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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Daughter of Hecate
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My time zone is Mountain Standard Time. I work a very stressful job, and am usually busy.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
I don't have a favorite genre. I can role-play under any genre and I enjoy doing so. Though, I tend to stray more towards Fantasy, Modern, Scifi, Drama, Magical, Supernatural, and Romance (BL/Hetero/GL).



Hello! The Realm of Nautchwald is small pocket dimension with a very diverse community of supernatural beings and monsters. What you may find during your time in Nautchwald is a small beach side town lined with a whole bunch of shops and buildings. There is also a park for families and individuals to relax in, a farmers market down by the docks, and various housing options. Down the paved road leading away from the small town is where you will find Nautchwald's High School where teenagers of all sorts attend. The road continues past this and ultimately leads to Petrova Manor where the Mayor of Nautchwald, Magnolia Arcenciel, and her "family" lives. You have recently moved, and registered as a Nautchwald citizen. Now that you are a citizen, what is there for you to do? Get a job, make friends, attend Nautchwald High School, discover the secrets of the Petrova Manor, maybe even meet a Petrova? It's all up to you in this open role-play! All you have to do to is join our chat room "Nautchwald Realm" and embark on a new life.


The Petrova Manor, named after the former mayor Xavier Petrova, sits upon a cliff by the sea. It's guarded by a black old century style gate and a built in security system. The manor itself is huge, at least four stories tall, and made entirely out of brick. It is the most luxurious places in all of Nautchwald, with a large front yard, modern appliances, personal servants, a view of the ocean, and much more. It seems that only the people who have a reason to be there are allowed entry onto the estate, but you managed to get in by applying to work there. What awaits you behind those large onyx gates? Find out and join our closed role-play "The Rose Witch Covenant"! For entry and more information please message a group officer or the group owner Violaceous.


The Petrova Family, that take residence in the Petrova Manor, are a millennia old family of witches. Within this family of witches there are those how excel greatly over the others.They specialize in a certain type of magic naturally and are blessed or cursed with certain powers only they possess. The reason these witches have gained such power is because they are the reincarnations of the founding members of the Rose Witch Covenant which the Petrova Family centers itself around. Each "Rose Witch" are identified by the color of their past self. Secretly, they are the true force that governs the Realm of Nautchwald. Are you "Rose Witch" material?



"Our coven immortal, our bonds eternal, our suffering everlasting."

Website | Interest | Discord | IC
Welcome! Rose Witch Covenant is the very first role-play that I ran on Iwaku, and after a while it had to be put on hiatus due to lack of active players, and some real life issues I was having at the time. It has been down for around three years now, and in those three years I have worked on the role-play in my spare time with the hopes that I would be able to run it again. I am happy to announce that I have finally completed the website improvements, which means I can finally reopen RWC to the Iwaku community. Yay!

RWC is around four or five years old now, and one of my greatest creations. It falls somewhere in the genres of drama, modern fantasy, and action, with little tid bits of adventure and mystery. I hope these are something that interest you! The Story will focus primarily on the Petrova Family and the hardships they might face as they try to keep not just Nautchwald together, but themselves. There will be very many story arcs, as well as individual character arcs, and special events to keep all of us entertained while we experience something great together! Other things to note is that there might be dark themes, such as character death and violence, in this role-play. If stuff like that bothers you then maybe this role-play isn't suited for you.

Oh! Don't forget to take a look at the website I created for this role-play. On it you will find very important information such as rules, roles, lore, and locations that are vital to the role-play. I know some people would prefer the information be on site as well, so below I will include tabs highlighting only certain things to consider before joining. After people express enough interest then I will also create a info dump thread for those of you that are a bit more fickle with how you like things presented to you. If you have any questions feel free to ask below, or send me a PM. I appreciate that you've made it this far in my interest check, and if you are interested please comment below! Thanks for reading!

[fieldbox=", #BF3EFF, solid"]
{slide=Rules and Expectations|center}- Must be long term and dedicated. This role-play could last a while!

- You must be active, and post at least once or twice a week . You will be given three warnings for inactivity before being removed from the group.

- You must be cooperative with the Game Master and the other members.

- You can collaborate on events, plot, and characters. Please tell the game master of any plot or event prior to carrying it out.

- If you, the game player, are having troubles with another member please tell the Game Master.
Drama out of character is frowned upon, drama in character is welcomed.

- Zero tolerance is in effect. I do not and will not accept bullying of any form in or out of my game. You will be removed from the group, and your character will become npced until I decide they are no longer needed.

-Do not argue with me, the game master, as I have final say in any matter. When I tell you to change something then you change it. When I tell you to stop misbehaving then you stop misbehaving. When I tell you no then that means no. I will not be disrespected, belittled, or harassed for any decisions I've made regarding anything in the role-play. You will be given three warnings to correct your behavior before being removed from the role-play. ( I only had to write this rule due to previous complications with past players).

For more information please visit the website! Thank you. :)


Rose Witches:
Blue Rose - Xavier - Semi-Omnificence- Deceased - Unavailable FOR NOW
Red Rose - Premade - Magic - Anastasia - Widow of Blue - Mother to White - Grandmother to Black and Purple - Petrova Family Head - CEO of Potent Inc. - Taken by Phantom
White Rose - Premade - Space and Time - Morris - Father to Black and Purple - Bears the Mark of La Rosa - NPCED
Purple Rose - Premade - White Arts / Protection / Healing - Moselle - Taken by Vio
Black Rose - Premade - Dark Arts / Curses / Chaos - Skylar - Antagonist - Taken by Vio

Pink Rose - Chi - Available
Grey Rose - Divination - Taken by Serendipity
Bisque Rose - Transmutation - Taken by Gladis
Orange Rose - Elemental - Available
Chartreuse - Necromancy - Antagonist - Taken by Katie

Gold Rose - Illusions - Available (Special conditions)
Silver Rose - Enchantment - Available (Special conditions)
Platinum Rose - Aura Manipulation - Available (Special conditions)
Iron Rose - Voodooism - Taken by Kit
Bronze Rose - Shamanism - Taken by Shini (Special conditions)
For more information on the witches please take a look at their page found on the website. :)

The Familiars: WE NEED THESE!
Each Rose Witch can have a familiar companion. For more information on them please take a look at the website. :)

Blue -
Red - Taken by Celeste
White -
Purple -Taken by Lulu
Black - Taken by Shini

Pink -
Orange -
Bisque - Taken by Shini
Grey -
Chartreuse - Taken by Gladis

Bronze - Taken by Denali



{slide=The Petrova Family Memoir}Creation

Millennia ago, dating back to the days of ancients, Lucifer, gods most prized angel fell from the heavens and was imprisoned in a new realm of fire and ice. Once fallen, the battle between "evil" and "good" shortly began. Demons were created and roamed the plains of hell seeking any possible way to climb out of the pit. Around this time other creatures, small little beings, known as humans began to advance and adapt to the world the creator had bestowed upon them. Most the of human race adapted into laborers, warriors, and even kings. People too blind, arrogant, or perhaps ignorant to see the supernatural creatures that plagues their realm, however, there was that small percent that were born on the same frequency as the other beings that roamed the earth along side them. People who were capable of seeing that they were not alone in their world, that other creatures walked along side them such as nymphs, sirens, fae, vampyre, angels, and even demons. These supernatural beings, so unlike the humans, were known for their habits but none more dangerous than that of a demon. It wasn't long before the humans began to realize that they could harness the power of these dangerous creatures. These people are formally known as witches. It is said that witches are the product of a contract made with that of a demon. The demon provides the human unnatural power and in return they either collect souls, or give up their own. Thus witches were created, and as time continued it's march forward witches began being born by natural means. The demons eventually were no longer needed in order to obtain great power, that is unless you were born human.

To be continued..., on the website! ;)
{slide=And we can dance....}We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well, they're no friends of mine

Say, we can go where we want to
A place where they will never find
And we can act like we come from out of this world
Leave the real one far behind

And we can dance

We can go when we want to
The night is young and so am I
And we can dress real neat from our hats to our feet
And surprise 'em with the victory cry

Say, we can act if we want to
If we don't, nobody will
And you can act real rude and totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile

And say, we can dance, we can dance
Everything's out of control
We can dance, we can dance
They're doing it from pole to pole
We can dance, we can dance
Everybody look at your hands
We can dance, we can dance
Everybody's taking the chance
Safety dance
Oh well, the safety dance
Ah yes, the safety dance

We can dance if we want to
We've got all your life and mine
As long as we abuse it, never gonna lose it
Everything'll work out right

I say, we can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
Because your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well, they're no friends of mine

I say, we can dance, we can dance
Everything's out of control
We can dance, we can dance
We're doing it from pole to pole
We can dance, we can dance
Everybody look at your hands
We can dance, we can dance
Everybody's taking the chance

Oh well, the safety dance
Ah yes, the safety dance
Oh well, the safety dance
Oh well, the safety dance
Oh yes, the safety dance
Oh, the safety dance, yeah
Well, it's the safety dance
It's the safety dance



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Note: ALL MAGICAL BEINGS ARE CALLED MAGI IN THIS SETTING. Wizard is a masculine way to call a male Magi, a Witch is a feminine way to call a female Magi. Mage is a gender neutral way of referring to either a man or a woman. Fae are typically referred to as either Fae or Magi, as they are being that also use magic, and typically do not have gender specific pronouns. Jinn are the same as fae.

