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Custom character sheet for Xenon


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Devyn Rose

Name: Devyn Marion Rose

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Human // Radiation Immunity

World and Universe they are from: Earth // (Fallout: Requiem)

Appearance: Full figured and just under 5'10", Devyn is a woman grown and she has no problem letting that be known (or showing off any assets, especially if it gets her a free drink). She often wears cut-off shirts and cut-up jeans, preferring comfort above all else. She has light change-color blue eyes and wavy dark blonde hair. Her build is somewhat athletic, though it's hard to tell just how strong she is by sight alone.

Personality: Feisty. Flirtatious. Devyn can be loud, a jabber mouth, and definitely annoying. She's not for everyone, and that's okay by her. Not everyone needs to like her. Devyn's got a bit of a temper and doesn't know when to back down once she gets riled up. While some may think she's all bark and no bite, Devyn prefers to keep expectations low so folks will intentionally underestimate her.

Biography: Devyn was born somewhere in the Mojave, though her mother couldn't give her specifics before dropping her off in the lap of some distant not-relative and disappearing forever. Rajesh, the not-relative who raised her did so on the back of his brahmin, as he walked from town to town to town. Devyn couldn't tell you if he was part of some caravan company or if he was a freelance merchant, but they traveled incessantly until Devyn was about 14, when her luck ran out. Heading out from town one evening Rajesh and Devyn encountered a small band of feral ghouls, seemingly attracted to something nearby.

They took a few shots from up the hill and thought they were all dead. When they neared the spot, however, the ghouls rose back to life after a blood curdling scream from a glowing ghoul that'd been hidden the entire time. They were swarmed and Devyn barely managed to survive— and only because Rajesh had screamed at her to run. And so run she did.

For years.

Until finally she settled down in a small town, one that had a nice little general store, a bar that was open every night, and even a doctor that stopped by every few weeks while doin' her rounds. Raiders seemed scarce as well, though the frogs turned out to be a nuance. After awhile she got tired of stayin' all couped up and decided to become a prospector and bring her spoils back to town. It was good, prosperous, until she got 'scattered' and flung from her world to another.


A —— Radiation Immunity: The human body is miraculous and it seems several centuries worth of radiation exposure has led to a select few individuals becoming immune to ionization (no radiation sickness or ghoulification).


Unlike some of the Ghouls she's met, feral and sentient, Devyn cannot be healed by radiation any more than she can be hurt by it. Due to the rarity of this ability, a few people in the wasteland have come after her— some to study, some to worship, and some to kidnap.


(D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster)

S —— Strength
D —— Perception
C —— Endurance
A —— Charisma
D —— Intelligence
B —— Agility
SS —— Luck

C —— Barter
B —— Energy Weapons
D —— Explosives
B —— Guns
S —— Lockpick
D —— Medicine
S —— Melee Weapons
A —— Repair
B —— Science
C —— Sneak
S —— Speech
SS —— Survival
A —— Unarmed

Weapon(s) / Equipment:

— .45 Auto Pistol
— .357 Magnum
— Laser Rifle
— (2) Spiked knuckles
Bear trap fist

— Rations and her lucky canteen
— Pipboy that she managed to get workin'
— Lockpickin' gear
— Repair kits
— Deck of cards
— Aviator hat
— About 2800 bottlecaps

Strengths: Her malleability. Devyn is quick to adapt, to adjust strategies on the fly. The moment things aren't going her way she readjusts her attack and does her best to improve. She is a lot stronger than she looks and she often plays into the damsel-in-distress trope, especially if the folks intend to do harm. No one expects a bear trap fist to the balls from a whiny little brat after all. She is quite lucky.

Weakness: Devyn ain't exactly the smartest of the bunch and folks tend to think she's a bit wishy-washy, and there's some truth to that; like a leaf on the wind Devyn does what she has to to survive, and that includes making bad (and impulsive) decisions. She is presumptuous and assumes that she's always right. (It doesn't help that her assumptions and guesses are often correct either, leading to an inflated sense of self.)

  • Glowing Ghouls
  • Starving to death
  • Deathclaws


Name: Captain Anne Pauline Hill

Age: 28.98 years old

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Adrenaline-sexual

Species: American

World and Universe they are from: The GREATEST country in the world. (Average Modern Universe)

Appearance: Anne is a statuesque woman, with a powerful build pushed to the peak of what is reasonably possible for a human. She sports a mane of bright red hair that she keeps out of her face in a pony tail, though her hair does tend to get loose in the middle of action, the captain is also seen perpetually sporting her military fatigues, a pair of aviator shades and her other more exotic accoutrements that she's gotten over her self professed tour...

Personality: Bombastic, brazen and batshit insane are all words that can be used to describe the brazen lady. On first meeting she is frankly speaking to most observers a crazy stupid maniac that you should stay away from all costs if you value your physical, mental and spiritual well being. Not one to shy away from a challenge, it seems that the military career woman far away from her home sweet home actively seeks it not only as a way to prove herself but because she just genuinely enjoys it to her very core. Escalation is the name of the game for her and in the multiverse she knows that it has an infinite amount of levels.

Though this appearance, while true also serves to hide an ember of genius or perhaps highly functional madness right beneath it's surface. Anne is always taking in the environment, always looking for a problem, always looking for how to solve the problem and she's rather decent at it.

History/Bio: Anne Pauline Hill was was in no particularly different from the average perfect nuclear domestic life expected of great American suburbia. She grew up conscientious and respectful of her surroundings and fellow people, with patience and a level of maturity far beyond what would be expected of someone her age, a quality that would be commented and commended by many adults in her life.

Finishing High School with an above average GPA from hard study from diligence, she took advice from a close family friend to join the military to both pay for her college and go see the world. She joined as a infantry woman and was deployed on her first tour after finishing boot camp. A simple routine 4 years that would let her ease into this new life.

On her first patrol, she and squad encountered a ████ole, ████████ ████████ ███

█████ █████ █████ mass casualties, ███████████ ██████████ ████. ███ ██████ ██████, ████████ ██ ██████ ███ ████, ██████ █████████ ████. ███████ ███ ████ ████ as if they were mind controlled ████ ████████ █████████. ███ █████████ ██████ █████, ███ ████ █████████ █████ ████████ █. █████ ███████ █████ ██ █████ █████████, ███ █████████ like she was a different person ███████. ███████████ ████ ████ ██ ███ █████████ ███████. ██████████ ████████ ████ ██████ ███████ universe's only survivor.

From then on, she was found by a foundation or rather and got a friend. When another wormhole appeared to cause chaos she fled into it to show this chaotic phenomena some real AMERICAN mettle, not about take its bullshit for a second time! She has travelled the multiverse far and wide, "requisitioning" a few items for her goal to return to home and bring more glory to the American people.


SCP-2148 - Censored large parts of her mind, thoughts and history. While powerful on the level of a majority of mind readers/diviners it is not infallible a strong enough entity seeking to know more about her will be able to.

Kerenzikov - A spinal speed cybernetic implant, that increases her perception time about 60% compared to her already peak human senses.

