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Lalisa Vazquez

Lalisa Maria Vazquez


Lala | Lisa | Lisalisa

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

March 21st | 20 | Valencia, Spain



Blood Type:

A +




Bisexual (Masculine preference)


Hallucikinesis | Illusion Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.

+ With her powers, she can generate various types of illusions,
+ She can create tiny and detailed worlds and alter the way she or her target is perceived.
+ Her targets can be forced with overlapping hallucinations, causing several negative symptoms.
+ Targets can experience their worst fears.
+ If the illusion is powerful enough, it can literally convince the brain to copy anything that happens to the victim within the illusion.
+ Pain illusion is the ability to trick an individual's mind into thinking they are in physical pain. Though it has no physical effect on the body, the pain is quite effective to put a target down no matter the size.

- For starters, in order for her powers to work, she has to be within a ten feet radius of them. This also counts if she wants to keep the illusion going.
- And for her illusions to be very powerful, the targets have to look her in the eye. All it takes is one glimpse and they're caught up in a very powerful illusion.
- In order for her to make her targets feel, taste and smell in the illusion, she has to be touching them. Otherwise, they will only see and hear things that she wants them too.
- Psychics are all but immune to her power.
- Reflective surfaces show the true world. This could be a mirror or even the eyes of another.
- Lalisa is always in the illusions. Yes, she can disguise herself in them, but if she has created a tiny world to entrap a person in, it also means she is suspended in them too. If she leaves it, the world only lasts for a little while without her there to hold it up.
- If you step out of the world she created, which could be just the room or her radius, and she's not with you to move it along as you go, then it starts to shatter. Literally, cracks will appear.
- Her illusions can become addicting to targets if used too much and too frequently. It has driven people insane.


Lalisa is a slight young woman with curves and defining features. Her eyes are large and smiley, they shape into half moons when she smiles and the color of them are a dazzling light brown. Her hair is a deal brown and falls past her shoulders, fin soft and frame her face that has thick lips and high cheekbones. She's pretty and she is well aware of it.


Lalisa's hair is dark brown and fine, she keeps it long and down her back. Never is it out of place. She likes to keep it in ponytails or braids.


Lalisa has bright and dazzling light brown doe eyes. They are very expressive and shape into half moons when she smiles.




Slender and with curves here and there, but none that are defined without the right fitting clothes. She has a nice build, but her thighs are too thick for her liking.




Mary Poppins
Dancing when no one is looking
Tacos (taco Tuesday)
Cat Lovelace
The rain
Music Boxes
Blue eyes


Being subdued
Closed spaces
People not liking her
Her family
The idea of her power really being nothing but bad
Dates (the fruit)


Lalisa cannot remember a lot of her early years. Just a few glimpse, sounds, smells touches. Nothing solid. She didn't know where she was born or who her parents were or how shot to the place that she had been entrapped in for years, until way later on in life.

All she remembers is the small box of a room with no windows, a bed, a toilet and a door that was always locked until the "stick people" as she called them, came and took her out to do her job. And what was her job you may ask? To use her powers for others, give them whatever they wanted in the form of an illusion because reality just wasn't doing it for them. Some people wanted to see their loved ones who they could not let go, some people wanted to just feel an experience some things they never would, and those could be awful things, and some people wanted a show. And Lalisa was their performer, she'd perform day and night for clients before being sent back to her room.

There were so many different kinds of people that came by, from different places in the world and from different backgrounds There were good people who were sad and there were people who were just bad. But no matter who they were, none of them wanted to help her escape and if she said anything out of line, she would get punished by the Stick People. Stick people because she was hit with a stick when she misbehaved. And it left nasty marks and scars. But none too obvious, after all, she had a job to do and no one liked looking at a beaten child. She was meant to be aesthetically pleasing to look at as her illusions were, after all, they dolled her up and made her do her job.

The only other time she was allowed out of her room was to go to the "rec room". They allowed her to play with another child there, his name was Opal. He had the power to make people feel whatever emotions he pleased, he reeled in nearly as much money as her. And to get her illusions to be varied and stronger, Lalisa was allowed to watch videos online. After all, it was impossible to create an illusion of something she never heard or seen before.

This lasted for a long time. Oh they were never short on clients. Lala's illusions could be … addicting. Sometimes clients would get violent and the Stick People would have to drag them out. But that was fine, she could bear it..that was … until one day she went to the Rec room and Opal was not there. She knew better than to ask, but she did anyone. He had died, they said, of sickness.

It split her heart in two to hear that. Then the years passed, she had never felt more alone. Until she was fourteen going on fifteen and found a video about a girl around her age. She was sassy and funny and such a cool person that Lalisa instantly began to like her. Through these videos, she learned broken English and found some happiness. This peace did not last long, one night, she heard gunshots and yelling and suddenly the door swung open and she was grabbed. It was one of her clients, the junkie who first got violent and was kicked out. She kidnapped her and locked her in his basement at home. He just needed to the fake world that she gave him for peace of mind.

Her living conditions were worse than the Stick People's. She was clearly an addict and a dangerous one. She often let her friends who were just as bad get the experience too. It lasted for months until one day she finally built up the courage to do something about her situation. So, she waited for the chance to strike and she did, first attacking him with a case, grabbed the keys and unshackled herself before running for the exit. The woman woke up and overpowered her, but frustration, anger and the need to survive took Lala over. She simulated killing this woman over and over and over again in her mind until she broke.

She then escaped and alarmed the neighbors. They called the cops and Lalisa was taken away. That was the week she learned about herself. Her full name was Lalisa Marie Vazquez, she was born in Valencia, her mother was a Thai-Spanish drug addict who sold her own daughter to support her drug addiction and died of an overdose a year later, her father was in jail for theft and she had six older siblings and the only one left to be her guardian was her paternal grandmother. But before all else, she asked to Opal Nunez's grave. It turned out he had lived, he had just been sold but eventually ran away. He refused to Lalisa, wanting the traumatic past to stay in the past.

She went to live with her grandmother in her small cooped up house. Lalisa learned that she had a mess of a family and assimilating into society was much harder than she thought. Her main comfort was watching the videos of that one girl. Cat Lovelace. But one bad at school, the teacher picked on her, calling her dumb basically so Lalisa put an illusion on her and all the kids that bullied her. It caused an uproar with the parents and staff, she was a freak and dangerous freaks like her were not allowed in their school and small town. She was shunned by all but her granny.

Then, not long after, she was sent to trial for her actions. It was jail or it Mosshurst. She chose Mosshurst.


Suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus is her favorite word.
She understand English very well for the most part ... she speaks a broken version of it.
She is a huge fan of Cat Lovelace. She's her favorite person but she has yet to realize how bad she can be. Please snap her out of the delusion she's created for herself, she's probably going to get her heartbroken.
She has a crush on Joey Richter and Lauren Lopez from Starkids.
Her favorite musical is Hamilton You find her quoting it often.
She suffers from anemia due to not receiving proper vitamins from years on out.
She is a ballerina, literally. It's something she picked up and enjoyed when she started living with her grandma.
  • Love
Reactions: BigBirdie
SUSANNAH KEALA - NP4 - Enhanced Body

Interaction: tba
Mention: tba
Outfit: HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

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LALISA VAZQUEZ - SE4 - Illusion Manipulation

Interaction: tba
Mention: tba
Outfit: HERE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt laoreet ipsum. In sodales neque id nibh luctus, eget egestas turpis pulvinar. Donec id efficitur odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean convallis placerat fringilla. Donec id dignissim purus. Donec quis tellus vel diam laoreet ultrices a efficitur lorem. Duis vitae tortor venenatis, feugiat tellus auctor, mollis eros. Morbi vulputate enim quis dolor sagittis, at vehicula lorem vulputate. Donec cursus maximus euismod. In vitae eleifend magna. Proin dui nisi, hendrerit ut feugiat ut, condimentum in eros. Suspendisse sed metus ac ligula luctus mattis id sed eros. Fusce gravida maximus est vel congue. Morbi sit amet justo dapibus nulla mollis luctus in quis massa. Mauris et nunc porttitor, vestibulum tellus a, vulputate metus.

Donec at mauris sed odio iaculis finibus ac ac dolor. Ut quam leo, vulputate quis ultricies a, ultrices et ipsum. Duis ac ipsum iaculis, egestas nulla quis, rhoncus lacus. Vestibulum magna libero, ullamcorper sit amet consectetur a, gravida in urna. Donec ut consequat risus, in pellentesque tortor. Aliquam sodales pretium nunc, nec molestie erat rutrum et. Nunc dictum magna non eros ullamcorper, ut porta nunc auctor. Donec posuere turpis sit amet turpis egestas interdum et non orci. Quisque condimentum arcu eu lacus laoreet gravida. Aenean sapien mi, sodales luctus nulla vel, sodales posuere justo. Aliquam in lacus convallis, vehicula mauris nec, bibendum nisl. Integer non enim lobortis, mattis lorem quis, volutpat nunc. Curabitur eu purus pretium, iaculis nulla eu, malesuada felis. Duis interdum lacus eget sapien tempus, at volutpat velit commodo.

Ut vitae magna id felis pretium faucibus non at enim. Vestibulum at ligula sed eros suscipit sagittis. Nullam vel tellus odio. Nullam sit amet erat mauris. Morbi ex metus, dignissim at gravida eget, posuere ac lorem. Duis in auctor dolor. Duis id neque ut tellus lacinia condimentum vel sit amet magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin ut tortor id erat congue hendrerit.

Sed quis condimentum purus, nec lobortis orci. Pellentesque ut massa nunc. Fusce a malesuada tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris magna lectus, dignissim at posuere non, tincidunt et est. Phasellus tellus purus, vehicula scelerisque enim at, placerat commodo purus. Ut sodales lectus et interdum elementum.

Mauris ultrices, lacus et interdum mollis, elit sem rhoncus nisi, at feugiat nisi nisl et odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum convallis diam, non viverra diam mollis dignissim. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse tincidunt purus eget metus tempus condimentum. Nam luctus quam a nulla sollicitudin, vitae pellentesque lectus convallis. Morbi eget risus at massa pellentesque euismod eu sit amet libero.

Last edited:
The Circle

The city never sleeps at night

  • synopsis

    Can you imagine a world where monsters and magic is the norm?


    In Cervia, no one can imagine a world where monsters and magic don't exist? It's a fairy tale? Such a thing once happened to be? How? It is so foreign and strange to imagine?

    The truth is, they're all monsters, one way or another. Monsters stepped out of their shadows, cracks, crevices, and into the light. Humanity? The term almost sounds as foreign as the idea of a world without monsters walking the streets in broad daylight. Being a monster doesn't mean one lacks a moral system and that one is a savage, however. The people of Cervia are quite civilized and sophisticated.

    Still, while everything seems dandy on the surface, it is nothing short of an illusion.

    Historians have a difficult time pinpointing exactly when, but years and years ago, humans and "monsters" lived amongst each other. Harmoniously? No. The history between humans and other creatures had never been a clean one. They often preyed and hunted each other. For survival and for fame. But as time went on humans started taking over in population and forced their monstrous enemies into hiding.

    Years and years went by and these humans eventually forgot about the existence of the supernatural. They were nothing but fairytales, legends, and myths. It was a peaceful time for the humans, it was their prime in history, incomplete ignorant bliss. But from the shadows, the suppressed supernaturals had spent years and years of waiting until they no longer could.

    The peace was shattered when the werewolves decided to reveal themselves to the world and as a result, vampires did the same. This was the first step that led the world to where it is now. The human governments all agreed having such monsters exist among them was unacceptable and set out to purge them from the world. It was all-out war in no time, dragging in other species, humans evolved, learning the arts of magic to help them.

    It was known as the Great War. It lasted over two decades. There was no peace treaty, most of the population was killed, a large chunk of the world could have been considered a wasteland, though, the ones who came out on top were the vampires, immortality had its perks. The others were forced to surrender to their rule in order to survive.

    Everything changed from that point on, from the ashes of the war, a new country rose. Cervia. Slowly but surely a new government system was set in place. An absolute monarchy. With the rulers being vampires.

    To keep from huge conflict from happening again, a system that has caused more harm than the good it was meant to give the people. Three hundred years later, it still holds strong and is most prominent in its capital, Black City.

    The name of this system; the circle was set in place.

  • Black City



    The land where America and Canada once stood is where the country Cervia now stands. And in that country is where Black City is located. The capital of Cervia, with many races, ethnicity, rich history, magnificent culture, and grand opportunity. Many have moved there looking for new beginnings and a future.

    The circle is a system set in place by the monarchy after the Great War. Not only does Cervia possess it, but other countries have a similar system in place under different names. It is found in every city, town, etc, in the country. There are four main slices (what they call the districts) with a native commissioner taking charge of these slices. The slices only allow certain races in it as a living place and all other creatures only enter them for work or with the permission of visitation, business, etc. Otherwise, entering them can lead to being arrested or a worse fate …

    Between each Slice is what is called a "Sliver". They are grey areas of the city in which any race may enter or live. They swell with places of business and in all honesty, they have the most crime rate in the city with the mixing of creatures. Like the Slices, there are four in total. The North Sliver, East Sliver, West Sliver, and South Sliver.

    The biggest grey area of the city is the center, larger than what is shown on the map. There sits many prominent places, but most importantly the Imperial Palace, where the royal family resides. There is no getting near the Palace without being of high status or being given permission. And seeing the Royal family in person is even rarer unless you're a noble upperclassman.


    Vampir: a gorgeous slice, with aesthetics of the complimentary mash of victorian style and other traditional architecture to modern styles all throughout the city. Not as much green as the other slices, but their gardens, especially the botanical garden in the vampire slice are nothing short of beauty.

    Werewulf: The second most green slice, trees, and grass in almost every back door. They enjoy being free to roam around and so there is more open space, but it is a city nonetheless.

    Magi: Perhaps more advanced in their building constructs due to the magic around them, they still keep traditional housing and decorations just as much as the others because of their ancestors and the magic around them. And yet they are the third greenest area and second place in city beauty to the Vampir Slice.

    Fae: The greenest Slice of all and it took years to get that way. They are a more poor Slice and if you go deeper into their slice you'll find the uglier parts. Still, though a part of a city, there is green everywhere between the houses and business and springs around along with the city river running through their Sliver through the city center and through the werewolf Slice.

    Notable Places:

    Imperial Palace - The home of the royal family, located in the city center near the vampire slice. It is within a large park area and guarded. One can see its beauty from afar, but getting too close can lead to trouble.

    Blackwell Academy aka The Academy - Just as any important place within the city, the academy is located in the city center. It is a prestigious and prominent school not just in the city but in the country. To get in you have to have money, talent, or extreme potential.

    More to be added later ...

    Social Class:

    Royals - At the top of the food chain in the country are Royals. They are a large family, but very inclusive. The main branch of the family is purebred vampires. However, they have a few non-vampir members through marriage and hybrids from each slice.(Something that they do to appease the people and demonstrate how "fair" they are. Yet these people are the lowest members of the royal family. And the side branch of the royal family is there to serve and protect them.

    Nobles - Just a step below Royals, nobles have acknowledged privileges and higher social class above all others. They run not only big businesses, corporations, etc, but sometimes are even nominated by the royal family to be mayors, but are always nominated as commissioners of their slice. And each Slice has nobles of their own, but it is quite obvious some are raised higher than others because of their connections and relationships with the Royal family.

    Middle Class - These people make up the majority of the population. They are just your everyday normal people, living average lives. They aren't super-rich or prominent figures to society like noble and royals, but they're good. The only ones who have a clear title pinned to them are the Nobles and Royals.

    Lower Class: Below even the middle class because of money and weaknesses. The lower class are poor and/or impoverished people, living in the worst parts of their Slices of Slivers. If they aren't lower class because of their money, then they are because of their race. Most in this class are the Fae or hybrids.

    Not to be mistaken, the only truly safe class is the main branch royal family and more than that the ruling members. As any noble or royal can have their title and position stripped of them in a heartbeat if the main family decrees for it. And this has happened more often than people admit.


    Important Facts:

    -- The country of Cervia is an absolute monarchy. They are an entirely secular state. High positions from Governors, mayors and commissioners are appointed by the royal family. Terms liberal and conservative are a strange thing to use these days, at least in public. Because what the royal family says goes.

    -- There are no laws against the LGBTQ+ community.The same is said mixing of other races and Hybrids. There are no laws against them. Everyone has their "freedom". But they are disliked and looked down upon and can sometimes go to extremes. They are often the targets of hate crimes and trafficking. Hybrids above all else have it the worst regardless of there being some within the royal family.

    -- Monotheistic religions are on the down low and rare. Particularly, Christianity is banned and no longer ruled as a religion. That does not stop quite a few from practicing it in secret, especially because of their hate for the vampires. However, most religions a polytheistic, and not many are religious at all.

    -- Cervia is a mix of many different peoples and races. And because of it they are the melting pot of them all. The style of the people and the city is unique at this time. One can tell the rich from the poor by style alone. It is a blend of different time styles. Based on the ethnicity of the person, they will own modern traditional houses and are donned in traditional modernized clothes.
    - For Europeans - Victorian style

    - Asians (depending on what region, it could be hanboks, kimonos/yukatas, Hanfu dynasty style, chili, and leghana, etc)

    - Africans it could be a Busiti style, (again depending on the region they're from)

    - Etc.
    The poorer you are, the more simple modern clothing and housing is. Some middle class and lower class may have the fashionable traditional style of clothing or house passed down by their family.

    -- The official spoken language of Cervia is English. The native language of other races, such as the Faes, is no longer spoken.

    More to be added later ...

    Cervia has many holidays with the mixing of so many people and cultures. The basic ones that everyone celebrates being:
    New Years Day - The city is never more loud and alive than on this glorious day. Parties are thrown, traditions are held and it lasts the entire day.

    Memorial Day - To honor and mourn the fallen soldiers of the country. (October 26th)

    Independence Day - The day that Cervia became an official country, and the monarchy was official. This is an especially glorious day for the vampires and the royal family is particularly kinder by feeding the poor, and partying with their people. (August 1st)

    Christmas Day - All of the religious meaning behind it has been stripped away and everyone celebrates it. Who doesn't enjoy gift-giving and family reunions?

    Mothers Day, Father's Day, Children's day, these holidays celebrating them as such.

    Day of Enlightenment - The Day of Enlightenment is the day the Great War came to an end. It is a day meant to all after all the hardship that came because of the war and after. Everyone pays respects to their ancestors and celebrates with a huge feast. Many plays, songs, poetry, etc is made just for this day telling the tales and woes or the Great War and the hope and new birth that came after. (April 31st)

    Festival of Lanterns - Food, game vendors on every side of the street. And every shop selling lanterns. The lantern festival is a day in which they say the skies open bright and clear, if you write your wish onto a lantern and hang it up, the spirits and gods will make it come true. (May 13th)

    The Carnival - The carnival is an annual celebration, celebrating all the different cultures, people, languages, etc of the country. There is lots of food, games, parades, rides, performances, etc. And it all lasts the entire month of June.

    The holidays that came from the races are listed as such:

    Red Moon Festival - A "blood moon" happens when Earth's moon is in a total lunar eclipse. And it only happens every three years. On this day, the vampire's strength increases tenfold, and sometimes those powers last permanently. The festival lasts three days before the blood moon and three days after. Many parties are thrown, the biggest one being the ball the royal family hosts at the palace. This is the one time that almost anyone can get into the palace.

    13th Moon Festival - The vampire has their red moon and the werewolves have their annual festival with the full moon. There are 13 full moons in a year and each full moon, Were families gather together to eat and hunt as per tradition. And on the 13th Full moon, that is where the party begins, the days before the festival is prepping but then when the festival hits, it's all-out partying. Bonfires, dancing, storytelling, food, lots of food, musicians. Every inch of the Werewolf slice is celebrating and so are the Slivers surrounding them. The party leaks out everywhere. Werewolves know how to party.

    Magic Moore - Magic Moore is a seven-day celebration for the magicians. Unlike the Red Moon festival or the 13th moon festival, Magicians do not gain extra strength these days. They simply celebrate the day their ancestors discovered magic. Competitions are held, magic shows, parties, food, cheap sales on magic items, etc. Everyone has a good time. It spreads onto the Slivers surrounding them too. (It starts on November 1st)

    Bloom Season - It starts in mid-spring when the plants have bloomed and last ten days. It is a holiday celebrating the new birth and life of nature, something that was once so scarce. Many competitions are hosted, performances of singing, poetry, etc. A whole feast is set out for the entire Slice to participate in and they welcome all other races to join in on their fun.

    (Note: It should be known that everyone wears traditional clothing to these celebrations when they can.)

    More to be added later ...

    International Affairs:
    Cervia holds an alliance with most of the outside countries. Most. For the last decade, they've been in an ongoing war against an unknown country. The people don't exactly know who they're fighting until they're on the front line. Only Higher-ups have a clue.

    Aside from that, Cervia is friendly with other countries. While Vampir, Werewolf, Magi, and Fae make up most of the world's population, other countries exclusively hold races that no longer exist with Cervia and vice versa.

    As an act of protection, it is next to impossible to leave the country. You have to have a lot of money or have connections. And even then, it is never permanent, after at least half a year one is shipped back to their own country.

    Cervia has been in a war with an unknown country for nearly a decade now. The most information given to the public about them is that they are true monsters and if they entered the country, they'd all be in danger. The proof of it is when they're sons and daughters are sent back in caskets with only a piece of them or less.

    Everyone ages eighteen - forty is qualified to fight in the war. Gender has never mattered in Cervia, strength does. Women and men alike are required to fight unless they have a job or attending school. Otherwise, they will be put into the military. For those turning eighteen, they are given a week to get a job or be accepted into a school or they'll be drafted. And those who lose their job or out of school for some reason are given the same amount of time.

