IC Rockcaster

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The feet on the screen retreated and thus, with them, disappeared Gala's billion dollar scheme. It truly was nothing less than a life-ending tragedy and she made sure that Lucas was aware as she continued her bit, even in spite of her unruly cackles interrupting her words. "It's a dog eat dog world out there! Or in this case, idol eat idol. Which, you know, might be a completely new franchise that we could cash in on for more monies, since I don't think I've ever heard of a cannibal idol group." The tangent lead her somewhere normal conversations wouldn't dare tread, but with Lucas, even her saying the most ridiculous tornadoes of words somehow ended up making sense. Their bond transcended the need for intelligible thought, after all.

"You drive a hard bargain." Galatea stroked her chin in an exaggerated manner when demanded for half of her potential fortune, but eventually she nodded, "I like your moxie, kid. Fine, half the monies for the blonde prettyboy." Whether she was talking about Lucas or Eichi, would remain a mystery for the days to come.

"Okay, so what're you thinking we do before the food gets to us? You wanna play more Stardew? Or uhhh..." she paused for a brief moment, eyes scouring her screen, before expression became somewhat evil, her cheery grin becoming a smirk, "We still got like 4 episodes left of Fruits Basket if you wanna cry more."
code by wren.

(Online conversation with Lucas in Foxby)​
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It was the final day of Hallow's Eve Fest, and Horus was at last in costume. The owl mask he worn the day upon his arrival had been exquisite and beautifully ornate, but it was not his first choice as he had already packed his original wear. The colors of his true costume were not that of snow white feathers, but deep, bright red, with fabrics as soft as flower petals and very on theme. He wore a red top that hung off his shoulders and flowed past his hips like a mini-renaissance dress instead of a shirt. Layered on top of it was a white corset with red embroidered roses and green leaves. The corset was laced neat and wrapped around his waist with straps over his shoulders tied by big white ribbons. He didn't go pantsless, he wore back trousers that were shaped around his legs and thighs and boots that came up to his knees but folded just before.

In Horus's hair were roses of red and white and pink and black as a crown with gold tweed and green leaves. His makeup up was of gold and red and around his neck was a ribboned choker with the heart organ hanging from it. Because the weather didn't allow for him not to cover his costume, he threw on a coat and gloves though did his best to match in shades.

His costume was by no means obvious but if asked Horus would enthusiastically recite "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". He took both Elizabethan and Renaissance styles and aesthetic inspirations to piece his costume together while staying on the theme of the rose and verses. He wasn't the biggest Shakespeare fan, but there were works of his he deeply enjoyed and verses in particular such as this one.

"We should go somewhere indoors so we can show off our costumes and take pictures," Horus said to Davi, pressing his side to his close companions (metaphorically and now literally). "Maybe we can get something warm to drink too."

On the last day of the festival, the streets were more full than they had been the day before. Characters, costumes, and people in their everyday clothing were walking all about, laughing, running, and enjoying themselves. So many families, couples, and groups of friends brought more energy for the Holiday than Horus had ever seen anywhere else in the country.

"If this is how you all gather to celebrate Halloween, I can only imagine what goes on during Magi Moore week." He giggled softly. He had heard of how Rockcaster through the biggest bashes for Magi Moore, it was a legend in and out of the country. Though reading about it in newspapers and online articles was a world different than hearing through a friend who experienced it every year as a magi who had a greater attachment to it.

Maybe one day he would experience it at Davi's side and through his eyes.

His eyes drank in every booth and stall, determined to find them their next venture of fun. Perhaps something to warm them again. Unlike the local crowd, he was not so used to the cold weather of Rockcaster and needed breaks of hot air to thaw.

His search did not last long.

"Davi, look!" His violet eyes landed on the folded chalkboard sign outside of a large tent. Madame Tully's Fortunes, Teas, and Coffees and listed just beneath the title was the menu for all of the above mentioned, card readings, hand readings, crystal balls, and tea readings, but just a few teas and coffees were served. The menu wasn't the most varied, but it was unique and the fun that was sure to follow through with a reading was enticing enough for Horus to grab Davi by the hand and rush him over to the tent.

