NO SIGNUPS REQUIRED Role Play Idea(The Lion King)

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A while ago I made a Lion King story on AI Dungeon and I was wondering how this could translate into an actual role play.

As legend has it, the coalition of males had been fighting for control of the Pride Lands for many years before they finally succeeded.
This means that Muafasa wasn't Ahadi's son, he looked nothing like Ahadi and the only thing that he had that resembled Ahadi was his coat colour while Scar looked much more like Ahadi than his supposed brother.

However, this was all part of their plan. The coalition of males didn't want to kill off all the lion cubs, they wanted to control them. This was the same coalition that tried to take over the pride a few years ago, this coalition had a male lion who impregnated Ahadi's mate, Queen Uru.

A coalition is a group of male lions, a group of male lions that isn't exactly a pride but, a group of male lions who may or may not be related who gang together in order to survive and often times try to take over a pride already ruled by a king in order to become the new kings.

King Ahadi mistook this male cub who looked nothing like him and nothing like his wife, Queen Uru to be his own. The coalition came to the pride every now and then, attempting to take over and watching from the sidelines. Mufasa was a seed they had planted, an inside job
to be his own. The coalition came to the pride every now and then, attempting to take over and watching from the sidelines, Mufasa was a seed they had planted, an inside job, a way of gaining control over the pride. This is how things were in the Pride Lands, the usual rules didn't apply.

This was the first kingdom ruled by a lion in a long time, and the coalition was trying to gain control over the kingdom, and once they gained control they would use their new found power to gain more power and take over other kingdoms.

The Pride Lands was a large area of land, full of grasslands, forests, rivers and cliffs. The kingdom consisted of many different species of animals and plants. This was the first kingdom that seemed to be fully controlled by a lion pride and the lion pride at Pride Rock is larger than other lion prides. This pride consisted of thirty induvial lions instead of the usual fifteen. This was unusual for a pride that wasn't ruled by a male tsavo lion.(A maneless or almost maneless male.)

However, the most populous and important species were the lions. There were several species of lions, the African lion, the Congo lion, the very large Barbary which were thought to be extinct and the maneless tsavo lions(tsavo lions are male lions who have very small manes, tsavo is the

Swahili word for man eater and tsavo lions are fairly aggressive. Tsavo lions live closer to human territory and have larger prides. A normal pride would have fifteen lionesses, a pride with a tsavo male as king would normally have thirty lionesses.)
However, the most populous and important species were the lions.

There were several species of lions, the African lion, the Congo lion, the very large Barbary which were thought to be extinct and the maneless tsavo lions(tsavo lions are male lions who have very small manes, tsavo is the Swahili word for man eater and tsavo lions are fairly aggressive. Tsavo lions live closer to human territory and have larger prides. A normal pride would have twenty lionesses, a pride with a tsavo male as king would normally have thirty lionesses.) The lionesses were the lion's most powerful weapon, they were capable of fighting off any other species of predator and were known to do so on numerous occasions.

The kings of the Pridelanders all looked and acted differently from each other. Each one had a different coat colour, mane, or fur pattern. Luckily lions only live to be sixteen years old in the wild and twenty years old in the wild, if they lived any longer the lionesses who where alive during Ahadi's rule of the Pridelands would've seen suspicious. The kings of the Pridelanders all looked and acted differently from each other. Each one had a different coat colour, mane, or fur pattern. Luckily lions only live to be sixteen years old in the wild and twenty years old in the wild, if they lived any longer the lionesses who where alive during Ahadi's rule of the Pridelands would've seen suspicious
behaviour. However, this means that the kings of the Pridelanders tend to age rapidly.

Ahadi was not much to look at, he was rather skinny looking compared to Mufasa, his coat colour was a dirty looking yellow or orange colour and the only thing that made him attractive looking was his black mane. He was a rather ratty looking old lion. However, this means that the kings of the Pridelanders tend to age rapidly. Ahadi was not much to look at, he was rather skinny looking compared to Mufasa, his coat colour was a dirty looking yellow or orange colour and the only thing that made him attractive looking was his black mane. He was a rather ratty looking old lionwho would rather sleep than hunt. However, during the day he was a lion who was very protective of his kingdom.

Mufasa, on the other hand, was a rather handsome looking lion. He was rather fat for a lion, he was fat enough to be a zoo lion that would be seen lounging around in captivity, his coat colour was a bright orange-ish yellow colour and his mane was a beautiful reddish brown colour.
His eyes were rather large and round, they reminded you of a deer's eyes. While Mufasa was rather attractive looking, he was also rather stupid looking.

Not quite as stupid as Ahadi, but rather than acting like a king and leading by example he was more of a brat. He did his kingly duties which was protecting the pride from coalitions of male lions who wanted to take over the pride, patrolling the borders of the Pridelands and killing off cubs that weren't his own. He would much rather be sleeping, and that is what he did most of the time. However, this left the lionesses of the pride without a king and they didn't know what to do.

