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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


꧁•⊹٭𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕣 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝕃𝕠𝕣𝕕٭⊹•꧂
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
MxM; Fandom; Fantasy; Horror; Surreal Mindfuck; Alternative Sci-Fi.
[warning=red]80% of these ideas are expected to contain sex at some point! This can range from sweet romance to straight out smut. Please, do not roleplay with me if you aren't comfortable performing sexual content.[/warning]

  • -MxF, MxM and FxF. Mostly MxM though.

    -Can play canon characters for fandoms.

    -Having multiple characters is something I always enjoy.

    -I provide around 4 paragraphs per post; more if motivated.

    -By default, I play switch. If asked to choose, I prefer to be sub, but I am very good at being dom when needed.

    -I am friendly and I do my best to accommodate my partners if you just talk to me openly. I especially love hearing feedback about our rp; it helps me stay interested and will result in you receiving better posts.

    -If you want to drop a discussion or ongoing rp, all you have to do is tell me the truth; there's nothing I hate more than getting ignored out of the blue and wondering what I did wrong for the rest of my life. :(

  • -Please be patient with the time it takes for me to write replies.

    -Take initiative; contribute ideas and help progress the scene/story/plot/etc.

    -Keep in contact OOC; the more comfortable we are with each other, the better the rp will be.

    -Use artwork/anime faceclaims. Unless otherwise stated, I don't want any pictures of real people.

    -If you're playing a female character, could you not pick the most child-like looking hentai girl pic, please? I do not like little kids.

    -At least TRY to use proper punctuation, spelling, grammar and sentence structure. I'm getting incredibly tired of grade-school style posts from partners who are SUPPOSED to be 18 or older in this section, for god's sake!

  • (Don't worry, these are all optional. They don't have to happen in our rp, but if you're interested in any of the flavors listed below, don't be afraid to ask for them to be included!)

    • BDSM
    • Abuse
    • Mpreg
    • Incest
    • Twincest
    • Bondage
    • Dub-Con
    • Non-Con
    • Pegging
    • Sounding
    • Pet Play
    • Monsters
    • Tentacles
    • Gangbangs
    • Choking
    • Squirting
    • Vibrators
    • Ass-eating
    • Watersports
    • Nipple Play
    • Tit-fucking
    • Face-sitting
    • Face-fucking
    • Mind Control
    • Torn Clothes
    • Gaping Holes
    • Ass-to-Mouth
    • Orgasm Denial
    • Forced Orgasms
    • Finger Banging
    • Age Difference
    • Size Difference
    • Multiple Orgasms
    • Object Insertion
    • Stockholm Syndrome
    • Public Humiliation
    • Copious amounts of cum
    • Captivity / Enslavement
    • Blackmail / Manipulation
    • Double or Triple Penetration
    • Superior being dominated by subordinate character
    • Magic or Drugs that induce an overwhelming state of arousal
    • Characters that lose their minds and start acting like sluts once they're getting fucked
    • Lactation (especially if it's somehow happening to a male character / omegaverse maybe??)
    • Small Breasts (even better on a guy, if he has a protuberant chest and pronounced nipples)
    • Cain and Abel (anything that is themed on these two gets me extra excited up for some reason)

[fieldbox="General Ideas, red, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]SEX IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THESE IDEAS, BUT CAN BE INCLUDED IF YOU LIKE

Is My Cat Planning To Kill Me?
Setting: Modern Fantasy
-Character A is a person who wants a pet, yet also craves some human companionship, so they settle for the best of both worlds by adopting a cute catboy. Oh no, but Character B is not your typical "nya" type neko that will be playful and fun; he's more like a normal cat in his rudeness and mannerisms -- he will sit around the house quietly acting like he's ignoring you, he will push your stuff off of tables and counter-tops, he'll demand affection only when he wants it, yowl at you in the middle of the night, he'll try to fit his ass into any available boxes, slowly suffocate you by laying on top of your chest while you're asleep, and offer false belly rubs which will result in you getting your wrist bitten up if you fall for the trap. Really, he loves you though... right? ;3

(This would be restricted to either MxF or MxM, as I've specified that Character B is a neko boy. I would strongly prefer to play Character B myself.)

