IC Rockcaster

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

a magical place

Founded by Magi and built for Magi. It was a gift granted to a courtier mage, Owyn Treviar of House Venitus, who had King Orion's favor. The land was said to have been a Magi black market before the war, but it was repurposed into a habitable place. The town has a welcoming and cozy atmosphere, though one of the few places that prioritize a species that is not Vampir. In the season of Magi Moore, they gain more attraction than any place in Cervia as they go all out.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 6:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 25.8°F (-3.4°C). Cold and snowing.


The time of year where Rockcaster is full and bustling with people. The Hallow's Eve Fest has been going on in town for a few days now and people from town and outside of it have been attending. The streets are packed even as it snows.


Another Spooky Turnout for the Fest of Hallow's Eve!
Every last week of October, Rockaster hosts the most spooky and enjoyable festival before the big Magi Moore. This week has not been short of fun and scares with all masked and donned in costumes. Magi and others alike have come from far and wide to enjoy the booths, shops, and attractions. The town is packed and busy!


- More fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: wren.
Five days into the Hallow's Eve Fest, Davi is already exhausted, which doesn't bode well for the next couple of days. He loves the festival itself with all its strung-up lights, friendly atmosphere, greasy street food, and shop discounts. This holiday is perfect for him as someone who spends significant time disguised as the town's 'romantic vigilante,' Himeros. Now, he's wearing a steampunk-themed outfit he'd thrown together, consisting of a royal blue and gold tailcoat, a pocket watch hanging from his neck, and a mask made out of gears. He spends weeks planning his festival outfits each year, changing them up for each day of the event. His festive cheer can't be denied.

The only problem is that he's had to spend most of the festival cooped up in his crystal shop, tending to the whirlwind of residents and tourists as they burst in and raid his shelves. It's one of the most looked-forward-to times of the year for Magi, so he has been lenient with his scheduling to allow his employees ample time to enjoy the festivities. Of course, that means he has to spend more time at work to fill in the gaps. Thankfully, both Annie and Flo have been assisting today, leaving him more time to breathe and repress the urge to walk upstairs to his apartment and crash onto his bed.

It has also provided more time for his mind to wander, its best and worst habit. This festival is the perfect meet-cute opportunity. He could crash into some masked darling and delight him with his knowledge of magic and the town, show him the funnest games to play and the best shops to visit while they indulge themselves on fair food, buy him color-changing roses and kiss beneath the street lanterns, and then make love in his bed until the sun rises. Then this mesmerizing stranger would be reluctant and agonized to leave the following day, ensnared by Davi's charm and body, and they'd write each other letters filled with intense longing and ardent affection sprinkled with lustful declarations until he decides to give up everything and move to Rockcaster to be with Davi, and then they'd —

He's getting carried away again. When have any of his whirlwind romances ever worked out for him? Forty-four years of his life gone, and he has nothing to show for them but heartbreak and a blacklist of people he hopes to never see again.

"... Sir?"

He straightens his back, not realizing he'd leaned his weight across the check-out desk, chin propped in his hand while staring wistfully out of the large shop windows onto the busy streets. A young woman stands there, puzzled expression partially obscured by her gold butterfly mask. "Sorry! What?"

She holds up a hand with four crystal necklaces hanging from her digits. "Can I check out?"

"Oh, right! Sorry, I was lost in thought," he blushes, taking the necklaces from her and scanning their tags. He smiles when he realizes they're ones he'd made himself: a simple set of gold chains wrapped around quartz crystals. While he's technically made most of the crystals in the shop, it's affirming to see people enjoying the things he'd made with his two hands and not magic.

He wishes the woman well after she's all bagged up, attending to the next customer that follows swiftly behind her. His phone buzzes where it sits by him on the desk, but he ignores it until he's serviced the line. Seeing the text waiting for him, and more importantly, its sender, floods him with bubbling warmth.

The Wandering Poet:
Almost there!

He's a hopeless fool. His best friend is coming over to spend the weekend with him, and he's acting morose! His gentle, talented, charming, heartbreakingly gorgeous friend. Okay, he's in love with him. Unlike that theorized stranger he'd been thinking about, though, Horus doesn't return his feelings. At least, he's never given any indication that he does, and losing his friendship is not a risk Davi is willing to take. He's wept enough about it beneath his covers; he doesn't need to dwell on it again with all these people present.

There will be no passionate kisses under the glowing orbs lighting their path or feeding each other churros and corndogs, but he can live with that. Even if they can't be paramours, Horus is his soulmate; that was clear to him from the day they met. There has been no other like him and there will likely never be someone like him again. Someone who has made him so comfortable with himself and who he could talk to for hours without growing bored or feeling unwanted.

I'm so excited to see you. An understatement, punctuation chosen with great deliberation to imply less reverence than he feels.