Before he could open the flaps and enter, another duo, a couple maybe, exited with grins on their face. He politely let them pass before entering the tent and stopping in his tracks as soon as he passed through the door. The outside was deceitful, appearing so small it could only hold three people at most. But indoors the tent appeared as a large room, with bookshelves lining some walls and small steps descending to a floor away from the main desk with as many tables as one could count on their hand. Each table was paired with mismatched cushioned chairs and crystal balls placed on every table. In the back, there was another set of curtains lending to another room. Magic was no doubt at play here, and it still amazed Horus every time.

Most importantly, the room was as warm as it was cozy.

"Couple?" The woman at the front desk asked with a gaze that looked a little too knowing and very smug. "I can seat you."

"Friends." Horus clarified before remembering whose hand he held in his own. A wave of awkwardness passed over home here it never had before and he released Davi's hand. "We would greatly appreciate the seats though."

"Of course," she didn't sound like she believed him. But he wasn't sure if that was for he said in regards to his relationship with Davi or being seated. And Horus felt it would be too much to ask no matter how he wished he knew.

He followed her to the table and removed his gloves and coat, hanging the latter on the back of the chair of his chair before sitting.

"I'll get your drinks and then we can get you whichever ever readings you'd like." She grinned a wide-toothed smile at the two of them. And with due diligence, after taking their order she disappeared behind the curtains of the front desk he hadn't noticed before.

"What sort of reading do you think you'd like to get?" Horus asked Davi once they were left to themselves. He rubbed his hands against the fabric of his thighs as he did. Though he had worn gloves and the heat of the room helped to warm him, his fingers still felt like icicles.

@wren. 」​

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Gala considered herself to be a very, very good friend, which was why she liked making Lucas cry so much. (Not out of anger or sadness towards her, obviously, but with her extremely good taste in media! It wasn't like Fruits Basket didn't get a tear or two or multiple out of her when they watched together anyway...) With a nonchalant and extremely innocent hand, Gala waved him off, though she was only a few decibels away from cackling, her grin so wide it was starting to hurt her face. "I'd never hurt you on puuuurpose, Lulu. It's all the anime's fault, not mine." she wagged her finger at her webcam in an exaggerated manner, but eventually digressed, accepting his choice, "But fine! Nothing spoooookier than dying in the mines with your best friend."

And so, that was what they did, while waiting for their food to arrive. Their joint Stardew farm was something of a chaotic venture. Though Gala did help out in trying to make the farm cute, she was absolute shit at remembering all of the tasks needed to keep it running properly, whether it be moving crops for processing or making sure they moved in the most efficient way. Still, there was much fun to have, with her harassing Lucas constantly by trying to give him stacks of items so that he would be prompted to accept things like her wood and the two of them shrieking with laughter as the both of them died from accidentally blowing themselves up in the mines.

As soon as the doorbell rang at her house, she was quick to disconnect from the server, throwing off her headphones after declaring to her friend that it was "munchin' time." Her siblings gave her looks, both because she was all dressed up to not even bother going outside, and also because she was receiving takeout, when it was such a rare, expensive occurrence in their household. She paid them absolutely no mind.

Soon she was in her seat again, holding up the bag for Lucas to see, her energy so palpable one could feel it through the screen, "This better be tasty. I didn't do a full Stardew shift to get fed subpar food, buddy." A snicker left her lips, before she checked him on the screen, "Did yours come yet?"
code by wren.

(Online conversation with Lucas in Foxby)​
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Yesterday had been the best day of his life, but every day he spends with Horus feels that way. Each day better than the last. But today is the last. Why must their time together always be so short? Halloween. He has less than twenty-four hours to re-commit every last masterful detail (he's never subscribed to any religion, but there's no other explanation for Horus's beauty except intelligent design) of his beloved to memory to keep himself warm when Horus's absence leaves him cold and empty.