  • Race Info

    During the war, many creatures suffered and perished from existence. While they were able to restore some lands, there were creatures that were unable to survive the Great War and the aftermath of it. The races that Cervia consist of below this box.

    Hybrids are mixed species. They are frowned upon in society, targets of hate and trafficking regardless of some being royal and noble. And yet, despite the treatment they receive, they happen more often the public suggests. In fact, some people marry into other races' families to try and reproduce a strong hybrid.

    The truth is, Hybrids are rarely born with an almost equal ratio of both races' unique abilities. Say if a vampire and spellcaster hybrid were to be, normally they would be more vampire or more spellcaster in their abilities, having very little of their other side's abilities or none at all. And it is the same for their weaknesses. As for traits and features, it is all mixed up and can come out either way. So, because of this, regardless of being a hybrid, many of them pass as whatever race of the parent they take after. It's easier living that way.

    The rare hybrids with an almost equal ratio (because no hybrid is an equal ratio) are just as powerful as they are weak. They suffer from every weakness of both sides. They say the power they gain makes up for it.

    Purebreds, your everyday citizens. They are the common population, but that does not make them any less special than hybrids. They are the most praised for a reason. The purer they are, the more balanced and stronger their abilities. Nobles and royals especially take this seriously and the other class doesn't strive for it as much as the higher class, but usually do prefer purebreds over hybrids. Simply because it means less trouble and is safer from their offspring and family.




    Vampires, the first-class citizens of the world, and what the royal family has been since the Great war 300 years ago. They are both feared, admired, and hated by many others. Yet, as powerful as they are, they are not what they used to be. The biggest acknowledgment being that they no longer are immortal. And they are split into two groups, with one being the lesser than the other.

    Silver Bloods and Red Bloods.


    All vampires share the same weaknesses:

    Heat/Sunlight The heat and direct sunlight damage them greatly. They are sluggish and weak depending on the temperature of the heat and the intensity of the sunlight, very susceptible to skin burns, not to mention they suffer from an odd case of hemophilia or fainting spells when in it too long.

    Silver:The touch of silver will instantly weaken them, losing consciousness is a norm with it because the energy has been zapped out of them is a common occurrence.

    Garlic:They're allergic to it. Deathly allergic.

    Holy Relics/Objects: Holy objects and relics physically repel vampires.

    Holy Water: Any contact with holy water burns them severely, fourth-degree burns. Though it heals over time they are left with scars.

    Mortality: They can die like any other human, at least the Silvers can. They're longest life expectancy is only 150 years.

    Feeding: If vampires do not feed, their abilities weaken and become standard conditions of a normal human being. The longer they do not feed, the hungrier and weaker they get. The hunger can be crippling in pain, making their natural vampire features come about such as fangs and killer nails. But any spill of blood sends them into a bloodthirsty hunt. In this state, they are the most vulnerable, and almost any method can kill them, but they have no control of their strength and powers as they are in a state ready to kill, hunting their prey.

    - They have sadly lost the power to turn others as well. The only way to make more vampires is to reproduce.
    - Vampires usually live up to 200 years, but hybrids usually live up to half that.

    Silver Bloods are the middle class and even the rare lower class members of the vampire society. They only possess the standard vampiric abilities and have no relation to the royal family or noble families. However, that is lower, Silvers can last much longer than Red Bloods without feeding.

    All vampires possess these abilities.

    Supernatural Strength – The power to exert great strength.
    Supernatural Senses – To have uncanny senses. Better sight, smell, hearing, taste, and sense of touch than any human.
    Supernatural Speed – To be able to move faster than the human eye.
    Vision – Most vampires have a night or heat vision but there have been instances of blood flow vision, the ability to see the flow of blood of any living being.

    Red Bloods are the strongest vampires there are. They are the direct descendants of the vampire Queen, the very first vampire. And so they have kept most of their powers, especially the special powers that are exclusively for their kin.

    The powers they possess are:
    Telepathy: The power to read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally.
    Mind Control:The power to control/manipulate a person's minds/thoughts.
    Telekinesis: Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate and control objects/matter with the mind.
    Biokinesis: The power to heal or perform other biological manipulation, like stop a heart.
    Ferrokinesis: The ability to mentally manipulate metal.
    Animal Control: The ability to control animals.

    (A vampire only possesses one of these abilities.)


    The strongest creatures survive the war and the werewolves came second place. If it wasn't for the vampires getting the other species to surrender to them, the werewolves could have dominated. The sworn enemy relationship they once had with vampires is something only history books. It has more or less transformed into a rivalry, with the werewolves seeking power too.

    Unlike vampires, they have kept most of their abilities. Their Slice is more than just Lupine, however, it contains the rare canine Weres that are not. They are usually picked on and teased by the lupine Weres because they are weaker, but they are protected by their brethren none the less.


    Transformation: Applied electricity, medicine, or enzymes may prevent transformation.

    Silver: Like vampires, werewolves are vulnerable to silver, even more so than them. The touch of it burns them just as bad as holy water burns vampires. Being stabbed or shot with it weakens their abilities to make them like a normal human being.

    Wolfsbane: Unlike Silver where you Weres still have a fighting chance, wolfsbane leaves a Were next to none. It's extremely poisonous and not many Weres survive its effects.

    Enhanced Senses: Unlike vampires, Werewolves can't dull their enhanced senses. Things such as high pitch or loud noises or foul smell are harmful to them.

    Vargulf: Any Werewolf that is mentally unstable becomes a Vargulf. A physically and mentally unstable werewolf. They kill for the sake of killing. They eventually die of disease and insanity possessing it. They are stronger than the regular werewolf and cannot control when they turn.

    Hunger: Like a vampire, hunger can make a Were go feral of mind when they transform.

    Mortality: Yes Weres have enhanced durability, durability, and a regenerative healing factor, but they are still mortal.

    - Again like vampires, they can not turn others, they must reproduce to bring more werewolves into the world. They also have a long life span, to about 180 years.

    Enhanced Body - The user's physical abilities are above natural members of their species in that verse, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This entails that they are faster, stronger, and overall superior to other species.

    Regenerative Healing Factor - The user can rapidly regenerate. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, sometimes slowing, or even stopping aging. The rate and amount of healing vary widely; some can regrow missing limbs, others must put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. The user is generally in very good physical shape, as their bodies are constantly reverting to a healthy state, granting them nigh-inexhaustible stamina and vitality.

    Canine Physiology - They can mimic/transform into canines. Their abilities are stronger than any regular canine, however.

    Predator Instinct - The user possesses predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of hunting, manipulating, planning, and tracking. One with this ability instantly discerns all factors of any situation and manipulates them so it's the most optimal and favorable for them. Making them a master of manipulation, pursuit, and capture. This includes sensing what will happen and to adapt to it, what move a foe will make, where they are headed (if the user is in the foe's proximity, or knows the foe fairly well), and effectively manipulate the foe, thus causing the foe to inevitably play right into one's hands in combat/pursuit.




    Magi, also known as Spellcasters, are humans, humans who know the arts of magic. Witches, wizards, warlocks, sorcerers, etc. They are large in population, but they also have many of those in their Slice who do not know the art of magic. Still, they are considered Magi, because all humans are born with mana. Their people did a lot of damage in the war and could have won if it were not for their greater mortality.


    Mortality: Magi are the second weakest creatures when it comes to mortality and their bodies. Too many things can harm and kill them. After all, they're still human.

    There is always a price. Always.: Magic always has a price and in the case of the Magi, it's usually mostly insignificant things such as their mana draining out of them, and they are required to rest to regain. However, the bigger and more powerful the spell, the bigger the price that can range outside of simply mana.

    Magic: Stronger magic can overcome weaker magic and a Spellcaster's own magic can harm them if they're not careful and in control. This also includes things like magic relics, items, potions, etc. And in some cases, the magic may be unpredictable.

    Skill: Without experience, skill, and knowledge, magic can be useless or extremely dangerous to the Spellcaster and those around them.

    Magic Resistance: This can come and foil any Spellcaster's magic. Only fae have some magic resistance, but it's only directly on them, not to the circumstances around them.

    Black Magic: Black magic, dark arts, call it what you will, it is the most dangerous magic of all. And highly illegal. While regular magic uses the mana in the user, black magic uses the life force around them, leaving the living creatures to die and decay. It is what caused major harm in the Great War.

    - Because of Mana, humans live to be about 150 years on average.


    Mana - The impersonal source of energy that is both external and internal, existing in people, places and objects, and can be transmuted by the user into magical powers that yields upstanding results in both practice and combat. Every human has it, and only humans can obtain it. It has given them a lengthened life-span and allows them to perform magic. Humans with weaker mana, however, are considered normies. The "average" human.

    Spellbook - Without the spellbook, there is no magic. Every Spellcaster has a spellbook in their family, passed down from generation to generation. Every spellbook contains spells, incantations, enchantments, potion recipes, information, etc. It goes from basic to advanced. No one can perform magic without a spellbook and/or memorization of the spells.

    Yet, when it comes to spells, it only specializes in one particular type of magic as Spellcasters can only wield one particular type of magic (not counting magical tools or potions.) Meaning it could be a Spellbook of necromancy, ice, or fire. Whatever type of spellbook it is is the type of magic the family uses. Using two types of magic takes years of training for anyone to try could result in death or a complete loss of mana (side effects of that is a shortened life span and more importantly, no more magic).

    What adds to the specialness of family spellbooks is that they are "alive". Some speak to and answer questions if spoken too, others may move to be next to their owner when they're not looking or flip through the pages for them. This and many more other quirks. Including instances where a spellbook loves their master so or dislikes them.

    A piece of every family member is in the spellbook, helping to guide the next wielders. This is because every tenth birthday, the magi family members sign their names in the book. There is a whole ceremony for it and it is not taken lightly, because once they sign their name, their mana boost, and they become an official Spellcaster.

    One can buy little spellbooks, scrolls from the store, but none of it amounts to a family spellbook.

    Magic Tools - Charms, relics, items, anyone can use them but only Spellcasters can make the, break them and change them. It is their mana that makes these items.

    Potions - Like magical tools, only spellcasters can make them, break them, and change potions. It is their mana that makes them work.


    Fae creatures are by the most mistreated of the four groups, often looked down upon for being weaker. But they were strong enough to survive the war -- or more to be precise, smart enough to survive and seek shelter with the vampires. They have lost so much of their land -- sea.

    The fae also includes merfolk. As they share in the tragedy of the near eradication of their races and watching their brethren die and no longer on the Earth. Their forests had been burned, their seas polluted. It was only recently that they came to be again in a healthier state. It only took centuries. However, Merfolk only lives around the coast for their basic needs.


    There are three types of faeries, they treat each other no differently, and they all share the same weaknesses.

    Iron: Faeries hate iron. It causes them great harm. It's a searing and burning pain to the touch.

    Silver: Vampire and werewolves are the only ones who hate Silver. It not only harms Faeries but can kill them and cause them to become sick.

    Fire/Heat: It weakens them, makes them tired, sluggish, and zaps the energy out of them. Not to mention Fae fear fire more than anything, it's an innate fear. Obviously it can kill them, it has burned down their lands and their people many times before.

    Mirrors: Mirrors always reveal a fae's true form and can deflect their abilities.

    Salt: Similarly to how holy relics repel vampires, salt all but repels fairies. It is often used to black them from entering anywhere.

    Wings: Faerie wings are an actual limb and so if it is harm, it can cause them pain and other health problems as any other body limb would.

    Mortality: All Faeries are mortal, they can be killed by many things through some weaken them and cause them a more painful death. They have the same life span as an average human, to about 150 years of life.


    All faeries possess these abilities.

    Flight - Fae's has or is able to manifest wings that are attached to their body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.

    Fairy Dust Manipulation - They can create, generate, shape, and manipulate fairy dust, which is usually generated by fairies or their dwelling places. Fairy dust is known to be magical and has various useful properties.

    Magic Resistance - They are resistant to most forms of magic and magical power. Though they are usually only resistant to one specific type of magic.

    Just as the name suggests, they make up the majority of the fae population. They are no less special than the others, however.

    Healing - They can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, in order to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing and would require resurrection instead.

    Shapeshifting - They can shapeshift their form, transforming and reshaping themselves potentially down to their genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance their own body for combat, either by turning into animals, humanoids, monsters, etc. or by making the body stronger.


    Empathy - They can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can use this knowledge to play against them. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left into the environment or objects.

    Astral Projection - They can separate their spirit from the body by entering a trance, gaining access to travel the Astral Plane


    Energy Absorption - They can absorb various forms of energy, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage. Either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as a power source, etc., either temporarily or permanently.

    Intangibility - They are able to move through solid objects and ignore most physical effects in their way, exact means how this is done vary between slipping partially into other dimensions, being able to make their own particles move between other particles, being a non-physical being of energy, vibrating their molecules into a new quantum frequency, etc. Regardless the user is able to ignore most attacks, physical dangers, and gravity.

    (As the same with vampires, they only possess one or the other.)

  • ooc info



    Rating - Mature
    language, violence, sex scenes, abuse, etc.

    Post Expectations - Intermediate/Advanced

    Posting Speed - Once every 15 days (starting after the one you're interacting with posts for you.)

    Genres - Supernatural, Fantasy, Action, Crime, Mystery, Drama, Romance, Adventure.

    Setting - The story of every character will be taking place in the capital of Cervia, Black city. This world is a mirror world of our world and so not all the same events that took place in our world did in this world. The year is 2030.

    Face Claims - Real People Only.

    Player Limit - Pending - This is a world I created on my own, taking for other roleplay I created and mashing it into this. I am starting this roleplay out as a private roleplay as I build it more, maybe with some help from friends. When I am more comfortable and satisfied with it, I will consider opening it to others In August.

    Character Limit - Everyone is allowed to have ten characters starting out. This is a big city after all and I'd like there to be diversity and creativity with plotlines. Potentially, I will allow there to be fifteen characters as I was originally going to make that the limit. But we will start out with ten.

    The Circle is a character-driven story, telling the very different tales of the civilians, our characters. There will be overarching plots thrown in there and I will prompt characters into situations sometimes. But the stories for the characters will be made by the players and the world that they live in.

    Additional, but important information will be in the Discord Server. And any information in this OOC thread will likely be edited and more facts added to it.

    Character sheets will be simple, and I prefer that they stay that way. But I will allow you to add additional information to it if you'd like. Just follow the instructions to making a character that I will add to the Index.

    Hybrids with an almost equal ration are rare, so I will only allow each player one as of now. You are allowed to make characters of any social class, but submit me an application for a royal family member first and you have to construct a noble family or join someone's already existing family.

    I highly encourage building families with others regardless of class, connections are fun.


    1. First, foremost, and obviously; all Iwaku rules apply and follow them through, please, and thank you.

    2. Respect me as the GM, my co-GM, and the rules I put in place. On that note, respect every other player too. Treat people as you would like to be. Ill behavior OOC can get you removed, as well as if you drag that ill behavior into IC.

    3. No God-modding, power play and Mary/Gary Sues. Please ask permission before making a major move against another character or the story in general.

    4. Sex scenes must be put in spoilers or blurred. Anything that may be triggering must have a warning before, put in spoilers, or blurred.

    5. Please have fun!

Last edited:
Camilla Cain

Camilla Nora Cain


Cam | Cammie | Camille| Milla | Chamomile | Kitten | Catgirl

Date of birth, Age, Place of Birth:

A snow day, that's all she knows, that and the year. On legal papers, the day she was adopted is now her birthday. August 22nd | 22 | Detroit, Michigan


Night Courier/Theif


Leo (According to her legal papers)

Blood Type:

O +




Pansexual (literally no sex preference, she just likes people, but does have demiromantic tendencies)


Feline Shifter | Feline Physiology
User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into felines, from domesticated cats, wild cats to big cats.

Cammie has three forms. One as a simple domesticated cat, the second as a large cat that can be identified as a panther and the third as a half-cat, only taking a few features to enhance her abilities, such as the ears, tail, eyes, claws, and teeth (this is what can be seen on the surface level). Even without shifting, Cammie has some of these abilities in her natural human state, not to the strongest extent like in her cat form, but they are certainly there.

+ Enhanced Stealth: She possesses incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling her to easily slip in and out of areas undetected. Her abilities in all manners of stealth are so refined she may appear as merely a trick of the eye, to those who have been lucky to spot her, in most cases. Her use of this ability can move throughout even the most guarded of areas and act in true discretion.
+ Enhanced Senses: She has extremely accurate senses, allowing her to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than an average member of her species.
+ Enhanced Agility: With this ability, she can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.
+ Enhanced Balance: She has both extremely well-developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes her almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly. And in her other form, she is nearly able to perfectly balance on any object, no matter how narrow or unstable it may be.
+ Night Vision: She has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness.
+ Camouflage: She can visually blend into surroundings by blending in with the coloration and form of their background to avoid optical perception. Some users can affect their attire by means of "static camouflage".
+ Enhanced Speed: She can move much faster than the average member of their species, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining.
+ Enhanced Strength: She has strength beyond that of a normal member of their species.
+ Climbing: She is able to climb and otherwise move effortlessly and smoothly on angled and/or vertical surfaces such as branches, rocks, walls, etc., as long as they can gain a hold of it and keep their balance.
+ Enhanced Leap: She can jump farther than average members of her species. She can leap farther than even the greatest human athlete. Impressive feats include being able to jump over large fences, clear big holes in the ground, jump from building top to building top, and etc.
+ Enhanced Flexibility: She is able to bend and twist their body beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints, without effort or strain.
+ Enhanced Bite: She has a particularly strong bite, because of sharp fangs/teeth, and strong jaw muscles. Exactly what they can bite depends on the jaw-strength, resilience of their teeth/bite-surface and their shape.
+ Claw Retraction: She can project/retract razor-sharp claws from her fingertips/hands/feet for various (mostly offensive) purposes.
+ Predator Instinct: She possesses predatory instincts, allowing her to become a master of hunting and tracking. This ability can discern numerous factors of a situation that make them a master of pursuit and capture. This includes what move a foe will make, where they are headed (if the user is in the foe's proximity, or knows the foe fairly well), as well as how to effectively cause a foe to play right into one's hands in combat/pursuit.

A lot of Camilla's powers she is unable to use without transforming into at least one of her three forms. And some she can only use to their full extent in only one or two of those forms. While others she is never able to turn off.

Always activated powers: Predator instinct, stealth, agility, senses, balance, climbing, flexibility, night vision.
Abilities she can only use in cat forms: Bite, claws, strength, speed, leap, night vision, camouflage.
Abilities at their peak in forms: Predator Instinct, bite, strength, speed, claws, senses (Panther, Nearly at peak when half-cat). Stealth, camouflage, climbing (Cat). Agility, leap, flexibility, night vision (Half-Cat).

- The best form she has is her panther form, it allows her to use pretty much all her abilities at the best levels, however, she rarely transforms into this one. It's because when she does, her bone structure and muscles and body breaks down and reforms to change her and it hurts like hell. Transforming into her half form only hurts a little and her domestic form, not at all, she's had so much practice it's as easy as slipping into a pair of clothes. But her panther form, she needs to catch her breath after transforming into or out of.
- Her strength and speed are a little above animals level, and she still gets tired. She is no Wonder woman.
- No matter what form she is in, she is unable to turn off her cat-like features, just like she is unable to turn off some of her abilities. So, she does get distracted by yarn balls or feel the need to hunt creatures and her biggest weakness of all (as she claims) catnip. When eaten, it's a strong sedative for her and when sniffed, she's practically high like a cat. And the worst part is, she cannot resist the catnip or a good scratch behind the ear.
- Strong smells and or loud noises and harsh lights can be overwhelming for the young woman with her senses.
- She's deathly afraid of snakes and is only brave enough to face them in her panther form.
- Whatever damage she sustains, no matter what form she's in, follows her to her other forms. And if she's in enough pain or mortally wounded, she will have no choice but to shift back into natural human form.
- Because she's like a cat, Cam peaks at dusk and dawn, other times she's mostly a sleepy kitty and his weaker and more prone to sleep.
- Her claws and teeth are sharp, but are not indestructible and can break. When they do, they take a while to grow back, and they will grow back.
- And some cases, especially in her panther form, Cam loses all sense of control and becomes like that of a wild animal when angry or upset. When she transforms back,s eh loses all accounts of what she did.


Medium skin, dark hair, and small would be what most would use to describe Camilla. She's a small-framed, petite, young woman, only weighing around 80 something pounds. And her face is pretty with dark eyes and plush lips. If she was a little a taller, and wanted it, she'd gain attention no doubt.


Cammie's hair is a deep and dark brown that looks black in most cases. She keeps it cut short above her shoulders. Like her fur coat, it's soft and fine and in most cases a mess because she hardly brushes it.


Her natural eye color is dark brown and the shape of them ar almond. They are pretty and sparkling with trouble ready to brew. When in her cat form they are a green with the pupil being nothing but a slit when extremely focused or feral.


Just barely 5'0.


She's a light, petite and lithe thing, though her frame is hard to see when she's wearing clothes that hide her build. Despite this, she has a few curves here and there with wide hips, a small waist, and a decent chest. However, being small makes it easier to stealth.


Not always honest (she lies)


Shiny/Sparkly things
Snow day
Goldfish Crackers
Cuddles, attention and affection


Large Dogs (they scare her)
Snakes (they scare her)
Large bodies of water (they scare her)
Being on the losing end
Not getting attention and affection
Nasty smells (the stench of cigarettes being one of them)
Citrus and bananas
Being made fun of (she sees most cat puns as insults)


Born as Camilla Nora Lind, Camilla lived most of her life out on the streets. Her father was a Swedish man, an ex dirty detective, after than an ex dirtier private investigator who got in trouble with the mob whom he stole from. As a result, he and his girlfriend, a professional thief whom he caught in his early days as a detective, had to flee the country. Little did they know, they were with child. They're new life in america started off terribly, they lost the money and were left on the streets, Claudia pregnant and Felix addicted to drugs and alchohol.

