CHARACTER Oxymoron's Character

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A Pale Reflection of the Sun
Original poster
Invitation Status
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  2. Looking for partners
Persian given name: Alya Dana. This was the nameimage_2022-07-16_203541611.png
submitted when applying to the guild.

Talki given name: 吴 白欢 [Wú Bai huān]

Age: 24

Gender: Ambiguous

Race & Nationality: Lizard Aspect/Human Half-Breed. Woki-Tal born, Nomadic.

Occupation: Mercenary

Personality: Soft spoken and Aloof, they often come across as lazy or outright disinterested. When not working they are content enough to lay against a boulder of sandstone and strum their biwa away while watching the hours trickle away like sand through their palm. However, this persona is quick to take a back seat whenever they are given a moment in a spotlight. Whether in battle or song, they are quick to take a lead and demand the attention of audience and enemy alike with grace and intent.

Biography: Born of an unlikely union, Bai Huān was split between the worlds of an aspect and a human. The Serpentine were a branch of the lizard clan, a nomadic folk that hoarded lore and stories while traveling the lands and cataloguing all they could find in a growing collection of textbooks and scrolls. Their father was as free and lonesome as a summer breeze, visiting that little village in Woki-Tal for no more then a month before leaving once more. He shared only one night with their mother, who later brought Bai huān into the world. They discovered their love of music at an early age, cradled in their mothers arms as they listened to the chimes trickle away when the wind brushed past them. Together, they shared a quaint life of music and honest work. Life was simple and they were happy.

On the dawn of their twelfth birthday a caravan rolled into town once more, and out from it arrived their father once more. Up until now he had been nothing more then a distant memory to them, yet here he was again with an offer to the both of them. Join him, come with the caravan to experience what the rest of the world outside the village had to offer. While their mother humbly declined, claiming that her place was here with the rest of her family, she did not deny Bai Huān the opportunity to see past the borders of their town; In fact, she encouraged it. All it took was a promise to one day return home to convince Bai Huān to go, joined by their father and the rest of their otherwise forgotten clan members. Carrying nothing more then their mothers pick, they set off to a frontier unknown. With their help, the lizard clan expanded their repertoire of lore to include the songs and ballads of many.

The details of the next decade of their life are lost to all but Bai Huān, though a few things were clear in their application to the guild. They were an excellent fighter and musician with a growing interest in exploring the nation that they once called home, making them a fitting addition as some precautionary muscle and entertainment. Still, one can only imagine what must've happened to lead them down the path of a mercenary.

  • Eyes of an Aspect – Though their vision is poor, their Aspect heritage granted them the ability to sense heat without the use of their eyes. Being a half breed, this is the only trait they inherited from the related animal.
  • Of Song and Sword – They're as talented with a sword as they are with their Biwa, evidently practiced with both.
  • Independence – A decade on the road has lead to them learning a few skills useful to day-to-day life. They are adequate when it comes to hunting, cooking, sewing, and basic first aid.
  • Lithe build – Though appearing thin at first glance there's a certain firmness to their muscle, suggesting that this bard is more then meets the eye.​
  • Bai Huān suffers from albinism, as such they have poor eyesight and keep as much of their body covered up as possible to avoid exposure. They'll never suffer heatstroke but their skin is at risk of burning.
  • They bring with them 午夜 [Wǔyè], a jet black two-headed serpent with ruby red eyes. Wǔyè is almost always with them, hidden under their cloak somewhere or blending in with their shawl.
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