One more night to indulgently trace his soft, pillowy lips with his fingertips and wonder what they'd feel like against his own. One more night where he can pull Horus's sleeping form against him and entwine their legs and pretend their entanglement is an accident in the morning. At least he won't feel as guilty for his fantasies when Horus isn't laying right beside him. In his defense, he'd tried to take the couch initially, and Horus had insisted on sharing the bed for both their comfort.

He's not sure that he saved his best outfit for last, having made sure that each of his outfits this week have been impeccable, but he'd argue it's his most flattering one. He started with a charcoal gray, high-collared puffy-sleeved blouse with black embroidery around the neck and clavicle. He cut out a diamond-shaped hole in the center to reveal most of his chest, sewing a similarly shaped silver pendant toward the top of the shirt embedded with a crystal he'd made that resembles the galaxy.

At the end of the sleeves, he'd sewn white frills to contrast with the dark colors of the outfit, and to clash with his black gloves. Connected to the back of his sleeves is what appears to be a simple black cape from the back, but from the front, one can see the lightly sheer, glittery blue fabric creating a nebulous gradient effect.

His navy trousers match the darkest shade of his cape, connected to his blouse by a black, embroidered waist cincher. His black boots end right below his knees, and he'd finished off the look by draping a couple of thin silver chains around both his forearms and putting a dangling diamond earring in one of his ears.

There's no real theme to it, but he's put a lot of effort into making it, and the dark colors work well with his pink hair. Simply put, the look is fetching, and he should end his last day with Horus (until the winter) on a high note. Especially when Horus's outfit looks positively magnificent on him; a fact that he can't help but comment on.

"You look amazing, Horus." It's not enough to describe the way seeing him had made time slow down and his heart stutter, but it's the best he's allowed to offer. I'd poison and stab myself for you a million times if it meant you'd never leave my side. I'd kill anyone who dared to stand between us. Romeo and Juliet were fools to give up so quick. I'd burn the world down to have it just be you and me.

Horus is entirely oblivious to his agony as they stroll along the cobblestone streets of Rockcaster once more, Horus's side pressed against his and burning through the fabric. As much as he loves to watch his face light up at the various treats and games the festival stalls offer, his happiness deepens his melancholy in equal measure. Does he not ache as he does, knowing that they must part soon?

"You should come see it. Magi Moore, I mean. It will be even more fun for me if you're there," he says, trying not to sound like he's begging. Let's spend every holiday together until we're too old to walk these streets. More than that, let's spend every day together. Why do you need to leave? What's out there that's so important? Stay. Please, just stay.

He snaps out of his yearning for a moment when Horus's excitement draws his attention to a large tent advertised as Madame Tully's Fortunes, Teas, and Coffees. Such an establishment is a dime a dozen in Rockcaster, but Horus's childlike glee is infectious, and he only laughs as Horus grabs his hand and pulls him toward the tent. They nearly barrel into a couple exiting the tent, who he offers an apologetic smile before he's hauled into its warm and private walls by his white-haired companion.

It's much bigger on the inside, approximately the same size as his own shop. Horus, again, looks amazed by this fact.

"Couple? I can seat you."

He tears his eyes away from Horus toward a woman he assumes to be the titular Madame Tully, face hot with the knowledge that she must have seen him gazing at his friend with more than just platonic affection.

She's a short, homely woman, with long and thick curly dark hair and thin lips curved into an all-too-knowing smirk, dark eyes glinting in the dim, ambient light of the tent.

His embarrassment is quickly forgotten, replaced by a sinking cold front in his stomach as Horus tears his hand from his, quickly clarifying her error. Friends. Right. He needs to stop running away with his heart. Horus has no romantic interest in him; he would have told him if he did. How lucky he is to even be Horus's friend, and yet he dares to want more?