Eventually, Felix left to "find work". Claudia joined some homeless group who took care of each other and shared whatever they had with one another. It was a stressful time, she was depressed and pregnant. The day she finally gave birth to Camilla was a very cold one, it was snowing and she had no choice but to have her baby in an abandoned building. Though, as soon as she was out, Claudia went unconscious. And she was unconscious for two weeks with the homeless group caring for her child and her, using whatever medicines they had to care for the sick woman and their child.

It wasn't until a year later that her father returned with "great news". The mob decided to give them a chance to pay back all that they owed. And then after, Felix had the plan of going back to his hometown in Sweden with his family. They just had to make a lot of money but how, that was the issue at hand?

Well, he found his answer by using hs baby girl. People sympathized with women and children the most, especially children. They used her to survive. And when she was old enough, she began picking pockets, her parents taught her everything they knew to help her survive in this world. And when his father saw how skilled and useful she was, he started picking up other kids off the ground and bringing them into the business, feeding them and caring for them so they remained loyal. The best thieves received the best treatment, it caused fights and some people to get really hurt.

Camilla remained the best, but she was even better with her partner Melissa. The girl stuck at Cammie's side knowing that she wouldn't be touched if she did, but Cammie did not mind. And her value only grew when she started gaining better abilities and shifted into a cat at the age of eight. Her father was ecstatic and then suddenly her jobs became harder and big timed.

No one's pockets were safe, no one's homes, nothing. It was starting to make quite the commotion in the city and because of it, the runaway family had to hop towns. Camilla was so happy that her power was of use to her father. Seeing him happy made her happy. It was better than seeing him angry, when he was angry he could be quite cruel.

One day, her father had messed with the wrong people, again. They were a branch of the mob in America and once they found him, they took him and his family in. The rest of the children scattered. Felix was being beaten into a pulp and then Camilla just snapped. Went completely wild and transformed into a panther. She killed five men, ruthlessly and bloodily. She had no recollection of it after.

Claudia nearly lost it, she decided to turn her family into the cops. It was beginning to be too much for her, but before she could, Felix took car of her. He didn't kill her, he just made sure she couldn't spill the news. Camilla has no idea what happened to her mother to this day. But she spent the next few years as her father's guard, thief, and informant. It was just them and Melissa who had returned.

Finally, when they had earned enough, Felix left the girls to pay back the mob in Europe. But he never returned. The girls were on their own for months, but they knew how to survive, they weren't adults so they ran into more trouble and dangers. Camilla still believed her father would return no matter how bad things got.

Before he ever could, the authorities found them and put them in foster care. Melissa liked it ... sure the foster parents could be cruel, but they had a warm place to live in, consistent meals and they got to go to school and make friends. Camilla hated it, and too anxious about it, and scared her father wouldn't be able to find them. Camilla had never been in the system before. There was no one to trust, not even Melissa who constantly reported her when she ran away or snitched on her when she stole or lied. What had happened to her best friend? Camilla was not used to this world.

One day, she was adopted by a surgeon. He had wanted to prove to his ex-wife who left him and his child that he could be a good father. S no matter how many times Camilla ran away. It was only when she found out that his ex-wife and child were actually deceased that she began to open up to him slowly. She had never received a fatherly love like this before and soon enough, they began to love each other like an actual family. She felt guilty because surely her real father could be out there waiting for her.

And boy, did he find her. It was a shock, terrible and wonderful shock. Felix promised to take her home with him, but they had to do one more job. The person who they were stealing from next was an enemy of the mob he now worked for. It was some rare and expensive necklace that had been wrongfully taken from them, a necklace that Felix had stolen long ago and now needed to return. Camilla was ready to help. She was the best in the field as far as they were concerned,

It was an in and out job, unfortunately, her father had gotten caught when it was time to get out. Once again, Camilla killed the man who hurt him, but this time she was injured. Her father ran off with the necklace and without her. The police found her but they weren't certain what happened, they sent her home. Camila felt terrible for hurting her adoptive father and decided to run away, again. This time, she'd be on her own.


Camilla is fluent in English, French and Swedish.
Lying has never posed as a problem to Camilla, it's natural and way to survive. She plays by street rules.
Camilla never learned to read until she was thirteen.
Never sat down and actually seen a movie in a day in her life. The runaway family did not have television and her adoptive father saw television as nothing more than a device to ruin young mind
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  • Love
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Don't Threaten Me With A Good - P!ATD

"I know I'm a handful, but that's why you've got two hands."

Legal Name:

Sebastian Gray Schafer-Addington

Nicknames and Aliases:

Seb | Sebby | Fire Demon




Freelance Musician and Photographer

Birthdate and Birthplace:

August 22nd | Berlin, Germany

Preferred Pronouns:


Sexual Orientation:


Romantic Orientation:


Zodiac Sign:


Origin of Abilities:


Primary Power:

Fire Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different.


+ Sebby is able to generate and project fire.
+ Sebby can burn almost anything, he can heat up parts of objects or the bodies of creatures, and the whole object itself leaving only a pile of ashes.
+ And with his flames and heat he can liquefy objects and some organisms by melting them.

+ He can combust objects by increasing the kinetics of atoms and molecules causing them to ignite. This process creates heat and light that he can use.

+ He can absorb fire, while removing it from the source, into his body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing himself, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc.

+ He can sense the presence of heat/fire and possibly gain detailed understanding about the heat/fire they are sensing, including the amount/size of elements they are sensing and whether it is hidden.

+ Sebby can release/use fire to attacks of various shapes and/or intensities, either projected, used as a part of melee attacks, etc.

+ Sebby can user can increase the kinetic energy of atoms, meaning they effectively make things hotter, ranging from slightly warm levels to absolute hot.

+ He can negate fire and any fire-using attacks, ignoring their effects on the user and stopping their effects on creatures, objects or places, such as stopping a building from burning down.

Passive Power:

Fire Immunity: User is immune to fire, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.


- Control, discipline, forethought, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic. While he is a typically easy going person, Sebby is a klutz and the rare times he does get angry, he can't control his powers.

- In order for his powers to work, Sebby needs oxygen to start a fire. No oxygen, no fire.

- If the area is extremely cold and windy, it'll be hard to start any fire, if at all.

- Obviously, he is weak against water, ice, cold and those who possess them as a power.

- Sebby has yet to truly learn to control large fires, most times once they get big … wildfires start.

- When it comes to absorbing fire, there's only so much that he can take in at one time. And if takes too much in, it'll release itself from his body burning everything around him. And he can only absorb the fire through touch.

- While he is immune to fire, it does not mean that his body doesn't get hot. Because it does, it gets heated above average. Heat does not affect him so much, so he can't tell when he's running a fever and or any dangerous medical conditions having to do with heat. In fact, he does not feel pain, but that does not mean that he's not hurt or in critical condition. His body will still breakdown.

- His self generated fires/flames are much harder to control, more intense. It also takes a lot of energy out of him to make big ones.

- The angrier he is, the more intense his fire. Nearly impossible to control and contain. Even for him.


Sebby is a lanky figure. He's tall and thin, not all skin and bones as he does have some clear muscle definition, but not much to write home about. But at least he has a pretty face he can use. Sharp defined lines and features, bright blue piercing eyes and nose ring on his right nostril. One of his proudest features is the many tattoo pieces he has on his body.




Sebby is a golden blonde, his hair is fine with slight wave pattern and just above his shoulders. Most days he wears it down, but occasionally he put it in a ponytail.


Bright piercing blue and mischievous.


Slender and tall, not very athletic, but is totally working out (while eating Doritos in bed).


Flirty | Playful | Arrogant | Confident | Easy-going | Selfish | Fearless | Mischievous

As Sebastian's parents and teachers alike would say, trouble. The man is nothing but trouble and he is inclined to agree. As far he's concerned, rules are made to be broken and cities are meant to be burned. Growing up as a rich kid, he became quite spoiled when handed whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, not to mention having money, talent and good looks added to his arrogant palette. Hell, he would have been a bigger mess if he hadn't been sent to catholic school ( at least some good came out of it) and traveled the world. He's still a bit selfish, not knowing how to share in many ways, but he tried. As as much as he's an ass, he's a dork and can't hide it. And flirting is like a sport for him. He flirts with everyone. All round, he has some flaws, but is a fun person and good friend when it counts.


His powers
Sour candies
Being better than most people
The big city


The Countryside
Large bodies of water
Being told what to do
His family
Country music

Health Ailments:

CIP: Because of his powers, Sebby cannot feel pain. Which means, he's unaware of if he's injured and some cases badly sick, not unless it's visibly. It has landed him in the hospitals many times before, he has scars to show for it.

Sebastian was born as the heir to his parents family and large company. The Schafer-Addington's were a reowned socialite family in London, owning global suites, hotels, inns and restaurants. His parents worked day and night to keep their fortune and company that their great family had built form the ground up and ran for years. When he got older, he was expected to do the same.

They offered him no affection nor any attention except to check up on his studies and behavior. He was cared for by the hired help in their large help. The only other kids he played with were the ones his parents allowed him to, meaning the children at his private school. Growing up, he never felt more alone in that large house. Yes, he had his younger sister, she gave him affection, but she was also mean and manipulative. Even from a young age, she was rotten toward him. It's natural for a sibling to get each other into trouble, but she did it constantly to Sebastian whenever he disobeyed her. Some twin she was.

Not to mention, while his parents were cold to him, they doted on her. She was the princess and a talented one at that. She could dance and paint and won awards for it Sebastian, on the other hand, had a talent in piano and guitar but his parents never turned their head. It was disheartening.

One day, at a party his parents were hosting, Sebastian was sitting out in the hall where it was quiet, to eat by himself. His sister came over to him and tried to force him back into the party. Their parents were waiting for them. Sebastian was so tired and angry. And then by accident, he had set the curtains on fire, he didn't know-how. Flames had suddenly burst out of him. He burned his sister and the house. When asked, his sister told her parents he had done it. They didn't know he had made the fire, but they knew he started it.

After that, they sent eleven-year-old Sebastian to an all-boys catholic school. The school was prestigious but known to be harsh. And harsh and hard was the experience for young Sebastian. Growing up there and away from his family, he was able to think more to himself. So, when he turned sixteen, he had an idea. Fuck this shit, I'm out.

He ran way from the school with his boyfriend, Erin, and they just .. traveled. It was nice, going from place to place, always on the move. His parents searched everywhere for him, but he knew how to hide when he didn't want to be found. He joined a band and played shows to make money to support him and his partner.

The dream all ended when Erin left Seb, taking all his hard-earned money with him. Ouch. He left a note, but it wasn't enough to mend his heart. So, after a few months, Seb decided to go home. Huge mistake.

His parents were even more controlling despite still not being there. And his sister as a grown woman was absolutely diabolical, she blackmailed him constantly, knowing about his powers. Seb was convinced she was a witch. And after one particularly tense family dinner and which he was unable to control his anger, flames burst from him and so the truth was revealed to his parents.

Skylar suggested they keep a tighter grip on him, but his father didn't agree. Seb was a man now. It was the time that he proved himself as such. He was sent to live on his own, and while Seb still supports himself. His parents still keep in an eye on him and send him things. How loving they are.


Seb plays guitar and used to be part of a small time rock band
Seb is a smoker, it's better than doing drugs like he used to.
He is a klutz, he never ties his damn shoelaces
He loves cats, cats are the best animals and no one can change his mind
He goes to bed by nine. Any time after that he's falling asleep.
He refers to his twin sister as the Witch
Seb can speak fluent English and German.

Interview Section:

1) Tell me about yourself.

"Friends call me Sebastian, the hottest man alive. Literally and for all we know figuratively too."

4) How did you discover your powers?

"I burned down my parents summer home at a social gathering party when I was eleven. I guess you can say, I brought down the house."

5) How do you feel about your powers?

"They are pretty lit. I love them, I wouldn't trade them for anything else in the world. I just need to control them and then everything will be fine."

6) What is your family like? What is your current relationship with them?

"They're pretty overbearing and controlling. But they have cash and the means to care for me, so I listen to them when I need them and bail on them when I don't. Except when my sister is involved, she's a fucking bitch."

7) What are some of your hobbies?

" Photography, playing guitar and just being me."

8) Do you have any pets?

"I wish. Couldn't care for one properly while I was out on the road. And my parents never let me have one. Anyways, I discovered I suck with animals as it is. Probably for the best."

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come out and play - Billie Eilish

"If it breaks yours, it breaks mine."

Legal Name:

Hana Delphine Winter

Nicknames and Aliases:





Musican - Works at Winebar

Birthdate and Birthplace:

February 26th, Incheon, South Korean

Preferred Pronouns:


Sexual Orientation:


Romantic Orientation:


Zodiac Sign:


Origin of Abilities:

Genetic Mutation

Primary Power:

Sound Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate sound. She can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.


+ Hana can manipulate the frequencies of sound waves by adjusting the tune of sonics and vibrations produced. At low frequencies, sound can be potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.

+ She can absorb sound waves while removing it from the source, into her body and use the sound as her own in various ways. This allows her to mute others or objects by absorbing their sound. And with it can become inaudible, either being able to be completely silent or allow herself to only be heard by certain individuals or make things around them inaudible too.

+She can emit and generate sound waves, she is able to use this variously, as an attack or them to use echoes that return from various objects to locate and identify the objects. Alternately, she can use ambient sounds to do the same.

+ She is freely capable of manipulating her voice, allowing her to control her voice to imitate sounds of creatures such as animal noises and explosions or increase or decrease the tone of their voice.

+ Just as she is able to turn down and absorb sound, she is able to amplify sound. She can increase the strength, duration, and potential of sound to its fullest, the effects may change depending on the original effects of the sound that has now been amplified.

+ She can detect sound-waves, whether it comes from skies, the earth, or the seas. Anything that generates noise, sound, sonic waves, or vibrations, She can detect where ever the source comes from.

Passive Power:

Enhanced Hearing: Hana's ears are enhanced to hear with amazing clarity, distance, and even frequencies outside the normal range. Her ears can pick up every single sound, can decipher layer upon layer of differing sounds/conversations, locate the source of noise or pick up a sound from a mile away in a busy city.


- For starters, and arguably the most importantly, Hana does not have complete control of her powers and especially when they have become connected to her psychological issues. When she becomes troubled they either start up unconsciously, shut down without her permission or go haywire. Which is why she refuses to use them so much, she is too terrified that she may hurt someone.

- In order for more than half her powers to work, she needs a medium because sound requires a medium to travel through, such as air, ground or water, though it can be virtually anything.

-When it comes to her sound absorption, Hana cannot absorb the sounds that she self-generated. And there is a range limit when she actually controls it herself consciously, and that is all that her eyes can see. And there is only so much sound that she can absorb, too much wear her down if she does not use it in some other way. And just like with her becoming inaudible, she can only mute people for so long and as long as she's conscious. Just like she can only mute so many people at once. And being in inaudible in dangerous situations puts one at risk, say if there is a fire going on ...

- The thing about her sound waves is that, if they are too powerful, she gets knocked off her feet and hurt by the force nearly as much as the other guy. And being pretty small, it makes it easy for her to get hurt. She doesn't have the complete control to stay firm in her place. It can easily overwhelm her, the same goes for the use of it being echolocation. She can be overloaded if there are too many sensory impressions and other sounds may throw her off.

- When it comes to manipulating her voice, she actually has to use it and Hana rarely speaks. But even then, when she does, this power has as much weakness as the other. Making even the most unusual noises can strain her voice and limit her talking to less and even have her go mute for long periods. It strains her voice to use this ability for a long time and depending on how long she used it and the difficulty of the sound she makes, the longer her speech it is out of commission and the more painful her throat.

- For Hana to amplify or reduce sound, the sound has to be already existing. If there is no sound, the power has no effect.

- In order for her to detect sound-waves, nothing must be blocking the sound and she has to be able to hear it to use her detection to its fullest.


More than once, Hana has been said to resemble a rabbit. With her wide doe eyes, shaping half moons and two front teeth she has a beautiful smile and to match her pretty face. Her small frame and height add to the illusion of her rabbit resemblance. And her pale porcelain skin that would otherwise be flawless if it wasn't for the scars she gained over the years, however, they are in easy to hide places.




Dark brown, dark enough that it appears none other than black. She currently has it dyes as a lighter color, a dark brown, almost auburn. Her hair is thick and in its natural state, it's curly in the pattern that you'd see as a perm. But she keeps it straight.


Hana has wide, doe, half-moon eyes that smile when her mouth does. It makes it impossible for to hide a smile. If you look close enough you will actually see a lonely gentle soul.


In one word, petite. Hana is slender and small, she only has a few curves because of her small waist and slightly wide thighs. Otherwise, she's on the skinny side


Gentle | Sympathetic | Warm | Patient | Stubborn | Teasing | Soft | Passionate | Forgiving | Affectionate

What most people know Hana by is her gentle nature and amazing patience. It has made it easy for her to make friends of all kinds during her life and people who like to walk all over her. Not to say that she is a pushover, she's simply not aggressive. She is assertive and has quite a sharp tongue when it matters most. Just because she's not saying anything mean, does not mean she isn't thinking it. She wouldn't have to anyway, she's the type of girl who wears her heart on her sleeve, again weakness and a strength. And frankly, it's so surprising how full of love she is considering how she grew up, how forgiving and warm. Hell, she even sympathizes with those who try to hurt her sometimes.


Audio Books
Hot Beverages
Studio Ghibli
Arranging/Composing and writing songs
Nintendo Games


Her disability
Being Alone
Using her powers
Small Spaces
Being the center of attention

Health Ailments:

Anxiety: It's not so bad, at least that's what Hana says. But She does start to panic when in difficult situations and feel some extreme discomfort and or trembling. However, she does take medicine for it and feels like she's getting better ...
Impaired Vision: Hana is legally blind. Her left eye can see nothing but blurred figures and her right can still see but is farsighted. She has a pair of glasses to help her see better. Her corneas are severely damaged, a transplant would solve the problem, but the waitlist is a long one. And the stronger her powers get, the more she loses her sight. It scares her, but she acts as if she's perfectly content.


So many people assume that Hana came from a sophisticated and wealthy background when in reality she came from anything but. Her father was a Korean man and a drug addict who smacked her around every other day, while her mother was a Japanese woman who took her pain out on her children. Because of this lack of affection and only abuse, along with the poor state she lived in, she grew up with a very different mindset from ordinary kids and for a long time, she did not speak. The only one who saved her and loved her was her older brother, Joon. The two were inseparable and spent as much time together as they could. It was simple when all she did was sit on the front porch and wait for her brother to return from school to play with her.

The best days were when her father stayed out for up to two weeks and their mother was working too long to be bothered with them. She liked those days in which they were neglected because it meant they were safe to do whatever they wanted. And it was on one of those days that Joon had snuck her out to his school where he showed her the piano he learned to play. She was only six then, but it was the start of her musical career.

She would go to his school and wait outside for him so that they could go back in and practice the piano. She was an extremely fast learner and that was something the musical teacher instantly noticed on the spot when she caught them one day. Instead of banning them from coming back and telling their parents, she took on Hana as a private student, the girl was clearly a prodigy. There was something about music and sounds in general that she understood so clearly and could see, no hear, better than anyone else. She mastered the piano in just three months and then picked up the violin, now that ... that was her instrument of choice. She loved it so much. What made it more special was the fact that she got to play it with Joon.

On her seventh birthday, the music teacher bought Hana her own personal violin. She excitedly took it home and played it whenever her parents weren't around. Her life was at its best then ... that was until one particular day, her father came home and she didn't hear him over her practice. He burst into the room and hurt her terribly for hiding something so expensive from him. He nearly beat her to death, but her brother stepped in and was hurt in return. But then her father tried to take away her gift, it was hers but he wanted to sell it. And that was when she found her voice, she screamed at him, but her scream pact a force that blasted him through the walls and hurt him badly.

Hana didn't know that she had actually inherited this from her mother. The woman had hidden her abilities to live a "normal" life. But when she walked in on her children and the mess that they created, she began freaking out.

That was the night that Hana and Joon ran away, she had been in shock, as well as Joon, but he snapped out of it first. He packed all that was valuable and useful, grabbed her hand and took them far far away from their home and their parents. The two of them lived on the streets for nearly four whole years. And in those years, Joon had encouraged Hana to hone her power and to understand it, not to be afraid of it. So, they started training together and she slowly got a better grip on her powers.

To survive out on the streets, Hana would play perform and when convinced, she would sing and passersby would give them tips. They eventually joined a group of homeless kids to teens who worked together to survive. They were harsh and in most cases, cruel, but it was better than being off on their own as Hana had almost been kidnapped once. They did even dirtier things with those kids, like thieving and when they discovered Hana's powers while she was practicing with Joon, they used that to help them. Of course, one day the siblings had been caught and dropped into an orphanage.

Not even a year later they were adopted overseas. There were one too many things to adapt to the culture and language difference. Because of this, she was bullied at school a lot. And home was no better, she no longer had poor parents, but they were still abusive, verbally so. In some ways, it was then her biological parents, the Winters punishments were usually calculated and planned and broke them down little by little until they were nothing but obedient children and made to believe that this was what they deserved and that they were still loved.

When they discovered the sibling's talent, they knew instantly they could make money off of it. And they did, starting by doing videos online, they quickly gained views and became a sensation. They grew fast in popularity and fans, they started composing their own songs and held concerts, collaborating with others and hosting private shows. Needless to say, the Winters made bank by exploiting the kids

Hana liked to play, and for others, but the stress, abuse and pressure from her parents messed with her. When her father was yelling at her after running out on the performance, she just lost it along with control of her powers and she could have hurt him badly, but Joon stepped in the way. He was hurt badly, suffered a terrible head injury and fell into a comatose state in which the doctors weren't sure he'd wake up from.