There was one cub who slipped through the cracks, a lioness cub named Nala who had a cream coloured coat. Nala was fathered was a male lion who was part of a coalition, her father was killed shortly after he impregnated her mother, a lioness named Sarafina, however he would much rather be sleeping, and that is what he did most of the time. However, this left the lionesses of the pride without a king and they didn't know what to do.And there was one cub who slipped through the cracks, a lioness cub named Nala who had a cream coloured coat. Nala was fathered was a male lion who was part of a coalition, her father was killed shortly after he impregnated her mother, a lioness named Sarafina.
Nala was rather young when her father passed away, however she hadn't lost her instinct to protect her pride.
She was rather smart, she would rather stay with the rest of her pride rather than be alone in the wilderness.
She would rather die than be taken away from her pride and not be able to defend herself. Nala had a rather unique way of hunting.
She would lie down in the long grass and pretend to be asleep. Then, a large herb would wiggle its way up her nostrils and she would sneeze, expelling the herb out of her nostrils.

The herb would get caught in the long grass and the long grass would start to grow around it, this would trap any animal that walked through the grass, Nala would then pounce and kill the animal.
Nala was very good at this method of hunting, she could pounce at full speed and still be able to eat the kill after.
Nala was rather young when her father passed away and didn't know how to hunt for herself. However, she was rather smart and had an innate ability to figure out how to hunt. (She was at least a year old which was not old young enough to be considered a cub, but not old enough to be considered an adult. Lions become young adults when they become two years old.)

She would lie in the grass and wait for an animal to walk through the grass. Then, she would pounce and catch it. Nala's father was a white lion and there are two kinds of white lions, there are an office shade of cream, an almost white fur colour and there are albinos which are pure white lions. Albinos have fur that is as white as snow but, both kinds of white lion have blue eyes and pink noses. Nala's father was a cream coloured white lion, not an albino and this is how he passed down his unique genetics to Nala since she had the same cream coloured off white fur and blue eyes.

Nala was a year old when she was orphaned and was brought up by her aunt, a lioness named Baweep.
Baweep was a rather stern lioness and she made sure to train Nala to be tough and independent. White lions were seen as both a blessing and a curse, the same was said for albinos. White lions and albinos were beautiful, but their beauty was their downfall since their lightly coloured fur coats would make them easy to spot by predators, the same was said for them being able to hunt on their own and not relying on the rest of their pride.

However, some believed that the curse was worse than the blessing since the blessing would only affect the white lion, the albino would be affected in a different way, since the albino had fur that actually looked white instead of an off white cream colour
.While Nala was raised with Baweep and her mother Sarafina, both lionesses protected her when she was a cub. Baweep and her mother protected her from King. They protected her from King Mufasa since he would kill cubs that weren't his own. Male lions do this all the time and they also eat the cubs they kill.

Mufasa wouldn't kill off his own cubs and as king, part of his job was to mate with all the lionesses in the pride so that they could produce more offspring to take over the pride when he dies. The offspring would have to be male which is where Mufasa's youngest son, Simba comes into place. Mufasa needed a a heir and the heir had to be male in order to become the next king. The male cub would have to be young enough so that they could become king after Mufasa died, if they were already young adult males something different happens .When a male lion becomes a young adult at the age of two years old, they are kicked out of the pride and forced to join a coalition. This is often times done to prevent inbreeding within the pride since the young adult male lions who are two years old or older have started to reach sexual maturity and needed to be kicked out before they start making goo goo eyes at lionesses in the pride, lionesses that they are related to.
so that they could produce more offspring to take over the pride when he dies. The offspring would have to be male which is where Mufasa's youngest son, Simba comes into place. Mufasa needed a a heir and the heir had to be male in order to become the next king. The male cub would have to be young enough so that they could become king after Mufasa died(if he died of old age which is how he was supposed to die), if they were already young adult males something different happens. When a male lion becomes a young adult at the age of two years old, they are kicked out of the pride and forced to join a coalition. This is often times done to prevent inbreeding within the pride since the young adult male lions who are two years old or older have started to reach sexual maturity and needed to be kicked out before they start making goo goo eyes at lionesses in the pride, lionesses that they are related to.

The coalition is a temporary living arrangement, after the old king or alpha male dies, the young adult males will have to fight it out for the right to take over as the new king. Simba was too young to take over as king when Mufasa died so, Mufasa's brother Scar took over. A male cub would be too young to take over the pride, only an adult male can take over the pride. This is also an option for elderly lions who have been kicked out of their pride spending their final days with younger males in order to survive.

.Nala grew up rather quickly after her time with Baweep and her mother, she was much faster than the cubs of other prides.
She learned how to hunt on her own and didn't need anyone to protect her anymore.
She was a year away from being an adult. .By the time Nala turns two years old, she will be a fully matured adult lioness and this might be a problem. For one thing, Scar was now king and he wanted Nala to be his queen.(Scar is seventeen which makes him an elderly king and Nala is a young adult lioness.)

Nala didn't really want to be Scar's queen, she didn't like him and the fact that she would have to follow him around or that he would be able to tell her what to do. She wanted to be a lone lioness that had her own pride.Scar did have a point though..
Nala was an intelligent lioness and she could figure out how to hunt on her own. Plus, she would be able to help support her family which was important.

