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Is This Thing On?
A collab with @KatSea

Peter tapped his computer screen impatiently. He had managed to handle this program once or twice, but setting two calls up at once was a different story. His eyes narrowed as he let his fingers drop to the keyboard, typing away furiously as he worked to begin a call. "Georgie! I'm almost connected with pops and Levi, come come I'm excited for you to meet them a, more formally." Peter swallowed his hesitation as he leaned back into his swivel chair, arms behind his head. He nodded that that call had gone through and all he needed to do was wait for them to pick up.

Georgie wasn't far, but her nerves made her feel like she was halfway to the moon. It wasn't like her to have so much anxiety over something that shouldn't have been so big… but this… this was Peter's family. This was his blood. And all she wanted, desperately, was to impress them.

Scooting over from the couch, she bit her lip and fidgeting, she stood beside him, "...W...where do I stand? What do I… should I say anything? Oh… gosh! Are they on, already? Pete, help!"

"Hold on." Peter reassured her, picking up the laptop and deciding to move them both over to the couch. "It'll be easier this way, promise." Peter could sense the nerves emanating from Georgie, and as his habit called for, he reached for her hand and squeezed it. "You've got-"

"Pete?" He heard a voice call from the laptop, his brothers form soon appearing on the screen. The man had been in a swivel chair very similar to Peters, a little girl in bright blue pigtails nestled against him, nearly asleep. "You there?" He called with a small flick of his wrist, one arm wrapped around his child to make sure she didn't fall off his lap.

"Hey! Lev!" Peter greeted in a soft voice, making sure not to wake up his niece. "How's it hanging?"

"Good, just took Lizzie for a really long walk around the trails. She seems to be quite the rascal. Likes playing in the dirt. I had to compromise and make fairy houses with her, which she absolutely loved. I'm going to be making some little fairy trinkets for her for the houses. Gotta teach them at an early age, after all. How are you and the lady?" Levi made a motion with two fingers towards Georgie on the other side of the screen.

"Levi? Peter? Goodness, hold on." Another, gruff voice hopped onto the chat. Peter could only see his father's slouched form as he attempted to fix wires beneath his home computer. "You know...we did make this a lot harder than it had to be."

"Ah relax pops. You should be able to figure it out. You see that big bold button? That's the on switch." Levi commented with a smirk, bouncing his daughter on his knee.

"I raised a smart a…" Ibrahim caught himself as he recalled a six year old and a friend of his son was also on the phone. He cleared his throat. "Pardon."

"You know soap usually takes care of a sharp tongue." Levi commented with a chuckle.

With a small squeak, as the screens came to life, Georgie curled into Peter's arm, peeking out from behind his shoulder. They seemed charming and adorable and sweet, and goodness, that little girl was more precious than kittens in a box of glitter… but she couldn't help but fear…

"...What do I say?" She whispered.

"Hmm? Oh, just say hello." Peter whispered in reply and gave his friend a little nudge. His brother must have noticed her nerves, and with a pleasant smile, saluted her.

"Well hello there miss, Georgie right? Petey here sure talks a lot about you…"

"Ah, this is Georgina, a pleasure." Ibrahim claimed as his head peeked up from beneath the desk. His dark hair was scraggly, but he had managed to keep his visage well shaven. He seemed rather awake, compared to most days.

"H-hi…" a soft voice greeted, sleepy and nearly inaudible. Lizzie's head popped up from her father's chest, and with a little wave, she greeted her grandfather, uncle and uncles friend. She soon plopped back onto her father and promptly began to snore.

"It's a Christmas miracle." Levi grinned, adjusting his grip on her.

Blushing, Georgie peered out a little further from behind Pete, as his brother and father greeted her, followed byt he adorable glitter kitten. Her heart warming, she smiled brightly, "...H...hello. I've heard so much about all of you, too… It's really nice to meet you, um… sort of."

"Good stuff I hope." Ibrahim asked with a chuckle, eyes fluttering back as he relaxed into his chair. "These two boys are notorious for being rather...exaggerating."

"Okay, maybe I only told my wife once or twice that you wanted to name me Leviticus Jebediah." Levi claimed with a thin smirk, his eyes flickering back and forth around the room. "But yeah, Pete, shouldn't tell such a sweet lookin lady that we are crazy folk."

"I only ever mentioned that you humiliated me three times, Levi." Peter muttered with a roll of his eyes.

"Okay, you have to admit, switching the covers of your hardcover books for that, less appropriate topics was rather funny."

"My God, son. I pray, so heavily for you." Ibrahim claimed with a thin smirk, rubbing his brow and shaking his head. "You are a father now."

"Oh don't tell me you didn't do ridiculous things after I was born." Levi claimed with a broad pout.

"That's the thing, son. I don't admit it."

They were… decidedly, wonderful. That was all she could think in the moment, as she watched their interactions and her smile grew. Sliding further from hiding, she laced her fingers through Peter's and shaking her head, looked between the two men on the screen, half in awe, "All good, I promise. I'm not sure there's anything in the world Pete loves more than his family."


"Science fiction."



"Hugh Jackman."

"Marvel comics."

The two men listed things one after the other, both keeping track on their fingers. Peter rolled his eyes as their protest towards her last statement.

"She's right you know." Peter claimed with a light chuckle. He squeezed her hand reassuringly.

