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Capt. Blu

Fake it til You Make it
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Adventure, Scifi, Anime, Steampunk, Heroes and Villains
Collab: @Winter (CoGm) and Capt. Blu (GM)

Two Years Ago

"Where did the sudden storm come from?!"

"I can't see anything captain!"

Waves crashed and the Coral Pearl's sails fluttered violently. The storm was ruthless as it created whirlpools and waves that threatened to tip the pirate ship over. The crew fought back though. They always fought back, whether they were facing a new opponent or staring death in the face. But the more they tried to fight, the more they tried to escape... the more it seemed as if they were being pulled into the dangers of whatever was in the center of that raging storm.

Closer and closer they got, the crew could have sworn they saw a figure- some large monster disappearing into the heavy fog and rain, but none of them knew what it could have been. None of them could clearly see what was attacking. The captain and her crew prayed to the gods that it wasn't another monstrous attack like how they lost Dani and like how they nearly died.

"Captain, whatever it is, it's attacking! The ship can't take much more of it!"

"What do you want us to do!?"

The gods obviously didn't hear their prayers or pleas.

This wasn't like the bad storm they faced before. No, this was much worse. It was as if the crew had been put into a fight, blind and bound. They were at a complete disadvantage. Panic set in and the captain yelled the one thing she could think that could save them.


Not that they weren't trying before. Oh, they were definitely trying to escape. But this one command seemed to outrage whatever was surrounding the ship. There was no escape as the crew was once again at the mercy of whatever Mother Nature had tossed in their path- or at least what they thought was her doing.

In the next moment, there was a sudden explosion of wood and metal. The Coral Pearl had been struck and broken into pieces. It could only be explained as a miracle of the sea that instead of their imminent death that they had drifted to some form of safety. Some form of survival... But all separated.


Alicia visibly flinched as she was awoken from the memory, the same memory which plagued her mind consistently since that fateful day, the day that everything had fallen apart for the Stardusk. She looked up slowly to meet the eyes of one of her elder students beckoning her attention towards the next younger student who stood before her, awaiting instruction to show her what they'd learned in what was to be a demonstration ceremony.

People came from all over Yula Fei to watch the ceremony, from family and friends to ordinary people looking to catch a glimpse of the art which was taught at the Tashigi estate. In fact it was the one day in the year Alicia allowed the estate to be open to the public. "Proceed" Alicia said softly, her eyes moving to the student to observe them as they began to demonstrate their form and technique to the sound of instruments played by a small group upon a nearby altar.

Her students were lined up, each of them awaiting their turn to show off their new found talents and abilities, their mothers and fathers sitting in the crowd of the open courtyard keenly awaiting to see their child's achievements. The older more experienced students who weren't involved in the ceremony stood nearby to assist the crowd and to ensure the ceremony ran smoothly and orderly, among them a student named Hanako whom Alicia put in charge of managing them.

"Lady Tashigi?" no sooner had her mind rested on the thought of Hanako before her voice whispered close to her ear, causing Alicia to tilt her head to the side slightly as her eyes remained focused on the student demonstrating before her. "I think you need to see this" she said before placing down a piece of paper on the table beside her chair. Alicia allowed herself a moment to view the paper, her eyes widening for a moment as she read the headline.

"World Government Clean the Oceans Once More"

Beneath the title lay a list of captured pirates and with Alicia's perceptive gaze it took her but a moment to pick out a few names, names she'd never wish to see under such a title. Her friends, her crew... some of them had been captured and were on their way to the prison island of Kane'Artum, known to have harbored some of the most powerful pirates throughout history. Alicia looked tense and once the student had finished his demonstration she stood and excused herself from the ceremony, allowing Satia her younger sister to take her place for the remainder of it. There was much to do, and there was little time to do it.


Now: Small unimportant island - Nevis Island



"Ya know, I've heard a lot- I know a lot about this Simon Ira guy, but let me tell you, he is a runt in comparison to what I've heard." Saff, the firstmate of the Cutthroat pirates, a pirate group that was and still is the number one on the list of the Worst Generation started to say. She was well known and practically dubbed as the one who 'knew all' whether it was about pirates, the Navy, or just regular business between kingdoms. Saff's eyes and ears were everywhere.

Alicia exhaled softly, her arms folded across her chest as she appeared to be in deep thought, not only for what Saff said but also for the many questions that birthed as a result of everything which lead to this moment. "Perhaps, but even a runt can howl." Her words were perhaps a little cryptic but her message was clear. Simon may not be strong himself, but he had power at his disposal and that is what made him a threat.

The swordswoman turned to glance towards the three other Yula Fei warships that sailed beside them, the large vessels boasting considerable fire power compared to their predecessors. Since the second invasion the princess had invested considerably more into the military and now their naval fleet was large and expansive. Fortunately it meant Alicia was spared a few ships for her operation, which the princess was more than happy to agree to considering the debt they owed the Stardusk for what they'd done for them all those years ago.

Alicia turned back towards Saff, the wind kicking at her silvery hair which now grew long past her shoulders. "I am most grateful for your help Saff, having your knowledge available for this is invaluable, but tell me, what do you know of Kane'Artum?" her question was quite serious. Many stories existed from individuals claiming to have survived the hells of that prison, but whether they were true was another matter entirely.

Saff's goggles reflected the sunlight. Her gaze landed on each of the warships, right before landing on the island not too far away. "Right you may be." Her hand rubbed her chin before she patted the young swordswoman's shoulder. "Aye. Like I told ya, this mission is mine as well. we've both got people ta pick up." It had only been days before the two came in contact, when the Cutthroat pirates got news that their navigator, Belen, had been one of the many pirates that had been imprisoned. Of course, that didn't sit well with Captain Alcinoe, but before her captain could start a war to save one of their own, Saff took the solo rescue mission and by happenstance found Alicia along the way.

"Kane'Artum," Saff echoed. Her face formed into a small frown. She didn't have to look through the backpack she toted around to know about that godawful place. "A prison island. Security top ta bottom. It's about three gates ta get inside. From what I learned, there's one way in and one way out. Either way, that place ain't pretty." She leaned against the side of the ship. "Pirates that go in there don't usually get ta come back out. It's one thing getting to sent ta jail- it's a whole helluva nightmare ta be sent to Kane'Artum." There were rumors that the prison was a literal torture zone, from being thrown in below freezing rooms to being burned alive. Some of the rumors seemed a little wild, but there was no one to really disprove the tales told...

It was hard to tell, but she was looking out towards the island once again instead of at Alicia. "When we get over there. To that ship. We need one of them alive ta take us. That's one thing I don't know...Where ever that hellhole is, the Navy's been keeping it a secret." It was a rather ominous tone, but the firstmate was serious. She knew a lot of things in this age and era- even a lot of history, but the one thing she was never able to figure out was just where this death sentence was located.

Alicia listened intently before giving a small nod of understanding. "If what you say is true, then let us ensure we do not fail" her words retained the usual softness as she spoke, betraying nothing of her worries or doubts for the execution of the plan. The swordswoman turned and walked towards the bow of the warship where she could easily be seen by the others, she raised her arm above her head and waved her arm before holding up three fingers, then one.

The three warships sounded their bells once before they fell in behind them, making themselves a small target to be seen on the horizon as they headed towards the ship said to harbor the individual needed to take them to Kane'Artum. "Prepare to board that ship, once we close the gap the chain-shot cannons will disable them by taking out the mast to their mainsail. We'll then proceed to surround them and subdue the crew for questioning" Alicia was sure and resolute in her plan as she spoke it, the crew to the warship immediately getting to work without hesitation.

Alicia turned and looked towards their target, her eyes narrowing as she inhaled for a moment, exhaling as she readied herself for the engagement. "One step closer... " she muttered to herself.


"Get these prisoners on board! We're on a schedule! I don't want to disappoint the admirals." The Navy Captain adjusted his glasses as he paced back and forth with his head held high. He practically reeked of pride and elitism.

This was the fourth group of outlaws he had managed to wrangle up in that day alone. With all of the cleaning up he was doing, surely the admirals would recognize his achievements once again just like they did in Yakone when he was able to infiltrate the Red Pirates' base and find out secrets that actually aided in capturing the pirates today. He looked down at the prisoners being shackled in seastone, of course to prevent any of them from using hidden abilities should they have them and then pulled onto the Navy ship. A few of the prisoners caught his eye, having all too familiar faces, however instead of addressing them, he gave a smug look of approval as he carried on.

"Tch, all of you are pathetic." He spoke to no one in particular, but it was loud enough for it to be heard by most.

This batch of pirates were being escorted to the second ship of three. The four groups that had been captured were split in two and were separated onto different ships. There was no need for them to believe they could riot and rebel with larger groups after all.

One man fell as he was pulled violently along. "Get up! Get to the ship!" One of the navy members barked out. Simon watched for a few brief moments, adjusted his glasses, and stepped forward to the fallen ex-pirate.

Without a word, he kicked the man to his side and scoffed. "You're no better than the dirt here. I advise you to get moving or your next trip will be to Davy Jones himself." The man could only glare as he was once again moving with the flow of the group.

Simon's steely gaze scanned the area, watching as his crew gathered the last of the pirates. "Good. We can begin to head-" A sudden crack and then a crash ruptured through through the sky causing a mild panic between the onlookers and everyone else near.

"Captain Ira! Captain! We've been hit!"

The onlookers watched as two of the three ships' masts were shot and ripped from the ship."You imbeciles didn't you think it would have been in your best interest to keep a look out!?" Calm and poise was tossed out of the window. The man was now trying to figure out who the culprit was and why his crew hadn't already began their offensive procedures. "Don't just stand their fools! Take the enemy down! Keep those prisoners contained!" This was a downside to his position. All of the command under him were mere mooks and wastes of space. Simon Ira couldn't wait to step up and rise to power as the admiral of the entire Navy. He'd rule with an iron fist one day...

On the other hand, as the navy crew began their offensive attack, trying to keep the prisoners contained, Simon sneakily slipped away towards one of the three undamaged ships to report and call for backup as well as plan his own escape.

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  • Love
Reactions: Fox of Hearts
Onboard the Warship: Rescuers Group 1


Soft blue eyes glowed brightly in the light of the pre-noon sun. Despite the slight discomfort she experienced, Hana didn't look away. Staring into the vast blue heavens above, so calm and still, allowed her to clear her mind. It provided her with a moment's respite, considering how jittery she had been since dawn.

"Navy ships ahead!" a lookout shouted from the crow's nest high above.

Hana snapped back to the present, as the captain bellow his orders. Chaos erupted on deck as men scrambled into position, stopping long enough to relay the same orders at the top of their lungs before they continued on their way. The tension made the girl sucked in her breath sharply and leaned against the side of the cabin door. Her face turned chalky white, as the enormity of the mission began weighing down on her. A realization that failed to fully crystalize until the cannon fire began.

Alicia-san's instructions were simple enough yet Hana felt her confidence shatter as precious seconds ticked away. The pressure of being involved in such a high-risk mission was greater than anything she ever felt before and, for the first time in years, the apprentice needed her mentor's reassurance. "Lady Tashigi?" Hana whispered, knowing that their proximity meant that only Alicia-san could hear her. "Is it …"

The teen trailed off. She could see the soldiers preparing to board the nearest of the three enemy ships, which meant that her mentor needed to go. Hana reached for Alicia's hand but pulled back at the last minute. Her conscience wouldn't allow her to burden the woman with her petty fears at such a crucial time. So, seeking solace in a different way, Hana looked into Alicia's calm eyes once more before forcing herself to smile. "I – I'll be fine," the girl reassured the swordswoman. "I will do my best to help Doctor Egami with the injured."


Part of the Chain Gang: Rescuees

Among the lines of chained prisoners in the second group an old seadog with strands of scraggly, greasy hair falling over his face staggered along between two taller men. Cold sweat beaded his brow each time his swollen right foot touched the creaking boards of the pier. "Ya coulda walk slower lad, aye," he complained to the roguishly handsome blonde in front of him. "Spare an old dog with leg swells worse than scurvy."

Even with the pace slowing a tad, the hot sun beating down on him and the flaring pain proved too much for the man. He swayed a little before falling onto the ground, cursing loudly as he clutched his right leg at the knee. No mercy was shown to him as an arrogant gent, clearly the one in-charge, kicked him to the side and threatened him. He simply glared at officer as he was hauled roughly to his feet by two guards.

"Using ol' Davy? Ya better hope he doesn't get ya first," the man muttered darkly.

Somewhere among the group, he heard the sound of tinkling bells again. He blinked his cataract-fogged eyes, wondering if he was starting to hallucinate as well. He listened carefully. This time, instead of tickling bells, the deafening boom of cannon fire silence their entire group. Lapping up the shock radiating from the navy guards, the man's face morphed into a feral mask. His confidence soared by the minute when he noticed skirmishes breaking out along other parts of the line. "Aye, mayhaps visiting Davy won't hurt."