Mark X Iron Man Armor gauntlet - The piece of power armour is designed to have it's own mini Arc reactor, allowing it enhanced grip strength and energy blasts aside from it's innate durability.

Regeneration Potions - Anne went to a weird blocky word and copped a few of these before dipping expeditiously. Drinking rapidly pushes the body to accelerate it's healing process, but it can only do so what your body would be naturally able to regenerate.

Cool Shades' - Really, fuckin', cool, aviator sunglasses. Not only are they stylish at night, inside and out but also apparently have an in built speaker that allows the Captain to play just the right song for the moment. She's had them since the ████ole incident, no other power.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

Manifesting Destiny - SSS

Improvisation - A

Quick Thinking - S

Hand to Hand - B

Kleptomaniac - B

Self Preservation - D

Basic Communication - C

Strengths: Unbreakable will and spirit, always able to find a solution to any problem she finds herself in, incapable at giving up.

Weakness/ Fears: Deeply traumatised, still believes that she has a home and country to go even deep down she realises it was erased in the incident that threw her into the multiverse, copes by being extra "American". Incapable at giving up.

Name: Sir Ranmaru "Lancelot" Gojo

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Earth, Jujutsu Kaisen

Appearance: Ranmaru is a tall, lean, yet somewhat muscular man. Standing at 191 centimeters tall, and weighing around 95 kilograms. Barring his peculiar personality, he is considered to be a fairly attractive person, due to his refined facial features as well as his toned body. His hair is snow white from birth, while due to one of his cursed traits, the Six Eyes, his eyes are a piercing light blue. For the same reason, however, he is prone to keep them hidden under some sort of cover, be it quartz sunglasses, or more commonly, bandages. He likes to wear western suits, so he is commonly wearing custom ones who can somewhat handle the wear and tear of the life of a battling sorcerer.

Personality: Ranmaru is a... peculiar individual, to say the least. Going from a sheltered, mild mannered, quiet person in his youth, to an outgoing, loud, and most notably, obsessed with certain aspects of western culture. After reading one too many western medieval and/or knight related novels and books, his mind became filled with fantasies of becoming a chivalrous knight himself. Going on adventures to save the common folk from the evil-doers lurking in the shadows everywhere. Making him a somewhat satisfied "cursed spirit slayer" during his school days. Once he became an adult, and following a certain trip, the idea that he was a knight became entirely solidified in his mind. So much so, that he labeled himself with a knight name, and calls himself a "Jujutsu Knight" and labels traditional sorcery techniques with westernized names.

History/Bio: Ranmaru Gojo was born the son of Tsubaki and Ren from the Gojo clan during the late Meiji period. They were pleased because their son had inherited one of their clan's greatest traits. Ranmaru was born with the Six Eyes innate technique. That said, they weren't as pleased once their son grew enough to show off his cursed technique, they didn't hit the proverbial lottery of their son having the legendary combination of the Six Eyes along with the Limitless cursed technique. That said, his own was a very powerful one, so it was not a complete waste. Ranmaru was trained by the clan in several aspects of cursed sorcery and martial arts. By the time he was a student of the Sorcery School of Kyoto, he was already a cut above most sorcerers. While in school, having time away from the clan and to himself, he spent his free time reading. This reading molded his personality moving forward, and motivated him to travel to England once he finished school. He spent several years there, perfecting his skills and honing his knowledge. Once, he defeated two special grade curses on their path to massacre Liverpool at the same time, by himself. This battle earned him the recognition of the crown, whom sired him in recognition. Someone of the royal family even granted him a nickname he would use ever since he heard it as his own name: Lancelot.


- Six Eyes: A Six Eyes bearer has immense perception and unrivaled visual prowess far beyond that of any other sorcerer. Their eyesight is comparable to high-definition infrared camera, allowing them to see even when their eyes are covered. They can easily see things from several kilometers away and distinctly tell apart different figures within that range. The Six Eyes can see the flow of cursed energy, empowering their bearer with the ability to read an individual's cursed technique in use and determine its function. They can even differentiate between different types of cursed energy and help the user identify a person based on it. The Six Eyes allow for the extremely precise manipulation of cursed energy, down to an atomic level. The amount of cursed energy lost when a bearer activates a cursed technique is infinitesimally close to zero, making it impossible for them to run out of cursed energy. Any sorcerer can see cursed energy but a Six Eyes bearer can read the flow of cursed energy in their environment even when their eyes are covered, allowing them to even detect objects that lack cursed energy.

- Reverse Curse Technique: Ranmaru can manipulate cursed energy and multiply it into itself to regenerate his body or his mind. He is adept enough to be able to heal wounds inflicted to him with relative ease and even refresh the power of his domain expansion.

- Lord of the Sun: Ranmaru's cursed technique. At its simplest level, it allows Ranmaru to use cursed energy to turn himself into something vaguely akin to a minuscule hydrogen reactor, from which he creates immense power that he can project onto himself or the environment at will in the form of light constructs shaped and bound with plenty of cursed energy controlling the highly energetic matter into a solid shape, or pure (unbound) plasma that can incinerate anything in the path Ranmaru directs it. Some examples of what he can do include:
>Secace: Using especially adapted "hilts" built by himself, Ranmaru can create swords of light. Lethally sharp in their solid light form, and devastatingly hot in their unbound form.
>Tools of the Round Table: Bound light constructs of quite a variety. He can build basically any simple object he can think of, and move them around like he's moving them with his mind alone. These can also transform into searing plasma or outright bombs if he unbinds them. Smaller objects make for more optimal bombs.
>Avalon's Light: A beam or beams of unbound nature, thin as a thread, or thick as a blade is long.
>Avalon's Judgement: Be it falling from the skies as a thunderous lightning, or erupting from beneath the target's feet like a roaring volcano, a massive pillar of unbound light strikes down whoever is in its way.
>Grail-Seeking Body: Ranmaru can envelop himself either partially or completely in unbound or bound light. He uses this mostly to enhance physical strikes, but it also can be used as emergency armor.
>Domain Expansion: Kingdom of Eternal Light: Lord of the Sun's ultimate technique. It locks an area around Ranmaru in a barrier, and within said barrier, everything within the domain is bombarded with unbound light, as well as all the pent up radiation within Ranmaru, until nothing remains, or the domain is somehow interrupted.

- Lady of the Lake's Path: Ranmaru's own brand of merging martial arts and cursed energy. It centers mostly around defense, keeping a tight connection with one's whole body, and releasing the tension to deliver devastating blows in fluid motions.

Power limitations:

- Six Eyes: The Six Eyes are a passive trait that the user cannot deactivate. And while they do not appear to require cursed energy to function, leaving the Six Eyes uncovered for extended periods of time can fatigue the bearer. In order to reduce fatigue, the user can cover their eyes using a blindfold, bandages, or dark sunglasses among other things. In order for the user to utilize the advanced techniques of Ranmaru's cursed technique, the Six Eyes need to be fully uninhibited.

- Reverse Curse Technique: Ranmaru is only able to regenerate himself, and only to some extent. He lacks the expertise in the area to heal others, revert his cursed technique, or weaponize positive energy.