He's already decided to take the entire weekend off to spend with him, which is another reason he'd been so willing to cover his employees' shifts during the week. So long as he doesn't let his foolish heart get in the way, their time together will be the perfect stress reliever to end this capitalistic nightmare.
code by wren.

Umeko shuffles her way through a group of people waiting in line to have their faces painted, tossing a red bundle of fabric from her headscarf back over her shoulder and adjusting her white fox mask. " Matthias, I can't believe you made me leave the house, look at all these people!" She scoffs, feeling a familiar icy heat rise in her chest. She clutches her beaded pearl necklace and closes her eyes, one hand gripping the shoulder of the man in front of her allowing him to lead her though the small maze of people.

" Umeko, you asked me to take you to get funnel cake-"

"Well it was a dumb idea, whoever it was." She said hastily, heat rising to her cheeks.

All this just for funnel cake? Damn… Funnel cake. It was probably worth it, even if she was feeling antsy. She could smell all the delicious foods from various vendors sprinkled along the street, slowly feeling her anxiety melt away and replace itself with determination. " Matthias, let's get takeout from that one place… You know, the one-" She started, struggling to find any helpful clues as to which restaurant she meant.

"The Spice Palace, you mean?" He replied, shaking his head in amusement. Umeko let out a delighted gasp, nodding her head and laughing. " Yes, thank you. The Spice Palace." She repeated aloud, her mouth watering at the thought of treating herself to a feast of spicy hot Indian cuisine. "You know me too well." She mused, following her bodyguard through the festival in search of the famed "funnel cake" she so desired.
「 」
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: Dusk

Annie ducked out from a back room, a small box of gems in her hands. She made her way over to the display case and unlocked it with the ring of keys hanging from her belt loop. She began stocking the boxes of loose gemstones, making sure each stone made it to the correct place. " Flo, would you kind handing me those bracelets from the counter behind you there?" She asked her coworker with a polite smile, peeking out from under the display case.

Business was booming! The Hallows Eve fest always had a bug turn out, though she hadn't attended much of it. She was still semi-new-ish to town, right? Socializing was somewhat out of her comfort zone outside of work so her social life was…. Stagnant. She didn't really mind, Flo and Davi were nice and interesting so she didn't have much need for outside interactions. Okay, maybe that sounded sad… But she had her cats! Okay that probably makes it worse. She probably should put herself out there more and try to make some connections. She had settled in enough.

Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: wren. and Ghostie
"What does a magical buttplug entail?" asks a befuddled Were, holding up the black device with amusing wariness. At least, Robin assumes this man is a Were because he's never known anyone else to look so flushed and panting without being in the middle of sex unless they're a Were in heat.

"Well," he begins, leaning his elbows against the checkout counter of his parents' adult toy store. "It adjusts its size by itself based on your level of arousal, which it detects through your hormone levels."

"Huh." The customer stares at the toy for another few seconds, looking some mixture of embarrassed, afraid, and wanting. "I'll take it," he finally says, slapping it down onto the counter.

"Good choice!" He rings it up quickly, along with a porn DVD simply titled Bareback Mating. Not very imaginative, but whatever gets the job done. He wiggles his fingers in farewell as the man practically sprints out of the store, head ducked like someone might be watching him do it. Once he's gone, Robin allows himself to chuckle, stretching his arms above his head.

There are only a couple of customers perusing the aisles right now, but that's to be expected for this time of day. People tend to prefer coming at night as if the darkness might hide their shame. Why they feel the need to be ashamed of a biological need, he can't really understand, but it's not his job to preach any philosophies. Although he does offer a good bit of reassurance here and there for the meek.

Having nothing else to do, he pulls out his phone and shoots out a text to his group chat. Hey guys, you guys busy? The store is sooo slow rn. I could probably sneak a game in if you're down?



What was it? No, it was better to ask how he had the driver not seen it himself. Even if he had not seen the very thin layer of film on his seat, forming the most asymmetrical shape there was, he should have felt it. Sticky as it was, clinging to the skin that said upon it. Skin that Horus had been careful to keep from making contact with the - whatever it was. The color was a murky, mostly translucent, white. The substance could have easily been a spilled drink, candy melted underneath the warm sun, or something else altogether. Bodily fluids?

Horus pressed his body further into the locked door of the cab. He should have killed a luxury Uber with five stars, had his assistant rent him a car, rented a city bike, walked, anything but in the cab, he called. The car looked clean enough from the first and second look, but it was only once he had sat inside, locked the doors, and watched as the wheels began rolling that he noticed the spot, so easy to miss. Horus was going to be sick.

"You're not from Cervia, are you?" The driver asked, looking at him through the mirror above him.

Horus had to rip his eyes away from the mess, his mind struggling, to focus and hear the voice of the man. But he managed, smiling some even in the process. "Yes and no." He answered, trying to appear more relaxed despite the rambling of his mind telling him he was rolling in filth. Did he take his medication? He really did need to relax.