"We know we know." Levi claimed with a wave of his hands. "Although, I am curious, how did you two become roommates anyhow? Peter sort of mentioned needing some help around the apartment."

"Ah, you ask questions too much." Ibrahim interjected. "I say we get to know the miss before we ask too many questions. So. Georgina, how have you been doing at the apartment? I assume you and Peter are well adapted?"

"N...No, it's okay. I… I sort of thought you might ask." She murmured with a small, sheepish smile, "Pete… He sort of saved me. I… I have a…" What did Pete call it? "A medical condition, and I was having trouble finding my medicine, and Pete… he found it for me. I… I didn't have a place to stay, so, he let me stay with him, and…" Tucking back her hair, she looked at Pete with a smile, "...It sort of just stuck. It's… we've adapted pretty good. He's keeping me on schedule and taught me to write and everything."

"Oh, a medical condition?" Ibrahim frowned. "I am sorry my dear for such a thing. Peter what…"

"She's actually very similar to my condition which is why we've gotten along so well." Peter hopped in, swallowing and giving Georgie's hand a light squeeze. "She's been sort of having a difficult time with jobs and such, you know, the young adult sort of living situation and we decided it would be financially wise to stay in the apartment together."

"You speaking 200 miles an hour." Levi claimed with a raised eyebrow. "You good?"

"Fine." Peter claimed as he swallowed again.

A brow quirked, as Georgie looked to Peter, and shaking her head, she laughed softly, "...Peter just thought it'd be better I didn't end up in another shelter, is all. He's been… he's been so nice. I dunno what I'd do, honestly, without him. Probably end up back in the--"

Peters hand shot up, but he decided it would be better not to full on silence her. "Back in the shelter. Yeah. I wasn't exactly keen on letting that happen. You wouldn't believe how many young people have to find a place to sleep at night in this world…"

" alright son?" Ibrahim questioned with a tilt of his head. "You seem peaked."

"I'm fine."

"Shelter? No… Silly Pete. I meant back in the…" But it clicked then, in the way it usually didn't, that he'd interrupted for a reason, and biting her lip, she looked to the screen again, then back to Pete, "...Oh."

"Oh, back in the lobby, she means. She used to have to find places to sleep and the buildings lobby had been one for a little while." Peter managed to pull off, much to Levi's disbelief.

"Hmm. You sure about that buddy?"

"Yes." Peter claimed with a raised eyebrow. "How are you and the wife?" He asked, hoping to swerve the conversation.

"Cranky." Levi claimed with a smirk. "But lovable. We are both alright. So, Georgie, is Peter a good roommate?"

"Oh, he is…" She said, with a sincere nod, and she gave his hand a squeeze, "He makes me post-its, so I remember to take my medicine, and he makes French toast with chocolate chips, and if I get the jitters, he stays with me and he makes sure I'm safe. He's also a really good dancer."

"She's got a tendency for panic attacks as well." Peter claimed with a nod. "We both make sure we have our medication on time…" he could have sworn he noticed a frown on his father's face but it vanished before he could confirm.

"Oh, is he now?" Levi claimed with a smirk. "He better be, I made sure he knew how. Oh, french toast too? Fancy smancy. You know how to treat a girl right, Pete."

"Shut it." Peter grumbled teasingly.

"That he does. He's very kind, and a perfect gentleman. He was very sure I knew he didn't want to have… romantic actions… when we decided to start sharing the bed. We both just… we sleep better, together."

Levi visibly choked and had to beat on his chest without waking up his child. Catching his breath, he looked up wild eyed to his brother. Their father, on the meantime, was simply placing his hand over his chest and trying his best not to say anything.

"Peter are you sharing a bed with your roommate?"

"Uh…" Peter struggled to answer this one, his cheeks aflame. "Sometimes we just sit on the bed until it's really late. It's nothing huge."

"It's a very big bed…" Georgie added, and for some reason, she wasn't entirely sure why she felt the need to.

"That it is." Peter confirmed in a near squeak. He could tell it was taking all of Levi's brain power not to tease him about the given information.

"So...speaking of peter...any developments on love life or…"

"Oh shush." Peter rolled his eyes, noticing somewhat of an amused expression on his father.

"Pete? He loves life very much." Georgie answered, with a broad smile.

"I am glad to hear." Ibrahim replied with a smile. His attention drew on to his older son and with a small sigh he claimed. "I think he was referring to the mention of a girlfriend."

"Don't rub it in." Peter grumbled, raking his hand through his hair. "Nothing new to report, really."

"A… sorry… a girlfriend?" She could understand those two words separate. Girl. Friend. She understood them both. But together, they seemed to take on a meaning that was just, it felt different, and she knew it was something… that it meant something, but… what?

"Romantic partner." Levi clarified, confused about the woman's seeming lack of knowledge about the matter. He shrugged, figuring it was nothing. Peter blushed and realized that there may be some explaining that needed to be done if he wasn't careful.


"Oh…" Blinking, Georgie looked to Peter and could see the color in his cheeks. Sinking back into the couch, she bit the inside of her cheek, "Oh, no. Pete… he… It's not like that."

"Ah. I see." Levi nodded, smirking at his brother. "No one else then ~"

"Nope." Peter shook his head. "No developments there I'm afraid."

