if your character has racial abilities, force abilities or something that normal people don't have.]
Strengths: [What is your character good at?]
Weaknesses: [Fears and what they lack in go here.]

Link to the Discord: Join the Star Effect Discord Server!


1: All Iwaku rules apply.
2: No God-Modding, you try to jump a troop of enemies behind cover with blasters while you're rocking a sword, you're gonna find out quick that can end poorly. But don't worry, folks can be cool and have their moments.
3: Any drama between yourself and another player? Please bring it to my attention and we'll talk it out like adults. Don't drag it out and escalate it.
4: Have fun and do your best to be respectful to other players, we're here to tell a story and have a blast doing so.
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Name: Sukarma Lexicon
Age: Developmentally, 22 [temporally, 12, and born/created in 5 BBY; however, she did not have the infant mental development period like humans do]
Gender: Female
Race: Biomechanoid (human baseline)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance Notes: While Sukarma takes pains to cover herself as much as possible to avoid questions, she has a somewhat human form that her genetics came from though her skin is a dark blue with watery cyan patterns on the microscale organic substrate around her internals. Her eyes are gold, and she has a head full of tentacles with a similar tapered softness like twi-lek; however, they are the diameter of her fingers, not her arm. They contain various sensors and transmission hardware. Though she is a biomechanoid has all the right parts for a female human and looks appropriate as one would expect though her nails are hard metal contacts. A constant subtle movement is felt when others touch her skin, hinting that the watery pattern is always slightly shifting. Individual micro-creatures are jockeying for position in the larger superorganism that sustains the mind.
Career: Escaped Lab Experiment - 508 credits
Personality: Sukarma is a creature that craves contact but fears it because she knows Cerberus is everywhere. The criminals she's surrounded by would sell her for 100 credits if they knew she was connected to the ship they were afraid of. This paranoia has let her be close to no one when there's a whispering voice whispering about not giving up on life whenever she sleeps though drowned beneath some great sea. One that drove her to flee when the moment presented itself to far reaches. She blamed it for a while when she was marooned and broken until pirates towed her to port and left it gave her the time to recover. She likes food even if her sense of taste is too broad and thus can't understand how to do it herself. Though Cerberus tried to burn out the part of her opposition to death, when life returned to the station, the whispers pushed her to join them. She says little, discusses even less about her history, and does what her current 'benefactor' needs her to do as long as it doesn't anger the whispers. The requirement of never removing her helmet and intense strength has made others suspect that she's some exiled Mandalorian, given her aggressive assault style. Still, there's nothing of the sort in her history, but she fosters it since it leads them off track.
A project of Cerberus to reverse engineer Yuuzhan vong biotechnology and implement it with human parts. Raised in a lab by technicians and teams of psychologists, her exposure to normal beings did not come until later. A growing dislike for Cerberus, as they treated her like a thing they owned rather than an individual, drove her to find a way out. It wasn't until a shadow collective attack on Cerberus assets that she was allowed to escape into hyperspace to the outer rim. Still, a Cerberus failsafe detonated an interdictor bomb that pulled her out of hyperspace in the middle of an asteroid field.
Subsequent collisions resulted in her being damaged, unconscious, and marooned until discovery by black sun mercenaries who towed the ship back to a space dock for investigation. In and out of consciousness as her systems self-repaired lashed out at curious fingers and gained a reputation for being a haunted ship. The subsequent disorder with the black sun and the shadow collective during order 66 found that her space dock had been abandoned until it changed hands as the new criminal owners didn't know quite what they had.
Their interest waned enough after a while as they worked to break through the bulkhead; she escaped through maintenance shafts typically hazardous to most beings. Once in the station proper, she snuck around to scavenge for parts and resources she needed until she was intercepted by local enforcement and press-ganged into service. She cannot refuse as she can't leave her body behind for long, and the other option is her avatar being shot to death. She works for them whether she likes it or not.
They mostly leave her dock alone except when one gets a new bright idea to subdue the 'artifact' whereafter attempts to breach her person and/or the hangar are fended off with violence. As an exceptionally resilient being, she says little to avoid difficult questions, given the Sith and Jedi sniffing around. She knows she's on borrowed time until someone finds a buyer and grows anxious about her situation by the day.