The Balance Has Been Broken
Setting: Fantasy (this is inspired by Legend of Zelda)
-In every cycle, the Dark Lord would be reincarnated; so too would the Hero be born again, along with the Princess he was sworn to protect. However, after a millennia of recycling the same soul with recurring memories and emotions, the Hero's mind eventually broke under the weight of too many overlapping lifetimes. On one fateful day, the Princess found herself facing off against the Dark Lord using her own power to stop him, as he managed to breach the castle and reach the royal throne room himself. She did defeat him, but the battle left her weak and wounded in the aftermath. When the Hero finally arrived, he helped her stagger outside into the snow. Soon enough though, she felt a sharp stab of pain in her abdomen, where she'd been stabbed, betrayed by her chosen champion. Left to bleed out where she lay, she slowly closes her eyes, feeling her body becoming numb and her mind fading... only to hear a faint voice whisper to her heart... the voice of the Dark Lord offering her a deal that could benefit the both of them.

(I plan on playing the Princess in this case. The Dark Lord's soul will be bound to her, rather than banished, because of their deal. His black magic shall suspend her from death, while her pure heart permits him to remain in the mortal plane. The Hero -- having lost his mind -- has become a threat to them both, so they will have to work together to restore the eternal balance that he stands to destroy.)

Haunted Hospitality
Setting: Modern Fantasy
-You wake up in an antique looking room, richly decorated with luxurious and elaborate furniture. You have no memory of how you ended up here. Kidnapped, perhaps? It certainly seems so. Except the maid that comes to check on you acts as if you belong here in this house. Something about her unsettles you, the way she stares at you. Her face appears perfect like porcelain, beautifully artificial. Soulless cold eyes slice through a practiced smile. It seems as if she means to say you are welcome to stay... but not welcome to escape. Her attire is old-fashioned, like much of the room around you. She fits in with the surroundings while you don't -- in fact, you're still dressed in your school uniform. When she leaves, you're allowed to wander. You soon discover that the place appears to be a castle displaced in time. Long regal carpets are rolled throughout stone-tiled corridors, with oil lamps lining the walls. Through the large ornate windows, you can spot a courtyard outside being tended to by a gardener who's staring back at you. There aren't that many inhabitants here, and yet it feels like there are eyes everywhere watching you. What do they want from you? Why have you been brought to this place? Well, as you'll soon discover... you weren't the only one. And the inhabitants here can become quite hostile if they suspect that you aren't staying put.

(Our characters are two girls who have woken up in this creepy castle. It's our job to help each other escape and survive when shit starts getting crazy. There might possibly be others like us in this place. I welcome you to double up with me if you want a more interesting outcome of casualties. I'll also be playing the castle servants by default.)

I Want To Be Free
Setting: Modern Sci-fi
-Two test subjects try to escape a laboratory, causing carnage and casualties on their way to setting themselves free.

(Only rules for this one are as follows: Your character must be between the ages of 12 to 18. You cannot be the ultimate killing machine without a weakness. Your character should act at least somewhat realistically in any given situation, and not like a hardened solider super assassin. There is nothing interesting about a character that is a perfect weapon with an unbelievably "badass" personality which is pretty much one-dimensional at best.)

Siren's Song
Setting: Modern Fantasy
-The most sought after singer in the land is a man who is actually a male siren. He is something of a celebrity. His most recent gig is a musical he's been hired to perform as the star of the show. However, there are dark rumors claiming that he uses his talent to persuade people in positions of power, to forge connections with the criminal underground and commit heinous deeds behind the scenes. Your character is someone who is merely a half-siren, but being that sharing such blood is rare in this world, you are sent in to get close to him since no normal human can ignore his hypnotic song if he uses it on them. His co-star has already been sabotaged by your employers and it's your job to get close to him now that he needs a new partner for the show; discovering his secrets is your top-priority. The problem is, will you be able to resist his charms while working with him up close and personal?

