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Phi Chisym

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10 AM - 2 PM: It all depends on if I'm working, doing homework, or having family time.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Agender
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Romantic Fanatic, some Steampunk, Apocalyptic settings, a bit of Viral, Anthro. I'm new to writing SciFi and Horror but not afraid to play. (I need the practice).

Not too big on History, but will play a Fantasy History based RP if I have the time to do the research. At this point, I'm deeply into Japanese History based stories.

Not very good at Military genres and not strong in writing out fight scenes, but will jump in the center of the storm to better myself.
Cause I'm old and coding is the death of me.

Don't touchie my pretty things. Most of them are copyrighted due to be original charries for my soon-to-be-published works.
I just like to play with them from time to time.
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Face Claim: Authur Kulkov

NAME_Seth Lakota Winslow
DATE OF BIRTH_September 15th, 1993 (Present Year: 2019)
PLACE OF BIRTH_Portland, Oregon

HEIGHT_ 5'11"
WEIGHT_186 lbs
Marks/Tattoos/Piercings: Has an Air Force seal tattooed on his left shoulder. Also has burn scars and skin graph marks down his back and the back of his arms and legs.

Rather artistic and logical – a perfect combination for an engineer. He's thorough in everything he does and tends to educate himself about the facts first before starting something new. Just like his mother, he's gained a knack for organization and cleanliness, and he prefers to keep his life structured to maintain balance. Changes in his life right now are difficult to handle, but he's getting better in coping with that as well.

Occasionally, Seth snaps when he gets stressed, tense or emotionally worn out. This nasty temper was given to him by his estranged dad; a trait he's ashamed of. He's able to tone it down by finding time alone to cool down. Afterward, he's focused enough to speak his peace without blowing up again. Unfortunately, this issue springs up from time to time due to the PTSD he's gained from service. With Ahren's help, he's slowly learning to cope with his anger and control it.

Also, due to his rough experience in his childhood and during the military, Seth dislikes being alone. Before he had his younger brother, and during service, Seth hung out with his friends during downtime. But he had to work hard to maintain his composure when working along during wartime. Befriending Ahren while living at the Air Force hospital after his injury was another way his life was saved because that time alone at the worse of his life dragged him down into a very dangerous depression that almost ended him.

Seth is very faithful and loyal to those he loves, even though the situation he's placed himself in right now might speak differently in his brother's eyes. Seth is very family-oriented and due to his personal interest, his unbalanced emotions, and difficulty returning to civilian life, Seth's struggling to register exactly what he's feeling about it all. He just can't figure out how to deal with everything appropriately – for everyone's sakes. Therefore, his emotions are shutting down, turning him mellow and desensitized by the entire thing.

TALENTS/HOBBIES_ Truly and Tinker at heart, he has a knack for knowing how things work. From vehicles to electronics, and even the simplest toy, if it breaks down, Seth can figure out how to fix it. He's also an outstanding Chinese MahJong player - a game he's picked up during his tour in Beijing. And while in the military he's been a part of a long sword club, learning about the history of the weapon and learning how to fight with it. It's an excellent workout and a great way for him to workout his emotions in a safe and positive way - a hobby Ahren hooked him on.

LIKES_ Books, working on robotics and cars, family, open and honest people, travel, eating out with good friends, cats, ocean views and warm beds.

DISLIKES_ rain/storms, fire/firecrackers, loud noises, being alone, feeling lost and out of control, bullies, boxing, beer, fires.

WEAKNESSES_ family, love, loneliness, anger, change, lack of control.

Their dad, typical construction worker who returns home for a beer and peace sitting in their lounger watching sports of the news. He was once a prize boxer in high school but didn't go very far with all his drinking issues. When Seth was born, he starting training him in boxing as well but Seth was far too interested in other things like baseball, government, history, and socializing. He wanted to stay as far away from boxing as possible for he knew his father was just using him to live out his dreams. Besides, his father became mighty hostile as a coach and would beat him if he lost matches.

When Seth's younger brother was born, he was determined to keep him safe from their father's drunken temper. Of course, such a sacrifice had its consequences - Seth's standing against their father to protect his brother only made the man angrier - losing control on them both and their mother from time to time. But regardless of this, Seth's sacrifices created a bond between him and his brother that was thicker than blood.

One night, after announcing to his family that he was going into the military, he left his brother a personal token to keep with him for the time he was away. That secretive moment turned into something far more than Seth intended... He didn't realize just how much he loved his brother until that moment, but how he loved him awakened a part of him that had been hidden from his family in fear of painful disapproval.

After graduation, Seth reluctantly left for the military, leaving his brother and mother in the hands of their abusive father. It didn't take long for the man to eventually walk out on them forever. After Seth suffered a damaging injury after five years overseas, he returned home on honorary discharge with a new heart - falling for an older doctor; the Psychiatrist who cared for his emotional health while in the hospital.

He had no idea the deep impression he'd left on his brother the night of their special moment. And, unfortunately, he's not ready for the consequences of that night, and of bringing his new boyfriend home to meet the family...

Notes: Did JROTC for three years in high school, as well as accomplished a few intro college courses for credits. So, upon graduating high school at 18, he entered the Air Force as well as entered college as a Sophomore; completing his Associate's degree in Engineering in 2½ years. This allowed him to become an E4 Airman in the Air Force at the age of 20. For seven years, Seth worked his way up the ranks and finished his Bachelor's degree in Engineering to become a Technical Sergeant as an Avionics Systems Specialist.

While in South Korea, his team was testing a boomer aircraft after it suffered damage during an attack at their base. The fuel tank exploded, killing half of his team and severely wounding the rest – including him. With various burns over 42% of his body (mostly down his back, back of his legs and arms), Seth remained in the hospital for eight months recuperating from his surgeries, struggling mentally with the loss of his friends, and fearing to return to a home he'd learned was no longer there. Falling into an extreme depression with a high level of PTSD, Seth was on the edge of destruction until he was befriended by his Psychiatrist, Dr. Ahren Gutermuth. With Dr. Ahren's help and friendship, Seth slowly began to understand how to cope with his emotions and was able to focus on finding his family.

Upon his release from the hospital and rehab, they had found his mother and brother's address and phone numbers. Ahren felt it was in Seth (and his) best interest if he traveled with him to his new home and help him settle. But, soon it became extremely clear that Ahren wanted nothing more but to stay with Seth for more than just a visit. Ahren invited Seth to stay with him so he can keep an eye on him until all the travel arrangements were prepared. By the end of the year, they had grown closer and secretly became a couple.

Now, since he's back home to continue his recuperation and refocus on a new plan for his life, hoping to return to college to work on his Masters' in Avionic Engineering; Seth is attacked with the past he left behind.


College Major/Air Force Occupation: Aeronautic Engineering Major / Avionics Systems Specialist. Ranked Technical Sergeant.

Boxing Gym he was associated with before the military: POW! Boxing in Portland, Oregon. He participated there when he was boxing in high school but hated the entire sport due to his father forcing him to participate. During the military, he took up MMA. Now, upon returning to Oregon, he'll continue his MMA workouts at POW! in the attempt to place a more positive look upon the place.
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Master is the Enemy

Meric Erin Donovan
Gender - male
Age - 23
Act - Magic/Illusions
Position - The Unwilling Assistant for The Ringmaster

Hair/Eyes: dirty blond/blue-hazel.
HEIGHT_ 5'11"
WEIGHT_156 lbs
Meric stands at around five feet eleven inches, with an elegant body structure. Narrow waist, long torso, lengthy legs, and lean; yet proportioned, and muscular. His head is full of light blond waves, and these days he's allowed it to grow out to sport a gentleman's ponytail.

"The Enemy is my Master"

Bounded to The Ringmaster by slightly invisible, mystical chains embedded in his chest, upper arms, and ankles; enhancing his natural illusion skills to resound in his uncanny, mind-blowing magical abilities - controlled by The Ringmaster. The magic he receives is just a tiny portion of what The Ringmaster has and he cannot use it alone. Unfortunately, through him, The Ringmaster has an extra set of eyes and ears to keep his Performers in line. And if they step out-of-line, or disrupt the cheerful flow of The Ringmaster's remarkable circus atmosphere... Well, let's say he's not the one who gets his hands dirty with all that disciplining stuff. That's why he has such a - devoted assistant - when he allows his true form to take charge.

Due to this ghastly connection, Meric has developed strange spiky scales down his spine, and smaller ones embedded in the backs of his upper arms and calves. And when he's within the controlling magic of The Ringmaster, his eyes glow a devious red, his skin tints to an ashen blue-grey, and his hair turns as black as The Ringmaster's heart.

He's been under the direction of The Ringmaster for so long, that he's starting to transform into the very demon dog The Ringmaster wants - a loyal follower with no sense of who his former self was. However, Meric is still there, just not as solid as he used to be; therefore, there's a possibility that his soul can be saved... But, until then, he's the only friend the Performers love to hate - and hate to love.

DESCRIPTION - Intelligent, endearing, sly, sweet, confident (with subjects he's comfortable with), and a compulsive liar (he hasn't always been, just a necessary taste he had to acquire over the years to keep his circus family safe). Sometimes too sugary sweet to be true, which is, in fact, true - if he's under the influence of another.

He cares about people, but doesn't care about hurting them, and fears the idea of instantly loving anyone due to his condition. Charming; yet, detached and clever; he had to be to avoid getting hurt or to avoid others getting hurt by The Ringmaster. He can be extremely hardheaded, especially when he knows how right he is about a particular subject or situation. And nine times out of ten, he is right.

Meric has become The Ringmaster's Henchman since he has no choice but to do what he's told. But secretly, he's been trying to figure out how to break the power the man has over him to use his true skills to help everyone escape. He's been under The Ringmaster's control for four years and is about to break. Meric hates who he's become being teetered to the psycho, but the longer he's glued to him, the more he's able to learn about how to overcome his Master's power. Unfortunately, the more Meric is used by him, the more of himself he loses.

Meric is slowly forgetting who he is and turns into the demon servant The Ringmaster wants him to be. So, any sort of human connection he happens to receive - from the veteran members of the carnival staff who knew the man he was before his transformation, or from new members who give him a daily dose of feels to remind him that he still has a bit of soul left - will slowly help alter The Ringmaster's handy work and strengthen him enough to possibly break the hellish chains puppeting his every move.

After four years in this hellhole, Meric has attempted to showcase his gentlemanly characteristics as much as possible, attending to each Performer as their Friend and fellow Victim, rather than their Circus Manager. He strives to great lengths to keep them all safe and as comfortable as he possibly can (without getting them in trouble), but that's a very difficult thing to do for him.

Therefore, Meric has to keep to himself - rarely holding casual conversations with the others to keep The Ringmaster's nose out of their thoughts. Nevertheless, there are a few members that, due to his condition, either can't stand his guts or respect him for his efforts on their behalf. It doesn't matter to Meric if the others hate him - he hates himself. What matters to him is fighting for their friendship, their respect, and most of all - their trust. He's probably the only one truly equipped to stop The Ringmaster - they're going to need everyone's help to destroy the Master and break the barrier hiding them from the world.

The Veterans
Killian, "The Ringmaster" - Good Meric wants the man out of his head; dead as a doornail. But, the Bad Meric sees Killian as the father figure he never had.

Aveline Angelo, "The Dark Angel" (4 yrs, 6 mos) - Good Meric has a hidden adoration for this little angel. There's a lot he wishes to tell her, but his silent feelings alone have already placed her in danger more than once. So, Good Meric locks them in as tight as possible. She's become his Assistant if you will - able to keep him informed of the needs of the Performers when they're not in the mood to deal with his issues, or when he's out of commission. He's always willing to hear her thoughts on any subject and tends to follow her lead at times when he's lost. However, Bad Meric would like to clip her wings... Aveline's his shoulder angel, keeping his soul stable.

Morticia Crevan, "The Tightrope Walker" and Doctor (4 yrs, 1 mo) - And when you have a shoulder angel, there's always a demon angel on the other side... Ahh, but see... Killian has some feelings for others. Knowing his dear Meric needed companionship, he created Morticia to tend to his demon child's special chaotic needs. Good Meric can't stand the doctor's advances and has no feelings or trust for the woman whatsoever. But, Bad Meric treats her like his sweetheart and lavishes her with his attention every time she enters the room. Unfortunately, he has no control over the somewhat magnetic behavior he seems to have whenever Morticia is near. She's a catalyst to his hidden demon; her presence causes Good Meric pain as he fights to hold down Bad Meric's eagerness to be by her side.

Michael Kaylock, "The Man Who Eats Everything" (4 yrs, 3 mos) - Meric respects Kaylock like a big brother and is always frustrated that he's unable to gain the man's trust due to Killian. He knows he'll need Kaylock's abilities and leadership skills to aid them when they escape. Besides, if anything happens to Meric if their escape plans fail, Kaylock is the only one he trusts to get the others safely out of harm's way.

Marcus Morgan, "The Feral Wolf-Man" (1 yr) & Lovetta Seath, "The Feral She-Wolf" (1 yr) - Meric's still learning more about Marcus and Lovetta. He believes they'll be another strong asset in their escape plans. They'll need those with survival, tracking, and hunting skills to keep everyone alive in the deep woods where Killian tends to isolate the circus.

Harmony Jones, The Little Siren (2 mos) - Harmony is the little sister Meric's never had. She's become his heart in the two months she's been there. The youngest of the Performers and the one with the most inconvenient deformity, Meric does whatever he can to maintain Harmony's smile, because that smile, along with Aveline's, has kept his spirits up - and his demon down.

Maxi "Mashi" Milou (2 yrs) - Mashi is another member whom Meric is still getting to know. He realizes, like Kaylock, that man has a unique deformity that can be a lifesaver for survival and defense. He's hoping to understand and gain his trust as well in hopes of working with him in executing their escape.

The New Recruits (WIP)
Meric's learning all the recruits Killian's connected since their most recent venue. Unfortunately, he'll have to get them healed up, trained and costumed, and prepared for their debut performance soon. But first, he wants to get to know them - to learn about who they are, and what skills they can add to their escape planning.

