OOC Original Character Creation

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Name: Girania Agdyne (formerly known as "Sigrun Bysnoe")

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Viera (Veena)

World and Universe they are from: The Source (Final Fantasy XIV)

Appearance: Girania's years of indoor work and study have affected her skin color to become a lighter shade of brown. Thankfully, it hadn't affected her growth, and she now stands at a nice 6 feet 3 inches in height. Her natural Viera biology has allowed her to somewhat keep her slim frame, though any other Viera would easily be able to point out where her body had plumped up from the changes in her diet. Conversely, any grade A pervert would be able to tell you her cup size is F. She has long brown hair with purple highlights at the ends. The sides of her hair have grown so long that they tend to rest over her collarbone, while her bangs just barely reach past her eyebrows. The rest of her hair is tied into a long, somewhat messy ponytail. Years of exposure to faded Primal aether and the otherworldly aether of the Faeries had turned her eye color from brown to white.

Personality: At Girania's base, she is a very curious woman. Adventuring and learning from the greater world came naturally to her, as it fulfilled her curiosity perfectly. Of course, more recent developments have influenced her to be beyond that. Years of securing funds to go home have made her a lover of money and she would barter and haggle to keep as much as she can. She harbors a resentment towards Garleans for the destruction of her home nation, but has since mellowed out a bit after realizing how self-destructive it was becoming. She is also somewhat awkward around others. When interacting with friends and acquaintances, she tends to exaggerate her actual responses in an attempt to be social. For example, if someone were to ask her about her history fighting Cactuar-like creatures, she would respond with something like "Sometimes I wish more helmets fit me so I don't spend so long picking needles out of my hair." If given the chance, she would also go into depth of how some of her spells and skills work, so do not make the mistake of asking her directly. Come hells or high water, she WILL talk at you until she's done with her explanation. Aside from this, her battle decisions currently align with that of her Dark Knight training. That is to say, should a situation require it, she would be willing to harm herself in order to deny the enemy an advantage over her. Luckily, there have been few occasions where that was necessary. mostly, she tries to avoid stuff like that if she can help it.

History/Bio: The woman formerly known as "Sigrun" was born and raised in the village of Bysnoe, which resides within the borders of the Kingdom of Dalmasca. Though village tradition requires Viera to remain within the village throughout their lives, there were always those who would grow a curiosity of the wider world. Having grown this curiosity, she had planned to run off on her own. After stowing away on a ship that was bound to the distant land of Eorzea, Sigrun had created a city name for herself: "Girania Agidyn." It wasn't until she had arrived in the City-State of Limsa Lominsa just how much she screwed herself over. She was practically penniless in a nation where fools could be stabbed in some back alley if they got lost, and was forced to take up several different occupations for the coin needed to return to Dalmasca.

She learned how to cook from the Culinarian's Guild, and learned Arcanima from the Arcanist's Guild in order to defend herself and open up new possibilities for employment. Eventually, she found that independent cooking and random projects that barely required her to actually use what she learned as an Arcanist to be less profitable than she was satisfied with. If she truly wanted to return home, she would need to do more than earn a living. She needed to turn a profit. Thus did she take up the high-risk, high-reward occupation of adventurer, which came with a myriad of benefits. There was always a job to be done, and money to be made. Though she didn't abandon her cooking jobs, she found her time taken up with various activities, ranging from searching for pets to hunting down and defeating fiends from the Void. Such tasks demanded much and more from Girania, forcing her to learn the healing arts of the Nymian Scholars, and the spellcraft of the Allagan Summoners from those that had made great progress in researching the ancient arts.
After years of cooking, training, and adventuring, Girania had finally earned enough gil to return to Dalmasca. She could finally return to her home village of Bysnoe! Until she found that no ship was willing to make the trip. She found out that in the years she spent saving money, the Kingdom of Dalmasca, that had already been conquered by the Garlean Empire years before she left to explore the world, was crushed and ravaged after attempting to create a Resistance. Her homeland was all but destroyed, and not one ship dared to approach it in its current state.

Distraught, Girania had buried herself in work and training, even going so far as to join the Maelstrom and rise in its ranks in some attempt to be one of the first adventurers called in to combat the Empire when the Grand Companies finally pushed further in the war. Following the advice of an older adventurer, she continued her adventures, eventually journeying to Ishgard and training in the ways of the Dark Knight. It was through their lessons that she managed to confront and tame her inner darkness in order to quell the burning hatred that would have eventually destroyed her. She continues to earn and save up money to this day, in the hopes of using her wealth to assist in the rebuilding of Dalmasca.

Job Change - A common enough ability among adventurers. Put simply, it is when an individual switches between one weapon and fighting style to another weapon and fighting style through the act of switching between "Soul Crystals." By swapping between soul crystals, the user's style switches almost entirely when the memories held within the crystal flow through the individual. For example, When switching between a "Black Mage" Soul Crystal to that of a "Warrior", the memories of how to cast devastating black magicks are pushed away in order to focus on the memories of physical techniques used to both endure pain and slay gargantuan foes with an axe. This ability also allows for the user to be clad in clothing and armor more suited to the role the soul crystal is attuned with. Using the previous example, the individual would suddenly go from wearing magic-enhancing robes and rings to being clad in heavy armor.

Summoner - Using Arcanima as a base, the summoner abilities allow for the manipulation of aether in order to shape and animate various arcane geometries. This is used to manifest arcane entities such as various "Egis" and "Carbuncle." Egis are simply stronger versions of carbuncles, but with different appearances. Summoners in particular harness the aether of primals to create smaller, weaker, more controlled versions of them. The "Egi" of a Primal/Eikon is limited in its offensive ability in comparison to the actual creature it was made from, but through the use of Arcanima modern summoners can temporarily create egis of more powerful Primals using the one they've already summoned as a base. Additionally, Summoners can go into a Trance during the summoning of certain powerful Egis that give temporary access to powerful spells and spellcasting skill. Girania is of the number that had managed to summon three particular Primals without the need of aether crystals.

Scholar - As with the Summoner abilities, Arcanima is used as a base. The difference is that the arcane geometries used create different effects. Scholars use these geometries to summon a faerie in order to assist them. Unlike Carbuncles and Egis, Faeries are not created by the user, but properly summoned from elsewhere and remain so long as the Scholar that brought them there does not fall unconscious (or until dismissed). The spells employed by Scholars focus more on Healing and Supporting others, and directing the Faerie to do the same. The Faerie can be directed to release a magic that temporarily regenerates wounds or even increase the potency of healing magic. The Scholar has access to spells that can either heal or create barriers that prevent harm. They also have the ability to manipulate barrier spells to either reinforce them or otherwise convert the barriers into additional healing energy, and an ability to seek out and mark possible weak points in an enemy's personal defenses. Finally, the Scholar can assist the Faerie to power up, and temporarily ascend into the form of a "Seraph", which gains healing abilities that also create magic barriers.