Her parents, who were clearly freaked out, reported her and not long after she was taken in by a military school in the states. Surprisingly, it was a healing process for Hana, she was able to be herself and relax. She had made the most meaningful relationships there, but all good things must come to an end. Sadly, not a good one for Hana.

The incident turned damaged her psych more than her physical being, though in the violence her eyes were terribly damaged. She was one of the first to move into Ravenwood. Louis and Rowan helped her get back to a healthy state, even giving her a service dog.


Hana is fluent in Korean, Japanese and English. And she can read braille.
She likes head pats and hugs but is awkward at giving and receiving affection.
She can play piano, violin, guitar, and ukulele.
Hana has a beautiful singing voice, but she only ever sings to herself when she's alone.
She has a probing cane, but hardly ever uses it.
Hana has synesthesia, certain sounds give off certain smells for her.
She sometimes gets really bad migraines if she focuses her vision too hard and for too long

Interview Section:

1) Tell me about yourself.

""There isn't a lot to tell, I'm .. I'm a musician, Hana Winter."

4) How did you discover your powers?

"An accident ... I don't want to talk about it."

5) How do you feel about your powers?

"Sometimes I like them, most times they scare me. But they've been with me so long it's become a part of who I am. I'm starting to think it's all I'll have left when if completely lose my …"

6) What is your family like? What is your current relationship with them?

"The only blood family I have left is Joon, and I miss him every day. He's still in the hospital, I'm scared he'll wake up and be alone because I'm not there."

7) What are some of your hobbies?

"Anything to do with music, of course. From songwriting, composing, arranging and playing. It's all so calming and fun to me. I used to love playing nintendo games. I was … I was quite the champion at Mario Kart."

8) Do you have any pets?

"I do! My service dog. Her name is Seol, she's a beautiful white golden retriever. She's so sweet, Louis gave her to me."

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Sippy Cup - Melanie Martinez

"I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass me by."

Legal Name:

Emmaline Kate Adams

Nicknames and Aliases:

Emma | Emmy | Professor F





Birthdate and Birthplace:

October 31st, London, England

Preferred Pronouns:


Sexual Orientation:

(leans a little more towards males but if you're hot, you're hot)

Romantic Orientation:


Zodiac Sign:


Origin of Abilities:


Primary Power:

Brainwave Manipulation: User can manipulate the brainwaves, the rhythmic/repetitive neural activity in the central nervous system of living beings, which can be used to affect how active or aware the other person may be. They can affect targets ability to concentrate, the thinking speed, cause them go asleep or awake, etc.


+ She is able to cause the target's mind/brain to go into a desired state, causing short-term change in emotions, sensations, memories, etc.

+ She can control memories of herself and others, allowing her to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. She can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory.

+ She can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of herself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones. She can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams.

+ She can cause confusion (temporary interference with the clear working of targets mind) in a person or group of people. This can cause momentary or longer lasting inability to focus attention, loss of orientation (ability to place oneself correctly in the world by time, location, and/or personal identity), disordered memory (ability to correctly recall previous events or learn new material).

+ She can read, scan and project thought waves as electromagnetic pulse signals.

+ She can control the minds of others with targets being completely subject to her mental control. If the victims were placed into a semi-conscious state, they may not have any recollection of the previous actions that they performed while under its effect.

+ She can cause the target's upper brain functions to shut down temporarily, causing unconsciousness.

+ She can cause organisms to fall asleep, whether instantaneously or more naturally.

+ She can immobilize target completely or partially, causing them to be left without movement and sensation. Making motor functions and muscle movement unavailable, the victim may freeze on the spot or crumple to the ground.

Passive Power:

Psychic Shield: She is highly resistant to mental intrusion.


- People with psychic shields or immunity are hardly affected, or not affected at all by her power.

- The exact length of the effect that her mental, sleep, confusion and paralysis inducement depends on both her mental strength and power and the target's mental state. For weaker-minded people, it could last as long as a day, stronger minded people it could last for an hour minimum.

- Her telepathy does not work with anyone immune to electricity. And it's useless against beings with no electromagnetic pulses (robots, animate objects, and brainless creatures). And it only works if the people are within 20 or so feet near her and even then, to clearly discern the voices and focus on that one mind, she'd have to be touching them.

- Prolonged use of this ability may lead to severe - if not permanent - damage to her mind. It makes it difficult for her to sleep, stay focused sometimes and other issues…

- She's limited on how many targets she can take at a time. Manipulating more than six people at once is mentally straining and exhausting. And again can cause damage to her own brain.

- Her powers can have long-term, if not fatal, effects on a target.

- Users of Retrocognition can perceive the difference between history and memory. Ineffective. Against those who are all-knowing. And those who possess Panmnesia.

- When it comes to manipulating the memory, she loses control in times of stress or if rushed (this too counts for other aspects of her powers). She can get overwhelmed with memories of others and some cases confuse her memories with someone else's.

- Plus she can only manipulate memories if she is touching her target.

- Overuse and/or memories inconsistent with the environment, other memories, and/or other key elements may cause the target to suffer a nervous breakdown.

- Even for her, it can be difficult in discerning manipulated memories with normal ones. And the memories she creates must be well defined/convincing or the target may suspect that it's not their own.

- And its weakened effect on a target who has memory problems (e.g. short-term memory loss).

- As for manipulating the dreams of others, she can only do this if her target is asleep. And if she is touching them. Changing/warping memories and dreams requires more strength and focus.

- And in order to get a hold of one's mind, they have to be within her range for her to sense their brain activity. And again, she can only control so many minds at once, ten is her limit before it becomes too much for her.

- The control over her targets will wear off over time if not reinforced, it only works an hour tops.

- When it comes to the more heavily influencing aspects of her powers, it takes up her sole focus and attention. She can only use one at a time and only so much or it'll affect her own brainwaves/brain. Hence why she gets terrible migraines now, it could lead to having seizures next.

- And when using these heavy aspects of her powers, she must be specific or it could go awry from what she wanted. Maybe deleting the wrong memory or giving the wrong command, making a dream into a nightmare. All of these results and more could happen.


Frankly, Emma is very pretty and ttractive mess of a woman. She's a small woman who underneath all the mean faces and sardonic humor is really quite the beauty. Her skin tone is tan and flawless, she has a strong jawline and pretty brown eyes.Brown eyes that are usually sharp, but grow soft with the right people. And she hardly ever smiles unless it's a smug and sarcastic one. And even then it's still charming with her dimples in each cheek.


5'2" and with heels she stands 5'6".


Dark brown. Emma keeps her thick hair short and shoulder length. It's typically a bit of a mess.


Emma's eyes are large, round and a pretty dark brown. They hardly ever reflect the emotions she's feeling, unless it's being superior, judgmental or amused. Sometimes, there will be a flicker of her true emotions or something positive.


Petite would not be the word one would use to immediately describe Emma. Yes, she's slender and yes she's small. But as much as she's slender, she's also voluptuous, far from being a toothpick with curves in all the right places. What with her thighs, breasts and wide hips, she sports an hourglass figure. And due to constant exercise, she's in great shape.


Sarcastic | Feisty | Brutal | Uptight | Distant | Daring | Teasing | Cynical | Secretly -- Compassionate | Secretly -- Thoughtful

Really, you could just call her a bitch to sum Emma up and frankly, that's what she does. She's not annoyed by being called the swear, she may or may not feel some kind of pride in it. Emma can be rather mean and hash and headstrong. She is a force to be reckoned with, with her sarcastic comments and brutal way of speaking the truth. A lot of her students call her heartless when she is so unsympathetic. Does she care that people think of her this way? Not at all. Truth be told, as much as Emma would like people to believe that she is heartless, she is not. Unfortunately, her heart is there and beating and feels. She doesn't know how to properly give affection to those she loves, more so when she could be rejected, so she teases instead. All of her kindness is something she does from the shadows and she never speaks her vulnerable feelings. She has a reputation to uphold and herself to protect.


Being right
Dance (Ballet and Hip Hop are her favorites )
Alternative and Indie music
Teasing people
Sweet sweet victory


Being treated kindly (too much kindness and affection, she doesn't know how to deal with)
Self-entitled idiots
Being lied to
Needles (has a phobia of needles)

Health Ailments:

Seasonal Depression She's a bit of a bitter bitch and she acknowledges it, she never shows any weakness. But whenever it rains, she just sorts of shuts down and drinks the whole evening.
Insomnia: If you can't already tell by the dark circles around her eyes half the time. She has trouble sleeping.
Shellfish Allergy: Her shellfish allergy is deadly. She keeps an EpiPen around just in case, you never know.
Migraines: Do to some side effects of using her powers too much long ago, Emma gets really bad migraines here and there. She used to get seizures too, but she hasn't had one in ages.
Minor Bulimia: She has a bit of a food eating disorder. It only happens when she's stressed, she'll purposefully puke up her meal.

From a young age, Emma's parents felt that their daughter was destined to be a little star. She was just the sweetest child who could dance and sing with a supportive and adoring family. They would have done anything for her. Her mother worked hard to help her daughter to pursue a career in show business somehow. She started lessons at a young age, taking an interest in ballet in particular. It was hard but so euphoric, dancing in general. Her mother saw this and pushed Emma even harder to be a ballerina.

Because she was always practicing and being pushed by her mother, she didn't have time for her friends and slowly lost them, one by one, even her younger sister she hardly had time for. The stress was taking a toll on her, but her mother assured her that this was just part of the pains of making it to the top. So, she kept going despite the pain becoming more than something physical. Her father saw how hard her mother was pushing her and disapproved. She and her mother's relationship had transformed into something ugly and abusive over time and neither one of them realized it. But Emma mistook her father's disapproval and worry as disapproval of her and anything her younger sister said was just jealous. That was when she began pushing family away from her too.

She joined many competitions, did little shows and charity work, making quite a name for herself. At the age of sixteen, she signed onto a ballet company and a very good one at that. Finally, at last, she had made it. But her time in the company was what broke her spirit. She was molested by her director and when she was given the position as soloist in such a short time, she was bullied and slut-shamed by her colleagues. What put the cherry on top was when she found out her parents were getting a divorce and no one told her.

So, she quit.

Her mother left home after the divorce and Emma refused to speak to her. She refused to speak to anyone. She only went to school because, after a month of being holed up in her room, her father forced her out. It was probably the best thing that he had done because thanks to that she meant the boy in the neighborhood. He had been a big fan of Emma, following her career and was psyched to know they lived next door and went to school together. His name was Charlie.

At first, she was annoyed by him, but they soon became good and close friends, best friends. He convinced her to join the drama club he was in charge of. They were lacking members and so she did. Watching them all, she fell in love with theatre and wanted to perform on stage again for the first time. It was the start of something new, and thanks to the two of them, the drama club had gotten surprisingly popular for their great shows.

When she asked her father, Emma picked back up dancing, deciding to try new dances beside just ballet this time. She was happy, she had repaired her relationships with her father. And when she was old enough, she applied to Julliard with Charlie. Her father happily sent her off despite them not having so much for her to go to school, how could he tell her no when she was back to herself? They both went together.

It was after graduation, when she joined broadway, that things began to go wrong. Sure she was popular once again, Charlie, not so much. He was struggling as a playwright and author, while Emma just kept rising. She was working hard, enjoying herself and planning to pay back every penny her father spent on her career. It was her master plan, she owed him, her father. But when she found out about him and her mother had secretly rekindled their romance, she was shocked and unhappy. Her mother came to the states to see her, she wanted to make things right.

It was raining hard on the day they went out for a drive. Somehow they had started arguing and gotten into a horrifying car accident. Her mother died, Emma, she had been hurt badly, but worse than that, her brain damage was scary. She wouldn't be living a full life with the damage she had sustained. She hadn't even been in her right mind when one of her family members agreed to have her be a test subject of some private experiment that could save her. And save her it did, but tortured her as well.

She had become a total lab rat when she was not only healed but gained mind abilities. She couldn't go home because she wasn't safe or stable, she had to remain at the lab. Every test hurt, not as much as knowing her family wasn't coming for her. It was only when she was sitting on a lab table and being "tested" on again that something in her just snapped. She doesn't remember what happened exactly, but two of the doctors were dead and one couldn't remember anything. Her powers were growing and sadly for them, their project had been shut down. She was free to go, but no one came to pick her up.

When she did make it home, the world seemed have turned upside down. They all had thought she died. Charlie was moving on with his life, her sister was just as much a mess and her father was so ridden with grief he could hardly operate. It was all so bleak. Even though she was home, her father was still stuck in his own depression and her sister still seemed to hate her. They were all she had left as far as she was concerned, Charlie had betrayed her.

So, she had the bright idea to erase his grief by erasing the memories that caused them. Needless to say, it went awry. She ended up making her father forget her as an adult in general, he only knew her as a child and the current her was a stranger. To make matters worse, Charlie had published an instantly popular book based on Emma and her abilities. So popular he was able to turn it into a musical/play. Her sister had become livid with Emma for what she had done to her father and it was enough to make her walk away.

Life had to keep going, by moving into Ravenwood, working at a smaller theatre and ignoring any questions about her past or connection to the oh so popular book. She had become callous and bitter, but time in Ravenwood had mellowed her some. And so when her sister called to stay with her, she was ready to make things right.


Emma's romance history is a mess along with her familial history. It has left her pretty much-losing faith in all sorts of relationships and "love", but she still falls into the trap like other human beings.
Emma loves chocolate, the best way to bribe her is with a box of it and maybe throw in some wine.
Emma still talks to her dad, every Tuesday, even if he forgets her every day.
She may or may not be polyamorous, some things about herself she has yet to discover. She had only realized her bisexuality three years ago.
Ballroom dancing is among her favorites, but she'll never admit it because it takes two to tango.
Chess is her favorite game, she's a whiz at it but is too embarrassed to tell anyone.
Emma has a gramophone that her father gave her long ago, she still uses it to this day.
She has a beautiful yellow Canary named Barrett and a border collie named Kipper.
Emma speaks fluent English and French, her mother was a French woman.

Interview Section:

1) Tell me about yourself.

"What's there to tell? I'm Emmaline Adams, a dancer, an actress and a singer. Nothing else about me matters. Most people call me a bitch. It's like I've been given a badge. I'm flattered."

4) How did you discover your powers?

"In a lab, strapped down to tables, being poked and prodded until I just snapped. That was a long time ago, I don't remember everything that happened."

5) How do you feel about your powers?

"I don't love them, I wish I could say I hate them, but they make me feel powerful. More powerful than I've ever been in my entire life."

6) What is your family like? What is your current relationship with them?

"My mother is gone. My father doesn't remember me, and I'm pretty sure my sister hates my guts. So, basically the same. None-existent. Are they good people? I don't know anymore. But who am I to judge?"

7) What are some of your hobbies?

"Ches -- Dancing, I mean, and watching old movies. And enjoying a nice hot meal."

8) Do you have any pets?

"As a matter of fact, I do. Three canaries, they like to sit on my head. And a border collie with a beautiful merle coat, his name is Kipper."

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  • Love
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There's a Reason... - P!ATD

"I have to keep reminding myself that I am an adult and I'll be charged as one."

Legal Name:

Samson Connor Rooney

Nicknames and Aliases:

Sam | Sammy | Doctor




Guidance Counselor

Birthdate and Birthplace:

December 16th, Glasglow, Scotland

Preferred Pronouns:


Sexual Orientation:


Romantic Orientation:


Zodiac Sign:


Origin of Abilities:

Genetic Inheritance

Primary Power:

Psychometry: The user obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they observe. With objects, they gain knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. With living beings or parts of the body, the user learns their general life-history but doesn't gain anything of what they were thinking.


+ By touching and observing objects and people, Sam can discern events of the targets past. He can understand a person's/objects history while in a trance. Hearing, seeing, tasting, feeling and experiencing they did (if it's a person), going through a visual telepathy of a sort.

+ Through touching people/objects Sam also gains/develops skills via psychic/psionic abilities independent of previous experience, ability, tutoring, training, studying, and their senses. This allows him:
+ To learn skills and abilities from objects or people either temporarily or permanently.
+ Instantly learn and understand the workings and mechanics of anything.
+ To have full mastery and knowledge on any weapon.
+ To replicate the learned knowledge and skills of others.
+ Ascertaining the languages of other ethnicities.
+ To voluntarily leave an imprint. (track and sense the mark wherever the target)
+ To figure out connections in whatever the user is investigating and process them extraordinarily fast.
+ To perfectly replicate all the physical and mental capabilities and special skills of another being.

Passive Power:

Emotion Detection: User can sense the presence of emotions, including feelings, moods and their effects, of themselves, people, animals, and other creatures. They can sense the presence of others by sensing their emotions.

- The first downfall about his powers is that they cannot be turned off. Sometimes, they will be paused temporarily only on the person on object he already read. And his emotion detection cannot be turned off either.

- His psychometry powers work based on touch, skin contact. If his skin is not ouch the targets or the surface of the object, nothing will happen. He can't read anything with his psychometry or gain any abilities or knowledge.

- When he reads a person's history/past/memories, he experiences all five senses and the emotions they feel from their point of view as if is that person. However, he does not have their thoughts of that time nor can he sense the emotions of others when reliving those memories. The same goes when he touches objects.

- Because he experiences the target's senses and emotions, that also means pain, both emotionally and physically. If the pain is great and the wound mortal, he will go faint or go into shock in some cases. If he actually experiences the death of the person he touches, he will definitely go into shock or a coma for days.

- Depending on what affected the target of his powers the most (people-wise) and if it still plagues them, the memories he experiences will get mixed up and he may see one thing over the other first and miss out on some things. So, basically what's relevant to the target and on the forefront of their minds. It also depends on how long he touches them.

- While Same can sense emotions, he can not manipulate them nor detect the reasoning behind them with his emotion-sensing power own it's own. And in some cases, several strong emotions at once can be overwhelming for the man.

- When it comes to learning new skills through his powers, it's only temporary, 24 hours tops. But the more and more he touches the target to learn that skill or language or book or anything, the time extends and eventually will become permanent.


Sam would describe himself as a notch above average in the looks department. Nothing about him particularly sticks out except for his height. He's slim with dark hair and dark eyes, but does have an infectious, one that changes his whole face with crinkles around his eyes and the sweetest look. It brightens his features some and makes many fall prey to him.




Sam's hair is a dark chocolate brown, fine and ear length and in most cases a mess. He hardly does anything about it, but will find the time to groom and comb his hair for work at least. Has to look presentable.


Sam has dark brown eyes hair to match his hair, but they're colorful with emotions. You can read a lot from the look in his eyes, they are expressive but hard to discern the truth from. Just how he likes it.


He is not packed with muscles, Sam is a slender and tall male. Mostly firm, but a little soft. Hitting the gym would not hurt him.


Sassy | Lighthearted | Mischievous | Sly | Sympathetic | Charismatic | Curious | Clever | Self-confident | Spontaneous | Daring

Something about Sam attends to attract people. Maybe it's the charm of being a sassy troublemaker, because that's exactly what he is. Trouble and chaos has never been far behind him, he's a playful and sly scoundrel. And while many think him silly, he's actually quite clever and sly. Sam knows people and how to work his way around them. But sometimes, his heart does get the better of him and he sympathizes with those who really touch him .. as for others, Sam can be quite cruel by walking away.


Chaos--er, fun
Card games
Talking with friends
Animated Films
Musicals and plays


Letting go of people
Being questioned about his education
Reading people by accident

Health Ailments:

Substance Abuse: Sam is a total alcoholic. It's not something he typically hides most times, he simply explains it as like to drink.
Farsighted: Sam requires glasses, reading glasses. he always carries them on hand. It's not so bad, he just needs them for reading.


Sam was never meant to be. He was born to a twenty-one year old Emily Ables, a college student Scottish girl who had been missing for over seven months before returned to her family, mentally scarred and later found out to be pregnant. She had plans to get rid of the him, plans that failed and when she held him in her arms for the first time, they became plans that were forgotten.

Growing up, Sam always noticed how his grandparents watched him and were rather unkind to him. The same went out to his other family members who were also whispering about him. They were curious about him, disgusted by him. But his mother always assured him that he was loved and … and he could feel it. He could always feel the emotions around him, but it never bothered him… Not until his true abilities activated when he was only seven. At first, he noticed it with objects, but then it worked on people.

Because of these powers, he finally learned why his family members looked at him differently. He was never meant to be, he was from something evil. He was but a child and it confused him and scared him, but it again it was the touch and reassurance of his mother that pulled him through and gave him his first pair of gloves. "It will make everything better" she promised, and it did for a while.

His mother met, fell in love with and married Jack Rooney. He was a kind man who adopted Sam on the spot becoming a real family with them. A year later his sister was born. They were happy for a while, the only trouble was Sam. He would often get bullied at school but would keep it to himself. Never snitching out the bullies, never admitting he was being used for his abilities. Never admitting the bad things they did to him. But he was okay, he had his family.

Then .. they learned of his mother's illness. She was sick and dying. A year and a half. Months of treatments, months of watching her deteriorate, months of pain, months tears, months of hoping only to be let down, months of feeling useless. The dull ache in his heart that remained even as he slept as best as he could. Sam remembers it too vividly.

And then, when it was time to say goodbye, he ran away like the coward he was. She died in bed, surrounded by all her family, except her son. The same son she gave everything to despite everyone against her, despite all that he went through for him to exist and be there, despite loving him with everything she had. Sam began to hate himself when he came to that realization, it was on the day of his mother's funeral. He acknowledged how much of a piece of shit that he was. And yet, despite that, he was still too much of a coward to off himself. And he had tried, but one of the funeral guests stopped him.