Note: IN THIS SETTING WE WILL HAVE SEMI-TRADITIONAL VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES. It is possible for vampires to be born naturally, but exceptionally rare. A vampire that is born will most likely be sterile, and cannot produce with out magical aid of some kind. The chances of a conceiving are increased if the male and female were once human, and then turned vampire. It is possible that a woman that is pregnant during her turn will conceive a half human half vampire baby, or a normal human baby. Vampires cannot walk out into the sun with out a special charm made to protect them, the enchantment on the charm will fade over time so vampires most have their charms reenchanted! Vampires cannot eat human food, it will taste like sand paper. Vampires can survive on animal blood but would be incredibly weak compared to vampires who drink human blood. Monster blood can have various effects on vampires. The blood of a Magi (mages and faes) are intoxicating to vampires. A werewolves bite is venomous to vampires, and a vampire's blood is like acid to werewolves.

I've yet to have someone make a werewolf character, so if that interests you we can get in a pm and discuss the ins and outs of a werewolf.

Note: RWC WILL HOST DARK THEMES THROUGH OUT THE STORY! If you are not comfortable with dark and gruesome then I am sad to admit that it may not be for you. ^^;

Questions recently asked:
Lstorm-Today at 7:38 PM
So, are there any rules as to how magic works in this setting, @Here and Queer ?

Here and Queer-Today at 7:43 PM
Hmm I haven't really given it much thought. Magic isn't limitless. That's one. Casting spells all the time drains a Magi's energy so they would have to recharge after a while, which just happens naturally after a given amount of time.
The bigger and more complex the spell the harder it is on the caster
The laws of equal exchange is also relevant in this setting. For example someone who is destined to die being saved will mean that someone needs to die in their place.

So what makes Witches witches, if you pardon the repetition? Do they possess some sort of special mastery over magic?(edited)

Here and Queer-Today at 7:47 PM
Originally Magi came to be only by making deals with demons or fae. The nature of the deal depended on who they were dealing with. The fae were a lot less terrible than the demons, as they typically only asked for first born children. While demons would either ask for the person's soul, or kill in their name. They could possibly get magic through deities, who typically asked for sacrifices of some kind or some sort of test to be passed.
However over the years these borrower magi began producing children that were naturally intune with magic, and deals were no longer necessary.
Think of magic as sort of a "force" similar to how magic looks in the anime series Magi.
or like starwars! xD

Lstorm-Today at 7:50 PM
Ahaaaa, I see. So a human using magic would essentially be a "Holy shit, how did we miss they have magic?" button?(edited)

Here and Queer-Today at 7:51 PM
Essentially. It is extremely rare for a human to be born " in tune" with magic naturally as they had human parents. In this setting witches/wizards are not humans. They are monsters called Magi.
Your character will most likely already be in tune with magic, but it could be dormant or represent itself in a way they might not understand. I am leaving that entirely up to you.

No minimum age for characters, yes?
Also, may I ask what sort of forces / sides are present who know about the supernatural?

Here and Queer - Today at 8:20 PM
I prefer they are in their teens and older.
Well the humans are blissfully unaware of supernatural kind. Hunters do exist and will become a problem later in the story, as of right now Hunters cannot get into Nautchwald or any where else that have been magically warded from them.
There's the Seelie vs Unseelie courts for the fae kingdom, but I am not sure if I am going to get into that.
Fairy lore is actually pretty extensive.
There is also the typical Heaven Vs Hell but again that wont come into play until way later in the story.
Oooh and there is a bit of social strife with in the magical realms.
There is the Council of Elders which acts as a driving force for all Magi kind, but the council is corrupt as is the families they represent.
There are several cases of prestigious magical families abusing their power and status on those less fortunate, this will be rectified later in the story but I am not going to go into details about it as it is sort of a hush hush thing.(edited)
Then there is the Blackmarket and underbelly of the magical world, which we have touched on. Vampires enslaving humans and running the illegal selling of humans and other magical creatures.
Powerful magical items being sold to people who shouldn't have that kind of power.
A certain half demon running around making deals and stealing souls
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I here I am keeping my Familiar and female Bisque rose. Please
which roles are needed?
which roles are needed?

I believe as of right now White and Orange are the only rose witch roles available, HOWEVER, later in the story a third tier of rose witches would be introduced (I keep forgetting to add them to the top post, but they can be found on the website). If you are interested in those, then I believe Gold, Platinum, Silver, and Bronze are available. Obtaining a Third Tier role would be interesting as they will be given to witches outside of the Petrova Family Tree, which means you'd be given free reign to literally make them whoever you want and with no ties to the Petrova Family.

If a rose witch role isn't interesting to you, there are familiar roles for the rose witches. Their significance to the story depends entirely on you. Maybe they get kidnapped and there's an arc surrounding that, or they feel neglected by their rose witch and there's an arc centered on the interpersonal relationship between a familiar and their master.

If that doesn't strike your fancy you can make your own role for RWC, but again you'd need to work with me on creating an arc for them. :)
@Denali I just wanted to update you and let you know that Bronze has been taken, but Chartreuse, White, and Orange are still available, and the other third tier rose witch roles. Plus any else I mentioned in the previous comment. ^^

Full Name:
Kaliah Giselle Renali


Voodoo Witch
Witch Doctor
Twin Terrors - With Kari
Double Trouble - With Kari [Younger]
Iron Rose Witch [Future]

Preferred Name:

Age/Date of Birth:


Sexual Orientation:


Languages Spoken:
Fluent ~ English, Russian, Spirits, Spanish

Can get by ~ Portuguese, French, Hebrew

Magic shop with her twin - Runs the voodoo portion.




Facial Structure:
Heart shaped | high cheekbones

Body Structure:
Curvy | Slim | Minor muscle definition

Eye Colour:

Hair Colour:
Raven Black

Hair style/length:
Her hair reaches her waist. Often she has it down with a plait to her left.


Skin Tone:
Beige skin tone

Minor small scars from accidents as a child (she was a clumsy child)

Tattoo of a skull upon her inner right wrist - matching her twins.

Each lobe is pierced

Her left arm is covered in the marks of the Loa she has had contact/bargained with

Kali likes to wear clothes that are black, red or involve gold somehow. She just finds these colours powerful. Typically, her outfit always tends to involve her black ripped material cloak and some time of ripped style. Be it bottoms or tops, there is always a similar ripped pattern to them somehow. Typically, her clothing and style is also quite revealing in some way or form. Kali pretty much always wears boots or heels of some kind, refusing to wear flats since she doesn't seem that as fitting in with her look.



Five Bad Traits:
Impulsive | Mischievous | Manipulative | Callous | Irresponsible (sometimes)

Five Good Traits:
Observant | Ambitious | Idealistic | Curious | Intellectual

If someone is easy to mess with then they deserve it | Money is one of the most important things in life | Family is one of the most important things in life | Knowledge is power.

Kali is mischievous by nature. A trickster for her own amusement. She will trick people, finding loopholes in requests just to simply watch the chaos that occurs in result. Her upbringing has caused her to be someone with a strong sense of independence, excluding her relationship with her twin who she is close to. In result of this, she is quite callous as well. Kali has no issue nor does she seem to think it through when she insults or is harsh towards someone. It is more as if she simply doesn't care for others excluding a rare few. Her ability for empathy is low, borderline non-existent. Unless someone is apart of her 'world', in a sense, she can disregard them with ease and a lack of care. However, Kali is an ambitious and idealistic individual. When she develops a goal she will aim for it and continuously strive for the goal she has set, though she is realistic about them. Kali has a belief in knowledge being a form of power and so loves to learn and is always curious about new things. This is especially in the case of her magic. One big part of her personality concerns her need for control, be it over herself or things around her. A loss of control over anything in her life seems to have an impact on her.

