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Creative Confessions

Confetti Magician
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Pokemon National

Basic premise is that you are a trainer. Any kind of trainer you want to be. Any age you want to be. In a RP that plays out a bit like the games, except bigger and maybe adding some anime into it. You make friends, you battle, you join contest, and sometimes world events call you to a greater cause.

The RP is open to any region. The RP is open signs up any time.

When things do happen I'll inform you guys a week beforehand I plan to actually have a Plot Event occur. But for the most part its about the adventures and just having fun, doing the Pokemon things. I'll have activities for each of the regions, but they don't have to be done. More like prompts or ideas of what to expect or do.

We'll start off in one Region and things like events will push us to move forward to other regions. But once you have been in a region you can always travel back to that region for whatever reasons. You can always travel back to a region, but never travel to a region we haven't quite discovered yet.

The Rules

-Be Respectful and Kind to One Another
-I expect quality writing, I won't say you have to be any expert and I'll accept just about anyone. But I still ask for some effort.
-Have fun and be creative
-Try to get a post in once a week. Though if someone is in another region and all of those region members are on and you go crazy, that is also fine as well. Just be mindful of others.
-With that said, at the top of your post in the IC, please write What Region your Character is In. And when creating characters don't spread out to so many regions that no one is actually in the same region. That make for some boring storytelling. Haha.
-And Lastly. No God Modding. No Uber Powerful Pokemon. No Legendaries for right now. And for those wanting to be Pokemon Snatchers. I ask. I ask very very very nicely on my hands and knees, be respectful to others, be mindful, do not harass other people all the time. Even Jesse and James did their own things. So please please please just be mindful.

Trainer Information and Sheets
This RP has a very basic roll system. I am not going to go into the headache of a complex die mechanic. d10s will be a stand in mostly for random cause and probability.

Since every region has their own Team Rocket. Team Magma, Team Plasma, Team Rocket, and so and so forth. I am branching them all under one umbrella, called the Pokemon Snatchers. Pokemon Snatcher will replace your Trainer Class. You will be allowed the ability to try and steal others Pokemon, but you will have to roll 2 d10s in order to successfully do so. And the trainers do have the ability to roll a single 2 d10 to thwart your attempt.


Because a d10 is a stand in for 100. Thus say a trainer rolls a 9, that 9 is a stand in for a 90. If you roll 2d10s and get a 2 and 10, 20 and 100. The 2nd roll for trainers is a stand in for the bond a Pokemon has for the trainer.

Thus to successfully steal a Pokemon, you have to have a roll to actively do it against their bond and physically with a pokeball.

Last thing; I am opening this RP to any age of trainer. But recognize that age represents experience and there are rules for the types of Pokemon each age group can have.

Ages 5 - 13
Choose between either of these combinations

1 Pre Evolution + 1 No Evolve + 1 Evolve with 1 other evolutionary chain
1 Pre Evolution + 2 No Evolve
1 Pre Evolution + 1 Evolve with 3 other evolutionary chains + 1 No Evolve

Just example of a party

Pichu [3 evolutions], Psyduck [1 evolutions], and Farfetch'd [no evolve]


Pichu, Farfetch'd [no evolve], and a Shuckle [no evolve]


Pichu [3 evolutions], Charmander [2 evolutions], Psyduck [1 evolution]


Ages 14 - 18
Choose between either of these combinations

1 Evolve with 2 or 3 other evolutions + 1 Evolve with 1 other Evolution + 1 Mid Evolution
2 Evolve with 2 or 3 other evolutions + 1 Mid Evolution + 1 No Evolve
1 Evolve with 2 or 3 other evolutions + 1 No Evolve + 1 Final Evolve

Just an example

Charmander [2 other evolutions], Psyduck [1 evolution], Pidgeotto [Mid Evolution, 1 final evolution]

Charmander [2 other evolutions], Pidgey [2 other evolutions], Pinsir [no evolve]

Charmander [2 other evolutions], Pinsir [no evolve], Clefable [Final]


Age 19+
Choose between either of these combinations

2 Final Evolved Pokemon, with no third to the party
1 No Evolve +1 mid + 1 final
2 mid evolutions + 1 no evolve


Charizard [Final], Golem [Final]

Farfetch'd [no evolve], Wartortle [mid evolution, 1 final evolution], Golem [Final]

Wartortle [mid, 1 last final evolution], Nidorina [mid, 1 last final evolution], Farfetch'd [no evolve]

Unto the Sheets - Please make 1 Character for Now, Unless the Trainer Class You Chose requires 2 people like Twins, Bro and Sis, etc.