Dark Knight - A Dark Knight uses their abilities to draw out their inner darkness to protect the poor and weak. They do the dirty work that most bards omit from their ballads. They utilize their personal aether and the darkness of their souls to perform a myriad of abilities. From forming barriers to creating shadowy melee and ranged attacks, the Dark Knight has plenty of options. They even have the ability to temporarily create a simulacrum of their shadow selves to assist in battle. If the worst comes to pass, then they can fall on their last resort to continue the fight to the end: Self-Zombification. Through a technique called "Living Dead", a Dark Knight can curse their own lives at the moment of their mortal demise to temporarily become a revenant. If a healer makes it to them in time, then they can be restored back to life before death finally claims them.

Limit Break - There is a power that can be generated by any creature with higher intelligence. It is generated and influenced by intense emotions, and its application takes form in several different ways. In Girania's (and many other people's) case, she can only manifest these abilities in the form of Limit Breaks, which can heal, defend, or harm.

Power limitations:
Job Change - Using this ability mid-battle is ill-advised, as the memories need time to settle. Switching in a fight may allow for a few techniques to be used, but the individual would not have full access to their skills. Doing this would place the user in danger, as their conflicting skills would cause mistakes to be made.

Summoner - As with all magic-users on the planet of Etheirys, Summoners rely on their own reserves of aether. Though they can regenerate their aether as time passes, and even accelerate the process with a technique or an Ether, the replenishing of aether requires the spellcaster to wait patiently even in the midst of combat. In contrast to Black Mages and Red Mages (spellcasters who manipulate their aether into different elemental spells to achieve different effects), Summoners are limited in their personal spells. Their own attacks are usually unaspected blasts of pure magic or otherwise just two poisons. Their greatest strength lies in their Egis or Carbuncles, which they need to summon first (conversely, some inexperienced Arcanists can't even control their Carbuncles to begin with). Girania in particular cannot summon more than one Egi or Carbuncle at a time, and thus cannot reap the benefits of using a team of summons. Dreadwyrm and Firebird Trance can only last 20 seconds each. Additionally, these actions must be done in an order. This is because the mind and soul becomes primed by these Trances to follow into the other. It is a lengthy process that one must be careful to use when in the midst of a battle. Additionally, summoned Primals can only last as long enough to perform one attack before reverting into carbuncle or egi form.

Scholar - Scholars also must rely on the management of their own aether to perform spells. Their greatest weakness tends to be their lack of variety when it comes to offensive spells.

Dark Knight - Though they have a plethora of defensive abilities, Dark Knights thrive off of receiving pain from the enemy. As such, the best way to utilize their abilities is to inch ever closer to the brink.

Limit Break - The energy required to use these must be accumulated over the course of a battle. In any long-enough period of rest, it dissipates.

Cooking - A
Aether Manipulation - B
Healing Magic - B
Protection Magic - A
Greatsword Mastery - A
Offensive Magic - A
Social Skills - C

- Mimesis Lux (a powerful Summoner Grimoire)
- Augmented Evoker's Clothes
- Akademos (a detailed Scholar's Grimoire)
- Law's Order Armor set of Healing
- Edengrace (a very heavy greatsword)
- Cryptlurker Armor set of Fending
- Enchanted Dragon Scale (a scale that's been modified by Radz-at-Han alchemists to copy a certain blessing. It prevents the individual's aether from being corrupted or influenced by outside forces)

1. All of her armor and weaponry have glamours placed on them for personal taste in aesthetics. Glamours are basically semi-permanent illusions placed via certain prism stones. That is to say, they only seem to change the look. For instance heavy armor can be made to look like a garb of thin cloth, but a weapon it will still react as if it hit armor.

