• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


  • Total voters


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life



Welcome to Raymond, Montana! This town has always been a little... peculiar. With it's strange families, and strange secrets.


Are you a man of Raymond looking to make a little extra cash for a good cause? A mysterious benefactor is creating a calendar of Hot Cowboys of Raymond for a charity. A studio is setup with a local photographer to take pictures. Refreshments and entertainment will be provided!


WHO: Everyone is invited! Character Bios/Pics are not required, but totally encouraged! Post 'em if you got 'em.

WHAT: Modern supernatural baby! Humans, werewolves? Other things maybe? Remember, the supernatural world is secret from humans!

WHERE: Join us in the Chatbox in the WOLVES OF RAYMOND room!

HOW: This is a SOCIAL ROLEPLAY WITH IMPROVISATIONAL GAME MASTERING. That means the object of this roleplay is to interact with other characters, and from those interactions I will create a plot and story around you. The majority of this roleplay will just be developing your character and interacting within the setting!

My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY so even if you are terrible at roleplay or have never participated in a ChaRP before, this will be easy for you to get involved in. :D Ask questions, let me know when you need help. I often give tips and direction out of character in the main chat room when people need a little direction. You can also reference our MINI CHARP GUIDE!

Last edited:
reserved for bios?
reserved for bonus?
  • OMG
Reactions: Lyrikai

  • Diana:
    Saturday at 7:19 PM​
  • Diana:


    WOLVES OF RAYMOND IWAKU CHATBOX 2023-09-09T20:00:00-5 Welcome to Raymond, Montana! Home of the Whirly Family! The Whirlys are a family of werewolves living their best life in a small town out in Montana. They may not all be related by blood, but this pack deeply cares about their wolfish...
    Saturday at 7:20 PM​
  • Diana:
    This is a modern supernatural setting, set in a town where several werewolf families live together as the Raymond Pack! Wolves aren't known to the world at large, but at least in Raymond they be living their lives.
    Saturday at 7:21 PM​
  • Diana:
    TYPE FAST, TYPE BRIEF! This is a real time roleplay, so you don't want to be too slow or too wordy. Try to keep posts to 10 sentences or less so nobody misses out on action or details!
    Saturday at 7:21 PM​
  • Diana:
    HOT TIP: Write your character name in every post. That way we know what character you're playing - especially if you're playing multiples! You can also use bbcode color to help your posts stand out.
    Saturday at 7:21 PM​
  • Diana:
    Game Master and Narration posts appear in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding you to what to do next in the story.
    Saturday at 7:22 PM​
  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! If you get confused or have any questions I'm in the main chat room to help!
    Saturday at 7:22 PM​
  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)
    Saturday at 7:23 PM​
  • Diana:
    It's BARBEQUE NIGHT at the Whirly Family Ranch and the entire town of Raymond has been invited! Well, more specifically, the entire werewolf population has been invited. But Grandma Whirly and the gang are always prepared for plus ones. As long as they know about werewolves, cause there's going to be a wolf race and a wolf wrestle and the winner gets a wholeass roast to themselves. The ranch is decked out in fairy lights and lively music. The buffet tables are all setup and Uncle Roybob is manning three grills all by himself. Surely nothing will go wrong at this wholesome party.
    Saturday at 7:42 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek wasn't sure why he thought it was a good idea to go to a barbeque, considering that he was a vegan werewolf. It was just asking for trouble. Hopefully, nobody tried to shove a piece of meat in his mouth. "Hey, I brought some macaroni salad for Grandma Whirly, where is she?" He decided to ask the nearest person
    Saturday at 7:45 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat was a lot of things, but being carefree was certainly one of them. The small two year old had decided to find trouble by coming to the party after being in mud. Her attire was covered in mud, as was the gift that she had prepped. A leaf for Grandma Whirly, it was all a two year old could afford.
    Saturday at 7:47 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan would take a deep breath, relieved that he hadn't had any visions of disaster yet, those were all too common. Not that he would know what they meant. He couldn't as much as see the future as hear it. He came prepared with a handwoven scarf for the Grandma. He looked around and got some food for himself.
    Saturday at 7:48 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang didn't want to come to the party, but seeing as it was this or board game with the family, including his sister, he choose this. He wasn't exactly a werewolf, but he was close enough to one that he went for some food. He didn't know to bring a gift for the Grandma.
    Saturday at 7:49 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven didn't think this was a good idea. But his employer had told him to socialize with the local community and he couldn't exactly disobey him. Rubbing his light stubble, he was on guard, looking for danger. He did have a knife for the Grandma, though he wasn't sure why he needed one.
    Saturday at 7:51 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Barbeque night sure was packed! There was so much music. Music and chatter everywhere! And there was a looot of people here. Lex didn't actually like crowds all THAT much, but he sure did love barbeque. Plus it would be rude if he didn't come, right? Mostly he just hung around the buffet table totally prepared to stuff his face all night long.
    Saturday at 7:52 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray, a young fire demon was there for one reason and one reason only: to crash a certain bbq party of a bunch of werewolves? For what nefarious purpose you may ask? Did his troublemaking master send him out there one some crazy quest to ruin things for everyone. Nope. Ray was only there out of boredom and is in fact hoping his master doesn't find out where he ran off to. The fledgling demon was there in his human form in an attempt to blend in.
    Saturday at 8:03 PM​
  • Diana:
    The tradition to bring Grandma Whirly a gift was not one to ignore - and one she herself enjoyed very much. For the ancient old woman was sitting in her chair with her shawl on her lap, waiting for people to come to her. If you didn't, well... one will find out! In the meantime, Uncle Roybob just plopped a plate of ribs on the buffet. Digging the NEW PLATE bell for any ravenous wolf or guest nearby.
    Saturday at 8:03 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray was currently standing off to the side minding his own business and enjoying a cigarette. The guy certainly stuck out as he was behaving like a total stiff that needed to learn how to loosen up. He hated the music. It was too loud and annoying for his tastes. Perfect for torturing all those lost damned
    souls not so much for his own personal enjoyment.
    Saturday at 8:06 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would be one of the first to notice Grandma Whirly sitting on the chair and would approach her. "Sowwy, I'm so dwitty. but I got you this. It's all I could fined." Cat would present the colorful leaf to the old woman, hoping that was good enough.
    Saturday at 8:06 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Ribs! Hell yeah! Lex wasted no time in stepping up to the plate to help himself for a big heaping helping of ribs! This was his life. This was what he was here for. Uncle Roybob always did make the best food! He had worried it was going to be a mad house here in the fight for the buffet, and that was why he stuck close so he could be one of the first in line.
    Saturday at 8:06 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang decided to go and grab some ribs and noticed someone was taking a lot of them and considered if he should just ask for some. It seemed like the logical thing to do, but that meant socializing with a stranger. So, instead, he would grab a plate and attempt to sneak one or two off Lex's plate when he wasn't looking.
    Saturday at 8:09 PM​
  • Diana:
    "What a sweet lil thing you are! A beautiful leaf for my fall collection!" exclaimed Grandma Whirly to the teeny tiny Cat. The little girl got a pat on the head. Meanwhile, there were lots of curious eyes on Ray and a few whispers around of people trying to see who invited that one.
    Saturday at 8:10 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would smile. She liked being called a sweet little thing as it made her feel special, considering that she didn't know who her dad was and her mom had died when she was born. She would smile as she would be pat on the head. "Thank you, I'm going to get some food now," she replied.
    Saturday at 8:12 PM​
  • Mordo:
    The scent of the ribs soon reached the fledgling demon's highly sensitive nose causing him to glance over at the bbq table and sure enough it was covered in familiar looking human food; which he felt he hasn't had in eons. would it be rude of him to grab some and run off before anyone noticing? probably and with that in mind he for sure had to do it. whistling innocently, Ray slowly approached the table and when he was sure nobody was noticing he grabbed a few and retreated to his spot underneath a tree to enjoy his meal. his mouth watered. 'mmm human food, finally!' he then took a bite of it only to spit it out for it tasted weird to him. he looked confused as to why something that smelled so delicious could taste so horrible.
    Saturday at 8:14 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would notice the grandma, surprised that he had missed the old woman the first time and would approach her. " So, I know that it's a bit odd, but I got you a macaroni salad. If you don't like that..." he would fidget with his hands and pull out a beautiful bronze ring with an emerald in it. " I found this on one of my walks, figured it could make a good alternative."
    Saturday at 8:15 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    As Lex was helping himself to ribs, he couldn't help but notice that, when he looked, several seemed to have vanished! He didn't eat them, did he? He had a plate in one hand and the other could only hold a max of about two rib bones at once. Where did the others go? He had a pile, and now there was less! Turning his head, there was a stranger awfully close to him. Curious, Lex asked Wolfgang, "You didn't see anybody snitch off my plate, did you?"
    Saturday at 8:15 PM​
  • Mordo:
    What Ray failed to understand was he had gone so long without any human food that now it tasted weird to him. Desperate and stubborn, Ray took another bite only to spit it out once more. Annoyed he let out a groan and pulled out another cigarette and lit it.
    Saturday at 8:16 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Well now, youngin' bringing food to the barbecue is just good etty-quits!" replied Grandma Whirly. But she did in fact take that fancy pretty ring, because she was an old woman who loved shiny things.

    A middle-aged woman with a kid on her hip nearby Ray's tree gave him some side-eye. "Hey now, at least smoke that out by the barn with the other smokers!"

    Saturday at 8:18 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would look over at him and tilted his head. "Nope, can't say that I saw anybody take anything off your plate," he replied, as there were just rib bones on his plate. He was smart enough to get rid of the evidence before he could be caught.
    Saturday at 8:18 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek was relieved that he had found that ring when he did so she didn't get mad about not getting a present from him. "I'll go and put this with the rest of the food then, it was nice to talk with you," he replied, placing his food on the table.
    Saturday at 8:20 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Hearing a voice Ray jumped only to sigh in some relief when he saw it was just some rando and not a fellow demon. "Er sorry about that. I'll just go over there then... Yep totally going to the place you suggested..." Backing slowly away, the fledgling demon headed for the barn.
    Saturday at 8:22 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex was troubled by the answer, but maybe he was just crazy this whole time and he had eaten a lot faster than he gave himself credit for! "I guess I was just REALLY hungry, eh? Uncle Roybob is the best cook, isn't he?" Food was still the best (and only good) reason to be here.
    Saturday at 8:23 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan would finally notice the grandma, balancing his own stack of ribs and some cheeseburgers on his plate, being careful to not get the scarf dirty. " I want to do this before I forget, but my dad says that he's sorry he couldn't come this year. He gave me this shawl thing to give you that is handwoven by his hand. You can even see the blood marks on it," he said. He would take a look around. "I knew that this shouldn't count as from both of us, so even though he said to tell you that, I did bring this as well," he replied, pulling a very worn and old copy of a werewolf erotica novel. "It belonged to my grandma, but I took it after she passed, figure you would find more use out of it than me."
    Saturday at 8:24 PM​
  • Diana:
    Uncle Roybob had plenty more tasty meats and veggies to grill up, like Elote and Brats! Good thing he was distracted too, cause he's ears would be beet red about the gifted erotica novel to old Grandma Whirly. She seemed to appreciate it though, cause whoop a hollor and opened it right up to read an except. "Why, I saw his sweating abs and my heart did stutter and my eyes glanced further down to his throb-"

    "GRANDMA NO!" someone in the crowed screamed. She just cackled. "Thank ye kindly for this! It will be a good read!"