Sam changed. He often got into fights at school with the other boys, causing trouble involving girlfriends, authority and money, a generally sassy and stubborn little troublemaker. He was troubled himself … But he was soft with his sister and the only authority he obeyed was his father. But the man was hardly holding himself together after losing his wife, it tore at Sam's already bleeding heart. Especially whenever he expressed disappointment at his son.

After his mother died, Sam took it upon himself to look after the one good piece of her. Ella, his baby sister. She was the light of his life, despite not knowing that their mother was not coming back, it was easy for Sam to be around her. He refused to let the hired help or family aside from his father, do anything for her. She was his responsibility.

And like his mother, he failed his six-year-old sister too. He had taken her out when she was greeted by a car knocking her tiny little body into the air. It wasn't Sam who had gotten hit, but he felt as if he had, watching her fly and hit solid concrete. The perpetrator drove away, without sparing a glance to the child he had just hit. Sam too much in shock, only picked up his bloody little sister and cried, he could feel the life in her fading until there was nothing left to feel.

His father had finally lost it after that, locked himself in his office, drinking and yelling whenever anyone came near. Sam, he took it upon himself to find that driver and make him pay. Using his powers, there was trial and error and pain, but it worked. And when he did find him, he beat him within an inch of his life, before he could take that life, he was stopped by a familiar face. Everything from that night was a blur, but when he was returned home by the police, his father was disappointed. [/tootip]

He was sent off to boarding school, where Sam remained silent, mute. Regardless of not using his tongue, he was still a sass and the teachers despised him despite his intelligence. They were glad to see him graduate and go. His father did not pick him up, he had to go home alone. He was angry and hurt and immediately got into a verbal fight with his intoxicated father until the man suddenly collapsed…

Scared, traumatized, Sam ran away and sat in the garden for hours until the maids discovered his father. It sounded like fuzz, the ambulance, the police, the words that the people around him spoke. But when it was over, the silence was deafening. He wasn't even quite sure what all had happened, but soon enough he was sitting in a psychiatrist office. It helped. God, did it help.

With the encouragement of his therapist, he went to school again. He shouldn't waste his talent or inheritance. But those years of school, he slowly but surely began to feel like an empty shell. School, that was all he had. He started to drink. And then, before graduation, he dropped out of college. Whatever promise people saw in him, Sam did not see in himself.

Sam gambled away his inheritance, he would have won if he wasn't absolutely drunk. Whoops. He fell into debt with oh so many people, ran into trouble everywhere he turned. He started traveling to see the world and fell deeper into trouble, doing odd jobs for money and was either fired or quit. This was his life, nothing was certain, hardly attachments and always on the brink of death itself. He was fine with that.

While in America, he met Caroline Hunter. Beautiful redhead, one that Sam wooed and shacked up with. He did not know that she was the daughter of a head mafia family until after. Grave mistake. What was worse, was that he did know how truly dangerous and sociopathic this woman was herself. When Caroline announced her pregnancy, he was forced to marry her or be murdered. Sam chose life and that meant Caroline.

She lied about the pregnancy. But there was no going back now. Sam thought he could do this, he had no other choice. But her control over him was getting tighter and tighter with the year. He could hardly breathe and if he disobeyed her, he would have to deal with her family more than ready to kill him. But Caroline tried to make things easier for Sam, tried to make him worthy for her family. She gave him everything he "needed". Sam's drinking problem became worse.

Finally, he decided to force divorce by pissing off her family enough that she could no longer protect him. Then, he took half her money as alimony and ran away. He knew she would come looking for him, but running away and hiding was Sam's specialty.

Again, he lost his money and found himself living on the streets. Laying down on a piece of cardboard on a cold winter, he was shocked when a small young woman offered him to sit inside her apartment lobby and have a cup of hot chocolate. He had seen her before, she was popular in the UK as a ballerina and now in America as a stage actress. Her name was Emmaline Adams. She changed his life.

They drank cocoa and talked, joked and laughed. Each day she brought him something new, helping to get him on his feet. Until one day during their talk, she expressed having trouble at her workplace about a contract. Sam offered his services, he knew her people and business worked. After solving her problem, they became partners as Sam as her agent and Emma his talented star.

Bad things happen, they always do. Emma got into an accident and changed. Sam never left her side not caring how cold and calloused she was. The woman was the only family he had left. She was his responsibility.

He started looking for a new job, anything really. Getting a stable job was difficult, so he started his own business. He came to a private investigator, using his abilities to solve the case. Quickly he came popular and sought out commonly by clients near and far. He's still drinking.


Sam is obviously an alcoholic, he is always carrying something on him and every places he frequents there is hidden booze.
He's a nosy man and he likes to gossip
Sam has bullshited his way through life, he knows how to pay people and how to bend the truth and he's a damn good liar when he's genuinely trying
Sam can cook. Shocker. He's especially good at cooking French cuisine.
Sam's favorite book is Alice in Wonderland. It's a masterpiece.

Interview Section:

1) Tell me about yourself.

"Name is Samson Rooney, I'm a private investigator, handsome man, good friend, and an even better drinker."

4) How did you discover your powers?

"I was seven and picked up a coin from the ground and started seeing all this shit. I know, anti-climatic. But it blew my first-grader mind apart."

5) How do you feel about your powers?

"They help me a lot, I can't imagine living without them as I've gotten quite used to them. They do get quite annoying from time to time, however."

6) What is your family like? What is your current relationship with them?

"Next question."

7) What are some of your hobbies?

"I like trying new wines and teas, napping with my cat and other secret exploits."

8) Do you have any pets?

"My beautiful cat, Sylvie. She is the sweetest thing, she even comes to work with me."

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7 Rings - Ariana Grande

"It's not my fault you thought I was normal ... That's on you."

Legal Name:

Sofia-Lauren Marisol Cecelia Diaz

Nicknames and Aliases:

Stormi | Weather Girl | Sofie





Birthdate and Birthplace:

March 21st | Detroit, Michigan

Preferred Pronouns:


Sexual Orientation:


Romantic Orientation:

Biromantic with heteromantic leanings

Zodiac Sign:


Origin of Abilities:


Primary Power:

Weather Manipulation: User can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas.


There are four main factors of Weather manipulation:
Air Manipulation - for wind and related effects.
Electricity Manipulation - lightning in all variations.
Thermal Manipulation - make it cold or hot.
Water Manipulation - rain, snow, fog, etc.

+ Stormi is able to create and manipulate air, using it to make strong gusts of winds, gentle breezes and things of the like but in stronger forms she can use it to make tornadoes and hurricanes, and things of that nature. She could even use that wind to levitate or glide herself or others.

+ Stormi is able to create and manipulate electricity, using it for lightening of different variations and intensities. Forms of lightning such as lightening bolts, create electric burst and shock blasts. And she can also call lightning from the sky.

+ She is able to manipulate the temperature around her to make the air cold or hot.

+ Stormi can create manipulate water to create and manipulate precipitation (including drizzle, rain, sleet, snow, graupel, ice pellets and hail), ice (hail) and vapor (clouds).
+ Stormi can manipulate the shockwaves caused by lightning during a storm, known as thunder, to deal deadly and possibly concussive results.

+ She can create, shape and manipulate thunderclouds, a variation of cloud that's associated with, and causes thunderstorms.

+ With these powers, she can combine them to generate and change the weather around her.

+ Stormi is able to survive and adapt to extremely high or low air pressure (not becoming disoriented or deprived of the normal breathing capacity), and high wind friction; this is accompanied by an innate immunity to the vertigo and/or fear of heights.

+ Stormi is unaffected by the weather, including wind, rain, temperature, electricity, fog, etc. Her senses, movement or any actions are not affected by weather in any way.

+ Stormi has the ability to sense what kind of weather will be coming.

Passive Power:

Wing Manifestation: User has or is able to manifest wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.


- With weather immunity, Stormi is only immune to weather she herself has created on her own. Natural weather she is simply resistant too, but it can still do her in if she stays out in it too long.

- Her powers are connected to her emotions, unfortunately. While she has most control over her powers and is rarely upset, they can still activate and get out of control when she is very emotional. Even generating the weather and controlling it can get out of hand for her.

- Controlling existing weather, is harder for Stormi. It's not something she made on her own and can easily get out of hand as it is nature. Her grasp on is looser and if she really changes it to the extreme, she'll pass out as it is physically and mentally exhausting.

- If Stormi does pass out or sleeps after generating a weather system, she has lost control of it. It can either stay as it is until she wakes up to get rid of it or go away or get worse and out of control.

- When she changes the weather or generates it, it's only around her. She can't simply change the weather for the whole city or state. She has not reached that level yet. The most she could do is a neighborhood. And the weather she makes moves with her, unless she has made it to follow someone else, it'll follow them until they're out of her vicinity.

- Making things like tornadoes, thunder storms or blizzards, Stormi can do but only on a small to medium scale. In her controlled environment, if it gets too powerful or big, she loses control and it'll rage on, depending on how the natural weather is it'll get worse. But creating that type of weather on a huge scale would cause her to go unconscious, maybe even for days.

- With her air control, it can be weak to things like fire and user of it. In fact, it may actually increase that fire and make it stronger. Not to mention, the stronger the wind is, the harder it is for her to direct it and control it. She has control over air, but she does not have control over all the mechanics that may go into it. She has a lot to learn still.

- With electricity control, like air control (and water and temperature) she does not have control over all aspects of the power. Anyone who is immune to electricity is immuned to her lightening. And depending on the intensity of the lighting it can become useless in the face of electrical resistant materials and can be redirected by other materials.

- With manipulating the temperature, she can hardly focus it on one area unless she's touching that are. It's the entire room or space that she's in. And if the temperature is already extreme then it's even more difficult to change it and takes a little while.

- As for water, again, she does not possess all aspects of this power. She can't control tap water or large bodies of water, except to take some bits and use for the weather change. And this aspect of her power can be opposed by Fire Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, or Ice Manipulation.

- Stormi's wings help her to create strong gust of winds and keep her in the air. But, they are also a limb on her body (granted a retractable limb) but they can be damaged, like injury similar to that of other limbs, leading to pain, bleeding, and infection. And obviously, that can prevent her ability to fly, And great strong gust of winds with it. Not to mention, if you actually do damage or in worst cass tear a wing off (it'll grow back, it takes time) it will knock her off balance literally on her feet and regarding her powers. They will act wonky. They are basically like antenna for her powers.


Beauty is something that Stormi has and she sure as hell flaunts it. She's tall, on the skinny side, but still curvy. Her skin is a beautiful brown and is otherwise flawless if it wasn't for her hot tattoos on her left arm, above her left breast and on her right ankle. Stormi has the energy to match her looks too.




Naturally, Stormi's hair a dark and deep brown appearing to black. It's soft and fine and naturally loosely curly, but curly none-the-less, it reaches past mid-back. She tries her hair in many styles, straightening it braiding it out, curling it and even dying and highlighting her hair. Most people don't know what it looks like naturally.


Stormi has sharp dark eye framed with long pretty lashes. Her eyes can cut, but also melt people. There's no mistaking the occasional twinkle of playfulness that's in them.


Stormi has always been on the skinny side, but she is not a stick woman. What she lacks up top, she makes up for with her curves on her lower half, wide hips, shaped bottom and long flawless legs.


Strong-willed | Sassy | Bold | Opinionated | Enthusiastic | Wild | Petty | Vain | Honest | Flirtatious

Wild girl, hoe, bitch, Stormi has heard it all and she cannot completely deny any of it nor has she tried to. She's a typically cool person, yes a lively girl who finds trouble and is attracted to it, but why not? Stormi is incredibly strong -willed and determined, she gets what she wants when she wants and won't settle for less even if that means she has to get her hands dirty. Yeah, she's a brat, so what? Nothing new. She knows who she is and is fine with it. Her soft side isn't something that she bares to anyone who walks by, and she only respects those who earned it.


Attractive men and women
Getting her way
Ariana Grande
Contemporary R&B


Naive people
Being told what to do
Being pushed into doing anything she does not want
Burnt food smell
When her powers activate due to her emotions
Country Music

Health Ailments:

Stormi is healthy ... physically. She has daddy issues and a bit of trust issues too.


TW: Date-rape
Stormi can be described as .. poor. Her family had always lived on the poorer and rougher side of town. Her mother worked as a waitress during nights and a chambermaid during the days. Her father, Stormi hardly remembers him. She knew that he pulled in money but never consistently and that her father and mother would fight almost every time. She was a small child and she didn't understand the fighting and why her father neglected her. And she was only four when she watched him walk out the door without saying goodbye and never saw him again.

Her sister, Carmen, took on a bigger role, and her brother, Marcus was always angry and her mother always working. This made Stormi mad too and annoyed. Carmen was always telling her what to do and Marcus was always picking on her and her mother never listened to her. She felt alone and hurt. She couldn't understand why this was happening and to her.

Naturally, it caused her to act out growing up and especially at school. Her mother had been called down to the principal's office because of her bullying. Then realizing that her trouble forced her mother to pay attention to her, she did it again and again and soon it just became a hobby for her.

Eventually, the trouble Stormi caused in and out of school cost her mother her job. They were forced to live with Stormi's maternal grandmother who straightened all the children while their mother looked for work. Stormi grew close to the older woman, which was why it broke her heart when she passed away in her sleep, Stormi snoozing right beside her.

The older woman did not have much and her house was still on the rough side, but it was their house now. And not long after, her mother acquired a job working for a wealthy family. There she met Alexander Montoya, the brat would forever annoy her. But that's what best friends do, right?

Stormi's powers started developing stronger and faster and her mother made sure to keep it under wraps. But Marcus encouraged her to learn to use her powers more and control them, so she did. And all the trouble they caused, oh boy.

Getting older, Stormi became even more of a troublemaker, a promiscuous party girl, hanging out in all the wrong crowds. Danger and trouble attracted her. And her brother, Marcus who had started selling drugs started pulling her into his work, not selling drugs, but scamming older men. She was only fourteen when he had the idea, she was popular at school and their were rich creeps everywhere. They made it easy and if they tried to touch Stormi, Marcus would step in, but in most cases, Stormi handles it without violence by herself.

Parties, sex and drinking, Stormi was a mess, often missing days of school and it bothered her mother immensely, especially when she saw her daughter with older men. But there was nothing she could do about it no matter how much she reprimanded the girl or asked her to "behave". Stormi didn't listen. Carmen was the only one who could tell her or Marco what to do. So, Stormi promised to finish school at least with no more missed days.

And then, at the age of eighteen, Stormi seriously fell in love. She didn't know that it was love at the time, but she knew it was scary and horrifying and something she wanted so bad. His name was Adrian Garcia, he was older and wouldn't treat her as anything more than a little sister. He was a gentleman and kind … and ... and he was dating her sister. Stormi knew better than to make the moves on him, but sometimes she would flirt and he'd push her away. It was a secret no one knew.

Everything went to hell, at a party where she, her siblings and Adrian and his brother, Juan, all attended. It was supposed to be the same as any other night, supposed to be, but it turned into a nightmare that plagued her. She had been with Juan, they were talking, flirting and then it shifted from one thing into another. Another that she did not want, but was too intoxicated to stop from happening.

Stormi told no one, how could she? Everything was blurry for her that night, no one would believe her and Juan was Adrian's younger brother. On top of that, soon after, he and Carmen announced they were having a baby. She couldn't, she wouldn't.

But then her assaulter had the nerve to continue talking to her and touching her. One day, it was raining and she saw him. She couldn't explain what she was thinking, but seeing that he was still doing so fine and dandy always around her and not around her, it set Stormi off. She struck him with lightning. He was severely burnt, stayed in the hospital for a few days before he finally died.

Stormi freaked out for a brief period but then went back to her normal self. Nothing had happened. Except that she was worse and even more out of control. Her mother then got the idea of sending her to a school after watching her employes handle of their child.

Stormi was there for only a few months for coming home. Her relationship with her mother was strained too much to stay home so she decided to try and support herself to live her life without stress.


Stormi's favorite food is barbequed food
She will flirt in Spanish and English whether you know the language or not
Stormi is fluent in Spanish and she will talk shit about you in it, but also English so you what she thinks about you
Stormi can fight, not just organized fight, but street fight and survival rules.

Interview Section:

1) Tell me about yourself.

"What's there to tell? It's better if you watch me to get to know me."

4) How did you discover your powers?

"Ah, wouldn't you like to know. I was six and it was raining, and my brother and I wanted to play outside. It felt so natural stepping out in it and willing the rain to go away, it didn't. I only made a sunny clearing."

5) How do you feel about your powers?

"I love them, wouldn't trade them for the world."

6) What is your family like? What is your current relationship with them?

"Nothing special. My brother is one of my best friends, I love my sister but she gets on my nerves and I love my mom but I also know I get on her nerves. "

7) What are some of your hobbies?

"I like to dance and sing."

8) Do you have any pets?

"No. My mama said we can't afford to have one. But she's not here to tell me what to do, so guess who's getting a dog?"

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and i know it makes you nervous
but i promise you, it's worth it


➳ Lorelei Kelpie Jones
➳ lor-uh-LIE // kel - PEE // j OH n z
➳ Lorie | Lola
➳ September 20th
➳ 20
➳ Virgo
➳ Female
➳ Pansexual Panromantic | Lorie just likes people, genders never made a difference regarding her attraction towards them.
➳ Lake George, New York
➳ Lorie have what is considered the general american accent, one that you'd hear most American celebrities talk with on television.
➳ 25% Swedish, 25% French || Paternal
➳ 25% Italian, 25% American || Maternal
➳ She was born and raised in America. She's an American citizen.
➳ New hire at the Magical Emporium.

physical information

➳ Lorelei has thick, long fiery red hair qith natural waves. She usually wears the mess down, always making sure to keep it combed, otherwise it is a mess. However, she will put it up in a ponytail or braid when busy to keep it from blocking her freckled face.
➳ Lorelei has warm, inviting brown eyes. They sparkle with a sort of innocence and kindness but can look have and absolutely on fire when angry.
➳ 5'5" (165cm)
➳ 120lbs (54kg)
➳ Lorie has pale skin, but it is far from flawless. Her face, arms and her chest and back (though lightly) are covered in freckles. Her face tends to flush, the tip of her nose, cheeks, and eyes get pink in cold weather or whenever she works herself hard. Not to mention she has gained a few scrapes and scars from her time as a child.
➳ Lorelei has a squarish face, with sharp features and a jawline that could cut a diamond and a slightly cleft chin. She is a natural beauty with a soft and inviting look about her.
➳ Lorelei is a slender girl, kept in shape by being active all around. She lacks some curves, though her full breast, thick thighs, and wide hips make up just fine for everything else.
➳ When it comes to fashion, Lorelei is a bit of a simplistic, romantic and arty dressed. She puts outfits together to make a simple and sweet combination. She generally wears whatever she likes, but again, it's how she puts it together. She often inspired by vintage clothing or clothing looking rather soft. She can come in looking cutesy or casual or a mix of both. However, one thing is for certain she's not so much of a chic dresser and does not notice or care if she's part of the trends.
➳ On her right wrist. X.
➳ her left ear has three lobe piercings and on on the helix and her right ear has two lobe piercings.
➳ Lorie has quite a few scars from getting into dangerous situations. Most of them have faded over time and become hardly noticeable. However, she has one on her knee from scarping her knee badly as a kid and another on her forehead, right underneath her hairline, it's hidden well.
➳ Freckles. She has many freckles, many that she become more obvious in the sun.
➳ None. Lorie is healthy as could be.
➳ Luca Hollestelle

personal information

➳ Lorelei Jones is known as either a complete dream or nightmare to people. There is hardly ever any between with the fae girl. Generally, she is a soft-spoken sweetheart with a calming nature about her. Calming, until her temper is blown. And boy does she have a temper, it's fiercer than the red hair on her head. Whenever she gets upset, she's honest and aggressive about it. She's not going to hide that anger and keeping a cap on it is even harder. However, it depends on how angry that she gets if she'll make a drastic and crazy decision.
But yes, in general, Lorelei is known as a nice and humorous young lady. She naturally volunteers to help out anyone in need and even when people don't ask for it, she's too thoughtful to not help. This has led to many people taking advantage of her, not that she noticed. She's sort of clueless to matters revolving around her, having a sort of naivety and innocence to her.
With her words, she is very blunt. Honesty is the best policy even if it may make one uncomfortable or offensive. This has proven her to be a person that people trust nevertheless. She doesn't like to lie and if she can't say something, then she'll keep her mouth shut. Surprisingly, she's good at keeping secrets that she knows are secrets.
One thing that many find difficult with Lorie is her stubborn nature. Once she makes up her mind about something, she is an unmovable force. Her mind will not be changed easily and frankly, she has to be right most times. It's frustrating for her if she is not. Regardless, people love her overall, even when they see her as a complete nightmare.
➳ dancing || flowers || nature || animals || france || laughter || witty banter || being right || sour candies || hot meals || expressos || ballet || waltzing || flying || magic || magical creatures || swimming || piano || making potions || helping others || secrets || fairy tales || sketching || children || music || tea || waffles
➳ racism || bigots || bullies || unnecessary violence || lonelieness || being lost || animal abuse || poachers || people using options and magic to harm others || being screamed at || getting sick || humid weather || silence || dubstep || black coffee
➳ playing piano || volunteering for the well-being of animals and mythical creatures || exploring || ballet
➳ biting her nails, especially her thumb || clapping her hands whenever she has an idea || sniffing foreign thins to her
➳ playing piano || dancing (ballet and waltz especially) || connecting with animals and mythical creature || potion-making || drawing
➳ losing everyone she loves and herself || being alone
➳ Anxiety || It has gotten better over the years, but despite how stubborn she is, she is an anxious mess underneath. She overthinks so many things, but keeps it under wraps. She does her very best to hide her anxiety and has gotten pretty good at it. It has given her insomnia, she's been making spells to help her with this.
➳ "All it takes is faith, trust and a little fairy dust."
➳ "Whipped cream makes everything better. It's delicious on everything. Yes, even tacos."
➳ "Sit here and let me speak romantic French."
➳ "Only dead fish go with the flow."

supernatural information


➳ Lorelei is more than half-fairy, predominantly spiritual fairy, but a fifth ethereal fairy from her mother, but the remaining of her is human.
➳ Flight: She has the ability to manifest wings from her back, granting her the power of flight at high speeds and levitation. It also has made her able to survive and adapt to extremely high or low air pressure (not becoming disoriented or deprived of the normal breathing capacity), and high wind friction; this is accompanied by an innate immunity to vertigo and/or fear of heights.
➳ Fairy magic: Through her fairy magic on her spiritual side, she possesses the powers of telekinesis(influencing/manipulating/moving objects/matter with her mind.), empathy (fully interpreting the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another.) and healing (restoring biotic organisms to health)
➳ Flight: her wings cause her to fly and they can be damaged, like injury similar to that of other limbs, leading to pain, bleeding, and infection. And obviously, that can prevent her ability to fly. It also messes with her balance if they are damaged both with her powers and in general. They are a retractable part of her body but a very important none the less.
➳ Fairy Magic: with telekinesis, she cannot move objects to heavy for her. Objects that are he would not physically be able to move. Though objects tat she could and are still heavy take a lot of concentration for her. It's physically exhausting. As for empathy, she cannot interpret the emotions of a person unless they are near her and she can not see the specifics unless she is touching them. Healing also requires touch and she can't do advance healing, she can heal things like cuts, small broken bones, and little colds. This power is also exhausting and healing anything to mortal or too damaged will knock her out. And she can't heal herself. Because she is part human, her fairy powers are weaker than most.

background information


➳ Silas Jones || Alive, Spiritual Fae || 41 || Lorie hasn't seen her father in years since he and her mother separated, but they still write to each other and since she moved to the city, they started talking on the phone. She had always been close with the man, they share a loving relationship.
➳ Allison Jones || Alive || 38, human with fae blood || Allison and Lorie share a sort of rocky relationship. While they love each other dearly, Allison has damaged her relationship with her daughter do to her overprotective nature and soft racism towards the supernatural. Lorie still calls her once a week while in the city to keep her off her back and check in on her.
➳ n/a
➳ Lorie has quite a few friends. All that live back in her hometown. The only friend she had since moving to the city is Rose Cobalt, her roommate who happens to be a mermaid.
➳ Lorie has only ever been in two relationships, one toxic that damaged her to this day and then another that was loving and soft but fleeting.
➳ Lorie has one or two, but she'll fight anyone who's an ass.
➳ A rare pet, a baby dragon she's had since he was an egg. His name is Danny, short for Daenerys.
➳ A white and brown baby rabbit named Flower. She's a sweetheart.
➳ Lorie is fluent in English, Swedish, French and Italian.
➳ Lorie has synesthesia, she can see the colors of sound.