Marietta Rosewood, "The Contortionist and Acro Dancer"
Sable Drake, "The Reptilian Snake Charmer"
Cassia Locklear, "The Human Snake"

Karissa Angelo, The Devil Darling


Meric Erin Donovan
Age: 28
Birthplace: Stavanger, Norway
Nationality: English/Norwegian/Dutch
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Student for his Master in BioRobotic Engineering at Boston University and works at the University's Department of BioMechanical Engineering under Professor Tommaso Ranzani. He has also been a Contemporary Dancer at Boston Dance Company for 3 years.
Face Claim: Mathias Lauridsen


Appearance Notes:
HEIGHT_ 5'11"
WEIGHT_ 243 lbs
EYES_ Blue/Grey
HAIR_ Light rusty brown hair, wavy

Meric stands at around five feet ten inches, with an elegant body structure; narrow waist, long torso, lengthy legs, and lean, yet proportioned, muscles. He could be described as sleek or even dainty in appearance. These days he's allowed it to grow out for him to sport a gentleman's ponytail.

Usually, his attire consists of denim, straight-legged jeans, sweaters, button-up shirts or polos, and turtle-neck. Very European, vintage at times, and clean. And, if you're lucky, you might spot him wearing a pair of reading glasses.

Marks/Tattoos/Piercings: He also carries a history of scars upon his torso, back, and one under his left eye - reminders from an old fri-enemy that there is no such thing as an existence where love is real. He's utilized Vitamin E and Aloe Vera to break down the scar tissue, so they are practically invisible. When he's bare-chested on stage, he has to use stage makeup to cover a few of them that are still visible enough to be seen.

Personality: Fun-loving, trickster, flirty at times, cautious, defensive of his friends. Charming; yet, detached and clever; he had to be to avoid being hurt. His intelligence surpasses common sense, which can either make him seem far too innocent or just downright absentminded. Neither one is correct – he's just far too book-smart for his good. Getting out more, making friends with a bone rather than metal, keeping his head out of the gears of robots and into the trends that fuel human nature and interaction – that's what his parents hope will happen to him; fearing he's turning into the lifeless robots he creates.

Strengths: A definite strength would be that he has an uncanny ability to remember things; numbers, maps, people, faces, names, entire books, anything. Not just short-term memory, everything seems to lodge itself straight into his long-term, working memory. He remembers right down to every small detail; very intelligent.

And he's a Tinker, a MacGyver of sorts. Meric can take common household items, a few metal pieces, and some crazy glue and fix a laptop or build a radar detector. Hell, you know what I mean! But, that's not so farfetched for him.

Weaknesses: Being smart in so many ways doesn't help when it comes to understanding people's emotions, and culture. Meric's not very street-smart, and his fear of getting hurt again keeps him somewhat emotionally isolated from others to the point where he's become ignorant of understanding people in general. He'll flirt from time to time and can be super social. But if he feels more of a connection begins, for some reason, he instantly throws a wall between everyone and becomes anti-everybody.

Likes: Besides his love of dance, music, and magic, Meric loves soccer, swimming, and diving. He enjoys watercolors (but he's a horrible painter), and he likes to cook but he's no chef—golf, illusions, reading countless books, playing trivia games, robotics.

Dislikes: Liars, spicy foods, revealing his emotions, thunderstorms, and he has a horrible fear of large dogs due to a bad incident when he was 8. It's a kitty friend through and through.

Soulmate Info: TBA
Have they met yet? No
If they haven't met yet, have they noticed any strange experiences?
A sudden feeling of devastating loss, as if missing a vital limb, and the constant pulling and shifting cause him to lose focus on what's before him. This pull can physically make him sick, cause headaches, and vertigo, and has put him in the hospital a few times due to some of his symptoms being consistent with having a heart attack or stroke. This unknown issue started recently and he's unsure exactly when or why, but it's starting to cause problems for his dance career and slowing all other progress down.
How does their bond work? Soul-Tied
How do they feel about it?

Brief History:
Meric was born in Stavanger, Norway. His father Sir. Goran Donovan is a fairly known Scandinavian ballet dancer, and his mother, Jasna Covehaven-Donovan, is a German Chemist and a classical harp player. So, Meric was born with science and art in his blood. His parents' talents eventually moved them to America when Meric was at the age of 11. They've lived in Boston ever since.

High school in America was socially difficult for him, but he did make friends with Malcolm, who was on the school's varsity swim and soccer teams. Because of him, Meric became a trainer for the soccer teams (because he loves the sport but sucks at it). He did, however, sign up for the swim team as a diver, and made a major name for himself. All of that, along with his European charm, and being in the Student Council and National Honors Society, didn't help his popularity vote at all, but it paid for all his college classes with a butt-load of scholarships.

He was constantly bullied for his love of dance, but Malcolm took care of all of that, becoming his bodyguard and taking him to every cool event - until Juvi took him away. Senior year, before Meric went to college, Malcolm was released from Juvi in hopes of starting his new life right. But the idea of Meric moving on to college scared him, for he loved his best friend more than life itself. He wanted to reveal his heart to Meric, hoping he would throw away his ideas of going away for college to finally be with him for good.

Malcolm planned a crazy going-away party, which ended up sending them to a few more wild parties around town, and lots of drinking. Now Meric's not a drinker, but since it was his last night hanging with his best friend, he just let loose. With Meric wasted, Malcolm took the opportunity to express how he felt. When Meric refused him, he claimed Meric for himself regardless. Threatened, and fearful, Meric fell into somewhat of a Stockholm situation - believing that, in his mixed-up way, Malcolm loved him and this was how he showed it.

But Meric knew better than that. This love was toxic. Confused with all the twisted lies, pains, and emotions that surrounded him, the loss of his scholarships and direction drove him somewhat mad. He didn't know where to go or what he should do with himself. To stay with Malcolm was, for a lighter word, dangerous! But, conflicted by how his friend made him feel constantly sent him back to square one over and over again.

An unfortunate accident took Malcolm's life and freed Meric from his shackles. Now, with the stress of that relationship gone, he can focus on getting his life back together. He returned to school and work – and nothing else.

Presently, he's been working at the University's BioMechanical department as an intern for his Professor, Dr. Tommaso Ranzani. A breakthrough project dealing with Robotic IndoSkeletal Prosthetics has now taken on new hope after its third successful trial test. The team is preparing to travel to New York for an Orthotics, Prosthetics, & Mobility Aids Convention to discuss and showcase their new findings, fishing for more funding and interested future buyers. That's what's been on his mind - the project.

* Performs magic tricks late at night at Sunlocks, his favorite small Bohemian café and club in downtown Boston, and plays the piano for small events.
* Takes time to kick a soccer ball around now and then at the local park with anyone in the mood to play, and swimming is part of his weekly workout regimen.
* He's just fascinated with human relations and development and has a craving to understand why he fails in such. Girls just don't go for the smart, magician, contemporary dancer type these days. He doesn't have many friends... just those who respect him.
* He's not quite over Malcolm's sudden death, somewhat blaming himself for being less of a friend at the time.
* Meric will travel to New York for a BioRobotics convention to rally sponsors. They gain a new sponsor who offers the team a permanent opportunity in NYC. The sponsor sets them up in his medical manufacturing facility in NYC for their research. They will receive more equipment and opportunities for trial testing and possibly their first human operation. At first, Meric chose to stay in Boston, but after his trip to New York, he had a sudden urge to stay. Meric was chosen to lead this new engineering team in NYC. The team will reside in a 6-bedroom townhome furnished by their sponsor. He'll still travel between states to continue his training with the Boston Ballet, but eventually, he realizes that he'll have to change his plans. So, he decided to look into transferring to either Parsons Dance or New York Dance Company. He'll have to audition for a position, so his mindset returns to dance to prepare. His stay in New York becomes intended - for obvious reasons.
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Master is the Enemy​

NAME - Marietta Kipersol Rosewood
GENDER - female
AGE - 20

ACT_Acro Dancer/Contortionist - incorporates ballet, contortion, and balancing on unusual objects from heights without a net or mat. In her particular act, the illusion of her puppet strings holding her up is the trick. Instead of looking like someone balancing or bending themselves, she looks like she's being placed in these precarious positions by a Puppet Master controlling her strings... which is exactly what is happening.

Balance, Dance, Feats


Hair/Eyes: black /bright blue
HEIGHT_ 5'7"
WEIGHT_127 lbs

A dainty little creature, Marietta is not one to be ignored. Unfortunately, for her, it's very hard for others to forget her. Her dark hair and never-ending bright blue eyes tend to hold others in place, shorten their breath, and keep them in a state of awe whenever they lay eyes upon her. Due to her life of yoga, dance, and gymnastics, she has a tiny frame that can twist and bend in the oddest of shapes.

DEFORMITY - Wooden Marionette Doll - the very thing she's afraid of; the name kids use to call her whenever they saw her dance (a tease to hurt her feelings), is what she's become.

She has joints like a marionette, as well as str
ings that mysteriously standoff of her towards an unseen puppet master. Without the strings held taunt, she's unable to move freely on her own. With them, she's able to contort to the utmost extreme, more than she's ever been able to normally. They also assist in her balancing and other insanely interesting feats she's able to perform. The strings are the magical links The Ringmaster gave her in order to make her into the doll he's wanted. Without them, she will not be able to do anything - just lay like a pile of bones with no muscles. Meric is able to magically move her when needed.

DESCRIPTION - Marrose's personality is one that is of extremes: When she is feeling like herself, and everything is going her way, she has an extremely sweet and silly disposition, very kind, and friendly. However, when her asthma drains her into a poor state of mind, Marietta is best described as insensitive, distant, dejected, and suicidal. Her strong asthmatic and panic attacks frustrate her, making a very athletic and determined young lady slow and flustered at herself. Nevertheless, she is a work-o-holic and a fiercely loyal friend.

Asthmatic; she always carries an inhaler, but she has learned to control her breathing to a point. Still, if she becomes too nervous and falls into a panic, her attacks will become harder to control and cause her to go so far as to pass out due to lack of oxygen. Afterward, these forms of serious attacks can leave her lethargic or unconscious for hours. Usually, for seriously long travels, she carries a small oxygen pack, extra inhalers, smelling salts, and emergency injectors filled with high dosages of her medication to rapidly opens her passageways. She knows of meditation methods to calm minor attacks, but severe ones need medication.

The Wine Princess

Marietta Nicoliya Dulviar-Kiepersol-Rosewood (Marrose)

To keep introductions to new friends short and sweet, she just uses her mother's maiden name of Rosewood, rather than her father's family name of Dulviar or her father's mother's maiden name of Kiepersol. It's a bit confusing, but due to the connection of family wineries these names are historically attached to, it's best for Marietta to hold them all – since, being the only child of this generation, they will one day belong to her.

Nickname: Libellula (Dragonfly) – her adored rabbit name given to her by her Italian grandfather, Horacio Nicola Dulviar. He was the one honored by naming his only grandchild.

Age 23
Birthday: April 30
Appearance: 5'6", 128 lbs, dark brown hair, blue chameleon eyes that change with her mood.

Marrose's personality is one that is of extremes: When she is feeling like herself, and everything is going her way, she has an extremely sweet and silly disposition; very kind and friendly. However, when her asthma drains her into a poor state of mind, Marietta is best described as insensitive, distant, dejected, and suicidal. Her strong asthmatic and panic attacks frustrate her, making a very athletic and determined young lady slow and flustered at herself. Nevertheless, she is a work-o-holic and a fiercely loyal friend.

She can be rather stubborn at times, hard-headed, and strong-willed to keep things her way if the other way seems far too uncomfortable or just downright uncalled for. Due to how she's had to manage her life without a proper set of parents, Marrose has drilled herself to effectively and efficiently be independent. Keeping her life in control is somewhat necessary due to her health, but it also makes her feel secure in her belief that she will not mature into the woman her mother had become – lacking self-sufficiency; always needing an ungrateful man in her life. She's seen two 'step-fathers' grind her mother to dust, and that's after her millionaire dead-beat father left her rather than working things out. Deep down, regardless of where her life takes her or what her absent father does for her, she will never forgive him for abandoning her.

Hobby: She enjoys photography and hopes to become a photojournalist. Besides photography, she is an excellent swimmer and still loves to party, but not as much due to her asthma. She enjoys the outdoors, mostly through the lens of her camera.

She's also has a fondness for dance. She wanted to train professionally like her mother once did, but due to her handicap, she was told that it will be impossible for her to do so. Such negatives are what drive Marrose to prove others wrong. But oftentimes it can also drive her to despair or doing something stupid.


Marietta had missed out on experiencing stable family life, as far as she knows. Her father, Kaspesin Dulviar-Kiepersol, is the CEO of the Dulviar-Kiepersol Wineries. The Kiepersol Wineries of the US, a company of his making, is located originally in Tyler, Texas. Now they span clear across the United States. He's the son of Horacio & Locendia Dulviar, owners of the famous Dulviar Chianti wines of Tuscany, Italy. They still reside in the historical "Abbey of the Good Harvest" (Badia a Coltibuono) in Tuscany where the Vallombrosan monk, Bro. Emanuelo Esposito, entered the monastery in the 11th century and took over the care of the holy wines.

Marietta's mother, Marnella Rosewood, is a former dancer at the Boston Ballet. Her career ended suddenly due to a very serious injury that forced her to leave the dance for life. She struggled to try to find a new career because dance was all she knew. Eventually, through good friends, she obtained a job as a secretary for Sweeney Designs in Chicago, IL; an advertising and marketing firm that happens to work for the Kiepersol Wineries. Marnella slowly worked her way through college as an executive assistant, learning about marketing while on the job. Soon, she was able to work as an entry-level ad designer, and her first project was assisting the design team for Kiepersol Wineries. That's where she met Kaspesin. Eventually, they became a thing... and quickly that thing turned into an amazing turn of events.

With her bold marketing collaboration and elaborate hidden knowledge of Ontology (the science of winemaking), his company eventually turned into The Kiepersol-Rosewood Wineries at their unannounced marriage, turning heads and soaring higher in the American Winery markets.

Kaspesin and Marnella's marriage was not favored by his parents, for regardless of Marnella's family background, they saw her lack of success and poverty in her past life to be a damaging entity in their son's life now. They felt she would become an anchor against his rising future. Marnella's parents', two Spanish American/Italian descents, were thrilled that she had found a stable husband – meaning if she wasn't in it for the money, they were.