- Lord of the Sun: While Ranmaru does have the Six Eyes to aid him, the might and nature of his cursed technique is not the most ally friendly. Secondly, as he uses light, radiation pools within him. And while his body does somewhat tolerate it, it still translates to exhaustion at best and organ damage at worst. While he can release it safely, it's a slow and delicate process (unless he uses his domain expansion). As for his domain expansion, he can use it once a day. Three times if he pushes himself with reverse curse technique.

- Lady of the Lake's Path: While brutally effective, it shines on the defensive. Which means the pace of battle can't be dictated with this.


Cursed energy manipulation - SS
Hand-to-hand combat - SS
Swordsmanship - S
Tactics - A
Weapon construction - B


- "Secace" hilts
- Carbon bars

Strengths: A firm believer of his ways as a knight. Honest, chivalrous, honorable. Despite his overwhelming strength among his peers, he remains humble.

Weakness/ Fears: Being pushed to break his "oaths" as a knight. Harming innocent people.
Last edited:
  • Wicked
Reactions: rissa

Baxter Callahan

70 (Looks in late 40s)


Sexual Orientation:
Straight, Hetero


World and Universe they are from:
One Night In Fever Swamp

Muscular hair and build with heavily tattoos covering his arms. He is 6'3, about 250lbs, with long hair and beard. He has green eyes and brown hair, though bits of gray are starting to creep into it. His hair is often unkept and wild, matching his personality.

On the rare occasion when the bottle runs dry and there is nobody around, Baxter is rather quiet and withdrawn, keen to introspection and solitude. But to most people, he is known to be outgoing and explosive- rash and headstrong. He's loud and friendly; talking a lot, laughing a lot, and drinking even more. He's quick to defend his friends and quicker to join them in a party, his heart being as wild as his body. He is passionate about his causes and is happy to challenge others who he finds distastful. He speaks bluntly and can come accross as abbrasive when he speaks; he will speak his mind rather than jump through the hoops of social niceties.

Baxter grew up an orphan- found in the woods next to his dead parents and raised by lumberjacks in the Great Moore in the far west of Elrath. As a boy he learned woodcraft, survivalism, and how to fight. Due to his upbringing he never learned social norms or anything regarding high scoiety, though he learned how to support a team and how to act like a brother.
When he was 16, his entire lodge of lumberjacks was conscripted to join the King's army, and in a puff of politics he was suddenly a soldier that was supposed to kill and die for men he couldn't give a damn about. During his time in the army he proved himself to be a talented fighter and a competent strategist. Among his fellow soldiers he was a hero of the people, a man that would help his brothers in arms and would charge into a hailstorm of arrows to drag a soldier out of danger. But to the high command he was a nuisance- a center of rebellion and free-thinking that could be troublesome for an army. He never wanted to move up in the ranks, never wanted to follow orders, and was often more charasmatic than the officers in charge.
In an attempt to take eliminate several problems at once, the high command sent Baxter and several others deemed "Problematic" into Fever Swamp to drop off supplies to a group of fools completing the Prince's Standing "One night in Fever Swamp" challenge. During their treck into the deadly swamp, his band was attacked mercilessly by the terrors of the swamp, leaving only him alive when he stumbled out days later. He rarely goes into the horrors he endured, but he abandoned the army and took refuge deep within the forest he grew up in.
Living on his own brought its own difficulties, but due to his wild upbringing he was easily able to craft an exsistence for himself as a hermit. What he needed he made; when he was hungry he hunted and when he needed shelter he built it. He became a master of the wild, able to find his way to any part of the wood blindfolded and drunk. Often he would trade goods of the forest to merchants in exchange for the wonderful alcoholic products (of which there were few in the forest).
Despite his wild exsistance, he's a pretty normal guy. He eats, drinks, hunts, and puts on his hand-made leather armor on one leg at a time like everyone else. He's a wanderer, a survivor, a dreamer, and when the moon is full he transforms into a beast that stalks his forest in a nearly insatiable bloodlust just like everyone else. Sure, that bite from that strange creature in the heart of Fever Swamp hurts now and again, but he hasn't killed anyone he hasn't meant to...Right?

After being bitten by an apparent werewolf in fever swamp, Baxter contracted Lycanthropy. From his meditations and due to his solitary exsistance (that gave him the opportuinty to hone his control while in a beast form without hurting anyone), he is able to transform into a wolfman at will. This transformation comes with increased strength, speed, regeneration, and deadly claws and teeth.
In human form he has increased strength, speed, and healing-though due to his natural strength it is only slightly greater than most humans.
Power limitations:
The only time he is unable to control the beast's bloodlust is during a full moon. If he can hide from the moon's silvery face he is able to stave off the transformation, but it requires almost all of his focus.
Being in his beast form takes a lot of energy and calories, and he must eat after transformations. Attempting to transform without the proper fuel (food) can be devestating, and possibly fatal.

Skills Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Woodcraft/Tracking- SS
Survivalism- SS
Weapons- C
Hand-to-Hand- B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
Bow and Quiver
Assortment of hunting knives and a machete

Working with little equipment, survival, fighting

Weakness/ Fears:
Lack of social graces, no patronage or ability to interact with royalty
Fears the full moon or that he may lose control
Vampires. But those don't exsist.​
Name: Roy, Bearer of the Curse

Age: ??? (He looks young, but that's about all he knows)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Species: Human, Undead

World: Dark Souls, within the dwindling era of the Drangleic kindgom

Appearance: Wearing the Faraam Armor set, Roy rarely ever removes his helmet. He will sleep with it off, but either in open or compact spaces, Roy always keeps his armor on, and his weapons close at all times, never letting his guard down. The armor bulks his figure considerably, but underneath, he's more slender than most would expect; lean, yet still muscular, like a gymnastic in his flexibility and reflexes. He bears several scars along his body from combat, like the slashes of a blade along his chest and back, to arrow heads striking into his skin and under his muscle along his arms and shoulders, to even a cut along his nose from the blunt edge of a mace to the face.



Personality: Roy is the silent type. He doesn't speak, unless spoken too, but he isn't a loner type. He's more 'awkward,' than anti-social. He isn't sure how to address people, as most of the people he meets end up losing their minds to hollowing; forgetting who he is, or simply crumbling away into a hollowed state that will attack him.

Not to mention his own loss of memory from death, where he feels he doesn't even know himself, and doesn't know how to feel sometimes. If a person he befriended dies, should he mourn them in some way, or not allow himself to be emotional in the moment? Such moments of self-doubt, in a world on the brink of succumbing to never-ending darkness, can only lead to failure and defeat, so he must continue on, instead of questioning himself.

This leads him to a constant state of caution and paranoia. He will never take his armor off, or let his weapon slip away. Whatever protects him, he will not part with, because he believes if he is vulnerable, even for a second, he faces death. To be revived and killed so many times, Roy is plagued by that fear of becoming hollowed, forgetting what little memory of his past remains, and failure to achieve the goal of his journey.