"Ah, no matter." Levi shrugged. "Otherwise everything good? I know it hasn't been a great time on trying to schedule actual visits. Life's been weird."

"On our end here too." Ibrahim admitted, frowning. "Although most days it's just me and a few neighbors playing card games and making sure the heater doesn't die on us."

"...No one else?" Blinking again, Georgie sat up a bit straighter. They'd moved on, but her brain caught on those words, and uneasiness filtered in, "...Hm."

"Hmm? Georgie dear you alright?" Levi asked, genuine concern seeming to flood him. Peter blushed. He screwed up. He knew he did.

"...I…" Nodding, Georgie gave a small, strained smile, "Oh, no… I… I'm fine. Just… getting… getting a little sleepy."

"Sleepy…" a gentle mumble came from the little girl nestled into Levi. Levi chuckled and patted the young girls back, shuffling briefly to grab a cover from the closet. He draped it over the both of them rather cautiously, making sure her head was still peeking out.

"Do you need some time to rest?" Levi questioned, head tilted. "Pete you didn't spend too much time talking last night did you…"

"No, no. It wasn't Pete…" She answered softly, "He is very good to me."

"Good to hear." Levi smiled at the young woman and made some movements on the keyboard. "Ah hold on small glitch…" Levi's head ducked out of the way briefly and there were small attempts to hide swears through normal speech.

"And he says I'm the old man." Ibrahim claimed with a disappointed shake of his head.

Sitting back, chewing absently on her thumbnail, Georgie studied Pete, the pink in his cheeks. This time, she was pretty sure she knew what it was from, "Said something wrong, didn't I?" She whispered.

"No no. My family just knows how to make me flustered. That's all." He reassured, squeezing her hand. "You are doing fine."

"Ah fudge biscuit." He heard Levi angrily curse as he fumbled over himself with a light thump. Lizzie luckily was able to remain in a stable position against his torso, her father flinging himself back up with wild hair. He snickered. "I miss the days when I could curse freely, you know?"

"Ah, that was the nice thing about you two boys. Words went from one ear to the other." Ibrahim touched one ear and then drew a line to the other.

Her attention was drawn back to the screen at Levi's tumble and sitting up, she frowned, "Goodness… are you alright??"

"I'm good and functional." Levi promised with a thumbs up, surprised his daughter remained snoring against him. "Just like her old man."

"Functional is a relative term." Peter claimed with a smirk. "Good might also be interpretive."

"Shush." Levi grumbled, working on fixing his hair. "You get the jist."

"Oh… good." This was easily the least confrontation she'd come across with this many people in one place, yet the anxiety continued to crawl awkwardly inside her, hands twitching in her lap, "She's very sweet. Your little girl."

"Lizzie?" Levi's demeanor brightened instantly. "She's a little sweetheart when she wants to be. Mostly when she's tired out. She can be a little demon, too. But that's how most kids are, from what I've learned."

"She's an angel compared to what I had to handle." Ibrahim claimed with a smirk. "Although, I have to admit, Levi wasn't a horrible child. Teenager, yes. Peter was the opposite. Might have been some foreshadowing there…"

"Oh, I wasn't horrible, per say…" Levi tried to defend, only to have heat travel to his cheeks. "Er, maybe a little bit."

"I… I don't know what I was like…" Georgie offered, biting her lip, "M...maybe I was horrible… Huh." Looking to Ibrahim's screen, she forced a smile, "What did Pete do? As a child?"

"Hmm?" Ibrahim questioned her, although he allowed the initial statement to slide off his shoulders. "Mostly he wouldn't sleep. He wanted to stay awake to read for the most part. That or he was bouncing off the walls. He wasn't a bad kid, he just had too much energy for all of us."

"That and he was a lot more devious. He tended to rearrange my room, even as a child. Put things where they didn't belong." Levi chuckled. "He once moved everything too slightly to the left for me to get my bearings."

"He doesn't sleep very well now, either…" Georgie noted, but amusement returned to her gaze at Levi's addition, and she shook her head, "That's terrible!"

"I also stole his jackets from time to time and let him have my smaller ones. Or shoes. Sometimes I'd make sure you'd only have left pairs of shoes." Peter claimed with a lift smirk.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I got revenge most of the time." Levi vowed, proud. "Er, mostly switching his books."

"Your poor father…" Georgie cooed, shaking her head, "He must've been a very patient man…"

"Yes." Ibrahim confirmed with a big grin. "I think I did a decent job though. Neither of them got any prison time on their records."

"Not yet."

Blushing furiously, Georgie lowered her gaze, "That's good. Prison is terrible…"

"I would assume so." Ibrahim shrugged, seeming to take nothing of her response. Peter tried his best not to pale and patted her shoulder.

"That's why we are good citizens." Levi scoffed at his brothers words.

"I'm a good citizen because I'm scared of my wife."

"Amen, son."

"You better be!" A disembodied voice called from somewhere in Levi's house, "Hi dad! Hi Pete!"

Squirming a little, Georgie continued to stare at her hands.

"Hey Daisy!" Peter greeted, grinning as the color visibly drained from Levi's face. He swallowed and chuckled.

"Hello, Dais." Ibrahim greeted with a small smile, shaking his head. "Honest son, sometimes I do prefer her over you."

"We all do." Levi mumbled with a soft chuckle, patting his child's head. "You okay Georgie?"