    Saturday at 8:27 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray was smartly wearing a pair of dark sunglasses to conceal his red demon eyes since they'd be a dead giveaway as to what he now was. As he headed for the barn Ray hoped to find something that was actually edible. He spotted a large spider and without thinking he grabbed it and ate it.
    Saturday at 8:27 PM​
  • Diana:
    "You smell funny," said an actual wolf sitting not too far away from that spider Ray had snatched up. Though in wolf form, she spoke clear as day and seemed to be eyeing Ray up and down. "You're not from around here, are you."
    Saturday at 8:29 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray was both surprised and yet not all that surprised when a she wolf spoke to him. Since his transformation he could understand animals. however, animals tended to hate and attack him. he was shocked that this she wolf wasn't attacking him. sighing in relief he just smiled and nodded. "You might say that. Sooooo why have you approached me? Am I really all that interesting to you? I'm honestly quite boring..."
    Saturday at 8:33 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan hadn't vetted the book, he just knew that it made his own grandma happy. He would also assume that she would take the shawl and would make sure to hand it as she would read the book. Boy, that book didn't leave much to the imagination. "You're welcome about the book," he replied.
    Saturday at 8:37 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would offer a smile on his face. "Yeah, uncle Roybob does make some good food. What's up with everyone giving the older lady stuff?" He asked curiously.
    Saturday at 8:39 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat had taken some of the meat and was tearing it apart and eating it as messily as possible.
    Saturday at 8:39 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Don't forget to try some macaroni salad if you get it. It's very good," Derek said to the others.
    Saturday at 8:40 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Finished with his helping of ribs, Lex was now grabbing himself some elote because his stomach still had some room and by golly he was going to fill up that space with food until he got sick! "Apparently everyone is supposed to bring a gift for her or suffer her wrath or something? I uh... forgot to bring anything, so hopefully she won't notice." Or maybe he could swipe up something from... the buffet table and bring it over!?
    Saturday at 8:42 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven had walked over a little late, but stopped for a second and noticed the kids. "I was going to bring this up to her, but I can deal with whatever life throws at me, take this to her," he said, handing the knife to Lex.
    Saturday at 8:44 PM​
  • Mordo:
    "I must say this place has some very tasty arachnids. Being a farm I'll bet this place is just crawling with them. What I can't understand is why all those people over there are drolling over those nasty tasting ribs. i tried some and let me tell you they" Ray glanced over at the buffet table. He couldn't believe how anyone could enjoy that food when it just didn't taste quite right? Maybe their taste buds are lacking cause I'm perfectly normal, so mine are working just fine. Yes, I'm sure that's it. Definitely nothing wrong with me, he nervously thought.
    Saturday at 8:47 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would take a moment to consider his options. It wasn't like he had...well, he did have one thing. He would take a sprint over to the grandma. "Sorry, I didn't know I should bring you something and it took some careful moving to get it safe, but I brought this," he replied, taking out a carefully wrapped and secure silver ring with golden accents.
    Saturday at 8:47 PM​
  • Diana:
    "LISTEN UP GUYS, GALS AND PALS!" croaked out old Grandma Whirly as she got up from her chair and held up her loudspeaker so everyone could hear. Too late to be giving her gifts now. "Grannies Naughty list has been made! Y'all better get to running as Charlie gonna be takin' ya out with the paintball gun! Last one un-shot gets a whole roast piglet to themselves! YEEHAW! LET THE GAME BEGIN!"
    Saturday at 8:48 PM​
  • Diana:
    That wolf with Ray tilted her head sideways. "You just smell weird is all. I hope you're not on the naughty list. ...better run, if you are."
    Saturday at 8:48 PM​
  • Diana:
    KACHINK. KACHINK. The paintball gun was primed and loaded with big blue paint bullets. Uncle charlie had on his hunting camo and a beer helmet. He'd been practicing his shot all week for this. "I'mma count to twenty, let y'all have a chance!"
    Saturday at 8:51 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    He had seriously wasted too much time eating and now he was going to die! Before he even had a chance to try and appease Grandma Whirly, she was up and announcing that games had begun. He heard a paintball gun being loaded and that was all he needed before he took off running like a bat out of hell!
    Saturday at 8:53 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven would look over at him. "I tried kid, I really did," he replied, moving himself out of the way by ducking down onto the ground before he would slightly shift his eyes glowing red as he would run off into the woods.
    Saturday at 8:53 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray just looked at the wolf, confused. "Naughty list? What? But I don't even live here... And I don't know these people, so why should I worry? Hm, what do I smell like anyway?" He sniffed himself. Yep, just as he thought just his normal, everyday demon scent mixed in with his favorite underworld cologne. Oh...yeah... Ray prayed the she wolf wouldn't notice. Before she could he began to back slowly away. "Yeah, I think I'm just going to go now. Nice to meet you. Bai!" And with that the young demon darted behind the barn. When he was certain nobody noticed he shifted into an innocent looking bird and he flew to the top of the barn to get a better vantage point.
    Saturday at 8:54 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Well, sucks to be them. I'm so sorry that I didn't get that-" he paused for a beat, tilting his head. "Huh-that was different than a normal werewolf shift- wonder what he is.
    Saturday at 8:54 PM​
  • Diana:
    "10...11... HEY, WHO HAS MY BEER, I NEED A DRINK A FIRST." Counted off Uncle Charlie, he was giving everybody a good fair chance to run and hide. Way nicer than Aunt Bertha last year who just up and started lassoing people left and right and tossing them out in the mudhole.
    Saturday at 8:58 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would make a face. "If it's the smelly bown ting, it's by you."
    Saturday at 8:59 PM​
  • Mordo:
    From atop the barn, Ray as a barn owl watched the chaos unfold below him. This was one of those times he was happy to be a shapeshifting demon.
    Saturday at 9:00 PM​
  • Diana:
    That she wolf that'd been talking to Ray was now just following where ever he perched as a bird. Wagging her tail like a puppy and apparently being incredibly amused by this turn of events. "Oh, you are a shifty type. Only wolf shifting is allowed during hunts! I'm going to tell on you!"
    Saturday at 9:00 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Okay, he really seriously shouldn't have eaten so much. This sudden running was making Lex feel sick. But he needed to find a place to hide and hunker down! Diving behind some trees and into the underbrush, he kept low and quiet, waiting.
    Saturday at 9:02 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Hearing the she wolf's voice, Ray just groaned when she threatened to tell on him. Seriously, what did he ever do to her besides showing up uninvited and trying to steal some food? Oh yeah... "Aw don't do that because uh nobody will believe you and they will think you crazy when you tell them you saw a random person turn into a bird," he called desperately down to her in the hopes to persuade her to stop.
    Saturday at 9:03 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven would purposefully loop around the woods and take three flying leaps into the trees before jumping onto the roof and smiling as there was a chimney, jumping down into and would lean against the interior, hiding in it, being neither outside or in the house at all.
    Saturday at 9:06 PM​
  • Diana:
    "AIGHT HERE I COME!" shouted out Uncle Charlie. Stomping ready for the hunt. There were a few straw others that weren't so good at hiding. (And ones who didn't want to bother) that got a quick POP POP from the paint gun. His shot was MOSTLY good, his smellin' nose even better! Meanwhile that she wolf was BORK BORK BORK BORKING at Ray's hiding spot.
    Saturday at 9:10 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex could hear the distant shots of poor werewolves getting taken out like sitting ducks! He crouched deeper down into the underbrush, cozying himself up into the dirt and the mud. Trying to cover himself in it as much as he could, he could only hope it helped mask his scent because he was NOT in a good place to run again.
    Saturday at 9:12 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan would look around and sniff the air. " So, what do we do while they hunt, Grandma Whirly?" He asked.
    Saturday at 9:13 PM​
  • Mordo:
    'Damn it!' Ray groaned as the she wolf started barking like crazy and wouldn't shut up. That's it time to go! "Well guess that's my cue to leave then! See ya!" With that Ray took off and flew away from the barn. He then landed in a tree and hid beneath its leaves. 'Let's see them find me in here. I am such a genius! They'll never find me in here. Not in a million years!' Ray mentally bragged and boasted thinking himself so clever.
    Saturday at 9:13 PM​
  • Diana:
    "We eat, of course! Eat, dance, and who wants to arm wrestle?" called out Grandma Whirly. Just as Uncle Charlie popped a few shots dangerously close to Lex's hiding spot. That she wolf on the other hand was locked in on a hunt of her own, being delighted with this game of chase. She followed at a run and when she found him again, she bounced all around at the bottom of his tree with yips and howls. Nobody had figured out Steven yet, cause his loophole usin' ass was still in the chimney.
    Saturday at 9:16 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven wondered how Santa dealt with soot, but he had dealt with worse in smaller amounts of times. He just waited and listened for any nearby noise.
    Saturday at 9:16 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Oh, I like that I got you a gift then. Can I ask a question? Are there any loopholes people could use to avoid being caught?" Wolfgang asked Grandma Whirly.
    Saturday at 9:17 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex flinched as shots were fired close. Whether they were being shot AT him, he had no idea! he could only hope they were stray paintballs or someone else was the target. He held his breath and kept his head down, praying.
    Saturday at 9:17 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat had noticed that Steven had slid into the chimney, but she didn't think it was any of her business why the man was playing Santa so early.
    Saturday at 9:18 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray glared down at the she wolf. 'How the hell does she keep finding me?' he complained. "Shut it lassie! Your big yapping mouth is going to give me away! Oh you want to play games with me, do you? Well let's see you find me again!" He then flew off this time he spotted a nearby spring and shifted into an otter and jumped into the cool water to hide. 'Let's see her find me in here,' he thought smugly knowing full well the water should mask his scent.
    Saturday at 9:19 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Loopholes aint no fun," grunted Grandma Whirly. "They just need to run and have some fun is all, get that wolfish energy out!" Uncle Charlie, at least for the moment, seemed to walk right past Lex's hiding space. The she wolf found herself sniffing the ground on her own hunt. Sniffing, sniffing. Looking! Hunting! She was a patient wolf.
    Saturday at 9:23 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Well, I guess that's fun. It's not like this could ever turn deadly or something." Wolfgang replied.
    Saturday at 9:24 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex almost breathed out a loud sigh of relief as he heard Uncle Charlie walk right by. He kept his mouth shut, breath held until his lungs were screaming. Only when he was certain or hoping it was safe to breath again did he let out a slow breath from his aching chest. He was still in the game, baby! He could do this!
    Saturday at 9:25 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan would pause for a beat, staring off into the distance for a second. Not now- why now?
    Saturday at 9:26 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven would continue to chill in the chimney, pulling out a small juice box of blood and sipping on it as he waited for something to happen, spilling a drop down the chimney.
    Saturday at 9:26 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would sniff the air. "Does anybody else smell blood?"
    Saturday at 9:28 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray continued to swim about as an otter praying that nobody will find him in there. he just hoped jerry wouldn't show up since the guy has this really annoying habit of showing up at the worst of times to ruin his fun. yeah jerry was the worst. so hopefully the powerful elder water demon will not show up.
    Saturday at 9:30 PM​
  • Diana:
    Being as almost everyone there was wolf and had good sniffers, sure, they could smell some blood. Hard to know where it was coming from though with all this fresh tasty food. Kids skinning knees. Adults taking chomps and wrestling too hard. Uncle Charlie shot off a couple other running stragglers when he rustled up some bushes.
    Saturday at 9:33 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    More shots fired and more wolves were shot down. Lex was terrified, quivering in his hiding space in the underbrush. This was the absolute worst place ever, and he was feeling sick. He was going to die... But at least he'd die doing what he loved: Eating ribs and corn!
    Saturday at 9:38 PM​
  • Mordo:
    suddenly a loud knocking can be heard at the front door of the house. Once opened one would see a tall, creepy looking stranger wearing a long, black trenchcoat, gloves, and hat. he had a wooden cane in his right hand.
    Saturday at 9:43 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Richard 'Ricky' White had heard the wolves and taken some time to stop his car and look around at everything that was happening and decided he would use this commotion to his advantage. He would pull out a "paintball" gun and shot some of the already shot werewolves with some silver bullets who was away from others.
    Saturday at 9:44 PM​
  • Diana:
    "Come on in to the back yard, darlin!" answered someone to the dark coated man at the door. Such friendly, nice sweet wolves that NO ONE should shoot for real! Uncle Charlie was out of breath though and needing to take a beer break. "Damn, how'd Bertha get y'all so fast last year! I'm more tired than a dick on valentine's day!" "CHARLIE, WATCH YOUR MOUTH!"
    Saturday at 9:49 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan would be snapped out of his vision to hear a gun shot. " Hey, Charlie, if you're back here having a beer. what's that gun shot noise coming from the woods?" He asked curiously. He wasn't sure if that was just in his vision, or if it was really happening.
    Saturday at 9:51 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Jerry wearing a sly smirk on his face lowered his hat as he walked around the house to the backyard. "Oh I really hate to be a bother, but you see I'm looking for someone very close to me, an old, dear friend in fact. maybe you've seen him around? trust me as soon as you see him you would know that he doesn't exactly belong here and I know he's here...somewhere because i tracked him here."
    Saturday at 9:52 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would look over at the man. "I mean, there are a lot of people here, you might need to be more specfic," he replied.
    Saturday at 9:54 PM​
  • Diana:
    "What?" said a confused charlie. Suddenly, he was all business. "GET THE BABIES INSIDE." Suddenly the barbecue erupted into a flurry of activity. Parents and kids shuffling into the main house proper, while many of the other adults were shifting into wolf form to go investigating as a pack. Many were confused by the man in black, but with threats of gunshots being nearby, well... there seemed to be a bigger problem!
    Saturday at 9:55 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Suddenly Ray's Jerry senses were tingling. He sensed his master was now nearby looking for him to no doubt ruin his good time and force him back to hell. Dreading the inevitable, Ray ducked down in the water some more. He just sighed. It was only a matter of time before Jerry found him hiding in there, so he wondered if he should just reveal himself before his master got even more mad. He's seen him mad and it isn't a pretty sight. 'Well it was fun while it lasted...' the young demon grumbled as he contemplated getting out.
    Saturday at 9:57 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex was still lurking in the underbrush, listening and watching and waiting. In the distance, he swore he could see pretty everyone at the barbeque bailing into the house in a hurry! Now what the heck was going on? Perking his head up, curious, eyes narrowed, he got to his feet and started for the house. Was it over already? Wait, did that mean he won? Because he sure as hell hadn't been shot!
    Saturday at 9:57 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan would be on his guard and then help to move some of the children inside. He would take a look around and count. " Wait, where did the two year old go?"