"Oh?" The 'please elaborate' oh.

"My father is an ambassador for the African Kingdom, his family is from there so I was born and raised there," Horus said, the distraction of the conversation was working somewhat. It helped recall the crashing waves of the sea from his family's home. He missed those hot summer days, especially now that he had to pad up in a coat, gloves in his pocket, and a scarf to enjoy Rockcaster.

"The son of an ambassador! When I saw you I knew you couldn't be from here, you're not layered up enough to be from Rockcaster. But then I couldn't quite place your accent."

"I do travel a lot, but the cold is still not something I'm quite used to yet." He pulled the lapels of his coat close to his body. The cold was a good distraction from the mess. The mess. Why did he remind himself again?

"Wait… if you're the son of an ambassador, you're a noble?"

There was a little shy smile that began to form on his mouth. "Yes."

And then there was silence. He was probably wondering why a noble such as himself was taking a cab instead of a prepared car with a personal chauffeur. To explain that would mean going into the family drama of the El Mahdy's. There were very few times Horus ever divulged anyone in the story, so he certainly wouldn't be telling a stranger.

So, instead, he took the still moment to reach into his coat pocket and text the one he was there to visit. Davi. His greatest confidante, his closest and most intimate friend, his fellow romantic, magnificent poet, and soul mate. Soul mate. There was no need to further describe soul mate, the term in itself was as self-explanatory as it was powerful, taking on multiple meanings. With Davi, he seemed to embody the term, showing Horus new meanings of it altogether.

Breaks were rarely planned for Horus except when it involved spending time with his friends. He only had a handful of them, though he would dare to say Davi was the most important out of them all. And he was more than excited to spend the holidays with him in his charming hometown, excited to see the magic that was Rockcaster.

Almost there!


The tension in Horus's shoulders loosened and his body rolled over to the side as the car turned, he caught himself on the seat before falling even further over. He felt it before he saw it, the sticky substance on the seat sticking to the palm of his hand. Slowly, he pulled his hand away and the most teeth-grating noise was made as he did. His stomach tightened. He was going to be sick. "You can let me out here!" Horus hurriedly said, grabbing his messenger bagh and throwing the strap over his shoulder.

"Are you sure? We're only a few blocks away. I can-"

"No, no, it's fine! I would like to walk." Horus assured the man. His hand was already on the door handle.

The second the cab parked at the curb, he was out of the door. He rushed to the trunk and didn't wait for the cab driver to get out to help him remove his luggage. It was only one suitcase, granted a somewhat large one. Usually unnecessary for a short stay. But this was Horus.

"Thank you for everything." He said to the man as he dragged the heavy suitcase up the sidewalk. "Have a safe drive."

"Enjoy your time in Rockcaster, sir." The cab driver told him before pulling off and turning a corner.

Horus wasted no time reaching into his messenger bag and pulling out his sanitizing wipes. He scrubbed at the palm of his hand until he felt the scratch of his nails and not the softness of the wipe. He used another to wipe both his hands and when he was sure he was clean, he dumped both into a nearby garbage can.

Horus opened his phone to read the new test.

Ya Amar:
I'm so excited to see you.

A grin split Horus's face, one that he had to hold back by pinching his lips and pocketing his phone. The cab driver said they were only a few blocks away from the shop so he would walk there. He only wished he brought earmuffs for the cold that bit against his ears. Instead, he wrapped his scarf in a way that would cover his ears and mouth as he walked along the sidewalk, dragging his suitcase with him.

He wasn't far from the shop when his eye caught sight of a very different one. The window displayed numerous different mask, sold for the Hallow's Eve costumes no doubt. And though Horus had his own already prepared and stowed away in his bag, there was a new and fun idea that was blossoming in his mind. One that required the mask. So he opened the door and browsed the shop's collection.

There were many different designs. Animals, flowery skulls, creatures long forgotten, and all from the lowest to highest quality and creativity. The time he spent browsing through them was much longer than he intended before settling on an owl mask shaped similarly to a barn owl with soft white feathers and a golden beak. He grabbed it along with the mask of a peacock, just as beautiful, if not more feathered.

Once paid for and bagged, along with some fancy hot chocolate bombs, he shook whatever snow in his hair that hadn't melted out and pulled his scarf over his head like a hood. He tied on the owl mask that covered half his face and made his way to Crystal Clear. It was like a beacon of light in the cold and darkening snowy sky.

He pushed the door open and it was heat with a wave of warmth that could only be produced by the heater. It was very dissimilar to the shop he visited beforehand where the temperature was the same as outside. His face began to tingle as he set his suitcase aside in a corner, tucked away safely.