Regardless of the troubles, the two went through a second marriage ceremony in Italy - with his parents' unwilling blessings. However, far too soon they felt they were not compatible and separated after Marietta was born. Marietta has never met her father; only heard of his name and seen older pictures of him on the internet. Her mother and family friends have been her only family. She notes them for all of her achievements, not the man who only gave her life and was never there to teach her about it. Because of her birth, her grandparents made amends with Marnella for she is now the mother of their only grandchild - the new heir to their historical and ancient family company. Marietta grew up between the U.S. and Italy, holding dual citizenship. This all for her grandfather's quest in teaching his grandchild everything about the company before his passing. His son had not become the man he'd hoped he would. Therefore, to avoid watching all his lifelong hard work fall to greed and stupidity, he's molding Marietta and keeping her safe. Her grandmother, however, disagrees with her husband about utilizing the girl, for she's too young and a liability.

Recently, her Marnella has been acting strange, talking about things like visiting her Italian grandparents, her father, and heading overseas for college. Marrose had already set her sights at Pratt University in New York, one of the most prestigious fine arts universities in the US, riding on several scholarships, and savings that her mother had set up for her for years. She was also hoping to room with her best friend, Aujuli Magnuson, a dance student who was also heading to Pratt. For her mother to suddenly bring up her absent father, of all people, right at the edge of graduating high school, was crazy; even more so when she partially explained why…

Eventually, she made her mother talk. Her grandparents wanted her to live with them in Italy for the rest of the year, before starting college, in order to teach her more about the winery - for Horatio has only a few months left to live. There is, however, a catch. Horatio is trying to save her from Kaspesin, for he's determined to take his inheritance however he can. His first try is to force Marrose to marry a suitor of his choosing. A marriage, with a denial prenup, will bind Marrose's estate to her husband's estate; who had already accepted Kaspesin's offer in selling his family's dying French winery and his portion of the Dulviar estate - through marriage - to him. The Frenchman had no care in the world for running a winery and is more than happy to sell cheap and quick.

If that didn't work, then the only option Kapesin has left is murder...

Asthmatic. In her early years, Marietta was constantly in the hospital due to her ill health. Premature at birth with poor lungs, Marrose always struggled to stay afloat, to keep her head above water just to take her next breath. It didn't make simplicity easy for her. School, friends, hanging out, dance, swimming... all of her joys became a life or death situation if something triggered a serious attack; sometimes her inhaler just wasn't enough. This did not stop her from trying new things and succeeding in a few of them, but it made the basic challenge difficult.

She always carries an inhaler, but she has learned to control her breathing to a point. Still, if she becomes too nervous and falls into a panic, her attacks will be harder to control and cause her to go so far as passing out. Afterward, these forms of serious attacks can leave her lethargic or unconscious for hours. Usually, for seriously long travels, her parents and grandparents insist that she carries a small oxygen pack, extra inhalers, smelling salts, and emergency injectors filled with high dosages of her medication that rapidly opens her passageways.

Fears: Marionette puppets, someone sneaking up on her, thunderstorms/tornadoes, fighting to breathe, dying alone, running her own global monopoly.
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Koyi Wi`Teksa

Name - Koyi Wi`Teksa
Teksa is one of the many Twi'leki clans native to Ryloth. The clan's name means "trustworthy". Koyi means "Serpent"
So, she's a Trustworthy Serpent...but still, keep your eyes open!
Main Faction: New Republic
Sub-Faction: None

Gender - Female
Species - Twi'lek
Age - Unknown, but about the human age of 22.

Appearance -
A very rare Twi'lek beauty; graceful in motion, a picturesque humanoid with slender height, topaz blue skin with dark mottled stripes down her form, and eyes that are historically tantalizing to even the hardest ruffians. Koyi's uniqueness does not end with just her altered skin tone, nor her rather long and curled lekku, but just what she does with them that forever doomed her and her race into a history of servitude for the wealthy. Even now, life after the Empire still holds onto such old traditions - in a more unethical manner. It's not considered kosher to maintain Twi'lek as slaves anymore, but there are those who still work the underground to come across one for themselves, to hide in their estates for their own secret pleasures.

Weapons - Carries a set of throwing daggers that are usually hidden under the back of her various tops - the handles sticking out in such a way to appear as ornaments on her attire. She also carries a whip-like weapon called a daggerlette - a thin chain with leather woven within it, which a small, sharp spear at both ends. She'll either wear this weapon around her waist as a belt, around her arm or around her head like a piece of lekku jewelry. She also carries a traditional Twi'leki dagger, one that has been passed down from mother to daughter for decades.

These days, she's now hosting a few blasters, one of them being a sport-blaster that she's stolen from her former owner years ago. She keeps it only because it reminds her of what she doesn't want to return to.

Equipment - FlashFlesh Med Pack, a Personal Assistant 4X Recording Rod, DataPad, a short-range matter transmitter (what she used during her dancing days).

Everyday wear, special occasions, flight.

Skills - Dancer, Contortionist/Flexible/Ambidextrous, knife throwing, whip attacks, and a natural ability in seduction and stealth. Under the wings of the late Baltazar Achk, Koyi had strengthened her newer talents in spying, pickpocketing, lock picking, misdirection, manipulation, interrogation, melee, and long-range blasters.

Surprisingly Low Maintenance, Koyi is fine with roughing it. Having survived the deserts of Ryloth, she is competent in the wilderness, and when in highly populated areas can deal with slums or food that's not the best. She likes the high-life but can get by without.

Flaws - She's not particularly physically strong. If it comes down to a one-on-one fight where strength is the deciding factor she's pretty well hopeless. And what's worse, like all twi'lek, Koyi's lekku are extremely sensitive and a strong tug can incapacitate her with pain. She's learning from the streets how to protect herself better, but her confidence at times gets the best of her.

Still very timid around strangers or situations that she honestly should not be a part of, and her hardheadedness tends to make it impossible, to an extent, for her to see reason; especially when the reasoning involves situations or issues she is unfamiliar with. To her, it's best to leave well enough alone and not rock the boat; even when doing so might just save her ass. Breaking out of her old Twi'lek customs and habits of avoiding others' conflicts or standing up for what she believes in is difficult for her, but every now and then her mouth will open and her feelings come out, expressing just what her heart wants and believes.

She's starting to understand more about what it truly means to be free with all rights and privileges thereof. This mix of two different ways to view life has set her on a path of doubt and negative self-awareness, making her somewhat dangerous to have around in a life or death situation.

Peacock on the surface, but all tiger at heart, Koyi gets very territorial, and if hurt enough falls back to instincts which urges her to fight even when she can't win.

Personality - Koyi is a confusing sort to understand: soft-spoken, yet outspoken. Timid, yet craves attention. Seems to be full of spirit and delight, but dark and depressed and sometimes dangerously cold and hostile if forced into a corner. Regardless of being baffled by her behavior and lopsided state of mind at times, she's still a very hard girl to dislike.

Growing up as a form of entertainment, Koyi has learned to maintain a silent presence, keeping lost in the crowd until called upon. And if called to dazzle the public's eye, maintain a high degree of mystery and interest by avoiding everyone around her. Hence, the confusing first impression she displays to this day.

Bio - Koyi was raised by her parents until the age of eight, when they, like so many others, still believed that entertainment was an efficient way to proliferate their species, preserve their culture, and see the galaxy like no other. She was sold into an orphanage to learn trades in The Arts and housekeeping and was sold to various owners when she was around the human age of 12 as a maid.

Soon, she was old enough to become more than just a house servant. At the equivalent human age of 18, she was sold into the entertainment sector on Ord Mantell, and soon picked up by a master merchant named Valaras Fothe. After two years under his household as his personal slave, Koyi escaped along with a few other slaves. One of them was caught by Valaras and she killed him, but regardless, the only footage of the escape his security had is on Koyi. Therefore, she's marked with the murder, and a huge bounty was placed on her head for her return.

She became part of a small, but very successful smuggling party ran by Baltazar Achk. He was the one who found her in Lothal, saving her hide when she was hiding from the authorities within a rather dangerous bar. Being accused of killing your owner can be a rather big thorn to pull from your side, and this one has only grown for two years. He was also the one who taught her about the real world, seeing that she was a roughened, broken, and weakened young woman with no idea of what life is all about. He trained her to use her disadvantages as advantages until her skills in pleasure became the tools he needed to build her into the sneaky, manipulative, little mouse by his side. She was his spy and in some cases, sneaky assassin.

With new markets opening for him and a dangerous opportunity dealing with connections to the Sith falling into his hands, his mind was split between caring for Koyi and managing the ruthless money ventures he shouldn't have gotten into. Unfocused and way over his head, Baltazar lost his life and Koyi lost the only real friend she ever had. She reconnected with an old dancing friend in Naboo and followed her around the galaxy in search of a safe job where she can hide and live in peace. Unfortunately, there's no place safe for a girl of the night.

"Who you callin' scruffy-lookin'? "
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Zackary Bledson

Face Claim: Alex Evans
  • FULL NAME_Zackary Augustus Bledson
    NICKNAME & ALIAS_ Zac, Augie


    DATE OF BIRTH_ August 12th, 2001 (Present Year: 2019)

    PLACE OF BIRTH_ Burlington, Vermont




    HEIGHT_ 5'8""

    WEIGHT_137 lbs


    Marks/Tattoos/Piercings: Snakebites, earrings, various tattoos down arm, legs, ribs, back.

  • DESCRIPTION_ Was once an Emo kid, keeping himself issolated and excluding himself from personally connecting to others as if to punish himself for unknown things. It wasn't as if he fears people or dislike connections - he can be very extroverted. No, this dark personaiity change is due to a much deeper problem.

    Regardless of his demons, this tall, wirey guy can break into a bright smile that can capture the hearts of any mortal - and he knows it. There's only a small handful of people in his circle who's seen this wonder they are the ones who know just how down to earth and fun-loving this guy can be. They've seen his elevated enthusiasm for life onnhis good days and how his high-powered determination to complete what he started can be contagious when the going gets tougher. But they know at the drop of a dime, that positive attitude can drop into that dangerous abyss no one can follow him into.


    Zack's philosophy in life was to strive to be better than the you you used to be the day before. Now, after his younger sister's death 8 years ago, one he could had prevented but was to afraid to take action, he's become a dark shell of dark emotions served on a cold platter of guilt and horrific inner pain. It's internal because he's the only one placing blame on himself. Her death wasn't his fault...

    Therefore, Zack's demeanor turned bleak. Emo was the style but he turned it into a way of life. His mother and grandmother worried that his change in attitude would damage his amazing grades in school, for the young man was destined to be a debator, a toastmaster - one who can captivate an entirearena of people with just his suave demeanor, smooth voice, and drop dead blue eyes.

    They though Zack would end up a statistic, allowing his grief to end his future, but that all changed when he met Zion. One woodshop class together their Junior year in high school and they became the best of friends. Zion took place of Zack's passed sister and helped him regain some sort of enjoyment in living.


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Just "Benji"

Name: Benjamin Togannay Magnuson [BEHN-juh-mihn TOAH-gah-nahee MAHG-nuh-sohn]
Rabbit Name: "Benji"
Age: Actual Age: 24, Looks like he's 21/ 3 yr old Vampire
Because he was Turned at age 21, he still appears to be that age. But, to be technical, he's been on this earth for the human equivalent of 24 years.
Birthday: October 3rd, 1992 / Vampday April 25 th, 2013
Birthplace: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bicurious: He loves women, but sometimes he's drawn to men who seem to hold a certain appeal to his senses.
Species: Vampire Witch
Nationality: Lebanese/Canadian American

Occupation: University Student for Music Business and Production with a minor in Bio-Chemistry. Works part-time at TaburaLabs as Lead Bio-Chem Lab Technician. Has a deep love-affair with Forensic Science and much rather pursue a career in an FBI Forensic Lab than the ignorant shithole he's at now.

Face Claim: Anthony White

Appearance Notes: Tall and lanky - 6'2", 148 lbs of wiry muscle conditioned by a restless life; better suited for basketball, but basketball's not suited for him. Mulatto skin tone with blue-green eyes that alter between a deep sky blue to a ravishing hazel and even a shocking pale green within the right lighting. Brown hair with golden kisses from the sun.

Various tattoos of endearment on his fingers, inner upper arms, mostly connections of his Lebanese bloodline and memorials for his mother and close friends lost. HIs faint bite mark sits on his right collarbone. He's used vitamin E to erase the evidence over the years - but it remains. He's recently had a talisman tattoo placed over the bite - not to hide it, but to commemorate it. True, he hates being a vampire to a certain extent, but he can never hate his Sire, Michelia Banerjee, who had become a mother to him. The tattoo is like the talisman of protection she'd given him, which he wears around his neck.

Personality: Not trying to be a major ego-monger, but Benjamin holds himself to be a genius in his own right. Although, he's not considered a nerd, just one bad-ass brainiac with a serious fetish for sharp things, an ear for music and an eye for complex formulas. He aims to work in music production, even though his IQ gives him VIP privileges at MIT for Bio-Chem Engineering if he so chooses.

Character Traits - Charming, Cautious, Curious, Loyal, Flirty, Passionate, Stubborn, Scatter-Brained, Intelligent, Humble, Observant, Quite

Explanation - He is a charmer, a taker, and rarely gives of himself unless the recipient is one who has proven, without a doubt, that they're genuine and will remain so afterward. He's spent far too much of his time, money, and effort over the years helping friends; only to be stabbed in the back. Weary, cautious, Benjamin chooses his friends and associates carefully; however, once trust is accepted, he will throw himself into everything he puts his mind to for them, almost to the point of neglecting his own personal needs.

And with all that intelligence stuffed in that brain of his, Benji's still too oblivious to other people's emotions. It's not being insensitive - he's just oblivious. The only time he truly can register someone else's heart is when he's tapping into their mind. Also, one thing about Benji that seems to flatten his personality is this oddness about his own emotions. They're barely there. He's what people would call 'an old soul with duck feathers - everything just rolls right off'. Barely anything phases him and it takes a lot to cause him to lose his temper - if he even has one. Being so easily connected to people's thoughts (which taps him into their emotions), it's such an overwhelming thing. He knows if he loses his emotions, he'll lose his mind and soul altogether. Therefore, it's wise for him to remain neutral, lie low and play the invisible Peacekeeper attempting to calm the nerves of others within their minds.