Determination shone in his eyes as the man seized the opportunity to break ranks. He didn't get too far when the chains tugged him back, causing him to fall in an undignified heap. Pain flared throughout his gaunt body and he knew he won't be able to run anymore. The only option left was to die an honorable death, one befitting a pirate like him. He rolled into a sitting position and remained there, laughing like a mad man in the face of his impending demise. Bravado clearly written all over his face.

"What yer waiting for lads, lasses," he roared to those closest to him. "I say we fight!"

Having said his peace the fallen ex-pirate turned to stare down the nearest guard. Taunting the man with salty swears, the sly dog danced out of reach before launching his entire body right into the man's stomach. The pull of the chain might have caused a few whippersnappers to stumble but old man didn't care. Not even the sting of his opponent's blade digging into his shoulder was going to stop him. He lived a good life and he refused to live in a cage for the last of his days.

"Send them all to the locker!" he shouted as he was shot in the stomach.
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Two Years Ago
Luro laughed as the sea rocked the coral his hand gripping one of the ropes as the rain pelted against his skin. He closed one eye as the thunder cracked and did his best to try and hold the sails together in the storm, he could see splinters of wood flying through the air as the Coral was attacked by the sea in all her rage. Luro didn't doubt for a moment that she would hold, but it was hard not to forget the last time they were in a storm like this, that anxiety, that nervousness only excited him, he wanted to surpass mother nature and slip out in the night afterwards. Seeing the monstrous figure in the distance Luro's hand gripped his rifle tightly a loud laugh escaping from him, as he prepared to meet Davy Jones again. However that immense excitement, that feeling of taking on the world faded as he heard the words from Runali.


The captain's orders were law and so gritting his teeth Luro prepared to run not entirely sure how but by then it was too late, in one moment his feet were firmly planted and in the next the Coral was gone. Luro's eyes widened as he felt the world, the one he had come to know for so long slip out from under him. Time seem to slow as he fell towards the sea and he watched the beloved ship fall to pieces. In that moment Luro expected his thoughts to move to the Coral but instead they fell to his crewmates.
"Would the captain be okay, would Alicia survive, Ray couldn't swim what could he do, was Kadi strong enough to survive the sea again, was Ben going to make it to land?"
These questions in his skull a small smile found its way on his face, such thoughts normally wouldn't be surprising in that moment but Luro trusted his crewmates, to a point where such thoughts should be meaningless, but yet in this moments he found his mind drifting to them, not the ship his lass among lasses.
"Haha...when did I start caring so much..."
The words escaped him as he landed in the sea, he fell towards the bottom the light slowly fading in the distance as darkness slowly filled his vision, as their long journey flashed through his mind Luro's eyes slowly shut as he let the sea take him.
Still Two Years Ago

The sound of the waves crashing against the beach filled Luro's ears, darkness still filled his vision but he could feel water pressing against his already wet form. Light tried to force the darkness in his vision away and feeling the heat and something soft below him he questioned where exactly he was, the ocean generally wasn't hot. His hands closed into fists taking in something rough yet soft and he slowly opened in his eyes. He was laying face down on what was apparently land and as his vision adjusted he realized that it was day. With a bit of struggle he tried to climb to his feet as his vision cleared, but he only fell onto his stomach again coughing up water as his body refused to listen to him. Gritting his teeth he tried to climb to his feet once more and with a bit of effort manage to stay up. Breathing heavily his gaze landed on nearby trees clumped together, blinking a few times he noticed there was a forest of palm trees in front of him. He gave a small nod at this before turning his gaze and noticing he was on a beach, a wide beach at that. Luro stared at the sand for a moment before his eyes widened and he quickly spun around, behind him was the ocean large and vast, and nothing lied beyond it only more sea.
"Nooo...." Luro mumbled voice raspy.
Turning he quickly ran down the beach keeping his eye on the ocean, he ran around the whole beach at least twice and each time it was the same, endless ocean and no land, no ships, no signs of life.
"No no no...."
Luro ended up back in his original spot and realized that no matter how many times he circled the scenery wasn't going to change, he fell to his knee brought his arms to the side forming fists and looked up at the sky.
Luro fell onto his stomach and buried his face into the sand.
"I'm stranded again...." he mumbled before sitting up. "How am I going to survive, I need to find food and-"
Luro cut himself off seeing something shine in the distance, crawling on all fours he approached the object and picked up a bottle, his eyes widened tears stinging the edge of them at the item in his hands, it was rum. Looking up he noticed a whole barrel of it, the bottles littering the beach along with his rifle, but that was for later he had his stash of rum!
Luro threw his arms into the sky before laughter escaped from him, he climbed to his feet and started throwing the rum back into the barrel, as he did he noticed a piece of wood on the ground. Kneeling down he picked up the piece and eyed it for a moment, it was a small easily fitting in the palm of his hand, and he knew this wood, he picked it out and worked on it himself, he'd recognized it anywhere.
"A piece of the Coral."
Staring at the piece Luro took a deep breath and moved it into his sleeve, turning he looked back at the sea and shut his eyes, the scene replaying in his head for a moment, the last moments with StarDusk before he opened them staring into the endless distance.
"I'll see them again."
Luro reached up putting his hand over his StarDusk emblem a small smile on his face.
"They ain't weak enough to die from that...I'll watch the sea with the captain again, sing with Ray, ask Kadi about big words, try to figure out what Ben's saying with her accent, and I'll tease Alicia....I'll...I'll do all that again. I also have to make Ozz one of my mistresses we are friends after all....so I gotta do this"
Luro gave a small pump of his fists puffing his chest out as he got his confidence back.
"Alright! First I need to survive for all that to happen, if I did it once I can do it again!"

4th Day-Deserted Island

Luro sat on the beach holding a makeshift fishing rod in his hands, the last few days he had been scrounging for food and water, luckily he found the later in the forest. He had taken his rifle apart and fired it hundreds of times just to pass the time but aside from that he spent most of time fishing and drinking, he made a mental note however to hold himself back since he didn't have an infitine supply of rum, so he had ten today instead of twenty.
"Why haven't I caught anything?" Luro questioned.
Looking at his hook he noticed it was sitting in the sand a fair distance from the ocean.
"Oh...well that explain why I haven't eaten in three days."

6th day

Luro's hands moved at a quick pace taking apart his rifle and putting it back together, he raised it and fired hearing the audible click. Smiling he lowered and took it apart once again. Closing his eyes he immediately started putting it back together and within seconds opened his eyes only to see a coconut had replaced the barrel. Looking down at the actual barrel he set the rifle down and started taking it apart again.
"....nah don't think about it."

Day 15

"Ahahahaha that's hilarious Ray tell me about another of your escapades. Oh Alicia you going to train again, you going to help the captain train. What? Oh come on Kadi you know I don't' know fancy words, it's almost as hard as understanding Ben's accent. Ahahahaha!"
Luro laughed as he talked to a group of coconuts in front of him with faces carved into them, scratching the side of his cheek his smile slowly faded and he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Huh...am I still sane...wait was I sane...if I wasn't sane can one become insane enough to be sane....ugh my head hurts...and I a have strange desire to make a coconut named Wilson for some reason."

Day 42

Luro stood on the beach rubbing a majestic red beard on on his chin as he stared out at the sea, blinking a few times he jumped before looking down at his beard.
"When did I grow a beard?"

Day 43

Luro stood on the beat again fingers running through his beard as his eyes narrowed slightly staring into the distance.
"I should grow a beard..." Luro mumbled.
He immediately jumped and looked down at his beard eyes widened
"When did I grow a-"

A point where Luro has stopped counting days and just goes off Luro time, so how much Rum he's drank that day so...two Rum-ay

Luro's hand shook slightly as he slowly set a small stick upon another stick, taking a few steps back he looked at the small shelter he built and with a grin threw his arms into the air with a loud laugh.
"I made shelter on the beach! Now I can sunbathe!"
His celebration was cut short however as he watched sea immediately come up and swallow his shelter, he slowly lowered his arm before patting a hand on his fist.
"Oh yeah the sea's mean I always forget that," Luro said going to get more supplies. "I though we were friends ocean!"

Three Rum-ay

Luro stood on the beach looking around him as he picked up the sound of humming, running his fingers through his beard he looked to his left to see another Luro with blue hair fishing in the sea, looking on his right a Luro with short hair was fixing the rifle, and turning he saw a Luro with a low ponytail climbing one of the tree's for a cocnut only to fall with a loud yell and thump afterwards.
"Uh...are you guy's real?" Luro said rubbing the back of his head.
Short haired Luro looked up at this and brought a hand to his chin, he grew a beard for a moment stroking it before it receded back into his face making his face smooth once more.
"Easy way to find out, put this loaded rifle in your mouth and pull the trigger. If it works then that means you heard me and we're real, if it doesn't then you should load it and make it work that way you're not crazy for hearing voices."
Luro stared at the short haired Luro arching a brow at him before speaking.
"That...makes perfect sense! You're so smart Luro!" Luro said grinning at him.
"Thank you Luro!" the short haired Luro responded with a grin himself
"I'd advise against that."
Luro turned at the voice to see another Luro with long hair like his, but a pair of silver rimmed spectacles on, the other Luro's narrowed their eyes at him before sticking their tongues out.
"Oh shut up smartie, no one likes you or your glasses," Luro said waving him off.
"Yeah!" the other Luro's said in agreement."
"I can't wear glasses," Glasses Luro said pushing up his glasses. "Because I'm a banana."
Luro wiped his eyes and opening them noticed glasses Luro's head had taken the snape of a banana and sure enough his glasses were gone.
"Whoa...you're right....can...can I peel you."

1 Rum-ay

Luro sitting on the beach with the other Luro noticed a ship in the distance, quickly standing up he rubbed his eyes with his sleeve almost unable to believe the object in the distance is real. Luro grinned as a warm feeling filled his chest at the first signs of life other than himself in what felt like ages. Scrambling around he started grabbing sticks to start a fire and signal the ship.
"Hurry help me get stuff," Luro said. "We have to get that ship's attention...wait why am I not just shooting at it like before...gah not time to think about that have to start a fire."
He looked over at banana Luro as he handed him a stick and noticed he had glasses on his face.
"Heyyyy you have glasses on you lied!"
"Of course I lied...I'm a banana," Banana Luro said shaking his head.
"...that makes sense, banana's are liars but apples are always honest, isn't that right Wilson?"
Luro looked at a coconut with a face under his arm which gave a firm nod before he tossed it on the created fire ignoring the loud screams and obscenities that followed from it
"That's for looking at Ray funny Wilson...oh wow I might not be in a good place right now."
"Nah you're fine," Banana Luro said tossing sticks on the fire.

After successfully signaling the ship Luro was welcomed aboard, the ship was a brig and the crew was small but it wasn't flying the navy's flag so Luro figured it was probably a trade ship. The young captain walked up to him as Luro moved his rifle to his back, handing Luro a piece of fruit Luro immediately consumed it thanking him as he wiped his mouth.
"I need a shave and rum, not in that order," Luro said. "Do you have any?"
"Oh uh...yeah yeah we do," the young man said.
"Great! Can I join your crew?"
"Oh...sure you can the more the merrier."
"Thank you!" Luro said this as he pulled his rifle off and put it against the young man's head. "This is a mutiny."
The young man visibly shook as Luro readied his rifle and looked back at his crewmates who were looking at the bearded crazy man trying to process what had just happened.
"Wha- you've been a member of the crew for a second!"
"You should have been a better captain," Luro responded with a tilt of his head.
"Communication probably," Luro responded.
Luro looked over his shoulder at banana Luro before pointing at the mast.
"Banana get the crew together, I'm taking the helm, everyone else help the others get the ship ready," Luro said before looking back at the ex captain. "You're crew's loyal right, cause I have no qualms killing anyone that resists and handling the ship myself. Banana Luro worth four of your crewmates, and he's a jerk"
"Good job captain!" one of the crew mates yelled. "The one person we pick up and he's a crazy guy who talks to imaginary banana's!"
"Hey! Be thankful you don't have to talk to him banana's are liars!" Luro exclaimed. "Now get to work please or I'll have to start shooting people in the head until you die!"
Present- Aboard A Navy Ship

-"I think Alicia did something like this once, I wonder if I'm doing it right. Oh wait is it just thinkin stuff, she always has that look on her face though so does it mean- gah I swallowed a fly, oh it tastes like Kadi with mustard! Wait how do I know what that taste like?"-

A voice echoed throughout the prison below deck as a young red headed male sang from his prison, he sang the same song each time, on the hour and at this point the other prisoners knew the song and sang with him each time. A ballad he had learned many years ago, "The Ballad of Kareth of Lendria" a song he couldn't forget, sung by his friend many moons ago. Though he didn't have the voice of the man he knew the words by heart at this point, having sang it many a nights while he was stranded, it reminded him of his lost home, and the crew who inhabited it.
"Stop that singing!"
Luro closed one eye as a naval officer slammed his sword against the bars, Luro sat against the wall hand resting on his knee as he finished his singing. He grinned as the officer sat back down at the small table.
"Hey you should let me out of here," Luro said. "It'd be really nice..."
"No...again stop asking me.
Luro pouted and sighed pulling a leather flask from his pocket taking a swig from it.
"What is that?" the officer said pointing at it.
"It's rum."
The officer walked over and snatched it from Luro between the bars, he mumbled and sat back down, when he looked back at Luro he was drinking from another flask."
What the-what is that?"
"Rum," Luro asked before taking another drink. "You can't have this one you have on already."
"How many of those things do you have!"
"Is...is that a serious question?" Luro said blinking at the man.
The officer grit his teeth and making a shaking fist drew his sword standing up.
"I told you that-"
The officer cut himself off as the ship quickly rocked sideways at the attack, he fell to the ground with a grunt as a gun landed in front of him, Luro's gun that had been confiscated when they had captured him. He grunted and tried to climb back to his feet as he heard the yelling, confirming his suspicions that they were being attacked.
"Damn it where's my sword?"
"Oh it's right here," A voice said holding his sword out to him.
"Oh thank-"
The officer reached for the sword only for his eyes to widen as Luro smiled at him before stabbing the sword into the man's skull.