History: He needs a cure. That's what Roy remembers. He came to the land of Drangleic to find a way to remove the curse of the undead from his soul. For every minute he has it, the curse will destroy all that he holds dear and remembers. He can recall, before arriving to this land, of a woman cradling a child in her arms, in an old wooden chair by a window, in an old house that brings some semblance of comfort to him. But he cannot remember her face, or even who the child is. Was it a daughter of his? A boy? Was the woman his wife? Or was this his mother, of when he was still a child? The feeling remains, but the memory fades.

Yet, he also remember learning of this cure for the curse from an old woman. He doesn't remember how he came to find her, but can still vividly recollect her telling him of Drangleic. 'A great kingdom built by a great king,' filled with souls like a feast for the undead, and it can mend his ailing mind of the curse. "Perhaps you're familiar?" She asked him. And indeed, it was familiar, yet why? Why Drangleic? He needs a cure, but why this land in specific does it attract souls? Whatever it's reason, he knew he needed to go, else loose himself forever. In the ruins by a lake, a portal within its waters opened for him, and with a deep breath, he jumped, falling into its endless darkness. And when awakening, he was in a cavern.

It was as large as a mountain, with a massive crack of light far off to the north. 'Things Betwixt,' it was called. A link between Drangleic, and the outside world he had come from. There would be no way back from where he came until he found his cure. He traveled through the cavern, meeting a trio of old women who scoffed at his arrival, already presumed to his defeat of the curse, and through the crack in the rock, he found himself truly beginning his journey. One of loss, pain, and plenty of death. Both of that around him, and of his own, countless times. He will find his cure, but as was warned of him, he will come to this kingdom's decrepit gates, without really knowing why.

Powers: N/A

Power Limitations: N/A

Hand-to-Hand -- A
Marksmanship -- B
Melee Combat -- S

Weapons/Equipment: Alongside his Faraam Set, Roy carries a broadsword, a Golden Wing shield, Several dozen throwable short daggers, a dozen lifegems, a handful of radiant lifegems, some plants and herbs he uses to help defend against a variety of elemental effects such as poison or fire or even lightning, some charcoal pine resin to light his sword afire, An Estus Flask, and five Human Effigy's, for when he dies and needs to restore his humanity once more.

Strengths: An excellent warrior in combat.

Weaknesses/Fears: Dying again and again, until his mind is lost. The poor man can barely sleep without nightmares of foes he's fought, or the pain of dying.

Other: He's quite adept at music. Maybe it's muscle memory from his days before the curse, or simply a knack he never knew he had, but he can play a variety of instruments, and has an ear for music.
Name: Alec Duggan

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Human

World: Mass Effect



Personality: A big military nerd is what he is. And also a giant goof.

He's a very outgoing and social person, friendly to all when off the clock, and always willing to help when the situation calls for it. When in the uniform, he takes his work serious, always first in front for combat, and displays unwavering loyalty to his comrades and commanders. Just a shame he can also be a hothead at times. He can be a very easy person to wind up, as he struggles with issues of self-image and anxiety. He doesn't want to come off as weak or pathetic, which is why he's so often to take charge. But, in doing so, he can become flustered easily and panicked. Such a flaw is something he is trying to overcome in order to be a better leader in the field and while in command.

To very little success so far. Outside of his role as a soldier, Alec's much more laid back when he isn't worrying about the image he wants to project onto people. Being a Scotsman, he takes pride in his national heritage, having designed his armor with the Scottish insignia himself for being one of the few Scotsmen in history to have achieved the rank of N6. His goal is to achieve N7 ranking, though his training for it has yet to begin thanks to his current tour of duty in Alliance Space.

Yet, as admirable as his current achievements are, he is also somehow a massive goof. He is very easy to get into comedic issues like he's some sort of slapstick character. Whether it's his incredible bad luck, or his easy to raise dander, or just situational issues that suddenly come about unexpectedly without any fault of his own. Still, if nothing else, he wants to do good, and tries not to let his faults define him.

History: Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Alec's childhood was a fairly normal one. His father was apart of Glasgow City Police, having served in the military as an engineer in the Alliance navy, while his mother was a physical therapist who immigrated from Poland for college. He grew up right in the city, went to elementary, had a Shetland dog for a pet, even went to sailing lessons once he got old enough. He admired and loved his dad greatly, finding him a childhood hero for what he had to overcome before his birth.

When his mother was pregnant, his father was diagnosed with a tumor in his brain, and it had progressed into stage 2 cancer. It's location made it difficult for removal, as if surgeons weren't careful, they could potentially cause serious damage. Going on medication to shrink the tumor down, he was sick for months months and looked like he was on his death bed.

It was by some miracle he managed to wake back up once the surgery was successful. His sense of smell was gone, the side effect of the surgery, but he would make a complete recovery. A month after, Alec was born.

For Alec, it was an inspirational tale. His dad survived brain cancer! The man was strong willed and didn't let the odds get him down, he thought to himself, and he wanted to be like him. Problem was, Alec was kinda shit. While he had a good education, he frequently got in trouble for fights at school, and in his later years as a teen, Alec grew a fondness for drinking and partying. On one of these nights, Alec was busted for drunken disorder, as he tried to take a piss in the bushes of someone's front lawn, without realizing there was a cop car watching him do this. In trying to run, he ended up falling into the bushes, which were filled with thorns, and ended up covering his ass and crotch with cuts and marks.

His dad bailed him out, and while he tried not to show it, he was disappointed in Alec for his behavior. His little wide eyed boy was being a drunken idiot, preferring the life of the constant party. Then the worst news came. The cancer had returned, shifting down into his spinal cord, and unfortunately he needed to undergo surgery yet again. The chances were even more slim, but his father took on those odds yet again. He didn't make it.

The day the funeral happened, Alec was the last to leave his father's site. He wanted to be alone with his father. Since that day, Alec had cleaned up his act, studied more in school, graduated university, and joined the Alliance navy in honor of his father. His current role is Leftenant of the SSV 'Caporetto,' an Alliance frigate made up of European soldiers. At least, that was his role before being brought into the madness that was 'The Evrensel Conflict.'

Powers: None

Limitations: As a person, plenty

Skills: His weapons and melee skills are a solid A, while his goof skills are S

Weapons: He keeps a shotgun and assault rifle, both of which are standard issue Earth manufactured. He also has concussive shots, Disrupter and incendiary ammo, and frag grenades.

Strengths: Good fighter, great friend, and better drinker

Weaknesses/fears: Besides the obvious fear of failure, and his unluckiness as a person, the man is a chronically anxious person. He has often done well to hide it back in the Alliance, but since coming to Evrensel, they have gotten much worse. Possibly due to the chaos of everything getting to him, and also some slight survivors guilt/PTSD, since he is the only survivor of his team that got transported into the multiversal conflict.

Other: Is it weird he has a polyamorous relationship at this point? Probably. Also he's a nerd for military history and has a massive collection of media, from movies to music to video games. The man's a proper dude-bro nerd.
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Name: Ben Forbes

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Species: Human(?)