Brief History:
  • Benji's Lebanese mother was only 17 when she escaped from being forced to marry her rapist. With the aid of her neighborhood friend and his college friends who were visiting from the U.S, she was able to secretly elude her family by faking her own death. One of the college friends was a 19-year-old Canadian American who decided a year later married her in efforts to help her gain citizenship. Although they were just married for the paperwork, the two truly grew feelings for each other and stayed married - going so far to commemorate their vows in a full wedding with their friends and family. After 3 years, Anjulic, Benji's older sister was born. Two years after that, Benjamin was born. Then, two years later, his mother was murdered by her estranged father who sought her out for years, claiming that killing her helped regain his family's honor for her selfish act. He attempted to kill Benjamin and Anjulic too but was stopped by several people who had witnessed the murder.
  • Learning from his father and sister about his mother's talent in music, Benji embraced music as an ode to her - by the age of 12 he was an accomplished musician in various genres. Benji gained principal cello chair at 16-years-old at the local Orchestra where his mother performed (flute). He also performs with his dad's old friends at a local club called Jazz Pinoy, crooning on the piano or with his soprano & alto saxophone as if he was a seasoned pro. He also played string bass - electric and string.
  • Instruments: 400 yr Amani Cello - given to him by his father when he realized that his son had a true talent for music, and the student cello he owned was inappropriate for him to continue this training on.
  • On April 25 th, 2013, Jazz Pinoy performed at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. On that day, 21-year-old Benji met Michelia Banerjee, a 26-year-old Alexandrian witch/snake-charmer performing in a shabby vodou-hobo hall deep down the end of Bourbon Street. He'd thought he would lose his V-Card to her that night - unfortunately, she had other plans in mind. Drunk and seduced, she turned him that night rather than leaving him for dead. Then, as he battled days after about the monster he'd become, she coasted him into staying with her - or return home to christen his fangs in his father and sister's blood. In fear of losing his only family, and everyone else he loved, Benji stayed with Michelia until she died a year and a half later, killed by one of her own.
  • Michelia taught him the art of Alexandrian Wiccan and Hermetic Qabalah. In so teaching him this art, she noticed his intelligence gave him an affinity for Telepathy. She also realized that Benji is strong in the Element of Air (Sonar), so she began to teach him more about this; building this skill to be stronger than his Telepathy.
  • Benji left his old coven and traveled, connecting with several covens his Sire had mentioned from her past. From them, he learned more about his gifts and trained to build them up well enough to protect himself, if so need be. He is still, however, considered a First Degree Witch in his circles, and still has a long way to go.

The ability to communicate/perceive outside of the known senses. Benji can read/sense another person's thoughts and communicate with them mentally. He can communicate and receive information from others. And because of recent events, he's been slowly able to communicate through dreams. This connection also brings him dangerously close to a person's emotions - a flavor too unpredictable to touch, which only places him in an awkward position when dealing with his telepathy.

A perk with this skill lies within his natural, yet uncanny ability to remember things; numbers, maps, people, faces, names, entire books, anything. Not just short-term memory - everything seems to lodge itself straight into his long-term working memory. And he remembers right down to every small detail years after first introduced. Therefore, what he reads from other minds will stick with him until he dislodges them for good.

Air (Sonar)
Sonar–The ability to create & manipulate sound and sound waves. Benji can create and change sound waves to mimic, intensity, hush, and distort, as well as warp, strengthen, echo, project, speed up, and slow down the sound. He can affect music and produce it. Create and change the loudness, pitch, and tone of sounds, even to destructive levels. He can also use Sonar to track the whereabouts of people or objects by focusing on the essence, aiding him in pointing out the direction and distance between them. By using his telepathy and sonar within a dream-state, he's able to do the same - using more energy, still with the same results. It's enhanced in his dreams with the use of his stang.

View attachment 191094Benji uses his skills through the use of touch or intricate hand and body gestures to activate them. Touch he uses mostly for telepathy because it helps him to focus on the mind before him. He's still a little rough with mentally searching a mind to touch, or focusing upon a person with his eyes to connect to them. And sometimes, it just happened at a whelm - it all depends on both party's emotional states.

Sometimes, if an Elemental spell is far too complicated, or the size of the spell is too massive for him to attempt with his hands, then he'll use the stang made by his Sire of white ash, about 24" long. It bares two raven feathers bound to a quartz shard and a rune, sealed under the super blue blood moon on 1/31/17; quartz and tourmaline crystal points were cleansed in a closed circle during the new moon of a solar eclipse on 8/21/2017. The talisman of protection he wears is a simple black metal piece engraved with the runes to protect against seven levels of evil.

Benji also holds with him an arm bracelet embedded with a lapis lazuli - the stone of awareness. When carrying his stang is unacceptable or inconvenient, to channel his energies for basic, daily spells he is able to wear this bracelet hidden under his sleeve. He wears it on his left arm at all times.

He also owns the arm bracelets belonging to his past Sire. One is her wedding band laced with magical energies for luck and prosperity - the rubies are channeling stones as well. The other, an extremely ancient armband that once belonged to his Sire's sensei - Michelia's Sire's grandmother. It's not a band he wears daily. It channels energies but also retains it for use as well. When he is aware of the need for more support, when he'll be dealing with higher-level spells or involved in dangerous situations requiring more strength; then he will wear the band. Unfortunately, in so doing, the power behind it is far stronger than he can handle, so it harder for him to control the power of the band than it is for him to utilize it for his spells.

Benji keeps his spellbook with him everywhere he goes, but it's not necessary cause he has the entire thing memorized. It's just for recording new elements with his spells, or new spells he's beginning to learn. He can read Tarot and Runes, and if he's focused well, he can register fluctuations within a person's aura.


Unfortunately, with all the information he collects and holds in his massive memory, Benji can, from time to time, meltdown. If he does not meditate to clear unwanted information and free his mind from the stresses of his and other's thoughts and emotions, he can lose his own emotional balance and crash. Just like a large network of computers that keeps an entire country up and running - suddenly going dark, Benjamin will fall into a 'floating' state (awake and active but mentally unaware of his actions), or worse - fall into a coma that can last for months.

Air (Sonar)
Everything that effects normal sound effects this ability as well; he might be overcome with enough training, but he's not there yet. Vacuum or anything that stops sound prevents this power. Plus, his ears are so overly sensitive to sound, that overusing his own skill causes seriously debilitating migraines that can knock him out for hours and leave his ears ringing profusely. With training, this can be eliminated. (Eventually, he'll learn how to overcome most of his Sonar weaknesses by learning Airwave Manipulation).

Extra: Soccer, Poetry, biking, Parkour, martial arts (Shorin-Ryu, Escrima, Boxing). Can't draw to save his life, but loves those adult coloring books - you know, From the One Who Hates You Coloring Book, and one of his favorites, The Asshole Artist...

Benjamin is a coffeeholic - it's the only drink he cares to have, especially after drinking true blood. It helps to eliminate that god-awful copper taste he hates that lingers after refreshing his demon.

He can sew like a tailor and dress to impress. Likes to shop/window shop like Michael Jackson - he just points and buys. It's a bad habit and could break his bank if he doesn't control himself. But, frankly, Benji rather search the market for a bigger place to put all his new things instead.

Just from his structure and how he handles himself, you would think Benji is the poster-child for good health and physical fitness... You would be wrong. True, he loves his choice of sports activities but stays active because it's fun. He doesn't care less about what sort of food if any, he stuffs in his body. With such a high metabolism, he can eat an entire donut shop out of business and still wouldn't see the results around his midsection - this was before his hated gift of vampirism. Now, after his Turning, there still no end to his nightly food binges, but now he silently protests because every food item he consumes has to have that special garnish - blood.

He hates garnish.

Prefers warmth over cold and food over blood, but since that's not gonna happen and drinking blood sickens him to think about, he's settled for synthetic blood to quench his youthful thirst - even though it tastes worse than true blood and doesn't settle well with his stomach. When it's out of reach, and the thirst grows, he's forced to do what he regrets.

His Cellos
His 400 year old Amani Cello - concerts only, and his Dashtick electric cello - for jazz concerts and casual travel.

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Voice: Anthony White, Model.
Benji's voice has a low tenor tone that seems unlike what you assume you'll hear when you first meet him.
[No, Benji does not have ADHD.]

Sounds: [Cause boo can play]
Benji has been working with a few producers with his new music sound. Music has been his life, but now he's attempting to turn it into a new life, a new passion - a sound that differs from the standard classics and jazz he's known all his life.
Universoul Ant (Anthony White)

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Dalisay Blessica Tiongson "Lisa"

(Images: at 18 years old, at 24 years old) Faceclaim: Tina Guo
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Nickname - Daisy, Lisa
Hometown/Country: Ayala, Alabang, Philippines. Now residing in America -
Occupation: Student Resident at XXXX University Medical Hospital - Medical Student (Pediatrics)
Second Chair Chair – Classical Cellist / Heavy Metal Electric Cellist / Erhuist for the Farben Symphonic Orchestra.

Even though their family didn't hold a status of wealth in their town, their love and talent for music became their gold. Lisa's father was quite known as a traveling musician at the beginning of his teen years and had found a place in a prestigious city orchestra before marrying his long-time girlfriend. Their life became richer when Lisa was born, but soon her mother lost her job, and eventually, they had to pack all they had and move out of the town in hopes to live with less, to save more. That move to the city made life easier for her father to maintain his position in the orchestra. After a few years, he became principal Cello and gained a pay raise. Life became better for them.

Lisa began playing the erhu at three and the cello at five years old under the instruction of her father while they lived in the Philippines. Seeing potential in their daughter, her father called upon a close friend and renowned English music director, Eleonore Schoenfeld to take her under her wings for two more years of music study. Soon, Lisa's mother was able to gain a career as a Procurement Manager in a national manufacturing chain that moved them to America. She lived with her mother there for about a year before the company moved them back to the Philippines. Her father stayed home, returning to music, and soon was able to find a nicer home in town for his family with the monies he and his wife were able to obtain.

Moving back to the Philippines was not what Lisa wanted. She was hooked; she wanted to stay in America, learn more about the country, culture, and music.

Hoping, she would also consider medicine as a career, her gaining a Western education was promising to her parents. True, their lives were getting better, but it was still difficult to live well. They hoped to see their daughter marry a well-to-do gentleman who can financially care for them all. But, knowing their daughter needed to carry herself as a young woman worth marrying; they prepared to upgrade her education. So, at age 15, they enrolled her in an online language platform, an exchange student preparation program that allowed students from other countries to help each other learn language, culture, and answer questions they have about the other country before moving there to begin their education – to better acquaint them.

That's when she met YC.

At first, she was shy and almost unwilling to cooperate in this online program for fear of embarrassing herself, but she soon discovered that her pen pal was a considerate, patient person and willing to share his world. She began to relax and before long they became instant friends. She shared her thoughts and feelings with him, more so than her own family and classmates. She learned to trust him the more he showed trust in her by expressing more about his world. This began a long-distance friendship that lasted far into her high school years.

A year before the end of high school, the Exchange Program lost funding and ended abruptly. She shared her full name and a photo in her last email before the connection ended. She received the same info back from her pen pal, and she kept his picture and name for a long time until life took hold of her happy memories and set them aside. She'd long forgotten about the little puppy love feelings she once had for her writing friend and eventually became focused on her future. Soon, suitors attempted to win her heart, but a classmate made the first move. A friend of her brother, who used to tease her while they were growing up, had asked her parents for her hand in marriage; this – a day before she left for America. They accepted without her knowledge – and he surprised her with a ring before she boarded the plane, promising to faithfully wait on her return. She accepted his promise out of politeness and fear of her family's feelings but requested a long engagement because she was unsure of her feelings about him. Her parents were not too happy but allowed this.

This is what she carried to America – a ring of promise from a man she barely knew, and a long-forgotten picture in a memory box - a sweet dream that may never come true.

After successfully entering the US on a Student Visa and living the life of a proper American student, Lisa worked to gain dual citizenship before starting her last year in college. She made a good living in The States as a medical student and professional musician, but she longed to find some way to convince her family that her life in America was worth her staying. After five years there, she was quite enjoyed the life she'd created for herself and prefers to stay. But those other obligations were standing in her way.

Her aging father was now disabled and has been assisting his mother at her flower shop, keeping the place in working order. Her mother was now upper management at the company she's worked for for almost 25 years. She is preparing to retire to care for her husband and their grandchild from Lisa's married brother, Avid. So, it's vital now for her to return home, to marry the man holding her parents' blessings, and to care for her family.

Lisa wishes to break from her old traditions to live the life she worked hard for, but will it be possible without breaking her family's heart?
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Kierena Isadora Rosignon - The Vessel

Kierena is from Port Au Prince, Haiti. She looks 22, but is actually 67 years old. She is a Chosen, picked from the Queen's Vampire litter as her Vessel - for she can hold souls within her. As of how, she contains 888 Vampiric souls for the Queen to feast upon, to help her return to life upon the world.View attachment 187104
Kierena - her transformation when The Queen, Lilith, takes her body
as her own, to return to the living to regain control of her vampire children.
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Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.

Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.


Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.


Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.


Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.


Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet boudin andouille biltong burgdoggen cow bacon. Shank leberkas brisket meatloaf, tri-tip biltong pork chop ham boudin drumstick. Strip steak chuck brisket, hamburger ham biltong corned beef shoulder tri-tip. Sausage bacon tongue alcatra sirloin biltong prosciutto turducken chicken. Chicken bresaola meatball drumstick beef ribs turkey filet mignon sausage tri-tip andouille. Pork belly capicola turkey corned beef pork loin chuck venison boudin.

Swine turducken ground round strip steak meatball ribeye. Landjaeger hamburger porchetta, chicken shank drumstick cupim beef ribs prosciutto ribeye short ribs chuck rump. Picanha corned beef turducken t-bone jerky short ribs meatloaf kevin shoulder swine short loin landjaeger drumstick pork chop. Tail short loin sirloin turkey strip steak frankfurter pancetta ground round cow venison.
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Lithiuna Malorram

NAME: Lithiuna Roxmery Malorram
NICKNAME: Lithy, Rox
OVERVIEW: "A Ghost Child trying to sneak her way out of the dark."
GENDER: Female
AGE: 23
BIRTHDAY: August 24th, Virgo
BIRTHPLACE: 621-4B Southway Hold, Providence; Port Au Prince, Haiti
NATIONALITY: Haitian American
PANTHEON: She studies under Vodoo Loa (God) Rada (Bon Ange) the Gods that were working on the creation of the world, on making rules and life-keeping.
DIVINE PARENT: Papa Legba, Loa of crossroads; singer, fighter, fool, Guardian of the door into the spiritual sphere.