2. Here is a list of spells used by the Summoner and Scholar, as well as skills used by Dark Knight.
- Ruin III (Single-target attack)
- Tri-Disaster (AoE attack)
- Energy Drain (saps a small amount of energy from a single target and converts it into Aetherflow)
- Energy Siphon (saps a very small amount of vitality from multiple targets)
- Ruin IV (AoE that is made from the energy sapped from Energy Drain and Energy Siphon)
- Dreadwyrm Trance (Summons Bahamut-egi, and temporarily enhances Summoner abilities)
- Astral Impulse (magic attack only used in Dreadwyrm Trance)
- Astral Flare (AoE only used in Dreadwyrm Trance)
- Deathflare (powerful dragon-based attack only usable in Dreadwyrm Trance)
- Firebird Trance (Summons Phoenix-egi, and temporarily enhances Summoner abilities)
- Fountain of Fire (magic attack only used in Firebird Trance)
- Brand of Purgatory (AoE attack only used in Firebird Trance)
- Rekindle (Phoenix-based spell that heals self or target both immediately and over time for 15 seconds)
- Ruby Rite (Fire spell that concentrates fire-aspected aether to create a mini-inferno)
- Topaz Rite (Earth Spell that suddenly creates earthen spikes to impale enemies from below)
- Emerald Rite (Wind spell that compacts and releases powerful gusts of wind to shred the cut at the enemy)
- Ruby Catastrophe (Fire AoE)
- Topaz Catastrophe (Earth AoE)
- Emerald Catastrophe (Wind AoE)
- Crimson Cyclone (Creates a jet flame to propel the user forward and creates a fiery explosion when the user halts)
- Crimson Strike (User creates an explosion around themselves)
- Mountain Buster (summons two large slabs of stone in an attempt to crush enemies between them as they slam into each other)
- Slipstream (uses sharp gusts of wind to create a concentrated windstorm around a target)
- Summon Ifrit (Summons the Primal Ifrit to cast an Inferno upon foes)
- Summon Titan (Summons the Primal Titan to crush foes with Earthen Fury)
- Summon Garuda (Summons the Primal Garuda to screech into the sky and smite enemies with an Aerial Blast)
Egi/Carbuncle commands:
-Radiant Aegis
-Searing Light
- Broil IV (a powerful single-target attack spell)
- Art of War II (Magic AoE around the user)
- Physick (the basic Scholar healing spell)
- Summon Eos/Selene (summons a Faerie)
- Resurrection (despite the name, it only slightly heals and wakes up those that have lost consciousness in the midst of battle)
- Biolysis (uses Arcanima to infect a target with a magical poison that lasts for 30 seconds)
- Ruin II (a simple, fast, but weak single-target attack spell that's only used when there's no time to cast more powerful spells)
- Aetherflow (uses lessons made from observing the Faeries to restore aether)
- Lustrate (A powerful healing spell)
- Sacred Soil (creates a large barrier in a spot. It lasts for 15 seconds)
- Indomitability (wide AoE healing spell)
- Excogitation (a healing spell that comes into effect if the target suffers a concerning amount of injury)
- Deployment Tactics (Spreads the power of one personal barrier to others with a certain range)
- Emergency Tactics (Converts a barrier into healing magic)
- Recitation (enhances a magic barrier)
- Expedient (very briefly enhances the physical functions of the user and nearby allies to become more durable against incoming attacks, and fast enough to avoid attacks to begin with.)
Faerie Commands:
- Fey Blessing
- Fey Union
- Fey Illumination
- Whispering Dawn
-Consolation (as a Seraph)
Dark Knight Skills:
- Unleash (Uses inner darkness to create spikes around the user to impale enemies from below)
- Stalwart Soul (uses inner darkness to create downward waves of energy to blast enemies from above)
- Unmend (uses inner darkness to create a ranged energy projectile)
- Flood of Shadow (darkness surrounds the Greatsword before shooting out from it and fading away, harming those in its path)
- Edge of Shadow (darkness envelops the Greatsword in order to deliver a mighty cleave)
- Bloodspiller (Uses inner darkness mixed with blood in order to creating a devastating swing)
- Quietus (uses inner darkness to mix into blood, reating small explosions where the greatsword is swung.)
- Abyssal Drain (Launches an explosive ball of dark magic that harms enemies and heals the user)
- Shadow Wall (Creates a potent darkness barrier around the user)
- Dark Mind (Uses inner darkness to protect the user from magic and supernatural attacks)
- Dark Missionary (creates a small darkness shield around several people around the user)
- Oblation (creates a small darkness shield around target)
- The Blackest Night (Uses the user's aether to create a barrier. Should it be broken, the energy absorbed by the shield becomes fuel for Flood or Edge of Shadow)
- Living Shadow (Forces inner darkness out, and creates a simulacrum so that it may temporarily fight alongside the user.)
- Living Dead (Last resort. A self-inflicted curse that turns the would-be corpse into an unkillable revenant for a small while. User must be immediately attended to by healers in order to return to normal)
- Salted Earth (corrupts a small patch of land and makes it hazardous to enemies.)
- Salt and Darkness (creates a pulse with the corrupted area that immediately harms those within it.)
- Shadowbringer (releases the wrath of the user's inner darkness, having it take the form of large blast of dark energy)
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Name: Jeremy Welles

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Fallout, West Coast - 2281

Appearance: A mixture of Irish and Spanish, with slightly unkept hair and a heavy stubble that never seems to go away. Rarely seen outside his New California Republic-issued Ranger outfit. Skin is suitably pale, though with just a touch of light brown.

Personality/History: Welles is a man of the people, but remains a person. Serving in the Ranger Corps for twelve years, Welles was a remarkably young ranger when he joined, proving himself on the frontlines of battle as he saved as many wounded brothers and sisters as he killed enemy raiders. By the end of the battle of Ensenada, Welles had six bullets stuck in his body, and saved eighteen troopers.
Even after being offered a cushy station back home, training new Ranger recruits, the then-24 year old Ranger did not back down. Finished with his mandatory rest period, he demanded to be sent back to Baja, leading the charge.
By 2281, Welles had been restationed in Nevada for quite some time, having been there since 2275. Though he could tell the sentiment of the Mojave campaign had started well enough, morale was at all time low, from the military and civilian sectors alike. Welles went out of his way to befriend and help as many soldiers as he could, as well as the common populace. He became known as 'the mediator,' the person who placated the locations and kept his more hawkish war-buddies in line. The Mojave Campaign was as messy as a war could get - internal strife, the encroaching armies of Caesar, hatred from the locals. It all got to people's heads. Welles made it a mission of his to remain strong, for those around him.

He did small tasks for the locals and soldiery alike, he righted wrongs both martial and moral, traveled the path to Vegas and back with pistol and branch of olives. He consorted with caravanners, protected a few from Legion and Fiend harassers, had a fling with one. He found out his brothers were killing civilians on purpose, and gave them what they deserved. The Mojave Campaign was as messy as a war could get. What good was this desert, this foreign land, if nothing but pain and misery sprouted from it?

Powers: N/A.

Gunslinging: A
Hand-To-Hand Fighting: B+
Equipment Repair: B+
Survival Skills: B
Medical Skills: C
Card Games: C
Cooking: D

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
Double-Barrel Shotgun (Sawed Off)
.44 Magnum Revolver
Combat Knife
10mm Pistol

NCR Ranger Elite Riot/Combat Armor

Strengths: (You Mean Perks?)
Nerves of Steel
Terrifying Presence, at times
High Charisma

Weakness/ Fears:
Endurance Reduced (By bodily wear and tear)
Afraid of Being Captured
Hatred and fear of Legion-adjacent imagery (god help anyone who offers to take him to Rome)
Credit to StarfallHybrid on Twitter and FA.

Name: Ed Dellar

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Species: Homo Sapiens Gigantus/Ogryn

Origin Universe and World: Warhammer 40k

Appearance: Ed stands at average Ogryn height, that being about 9-10 feet in height and weighing at about a ton, pushing 1.2. He features tanned skin that is adorned in scars from shrapnel, lasgun damage and scratches from Xenos. With a light beard that is poorly managed only by his large knife. In terms of hair on his head, he keeps it shaved down to a buzz cut since according to him. "I's get the itchy head if my hair gets long. Plus I can't wear my helmet during the rides." His eyes are a crisp greenish color.

One final physical detail of note is the surgical scars on his head from the B.O.N.E implant.

Clothing wise, Ed wears extremely large overalls or extremely large version of a standard Guardsman uniform including a chest piece. Fingerless gloves with his right hand having knuckles built in for 'smackin' the bad ones.' His left has an armored gauntlet built around it up to the elbow so Ed can cover his face quickly if need be. He also wears flash-resistant goggles.