"Have you been able to break out this whole time!" One of the prisoners said as Luro pick up his rifle.
"Yeah," Luro said adjusting the rifle and patting himself for his things. "I've broken out of worst places."
"Then why didn't you?!"
"I forgot," Luro said grabbing his flasks.
"How do you forget to escape?!"
"I don't know how do birds fly?"
"Those questions have nothing to do with each other!"
Luro grabbed the keys off the table and tossed them to the yelling prisoner, waving to him he walked out of the room trying to figure out his own escape. Turning a corner he froze as a mess of navy officers stared at him running towards the top deck with their sword drawn.
"...I'm guessing this is the wrong way," Luro said with a small chuckle.

Raymond had nearly given up hope. The seastone shackles had robbed him of all strength, he was headed to Kane'Artum, the prison of no return, and to add insult to injury, the person bringing him in was none other than Simon Ira, the traitorous, cowardly snake of Yakone. Ray would have relished the chance to kill him for Jemima's sake, if he could. Defeated, he sighed. I wonder if she's even still alive.

He had tried praying to every sea deity he knew, hoping that someone was listening, but that wasn't likely. Okeana, Neptune, even the Shaw spirit he met in the locker, all were silent. Dejected and desperate for something, he turned to the ones he had abandoned. Lords of Lendria, give me strength... he began silently praying. Suddenly, the boom of cannon fire broke his concentration... and the masts of the Navy ships. Uh, thanks. He concluded, shocked. The elderly pirate behind him in the chain gang cried out a warcry and lunged for the nearest guard. Ray, reacting quickly, followed suit. As the man took a pistol shot to the gut, Ray followed up behind, yelling frenziedly as he threw himself into the guard, knocking the both of them over the railing. "Oh crap," he said as the two of them began falling over the edge of the ship and towards the water....

Two Years Earlier

As the sea was rushing towards him, he used his ice powers to make a small iceberg for him to land on. It was a rough landing, but it was better than sinking. Unfortunately, the raging storm wasn't making staying on the berg easy. Ray was scrambling for purchase on the slippery surface with every wave. He tried using his powers to root himself to the berg, but not long after he did, the berg flipped over, with him stuck to the under-side. He was stuck there for what seemed like an eternity before it flipped again. Now soaked with seawater, Ray had to rip himself free of the ice and cling to whatever handholds he could for dear life. With the Coral Pearl fast disappearing under the waves, he struggled to maintain his grip for hours on end, until eventually his strength gave way and he passed out.

The next thing he remembered was waking up in a bed inside some hut and the smell of fried fish. A large, but genial man was cooking some spitted fish over a fire pit. He spoke when he noticed Ray sitting up. "You've been asleep for three days. You floated in on a tiny block of ice. The Gods must like you," he smiled. Ray could only smile back.

The fishing village he was in was so small it didn't even have a proper name, but there was life there. The people treated hm like family, even though they had only just met him. It was disconcerting at first, but welcome. They shared everything they had with him, dirt poor as they were. Every night they had meager meals together, but treated them like feasts; their company made them enjoyable. Ray spent a month recovering and living with them. He helped out wherever he could, fixing fishing lines and nets and rigging, played with the children, giving them new toys of shaped ice each day, and feasted on meager fish and stale ale, singing and laughing the night away.

It all ended so abruptly. He was awoken by cannon fire one evening. A familiar frigate was shelling the village, and half a dozen boats could be seen landing along the shore, spilling out soldiers onto the sand. Even in the dim light, Ray could make out the flag they flew: a gold crown on a red background. A woman's voice, thick with a Ceranian accent could be heard calling through the bombardment, "Five 'undred gold for Skalter's 'ead, a thousand alive...!"

Present Day

As Ray fell, his hands grasped for the key ring on the guard's belt. Firmly closing his fingers around it, Ray's chain ran out of slack, arresting his descent. The guard, however, kept falling, the key ring torn from his belt. The rest of his chain gang hoisted him up, if only to avoid being dragged overboard with him. Quickly undoing his shackles, he tossed the keys to the next chain-ganger. Half a dozen finely crafted pistols made of ice formed on his person as Ray felt his powers returning to him. Faintly, he thought he could hear a verse of the Ballad of Kareth of Lendria. Overcome by his renewed hope and freedom, he launched into his favorite verse.

"Kareth and his loyal knights rode out upon the field
and witnessing ten thousand strong, thought their fate was sealed
But Kareth stood before them, and said standing tall
'I am the Crimson Serpent, and I say we'll kill them all!'"
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It was genuinely perturbing thought, that he was about to be a part of yeat another shipwreck. It was inevitable, really. The storm itself was bad enough on itself, and he had doubts that the tried good ship Coral Pearl would get through it without breaking its spine. Not once he questioned his post, and he tried to spot trends in the bad weather, naivelly hoping to stumble their way out of the tempest, but deep down, in his soul, he saw the wall being inscribed upon. His doubts vanished when the first slam came. The ship shook, the hull groaned and the masts started to snap, showering sharp splinters everywhere. It was rough hit, too rough to be just another wave breaking across the bow. There was mass and muscle behind it. Something else was in the water, and unlike the ship and its crew, it had no issue going for a small swim.
The second slam went into the rudded and made quick way with the ropes and pulleys that connected it to the helm, ripping bits of the mechanism from the decks and walls. The helm itself flew off into the raging waves. Perhaps I'm wrong, Arcadius though. Perhaps he's not here to finish the job.

"Retreat!" The order was given. There was nothing left for them here.

Perhaps the waves would be merciful to the crew. Perhaps the thing was just after the ship, and wreck of Pearl would calm its temperament. Perhaps I am wrong, the navigator thought again as he jumped over the railing, into the cold, indifferent deep blue below.

Were it not for the water staining the soft, indigo dark sand being cold as death, and thus giving the finely eroded alluvial mineral equal qualities, the Navigator would have felt compelled to have a nap. The nature of the place was, however, quite disinclined to naps, snoozes or winks of any amount, and Kadi felt so sleepy. He just wanted to fall asleep, for a minute, day, year. Maybe if he'd woke ten thousand years later, he'd finally feel like his thoughts were arranged and he had a control over the situation. One could, here. First time he was here, he heard of... individuals solving their earthly pains by forgetting them in dreams, same way a drunkard tried to dissolve his aches in liquor.

He wondered if Luro felt like this every morning, if he woke up with notion of finally drinking himself to death that day. But... no. Luro was not that kind of drunkard, it suddenly felt to the Navigator. Arcadius would, but Luro seemed happy. It might have been a veil to show to the outside, behind which hid the real and true Luro.

I wish he was here. I'll look up, and it will be there, won't it? He looked up, and well... it indeed was there. Toying with me. This all must be some kind of a sick joke. He's taunting me, isn't he? Pulling me back down here, after all this time, and making me lose all of my friends and comrades again. The man stood up, his ragged boots sinking into the black sand. The starry sky above him was twinkling like a shower of gemstones, but he could see a malicious and taunting pattern in the glittering. In the distance, nearly consumed by the rolling, thick fog, was the palace built out of seashells and coral.

The Navigator spat into the oily water and set out along the shore. Some distance later, providence delivered him his sword, Seasong, again. He found it half sank into the sand. Many have done more with less, after all. The town was not too far, now. He knew he'd be forced to trade something of value to book a passage on a ship that would take him back. It was the custom in the town, and the sword was the last thing of value he had left. He sold it to the captain of Tontina three days later. He was lucky, too. The captain was not making the trip for the first time, and recognized a man who could lead him out. The captain provided for a new set of clothes of the local providence, and Arcadius had a decent cabin to lay in for the duration of the voyage.

Later, he'd learn he was quite wrong in his earlier assumption that the Stardusk crew perished in the storm. He might have been wrong about the monster as well. Perhaps it truly was all just a coincidence, a set of events caused by random bad luck. The misfortune certainly did like company, as he started to learn the fates of the crewmembers. Several of them were captured by the Navy, and now were held on the excuse of a landmass called Nevis Island.

For the first time in who knows how long, Arcadius managed to get a stroke of luck. Alicia was the most visible member the crew, and her presence on Yula Fei was easily noticed. Arcadius set out to Yula Fei, and arrived in time to join the raiding party being prepared to head out for the Nevis Island.

It would seem that great minds did think alike.

Now he was standing on the deck of the Yula Fei flagship, hands folded on his chest, observing the battle. The sword on his side was a poor replacement for the Seasong, though the craftsmanship that created was, no doubt, great, and spoke highly of the blacksmith that gave it shape and form. He pulled his top hat down over his eyes to shield them from the wall of acrid smoke that followed the chain-shop broadside. "My... commendations to your crew, Alicia Tashigi," he commented after seeing the enemy ship. The masts were cut down like a forest after beaver mating season.

~"You see Hanako, friends are like stars; just because you can't always see them, doesn't mean they aren't always there"~

The irises of the swordswoman remained focused upon the approaching docked ships, the wind blowing through her silvery hair which had now grown longer in the two years she'd been away from the ocean. She was slightly taller now, her build more lithe and comparative to a young woman entering her mid twenties. Much had changed for her and not just physically, but also mentally for she now had an apprentice to train and teach. Wisdom, honor, humility were all traits within her that she desired to be passed down to Hanako and should the world be willing, Hanako would one day surpass her in skill and be yet another strong will in the world who would seek better it.

"Lady Tashigi?"

The words pulled her attention from the ships, her gaze shifting to regard Hanako. The older swordswoman listened patiently and smiled softly as the young girl expressed her desire to help the doctor, inclining her head to acknowledge her words. "I think that'd be a wonderful idea" she said softly, pausing for a moment before placing a hand on her shoulder after noticing the young girl appeared nervous in light of the imminent battle, and rightfully so given this would be her first proper conflict in years. "Let your inner peace steel your soul Hanako, for strength comes from within and not from without" her other hand moved from her side and Alicia brought her two index fingers towards her, pressing one gently to Hanako's forehead and the other to her chest over her heart. "These together make you strong, rely on them, trust in them" Alicia smiled to reassure her before her attention was once again taken away.

A thunderclap of cannon fire erupted to signal the start of the engagement, the smell of gunpowder filling the air as the enemy masts were torn asunder by the chain shots. Alicia turned towards the crew, "Take us towards them at once, signal the other ships to set up a defensive blockade, expect reinforcement!" she ordered, the crew once again complying without hesitation as they immediately got to work, signaling the other ships as theirs dropped sail to carry them towards their target. From behind her she heard the words of Kadi whom commented on the crews efficiency. "Thank you, but my crew has yet to be saved Kadi, this crew before you are my people" she said with a smile, hoping the sentiment would be felt by him as she inclined her head respectfully towards him, indicating he was apart of that.

"Lady Tashigi! the navy has returned fire!" one of the crew shouted as the navy ships replied with a salvo of their own. "The other ships should be beyond their range, I'll deal with the cannon fire myself" she said before she nimbly jumped onto the Bowsprit, the long mast that protruded from the front of the ship. She walked to the tip, maintaining her balance as she drew her sword, almost as if she were about to conduct an orchestra. The cannon balls soared with trails of smoke in their wake, some of them detonating the water beside their ship while others laid a course to collide with them.