  • Cerberus - Escaped secret project
  • Yuuzhan Vong - implementation of their technology
  • Jedi/Sith - draws attention to synthetic force application
  • Spectre - there's a dossier on her from when she escaped.
  • Intelligence gatherers (shadow broker, etc.) - Since the fall of the imperials, Imperial Military Intelligence has had several of its files on the Cerberus project that created her come into darker hands. While they don't know where she went, they realize she escaped with only minor physical damage. The growing attention of Jedi/Sith may compromise her current unwilling hideout.
Relations: [NPC or Character Relations that is entirely optional, can talk it out in the Brainstorming chat in the Discord.]
  • Cerberus
    • General position: Blatant antipathy from abuse
    • Many reasons lead her to have severe distaste at their treatment of her as an object, much less of how they treated her as a sophont. It's left her in an unstable position as being envious of children with functional parents, which gives her a restrained antipathy toward them with a very tenuous restraint toward abusive parents of good children.
  • Yuuzhan Vong
    • General position: Existential paranoia, Worry
    • She knows what she was made from and worries they can somehow tell she is out there. A boogeyman that sometimes haunts her dreams
  • Illusive man
    • General position: Dread
    • A vast and terrible power is under his control, and she knows not much will stop him from trying to get her back.
  • Jedi/sith
    • General position: Curiosity, ignorance
    • She hears they've been sniffing around the sector by pirates, as well as stories about them on the data nets
  • Spectre
    • General position: Mixed
    • She's heard of what the corps get up to, how the pirates say the spectres work when they show up, and that knowledge of some of the spectres as a one being army doesn't inspire her with much confidence. Still, with what she's heard of this Shepard on the extranets she could use an army of one right now.
  • Black sun
    • General position: Apprehensive distaste
    • Her current unwitting 'employer' has wired her bay with explosives since she won't let them inside. She knows things will turn sour if they find out she wasn't precisely an inbound stowaway. Not to mention that they will eventually find someone to sell her body to or a way to get through the point defense and gravity field when she's sleeping.
  • Arc Pistol x 2 - With these, she can dissipate thermal clips directly and put down targets without beating them senselessly or killing them.
    • Immersion layer - In order to use weapons, they must be modified to operate inside her psyche. These two pistols are modified this way; the external controls are more polite requests than commands, and she only pulls the trigger for show. If she is unconscious or separated from her person, they cannot fire.
    • Virtual stereoscope - This modification is a pair of cameras with a digital feed directly to her psyche. While its magnification is minimal, it allows her to aim and fire two pistols independently while actively dodging or facing a different direction.
  • Omni-tool satellite unit - They hadn't been able to alter the omni-tool to support her immersion in the technology but built a satellite unit to empower the crew and wear it as part of a tech backpack. While immersed by her avatar, the unit can serve as an Omni-gel repository and assist with larger-scale or complex constructions near her person with extension cables to Omni-tools. This also services the avatar: she is a true omnivore as long as she can fit the reasonably recyclable material in her mouth.
  • data spike.pngImmersion Spike - A handheld version of a droid data spike with an immersion node enabling her to access the systems that droids do. Though not with the same efficiency even with her lack of specific training due to the infrastructural limits of her organic parts. Someone with an Omni tool or such an accessible device could interface with it poorly. The Geth-like would find it confusing but more intuitive than human constructions as it has no external display and a self-adapting network interface.
  • Armorplast Robe.pngArmorplast brigandine robe - Improvised, effectively light armor as her current 'benefactors' won't let her have decent armor. She can't use heavier electronic armor types without immersing it entirely, which is exhausting if done continuously. Synthmesh layers with shards of armorplast in between, as the weight is not a concern for her. While it won't turn away a saber, it handles many slug projectiles well enough and can dissipate blaster fire enough that she can tank the remainder of plasma to a degree.
    • Thermal Spike - A long interconnected strip of composisteel anchored to a thermal sink in her back and used for heat dissipation to recharge thermal clips.
    • Hood slips - Rear-facing armorplast-covered slits in her hood that allow the tool arms on her head to emerge. While this does give her some added protection, it's more so she can use modules in her tentacle hair.
Taken from a Cerberus technical document


As external tool arms and drive armatures are animated the ship can and does flex slightly; overall length so varies but is approximately 350 meters from tip to tip.

Engine Units x 4 - Magnetoplasmadynamic


Fields accelerate and densify plasma and with the addition of the ship intelligence to modulate the fields on the fly it is able to use a wide variety of materials capable of being ionized for this purpose though some materials are better than others.

Top speed

A low speed tradeoff at 800 km/hr accounting for hardening, longevity, and flexibility. As the ship is aerodynamic it is capable of maintaining altitude in a dense enough atmosphere using lift generated by modified deflector shielding.

Reduced sensor profile

When subject to direct executive immersion these engines have a logarithmic sensor trail and higher efficiency compared to normal engines even under load. This offers some stealth capabilities to skilled engineers to obfuscate their direction of travel.


