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my skeleton helps me walk
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High and dark Fantasy, Sci-fi, Medieval, Dystopia and Horror
The 13-year wake of the War of Roses has left the wild-lands of D'rakonos scarred after the defeat of the Dragon King and his army. Queen Rosamun and her new King continue to rule over their wild region in an era of peace and prosperity. Johan Agaaris Oraii, the King of Lions, sits the proud seat of his kingdom, adored by his people as the champion who killed the usurper king. However, he is swiftly losing his mind to a creeping madness. His daughter, the Princess of Oraii, has dedicated herself to The Mother's Embrace in preparation to become Queen. However, she is plagued by dreams of Oraii's destruction. The usurper's child lives as a prisoner of war in servitude to the Steel Crown and takes a particular interest in a king from another land. Across the world, the King with the blood of demons, lives in exile among inhospitable lands. Unexpectedly, he has been summoned by the Oraii King. With an opportunity to draw a treaty with Oraii, the exile king travels towards Oraii with his red sorcerer, all while something sinister begins to stir in the core of the world soon after his arrival.


Known as "the dragons lands", D'rakonos, is mythologized for it's enrichment of mana and hosts a great coastal bay riddled with thick forest and rough terrain. It is one of the three capitals of the Oraa Shore. Since ancient times this land has been occupied by the likes of dragons, other reptilian and amphibian species, and was the home of the first dragon; Ashmala. The high dragon lorded over the bay with great resolve but he also shared this mana-soaked empire with another predator; the D'rakonians who revered him as a god. The D'rakonos wild-lands have been sought after by many power hungry men for many centuries but the presence of so many dangerous creatures had made subjugating her near impossible. It was not until the Dakaartha Barbarian's entered into D'rakonos, and slaughtered the D'rakonians, that the land was truly considered tamed. Even so, D'rakonos still hosts a great many dangers, and is still a perilous place. D'rakonos offers a wide variety of predatory, and medicinal plants and animals, as well as rare metals and ore. Legend tells of something called "The Soul of D'rakonos" which has tempted treasure hunters to their deaths for centuries. Currently D'rakonos holds a peace treaty with Oraii and Heraak.


The Kingdom of Oraii sits centrally on the Oraa Shore seated high upon a great plateau and surrounded by grasslands and rivers. Legends claim that Oraii occupies the lands where the Mother Goddess once walked and lived with mortals, and it is because of her lingering presence that this land is bountiful with resources that feed the entire Shore. Though mostly occupied by humans, Oraii is home to a plethora of different species seeking to take shelter in this hub of a city. All trade routes pass through Oraii at some point and the Steel Crown regulates and governs the trade commerce of the Oraa Shore. It is said that the Oraii are descendants of the Mother Goddess' followers and their unique eye colors are signs of their ties to the goddess they worship. Ancient Oraii peoples were known for conversing with the universe through the stars, divining prophecies, and predicting the future through the use of botany, a practice that has since gone out of style in the new ages.


Heraak is the third capital of Oraa and towers high above Oraii. Nestled into frozen valleys and unforgiving mountain ranges, Heraak is a place of pure decadence and deceit. Heraak's Castle Fortress is said to be impenetrable and beneath it lies a vast system of hot springs. Heraak's King is known for parading around in lavish decorations of colorful silks and a peacock mask made of gold and precious stones. He had earned the moniker of The Peacock King and is known to have a horrendous temper. Heraak is known for it's mining capabilities and often provides ore and weapons of fantastic design. Heraak also possesses a great weapon that can ignite water into a raging fire, leaving them safe from conquerors. Heraak has been nurturing a very tense relationship with Oraii since the death of the Olde King. Heraak is the only capital that still partakes in slavery.

Gods and Religion

The creator of the world and mother of all things. It is said that this living goddess once roamed among mortals who worshiped her. In return she blessed them with content lives and little hardships. Kaala's kingdom was said to be a paradise and many sought the Mother Goddess' affection. But there were other and more vile forces who wished to possess Kaala and her land for their own and her garden feel into uncertainty and chaos when the birth of a new god introduced war and pain into the world, splitting the land apart in the cataclysm. Many still worship Kaala as the one and true god and The Mother's Embrace seeks to spread this goddess' edicts to those who have become lost in their lives. Kaala is often described as having golden skin and hair that flowed like a river. Other descriptions of Kaala describe her as a sloughing corpse who fed off the souls of her followers.