(I'm probably going to play the siren, unless you'd really like to give it a shot yourself.)

[fieldbox="Smutty Ideas, red, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]SEX IS REQUIRED FOR THESE IDEAS

(these can be adjusted to fit MxF, MxM or FxF)

Nest of the Beast
Setting: Any Fantasy or Sci-fi
-Character A is an adventurer who either wanders into a monster's den by mistake, or is sent to slay the beast, but ends up losing the battle and has their body used to pleasure the creature instead. Character B, being the monster, decides to keep Character A captive for good.

(This can involve just one monster or many more that live in the same den. I'd strongly prefer to play Character A unless we're doing MxM.)

A Hero's Desecration
Setting: Any Fantasy
-There's an enemy kingdom, nation, organization or whatever rival group the plot revolves around; Character A is a hero who gets defeated or otherwise enslaved by the bad guys, and is then subjugated to all sorts of vile acts during their reign of triumph over the fallen champion. Forced to service all of their enemies, the hero's will is eventually broken to the point that they enjoy what's being done to them, losing their inhibitions and turning them into a slut.

(There's also an optional plot where an ally of the hero finds or is brought to see what has happened to their friend, and over time, the two of them try to escape. I'd prefer to play Character A unless we're doing MxM.)

Garden of Sin - LOVER EDITION
Setting: Any Fantasy
-Character A happens upon an enchanted grotto where they discover Character B, the beautiful creature that dwells here along with several other lovely siblings. Character B tries to seduce Character A to stay in the garden, showering them with praise and affection, pampering them in every way possible, using sensuality and the promise of endless pleasures to intice Character A to forget about their life in the outside world. Is such an insidious offer tempting enough to take the risk...?

(For MxF, I'd want to be Character B. For MxM, I'd want to be either one. For FxF, I'd want to be Character B.)

Setting: Any Fantasy
-Character A happens upon an enchanted grotto where they discover Character B, the beautiful creature that dwells here along with several other lovely siblings. Character A becomes obsessed with claiming Character B as their own; refusing to accept no as an answer, they invade the garden and won't leave until they get what they came for. Will their infatuation drive them to take Character B by force, or will they try to take advantage of them slowly over time? After all, Character B is easy prey -- too timid and coy to really turn anyone away.

(For MxF, I'd want to be Character B. For MxM, I'd what to be either one. For FxF, I'd want to be either one.)

The Birds, Bees and other things
Setting: Alternative Modern or Sci-fi
-In a society that measures a person's marriage potential by their sexual experience, it is a common practice for family members to teach their children or siblings -- when they're an appropriate age -- the skills they will require to please their future partner. Character A is an eager girl, almost too eager, as she can be very vocal about what she wants. Character B is a male member of the family that tries to train her to be a little more demure about sex, while also serving as her sexual instructor.

(Would like this to be brother x sister, but will accept father x daughter or even uncle x niece as well. I'd strongly prefer to play Character A.)

Whoever You Want Me To Be
Setting: Modern/Slice of Life
Character A is an androgynous girl who likes to cosplay as male characters from her favorite fandoms; when she runs into Character B who gushes about how much she loves that character, the two of them become fast friends, and Character A indulges her new friend's fantasies by agreeing to do whatever she wants in-character. It starts out as cute sessions of them cuddling or kissing for photos in their outfits, but then becomes more private over the course of their relationship as it grows to be a sexual fetish.

(Both of them can be cosplaying guy characters or it can just be Character A who does so, while Character B dresses up as girl characters instead.)