As a portion of Levi's wife appeared on screen, swollen stomach blocking most of the view, she bent down to kiss Levi, before scooping the little girl into her arms, "I'll lay her down." Glancing at the screen, she paused and her smile warmed, "Wouldja lookit that. Pete, she's gorgeous. You take care of that girl, now." Pointing a warning finger, she turned away, "Come to bed soon, Jukebox. Night everyone."

Blinking, cheeks flushed, Georgie looked to Pete, then back to the screen, "She is very nice, Levi…" She said, his question brushed aside.

"You shouldn't be lifting too much weight, love." He claimed with a hand pressed to his wife's stomach. "Our little guy seems to be doing well, though. He's gonna get in the way of cuddling." Levi teased with a smirk, before turning and noticing bright red on peters cheeks.

"I-I do. Promise."

"Do I have to go to bed?" Levi questioned, resting his head on her side. "Yes she is."

"Soon, my love." Leaning down, Daisy kissed his cheek, whispering something in his ear before she straightened, "Now lemme get this poor kid to bed. All hands, these Gunner boys! Never get your work done…" With a laugh, she started off, disappearing entirely from the frame.

"L..ittle guy? That… That was a girl? Wasn't it?" Georgie asked in confusion.

"You love it!" Levi called after with a light chuckle, pulling his legs up onto his chair. He rested his head on his knees.

"She's pregnant." Peter confirmed for her with a pleasant smile.

"Almost eight months now. Sweet baby is gonna come soon now." Levi rested his forehead in his hands. "Think it's gonna be a little boy."

"Have a name yet?" Ibrahim asked.

"It's a surprise."

"Pregnant?" Georgie looked to Pete with a small frown, brow raised, "I'm not sure I understand…"

"With child." Peter explained simply, his brothers head tilting in confusion. "They are about to have a son."

"We think it's going to be a boy. Can't be sure. Lizzie's hoping for a brother." Levi shrugged.

"Oh!" Nodding, Georgie smiled faintly, "I am very happy for you both. I'm sure he will be lovely, whenever you get him!"

"Thank you." Levi commented with a bright smile. "If he's anything like Lizzie, we aren't going to get sleep in a long time. Speaking of...I think I should head in for tonight."

"It was really nice to finally meet you, Levi. All of you…"

"Wonderful to meet you too, Georgie. Take good care of my brother." With a wave, Levi turned the screen off. Ibrahim smiled at his remaining son.

"Get a good nights sleep Peter. You too, Georgina."

"We will certainly try!" Georgie answers with an honest smile.

"Peace." Ibrahim granted onto his son before struggling for a good minute for turning off the screen. Peter leaned back in his chair.

"How do you feel?"

"...They… they are very nice." She murmured softly, picking at her fingernail, "I like them." Looking up, she frowned softly, "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

"You didn't." He promised her, trying out a smile. "That was mostly Levi's end. He likes to tease me because he uh...he knows what I'm feeling most of the time."

"B...but… but you…" Running her fingers through her hair, she shook her head, "It's okay, Pete. If… if you didn't want your family to know about me. All you had to do was tell me."

"That's not true, Georgie. I'm just scared about the circumstances. The powers. The hospital. I just want to keep you safe, you know?"

"O….oh." Cheeks paling, she looked up, "Oh, Pete. I… I'm so sorry. I thought… you… I just… I didn't realize. I'm so stupid." Covering her mouth with her hands, she shook her head, "I'm so so dumb."

"No. Sweetheart you aren't." He slowly took her hands off her face and gave them a gentle squeeze. "It's okay. I should have told you ahead of time of my concerns."

"I just thought… You… you seemed… and…" Her eyes misted over and she blinked, looking down with a shake of her head, "It… it's okay. Some… some things are better as secrets. It can all be secrets, if… if that's better."

He pressed a kiss to her forehead and smiled reassuringly down at her. "We can talk about that...I just wanna make sure that your safety is upheld. I...we don't know all the details about the hospital. We just need to be cautious, okay? You did great with them and I apologize for my brother."

"Levi? Wh...why?" Looking up at him, she shook her head, "It's nice that he care about your heart, Pete. That he… he wants you to be happy with… with someone. Like he is. He teases, but in his eyes, you can see he just… that's all he wants."

"I know. But he just likes to watch me squirm, too." Smirking, Peter rested his head against hers. "If...if you want to tell them about us, then that's something I should have taken into consideration."

"...I think I just need to… to understand why you don't…" She answered softly, fingers sliding into his, "It's too hard trying to figure it out on my own, is all."

"I'm...I'm sort of scared. And I'm sorry. What I did was very selfish." He hung his head briefly as one hand went to clamp the back of his neck.

"Scared?" She asked, and she reached out to tip his chin up with her fingers, "...What're you scared of, Pete? You can tell me."

"I don't know. I's hard to describe. I just don't know how to say certain things with my family. I'm not ashamed of us at all I just...don't know how to say it."

"I mean…" biting her lip, she shrugged, "You still don't really know how to say it with me, so… I get that. But Pete… it's okay to just… to just let it be what it is. Your family, I think, understand you better than you know."

"I know. And I'm sorry." He squeezed her hands. "I think I'm afraid they will assume we are know, physical and not at the point that we are."

"Physical, romantically?" She asked, sitting back a little, with a small, quirky smile, "Why does it always come back to this? Is that really so important to people?"