"Hello," he greeted Davi at the counter, head tilted back. There wasn't a detail of this man that he'd ever forgotten. He was as prepossessing as he was the Horus met him, and every other day he had seen him before. Violet eyes locked on the undecided colorful eyes, blue-green, but all compelling as Horus smiled softly. He deepened his voice, hoping it was natural and unrecognizable.

"I'm looking to get something for a friend. What would you suggest?"

@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.
Flora dragged the broom across the floor, making sure the place was in tiptop shape especially since Davi said they could get busy with the festival going on. For once, she actually wished he'd closed the store so she could've checked it out. She also knew that she needed an excuse to do something other than sit around her apartment switching between pastimes or up the crack of her mom's ass asking for recipes and advice she knew damn well she wasn't going to take. 'Note to self: ask Annie if she wants to check out the festival.'

"Flo, would you kind handing me those bracelets from the counter behind you there?" Annie, her friend and coworker snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh yeah, dude," Flora steadies the broom against the shelve she's standing near before handing the bracelets to Annie. "Here ya go!" Flo beams, sweeping dust bunnies and paper balls from her pile into the pan to throw away.

"Ya know, I was thinking we should try to check out the festival before it leaves."
@peach | @wren.
code by wren.
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  • Love
Reactions: peach
Horus greatly underestimates his devotion to him. Despite the ornate owl mask covering the top half of his face and the scarf wrapped around his head to cover his hair, his heart began to race the minute his face turned toward him. His mouth splits into an involuntary grin, warmth flooding his chest as Horus approaches the desk.

Sure enough, it's him. The most stunning purple eyes deepened by those thick white lashes, like the first snowfall on a field of violets, or fluffy white clouds on a beautiful purple sunset. That smooth, unblemished tawny skin, rose-tinged in his cheeks from where the cold has bitten him. His soft, plump lips that look as juicy as the forbidden fruit itself must have been, which would no doubt look salivating wrapped around his —

He clears his throat, leaning forward on his elbows. "Well, that all depends on what your friend is like, sir," he plays along, "And what they mean to you. We have most of the common crystals out here, both by themselves and as jewelry, but we keep the most expensive ones in this display case." He gestures behind him at said locked case. "Feel free to look around. I'm more than happy to help you if you need it, Horus."
code by wren.
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: MaryGold

Those application papers are burning a hole through her desk.

Galatea paces around her room, tumbles around on the floor, wriggles around on her bed and spins around in the meagre space she has to herself right now with Gemma gone on her old, beat up office chair, but the applications do not spontaneously explode or decompose when she looks back at them. It's stupid. She should throw the entire stack out. She fucking hates school. Why is Gemma so insistent on having her try to apply to universities thousands of miles away? She's been out of school for over a decade at this point. She probably has the worst academic record out of anyone else in the family and writing out a stupid application won't fix that or make her any more desirable as a student. She wouldn't be able to attend any of these places anyway even if she wanted to unless they gave her a scholarship.

Her eyes trail over to the application to the university in Jasper Town. Something dumb itches in the back of her brain. She's being stupid. This is stupid.

She stuffs the entire stack in the garbage instead of going out to put it in the recycling bin. This will make Gemma mad later, she's sure, but she can't even be bothered to try and hide it right now. When her phone pings with a message in the group chat, the custom Animal Crossing notification sound catching her attention, she swipes it up immediately to get her mind off of things.

ROBIN: Hey guys, you guys busy? The store is sooo slow rn. I could probably sneak a game in if you're down?

Gala turns on her PC, lovingly and painstakingly assembled by her siblings, paid for with an entire week's salary, before typing:

GALATEA: im down esby, what u thinkin

She attaches a gif of some random cute, pondering anime girl, as per usual.
code by wren.



"Was I that obvious?" Horus's shoulders sagged, and his mouth turned upward, presenting a very disappointed pout to his friend. But like all negative feelings in the presence of Davi, it was difficult and very much impossible to feel disappointed for long. Even as he pushed the mask up from his face and back onto his white curls, his mouth had changed form and stretched across his face. "I suppose it would be rather lame of me to buy you a gift from your own store, wouldn't it?"

Horus himself was always mystified by the contents of Crystal Clear, all things involving the world of magic did. It was fascinating and odd to think there was unexplainable power in each crystal and creature and there were specific people who knew how to wield it. While Horus himself was a flesh-eating creature that may not have looked it but could instill fear in even the largest beast. However, these items were everyday life for Davi, which is why he brought him gifts from elsewhere.

"You could have played along for a little longer, you know? I wanted to surprise you," he groaned, but it quickly turned into a laugh when he could not hold back his smile. "You should at least come over here so I may hug you, Davi." Horus leaned against the counter and extended his arms toward him. "I traveled through perilous deserts, treacherous mountains, and the vast seas to see you and you alone, my friend." Exaggerated, but not untrue. He was a traveler and he had been far from home when he returned for Davi. He didn't care to think of where he would go next or who to see next when he was with him.