Height: 5'8"
Body Type: Average curves with lean muscle
Hair Description: Natural strawberry blonde
Eyes: Light grey

Distinguishing Features: She is Albino, which is both a blessing and a curse for her within the Haitian culture. Has a scar above her right elbow from when she was a little girl living in Haiti - someone kidnapped her and tried to cut off her arm for a good luck charm. (She's wanting to get an armband tattoo designed to cover the nasty scars around her arm - a way to celebrate her survival).

Clothing Style: She's urbanesque in so many ways, but she'll go Bohemian Chic, Afrocentric, or just straight-up classy. It doesn't matter to her; she just likes to dress how she feels.

Personality Traits:
  • Modest and Shy​
  • Meticulous and Reliable​
  • Practical and Diligent​
  • Intelligent and Analytical​
  • Eccentric​
Personality Flaws:
  • Fussy and a Worrier​
  • Overcritical - Mostly to herself or really close family/friends.​
  • Perfectionist​
  • Paranoid/Cautious​
  • Under Amos's influence: The Iwa within her tends to give her far too much confidence at times, turning her into a force to reckon with - Strong and determined, bold and outspoken, strong-willed and hard-headed.​
  • Allowing her albinism to get the better of her​
  • Being cut​
  • Things/People jumping out at her​
  • Losing herself completely to Amos or any Iwa (spirit) that temporarily takes her over. That's a fear all Vessels hold.​
  • Sunburns​

SKILLS: Photography, knitting/crocheting, cooking, writing journals, singing, spelunking/hiker/camper, been fencing collegially for six years. Can read bones, runes, and tarot. Also, due to having nystagmus, which is the involuntary rapid eye movement that some Albinos have, she is able to read both a person's physical form and their aura - the unseen inner light of their spirit/soul that radiates around them.

POWERS & ABILITIES: Powers: (WIP - Old Skills that need to be checked over and approved first)

Legendary: Spiritual Mediumship/Psychometry - (She is what Vodouist calls a Vessel). Ability to see and communicate with the dead by connecting to their spirit physically (Possession - becoming their living vessel), or through touching an object or being in close contact of an object or area connected to the departed. She tends to be able to use the psychometry skill with objects touched by the living as well, learning about the person through the small remnant they left behind. But since she's more connected to the afterlife she tends to be weak in this area.

Purview: Invisibility/Living Ghost - Due to her albino nature, she is truly a Living Ghost. She can become transparent, turning herself or things she touches invisible. She's also able to cast larger invisibility shields to protect or hide a group of people, but this skill is still new to her and difficult to do.

Artifact: Haitian walking cane with a sword - a representation of Legba's crutch - a weapon for protecting the Crossroad; when she's worthy of it.

Born in Southway Hold, Providence; Port Au Prince, Haiti. She lived with her mother, Seganna, who was the village Rada Mambo. Her estranged father, a rather disagreeable Petro Houngan, did not leave the province on good terms during his short stay there. Lithy hoped to avoid that negative legacy for the better.

One thing she was thrilled about was leaving Haiti; she'd be safer there. Suffers from PTSD, after a number of kidnappings throughout her childhood, she had lived in constant fear for her life. In Haiti, Albinos are considered either good luck charms or living demons. Therefore, she almost lost fingers, an arm, an ear for someone's good luck, and she was almost murdered several times - to extinguish the supposed demons within. Because of those close-calls, Lithy will go into full defense mode if spooked. She's slowly recovering from this since she's lived away from the island for two years, and was able to receive mental and medical attention. But time will tell if she'll ever break completely out of her paranoia.


EXTRAS: Spoken Languages: English, Creole, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Tagalog, Mandarin, Korean. She works for the Census as an Interpreter. She also owns an online language site where she helps people learn languages through natural communication.


Holds one spirit within her, her Gran Bon Ange named Amos, who uses her cat, a black Maine Coon cat with the same name, as his physical form from time to time.

Favorite Things:
  • Beautiful souls - they're so bright and colorful​
  • Intelligent, informed people, who care​
  • Food/Cooking​
  • Art/Music - enjoyment​
  • Being wrapped up - for warmth, coziness, and safety/protection​
  • Casual day at work​
  • Surprising people, but she doesn't like surprises​
  • Giving little things to people to show that you are thinking of them​
  • Kisses on her eyelashes​
  • Willow trees​
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Life Before

Audrai Akintunde


Name: Audrai Oyuluni Akintunde - Oyuluni means 'before the moon'. She goes by Rai.
FC: Mary Manaka
Height / Weight: 5'4"/122 lbs
Appearance: She is the tiniest of creatures, short in stature and slight in frame. Creamy brown skin with deep chocolate eyes and a head full of dark dreads that fall to her hips.
She holds several tattoos down her arms and across her chest. They were placed by her grandparents when she was quite young; an old Zimbabwe tradition that had, unfortunately, died along with her grandparents. Her parents never learned the skill, and therefore, Audrai has no knowledge of the process.

She also had a nose piercing and gages in her ears - another old tradition that is lost, but Audrai has figured piercing out well enough to successfully pierce her friends' ears, so they can wear her awesome earring designs.

Practical Skills - "I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create."

Seamstress, Knitting/Crochet, Leathersmith, Blacksmith, Forecasting

"Fabrics and metals are my materials of choice – they are how I express my love to others, not only by building the tools to go forth in our daily lives but to create beauty to surround us and dress us in times of celebration and leisure. To forecast (weather and harvest) is a gift I share with all to aid in our survival and care."

- Audrai is a creature living under her own terms; always a child who would do what she was told - but never agree. Once Rai has made up her mind there is nothing in this world that can make her change it. However, she has learned to harness this, especially when the good of The Colony is at state, but it's a very difficult process for her at times when she fears the outcome of other choices made.

Perceptive - Understanding or figuring things out has always come naturally to Rai. She is insightful, intelligent, and can usually see things that other people will miss.

Persuasive - Rai has always been able to easily get others to do what she wants, whether through reasoning or temptation, whatever suits her needs at the time.

Resourceful - When faced with a problem, Rai has always had a knack for finding quick and clever ways to overcome most difficulties.

Uninhibited - Societal conventions and rules mean nothing. Rai never lets anything get in the way of expressing herself, her thoughts, or feelings. But, she will not cross the boundaries of respect in those regards.

Adventurous - It may be incredibly inconvenient for others, but she absolutely loves to wander off onto one of her many "adventures", searching through the old ruins for various necessities still in good condition or in need of minor repairs.

Optimistic - If a smile can't be found on Audrai's face, then be ready for everything to end because there is something absolutely wrong with the entire world, its planet, and the universe. Audrai is always positive and always smiling because that is how she is, even if she doesn't have a reason to smile. A Peacekeeper and Shoulder to Lean On.

Compelling/Charismatic - Audrai's personality is contagious; it isn't hard for her to make friends. Her soothing nature can calm down even the most hostile of creatures.

Warmhearted - Audrai has been known to forgive the ones who have done unimaginably horrible things to her. Her heart is just too big for her to maintain hate within.

Fearless – "Can you imagine what it would be like to live your life without fear? This to me has become my idea of freedom, which equates to happiness." She doesn't mind being the first to do something unknown and potentially dangerous. If it helps gain results that benefit the whole, then to be the first to attempt is an honor. However, she is intelligent enough to recognize an inevitable negative outcome - in which case, it's more honorable to change plans.

Team Player – Audrai believes that each person must work on their own personal improvement and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity. She admires those who work together towards a larger goal, one bigger than all of them that benefit the masses. Those who oppose such, are the small few who are introduced to Rai's wrath. And yes, even though she maintains a state of positivity, when Rai actually gets mad - truly angry - expect hellfire.

"My roots are from Zimbabwe and Australia. All I know of that was given to me through my parents and theirs before them - through stories and sounds and art. I grew up simply "doing" life and going with the flow of those around me. But that's how we survive these days. It is a challenge leaving everything I'd ever known behind to start over but after so many years of following with someone else's flow of life, I am happy to set my sights on a new path.

"I'm a free spirit and this is reflected in the way I earn a living. I always knew my work would be creative as art has always been a large part of my life. When I was a child, I would draw all the time and I learned crafts passed from my grandparents to my parents. By the age of five, I could crochet, knit, and sew. At 8, I created my first leather harness. By the age of 10, I made my first blade. Also, from the skies and breeze, my grandmother taught me how to read the weather, to sense when to plant, harvest, or when to shelter ourselves from the dangers of nature. Little did I know this would play a huge role in my adult life.

"It's a difficult task to leave all you've ever known in search of your own way, but I have prepared for this challenge since day one x and I welcome it. I'm happy to be able to share this adventure with a few of my dear friends, like Calum and Chai. Having those connections from the days before will bring glad tidings for the days to come."
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Tanis Lumbrmin

FC: Dan Jergen​
Name: Tanis Mathew Lumbrmin
Height / Weight: 6'2"/287 lbs
Birthday: September 15th
Gender - Male
- 6'4"
WEIGHT - 265 lbs
Hair/Eyes: Black / Brown
Marks/Tattoos/Piercings: Burn scars down his back, slightly up the back of his neck, and the back of his arms and legs due to falling victim to a barn fire when he was 13. He saved his best friend and all the animals inside but lost one mare when a portion of the ceiling fell on him as he was pulling her towards the exit. Luckily, his father and friend pulled him to safety and extinguished the flames.

Practical skills
Weaponry (firearms, bombs, knives, archery) and Hand-to-hand combat. He's quite capable of turning any regular household item into a very dangerous weapon. A trained fighter - cadet within the Settlement's defense squad.

Knowledgeable in animal husbandry and medicine - taught to him mostly through books found at an old animal hospital that he was intrigued with that belonged to Chase's father who was the resident doctor/veterinarian. Tanis' father, Artrum, who was the Settlement's Chief of Arms of the Defense Squad, refused for him to study under Dr. Seong because he was training Tanis to become the next Chief of Arms in the Settlement at his retirement. Even though Tanis followed his father's teachings, secretly he studied animals with Chase while they tended to the barn and worked the land.

He is an officer of the Settlement's Defense Squad, a trained Veterinarian, and a Lumberjack. He's just passed his Vet training, which gave him the pass to travel to the new Settlement with the others. But since he was seriously late in completing his tests, he had to wait until the next quarter to leave.

Personality: Open-Minded, Straightforward, Guarded, Absentminded, Instinct, Hardworking, Protective, Selfless, Trustworthy
Rather artistic and logical – a perfect combination for an engineer. He's thorough in everything he does and tends to educate himself about the facts first before starting something new. Just like his mother, he's gained a knack for organization and cleanliness, and he prefers to keep his life structured to maintain balance. Changes in his life right now are difficult to handle, but he's getting better at coping.

Occasionally, Seth snaps when he gets stressed, tense, or emotionally worn out. This nasty temper was given to him by his dad; a trait he's ashamed of. He finds peace in the outdoors and caring for animals - anything that keeps him away from his father's constant drills and commands keeps him calm and focused on his personal pursuit.

Also, due to his rough experience in his childhood and during the military, Seth dislikes being alone. Before he had his younger brother, and during service, Seth hung out with his friends during downtime. But he had to work hard to maintain his composure when working alone during wartime. Befriending Ahren while living at the Air Force hospital after his injury was another way his life was saved because that time alone at the worse of his life dragged him down into a very dangerous depression that almost ended him.

Tanis is very faithful and loyal to those he cares about and loves; he's very family-oriented. Due to his brush with death and his father's harsh teachings, Tanis can be slightly desensitized by stressful situations - almost to the point of shutting down. This, however, is a mental block - unknown to him - that can be very dangerous in certain situations. Once he snaps out of his personal shadows, Tanis will work and fight like a demon to protect and serve.

LIKES - Books, working with animals, working out, sunlight, family, open and honest people, hanging with good friends, the ocean.
DISLIKES - fire/firecrackers, loud noises, being alone, feeling lost and out of control, bullies, boxing.
WEAKNESSES - family, love, loneliness, anger, change, lack of control.

His childhood ended when his parents divorced and his older brother and his mother left without him. Tanis would never see them again - he can't even recall their names or faces anymore. All he had was a tyrant father, Artrum, nature, and animals. His father quickly remarried a wonderful woman, Dalarris, whom Tanis truly saw as his true mom. He clung to her to avoid Artrum at all costs. With her help, he started to pull from being his father's twin to pursue his own interest around the age of 10. Anything that kept Tanis far away from his father's wishes was wonderful. Regardless, Artrum still forced his hand, personally beginning Tanis' training for the cadet defense squad - to guide him in following his footsteps.

At 13, when the barn burned down, even though Tanis saved his friend, Clase, and the animals in the barn; and suffered serious burns due to his heroic act, his father still punished him for being there in the first place when he was supposed to be at the fighting ring to train for the squad.

When his stepmother died due to illness, Tanis was 15. He pulled away from his father further to avoid his hostility; for some reason, Artrum seemed to blame Tanis for her death, as well as his previous divorce. Due to Artrum's strange hatred towards him, Tanis grew closer to The Seongs, claiming that Dr. Seong treated him more like his son than Artrum ever did. Even though Tanis still followed in his father's footsteps, as all children did in the Settlement, and became a cadet within the Settlement's defense squad, he was always rebellious and secretly studied under Dr. Seong (his adopted father) as well.