Will not eat or drink anything green - regardless of taste
Has no issue with lying for gain or benefit
Likes to take risks even when she knows the odds (sometimes - she doesn't take them unless there is a chance whatever the situation is, will go in her favour)

Making deals and finding loopholes in them
Making jewellery
Reading - mostly on topics of voodooism
Watching movies

- Red, Black and Gold.
- Pranks
- Loopholes in requests
- Her twin, Kari
- Singing
- Halloween
- Learning new things
- Chess
- Making Jewellery
- Making and designing the cards she uses

- Any foods that are green (she refuses to eat them - regardless of taste)
- Bright colours / Pastel colours
- Sports
- Loss of control over situations
- Country music
- Being tricked herself
- Authority figures
- Large crowds (simply to many factors to consider)



Karina Rose Renali ~ Twin Sister ~ Kali adores her older sister, especially since for most of their life the twins have relied upon each other due to their mothers sickness. Kari is slightly overprotective of her, in her own opinion, but Kali seems to not mind so much as her sisters caution makes up for her impulsiveness. Kari is one of the few important people within Kali's life, someone she would protect with her life without a second thought.

Distemper Renali ~ Mother ~ Distemper raised the twins alone. Kali fondly remembers the years she was healthy and the twins would spend time helping out in the store and watching their mother work. However, once her mother became sick, Kali is slightly more cautious around her. Kali obviously adores her but the fragile nature of her mother now seems to scare Kali. However, Distemper is one of her most important people.

Unknown father ~ She has no feelings towards him. No love, nor hate. She simple feels nothing towards the idea of her father.

Ciaran ~ Her familiar ~ TBA

Karn ~ Kari's familiar ~ At first, Kali hated Karn without even evaluating her own feelings to why. Blind hatred. In her young mind, Karn was an invader to the family that had always consisted of herself, Kari and their mother. Furthermore, Kari was the closest person to Kali which invoked feelings of jealous that her twin had such a bond with someone else. Her hatred and jealousy were fuelled by fear that she would loose her other half. When the twins were 13, Kali finally hit a breaking point. Kali carelessly used magic and ask some of the darker spirits to simply scare off Karn or at least to hurt him a little. However, her control and understanding of the spirits and loa, along with her own magic was minimal then so they ended up nearly killing him. For a few months after, all of which she was suffering with her guilt towards her actions, Kali snapped when Karn was being nice to her. She could not understand why he was being nice. In the middle of her rant, Karn simply hugged and forgave her. Since then Karn has been, as Kali will claim, their older brother.




Pack of cards
Silver dagger
Crafted blank doll - At least one or two always on her

~ Voodoo Magic ~
Kali has, for a long time, had an interest in voodoo magic. Due to this, she has been learning this magic for many years now.

Physically fit | Slightly above average stamina | Slightly above average strength (for her size) | Right handed | Flexible | Knows basic self defence

Idealistic | Strong willed | Independent | Curious




Loss of her sister or mother | Loss of her magic | Betrayal | Solitude | Loss of control

Left hand/side is weaker | Only basic knowledge of self defence | Avoids using her left arm in some cases

Impulsive | Callous (ends up insulting people a lot) | Is cautious of new people



Twenty or so years ago, Distemper, a young magi, fell in love with a man. Their love, though it ended, was pure and innocent at the time. A honeymoon phase where there was no issues or disputes between Distemper and her love. However, as everything does it come to an abrupt ending. One normal day though, her love disappeared. Distemper attempted to search for him in any way possible, be it magic or simply trying to track some information down on him. Yet nothing came up. It was only a few weeks later the young magi found herself pregnant. With twins. This only motivated her search for her unborn children's father, hoping to not only reunite with her love but to deliver the dear news she held. Yet, all her attempts led to failure.

Then, her children were born. Karina Rose was born first with small amounts of snow white hair upon her head and bright golden eyes. Then was Kaliah Giselle with raven black hair and the same bright gold eyes as her older twin sister. Both were given the surname Renali, their mothers family name. Distemper was ecstatic with her two new-borns, yet her heart mourned for her love. In the coming years she would move on from her grief, her focus solely upon on her twin daughters who she was forced to raise alone as she had long since separated from her own family and knew nothing of her previous love or his.

The Renali' family were not the best off at any point. Yet these were the better years for the trio of magi. Distemper owned a small store hidden in the poorer areas of Nauchtwald where she sold her concoctions and potions. It was a terribly small business, but it was enough for them. Kari and Kali even in their youth tried to help their mother out in any way they were able to. The small children would pick and clean up whatever they could while their mother worked, if not that they were watching in awe when their mother worked upon her merchandise to sell.

The Renali twins were always getting into mischief as children, it didn't seem to change much when they got older. With age their mischief became more practical. They started to hustle, trick and manipulate people to earn money. They even pickpocketed in some cases. In a short time, they got good at what they did, even.

The year the twins turned thirteen was one of the worst of their lives. Not that the years since have been better. During this period their mother started to change. She was weaker, pale, struggling to breath and often unable to even leave her own bed. A diagnosis came a short while later – stage two leukaemia. The twins tried, using up the family's savings, to pay off debts they incurred because of her medical needs and inability to work. Kari and Kali tried their best. Their magic was minimal, but they did their best anyway. They put all their focus into working, hustling and learning. All for the sake of their mother.

Throughout all their life, Kali and Kari were always together. Nothing separated them. Yet, when it came time to learn specific magic, the two were forced to finally face the dreadful truth. Kari showed the skills and enthusiasm for shamanism-based magic, yet Kali an affinity for voodoo based. Both were ecstatic as they both found a common theme in the spirit-based magic yet, they were forced to separate when they gained mentors. Kali herself began her studies under a local witch doctor, something which she did with complete enthusiasm and motivation. Learning, from a young age, Kali saw as power.

Power to heal, to trick, to get what she wants or needs. Learning was knowledge and that not only translated into strengthening her magic, it meant she had more understanding of people and the world around her. It made manipulation easier. Something her tutor seemed to hold a similar belief in and so, Kali learnt the art of observing people be it for information or to understand them from her tutor.

The twins have grown up from the initial diagnosis their mother received. Now nineteen years old, the twins mother has progressed to stage three and shows no sign of getting better. In result, Kali and Kari had just grown closer and learned to depend solely on each other. Only a few people enter their secluded view of the world and become truly important to the twin terrors.



Theme Song: Hasley ~ Control

Robyn Adele Anderson
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Reactions: Esmeray


Full Name:
Isolde Aoife Nox
"Ee-sol-dey" "Ee-fya"



Preferred Name:

Age/Date of Birth:
192 years.
Appears 19-21
15th July


Sexual Orientation:


Caitlin Glass (Hannah's dub voice from Kuroshitsuji)

Languages Spoken:
Vampir, English, Gaelic, Italian and Latin.




Facial Structure:
Oval shape, high cheekbones and full, heart shaped lips.

Body Structure:
Tall, slim with slight curves to her figure. Mostly athletic structure with long, nimble limbs.

Eye Colour:
Light blue, bordering a shade of grey.

Hair Colour:
Light blonde almost platinum shade.

Hair style:
Shoulder length, slight curls and a side parting.


Skin Tone:
Pale- Porcelain



Three piercings on each ear.
Helix, Standard lobe and industrial


Isolde's style consists primarily of monochrome shades with the occasional darker tones of reds, purples and blues. Pretty much every other colour she will avoid like the plague. Most commonly seen wearing slim fitting pants, trousers or leggings with crisp button up shirts and fitted female waistcoats (more formal). Rarely will she be seen in skirts or dresses. In a more lax situation, Isolde is prone to wear t-shirts, shorts, oversized jumpers and off the shoulder tops. Her piercings are always in unless absolutely required to be out. Commonly, she adorns a black velvet gothic choker with a ivory white charm resting upon its middle, resembling a waning crescent moon phase. Isolde adorns minimal makeup, only really using a bold red lipstick and the odd occasion, some eyeliner. She is always wearing some type of heels. Normally, it is a pair of heeled boots but more formally, she will wear different styles.




Five Bad Traits:
Easy to annoy | Snappish | Can be ruthless | Vindictive | Sneaky

Five Good Traits:
Loyal | Logical | Patient | Controlled | Polite (Though this is normally her faking it)

➳ Isolde is more of a realist, her perception of anything will primarily be based off what she knows of someone or something
➳ There is no 'purely' good or evil. Everyone is both. Some people just drown in darkness while others fight it.
➳ Isolde's morality differs from others, having been raised in a environment that did not teach what is commonly thought of as wrong to be such and never had a human life to gain these from. As such, she is heavily reliant upon logic and benefit behind actions and words. If the outcome was favourable, Isolde sees no issues in doing whatever to achieve a goal.

Isolde is quite reserved and tends to keep to herself and her own business. Regardless of reason, she is rarely seen putting herself in situations that do not concern her or someone she cares about despite how few people fit in that category. Her social skills, though she can easily act polite and social, are honestly not the best if she was to act as herself. People annoy her easily and she has no issue snapping at someone verbally in retaliation for annoying her. Despite not meaning to entirely, she can be like this even with people she is close to. Though towards them, she is normally a lot calmer and engaging in comparison to others. Isolde is a realist, preferring facts and information above confirming her own feelings or instincts to something. Her history has led her to have quite a good grasp over her emotions and in terms of controlling herself. She does seem to have a slightly more playful and mischievous side, though it is rarely seen unless she finds someone amusing enough to try and rile up. Unlike others of her kind, who were once human, Isolde was not and as such has not developed morality similar to the once humans did. Things normally considered morally wrong, such as murder for example, do not appear as such to her. Instead, Isolde is reliant upon logic when judging actions, and the benefit result of them. However, since coming to Nauchtwald she has improved to understand this more but her morality remains similar.