The Mother's Embrace
The Mother's Embrace is the main religion of Oraii. The core focus of The Mother's Embrace is to be as revered as the Goddess was while alive. The Embraces teaches kindness and gratitude, focuses on white magicks and herbalism to cure all manner of disease, and the art of pleasure and fertility. The disciplines of the Mother Embrace have been subject to some criticism, however, and some would claim that the Mother's Embrace feeds racism and permits horrendous acts of violence.


The god of fire and pain who stands as Kaala's opposite. It is said that this god was once a great hero who failed in his quest and was consumed by the darkness in his own heart. The birth of D'mize brought forth true evil into the world and unleashed a great cataclysm that separated the land into five shores. D'miz bore a burning hatred in his heart towards the Mother Goddess and sought to take everything that he could from her, and with the dragon Ashmala at his command he waged insurrection against the Mother Goddess. The coming of D'miz plunged the world into a dark and bloody era as the gods feuded for dominion over the very soul of the land and many children of the Mother Goddess fell prey to D'miz's corruption, becoming monsters and fiends of horror. The Mother Goddess eventually fled from D'mize when she realized his power was far greater than she and with the aid of two protectors she evaded him and his army and embarked on a quest for a dagger so powerful that it could entrap a god. Only the Goddess and one of her companions made it to the dagger's resting place and with it the goddess and her champion slayed the dragon Ashmala and the Shadow Queen, and drove the dagger into the throat of D'miz, paralyzing him. It is said that the earth opened up and consumed D'miz into its core where he would forever burn in a pit of magma and quartz. Evidence of D'miz is only found in stone effigies in the ruins of the world. He is depicted as a multi horned, scaled Minotaur.

The Shadow Queen

Very little is know about this goddess but she is the youngest in the pantheon and paramour to D'miz. It is said that she was born of D'miz and fought alongside him against the Mother Goddess and her champion. She was the first to fall in the final battle. The Shadow Queen has no depictions found anywhere but she is likened to that of an omen and brings ruin and madness where ever she walks. Some say that the Shadow Queen was a mortal and not a god.
Ancient Heretic

Ancient Heretic is as old as the world itself. Some would claim this belief system to be older than the Goddess herself. Heretic is one of the earliest religions, though its true name has been forgotten, and is said that only the D'rakonian's hear its song. Heretic has many different branches of beliefs and it is steeped in very old and dangerous magic. It can teach alchemy, demonology, and shadow arts.

The Antimana

The Antimana are a legion all of their own. Present in all corners of the shore this religion believes in purity and anything less must be destroyed. Believers in this religion denounce magic and the use there of. They believe in naturalism and believe that magic is corrosive in nature and it must not be used. Though they are tolerated by the Capitals of the Shore, this sect is considered to be a domestic terrorist. This religion teaches the arts of war, carpentry and blacksmithing, hunting and resource gathering.

Dramatis Personae
Rosamun v'uhl Dakaartha

The Queen of D'rakonos, a descendant of the Dakaarthan Barbarian's, who were driven into the dragon lands after failing to defend their claimed lands from a rival tribe. It was in D'rakonos that they were expected to die out but somehow they persevered and now sit as one of the most powerful nations on the continent, using dragons as pets and as weapons against their enemies. Rosamunn has ruled as Queen since she was ten years old after the sudden death of her mother and father to a plague. Rosamunn waged a five-year war against the usurper Aaeon and his Vildheks legion and emerged successfully...but D'rakonos itself has never fully recovered from the scorch of the Vildheks' magic, which has left the land weak. Rosamunn owns many pet dragons and is revered for her scarlet red hair.

Terra z'uhl Dakaartha

The new King of D'rakonos, hailing from the thick jungles of the south, he is a Feral Elf who was driven out from his home when he was driven to madness over a human who did not return the affection be bore for her. In retaliation he kidnapped her and turned to the use of magic to make her love him, sparking a civil war between the Feral Elves and the human tribesman that they shared the jungle with, who both swore away all use of magic in order to coexist in peace. The news of the usurper Aaeon drew Terra into D'rakonos where he became a Vildheks and fought in the War of Roses. Ultimately he betrayed Aaeon by taking his daughter to the enemy in order to halt the tyrant in his tracks. Terra was crowned a champion of Dakaartha and his love affair with the child-queen began some years later. Terra is often described as being Rosamunn's twin and wears a porcelain mask to hide his face.