When Tanis passed his trials and became an officer at 18 years old, he stepped away with the knowledge and began to fully study veterinarian medicine with Dr. Seong, just to piss his father off. Artrum attempted to beat his son into the "right frame-of-mind", but now Tanis was strong enough in body and soul to stand up against him. Before the entire Settlement, the truth was revealed about Artrum's abusiveness towards his son. Since Tanis was of age, he was allowed to leave Artrum's home and make his way. Dr. Seong took him in, and he and Clase continued their studies in animal care - hoping to pass well enough to be chosen to travel with the group to the new settlement location. Clase did not pass. Tanis passed, but it took too long. So, he has to wait until the next quarter to safely travel to the new site - herding his personal animal stock with him.
Artrum - Tanis's Father, Dr. Suk Nam Seong - Adopted Father, Clase Cao Seong - Adopted Younger Brother

The Phantom Gate
Tanis Mateu Lumbrmn

APPEARANCE || FC: Dan Jergen
WEIGHT/HEIGHT || 345 lbs/5'10"
IDENTIFYING MARKS || Scars, markings, or tattoos of significance

FULL NAME || Tanis Mateu Lumbrmn

AGE || 27

RACE/SUBCLASS || For example : Human/Plainspoken. Note the races of FULL demon and FULL vampire are not playable at this time. FULL Celestial is also unplayable. For now, Champions are also unplayable.

MAGIC TYPE/SCHOOL || For example : Divine/Invocation or Ritual/Runes. Note the main seven schools of magic are only available to HUMAN races (or half-human). Ritual magic is available to any race. Reprehensible Magic is not viable for PCs at the moment.

SPELL SPECIALIZATIONS || Three spells which your character excels at (note… no one is good at everything! Please pick spells within your magic type/school).

ELEMENT CONNECTION || Which of the seven elements best suits your character's personality.

OCCUPATION || Plainspoken and/or otherwise.

PERSONALITY TRAITS || Four traits that define your character's general personality.
STRENGTHS || three character strengths
WEAKNESSES || four weaknesses
MOTIVATION || What drives your character. Why do they do what they do?

PERSONAL GOAL || What does your character hope to achieve within their lifetime. This could be anything from career/familial goals, to revenge against an enemy, to unearthing a great mystery. Be creative.

DEFINING ACT || Something from your character's past which helped to define them, today. This could be an act of heroism, a lie they told, a secret they carry, or a moment of tragedy.

BRIEF BIO || A brief understanding of their life, as is relevant to the story!

OTHER || Anything else pertinent to the sheet. This can include Familiars, Spiritual weaponry, or anything along those lines.
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Call of the Abyss

Detective Silas Marcello Francis Rampersad
27 | Forensics Scientist/Cold Case Detective | Professional Hobby Photographer
Nickname(s): Si, Marc
FC: Unknown Model
Birthday: December 30th – Capricorn
Place of Birth: Virginia
Nationality: Spanish/Cuban American, Greek.
Status: Single
Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 242 lbs
― hair: brunette, wavy, wind-swept, cause it's easier to deal with that way.
― body: Medium built with muscle tone. He works out now since he's determined to not look like a donut in his uniform.
― skin: He doesn't have that deep olive tone of his mother's Greek bloodline, but instead carries the light tones of a Spanish native. At least the Cuban side of him keeps him deeply tanned without burning to a crisp in the sun.
― clothing style: He's comfortable in dark tones, tees with blazers and dark blue jeans, Vans rather than dress shoes. But, always a soldier, he's looks just as comfortable in any uniform he dawns.

Personality: Calm, composed, clever, creative, collective, comfortable...but can be a bit sporadic, a live wire when out and about within his natural environment with his trusty camera. That's his Cuban side slipping out of place. It's a rare occurrence, but one that can be easily spotted when any spicy music is of earshot or a dramatic scene before he calls forth his camera. Silas is one who blends into a crowd but doesn't hide behind anyone when the spotlight's on him. He's content both ways but prefers to be the one behind the camera rather than before it.

Beer: He has a passion for exotic brewed beers. He'll span the globe for an original or unique flavored beer. Don't get him wrong, he enjoys a nice wine every now and then; but prefers the hearty, robust aromas and taste of a well-designed, long-standing, out of this world, ancient home-brewed beer.

His passion for the exotic runs throughout everything in his life, from food, music, fashion, cars, languages...everything. He prefers new experiences and views of his world. Can speak several languages (Spanish, Greek, Mandarin, Korean, Tagalog. Learning Japanese, and Italian.)

Music: With Cuban and Greek blood flowing through him, Silas is very keen on The Arts, on passionate moments, beauty seen and unseen, and sound... And even though he's devoted his life to the grotesque world of forensic science, he keeps it balanced with his love of glorious sound and visual beauty. Music of all kinds that speaks within him, that moves his hips and brings a smile to his feet - that's another passion of his that is somewhat difficult for such a reserved person to contain. (Yet, he does try to, and would never admit to even his closest friends.) Can play Acoustic Spanish Guitar.

Nature: Rural or Urban, as long as his camera appeals to it, so does he. But, one thing he cannot manage to capture is the emotion of fear, anger, hatred, and neglect. Silas has a soft spot for injustice - can't stand to see a person suffering, being abused, mistreated... And he's bypassed many photojournalist jobs to avoid shooting such scenes. He can't handle it; he grows furiously angry, heartbrokenly mad, and would probably jump to the rescue and land himself in jail if he's not careful. His weakness for the underdog awakens the one flaw he hates about himself - his temper.

Negative Trait:
He carries that Cuban passion and Greek temper - not a good combination for both fuels the other. Silas has enough control within himself to hold back from those he loves and respect, to contain his emotions when it's vitally necessary. But, when it comes to strangers, the innocent, or when his family and friends are threatened, there's no need for control in his eyes. That's when he becomes reckless. But still, Silas tries his best to not blow overboard, knowing that will only make matters worse.

Silas Rampersad lived a strict Marine Brat life with a strict father who always pounded him about following in his Marine boot steps like his older sister Danielle; Silas finally broke down and joined the Navy instead – just to piss his dad off. It only made him happier to have a son who serves.

Graduating high school a year and a half early with 2 years of college credits, Silas quickly became a Chief Warrant Officer under the CBRNE Defense Department (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Defense), which sparked his interest in Biochemistry and Forensic Science. After five years of serving, and finishing college with a Bachelor's degree in Forensics, he left with ambitions to work for the FBI.

That opportunity never came.

Silas and a few of his Navy brothers had planned to backpack through Asia. It was a photo goldmine for Silas and a chance for one of their friends, Young Woo, to visit his homelands he was slowly learning more about. It was an adventure for the sheer fun of brotherhood and personal rediscovery. So, with the savings that they all collected, contacts through Silas' younger sister, Felicia, and online friends around China and Hong Kong Young Woo had always kept up with; the five-man team set out to span the globe together. They spent 10 months running around Asia with all they had on their backs. On their return home from the airport, the roads were icy due to a freak arctic storm that slammed the region. A semi-truck had lost control in front of them and began to fishtail, slamming their car into the bridge's guard rail. Silas was driving and thought he could clear the back of the trailer before it hit, but he couldn't stop the car it time. The truck caused an eight-car collision, literally burying their car in a pile of out-of-control vehicles. It took the rescue crew hours to pull them out of the vehicle - they barely realized their little car was even there.

Silas made it out of the hospital after eight months of care and rehabilitation for his broken left leg, left arm, and minor skull fractures down the left side of his face, and several internal injuries. But his friends did not survive, for the passenger side of the vehicle was mauled by the guard rail and mountainside, and the various cars that pilled behind them crushed the back end of their car.

It was a miracle that Silas survived… That's what people say. Silas didn't think so. He fell into a rather serious depression, ignoring everything he's ever cared about because the guilt of losing his Navy brothers tore him up. He dropped his dreams for the FBI because he just didn't care anymore. His family moved him into his parents' home, so they could keep an eye on him. His sisters did all they could to keep him socializing and get out of the house, but there were times that it was physically painful for him to leave and enjoy life. He felt like he didn't deserve any of it.

One day, Silas's parents received a call about his sister Felicia that changed everything - and perhaps saved his life.

His youngest sister, Felicia, suffered major burns over 48% of her body and minor injuries when a pressure valve collapse on one of the large containment chambers at the chemical plant she was working at. She went through decontamination, several surgeries, and skin grafts, as well as rehabilitation for the damage she'd sustained. Her husband, Derrick, was with her 24/7 assisting and training on how to care for her, renovating their home to be handicap accessible for her, and just being by her side. They have a seven-year-old son, Braydon, who has only seen his mother once since the accident. Derrick's parents are dead. Silas and Felicia's parents were the only people able to care for their son, but they were up in age and not quite physically able to keep up with a seven-year-old all the time.

Silas began to assist his parents in watching his nephew until the renovations to his sister's home were done. Because of his nephew, Silas needed to snag a job to care for the extra bills that come with caring for a child. His parents' home was also mighty small, so when he gained a position with a Police Department in the city on their Forensics Team, he didn't hesitate to take it. Soon, he moved to a nice apartment close by, which gave him and Bray enough space to chill.

Silas and his parents have cared for Bray for two years so far, while his sister recuperated. Everything was going great for them, and Felicia was soon set to return home at the end of this year. The sudden disappearances began, forcing Silas's hours at work to heightened, especially when the Chief gave him a raise along with a new position – assisting the Cold Case Department with various cases, including the odd cases that were quickly piling up in the little town of Aurora as of late. He truly didn't care to change positions; he was quite comfortable in his laboratory, dealing with various oddities within evidence to find clues to the bigger picture. But when Braydon and his babysitter didn't return home after baseball practice, with no call to him or his parents about any change in plans, Silas decided it was best to get involved; the sooner, the better.

Parents: Augusto and Carlotta Morales
Siblings: Danielle Rebeka Marie Morales (33) - Marine Sergeant/Intelligence & Communications
Felicia Marie Consuelo Morales-Hines (29) - Chemical Engineering
Married to Derrick Alexander Hines (32) - Aerospace Engineer
Son - Braydon Augustus Hines (7)
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Naome Roxmery Devereaux

Naome Roxmery Devereaux
27 | Female | FC: Aiyana A. Lewis
Nickname(s): Omi, Rosemary, Rox
Date of Birth: June 3rd, Gemini
Place of Birth: Metairie, Louisiana
Ethnicity: Mexican/Jamaican/Creole
Sexuality: Bicurious
Occupation: Researcher at the Museum of Cultural History in the city. University student completing her Bachelor's Degrees in Architectural Restoration and Historical Interior Design.

Hair: Naturally wavy black hair. Will wear it either long and wavy, straightened or braids, and at times will chop it off into a short bob knowing that it will grow back to its original length in around 3 to 6 months.

Body: Curvacious in her 5'6", 132 lbs form - almost too juvenile in looks to be considered older than 20 - until you take in those curves. Toned due to several years in dance and later track.

Skin: Mid-tone cocoa - Mulatto. Freckles across her nose and cheeks are her most natural striking features. The other is a creative torso tattoo depicting peacock feathers - the peacock being her favorite bird.

Clothing Style: Excentric - Likes a variation of styles - Urban Fleek to Posh Socialite to Creole Bohemian. Bright or demure colors, and showing enough skin to cause several collisions if she crossed a busy street.

Physical Disabilities:
Naome is partially deaf due to suffering from Otosclerosis when she was 7 years old. Her family doctor attempted surgery when she was 10 years old, but it failed and caused more damage. She was considered clinically deaf and had to learn sign language.

First Impressions: Versatile | Eloquent | Youthful | Witty | Nervous | Inconsistent | Inquisitive | Hardheaded/Stubborn | Argumentative | Quietly Intense

* Naome is quite an eloquent young lady in how she carries herself and speaks. This is due to her rich upbringing within the high-ended spectra of Louisiana's dark heritage - Not a Bourbon Street Debutaunt here! She a French Quarter Princess!

* Can adapt to whatever issue or situation she's involved in. But, just because she can, doesn't mean she will.

* Naome questions everything - even the simplest of things, not because she doesn't know the answers but because she's just curious to know the other person's view about the subject or item in question. She believes wholeheartedly in listening to others - collecting their words and expressions, for there are hidden meanings within that express their true heartfires. If you want to learn the truth, listen to more than just their words.

*For a girl who's had to fight for what she wanted all her life, you can't tell her she can't have it! Oh, she'll prove you wrong even if it hurts.

Temperament Naome can be quiet at first sight, patient around chaos, and observant. She tends to use body language more than sign language to express her emotions. But when she's around a mixed crowd, knowing they don't understand her, she'll mouse her thoughts - if they're worth putting her anxieties out there.

Mental disabilities Selected mutism.

Negative Trait | Her inconsistencies tend to cause problems in her life. It's not the lack of forgetting to be one particular way or being diligent in such, but the fact that she's so eccentric and sporadic in her livelihood causes her to show a lack of such - in turn, becoming unreliable at times. Regardless, she's not a person who will apologize and leave the mess behind. She'll fix her mistakes... if she remembers to.

Likes: Lemonade, a variety of music, languages, and culture (she loves learning about other countries and their art, wishing to visit those various places one day), loves languages and symbols.

Dislikes: Thunderstorms, meeting suspicious people, peppermint, mangos, the color green, fake people.

Ambitions: Her goal is to find herself through her talents and interest, to pursue a career that allows her to travel to different countries.

Fears: As of now, everything that bumps in the night - and the day.

"You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously." ~ Naome Devereaux
"You don't get it, do you? Fine art is something people gladly risk their lives for." ~Stoner - Eureka 7

Biography: TBA

She's been in the hospital for several months now and has recently awakened with enough strength and awareness to actually converse with the police. She's about to be released to go home with her brother, roommate, and best friends keeping an eye on her until her voice returns. They believe she's seen something, but she's either too afraid to speak about it (selective mutism) or her vocal cords are damaged. Either way, she's not able to speak right now and most of what she's gone through is a little fuzzy and lost in the sauce, but she wants to aid the group collecting with whatever information she can recall.

With the selective mutism she can speak, and tends to voice her opinions with a few choice words - but that's only if she feels safe with the people and the environment she's within. Get her mad enough and you won't get her to stop. When she speaks, it's clear enough to understand - more like listening to someone whispering with a strong accent. It's sort of strained, but if you listen close enough you might catch a few words. This will be the case until she regains control over her emotions.

She doesn't know anything except possibly what it looked like and the sensation she felt when in its presence. Maybe she can help them with piecing the clues about the other things spoken before from other people about what has happened. And possibly give them an insider's view of what happens before you see the entity. She'll be able to give them the idea that everyone should stick together - use the buddy system when they're out and about. They can do a whole Covid-19 thing, but instead of 6ft apart, they're telling the public to use the buddy system. LOL!

If I come up with anything more she might recall, possibly this thing actually touched her and she felt or sensed something that might help... whatever, I'll run it by you first before doing anything in the story. I wanna be oblivious to the storyline, even if I have a charrie that's closer to the antagonist, in a sense.