Alicia inhaled, closing her eyes for just a moment before exhaling as she opened them again. Her blade struck forth with staggering speed, immediately annihilating those that fell on a course to collide with them. At first it appeared as if they just randomly exploded, but if the sun caught her sword just right, flashes of silver would briefly highlight the blade, looking as if flashes of lightning were destroying the cannonballs. Perhaps what was strange was that Alicia's sword was not silver, but black. This was not common knowledge however for only one on board would know about this trait, and that would be her apprentice.

Once the warship moved in close enough, smaller ships descended from it's side, boarding parties for the next phase of the assault. On board were Yula Fei military, swordsmen and women whom were more than adept with a blade, some of them even able to repel bullets just like Alicia could with the cannonballs. Alicia didn't take a boat, instead she took a run and jump from the Bowsprit, a swirling wind leaving her wake as she launched herself towards the deck of the navy warship. She twisted in mid air as she hit her apex before her descent, landing on the deck and rolling straight into combat as she delivered an arching slash that dropped two officers within a single moment. It didn't take long for the other officers to take notice and quickly descend on her, however the more experienced naval officers knew not to get too close after a brief observation of the fight.

"What are you waiting for, kill her!" the captain roared above his men, some of them looking nervous as the speed in which she was cutting through them. Gun shots were deflected back at officers, swords disarmed with a flick of her wrist and openings were met with swift slashes to remove them from the fight. Alicia moved at such speeds that she would become a blur in some moments, her left eye burning just a little with spiritual energy. "Unmei no saigo no shudan!" Alicia's left eye briefly flared brighter before there was a hollow thunderous boom that erupted from the contact point of her blade, her sword swinging in an uppercut that sent the vast majority on deck sailing into the air, their bodies falling into the water with the unlucky ones landing on the deck unconscious. Alicia had come for her friends, and she was not walking away without them.
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[BCOLOR=#000000]1 Year Ago:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Upon the Warship "Heaven's Hunger"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"I'm sorry sir… I don't quite understand…" Aidan professed his confusion, standing straight with his arms behind his back as he stood in the Vice-Admiral's office. It was well-furnished with trinkets & furniture from all around the world that spoke proudly of a man whose seen much of it, or at least spoke loudly of man with the coin to buy it all. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Mhmm, not seeing where your confusion lays but I'll explain once more Commander. You are to be filling in on Kane'Artem *NOM*" The Vice-Admiral loudly smacked on his steak, his stubby little finger gripped the silverware in its entirety. Aidan tried to focus without starring. For the last 5 years he had served in Vice-Admiral "The Baron" Kelson Von Kelmore's fleet upon his own personal ship, a 300-gun Warship partially paid for by the Kelmore's own family funds as a 'donation' to ensure the family's proud history was properly represented in the Navy. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kelmore's jowls shook as he continued to slip chunks of steak into his mall, Aidan's stare became more & more strained as he tried to spare himself of the indignation of what he was witnessing. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"So…. I'm being transferred sir?". [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"No, not that either, theres a spot open over in Kane'Artem that is requiring more people with the talents of devil fruits. *SLURP*." The vice-admiral licked his lips loudly. "Mmmm good…" It took all of Aidan's patience not to visibly shudder. "Plus, I also have a nephew who's recently come into the peerage & I'll be needing an appropriate position when he arrives. You've always been asking for a different assignment so I thought you wouldn't very well mind doing myself a favor" He dropped the fork with a loud clatter, every ring of that fork sent Aidan's spine shuddering. The Vice-Admiral groaned and lifted himself forward, the floor creaked as he reached for a small bell, clutching and ringing it as servants came & took the plate away.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"I see…. So this is a promotion?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Oh no… This new position will come with its own privileges & opportunities. You see Aidan…. I have my fingers in a few pies..." He grinned. "The warden requested some of the best I could send & well, you're a devil fruit eater with weakest fruit recorded in my fleet so you were the best option. You should be lucky, many of your fellows aren't as lucky to earn such attention." The two servants returned, one beared a large platter of giant crab, laying it in front of The Baron. The other servant walked around the Vice-Admiral & grabbed his coat, it rarely fit him anyway. The servant walked around & tucked the coat into Kelmore's collar. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Oh god, please do not tell me he's going to do it…[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]The last time Aidan had to witness such a meal left him unable to have a full meal for a fortnight. The vice-admiral's eyes glistened as he twindled his fingers together. His entire focus seemed to be on the meal. Aidan spoke up to hurry & finished the conversation "Ahem…" He shifted nervously in his suit. "I was under the impression I was to be promoted & transferred to intelligence" [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Why I bought my damn suit in the first place[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000] [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]"So this is a demotion?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]Kelmore stopped twindling his fingers, seeming surprised Aidan was still here. "Oh huh?... Ah, well no, its not a demotion either. Just see it for what it is, doing a favor for others. You know... I'm due for Admiralship once a position opens up, you should be proud to have worked so closely with -" As he mid-sentence a servant laid a large pitcher next to the giant crab "...Your butter my lord…" There was a long pause as Kelmore admired the meal with his mouth agape. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]"Anyway… I recommend you switch back to your regular uniform, wouldn't want the Warden to think I misassigned anyone now... You may go" Without looking up, he waved Aidan off but before Aidan could turn & leave, Kelmore snapped a crab leg, slid it into the butter. Aidan closed his eyes & looked away but he couldn't fully ignore it because of his devil fruit power. The air shifted & turned as Kelmore loudly sucked the crab meat out. Butter spilt down all over his clothing, staining across a stretched-out & dirty Justice icon. Aidan quickly spun on his heels & made his way out. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]He expected this, he knew the Vice-Admiral was always course to his whims & this was anything different. One of the most powerful men in the navy & he had to be that disgusting creature. Aidan glared at the first sailor who crossed his path. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]He went to his quarters & packed up, if he had to leave, he was damn well leaving that beast as soon as he possibly could. At this point, even hell would be a better alternative. He sighed as he packed up his suit & donned his regular clothes, just another political loss for him, nothing new.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]10 Months Ago:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000][BCOLOR=#000000]"Pirates are boarding! We are under attack! All crew prepare to repel boarders!."[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000][BCOLOR=#000000]An ensign loudly called out below decks. Aidan staggered awake as he blinked, trying to adjust to the darkness. More & more attacks on the damn prison ship have been going on as they got the bright idea of freeing their fellow vermin. [/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000][BCOLOR=#000000]He growled & drew his sword, rushing up the stairs as the battle raged on. He hadn't even reached Kane'Artem & already he was sick of being around pirates...[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]
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It was more than just demonic intensity those dark and stormy eyes held as they burned into the clear blues of the young trooper. It was a message. It was a promise.

She stood a full head taller than he, and perhaps a bit broader as well, and yet he dared to slap her. An awkward hush fell upon the others, linked together, chained to one another by more than just steel. In that moment, as Ms. Dani Bay Sealion glared her entire will at the young trooper, he took her beloved, worn and trusty tricorned hat and stripped her of those multitudes of charming silvery bells at her wrists and neck. In that moment he signed his own death certificate.

How dare he humiliate the captain of the Lil' Ms. Burning Arsenal in front of her own crew. Yes, they were captured pirates and yes, they were at the mercy of the Navy right now. But she had asked, even very politely, that she would like to keep her bells on her person until such time the pirates were sentenced--


"I take what I want, pirate whore..." was the response.

And now he stood there, captivated by darkening, stormy eyes, somehow understanding her wordless promise. I will come for you and take back what is mine. I will...

The young trooper licked his lips and cleared his throat as he slowly back pedaled away from Dani, "Alright then...! What're you waiting on? Move along... March, I said!"

Another tense moment as the pirates in the linked line held their gaze upon the young trooper. Rai, one of the four teen girls beside Dani, whistled softly and ominously, breaking the tension, "Oooohhh... now you gone done it, sir. You made Ms. Dani Bay angry..."

All the girls began to tsk-tsk and wag a finger at the trooper in unison--

"I said: MARCH!!"

A lingering dagger of a stare, then the pirates shuffled on.

"Very well, Ms. Dani..." said the gent in front of her, a rather dapper red-headed, middle-aged fellow, in his crisp nautical gear, shined boots and crafted cap. This was Addy. Odale Addison, former chief engineer of the Naval vessel, the Sea Monarch and now the 'fixer-upper' of the Burning Arsenal. "quite the predicament now, hey then? So how do you figure we'll get out of here by the skin of our teeth this time, Ms?"

"Mon couer... We are not getting out of here by the skin of our teeth today, Addy," said Ms. Dani Bay, her smoky sounding voice, even huskier and grainier at the moment.

Behind Dani, The Angels as they were called, Rai, Splen, Tee and Ree looked at one another then shivered. That ominous tone set the short, big-eyed teen girls to whimper slightly and so they reached out trepidly and held each others hands. And behind the Angels, Junior, the bulky, barrel chested gent with the double 'x' scars on the left of his face scratched at his salt and peppery bearded chin and shook his head. And behind him, Gunsy, Alessandro deGunsale, the good looking gent, a year younger than Ms. Dani, grumbled, shook his raven haired head and sighed. Like Junior, he knew exactly what she was going to say. And he was not going to like it.

"We have to abandoned the plan and hope that Colm, Sunshine and the others do not come for us now. They have to move on. C'est fini. It's going to take a miracle--"

Gunsy's dark Hispanian eyes shot open wide as he noted the whistling sound; his senses were sharp and as true as ever, "Crew! Incoming! Eat the planks, mis corazones!!"

The crew of the 'Burning crouched down and braced themselves as ~BOOM!!~ the miracle unfolded and the chaos ensued.


"A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!! A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!!"

Dozens of voices strong, chanted away as they honed in on the trio of dumbfounded and frozen stiff troopers. Never before had they seen such a thing and never again would they ever.

Before she was Dani Bay, she was just a little girl playing in the forest of her home island with her siblings and her cousins. She was royalty back then. Just a little princess named Danemique. She was a sizeable girl just like all the other girls on her island; they were born that way. But soon they would grow up even bigger. They would grow to be powerful hunters, tireless swimmers, and great leaders for their families and clans. But until they grew up into the adult arena, they were still just girls who loved to play and dance. And one such dance they loved to do was a simple routine that was pretty much what all children of L'Isle Bas Ceplace were first taught. The movements were simple and easy to follow, and most of all, it was easy to teach.

Like for example, there was once when Ms. Dani Bay got drunk and taught the dance to her crew. And what a mistake that was. For the greater part of her crew were but teens and children, and they too loved to dance and sing as they were former performers in a grand carnivale. And they were always dancing that dance. Les Lapins it was called. But never in her wildest dreams did she think teaching this dance would ever come in handy.

You see, in this moment in the present they were all chained together by the ankles and they needed to move as one. They were chained together linked by more than metal; they were bound together by humiliation. And so they could go no lower. And so to move as one, Ms. Dani Bay had the teen girls, Rai, Splen, Tee, and Ree co-ordinate the main part of the dance and translate the words into simple speak so the rest of the dozen or so pirates linked to them could move in, corner and take out the guards. The trio of trooper had the literal keys to their freedom and this was the only way to move as a unified unit right now.

"A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!! A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!!"

Imagine the trio's sheer terror as twenty plus pirates came at them as one unit, chain links rattling away as the pirates held their hands up like tiny little paws at their chest, bouncing away to the left, to the right, then forward, forward, forward, forward, then whooping loudly as they repeated the movements; vocals, loudness and motions doubling in speed and volume the very next chant.

"A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!! A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!!" lickety-split was the chant and closer were the linked pirates getting to the guards.

All they could do was stare incredulously, frozen in place with astonished terror at the sight in front o them.

"A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!! A~left! A~right! And go, go, go, GO!! WHOOO!!!" a maniacal pace of movement and chanting! Oh! Oh, but so close now.

And in a heartbeat the pirates pounced as one upon the poor, poor, guards. Dani made good on her promise and took back what was hers... with a bit of an added bonus...

That's right. The trio of guards were taken out by giant killer dancing pirate bunnies.


And so it was time to do what they originally intended to do before they were caught.

They split into two groups: Gunsy, the four Angels, and Junior were to secure the longboat for instant evac, and, Ms. Dani and Addy were to head to the helm and remove the communications array, specifically the Com rig itself and take it with them during evac. It was going to be a slim chance for them to get it done. But there was the chaos errupting on deck that would help.

And then the second miracle appeared. Its name was Alicia.

Splayed out and over the railing went the first wave of troopers obstructing Dani and Addy's path. They skirted the swordswoman as she quickly and easily dispatched the next wave of troopers and headed on up towards the helm. A light-brown eyebrow raised as gunmetal hued eyes took in the wondrous site of the whirlwind with a sword take out three in one blow; rarely was Ms. Dani impressed by another woman's physicality in combat. Calmes-toi, mon couer... Raaawwwwrrrr....

"Ms. Dani! Oi! Danemique!" Addy's usage of Dani Bay's true name snapped her out of her longing, puppy-eyed gaze and back into the here and now, "Sooooo... what then now? We need to get from here to there and they have more guns than us, lass...!"