(WARNING: there's some weird stuff in here right now, I'll try to come up with more normal ideas to add later on)
Pleasure Override
Setting: Sci-fi
-Character A is an android who is responsible for interfacing with and providing information or directions remotely to a combat unit/exploration team/etc, but as it turns out, his creator accidentally left some experimental code in his system that was *supposed* to be dummied out before his release; a protocol that the creator played around with for personal fun during his testing stages to make him into a sexual servant. The leftover code is discovered by Character B, a technician who is scheduled to personally maintenance the android, and he decides to make his insufferable job a little more exciting; the android soon finds himself struggling to continue his own important tasks, at the same time being teased and forced to service the technician who physically interferes with his duties often (or hell, it could also be deliberate sabotage).

(Another possible option is that the android gets captured by enemy forces, who then find out and take advantage of this fact; he attempts to resist the override, but ultimately cannot disobey his programming as long as he is being actively compromised. I strongly prefer to play Character A.)

A Boy With Breasts?!
Setting: Modern or Modern Fantasy
-Character A is sort of an asshole. When he discovers the secret that Character B has been hiding -- that he has a far more pronounced chest and prominent nipples than a normal male should -- Character A is horrified to find himself extremely aroused by this, so he tries to humiliate and tease Character B instead, to get away with molesting Character B while making it seem like he's just doing it to bully him. As things escalate, it soon turns into Character A blackmailing and forcing Character B to perform sexual acts while he takes pictures and films him doing so, threatening to use the evidence against him if he ever refuses to do as he's told. The thing is, Character B might act shy and mortified about it, but he gets a guilty enjoyment out of being blackmailed by Character A.

Tender Care
Setting: Anything
-Character A is a loving husband/boyfriend/mate for Character B. It begins with Character B growing small breasts, either through a mishap or purposeful stimulation, but either way, he's embarrassed about it until Character A assures him that they're a turn-on. Character A gets addicted to sucking on Character B's lactating tits all the time. Soft, sweet, sensual moments ensue.

(It's possible that Character B grew breasts and began lactating after he was impregnated by Character A, if you want to go the route of Mpreg. Any genre, plot or setting can be used to supplement the story.)

Forced Transformation
Setting: Any Fantasy
-Character A is a villain who captures Character B. While in confinement, Character B is starved until he willingly sucks Character A's cock whenever it's offered, and swallows his cum as his only source of sustenance. For whatever reason, Character A's cum has special properties that causes Character B's chest to start swelling into small breasts over the course of his captivity. Character A often visits to stimulate his nipples by licking and sucking and playing with them until they've begun to lactate. By that time, Character B's tits are super sensitive and causes him incredible pleasure whenever they are used by Character A, slowly turning him into a willing slut begging for more.

(Bonus idea: Character A could have a whole harem of guys he's already transformed before this one. They're on display to be used by other people, they can't wait to drink the cum out of every cock they're offered, and they absolutely love having their tits sucked in return.)

[fieldbox="Fandoms, red, dashed, 10, Tahoma"]NAMES IN BRACKETS ARE THE ONES I AM WILLING TO PLAY IN EACH PAIRING

Characters I can play best: Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, Luna

-[Noctis] x [Prompto]
-[Noctis] x [Noctis]
-[Prompto] x [Prompto]
-[Noctis] x [Prompto] x [Noctis]
-[Prompto] x [Noctis] x [Prompto]
-[Noctis] x [Prompto] x [Noctis] x [Prompto]
-[Noctis] x Gladio x Ignis x [Prompto]
-Gladio x [Prompto]
-Ignis x [Prompto]
-[Ardyn] x [Noctis]
-[Ardyn] x [Prompto]
-[Ardyn] x [Noctis] x [Prompto]
-Cor x [Prompto]
-[Nyx] x [Prompto]
-[Random MT] x [Noctis]
-[Random MT] x [Prompto]