As the engines are on their own movable arms and the sophont ship can intelligently compensate for inertial loads and stresses this makes the frigate inordinately maneuverable in atmosphere for a pilot compared to a standard frigate even if it is more sluggish. Executive load to modulate engine fields by the ship sophont permits vectored plasma thrust as solid-state instead of a physical actuator which with the innate maneuverability significantly improves the rear threat profile. Assuming the pilot(s) have the necessary non-standard piloting skills to direct the ship sophont effectively. There are also ridge and ventral aligned positional thrusters of the same type mostly used for space docking.

Hyperdrive - Class 0.4

Hypermatter FTL sheath with element zero enhancement to improve containment performance is directly managed by the organic-quantum hybrid Claret boxes forming ship intelligence. The ship intelligence's nature thus has far less concerns of low levels of static disrupting computation. The organic parts also insulate the electronics which permits the addition of significant drive endurance gains from Vong and Jedi technology in the Eezo stabilization provided by the resonance siphon. While untested in dark space The FTL demonstrates sustainable sufficiency with an adequate and trainable duty cycle for the organic portions to sleep allowing long-term exploitation and exploration of the void's unique challenges. An independent hyperspace interdiction mine has been added to this system on uninterruptible vampire taps to prevent the prototype from re-engaging the hyperdrive if too far from the research dock.

Power plant

As there are various complex interrelated systems in this prototype design, owing to its re-engineering of Vong and Jedi materials, the power plant is more decentralized compared to a conventional engineering layout. As such much of its power distribution is both reflexive, self healing, and robust despite using modern engineering sensibilities. A requisite design goal of the Claret boxes required systems that were difficult to fail by damage or error and Vong design strategies assist with healing over or evading significant trauma such as overloading displays when struck by turbolasers. As this was thus also an exercise in damage control the relevant system has peerless performance compared to current static offerings manufactured by Cerberus with an interface capable of intuition on both engineering and metaware that should leverage Cerberus training..


This is a partly bacteriological and eezo modulated gravitic shear grinder that recycles waste material from crew as well as metabolic waste from the Claret boxes composing the ship intelligence. Later solid processing separates useful elements, water, hydrogen, mining spall, and is also an endpoint for materials that the external substrate is exposed to. Several layers of explosive preemption and vector neutralization are included in this section and due to its importance to the Claret boxes organic functions should be attended as a critical system. Minimal leftover unrecyclable biomaterials, detected organic threats, and mining tailings are disposed of through one of three ports submerged in the hull.

Organic Power plate

Most of the ship's outer hull can surface small sheaves through the amorphous organic substrate that allow it to absorb ultraviolet light, use radiovoltaic systems as backup power, and deal with thermal transfer. Surface adhering material cannot be engulfed then remanded to the Bio-converter while this system is active so a necessary downcycle for the Claret boxes should be considered a reserve or done securely. In emergency situations this helps sustain critical claret box functions as a shipwide distributed generation attached to taps.

Resonance Siphon

An array of kyber crystals attached by Cerberus technicians to a modified siphon generator as a secondary function to serve as a reliable draw for static energy. It primarily provides several low level functions to the Claret boxes however a reserve haze firewall to prevent its extension of control into the system was instituted due to concerns of the kyber crystals possibly causing disobedience in the ship intelligence. Eezo used in its design has been confirmed to be slightly over unity whenever the drive itself is in operation as static is consumed, limiting its primary systems power partially by the amount of time not spent in FTL. The bio-converter slightly abates the negative draw while idle as long as the ship has biomatter to ingest from outside itself or the organic power plates are operable.

Hypermatter annihilation reactor

Provides baseload electrical power for the ship's biological and technological functions and is mostly a conventional design if perturbed by the constraints of immersion framework. There appears to be an amplification effect from the resonance siphon as the more living things there are in her vicinity the more power she has access to though its well within design constraints. Alterations in the power framework have been made to accommodate a rhythmically variable output.
Note: When the hyperspace interdiction mine was tested the ship intelligence reported feeling 'sick' after engaging the hyperdrive for the test. Due to how the mine interferes with hypermatter it affects the reactor and thus the power distribution system slightly destabilizing organic components and this state remained until the mine was turned off.

Kinetic Barrier shields

Cerberus starship shield designs were used as a base as Vong shielding tests appeared incompatible with the existing complex power infrastructure at the expected draw. Though presence of the Claret boxes behind the immersion layer affected element zero used in the barrier shields resulted in organizational instability and observed system stress. Shield generators were then altered with modified biotic implants on important ganglion interconnects running between shield emitters to properly regulate the energies involved. Shield strength is acceptable though weaker than a homogeneous framework. Given this permits more complex topologies and defragmentation of shield damage this is being pursued as a design feature.