Name: [their name]

Age: Min 5 and it can only go up from there

Gender: [male or female]

Region Currently In: Kanto

Trainer Class or Contestant Type: [Pokemon Snatcher replaces trainer class. Contestant type is essentially someone like in the animes who either enters their pokemon into cute contest, beauty contest. Or someone who joins Pokemon catching contest, like in the Safari Zone, or the Bug catching context in the Johto region.]

Appearance: [description, photo, or both. Anime preferable]

Personality: [3 Defined Positives, 3 Defined Flaws]

History: [3 or 4 Paragraphs Minimum, but if you want to go crazy I am not stopping you either]

Backpack Equipment:

You are allowed 6 Potions + 2 Super Potions + 1 Hyper Potion


2 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Restore

Elsewise, you can grab anything you desire. No more than 3 Special Pokeballs types for now.

Skills: [3 to 4 things you're good at, be it cooking, breeding, berry knowledge, etc.]

Your Team:
3 for now according to the combinations based on your age

Sprite Goes Here
[Pokemon Name]
Gender: [Male or female]
Pokeball Type: Standard, Great, or Ultra. 1 Pokemon is allowed 1 Special Type Pokeball for now
We Brothers are

Brains and Brawn

Rowe Masters

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Region Currently In: Kanto

Region From: Johto

Trainer Class: Judoguy


This rock of a man stands impressively tall at 6ft or 183 cms, he is an intimidating force to reckon. He wears a headband around his forehead, sporting the logo of his families dojo on it, otherwise you probably would mistake the man for someone else. As he sports a jean vest, and a pair of sweat pants with a racing stripe down the side with a pair of tennis shoes. His backpack is worn from his years of trainer travels. But he is determined to strengthen himself through Pokemon training.

Personality Strengths:

Loyal - He is formidably loyal. The moment you become one of his trusted circles or companions he will fight by your side. He is willing to throw it all out there for you in a battle, and will stand against those who would try to oppose you.

Enthusiastically Optimistic - There is optimistic and then there is Rowe's optimism. This many brings so much positive light with him its exhausting and overwhelming. He doesn't just throw optimism your way, he shines like a beacon that he is confidently with optimism. Nothing can shake him. Nothing.

Confident - Rowe is confident in his skills as a trainer and as a friend. No one can shake his determination and resolve. He is strong in his soul as well his body.

Personality Weaknesses:

Gullible - He might be a strong, brave and loyal fighter who would put it out all on the line for you. But he's dimwitted and is gullible. He falls for any little trick there is known to man. Too bad you rarely see a sweat on your brow when he is tricked into an ambush.

Slow - Rowe is slow. We're not talking physical slow. It just takes him some time to Get It. What exactly? Anything and everything.

Talks too Much - Rowe runs at the mouth. He thinks he's been motivational. Other think he's gone on too long with his speeches. Which also include several poses of him flexing his muscles in every position known to man.

Equipment: *Shared among the brothers

6 Potions, 1 Super Potion, 1 Hyper Potion, 1 Full Restore

6 Antidote

3 Escape Rope

10 Common Balls

2 Great

1 Ultra

Fishing Rod


Martial Arts - Judo

The Masters Family dojo is a well known, They aren't a specialized gym. Simply a place that those who want to hone their Pokemon and inner strengths go to learn from his father and his father before him. Rowe lives on in this tradition. A junior black belt seeking inner strength and experience before he takes over the family dojo and earns his black belt. Rowe follows in the footsteps of everyone else of his family line.