Aaeon z'uhl D'rakonos

Known as the Usurper, Aaeon is the descendant of the High-dragon Ashmala and spent the majority of his long life in seclusion among the mountains of D'rakonos. The child-queen had heard of a magnificent white dragon and sought to tame him for a pet and ordered him captured. In response, Aaeon consumed the brigade and slunk down into the D'rakoni Wilderness where Rosamunn's soldiers would not dare to follow. It was there that Aaeon came into contact with something that granted him immense power and intelligence, allowing him to shed his draconic appearance and masquerade in a more human-like form. Insulted by Rosamun's gall, and the enslavement of his kind by Dakaartha, Aaeon slowly amassed a following; luring the weak, rejected, criminal, and forsaken into his fold where he promised great power in return for loyalty. From him the Vildheks were born; witches, necromancers, and mages of great and horrifying magical prowess. Aaeon laid siege to Dakaartha with his Vildheks and for five years he was successful in whittling away at Dakaartha's and Oraii's great armies until he met his demise at the hands of The King of Lions and the child-queen. Aaeon was said to be strangely beautiful with hair as white as snow and skin as brown as mud.

Arkaea uhl D'rakonos

Arkaea is the spawn of Aaeon. She was born at the beginning of the War of Roses. At five years old she was kidnapped Terra and delivered to the child-queen whom used her to bait Aaeon onto the battlefield. When Aaeon emerged he returned to his draconian form and fought viciously against the King of Lions but he was unsuccessful. Arkaea watched as her father was slain. She was to be killed next but the King of Lions had grown weary of the bloodshed, and having a daughter the same age, could not bring himself to slay a child. Against the child-queens warning the Oraii King took Arkaea back to his kingdom to be a playmate for the small princess of Oraii. Arkaea eventually grew dangerous and was fitted with a collar to stunt her destructive magical abilities. She serves as one of the Princess' handmaidens but she remains an enemy of the kingdom in the opinion of the Oraii Court. Arkaea shares her father's eerie beauty and is said to be able to breath underwater.

Ashmala the Undeath

A beast of horrific legend. Ashmala lived in primordial D'rakonos. This monstrosity of horns and scales was said to be the size of a mountain and a terror to the land. He answered only to the God of Fire and served him as a loyal companion after the God defeated him in battle. Ashmala is the father of all dragons in D'rakonos and would spread the God of Fire's taint onto any who were so unfortunate to run upon the dragon. Ashmala fought at the God of Fire's side against the Mother Goddess and was felled. It is said that Ashmala's body fell into the sea and became the Island of Maul.

Dramatis Personae
Johan Agaaris Oraii IV - The King of Lions

Johan is a descendant and king of the renowned Oraii Empire. He was crowned at seventeen after the death of the vile Olde King and was quickly overwhelmed with civil war. Some of his people welcomed his kingship while others engaged in a coup d'état to remove the young king from his throne before he could exact his maddened father's regime. Johan survived the coup and sentenced the conspirators to death and ordered a witch hunt against any who did not support his rule. The bloodshed that ensued was immense and left Johan's following in dwindled numbers with many fleeing the kingdom and other's living in fear. The Court of Oraii then gave Johan an ultimatum, prove he was worthy to rule or hang with those whom he had killed. Realizing that he may still be removed from his throne Johan was put under intense pressure to prove himself to his country, and when the child-queen Rosamunn requested his help to defeat the Usurper, Johan saw his chance to bring a great victory to Oraii and quell the discord of his people. In response to his plight, A Seer from the castle town gifted the Oraii King with a sword that would cut down any evil beast, but only if the wielder retained bravery in his heart, and if not the sword would bring great ruin. The War of Roses brought great strife onto Johan. His men were dying before his eyes and his mind was broken by the horrors that he had seen yet he relented and faced the terrible dragon on the battlefield alongside the child-queen and he saw victory. Johan returned to Oraii, done with war and death, and earned the love and respect of his people whom he saved from the Usurper who would have surely crept across the land once he had consumed D'rakonos. Johan became the King of Lions, Champion of Oraii, and revered as the reincarnation of the Mother Goddess' champion of old. He rules his kingdom in peace and is adored by his people. Johan is said to have eyes of gold.