Starship sensor array

The frigate is equipped with a modular sensor array with high value packages on the fore armament rack and otherwise has an adequate sensor suite for a Cerberus ship of its class until more investigations are made into anomalous sensor data.

Navigation System

The navigation interface itself is conventional though the backend is entirely that of the ship intelligence. Testing of the ship with its hyperdrive resulted in navigation through a transitory hyperlane though some damage was observed later appears to indicate a developing skillset. The ship's intelligence is capable of some level of conjecture and speed of thought at the hyperspatial level, which was predicted, and has an internal navigation system strategy operating at some meta-level below that of the navigator. The resultant vector through hyperspace clearly benefits from natural intuition common to one other known biotechnology based craft not under control of Vong. Metaphorical descriptions of the thought process of the ship intelligence indicate there are constraints not yet understood that affect the overall speed and safety of the transit and whether hyperspace can be engaged at a given time.


The ship has hardpoints six weapons total, one for each arm, though they can move them between slots internally. Power and conduit constraints limit superheavy mounts to one as requiring peak resources, and heavy/moderate/light immersion anchors capacity is increased by powers of two by class thereon. The ship's intelligence is limited by its immersion framework to bring them into executive function as much as the raw computational power to exert executive control thus exposing them to the weapons grid. Torpedo and missile systems were designed but held back from the loadout due to later determinations of the danger in giving the ship intelligence a supply of high explosives.

Autoblaster point defense x 3

Light immersion

Two are mounted aft and port forward quarters and the other is a rear ventral mount. These are rapid fire point defense turrets that emerge from the flexible organic substrate layer when deployed. They can only be used while immersed as it requires quick and complex firing solution calculations on the part of the ship intelligence.

Turbolaser, Medium

Superheavy Immersion

This is a single barrel custom-built turbolaser built to use internal thermal batteries with circulated molten coolant and is used with one of the forward six hardpoints. With superconducting rails and thermal sink in the primary body this enables the ship AI to move the turbolaser at very high tracking speed with impressive accuracy though the rate of fire suffers and quick reconfigurations by crew the of non-uniform kinetic barriers and extending power plates are required to provide thermal dumping during combat.

Railgun, light, tri-linked barrel x 2

Heavy immersion
Unattended operation, moderate immersion

A standard cerberus railgun with additional stabilization through mass effect fields by the ship intelligence. These have the immersion mount to operate additional features in the weapon and can be fired even if the ship intelligence is unable to immerse them. The ship's intelligence when immersed can maintain tighter groupings over distance and investigation is underway as a biotic fire controlman reported successfully using a botic power on targets. The ship's intelligence thus far has been unable to provide further information on how it was achieved.

Tractor beam x 4

Immersion rating varies based on relative weight.
At least moderate immersion if the ship's intelligence is actively controlling the tractor beam(s) emitter due to internal coherency limits on power use.
The tractor beam can be used unimmersed though the requirements are unchanged due to limits of complexity and conventional design