-[Noctis] x [Iris]
-[Prompto] x Iris
-Ardyn x [Luna]
-[Prompto] x [Luna]
-Aranea x [Luna]
-[Nyx] x [Luna]

-OC x [Noctis]
-OC x [Prompto]
-OC x [Nyx]
-OC x [Luna]

(you don't have to pick any of these ideas; we can brainstorm some more in PM if you prefer)

I'll make you remember
{[Noctis]} x {[MT!Prompto]}
Prompto gets kidnapped and reprogrammed to kill Noctis. When next they meet, the guys do everything in their power to capture Prompto without harming him, then it's up to Noctis to try and help him change back, to remind him that they were once friends... or maybe even more. But with Prompto struggling to escape at every opportunity, increased daemon activity throughout the land, and the imperials tracking them wherever they go, he's beginning to be a much heavier burden than they're able to handle.

Noct Up
{[Noctis]} x {[Prompto]}
For the sake of preserving the lucian royal bloodline, the power of kings allows those who possess it to sire an heir with any mate they find suitable, be it a male or female, their magic gives them the ability to impregnate whoever they please. It just so happens that Prompto is the most likely candidate for Noctis' tastes.

It might count as A/B/O omegaverse kinda? Noctis could end up going into a heat and does the deed out of desperation, or maybe he legitimately doesn't know about his powers until he accidentally gets Prompto pregnant, or the whole thing could be a wonderful decision they both made with the intention of bringing a beautiful child into this world together. We'd need to discuss the details of what you want to do in depth.)

Lock the light away
{[Noctis]} x {[Prompto]} x {[Noctis]} x {[Prompto]}
Taking place in a cross between the XV and Versus XIII AU; twins have been born to represent the light and the dark, just like the two goddesses, Eos and Etro, who fought until only the goddess of death remained to rule over the world. Because of this, the darkness is revered in Etro's name and the light is something that people seek to banish. When the lucian princes are both born, the one destined to become the king of light is forced to live in a basement dwelling far beneath the castle, while his brother is made into Etro's harbinger and declared the crown prince. Similarly, the oracle Luna exists unseen, yet her twin sister Stella is allowed to roam freely. Prompto, the best friend and possible lover of the dark prince, is also rumored to have a brother hidden away somewhere. But what happens when, one day, Prompto gets curious about the king of light locked below the castle?

(Um, yeah... Versus XIII Prompto hooks up with XV Noctis in the basement. Things might not stay that way between them, but it has to happen initially at least for the sake of the story. I'm also open to changing their names slightly or completely to avoid confusion when referring to their light twin/dark twin; it just depends on what we agree to call them instead.)

You're sworn to obey me
{[Noctis]} x Gladio x Ignis x {[Prompto]}
Noctis is a smug prince who isn't ashamed of using his position to get whatever he wants from his three companions. Interpret that in any way you wish. He can be completely dom, a demanding power!bottom, or anywhere in between.

If it bothers your sensibilities, we could always consider this Noctis to be the one from Versus XIII, who somehow ends up in the XV universe and takes the guys by surprise with his unusual attitude. This idea is super adaptable; I'd like to customize the experience to the preference of my partner.)

A perversion of parental guidance
{[Ardyn]} x {[Noctis]} (plus possible {[Prompto]}, Ignis and Gladio?)
After sensing that the King of Light was born into this world, Ardyn could not wait any longer; he killed King Regis and took the throne for himself, raising the precious young prince to serve his purpose in the prophecy soon to come. Noctis knows that Ardyn isn't his father, he was old enough to witness, to remember what happened on that day his dad died. But there's nothing he can do about it. Ardyn takes liberties with what he chooses to teach his 'adopted son'; he molds him into the ideal image of what he wants Noctis to act like, conditions him to obey his commands, makes him do things that he doesn't want to. It won't end until the crystal calls to him and gives him the power to put an end to Ardyn's existence.