    Saturday at 9:57 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat had no sense of danger, so she had decided to go wondering into the woods and see what the noise was. She looked at one of the shot wolves and would nudge them. "Why are you all sleeping?"
    Saturday at 9:59 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek had grabbed Wolfgang, being a friend of the family and would drag the young teen into the house as Ryan would also be dragged into as well.
    Saturday at 10:00 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven noticed how quiet it had gotten and then he heard a new gunshot. Yeah, he would climb out of the roof, roast piglet be damned and head to the source of that.
    Saturday at 10:01 PM​
  • Mordo:
    At the sound of gunshots, Jerry just frowned. He recognized the shots of supernatural hunters anywhere. They were quite distinct and Jerry was ancient, so he had tons of experience dealing with hunters. His head titled at Wolfgang. "Hm, it sounds like you lot have made some powerful enemies. Maybe you and I could help each other out? I really need to find, my...friend before your 'friends' with guns catch him. He's likely hiding out in an animal form right now."
    Saturday at 10:01 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ricky reloaded his paintball gun and noticed something look up. " Oh, look a new friend. It seems you haven't been shot yet, such a shame, makes this sloppy."
    Saturday at 10:02 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Unaware of the danger, Lex could only assume that the games were over or something happened that required attention. "Heeeey!" he shouted, waved his arms as he started for the house, "What's going on! Did we win?"
    Saturday at 10:04 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray's otter ears flicked at the sound of gunshots. Yep, it was definitely time to go and end this game. Even serving as Jerry's apprentice was better than getting shot at and killed. Wait... Cautiously and slowly, Ray crawled out of the river and shifted into a fox to hide. He kept ducking into some nearby tall grass. When he thought the coast was clear he made a bee line for the house.
    Saturday at 10:05 PM​
  • Diana:
    Those sleeping bodies sure didn't answer Cat back. Poor Auntie Caroline and Uncle Junbug and Uncle Stan. What dingus was supposed to be watching the kid anyway?!
    Saturday at 10:06 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ricky almost felt bad for the werewolf, just like he almost felt bad for the mermaid who gave him the tears that seemed to be keeping him alive. "Well, this will hurt me more than it hurts you." He shot silver bullets into Lex's back.
    Saturday at 10:06 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat was an orphan, so honestly, it was just any adult who took an interest in her to watch. She didn't understand that they were dead and gone "This isn't a fun game at all."
    Saturday at 10:07 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven would sniff the air and then he heard the new gunshots and head in that direction.
    Saturday at 10:08 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    It was difficult to register what was going on. Lex had just been trying to make it to the house to see why everyone ran away from the buffet tables and into the house. There were shots and he would have immediately cursed himself for falling for this trick and getting all covered in paint escape... they hurt? They hurt a LOT! "Paintballs... aren't suppose to hurt..." he moaned before falling forward into the grass.
    Saturday at 10:11 PM​
  • Mordo:
    A smile crossed Jerry's face as he smelled Ray close by. "No need for us to look. My...friend has found me and all on his own too. i knew he couldn't stay away forever." Ray stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted his master. He recognized the elder demon's human form anywhere. 'Oh no,' Ray thought as he tried to run off. "Oh no you don't," Jerry mused as he reached out and grabbed the red fox by the scruff of the neck. "Well, well you sure do like to cause trouble for these nice people, don't you? now why don't you resume your human form and apologize, hm?"
    Saturday at 10:12 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang was an angsty teen who cared for nobody.... but that didn't mean he didn't have feelings. He would ran outside and growl, a deep seed of anger in his throat and he would shift for the first time of the night. Standing in the place of the human, Wolfgang was a black dragon who would drape himself over Lex to make sure the other man couldn't finish the job.
    Saturday at 10:13 PM​
  • Diana:
    Though that she wolf had been hunting after Ray before, now she was skulking quietly in the woods because of the danger. She managed to come across Cat and the bodies - snatching the child up in her jowels and sticking close to the ground in her quiet creeping. For sure our of sight of Ricky when she caught wind of his scent and the blood from Lex! She waited quiet and unseen as the hunter passed on. Ready to check on Lex as soon as he was out of earshot, and not willing to risk the child sooner.
    Saturday at 10:15 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ricky somehow missed the she wolf and the child and also the dragon, and would go back to hunting some of the other werewolves in the woods.
    Saturday at 10:16 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Can I go down now?" Cat asked.
    Saturday at 10:16 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven would stop and sniff the air by the house. "Wait-there's something mixed with his scent-something that is keeping him alive when he shouldn't be. He smells like death," he commented about the Hunter.
    Saturday at 10:18 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Oh god everything hurt! And he was wet! Lex was either bleeding or he was covered in paint. If it was the latter, he was going to make absolute sure not to forget a gift next year! Though, something told him that this was BAD. Paintballs shouldn't hurt this much and he couldn't move! Someone was draped over the top of him and he sobbed. "Please don't hurt me... It's just a game... right?"
    Saturday at 10:19 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would look down. "I won't hurt you, i'm trying to keep you safe from the thing that shot you, but that bleeding looks bad to me."
    Saturday at 10:20 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray sensed the shooter was even closer than before. Obeying Jerry, Ray resumed his human form. "Uh hey Jerry nice to see you too. Um you mind putting me down now. Besides, we have bigger problems then just us," Ray grunted as he struggled to breathe. Shaking his head, Jerry set him down. "Well we wouldn't be if you had just obeyed me and stayed in hell like a good minion. Ray just rolled his eyes. "And what fun would that be?" Jerry glared at his apprentice's defiance. " can be really infuriating, you know that?" "I thought you liked a challenge, master,' Ray challenged smugly.
    Saturday at 10:20 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Oh god he WAS bleeding?! What the hell! This was all supposed to be just for fun and games! "I don't want to die," Lex cried, "Please don't let me die." Who even shot him? Certainly not Uncle Charlie!
    Saturday at 10:24 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Yeah, I don't want you to die either, but maybe, you won't die. You're not dead yet and that just means ou got time, though, I guess, it might help if the bullets weren't in your body. Permission to remove them?"
    Saturday at 10:26 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ricky would stop after a few more shots. " I believe all that is left is some people by the house where the other boy died, time to finish this."
    Saturday at 10:26 PM​
  • Diana:
    The she wolf finally slinked her way to Lex and Wolfgang with the whelp in tow. She set the child on the ground, sniffing the air. "The hunter has gone towards the house. There are demons there too, but they seem benign. They might surprise us."
    Saturday at 10:27 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex nodded his head furiously. That was about all he could do. "Please... Get them out." And to think, all he wanted was some food. If he died here, he really WAS going to die for ribs. Oof... what a way to go.
    Saturday at 10:28 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Okay, I can do that for sure," he replied, gently, pulling the bullets out with his clawed toes and making sure to not hurt any of the injuries.
    Saturday at 10:31 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Does that mean I'm safest here?"
    Saturday at 10:31 PM​
  • Mordo:
    The demon duo then both smelled something big nearby. "Hey, is that a dragon?" they both asked in unison. Without saying another word, Jerry boldly walked off to follow the dragon's scent. "And where do you think you're going?" he asked following after his master. "Going to see the dragon of course." Ray stopped. "I don't think that is such a good idea not with that hunter so close." Ray warned. Jerry nodded. "Yep. Don't worry. I'll handle it." he reassured his apprentice with confidence. "Well don't go dying on me." Jerry grinned. "Aw, didn't think you cared." Ray glared. "I do, but only because if you die then I won't have anyone to push."
    Saturday at 10:32 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ryan felt it. His vision. "Everyone, barricade the doors and the windows with whatever you can find. My father will get Grandma brand new furniture once this is done.:
    Saturday at 10:32 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Derek would start doing just that.
    Saturday at 10:33 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ricky considered his options and would pick up the barbecue and throw it towards the house, aiming to set it on fire.
    Saturday at 10:33 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex buried his face into the grass and tried not to scream as the dragon dug the bullets out. Man, if he survived this, he was going to have to kiss this guy.
    Saturday at 10:33 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven would rush back towards the house and catch the grill. "Yeah, no, I don't think that is going to happen."
    Saturday at 10:34 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would look over at Lex and get all of them out. " I think we are good for now."
    Saturday at 10:36 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Seeing the barbecue coming straight towards them, Jerry sprung into action. He shot a power bit of ice hoping to enclose the entire barbecue in it, so it would then shatter on impact. Jerry boldly removed his sunglasses revealing his bright blue demon eyes to the hunter. "I don't think so!" Ray also prepared to fight.
    Saturday at 10:36 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Oh, I can't say that I ever got to kill a demon, but there's a first time for everything." Ricky would pull out a shining knife.
    Saturday at 10:37 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    With the bullets removed, Lex honestly felt... a little better already? Turning around best he could, he wanted to actually see the face of his savior. "You're... You're my hero," he said rather stupidly, staring in awe at this absolutely gorgeous dragon
    Saturday at 10:38 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Could this guy not have everything?" Steven asked, directing that question almost as if to some unseen god force.
    Saturday at 10:39 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Ray shot a powerful fire ball at the hunter. "Sorry but you won't ever get that chance hunter scum! So keep dreaming because it ain't ever going to happen!"
    Saturday at 10:39 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would look over at him and just smile. " Yeah, well, I didn't want anything bad to happen to anyone here, even if this wasn't my original plan on what to do, so thanks for that," he replied, shifting back to his human form. His clothes were surprisingly not torn and he wasn't naked which was a first, but he took it.
    Saturday at 10:41 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ricky would roll out of the way. "So, I know that it's probably a bad time to give advice, but I think the necklace thing around his neck is what is keeping him alive. It smells familiar, like healing magic but supernatural like."
    Saturday at 10:42 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Knife," Ryan shouted from inside as the weapon would go up and around, landing in the house and making the fight easier for the others.
    Saturday at 10:43 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    As the dragon shifted back to his human form, Lex recognized him from the buffet table. And here he had thought he was just another one of the wolves. No. Instead, he was so much cooler! "Still.. You saved me. If no one had found me, I..." He didn't want to think about that. All he wanted to do was rest and hopefully not die.
    Saturday at 10:44 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Upon hearing that advice both demons smirked. "Aim for the necklace. Got it. Thanks for the tip," Ray said as he now concentrated on hitting the necklace. He shot a fire blast towards the hunter's neck. Jerry was also trying to aim for the necklace hoping to freeze it with one of his ice blasts.
    Saturday at 10:46 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would awkwardly smile at him. "Yeah, I'm still surprised that I found you as well, it might help if we had some sort of way to heal your wounds, but that is a little outside of my realm of expertise. Also, sorry for stealing your ribs early."
    Saturday at 10:47 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Ricky didn't know that it was the necklace that was keeping him alive, so he let himself take the hit and it broke... and nothing happened.
    Saturday at 10:48 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    (Brief flashback)"Yet another one down, hopefully nobody will notice this one was sloppy." Unknown to Ricky, somebody snatched his necklace from below him and replaced it with an empty bottle. The two year old ran off.
    Saturday at 10:50 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Will this help Lex's wounds?" Cat asked, holding a vial that looked like water with magical properties.
    Saturday at 10:50 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Lex gasped slightly. So it had been him all along? He knew he hadn't eaten those ribs! He wasn't crazy! He did smile sheepishly in response. "Well I'm glad... that you enjoyed them. They were really good ribs." But that wasn't important. Bleeding. Right. Ouch. "As long as... as the bullets are out, I should be okay. I think. We can heal pretty fast... but there should be first aid back at the house."
    Saturday at 10:50 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang looked over at him. "I think we can skip the first aid. My dad loves to teach me about weird stuff and that looks like mermaid tears, pretty much an instant heal for most creatures and it is easy to use. They were really good ribs."
    Saturday at 10:52 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    Mermaid tears? Well that was a new one. Lex nodded eagerly, "If you think it will help... thank you."
    Saturday at 10:54 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Steven stared for a moment. "I have an idea," he replied, going for a head shot and watched ...
    Saturday at 10:54 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang took the tears from Cat and would give some appliance to all of the woun
    ds, using it up and notice that the bottle would disappear.
    Saturday at 10:55 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    And so did Ricky.
    Saturday at 10:55 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Hey, Uncle Charlie, I do think you got a clean shot on Ray and I now," Steven called form the house now that the battle had settled.
    Saturday at 10:57 PM​
  • Mordo:
    The demons exchanged confused glances when breaking the hunter's precious necklace had no ill effect. "So much for the whole necklace theory. Now what?" Ray complained. "Working on it," Jerry muttered. "I know, we'll combine our powers." "What, are you crazy!?" Ray hissed. Having no time for this Jerry just groaned. "Just do it and that's an order apprentice!" Ray knew there was no arguing and talking back to his master whenever he got like this. "Fine. I just hope you know what you're doing," Ray shot back and with that the two demons combined their powers creating a powerful blast with a bright purple color that they aimed at the hunter.
    Saturday at 10:58 PM​
  • Lyrikai:
    The horrible pain Lex had been feeling washed away in an instant. He hadn't even realized when he'd started crying, but tears of terror were quickly replaced with tears of joy. "I... I really thought I was going to die... I don't know what I would have done. I didn't want to die alone." Bashful smile on his face, he pulled Wolfgang in for a hug. "Thank you..."
    Saturday at 10:59 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    The blast would hit dead air as Ricky was gone.
    Saturday at 10:59 PM​
  • Mordo:
    oh he is? where'd he go? must have missed it. my bad.
    Saturday at 11:00 PM​
  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang would take a second and nod, deciding to let him get pulled into the hug. " Yeah, you know what, I'm going to let you get a pass on the hug then, you are the best and you're welcome."
    Saturday at 11:01 PM​
  • Diana:
    WHAT A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE FOR THE POOR WHIRLY RANCH. A few murders at the hand of Ricky. New demon friends Ray and Jerry? Lex and Wolfgang may have a budding romance. Who the hell is responsible for Cat. Lex won the piglet, but few were in a piglet mood with the murdering and all. It was going to be one hell of a mess to clean up... but at least it was all over.