With the eagerness of a kicked puppy, he follows Horus and Madame Tully to their assigned table, delicately taking his seat on one of the provided cushion and following Horus's lead in removing his gloves. "I'll take some jasmine tea, if you don't mind," he smiles at the madame, watching her disappear into what is assumedly the kitchen.

Horus's voice draws his attention again, though he takes more interest in Horus rubbing his hands on his thighs for warmth than his words. In truth, he's not sure how to answer. The one answer he wants most in this world concerns the man right next to him. It's embarrassing to admit that he wants to act about his love life, but this is Horus, so he'd be the first to understand. He's always understood.

"If I'll find my soulmate," he answers, taking Horus's hands between his own and rubbing them gently before bringing them up to his mouth to breathe warm air on them. "How about you?"

Madame Tully returns soon enough with their orders and he releases Horus's hands to take up his hot cup of jasmine tea with a gentle thanks.

"Are you ready to begin?" the older woman asks, and when they nod, she closes her eyes and begins. The crystal ball glows as she murmurs a quiet incantation under her breath, the candles on the table flickering as though a strong breeze was blowing through. When she opens her eyes, she glances between them with a kind smile. "Who would like to ask first?"

"I'll go," he decides, mostly to get it over with. Despite his quick volunteering, he hesitates. What he'd told Horus isn't really what he wants to ask. He already knows he's found his soulmate. The question is, "Will I end up with the man I love?"
code by wren.
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With a dreamy sigh, Umeko strode elegantly through the dimly lit restaurant, following loosely behind the hostess that led her towards her table. Rosa had begged her to come and eat with her and her new boytoy, Julius. Umeko fought an eye roll just thinking about it.

Ambrosia was an immensely talented and beautiful individual, it was so sad to see her wasting her potential with a man. But who knew? Maybe this one would be different… Eventually? It wasn't like Rosa to associate with men who wouldn't commit to her romantically, but maybe he had a magic cock up his sleeve or something. Ick.

Umeko slowed in her tracks, turning to dip her head and formally thank the young woman for seating her.

What an adorable girl… I'll make sure to tip her on the way out. She pulled out her chair and sat down, adjusting the sheer black scarf draped around her head. She reached a pale, manicured hand up to remove her round, black sunglasses and cautiously looked around for a moment before allowing herself to relax. She made a point to arrive early and get her paranoia out of the way before her friends would arrive.

Matthias was waiting out in the car for her, ready to storm in at a moments notice at the first sign of danger, though she had been safe thus far in their time together. Matthias was a good man. Maybe she would hook him up with Ambrosia. Did he even like women? Umeko sighed, anxiously smoothing the red silk fabric of her dress over her thighs.

They better have good bread here.
Code by Jenamos
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It was snowing, as it often did, as Julius pulled his car into the parking lot. The Magi would not have been surprised to learn that every person in Rockaster was out that night, as he spent a good ten minutes attempting to find a parking spot. From the morning to the night, Rockaster celebrated the season with fervour. Despite closing his shop early, business had flourished that day (and in the days prior). Julius finally caught a parking spot right as another car pulled out. He stepped from the vehicle in the same head-to-toe black he always wore, with painted nails beneath thin gloves and a long fitted fleece coat. He immediately felt the cold of the air in contrast to the warmth of his heating. Julius exhaled visible breath into the evening as he made his way to the restaurant.

Ambrosia was fun. She was pretty, and Julius enjoyed fucking her. The two even had something of a friendship, which he usually avoided with his sexual partners, as it often led them to get too attached. Which was exactly what had happened. Julius wasn't dense, and he could see the way she looked at him. She was getting infatuated. Julius made his intentions clear — he always did, but it had happened anyway. It was far from the only time that had happened to him. Julius would start hooking up with someone, and they'd fall for him, and he would have to cut all ties. Soon, Ambrosia would have to go. That was a shame, as Julius did enjoy her company.

The company of her friend, less so.