Don't worry, we're doing this with Noctis at his normal age; not when he's still a kid. There's also an option for Ardyn to force Noctis to hurt or take advantage of his own friends at certain points in the story, if you're into that kind of thing. Bonus points if he trained Noctis to call him 'Daddy'.)

We're both betrayers
{[Ardyn]} x {[Prompto]}
Prompto isn't as innocent as he seems; he's actually been working with Ardyn all along. In Lestallum, he almost broke character when he automatically began walking away with the man they'd only just met -- to him, however, it was a habit to report back to the boss. Luckily, his friends didn't suspect anything more than a lacking sense of stranger danger on his behalf. Then his insistence that they spend the night, stuffed together in that cozy little caravan with their new acquaintance right after that...? That was an opportunity for him to slip information to Ardyn in the middle of the night while the others weren't watching. Besides, he could never stand being apart from his master for too long.

(So to be clear, Prompto is a spy. Those damn imperial ships that always seem to drop on your exact location are probably using his coordinates to track you too. He's absolutely having sex with Ardyn behind everybody's back, and his cute bumbling chocoboy personality is just an act he puts on to get their guard down.)

See him to safety
{[Nyx]} x {[Prompto]}
The attack on Insomnia occurs when everyone least expects it; prince Noctis is still inside the city when it happens and he refuses to leave without his friend Prompto. Unfortunately, there's no time to search for him without putting the prince in more danger. Nyx makes a promise to find and keep Prompto safe, so long as Noctis agrees to get out of the city with Gladio and Ignis as soon as possible. At the end of the day, however, once all was said and done, Prompto found himself wanting to stay at Nyx's side a little longer.

(An AU where no one dies during Kingsglaive!)

Reclaim Quicksilver
Random MT x {[Prompto]} and/or {[Noctis]}
As usual, an imperial ship is sent to interrupt the team's appreciation of the countryside, but when one of the MTs gets his faceplate shattered in the fight against the guys, they discover that the thing has flesh underneath -- not just metal -- and he's oddly attractive, if not similar to Prompto's own appearance in some fashion. Damaged by battle, the MT malfunctions and ends up befriending the boys, who give in after being begged by Prompto to let him stay.

(In this case, Prompto has either already told them about his past, or will eventually reveal it to earn their empathy for the MT. We're calling the MT 'Quicksilver' as well; although I know that name is usually theorized to be Prompto's own assigned codename, let's think of it more like an assembly line product title -- all Honda Civics are called the same thing, so Quicksilver could be the name of that particular 'synthetic flesh' model of MT.)

Any man would be over the moon to marry her
{[Prompto]} x {[Luna]}
Noctis, being the snarky little shit that he is, bitterly retorts "Then why don't *you* marry her?". What he isn't expecting is Prompto to sputter back "I would if I could!" What started out as a stupid quip quickly turns into a badly hatched plot to get the prince out of an arranged marriage he doesn't want to go through with. All it took was a sly suggestion from Ignis in the front seat, saying, "You know.... nobody really knows what his highness looks like, save for a few important people inside the Crown City."

(In a slight AU where Noctis' identity was kept secret while he went to school and worked at that one sushi shop, he decides to explain his bad decision to his dad later and proceeds to pass off Prompto as the lucian prince in his stead. Luna knows, but goes along with it. Ardyn also chooses not to intervene as he is too amused by the terrible attempt; in fact, he uses his power as chancellor to keep the imperials from ruining the momentous occasion. At least, for a little while. Btw, I want there to be a wedding night -- we're gonna consummate that marriage, motherfucker!)

You deserve better than to be ignored
{[Prompto]} x {[Luna]}
Either occurring after Kingsglaive when the oracle was first declared to be dead in the attack on Insomnia, or after the Leviathan fight with her surviving the event in secret. Laying low, Luna slips away to join the group of guys and lets the world believe that she's gone for good. During their travels though, Prompto notices how she always seems to be alone and ignored by Noctis -- the only person amongst them that she really knows. Prompto takes it upon himself to change that and tries his best to cheer her up with his antics during their roadtrip. The two soon realize that they have better chemistry between them than they ever did with the sullen prince.