Oh, sorry brainstorm moment, just wondered if she might become a radar of sorts - able to sense when the entity is near or present in town? If it touches her, that might allow for something like that. She can be a help for them then. IDK... if so, then you'll have to cue me on when you will have one appear. I wouldn't jump the gun like that unless you want it to happen.

Brother: Tre Toganay Devereaux - 24

Roommate: TBA
Best Friend: TBA
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Gabriella Aneisha Rampersad
25|Indo-Trinidadian Creole|Forinsics Scientist Student|Late Night Radio Host

FC: Ashana Finesse

Nickname(s): Gabi, Nissie
Date of Birth: November 27th, Sagittarius
Place of Birth: Rio Ciaro, Trinidad, Venezuela
hair: Naturally wavy black hair, but wears it straightened and colored with brunette/red or brunette/blond.
Color all depends on her mood that month.
body Curvacious - she does not body shame by hiding what god gave her.
She has the guts to love herself, and the guns to beat up those who hate.
skin Mid-tone cocoa - Mulatto.
clothing style: Anything urban posh that shows off her curves.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 160 lbs

First Impressions: Smooth and creamy, sweet, and spicy.
Her energy inspires others to dream big, chase the impossible, and take fearless risks.
Gabi's honest, fair-minded, inspiring, optimistic, enthusiastic, encouraging, dedicated, adventurist.
Negative Trait:
Argumentative, reckless, flaky, preachy, tactless, overconfident - biting off more than she can chew.

Lemonade, a variety of music, languages and cultural, pets, pop music, international travel, laughter, karaoke, books, inspirational stories.
Prejudice, routines, rules, being bored, the words "you can't", Haters, Liars, Cheaters.

With everything she does, her main goal is to find her mother's murderer. And hopefully, gain her father's respect.
Losing her life, or her father's life, to the same fate as her mother.

Captain Savito and Makeda Rampersad.
Gabriella grew up in a well-to-do lifestyle, living under her prestigious parents' public influence and popularity. Her parents, both former Marines, raised their only daughter the best they could within their dangerous careers, teaching her how to stay observant, safe, and cool under pressure. But Gabi disliked their strict lifestyle and always felt restricted to the point of choking to death.

Savito is the Police Captain/Detective of Precinct 12. Makeda was the County Commissioner of Precinct 12. She was murdered five years ago by unknown attackers.

Due to this, Gabriella wanted to be more like her dad - strong, powerful, allowing nothing to stand in her way. Unfortunately, Savito was the very one standing in her way. Her father refused to allow her to grow beyond his sight, forbidding her from signing up to the Police Academy. He's even gone so far as to state that he didn't even want her to date or marry a police officer. It was forbidden! He wants his only child to live a life from beyond the blue line of justice, but that's the only life she knows. Gabi eventually talked him into allowing her to go to University for Forensic Science - a career that allows her to work safely behind the scenes, rather than on the beat.

Secretly, she's working with Marcello Selosse, a detective from Precinct 3. He's been teaching her the ropes about being a detective, training her on fighting and firearms, as well as testing her skills as a forensic scientist by allowing her to assist him in cases as a 'Deputized Forensics Detective'.

She's been going to University for 3 years now and working with Selosse for about 2. She's also a late-night radio host at the University's college station - a job her father approved because his precinct patrols the campus. It's a great cover for when she sneaks away with Selosse to go on stakeouts. Her radio assistants, Sabian and Maxine, take over on-the-air when she needs to step away. It doesn't really matter - Savito keeps a strict sleep schedule to stay well-rested for the new day.
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Victorie Grant
Age: 23
Gender: F
Appearance: About 5'7", 136 some odd pounds, give or take. Black hair, brown eyes.

Personality: Tough and rowdy, always with a sharp tongue and a punch that feels like a cement block; Victorie is not your typical Princess. Still, she does have a lightheartedness within her for those who she's relearned to care for. She's been a boxer's daughter all her life, secretly learning from her father, Cornelius T. Grant, a three-time Olympic World Heavyweight Gold Medalist. Would have been a four-timer, but dealing with his wife's sudden disappearance had changed the man... And changed Victorie.

Due to the absence of a mom, Victorie wanted to be more like her dad - strong, powerful, allowing nothing to stand in her way. Unfortunately, CT was the very one standing in her way. Her father refused to train her, forbidding her from becoming a boxer, even an MMA fighter. He's even gone so far as to state that he didn't even want her to date or marry a boxer. It was forbidden! He wants his only child to live a life beyond the hard-knock life of being a boxer, but that's the only life she knows. So, Victorie is doing everything she can to take everything she's seen her father teach others, and apply it to her own personal (secretive) training... but she has no one to work with.
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Not What It Seems Characters
Tabitha (Tabby) Covehaven
Age: 20
Description: Blond hair, hazel eyes, fair complexion, 5'6" height, 130lb.
Tabby works as a barista at Barnes & Noble in the shopping center across the street from the north side of Western Washington University in Port Angeles. She's a Psychology manor, with a minor in Theater.
Her parents wondered why she wanted to head all the way to Washington State for college, which is a long way from Florida… but, they never were into the Twilight Series… Well, at least they were able to talk her into a different major besides Theater; something more stable….

Team Edward
Tabby just purchased a set of temporary fangs that attach to her teeth, so she can get used to the idea of having permanent fangs added one day.

[IMG]Nickolas Elad (Nick)
Age: 26
Occupation: Receiving Dept at Westside Docks.
Appearance: 6'4", 175 lbs, dark brunette hair, beard/mustache on occasion, dark blue eyes. Several tattoos on back, Rt. calf, Rt. shoulder.

Personality/History: A typical guy who's fed up with life and growing a hermit's beard as he mooches off of his young roommate, Tabitha, just because she's too weak to kick him out. He met Tabitha two years ago through a common friend, Zach Bruner (Theatre friend), which gave him the advantage he needed at the time. Playing the 'friend card' here has given him a place to stay, three square meals, two cats to play with, and free WiFi and HDTV so far. But, he's getting sick of feeling so guilty for using her. Through Zach, Nick also landed a job at the docks in the Inventory/Inspection Dept. He's not getting paid enough to afford his own apartment – but enough to help her out and keep his head above water.

He's been out of prison for several years for a tragic incident that was an unfortunate accident on his part (DWI). His lack of motivation is not due to laziness, even though that's what he wants his roommate to believe; but his attitude comes from a lack of self-worth and an overwhelmingly sick feeling of guilt. Tabitha has kept him around, not only to help him with his problems, but he's the topic of her Psychology paper for her final.

[IMG]Kendra Rowe
Age: 27
Occupation: Full-time Barnes & Nobles Manager
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height & Weight: 5'8" 140 lbs.
Personality: Kendra is a strong, mature woman with a good sense of self and a caring heart. She always tries to be helpful and friendly, no matter the circumstances. She sometimes struggles with these ideals, especially when her anger or her cold-micromanagement side gets in the way, but her well-founded morals and experience help her along. She's a tough boss to work for, but fair and sensible.

Connor Rowe
Age: 20
Occupation: Part-time barista at Barnes & Nobles' Coffee Shop, part-time college student
Hair: Dirty Blonde/Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height & Weight: 6'" and 160 lbs.
Personality: Conner has trouble finding friends, mainly due to how he tends to push his false ego around others when everyone knows it's all talk. Being a perfectionist, he turns competitive against anyone who's better than him - which is pretty much everyone. He's a bit of a flirt around pretty girls, but it's actually out of insecurity; he hasn't managed to successfully date for several years.

[IMG]Min Ji Park
Age: 19
Occupation: Barista at B&N coffee shop, Student at University, in her 2nd year still undecided on her major.
Hair color/style: Black/ Dark brown, long.
Eye color: Dark brown
Height and Weight: 170cm (5'5"), 60kg (132lbs)
Min Ji is too "Americanized", she doesn't mind this though. She's bold and outspoken and acts more like a child than anything, and though she can be sweet and kind, can also come off as childish through her actions, such as whining or pouting. She is very outgoing, social, and enjoys making friends. Min Ji also likes 'observing' people. She is always watching people and drawing little things here and there either on a napkin or in her books, etc. She's always had a good sense of fashion, and her mind is always wandering around about the next big thing. She's also Team Edward.

Zackary Bruner (Zack)
Age: 20
Occupation: Theater Major at University
Appearance: 5'9", 135 lbs, somewhat of a stick on steroids, long brunette hair, dark brown eyes - sometimes beard, sometimes no beard.
Doesn't know why he's in college – just keeping his parents proud of him enough to feed his bank account. (They believe he's a chemistry major. I wonder why?) He mainly uses his talents in performing illusions and sleight of hands on the streets. He wants to be the next David Blaine or Angel, but mostly just does magic for the fun of it. He really doesn't know what he wants to do in his life, and oftentimes goes all emo and blows out on anything.
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Catch-All for Moonlight Charries

Jenascia Sands (Jena)

Gender: Female
Age: 24 yo (Birthday coming up in three months.)
Appearance: 5'5", 120 lbs. She has dark grey eyes and long black hair.

Personality: Jena is a very likable person, yet she is rather secluded in most of her mannerisms. Sometimes she feels that things will be better for her if she did not learn about someone, in the deeper sense of the term. To avoid warming up to them completely is her strange security blanket.

She fears them falling victim to...her....

She is slightly paranoid after all the odd accidents that tend to pull towards her year after year. She believes that someone is after her, trying to kill her - by any means necessary - but her uncanny ability to heal quickly keeps her alive. Her caretaker is determined to learn about this mystery, even though she's warned him countless times to stop while he can and just drop her off at the nearest train station. Clase Sands has promised her he would stop his research, but dumping her off somewhere...never!

(Clase and his brother are the only two people she's actually been close to since her parents' deaths; Clase more than Micha.)

Occupation: Jenascia is an alternate cello player for the Arnadia Symphony Orchestra, which allows her to travel where ever the Symphony tours. She is also an intern Executive Assistant for the Lead Conductor. She attends Arnadia University - about to finish her Masters in music composition and performance.

Her instrument: Orion - half-moon cello.

Jenascia is a walking miracle, and she has no idea why. When she was younger, she was hit by a car, drowned while swimming out in the ocean during high tide, was severely stabbed by one of her father's friends, and had her hand severed at the wrist by a stranger attacking her with a machete; all of which she survived without a scab on her and with all body parts intact.

Her mother considers her daughter blessed by an angel. Healers, Mambos, Priest, Shaman, and Doctors - all her mother took her to had discovered something unique in her blood, but could not give a medical explanation to where it came from and how it allows her to defeat death time and time again. Their curiousness leads to testings, and then greed wanting more than her mother was going to allow. They've decided to avoid the medical profession, the media, and anyone looking to Jena as the "Fountain of Youth".

In spite of how wonderful this gift has been for Jena, the downside for her is rather painful. Minor injuries are no problem to heal, but any life-threatening incident takes her body longer to heal - each and every time. The process slows down, and her tolerance for pain weakens. Sometimes her body will place her in a strange walking coma, just so she will not feel the pain as she stays conscious during the healing process.

Plus, no matter what happens to her, someone close always ends up losing their life in her place... Hence why her parents are no longer present.

She lives with Clase Sands, a police officer who stumbled across Jenascia when her apartment blew up in an unexplained inferno - she was the only survivor. With no home, or family to claim, Clase kindly took her in. That's when he learned of her powerful, supernatural dreams, and soon her ability to rebirth. Being a bit of a scholar and holding an interest in foreign cultures and science, he began to research her ability and her unusual surname. After a bit of research, he learned of an unbelievable history connected to her cursed blessing and fearfully hid Jena from the truth the best he could.

Clase moved her from the city of Arandia to a spacious cottage on the outskirts, hidden beyond groves and orchards of fresh fruits and flowers. With the war between the vampires and lycans, which only a handful of humans knew about, he felt that if they knew of Jena, she would be in danger...and to this day, he is the only one who knows why.

Detective Micha Sands is Clase Sands' older brother. (28 years old - visually speaking)
Micha thinks his brother's infatuation with Jena has gone overboard with all of the demons and cursed talk he keeps chattering about. Clase started to spend more time in his study rather than going to work, taking Jena where she needed to go like her bodyguard rather than taking care of his responsibilities. Now, Micha's got the police chief down his crack about his brother, and he's at a loss as to what to tell the man.

Even though, he knows exactly what Clase is referring to, knows more than anyone on this rock about the psycho vampires and the tree-hugging lycans. He's been investigating and monitoring their actions in the city for years. But, Micha continues to sway his brother away from such talk, to pull him from his get him as far away from Jena as he can! He knows what she is - a deadly curse, but he doesn't know anything as to why she is and how she'd become such.

All he knows is that he's lost one little brother to demons... He's not going to allow them to take all he has left. If Clase doesn't leave her, then he's going to take her away.

Special Information:
Jena is constantly being mentally bullied by a voice of pure bliss - blissful hatred and anger. The voice pesters her, taunts her into committing suicide, claiming that if she continues to live on another person will die soon. Clase has heard the voice once before - through Jena's fretful sleep and has remained strong beside her, trying his best to keep her spirits up.

But Jena knows...she knows that that song, which has played all throughout her life, is not a baby's lullaby...
The Voice

Template – Lycan:

Aiden Cristal

Gender: Male
True Age: 240
Appearance Age: 24

Appearance: (An idea in facial structure and hairstyle.)
Neither too tall nor the average of height; Aiden stands at being around five feet ten inches, with an elegant body structure. Narrow waist, long torso, lengthy legs, and lean, yet proportioned, muscles. He could be described as sleek or even dainty in appearance. His name serves a lot of justice to his appearance, meaning "little fire", hence the fact his head is full of vivid red locks, thick, wavy, and rich in color. They complement nicely to his pale skin and wide, ocean blue eyes. A handsome face, that comes equip with dimples when he smiles.

Usually, his attire consists of denim, straight-legged jeans, and a dark green or black turtle-neck. Sometimes he can be caught wearing a vintage grey vest over a white turtleneck. Or any casual clothes he can find that are clean in his closet. Always has a dull, silver band on his left ring finger.