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Coin Operated Boy - Dresden Dolls

"Uncertainty is the most stressful feeling."

Legal Name:

Marceau Mordecai Morrison

Nicknames and Aliases:

Marc | Marcie | Morceau | Mors | Mars




Marceau has no fixed job, he does everything to make money

Birthdate and Birthplace:

June 16th | Chicago, Illinois

Preferred Pronouns:


Sexual Orientation:


Romantic Orientation:


Zodiac Sign:


Origin of Abilities:


Primary Power:

Poison Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate poisons and poisonous substances. For the sake of clarity: poison, toxin and venom are terms for any substance that injures the health or destroys life when absorbed into the system: poison is the general word, toxin is a poison produced by an organism (plant, fungus, animal); it is especially used in medicine in reference to disease-causing bacterial secretions, venom is especially used of the poisons secreted by certain animals, usually injected by bite or sting.


+ With his abilities, Marceau can manipulate the properties of poison
+ With his poison Marceau can kill anyone and possibly even anything after certain conditions are met, or after a certain period of time has gone. Usually by touch or if they're in his vicinity.
+ Marceau can generate, create, emit or otherwise produce poison/poisonous substance and inflict the victim.
+ With the various types of poisons Marceau can emit/generate/control and manipulate he is able to cause Pain inducement (to cause varying levels of pain, including physical, mental and/or emotional, to their targets), Paralysis inducement (to immobilize target completely or partially, causing them to be left without movement and sensation. Making motor functions and muscle movement unavailable, the victim may freeze on the spot or crumple to the ground.) and infection ( infect others with different substances. These can range from harmless invading bodies such as nanites to toxic, lethal substances such as poisons.)
+ He solidify or give solid-like properties to poison with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond.
+ He can absorb poisons, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it as his own.

Passive Power:

Poison Immunity: The user is immune to all forms of poisons/toxins/venom.

- There are some drugs of the sort taht Marceau is not immuned to, marijuana for started and other medical drugs.
- Marceau can only absorb so much poison before he it takes an affect on him, he has to use and release it somehow. And he can only absorb the poison that is in his vicinity and with people he has to be touching them or closer than a few steps away.
- People with regenerative healing, posion immunity, poison absorption and contaminant immunity are hardly weak to his power and in most cases immune.
- Depending on the strenght, dosage and type of posion, it has different effects on it's targets, could kill or work temporarily without him menaing it too.
- Marceau can only generate so much poison in one day and if he does it too much, it could effect his health and has before.
- Sometimes, usually when deeply stress, his powers activate unconsciously/unwillingly.
- And as for the poison he solidifies, usually the change is temporary and short-lived.


Quite frankly, Marceau is a beautiful boy. One that you'd find aesthetically pleasing even if not gernerally attracted to. He's a tall young man with a dark curly topped head, equally pretty eyes and pale skin. He's not very muscular, but still a slender figure who looks good in all the right clothings. Which is anything her wears. He has a heartwarming and cheeky signature smile, however, one that he often gives to people.




Marceau has dark brown hair, it's thick and curly and usually a mess. He rarely gets it cut so it's a loittle below earlenght and a floppy floofy mess.


From afar, Marcea looks as if he has dark eyes, but in reality his eyes are a goregous hazel. Green and brown.


Marceau is not stockily built, he's typically perceieved as scrawny. He's a slender boy but still very firm. His build is usually hidden by his clothes..


Cheeky | Frank | Clueless | Easy-going | Daring | Challenging | Quirky

Marceau considers himself to be a very simple guy. He's easy-going and typically goes with the flow, and a bit of a dumbass (which leads him to getting into and causing trouble.). Nothing to discernable about him except his few stand out actions. Hardly anything makes him upset. And since he always appears to be high, people can hardly tell the difference between his sober self and high self. He's always so calm, it seems. Which isn't true, he bottles up his anger and stress. If he doesn't, it leads to issues.

Yes, he is mild-tempered and apparently lazy, but he likes adventures and challenges and being rebellious to authority most times. It's just all fun and games. He also has a bit of a mouth, sarcasm is one thing he can say he excels at. But when Marceau does get angry, it tends to explode and violent. Frankly, he has a dark and trouble side and it shows, peaking through the cracks. He can be uncaring and cold to those who mean nothing to him. And ready to start a fight with strangers for the simplest reasons.


Mystery novels
Alternative/Indie music
Getting high
Fighting/Picking fights


His powers
Being sober
Summer heat
Broken promises
Eating and rinking amongst others

Health Ailments:

Drug Addiction: Marijuana and other medical drugs usually prescribed by doctors(therapist). He's usually always high and when he's gone too long without them, he gets extremely stressed and hyperaware. He does all kinds of things just to keep himself stocked on his drugs.

While Marceau is typically very mild-tempered, when he does get angry it's explosive and violent and hardly controllable. He also suffers by self-harming himself by getting others to beat him up, it happens especially when he's drunk or angry. Provoking anyone who looks like they'll punch him in the face.

Not to mention he also suffers from hemophilia.

Marceau was born into a very wealthy life, money never posed as a problem for him. That did not mean his lifestyle was all glamourous. He had to work hard and endure many pains and hardships his family through at him because he was the firstborn son, the only son. And his father was going to be promoted to a higher level in his job where he'd be seen more. His son would have to be good enough to stand at his side no matter how tough it was. They had a point to prove. Before this point could be proven, Morrison's family had been attacked at the dinner table by friends no less. In the midst of stress and lack of control of his powers, Marceau released a toxin that killed everyone but himself. He was traumatized.

Through his father's friends, he was sent to live with his distant maternal uncle. It was a new change, he lived around those like himself. His uncle was a deadbeat though. While he stayed in contact with his father's friends he decided to stick with that somewhat good life. He ended up getting addicted to his prescribed medicine and more. He found peace in her tumultuous life. That is until his uncle ran away with half of his family fortune.

Mors lived alone for months until the landlord found out he was alone and he couldn't pay the rent. They were kind, however, and he lived with them for years until he was old enough to move out and live on his own. The few short periods that he was sober was over and he ran into different and worse habits.


Marceau has numerous scars, half from his past and others from animals that he trusted. He loves dogs.
Marceau is fluent in French, Spanish, Russian, Italian and obviously English.
Some days he likes baskin the sun and sketch, he's surprisngly a good artist.
He cannot eat or drink in front of others. It stresses him out, he loses his apetite.

Interview Section:

1) Tell me about yourself.

"Name is Marceau, you can just call me Mars or Mors. I like dogs."

4) How did you discover your powers?

"That's a dark story .. I posioned my older sister when she was hurting me again. And id di it each time she bothered me. I didn't kill her.. wait, actually I did."

5) How do you feel about your powers?

"They're literally toxic. I hate that so many others have powers that aren't made to harm but I do. they are useful though. I learned that with my father."

6) What is your family like? What is your current relationship with them?

"They're dead. But they were very hard, you wouldn't want to mess with them."

7) What are some of your hobbies?

"Reading. I like to read and draw."

8) Do you have any pets?

"No, but I want some dogs."

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Social Climb - By IDKHBTFM

"I'm always doing shit I'm not qualified for. Like being nice to idiots."

Legal Name:

Angus Jason Mitchell

Nicknames and Aliases:

Angy | Gus | Aggie





Birthdate and Birthplace:

April 27th | Salem, Oregon

Preferred Pronouns:


Sexual Orientation:


Romantic Orientation:

Panromantic with homoromantic tendencies

Zodiac Sign:


Origin of Abilities:

Genetic Inheritance

Primary Power:

Clairvoyance: The user can gain direct visual information about an object, person, location, the future, or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and may be able to 'see' spiritual/psychic beings.


+ He has the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen, in dreams or visions.
+ Dream Scrying: He has the power to dream about something that is happening elsewhere in present time or future.
+ Psychic Navigation: He can trace where targeted objects/subjects are located. Can tell if target is progressing. He has a psychic compass within him, feeling a magnetic pull towards the direction to the target. He can also create a mental map of an area to prevent getting lost or quickly reach the exit.
+ Shared Vision: He can share the sight of two or multiple people, the power can let other people see what he is seeing from his point of view. He can even let others see his past sights and scenes as a way to relay information to them.
+ Vision Linking: He can share his vision/eyesight with others, possibly including their enhanced vision.

Passive Power:

Psychic Shadow: User is able to mask psychic presence and obscure the perceptions of psychic trackers, making any subject within their target radius appear "dark". Experience will enhance the size of the area they can shadow and the intensity of their shielding effect.

- Those with tracking evasion and observation detection are immune to his clairvoyance powers of tracking and such.
- To find his target, he has to imagine them, which is easier to do with an image to help.
- It takes deep concentration to activate his power on his own.
- There are times his powers activate unexpectedly and he has no control over what he sees or when the vision ends
- When it comes to seeing the future, he only gets glimpses and things of the like, he doesn't control what he sees nor does he know the time or date when it happens.
- The future is never set in stone, so certain things could happen to change it, meaning that his vision he saw was no longer useful.
- Overuse of this ability strains his mind.


Angus could fit both into the pretty boy and handsome gentleman category. He's tall with a beautiful face, usually sporting a devilish smile, which always carries a deep dimple in each cheek, or penetrating stare. Aside from his dimples, his curly brown hair is his most noticeable feature.




Angus has soft, curly, fluffy and shaggy hair. It's a dark and beautiful chocolate brown. It's a curly mess on it's own, but he keeps it as neat as possible, especially during working hours, combing out curls and styling it as nicely as possible.


Round, large and dark brown eyes that match his hair. Usually very reflective of his sass.


Angus is well-built, 180 pounds of muscle. Thanks to regular exercise of working hard job, he's gotten a satisfying body shape and muscle tone. Nothing to brag about, nor sleep on. The lines and shapes are there.


Frankly, Angus is a little rough around the edges. In fact, some would go as far to say that he has a stick up his butt. And maybe he does. Angus can be a bit uptight and stern and terribly blunt, but he's not humorless. He is perhaps one of sassiest people you will meet, he always has a remark for every comment made, most of them not very nice. His humor is a bit sardonic, but he also appreciates the goofy things. He's not a black mass.

In fact, Angus can be very charismatic, cheeky and friendly in the sense that he enjoys meeting and talking to new people. Witty banter and fun conversations, even if his sass can be a bit dry at time. He does have a kind nature to him, and it is often seen in how he treats his sister. It becomes both easier and more difficult to see as you get closer to him. Softness for him is something that is not thrown around so easily and even when he wants to give it, it's more of an issue to let people know how much and how deeply he cares. And he cares. But one thing that he'll hide is his loyalty.


Conversation with patrons
Fruit juices
His bar
50's - 60's music
Sleeping under stars
His sister


Small spaces
Long car rides
Being left out/behind
Being weakness
Swallowing his pride
Seeing sad events
His older brother
Losing money

Health Ailments:

Angus is healthy physical, minus the anemia due to malnutrition growing up. His mental health is not as healthy nor is it the absolute worst. Emotional issues that have shown themselves in many forms.

There's not much to be told about Angus's past. Or at least nothing that he would readily share with strangers. He was born in Salem and was on the rode with his parents within a year of life. He grew up in a van that hardly ever stopped but for a few weeks. It made it difficult to make and keep friends. The only companion who gave him time of the day was his older brother Benji. The boys were close, inseparable.

When his powers started developing, it opened new doors for him. It was a power that was not offensive like his father's and brother's abilities. It was more passive, but still useful. And boy did he abuse that power, a power he often used against other kids who picked on him. But his older brother steered him clear on the path.

Then came Althea. Angus hated her simply because it meant more room in the van had been taken. It was at that time did Benji stand up and left the family and Angus without giving a single goodbye. It hurt like hell. He supposed, that was when their already messy and cracked family began to crumble. His father crueler to him for his lack of usefulness and his mother growing more and more distant with every new day.

His father had the bright idea of settling down for a while when they got into a small car accident. For the first time, Angus got to go to school and learn. Naturally, nor did that last long. He was bullied and trampled by many in the small town they stuck out in. Everyday he returned home bruised and bloody and his father still drunk and passed out on the couch while his mother wept in her bedroom. And as for Althea, Angus avoided her when he could.

Bad went to worse when Althea's powers started developing when she was only a toddler. It was frankly terrifying, no one was more scared than his mother. Angus gotten visions of her leaving them for another man. But the future is something you could change, so he tried to change it that. She still left ...

His father went from lazy asshole to aggressive asshole. Angus could only depend on himself, he had to be an anchor for himself and his sister. When Althea was old enough, her autistic symptoms were obvious to anyone who paid attention to her. That combine with her powerful abilities annoyed their father. He knocked her around, but Angus took the brunt of most of it to care for his sister, even though most days Angus's existence was nothing to his father.

The day his brother came back was when the drastic change took place. He had come to visit after so long and Angus was shook. It didn't stop their father for trying to hurt Angus that night for dinner. But Thea had had enough. She not only tore the room apart, but killed their father. Benji immediately saw her as a threat, but he swiftly cleaned up the mess.

They were on the rode again, this time it was Thea and Angus only. Her violent use of her powers did not stop there, and in fact worsened after the death of their father. She was suffering and so was he. Others had been hurt or killed. When news of this reached Benjamin, he found them and tried to kill Althea. Or lock her up.

Angus begged, even as his bother hurt him, to leave her alone and promised no one else would get hurt. Benji reluctantly agreed, also making a promise of his own. Angus got to work trying to rectify everything. He got a job, studied for a GED and found a placed for him and Althea to stay. Ravenwoods. They've been there since.


- Angus is fluent in Swedish, his mother was a Swedish woman with a thick accent.
- Angus, despite working in a bar, does not like to drink a lot.
- He has been a few relationships, just one them was messed up enough to add onto his already long list of things that ruined him
- Caprisun is better than Koo-aid. An he'll anyone on it

Interview Section:

1) Tell me about yourself.

"tI'm Angus, you can call me Gus. I work on the rooftop bar, I'm in charge of it."

4) How did you discover your powers?

"I always had them, I just never noticed them until I was old enough to think that my deja vu was something more."

5) How do you feel about your powers?

"They're as dangerous as they are amazing."

6) What is your family like? What is your current relationship with them?

"My older brother is a terrible family member, my father is dead, my mother ran off with an accountant, leaving me to rais my baby sister. She's the only family I got left.. "

7) What are some of your hobbies?

"I like to cook and read, dancing is fun too."

8) Do you have any pets?

"No, I have enough on my plate."

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  • Love
Reactions: MiharuAya
Ellie Williams


[Full Name]
Ellie Blue Williams

Elle (common) ; Blue (very common)

Cisgender Female

[Sexual Orientation]
Pansexual; to put it simply, Ellie likes people. However, she is both romantically and more sexually attracted to the opposite sex.


[Date of Birth]
September 21st

[Zodiac Sign]

Copeland, Florida

50% American with deep German roots || Maternal
25% Irish & 25% American || Paternal

Highschool Student | Newspaper Deliverer


Ellie maybe blonde and blue-eyed and fair-skinned, but she is not built like a Barbie doll. She isn't very tall and certainly not stick skinny, she doesn't fit into the supermodel criteria at all. But that isn't to say that she's not pretty. Because she is, her beauty is quiet and does not immediately shout out at you. It's soft like her features and usually hidden behind shy smiles and oversized clothes. It only takes one to keep looking to see she has the stars in her eyes, the rosiest cheeks and a smile that could heal hearts instead of breaking them.

Ellie's hair is a dirty and golden blonde. Usually a curly mess, thick and shoulder length. Only on special occasions does she have it straightened.

Her eyes are round sky blue and doe-eyed.

5'4" ft (162 cm)

Ellie is not a toothpick, but she isn't very large either. She has curves here and there with a small waist and somewhat thick thighs. But the shape of her body is hidden beneath so many clothes.

[Tattoo/ piercings/ etc]
Her earlobes are only pierced once on each ear and she has a nose piercing on her left nostril. She has a few tattoo pieces here and there on her body.

[Scars/ Birthmark/ etc]
Ellie has quite a few scars on her body from abuse, most have faded over time.

[Face claim]
Nanda Schwarz (Weskott)


Practical | Hardworking | Creative | Kind | Loyal | Shy | Sarcastic | Sensitive | Responsible

Ellie is a kind and hardworking girl but usually avoids people as best as she can. She isn't good with them and fears that she never will be. She' half stuck in her own shell and is sure she'll never fully be able to come out. Despite that, she has so many dreams and wants to make them come true. She doesn't want to stay stuck in this town when she feels like there is nothing in it for her.