    For now.

    Saturday at 11:04 PM​
  • Diana:
    THE END!
    Saturday at 11:05 PM​
  • Mordo:
    Once the dust cleared up the demons realized the hunter was either disintegrated by their blast or long gone. Ray got a closer look. "Did we just...disintegrate him?" he asked, confused. Shaking his head Jerry sighed. "I don't know, maybe. But who cares? He's gone now and that's all that matters." "So we won?" Ray asked, unsure. "For now." "So now what?" Jerry looked back at his apprentice. "We are going home and don't you try to get out of it. You have already caused enough trouble by disobeying me and running away."
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Lyrikai
Name: Darya Levrenteeva Orlova

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Eye Color: Gray (Wolf: Grey)

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 120 lbs.

Ethnicity: Caucasian (Russian)

Description: Darya is slender with toned musculature. She has wavy shoulder-length black hair, pale skin, and blue-gray eyes. She prefers Goth clothes and makeup.

Background: Darya's father Lavrentia Orlov was a rising star in the Communist Party in the Soviet Union, quickly rising to prominence in Gosplan, the Soviet economic planning ministry. When the Soviets collapsed, he readily switched to capitalism, becoming one of the leading oligarchs in the new post-Soviet financial industry. His "work" consisted of arranging for buyouts of formerly state-run industries and resources (mines, lumber, oil, etc.) for a fraction of their worth, and moving billions of rubles overseas for himself and other oligarchs. When Vladimir Putin came to power and started cracking down on the oligarchs close to Yeltsin, he moved to Brussels and became even more prominent as an international financier.

Like her new "stepmother" who is only a few years older than she is, Darya was supposed to be a pretty ornament on her father's arm, the Perfect Daughter. To this end, he has provided her with a finishing-school education, dance classes and training in savoire faire. She's been trained in martial arts and combat marksmanship (pistol), so she could fend for herself if Russian mafia or some other enemies of his should get past his bodyguards and security systems. But Darya has always hated her father for the way he exploits people. An angry, rebellious girl, she eschewed the expensive Italian high-fashion clothes he bought for her, preferring aggressive punk and Goth clothes and jewelry. She was always getting into trouble, hanging with the wrong crowds...until things got even worse.

She went on a date with a rebel biker boy she was sure her father would hate (the primary source of his appeal), but when she nervously started to allow a makeout session, he bit her and seemed inclined to force himself on her. with a sudden burst of kung fu elbow strikes, punches, and kicks, she was able to break free and get to her street-racing bike, but she swore she could hear him howling after a wolf.

Darya began having nightmares of running through forests on four feet, howling at the moon, the hunt, the feel of hot blood splashing down her throat. She grew more violent with time, and started developing odd quirks, like preferring to eat meat raw. One day, while her father had her on an extended business trip to Germany, she was found naked in a field next to a viciously-mauled cow. Her mouth was dripping with blood, and more was splattered over her body. She herself was not blamed for the cow's death, since it had clearly been killed by the slashing fangs of wolves, but the police decided she must have somehow found the kill after the wolves left.

Lavrentia decided that his clearly insane daughter was too much of a liability, so he committed her to a sanitarium in Romania, the kind of place where she could be put away forever and forgotten. Drugs, electroshock "therapy," and other more primitive and barbaric "treatments" failed to cure Darya of her "condition."

To the contrary, when the Moon waxed full, Dr. Tepescu and his orderlies found out the hard way that her "delusion" was a horrifying reality. One of the members of the Whirly pack, who closely followed anomalous reports of the werewolf variety in order to find and rescue newly-turned werewolves before their inexperience and lack of self-control could result in disaster came to her rescue, but not in time to save Dr. Tepescu and his orderlies from the consequences of picking the worst possible time to administer a cruel new "treatment" to Darya.

