Partner Search (Original and Fandoms)

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Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Science ficiton, noir, vigilante, crime, espionage
Hello! Looking for a role play partner for a female character.I've been role playing for quite some time, looking for a Role Play partner for both original works and fan fiction works.

Styles and genres of story include: noir, sci-fi, vigilante, time travel, detective drama, romance, drama, comedy, angst. I'm also open to trying new things too (except Anime - sorry, never got into it). I'm looking for a writer who can write at length and with detail.

My writing style is very visual and detailed with multiple paragraphs. It's written in a way where you can see and hear what is going on with little effort. character descriptions and outfits get special attention to help visualise the characters, along with sounds and feel that go with them. Settings are also quite elaborate in their description. Again, my posts are details and expect some detail to match in return but I definitely promise a richer RP.

The payoff is that I want to give my fellow role player equal creative say over the work. Once again, I am open to trying new genres too (including fandom).

IDEA 1 - Costumed Vigilantes in Cyberpunk setting: dark detective noir with vigilantes

IDEA 2 - A World within a world: fun, quirky sci-fi: having just moved into the apartment block, all he expected were a few parties and hipsters to populate the apartment complex. That is until he meets his neighbour - a geek girl who designs virtual reality games so realistic, it is difficult to tell reality from fiction. (For the female, this would be a quirky, fun role)

IDEA 3 - two cops: Cop makes a wrong move on the case, internal affairs are brought in. The cop who is reprimanded is told he can only work on the case with a cop from internal affairs. They have to learn to work together

Also open to fandoms: Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Lethal Weapon, Tomb Raider, Daredevil, James Bond

Please send PM if interested!