Guys, there's a girl in the car
{[Prompto]} x Iris
For some reason, Iris insists on sticking with the team and it's screwing with the all-male dynamic the bros once had before. Maybe it isn't safe for her to stay at Cape Caem as planned, and her over-protective brother Gladio doesn't trust leaving her anywhere else for the time being, so he allows her to come along where he can keep watch over her. The problem now is... Prompto can't quit hitting on her, and it doesn't help that she isn't exactly turning down his advances like every other female in all of Eos has already. Will he be able to win Iris' heart before her big brother breaks his face?! Will she be able to convince Gladio to keep his cool in the event that she decides to start dating Prompto openly in front of him??! Will the imperials leave them all alone long enough for any of it to even matter???!!

Until we see the sun again
{[30 year old!Prompto]} x Demon Hunter!Iris
Instead of settling to sit outside of Cindy's garage for 10 years -- hoping and praying that perhaps one day she would come to care for him out of pity -- what if during the World of Ruin timeskip, Prompto decided to pal around with demon hunter Iris until the chosen king returned?

(Yo, I know not everybody is into the goatee he got goin' on after the timeskip, so if you want him to get rid of it, he will shave that shit right off of his face for you.)

I only included this title in the list since I will be offering it for future cravings.
Feel free to pitch me an idea though if you DESPERATELY need to get your fix; I might be up for it.
(Riku x Roxas is an exception I will ALWAYS respond to, no matter what)

Characters I can play best: Rion, Lilia, Cain, Birdman, Dorothy, Ash, OC

Literally ANYTHING for the love of god!

If ANYBODY even knows what the hell this is, PLEASE PM ME IMMEDIATELY; I swear I'm the only one in the universe who has ever heard of Galerians. I've been an unrelenting fan for far too many years and I've been dying to do an rp with it for just as long.

Characters I can play best: Dante, Vergil, OC

-[Dante] x [Vergil]
-[OC] x [Dante]
-[OC] x [Vergil]
-Your OC x [My OC]


Trials of Fortuna
{[Dante]} x OC
A mysterious person has appeared, offering all half-demons a chance to become the King of Hell if they can survive a trial to reach the Hell Gate that lies beneath the ruins of Fortuna, which is slowly being swallowed up by the earth and transforming into a deadly otherworldly labyrinth the closer it gets to the underworld that is pulling it deeper. Whoever becomes the King of Hell would have control over all other half-demons, so of course every half-demon is forced to enter the trial and fight if they don't want to end up becoming a slave to someone else. Dante enters even though he doesn't want the power for himself, because he has to make sure that no one else ends up wielding that kind of power either. I suppose it is somewhere within these trials that Dante would run into your OC, and they end up working together to stop the greater threat, which would be the guy who is luring everyone into this place with the promise of power.

Characters I can play best: Howl

-OC x [Howl]
-Your OC x [My OC] x [Howl]

Characters I can play best: Daniella

-[Daniella] x Fiona
-OC x [Daniella]
-Your Oc x [My OC] x [Daniella]

Characters I can play best: Lisa Garland, Mary Shepard-Sunderland, Heather Mason, Valtiel, Walter Sullivan, OC

Your OC x [My OC]

-[Alessa] x OC
-[Lisa] x OC
-[Lisa] x Harry

-[Mary] x OC
-[Mary] x [James]
-[Mary] x Pyramid Head
-[Maria] x OC
-[Maria] x [James]
-[Maria] x Pyramid Head

-[Heather] x OC
-[Heather] x [Valtiel]
-[Claudia] x OC
-[Claudia] x [Heather]
-[Claudia] x [Valtiel]
-[Valtiel] x [OC]

-[Walter] x [OC]
-[Walter] x Henry
-[walter] x [Eileen]

(you don't have to pick any of these ideas; we can brainstorm some more in PM if you prefer)

-[Alessa] x Alex
Shepherd's Glen is at Alessa's mercy once their pact with the Gods of Silent Hill has been broken by Alex's mishap; she has come to seek retribution for the children who were sacrificed, but she soon recognizes that Alex's sin was not committed intentionally like the others, so Alessa has to help him escape this hell by getting him to let go of his guilt, lest he be consumed with the rest of them.