"You'd be surprised. People are obsessed about it. I don't know why. I guess because it can be pleasurable when done with the right person." He shrugged. "I shouldn't be so sheepish about this, sunshine."

"...It's not something small, Pete." She mused softly, giving him a delicate smile, "Not if it means… this much to you. And big things… you can't just make them happen or rush into them. You're my whole world, Petey. And I don't ever want something like fear to make you stop believing that. No matter what anyone else thinks, I'm not gonna stop caring about you, cause you wanna take your time."

"You really are my only sunshine." Peter claimed and pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose. "I promise I'll be less...hesitant. One day I will scream out how much I care about you. you did for me. But for right now...I'm sorry. I just want to whisper it to you."

Eyes brightening, she wrinkled her nose and shrugged, "...I don't need everybody to know, Pete. So long as I know. I like whispers… they're nice and they tickle my ear."

"If you are sure." He leaned in close to her, head curling into the crook of her neck. Slowly he said "You are the sunshine of my world, Georgie."

Fingers curving into his, Georgie sighed, and her eyes slid shut as the words rolled over her like a warm blanket, goosebumps prickling along her skin, "...Prettiest thing I ever heard, Pete."

"Says the woman who's brought the prettiest things into my life." Slowly he pulled away from her shoulder, fingers lacing through hers. Without a thought to prevent him from what happened next, he placed a gentle kiss to her lips. He pulled away after a moment, giving her a chance to say no. To pull away.

As he leaned forward, Georgie brought to mind the image of Daisy, kissing Levi and she knew what was coming, even in her sheltered lack of common sense. She breathed in, and for a split second, just a split second, every horrible scenario flashed through her mind. What if she was bad at kissing. What if she messed it up, somehow. Did you have to breathe? Could you suffocate in a kiss? What if she sneezed?? But his lips met hers and there was only silence in her mind… Pure… Blissful silence.

It was brief. Gentle. Tender. And her eyes opened, filling with tears as she reached up to touch his cheek, thumb dancing across the rim of his cheek bone, "...I think… if I never remember anything, ever again, in my whole entire life… As long as I remember this moment, right here, right now… I'll be okay." Breathing out, her smile warmed, "Better than okay."

Peters hands cupped her cheeks, his thumbs gently tracing along her features as he found himself red. It was a pleasant sting as he found himself lost in a trance. "I...I think that...I feel like a part of me just came to life. Something I don't think I've ever felt before." He admitted, his heart pounding in his chest. "S-sunshine?"

Smiling at his words, she leaned her cheek against his hand, eyes closing again, "Hm?"

"Can we always be like this?" He asked, innocent and nearly a murmur.

"...Can't think of any reason why not…" She breathed, her smile widening as her eyes flickered open, "I like it like this, a whole lot…"

"Me too. Me too." Peter looped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close to him. "I...I'm going to be honest. I didn't think I was going to fall like this."

Shifting, Georgie bit her lip and rested her palm on his shoulder, "...I did. The minute I met you, Pete. And you… you helped me pick up all the stuff I dropped in that store, when that mean lady was makin' faces at me. I knew it. Cause you… you're just really special, you know?"

"T-thanks." Peter blush and hid himself in her shirt. "I knew you and I were going to be good friends I just...wasn't anticipating that rush of emotions, you know? Kind of swept me off my feet."

Fingers curling into his hair, she twisted it around her fingers, shaking her head, "...Kismet. It… Sometimes, I think it's a real thing, you know? Like you… you were meant to come into the store at that exact moment…"

"I think it was God's way of interfering. Making both of our lives a little bit better." He snuggled securely into her. "Whatever the reason...I'm glad. I don't think I've ever been so content."

"Content…" She nodded, leaning her forehead to his shoulder, "...That's a… a really nice way to put it. It's kinda perfect, isn't it?"

"Jovial. Ecstatic." He mumbled, resting his head on hers and exhaled. After a moment he asked "You take all your medication today? Should I get you some milk and chocolate?"

"No… no. I'm fine. I'm good. I… I just wanna hold onto this for as long as I can…" She'd never been given much in life that she could hold onto… but she wasn't letting this moment go, easily.

"Okay. Okay. I won't let go." Peter promised, pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek. "Just be sure to take everything before bed? Then we can snuggle for a good amount of time."

"If… if I take it now, can we just… snuggle after?" She asked, with a small, slightly mischievous grin.

"Mmhm." Peter vowed with a light smirk. "And I'll make sure to whip you up some fancy hot chocolate if you'd like.."

"Wait, wait… Hot. Chocolate? It comes… hot?? Why am I just now learning this??"

"You can put other sweets in it too. Milk. Chocolate chips. Caramel." Peter informed with a mischievous smile, his brow wiggling.

"Oh… Peter Gunner. You… have been holding out on me." Wiggling her fingers into his ribs, she made a face, "You'll pay for that, you will!"

"Uh oh, my full name. I'm screwed." He chuckled as she poked at his ribs. He poked his nose to hers. "What are you gonna do? Deprive me of cuddles?"

"Never…" She looped her arms around his waist and leaning onto her tiptoes, pressed a delicate kiss to his nose, "In fact, I think you may owe me extra cuddles… for this outrageous offense."