➳ Messing up her hair whenever she is stressed or tired.
➳ Biting and often damaging her lip when angered, an act to try and keep control over herself.
➳ Tends to mess with people whenever slightly bored or even if she is annoyed.

Piano | Cooking | Listening to music | Watching Movies
| Reading (She is picky) | Studying Poisons | Collecting rare plants | Dancing of all types (Secret)

➳ Due to heightened senses, Isolde likes calm and classical music. It also tends to calm her moods when stressed or any other type of negative state she finds herself in. She does like other types of music, though has never enjoyed country or rap.
➳ Though she can't eat anything but blood, Isolde has learnt to cook and it quite good at it. It took a lot of practice though but nearly everyone she cares for has to eat so she learnt.
➳ The night. In her honest opinion, instinctual or not, it is the best time of day. No stress on her senses and its a lot less hectic.
➳ Researching/Investigation. A weird like but Isolde generally does enjoy this type of work.
➳ Mischief. She does enjoy messing with people in any ways possible for her own amusement.

➳ Early morning. Isolde finds herself quite grumpy during the first few hours of light. Plus, she is a bloody vampire. Daytime is not her friend.
➳ Hearing anything to do with her coven and family.
➳ Loud people. She honestly just can't be bothered with overly loud or obnoxious people.
➳ Running out of red lipstick.
➳ Disruptions to anything she is working on.



➳ The Nox Coven - Isolde has very little positive to say about the vampiric nest she was born into. Though she remains, to this day, within their ranks she harbours loathing towards them and their increasing foolishness. Their actions are not what disturbs her but instead their increased risk taking that she believes is just decreasing the time before another topples them from their believed status. Isolde has no interest in being a part of them and has, for a few years now, been trying to figure out a way to sabotage them and leave safely.

➳ Alaric & Julia Nox - Her relationship with them is not good either. Both were shocked when they conceived and not having been mortal for a long time, have very little parental instincts left. Isolde's relationship with her parents is minimal, weak and often just about business.

➳ Skylar Petrova - Skylar is Isolde's best friend. Isolde is slightly over protective of the young witch but she thinks she absolutely adorable. There are few people Isolde honestly will place her trust in and Skylar is one of these few. She often calls Skylar 'Adorable young witch'.

➳ Ryuu - TBA




➳ Charmed item - allowing her to be outside and within the sun without harm to herself.
➳ Dagger - Precautionary. She always has one or two on her person at a time, just in case.
➳ Poisons - Isolde pretty much always has various types of poisons upon her person, especially due to her interest in them and their effects upon people.
➳ Sabre blade. - While it was once one of her preferred weapons, Isolde, since leaving Nox, does not require it as much.

➳ Hypnosis
➳ Enhanced speed
➳ Enhanced strength
➳ Enhanced healing
➳ Enhanced senses
➳ Levitation

➳ Isolde has been trained to be stealthy and so knows how to use her skills and such to be unnoticed
➳ She knows a few forms of fighting, thought they rely on quickly taking out targets

➳ Isolde is a realist and focuses on logic, she plans out pretty much everything she can - she hates surprises.
➳ She is quite tactical



➳ Not escaping the Nox.
➳ Harm coming to those she loves.

➳ Decapitation
➳ Werewolf bites
➳ Being staked

➳ She has insecurities - Through appearing confident, Isolde sometimes looses herself to much in analyzing and judging herself.
➳ Tends to get irritated easily by people she doesn't know.
➳ Tends to ignore a large portion of her history, bringing it up can anger or cause herself to shut down in some ways.



➳ The Nox vampire nest has been around for centuries, formed when a pair of vampires, whose names are now lost to the historical records, fell in love and decided to try and help those of their kind who were in miserable situations. Freshly turned vampires who knew nothing, those facing persecution or were found by humans and even those who had simply become lonesome within their immortal lives. The two lovers became the leaders of the unnamed group at the time and they made a home away from society. Years had passed, the group secluded from others, when the two lovers during a brief trip to a nearby town turned a human who was close to death.

The lovers had no idea who and what this mortal was like, but they still welcomed him into their nest. However, the mortal had been power hungry during his mortal time and he was even more so when he awoke to the world of vampires. The nest simply hiding away with brief trips outside of their lands was not enough. Over time he swayed the judgement of some members to believe that they should rule, that the nest should step out and take the power he believed they deserved. He swayed them with the idea of no longer being secluded and hidden. Once he had enough support, he murdered those who did not agree with the assistance of those he swayed. His creators, the lovers, died here as well. It was from this point that this once secluded nest that only wanted to exist separately became known as 'Nox'. It was then they became a group of murderers, thieves, informants and more.

Near enough two hundred years ago, the current leader of Nox, Alaric and Julia were faced with a situation that they could not understand, nor did they entirely believe. Vampires were created but within very rare circumstances, a vampire was born. It was myth even in their community and nest, unheard of except in whispers of misbelief. However, the two gave birth to a female child who they named Isolde Aoife. Though the reaction to her was good, the child was faced with suspicion and caution. Even her parents were this way towards her, the fact they were turned so long ago and never had children in their mortal years led to a loss of any parental instincts. At most, the duo was uncomfortable around Isolde, mostly Alaric though.

The nest was mostly unsure how to proceed but like any new one to the nest, she was taught, and her future dictated to be a 'Nox'. Ways to kill, hunt and steal were the first steps. To identify precious artefacts and items were next. Any skill that benefited the nest, she was forced to learn. Despite being a young age and growing, Isolde was not exempt from the harsh rules the nest enforced. Her life, from even a young age, was harsh and lonely, her actions controlled and the beliefs of the nest influencing her.

Isolde spent many years unaware of the suspicion and caution directed at her. The nest members are naturally formal and controlled around one another but they were avoidant or harsher towards her in how they spoke. However, growing up with this she remained blissfully unaware that this was anything but normal treatment. She did not see her parents often either, Alaric busy and her mother often with him. Isolde did however, question why there was no other vampires like her. All she was ever told was that a vampire's birth was rare...they knew nothing more.

When Isolde reached 19 her growth seemed to cease suddenly. It was then that some of the distrust towards her became verbalised, mainly from Henry, a vampire sired (changed) by her family (father) before she was even born. Though instead of struggling and letting it get to her, Sol simply found herself amused by it. She spent many years paired up with Henry on jobs, the whole-time taunting and teasing the older vampire till he erupted in anger. By this point, Isolde was like every other Nox within nest grounds. Believing that they should simply follow the rules and orders of the council and leader. They never doubted the choices or decisions, and no one dared verbalise any issues with such. Loyalty and what would happen if they tried to leave was something drilled into new members and Isolde herself.

However, Isolde was always curious, but she was logical and so when she began to doubt her nest, she remained silent. The council of the nest itself had become restless and with time, they had become less cautious. She knew the nest's dealings would be noticed and they would be faced with danger and that the council would easily throw whoever they could at whoever opposed them without care for their lives. As the Nox targeted, on request, higher profile people or stole things with more value that would certainly start a chain reaction. Nox even began to involve themselves in worse dealings, reaching in even Nauchtwald with their activity.

While many of the Nox are blinded to the joint greed of their family, Isolde is one of the very few within the 'mafias' (what they have basically become) who doubt and question the foolishness of some of their leaders. Caution thrown to the wind, worse crimes and riskier kills. More deaths were reported within their ranks. Yet no one, even now, speaks up against it. Eventually, Isolde concluded that the only future for the Nox is their eventual dethroning. So, since her realisation, Isolde has been plotting and acting against Nox. While she keeps her actions low key and follows orders, more often than not she is keeping her distance from their ranks and finding ways to rid herself of them.

More recently, Isolde used the claim of the Nox's dislike of her to find reason to escape their land. While she has not worried much about their obvious avoidance and dislike of her due to her difference, Isolde quickly used this as a reason to move out and gain her own residency. Now, unlike other Nox members, she receives payment from her missions and almost acts as if an independent force, living on her own away from them.



Theme Song:

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Full Name:


Sea Monster (She finds this offensive)

Preferred Name:

Age/Date of Birth:
She looks 15-17
Unknown exact date/age.


Sexual Orientation:


Taiga Aisaka

Languages Spoken:
English, Atlantean

Nimhue is basically the weather controller for Nauchtwald.




Facial Structure:
Heart shaped face with light pale pink lips and a healthy flush to her cheeks.

Body Structure:
Petite, Short and slender.

Eye Colour:
A purple-grey.