Umeko had been the first to arrive, it seemed. She sat alone at their designated table, silver-haired head wrapped in black and sunglasses in hand. After giving the hostess a thank you, Julius joined the woman at the table. Umeko was a pretty woman, and if things had gone differently, Julius might've gone after her. However, as it stood, every interaction he'd had with the singer had had an air of tension to it.

"Evening," he addressed her as he took the seat across from her, first removing his coat and hanging it on the back of his chair. He checked the time on his phone. Julius was a few minutes early. "How long have you been here?" He asked as he removed his gloves and tucked them into the pocket of his coat before twisting back around to face her.

Ambrosia couldn't arrive soon enough.
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Umeko raised her head at the sound of someone approaching the table. She offered a friendly smile, pulling her phone from her small black purse to text Ambrosia. " Good evening!" She greeted, feigning enthusiasm. " I haven't been here long." She finished.

"Rosa should be here any minute." Umeko reassured, her thumbs flashing across her phone screen with vigor.

"HURRY UP BITCH HES HERE!" She sent the message and returned her phone to her purse with a smile, internally dreading the wait time. She adjusted her snow leopard print faux fur coat, adverting her eyes from Julius as much as she could manage.

— — — — — — — —​

Not too terribly long after, the sound of hurried and heeled footsteps came scurrying over. " Hey, guys! I made it!" Ambrosia chimed. Ambrosia took the seat next to Julius and Umeko noted that Rosa pulled out her own chair to sit, adding another mental strike against Julius.

"I hope I didn't leave you two waiting long."Ambrosia hummed, scooting her chair quietly closer to the table.

"No worries, Darling. I'm glad you made it safely." Umeko purred lovingly, reaching across the table to give Ambrosia's hand a gentle squeeze. " Right, Julius?" She asked, peering over at him with a smile.

Umeko had never thought to marry her own best friend, but she suddenly found herself contemplating it. It was looking more and more like Umeko needed to do something drastic to save her friend from her own taste in men.

Code by Jenamos
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Umeko returned his greeting and answered his question, and although she spoke with enthusiasm, he had the distinct impression that she was not glad to see him. Fair enough. It wasn't as if Julius was thrilled she was there, either. He wasn't sure why Rosa was so keen on having her friend there with them. Maybe she had some delusions of Julius and Umeko becoming friends as well? Julius was barely situated into his chair before the woman had her phone out — quickly typing out what he assumed to be a message. He cocked an eyebrow at her rather sudden jump to action, but did not comment. Her assertion that Rosa would join them soon was met with a small nod and nothing else. Umeko appeared largely uninterested in conversing with him further, so they waited in silence. Julius considered breaking it with something, but decided against it. He didn't care that much.

As promised, Rosa joined them only a few minutes into their wait. She took the seat beside Julius, as he had imagined she would, and smiled at him delightfully. She looked gorgeous that evening, not that she ever didn't, but he felt like she looked especially alluring. Perhaps because he knew she wouldn't be his soon.

"Not long," Julius replied to the woman's comment. The Magi's brow quirked again as Umeko questioned his concern for the other woman. It was so pointed. He was almost sure she wanted him to say something cruel. Stop fucking around with my friend was practically spelled out in all of their interactions. Rosa had a soft heart, but it wasn't her heart Julius was interested in. And it wasn't his fault if it broke.

"Of course," he said nonchalantly. "The traffic is abysmal. And with all the partying in the streets, who knows what might happen?" Julius was impossibly casual as he said this, not at all sounding troubled at the thought.

Barely a second later, the waiter arrived to take their drink orders, which for Julius was a diet Pepsi. He then waited on the women to place theirs and for the waiter to leave before speaking again.

"How has rehearsal been?" While it applied to both of them, the question was directed at Rosa.
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"The black currant merlot, please." Umeko said in a quiet, even tone. She turned her gaze back to Rosa, smiling in amusement as her friend ordered a Shirley Temple. Those were the best.