"Extra cuddles?" Peter pouted. "There is no way in logical sense that is a punishment. In fact that's a reward more than anything else."

Grinning, she shrugged, "...But at least we both win. Now… go make this magical hot chocolate you spoke of, before I die from excitement!"

"Then I'll deprive you of more delicious items." He chuckled and kissed her head. "Yes, malady."

"I'm gonna go get comfy!" She chimed before bouncing off towards the bedroom.

Peter grinned broadly and stride into the kitchen. He began to prep some hot chocolate for the both of them, decorating it with as much sugary sweets as he could. Whip cream chocolate caramel and of course, some sprinkles he had bought for Lizzie the last time she came up. He strolled back into the bedroom and placed the cups down on the bedroom desk.

Flopping back on the bed, pulling the covers up over her feet, Georgie waited for Peter to return, her mind swimming with warm, fuzzy feelings that almost made her too sleepy to stay away. Eventually, she pushed herself upright and scooting to the head of the bed, waited there instead. When he returned, she grinned and patted the space beside her, enthusiastically.

"Ah; I see you've waited patiently Sunshine." He greeted with a grin and plopped down next to her, lying on the bed with his hands beneath his head. He glanced up at her with a big smile.

Flopping over onto her side, she curved her hands beneath her chin and laying on his chest with a matching smile, "I think… Pete… that this might be my most favorite day, ever."

"It's up there with mine, too." Peter claimed with a smile and placed an arm around her waist. He kissed her temple, lingering for an extra moment or two. He exhaled peacefully.

Letting her eyes fall closed, she lay her cheek down, "...Just… gonna stay right here… forever, mkay?"

"You know we are gonna have to get up sometime." Peter chuckled, lacing his fingers through her hair. "But for now...I'll savor this moment for as long as I can."

"Bah!" She protested, snuggling closer to him, "Nope. Never gettin' up. You're trapped now, and you're just gonna have to live with it."

"So I'm your captive now?" He questioned with a raised brow, leaning his head against the mattress. "I won't fight against it."

"Yes. My captive." She mused, looking up at him through her lashes, "Now I get to keep you… and you can't ever go away or disappear or leave…"

"I would never want to. I'm content with his way of being." He claimed and kissed her forehead. His eyes closed and he squeezed her gently.
Wakey Wakey
Interaction: Dorien and Aster @Elle Joyner

It was late morning, closer to noon than it was dawn. There was sun streaming through the windows, casting light on the piles of books, the stacks of canvases and paint, and on the two figures curled up on the couch under a blanket.

Dorien was slumped into the couch, having seemingly sunk further into the couch's embrace during the night. His glasses were crooked on his face and his head had rolled to the side. His features were slack, mouth open as he breathed slow and deep. He'd kept one arm over Aster's legs in the night, though the other had slid down to rest at his side. He didn't look like he'd be waking up any time soon.

Aster, on the other hand, dreamed that morning of severed fingers, crawling towards her in a dark stairwell, while a man screamed at the top of the steps for her to come out and play, and woke with a jolt that nearly sent her reeling off the lap of man she'd woken up beside. For a second… panic reared at the unfamiliar location, and heart pounding, she rubbed her eyes, trying to focus, trying to concentrate....

Dorien shifted where he lay as Aster jolted up. His brow furrowed, expression starting to creep back onto his face. He'd be awake before long, Aster's own reaction to her dream enough to move him out of his own deep slumber. Sure enough, his eyes cracked open and he whispered a soft "Huh?"

Breathing in sharply, too sharply, nearly choking on air, Aster released her claw-like grip on the back of the couch, and dropping her head back on the arm, pinched the bridge of her nose, forcing herself to inhale, exhale, slowly… little bits at a time, to still her pounding heart, "I'm fine…" She whispered, half to herself, "I'm alright…"

He sat up, bracing himself with one hand as he tried to shake the fuzz from his brain. He then looked over at Aster, concern creasing his brow. "Aster?" he said softly, gently placing a hand on her arm. "You okay?"

Jumping at the touch, ever so slightly, Aster sucked in another breath, before she leaned forward, dropping her head to her knees as she pulled the close, "...Just a dream. It… it's fine. I get them alot. It's all good…"

Dorien sat up a little further, turning to face her as she pulled her knees close. "Are you sure? You don' don't sound fine," he commented. "...Whatever you saw, it's not going to get you here."

Chuckling dryly, weakly, Aster shook her head at Dorien, looking up at him with a weary smile, "I know. It's… I… I'll be alright. The uh… last night… the…" Wiggling her fingers, she shrugged, "Just hit me harder than I expected."

That earned a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, that'll probably stick with you a while," Dorien admitted. He remembered his own few nights of working with Alastor pretty well, and they weren't nearly as gruesome as that had been. "The door is open, Aster. Just gotta walk through," he offered, as his way of asking if she wanted to talk about it.

Exhaling softly, she shifted, and uncurling her needs, shuffled to the crook of his side, a brief solace in the odd comfort he held, "It was uh… it wasn't so much the fingers, as it was… the other part. I… I dream about… about one of them. The… one of my foster fathers. More than I'd like to. He usually as a starring role in most of my nightmares."

Dorien raised an arm, allowing her to curl closer into his side, letting it settle around her. He listened, watching her carefully, a thoughtful look on his face. "What does he usually do?" he murmured.