"The Angels are not here, Monsieur Boomer," her smoky sounding voice grew even huskier and grainier at the moment. Addy's roan eyebrows rose slowly and a smirk slowly unfurled upon his lips. She had just called him by his old callsign when they both served together on the Navy as 'cleaners' and other 'miscellaneous' duties. "no soft eyes to see us, non? Time to get our hands blackened again, mon ami..."

"Aye, Miss Murder. Aye to that and again aye sevenfold...!"

They had to hope the others were ready at the longboat. Because this ship was going down.

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"Stay positive even when it feels like your whole world is falling apart."

One Week Ago
The sun was rising, signaling the start of a new day at 6am per usual. People started to awaken, slowly bringing life to the town with each new face stepping outside. Many slept in until 7 or 8am but merchants, fishermen, guards, and the such awoke when the sun did to get as much as they could from the day. The new bustle on the streets caused a girl who slept on a bench, to stir. She had been having a deep sleep, exhausted from yesterday's events however that was now in the past. Her eyes fluttered open and her gaze was met with the sun's rays as it rose into the sky. She squinted against it, her eyes having not yet adjusted. The girl, otherwise known as Cecilia, slowly rose into a sitting position, then paused for a few minutes as she stretched her body and give it time to kick into gear. When she felt it had, Cecilia swung her legs over the bench and looked around her. Empty. To be expected since she was in a park at such an early time. She yawned tiredly however she didn't allow herself to lay back down and slip back into a coma-like sleep. Instead, she stood up on the pavement and stretched her whole body. Feeling a bit better, Cecilia grabbed her bag full of things and headed to the nearest restroom. Thankfully they had public restrooms with mirrors and everything these days in the parks so she didn't need to travel far. When she reached the bathroom Cecilia plopped her back on the white countertops with three sinks separated by some inches. Opening it up she pulled out a cloth and some salt. She wet the cloth then put some salt into it and scrubbed her teeth until they were clean. Slipping them back into her bag tucked into a small pouch, she pulled them from and slipped them into her bag, taking out a hairbrush this time. Cecilia removed her red bandana and watched as the hair usually held up by her bandana, fell past her shoulders. Using her brush she rid her hair of all tangles and made it nice and smooth before putting her bandana on again. She styled it the same way every day perfectly after finding she looked really good with it that certain way. Afterward, she put her brush back in her bag and tossed it over her shoulder. It was time to get to work.

Cecilia walked around the town, looking around for the one who had sent for her last night. It was rather strange. She had been stopped on her way to her bench by a man a few years older than her who told her his 'master' wished to meet her. He then slipped her a note and left. Cecilia now reached into one of her boots and fished out the paper. Looking it over, she remembered what it read then headed towards the set location, quick to make haste as to be there on time. Upon reaching her destination she was met with a tall figure dressed in a black cloak which hid his face. The man from what she could tell was a noble, based on his shoes and the badge he wore which announced quite cleary he was of nobility. When she man spoke his voice was low and sinister as he gave her a new task. "Cecilia Howell. Good to see you. As stated, I have a request for you. I need you to be rid of my eldest brother, Keeran so that I may take over for my father." When he finished speaking Cecilia narrowed her eyes. To kill a noble was a dangerous job with horrible outcomes if caught. She watched the man pull out a small sack full of gold coins but unless it was enough to save her life from being hung, she refused. "I'm sorry sir, but I cannot kill one of nobility nor royalty. Yer just a chancer. A real Rale Bulgarian, shaking yer money in front of me. Yer nutting but a stook." Cecilia snapped, using the Irish slang she'd grown up with. With a firm nod of goodbye, she turned and walked away from the man. She made her way down the streets once again, attempting to forget such a whanker. Er, fool. An hour had passed and suddenly Cecilia was kicked down by two guards. They confiscated her stuff, accused her of killing an innocent man, and took her to jail. As she was practically dragged away she saw the noble man from earlier, smirking devilishly. He'd killed someone then blamed her! Cecilia yelled out, calling blasphemy. Sure she'd killed before and stole, but never once had she been caught and now she was being charged for committing a crime she didn't even commit this time. Karma. Indeed it was a bitch.

Cecilia was thrown into a cell in the dungeon and watched as the guard locked it. He turned and walked away, not even glancing at her. He knew. They all knew. She was to be hung. Of course, she didn't know when but the mere thought enraged her. She didn't fear death however she didn't believe she should die for a crime she was framed for. In an act of defiance, she screamed curses and beat against the poles which held her prisoner. She did so until her lungs hurt and her hands and arms bruised. WIth a heavy sigh, she plopped down on the hard cement and leaned her body against the hard walls, closing her eyes. What a way to go out. She thought, remembering her family.


It was like any other day behind bars for Cecilia. Cold, empty, and all around meaningless. She recalled the women she had met when she first was thrown behind bars. She had said hi and made some small talk with her before they went silent. Cecilia looked out her bars to the cell across from her where the woman with purple hair and an eyepatch sat, doing her own thing. She thought to speak to her, but thought it better not to. She would be killed soon enough. No point in making friends now of all times. Instead, she reached into one of her boots and pulled from it a note which her brother had written her before he went out on the day he disappeared. WIth a heavy heart she read it over and over again, feeling her hopes slip away little by little. One of her main missions in life was to find her brother, but if she were to die then that wouldn't be possible. Cecilia held back tears and folded the paper again, slipping it back into her boot. She stared at the ground, remembering her childhood. What a meaningless existence.
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A single white feather floated and danced over parchment, ink flowing as Elise Forsythe brought quill to paper. The soft breeze of the sea gently lifted the letter that the navy commander was penning; despite being below decks, the small room she occupied was fresh and filled with morning sunlight. A rarity in the cramped quarters of a ship such as this, Elise sat at a desk with an open gun port, the cast iron barrel of a large cannon stowed and secured behind her. Reasonably well-furnished, it was clear that the room was the quarters of at least a junior officer, but Elise was not a member of Captain Ira's crew, and she counted herself lucky for it. No, she was a simple passenger aboard this vessel; aside from her steward, she had nobody under her direct command.

And aboard this ship, that was how she liked it. Captain Simon Ira was not an officer she would like to work with, let alone under. Despite his seniority in rank, she had little respect for a man that had so wanton a disregard for respectable behavior that fit his station. Rotten apples sired ill behavior from the top down; indeed, while the rest of the crew were courteous enough to her as a guest, their treatment towards their own, let alone those captured in battle, were more toxic than hemlock.

Elise sighed, setting the quill on a little tin holder before folding the piece of paper. Scattered on the desk were several letters bearing seals of the admiralty. Running her hand over a small marble bit bearing the same seal, with the other hand she placed a stick of wax over a candle, letting an ample portion of the heated material drip onto the fold of her letter. With a crisp stamp, she sealed the letter, at which she breathed out again, leaning back in her seat to look out the gun port. This was going to be one hell of a favor for Admiral Devon…

Despite the mess of the political landscape within the navy, and with the own affairs that had been assigned to her, looking out at the empty horizon into the sea always served to calm Elise's nerves. But today, the horizon was anything but empty. A touch too close for comfort, she counted three -no, four sail, on an intercept course. How was the watch on such a ship so incompetent as to miss a squadron like that? The world wondered, she thought, as the splintering of wood of their first shot opened the battle. The ship lurched backward, and from the window, she could see a pillar of wood and canvas go into the water with a fantastic splash. In the distance, she could hear the sound of the crew going to general quarters.

She immediately scooped up the important letters on the table, stacking them and hastily tying them together with a piece of twine. As she did so, her door was rapped on, an urgent voice on the other side. "Commander Forsythe, we are being boarded." Tucking the documents into her inner coat pocket and buckling her sword onto her belt, Elise threw the door open to a thin, tussled brown-haired fellow in a vest. His name was Edmund, a steward under her mentor and superior, Admiral Devon. As a return on a personal favor, his services had been lent to Elise. But right now, little of that mattered.

"By the prisoners or by the attackers?" It was an important distinction, but his answer threw it out. "Both," he said. It was sensible, though. The only reason to attack this ship was to free its prisoners. Perhaps... it was time to pay back some favors.

"Let's go, Edmund. We're unclapping us some irons."



Below decks, Elise found it to be just as chaotic as it was up above. Having made good on her promise, she rounded a corner where she found a gaggle of uniformed officers with their weapons drawn… facing down a single man. It was a disproportionate force, but they were also... sort of in the way. Not skipping a beat, she called out her own command towards the group.

"Are you going to be held up by a single man? What do you think you all are doing? Get on deck! We're being boarded!"

Watching the soldiers turnabout and scramble on deck, she looked at the armed redhead. "Please do not make me regret that."
Chaos ensued. That one surprise blow caused everyone to scurry and panic. Some ran to freedom, stealing away deeper into the island or snatching small trade ships to get off the island while no one was looking. Others rushed into battle, giving their all and putting their lives on the line. It was these Navy members, these Ensigns', jobs to maintain peace and order. It was their job to serve and protect. Commands were shouted back and forth in the flurry. The most prominent one being, "Kill the ones that try to escape! These prisoners are better off dead anyway!"


Location: In the flurry of battle: Towards a Navy ship

From atop one of the Yula Fei ships, Saff stared intensely. The fleeing and fighting was something she was used to. Her eyes scanned the area over and over as if trying to find one important thing- and in fact, she was.That scrawny runt, Simon Ira had disappeared from the fight without a single trace. It made her grumble and stomp her foot on the edge of the ship. "That little rat. A coward's what he is!" Her train of thought was interrupted when a bullet went flying past her ear. "Tch, ya only had one chance ta kill me and ya blew it." It took only a second for her to remove her pistol from her side and shoot the soldier that tried to shoot her. The sun gleamed across her orange goggles as her attention turned to Alicia soaring into battle. "Aye, that's the spirit! Let's get the rest of this crew and let's get outta here!"

Saff figured Alicia and Kadi would want to be at the forefront of the rescue mission considering it was their crew, so Saff held back and stayed on defense, removing the ones that attempted to jump aboard ship. Her eye caught a group of straggling prisoners, still chained together. Seastone chains may have been difficult to break, but just like any lock, Saff picked it until they were free. There were uproarious thank yous from the prisoners along with fiery drive returning to them once again. Some who realized just who she was, stared on in awe, spreading whispers.

"If she's here, we best leave before her captain gets here too."

"The Navy dared to play with fire? The Cutthroats will live up to their name if that's the case."

Saffron gunned down ensigns as she ran past; expertly snatching their own pistols when her bullets ran out. She couldn't help but stop and watch the peculiar dance display in order to barrel through a few enemies. "Huh. Impressive." Unfortunately, now was not the time to try and gather crewmates for her own captain. She had to focus on her goal. Belen was out there in Kane'Artum and they needed to get there fast. Who knew how long they had left before something bad happened…

Belen ya better have ya head when I get there I swear. Captain knows no bounds and will start a war if she needs to.

"Oi! On your right lass!" With quick reflexes, Saff responded to her own call by shooting someone attempting to sneak up behind Dani and the ones she was chained too. "You're welcome!" They probably couldn't see Saff wink, so she followed up with a salute as she ran off. Obviously, there wasn't much time to be cordial.

Closer to the Navy ships, the air chilled unexpectedly. The sun was still high and there was not a breeze in the air. So why had it gotten so chilly all of a sudden?

"Well I'll be damned!" Saff raised her goggles to spot Raymond defending himself from a small batch of ensigns. "You'll definitely be a sight for sore eyes on Tashigi!" Ever so casually, well as casual as one could get as bullets flew and swords crossed, Saff jogged over to greet Ray. "I heard ya guys died on us. You'll have ta tell me all about it later. Tashigi says roundup and get to the ship by the way. And I don't think that was a friendly suggestion." She started to run off again, only to pause and urn. "No wait, she and that Mikchail are goin' ta round up. You head to the ship!" She used her pistol to point to the main Yula Fei ship before saluting him and dashing off to collect a Navy ensign that looked smart enough to show them the way.​
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~"Our people never forget the debts they owe, to do so would be an unacceptable disrespect"~

Saff couldn't have been more right in her assertion towards Ray, telling him to head to the Yula Fei flagship that loomed over the smaller navy warships docked in the harbor. It stood proudly, it's hull decorated with striking gold painted patterning, set against the red backdrop that colored it's majority. It's sides boasted a lot of firepower, though the large warship remained dormant, as if threatening to unleash an ungodly salvo upon the beaches at any moment. The three other warships remained further out and were slightly smaller, their blockade set up ready for possible reinforcement and on standby to evacuate the beaches should the assault fail.