Personality: [+] Being raised by his simple farmer adoptive mother, Ed has a very simple sense of right and wrong. 'If you hurt good people, I'll smash ya.' Following him well into his service in the Astra Militarum as he was quickly assigned to bodyguard detail for a Commissar before he was made into a "Bone'ead." Where he would attack any foe that was attacking civilians, be it Chaos, Xenos or just plain bad folk, regardless if he was given the order. He treats his allies as little siblings to the point he'll face down a Tyranid Carnfax if it meant saving them, that's how fiercely loyal he is with the only other person he'd lay his life down for would be the one and only Emperor.

[=] Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, his low intelligence leads to a near innocence that children would have in regards to situations. Where someone would question their morals and beliefs, Ed would get confused at what a Slaaneshi Daemon would offer or why the big red shouty man is wanting blood or why someone would want to be absolutely filthy all the time. To him, there is no deep existential dread. Just rations, shootin' and killin' the bad guys.

[-] As mentioned, his low intelligence has some pros but the cons are more varied from slightly to majorly detrimental, even with the B.O.N.E implants boosting his already low intelligence, Ed struggles to do more than being able to count past three and remembering that his name isn't simply 'Ed.' He can relay the basic orders to the more near-feral Ogryns but can't quite understand anything more than that if it gets real complicated. This can also lead to him misreading a situation, or jokes on his behalf or overly complicated plans or puzzles which leads to a growing frustration. This frustration can then lead to his famous bouts of rage wherein things can get destroyed or Ed putting the hurt on someone if they're the cause of the annoyance unless someone manages to distract him.

History/Bio: Born on a gravity dense planet to Ogryn parents, Ed would originally grow up with his fellow tribesman until the eventual day he would be sent off to the frontlines of one of the many wars being fought by the Imperium, had his home not been attacked and ruined by the Tyranids, the large infant that was Ed got put into one of the few evacuation ships while the rest of the PDF and his older tribesman stayed behind to hopefully fight off the Xenos. Unfortunately, they would fail and the planet would later be Exterminatus by the incoming reinforcements when they found nothing but Tyranids on the surface, the defenders' biomass being taken and consumed.

And since children weren't exactly yet useful as Ogryns, whom couldn't be sent off to a Hive or Manufactorum to reach places other workers couldn't, he and the others would be dumped on an Agri-World to be raised by Farmers who were willing to raise soon-to-be giants in return for better farming equipment. Ed being adopted by a kindly farmer woman and raised as one of her own alongside her many children. He simply thought she was his mother and that was fact, nothing else could be true.

Toiling away on her farm, doing the heavy lifting, living the simple life until he was old enough and big enough to be useful by the Astra Militarum. So naturally he was picked up and sent off to learn the finer details of fighting for the Imperium. At least the finer details for Ogryns. Which involved a lot of saluting and praying for the Emperor, how to shoot the guns and to follow every order given because it was direct from the Emperor. That fact alone made Ed happy to serve no matter what he did. From peeling potatoes, to helping the other Ogryns that were more stupid than normal to eventually being on the frontlines during a lousy Eldar attack. Ed proving to be just as vicious as the rest of his kind by killing as many Eldar as he could before the Xenos suddenly pulled out of the fight for reasons he would never understand.

For doing his duty by 'Smashing the small Xenos' he was given a shiny medal sticker. A feat that Ed was beyond happy with, wearing it with pride as it stuck to his chest piece. Later upset when it stopped sticking to his armor but he simply kept it in his pocket.

A decade later and many battles later, Ed would have become a 'Bone'ead' after his slightly better intelligence allowed him to somewhat lead his fellow Ogryn to push back a Genestealer cult. Granted he had put on several belts and suspenders because 'I don't want my pants to be taken.' After getting the B.O.N.E implant, Ed became an effective leader of his fellow Ogryns, relaying his simple orders to even simpler orders to them and leading them through thick and thin until they were sent to an Agri-World to fight off a Tyranid incursion after it was reported a Genestealer Cult had formed, not knowing that the incursion had turned into a full on invasion during Warp travel.

The planet would be found to have been Ed's home.

And while they fought valiantly when they arrived, the slaughter before they got there would unfortunately mean that his adoptive family were amongst those slain. The fact was not told to Ed, instead he was told. 'They went to the Emperor.' Which he took as 'Oh they went to the Emprah's house.'

Countless lives were lost to save the planet and just barely. For if it wasn't for a chapter of passing Chapter of Ultramarines and Space Wolves, they would've lost the key battle to break the line that the Tyranids fought tooth and talon to maintain, leading to a route that eventually led to the Tyranids being pushed back until the incursion was eradicated and the Xenos was forced to retreat.

After being tested for 'Xenos contamination.' Whatever that meant, Ed was sent back to his company which was barely a handful of soldiers after the Ordos Xenos had picked through the survivors. After this, it gets hazy what happened. One minute Ed was in his Ogryn Barracks, alone and the next. He was gone, the rest of his company assuming he had either been cleansed or had been taken by the Inquisition for Bodyguard detail.

Powers: Ogryn Physique - As is with all Ogryns, Ed can shrug off wounds that'd kill a normal human within reason. He can survive longer with a cut off limb than a regular human, but like a human if he has his heart ripped out or if he's decapitated, then he'll drop dead. But getting back on point, this does mean small-arms fire doesn't faze him unless it is used en masse and in larger calibers or with lasgun based weaponry, it can mean weaker lasguns won't leave anything save for burns.

Being an Ogryn also comes with near superhuman strength, for he can easily crush a man's skull with his bare hands or use weaponry that would be better left mounted on vehicles.


Peeling Potatos - S

Guns - C

Melee Combat - A

Leadership - C

Cooking - D

Fighting - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber - Imagine if two .50 Cal guns were strapped together. That's what you get, combined with a slow fire rate, the gun is actually rather accurate compared to other Stubbers. Which isn't much but it does mean that Ed can hit targets that are a decent distance away after he spews enough lead at them.

Orox MK.II Battle Maul and Slab Shield - A hefty thick shield that can absorb ungodly amounts of damage from lasgun fire, and most ballistic rounds short of a higher caliber weapons found on a tank or plasma-guns, paired with a Battle Maul that can easily break bone or crush any unfortunate Heretic that comes within range to be hit. A deadly combo in an Ogryn's hands.

Strengths: A devastating weapon useful in crowd control or drawing attention, especially if not dealt with immediately, Ed can ravage an enemy force with his Stubber and his own physical strength, tearing through the lines.

Weakness/ Fears (same as above): While a big and imposing hulk, Ed is just that. Big and imposing who while can be a force to be reckoned with, he can't exactly hide behind cover and is an easy target when combined with his slow speed and inability to get inside places not designed for folks his size. And due to his intelligence, he is not suited for much else than being the muscle. Meaning enemies that use blitz attacks or are faster than him can overwhelm Ed, especially if they're far more smarter.