"Same thing he did when the son of a bitch was alive." She murmured, fingers twitching in her lap, "O...only it's worse, somehow. Magnified. Like… like I'm smaller. Weak. Can't get away…"

He looked over at her as he very gently hugged her with the one arm around her. "He can't get you now. You probably know that, did get away," he assured. "And no matter what happened, I don't think you were ever weak, Aster."

Sniffing softly, Aster buried the emotion into his arm, shaking her head, "Never let's go, does it, though? That fear… That feeling that you can't do anything." Breathing out, she bit the inside of her cheek, "He had a stroke." She whispered, "In the middle of hitting me with a fireplace poker. Just… dropped dead. For a long time, I thought… I thought I'd done it."

"No, I guess not," Dorien agreed. His arm twinged, as if at the memory of the hand he once thought would permanently bruise it. His eyes widened as she continued. "I'm so sorry. That you thought it was you," he said. He couldn't imagine, thinking that from when he was young. He gently squeezed her again. A fireplace poker.

"I realized a while later it wasn't… you know… it wasn't my fault. But it still clings. It all does." Shifting forward, she turned so she could look up at him, "Thanks… for… for not… you know. Making it weird. All this crap. It's hard to talk about…"

"Don't thank me yet, I could still make it weird," Dorien teased before shaking his head. "It's not a problem. I'm happy to listen." As for how it clings, he understood that very well. There were things, faces, scenes that could never get out of his head.

"You're different, Dorien. You know that? Really different. Not just from what I pictured… from the way people talk but… but from anyone I've ever met, really." Smiling faintly, she shrugged, "Think you've officially seen all my ugly scars. The inside ones, anyway."

"How do people talk about me?" Dorien asked, though he had a bit of an idea. He knew what people said about him, both as himself and as Huntsman. "Those are the ones that really count," he said, "because those are the ones that hurt the most. But hey, if you want to have a scar comparison contest, I'm up for that too."

"Like you… like you're someone to be afraid of. Just… just Alastor stuff, you know? They act like you're this big, scary thug." Shaking her head, she grinned, "I always knew it was BS… but confirming that's pretty refreshing."

A brow rose as he continued, and she smirked, "Oh… Fish. I don't think you wanna go there with me. I've got some pretty badass marks…"

Dorien smiled, shrugging. "They've got their reasons to be afraid," he commented. "I'm glad I didn't meet your expectations. In..a good way, I hope."

"I don't know. I got stabbed with a fork once. I think I can take you on," he challenged with a grin.

"Alright…" Sitting up, she grinned, looking him over, before she pulled up the hem of her jeans, showing a narrow inch-long scar above her left ankle, "Scratched by a rat. Not a domesticated one, either. Think I was probably inches away from rabies, to be perfectly honest."

"Oh damn," Dorien swore as he saw the scar. "Death by rat is not the way I'd want to go," he admitted. He lifted his head, showing Aster a discolored sliver of skin, no longer than a nickel was wide. "I fell when I was little, and split my chin open on a clay pot."

"Oof. Good one…" Shifting, she rolled up the sleeve of her shirt, turning her arm to show her elbow, a circular scar, roughly the size of a pencil eraser, "Mr. Caddigan… He was one of my fosters. Three packs a day… I spilled a glass of water over the sofa and soaked one of the packs he kept in his back pocket. He was less than happy, so...."

Dorien pursed his lips, making a noise of sympathy as he saw the scar. He raised a hand, very gently running a fingertip over it. He eventually pulled back, debating what to show her in return. He rolled up his sleeve, on the arm without the tattoo, to reveal small little pock marks in the skin just below the inside of his elbow. "Jamie stabbed me with a fork."

"Stop." Looking up, eyes widening in amusement and shock, Aster shook her head, "She stabbed you… with a fork?? This story. Immediately. Go."

Dorien laughed, "Kind of. We were both little. I don't remember what sparked it, honestly. Jamie just...snuck a fork away from my mom and starts running around, and I started messing with her. Next thing I know, I get a fork to the arm."

"Oh my God…" The laughter came before she could stop it, and covering her hands to stifle it, she shook her head, "I… I'm floored. You… legitimately… got stabbed… by a fork. Dorien. How are you even real?" Breathing out, she grinned, "...A fork. Wow."

"It was Jamie!" he protested, "She's the one who grabbed a fork and stabbed me with it. And hey, at least she didn't take a chunk out of me with a spoon." He grinned before long, though, finding her laughter infectious.

"A spoon?? Have you actually been threatened with a spoon before? Dor… Seriously. You and utensils. That's… wow. I'm amazed." Shaking her head, she sat back, tugging her shirt to the side where the dandelion tattoo sat, she pointed to a jagged scar, slightly near the edge of her shoulder blade, "Doberman. We had one at one of the houses I was at. I may or may not have tried to sneak out, and got his tail with the edge of my boot…"

"That was also Jamie, most of the time. She's got a thing about threatening people with rusty spoons. I got smacked in the back of the head with a spoon a few times too, though," he said in his own defense. "Oof. Poor dog, and poor you." Turning over his arm, he revealed a slice through the skin of his arm, though it seemed to have faded a little. "This...was from working with Alastor."