Hair Colour:
Vibrant Pink

Hair Style:
Reaches her collar bone and is naturally straight. Currently has her hair in a side parting (But often gets this changed).


No idea. She refuses to ever find out.

Skin Tone:
Rosy-Pale skin tone.

Minor scarring on her upper arms and lower legs that are barely visible but resemble faint teeth indentations.
Larger scar upon her upper back but still it is faint and barely noticed unless looked for.
They are shadows of the scarring that litter her natural form.


Each ear lobe is pierced once.

Nimhue has faint markings that covers her skin. Ancient symbols that even she fails to know what mean line her shoulder blades and back. The are a pale grey/white that blends mostly in with her flesh.

Nimhue will wear whatever is in style at the time. However, she favours skirts, shorts and leggings with baggy shirts and stylish jackets. She often focuses more on her hairstyle than her actual clothing style. Jewellery is common but she is not as focused on it as other aspects of her style. Nimhue enjoys wearing bright and lively colours, often avoiding the dark shades of every colour if possible. Strangely, Nimhue does enjoy sunglasses and so has a oddly large collection of them that she will wear when outside, regardless of the weather.




Five Bad Traits:
Possessive | Childish | Quick tempered | Selfish | Short attention span

Five Good Traits:
Caring (but slow to warm up to people | Protective | Can be understanding (if she is calm) | Thoughtful | Loves to learn new things

☁ Nimhue firmly believes any creature within her water domain is under her protection and is 'hers'.
☁ She still things the water is better than land. No argument or evidence can sway her opinion.
☁ Is a dreamer, not a realist. Tends to act more upon her emotions and feelings than focusing on logic.
☁Nimhue believes that everyone and everything is created for a purpose. Hers is simply to protect the oceans from threats, which in recent times has become humans.

Nimhue, though practically ancient, due to the growth of her species, is basically a teenager. This reflects heavily in her behaviour. She is quick to get angry at even the smallest things and possessive over her things and friends. Due to her lack of time around people, her social skills are abysmal. As such she is not used to noticing emotions in others (very well) or noticing when she is being rude or even selfish. Though currently, she is learning. Despite this, Nimhue has quite the sweet character towards people if not basically, having a tantrum of some kind. She seems to have an enthusiasm to learn and ask about new things, getting used to the world on land, and will often be entranced by anything she has not yet come across. Her moods are quick to change but generally, Nimhue is happy and bubbly when she is in a good one (the majority of the time).

☁ Not native to land or even her human form, there are some concepts and things she fails to grasp. When she is caught out on them she often get irritated and angry quickly.
☁ When this happens normally the corner of her eyes will minimally twitch and she will grind her teeth
☁ Nervousness often leads her to chewing upon her hair (though she will deny being nervous)

☁ Swimming - Nimhue adores any time she can spend in large bodies of water. It is home to her and as such, has quite a tranquil impact upon her mood.
☁ Sweets - Coming to land, sweets is one of the greatest things she has tried since then. She is basically addicted to anything sweet.
☁ Fashion - Nimhue finds fashion trends interesting and so has a habit of following what is in style and making sure she is up to date herself with them.
☁ Angering people she dislikes - Yeah, she is just a brat.
☁ Tending to aquatic life - Unable to resist caring for any type of aquatic life as if it is of her own blood, Nimhue has a habit of collecting pet fish and spending considerable time feeding and taking care of them.

☁ Sweets (any kind)
☁ Getting up at midday (she tends to be irritable if she gets up before, just for a couple hours anyway)
☁ Her pet fish
☁ Swimming
☁ Fashion
☁ Shopping
☁ Pop music
☁ Sunglasses!
☁ Irritating people

☁Sour or bitter foods
☁The heat (Prefers cool temperatures)
☁Staying in her human form or on land for long periods of time
☁People harming what is hers (she considers fish in her territory, hers)
☁Having to stay in one place for extended periods of time
☁Dark colours
☁Bugs and any aviary creature




Zhu - Nimhue considers the dragon butler basically family. At first, like she is towards everyone, Nimhue disregarded and was even rude to the butler. However, she warmed up to him when it became apparent the similarities they share. Now, Zhu is considered a brother to Nimhue.

☁ Morris - Nimhue met Morris when he stopped her rampage on Atlantis, which then eventually led to her involvement in Nauchtwald. She is attached to Morris since he was the first she met, though she has a minor crush on him

☁ Sephira - Nimhue, while she respects the red rose witch, tends to unintentionally get on the woman's nerves. Nimhue's lack of social skills leads her to be quite blunt and often, end up insulting the woman. Interactions between the two often lead to stuff being thrown (Seph) or both of them becoming quickly irritated.




☁ Weather Control/Manipulation → Nimhue has a direct, almost instinctual link to nature, more specifically the weather. She is able to control it on a small or larger scale, though in some cases it can cause her to become fatigued. This occurs when causing drastic weatherly changes. Nimhue is able to use her abilities on a smaller, more personal scale but due to her minimal time outside of the oceans and lack of need, her control of such things is minimal. Her emotions can heavily impact her abilities or the general weather if strong enough.

Physical (Humanoid form):
☁ Her physical strength is slightly above average, minimally so though.
☁ Bottomless stomach - Nimhue can honestly continue eating for what seems like forever, rarely ever claiming she is full or cannot eat more.
☁ Nimhue has excellent, above average vision.

☁ Historical and Supernatural knowledge. - Nimhue is practically ancient despite her young appearance (she ages differently) and so has knowledge on historical events and the supernatural. Though, due to many years of rest and her avoidance of people, it is rarely first hand knowledge.




☁ Being on land to long. She becomes restless and irritable after extended periods.
☁ Birds. Bugs. She hates and freaks out if they get to close.
☁ Needles. She finds them unnatural and evil.

☁ Unlike her monstrous form, Nimhue's humanoid is considerably more fragile and weak.
☁ Nimhue's physical stamina is considerably inferior to when in her actual form. - She often is unable to do to much physical activity without fatigue or stress (she is still unused to this form)

☁ Nimhue's attention span is very short. She can tune out anything and anyone easily.
☁ Naïve - Nimhue is still learning and adapting to society, people and this life. She will believe things easily and so is tricked easily.
☁ Nimhue is constantly riddled with a, albeit ignored, sense of shame for abandoning what she is supposed to guard. The oceans. However, since she even harmed Atlantis in her madness driver moments, Nimhue has yet to returned to her territory out of shame. Its a sensitive issue for her.




☁ Nimhue cannot answer the question properly of when she first came into existence but she knows her purpose. Her species, herself, exist to guard over the oceans and its inhabitants. Once there was life to protect, she existed. Though mortals know only recall her species as a myth to do with lakes, that's not the full truth. Where there is a sizeable body of water, there is most likely some type of Guardian creature, Nimhue one of them. In her case, her territory rest in a portion of the oceans. Her mind, personality and self developed more with time from the simple instinctual beast she once was. Though the processes was slow as the world around her slowly began to develop as well.

She spent her years, nameless and tasked with nothing else but observing the world and protecting her space. Interactions with anything similar to her were rare and short, leading to a lonely existence. The inhabitants of land were no trouble then and the world was much simpler and so, Nimhue found herself lulled into a hundreds of years sleep until she felt the call of her instincts to awaken her. Whenever harm, on a scale warranting her attention, occurred she woke up with a start. More often than not it was trouble on land that threatened her home if it continued. So, to find out more, Nimhue took on a humanoid form for the first time to observe.

Nimhue had no issues with humans, the supernatural or any creature that existed on land at this point. She was simply curious. This was her first exposure to the supernatural world, coming across a group of shifting creatures (shifters). She held no plans to interrupt in their business, she only needed to confirm they would not trespass or attempt to enter her territory but she was found quickly by them. Not that she understood the need to hide or that they would attack her, curious to what she was as they had not come across a scent like hers before. Nimhue remained stunned by their actions, her knowledge of anything apart from her home was near non-existent and so was forced to battle these creatures. She was inexperienced and clumsy in this form and so was damaged easily. Nimhue was luckily able to escape back to the ocean before too much harm could come to her. However, in her wake was storms and floods in the general area of land that her blood was spilled for a couple days.

This sparked a rage, towards land and its inhabitants, inside Nimhue. Where she once let boats innocently fish in small amounts, the giant sea beast would attack anything that ventured into her territory. Large jaws would snap apart feeble ships and even devour all that came close. If not that, storms were evoked to drown anything and everything in her rage. Her once normal instinctual protectiveness was influenced by her selfishness, extending this once attack upon herself towards anything that was born upon land. She hated them, so she found herself viciously reacting to anything, even those she knew deep down, she should not be reacting to.

However, her rage didn't slowly dwindle, in her loneliness it was a fire that was fuelled with passing years. For a long time she kept up these actions until exhaustion and the need to sleep once more returned. Nimhue gave into the exhaustion and retreated back into the very depths of the ocean to slumber, her large form curled deep within oceanic caves. This processes would repeat itself on and off, the length of her awareness and sleep decreasing each time. Of course, as she grew, she required less time to grow and develop during her sleeping periods and so, with each rest, she was growing bigger and stronger.