Survival Tricks

Sleeping out doors, making a campfire, and cooking on an open flame don't seem to be a problem for Rowe. They are all things he has learned roughing it out in the woods. All things he is acquired as experience during his martial pilgrimage.


A skill he was taught by a master of the waters. When he was handed an old fishing rod, the old fisher merely smiled at him. They sat together for hours on a rock, casting out rods in hopes to catch something in the waters. Rowe carries onto his newer fishing rod with the memory of the old man he met.

Nehmo Masters

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Region Currently In: Kanto

Region From: Johto

Trainer Class: Psychic



He seemed the complete opposite to the sturdy, confident man standing next to him. Thinner friend and with an air of creepy indifference, he simply stared into a completely different space. Some were unnerved by it. Others not so much. He chose to use his brother as his pack mule and only wore a travel hoodie sweater and comfortable walking shoes. He stood at 5'7" or 170 Cm.

Personality Strengths:

Smart - He is after all the brains of the duo. Though smart is a very broad term. Nehmo is a strategist, he is cunning and careful when it comes to any battle. He's often the one to have something, he doesn't go recklessly charging in like his brother tends to do. Beyond that he also has a very broad smartness, he's generally knowledgeable about Pokemon, studies well to know what their needs are for their care.

Quick Thinker - While he might have not been near as martially trained as his brother. Those things didn't interest him near as much when his powers began to develop, he still was taught by their father a dojo master. Nehmo caught on how to have quick reactions to circumstances that would otherwise shake others. He can often find a quick solution in a bind.

Fair - Nehmo has no interest in bullying or hurting others in battle. He refuses to fight those who are not within his range. He doesn't see the honor in fighting the kid with a single caterpie with a more evolved group of Pokemon. He'll offer words of advice, maybe, but he'll never partake in unfair actions.

Personality Flaws:

Creepy - Nehmo's indifference, especially when he is zoning off, can come off a little unnerving and off putting. Most find him completely creepy as he does not express near as much as his brother does. This does not mean Nehmo doesn't experience emotion or never expresses them, it simply means he can zone sometimes.

Zones Off - Nehmo has a habit of zoning off when he is lost in thought. And the thoughts are often normal everyday thoughts. He just has a habit of checking out while doing so.

Mean Streak - Nehmo does have a mean streak sometimes. Though its rarely towards anyone he cares for. While okay sometimes his brother deserves being left alone if he's not going to move. But Nehmo does not take kind to disrespect or Pokemon abuse or any other sort of foul behavior. Or continued behavior that may annoy him. He's known to be in those times a bit vindictive. I.e. like walking off from his brother while Rowe starts running off at the mouth.

Easily Annoyed - While patience to a point. Constant chaffing at him might not be the best idea. He can become quickly annoyed. Which triggers one of his redemption tactics. May it be dumping a glass of water on your head, bending a fork, or throwing a rock at you. It''s best to figure out what makes him tick and never do it again.

Equipment: *Rowe's sheet

Psychic Abilities:

Telekenisis -

Nehmo has demonstrated this by levitating his Pokeballs and casting them into the field without touching them physically. As well as spoon bending and other such feats.

Sychronize -

Nehmo has a rare gift to mirror the moves of Pokemon who share the same power as him. Thus Nehmo can conduct the same moves as them, as long as he has that Pokemon he can share a power with. Its part of his empathetic bond with them. This bond also makes his friendships with his Pokemon much stronger than just a strong Pokemon bond.

This is Nehmo's own unique gift. Like Sabrina could bind people into dolls and control reality. Nehmo's is the ability to use moves like Psychic or Psyshock.

*His Pokemon can steal be stolen, this just makes his Pokemon a little happier than base levels of happy. And Pokemon easily warm up to him.

Telepathy -

Nehmo like many psychics possess an ability of telepathy. This is how he shares his battle strategies with his Pokemon and not the other trainer. He can effectively communicate without a word to Pokemon with high happiness levels with him when to move without a single word.