World: Home world is unknown, but currently rules over a planet called 'Tanussia'


Commission - ThatGuyWade2.png

Personality: Suave and charismatic to no end, social to all, friendly to many, and flirtatious to everybody, Ben comes off as a man of incredible intellect. He's calm and collected, with a smooth Received Pronunciation tone of voice, and cunning mind who's quick to retort. He can be humorous and self-aware, while also tactical and political when dealing with others to. All of which adds to his incredible ego about himself, with visions of grandeur and a power complex. He thinks himself mighty man who will be a ruler among men and women. Yet, while he may seem like a visionary young man, do not let that fool you. Ben is, without question, a sociopath. He's quite, calculating, and manipulative, whether to control someone important to his own cause, or simply woo someone he finds physical attraction towards into bed with him. And he is vicious when he wishes to be.

The man has a wandering eye to physical attraction, whether to partners both male and female, with a virile indulgence in kinks and fetishes no matter how strange they may be. His enjoyment of the flesh and dabbling in erotic curiosities can often be quite a handful to those he surrounds himself with, though never one to fully commit himself for relationships with people. For him, they're just objects to use, machines made of flesh and bone that can be used for various needs. He'll treat you nicely, but he doesn't consider you an equal, or even see's you emotionally on a human level. Emotional connections with people for him come from sex, and most of the time they're usually one night stands or partners he can easily manipulate emotionally.

There's a cult of personality surrounding Ben, one which he's built to make himself widely loved. While not abusive, Ben's generosity to his partners is one of emotional manipulation to make them dependent on him. He has a corrupting nature to him, making those around him think of thoughts they would otherwise reject, but with him, they're convinced to explore further. The atmosphere with those who follow him feel more like a cult, with Ben as their leader and savior, promising them wealth, power, and the promise of a better tomorrow as long as they worship him.

His sanity has never been put into question by anyone, but he has his own mental demons. Many of his sexual fantasies go from mild kinks and to serial killer behavior. The sexual thrill of murder and the mangling of corpses, mentally breaking someone down until they are trained to act like mindless husks for his sexual desires, and an obsession with the intoxicating aroma and taste of blood. He knows these thoughts are quite alarming, and does whatever it takes to keep them from emerging, but these fantasies stem from his issues of emotional connection, as without some sort of control, he feels the need to go to the extremes in physical gratification to make up for that lack of control and emotion towards others.

And when he loses control, he will spiral; turning into a monster of sadistic perversion that wants to see the oceans run red with blood. It's as though the suave persona is masking the madman underneath.

History: Ben's life is one shrouded in mystery. He was born to human parents, that much is for certain, and as he says, his real father was a knight of a noble kingdom, while his mother was a pesant farmer who took after her parents land once they became too old to care for it, and she being the only child in the family to do so. The knight fell in love with the pesant, and together raised a child on the farmland in secret. Then the kingdom went to war, and his father never came back. Where the story differs in his version is when his mother, trying to protect her child, died from the wounds she sustained while pushing back the barbarians at her doorstep. In her hour of need, she prayed to the gods to watch over her child, and one answered her. The God of devotion took pity on the family, and came down from the heavens to adopt the child for himself.

It was then Ben was raised by this God as an example of the devotion humans give to their children, and gave to him incredible powers; making Ben a demi-god. The reality is much more twisted. Ben's adopted father was the man who invaded that kingdom, killed his father, butchered his mother, and would have killed Ben, if not for the curiosity of what it would be like to have a son of his own. He looked down at the crying child, and saw something special in him.

To differentiate between the lies and truth of Ben's life is nearly impossible, as thanks to his adopted father, he gained the ability to travel between worlds. And with such power, created an empire and gained wealth and fame of an entire planet that worships him as the demi-god he leads them to believe.

Powers: Some call Ben's incredible athelticism, strength, speed and endurance proof of his demi-god heritage. Others would call it genetic modification if you pay close enough attention. He is freakly super-human, regenerating tissue in minutes without any scarring, and wielding what would normally be two handed weapons with one like they were made from lighter materials.

Limitations: He is still human, even if he's tougher to kill. Not to mention he can go wild from 'frenzy,' where if he's pushed to his mental limit, he will lose control and go into a bloodthristy rampage. His body will change while in this state, with his navy blue eyes turning bloodshot red, and his veins forming an unnatural black texture like oil is pumping through his body.

Weapons: He carries a custom one-handed sword that's as heavy as a two-handed one, perfectly balanced for him only, and crafted to kill anything from humans, to monsters, to even spiritual beings. Along with that, he carries a custom Mauser C96 that helps him with ranged attacks.

Strengths: Incredibly powerful being with a descisively devious mind.

Weaknesses: Also a madman on the verge of a psychological breakdown if he's pushed too far.

His dad is The Penta-Man
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Name: Caleb Pike

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: (AU) Helldivers, 2220s - The Second Galactic War

Appearance: Asian-European. 5"11.
Naturally pale, dark of hair, blue of eyes. Massive scar across chest, laser burns across shoulders and forearm, stab scar from Automaton blade in lower left abdomen, gunshot scars in left knee and thigh. Rarely if ever seen outside his combat armor, and will never abandon his cape even if in most dire of circumstances. This includes showering, swimming...

Caleb Pike is not the perfect soldier, but the Federation doesn't want perfect soldiers. He's loud and brash when in combat, handles things with as much doctrinal adherence as possible. However, he's rather submissive around authority - though this doesn't mean he can't lead a squad into battle. In truth, Caleb is a talented squad leader, he even has a mind for wider strategy, but he lacks much of the self-confidence to actually be a leader when other people with equal or higher stripes than him is around. After all, he is just seventeen.

When not on-duty...wait, Helldivers don't get breaks! He'll often refer to mundane tasks like washing dishes as 'logistical operations,' hanging out as 'performing his duties as a morale officer,' or cooking as 'working to replenish caloric stores.' Everything is done in the name of the War Effort, though what war is something he doesn't even know.
He is, as you might expect, a staunch militarist, most comfortable in a rigid autocracy - though if you dare tell him that, he'll denounce you as a 'unliberated savage.' He pays extreme lip service to freedom, democracy, capitalism and the beauty of being a citizen, but to anyone else, what he describes is extreme totalitarian fascism.

He also has a massive sadistic side.