"Damn…" Blinking, she reached out to touch the gash, grimacing slightly, "...Looking forward to that, for sure." Shaking her head, she bit her lip for a moment, before she pushed herself to the edge of the couch, her back to him, and lifting her shirt up, she revealed a line of thin, dark silver scars that lined either side of her lower back, "...The uh… the fireplace poker."

"Hopefully, you won't have to deal with more fighty targets for a little while," Dorien said, which was how he'd ended up with that scar. A target had been prepared and come for him with a knife. His heart sunk as she turned and showed him the scars on her back. Part of him was tempted to touch, but the other reeled away. How they must've hurt… "I'm sorry."

"So was he…" Aster said, and there was a note of bitterness to her voice that made her flinch, "Sorry. I… Damn. That was ugly." Chuckling, she lowered her shirt, and turned back around to face him, "There you go again… We gotta stop apologizing for other people's crap behavior, Dorien."

"Maybe it was ugly, but not totally unwarranted," Dorien replied. He took one last glance at those scars before his gaze moved back up to her face as she turned. "Someone might as well apologize for them, since they won't do it themselves."

"But you and me? We got too much bad behind us, you know? We try to start takin' on what other people did, too. Ain't worth it. You… you got nothin' to apologize for, Fish." Smiling, she dropped back to his shoulder, "I'm outta scars."

"Still, I'm sorry I can't do more," Dorien said, shrugging just before she dropped back to his shoulder. "I've got one left." He bent down, rolling up his own pants leg. As he continued to roll up his pants, he revealed a long, jagged scar running from about mid-shin that traveled up his leg. "That one was from when I fell and dislocated my shoulder and broke my thumb."

"Geez, Fish. You just needed the full set, did you?" She shook her head with a chuckle, "Well… looks like the contest is over and judges have weighed in. You, sir, are the victor. That fork wound is untouchable."

"You know it," he answered with a wink. He cracked up, laughing behind his hand. "I'll have to thank Jamie for it. She'll be proud to know that she's the cause of me winning scar contests."

"It's really an extraordinary win for you." Grinning, she nudged his rib, "Honestly… not something I badly wanna mock you for at all..." Blinking, stretching, she glanced over at the microwave clock, "Damn… slept through the night. My very first sleepover…"

"Hey, leave my fork scar alone," Dorien protested, his expression bordering a pout. "It's not mockable at all. I won it in battle, and maybe I kind of lost that battle, but I survived." He glanced over to check the time as well. "Oh hey, we did. Since it was your first, I have to ask. Was it a good sleepover, and would you one day do it again?"

Laughing softly, Aster looked over at him, "You might be the first person, Dorien, who has ever asked me to sleep with him… and my mind didn't go anywhere appropriate, even for a split second… That's… impressive."

Dorien sputtered, choking in response. "That's not- That's not how I meant that, oh my God," he wheezed nervously, his face flushing once again. He shook his head at her, looking like he was starting to realize he was sorely out of his depth.

Laughing again, Aster nodded, "Honey, breathe. I know that's not what you meant. But it's so fun to watch you blush like a pretty rose. Listen, I should probably get back to my place, though. I need a shower… and like… eight-thousand milligrams of coffee."

He rubbed his hands over his face, shifting his glasses a little in the process, before once again shaking his head. "So you just like tormenting me," he said. "So cruel, Aster. So mean to me and my fork stab scar." He nodded at this, giving her another smile. "Fair enough. But, uh, Aster?"

"Careful there, Dorien…" Grinning, Aster rose to her feet with a stretch, "I kinda like the idea of a spoon. It sounds… oddly frightening." She chuckled, but it trailed off as he continued, and a brow rose, "...What's up, Fish?"

"Hey, now that's just uncalled for. Leave the spoons for Jamie," Dorien teased with a grin. He sobered up a little, something more sympathetic and serious in his face now. "The door's open, if you ever need to stop by. In case it starts bothering you again."

"Ah…" Smiling, Aster nodded, "...Thanks, Fish. I… I'll probably take you up on that. I won't make it weird, though. Get clingy. Besides… somehow, I think Jamie might find someone else to stab with a fork if I hang around your couch too long."

"Don't worry about the clingy thing. You've already said you're a snuggler," Dorien said with a wink. "Promise I don't mind. And if Jamie starts getting fork happy, I'll let you know ahead of time," he added with a laugh.

Laughing, she nodded, "I did say that, didn't I? Thanks for lookin' out. Gonna try my best not to give Jamie any reason to stab me, though." With a wink, she started for the door, to find her shoes, pausing as she pulled one on, "Hey… Fish?"

"I actually think you said you weren't keeping your hands to yourself, but I'm going to take that as you being a snuggler," Dorien added after a moment. "I'll hold her back as long as I can, Flower Girl," he laughed as he stood up, knowing he was going to need to wash the dishes from last night and do a few things before he started his day. "Yeah?"

"Hmm… You take it however you want, Fish." She said, with another sly wink, this time not remotely apologetic for the obvious current of those words. With a laugh, she slipped on her other shoe and looking his way again, her expression softening, she smiled, "..Thank you. For… for being a friend."

Dorien rolled his eyes at that, prepared enough for that kind of response that his face didn't flush again. He returned the soft smile. "Happy to be one, Flower Girl. Happy to be one."

With a warm smile, Aster straightened upright, hand on the door, "See ya around, Fish." Opening the door, she slipped out into the hall.