And he also has an intense fear of small, cramped spaces and the dark to the point he needs a nite-lite to sleep and needs to be coaxed into getting into a ship if it's too small.
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Name: Shikshi

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Falis Chimera

World and Universe they are from: Mikirith

Appearance: A dark skinned cat woman standing at 167 centimeters tall. She has long black hair, the same color as her furry ears. She has a slim build that manages to be rather curvy. She also has a cat tail, which is actually prehensile. Shikshi wears a black suit under her armor that allows for plenty of freedom of movement, even if it is more revealing than she would like.


Personality: Shikshi started as a slime with next to no thoughts other than eating. That changed when she came across the Shadow and the Cuiron Beastkin fighting. As they were struggling for control, she consumed them both. She was not prepared for that. The rage of the battle clouded her mind as both powers turned her into a beast of uncontrollable rage. When she merged with Alexandrius, that changed. For the first time since she was born, she could think clearly. And her mind could only think of one thing. Being eternally grateful to the one who allowed her to be free. Her favorite thing to do is look for ways to make his life easier. As for others, while a bit harsh at first, she can warm up to them, especially if her king endorses it.

History/Bio: During one of King Alexandrius' travels (Time before becoming king), he came across a Beastkin. There was something evidently wrong with her though, as her eyes were filled with rage and her motions were shaky and feral. Upon analysis, he realized this Beastkin was being possessed by a Shadow. He approached her, to try and reason with both entities. His surprise was otherworldly when the feral beastkind greeted him as a fellow Devourer.

She wanted no peace, however. And started attacking Alexandrius. Seeing the sheer rage on the creature's face, he realized he had no choice. While she had potential, she was no match for him. Knowing there would be no other chance like this, Alexandrius offered her to join him. Even while wounded and with no way out, she refused, she'd rather die.

Not wanting the only other of his subspecies he'd ever see to die, Alexandrius offered an alternative deal. They'd both try absorbing each other, and whoever stayed on top could do as they wished. The fellow slime hesitantly accepted. When they merged, they saw each other's hearts. Alexandrius saw a scared soul, overtaken by the evil of the Shadow who had corrupted the beastkin. The other slime saw Alexandrius' journey so far, and was moved. In here, it was protected from the influence of the Shadow.

After a few moments, the scared slime admitted defeat. But instead of fading, Alexandrius offered something else. Right now, it was too late for them to fully separate, but she could live, she just had to stick by his side. Shocked and in awe by the act of mercy, the slime swore loyalty to Alexandrius then and there.

Not long after, both were used to their conjoined life. Not having a name herself, and unable to return to her slime form. She was now a Falis Chimera, which Alexandrius named Shikshi.

Eventually, however, they did figure a way out to separate from each other. That said, their relationship didn't change one bit.


Alexandrius' Shadow: Shikshi is forever conjoined to Alexandrius. While that made her lose her slime abilities, they were replaced with some more fitting of the body she was given. She shares the enhanced senses and immunities of her former host. And while not as durable, her regeneration picks up the slack. Finally, while her prana pool is not as impressive as her host's, it's nothing to scoff at.

Queen of Shadows: Manipulating shadows, melding into them, using them as tools, all is child's play for Shikshi

Apex Predator: Shikshi's beastkind body is very strong, agile and perceptive. Her eyes are particularly good at surveying and watching from a distance.

Inherited Skills: Due to her separation from Alexandrius, Shikshi can learn skills with more ease than the average. Though it's still somewhat difficult

Magic: Shikshi's repertoire of most used/strongest spells by nature:

-Quicksand pool (4)
-Rock Spike Blast (5)

-Whirlwind Spring (2)
-Grand Gust (5)

Darkness (Enhanced by Queen of Darkness):
-Royal Shadow Vessel (4(6))
-Royal Iron Maiden (7(9))

-Angelic Melody (4)
-Grand Calm Mind (5)

-Antidote (2)
-Grand Heal (4)

Outer Channeling:
-Truth Seeker (5)
-Endless Maze of Mirrors (10)

Power limitations:

Alexandrius' Shadow: While merging with her host allowed her to keep a body and survive, she lost her strongest ability as a Devourer Slime, and is dependent on him to evolve using that method.

Queen of Shadows: The most glaring weakness of this skill is light. The more light, the weaker the effects of this skill.

Apex Predator: At the very bottom, and as the name implies, she is a beast. And might sometimes not resist her instincts.

Inherited Skills: For the the most part they are weakened and she needs to train them to get their full usability.

Magic: Unlike her master, her repertoire is a quite a bit emptier. Which leaves room for disadvantages in a magic battle. And like her master, she refuses to learn Death magic


Reading - B
Stealth - SS
Assassination - S
Dialogue - D
Swordsmanship - C
Magic - A
Unarmed combat - SS
Acrobatics - S
Espionage - A

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
- Armor of White Shadows: Robes threaded with Light magic crystals and durable metals, enchanted with Darkness magic. The result is the user can enjoy a great deal of defense while being protected from Light magic, as well as strengthening their Darkness magic. It also has extra weight on the gloves and boots, as per the user's request.

Strengths: Loyal, Determined

Weakness/ Fears: Instincts could betray her, losing her king

Other: Second take is better take... I hope
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Name: Kasumi Uchiha

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Naruto

Appearance: Kasumi is a tall woman of fit complexion. Being 172 centimeters tall and weighing 67 kilograms. She has long straight hair that flows outwards nearing the tips. And having Uchiha blood means that her eyes are a deep black, until their kekkei genkai, the Sharingan, is active. Adding three tomoe to her now red eyes. Furthermore, her (admittedly stolen) Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan Turn the three tomoe into a figure that resembles a six petal flower. She wears a very traditional shinobi outfit outside the very basic one that the villages provide, that despite her paranoia, bears the Uchiha logo on her back.

Personality: Kasumi is a relentless and bloodthirsty shinobi, killing anything or anyone that gets in her way to amass more power. She's extremely apathetic and cold, the only thing that you can see in her eyes is the void calling you, only to be promptly sent to it by daring to stare an Uchiha in the eyes. This was not always the case. She once fell in love. She once bore the fruit of that love. She once nurtured that fruit to be as strong as it could be. And it was then that she discovered the actions of Itachi Uchiha. This led to paranoia, anger, and pain. She was never the same.