@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.
Davi's grin widens as Horus pushes his mask up, revealing the whole of his handsome face. "It was a nice attempt, you're just so..." Gorgeous, otherworldly, ethereal "Singular, that it's impossible for me not to recognize you. And I don't know about that; you'd be buying me a gift as well as putting money in my pocket. That's quite generous to me."

The look of amazement on Horus's face as he looks around the shop floods him with warmth. Magic is so second nature to him, as basic and immutable as breathing, that it hardly fascinates him the way it did when he was first learning it. Nowadays, creating crystals for his shop feels more like a chore than a privilege. Seeing it through his friend's eyes invokes a smidgeon of his childhood wonder. How might he impress him more?

"It's hardly a surprise when I knew you were coming. But I'm so happy to see you regardless." Understatement of the century. He ducks his head with a laugh to hide his blush at Horus's invitation for a hug, not that it helps much given how much taller he is, stepping around the counter to take the other man in his arms. He holds him tight, breathing in the scent of musk and jasmine with a hint of rubbing alcohol. He must have used his sanitizing wipes recently.

"I'm honored that you struggled so severely just to see me," he teases as he pulls back, far earlier than he'd like. "So I suppose all of the street food will be my treat for the next few days to make up for it," he offers, tapping his cold nose. "Speaking of, shall we head out? All of the lanterns should be lit now."

Without waiting for a response, he turns toward his employees with a bright smile. "Thanks again for covering, girls, I appreciate it."

He hurries to the door to open it for Horus, in silent competition of being the most polite gentleman between them. The wind is biting, but he put too much effort into his costume to cover it up with winter gear. His costume already includes a coat, even if it's a bit too thin to be of much protection. The door swings shut with a tinkling of its bell, leaving them with the snowy streets and the growing, festive crowd strolling down them in various elaborate costumes.

The snow is heavy, but the city has done a good job of shoveling it off the stone paths, and it glows multicolored from the bright orbs of light floating in the air above them to guide their way. The air smells strongly of spices and grilled meat from the various food carts, the smoke rising from them leaving the world a bit warmer than it otherwise would be.

"Are you hungry? There's plenty to eat."
code by wren.



Horus couldn't help but snort when he failed to get a hold of the door handle first. Davi's lith lithe long legs gave him an unfair advantage when it involved getting ahead of Horus. But he was far more chivalrous and charming when he walked alongside Horus when it was so easy for him to walk ahead of him, natural even probably. He peered up at the magi admiringly, he had a way of drawing his gaze to him even amidst the beauty of the hundreds of lit lanterns.

"I could eat," an understatement if there ever was one. The last time he had eaten was on his hours-long flight. And Horus was one to eat a lot, all of which he blamed on his very being of Ghoul. The smell of sweet deserts and spiced, grilled meats surely didn't help his case. As if to emphasize the point, the closer he drew to the food stalls, he could feel his stomach begin to silently grumble. "I'm treating you this time!" He quickly announced, a little ungracefully as he reached into his pocket for his wallet.

Horus was quick to order skewers of meat and vegetables for them both, ordering his extra rare and rocking back and bouncing on his toes as he waited. "I want to order everything but I should save room to try other food. What games do suggest we try first?" He asked, gasping slightly when being handed their food, he passed Davi's carefully, before biting into his food. Humming appreciatively despite how the first bit burned the tip of his tongue.

"I'll warn you now, I am awful at anything involving aiming. I will lose us more money then we spend."

@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.
Davi laughs at Horus's fumbling with his wallet, endlessly charmed by his enthusiasm. "That's fair enough; I'll just get the next one." If he were too insistent about paying for everything, would his feelings be too obvious? Or would Horus interpret it as generosity? Although saying it isn't generosity implies he has nefarious intentions, which he doesn't. While it would be great if he could convince Horus to fall madly in love with him by buying pounds of tasty street food, that possibility is so far from reality that he's already given up before he's started.

Horus bouncing on his feet with childish excitement while they wait for their kebabs makes him nearly nauseous with the urge to kiss his cheek, so he has to look away toward the cooking vendor. "Hmm, good question," he stalls, accepting the skewer when it's handed to him. "I'm not scared to lose some money as long as we have fun. How about balloon darts? I want to see just how bad your aim is," he teases, leading him toward said stall.

Despite the late hour, the lights floating above them and the bright lights of the stalls make the darkness seem inconsequential. "You know, with this weather, it almost feels more like the winter holidays than Hallow's Eve," he chuckles, glancing at Horus beside him. The falling snowflakes get easily lost in the pallidness of Horus's hair and eyelashes and he's glowing golden from all of the lights around them, the picture of elegance. Meanwhile, having left his winter coat and scarf behind, Davi's face is probably turning as pink as his hair. He'd wanted to show off his outfit, but perhaps he just looks like a petulant child instead.

