INTEREST CHECK Shipwrecked survival RP

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Kitty Chanter

Original poster
I'm looking to do a survival and adventure RP with a couple people. But I want to see if any anyone has any interest in doing so.
Basically we will cheesily wash up on shore, with few supplies and go for it, living on an island. Almost getting eaten by tigers. You know, the usual.
I am definitely open to other peoples ideas, and I just wanted to see if anyone cared to do this little lame RP.
If you'd like to join just send a CS and we'll start up a thread. :p
Yay, we got one taker. :P I know its a lame idea but I think it seems really fun to be out in the wild, surviving and stuff.
Well the question is: is this fantasy or realistic?
I'm interested in this for sure!
Love the "eaten by tigers, you know the usual" part :P
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