This is an implementation of a market-sourced tractor beam with Vong technologies for psychomotor matrices added to enable the ship intelligence to have an understanding of power draw and possibly enable tactile data. The ship intelligence is able to use the multiple tractor beams simultaneously and test objects appear to have far less shear stress than when manually controlled by crew. Tractor beams controlled by the ship's intelligence appear to have an extreme level of fine discernment observed by retrieving a pest creature that was removed from engineering without damaging it.
Skills: [Ranked from S - Master, A - Excellent, B - Above Average, C - Average, D - Below Average, E - Poor, F - Beyond Hope.]
  1. Systems administration - S - Able to mobilize and organize several layers of interdicting network defense programs and maintain systems to combat active network threats in or outside a computer system and can leverage a systems intuition at least on par with many Geth or advanced droids.
  2. Astrogation - S - Able to navigate and experience hyperspace in something approaching real-time. While she also understands how to use navicomputers and can use them with supernatural effectiveness, when immersed in her own element, it is a very different experience for passengers.
  3. Infantry Assault - A - With significant strength advantages and easy self-repair, Cerberus alternated between CQC training and scenario assault missions from a very early age. She was forced to defend herself until meeting stated goals or eventually beaten and/or shot unconscious by ranks of personnel and/or droids.
  4. Pistols - A - Cerberus pistol training and her subsequent life 'working' for a warlord has honed her skills with them.
  5. Systems infiltration - B - She's had to learn this independently since the escape, and given her other skills and the wider net to pull information from, she has gotten much better about the offensive side.
  6. Assault weapons - B - Trained to Cerberus requirements in standard assault weapons and demonstrates superior aim.
  7. Stealth - C - She was trained in frontal assault rather than stealth, and while she knows how to stay hidden isn't going to fool trained personnel long.
  8. Cerberus mechanized infantry training - C - Meets minimal Cerberus requirements for piloting an Atlas mech, Grizzly, Kodiak, and Mako. Trained in the M22 Eviscerator and light pistols.
  9. Engineering - D - She was trained to have access to engineers, not to be one herself, as a matter of their policy rather than her interest. Thus she is not particularly good at it but can get by with the right parts. It's become a necessity.
  10. Armor Fabrication - D - Her armor is a thing of success by tireless brute force rather than skill and tends to overengineer everything. While this is acceptable if one is solid, it is a limiting factor on her combat abilities.
  11. Biotics - E - While she might be able to use or connect to them if she tried, the fields trigger a mild to moderate allergic reaction leaving her unable to train.
  12. Negotiation - E - The abuse and isolation of her life has made her socially impersonable, even if she has a burning want to be free and have a crew she likes.
  13. Charisma - F - A blunt object that Cerberus intended to beat things to death with. Her game is similarly unsubtle.
  14. Cooking - F - As a true omnivore, her sense of taste is poor. While she can cook, it's more about following directions than making a dish, and she cannot improvise.
  1. Hyperperception - While not precognitive, Sukarma can actively maneuver and discern her immediate environment while still in hyperspace or properly orienteer her body in hyperdimensional spaces. However, any information she can convey about real space from hyperspace is abstract. At Sub-luminal scale, her perception of time is flexible, but she can't maintain it long.
  2. Nightvision - Her eyes are synthetic, allowing her a much higher threshold of darkness sensitivity than ordinary humans. This also makes them replaceable as she can remove them for service or to switch out for altered versions.
  3. Omnigel regeneration - Even the inorganic parts of her body regenerate with the synthetic ones as long as she has omni-gel stored in the satellite unit or can eat something containing the needed materials. Any equipment she is immersing inherits the effect if she's holding it or any immersed while she's in a reliquary.
Strengths: physically resilient by nature, endurant, a need for others
Weaknesses: fearful, needs to sleep, doesn't like to see blood/abuse, Heavy/dense, mistrustful
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Name: Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Quarian

Sexuality: Bi-curious (heterosexual leaning)

Appearance Notes:

Affiliations: Proud member of the Migrant Fleet, born and raised there, focusing on her passion for engineering in her times helping out by scavenging and patching ships before being prepared and sent out on pilgrimage.

Other than them, she'd been fairly sheltered from the ongoings of the world, at least before being snatched up by the underground of the citadel and soon put to work after a mishap with a loan to pay for her travelling fees.

Relations: Ami - Odd encounters from time to time. Typically with Otto getting bullied in some fashion. Such as their childhood encounter, where Otto's clan had crossed paths with the Migrant Fleet when they had returned a Quarian who had ran into trouble amidst their pilgrimage, and had dropped off a small cruiser that the Slavers were intending to use. A parting gift but poor young Otto was bullied by a young Ami. Who called the young Foundling 'A stupid Bosh'tet for wearing a oversized poncho, it looks like a dress.' Or something to that effect. Then years later on the Citadel, Otto was tracking down a bounty but was very unsubtle about it. As in he confronted said bounty, the fugitive shot at Otto before running and Otto returned fire. Which in public isn't an appropriate thing to do, as it spooked the populace and would lead to Otto getting tackled by Ami who had been passing through the station for a job. Causing the bounty to get away and the pair in trouble for 'disturbing the peace' and had to pay a fine. 'Stupid Bosh'tet getting me in trouble.' (all written by the lovely Wander)

Gear: Engineer's omni-tool - Capable of interfacing with most modern technology, or reshaping itself to serve as an infinitely diverse tool.
Also capable of flash-freezing enemies in close range, burning them with a flaming projectile, forming a physical blade for CQC, or most notably, creating an automatic rocket-propelled turret, and forming a temporary barricade

Quarian suit - A resilient suit capable of filtering and protecting what's inside from the outside.

M-7 Lancer - A standard assault rifle

M-3 Predator - A heavy pistol

Assets: 2000 credits, and a small holographic combat drone integrated into her omni-tool alongside her trusty turret

A-tier Engineer, capable of repairing most any known device, or identifying some unknown ones by their makeup

B-tier strategist, effective for coming up with plans on the fly, but unlikely to take risks

B-tier combatant, effective at all ranges and unlikely to retreat or abandon a fight
(B in both guns and melee)

Abilities: Force-sensitive, though untrained, leaving her prone to headaches and irritability, particularly around those that use the force.