The last of the Yula Fei forces had finally arrived on the beaches, overwhelming the remaining Navy forces and proceeding to subdue them, forcefully if necessary. Alicia had given specific orders not to kill any of the Navy forces that submit, although many of the Yula Fei warriors knew this already. There was no honor in killing an already defeated opponent and the code of honor was drilled into the minds of every soldier fighting under their banner. "Lady Tashigi!" one of the warriors approached her on the beaches as the remaining Naval forces not on the ships withdrew back to Fort Nevis to retreat and rally together. "Ma'am! the last of our forces have arrived on the beaches and are readying to push towards-" A tired voice interrupted the warrior. "So this is the famed Fort Nevis..." Alicia turned and inclined her head respectfully with a smile at the approaching trio.


-Strategist Xiao Kei Lin- -------------- Rear Admiral Satia Tashigi -------------- -Captain Bannon Naxis-

~The three dire blades of Yula Fei~
"Try to show some enthusiasm Bannon, today we return the favor for a debt that cannot be repaid" Satia had grown in the last two years, now taking on a striking likeness to Alicia two years ago. With the expansion of Yula Fei's navy, Satia was offered the position of Rear Admiral for her continuous service to the country and her people. She was greatly received and known throughout as a protector, like her family before her. "I am truly greatfull to be apart of their rescue, though by my calculations our adversary will not hold the prison once we press the main assault" Xiao Kei Lin had spent the majority of her life in service with the navy, her combat strategy having aided in the repel effort in the previous two invasions against their nation. She is highly regarded as a woman of great intellect. "Yeah yeah, I know. Just.. you'd think they would at least make an effort to tidy the place up... they have guests" Bannon was and still is a hero to the people, having stood his ground on the beaches during the first invasion, hundreds of mercenaries felled by himself alone. He joined the navy to continue to fight for them.

Alicia smiled warmly to the three, glad that they were to join her during the main assault on Fort Nevis. With the beach secured by their forces and the navy pushed back to the prison, their was little more they had left to do. The beaches were filling up with Yula Fei forces, preparing for the signal. "Thank you for joining me in this effort, I could not hope to have made it this far alone" Alicia spoke softly, Satia giving a short shake of her head in response. "This goes beyond favors and family Alicia, the Stardusk the friends of our people and our princess" Satia had indeed grown into a fine young woman. "Then enough talk, let us retrieve them" Bannon was eager to get started and the four of them turned towards Fort Nevis. Satia pulled both her swords before her, raising one into the air before pointing it towards the prison. Their warriors let forth a battle cry, drowned by the sound of the flagship unleashing a single salvo towards Fort Nevis to soften their approach.

The four of them spearhead the approach as they broke into a staggering sprint towards the prison, followed shortly in toe by the entire Yula Fei contingent. The battlement cannons on the prison opened fire at them, the cannonballs tearing past and through some of their forces, aside from those that lingered close to the four leaders, the balls exploding just as Alicia had demonstrated on their initial approach to the harbor. "Make sure Alicia gets inside! we'll take care of the rest!" Satia shouted before she launched herself from the ground, her two swords arching to pull two cannonballs from the sky.

Within a mater of minutes they were close enough that they could lock eyes with the remaining navy forces. Bannon took up his spear, grunting before bringing it above his head, slamming it down with such force that he blew open a hole in their front line, permitting the other three to pierce through without breaking momentum. "Go! I'll help the fight from here!" Bannon called before his spear swung in heavy arcs, sending groups of the enemy hurling into the air. Beyond the front line, Alicia, Satia and Xiao moved forwards, deeper towards the prison like an unstoppable machine of swirling blades. Cannon fire, the clash of blades and the sounds of flintlock weapons discharging deafened all whom fought within the heart of the battle, the chaos raging as both sides fought hard for control.

They approached the entrance to the prison, finding the portcullis had been dropped in an obvious attempt to deny them access. "Alicia! this is our stop, remember Odyn?" Alicia thought for a moment as they continued their sprint before nodding with a stern expression. Satia picked up her pace before she flash stepped ahead, turning to face Alicia as her two swords came together to form a cross. Alicia leaped onto the cross and with their combined power, Satia threw Alicia up the side of the prison, letting out a loud grunt as she exhaled, a gust of mad wind bursting from where Alicia left her blades. Meanwhile Xiao kept those around them busy, cutting down anyone who got close and deflecting any projectiles attempting to prevent them progressing.

Alicia hit her apex just shy of the roof, her hand catching the edge before she pulled herself up. She'd start making her way across the battlements to prevent them from firing more upon their forces. If she could open the portcullis, they would have a dramatic advantage and the fight would come to it's close with them as the victor. "Then, I'm coming for you captain..." Alicia muttered, her sword outstretched to her side as she sprinted.​
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Damn it all to hell, the Navigator though. The situation has quickly deteriorated into a very disorganized mess, roughly thirty seconds after Alicia Tashigi managed to start the attack and be a one woman first assault wave. The small prison transport fleet, anchored in the shallow bay, proved to be an easy prey. The second-rate crews, commanded by either fresh, junior officers just learning they way around command, or by disgraced older captains, were mostly concerned by what was going on inside their ships, rather than by the fleet steaming towards them on full sail from the horizon. They were simply not prepared to repel the outside thread. The opening chain-shot broadside from the Yula-Fei flagship managed to turn the receiving Navy's ship sails and ropework into tatters, along with several unlucky crewmembers.

"Blasted fools!" Arcadius shouted, abandoning his cold demeanour. He intended to stay out of the fray and leave the soldiering to actual soldiers, but Luro and others could be on any of these ships. He ran towards the edge of the Yula-Fei flagship and jumped into a row-boat full of soldiers. "Hello everyone!" he greeted the boat full of young fearful eyes, filled with wonder over the fact that someone voluntarily joined them on their rendezvous with a meat-grinder. "Apologies for my rude entrance, but I am in a bit of hurry, mind if I join you all?" The question hung in the air uncomfortably, until a cannon shot flew right through it and everyone on the boat ducked for their lives, and mercilessly forgot about it. The troop manning the coastal fortress finally woke up and decided to join in on the fun going on at the bay.

Last time I'm wishing for something to be damned all the way to hell, it has a habit of turning out true, he mused as he examined the knots in the planks that made the row-boats floor. The flagship started to pull up a new sequence of the flag semaphore, signalling all free units that the Navy ships have been captured and to head towards the beach, regroup and storm the fortification. A short look towards the beach showed the whole commanding echelon already ashore, organizing the landing infantry. "Well, if nothing else, they lead from the front. Rare thing to see nowadays..." A few soldiers closest to him shot Arc an angry glare, seeing some man speaking with such familiarity of their high command.

Arcadius noticed a garishly dressed woman, standing on a prison ship they were rowing past. "Is that..." It indeed was Ray.

"RAY! SAFF! OVER HE-" The rest of the sentence was lost in a loud whoosh, as a carcass shot, launched from the mortars inside the fortress, landed in between the prison ship and row-boat, creating a small sea of fire atop the water surface. The amount of incendiary mixture inside the shot was luckily rather small, and in moments, the fire was doused, leaving behind a cloud of steam. "RAY! OVER HERE!" There was little time for pleasantries, but somewhat more time for clever solutions. "MAKE ICE SHIELD FOR THE INFANTRY TO ADVANCE BEHIND! WE NEED TO GET ACROSS THE BEACH!"

The fortress guns were already starting to zero in on the soldiers regrouping on the beach, shells and cannonballs landing closer and closer to the staging area. The command squad went as a vanguard towards the fort, the small and elite force easily crossing the open space without a casualty. The infantry followed, a booming battle-cry being heard in their wake. The Navigator noticed a flash of something white going over the ramparts. Best of luck, old sport. Buy us the time we need. The Yula-Fei flagship came about, and loosened a creeping barrage onto the beach, foregoing the assault force, creating a rolling cloud of dust and sand that worked as a rudimentary cover, preventing the guns at the fort landing precise hits.
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Dani and Addy had made it to the Com room and managed to remove the Com rig. Into their satchel went their prize and out the door they sauntered.

...and right into a wall of troopers, guns drawn and with itchy trigger fingers. Addy leapt forward to shield his captain and when the gunsmoke cleared, he was on the cabin floor, held tightly in the arms of a kneeling Ms. Dani. There were holes in his stomach and chest that would never heal.

In the places between pain and numb, the redheaded Addy was swimming in and out of blackness.

Upon this warship, Odale Addison was to be the first victim of that ancient madness harboured within Dani. The middle aged redhead was the engineering genius upon Ms. Dani's boat. He was her best friend, her mentor and her confidante. Addy was there that day they found Dani upon that shipwreck over 4 years ago. And now here he lay, right there in her arms dying. And there was not a single thing Ms. Dani Bay could do for him now.

Light blues rolled upward time and again but still the bastard would not die. No, he was an Addison afterall, and even shot up holier than a moth eaten cape, Odale Addison would still say his peace.

"...'ow we gunna' get..." laboured breathing, a wince, a volatile coughing up of blood, "...by skin... teeth, Ms.."

"We are not Addy. Not today--" unfamiliar salty waters crept up at the rim of stormy grey eyes.

"--no. Addy. Done. You... the bells, Bells..." a death grip upon her elbow, a trembling breath, "your bells... make them unheard--"

"--no! Ah, mon Couer, non! Jamais et plus jamais, Addy! I cannot I--"

And in that moment before Addy would just gurgle and choke on his own blood and die, in that moment there was clarity.

"You will do it. And you will see my daughter again. You will not break her heart. In another life... maybe we... us, Bells... but not this one. Tell my daughter I will see her in the Locker. Tell her... I'm sorry. Tell her I love her. I love you too, Danemique. I always have. Don't break her heart... don't you... don't... dare. Kill the... bells, Bells. Please... kill the bells, Bells--"

The troopers surrounding them held their pistols at Dani's head. The pair of pirates had been successful in removing and stealing away the Com rig and were trying to make it to the powder keg room. But no, they barely even made it two steps out of the Communications Bay when the gunfire sounded out and bullets ravaged Odale Addison, the traitorous former Navy chief engineer. Into the line of fire did he go to protect her; Addy gave his life for his beloved Captain.

In a moment of utmost respect for such a gesture, the troopers would give her and her friend this moment of calm. Then they would open fire once more and blow Dani's head off. The stupid, stupid bastards. They had their chance...

"--don't break her heart--" the gurgling began and Danemique Isalanne Delariviere finally wept.

"I already am doing such a thing right now. Je suis desolee, mon ami. I love you too. Au revoir, Odale Addison. I will see you at the Locker..." And with that finally said, she bit hard onto his neck where his jugular vein bulged.

The blackened eyes of an ancient awoke within in Ms. Dani's eyes as she drank her friend's blood. And when she moved, the charming silvery bells that jingled and jangled at her neck and wrists, eerily ceased their charming sounds. It was awfully quiet in this hallway. Awful. Just like the deathly calm before a storm.

And in the next heartbeat, Addy was dead. And Il Prend was reborn for another child had been taken.

The gunfire fire sounded out like cries of desperation. The screams of grown men sounded out were actual cries of desperation. And so the slaughter upon began anew. Then the primal scream sounded out from the maw of a creature unbound moving with an enormous woman's powerful body, moving at inhuman speed. Its will could no longer be denied. Il Prend would paint the warship with its rage leaving a trail of blood red murder.​


Meanwhile, outside of the warship, and in the open air, the rest of Dani Bay's crew managed to secure the longboat and released her into the waters with all aboard save for Rai.

The short, big green-eyed teen had herself perched above the chaos, hidden in a hanging sack dangling above the deck. Even though she had witnessed even more violence than she would have liked to stomach, the Angel still held a smile upon pink lips. She was proud of them; proud of herself too. For they had gone done good. They had gone done a good job for Ms. Dani. They had all gone done a good job and she would be proud.

But that pride... it would stumble and fall. And they would lose their captain.

"Junior! Junior! Amigo, I heard something... something awful and terrible!" reaching out, over another seat in the longboat, Gunsy patted the larger man upon the shoulder wildly.

"I know, Gunsy... don't tink I don't know..." Junior's dreadlocks whipped away as his dark, dark brown scarred visage turned towards the good looking Hispanian. Whereas Gunsy had exceptional physical senses, Juniors was upon more of a 'spiritual' one. He felt it the moment it escaped. The hairs at the back of his neck stood upon end and his eyes began to water. It escaped and it would come for them. All of them.

"Call Rai down fra dere. We need to go. Now."

"You loco, Junior?! Addy and La Capitan are still there! No way! Nunca! I will not--"

"We lost dem, Alessandro. My brother, listen... we need to go," Gunsy pulled back at the depth of sadness he saw within Junior's eyes; the honesty was too much to deny, "dere is nothing we can do fa dem... dey gone, my brother. Dey gone..."