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james black




you should see me in a crown
i'm gonna run this nothing town
watch me make 'em bow

one by one by, one
one by one by

basic information

➳ James Everret Callum Black
➳ j - AI - m - z // EH - v er - uh t // K AH l uh m // b l AE k
➳ Crown Prince James of Chirith, First Born Son of Varian Black
➳ Jamie || Very Common || He is often called this boy his sisters and mother. They mostly use it affectionately or teasingly and he's perfectly fine with it. Though he is never called Jamie when in the midst of royal duties.
➳ Jame's was born at the start if Spring, his mother describes it the day when the snow began o melt and flowers blossomed
➳ 22
➳ Male (he/him)
➳ Heterosexual, but some comfortable in his ow skin and sexuality he sees and acknowledges the beauty in men too
➳ The Royal Castle in Acorora, the capital of Chirith
➳ Chirith has several types in accents, particular ones belonging to a province of the country. And because he was raised in a castle full of those people from all over Chirith he pronounces his words all kinds of ways sometimes, mainly when he's relaxed. However, he was taught to speak a certain way that has shaped his accent. The way of his mother and father, so it is a bit "fancy" sounding as a commoner would describe and charming all the same, taking on the accent of his father (English) and that of his mother (Scottish).
➳ 50% East Chirithian || Paternal -- which, in real life, is similar to England.
➳ 50% North Chirithian || Maternal -- which, in real life, is similar to Scotland.
➳ Chirithian
➳ Being not only royalty but also heir to throne has subjected James to many studies from a young age. And he almost easily picked up every academic subject that he had been given, writing, reading, mathematics, several languages and more. It was interesting to him, applying all that he learned to the life that he lived and beyond it. And he was especially good at diplomatic studies and extracurricular studies, such as art, writing stories and poems and singing. Learning to wield weapons and fight had been a bit more difficult for him initially as he had no real interest in it, but it was after an accident that he took it more seriously and become skillful using the sword throwing knives and archery. However, it was his tactical and strategic thinking that made him more valuable on the battlefield.

physical information

➳ Black, raven black, or it would be if his hair didn't carry that darkbrown trait that resembles it so close to black. James hair is thick and rich, beautifully curly and wonderous on his pale and freckled face. It's shoulder length and he wears it as such.
➳ James's eyes are a hazel color. Green with flecks of gold. And while they are charming and romantic, they can go from cheerful and playful and warm to harsh, cold and murderous in a split second.
➳ 6'2" (188cm)
➳ 176 lbs (80kg)
➳ James skin is pale and fair, carrying warm pink tones with freckles scattered here and there. While it is beautiful, it is not flawless.
➳ James is what commoners would call "a looker" and royals "a beauty. His face is perfect in symmetry and heartshaped with high cheekbones and defined lines. He is a very handsome young man who has a normally easy-going and charismatic look about him, it's made him friends and lovers very fast. However, he can sometimes be difficult to read.
➳ Tall and lean, though he's not the typical very muscular type of lean, being smaller in weight has made him very lithe and fast on the battlefield. Not to mention, he still has scars to show.
➳ Jame's dressed casually in breezy and comfortable cotton-like clothes, sometimes leather. And he is a very fashionable dresser as Chirithian's do make beautiful clothes along with other luxury products with the talents in art.
➳ On his right forearm, the tattoo belonging to him and his group of knights who swore to stay by one another's side.
➳ His right earlobe
➳ Jame's has enough to show, but not all of them are from battles. His nastiest scar is on his abdomen.
➳ James has many freckles to show
➳ n/a
➳ Timothee Chalamet (GIFs from The King)

personal information

➳ Loyalty, valor, honesty, and honor, James is almost the perfect embodiment that all his people look to and hold dearly. His father drilled those morals into him from a young age and he was able to truly apply them by living through tough and easy situations alike, learning from everyone around him. However, it has also made him realize that they shouldn't simply be taken as is. While he believes in honesty, he sees that in plenty of situations a lie may need to be told. James himself likes to play little pranks after all and is a strategist. Though, he prefers bending the truth or turning those on their heads rather than truly lie. And as for honor, one's honor does not come before the good of oneself or their people. Same as for pride.
Loyalty is one thing that is so deeply rooted in himself, he sees no circumstances to break it unless it's to a cruel person or tyrant. Bonds are important, and keeping your word just as much so. And his mind will never change about that.
One would think that this means that James is serious and stern. When in fact, he is not. Yes, James knows when to be serious and adopt the kinglike persona, but usually, he is alight with life and playful. He has such a warm and generous energy about him, most people feel relaxed in his presence. Not to mention he is very charming. It adds to his silver tongue and very persuasive way of speaking. Most people either fall trap to his daring and magnetic eyes or his quick-witted and intelligent tongue.
This is not to say that he cannot become angry because he can and he has. But his anger is far from explosive it is cool like ice and his doesn't yell but on rare occasions. A quick way to upset him is disrespect and cruelty. He detests those things with a passion.
➳ music | books | poems | good clothes | animals | discovering new things | puppet shows | dancing | festivals | the lute | laughter | meat | sweets | hot beverages | women | his kingdom | riddles | bread | art | paint
➳ sailing | tyranny | idiots | yelling | traitors | liars | unnecessary fighting | mosquitos | cruelty to others | ravens, and crows | disrespect | Rats
➳ horseback riding | reading | playing the lute | painting | playing with his siblings
➳ n/a
➳ strategist on battlefield | sword fighting | painting | playing lute and singing | painting | writing | persuading others
➳ Losing his family and becoming a terrible king
➳ n/a

kingdom information

➳ Chirith is a large kingdom, with the North (Scotland), the East (England) where the capital is, the South (Wales) and the West (Ireland). But the kindgdom is beautiful all over. Known for it's landscape with lakes and rivers and mostly lowland terrain with trees. Only Uppland are there some mountians.
➳ Fashionable. James is never seen wearing anything less then what is considered chic, and not just because he's required to look like that role model that he's meant to be, but just because he likes to look nice. He's simple leather and cotton all of the time and only in armor when training or on the battlefield.
➳ Chirith has many traditions and that is something all of their people stay true to no matter the differences in thinking for those traditions that have to do with their heritage and the honor they must live up to, royals, upper class and lower class alike. They are people who value honor, loyalty, valor, honesty, and respect above all else. Those who are intelligent are on equal grounding, perhaps more, than those who can fight well. They expect calm and diplomatic words to be held first before a battle and one thing that James would personally add is that they know how to party. They are jolly people and mostly kind when you meet them and even more generous and loving when you become their friend. But if you cross them and they hate you, they are harsh and cutthroat.
They are known for the well-made goods and luxury items. Gorgeous clothing and many forms of art, particularly jewelry and glassmaking.
➳ Men and women are not equal, and they certainly are not seen as such by the majority of people. Women are expected to stay home and tend to the household and the children. They do not have the same rights as men such as owning land. However, there are some women who work whether they are court women or commoners working wit their families. But they are not allowed on the battlefield except to help aid in healing. Though, men have more "freedom" their life isn't as easy peasy either. They are given harsher judgments and more expectations to be meant nor are they easily forgiven for failure. Everyone has a role to play and they're expected to follow it.
➳ Chirith is ruled by the King with the advice of his advisers and royal council. The Queen rules when the King is absent by has her own duties to perform in the Kingdom and castle as well. The heir to the throne is the firstborn son and if there is no son then it goes to the next in line royal. The children of the monarch are princes and princesses. The provinces are ruled by dukes who are commonly members of the royal family but occasionally will be the family's closest and most trusted companions.
➳ The national colours of Chirith are gold and purple
➳ Vrannisea's national animal is a lion
➳ Chirith has many fun traditions and festivals that everyone loves, it keeps the eople happy and has gained them many, many visitors

background information

Varian Black || King of Chirith || 46 || James and has father typically get along very well, but they do butt heads often with arguments that James wins with his silver tongue and increasing knowledge. He loves his father and it's clear to see that the man loves and has pride in him too.
➳ Colina Black || Queen of Chirith, daughter of the Duke of North Chirith || 44 || James is no doubt closer with his mother than his father. He had been sick to her side as a child and had to be dragged away from her. His mother continues to spoil him but also teaches him with her wisdom despite her sickness keeping her in bed most of the time. Like the rest of his family and kingdom alike, he adores the women and is extremely protective of her.
Lora Black || Princess of Chirith || 26 || Lora is perhaps the toughest woman that James ever met, unlike most women in their kingdom, she learned to wield a sword and shoot arrows. She constantly teases James but is also fiercely protective and loyal to him as he is to her. In fact, he, Lora and his second older sister made a blood pact as kids to stand by one another's side. And lucky for Lora, she fell in love and got engaged to a young general of their Kingdom's mighty navy. They are to be wed before James.
Crissa Black || Princess of Chirith || 24 || Crissa was born mute and that made James incredibly protective of her, especially with her being a terrible fighter. As she found herself more comfortable and happy with the duties of a lady. She babies James and holds kindness and wisdom like that of their mother, but despite being soft she has also been shown to bare her teeth at the enemies of her family. Desperately she wants to marry and have children, but it's been hard finding a husband, and a suitable one at that, for the disabled daughter of the king.
Stella Chirith || Princess of Chirith|| 16 || The oldest and ring leader of triplet three. She often drags her James into her troublesome ways. But he loves her dearly and enjoys their pranks and assists them in escaping lessons. Though she's so bossy and a know-it-all she constantly annoys him.
Luna Chirith || Prince of Chirith || 16 || Luna is the more quiet triplet and his favorite out of the three. They share a very close bond and she relies on him a lot. Like all his sisters, he is protective of her.
Aurora Chirith || Princess of Chirith || 16 || The clumsy triplet. A lot of the times Aurora feels left out as the youngest triplet, but she is by far the most babied by James. One puppy eye look from his dolty little sisters and he's rolling over for her.
Varian II Chirith || Prince of Chirith || 13 || The only other boy and the one all the siblings like to tease. James holds a very close relationship with Varian too as his younger brother finds it difficult to live up to his father's expectations. He'd rather drown in books that fight with swords.
➳ James had always been good at making friends as he is a likable and warm person. He has casual conversations with the cooks, maids and all servants in the palace. However, it s the knights whom he is best friends with along with his own manservant.
➳ Yes, James has a number of exes, most, if not all, were secret. He has wooed many upper-class women and lower-class women alike. Mostly flings and only two relationships he took seriously. A princess named Alice, but she married another royal of a different Kingdom for her own. And then a maid girl named Alista, it never would have work. They were of different classes.
➳ James enemies are those who are the enemy of his family and kingdom along with cruel people and tyrants.
➳ James has a horse named Red and a dog named Calcifer.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce molestie, dolor vitae blandit posuere, felis sem vestibulum leo, eu euismod ante leo at mauris. Suspendisse in leo justo. Aenean tincidunt, urna nec fringilla fringilla, dui justo tincidunt erat, id malesuada augue nisl ut erat. Curabitur nec egestas nulla. Sed egestas mauris ac arcu volutpat congue. Quisque dapibus molestie lacus ac ultrices. Proin molestie sapien et mauris cursus vestibulum. Etiam posuere mi id pulvinar varius. Nullam facilisis tellus eu tellus elementum, quis tempus ipsum pulvinar.

]Sed nulla quam, ullamcorper eu ultricies egestas, sagittis non nulla. Sed et auctor est. Morbi efficitur velit justo, nec rutrum mi condimentum in. Curabitur accumsan nisi eu justo maximus fringilla. Proin consequat erat ut tincidunt ultricies. Sed at pulvinar tellus, placerat pellentesque elit. Aliquam accumsan mi nulla, at ultrices odio consequat at. Donec eu ligula sit amet nibh interdum cursus imperdiet vitae mi. Sed vehicula purus sit amet nisi mattis, nec pulvinar turpis sagittis. Integer dapibus rhoncus orci, vitae vulputate enim lacinia quis. Curabitur placerat tellus arcu. Nunc sed felis sit amet neque tempor rutrum congue eget ante.

Nunc rutrum imperdiet lacus eget convallis. Aenean in iaculis ligula. Nulla eleifend tempus gravida. Morbi et ex euismod, suscipit dolor non, lobortis odio. Integer pharetra odio eu neque venenatis convallis. Nunc vitae placerat dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ligula quis odio bibendum condimentum. Nulla at ullamcorper turpis, vitae malesuada felis.

Proin tempus vitae ex et cursus. Etiam vel orci sed ligula congue porta quis eu dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent pretium porttitor elit, in aliquam purus pretium eget. Pellentesque semper urna justo, condimentum dictum ex porta congue. Pellentesque scelerisque urna sed feugiat tempor. Suspendisse euismod, lectus eget ornare accumsan, dui sapien pellentesque nisi, ut convallis quam ipsum id magna. Etiam lectus sapien, vehicula et mi vel, egestas tincidunt enim.

Donec eget mattis ante. Vivamus tempor ac augue sed commodo. Vivamus eu consequat lectus. Aenean in urna id lectus suscipit tristique eu id neque. Ut scelerisque nulla libero, vitae commodo lacus vulputate ut. Vestibulum vel suscipit sem. Duis vel nunc a est commodo sollicitudin in ac nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin faucibus sapien, sed convallis enim facilisis id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus urna, molestie vitae sagittis ac, posuere vel neque. Fusce nec fermentum justo, ac scelerisque magna. In in vulputate libero. Morbi massa lorem, consectetur at tincidunt at, tincidunt sit amet mi. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.​

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Quick Stats
Rating -Mature
language, violence, sex scenes, abuse, etc.

Post Expectations - Intermediate/Advanced
Posting Speed - Once every 15 days (starting after the one you're interacting with posts for you.)
Genres - Spy-Superhero, Action, Crime, Mystery, Drama, Romance, Adventure.
Setting - Buffalo, New York
Face Claims - Real People Only.
Player Limit - 5-6 (pending)
Character Limit - 4 (pending)
OOC Notes


- Firstly, it is not a superhero roleplay. It is a say roleplay mixed with superhero themes, such as special abilities and acts of superheroism here an there. Though, it may and will be darker than superhero films and some spy films.

- Our characters will be the members of the Wilomore Society, obviously. You can play a senior member, someone who has been there sometime in the last nine years or a newbie who has just been invited. Senior members are obviously more skilled and trained than the new ones. However, powers are not the only reason your character has been recruited, obviously, they have some great strength that would Charlie saw that could be of use.

- On the note of powers, your character's powers will not be like superhero movies as well. No one will be changing the landscape -- or at least alone --. So, if you put something down like Ice Manipulation, I will most likely ask you to change it to something like Cold Generation (that ice generation may by listed under). They are not going to be extreme as they are superhero movies or tv shows, and will not carry your character but should be what supports them, a nice compliment. I will go hard on the edits there, beware.

- Your character does not have to have powers. But they do have to have a great skill that, again, Charlie would find worthy. They could be a hacker, a really good martial artist, etc...

- This story is very character-driven. Yes, there will be arcs and assignments distributed, but how things will go all depends on the actions and decisions that your characters make. Of course, I will drive things in the right direction if need be, but our characters make this story, growing together and growing as their own. If you hit me up, I could make your characters background or current situation connected to or part of a big arc.

- All races, genders, and sexualities are welcomed.

- The characters allowed for each player is 4 but may turn into 6.

- I will ask you for a writing sample if I do not know you. It can be an old post from a roleplay or something new you want to cook up. You can message me it on Discord (My tag: MaryGold #7040) Once you are approved, I'll invite you to the OOC server. And I will delete my tag after I get all the players.

- I only ask two decent paragraphs a post minimum.

The Secret Wilomore Society


Dear ____,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. You must have many questions. Do not fret, I assure you I plan to answer all of them. Or all that I can, once we meet. Or if we meet, of course, that all is determined by the decision you make after reading this letter. But first I have a few questions of my own to ask you. Questions that you should ask yourself.
Have you ever felt out of place? Different? As if there is something about you that is not normal? And no, I am not speaking of a simple personality trait or family. No nothing like that. You should know what I am speaking of, as this letter is only sent to those who do. Yes, I am speaking about the abilities you possess. Call them what you will, supernatural, mutation, or magic. But it is there and if you don't know it, you do now.
With that ability, you can do many things, great things, or nothing at all. But this letter was sent to you with a clear intention of inviting you into something bigger. And that bigger thing is the Wilmore Society.
A society made to investigate and fight other mysterious forces who use their abilities for the lesser good - or, evil, if you will, from the shadows. Before you crumple this letter, we are not some simple and cliche vigilante group performing acts of heroism in spandexes. Oh no, and we certainly do not let you go out putting yourself in danger every day and without reason except for good.
We take care of our own. Meaning you will be paid a hefty salary. And your needs will be provided to. Debt? Family issues? Health? Everything and anything, we will be there to help you with it. As we have our ways.
But if you are not willing or wanting to get involved with this, then there is nothing to worry about. You may toss this latter aside now and all your knowledge of this will go with it. But if you are, then on the first of August, come to 806 Acorn Street.

--- Charlotte Wilomore

The Wilomore Society

The Wilomore society was founded in the 1700s, in London, England, and peaked after the American Revolution by the upper class family Wilomore. It was created with the simple purpose of "fighting fire with fire". They were a gifted family with set abilities and used sai abilities against those who used and abused their own for ill will and evil. Of course, they did all this from the shadows for if they did not, they would be persecuted and ostracized by society, being called witches and demons and other cruel names.

But the better they did, the more they expanded and helped others like them, welcoming them into their group and growing in members and powers. They started new bases in other countries, the first being New York which extended to Buffalo, second Casablanca, and third Tokyo. The members were diverse and spread out, but they were still a huge family with highs and lows. Though the larger they grew, the more they started growing apart in the heart.

The biggest and worst decision they made is when they began working with the government in the 1920s. They were given more supplies, wealth, comrades, and power. The goal of their establishment had gotten lost with the majority of members more and more when they were asked to cruel things and fight those who were quite frankly powerless to them and done harm to innocents.

Finally, in the 1950s, when one of their members had gone mad and harmed many. They shut down all of the locations and the Wilomore society as a whole. Most of the members were arrested or scattered, many, if not all, hit rock-bottom.

And anyone who showed any sign of abilities was taken in by authorities as a result. Be it a child or an adult.

However, there is a remaining member of the Wilomore family. A young woman, Charlotte Wilomore.

Charlotte Wilomore

Charlotte Jane Wilomore, known as Charlie to close companions, is the only remaining Wilomore... But not the only remaining member of the Wilomore society.

Charlotte was ten years old when her parents passed away and she was put in the custody of their house's butler, Jeremy Turner, and house caretaker, Anne Wilde. When she was fourteen, she started doing rogue work, the same type of work she read that her family used to do and the society that they led. And when she was sixteen, she brought back the Secret Wilomore Society. And brought in more members.

To the public, she is the socialite of the sorts An orphan to the high esteemed Wilomore family and heiress to their green company and the Wilomore foundation. She is a famous novelist, poet, and fashion designer. All unknowing to the group that she runs.

The society has been running for nine years since it's rebirth, and Charlotte has decided to recruit more members. Inviting the potential recruits to her home and headquarters, the Wilomore house, 806 Acorn Street, Buffalo, New York.

The Secret Wilomore Society may be small, but Charlotte has every intention of returning it to its former glory.

The World

The year is 2019, set in Buffalo, New York where the base of the secret Wilomore Society is rooted in. Not only Wilomore Society but their source of fortune, Wilomore Enterprises, inc. Aka WilomoreCorps. The American multinational conglomerate based in Buffalo and headquarters at Wilomore Tower and Wilomore Foundation.

It is also a place many and all kinds of people pass through. Including those who are set with abilities. 15 percent of the human population is born with these abilities and there is no other way to retrieve them. The existence of these people has been kept secret for years. Centuries before, they were thought of as demons or witches or some otherworldly being when they displayed these inhuman natural abilities.

Now, in the current day, if one is seen with these abilities, the government is called and they are taken away. What happens to them after is unknown. Though they usually cover it up.

1. First, foremost and obviously, all Iwaku rules apply and follow them through, please, and thank you.

2. Respect me as the GM, whoever I place as my co-GM, and the rules I put in place. And on that note, respect every other player too. Treat as you would like to be. Ill behavior OOC can get you removed as well as dragging that ill behavior into IC.

3. No God-modding, power play and Mary/Gary Sues. Please ask permission before making a major move against another character or the story in general.


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Original coding by @sugarplum




your resident secret super spy​





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    "If you think I'm pretty, you should see me a crown."


    your resident secret super spy

    5'2" ft

    Dark brown, coffee brown

    Dark Brown, dark chocolate brown

    Petite, curvy, and toned. Emma is small in stature and height, but her shape is that of an hourglass, being well-proportioned. And having been trained, her body is toned.

    Playful | Fiesty | Sarcastic | Dramatic | Compassionate | Daring | Creative | Brave | Stubborn | Resourceful | Reserved | Coarse | Opinionated | Outspoken | Aggressive | Caring | Teasing | Emotional

    Telepathy - the ability to read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally or affect their minds/thoughts.

    - She can read/sense the thoughts of others. She can see the thoughts of others. As well as read her target's memories.

    - She also has the ability to open up secret conversations and relay covert information. And to speak aloud using only her mind.

    - She can interpret the emotions of others.

    - She can enter the mind of another.

    - She can manipulate the minds of others via the thought process. She can implant memories and thoughts into others. She can also erase memories of them and herself.

    - She can induce temporary mental or physical paralysis or unconsciousness.

    - She is highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion.

    - Her telepathy in reading the thoughts of others doesn't have a true off switch. Therefore, it is constantly active. She may not always hear all thoughts, but some will trickle in. Her power is almost completely ineffective in large crowds with her being unable to sort through so many thoughts.

    - The more intense the thought it is, the louder it gets in her head. It can be disorientating or even deafening for her.

    - She can read thoughts, but not impulsive actions.

    - Too many thoughts, especially intense thoughts, and conflicting ones can be overwhelming. She will begin to suffer from headaches, ringing in ears, nosebleeds, or worst-case scenario she'll blackout.

    - Reading certain people's minds, such as a huge genius or an insane person, is hard and in some cases, not a good idea. For a genius, it may be confusing. As for an insane person, it is disorientating and painful.

    - More than half the tasks of her powers require all her attention, thereby leaving her physical body and/or mind vulnerable.

    - Depending on the person she is susceptible to the pain/injury as the person with whom she is communicating.

    - The mind reading's radius is much larger than everything for Emma. It extends out more than what her eyes can see, but can also make it confusing to discern who's thoughts are who's and where they are coming from without focusing.

    - Emma can interpret emotions, however, the radius for detecting them is much smaller than the radius for reading thoughts. They have to be within 12 feet of her. The closer they are, or the more intense the emotion is, she may feel it and be overwhelmed. Touch is the best method of interpreting emotions. And again, it can be confusing in a crowd to discern all of them.

    - She cannot change the emotions of a person. She can only induce or lower what's already there for a temporary amount of time. And even then when it comes to the actual manipulation of the minds of others, Emma is unable to do a lot of people, and it takes focus. Unless she's actually controlling their thoughts and actions, she has no say of what they do.

    - When she enters the mind of another, her body is left blanked and vulnerable. If harm comes to the target, she is affected as well.

    - She can only manipulate the thoughts and actions of so many people at one time, up to three and four if she really pushes it. But the more people she controls at one time, the more strain it puts on her. It takes extreme focus and if it is not reinforced her control over them will wear off after a while. For her to manipulate their mind, they have to be within her radius, which is 3 miles. Meaning, she needs to be able to see her target to get a hold of their mind. And after they get far enough from her, which is up to seven miles the control she has over them wears off.

    - In order for her to implant, erase, and alter the memories of others. She has to be touching them and she can only do one person at a time because of the focus it takes and the strain. While she can erase memories and implant memories, she has yet to learn how to recover memories. Making this ability a very dangerous one.

    - When reading memories, Emma can almost feel the exact emotions the target has gone through. On that note, reading intense thoughts or feelings too much can affect her to the point that she may take on character traits, ideas, pain and emotions of the target temporarily.