Umeko was a wine guru. A fruity, sour Merlot was her all time favorite, and so now it was her goal to find a suitable meal to pair with it. She took the menu in her dainty hands, holding it over her painted face to scan casually through the options.

Ambrosia seemed to beam at the question, turning to face Julius as she spoke. " It's going really wonderfully, actually! Umeko sings so beautifully with my piano playing, we make a great duo. Never miss a note." She mused enthusiastically, her eyes shifting over to Umeko, who was only paying half-attention.

"Oh, thank you, Rosa… That's very kind of you." Umeko replied, shooting a little smile over the top of the menu Ambrosia's way.

" You should come and watch Rosa practice. She is a goddess in the orchestra. She even helps compose the music, but I'm sure you already knew that." Umeko said, turning the page of her menu without looking up.

Lamb sounds good… But ooh…. Filet Mignon with blue cheese… Hmmmm.

Code by Jenamos
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Umeko ordered wine, and if Julius liked wine, he would've done the same. He enjoyed inebriation, but he preferred to drink to get drunk, and it wasn't very proper to do vodka shots at such a nice restaurant. And anyway, he preferred to drink at home, as making a fool of himself in public wasn't something he was keen to do. He had some decorum. Still, Julius decided to add a Moscow Mule to his order when the waiter briefly swung by again.

Rosa responded with energetic enthusiasm to his question. It was cute. Julius had heard Rosa perform before, although not much. He was not much for the opera. Rosa's gaze moved to Umeko, and his followed. She mulled over her menu with determination, appearing disinterested in the topic. Julius thought she always seemed like she was above everyone else.

"I knew she composed, yes," Julius replied, not enjoying the implication of what the silver-haired woman said. Not that he had heard much of Rosa's compositions. But he had heard some of it. Enough of it to know she wasn't a hack, at least. Julius leaned back in his chair, eyes drifting down to his own menu. He had no idea what he wanted. Food didn't sound all that appealing, and despite not eating much that day, he wasn't very hungry.

"What will you be getting?" He asked the two women half-heartedly.
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Umeko furrowed her brow at Julius' remark, making sure her menu was held above her face before sticking her tongue out at him a few times behind the laminated sheets.

She cleared her throat and relaxed her face, slowly setting down the menu as she decided to let the topic go. She'd cut him a little bit of slack, but that was it.

And he was right. Ambrosia was adorable, much too good for either of them. Despite the ill-planning of this dinner, she was a doll.

Umeko sat up in her chair and set the menu down delicately. " Well, I think I'm going for the blue cheese filet tonight. A Cesar salad and French onion soup." She listed, sighing dreamily.

"I'm thinking of having the ribeye with the blood orange sauce, it sounds so good." Ambrosia added, smiling over at Julius. " What about you, Julius?" She asked, turning her attention to him.

Code by Jenamos
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Umeko appeared to quite like the question, as she almost romantically listed her meal for the evening. The first two portions of it were appealing, but Julius crinkled his nose when she mentioned French Onion Soup. He wasn't surprised, it was certainly asking too much for her to have good taste.

Julius shrugged at Rosa's question, as if he hadn't just asked her the same one. His eyes searched the menu that he hadn't bothered to pick up, glancing for no longer than half a second at any particular dish. "I don't know. It doesn't matter much," he said dismissively, "Probably the Oysters Rockefeller." Julius was generally a fan of both seafood and salt, which made the marine meal an appealing dish.

With perfect timing, the server arrived to take their order, bringing the trio's drinks with him. Julius thanked the man, and the moment he was gone, started on his drink. It was sour, the lime especially strong. Not perfectly balanced, but still enjoyable. The cocktail did not last long, and was gone before their meals arrived. The three talked throughout the meal, with Rosa speaking the majority of it. She was a forthcoming woman with a great deal of enthusiasm, and it showed. Sometimes she called upon either Julius or Umeko to join in the conversation, and they obliged, but largely the Vampir talked about her day-to-day or else commented on her food. She was a slow eater, taking a lot of time between bites to chat, but Julius was equally slow, and he did not have the excuse of talking.