Despite her suspicions and inability to trust, Darya heeded the "how to be a werewolf in civilized company" lessons she received on her way to Montana in the USA, where she is about to make her debut in werewolf society at the Whirly Family Halloween Party...
I'm not sure I will actually be able to make this one, and if I do, I will be late. But since this is a series now, I might as well enter a character. :)
Dashiell Claymore:


  • Diana:

    Today at 5:24 PM

  • Diana:
    This is a modern supernatural setting, set in a town where several werewolf families live together as the Raymond Pack! Wolves aren't known to the world at large, but at least in Raymond they be living their lives.

    Today at 5:24 PM

  • Diana:
    TYPE FAST, TYPE BRIEF! This is a real time roleplay, so you don't want to be too slow or too wordy. Try to keep posts to 10 sentences or less so nobody misses out on action or details!

    Today at 5:24 PM

  • Diana:
    HOT TIP: Write your character name in every post. That way we know what character you're playing - especially if you're playing multiples! You can also use bbcode color to help your posts stand out.

    Today at 5:25 PM

  • Diana:
    Game Master and Narration posts appear in this bright bold yellow. Pay attention to those because they are guiding you to what to do next in the story.

    Today at 5:25 PM

  • Diana:
    My roleplays are always NEWBIE FRIENDLY! If you get confused or have any questions I'm in the main chat room to help!

    Today at 5:25 PM

  • Diana:
    (◉,◉) (◉◇◉) (⊙,◉) (⊙◇◉)

    Today at 5:25 PM

  • Diana:
    IT'S HALLOWEEN NIGHT AT THE WHIRLY RANCH! This year the Whirly family went all out on open attractions for the town, pooossibly out of a rivalry with another family. The barn is decked out into a spooky Haunted House. There's a Haunted Hayride, and the Haunted Maze! Fun for the whole family! Carve some pumpkins out by the pumpkin patch, or go look at the pasture of cows dressed up as giant spiders.

    Today at 6:28 PM

  • Diana:
    Calamity Claymore is a perfectly normal everyday teenage werewolf - who is currently supposed to be grounded, but snuck off to the Whirly ranch to meet Dagwood Whirly and drink hard apple ciders behind the barn Haunted Barn. She's wearing a murdered cheerleader costume, and attempting to see how many apple ciders it'd take to get Dagwood to make out with her!

    Today at 6:57 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat, the two year old werewolf orphan who had nobody watching her had decided to join the Whirly ranch party. She had wondered over to the Haunted barn and looked at the other girl curiously. "Did you die too?" She asked.

    Today at 6:58 PM

  • Diana:
    "Get out of here Cat! This is for the big kids!" grumped Dagwood Whirly, turning Cat off in some other direction. It wasn't HIS job to babysit some creepyass toddler.

    Today at 7:00 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak Thorn had come to the Halloween party, feeling bad for missing the barbecue earlier this year. Normally, he would have let his son and daughter come with him, but he had to ground both of them. Ryan had decided to sneak out to a haunted hospital and then come home drunk and his daughter had snuck out to make out with her boyfriend so he had called his friends Steven and Derek to babysit his kids for the night.

    Today at 7:00 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " I'm big," Cat replied, crossing her arms, clearly not leaving and would move out of the way.

    Today at 7:01 PM

  • Diana:
    "UGH! I'm gonna toss you in the river!" said Dagwood, picking up the kid and hauling her off. ..Hopefully NOT to throw in the river since he was headed towards the house.

    Today at 7:03 PM

  • Diana:
    "Um...! But what about--!" Whelp. Cally had just been kiss blocked by a toddler. That could really hurt a girl's ego! Looked like she was going to have to charm some other teenager into making out with her... or cause some other kind of trouble? Maybe she could terrorize little kids at the maze!

    Today at 7:04 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang had told his boyfriend he would meet him at the party and he was already late, running to make it on time. Hopefully, this wouldn't go down bad for his permanent record.

    Today at 7:05 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " Don't toss me in the river," Cat replied, struggling against him and kicked and making a ton of a fuss. She was about five seconds from biting on him.

    Today at 7:05 PM

  • Astaroth:
    Dashiell Claymore was not happy about his kid sneaking out. When he found Calamity, there was gonna be hell to pay, but at least she'd chosen a pretty tame party to crash. His old tan-and-brown Chevy pulled up into the drive by the barn and he leaned out the window as he spotted the group of kids hanging out in the yard. "Calamity Jane Claymore," he boomed. "You get over here this minute."

    Today at 7:08 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ingraham Whirly was nearly fourty and ginger, in his youth he'd been the exact opposite of a menace but had surprised all his family and friends and even certain rival families when the young wolf had left home. But now he was back. Out of place but here he was for the Halloween party, he wasn't dressed up, he was helping out with keeping the punch bowls filled and minding the kids. "Need some help, Dag?" He looked at the teenager and the toddler with a smile.

    Today at 7:09 PM

  • Diana:
    Dagwood held Cat upside down by one leg and held her out to Ingraham. "She's makin' me look bad, Uncle! Take her! Who even owns this weird kid?"

    Today at 7:10 PM

  • Diana:
    Calamity could hear her dad shouting from across the damn ranch. Naturally she did the smart thing and started crawling around in the bushes to sneak her way off to the maze.

    Today at 7:11 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would take the time to squirm even bad. "You didn't need my help to look bad," she replied, deciding there was nothing stopping her from being mean. "I own myself."

    Today at 7:12 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "Oh lord have mercy, Dag! You can't just hold kids unpside down! I didn't hold you upside down!" He had definitely thought about it a few times though. He laughed at the toddler. "Need some help, little lady?"

    Today at 7:13 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat considered if she needed some help. "Nope, I can help myself," Cat replied, biting Dag's arm.

    Today at 7:14 PM

  • Mordo:
    The sneaky fire demon from the werewolf's last gettogether had made a grand return. He wasn't sure how welcomed he would be, so he entered the party in his normal human disguise. The only non human thing about him was his red eyes. How did the demon hear of their little party? He didn't. He just happened to be in the area when he heard some commotion and when he took a closer look he recognized the place as the werewolf farm.

    Today at 7:14 PM

  • Diana:
    Of course Dag DROPPED THE TODDLER upon being bitten, howling up a storm! Meanwhile... a very familiar lady wolf poked her head around the corner of the house and sniffed the air.

    Today at 7:15 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would land herself wonderfully despite being dropped. It was kind of impressive. She raised an eyebrow and looked at the lady wolf curiously.

    Today at 7:17 PM

  • Astaroth:
    Cursing under his breath, Dashiell killed the engine and grabbed his hat off the dashboard. He hopped out of the truck, taking a deep breath. Perks of being a werewolf; it made it a lot harder for your kids to give you the slip. Of course, it also meant he got an immediate scent of that little punk Dagwood Whirly. Of course this was about Dagwood Whirly. Cursing again, Dashiell scratched the side of his grey beard and started up the drive. "Calamity! Get your ass back here!"

    Today at 7:17 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak would watch the commotion and curiously raised an eyebrow. "Huh- I wonder what that small child's parents are," he mumbled to himself.

    Today at 7:20 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing had been apprised of the family gossip and looked at Dag. "You better run, boy. I'll try to stall him for a minute." He looked at the toddler unsure about just what to do with her. Never married, never pupped, never been around the little ones before either in spite of having many nieces and nephews. "Where's your pack, pup?"

    Today at 7:20 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    "Pack? It's just me." Cat didn't have a pack. She was an orphaned werewolf.

    Today at 7:21 PM

  • Diana:
    Dagwood Whirly very bravely stalked out to meet Mister Claymore. Dagwood was tall and reedy as hell, dressed up like a nightclub DJ (covered in blood of course). He was a handsome kid, but about as dumb as a box of rocks. "Heeeey~! If it isn't Papa Claymore! How's it going, sir!"

    Today at 7:23 PM

  • Mordo:
    Thinking nothing in this world could possibly be scarier than himself Ray entered the haunted house barn thinking it might be worth a laugh or two. It had been so long since he ever entered a haunted house; since he was a human; which was forever ago. He started snickering at the decorations. 'Yep nothing scares me anymore. I've seen it all,' the young fire demon thought as he walked through the barn.

    Today at 7:23 PM

  • Diana:
    Someone with a chainsaw snuck up behind Ray in the haunted barn and turned it on. VRRRRMMMVRRRMVRRRMVRRRRRM!

    Today at 7:24 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "Oh you little idiot... I tell him to run and he goes and ..." Ing rubbed his forehead and then looked at the toddler again. "Oh, you're a... I'm sorry little one, would you like a drink? I can't do anything about Daggy but I can at least get you a drink. How about a cookie?"

    Today at 7:25 PM

  • Astaroth:
    Papa Claymore was not impressed with Dagwood's bravery. He stopped to scowl at the boy, eyes squinting. He didn't speak a word. Just glowered, standing tall and not reedy. After a moment, his arms folded over his chest.

    Today at 7:26 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would consider her drink. "I would like a cookie very much and a juice box please," she replied.

    Today at 7:28 PM

  • Diana:
    Dagwood stood there blinking back at Mister Claymore, growing increasingly confused by the second at the silence. "So... so you want me to get you a beer, sir?"

    Today at 7:29 PM

  • Mordo:
    Ray heard someone sneaking up on him; which is never a good idea to do. Thinking that someone was trying to attack him the fire demon turned around giving whoever it was a punch in the face as he turned around. He then landed in his fighting stance. "Okay joker what's the big idea sneaking up on me like that? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" he demanded. "Who are you anyway?" he growled.

    Today at 7:29 PM

  • Diana:
    Ray successfully punched a guy dressed up as a murder hobo in the face! The poor guy dropped his chainsaw and was hooowling in pain about his nose! "Duuude! Duuuude, it's just part of the haunted house, m'guy! Aww gawd my noooose! I think it's broken!"

    Today at 7:30 PM

  • Astaroth:
    "I want you to stay the hell away from my daughter," Dash told Dag. "And away from my truck. If you look at my truck, I'll box your ears. Got it?"

    Today at 7:32 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing held out his hand to the toddler for her to take. "Come on, here's the table." He was grabbing an apple juice box and a pumpkin cookie and handing them down to the little one. "Tasty?"

    Today at 7:33 PM

  • Diana:
    "Oh, Cally? Cally's pretty great!" Dagwood said with a big wide smile. "...truck's kind of a shitbox tho? I got my own truck sir, with working airbags and everything, so you don't gotta worry about your daughter and me! It's real safe!"

    Today at 7:35 PM

  • Mordo:
    Ray's red eyes blinked in confusion as the guy revealed he was not really trying to attack him. "Oh. Sorry. I thought that you were...someone else. Uh here you might need this," the demon told him handing him a tissue for his bloody nose. "I'm just going to... yeah..." the young demon then started to make his way out of the haunted house clearly embarrassed at the whole mix up.

    Today at 7:35 PM

  • Diana:
    Speaking of Calamity Claymore, she was now browsing around the corn maze with an arm full of hard cider bottles and trying to hide the evidence.

    Today at 7:37 PM

  • Diana:
    As Ray left the Haunted Barn the shadow of a wolf followed close behind him. That curious spying lady wolf.