Orianna - The Princess of Oraii

Princess Orianna is the daughter of Johan and and is said to be a strawberry haired beauty just like her mother was. The Princess was given a playmate at the age of five when her father returned home from the War of Roses and has been raised along side Arkaea since. The Princess, though kindhearted, was also a royal brat and would often harass and abuse the royal staff when she did not get her way. The Queen had been growing very frail and weak willed, despite her young age, and did not allow punishment against the Princess unless it was exacted by her father's hand. Johan was too busy to pay attention to his daughter and was wholly absent for the majority of her life. As a result the Princess grew heavily attached to her mother, who raised her and Arkaea alone. One day the Princess did not agree with the way her playmate and hurled a wooden horse at Arkaea, which split her lip open. Her playmate, enraged and bleeding, warned that the Princess would soon loose her heart if she did not learn to be kind. A month later the eight year old princess stumbled upon the corpse of her mother who had hung herself from the throne room's upper balusters. The Kingdom of Oraii was shaken by the news of the Queens suicide and rumors spread that the Queen had been hearing voices that often made her do dangerous and uncharacteristic things. The Princess was forever changed. Orianna learned to be kinder in the wake of her mother's death and turned to the Mother Goddess for guidance henceforth. She has been preparing to become Queen ever since. The Princess is beloved by her kingdom and it is said that her touch can heal sickness.
Kala & Kota - Of the Princesses Guard
These two individual's were born identical twins, both the same and yet different entirely. They are skilled assassins whose only purpose is to protect the Princess and her Handmaidens from harm or ill intent.

Xiila - The Sorceress of Oraii

The left hand of the king, the Sorceress of Oraii carries out a special collection of duties to the realm. She serves the King and the King's Advisor at the war table and serves as protector of the realm. She provides training to the warriors of Oraii who are magically gifted and molds them into war machines to protect the kingdom. She is a beautiful and dishonest woman who would see her own goals attained through any means necessary. It is said that this siren can change her appearance with the use of potions.
The Tormentor
Deep in the dungeons of the Oraii Castle lies the Tormentor. His only purpose is to serve punishment unto those who have wronged the Steele Crown. He relishes pain and terror. With an armory of horrific devices to work with the Tormentor is a man of nightmares. Those punished by him are never truly the same after.

Marta - The Kitchen Mother

Marta is a servant in the employ of the Oraii Empire. She minds the kitchens and is a mother of 7, though she has been known to be a surrogate mother to any in her company. She is famous for her cooking.

Callisto - The Seer of Oraa

The Seer is a citizen in Oraii's castle town who runs a jewelry and armory shop. She is able to make various jeweled items with enchantments to aid or hinder the user. She is rumored to be the artist behind the crowns of Oraii. She often foretells prophecies and she is the one who foresaw Johan's uncertain fate against the Usurper and provided him the sword that he would take into battle against the dragon.

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Character Sheets


Full Name: Arkaea uhl D'rakonos
Nicknames & Titles: Ark/ Vildheks / The Princess of D'rakonos
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Age: 19
Race/Homeland: Dragon, D'rakonos
Class: Rogue Mage

Character Appearance:

Eiza Gonzales.gifEiza Gonzales.gif

Hair: White
Skin: Dark
Eyes: Silver
Height: 5'11, 1.8 M
Weight: 170lbs, 77 kg
Markings: Numerous scars from old injuries, lashing scars on her back
Physical Features: Slightly pointed ears and gently slanted eyes give the appearance of an elf, iridescent white scales run down her spine.

Personality: Arkaea is a subdued individual on the outside, and full of venom on the inside. She is observant and self taught in all her knowledge. A dragon lying in wait for the right moment to attack. She relies on her femme fatale traits to lure in others to get what she wants. She can be convincing, loving, and evil all at once. Arkaea craves the power that she had been robbed of her entire life and will do anything to get any ounce of it. She is capable of great kindness and horrific evil.

Hobbies: Reading, botany, alchemy
Relationship Status: Single
Place of residence: Steel Castle
Place of Birth: D'rakonos
Occupation: Handmaiden
Character Abilities and Proficiency: TBD
History/Background: Arkaea is the spawn of Aaeon. She was born at the beginning of the War of Roses. At five years old she was kidnapped by Terra and delivered to the child-queen who used her to bait Aaeon onto the battlefield. Arkaea watched as her father was slain. She was to be killed next but the King of Lions had grown weary of the bloodshed, and having a daughter the same age, could not bring himself to slay a child. Arkaea was taken back to his kingdom to be a playmate for Princess Oriannai. Arkaea eventually grew dangerous and was fitted with a collar to stunt her magical abilities. She serves as one of the Princess' handmaidens but she remains an enemy of the kingdom in the opinion of the Oraii Court. Arkaea shares her father's eerie beauty and is said to be able to breathe underwater.

Full Name: Johan Agaaris Oraii IV

Nicknames/Titles: Aris / King of Lions

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Age: 42

Race/Homeland: Human / Oraii

Class: Paladin

Character Appearance:


Hair: Black with gray

Skin: Pale

Eyes: Gold

Height: 6'0, 1.83 m

Weight: 210

Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc): Several scars from battle litter his body

Personality: Johan is a calm and benevolent man. He can be kind and stoic. Doting and passionate. Johan is a split personality, able to act in the best interest of his kingdom and others through any means necessary, but not so lawful that he is above doing evil things and making hard decisions. He can be a dictator and a tyrant depending on the situation. And also a heroic and giving king. He had been slowly losing his mind to the same illness that his father had. Johan holds great fear of the future and often gives in to his growing paranoia that drives him to do questionable things. He is still haunted by the suicide of his wife.