When their meals were finished to the respective degree each of them wanted, the waiter returned once again.

"Can I get you anything for dessert?" He asked with a broad smile. Despite the busy restaurant, the man had kept his demeanour up and his service prompt. Julius planned to tip him handsomely.

"Nothing for me, thank you," the Magi said, shifting his gaze from the waiter to his dinner companions in anticipation of their answer. Surely one of them would want something.
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There were few things warmer than Davi's hands, and even less than his breath against skin. Horus had walked across the hot sand of deserts and beaches from all corners of the Earth, drank the spiciest chai, and laid under the hot Egyptian sun. But all of those things felt cool in when compared to how easily Davi made him shiver when he blew the chill out of his bones in mere moments, when he woke with his back facing him, but his breath landed on the nape of his neck, overheating his body down to his toes. There was no other way to describe it — to describe him than pure magic. Had Horus not known the power behind his closest's friend's touch and words, he would have suspected he cast a spell on him.

His finger curled in his hands, and clenched when he let them go. "Something similar, maybe." He whispered quickly before the Madame joined them again. They were like-minded flames, powerfully attuned to their emotions and with a great love for love itself, desiring and yearning for the one. Whereas it once had been a lonely experience of waiting and searching, Horus found ease in it when he was sitting with Davi.

Taking his milk chai in his hands, he wrapped his fingers around the steaming cup. They were no longer frozen sticks, but the absence of Davi's hands left a new coldness he hoped to fight against. Still, like all other things, it could not beat it or compare to it.

His eyes look up from his drink and to the glowing orb in front of them. Once again, that familiar excitement shot through him from his stomach as the candles began to flicker. He rocked forward, ready to take the opportunity to asking, something, anything, but was surprised by Davi offering to go first. He didn't seem as eager given his question already prepared, though the reason as to why became more obvious once it was asked.

"Will I end up with the man I love?"

Horus shot his head in Davi's direction.

He considered himself a master of the English language. He had written many poems in it, playing on its syntax and etymology, metaphors and all other tropes alike, bending the rules of meaning and delivery. But he thought twice, thrice, again about the posed question Davi gave.The question he asked held the implication that he knew the man he loved. Or more so when he suddenly changed from his original question.

If Davi knew the man he loved, why wouldn't he have told Horus? He was his best friend, his bosom friend. They spared no expenses in telling one another anything, or Horus had thought they did. As quickly as the ideal entered his head, the guilt for thinking such a negative thought of his friend swiftly followed after, pooling in his belling and burning his heart. It wasn't fair to assume that he would or should tell him everything. Especially when there was only an implication of the meaning behind his inquiry and not fact.
Just as the orb on the table between them, Madame Tully's eyes changed in color into a pale blue. The way they widened at whatever she witnessed in the ball made his already upset stomach twist. When they softened again with knowing knowledge, he leaned back into his seat and waited with tight knuckles for the answer.

"The future is never set, always twisting and turning. For your question, I saw two paths. One where your lover in everything but name fades from your side, and one where the moon whispers tales of your romance to the stars. Your heart holds many secrets, but it knows the path it seeks. You only need to let it guide you." The woman spoke clearly, though ended her words softly to Davi.

"Somewhat cryptic.." Horus mumbled to himself, more disappointed in knowing how her answered implied more that there was someone there. Possibly.

She laughed, more amused by Horu's comment than anything else. Horus found his face burning at the fact that she heard, and more so at her response. He was quick to add. "But very romantic." He place his hand atop of Davi's and squeezed it, tighter than he was aware of as he told him. "And I hope the best for you." He meant it, even if he didn't meet his green eyes, nor felt at his best.

"And what would you like to know?" Madame Tully called back to attention.