Grandfather^6 - Alexander Pike - 60 years old in 2081, born in 2021 - Fleet Admiral; of the Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet. Died in 2142.
Grandmother^6 - Daiyu Guo - 61 years old in 2081, born in 2020 - Logistics Officer; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet. Died in 2148.
Grandfather^5 - Chen Pike - 30 years old in 2081, born in 2051 - Eagle Pilot Air Captain; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2081). Fleet Admiral; of the Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet. Retired in 2131 with the dismantling of the Helldiver Corps. Died in 2173.
Grandmother ^5 - Samira Smith - 28 years old in 2081, born in 2053 - Helldiver Colonel; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2081). Died in 2109.
Grandfather^4 - Devin Pike - 16 years old in 2098, born 2082 - Helldiver Sergeant; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2100). General; Super Earth Armed Forces (SEAF) (2170). Died 2183.
Grandmother^4 - Cassandra Ibanez - 16 years old in 2099, born 2083 - Dropship Pilot; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2100). Cruiser Squadron Commander; SEAF (2170). Died in 2182.
Grandfather^3 - Jack Pike - 16 years old in 2116, born 2100 - Helldiver Sergeant; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2117). General; Super Earth Armed Forces (SEAF) (2221).
Grandmother^3 - Emily Baker - 16 years old in 2113, born 2097 - Helldiver Captain; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2117). Helldiver Star Marshal; Ninety-Fourth Helldiver Assault Fleet (2221).
Grandfather^2 - Charles Pike - 16 years old in 2130, born 2114 - Helldiver Sergeant; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2131). High-Ranking Termanid Research Scientist, SEAF (2221).
Grandmother^2 - Helen Daniels - 16 years old in 2130, born 2114 - Helldiver Sergeant; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2131). Died in 2207.
Grandfather - Andrew Clarke - 16 years old in 2146, born 2130 - Rifleman, SEAF (2146). Shipwright; Super Earth Dockyards (2221).
Grandmother - Cassandra Pike - 16 years old in 2146, born 2130 - Repair Technician, SEAF (2146). Robotics Designer; Helldiver Corps (2221).
Father - Alexander Pike II - 16 years old in 2195, born 2179 - Dropship Pilot, SEAF (2198). Logistics Officer; Twenty-Fourth Helldiver Assault Fleet (2221).
Mother - Elizabeth Sato - 16 years old in 2200, born 2184 - Deck Hand, SEAF (2198). Eagle Fighter Revision and Upgrade Team; Helldiver Corps (2221).
Caleb Pike - 16 years old in 2220, born 2203. - Helldiver Sergeant; Thirty-Second Helldiver Assault Fleet (2201).

Caleb's family, like most, were entirely enlisted during the First Galactic War. Five generations of his family, from Fleet Admiral Alexander Pike to his great grandfather Charles, all served in the Helldiver Corps, or another branch of the Federation military. Though it had been a whole century since the last war ended, the Super Earth Federation still encouraged military or government service in the name of citizenship in the intermediate peace-time.
Due to the use of clones and genetic rejuvenators, a large amount of his family is still alive from those times - and Caleb and his siblings, along with his many aunts, uncles and cousins, got to grow up around these veterans reciting war story after war story, talking about the woes of a Super Earth without war, the laxity of the politicians, and of course the dismantling of the Helldiver Corps in 2131.

Caleb's mother and father both worked in the engineering and scientific fields, as had the two generations prior. When rumblings of remilitarization came to Super Earth in 2220, concerns with dangerous termanid harvesting growing harder and harder to ignore, Caleb considered joining the Super Earth Armed Forces, inspired mostly by his great-great-great grandfather and grandmother Jack Pike and Emily Baker, but his parents convinced him not to, sending him to a prestigious university instead.

When news came of not only termanids breaking free of their pens across the eastern galaxy, but of an invasion by robots potentially linked to the cyborg menace of old in the west as well, the Pike family's reaction was surprisingly unanimous - they would all serve their Federation with pride.
The Federation seemed to decide to encourage this decision further, by announcing the reformation of the Helldivers.

All veterans of the first war still living were sent offers to rejoin as commanding officers. Jack was already an SEAF general on the frontlines, but his wife Emily dropped her many martial arts schools and gun ranges to rejoin as a Star Marshal. While his direct grandparents were scientists by trade, their brothers and sisters, his aunts and uncles in addition, all enlisted in the SEAF or the Navy.

Yet Caleb, and his siblings, had their eyes on the real deal - the Helldiver Corps. They knew it wouldn't be easy, and they knew the Second Galactic War was not some won conflict from the past, but a real conflict which threatened to overwhelm and destroy humanity, and yet (or perhaps because of that) they signed up with zeal.

It has been three months since the start of the war, and while Caleb has certainly lost most of his innocence to the cycle of deployment, death and re-deployment, he has become a sergeant in the Helldivers, survived Malevelon Creek, slaughtered many bugs and 'bots alike. The war has lived up to his expectations, and so has he lived up to his own. Though he questions some of Super Earth's practices, the war has taken over his life - the need for conflict, the need to win every front, and the need to hone himself in the best tool of war he can be. Some might call it madness, some could blame a worsening and more corrupted Super Earth, some could detest the war itself, but none of that matters to Caleb - only moving on to the next objective.

Powers: Caleb Pike is a normal human being, with a slight addiction to standard-issue stims.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):

Firearm Handling - B
Marksmanship - B
Squad Leadership - C
Hand-To-Hand - C
Logistical Work - C
Cooking - C
Engineering (Military) - C
Engineering (Energy and Power) - D

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
B-08 Light Gunner helmet.
DP-40 Hero of the Federation armor. (Out of recognition to both the service of his family and his valor on the Creek.)

AR-23P Liberator rifle. (Rapid-Fire, Armor-Piercing Assault Rifle)
Anti-Material Rifle. (Armor-Piercing Explosive Sniper Rifle)
P-4 Senator sidearm. (Armor-Piercing Revolver)
P-9 Peacemaker sidearm. (Semi-Automatic Pistol)

- Insane Bravery
- Willingness To Do Anything
- Capable Of Working In A Team Or Alone

Weakness/ Fears:
- Disappointing His Family Legacy
- Betraying His National Values
- Insanity Works Both Ways
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Name: Samantha Nakamura

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Unknown... again

Species: Ghoul

World and Universe they are from: Unknown

Appearance: Standing at a whopping 153 centimeters tall, Sam is not very imposing. Especially considering that her natural frame and build are rather petite, and even consuming a significant amount of energy, she'll only look slightly more muscular. She has soft facial features and fairly pale skin, offset by her mouth filled with sharp fangs and her unnatural red eyes. For comfort's sake, she keeps her snow white hair short. Most of these features are hidden most of the time, however. She wears a suit reminiscent of plague doctors' attires. Hiding her face and body from everyone became a habit with her transformation.

Personality: Sam's body wasn't the only part of her that harshly changed with the transformation. Her emotional landscape now seems rather plain, lacking things such as empathy or remorse. If anything, this has made her more proficient in her new life, where she needs to kill to live. In the case she decides to interact with someone non-lethally, she is noticeably odd. Talking rather cheerfully about dark topics, or appearing unnaturally fixated in certain things, just to give examples. She is particularly passionate about her main hobby: The human body (The problem is that since she is self educated, she barely knows how to properly talk about it. On a side note, she'll pretend she knew all along if you correct her). She has a bit of a inferiority complex connected to her gender, making her try to hide it as best as possible. It can even disrupt her behavior pattern to be found out to be a girl. While she did change during her time in the multiverse war, an accident permanently wiped her memory of most of it. This resulted in Samantha defaulting back to her old ways.