    Today at 7:38 PM

  • Astaroth:
    A vein was starting to throb at Dash's temple. "I'm keeping an eye on you. If I see you touching anything harder than a soda pop, I'm hauling you to jail myself. Nod if you understand." His voice was getting louder.

    Today at 7:40 PM

  • Diana:
    Dagwood nodded, but surely was still confused in that noggin of his. "Sure, sir! Nice talkin' to ya? I'll let Cally know you're lookin' out for her!"

    Today at 7:43 PM

  • Mordo:
    'I wonder where they keep the drinks in this place? This is a party, right?' the demon thought thinking getting himself wasted could be fun though his stick in the mud master probably wouldn't approve. 'Oh well what Jerry doesn't know won't hurt him,' the demon thought with a snicker. And there it was: a table with drinks. He asked the people manning the table. "Hey, i'm just here to try out your drinks. Got anything good and by good I mean heavy with the alcohol. Nothing light, thanks," he asked as though it was a completely normal thing crashing somebody else's party and then boldly asking for drinks. He had no idea he had been followed since the place was full of werewolf scent.

    Today at 7:44 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would sit down at the table and looked over at the pumpkin. "Oh, this cookie is really good," she replied, munching on it happily.

    Today at 7:45 PM

  • Diana:
    The guy manning the buffet table looked at Ray sideways, but shrugged it off. He got poured a red solo cup full of "the homebrew". It smelled like ass with a pinch of cardamom and cinnamon. And potent.

    Today at 7:46 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing practically jumped when someone came up behind him asking for drinks. He was trying to keep his attention on the kid and Dagwood's little tiff. And now someone else! Luckily there was another 'helper' already manning the table. Ing pressed his hand over his heart. "I'm glad you like the cookie, sweetheart. Make sure you drink some juice too, don't want you to choke."

    Today at 7:48 PM

  • Mordo:
    Ray just smiled and took the glass from the bartender. "Thankies," he said taking a long swig of it. He frowned when the other bartender practically jumped at his arrival. "Sorry pal. Didn't mean to scare you," he apologized taking yet another swig. "Hm, this stuffs pretty good. Can I have a second round my man?" he asked placing the now empty glass down.

    Today at 7:50 PM

  • Diana:
    "You're gonna be seeing some demons tonight, my man," shrugged that buffet helper, giving Ray another pour of THE BREW. It's probably fine, the Uncles always went hard on the homebrew and wound up mud fighting in the yard and no one's died... recently.

    Today at 7:52 PM

  • Astaroth:
    Dash's throbbing temple only popped harder. He stepped forward, grabbing the collar of Dag's neon tracksuit, and hauled him in the direction of the buffet table. "It's a miracle nobody's whooped your ass from here to next Sunday, kid, you know that? Now. You are going to stay right here and I am going to go find my daughter. Or else I'm burying you in the woods. Listen here--"

    Today at 7:56 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would smile and nod, drinking her juice quietly. " I will, I know that much."

    Today at 7:56 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "Oh lordy. Hang on one second, sweetheart, just drink your juice." Ing whirled around and fixed Dash Claymore with a frantic smile. He hadn't seen the man in a decade or two. "Claymore, please stop threatening my nephew. You were just as bad at his age, I'll have you remember." Because Ing sure as hell remembered.

    Today at 7:58 PM

  • Mordo:
    Ray laughed at the quip since he is a demon. "That is a good one, sir. You are too funny. If you only knew what I know then you would definitely see why you are so funny," he said clearly amused. The demon took another sip. "Yep, this suffs pretty great! It almost reminds me of this one drink I had and let me tell you the next day when I woke up sucked! Like the migraine I had was pretty bad, you know. But anyways I got other stories if you just want to listen..." the demon offered the bartender his speech already slurring. Already he was feeling the effects and when he is drunk he gets really weird and talkative.

    Today at 7:59 PM

  • Diana:
    "Uncle Ingraham!" flailed Dagwood as he was bodily dragged to the buffet where everyone was just hanging out with booze and snacks! "He's lookin' for Cally, I guess. I left her back behind the barn?"

    Today at 8:00 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would drink her juice.

    Today at 8:00 PM

  • Diana:
    Meanwhile that lady wolf had parked herself behind the increasingly inebriated Ray. Apparently she was on demon babysitting duty. "The girlchild is out in the maze now." she chimed in helpfully.

    Today at 8:01 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak would be eavesdropping the whole time. "She's probably not back at the barn if she's avoiding her father."

    Today at 8:01 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Sorry we're late," Buck Wylde-Whirly said. The teenage girl beside him peered suspiciously through the windshield.
    "Whirly family is so large?" she said, noting the size of the gathering, which was much larger than she'd expected.
    "Oh, Grandma decided to invite the townsfolk."
    *Darya's* eyes went wide. "You...are going to feed on them?" she said in a melodious Russian accent.
    "Good God no! We Whirlys ain't like that. Damn, you Old Country werewolves are scary!"
    "I do not want to eat villagers!" Darya protested.
    "'Course you don't. I'm just teasin' ya, kiddo," Buck replied. "So, would ya like me to introduce ya 'round, or would ya prefer to hang out with the young'un's without this ol' man taggin' along?" Buck was actually in late middle age, a towering, broad-shouldered figure with a magnificent salt-and-pepper beard and wild shoulder-length gray-black hair to match.
    Darya hesitated, her eyes calculating: which would be worse in terms of causing offense or being a burden.
    "You miss family, yes? I will not trouble you," Darya said. She opened the door and slipped out of the truck and headed out to explore, moving silently by instinct, senses alert.

    Today at 8:04 PM

  • Mordo:
    Hearing a familiar voice Ray turned around and recognized the lady wolf from his last visit. "You. I remember you. You were the crazy she wolf from last time. What do you want from me this time?" he confronted in an accusing tone, speech slurred. He took another swig of his drink. He eyed the curious she wolf. "You following me or somethin?"

    Today at 8:08 PM

  • Astaroth:
    Dash did a double-take at Ingraham Whirly and then glanced at the collection of nosy adults who chimed in. He was still scruffing Dagwood like he was a misbehaving kitten. "Look. I just want to get Calamity home. She's trying to punish me because she wants to go live with her mother in the city." Anyone who knew anything about town gossip knew all about the whirlwind of chaos and broken hearts that was named Lulabelle Rafferty. None of it cast her in a good light.

    Today at 8:09 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Wolfgang had not been able to find Lex, so he headed home.

    Today at 8:10 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Arriving fashionably late, Landon "Landie" Hunter would raise an eyebrow. He didn't know what to make of the haunted house, so he decided to head into the maze. Anyone who knew about him knew that he was from the forest native american werewolf tribe. He was also very quiet, as he didn't know much english. He was good looking at least, you know the kind of boy you could make your dad mad with or your potential boyfriend jealous.

    Today at 8:12 PM

  • Diana:
    "Psssst. You want a hard cider?" Darya heard a whisper from inside the corn field. It was Calamity, of course, but it was pretty damn spooky until a hand holding a bottle jutted itself out.

    Today at 8:13 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing gave a little shrug. "I'm sorry to hear that you think your kid is punishing you, Claymore but..." He stepped forward, prying the bigger man's hands off the teenager with impossible strength. "He's still my sister's boy so let him go."

    Today at 8:14 PM

  • Diana:
    That lady wolf just wagged her tail with a thump, thump, thump in the dirt at Ray's questioning. Her responses being towards Dash and Ing instead. "Teenagers are awful things. I blame the cell phones, myself. Kids these days just don't run in the forest like they used to." Dagwood was desperately nodding about the letting him go part.

    Today at 8:15 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Darya gave the party a look-over. So many people, many (but not all) of them werewolves, set her nerves on edge. She wandered toward the corn maze; it seemed like a good place to be inconspicuous--at least as inconspicuous as someone could be wearing a red chiton with a black leather jacket (red circle-A on the back) and black combat boots. The chiton was an ancient Greek style dress made from a large square of cloth, and belted at the waist. It wasn't the sort of thing she'd have worn before she was Bitten, but she could transform to anthro form in it without wrecking it. The jacket and boots were leftovers from her prior life.

    Today at 8:19 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    The voice mysteriously offering a "hard cider" (whatever that was) was strange, since it didn't match the boy who was a few paces ahead of her. Then a feminine hand emerged from the stalks holding the promised beverage out to the boy. Oh, Darya thought, hanging back so she wouldn't interrupt.

    Today at 8:21 PM

  • Mordo:
    Ray frowned when the she wolf gave no answer. "Yeah, I don't really know what the whole tail wagging thing means, but okay..."

    Today at 8:22 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie would tilt his head and would look back at the girl. "I believe-she is offering the...thing to you," he replied, his English coming off with a heavy accent. "I personally wouldn't take drinks from strange bushes though, who knows where they have been."

    Today at 8:25 PM

  • Diana:
    Calamity pushed open the corn stalks. "...Okay, listen, nerds, do you want these bottles of cider or not? I have a whole bunch and they need to go into someone's hands!"

    Today at 8:26 PM

  • Astaroth:
    Dash frowned harder, but he let Ing peel his hand off of Dag and scratched at his beard again. "You said she's in the corn maze?" he asked the lady wolf. "Figures. Probably thinks I can't find her out there. Right, kid, like I said. Stay here. ...Good seeing you, Ingraham."

    Today at 8:27 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak would look over at Dash. "Would you like some help finding the girl?" He asked.

    Today at 8:28 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landon would look over at her. "I'm not a nerd and two, why do you have all these things need to go to someone else?" He asked suspiciously, running his hand through his short brown slicked back hair.

    Today at 8:29 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Teenager troubles, eh?" Buck said. "Jus' don't forget we was teenagers once too." He gave a nod toward Darya's departing form. "Brought her in from Romania," he said. He followed news feeds for "news of the strange" segments that might be werewolves who weren't so good at covering their tracks, mainly newly-turned, unwilling victims. "She's had a real rough time of it. Reckon it'll take her awhile to catch on to Whirly world, but it'll be good for her."

    Today at 8:29 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "I highly doubt that, Claymore." Ingraham Whirly said but patted Dag on the head and then gave him a push. "Get on with you, boy." Two days back in town and he was talking just like the rest of his family. "... The baby." Ing whirled around and looked for the toddler, worried that she had hurt herself or wandered off! This was why all those years ago he - "Kid?"

    Today at 8:31 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "No, I think is meant for you," Darya replied to the boy, then the girl emerged. "This cider, is contraband?" she said. The bottles looked like some ordinary kind of alcoholic beverage, but one never knew.

    Today at 8:31 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat was a master of wondering off when no one was looking and had gone to look at the Haunted Hayride.

    Today at 8:33 PM

  • Diana:
    ON CUE A SCREAM RANG OUT IN THE CORN MAZE. "Fire!! FIRE!! GODAMNIT BILLY BOB, WHY'D YOU LEAVE ALL THESE TORCHES BY THE FIREWORKS! FIIIIRE!" A ploom of smoke was already hitting the autumn air followed by a very large EXPLOSION of pretty lights!