Sukumi and Tanto Uchiha were both jonin from the Leaf Village by the time the Third Shinobi World War rolled around. They, and their child Kasumi (a 10 year old chuunin by the time war started), fought for two years in this war. Both parents came to the conclusion this was going to end in tragedy if it continued for long. Sadly they weren't too far off. Kasumi's team was wiped out in an opposition's ambush attack. Sukuni and Tanto caught wind of this while on a mission by themselves. They arrived at the scene, just in the nick of time. Their daughter was badly wounded, and the only alive person of her team remaining. It was then that the two concerned parents decided to defect from their village. They murdered the enemies, while also staging their deaths and leaving just enough evidence for them to be considered dead by their former home.

Hiding their few remaining connections to their home village, use of the sharingan in public included, the three roamed the land, away from the war. Guising as regular, though skilled mercenaries, they joined Raitonbo, a mercenary band that housed skilled fighters from all lands. Continuing her childhood in such a place, Kasumi's heart grew cold and determined to be stronger. Her only crack in that shell was Sarudoi, a shinobi from the Cloud Village who also defected mid war, though he did on his own rather than accompanied. Several years after joining Raitonbo, Kasumi and Sarudoi conceived Tokui.

Already aware of the deeds of Itachi Uchiha, the three Uchihas were quite strict and careful with Tokui's upbringing. He was always wearing a visor or mask when around others, which their parents and grandparents also used under the pretense of "clan tradition". He was on a team of Raitonbo since quite early on his childhood, where he witnessed death and chaos galore, all in the name of the best buyer. Naturally, this made his Sharingan evolve fast. Kasumi, whom by this point started going excessively paranoid, became mad in a search for power.

One day, being alone with his parents, witnessed how Kasumi lethally injured Sarudoi. She escaped and Sarudoi was left to die in his son's arms. Tokui was devastated, enough so for his eyes to evolve into a Mangekyo Sharingan. While his mother left with Tanto. Kasumi caught wind that Tokui and his grandmother informed Raitonbo they would personally take care of the mess their family caused to them, oathing to kill their mother and husband respectively. It took them several months, in which Sukumi trained Tokui further, though he kept the use of his Mangekyo Sharingan to a minimum, quickly aware of its cost. Once the four found each other, a few words were exchanged. Tokui hoped, deep down, that this was just a mistake they both regretted, but no. Both Tanto and Kasumi were quick to disregard their family and showing their murderous intent. Finding themselves with nothing else to say, a bloody battle ensued. By the end of it, Tokui and Sukumi stayed true to their oath. Sukumi was far superior to her husband, and while Tokui had doubt in his heart, the memories of his mother's actions and her current words, managed to barely come through victorious.


Chakra: Kasumi is a shinobi of good genes, with a large chakra pool, and a knack for utilizing it properly and rationally, as well as mastery in all its basic applications. Further enforced through strict training.

Physiology: Her physical capabilities, even without chakra enhancing, are on par with a jonin's. Far from what an average human could achieve in any field.

Nature Transformation: Kasumi is a master of one type of transformation. Fire release. She is also somewhat skilled at Earth release. Where Kasumi truly shined though, were genjutsus, not even including the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan ones her eyes can do.

(Stolen) Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan: As the owner of such eyes, Kasumi is bestowed, other than with powerful genjutsu and outstanding processing/analyzing capabilities, with an unique set of abilities:
-Susanoo: A translucent, large avatar that forms around Kasumi, consisting of a skeletal structure from the spine upwards, with some plates and a mask reminiscent of armor. It emanates an orange and blue aura, particularly present in the eyes. It is in its earliest stage.
-Benzaiten: Kazumi's left eye's ability is an unique genjutsu. When active, Kasumi's words have a commanding effect on the target, the simpler the order, the bigger the chance to succeed in being performed by the target. "Trip over yourself" or "Forget you saw my eyes" are examples of simple orders Kasumi has practiced and can achieve success with most of the time. "Stab yourself with that kunai on the neck" or "Tell me what you know about…" are more complex and might require multiple uses of Benzaiten to be successful.
-Bishamonten: Kasumi's right eye is an unique ninjutsu. He can charge chakra into his eye and manifest it as a powerful beam of energy that can be guided with said eye and can be ended in an explosion if desired. It can be fired from a point in Kasumi's sight, or right from the eye for more power. With the direct eye version capable of leveling buildings.

Power limitations:

Chakra and physiology: Although large, Kasumi's chakra pool is far from infinite. Same goes for his body's capabilities in general. Although great, it's far from what other Uchiha have achieved.

Nature Transformation: Other than in the one nature she exceeds at, he has limited knowledge on the others. She has no control at all over other natures. Outside genjutsus, which are pretty simple to do for her

(Stolen) Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan: Although the techniques bestowed upon him by these eyes are powerful, they are quite chakra consuming and painful to use. And while getting his mother's eyes transplanted onto him eased the strain of the use of these abilities substantially, they are not chakra free, in terms of use. And since they weren't properly extracted from her son. They are extremely difficult, painful, and chakra consuming to use. If she happens to lose functionality on them, they will be restored in Tokui, and viceversa

Ninjutsu - B
Taijutsu - S
Genjutsu - SS
Strategy - A
Hand Seals - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
An assortment of ninja tools. Most notably, a straight sword.

Strengths: Focused, Determined

Weakness/ Fears: Arrogant, Other Uchiha
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Name: Peter van Aller
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Human
Origin Universe and World: The Dark City (original universe)
Appearance: Peter is a tall and well built man with short, close-cropped brown hair. He is white, mostly synthetic skin, and has a great number of nearly invisible surgical scars running the gamut of his body due to the reconstructive process used after a grievous injury, Under his skin, Peter is largely machine. Advanced cybernetics run through a significant portion of the man's body, making him heavier than what his appearance would imply. Additionally, his eyes glow a pale red due to the machinery.

Personality: Even before his reconstruction into a cyborg, he could best be described as a machine. Indoctrinated since his youth to serve the City and its ruling Council, he is fearless, determined, and extremely loyal. He is also stubborn, unyielding, and unbending in his ideological belief in order. His personal opinions, even if they were to be in opposition of his superior's, do not matter. What matters is that he maintains the rule of law and follows his orders. Outside of a professional setting, he is often polite and friendly, though somewhat distant, and very willing to help others when approached. In his limited free time, he enjoys painting.

Extreme lawful neutral.

History/Bio: Peter is the third son of the minor noble house of van Aller, a vassal to the greater House Barca. The van Allers are a venerable and ancient line of distinguished mage-knights, with history dating back to the war against the dragon and their siege of the great city Aveilorn. Peter continues this lineage of service, having been taught and trained to best execute the will of the City Council. Though he was deemed unfit for the house's signature school of leximancy, as it requires a certain force of personality that he lacks, he was an excellent fit for anti-magic operations. Therefore, his training in the magical arts focused in that area.

