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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life


It's the season of love in a little seaside village called Roseglen, for it's time for their annual ROMANCE FESTIVAL! Come to admire the Dance of the Seven Swans, try the famous rose infused delectable, or perhaps come rub the statue of the FATED LOVERS for good luck in your romantic life!


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: This is a fantasy setting, where you are a villager in the seaside town of Roseglen, or simply a visitor here for the Romance Festival. All classic high fantasy tropes apply!

WHERE: Join us in the ROMANCE IN ROSEGLEN chat room. You'll find the link to our chats in the CHAT tab when it's time to play.

HOW: This is a SOCIAL SETTING WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. There may be action moments, where strange events will happen and your characters will have to work together to resolve it. With this ChaRP "lol random" behaviors are discouraged -- what your character says and does will have in game consequences, so choose wisely!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!

  • Love
Reactions: Zarko Straadi
  • Diana:
    Today at 10:15 AM​
  • Diana:
    This is a high fantasy setting about a little seaside town and it's beautiful romantic festival!
    Today at 10:15 AM​
  • Diana:


    ROMANCE IN ROSEGLEN IWAKU CHAT BOX 2024-02-21T12:00:00-6 It's the season of love in a little seaside village called Roseglen, for it's time for their annual ROMANCE FESTIVAL! Come to admire the Dance of the Seven Swans, try the famous rose infused delectable, or perhaps come rub the statue of...
    Today at 10:16 AM​
  • Diana:
    TYPE FAST, TYPE BRIEF! This is a real time roleplay, so you don't want to be too slow or too wordy. Try to keep posts to 10 sentences or less so nobody misses out on action or details!
    Today at 10:17 AM​
  • Diana:
    HOT TIP: Write your character name in every post. That way we know what character you're playing - especially if you're playing multiples! You can also use bbcode color to help your posts stand out.
    Today at 10:17 AM​
  • Diana:
    Game Master and Narration posts appear in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding you to what to do next in the story.
    Today at 10:18 AM​
  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! If you get confused or have any questions I'm in the main chat room to help!
    Today at 10:18 AM​
  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)
    Today at 10:18 AM​
  • Diana:
    It's a beautiful festival day in the seaside town of Roseglen! Gorgeous decorations of romantic reds and pinks are all over the town. The statue of the FATED LOVERS is polished and painted by this year's Festival Queen. The town's dueling bakeries are trying to see whose tasty baked goods are going to sell out the most. There's a swan petting pen - but no one wants to pet swans because they're assholes.
    Today at 10:54 AM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shen-Ur lifted her hand from the tree's rough bark. Though she could still connect to trees and the natural world around her, there were still, so far as she could tell, no Treespeakers in this world. She had finally managed to gain audience with the "Security" people in the strange realm of many portals she had found herself in. After a seemingly interminable wait and repeated interrogations, the lumbering bureaucracy of that place decided to try to send her home...or the closest place they could find to resemble it. And so she found herself here. There were humans here, and technology was roughly what she was accustomed to. But so far as she could tell, she was the only Treespeaker in this world.