A hundred or so years ago, Nimhue awoke once more and as normal, she continued her usual warpath of vicious attacks and murder. Atlantis itself rest within her territory and Nimhue was known as 'Guardian' to them (she had no name yet) but her interactions with the city and creatures was minimal except for a few sightings when she passed by. However, a problem occurred when Nimhue was attacked by the unknown when she decided to tread on land once more. She was tricked into treading upon land and a nasty, madness inducing poison infected into her bloodstream. It was slow acting but it was planned by her attackers. By the time she had returned to the oceans, once again in her true form, Nimhue was driven into madness and attacked everything and anything regardless of her loyalty to the oceans creatures. Atlantis ended up suffering in the processes as she had lost her senses, her mind and became hell-bent on destroying that as well.

At the time the white rose witch, Morris appeared to stop her attack from destroying the underwater city. The poison was slowly being destroyed in her system but it was still present and so the abaia and witch clashed. However, the witch did win against the mindless abaia but she was not destroyed or killed. With her powers fluctuating as the poison faded, Nimhue took her human form as storms began to violent brew above in the clouds. Nimhue was ashamed and angry, at her attackers and herself, for what had happened in her mindless rage. Morris offered to help her heal from the remaining poison but also invited her to a place called Nauchtwald (she totally thought it was a made up name when he first said it). Unable to stay near the places she was supposed to protect but ended up destroying, she agreed to lend her abilities and go to Nauchtwald.

Nimhue out of shyness and uncertainty about being out of her element grew close to Morris, only trusting the white rose witch. Though this distrust has fizzled out. When she first arrived she knew very little as she had not learned anything a day in her life. She had instincts and very little else. However, Morris helped her and began to teach her so she could catch up with the world. Even now she knows so very little and finds herself continuously curious of things she comes across but she has grown fond and familiar with certain things as well. It was upon entering Nauchtwald she gave herself the name Nimhue once she learnt to read, having gotten the name from a book she read. She is still adapting but social skills and such are still not her forte, rarely understanding if she upsets or angers someone else. ☁





True form:

This serpentine like form is in fact, Nimhue's natural state. Her size within this state is unmeasured but she is still large enough to devour multiple large scale ships within her extendable jaws, later devoured by inside rows of spiked fangs. The flesh of this form is primarily a light grey at the bottom, the shade becoming darker upon her top side, a type of camouflage from those looking above and below it. Spiked dorsal fins run along the top, the tips of each spine illuminated with light blue bioluminescence. Pectoral and pelvic fins are the only ones upon her form that are not lit up with bioluminescence though they run across grey flesh in a line either side of her body. There is sets of whisker like appendages that also stretch from her form, these illuminated pink in contrast to the blue bioluminescence of her fins and flesh. This forms eye's seem to glow with an eerie white hue at all times. The bioluminescence is not present all the time, being a conscious thing for Nimhue.

Impacts on humanoid form:
☁ When exposed back to water, her humanoid form will adapt to allow her to breathe.
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  • Full Name
    Demon, shadow
    Familiar Shadow
    Preferred Name
    Ent or Shadow
    Age/Date of Birth
    October 13th A Monday when Skylar was 6 years old
    Sexual Orientation
    Heterosexual mostly asexual
    Jeremy Irons Scar
    Languages Spoken
    Latin, Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic,
    Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, Hindi, Hebrew, Italian, Atlantean,Demonic, Transylvanian, Fae, Greek, Russian, Zimbabwean, Chinese, Japanese, Cambodian, French, German, Russian, Vampir, Lycan, Mer, Shadows, Spirits, English, and Animals
    Familiar to Skylar

  • Appearance
    Ent is a Dark billowing shadow that can take no form at all or can take a wolf like creature with sharp features, white eyes and sharp teeth. His second from be a round shadow with white eyes and arms. The rest is just a Dark mass of energy. He was summoned when he felt a pull from his Mistress a Dark energy that was pulling him from his floating existence of looking for a him to serve. His Mistress also has another form for him a stolen black puppy, that she killed for him to be able to stay in the world and maybe take over its body, he prefers not to though. He sees the body as more of his anchor to this world.

    He normally stands at 2.5 feet tall from his billowing bottom to the top of his pointy ears. When he feeds off of dark moods or energy, he grows and billows around the room making it feel as if the air was being sucked out of it. If he were to sit on you it be like having a 85 lb dog lay in your lap. He tends to prefer the Black wolf form and enjoy speaking or growling. He tends to mopey around and enjoy affection from Skylar who is his entire world. He had grown with her since the day they met. He had appeared as a small wolf pup in front of her and smirked. His smile brought one to her lips and felt her arms around him. He was not solid,but because she could control shadows he was solid to her. Only her Hands wouldn't go right through his shadow billowing body.
  • Personality
    Ent is a complicated being. He is dark and yet when it comes to his witch he is loyal protective and very affectionate towards her. She is his world and he enjoys every second in her life. He does have some very bad traits, he can be very sarcastic and his jokes are very dry along with his humor. Though his laugh tends to be a bit Erie and contagious. Ent can be jealous of others, and a bit mopey sometimes. He is not always the most trustworthy doesn't tend to mention things he knows until after things happen. He just likes to see things play out. Ent is also cold and very uncaring, he will attack without a second thought. He has no remorse for those he has killed in the past infact he tends to revel in pain and suffering. Another of his horrible traits is being Mischievous he tends to play tricks and thinks like a fairy would. Last of his bad traits Ent Can be a bit cruel, he has a harsh tone and sharp tongue. His cruelty often spires from spite, jealousy, or pure lack of emotion. Ent is normally satiated by his and skylar's dark deeds they fill his need for negative energy. Now Ents lighter side he is beyond Loyal, he keeps his promise and do anything for Skylar, he also is very affectionate to her. He caters to her and her every whim, He hates when she is upset or down, Loves to try and cheer her up. He has very funny dry humor jokes for her. Protective, nothing and no one could get near his witch to hurt her. Lastly Ent has a odd way of caring for Skylar .

    Ent tends to believe that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Some days he just wants to watch the world burn. He believes if you never trust someone, you never get hurt. The only person behind his walls is his witch. His lack of affection for others is what keeps him and his witch safe.

    Ent had a few quirks that Skylar is only privy to, he very much loves and enjoys being pet like a dog. He tends to make a low humming noise and howl's as he is pet.Ent very much enjoys playing tricks like a fairy. He also tends to keep watch with a tilted head and a oddly creepy smile on his face. One of his many hobbies is playing tricks on others, hunting, music (ever hear music calms the beast?), walks, runs, howling at the moon, making jokes, and sleeping
    Squeaky toys
    The Shadow Realm
    Night Life
    His witch
    People in general
    People who do any kind of harm to his witch be it verbal or physical
    Egotistical males
    Peppy People
    Being woken

  • Relationships
    Loves his witch
    Open for others

  • Strengths
    His witch
    His wits
    His dark mind
    And murderous tendencies
    Teeth and claws
    Shadow walking no door is closed to him, can unlock doors, suck the air from a room basically suffocate someone, has to be enough negative energy for him to even attempt to do this. Can become solid for a little while. Also able to read dark thoughts from people and dark secrets.
    Claws, being basically a black wind, teeth, and weight
    Messing with people's minds
    Mind Trickery

  • Weaknesses
    His witch
    bright light can dissipate him
    Iron and Salt
    Bright light can make him disappear
    Dark mentality tends to bring a disliking to him

  • History
    Ent has a long life history he has been with many witches male and female and all seemed to die early. He never been attached to any of them. Every time one died he wandered the world till he got the call. When he was wondering he was causing chaos and wreaking havoc wherever he went. He would kill a human and make it look like a wolf. He was the one thing that no one could identify or match to what it was that was killing humans.

    However 14 years ago when he got his last call, he was annoyed until he showed up to see a small 6 year old female in a park, he showed up among the green grass and there she was. His hard outer shell melted this had been the witch he been meant to serve. He turned into a puppy and walked up to the six year old. He barked at her, his head nuzzled her hand and he instantly connected to her. Ent had become more affectionate then he had in his life, his need to protect her had also seemed to kick in. Following her every where she went Ent would never leave her side even when he wasn't insight he be watching from the shadows. Ent has been with her for 14 years his affection grown from minimal to full on affection.