    - She has frequent migraines because of her powers.

    - Anyone with psychic shields or immunity or immune to her powers.

    - Her telepathy also does not work on mindless objects.

    Manipulation | Analyzing/Reading Others | Hand to hand combat | Weaponry | Infiltration | Stealth | Seduction | Information Extraction | Sharpshooter | Knife handling | Quick Thinker |


    Born as Claudia-Emmaline Elizabeth Kate Laurent-Addams, she was the firstborn child of Bernadette and George. Back then she was known as Claudia. Emma did not have the prettiest of childhoods. Her father was a loving and kind man but was always away for business. And her mother was mentally unstable. The moment she recognized the talent in her daughter, she began working to fulfill the dreams and ambitions she never had the chance to reach. To be a Ballerina.

    Emma had the talent and made quite a name for herself. But the relationship she had with her mother quickly transformed into a toxic and abusive one. She only wanted to please the woman despite the emotional and verbal abuse and how she forced her to work out and not eat so much (sometimes making her puke the food up quite literally).

    When Emma was six, her powers came into full play. Tt almost drove her mad. Her mother refused to let her see a doctor and so she had to learn how to use her powers on her own. This later led to some unfortunate events. As a child, she didn't know that it may be wrong to use them on people. Regardless of the stress and pain, with the name she made for herself, she joined a ballet company at the age of 12. It was not a pretty experience.

    The others hated her and bullied her for the favoritism the director gave her. And the director himself molested the poor girl. Everything was all building up more and more. Her eating disorder worsened where she binged when upset and puked it up later, she only spent her free time practicing and didn't bother attempt making friends. Finally, at 14, she learned her parents were getting divorced on the night of a big performance. That night, that performance, Emma collapsed on stage from stress, malnutrition, and the pain of reading so many thoughts in the crowd.

    Of course, Emma had used her powers before. But that was her breaking point. She wanted to hurt people so badly for hurting her. The ballet dancers at the company, the director, and her mother. It was on the news ... Rose Ballet Company ... the director was no longer sane, he didn't have much of a mind. And the dancers were nearly just as bad. They couldn't explain it, were they taking some kind of drug?

    When her parents' divorce finalized, she chose to go with her father. They moved to Manchester, where she started fresh and no longer doing ballet, but acting and singing. She changed her name to simply be Emmaline Kate Addams.

    She moved to America at eighteen. And at twenty, she met her mother again. The woman rekindled something with her father. They got into an argument while driving and it resulted in an accident. An accident that killed her mother. After, her father started suffering from severe depression, and so many of the reasons revolved around her. But she saw things in his mind that also contributed to it. Things about him she never knew. So, she erased the memories that caused him pain. Which also meant erasing herself.

    She was one of the first members to join the Society. Though, she knew about them beforehand because of her father.

    - Emma still suffers from Bulimia, but to a lesser degree, missions distract her... But she is constantly training as a workout. She pushes herself too hard.
    - Emma owns a trio of Canaries.
    - Emma is fluent in French, Spanish, and German.
    - Emma has a gramophone that her father gave her long ago, she still uses it to this day.
    - She looks after her father every Tuesday from afar.
    - Emma knows ballet dancing, tap, and ballroom.
    - She cannot cook to save her life.
    - She was once part of the Starkids cast. She was most well known for playing Draco Malfoy then.
    - She loves oldies but goodies types of songs.
    - She is serious about her food. If she shares with you, it means she feels close to you on some level.


    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them."


    your resident secret super spy

    6'0" ft

    Chocolate Brown

    Dark Brown

    Lean and sinewy. Angus is not skinny, but not hulking in stature. He is solid and lean.

    Stubborn | Sardonic | Blunt | Rough around the edges | Petty | Sarcastic | Stern | Responsible | Clever | Witty | Charismatic | Cheeky | Actually soft | Loyal | Caring | Dry Sass

    Future Vision - the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures or travel through time, these visions may assist in possible courses of action.

    - He can sense nearing danger, acute danger, potential immediate danger, or impending danger and sense unwanted or hectic threats to their well-being and evade it.

    - He can perceive a few seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, or even in rare cases years, into the future.

    - He can detect who was going to die, how they will die, and when their death will occur.

    - He can see time at a slower speed, like watching a movie in slow motion.


    - Angus can see many types of futures. However, it is the harm or pain of others that come spontaneously and unpredictably. And the death of others is something he sees only if it is close by. These visions will keep plaguing him in his sleep after they are shown.

    - He is unable to shut his ability off. The foretelling is predominantly involuntary and unexpected. He can only tell when it's about to happen while conscious because things start to slow down for him, fade to black and fade back into the vision. He's stuck in a trance until it's over, leaving his body vulnerable.

    - He can't read a person's thoughts, but the main subject of the vision he can feel their emotions. Everyone else within the vision he cannot. So he can misunderstand someone's true intentions in his visions.

    - His visions vary from an outside point of view and the main subjects' point of view. When he sees it from their point of view, he has all their senses. It can be painful and disorientating.

    - The further something is in the future the blurrier or dimmer it is and harder for him to make out everything.

    - When Angus purposely tries to see into the future of things, the max he can go into is about two months. He can focus on what he wants to see surrounding something or somebody but even then he's not in complete control of what he sees around it or how far along with the future of this object or person.

    - Some visions may be set in stone whether or not he sees them, others may happen only if the by people select a certain course of action. Not all futures are set in stone and can be changed and/or determined by choices people make and outside forces. However, Angus can't differentiate what is set in stone and what's not. If the vision persists, it's most likely going to happen.

    - He cannot see his own future but see himself in other people's future.

    - Regardless, it causes a great strain to his mind and mental state.

    Advanced Computer Knowledge | Hacking | Investigation | Mapping | Reading People | Multilingual | Strategist | Hand to Hand combat


    Angus has never had a normal life, not before his powers kicked in and certainly not after. He's never had a home or loving parents. What he did have was a psychopathic older brother, Benjamin, and a hurting and confused younger sister, Althea. His father had been married to one woman but cheated on her with another, and Angus was what came out of that affair. He never went to school or got to play with other children. His family was always on the road. They lived in a van.

    His older brother was the only person who cared about him and looked after him. But he was different, scary different. Yet, eventually, he too left. Angus was dumped on his grandmother afterward for a couple of years. She was a mean and bitter old woman, but she took care of him better than his parents did. During his time with her he went to school.

    Sadly, he was severely bullied for being so far behind and weird because of his future vision. He still struggled to read after all. So, he dropped out and two years later his grandmother passed away. His father took him back and they settled down in a trailer home a year after.

    Thea was only two when his mother left. He saw it in a vision and tried so hard to make her happy and to prevent her from going, but nothing worked. That's when he really and truly subjected to the fate that his powers may be a curse.

    After she left, their father started hitting him when he was intoxicated. Angus had to protect and raise Thea himself. And the older she got, symptoms of Autism started showing, making their father more hostile toward her. But Angus never let him touch nor left the man alone with her. She hated seeing him get hurt, but he never let her step in. The angrier she became, the stronger her own powers got.

    Everything went to shit when Benjamin popped up out of the blue. When he witnessed the turmoil of their household, things quickly got out of hand. He egged Thea on and manipulated her with clever words to use her abilities to protect Angus. It went awry when his father smacked him and she decapitated the man. She was so small and clueless about what was wrong, wanting to only protect her brother. But when their older brother saw her power, he wanted her. He wanted to use her.

    Angus refused and so they were on the run. It didn't help that Thea would often use her powers to hurt people who caused them harm. She was suffering and Angus didn't know how to help her.

    The invite from the Society, was a blessing.

    - Angus has big abandonment issues.
    - Angus, though late to an education, has an IQ of 150.
    - He is an excellent cook. The man has been cooking since he was eleven.
    - Angus has worked a numerous amount of jobs of different kinds. Yes, some illegal. Because of it, he had a varied and extensive knowledge about many things.
    - Angus has traveled across every state in the US the USA but has only lived Oregon and New York.
    - Angus isn't much of a drinker, like, at all.


    "What I hear when I am being yelled at is people caring loudly at me."


    your resident secret super spy

    5'1 ft

    Natural black

    Soft brown

    Dainty and lean. Lilah is small in height and is size, but her body has perfectly built muscle.

    Quirky | Loveable | Awkward | Compassionate | Soft | Humorous | Witty | Gregarious | Sympathetic | Sassy | Bold | Enthusiastic | Strong-willed | Affectionate | Honest | Observant | Sharp-tongued

    Wing Manifestation - Wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks.

    - She can fly or otherwise move through the air.

    - She can cause herself to hover/float in the air unassisted, allowing herself to carelessly float in the air and prevent her body from making contact with the ground below.

    - She can glide, i.e. sail through the air without being able to apply thrust and thus have no ability to extend her flight over a certain ratio of descending or gaining height by themselves.

    - She can fly at incredible speeds.

    - The process of growing her wings out can be painful and depending on her body's condition it can take a while. It takes energy to get them out and retract. In some states, she is unable to retract them all.

    - Flying does expend energy, especially at high speeds. So she can't do it endlessly.

    - Her wings cause her to fly and they can be damaged, like injury similar to that of other limbs, leading to pain, bleeding, and infection. And obviously, that can prevent her ability to fly.

    - To carry other things or people takes strength and stamina, so her other limbs, her wings have a limit and need to build strength. They can also be strained.

    Scout | Stealth | Retrieval | Hand to Hand | Retrieval | Recon | Tracking | Knives


    Delilah had a standard childhood. Or as close to one as she could get. She was her father's second-born child. And while the man was good and kind he was addicted to crack. Meanwhile, her older half-sister hated Delilah's mother, but her mother was always working to support their family since her father wouldn't. He would often steal from the girls and Delilah's mother, selling their things to buy his drugs and refuse treatment. It was only when he began to get violent did they leave.

    Not long after, Delilah was diagnosed with leukemia at age seven. She lived in the hospital until she was twelve, during that time her father never visited her. Her body was healing but her mental state wasn't the best. She had developed an anxiety disorder and refused to go back to school for a while.

    When she did, she slowly but surely came out of her shell. Going to therapy helped as well as making good friends. Then, her powers began to show. Her older sister was the first to learn about it and helped her cover it up. Or as well as it could be covered up.

    She had used it once to stop a person from dropping to their death.

    - Delilah has a pet dog named Daisy
    - Delilah is fluent in Spanish and Amharic and Arabic.
    - Delilah once almost made it to the Olympics as a gymnast
    - She knows how to play ukulele, piano, and guitar. She has written many songs and has a pretty voice.


    "These words are knives and they often leave scar."


    your resident secret super spy

    5'11 ft

    Natural black, in the right lighting it appears a dark brown.

    Dark brown

    Slender and lean, Suho has a slender frame one that is toned with muscle, but he is in no way buff.

    Reserved | Private | Cold | Intimidating | Strict | Lonewolf | Caring | Empathetic | Helpful | Thoughtful | Dad jokes dude | Sarcastic | Realistic | Secretive | Intelligent

    Molecular Reversion - The ability to shift molecules back to their previous order and shape. This allows the user to change matter to their original form if they had been changed.

    - With his molecular abilities, he can generate and project ice.

    - He can deconstruct/disassemble matter on the molecular level.

    - He can rebuild/reconstruct matter on the molecular level.

    - He can slow an object or organism's molecules down, giving the appearance of time slowing, putting the object/organism in slow motion.

    - He can not manipulate the ice that he generates.

    - Once he himself deconstructs something with his powers, it's difficult and sometimes near impossible to reconstruct.

    - Using his powers on inanimate objects is easier than living organisms. It takes a lot of energy out of him either way and if he's using it too long his own molecules start to accelerate causing him fever or sickness of some sort. It's a strain on his body and could potentially kill him if he overuses the ability.

    - His power requires concentration or focus.

    - With his deceleration, he may sometimes destroy more than he originally intended. And if he's dissembling something dangerous, he can still be hurt by debris or anything like that.

    - The range of his powers is touch only.

    - Others with powers under molecular manipulation can undo what he has done or completely immuned.

    Medical Knowledge | Close combat | Resourceful | Analytical | Efficient Decision Making |


    Suho is a very private person.

    He was born and raised a little less than half of his life in Japan. His mother was a housewife and his father an architect. They lived well off as a happy family of three, regardless of Suho's medical conditions. Happy until his father suddenly lost his job when Suho was only eight. From there, things began to crumble. Money steadily began getting tight as his father looked and searched for a new job. With the new hardship, the surface picture of his parents began to crack for him as well.

    His parents were not the kindest of people and had often stepped on others to get ahead and themselves. So, it was only karma that they were stepped on next. His father took a large loan from a gang, one that he couldn't payback. They lost the house and were forced to stay with Suho's grandmother in Incheon, South Korea.

    It was strange how the worse things got, the uglier and more ruthless his parents became. When his heart condition worsed, and they couldn't afford treatment, he heard his own mother suggest that they drop him somewhere. That hurt his heart more than any illness did. But his grandmother refused to help unless Suho was there. And when she died when Suho turned fifteen, they moved again to the states.

    A terrible mistake. The gang had connections there and his family was quite frequently taken advantage of. Suho not taking it anymore ran way and worked his butt off to go to medical school. Being a bit of a genius, he graduated young. But before then, he started dating a fellow classmate who ended up pregnant with his first child. And late his second. They didn't have much but they had each other until his parents directed the loan sharks onto him so they could collect their money.

    His girlfriend was tired of the life they were living and left after their second son was born. It has just been him and his boys for a while now.

    - Suho is weak for children. He loves them to bits. But he's stone-faced with everyone else.
    - He is fluent in Korean and Japanese.
    - He has a caffeine addiction
    - Suho has arrhythmia, it is not as severe as it used to be but still causes some problems.
    - He likes eating healthy foods.


    "I think I talk too much. I need to listen."


    your resident secret super spy

    5'7 ft

    Dark brown, bordering black

    Soft and dark brown

    Slender and toned. Avi doesn't get out in the field for fights much, but he still keeps in shape for when he does. But he is admittedly skinny.

    Intelligent | Organized | Knowledgeable | Honest | Patient | Loving | Friendly | Gentle | Shy | Easily Embarrassed | Empathetic | Observant | Helpful | Thoughtful | Awkward | Patient

    Enhanced Intelligence - The user has intelligence that is significantly above standard genius level intellect; possessing exceptional intellectual capabilities, mental capacity and concentration, mental calculations, memorization, perception, deduction, analyzation, cognition and competence, wit and ingenuity, prowess and knowledge, calculations, reading skills, learning capacity, thought process, intuition, and awareness, inventive capabilities, creativity, originality, etc.


    - His knowledge and intelligence are limited to certain areas of expertise.

    - Because of his enhanced intelligence, sometimes, he has a hard time connecting with others. Which is why he is silent unless he knows what to say.

    - Just because he is super smart does not mean he can't be outsmarted.

    - His knowledge and intelligence does not equal skill or experience

    Tactical Analysis | Strategic | Encyclopedic Knowledge | Multilingual | Technician | Basic Computer Knowledge | Sharpshooter | Self-Defense


    Not much is known about Avi.

    His birth parents were illegal immigrants from Taiwan. He lost them in a car accident. He had seen them die before his eyes.

    He was put in the system and floated there until he was adopted by an elderly couple along with Raquel. He grew up normally until his powers started activating slowly but surely. He was more than just a natural-born genius.

    His parents provided him the means to go to college, which he aced and is working on getting another BA.

    Raq and Avi's adoptive parents died of old age, but he had his sister. They were doing just fine for themselves. And he eventually got a job at WilomoreCorps where he was recruited from.

    - Avi has a list of mental problems and he's not sure how to talk about them or if he should. He suffered from anxiety, has panic attacks and when triggered he falls into a dissociative state.
    - Avi is fluent in fifteen different languages.
    - Avi has his PHDs in Engineering, Chemistry, and Mathematics. He has his BAs in Physics, Computer Science, and Forensic Science. He's working to get one in Psychology.
    - Avi is by nature a soft-hearted person, but he hates to be thought of as sweet. He doesn't say it, but it shows when he begins distancing himself.
    - Avi has a hard time accepting big expressions of affection.
    - Avi loves tea, it helps him calm down.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce molestie, dolor vitae blandit posuere, felis sem vestibulum leo, eu euismod ante leo at mauris. Suspendisse in leo justo. Aenean tincidunt, urna nec fringilla fringilla, dui justo tincidunt erat, id malesuada augue nisl ut erat. Curabitur nec egestas nulla. Sed egestas mauris ac arcu volutpat congue. Quisque dapibus molestie lacus ac ultrices. Proin molestie sapien et mauris cursus vestibulum. Etiam posuere mi id pulvinar varius. Nullam facilisis tellus eu tellus elementum, quis tempus ipsum pulvinar.

Sed nulla quam, ullamcorper eu ultricies egestas, sagittis non nulla. Sed et auctor est. Morbi efficitur velit justo, nec rutrum mi condimentum in. Curabitur accumsan nisi eu justo maximus fringilla. Proin consequat erat ut tincidunt ultricies. Sed at pulvinar tellus, placerat pellentesque elit. Aliquam accumsan mi nulla, at ultrices odio consequat at. Donec eu ligula sit amet nibh interdum cursus imperdiet vitae mi. Sed vehicula purus sit amet nisi mattis, nec pulvinar turpis sagittis. Integer dapibus rhoncus orci, vitae vulputate enim lacinia quis. Curabitur placerat tellus arcu. Nunc sed felis sit amet neque tempor rutrum congue eget ante.

Nunc rutrum imperdiet lacus eget convallis. Aenean in iaculis ligula. Nulla eleifend tempus gravida. Morbi et ex euismod, suscipit dolor non, lobortis odio. Integer pharetra odio eu neque venenatis convallis. Nunc vitae placerat dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ligula quis odio bibendum condimentum. Nulla at ullamcorper turpis, vitae malesuada felis.

Proin tempus vitae ex et cursus. Etiam vel orci sed ligula congue porta quis eu dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent pretium porttitor elit, in aliquam purus pretium eget. Pellentesque semper urna justo, condimentum dictum ex porta congue. Pellentesque scelerisque urna sed feugiat tempor. Suspendisse euismod, lectus eget ornare accumsan, dui sapien pellentesque nisi, ut convallis quam ipsum id magna. Etiam lectus sapien, vehicula et mi vel, egestas tincidunt enim.

Donec eget mattis ante. Vivamus tempor ac augue sed commodo. Vivamus eu consequat lectus. Aenean in urna id lectus suscipit tristique eu id neque. Ut scelerisque nulla libero, vitae commodo lacus vulputate ut. Vestibulum vel suscipit sem. Duis vel nunc a est commodo sollicitudin in ac nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin faucibus sapien, sed convallis enim facilisis id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus urna, molestie vitae sagittis ac, posuere vel neque. Fusce nec fermentum justo, ac scelerisque magna. In in vulputate libero. Morbi massa lorem, consectetur at tincidunt at, tincidunt sit amet mi. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce molestie, dolor vitae blandit posuere, felis sem vestibulum leo, eu euismod ante leo at mauris. Suspendisse in leo justo. Aenean tincidunt, urna nec fringilla fringilla, dui justo tincidunt erat, id malesuada augue nisl ut erat. Curabitur nec egestas nulla. Sed egestas mauris ac arcu volutpat congue. Quisque dapibus molestie lacus ac ultrices. Proin molestie sapien et mauris cursus vestibulum. Etiam posuere mi id pulvinar varius. Nullam facilisis tellus eu tellus elementum, quis tempus ipsum pulvinar.

Sed nulla quam, ullamcorper eu ultricies egestas, sagittis non nulla. Sed et auctor est. Morbi efficitur velit justo, nec rutrum mi condimentum in. Curabitur accumsan nisi eu justo maximus fringilla. Proin consequat erat ut tincidunt ultricies. Sed at pulvinar tellus, placerat pellentesque elit. Aliquam accumsan mi nulla, at ultrices odio consequat at. Donec eu ligula sit amet nibh interdum cursus imperdiet vitae mi. Sed vehicula purus sit amet nisi mattis, nec pulvinar turpis sagittis. Integer dapibus rhoncus orci, vitae vulputate enim lacinia quis. Curabitur placerat tellus arcu. Nunc sed felis sit amet neque tempor rutrum congue eget ante.

Nunc rutrum imperdiet lacus eget convallis. Aenean in iaculis ligula. Nulla eleifend tempus gravida. Morbi et ex euismod, suscipit dolor non, lobortis odio. Integer pharetra odio eu neque venenatis convallis. Nunc vitae placerat dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec ligula quis odio bibendum condimentum. Nulla at ullamcorper turpis, vitae malesuada felis.

Proin tempus vitae ex et cursus. Etiam vel orci sed ligula congue porta quis eu dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent pretium porttitor elit, in aliquam purus pretium eget. Pellentesque semper urna justo, condimentum dictum ex porta congue. Pellentesque scelerisque urna sed feugiat tempor. Suspendisse euismod, lectus eget ornare accumsan, dui sapien pellentesque nisi, ut convallis quam ipsum id magna. Etiam lectus sapien, vehicula et mi vel, egestas tincidunt enim.

Donec eget mattis ante. Vivamus tempor ac augue sed commodo. Vivamus eu consequat lectus. Aenean in urna id lectus suscipit tristique eu id neque. Ut scelerisque nulla libero, vitae commodo lacus vulputate ut. Vestibulum vel suscipit sem. Duis vel nunc a est commodo sollicitudin in ac nunc. Suspendisse sollicitudin faucibus sapien, sed convallis enim facilisis id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis tellus urna, molestie vitae sagittis ac, posuere vel neque. Fusce nec fermentum justo, ac scelerisque magna. In in vulputate libero. Morbi massa lorem, consectetur at tincidunt at, tincidunt sit amet mi. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
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