    The portal they had sent her through planted her on a beach of fine white sand, not too far from a charming village, which seemed to be decorated for some kind of festival. She entered the town, careful to stay out of everyone's way while she observed the people and the aesthetics of their architecture and art. Thus far, it seemed to be a benevolent place. This is a seaport. They will probably have an assay office for exchanging travelers' coinage, she thought. That would probably be the place to go first. But for now, she sat on an artfully-carved stone bench on the edge of the town plaza to rest.
    Today at 11:21 AM​
  • Diana:
    "Welcome to the Roseglen festival! Come and get your complimentary bouquet to offer the Fated Lovers!" chirped this year's Festival Queen, Miss May Zelly, wearing the most ridiculous giant cupcake looking red gown and a crown of jeweled hearts. She had an arm full of gorgeous flowers and conveniently some baked tarts from one of the warring bakeries. "Don't forget to stop by my family's bakery for the best cherry tarts anyone has ever tasted!"
    Today at 11:28 AM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Oh--thank you...Your Excellency?" Shen replied, accepting the bouquet. The young woman's gown and crown implied high social status, though her mannerisms did not seem to follow suit. Thankfully, the 'universal translator implant' the people in the realm of many portals gave Shen seemed to work. A religious festival? she thought. As deities went, 'Fated Lovers' seemed benign enough. "My apologies, I am from...a distant land. Are there any purification rites or other things I should do before offering the flowers?" she asked.
    Today at 11:40 AM​
  • Diana:
    "Oh no! You just make a wish and if your heart is true, surely your true destiny will come and find you!" Miss May nodded sagely, her crown of hearts tilting dangerously on her head. "We have people come from villages all over the lands to attend our festival. Even people from far away countries! Roseglen's notoriously famous for helping people find their one true loves! Or.. well... at least for helping keep romance alive!"
    Today at 11:44 AM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "...Oh." Shen-Ur replied. She had never had any expectation of finding a 'true love.' For one thing, Ashir were forbidden to marry. Even though there was apparently no Ashir Order on this world to enforce that rule, she was...isolated even for an Ashir, and sure to be more so in a foreign world. "Thank you, Your Excellency," she said. The young woman had nodded toward a pair of statues which undoubtedly represented the Fated Lovers. It seemed wise to pay respect to the deities of the land, even if beseeching them for a 'true love' was out of the question. She gave the young noblewoman (?) a bow, and headed over to take a place in line before the statues.
    Today at 11:57 AM​
  • Diana:
    The statue of the Fated Lovers truly was a beautiful piece of stonework, crafted with care by a master. There used to be a carved plaque at the bottom that had the name of the lovers this statue was carved in honor of, but over the centuries it has long since faded away. The Fated Lovers themselves were in a sweet embrace and every year the winning crowned Festival Queen of the year prior was honored with painting the sculpture. This year May Zelly painted the sculpture and it seemed she was a talented artist for the couple almost seemed to come to life just by the nature of the amazing color work. It must've taken weeks to paint!
    Today at 12:03 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    While waiting in silence, Shen took the time to appreciate the artistry of both sculpture and painting, while watching the others so she would know how to offer the flowers properly when she reached the front of the line.
    Today at 12:07 PM​
  • Diana:
    Most of the people wandering up to leave their offering of flowers were young people looking for love. Although there were plenty of older people too. Those that seemed to have never found someone, or those parents attempting to leave offerings on behalf of their unmarried childrens. Sometimes Shen could hear someone uttering a lovely little poem as an ode to the lovers themselves. It almost even had a sort of prophetic tone to it... From the sea she came to thee, and by thy love shall set us free. A beautiful sentiment towards old legends, surely.
    Today at 12:17 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shen's turn came. She had seen most of the others, especially the young, rubbing a flat stone at the base of the statues as they beseeched the Lovers for loves of their own. This had gone on long enough to wear the stone smooth with a slight indentation toward the center. Shen thought she could see the faintest traces of carved writing at the edge, though it was now too worn to read. She laid her offering with the others and touched the stone. With her Attunement, she could feel the collective quest for love poured into the statues over the centuries. It was strange...disorienting...and most of all, awkward, as if she had stumbled into some private moment of hundreds, perhaps thousands of strangers' lives..