    Today at 8:33 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie would raise an eyebrow. "I have never met her before, so..." Landon would sniff the air. " I smell fire."

    Today at 8:34 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing gave up and went inside the farm house to tell the elders.

    Today at 8:35 PM

  • Mordo:
    After finishing up his drink, Ray gave his arms a stretch. His ears flickered when he heard someone screaming about a fire in the corn maze. Fire, his specialty. "Oh sounds like there's trouble in the corn maze. I can extinguish the flames. Just gotta get over there. Excuse me folks, got a fire to extinguish." Although , drunk the fire demon figured he could make it over there. "Hold on I'm coming," he said pulling out his large demon wings. He then flew over to where he spotted the smoke and landed himself. He saw some fire and started to distinguish it by absorbing it with his powers.

    Today at 8:38 PM

  • Astaroth:
    "Jesus Christ," Dash swore, head turning toward the explosion. He didn't even answer Jak before he was shoving Dag in the direction Ing had taken off and taking off himself in the direction of the maze entrance.

    Today at 8:39 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Maybe she want to meet you?" Darya said. That seemed fairly obvious to her, but maybe he was the clueless type? She cautiously took one of the bottles and examined its label. Reading the English took a bit of time and effort, but she couldn't see anything about it that merited the girl's efforts at clandestine distribution. Suddenly someone cried "Fire!" followed by a spectacular fireworks explosion. They have fireworks in middle of corn maze? she thought. That didn't seem wise...

    Today at 8:42 PM

  • Diana:
    Dagwood was not one to hide in the house during an emergency, so like his future father in law, he was hot on his tail towards the now burning maze? It was hard to tell cause some big flappy vulture guy was up there looking real suspect amongst all the pretty fireworks going off!

    Today at 8:42 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak wouldn't need an answer once he heard the explosion, knowing that the children probably would think nothing of stating in the corn maze and following close behind her.

    Today at 8:43 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie was quiet, trying to understand why this was happening and decided not to answer. "It might be wise for us to leave the corn maze before the fire can spread. We probably should take the....things so they can't make the fire worse.

    Today at 8:44 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing had went and told the elders of the family because jfc, it was always like this every time he came home. A constant set of disasters. He grabbed Dagwood and shoved him into the house and then hopped down the stairs and made for the corn maze. He needed to know where the little kid was and to make sure there was no danger of anyone burning to death. He made a note to give someone a lesson in fire safety later!

    Today at 8:47 PM

  • Diana:
    "Nooo! Uncle Ing, I gotta save my giiirl!" shouted Dagwood! He couldn't just stay in the house with the ELDERS?!

    Today at 8:47 PM

  • Mordo:
    The fire demon was trying to extinguish the flames using his demon powers. He too wondered why somebody would be foolish enough to just leave fireworks laying about. Definitely a disaster waiting to happen and it did! Oh well no time to worry about it now as he worked to get all of the fire out on his own. He supposed he was doing just fine on his own, but jesus christ shouldn't the homeowners be out here helping him? After all, he didn't have to do this. It wasn't his home, after all and he didn't even know these people.

    Today at 8:48 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat had gone over to see the cow-spiders while the maze burned.

    Today at 8:49 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Da. Yes," Darya said. I cannot transform here, with humans arou-- Her thought was interrupted by the sound of heavy flapping overhead. She looked up to see a bat-winged figure briefly silhouetted against the Moon. Wampyr?! she thought at first, but no...a demon of all things, revealing its true(ish?) form--in front of who knew how many humans?! Any one of them could whip out a phone and... "Come, hurry," she said to the other teenagers. Once she got them to safety, maybe she could find someplace more private to transform so she could use her wolf senses to find anyone else who might be in the maze.

    Today at 8:49 PM

  • Diana:

    With all those fireworks going on, people were fleeing the maze while screeeaaaming! No one really sure what was going on, but smoke was everywhere and quickly making it hard to actually see anything in front of their face. Landie got lucky and made a correct turn to get out of the maze safely. But our dear Calamity and Darya... true to her name Calamity got HELLA LOST deeper in the maze. While Darya herself ended up tripping over a scare crow and landed in what was HOPEFULLY just normal mud.

    Today at 8:53 PM

  • Astaroth:
    Dash saw the demon all right, but he couldn't be assed to care right then because his daughter would ABSOLUTELY stay in the maze if it was up to her. The Whirly's were right behind him, and he was just going to have to make sure they didn't burn to death either. "Calamity!" he yelled. "Calamity, can you hear me?"

    Today at 8:53 PM

  • Diana:
    "I CAN'T SMELL ANYTHING!" shouted Calamity, who was definitely coughing up smoke at this point. Everything smelled like burned popcorn now and it was uncomfortably hot. She was slapping corn stalks out of her way left and right, abandoning all rules for this toasted maze!

    Today at 8:57 PM

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak would sniff the air. "She must have would up deeper in the maze somehow."

    Today at 8:59 PM

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Aaaach!" Darya hissed, scrambling back to her feet. But she was alone now, so she quickly took off her jacket and boots and reached for the beast within. After a few moments of joint-popping, skin-stretching growling change, she was in her hybrid form. She scooped up her jacket and boots and tried to catch the others' scents. There was too much smoke in the air for that, but her canine hearing worked just fine. Someone was calling the calamity itself? He is crazy or drunk, best to avoid, she thought, but she heard the girl cry out and ran toward the sound, her hulking form smashing through the corn stalks.

    Today at 9:00 PM

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing was hot on Dash's heels into the fire.

    Today at 9:01 PM

  • Mordo:
    Ray thought he spotted a young woman (Calamity) wandering about lost in the maze shouting. With a sigh the fire demon cautiously approached her and offered his hand to help her get out. of there. "Here take my hand. I can lead you out to safety," he offered without a hint of deception.

    Today at 9:01 PM

  • Diana:
    Calamity (in all of her wisdom) took one look at Ray and his big demon wings and immediately SCREAMED as if hell had come up to claim her!

    58 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    Upon Calamity's scream, Dash practically exploded into wolf form and smashed his way through the corn in her direction.

    56 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie was surprised he had made it out of the maze, unlike the girls. He could have sworn they were behind him. He would walk over to the elders. "I believe these belong to the elders here.

    56 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would come back to the house and watch the pretty flames dance around.

    56 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray just sighed as the young girl just screamed at him expected as it was Ray sometimes forgot how frightening his...demon form can be. "Okay look we don't have time for this. The smoke is getting worse. Now you want out of here or not? Also despite my...appearance, I'm actually a good guy, okay?" he tried his best to reassure her. "I'm immune to fire. I can get you out."

    55 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Darya burst into the clearing at the sound of the girl's scream. The demon was there, extending a hand to her. To save her from the flames, or drag her off to the rather more enduring ones of his home plane, she did not know. She bared her teeth and growled, moving to partially interpose herself. She heard more crashing stalks--someone was coming, and fast. "Come with me, girl, I take you to safety."

    54 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    "Aw hell..." Ing muttered but stayed in his human form as he ran, he started yelling though to get the others out of the maze and for someone to call the fire truck!

    54 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "What do you MEAN you're immune to fire, did you SET THE FIRE?" screamed Calamity more! She was out to get in trouble, but she wasn't about to get kidnapped by a MONSTER! Thank goodness a safe WOLF appeared! ...oh god and her dad. Her Dad was just running through the corn maze like he was the devil himself! Calamity ran for Darya!

    52 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Goddammit," Buck muttered, running for his truck. He made a partial transform to hybrid form, rolled down his window and stuck his head out as he drove toward the cornfield. If he found Darya or any of the others, he could get them in the truck to protect them from the flames, and drive back out at top speed.

    50 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    With Ing helping organize the adults, they got out the emergency hoses and started watering down everything they could out by the corn mazes. All the fireworks had stopped popping off, so there was no more fun displays of lights. By luck, it seemed most of the fire was just isolated spots and the smoke was just from the fireworks. ...but they did need to get it under control before anyone actually got hurt!

    50 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would take another cookie and juice box while she watching the fire.

    49 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray shook his head. "No the fire was not caused by me. Saw some fireworks. Think those caused it. Seriously, who just leaves fireworks laying about in the middle of a corn maze? So you want to get out of here or not?" he explained. He then saw a werewolf appear and sighed as she growled at him. 'So this is the thanks i get for trying to be a hero and do the right thing? Fine. I don't need this. I'm out of here!' "Look I'm not here to cause trouble, alright? And to prove it I can at least lead you girls out and extinguish any fire along the way," he offered.

    48 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie would sit next to the child. "You seem to be enjoying it."

    "I like fireworks."

    46 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    As Dash came hurtling through the corn and came face to face with Ray--and spotted Calamity make a beeline for a growling Darya--he leaped on Ray, tackling him to the ground with a snarl because CLEARLY the fire demon was threatening his kid and probably set the damned fire, to boot. Who just left fireworks in a corn maze? Obviously it was the demon.

    45 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing was hoarse from yelling and the smoke and there went Dashiel fcking Claymore jumping on some poor - winged... thing. A... "De-de-demon." Ing made a pitiful noise as he crumpled to the dirt!

    44 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Darya grabbed the girl with her free arm and hoisted her over her shoulder in a fireman's carry and turned away from both the demon and whatever was coming at them through the corn. The demon was trying to appear (or actually being, but how could she know) non-threatening, so she had to gamble that he wouldn't attack while her back was turned. "Sorry," she said to the demon--offending him would likely be a Bad Thing, regardless of his motives. "Alright," she said, "but please be fast," she said. She looked around, spotting where the smoke was, and where it wasn't. She hadn't entered the maze without keeping track of directions in case she needed to make a hasty escape.

    No sooner had she tried to take up the demon's offer (at least, to get him flying, and if he turned the wrong way, she could escape with the girl), but a huge wolf burst from the stalks and pounced on the demon. No way she was getting involved with that! "Cover your face, we go straight through," she said, giving the briefest pause before turning away from the flames and smashing into the corn stalks at a full run.

    42 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray was surprised when one of the werewolves tackled him to the ground. Ray started kicking at the werewolf on top of him. "Get off me you bloody psycho! I didn't do anything!" he growled in frustration. "But I will if you don't get off me right now!" he threatened showing his pointy demon teeth.

    42 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Calamity was getting rescued by the coolest girl while her dad was mauling a fire demon! ...this seemed to be pretty on par with the rumors on how things went down on the Whirly Ranch. "Thanks for the save!" she squeaked!

    40 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Dagwood, bless his heart, managed to escape the elders to go out there and check on poor Ing. "Uncle! Uncle! Do you need some water? Most of the fires are out now! Hey uncle, you okay man?!"

    39 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    A pair of huge glowing eyes, wide-set, shone through the stalks, casting erratic shadows as the beast roared louder with its rapid approach. Stalks bent down to reveal the grill of a 1975 Ford F-150 that ground to a stop. "This ain't no time for a brawl! Both o' ya, get in, dammit! Buck yelled.