Nala's solution to this was to run away. She would run away from Scar and if he tried to stop her, she would fight him.Now there was a secret, a secret about the pride before king Mufasa was killed by his brother, Scar. Before Simba was born, Mufasa had another son who was meant to one day become king and this cub was an oddity. His fur was pure white in colour and his eyes were blue, he was an albino and he was named Mzimu. Mzimu being the Swahili word for ghost.(He was albino and be was banished from the pride. The Pridelanders thought it was bad luck to have an albino male being next in line to become king.)

Mzimu's mother queen Sarabi, the mate of king Mufasa so the king and queen were quite puzzled as to why this oddity was even born, let alone become heir to the throne. Legend spread around the pride of albino lion, the most famous albino lion of all! This albino lion was known as Kimba in his cubhood and Leo in his adulthood, he was said to be tyrant since he lived in a far off jungle and he killed off other predators in his jungle. Kimba believed that what he was doing was good by killing off other predators and forcing the predators who stayed in his jungle to eat grass, fish and bugs as to why this oddity was even born, let alone become heir to the throne. Legend spread around the pride of albino lion, the most famous albino lion of all! This albino lion was known as Kimba in his cubhood and Leo in his adulthood, he was said to be tyrant since he lived in a far off jungle and he killed off other predators in his jungle. Kimba believed that what he was doing was good by killing off other predators and forcing the predators who stayed in his jungle to eat grass, fish and bugs. He didn't even eat meat! Actually, he did but the meat Kimba ate was either a dead animal that was unrecognizable or meat was given to him by humans since he was a cute cub. He didn't even eat meat! Actually, he did but the meat Kimba ate was either a dead animal that was unrecognizable or meat was given to him by humans since he was a cute cub.(The story of Kimba or Leo the White(Albino) Lion was passed down through out the Pridelands but, most lionesses just thought of him as an old wives tale. None of them knew that he was actually real or his death was a suicide. You see Kimba/Leo died on a snowy mountain. He sacrificed his own life so that a human wouldn't die before both of them froze to death.)

The king and queen of the pride, Mufasa and Sarafina knew that there was something different about Mzimu. He was a special lion and they needed to do something about it. Mufasa asked his sister Sarafina what they should do with Mzimu, they needed to do something, Mzimu was different and he would become king one day.

Sarafina told Mufasa that if they couldn't kill him then they needed to send him away to live in a far off place so that he wouldn't be a threat to the rest of the pride. Mufasa thought this over and decided that he would send Mzimu to live in a far off place and that was the end of that.
Mufasa thought this over and decided that he would send Mzimu to live in a far off place and that was the end of that.
He didn't want to upset Mzimu and it would be difficult for Mzimu to go into the jungle and live alone since he was young.
The next heir to the throne, Simba wasn't born yet and they didn't know when or if that was going to happen. Breeding is not seasonal with lions but the females in a pride will often be synchronized in estrus. Much like her feline cousins, a lioness coming into heat will advertise her readiness with sent marking, calling, rubbing on objects and rolling around on the ground. Lionesses are polyoestrus, oestrus lasting four – seven days with intervals between periods of a few days up to more than a year. They have post-partum oestrus but do not conceive if the litter survives. If the litter is lost a new one may be produced within four months.

A lioness will give birth to only one litter per year, lionesses come into heat more often than not and males have a very small window during which they can impregnate a female. The litters of cubs are more likely to be female. Twins are common but, female twins are more common
than male twins. In rare cases a litter can have three or more female cubs. However, the mortality rate for lions cubs is high. Up to eighty percent of lion cubs will die before the age of two years old. This means that they will most likely die before they can reach adulthood at the age of two years old. Both male and female lions may be ousted from prides to become nomads, although most females usually remain with their birth pride. Male cubs have a higher mortality rate than female cubs. This means that they will most likely die before they can reach adulthood at the age of two years old. Both male and female lions may be ousted from prides to become nomads, although most females usually remain with their birth pride. Incestuous breeding happens a lot in lion prides. This is why lions when they become young adults and reach the age of two years old are kicked out of the pride. They will be kicked out so that they can go in search of lionesses that they aren't related to or lionesses that they are related to and therefore have lower competition. Lionesses are often the ones to find these males and initiate a relationship with them.

The male lion will do his best to avoid this situation. He will be very aggressive and may kill any potential rival male. This is often referred to as the "mange" phase in lion social hierarchy development.
Lions are known for their hierarchical social structure. Lionesses, the young ones, the adult males, the old ones and even the very young cubs all obey a strict social order.

The very old males are called the Grandpaws and a Grandpaw is an old lion who is either eighteen or twenty years old and is nearing the end of his life. The Grandpaw is sometimes the former king of a pride who managed to live to a ripe old age
and also had the energy to continue to lead the pride. However, not all prides have a Grandpaw, some have no old males at all.
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Some words and phrases may have been repeated. (This wasn't edited very well. I'm sorry!)