Strengths: Self-reliant, professional, and used to both emergencies and improvisation

Weaknesses: Prejudiced and defensive, prone to being standoffish, weak immune system that requires that she lives in a suit, reliant on technology and shuns the force and biotics alike.
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Name: Otto Kadovah.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual [Hetero-Leaning]
Appearance Notes:
Career: Bounty Hunter [Defining Moment] Adrift By Chance - Otto was out doing some mercenary jobs for funds for the Clan to use to get supplies for a voyage to join up with another Covert of Mandalorians when his Clan had run afoul of some Imperial Remnants and were forced to split off to prevent capture. Which unfortunately meant that when Otto came back to their hideout, his Clan was gone and no trail left behind, meaning that the odds of tracking them will be a hard task. Which is why Otto got himself into debt with a particular Warlord, as he wants any information to get back with his clan.
[+] Honest, Persistent, Loyal
[=] Blunt, Dogmatic, Quiet
[-] Naive, Unsubtle, Asocial
Affiliations: The Kadovah Clan - Otto's Clan that took him in as a Foundling and raised him as a Mandalorian that follows the Creed. The Matriarch of the clan is the same one that took in Otto as her own. He thinks highly of them and holds the Creed to the highest degree,

Relations: Ami - Odd encounters from time to time. Typically with Otto getting bullied in some fashion. Such as their childhood encounter, where Otto's clan had crossed paths with the Migrant Fleet when they had returned a Quarian who had ran into trouble amidst their pilgrimage, and had dropped off a small cruiser that the Slavers were intending to use. A parting gift but poor young Otto was bullied by a young Ami. Who called the young Foundling 'A stupid Bosh'tet for wearing a oversized poncho, it looks like a dress.' Or something to that effect. Then years later on the Citadel, Otto was tracking down a bounty but was very unsubtle about it. As in he confronted said bounty, the fugitive shot at Otto before running and Otto returned fire. Which in public isn't an appropriate thing to do, as it spooked the populace and would lead to Otto getting tackled by Ami who had been passing through the station for a job. Causing the bounty to get away and the pair in trouble for 'disturbing the peace' and had to pay a fine. 'Stupid Bosh'tet getting me in trouble.'

Ever since then, the pair's relationship had been stormy.

Gear: Beskar Armor - Resistant to Blaster Fire and can even handle lightsaber strikes. One LW-896 Blaster Pistol and one Scatter-Gun. Otto also has a Wrist-Mounted Flamethrower and Fibercord Whip.
Assets: 5129 Credits.
Tailoring - S
Cooking - S
Tracking - A
Hand to Hand Combat - A
Shooting - A
Piloting - B
First Aid - C
Talking - E
Abilities: N/A
Strengths: Otto is wonderful for blitz attacks, tracking down bounties and ambush.
Weaknesses: Otto isn't too great at planning, not subtle. Stuck in his ways and holds the Creed above all else. Extremely prejudiced against Mandalorians who don't follow the Creed.
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Here's the google docs link for it, but here's the actual written details as well

Name: Tanya "Tessas" Arche
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance notes:
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 155 lbs
Eye color: green
Hair color: Naturally blue due to exposure to mass effect fields (never acquired biotic affinity)
Build: muscular and toned

Armored appearance:

Career: Force user (former Inquisitor)
Good- Loyal, Honorable, respectful, determined
Neutral- quiet, cautious, self-reflective, Stern
Bad- Self-doubtful, regretful, avoids connections
Defining moment: Omega Predator
(indoctrinated childhood, Wandering Neutral adult)
Tanya was born into the slums of the empire, orphaned at a young age where she could not fully form memories of what her parents were like. She was born on the planet Coruscant in the midst of the reformation of its political system. Much of her younger years were spent scavenging the streets and such for food, avoiding the clones turned stormtroopers as much as she could in order to not get arrested. For the most part she was given special treatment when caught, being a favored human among the other ruffians in the slums. In her teenage years Tanya was later conscripted into the empire along with other children in the slums.

One of the children in the slums by the name of Marla was Tanya's closest friend. The two had both joined the training program at relatively the same time and so were put into the same training regiment together. Weeks after weeks they trained, learning marksmanship (which Tanya was awful at) and being taught the different methods in which the stormtroopers worked. The usage of biotics was beginning to become more prevalent at this time, and so a new program was founded under the empire's rule. The idea was that several samples of trained troopers would be put through the strain of being subjected to mass effect fields and injected with biotics in order to enhance the empire's army. Both Marla and Tanya were chosen as soldiers to undergo the procedure along with other candidates. Very few survived this process in fact, the only ones surviving only able to produce miniscule results compared to the natural biotics already indoctrinated into the empire. Compared to what the alliance's procedures, the empire's were crude and inadequate, moreso a form a torture than actual experiments to create biotics from those without the affinity. Both Marla and Tanya survived, but were never able to unlock any hidden talent for biotics, instead, awakening their connections to the force. The Pain of the treatment seemed to have caused them both to connect to the dark side in some manner, with Tanya spewing out lightning and Marla causing different medical equipment to fly through the air.