His abilities are not indefinite. He can get exhausted or get a headache if he focuses too hard or over exerts his reach.


Strategist -

Nehmo doesn't go into a battle without a plan. He knows the most effective use of his moves, he knows the most effective weaknesses to exploit. Nehmo is cunning and crafty, and will not lose to someone's sheer dumb luck, you have to have skill and a better strategy then him to truly beat him. Nehmo doesn't accept losses by someone's dumb blind luck. He sees it as a failure of training and the failure of the trainer.

PokeBaking -

A small little hobby of Nehmo's, Nehmo has studied recipes and experiments his own recipes to make the best pokepuff pastries for his Pokemon that he can. He has gathered knowledge about the type of berries and their flavoring. What type of Pokemon this pastry would benefit the most from and so and so forth. But he has no desire to join any contest for ribbons. He sees it as frivolous.

The Brothers' History:

Twenty-three years ago, Rowe was born in Ecruteak city. To Wrest the Black Belt of their family dojo. His father had been teaching Pokemon style Judo for several years before his birth. He was taught by his father and his father taught before him.

While the family dojo may have moved, the family style had never changed over the countless years the Masters taught their martial arts. The dojo taught fighting Pokemon and trainers side by side. The family style took lessons, legends say, from the first fighting Pokemon to ally with humans. And the families fist were said to be as powerful as a Pokemon's fist.

Though those may just be tall tales. Before Nehmo, Rowe was the one doted on. Affectionately loved by his grandmother, grandfather, mother, and father. And when he turned three he was slowly conditioned to prep for training in the family style.

The dojo had many Pokemon who wandered the hallway. Many of them his father's Pokemon and his grandfather's Pokemon. And their children. He began his training with Flex the Machop as soon as it had come out of the egg. Though no one prepared for the secondary introduction to the family Nehmo.

Rowe was four when Nehmo was born and there were already odd things about Nehmo's birth. There were whispers and everyone knew there was something different about this baby. They hear the baby talking ordinary baby talk in the room to baby Pokemon gathered around him. Nehmo refused till about five to use any object with his hands.

In some ways Nehmo's mother was a little frightened by her baby's strange gifts. They were a family of martial masters. Not ones who had babies who used their mind to move objects and talk to Pokemon as people talk to people.

While her mother, their grandmother, tried to encourage her that this may have been a good thing. Neither parent didn't quite know how to react to their new family member. And Nehmo certainly didn't seem to want to follow any family traditions.

Using his hands to punch bags didn't satisfy him enough. Why do such a boring task when you can lift objects with your mind. Sable was his first Pokemon, an Eevee gifted to him by a family friend. Which made him a target of the families uncertainty.

When it was time for both boys to learn from the schoolhouse close by in the same city. Nehmo became subject of other students ridicule. He was a weird kid who could do things with a thought and not a single touch.

Over those years Rowe became over protective of his brother. Tried hard to fight for Nehmo's honor. And stand for the injustice his baby brother experienced for being different. Then came a time, when Nehmo was seven and Rowe eleven drifted apart.

Rowe already delayed his Pokemon journey when he was ten for Nehmo's sake. Waited a year. But in order to some day inherit the dojo he needed the experience of travel as his father did, and his grandfather., He set out in search for his own strength.

Rowe spent many of those years training with Flex to become stronger. Hiding in the forest. Practicing. And training their martial skills before they decided they were ready to take on any battles. They made a new friend in those years, Munchy the Munchlax.

Munchy had been stealing food from the duos pack and was coaxed into being Rowe's friend if it promised not to steal any more of his food. Instead Rowe would feed Munchy whenever he was hungry. He didn't know that it would always be hungry though.

They didn't fight many battles. In fact they fought a few. And took down a few gym leaders. Beating Whitney in glory. Then at fourteen he planned to return to his hometown, in order to meet his brother in hopes to guide him on the start of his journey.

To his surprise and his family worry. Nehmo left overnight before saying goodbye to anyone.