"If you want, you can stay with me then, too. Rockcaster has plenty of fun winter activities as well." It would be the perfect excuse to cuddle up together beneath fuzzy blankets with mugs of hot chocolate, reading poetry and watching the snow fall outside.
code by wren.
  • Sweet
Reactions: MaryGold



"Then I shall pray to Lady Brilgallaun we don't get kicked out for me poking someone's eye out with a dart." Horus whined, but the pout on his face twitched too much to be truly despairing as he followed after Davi. He made light of it, but crawling feeling climbed his spine as his eyes caught the ballons on a board. He was pleased more to see the line to the stall. Good. He'd have time to prepare and scan the easiest gift to win.

Horus may have had a writing talent, but he fell flat in most other skills. It became strikingly obvious when he wished to impress Davi even by a pinch. He wouldn't ask anything more of Horus, but it never stopped Horus from wanting to give him more.

He found the perfect plush to win just as he finished the last bit of his kebab. Winning it would be far more difficult than traveling the valleys and seas to see Davi, but he wasn't one to give up so easily in the case of his companions. The line, unfortunately, has hardly shortened.

Winter holidays. "I would love to do nothing more." Horus looked back at him, smiling gently. "But I-" He was unable to finish the sentence, pausing and searching his brain for a more satisfactory answer when the current one was that he was already bound to spend it with his family this year. They had all decided to gather at El Mahdy's winter house in Hallen. The time spent there would certainly be full of his parents reprimanding him, especially his father. Spending the winter holidays with Davi... it would be bliss.

Turning him down didn't even feel like an option, least of all when he was looking in his sweet pink face. Pink face. More color than what had been in it before.

Horus's brows shot up as he turned his body around completely to face him. "You're turning into that reindeer. What's his name? Rudolph." He was quick to drop his wooden skewer into his coat pocket until he found a bin, and breathed warm air into his own cupped hands. he rubbed them as speedily as possible and closed the space between himself and Davi as he stood on his toes and pressed his hands against his cheeks. In contrast to his warm hands, his face felt like a popsicle, but despite the cold, it was soft and smooth. His fingers extended to his ears, rubbing the tips gently and tucking back the loose strands of pink hair behind them. "I like your costume, but I like you better warm and not freezing." He inched his toes closer, bumping against the tips of his boot toes and his thumbs rubbed against his skin lightly.

He stayed with him, unmoving for as long as the moment lasted, his hands only moving down to hold his neck. He hummed thoughtfully when he found the skin there to be just as soft and smooth. It made him more curious about the rest underneath the layers of his costume...

He quickly pulled his hands back, and not a moment too soon as his legs began to grow shaky. "Oh, here." Horus unwrapped his scarf from his neck, and instead of handing it to the man, he wrapped it around him himself, carefully tying it the effective but stylish way he remembered, pulling it up just enough to cover his ears. In his left pocket, he pulled out his gloves and opened them for the man to put his hands through as well. "I hope they aren't too small. We should get you some chai tea, it'll warm you up. Or hot chocolate."

@wren. 」​

  • Sweet
Reactions: wren.
Davi stuffs his face as gracefully as possible with his rapidly cooling kebab to avoid looking at Horus, afraid the man might reject him outright. He's a busy person, after all, with plenty of places to be and people to see. There are probably dozens of more interesting people for him to spend his time with.

To his surprise, Horus enjoys the idea, making him pause in his gentle fingernail-shredding of a piece of beef. As quickly as hope surges through him, the proceeding hedging washes it down. The excuse doesn't come, though, Horus seemingly trapped in his own mental processes, leaving Davi blinking owlishly and bouncing on his heels against the cold. The line shortens, and he steps to close the newly-created gap between them and the people ahead of them.

Horus might not have great aim, but Davi's isn't much better, so they're both likely to make fools of themselves here. As long as he can make Horus laugh, though, that's what matters. Though it would be great if he were able to win at least one toy for Horus to enjoy. Perhaps he'd think of him fondly each time he saw it afterward. Then again, perhaps he'd just throw it away later, or stuff it somewhere in storage to never be seen again.

"Hm?" He'd gotten so lost in his own thoughts that he'd only partially heard Horus speaking again, though his attention comes into sharp focus the moment he feels the man's warm hands on his face. He's a deer in the headlights, shocked into complete stillness as those dexterous hands rub warmth into his cheeks and ears, though most of the returning blood flow must be due to the fact that Horus is touching him. Delicately, too, with the familiarity and fondness of a lover. Is this what he could expect if Horus shared his feelings?

It's simultaneously everything he wants and none of it, because Horus doesn't love him and never would. Horus is the romantic prince he's always dreamed of sweeping him off his feet, all passion and beauty, but princes deserve other royals, not yearning shopkeepers. Give me a chance, though, he wants to plead to this poor man who has no idea how he's breaking him, I'll write you poetry until my hands break, bring you flowers every day, kiss your forehead and rub your feet. Nothing is too much of an ask, I already worship you.