    38 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak would arrive just in time to see Ing fall on the ground and just sigh. He would lug him up and drape him over his shoulder fireman style. "I'm pretty sure the demon was trying to help, most of them do." He really didn't have much else to say.

    38 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Once she was out of the maze, Darya set the girl down and turned back to her fully human form. "Do not worry, you do not see demons and wolves, only breathe fumes from fire," she said, in case the girl was a villager.

    36 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    Dash bared his own rather pointy teeth, growling into the demon's face. He wasn't sure he bought that the demon didn't do anything, but the other girl was getting Calamity out of there... and then the truck came screeching through the corn. With a warning snap of his jaws, he got off of Ray and with a quick glance around he circled behind Jak and nosed him (and Ing with him) into the bed of the truck. As soon as they were in, he leapt up after them.

    35 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing being a willowy little thing was about as light as he could be for a werewolf. But once he was picked up he woke up and made a noise of absolute embarrassment! His face went redder than his hair. Once he was sat in the truck bed he was flustered, picking at his jeans. "Thank you for saving me." He said to Jak.

    34 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    When Buck peeled off with his rescued group, Dagwood was still trying to run and catch up with them all. "ey...! me...! Guys...!"

    33 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Is there anybody else out here?" Buck said, putting the truck in gear and spinning around in a half-donut. Then he saw Dagwood in the rear-view mirror. "Get in, son!" he called out.

    31 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray saw a truck screech to a halt. He grumbled because he did not want to be saved by anyone. He thought he could do it all on his own because the demon was stubborn like that. Still he was relieved when the other got off him. He watched as the werewolf that attacked him got in the bed of the truck. No way was he going to sit by him. Grumbling he sat as far from him as he could. He left his wings out in case he needed to make a quick escape. He didn't want to take any chances.

    31 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak expected to be tossed into the truck and would land perfectly to not hurt himself or Ing and would look over at him. "You're welcome, first time encountering something scary always goes wrong."

    31 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    With everyone safely out of the maze, it was only a matter of a few minutes to get the rest of the fires put out by the more responsible volunteer chaperones. And not a single person kept Billy Bob Whirly's secret about smoking too close to the fireworks. In fact, Billy Bob's ass was getting dragged out to the river where a couple Uncles were gonna beat the shit out of him.

    30 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray shook his head. "Trust me you don't know scary until you see a certain...someone's nail clippings. Now that's scary." Ray was of course talking about his master's icky nail clippings; which were really gross to look at.

    27 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Calamity squinted her eyes at Darya. "...You know I'm a wolf too, right? Most of us are out here. You can usually tell by the smell." Oh shit, wait, she should be RUNNING before her dad sees her! "...I uh, I'm Calamity, maybe I'll see you at school!" she started backing off, ready to bolt.

    27 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    This was definitely why he didn't come home ever. Fires and disaster and Ingraham fainting! "Yeah, something like that." He really didn't know how to deal with it. "Want me to snag Calamity for you, Claymore? She looks just like her Momma." She really did. It made Ing's heart hurt to see it. But you lose every chance you don't take.

    25 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Can you fly? What's your element?" Buck said to the demon while he waited for Dag to catch up and clamber into the cab. Demonology wasn't his strong suit. The demon looked reluctant to get in, so Buck figured he wasn't too afraid of the fire. "Alright, but if you want a ride, gimme a holler," he said, then put the truck in gear and rushed out of the maze.

    25 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    Dash was leaving Ray alone. Dash was leaving everyone alone, hunkered down in the corner with his fur fluffed out. He grumbled something that sounded affirmative in response to Ing's question, though.

    24 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Oh--you are wolf? Sorry, smoke makes it hard for me to smell. Do not be afraid, I will not hurt you," she said. Now that they were away from the fire, she could smell the girl's fear.

    24 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie would take the second to get up from talking with the child and would block Calamity's path. "You know running from your problems doesn't solve them,right?

    24 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Dagwood was barely hanging on to the back of that truck. "So... about me and Calamity!" chimed in the teenage boy, oblivious to Dash's fuming.

    23 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    Dash SNARLED loudly from his corner.

    22 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing clapped a hand over Dag's mouth and gave him a little shake. "Please shut up. I'll find Calamity and you will shut up."

    22 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak would step in between Dagwood and Dash. "Son, I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible. Now is not the time to bring that up. He probably will attack you, so shut up, and cut your losses for tonight."

    22 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS LANDIE, GODS YOU'RE SUCH A DWEEB!" shouted Calamity with all the grace god had given her! (Which was not a lot.)

    22 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "What is wrong?" Darya asked.

    21 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray nodded at Buck. He thought it was obvious he could fly given his large batlike wings. "Yes and i'm a fire demon, so yeah fire doesn't bother me. I believe the cause of your fire was fireworks. Any idea who the bright one was who left them out in the corn field?"

    21 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie would look over at her. "You know, just because I shot down one of your dumbest prank ideas doesn't make me a dweeb. Besides, wasn't I right about you getting grounded for that?"

    20 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "Oh, I snuck out here and my Dad is furious. It doesn't help that he HATES Daggy." Calamity said proudly, strangely proud about it! "If I piss him off enough, he'll send me to live with my mom. At least that's what I'm hoping! ....'course I don't want him to catch me either. So MOVE Landie!"

    19 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    Dagwood made some muffled noises, but it seemed enough adults were scowling at him to get the hint to shut his mouth. FOR NOW.

    18 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    "Dunno, I got here late," Buck had said to the demon as he peeled out. He hadn't spotted him leaving the maze yet, but from what the demon said, he'd be alright.

    17 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    " That tends not to be how family works at all. If you want to see your mom, maybe you could convince your dad to visit him. From even what my parents told me, your mom is a bit.... what is the word...flighty, I feel like I said that long, but no, I'm not moving."

    16 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Ing let go of Dag cautiously. "Be good." He scooted over to sit against Dash, grabbing his tail and pulling it gently. He'd find Calamity for Dash.

    16 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Darya bristled, muscles tensing as she stood on the verge of wolfing out again. "He hurts you?" she said.

    16 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would climb into the truck bed and look over at Dash. "Cookie?" He asked.

    16 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray as an outsider had no idea what kind of drama and family squabbles was going on between the werewolves and quite frankly he didn't care. But something was definitely going on since they were ganging up on one of them for shooting his mouth off. He figured he would hitchhike to the nearest gateway to hell as soon as the truck stopped. He had more than enough werewolf drama for one night.

    15 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    "...what did you say about my mom?!" Oh, that was IT. Calamity was a pretty nice girl, if a little loud and rowdy, but nobody talked shit about her mom. She completely missed Darya's off-base comment as she POUNCED on Landie, swinging fists and howling!

    14 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Landie would gently grab her fists and would let her howl.

    13 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    Dash's bristling lessened as Ing sidled over to him. He moved to lay his head on his front paws, still giving Dag the stink-eye across the truck. Presumably, the man hadn't turned back because it was a brisk October night even with the lingering heat from the fire and his clothes had been shredded when he shifted.

    12 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Buck stopped the truck in the big open dirt parking lot and took it out of gear. "Everybody alright?"

    12 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    Somebody was going to have to lend Dash some clothes. And then he was going to find his daughter. And his hat.

    10 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Jak would pull out his bag. " I alwas carry a lot of spare clothes."

    10 minutes ago

  • CarnelianUndead:
    Where did the child come from? Jesus fuck. "He's good, he doesn't like cookies." Ing was pretty sure Dashiel Claymore didn't like anything or anyone now. One of the strangers had a bag of clothes. Demons. Bags of clothes. Weird children. And Dashiel fucking Claymore. "Maybe I'm dead and this is hell..." Ing rubbed his face.

    8 minutes ago

  • Zarko Straadi:
    Darya snapped her head toward the sudden fight between the other two. The girl was fierce, but she obviously needed some self-defense training, as the guy caught her wrists with apparent ease. She watched warily, but it didn't look like he wanted to hurt her. At least not nearly as much as she apparently wanted to hurt him. They are all crazy! she thought. And Buck thinks I will be safe here?!

    7 minutes ago

  • Mordo:
    Ray hopped out of the truck and gave himself a stretch before shifting his wings away to appear like a normal human. He was going to hitchike and as such didn't want to scare off any humans. "I'm good. Thanks for the ride, but i think i'm just going to go now. see you crazies some other time," and with that he started to walk down the road hunting for a ride with his thumb sticking out pretending to be a normal human hitchiker.

    7 minutes ago

  • Astaroth:
    Now there was a child, so Dash really wasn't about to change back just yet. Ing was quick to tell the little girl that Dash didn't want the cookie, but while Ing was rubbing his face, the wolf stuck his head out and very gently took the cookie out of her hand before settling back down with it.

    5 minutes ago

  • LuckycoolHawk9:
    Cat would curiously raise an eyebrow and just shrug. "Oh, he does want cookie," she replied, happy that someone had accepted her cookie and would tilt her head before hoping out of the bed. "I'm going to get another cookie for me."

    4 minutes ago

  • Diana:
    AND SO ANOTHER WILD NIGHT AT THE WHIRLY RANCH ENDS WITH NAKED MEN, FIST FIGHTS, AND POTENTIAL FUTURE LOVERS. Will something rekindle with Ing and Dash? Will Ray ever figure out the mortal realm? Shall someone ever kill claim the haunted child? Will Dagwood get to take Calamity to the Christmas Ball, or will the hot new girl swoop in and take all her attention? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT... WOLVES OF RAYMOND.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Diana
ALAS cowboys gone wild has to be rescheduled as the boy child's first band concert got scheduled for tomorrow at exactly charp time instead of the EVENING like it was supposed to be >:[
  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: Astaroth
New schedule up!
Name: Buck Wylde-Whirly
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Background: Buck runs a hardware store, equipment rental shop and feed store under the name of Black Wolf Enterprises. In addition to his participation in the local economy, he is one of the organizers of a local Mountain Man Re-Enactment festival and craft fair.

He also follows reports of paranormal events in search of stories that might have to do with werewolves, especially anything that might point to one who hasn't learned how to cover their tracks. Newly-Turned werewolves, and in particular those who were Turned involuntarily, often need help dealing with the changes they're going through, and that's where Buck comes in.

Buck recently returned from Romania with just such a wolf, a young girl by the name of Darya Orlova, whom he brought to Whirly Ranch during their big Halloween party. While the girl has certainly had her challenges with adapting to life in America, and to the quirks of the large and gregarious Whirly Pack, she's safe and cared for, and that's what matters most.

When Buck found out that someone was looking for volunteers to pose in a "co1708542644069.jpegwboy calendar" to benefit charity, he decided to do his part. However, he didn't quite catch that the calendar was about 'hot' cowboys, which would call for costuming along the lines of hat, boots, tight-fitting jeans, and no shirt. Instead, he's showing up in his mountain man re-enactment gear.
THIS CHARP IS CURSED! Surprisingly I dont have to cancel today because of sharks, but because I was throwing up all last night. >:[ WE'LL GET THESE COYBOYS EVENTUALLY.