Continuing in the path laid out for him, he joined the City-State Combined Guard, a psuedo-military force that responds to threats the police are not equipped to handle. Vampire gangs, cult activity, extradimensional incursions, and more all fall under their purview. Peter specifically joined a unit known as the "Spell Eaters", specializing in the handling of rogue spellcasters and magical creatures. During his service in the Guard, the unit gained renown for their exemplary service during the Unseelie Uprising.

Most recently, the unit interrupted a gathering of cultists disguised as a charitable event, led by the up and coming entrepreneur William Aghast. During the mission, the cultists successfully summoned extradimensional beings and caused the guardsman grievous injury as he repelled them. Reconstructive surgery was implemented after the mission, resulting in the current cyborg.

Countermagic Specialty: Having received specialized training from a young age, Peter is an expert in the field of disrupting, dispelling, and disabling magical effects at any point prior, during, or after casting. He focuses on efficient and fast answers, owing to his rather average reserves of magical energy and the necessities of his occupation. Outside of his specialization of countermagic, he is largely left with minor effects such as small lights or gusts of wind.
  • Counterspell is a highly effective general counter to spells, being able to stop mages in their tracks as their magic is stifled as they cast.
  • Spell Pierce is a lightweight version of the general counterspell, attempting to drain and disrupt the flow of magical energy to a spell, preventing its completion.
  • Force of Negation is a difficult and draining counterspell that comes out nearly instantaneously. Usually left for emergency purposes.
  • The Hexproof Shroud is a single target effect that lingers, preventing direct usage of magic on that target as it hides them from the arcane.
  • A Counterbalance Array is a complicated magical system that automatically seeks to disrupt spells being cast as long as it is maintained. Most effective against a barrage of lesser spells.
  • Disenchant is an all-purpose ender of persistent magical effects, the counterpart to Counterspell.
  • Silence can create a zone where no sound escapes or cause a target to make no sound. For mages that rely on incantations, a death sentence.
  • Antimagic Field: One of the most taxing spells in Peter's arsenal. Creates a bubble with 20ft radius in which spells cannot be cast, magical effects cannot enter, and persistent effects are suppressed. Lasts a minute per casting.
  • Mage's Disjunction: The other taxing spell available to Peter. Destroys all magical items and effects in a large area, though the most powerful effects can resist it.
Cybernetic Augmentation: Due to the extensive cyberware built into his body, Peter has greatly enhanced strength, speed, durability, and stamina. Additionally, it provides a number of useful features, including enhanced vision, an in-built sensor suite, pain dampening, accelerated mental processing, auto-awakening systems, and an internal database. These augmentations do come at the cost of maintenance and repair, which can necessitate significant downtime.

Spellcasting: A
Tactics: B
Ranged Combat: B
Melee Combat: B
Piloting: C
Repair: C
Leadership: D

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
MAR-15 Variable Assault Rifle: assault weapon designed with great modularity.
Kreuger-Locke M14: high caliber sidearm
Multi-Threat Guard Suit: sturdy, full-body combat armor
Spelled Ammunition: magical ammunition stored in a sealed container, hardened against disenchantment and disjunction effects, necessitating electronic and magical procedures to unlock. These explosive rounds are blessed with the power of the Sun.
Combat Knife
Grenades (Flashbang, Fragmentation, and Smoke)

Strengths: Absolutely shuts down spellcasters and those relying on magical effects, preventing what is often their most important abilities from ever being cast or negating them afterwards. Outside of that, he is a strong martial combatant with effective equipment.

Weakness/Fears: His primary strength is ineffective against foes not relying on magical abilities. Follows all orders with exacting precision. Not subtle or sociable.
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Artyom by lulzyrobot.png

Name: Artyom Kar

Age: 25

Gender (Can be genderless too): Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Warhammer 40k

Standing at 5'8 and weighing in at a 155 Ibs. Artyom has the physique of a swimmer and pale skin from the water planet he grew up on. His hair being a black short fade that be mostly standard with some Guard Regiments, and has odd purple eyes. His face is kinda squarish in structure with a large burn scar on the right side of his face.

Clothing wise, he wears his Flak armor underneath his tanker jacket of the Regiment he was apart of, "Cadian 87th". Standard issue boots and pants befitting a Guardsman, he tends to also wear gloves due to the conditions inside of a tank can lead to fires or hot metal. He also wears goggles and a face covering so he can avoid breathing in smoke if the tank suffers damages, with the goggles serving the same purpose for protecting his eyes during a repair job when he's wielding. During combat when he's on the pintle stubber or even bolter, he will wear an armored face mask that covers his face and eyes along with a helmet.

[+] Being trained in the Guard instilled in Artyom the sense of being Professional no matter what. Learn the codes and designations of enemy combatants and specialist units, what code meant that they had lost control of the tank, if the ammo was out, if they needed repairs or fire support. It also means he'll follow through with any order given to him. Gunner is dead? He'll take his place if ordered. Someone needs to go outside of the tank to unjam the tracks during a Tyranid attack? He'll jump out there with a wrench and a crowbar to do his duty or die trying.

And having spent enough time as part of a tank crew in a military where casualty rate is high and crew members constantly replaced has made sure his people skills are more than capable as he can immediately work with new folks as a well-oiled machine. It also means he can figure out his place in a group or how well someone can work in the dynamic so everything flows smoothly.

And naturally, being a tanker in the Guard on the frontlines has made him brave in the face of danger. He has to be in order to be an effective part of the Emperor's Hammer. It may take him a second or two to gather it up when faced with a Tyranid Carnfax or with an Ork Berserker, or a Tau Fire Warrior or even an Eldar Banshee.

[=] Being a Guardsman has made Artyom a tad jaded. He's seen all manner of horrors and awful things, so when he sees a child weeping over their dead parents, he'll feel pity at most. Or if a fellow crew member dies right next to him, he'll grab their tags and push them aside. Give them a burial later on and a drink to their name but nothing much else. Those thoughts get packed away.

And being raised in the Imperium and experiencing enough allies going traitor, as well as dealing with ambushes inside of a tank has given him a healthy dose of paranoia. That bush near the tank needs a frag grenade tossed into it for safe measure, that suspicious shadow around the corner needs a prefire. His teammate taking too long on the radio needs to be watched. So he's pretty good at sussing out liars and if there's something fishy.