Within all the time he was given to think, he hadn't thought of a real question to ask. Now on the spot, his mind drew a blank. His already face only burned brighter. "I-" He took a moment to drink from his chai, taking a large gulp and immediately regretting it. He coughed, burning his tongue and quickly pulling the cup away from him which only made him spill more of his drink on himself and hand. He jumped up from his seat and hurriedly set down his cup and cried when it fell over, soiling the table. "I'm so sorry!" He cried as he shook his burned hand and reached for anything to clean up the mess.

@wren. 」​

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It was a bold question to ask, especially in front of the man himself, and he has to force himself to keep staring at the madame to avoid glancing at Horus and giving himself away. He worries his teacup in his hands, lifting it to take a sip to try and wash away the knot forming in his throat while Madame Tully turns to the glowing orb in between them and begins to read it.

When her eyes widen, the fear of what she might be seeing chills him like he's been splashed with cold water, the gentle jasmine tea settling like lead in his stomach. Why did he ask that stupid question? He doesn't want to know anymore. He doesn't want to hear the truth. He already knows Horus doesn't, and could never, love him. He knows their paths will end with Horus happy with someone actually deserving of his beauty and wit while he will die alone from the festering wound in his heart.

He's been worm meal since that night on the bridge, blessed by the temporary visitation of an angel. But all angels return to Heaven eventually, and it would be selfish of him to cling to Horus's wings and drag him down with him.

But Madame Tully's gaze softens, a knowing smile crossing her lips, and his nausea lessens slightly. He waits with bated breath for her to finish, gripping his cup so tight that his fingertips have turned ghostly white. The poor madame must feel his gaze scrutinizing her every muscle twitch, but she makes no comment about his discomfort when she finishes, simply relaying an indefinite answer with a sympathetic look.

The vague answer does nothing to soothe his anxieties in either direction. It's not an outright no, but it's not a yes, either. He's right back where he started, so what was the point in even asking?

Horus apparently agrees, muttering about the cryptic nature of the advice before he can even fake a laugh himself. Madame Tully is thankfully not offended by his comment, though Horus seems embarrassed to have said it all the same. Horus suddenly squeezes his hand, grip shockingly hard, his smile weirdly strained as he wishes him well. "Thank you, Horus," he says, the sentence more like a question given Horus's sudden change in demeanor. His hand feels icy when Horus pulls his away, just like before.

He chooses to ignore Horus's weirdness for now since he can always ask him about it later, as Madame Tully prompts Horus for his question. He can't ignore it, though, when Horus goes strangely blank, tan face turning scarlet. "Horus?" he calls, concerned, reaching a hand out to touch his elbow. Horus jerks, though, when he seemingly burns his tongue, splashing scalding liquid onto his lap. A droplet hits Davi's own hand and he snatches it back instinctively, scrambling to his feet to assist his poor friend.

The situation worsens when Horus manages to knock the remains of his drink over onto the table, soiling poor Madame Tully's pretty lace table cloth. At least it's black. "Horus, calm down, it's okay," he coos, taking his frantic hands between his own and forcing him to pause. He pulls a corner of his cape up to carefully dab away the liquid on Horus's hand, the angry red burn a cursed invader on Horus's perfect skin. "I'll heal this for you when we get home," he promises with a gentle smile, lightly grazing his lips over the sensitive burn like a mother kissing her child's hand to assuage the pain.

"For now, go run it under some cold water, okay? You do have a bathroom, right?" he asks, directing the second question to Madame Tully, who nods and points Horus in the right direction. He pushes Horus toward it gently, encouragingly, so that he can use that time to fix the situation. When Horus is out of sight, he turns to Madame Tully who has already started soaking up the liquid with a stack of napkins.

"I'm so sorry, I'm not sure what happened there. He's the most graceful person I know, I've never seen him be so clumsy." He reaches into his pocket to pull out his wallet, sliding her a couple of $20 bills. "I hope this covers any damages. If you don't mind, will you still read him his fortune? He was so excited to come here; this sort of thing is really new to him. I don't want the experience ruined for him."
code by wren.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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