"Rai... Rai. Radiant...!" said Gunsy softly. Then louder and louder till Rai's sister Angels and the rest upon the longboat cupped their mouths, looking upward towards the bannster of the warship, screaming her name. Gunsy put fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly several times.

But it was too late. Dani who was not Dani right now came storming out onto deck and headed straight towards the rest of Dani's crew. The Ghost Fire flashed from her eyes as she spied the teen, Rai, leaping out from the hanging sack.

The teen girl had squealed when she saw Dani and she was already high-stepping along the banister towards her beloved Ms. Dani. Little Rai leapt upward, giggling as she floated through the air at the immense woman coming towards her. They had been successful for Rai had seen the satchel strapped around Dani's shoulder. In other times, Dani would catch the pesky little thing and try not to smile while the pesky little thing hugged her tight.

But this was not those times. Rai failed to realize that the bells that Dani wore at her neck and wrists ceased their charming sounds. That and she failed to note all that blood covering her Ms. Dani and the blackened eyes lit by a glowing phantom azure. Enormous canines glinted as a generous sneer parted blood covered lips. A single, razor clawed hand reached out and caught Rai by the throat.

All the teen could see within those eyes was blackness.



And yet, blackness as dark as pitch was not even close to describe those eyes. They were too alive, too deep, too awake. No, not black as pitch. Those eyes were black as repressed vengeance of an ancient. Those eyes were so, so, so, old. But as dark as they were, they were lit too. They glowed the cold and enrapturing blue hue of a Ghost Fire. Those onlookers who were extra perceptive in sensory could catch a glimpse of the owner of such eyes; a ghostly, striped feline silhouette slinking, prowling, dancing along the form of the 6 foot 5, 220 pound frame of Ms. Dani.

Poor, poor Rai, the shaved- and tattoo-headed Angel. With both hands pulling futilely at the ridiculously strong arm that held her by her neck, she found her big, green eyes staring into the depths of an ancient madness. A good distance off the wooden deck was she held as her legs kicked and flailed. Panic set in as her beloved Ms. Dani Bay was about to puncture the teens stomach and reach upwards to rip the teens heart out. Big green eyes bulged out, little mouth gasped for air.

Poor, poor Rai was going to feel pain like she never, ever felt before. Then she was going to wet herself before bleeding to death; the last thing Rai would see would be her beloved Ms. Dani Bay Sealion eating Rai's own little bloody heart. Gulping it down in one go. Then blackness.



But that was not to be.

"...a... a Port Coton..." managed the teen between gurgling, choking, deathly sounds.

Something pierced through the blackness in those wild, ancient eyes of madness and the grip upon her neck loosened and the rage that comsumed Dani took pause.

"Je m'en fiche, Ms. Dani. Quoi que vous fassez, je m'en fiche. Mais vous devez aller a Port Coton. Qu'on se revoit..." something was breaking through to Dani for those eyes did not seem so old anymore, "...Ms. Dani, a Port Coton qu'on se revoit..."

The tears fell now from big green teenaged eyes as she could see a glimpse of her beloved captain within those blackened eyes. If only for but a moment. But it was enough. The strong arm that held the teen by the throat, swiveled away, over the edge of the warship banister. And into the waters was the teen dropped. It was the only mercy Dani could do for her beloved Angel girl.

Radiant broke through the blackness.​


At night, during downtime on their ship, Lil' Ms. Burning Arsenal, Junior and Dani had worked on techniques using catch phrases and hypnosis to help with her curse of Il Prend. The curious little Rai had snuck into the night and eavesdropped on the sessions. She learned the phrases and tone to speak to Dani in those times when she was not Dani. And such a trickstery little act saved her life.

...and perhaps saved just a little piece of Dani's soul too.

Il Prend, the ancient spirit cursed to dwell within Dani, relented and slipped away, back into the depths of blackness. It was satisfied. For now. The last it saw was the little big green eyed mortal swimming for its little life towards the others. Il Prend was patient if anything. How else could an ancient survive such 'living' within a mortal host? It would wait till they all met again. At Port Coton, was it? It would wait and it would have them all. That little mortal thing had literally slipped out of Il Prend's grasp. How satisfying it would be to get the one that got away. How satisfying it would be to eat its little bloody beating heart right out of its little chest. Oh, but the Ghost Tiger would wait...

Dani's eyes cleared, returning back to their normal stormy hues, as she gazed downward upon her crew for perhaps the last time. The crewmates stood up in the bobbing longboat and shielded their tear soaked eyes from the sun as they stared back at their blood soaked Ms. Dani standing above them, sticky and smeared red hands clutching tight at the railing of the warship.

It was over.

They knew what had happened to Addy. And who did it. Junior, Dani and a couple of others out there on the Lil' Ms. Burning Arsenal, had an agreement. If Il Prend ever escaped and killed one of their crew, they would set Dani free until such time she could control Il Prend again. Once that ancient found the taste of a loved one's blood in her mouth, it would be hard to sate it with anything else but loved one's blood. And so when she was ready, they would meet at Port Coton. But until then...

All the crewmates of the 'Burning held out a stiff right hand above a stiff right brow, a salute to their captain and she returned in kind. Then those right hands slid down away from all faces and clutched at where their hearts lay thumping; A 'Burning crewmate's salute of love to one another.

"A Port Coton..." whispered Dani, her smoky sounding voice, became even huskier and grainier at the moment. "...qu'on se revoit. Je me souviens... I remember... At Port Coton. I will meet you once again."

Ms. Dani Bay Sealion turned her cheek from her crew as the Yula Fei forces began to subdue the Navy personnel. And so she marched on. Ms. Dani marched away onto the gangplank, onto the pier, and continued to march on, silvery bells at her neck and wrists sounding out their charming little jingle and jangle, marching away in search of a new hope.

That hope's name was Saffron Lagarde, First Mate of the Cutthroat Pirates, a known enemy to Dani and Addy when Dani and Addy were once crewmates aboard the Naval vessel, The Sea Monarch. And now, as pirates, Saffron Lagarde was known to Dani and Addy as the one that saved Dani's life.​

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Luro's hand lingered near his rifle as he stared down the navy officers in front of him, his eyes moved past them to his freedom before focusing back on their sharp swords which he admitted had a nice polish to them. Though he enjoyed the fact he was going to get a good fight out of this, he wasn't walking away without a few extra scars taking on this many in such a small area. He was pretty sure a situation like this called for strategy, so digging in his mind he tried to come up with an ingenious plan to take down the men in front of him. With a grin a thought forced it's way into the forefront of his mind.
"I should hit them really hard...repeatedly until they stop moving!" Luro thought with a firm nod.
A few seconds passed before he realized that was his strategy for basically everything, he really started to miss having smart people around, all this thinking wasn't getting him anywhere and these men were getting steadily closer.
"I miss Kadi he'd have some insight on what to do here...like Luro you should retreat and draw them into another corridor to make it easier to fight them, rather than taking them all on at once," Luro said with a small smile. "I'd never think of something like that though so attack them all at once it is!"

Just as he was about to leap forward into the group, a voice pierced the air and he placed his foot down stopping himself. He watched as the men immediately turned away from him and ran to deal with whatever was going on upstairs. The only person left in the hallway was a brown haired woman, and as she spoke to him he realized she was the one that called out to the men. Lowering his hand from his rifle he stared at the woman in silence, a small smile resting on his face before his eyes closed. A small chuckle escaped from him before he leaned his head back a loud hearty laugh coming from him, lowering his head he grinned at the woman wiping a tear from his eye.
"Wow I'm not used to being helped anymore, people normally just leave me to die, that was very nice of you lady," Luro said.
With a small nod he walked towards her heading towards the upper deck himself, if he was lucky he might be able to steal a dingy and escape that way, he was in the mood to visit the tavern, all the rum he had was remnants of his travels, he wanted something fresh from the tap.
"The name's Luro Makachi, StarDusk pirate. I handle fixing the ship and such, best carpenter in the south sea...probably," Luro said ruffling his hair. "Seeing as you helped me figured it'd be rude not to introduce myself. Anyway I have to escape the ship and kill a bunch of people in self defense."
Luro pat the woman's shoulder as he reached her smiling a little as walked past her, he stopped however realizing a very simple fact, turning to face the woman he pointed at her before motioning back to the ship.
"You're a navy person right? Are okay with us not trying to kill each other for about five minutes. I was going to escape the ship and look for my crew, you should come with me! I mean you can yell and make navy people leave, that would save a lot of time and I want to see if you can do it to seagulls too....anyway if you want to I'll be up on deck shooting people just come find me!"
Luro turned and sprinted away from the woman at a surprisingly quick pace as he made his way to the upper deck.

@Click This


Stepping on the main deck Luro took a few steps forward ignoring the people running past him to scramble off the ship, he breathed in deep as he walked towards the bow of the ship. That familiar scent permeating the air was intoxicating, the scent of gunpowder being spread through the air by the wind brought a grin on the redhead's face as he looked out at the ocean searching for the cause of this destruction. The only thing that would attack a navy ship was more than likely a pirate ship which means they'd have rum on board, that was enough reason to locate and board said ship. He was pulled from his search by two things however, the first was an intense bloodlust that seemed to echo out of nowhere. His whole body shook and he looked around eyes scanning the faces of the people around him. His instincts flared at him for a moment but the sensation was gone as quick as it came and he hung his shoulders slightly. The second thing was the navy officers who noticed he looked different than the other people, the fact he towered over most of the crew didn't help.
Luro looked back at the ship bringing a hand to his chin, the ship didn't have a giant hole in the side and as far as he could tell it wasn't completely on fire, he wondered if he would be able to use it to reach the nearest shore, a part of him doubted that would do any real good but the temptation of stealing a navy ship was too much to pass up.
"Oh hey guys," Luro said turning towards the officers. "I'm an escaped prisoner, I killed the guy who was guarding me when I escaped by the way, you shouldn't be made at him. Did anyone know him, you should raise your hand so I can kill you first, that way you'll see him sooner, then no one has to be mad at anyone, you'll see your dead friend and I'll feel good reuniting people...through senseless violence."
The officers drew their blades and turned their attention towards Luro amidst the chaos, with a small grin he held his hands up.
"Okay you should attack me first that's how this works right? You respond with violence then I react with even more violence."
Two of the soldiers ran forward one nearing first and swinging at Luro's neck, lowering his body he narrowly dodged the blade and raising himself slammed his knee into the man's stomach, he took the pistol off the man's waist before slamming it into the back of his skull knocking him to the floor. Stepping on the back of the man's head he raised the pistol shooting the second soldier as he approached, stepping off the man he picked up the opposing man's pistol before turning and shooting the fallen man.
"hmmm that was...simple."
He looked up at the men flexing his hands a few times, he felt a little rusty, slower than usual. It'd been awhile since he had a good fight, his body wasn't responding like it normally did. He stepped out of the way as one of the men approached again, stabbing toward his side Luro dodged the attack slamming an elbow into the man's face. He glanced at him as he fell over the side of the ship, he looked at the back of his hand with a small sigh.
"...seeing the others fight always got my blood pumping," Luro said walking towards the officers. "Just can't get into it for some reason...I mean...it's so weird. Hey could you guys make funny faces or something, that might help me."
Luro rotated his arm eyeing the officers, he smiled a little at them as he neared them cracking his knuckles.
"Make some really funny one's I want to feel it while we're going at it."

"Madame Lagarde, it is such a pleasure to see a friendly face." Ray said smoothly. When she told him of his crewmates, he abandoned his act, too surprised to keep it up, "Alicia and Kadi are here? Lords of Lendria!" What have I done to earn your favor?

One Year, Eight Months Earlier

Ray snuck aboard the ship, disguised as one of the dock laborers, carrying his sack over his back. None of the guards even glanced his way. He made his way down to the bilge and carefully dropped the sack into the bilge-water before making his way off the ship. Making his way to an open air tavern by the docks, he settled down and waited. An hour and half a bottle of rum later, the ship was ready to depart, and Ray began to worry. Did I set it low enough in the water to melt the shell? Did they find it? As the frigate set out, Ray heard it: the sickening crunch of splintering wood. His Ice Shot had gone off as planned, and the frigate was sinking fast, it's bottom hull practically sheared off by a spontaneous spikey iceberg. Ray smiled grimly and drank to the sinking ship as the red flag depicting the gold crown of the Royalists slipped beneath the waves....

Present Day

Well, there was that....

Hearing his name being called elsewhere, Ray turned and briefly saw Kadi waving to him- or he thought it was Kadi: a cloud of steam obstructed his sight. "Madame Lagarde, I would love to head to the ship, but I can't exactly let the good people of Yula Fei die on my account. You'll have my thanks and my stories once we all get out of here." Ray charged down the pier towards the front lines, creating barriers of ice to shield the Yula Fei troops. Kadi makes sound advice....
In truth, she had not expected her actions to be received so warmly. At the very least, she had steeled herself for a brief duel, having called away the gaggle of officers for the two of them to face each other one on one. Instead, the red-haired pirate was the opposite of tense, and was even game enough to boldly make a self-introduction. Indeed, the brown-haired commander was caught off-guard enough that she allowed him pat at her shoulder before disappearing up the deck in the blink of an eye.