The scarf wrapped around his neck is too soft, possibly cashmere, and he doesn't deserve it. "But you'll get cold," he croaks weakly. His eyes sting, but he'll blame the cold if Horus asks. He hesitates when Horus offers up the gloves, but the man is emanating determination, so he reaches for them, realizing just in time that he still has greasy residue on his hand. With a noise of alarm, he raises his hand to his lips and licks his fingers clean as quickly as he can, wiping them dry on his costume's tailcoat. It's not the most elegant of solutions, but he doesn't have a napkin and his brain is a bit fried right now.

He slips the gloves on with a bashful thanks, looking back over at the dart booth that feels much less important now. "I..." he casts his gaze out toward the town square, where string music and laughing families have intermingled to dance beneath the streetlights. With newfound determination, and a hint of mad desperation, he grabs Horus's hand and pulls him away from the line. "Dancing will keep us both warm. You like to dance, don't you?"
code by wren.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
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There was a sense of relief that warmed him from the side out when Davi was bundled in his cotton scarf and leather gloves. If he was warm and well, then so was Horus. Unlike his dressed-up friend, he at the very least had a coat, one that trapped up all the warmth that his body produced. And it seemed to flare up most when Davi suddenly took his hand and led him to the town square where music was being played by a live band, with music blasting through large speakers. Children and families and other couples alike laughed and clapped and danced along. The scene was ... romantic.

"I love dancing, Davi." Horus tossed his head back and laughed, frosty air floating from above his mouth from the hot air. This time, he was the one to grab Davi with both his hands and lead him into the square. "Follow my lead." Horus rocked back and forth from his heels to his toes as he listened to the music, fluttering his eyes briefly as he felt the mood of it.

Channeling the music into dance became easy when he started focusing on one sense. Soon he was moving to the music, remembering the steps of the lively dances he had learned in classes and the streets of the cities he visited, following the beat and holding on to Davi to catch himself if he lost balance or his breath, and laughing when he became dizzy and sweat dampened his forehead and his hair clung to his skin and when he lost track of time because he was too focused on enjoying move with his best friend.

His feet were ready to give out when the music slowed down and became something more gentle and slow. "May I?" He extended his hand to Davi, waiting until he took his hand and slowed down his movement to match the song and steady his breathing, his chest was rising and falling much too quickly. But when he could breathe again, he tilted his head back to stare at his friend, his soul mate.

"Spend the winter holidays with me." He didn't think about it before he asked it, but now that it was said he was determined to make it happen. Horus had meant every word about loving nothing more than spending the holidays with him. It would not only be the greatest treat he could ask for at the end of the year, but it would outweigh the negativity of his family. "I'm always stepping into your world, I want you to step into mine." He squeezed his hand.

@wren. 」​

  • Nice Execution!
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Thankfully, Horus doesn't seem bothered by their sudden change in activity. In fact, he's thrilled, and the excitement that lights up on his face eases the nerves firing all throughout Davi's body enough for him to smile back, grip on his hand loosening to something more comfortable rather than desperate. "I know you do, that's why I suggested it," he chuckles.

For his part, he enjoys dancing, particularly with a partner. He's not especially good at it, at least he doesn't have the skill and experience that Horus does (is this man just perfect at everything?), but he can at least follow Horus's lead as instructed without stepping on his toes. He's happy to let Horus take the lead, more than content with watching the way his eyes flutter as he finds the beat, the curl of the man's extremely kissable mouth making his heart pound with desire. He's so, so beautiful it's heartbreaking.

As it turns out, Horus looks thoroughly alive when he dances, no less passionate about it than he is in his poetry. It's hypnotizing, and Davi is entirely lost in him. The warm incense and tea smell to him, with an undercurrent of sweat as the heat of their movement and the streetlights make it bead in his hairline. He wants to lick the drops that drip down the side of his face. His white hair flashes blue, green, red, orange as colors, like moving fireworks, dance in the air above them, emitted likely by some Light Magi off in a corner that Davi couldn't care less about right now. He wants to run his hands through those soft strands and feel his long eyelashes flutter against his fingertips.

He's utterly dizzy, and not just from the spinning, but he manages to keep upright, drowning in the heat of their connected hands, cursing the gloves Horus had kindly bestowed on him for keeping him from Horus's soft skin. Horus's body feels amazing against his in the moments when they press together, his head at the perfect height to rest against his chest and listen to his jackrabbit heart beat if Davi were bold enough to ask and Horus willing to do so.

He must look as lovestruck as he feels, but he can't find it in himself to care, equal parts wanting Horus to just understand already (without the need for him to verbalize it and humiliate himself) and hoping that his mask might obscure his eyes just enough to lessen their impact.