History/Bio: Samantha was an orphan who never got to meet her parents. Instead, she was raised by a friend of theirs, a scientist by the name of Godfrey Matthaus. In reality, he was a terrible parent, as he was overburdened by work and barely had time for Sam. However, he did love her, and tried his best to at least show that to her whenever he had a brief chance. That did mean that Sam had to learn most things by herself, though. By the age of 17, when she was out of high school, she had quite clear what she wanted to study in college. Since she was young, she snuck to her foster father's lab and do experiments on her own. Once she was at school, her favorite thing to do was dissect animals and study what made them move how they did, breathe how they did, and so on. Combining the two into becoming a good willed doctor seemed only logical to her. She never got the chance to do so.
One night her home was attacked by a mysterious monster, she was brutally beaten by the monster, Godfrey managed to get to them in time to prevent her death. Arguably something worse got to her. While her foster father kept the monster busy with a gun, Sam's body violently mutated. The monster turned her into one of them. Upon this realization, the monster left a bloodthirsty Samantha with a wounded Godfrey. Not knowing how to control her new body's urges, she finished off Godfrey.
Filled with regret and anger, she tried her best to hunt down the monster who ruined her life. It wasn't difficult though, with a combination of her superb senses and news about mysterious brutal murders, she was able to confront him soon enough. Their kind strengthened upon feasting on humans, and given how she tracked the freak down, she was at a clear physical disadvantage. But this monster had eaten so much, so fast, that his brain had been damaged. After yet another brutal beating, Sam managed to outsmart the beast into incapacitating himself. Then, as the best revenge she could come up with, Samantha ate the monster. This proved to be good for everyone else, as her hunger dissapeared for some time, without the need for her to use the drug she designed to inhibit it. But it didn't last forever, she resumed her consumption of human bodies, until a mysterious light dragged her off her feet.
Said light sent her spiraling into a chaotic war against an evil, multiversal entity. She briefly joined the cause, fighting against the might of the AI. At some point, she got attacked. How exactly, she doesn't remember. All she remembers is waking up inside a space station. From then on, she wandered the place. Looking for answers as to how she got there, and while she learned a thing or two along the way, her memories never returned.


-Super Senses: As a monster, Sam's senses are quite developed, particularly her sense of smell. Superior to any other animal's.

-Consumption: With the help of an extremely adaptable and strong jaw, Sam's body now can absorb the strength and mind of other beings that she eats, her body takes more advantage of humanoid meals, though she can really eat any meat. She gains the most energy from the heart or its equivalent in the body. Currently, she is at peak human condition from her last meal. Her research shows that eating her source of infection completed her transformation, but consuming other humanoid super beings might grant her new abilities, depending on what and how much of it she eats.

-Regeneration: The consolidation of Sam as a monster. Her wounds can be healed at great speeds, even severe ones. Severed parts can either decay and be regrown, or joined back to the body.

-Alliterus: Samantha's Persona, a peculiar phenomenon she discovered she could manifest while studying some files she found as she explored the station, along with an evoker. Reworking the evoker to be able to function along her particular biology. A manifestation of someone's will taken physical form. More specifically, a folk hero from a foreign country in Samantha's world. While summoned, Alliterus enhances Samantha's physical attributes, but its main function is to act as her surrogate in battle. Aside from simple physical strikes, Alliterus has a few special skills it can use:
- One-shot Kill: An extremely fast projectile that drills through the opponent, great for reaching weak spots.
- Riot Gun: A booming rain of projectiles falling on an area like a raging thunderstorm.
- Megidolaon: An explosion of extreme destructive capabilities, as it is able to burn through virtually anything.
- Diarama: A healing skill able to heal plenty of wounds, may require more than one use to fully heal someone.
- Heat Riser: Bolsters the physical attributes of the target.

Power limitations:

-Super Senses: Quite simply, her senses can be overloaded. So a very loud sound, or especially, a particularly strong smell, can stun her.

-Consumption: Not only can she consume beings for power, she explicitly needs to. Her body starts decaying after sometime not consuming a certain amount of energy. This can't kill her, but it will incapacitate her eventually. Conversely, eating too many beings too quick can damage her rationality. Furthermore, her hunger is almost constant, so she needs a drug she made herself to ignore it.

-Regeneration: Although she can recover from virtually any wound. This increases her need for external energy, the more often and the more extensively it is used. Meaning it shortens the required time between meals.

-Alliterus: Seeing as she is inexperienced and her Persona was quite powerful from the start, Samantha has a difficult time using it for extended periods of time, and it is difficult to control if overused. Skills being particularly tiresome to use, ones more than others. Also, she is yet to be able to summon it without her Trigger Ring.


Pistol Shooting: B
Medicine: S
Bio-chemistry (Ghouls): A
Chemistry: B
Interrogation: C
Mechanics: B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:

-A heavy, 5 round revolver with the word "MATTHAUS" engraved on the barrel. Sam carries a pouch with 20 extra rounds.

-Mimicking a gun she saw somewhere, Sam made this revolver-looking gun. Though instead of firing bullets, they are loaded with canisters of a concentrated acidic substance. This acidic substance can be fired in a shotgun-like short range spray, or in a focused bullet-like formation akin to her other revolver in power when impacting, before spreading the acid. This acid is mostly good at decomposing flesh, but other materials are still affected. She engraved "GODFREY" in the barrel of this one. She carries an extra 9 canisters of acid, each capable of 10 shots.

-3 flasks labeled "neutralizing agent"

-3 tubes with processed human hearts, neatly sealed.

-A large knife.

-A bag with a compact set of various medicines, a few antidotes, and an assortment of medical tools. From scalpel and scissors, to a bone saw. Among them, Sam carries 10 injectable ampoules of a mix of her blood along with other chemicals. It greatly boosts regeneration temporarily. Naturally, they don't work on her.

-Multiple throwable needles, coated with a potent muscle relaxant.

-4 one use pods of hunger staving drug.

-A modified inhaler for said pods.

-The mask on her suit has adjustable filters, to avoid sensorial overload.

-A voice modifier that looks like a plain black choker.

-A Trigger Ring. A device that serves the same purpose as an Evoker: Summoning her Persona.

Strengths: Despite lacking formal training, she's a top notch medic, albeit an unorthodox one. Even though she's mostly a back liner, she has the tools to fend for herself. She has great potential based on what she eats.

Weakness/ Fears: If reckless, or maybe forgetful, Sam can be rendered fully incapacitated via lack of eating. Eating someone that "doesn't deserve it" by accident always worries her.

Other: Her normal voice is rather soft. While she prefers to make her voice modifier, along with some padding to make her seem more manly.
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Name: Sam Harper

Age: 39

Gender: Yes

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Chronicles of Darkness, Mage the Awakening.

Appearance: HIGHLY variable being a shapeshifter, but always a human that's about 5'9 tall. They have a pink tattoo over their right shoulder, which crawls just high enough to be visible on their neck. Their suit is black, with a white undershirt. Those with a keen eye will note that the suit looks fare less stiff than one ought to be, the brown white laced shoes are too flexible, and black pants are the same story. Those without would mistake them for normal buisnesswear. Sam generally prefers to have blue eyes and blonde hair.

Their Familiar looks like a large amoeba when summoned, constantly having small variation in shape both overall. The nucleus looks like a double helixed spiral folded in and conjoined to itself.