(Lycan) A sleek wolf, larger than a regular wolf, but smaller than most lycans. Built for speed. With a dense, smooth red coat, he almost looks more like an overgrown fox than a wolf. Eyes change from blue to bright gold. His snout is long and defined, teeth smaller than most but razor-sharp. They are jagged and layered, able to deliver a fatal bite.


Endearing. Sly, sweet, and a compulsive liar (he hasn't always been, just an acquired taste over the years). Sometimes too sugary sweet to be true, which is in fact true. He cares about people, but doesn't care much about hurting others, and won't instantly love anyone. Nearly egocentric in the fact that he must gain something from a person, or could care less about them. Charming, yet, detached and clever like a fox. Gives people only one chance, one time to make a mistake, and he is done with them. The type of person that can cause some serious psyche frustration if someone were to get attached to him.

A man of many talents, he does an assortment of jobs. Due to his acute attention and remembering of details, he paints scenic portraits as a hobby and for quick, easy, money.

Currently, Aiden works/studies part-time at a local studio as a contemporary and classical dancer. He can also be caught performing magic tricks late nights at various clubs and will sometimes play the violin for small events; nothing that requires too much of him, or much papers and identification, but just enough to live a somewhat normal life.

History: His father was a fairly known magician and violinist back in the '40s-'50s, and his mother a prima ballerina as well as a classical harp player. So, Aiden was born with performing and art in his blood. He is the only grandson of an oil merchant, so he is financially set. And, randomly as a tidbit, he loves to swim and used to swim and dive competitively was bitten and turned at the age of nineteen, which was around fifty years ago.

Special Skill: A definite strength would be that he has an uncanny ability to remember things; numbers, maps, people, faces, names, entire books, anything. Not just short-term memory, everything seems to lodge itself straight into his long-term, working memory. And he remembers right down to each and every small detail; very intelligent.

He can read people well, see the slightest shimmer of color around them, letting him know what emotion they are feeling. It helps to know when someone is ready to explode, so he can get the heck away from them, which is good because he isn't the strongest of lycans. Actually, nowhere near being strong, but what he lacks in strength he makes up with extraordinary speed, eyesight, hearing, and smell. Another strength, though minute, is that he can lie/sweet talk his way out of most bad situations.

Being of a later generation, his weaknesses seem to nearly overpower his strengths. Though stronger than a mere human, he would probably lose in a one-on-one battle against a vampire or lycan of earlier generations. Lose badly.

He can only change at night under a full moon, and the process involves severe pain. Despite his actual lycan form being stronger and able to withstand and endure more, he rather stays human because once he changes back he is left crippling weak.

Special Information: He is the Lycan who finds the moonlight!

Malric Richards

Male 36 yo in looks, but around 600...he can't remember
Malric Richards has wild wavy jet-black hair. He's not the most handsome person, not that it really matters to him. A short, fashionably shaped beard covers most of the bottom half of his face. He wears a black trench coat that he stores his weapons and such inside of, also a leather sleeveless shirt and ripped jeans. He's not the typical clean-cut detective, but the unsolvable files that end up on his desk are not the typical homicides and murders.

Personality: He is nonchalant, intelligent, determined, stubborn, and independent. The only thing that would stop him from completing his goals is his own death - which is rather hard to come by.

Other: He's a bit of a drinker and slightly mental...but he's been an outstanding detective in the unsolvable department for several years. With all the strange occurrences happening in the city, the police knew they needed someone just as strange to handle those cases.

Occupation: Dhampier/Ganohali Dohi - (Vampire Child/Claw Tracker) CityPolice Detective - Unsolvable Cases Division

Ophelia DelMoor

Female; Looks to be 24, about 183 years old.
Succubus. Her sire is a 32nd generation vampire from a long line of vamps sired by Etrius.
Born in Kyo, Japan around the 1800s.

5'7", 128lbs, eyes of the brightest grey with a hint of jade, not very noticeable underneath specks of crimson. Has a small, strange tattoo coursing down her spine that represents her bloodline and the claim her deceased Sire, Lord Akatsumune, has on her. But, since he's no longer alive that bind has been broken. Lia can do as she pleases.

Has this uncanny need to be by her lord's side. After losing her Sire and several of her former coven to a Lycan attack some many decades ago, she's dealing with a lot of loss. In her own way, she clings to what reminds her of the good in her life. Her friend/enemy, Biloxi, is the only other survivor of their old coven. They were taken in by their new leader now and have been a part of that coven ever since. But, to keep her coven and her new leader safe, Ophelia has become somewhat of a mixture of Jan Brady and a security guard. She fears losing another family.
Ability: Can alter into a black Maine Coon cat.

Brandon Biloxi

Age: 31 (510)
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'9", 157lbs, Italian dark blue eyes - dotted in crimson, usually never seen due to his strange sensitivity to bright lights. Honestly, what you see is what you get.

A vampire with a lovely little trick - He turns into a wolf.

Abilities: A fighter and a lover all in one. Military background, but he rather not discuss it. Ophelia believes he's carrying some lycan genes to pull that one-off, but he's reluctant to prove her right or wrong. He really doesn't have a clue what he is, and frankly, doesn't care. As long as he gets what he wants, he will be anything she wants him to be.

Other: General bodyguard, in more ways than one. Really doesn't have a thing for Ophelia, just likes to be used. Mainly, he just wishes to settle down with a good girl, travel around the world for nothing more but to treasure hunt, and perhaps cause a little bit of trouble along the way. Ophelia is a friend, lover, covenant sister, enemy; what a complex relationship. They are the worst for each other.

He's a wanderer, most times; not keeping to the coven Ophelia resides in because he just can't stand being stuck between four walls. So, since he doesn't stay there, he feels he doesn't have to follow the rules... He comes around when Ophelia needs him, or when he needs her; always doing things for her - for himself, because the reward is well worth the efforts.

Name: Max Kunal

Age: 18 (Just bitten/blooded 1 year ago)
Gender: Male
Vampire: Youngling
Appearance: Max has brunette hair. His skin is pale from so much time in the dark, yet not as pale as others of his kind since he has only been a creature of the night for a year. He is tall and skinny and can usually be spotted sporting shades and a black jacket.

Personality: Max is Adventurous and Brave but unfortunately to his kind he is Light-hearted... Therefore, he has yet to bring service to Vampires through the death of their enemies. Maybe with time, he shall accept the ways, but for now, he is weak for only taking small doses of blood in times of great need. He is also extremely smart in modern human ways considering he was just a year before in such a situation.

Strengths/Weaknesses: His Vampiric blood has increased his speed and strength easily ten times over. Holy water holds only the smallest effect but silver and stakes can easily drive him mad in pain. He also has a fear of heights and Cross presents his weakness.

Occupation: He currently does not have an occupation, he just hangs around the house as security and be a nuisance to the others.

Other: Stubborn, he refuses to drink blood like a full vampire. He still detests the idea of it, but the rest knows he'll soon be so overcome by bloodlust that he'll have to quench his thirst soon.

Gavyna Falconnin - Lycan

Age: 500
Gender: Female
Lycan Form: Pure white with a black stripe down her spine and ribs.

Personality: Usually peaceful. Hates fighting, but will if necessary. Is the heart of the main Lycan pack in town, and the one who can calm their leader when required.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Draws her strength from the moon. Dumb as it may sound, she can't swim - due to an unfortunate accident when she was a human child that's left her scarred. Her speed is a major strength for her and her body is thin and not very muscular, though she's still got inhuman strength.
Occupation: Writes and playing the harp.


(Three men and one woman) Open for the taking!!!
Keep in mind that the Uprir are not beautiful vampire types. These images are just for you to see what they somewhat look like, or what they use to look like when they were vampires. I'm still trying to find images that express what I think Uprir looks like.

Red (Reshalle Akosko)

My evil little mouse. The only pretty Uprir - mainly because her connection to Mal Ange helps to keep up her appearance. She can read where the moonlight is located and has led her group towards her. The wish to assist the one asleep within, and ultimately, destroy the vampire covens that have exiled them to damnation.

Voodoo, fortune teller, soothsayer; she can interpret dreams, read tarot, palms, bones, and sometimes successfully see the future.

Jochem Shifter Pack: They are destined to watch the Thorne Manor, protect it from harm until the Twin Princes return to claim it together.

The Manor is now a museum is maintained by Dr. Philip Redcorn Jochem - Pack Elder, and his son.

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For Those Left Awake

Harper Anataha Westlan

Female Age 28
Job Description: Informant, Guide, Scavenger for The Chess Club (now under the ownership of Madame Chedder) - bar created to keep people in good spirits, where they can hire Guides, and to catch up on the news from other survival villages in the area.

General Appearance
Height: 5' 8 1/2"
Weight: 162
Native American descent

Hair: Long, dark brown that falls to her mid-back. She tends to keep it tied back whenever she can, but her bangs always fall over her eyes - it's better that way.

Eyes: Dark brown eyes, but her left eye is slightly clouded; partial blindness due to the damage she sustained after fighting against one of the bosses at The Chess Club. He busted her eyelid open with a beer bottle, leaving a shard of glass in her eye that she could not remove. It has attached itself to the nerve and causes her vision to fluctuate. Soon, its presence slowly cut away her sight in that eye. Surgery could save it, but really...?

Tendencies/Habits: Has a mental picture of a person in her mind whom her subconscious exploits. This person is the one who comforts her when she's in her worse, a sort of conscious that helps her feel right when she's being wrong or when wrong is being done to her. This entity is also the person she attacks when she's angry at herself. In the Chess Club, it's not wise to fight or argue. But, when she's infuriated about a situation, she lets it out on this mental image (friend/enemy).

Her attacks are in her mind, but every now
and then they become real - and Harper will find herself scared and bleeding from her personal fight. This opened up the wonderful world of hematophilia - her blood or others, she doesn't care. She just likes the feel of it; another security blanket...

Harper also suffers from agoraphobia - the fear of being trapped in an inescapable place or situation; yet, she continues to place herself in such situations... out of comfort or her form of punishment; who knows why she does this. This causes her to go through a major hyperarousal panic attack, in which she comforts herself through bleeding.

Harper is stealthy, a strong photographic and audio memory, great at hiding in the shadows and getting into the tightest corners unnoticed. This is why she is kept around the Club - as a mouse, an informant who can blend into the crowd, hide when needed, and listen and watch everything around her. This also helps in her
scavenging - keeping her hidden and safe from raiders.

Inner Personality
Harper has a warped sense of good and bad. What she knows that's good for her, is normally bad for anyone else. Pain is an accepted course in her life and love is just another type of pain she must endure. There's nothing better - not in this world anyway. She tends to draw towards danger and dangerous people - a magnet for bad situations and bad decisions. The only reason for this she can figure is because the worse it is, the better it makes her feel. It's a security blanket - the discomfort of a dangerous, deadly life. If everything returned to what normal use to be when she was younger, she'll probably lose her mind and hide in a corner.

Harper's no's are really yes's, her battles are never really won because she favors defeating more. This causes her problems within The Chess Club because her actions make her look as if she's being defiant or insubordinate when in all actuality she's doing the best she can at the only thing she knows. To do good, she must be bad...

History: Informant and Scavenger for The Chess Club. Sex Slave to Maxwell "Domino" Pike, the former club manager for Boss Rage.

Harper was a payment for services for Maxwell "Domino" Pike, a loan shark who manages The Chess Club in The Yellows for Boss Rage. At first, she was just a typical sex slave, but it was clear that the girl had moxie - a bit too much of it at times. So, Domino decided to put her to better use as his Side-Girl and Informant - a toy for others to exploit in order for him to gain their secrets without none the wiser. Unfortunately for him, Harper learned enough secrets to out-do him, as well as passed enough of his secrets out for others to undo him as well.

After six years, a man named Cain entered the Club. A Mutated Bounty Hunter, one who was looking for Maxwell Pike for a few overdue vendettas, heard her secretive calls for aid. He wiped the Club clean of any human life, allowing for the lucky slaves to escape unharmed. Then, for his payment, he followed Harper until he was able to quietly eliminate all the other survivors, claiming her for himself. Unknowing that Cain was the true reason for her friends' sudden disappearances, Harper remained with Cain for three years, learning all she could from him. Eventually though, through his constant dream chatters from a sickness she never knew he had, she learned of the lies he told her about her friends. He was the one who killed them, sold them into slavery, or dropped them off in the middle of nowhere to die alone. Overcome with anger and disgust, she killed the huge brute in his sleep and took everything he owned, selling most of it to manage for gasoline, water, ammo, and paying for her safety.

Now, she is a Scavenger, making weapons out of anything she can get her hands on in order to sell to people for gas, food, or water. She teaches people how to use them, and where to safely go for the best materials in order to make good weapons of their own.

Backpack - basic survival supplies, rations, heat resistant gloves, goggles, hand-held radar/heat sensor, flashlight, flairs, first aid kit, water (not a lot of it), hydrogen peroxide, steel-toe boots, a ripped rain jacket, a pair of torn-up blue jean shorts, a hand-woven bra and cover (second picture)

Hand Cannon (Like the one in the third photo.) - She doesn't know what it is exactly, she just knows that she can't handle its kick like Cain could, and wishes she didn't kill him every time she uses it. (Will be wanting to trade this cannon for something a little more her speed.)

Sawed-off Shotgun - What she picked up from Mama Cheddar when she died; the oldest woman slave at The Chess Club, who managed all the girls and kept them out of harm's way. She treats this like it's her mama's ashes.

Saw Sword & the Spiked Escrima in the third photo.
The two melee weapons that she tends to wield together, or with her hand cannon. They are both the length of short swords. The Saw Sword is her right-handed manager, and the Spiked Escrima is her left-hand support. Both handmade by yours truly.

Skilled in welding and knows how to piece together a decent set of metal armor and padding; skills she'd learned from Cain. Can make weapons out of almost anything.

Knows some heavy field medical skills, of course from Cain, and was able to confiscate a lot of the medical equipment he happened to have scavenged from various hospital and med clinics throughout his travels.

Not very strong in long-range shooting, due to her eye, but Cain had taught her how to aim well enough for her needs and trained her in grappling, defensive, and other close-melee fighting and weapon techniques. Mean with a knife.

Oh, almost forgot. Harper has a built immunity for snake bites. Her show at The Chess Club was the erotically entertaining Snake Charmer, one where she'd been bitten enough times to build this immunity. Her limit - 14 bites; she'll seize into a coma.
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