Most force sensitives found by the empire are executed due to the potential risks, but with the two of them already indoctrinated, it was decided they would be transferred to participate in project harvester. Project harvester allowed for the two of them to still live while acting as inquisitors for the empire, tasked with hunting down any remaining jedi that still survived order 66. The next few years involved the two of them training and eventually hunting down these jedi along with anyone particularly dangerous within the now growing rebellion. Marla eventually discovered the wrongdoing they were committing after being ordered to hunt down the father of a family in his own home for being suspected of being a hidden jedi. The suspicion was right after a lightsaber was discovered in a hidden compartment in his bedroom, but the guilt of killing the man still remained.

Marla pleaded with Tanya that the two of them had to escape, maybe together in some manner. Tanya felt like the idea itself was a fallacy and put it off. There was no way they could run from the empire, especially now that they were inquisitors themselves. The idea began to eat away at Tanya's mind though. Could they truly run away from the empire if the rebellion gave them a chance? Would the two of them actually be able to live a peaceful life, or would the guilt of what they were now doing catch up to them like it was now?

Marla for some reason broke from the guilt, unable to work with the empire anymore. She took off with her own starship and ran with the hope of escaping. Tanya was then given a test of faith where she was tasked to hunt down Marla. She would need to hunt down and kill her one and only friend, who she was beginning to feel romantic feelings for at this point. In order to make it so that Tanya would have an incentive to not just run away with Marla herself, a bomb collar was put around her neck so that if she did not complete the task within a certain time that her head would explode. The idea was to make her create an even greater connection to the darkside while also enforcing the empire's rule over Tanya's life.

Tanya later completed this task, with Marla allowing herself to be killed so that Tanya could live. The two of them upon meeting on a secluded planet for an eventual "dual" of sorts both told one another that they could not kill the other, instead using the dual as a way to figure out who would live and who would die. Marla decided to willingly fail the dual, falling upon Tanya's lightsaber. Tanya weeped for her friend's death, keeping Marla's saber as a momento which had now faded to blue when the battle concluded. The battle itself did not cement Tanya's connection to the empire, only accelerating her desire to escape.

Thankfully the empire was beginning to reach the height of the rebellion, with the emperor becoming more and more paranoid of the rebels' actions. Their prevalence allowed for infiltrators within the empire, giving Tanya an in as to working with them. Initially they promised they could not find her a means of an escape due to the issue of trust and the need to get information out of the now fading project harvester. This distrust with the empire did not last long however, as a year later an opening could be found. In a way the rebellion put Tanya into a witness protection program once they had found a means of escape, shipping her off to a secluded dwarf planet on the outer rim. The dwarf planet of Renthol is a planet that is in its medieval era, considerably lower in technological quality compared to the rest of the galaxy. Influencing colonies before they reach space is largely prohibited by the various galaxy's governments, but in this case they provided Tanya with a set of rules so that she can both not largely disrupt the planet's ecosystem and the planet's inhabitants. She was to lose her inquisitor title of "Tessas" and take on the name of Tanya Arche once again and act as a wandering mercenary. She would need to use her own skills to reforge her lightsabers into something else in order to fit in. Once given the essentials, Tanya was given a ship to use as both a home and an emergency getaway and was given the coordinates.

After a couple years, Tanya blended into the small community that existed on Renthol, consisting of one main organization due to the planet's size. The inhabitants of the planet see Tanya as a strange magical spirit since she looks largely different from them. Rentholians are almost lizardlike in appearance, with longer feathered tails and digigrade legs. They have a splendor of colorful feathers that essentially look similar to hair. These people have since gone to Tanya in the cases of powerful beasts that need extermination as they are threats to the community. She is largely a recluse as she rests in her starship and keeps off the radio as much as possible, but her curiosity sometimes gets the better of her. A lot of her time is spent making anatomical sketches of the various animals and the rentholians, somewhat taking up the role of a journalist. Recently she has gotten radio chatter of the empire's downfall, and has been debating leaving the planet in order to get a quick supply run perhaps through the citadel before returning to Renthol. It was one of her rules to not leave the planet… but it's been getting rather lonely…

Image of a Rentholian:

Affiliations: The empire (Former inquisitor), The community of Renthol, a small section of the rebellion (Mostly neutral but is a known figure)
Gear: Two modified lightsabers that are in the appearance of western styled longswords (Ameliorate's crystal is cracked and broken due to the dual and needs some manner of repairs)
Red lightsaber "stigmata"

Blue lightsaber "Ameliorate" (needs repairs and is just an average longsword)

Omni tool with communication abilities:

A personal ship that has very little in terms of combat capability aside from its cloaking technology and its ability to serve as a personal craft for living in (The volair):

Credits: 692 Credits available
Personal VI: hooked into the ship and called Gabriel along with having a signal to Tanya's omni tool, this VI is able to give basic strategic advise and is more like a source of information like the internet than an actual companion. It has the ability to scan materials and give a basic analysis of situations.
Basic Medicine skills (C)
Spycraft (A)
Anatomical knowledge (A)
Marksmanship (E)
Piloting (S)
Wilderness survival (S)
Social encounters (C)
Force abilities including:
Basics: Telekinesis, force acrobatics (including force jumps and speed)
Advanced: Malacia (A force technique that allows the user to enforce nausea or dizziness in a creature, and can also be used to put a creature to sleep), Force lightning/electric judgement (it is unclear whether this ability derives from the light side or the dark side)
Wilderness survival and general knowledge of spycraft while also being a former sith
Has a bad reputation among some groups and likely has a couple of bounties on her head
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Name: Vilkas
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Nelvaanian
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Appearance Notes: Has tribal tattoos etched all over his upper body although it has been marred with various scars. Stands at six feet and two inches tall with muscular build. For attire Vilkas wears a tan sleeveless shirt with similar pants and moccasins for footwear. Completing the image is a brown side cloak that he tailored with tribal markings.
Career: Bounty Hunter
Personality: The Nevaalian is a hunter and warrior who hails from an ancient society. Once raised in tradition and a primitive setting, Vilkas has been uprooted from it and thrust into the greater galaxy. Vilkas tries to hold onto the spiritual beliefs of his people as a source of comfort and balance to himself.

In addition, the honor minded hunter doesn't tend to accept gifts or rewards unless he believes they have been genuinely earned. The universe frustrates and intrigues him. On the opposite end, the former tribesman has little use for wealth and power that many others tend to go after. He does not trust easily but for those who earn his respect, they will gain a staunch and faithful ally by their side.

Vilkas tries appreciating the simple things in life he has left and privately doesn't want to live the rest of his days as a loner but is conflicted about how to change that.

Likes: Hunting, exploring, wilderness, wildlife, painting, wood carving, good food, legends, and learning about different cultures, especially warrior based ones.

Dislikes: Slavery, needless cruelty, crowded places, laziness, suffering humiliation, and being without purpose.

Once was a proud member of the Bátor tribe on Nelvaan until separated due to tragic circumstances and has chosen not to return.
Formerly made a slave by Zygerrian slavers until sold and was owned and traded by various beings until gaining his freedom through gladiatorial combat on Nar Shaddaa.
Became a freelance bounty hunter that has done contract work with numerous clinenate most notably Aria T'Loak, the Ryloth government, the Shadow Broker and the Corporate Sector Authority.
Relations: Typically maintains a professional relationship with his clients. Has a few allies and contacts he has become close with than most others in the galaxy. Furthermore he's been forging a ruthless reputation with slavers, willingly taking bounties on such individuals whenever possible.

E-22 blaster rifle
A-180 blaster pistol
Two thermal detonators(for each mission)
Two flash grenades(for each mission)
Utility Belt
Grappling line
Handheld Holoprojector
Assets: 6,347 credits, SS-54 assault ship "The Nyíl" and Zephyr-G swoop bike

Tracking/Scouting- S
Stealth- A
Blasters- B
Leadership- E
Melee Weapons- S
Public Speaking- D
Hand to Hand Combat- A
Piloting- C
Ship Repairs- D
Singing- F
Wood Carving- B
Cooking- C
Writing/Reading- C
Tribal Dancing- B
Sabacc- E
First Aid- C

Abilities: Incredible sense of sense and hearing from a far distance unless those are overwhelmed or dulled by the environment. Able to withstand extreme winter weather including those of Hoth. Immense natural strength compared to an average human and able to carry two or those of a similar species on his shoulders.
Strengths: Decisive and determined in action when facing danger. Dependable to others as long as they don't betray him.
Weaknesses: Can't swim in deep waters such as seas and as such fears drowning. Privately he is tormented with survivor's guilt and self loathing. Despite his talents Vilkas is no leader and nor desires to be one.
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