  • Misc
    Main Theme song
    Heathens Twenty One Pilots
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  • Full Name:
    Karina Rose Renali
    Kazaa, Khan, Rose, or Karin (Cah-Rin)
    Kari only her sister can call her this
    Spirit Talker
    Bronze Rose [Future when Blue returns]
    Twin Terrors
    Double Trouble
    Preferred Name:
    Age/Date of Birth:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Heterosexual with Bi tendencies
    Languages Spoken:
    Fluent: Latin, English,Zimbabwean, and spirits
    Ent is teaching her Can get by: Spanish,Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic,
    Romanian, Dutch, Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, Hindi, Hebrew, Italian, Atlantean,Demonic, Transylvanian, Fae, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Cambodian, French, German, Russian, Vampir, Lycan, Mer, Shadows, and Animals
    Shaman shop keeper With her sister
    Bonded with her Familiar when she was 7
    He just appeared while she was out collecting herbs with her Twin. October 13th.

  • Facial Structure:
    Soft and slighty sharp at the chin and ears.
    Body Structure:
    Thin slightly toned has some muscle
    Eye Color:
    Hair Color:
    White as Snow
    Skin Tone:
    Pale as the Moon
    Has tribal tattoos all along her back and arms
    Skull on wrist matches her sisters, she also has a upsdown cross on hers
    Skull-Tattoos-on-Wrist.jpg [/spoili]
    Ears all the way up on left side
    Nose small stud
    Belly button
    And tongue
    Tends to wear dark light weight clothing
    Jeans tank tops some dresses
    Boots, ankle boots and sneakers

  • Five Bad Traits:
    Sarcastic, Cold, Calculating, Manipulative, Daring and Dangerous
    Five Good Traits:
    Smart, Funny, witty, Charming, Bold, adventurous , cool ,calm, collected,and outgoing
    All magic come with a price especially spirit magic
    Everyone Lies, No one ever tells the truth
    Plays with hair when nervous
    Hair turns grey when she is upset
    Taps her nails when she is bored or annoyed
    Playing with herbs
    Working out
    Spending time with her twin
    Causing mischief
    Plays guitar
    Twin sister Kali
    Stupidity, Dishonor, no loyalty, people who do something to her family, Some going after her sister or saying something about there parents

  • Mother Distemper Lydia Renali~ Loves her mother and admires her for raising two little Hellions like her and her sister on Her own. She is afraid to loose her mother now that she is sick, but is strong for the 3 of them
    Twin sister Kali Renali~ Kali is her bestfriend, her sister, they do everything with each other. She is very over protective of her younger sister, but her sister does not seem to mind. She likes to keep them in check even if they both like mischief.
    Father Unkown- No love for a man who cant even stick around for his own children.
    Friends with Grey Rose and Black Rose
    Has a Familiar named karn
    Mentor Shaman Male Shakra

  • Arsenal:
    Ceremonial Knife
    Throwing Daggers
    And a bow with poison arrows
    Mental: confidence
    Pride and ego

  • Fears:
    loosing her sister
    Her mothers death
    Father popping up randomly in her life
    Not overly strong
    Lack of sleep
    Mental: small spaces

  • Twenty or so years ago, Distemper, a young magi, fell in love with a man. Their love, though it ended, was pure and innocent at the time. A honeymoon phase where there was no issues or disputes between Distemper and her love. However, as everything does it come to an abrupt ending. One normal day though, her love disappeared. Distemper attempted to search for him in any way possible, be it magic or simply trying to track some information down on him. Yet nothing came up. It was only a few weeks later the young magi found herself pregnant. With twins. This only motivated her search for her unborn children's father, hoping to not only reunite with her love but to deliver the dear news she held. Yet, all her attempts led to failure.
    Then, her children were born. Karina Rose was born first with small amounts of snow white hair upon her head and bright golden eyes. Then was Kaliah Giselle with raven black hair and the same bright gold eyes as her older twin sister. Both were given the surname Renali, their mothers family name. Distemper was ecstatic with her two new-borns, yet her heart mourned for her love. In the coming years she would move on from her grief, her focus solely upon on her twin daughters who she was forced to raise alone as she had long since separated from her own family and knew nothing of her previous love or his.
    The Renali' family were not the best off at any point. Yet these were the better years for the trio of magi. Distemper owned a small store hidden in the poorer areas of Nauchtwald where she sold her concoctions and potions. It was a terribly small business, but it was enough for them. Kari and Kali even in their youth tried to help their mother out in any way they were able to. The small children would pick and clean up whatever they could while their mother worked, if not that they were watching in awe when their mother worked upon her merchandise to sell.

    The Renali twins were always getting into mischief as children, it didn't seem to change much when they got older. The twins as they started getting older there mischief became more practical. They started to Hustle and pickpocket people for money. They were very good at what they did. Even if they were 10 and in school. When the twins came upon 13 years of age. There mother started to act differently, she became tired, pale, and had a hard time breathing. It was a little later to be known there mother has stage 2 Leukemia. They are doing everything to pay for it, but thats when Kari and Kali really were on their own. There mother often spent her time laying down in the house sleeping or crying out in severe pain. Kari knew only what she could, and she couldn't do much except try to ease her mothers pain with herbs or pain killers she and her sister hustled people out of.

    Kari had grown up since her mother's Diagnosis. She may be 19 but she acted older than that. Ever since the diagnosis was found out she become overly protective of her sister and watched out for her the best she could with the shop, her mentor and their ill mother. Sadly there mother has progressed to stage 3 in the past 6 years and it does not seem to be getting any better. The twins stuck together like glue since they were 13, one did not do something without the other, or was very rare that they did venture on their own.

    When it came to learning from there mentors they obviously had different teachers. She had a shaman as a Teacher and her sister had a witch doctor. Both would go to there lessons around the same time and return around similar times if one took longer they may venture to go looking for the other. Otherwise they were inseparable always the three of them Kali, Kari, and Karn, Kari's Familiar.

    How she met her Familiar: When Karina was 7 she been playing out in the Herb garden and wasn't paying attention. She hadn't seen or heard a Direwolf pup coming towards her. She been playing with her sister and teasing her slightly about bugs or something. She looked up to see the spirit form of Karn and nudged her sister. She asked if she saw him as well. Where had he come from. When did he get there. However He thankfullysaved her from the young Direwolf attack. Thats when a bright Idea struck her. She wanted to make a deal with this spirit and let him rewalk the earth. She offered him the direwolfs body killing it and making a contract. If he took the form he be her familiar for the rest of either of there days. She heal the wonds on the pups body for him to inhabit it.

    When he agreed she let him inhabit the body she had killed for him and heald the wounds on the wolfs chest. He was now hers to have. When she was turning 13 her and her sister had a day of bliss running around and enjoying life throwing sticks for Karn and just living it up. However when they were alseep Karn had save her life against something dark. At that point in time she was glad to have him around she healed him when he woken her up that evening, but she would definitely do anything for him. He had scared her when he first woken her. I mean who wouldn't that frsak out a male in your room dripping blood. Hell it make nightmares for Vampires.
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Spirit Form
Leopard Form
Human Form

  • Full Name:
    Shira Khan
    Red or Shelby
    Ex Snow Queen
    Preferred Name:
    Age/Date of Birth:
    Unknown centuries old
    Chose a date in October. October 31st she could careless
    Sexual Orientation:
    Snow Leopard Familiar
    Idina Menzel
    Languages Spoken:
    Latin, Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic,
    Romanian, Dutch, Arabic, Korean, Portuguese, Hindi, Hebrew, Italian, Atlantean,Demonic, Transylvanian, Fae, Greek, Russian, Zimbabwean, Chinese, Japanese, Cambodian, French, German, Russian, Vampir, Lycan, Mer, Shadows, Spirits, English, and Animals
    Serves her Witch

  • Facial Structure:
    When in human form which is rare for her. Her facial features are sharp and definined.
    As a Leopard she has still sharp features just a little softer then when she is human
    Spirit form a blue floating light
    Body Structure:
    Tone in human form
    Rippling muscles under her fur in leopard form
    Spirit form just a willow 'o wisp
    Eye Color:
    Green as leopard
    Blue in human form
    Light blue in Spirit form
    Hair Color:
    Whit blonde human form
    Light grey and spotted as leopard
    None in spirit form
    60 cm talls Leopard form
    5'6 Human
    N/A spirit
    72lbs Leopard form
    Human 120lbs
    Spirit N/A
    Skin Tone:
    Pink under her furr
    Pale human form
    Spirit N/A
    One along her back and arm
    Cat claws on her leg in human form
    Collar as familiar
    What ever her witch gives her as a human

  • Five Bad Traits:
    Sarcastic, temperamental, callous, calculating, abrasive, and Mischievous
    Five Good Traits:
    Protective, Loyal, Smart charming, witty, bold, adventurous and daring
    The world can be cruel and unforgiving
    The night is Dark and full of terrors
    Kneads when annoyed or impatient
    Purrs when happy or content
    Tail flicks when she wants to go out for a run

    Human form plays with hair qhen nervous or feeling vulnerable.
    Taps claw like nails when annoyed
    Listening to music
    Clawing trees as a cat scratch
    Watching fish in ponds and catching them
    Her witch
    Being outside
    Being caged in side
    Not having room to run
    Those who appose her witch

  • Her witch
    Her witches wife and her are iffy she still slightly standoffish
    Open to others

  • Arsenal:
    Throwing knives- Human
    Claws and teeth -Leopard
    Ice and Snow powers

  • Fears:
    Loosing her witch
    Small spaces
    Changing forms she can be weak
    Human not as strong as her Leopard form
    Her tongue

  • Shira use to be a fierce norse Queen she was harsh qith her punishments, but fair. However one night there was a seige upon her castle. The enemies broke through and took her captive. After 3 days she was publicly executed. Her spirit formed into a wisp and traveled the worls till she found the Bisque Rose witch. In her 2nd reincarnation. She just showed up one day out of the blue infront of her.