Nehmo being eager for adventure and looking for a reason to run away from the ridicule and hardship he faced. While the city he grew up in was closer connected to ghost and spirits, many kids were not used to adequately dealing with a student with the power to move objects on his own.

Worried about his younger brother's safety and how outsiders might react to Nehmo's powers, he raced to find his younger brother. Wherever he may be. In order to protect him from the dangers of a cruel world.

It took him a year before he found his younger brother. Nehmo had become a cunning escape artist for a while. Evading him every step of the way. Embarrassingly his brother had earned more gym badges then him.

Nehmo didn't need Rowe to protect him. Rowe did not see this and continues to not be able to let go of his oath to keep his brother safe.

They often are seen fighting together in double battles. As people are conflicted if the brothers even actually want to have each other around.
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Name: My name is Karma Graham, my parent's say that means I'm good luck!

Age: I'm eight years old, practically an adult!

Gender: I'm a girl, professor oak sir.

Region Currently In: We're in Kanto silly.

Trainer Class or Contestant Type: I'm working at becoming a famous Coordinator!

Appearance: People tell me I'm adorable, my parents tell me it a lot, and I try my hardest to keep up with everyone's expectations!

+ Mommy said I was amiable once and that it was a good thing, but when I asked her what it meant, she just laughed and said I would figure it out eventually, maybe daddy knows?
+ Mommy and Daddy know the Kanto Champion! I met her once! She told me to always try my best to be fair to both pokemon and people!
+ My teacher once told my parents that I was a hard worker once! I got in trouble for eavesdropping that time though.
- People say I'm childish, but how can a child be childish? Should I be more adultish? I need to find an adult and ask them how they are adultish.
- Someone once said I was gullible after they lied to me about there being a mew outside. But I don't even know what that means!
- Daddy told me once I need to quit being so fearful, but it wasn't my fault! It wouldn't quit looking at me with that creepy face!(she is talking about her father's Gengar)

I was born in February, the fourteenth! Mommy and Daddy say that makes me a love child, but I dunno what they mean. I don't really remember all too much of my baby years, Mommy says that's normal and if I ever get a boyfriend she'll share my baby photos. You can't see them though!

One of my earliest memories is from my fourth birthday! That's when I got Daisy, she's a Flabebe! Daddy was supposed to be gone, he had to go to Kalos for boring work stuff. While he was over there he caught Daisy, and then he came home early, just to give her to me! He couldn't stay though, he had to go back, but I was happy anyways!

Daisy made me pretty poplar at school, everyone else only had local pokemon! We weren't too good at battling though. We kept losing. My teacher suggested I find some real trainers and learn from them. I found a couple, that were willing to teach me, and I learned a little, but we still kept losing. My teacher said I would get better with practice though.

I learned that when Mommy was travelling she was called a Coordinater! She had films of her competitions! They were so pretty! Me an Flabebe are going to be like that some day! Traveling the world, performing for other people, and earning the prettiest of ribbons! We're gonna be famous!

Purse Equipment:

I always carry 2 Potions, Mommy and Daddy say it's always good to have those! I also carry 3 standard pokeballs, because Daddy said I would encounter some more pokemon friends that would want to travel with me! Mommy and Daddy also gave me a little bit of spending money, Daddy said it was for emergencies, but Mommy said I could spend it on whatever I wanted! I also some granola bars and some pokemon food, because Mommy and Daddy said me and Daisy would get hungry.

- Mommy taught me about berries. She said I might need them for my travels, and that it's good to be able to know which ones are which.
- Mommy taught me how to cook, Daddy tried, but it caught on fire and turned into a black blob Mommy said was inedible.
- Mommy taught me how to choreograph...she said that's just a fancy word for dancing! She also said it would help me and Daisy win ribbons!

Your Team:


Nickname: Daisy
Gender: Female
Pokeball Type: Heal.
Personality: Timid


Nickname: None, perhaps a new trainer could give her one?
Gender: Female
Pokeball Type: A wild pokemon with a pokeball? Absurd.
Personality: Chikorita is curious, and has been known to follow trainers around. She loves human objects, expressed by the ribbon she wears. She is stubborn, and even if caught will refuse to evolve, and will only go in the pokeball if it means avoiding mud and/or rain, or if she is too injured to move on her own.
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I know it said don't peak. I peaked. Looking good so far.
@Creative Confessions

Are those Pokemon guidelines a 'maximum' of sort or do they have to be followed?