Personality: Sam is intense, confident, and is great at recognizing people's desires and feelings even without magic. They always seem active and on the move, demanding not just the best wherever she goes but also clawing to get it at a reasonable price. He's the first to jump at a new opportunity, and the last to give anything away. They greatly enjoy what they do and it's obvious wherever they go. They give off the energy of a true friend to those they speak to, a deliberate fact of their magic.

History/Bio: Not everyone who breaks through a lie decides that the best solution is to tear it down. After all, there's a lot to be made if you tow the line and do as your bosses said. The Seers of the Throne work for the Exarchs, the manufacturers of the lie, the creators of the Fallen World, and play large parts in the autocracies that define it.The goal of keeping the sleepers ignorant, keep them distracted,and put down the Pentacle Order. Seers come from many walks of life, and Sam was not an unusual case.

Sam was pretty typical as a person, apart from having a sense of bravery and being insightful. They followed their fathers wishes and went into business, intent on continuing the family business. Unlike most other people however, she couldn't simply sit back and do nothing knowing what laid just outside her sight. While everyone else was putting their nose to the ground and focusing on their life, he dug through company financial records and discovered that the company they worked for clearly had underhanded dealings. After all, only so much can 'fall off the back of a truck' and only so much income could possibly come from 'Other'.

Their awakening came when they finally put together everything they collected, leaning back. A compiled truth gave them a brief glimpse of the truth of reality. The world was not as mundane and spiritually dead as they once believed, there was a complicated and confusing war of politics just outside the sight of the common person. A network of caverns, betrayal, stretching and winding above, below, and through itself. It was a place of penitence and punishment. It kind of made him wonder how it would feel holding the keys to salvation.

Perhaps if the Pentacle Order picked them up, Sam would have turned out far differently. Ultimately though, their boss happened to be a Seer who had been watching an Awakening in process. They approached, confident they would get an intelligent subordinate to help them up the ladder of the Seers. They got what they asked for, at least for a time. Sam awakened as a Magistos, a specialist of Mind and Space.

Increasingly though, Sam took an interest in Spirits. They were very capable beings, able to do much of what was required by a mage willing to work with them. And if one combined it with the Goetia of the human mind, the possibilities were beyond incredible. Ultimately though, she had a critical flaw that every mage has to some degree. Hubris. She believed she could make a bargain with a spirit, join with them as a familiar, and take her further beyond her own boss and take his place. All she had to do was what she was going to do anyway, seek to climb higher and higher. The unstoppable adaptability and growth of nature in exchange for the hunger of an apex predator.

One would think that there were far better ways of getting the adaptability she needed, but they didn't know what he sold away, and by the time she found out he already sold his ability to care. The common pleasantries of life meant everything, yes, but the Spirit gave her an all consuming power he didn't even want to deny. Food, power, ownership, control. They could become anything they needed to be. A steadfast man, a charming woman, but their vices were in charge.

Being scattered was the best thing that could have happened to her. Out of the control of the Exarchs, unchained by Paradox, a whole ocean to consume. Business was his specialty, so thats where they went. Interdimensional Security Solutions wanted the best and brightest minds as part of their business dealings, and Sam shined like a star. Finance, accounting, this is how she did their magic, and they would be happy to exploit it in return to swallow up more and more. Running a church for lost souls, both scattered and not, is quite a racket in its own right. Their Church is officially separate from the ISS, but given her employment with them its safe to say that the organization is an unofficial asset.

Powers: Atlantean magic is split into 13 common practices. These practices are:

Compelling- The Practice of Compelling is concerned with influencing simple phenomena in the purview of the used Arcanum (for example, making a candle burn hotter). The mage can activate and/or direct these phenomena, but usually not enough to become vulgar.

Knowing – The Practice of Knowing is concerned with perceiving the mysteries in an Arcanum's purview and deciphering phenomena. Mages do not have to interpret this information, as they are not sensual, but purely intellectual.

Unveiling- The Practice of Unveiling is concerned with the impartation of sensory information to the casting mage within the chosen Arcanum's purview.


- The Practice of Ruling allows a mage to exert control over phenomena within the purview of his chosen Arcanum. It mainly concerns itself with cosmetic changes and suggestions, rather than brute force.

Shielding- The Practice of Shielding allows a mage to make an object or himself more resistant by using the associated Arcanum to bolster his defense.
Veiling - The Practice of Veiling allows a mage to conceal, camouflage or hide phenomena within his chosen Arcanum's purview from scrutiny.


- The Practice of Fraying allows a mage to directly injure his target (via Bashing damage). Often, they find use when death is not the attempted goal.

Perfecting - The Practice of Perfecting allows a mage to refine and repair objects within an Arcanum's purview

Weaving - The Practice of Weaving allows a mage to alter the capabilities and otherwise influence an object without changing its inherent nature.

Patterning - The practice of Patterning allows a mage to transform phenomena within an Arcanum's purview into related phenomena or shapes, or replace their capabilities or functions with different ones.

Unraveling - The Practice of Unraveling allows a mage to significantly injure a target (via Lethal damage), degrade its capabilities or negatively transform it

Sam's Proficiency in the Arcanums are thus:
Adept Mind: Is in regards to the mind, conscious and not, as well as demons from Pandemonium.
Disciple Spirit: Spirits are representation of typical elements of things, be it cats, dogs, ideas, etc.
Disciple Space: Space, distance, connections, etc.
Apprentice Fate: Probability and Destiny.

Spirit Powers: Sam's familiar can perform the following actions:

Possess Sam to speak through her.
Speak with Sam.
Manifest to become visible.
Change Sam's appearance so long as it's within the human umbrella.

Power limitations: Sam is limited to 5 ongoing spells at a time, and cannot use magic beyond her rank. Sam is unable to leave spells to conditional, create new phenomena from nothing, outright destroy phenomena, imprint supernatural abilities, or remove supernatural abilities.


Politics: S
Subterfuge: S
Persuasion: A
Academics: B
Empathy: B
Socialize: B
Intimidation: C
Investigation: C
Firearms: C
Brawl: D
Athletics: D
Expression: D

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: Sam wears a form fitting business suit, and carries a small 9mm handgun. They carry a clipboard with a pen and pencil, as well as a handbag filled with assorted office supplies and paperwork. These are instruments of their magic.

Strengths: Sam is an unassuming combatant and would likely lose to a proper combat mage, but she's no slouch. Able to adapt on the fly, he believes himself ready for any situation. Often he can convince other people that's true. Their true strength is knowing the state of the social board and playing to its advantage, identifying key players, their wants and desires, and pushing them in the right direction.

Weakness/ Fears: Sam's familiar is detectable, and killable, to those with the ability to pierce her veiling. Should it die, or be severed, Sam's psychological state will be in severe danger. In fact, one doesn't even need to kill it. If the rune tattoo on her should is removed, they'll lose their connection to the Spirit and force it to possess them. If not, everything they did will hit them at once, the hunger forever abated and clarity forced into their mind. Her soul has an extra vulnerability, should she do something terrible enough they will shatter. Madness will take over, and if that happens its only a matter of time before they die. Sam also gets themselves into trouble frequently.Some particularly steady individuals (players) are particularly resilient to their influence. Lastly, their body is completely unremarkable apart from appearance.