-[Lisa] x [James]
It's common knowledge that James was having a difficult time dealing with the sexual repression caused by his wife becoming ill. He was reluctant to visit her too often in the hospital, yet whenever he did, he couldn't help it that his eyes were tempted to wander to the nurses he saw working there. In an AU, what if Lisa Garland was one of those nurses?

-[Walter] x [Heather]
We know that embedded within Walter's conciousness is the influence of Valtiel, the attendant responsible for watching over Heather and assuring her survival. Aside from that fact, what girl could serve Walter's obsession with Holiness and Motherhood better than the reincarnation of Alessa, the Mother of God herself?

-[Walter] x [Claudia]
There's a possibility that Walter and Claudia might've known each other through their cultist activities. Both of them were abused into believing some insane religion built upon pain, both were denied affection by a parent who either hurt or abandoned them, and they both sought to attain twisted salvation from their suffering by paving a blood-stained path to paradise. It's not far-fetched to say that they might understand each other's misguided efforts more than anyone else outside of the cult ever could.

-[Murphy] x [Henry]
There's an easter egg in Downpour where you can enter a replica of Room 302. So what if that was real though? During a heavy storm, Murphy seeks shelter from the rain by climbing through the window of a nearby apartment building, into Room 302, where he meets Henry who asks how Murphy managed to enter, as he explains that he's been trapped inside the apartment for quite a while with no way out. That's when Murphy tries the window again only to realize that he's trapped here now too.

-[Murphy] x [Walter]
For some god forsaken reason, Murphy and Walter end up sharing a prison cell.
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Hey, I'd love to do the Balance Has Bern Broken, A Hero's Desecration, or Nest of the Beast! They all sound quite exciting, to put it mildly.
UPDATE: Added a new plot under General Ideas - Any Genders

Title: "Is My Cat Planning To Kill Me?"
Pairing: Catboy x Human
UPDATE: Added 2 new plots under Smutty Ideas - Any Genders

Title: "Garden of Sin - LOVER EDITION" and "Garden of Sin - RAVAGER EDITION"
Pairing: Enchanting Creature x Outsider
I'm interested in the cat plot... But would you be willing to play Character A rather than B?
If not that's fine, as you did state you'd prefer B.

I could give Character A a try, but I'm not sure how good I'd be at playing that role (possibly not very), just so you're warned in advance.
Duuuuude. I'd be interested in trying a Riku x Roxas plot. Can't say I've ever done that before. o:

Also, perhaps a M x M plot of sorts.
I am interested in the Garden of Sin. Both versions sound really cool so which ever one you would prefer. Maybe a MxM.
PM'd you all~
would be up to the cat rp if still available? if not, let me know, I have a few rp ideas you might like :)
I am very much interested in the Tender Care storyline for MxM! We can discuss everything if you would like to RP with me :) Hope to hear from you soon!
Hello ^^ I'm wanting to try new things on RPs so I've got an huge interest on the 'A Boy With Breasts?!' and on the 'I Want To Be Free' RP, so would you like to be doing them both?
The plot 'Whoever you want me to be'sounds fun. We can discuss kinks and fetishes in the PM discussion when we work out more finer details.
Hey Vanta, I would like to do the Whoever you want me to be RP with you. Would you like for me to PM ye?
I can't make any guarantees for that particular plot, but I'll pm you both to discuss it.
The 'I want to be free' one sounds intresting