I was thinking of testing out my Mysterious Sisters idea.
@Creative Confessions

Are those Pokemon guidelines a 'maximum' of sort or do they have to be followed?

I was thinking of testing out my Mysterious Sisters idea.

More like a giving a guideline.

I would love to see the Mysterious Sisters!

It's more or less cause I am under the belief that an 8 year old is not going to have near the same experience as a veteran trainer in their 20s. An 8 year old is starting to develop their team and style. A 20 something year old would have already been training their team.

And I wanted everyone to be on an even playing field.
hey just curious are you still taking new comers? If so I'll have my character sheet up and running
hey just curious are you still taking new comers? If so I'll have my character sheet up and running
Yes. Under normal circumstances, I would wait for CC to answer especially since I'm not a mini-mod or co-gm, but I believe they went to bed, as such I felt I should be nice and not make you wait. Plus I'm excited and we need more peoples.
hey just curious are you still taking new comers? If so I'll have my character sheet up and running

Of course you are welcomed to join! The more the merrier. -throws confetti-
*replaces all the confetti with sparkles, because sparkles are clearly superior*

What if you cut someone's eye?
Name: Ke'aser Emiya

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Region Currently In: Kanto, originally from Sinnoh

Trainer Class: Does not know. (Secretly wishes to be a gym leader like his father.)




His father was a gym leader, when he was a kid. So he grew up for the job and waited and waited for it. It was all he could think about for his future. So he went to school, studied hard and then became a trainer once he hit of age. When he went off on his journey at 16 he, made it back around to challenge his own father. But what he did not expect to see was his fathers gym burning to the ground and his father passed out, outside. With his fathers gym gone and his pokemon stolen, the gym was not requilt for his father but for someone else.

So he went off again looking to find those gangsters, and he did. He taught them a hard lesson, but found out they worked for someone bigger in Kanto. He did not follow this trail though. No, he went looking for his fathers team, in Sinnoh for a few years. Once he got them all back he gave them to his father he left with out a word to Kanto.

His father wished he would stop but, it was too late Shin was on his journey for the wrong reasons. Not to become the gym leader like he once wantted or to become a good trainer no. It was to gain back his families pride and to get his revenge.


He is a very smart and strategic battler he learned these skills on the road and while growing up

He is a good listener, he will sit down and let anyone chat away just to let time pass.

Very loyal but only once you get to be on his good side

Short temper he does no take rude jokes or harsh accusations about his fighting style or his team.

Comes off as cold and quiet.

Has a very smug demeanor when talking he considered his team the best of the best.

Wishes to take revenge on a local gang that tore down his family's gym.

Backpack Equipment:
6 Potions
2 Super Potions
1 Hyper Potions
3 Great balls
4 Pokeballs


Learning the area or Scouting: He is very good at finding and figuring out what pokemon live near by and where a good place to set up camp would be.

First aid or basic mending to pokemon.

Strategist when it comes to battling.

Your Team:

Magnezone: The most loyal and strongest mon, that Shin has. This is his first and best mon. Magnezone is his only true way to forget about his past and just have fun when he battles for fun, while he is off on his jouney.

Mawile: this little girl was the first pokemon that stayed at his side when he rescued a half a dozen from a poucher, in sinnoh.
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Karma is accepted


Could you do me a small favor? See how Neo and my sheet is setup by labeling what personality traits are positive and negative. Oy be helpful for me reading your sheet.

Another thing is I think Karma and one of my characters has cooking. There are other skills like basic first aid, or something else to balance things out a bit better.

Thank you.
there we go all done and edited

I promise I have one final thing. He has two few positives. Character sheet says 3 positives and 3 negatives. Once that is fixed I'll go ahead and accept you
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