Hobbies: Hunting, Strategic games, Sommelier

Relationship Status: Widowed

Place of residence: Steel Castle

Place of Birth: Oraii

Occupation: King

Character Abilities and Proficiency: Highly skilled in sword based combat

History/Background: Johan is a descendant and king of the renowned Oraii Empire. He was crowned at seventeen after the death of the vile Olde King and was quickly overwhelmed with civil war.

Some of his people welcomed his kingship while others engaged in a coup d'état to remove the young king from his throne before he could exact his maddened father's regime. Johan survived the coup and sentenced the conspirators to death and ordered a witch hunt against any who did not support his rule. The bloodshed that ensued was immense and left Johan's following in dwindled numbers with many fleeing the kingdom and others living in fear.

The Court of Oraii then gave Johan an ultimatum: to prove he was worthy to rule or hang with those whom he had killed. Realizing that he may still be removed from his throne Johan was put under intense pressure to prove himself to his country, and when the child-queen Rosamunn requested his help to defeat the Usurper, Johan saw his chance to bring a great victory to Oraii and quell the discord of his people.

In response to his plight, A Seer from the castle town gifted the Oraii King with a sword that would cut down any evil beast, but only if the wielder retained bravery in his heart, and if not the sword would bring great ruin.

The War of Roses brought great strife onto Johan. His men were dying before his eyes and his mind was broken by the horrors that he had seen yet he relented and faced the terrible dragon on the battlefield alongside the child-queen and he saw victory. Johan returned to Oraii, done with war and death, and earned the love and respect of his people whom he saved from the Usurper who would have surely crept across the land once he had consumed D'rakonos. Johan became the King of Lions, Champion of Oraii, and revered as the reincarnation of the Mother Goddess' champion of old. He rules his kingdom in peace and is adored by his people. Johan is said to have eyes of gold.


Full Name: Aegon Baerlar
Nicknames/Titles: The Exiled King
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 28
Race/Homeland: Areva
Class: Sorcerer / Monk

Character Appearance:


Hair: Dark brown, long and curly
Skin: Dark brown
Eyes: Ice blue
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 90kg

Physical Features and Markings: He's always changing the pattern of clear color markings on his body. He almost never seen with clothes on his upper body or without markings. He uses several golden rings to contain his hair partially and wears mostly harem pants and espadrilles, with a whip and a buckler hanging from the hip.

Personality: Aegon is a light hearted murderer, known only by the most well connected of villain's. Master of knowing and digging truths, he takes pride on the beauty with which he wraps his victims, traps them in a corner, and then blows them away.
Magic occasionally is his method of execution, but his real skills are focused on extorsion, humiliations and information gathering. Although his murders often comprise the death of the victim, he has a long list of people he utterly destroyed politically or personally thanks to his knack for digging dirt and getting the ugly truth out.

Hobbies: Watching the city and life unfold, betting, following random people.

Relationship Status: Single
Place of residence: Wanted vagrant
Place of Birth: Oraii
Occupation: Lowlife extraordinaire
Character Abilities and Proficiency: Illusion and evocation magic, martial arts, investigation and extortion.

History/Background: Born in Oraii as the son of the high lord of Ara, he was trusted to the order of the Wings, an order of sacred pilgrims that are bound to never have a home and wander the world, for safekeeping as the War of Roses unfolded.
As feared, many of his parent's allies and his parents themselves fell to the conflict, but not before his father went against the Lion King's policies of fascist prosecution of the opposition in public. Although he would have been marked for execution had he been anyone else, Duke Rosstram of Ara was actually beloved by the people and only faced his king on behalf of a more humane way of doing things. Moreover, he had been the king's mentor, friend and juvenile lover, so he was actually one of the few people the king actually attempted to listen over his paranoia.

Nothing of this stopped death, and Duke Rosstram became the face of an underground separatist movement. Aegon was contacted to be recruited into the organization so that he could take the mantle of leadership. In any case, Aegon answered that he was not interested and said to the organization to get out of the country if they wanted to be free. The reason for that, though, is that he's looking for something even bigger. He has no time to be leading a rebellion against the one that had his father killed when he's so close to get a lead on how regular men can turn into gods..

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