    "I thank You for the beauty and kindliness of Your fair village," she said softly, then rose and moved aside to allow the next in line their turn. I hope I will be able to find a home here, she thought, but that was not a thing to trouble the local deities with. Leaving the line at the statues, she picked out the nearest villager who did not seem to be busy. It took her a moment to gather the resolve to m
    ake a request of them. "Excuse me...could you please tell me where I might find the assayist?"
    Today at 12:37 PM​
  • Diana:
    "The ass o what now?" said the gentleman, he had himself a cherry tart in one hand and a strawberry strudel in the other and was surely having the time of his life at this festival as there were lipstick kisses all over his face, a ring of flowers around his neck, and he slowly blinked as if he'd been drinking since dawn. "I don't follow?"
    Today at 12:41 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "My apologies," Shen-Ur said. "I am from a faraway land. I will need to exchange my country's coin for the coin of this land." Her inner tension rose, as she was surely keeping him from what looked like quite a grand time.
    Today at 12:43 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Oh, like the bank?" he laughed, taking no offense or seeming to be upset by this conversation at all. He was in good cheer. "'Fraid the bank is closed due to the festival and old Badger is out here somewhere trying to convince some lassie to be his wife. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to get anything important done! I wouldn't mind exchanging a few lil pieces myself? I do enjoying collecting..."
    Today at 12:52 PM​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Oh," Shen said. She reached into her coinpurse and drew out an Imperial silver tetradrachma. It bore a profile of Emperor Shalduhar IV, and on the reverse the crest of the Mithraic Empire--which, so far as Shen knew, was located on another world. "I have a few of these, a few silver drachma, and some copper mites."
    59 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    "Whoa! I've never even seen these before!" He had to pause, looking at both his hands already occupied with pastries and no where to put them. he just shoved the entire strawberry strudel into his mouth and reached for his pouch of coins. "Hhssff, fhhgg, Hrrrph!" he said, shaking a good handful of coins out into his palm and showing the lot to Shen. The man was either that drunk, or that trusting to be showing off everything he had to a foreign stranger there in the middle of a public road.
    53 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    Shen noticed that the coins he was offering her contained considerably more silver and copper than her tetradrachma contained. He said he was a collector, so perhaps to him her coins would be worth more than their metals content by dint of their rarity. And rare they would be, for she was almost sure they would be the only ones like them in this world. The problem with that: they were too rare, such that his fellow collectors and anyone he might wish to trade them with would not believe any tales of otherworldly provenance, and thus not value them accordingly.

    " not think I could take so much in exchange," she said. "Uh..." she picked a few of the silver coins from his hand, at a modest 'profit' in silver content (assuming their coins had similar silver content to Imperial coin), and placed her tetradrachma in his hand. "I do not wish to keep you from your festival," she said. She hardly even needed her Attunement to feel the 'romance in the air' as a palpable force. For a moment, she wondered what it would be like, to be loved. If the fervor with which these people pursued it was anything to go by, it must be truly wonderful.
    42 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    "Thanks! These kind of rare pieces are going to be so special in my collection," he practically beamed about the exchange. "I'm going to save it for my kiddos you know.. whenever they're born." It as unclear if that meant he had someone who was preggo now, or if he was just hoping to be a dad sometime in the future. Either way he had a wholesome cheery mood about the whole thing. "Here let me give you a little extra to tide you over for the day, at least. Enjoy the festival!" He handed Shen enough coin to have herself a nice dinner.
    33 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Thank you!" Shen said. "I know it will do nothing for the trading value of the coin, but I hope it will please you to know that it comes from another world, called Erdu. It is a tetradrachma of the Mithraic Empire. Unless someone else from my world has come here in the same way, no one else will have one like it. If you like, I can trade you a few more at the same rate, so that your future children will not have to share the same coin."
    28 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    "Another world? I've never heard of such a thing! ...or well... Actually, I guess there's some old legends my grandma used to tell me." He was more than happy to offer up more of his coins for exchange to have a few more, without even thinking twice about it. "Said in the old ancient times there were once these big stone arches that a people called ophwhirlers would travel though. Ones from a different realm."
    24 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Do you know where I might be able to learn more about these stone arches?" Shen asked. If there was a possibility of returning to Velora, she had an obligation to try...didn't she? Yet...this man was so open and trusting. No sign of the suspicion she received from most people, and even many of her fellow Ashir. The young noblewoman had been kind as well. At any rate, there was no rush to leave this village of love.
    9 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    "I guess the library might have some old books and maps from way back when? Course it's closed just like the bank! Real interesting if you like history and all," he nodded as if he himself had all the wisdom in the world... and took a bite of his leftover cherry tart. "Shoulf enjof fee festifities tho! Isf uh real pleashure!"
    6 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Thank you, sir!" Shen said. "Enjoy the festival!"
    5 minutes ago​
  • Zarko Straadi:
    She watched him go with a subtle smile. As for 'enjoying the festival' herself...that felt like a tall order indeed, as far as the festival's purpose was concerned.
    3 minutes ago​
  • Diana:
    And their conversation came to a close some asshole kid let loose the swans. Angry birds of love went honking on down the street and chasing anyone that didn't get out of their way. Elders laughing as middle aged adults were shouting. Lovers giggling and rescuing each other from the parade of birds. IT WAS INDEED A BEAUTIFUL FESTIVAL DAY IN ROSEGLEN, THE END! ...or is it.