    The witch killed a leopard for her to take the form of that animal. She made a contract with the witch qhen she wad reincarnated she would come to her. Each familiar form would be different. She would die with her witch or for her witch and show back up later for a new form or when her witch did reappear she would show up when it was time.

    Many years ago, she came to her witch in her wisp form to be freed into a embodiment of a familiar. She showed up to her witches side when her witch was 5. Her witch recognized her and killed a leopard for her to embody. Has been with her witch since.
  • Theme song

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Name: Rebecca Van Zant

Aliases/Nicknames: Beck, Becky, Chartreuse Rosebud

Titles: None

Age: 27

Preferred Name: Rebecca

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Race: Magi

Voice: Rebecca's voice is soft and quiet, even when enraged. This only serves to make her anger all the more terrifying, however.

Languages Spoken: Fluent in English and Latin, conversant in Draconic, Demonic, and Eldritch, knows a few words of Fae

Occupation: Runs the local cemetery

Facial structure: Rather angular

Body structure: Medium build

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Red

Height: 5 foot 5

Weight: 150 pounds

Skin Tone: Rather pale

Scars: None

Tattoos: None

Marks: None

Style: Dark and flowing, Rebecca prefers the creepy look. She revels in the stereotype of the half-mad, power-hungry necromancer, even though her personality doesn't fit it at all.It's her way of having a little laugh.

Personality: Despite her powers of death, Rebecca can only be described as lively. She's boisterous, fun, and lives to the fullest. This can often be seen in the funerals she arranges, where her first line is always, "Don't mourn that they're gone. Celebrate that they were here." She enjoys teaching other witches about necromancy, and has a very strong sense of justice.

Five Good Traits: personable, friendly, curious, gregarious, clever

Five Bad Traits: lazy, proud, snarky, irritating, carefree

Ideals: Rebecca tries to live her life honorably, never trying to purposefully take advantage of someone, though she's not above exploiting lucky breaks. She believes in respecting both bodies and souls of dead people- most of her zombies are animals unless the situation is life or death, and she'll never hesitate to reunite loved ones with those who have passed on, should both sides want to talk.

Details: Though she may enjoy having a little fun with the traditional image of a necromancer, Rebecca goes out of her way to promote herself as kind and honorable. Many who meet her are surprised that their initial impressions were all based on an act. Though she's not an officially reincarnated Rose (a fact that bugs her to no end), she often interacts with them, and they tend to have a more or less good impression of her.

Quirks: Bites her lower lip when she's thinking, has a habit of idly drumming her fingers

Hobbies:Reading spellbooks, running, drawing

Likes: Art, practicing magic, exercising.

Dislikes The dark, being alone, heights



Arsenal: A ritual knife; otherwise, she doesn't carry much in the way of weaponry

Abilities: Raising zombies, mediumship, corpse possession (basically, seeing and hearing through the remains of a zombified corpse.)

Physical: Rebecca is in very good shape, and an excellent endurance runner. She's been trying to get a marathon started in Nauchtwald for a couple of years now, but nothing's come of it.

Mental: Rebecca is very creative, and well often come up with unusual and unexpected solutions to problems, giving her the element of surprise.


Fears: Leaving her friends behind, the dark, drowning

Physical: Rebecca might have good endurance, but she's got no muscle strength whatsoever. If thing ever get to a close-quarters fight, she's in deep trouble.

Mental: Rebecca has a tendency to be flighty and a poor attention span. It's something she's been working on, but it's slow going.


Seeing as how she's not a reincarnated Rose, Rebecca doesn't have their seemingly endless history. She was born in Nauchtwald, to a witch mother and vampire father. Growing up, she, like many others, idolized the Pretrovas for their incredible skill in magic, but didn't show any talent until the age of 6, when she made one of her dolls move without touching it. Eventually, she found she could see ghosts, and started delving into necromancy. At 10 years old, she started apprenticing under Alexander Morganstern, the Chartreuse Rose Witch. Although she was not nearly as powerful or experienced as her mentor, she did have undeniable skill, and become friends with many of the Roses.

Rebecca is considered a respected member of the Nauchtwald community, if a little odd. Her funeral home is rather profitable, made all the more so by the fact that if possible, she arranges for the deceased's ghost to be present. She has a small house with a little back garden that she putters around in sometimes.
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Full Name:
Karn Donovan

Familiar Wolf

Preferred Name:

Age/Date of Birth:


Sexual Orientation:

Dire Wolf

Andy Biersack

World Of Sacrifice - Spoken Word

Languages Spoken:
Latin | English | Old English | Lycan

Familiar to Karina



Has three ear lobe piercings on each ear and tries hard not wear them when he shifts always has a tendency to lose them. On his right arm he has a sacred geometric tribal tattoo. Wants more when the time is right. Has 3 scars across his chest from an old fight, wears them proudly as a battle scar. When it comes to fashion, he tends to go for a biker aesthetic with a hint of grunge. Mainly wears jeans, v-neck shirts, button downs, boots, and leather jackets, bandana on his head or wrist. He usually wears his hair in a ponytail or out. He will wear formal clothing but tends to keep to his style when the sleeves are rolled up. Stands at 6.4 weighing at 214 lbs. In wolf form he stands just over 2ft and about 120lbs.


Negative: guarded | combative | stubborn | rebellious | egocentric
Positive: loyal | affectionate | protective | adventurous | intelligent

Love is not always how you think | Trust is like glass once broken it will never be the same again | Only the weak cannot stand up for themselves

Acts like a puppy when he wants cuddles and affection. Will sometimes make cute wolf noises if he's tired. Lets out a content growl when his hair played with or given a massage. Will immediately calm down if Karin speaks to him in Lycan or if she touches his scar.

Bodybuilding | Rebuilding Motorcycles | Reading | Martial Arts | Knife Making | Billiards | Guitar | Meditation

Music | Toys | Outdoors | Indoors | Fire | Pettings | Napping | Night Life | His witch | Hunting | Running | Yoga

His trust being broken | anyone causing harm to Karin | anyone who challenges him in a fight when he's intoxicated | anyone else who tries to calm him down


His witch | Possible friends with Ent | Friends with Karin's Sister


Anything can be used as a weapon, but prefers anything with a sharp blade. His Claws and Teeth in wolf form.

Spirit Magic involving Karina when she practices

Muscles and Speed Agility

Smart | witty | charming | sly

Weaknesses and Fears
Losing karin like he almost did before hence the scar on his chest | Small spaces | Human form when it comes to emotions towards Karin | Losing his own self control | His witch | Quick to anger | Over thinks


Prior to finding Karina, Karn was part of a warrior tribe. This tribe viewed dire wolves as their primary sacred animal. According to the tribe's lore some said that the ancestors were able to shapeshift. Karn was the son of the tribe's leader and was destined to be the next leader. On the night before he was named to be leader, one of the tribesmen murdered Karn out of jealousy for power, leaving three dagger wounds on his chest. It was at that moment that the tribe's shaman attempted to heal him but it was too late to bring him back to the realm of the living. The tribe's shaman guided his soul to Karin who would eventually be a descendant of the tribe and would be in need of a familiar.

When he showed up to her Karina, he warned her and asked her to kill the dire wolf cub for him. But a deal had to be made, he would have to serve her, which he agreed to. It was at that moment Karn had a physical vessel. This was the second time that he received the same three scratches on his chest. This was the start to their bond but it wouldn't be completely sealed until she came of age.

On the night of Karin's coming of age, he almost lost her which caused his scars to reopen again. That night someone or something tried to harm her, while she was sleeping karn left her side to go hunt for this person or thing. It turned into a major altercation, which almost cost him life. Successfully, he killed the dark entity and returned back to Karina in his human blood dripping down his chest and hand as he walked back into her room and gently woke her up. After she healed him for the third time, it took a toll on his abilities and affected his body for quite some time after that making it hard for him to shift and was stuck in this human for more than a couple of months. While he was healing he grew close to her to the point of her being his weakness, she was able to control him to the point where no one else. his fear of his scar reopening and death for either one of them grew as time passed. Ever since that night Karn their bond grew stronger and would continue to do so over the years.

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