Davi gives him his hand immediately upon request. "Of course," he pants. Of course. Anything and everything. The grin that has stretched his cheeks falters slightly when those stunning violet eyes stare intensely into his own, knocking what little breath he had in his lungs out of him. He almost misses the request given to him. Almost.

"I would love that," he smiles. "I've enjoyed spending my summer breaks with you," an understatement, as those days he gets to spend with his friend each year in the same room sweating through every bit of their thin clothing while they write words of love through the sticky summer heat is maddeningly arousing, "It'll be nice to see how you spend your winters."

Because his dizziness is beginning to grow concerning for his health, he grinds them to a halt. "We shouldn't exhaust ourselves yet, I still have so much to show you these next few days. Why don't we grab some hot cider and caramel apples? Then we can try the hay ride or the haunted house."

And if he keeps hold of Horus's hand through it all, well, he has to keep Horus's hands warm since he was kind enough to give him his gloves.
code by wren.
  • Hit Me in My FEELS
Reactions: MaryGold

The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 25.8°F (-3.4°C). Cold and snowing.


The time of year when Rockcaster is full and bustling with people. The Hallow's Eve Fest has been going on in town for a few days now and people from town and outside of it have been attending. The streets are packed even as it snows. But it is louder and more fantastical than usual now that the day of Hallow's Eve has arrived.


Another Spooky Turnout for the Fest of Hallow's Eve!
Every last week of October, Rockaster hosts the most spooky and enjoyable festival before the big Magi Moore. This week has not been short of fun and scares with all masked and donned in costumes. Magi and others alike have come from far and wide to enjoy the booths, shops, and attractions. The town is packed and busy!

Galatea stared at the screen in front of her with the utmost scrutiny. Chocolate croissant? Butterscotch pie? Tiramisu? Raspberry cheesecake? Fried oreos? Glazed peach puff pastry? No, no, none of that sounded right. Her puffed cheeks expressed her displeasure towards the outdated monitor and shitty resolution of each item on the faraway bakery's menu. Clad in her Tsushima Yoshiko maid cosplay (from Love Live, of course! What was Halloween without dressing up like a cute girl from a rhythm game?), she attempted with all her might to find the perfect dessert to send to Lucas' house alongside the basil pesto salad that she'd already purchased. It'd become a tradition for them, to order delivery to each other's houses for all the holidays that they couldn't spend in person with each other (which was all of them, unfortunately.)

Fiddling with her poofy skirt under her desk, the striped thigh highs refusing to stay up where they needed to be and consequently getting bunched up at her knees, her eyes eventually fell upon the perfect item. Tropical fruit tart. That was exactly it! Oh fuck yeah, she was going to absolutely destroy Lucas at sending the better meal.

Add to cart. Confirm purchase. Done!

She bounced in place, beyond happy to have completed her task, shoving her headset on and setting her headpiece askew. Gala spammed the call button until it finally went through, her webcam pointed directly at her smug face. "Lulu! It's on the way. It's gonna be so good, I fucking promise you. It'll blast your shoes right off. And your socks. And anything else on your feet."
code by wren.
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  • What a TWIST
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The entire house was probably aware that Gala was enjoying herself at this point, what with the shriek of joy that escaped her lips upon seeing Lucas fully put together in his cosplay. She couldn't help herself and frankly, even if she could've? She wouldn't have! It was a well-known fact to anyone who knew either of them that rhythm games were life and with her dressed as a character from Love Live and him from Ensemble Stars, they were the perfect duo, representing their favoured franchises with the utmost pride. Gala bounced in her shitty chair, smile wide and toothy as she leaned forward on her desk, as though moving closer to the screen would reveal every detail of her friend's costume to her.

"Mr. Eichi Tenshouin, it's an honour." she saluted in a goofy manner, her eyes glittering with absolute happiness at the sight of his carefully styled hair and similarly applied makeup, though it devolved into loud cackles when she saw him put his feet up into view, her back hitting her chair. "Noooooooooooo, not the Eichi foot content! Jail, jail for you!"

It was so easy. Talking to Lucas was the easiest thing to do in the world, her favourite thing to do in the entire world. Any worries she'd had this morning, anything that had bothered her, all of it seemed like nothing now, distant problems for her to confront later. The way that he made her laugh was with her full body, with her entire mind and it left room for nothing but joy. "I think I could rock long hair, but like, I do not get paid enough to shampoo all of that for 3 business days. But I've got high expectations. If you don't meet them, I'm warning you that I did take a screencap of your feet and I will sell them online for big fat monies." Her warning was made with the stupidest shit-eating grin, her expression bright and unabashed.

She was bluffing, but the idea of it became funnier by the second.
code by wren.

(Online conversation with Lucas in Foxby)​
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  • Haha
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