Elise soon found her steward again around a corner as she hastily made her way to the quarterdeck from below. It seemed the man, despite being unarmed, had stayed on the upper decks and not taken refuge in the hold like other non-combatants. She decided against chastising Edmund for staying in harm's way, but on this ship, she was her own crew and Elise was thankful for another pair of eyes. "Edmund. How are we doing? What of the other ships in the harbor?"

She watched as attentive eyes danced across the deck before returning with a somber tone. "They've hauled down their colors, ma'am. The beach is being stormed; we've been completely blindsided, if I may say." If that was true, there was little help to had aboard this ship. From the din around them, the battle did not seem to be going in navy's favor, either. Would they have to strike their colors?

Keeping her hand on the hilt of the weapon at her side, she took Luro's advice, finally appearing on the quarterdeck which was still held by the ship's crew. Around the railings and the staircases that led to the chaotic battle down below were two lines of infantrymen holding the deck. She briefly scanned for the pirate she had encountered mere moments ago, but was unsuccessful in finding him in the fray. She clicked her tongue; a snap assessment told Elise that the defense would be futile. She quickly paced over to the senior most member on the quarterdeck, apparently the second lieutenant. From the brief time in knowing him, she had found him to be a wholly unpleasant, arrogant fellow, but on the bridge of the ship now, the unfortunate officer seemed meek and timid now that his world was falling apart around him. "Lieutenant, where is Captain Ira? Who is in command?"

The mismatched lieutenant blinked, seemingly unsure of what to say. "N-not here, Commander. I don't know. You're the senior-most officer aboard." He paused, swallowing his throat as a shot whizzed past high over him. "Your orders, ma'am?" Elise looked at the steward, who only looked back at her. The command structure aboard the ship had fallen; the incompetent officers aboard the ship had failed to rally the crew and mount a sizeable counterattack. The main deck was in utter chaos and might as well have been taken; the gun decks had not yet fired a cannon in anger during the entire battle. The prisoners had all but been released, and an enemy ship was alongside. The pirates had established a beachhead and the other ships in the shallow bay had already been taken. As far as she could tell, all they had was the quarterdeck and the flag that flew high above the wheel, signifying that the ship was still in the fight and had not yet surrendered. Yet, the situation was nigh unsalvageable.

Surrendering a ship was an officer's worst nightmare. Surrendering a warship to pirates, no matter how justified they were or how ill-treated they had been, was almost unheard of. While she had sympathized with some of the prisoners under Ira's ill treatment, the ship was not hers, and she had her own special orders, she was still left with a difficult decision. Surrendering here was not an act that she would have considered honorable, but in light of the loss of the other ships and the bloodbath in front of her, there was little other answer than to stop the bloodshed when she could.

"…Strike our colors, lieutenant."

She unhooked the sword and scabbard from her belt, ready to present it to the enemy commander when the time came. The officer paused, opening his mouth as if to protest, but instead swallowed again. He solemnly nodded before he made to haul down the navy ensign, indicating the surrender of the ship to the forces fighting around them, friend and foe alike.
The prison ship inhabited by Elise and Luro, rocked violently thanks to the Yula Fei warning shots. Prisoners and Navy alike pooled out to escape before the ship was destroyed completely.

Luro's battle ended before it could really begin, much to his disappointment. It was clear to the Navy that they weren't going to win this battle. Their backup wouldn't arrive soon enough. And there numbers were thinning too rapidly.

"Retreat!" Yelled Simon's firstmate. He wasn't going to let the crew die because of some pirate ambush. The ones that weren't tied up- or dead for that matter- listened to the call and ran towards the town to regroup. The fort stopped their attack, fearing another cannon shot would cause it to collapse.

None of the pirates followed them. Grudges or not, with the Navy running, this meant they were free from imprisonment and possibly death. If these pirates weren't already escaping off the island then they were helping the last of the shackled ones before joining forces if only until they got to the next island.


"Whatever ya say frosty." Saff playfully jabbed at Ray before he ran off. They definitely knew how to make an entrance. Saff had no doubt that the 'stealth' mission was put on hold after having three Yula Fei warships to tag along with her. For some reason, she didn't expect for things to be this hectic. Maybe it was because she was used to watching as her own crew took over so quickly and so effortlessly. It was all rather amusing.

Fortunately, it ended with them having the victory they needed. Unfortunately, time was still being wasted. With all the cheering pirates, Saff decided this was the best time to gain some new forces for their trip.

"LISTEN UP!" Her voice echoed through the crowd, causing them to silence and look her way. "Now ya may not know who I am- or who Yula Fei is." If you don't shame on you. I mean come on- "But we just saved your lives! And as you know, the Navy's been crackin' down on roundin' us pirates up and takin' us to Kane'Artem! That hell hole has some of our crews, some of our families! And as insane as it is, we're going ta go get them back. True pirates are pirates till the end and damnit, no one leaves their crew behind! Obviously, we'll need all the help we can get! And if that didn't motivate ya...well, you kinda owe us anyway. So! If you're willing ta risk your lives as all pirates do, I suggest ya get on one of these Yula Fei ships! Er, also, any questions please see that fine lass Alica Tashigi over yonder!"

There were some motivated cheers, but there were also some rather uneasy looks. As right as Saffron was, Kane'Artem was hell on earth. Even with one of the strongest pirates and a nation behind their backs, that would be no easy feat. If they thought their grave wasn't dug enough, this would just be them digging straight to the Locker.

However, Saffron was right. Those crewmembers on board were friends, family even and those seadogs knew the value of their crew. Even if they didn't make it out alive, they would at least die trying.

While they sorted out if they'd assist or run, an idea sparked within Saff. She realized there was now an unattended and proper working Navy vessel docked. "What better way to get into a prison than with a prison ship." She hopped down from her podium, and ran to it, stopping just shy of Alicia and her trio of top tier soldiers. "Navy ship! Stealth! Round the rest of them up! To prison!" She hoped Alicia could make out the fragmented sentences because Saff wasn't slowing down.

To prove how much she wasn't planning on slowing down, Saff ran right past Luro whether he was getting off the ship or not. She was back to her scatterbrained self. "Maybe I can find a map on this thing to keep. That would be great for Belen when I find her- oh and also one for Mikch-"

She was right on time to see the rest of the navy crew rushing out to regroup, with one sauntering behind. "By that outfit, I don't suppose you're a damsel in distress- or a prisoner." Saff raised her goggles to look Elise in the eyes. "Listen 'ma'am' I'd say scram but you're actually going to be a lot of help ta me." The pirate lacked a threatening tone as she sauntered closer to Elise however, she kicked up a nearby sword as a precaution. Who knew how crazy this navy woman was after all. "Ya see, while the Yula Fei troops have what they came for," at least that's what she assumed, "I still need ta get to Kane'Artem. I'm sure you've heard of it and I'm sure ya know the way. You gotta take us there on this prison ship. Once we get there, well, you're free to go. I don't wanna kill you- the Cutthroats have a code of respecting all women. I'd recruit ya even, but there's no time for that. And Yula Fei there just has a code of honor they go by. Soooo as far as I'm concerned, you're basically safe!" She circled around Elise rather casually as she spoke- or rather rambled. Saff was never the one for tthe intimidation tactics - at least not when she had a captain for it. "So. You lead us to possible doom and gloom and then you're free to go! Sounds fair right? I mean, you're kinda surrounded by pirates now so ya can't get too far and you're crew's already gone soooo- Yeah, I think it's a fair trade, right Tashigi?"

At this point, after Alicia reacquainted with her friends- and made new ones, she regrouped with Saff. "I found us a navigator princess! Er, no offense ta your navigator over there. She's gonna take us to hell! I don't actually have a plan ta get out, but hey, we've also got some new members of this army so baby steps, yeah?" It was then she realized the towering redhead that wasn't too far away. "Aye! I see ya got your gunner. That's everyone right? Navigator, musician, swordswoman, doctor, captain all that good stuff. Must be easy ta round up a small crew. Anyhow, let's finish this mission so I can get home, I'm missing the sand and heat."

At this point, the pirates that decided to stay were climbing aboard ships, being tended to by the doctors there. Some climbed aboard the Navy ship for their own reasons. Maybe it was because the pristine of a Yula Fei ship was uncomfortable, maybe it was because they wanted the feeling of power over stealing a ship even though they didn't really steal it.

Either way, a revolution...a new revolution was brewing. Whether it would end well was an answer only time could give.

The real mission impossible was about to begin.
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"A navigator that is offering to take you to hell is not really a much of a navigator, Saffron. Anyone can lead a ship straight to damnation, you would not believe how easy that is. Therefore, there is no offense taken. Now, the question is, I think, can she lead is out again?" Arcadius just climbed aboard, having followed Alicia. The navigator was covered in gunpowder soot and dirt. Compared to Alicia and her command group, he was stuck with the infantry in the battle, and instead of being outright able to reflect the cannon shots, he hid behind Ray's ice shield most of the way.

"As for the crew, I think the only person we are still missing is the tailor, but I'm quite sure we will collect someone of sufficient talent along the way." He measured the Navy woman Saffron just presented with his eyes, before finally noticing the shock of red hair on top of a human equivalent of a lighthouse. "Luro!" Kadi, in a very, very unusual manner, jumped and hugged the man. "Oh dear all that is holy and blasphemous on this ocean, you have absolutely no, no idea how glad am I to see you alive and breathing!"

Few seconds later, the reality of the moment caught up with him. He quickly backstepped from Luro, tried to brush off something from his clothes in a rather pathetic effort, considering he was carrying probably ten kilos worth of caked mud on his boots and coat, and coughed. "Right then. We should probably figure out what our friend here can tell us about the place we are heading to, and hopefully figure out some way of getting out alive."

The battle spearheaded by the command force had ended the moment the portcullis was opened, allowing their forced to overwhelm those inside and subdue the remaining force. Of course not all the Navy was able to be subdued, some of them managing to flee from Fort Nevis entirely. Alicia had fought her way into the depths of the fort in search of the remaining Stardusk members, but to her disappointment there was no sign of the captain. "If she's not here then-" Satia was cut off by Bannon, his gruff tone rumbling in his chest, "Then she's already been sent to Kane'Artum with an army between her an us" Alicia was silent as her eyes moved between the three 'dire blades'. Satia exhaled, "We can not engage a force that size, this was a mere fort but the prison itself... it'd take manpower we don't have, and it'd mean war with the world government" Satia's tone reflected the gravity of what that'd mean.

Yula Fei was no stranger to war and were known to be the origins of many great and powerful warriors throughout history. But while they did pride themselves on their resolve and tenacity in battle, peace was something they valued above all else. Perhaps that was a part of the reason they remained isolated from the world and it's conflicts. "I understand this" Alicia replied, the three of them standing among the Yula Fei forces that were now working on the after battle situation. "I will not risk war for our people, however I must go to Kane'Artum. I have debts of my own to repay" Alicia didn't elaborate on that, but the three stood before her inclined their heads respectfully in understanding. "Then it seems we have to consider optio-" Satia was once again cut off as Saff ran by, mentioning something about a ship, stealth and rounding people up. Alicia glances to Satia who stared after Saff with mild bemusement.

"Get our forces ready to sail. Knowing Saff for the short amount of time that I have thus far... she probably has a plan" Alicia said before unfolding her arms, heading off towards the direction Saff had headed. Xiao Lin perked her brow, shaking her head a little before turning with Satia and Bannon to aid in collecting the forces back onto the warships. The Navy soldiers whom had surrendered were disarmed and collected beside the dock, they were treated for injury, watered and fed, shown respect that was afforded to any defeated opponent willing to put down their sword and admit they were bested. In times of war the Yula Fei people were known to take good care of their prisoners. Perhaps it was another part of their moral code, but without coming from the nation one could only guess.

Alicia walked up behind Saff and the others, looking up at the Navy Ship still intact. She was about to comment when she looked at Saff with an exasperated expression, "For the last time I'm not a princess..." she said before looking towards Kadi, Luro and Ray. "I'm glad to see the three of you are ok" she said with a small smile before raising an eyebrow, "I'm also glad to see two years hasn't prevented you both from getting into trouble... " her tone was edged with sarcasm made in jest. Alicia wold look towards Saffron, "The warships are readying to set sail. The captured navy forces have been treated and it's been arranged that they'll be given minimal supplies to ensure they'll survive till the arrival of a next navy patrol. Once we ourselves are ready, we can leave" Alicia took a moment after to look around for the arrival of Hanako. She'd sent for the young girl so she could ensure she was ok.