[-] Being part of a Tanker Crew and sometimes a Guardsman Crew, Artyom has no patience for wildcards. Folks who do not follow protocol or those that break off into their own. This can mean he'll more than likely yell at them or if it's bad, he'll gladly get into a fight with someone.

And since he follows a protocol to the letter, he can end up becoming predictable, which can lead to foes being able to accurately guess what he'll do next or what his next course of action is going to be.

Born on Pearl Moon after his parents had been transferred from Cadia amidst a leave so they could give relatives a visit during his mother's pregnancy. Unexpectantly, she went into labour and out came Artyom. His parents would go back to Cadia amidst a particularly bad warp storm and not wanting their child to potentially get affected by the Warp travel. In the meantime, Artyom spent his days growing up on one of the many fishing rigs that adorn the water planet, raised to fish and maintain the machines that help with said fishing and exporting said goods before the Tithe would claim him. When the second he was old enough, he was sent off to a bootcamp on Cadia and trained as a Guardsman. A place where he excelled in duties regarding tank operation, which led to him being thrown into the Heavy Armored Division of the Regiment he was assigned to, where he would begin his career at being a tanker.

His first assignment indirectly saving him as Cadia would be destroyed a month after his ship that he was assigned to being caught in a bad Warp Jump and the ship would take two years to come back into realspace.

At first it was just simple fighting Orkz and sometimes Tau. Before escalating into the far more dangerous Eldar and Tyranids. And then the horrible traitors. His first real fight got him a front row seat of an Ork tossing a young recruit into the waiting maw of a Squig where he was chewed to bloody bits before both were incinerated by a lascannon. He drank heavily after that fight before the next battle. Where he personally mowed down twenty of the awful fungus menace.

After the short war, Artyom and his fellows were sent off to reinforce the Krieg, where Artyom watched as thousands threw themselves to hold the line against Necrons. This is also where he got more skilled at using the tank's cannon to provide artillery support after his entire crew was reduced to a soupy green ash mixture from a nasty Necron attack. He would later be pulled into a Kriegsman tank where it was only thanks to the Emperor's Divine Intervention that the tank didn't explode when the Kriegsman Driver charged into a bunch of Necrons when the cannon malfunctioned after it was reduced to a slab of melted metal.

After that and being bounced back into a proper crew in his regiment, they were sent off elsewhere to help an Agri-World fight off a Tyranid incursion, where he got to deal with the pain in the ass that was that particular Xenos. Barely able to fight back the threat, and only suffering the usual high numbers of dead before Artyom and co were sent off to fight the Tau. Where Artyom had to stab one poor Tau soldier thirty times until he stopped moving or kick another one in the head when one somehow got inside the tank until he heard a snap of the neck from kicking so much. Which is when the Eldar came in and decided to make the two party battle into a three party one, and where Artyom barely dodged having his head cut in two. Only something blew up in the tank and he was sent flying and being knocked out from the landing.

Waking up amidst a slaughter of Guardsman, Artyom would go to assist his fellows by shooting a Banshee in the back and splattering a recruit in gore before reinforcements pushed the Eldar back enough for them to rejoin the rest of the Guard, wherein Artyom was informed of his tank crew's death and the fact he was sporting a concussion, a nasty burn up the right side of his face and a bleed inside his skull. And since he would no doubt die and be useless, he was sent off to a medical ship transporting the dying back up to an orbiting ship to hopefully get them back in the fight.

Unfortunately they would be forced to retreat as more Tau showed up to reinforce their forces on the ground while the Guard's Astartes reinforcements were delayed by the Warp. Shamed, Artyom joined the others in drinking away the shame before they were deployed to fight a particular threat that involved Guardsmen that had forsaken the Emperor. Chanting blood for the blood god and skulls for some throne, poor Artyom watched as a literal wave of chainswords and axes descended upon the line and tank crews were slaughtered inside of their now metal coffins.

A fight that nearly left Artyom a ruined ball of flesh. A fight that got Artyom locked up and on his way to Inquisitor Grendyl's little warband to either prove he hadn't broken from the Emperor or die to prevent the enemies of the Imperium from getting more of a foothold on Tertium. But thankfully Artyom vanished in a flash of light and was never seen again. Listed as a casualty due to Warp shenanigans.

Powers: N/A

Power limitations: N/A

Guns: B

Tank Operation - B

First Aid - C

Close Quarters Combat - A

Explosives - S

Spotting - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.):
Kantrael MG XII Infantry Lasgun - Heavy hitting but slow in rate of fire, the lasgun model that Artyom carries will punch with the force of a .308 round and can punch through some armor provided that said armor isn't reinforced or significantly thicker. The lasgun magazines can be easily recharged through multi-mag chargers or through a sufficient adapter for a charge. Or in an emergency, put near a fire or left out in the sun to get a mag back. Holds up to 97 in a mag and since he has eight magazines, meaning he has 776 total charges. Each shot takes up three out of a shot.

Flak Armor - Can take a decent beating from some sources such as light kinetic weapons or lasgun fire and even some shrapnel from explosions, but is basically paper when faced with stronger forces or weapons.

Specialized Frag Grenades - Modified by the Tech Priests on the ships, Artyom's frag grenades launch shrapnel that induces heavy bleeding in the targets on top of shredding them with the fragmentation and grenade explosion.

Combat Knife - Literally a big ass knife.

Strengths: Artyom does well in a squad, acting as firing support or in the event he's in a tank, can easily provide dependable artillery attacks.

Weakness/ Fears:
He does sport a fear of the unknown and the alien, bizarre sights he isn't too used to will cause him to ponder what the protocol is for the situation, for which if there are none then he'll be forced to break out of his comfort and risk making mistakes.

And since he's only one Guardsman, if he's at all isolated and not given time to fortify a position, he can be easily dealt with as he is no Astartes, no Tech Priest and no Ogryn. He is only a man, one that can be corrupted, one that can be slain with a mere glimpse or wave of the finger. A fact he's well aware of and fears with every passing moment of his life.

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Name: Bunsaw
Age: Not applicable
Gender: Genderless
Sexual Orientation: Reproduces in strong beliefs
Species: Imbued Hairworm (Kar En Tuk)
World and Universe they are from: Everensel, created from hairworm from flynn's universe.

Appearance: A creature that quite looks like a small brown domestic rabbit that's slightly larger than normal at a distance and is about 1.5ft (.5m) tall sitting on his haunches not considering the long ears. Though on close inspection one can see the four eyes and radially segmented rabbit face the fur slightly covers up. When it licks to clean it uses a the tiny pink rabbit tongue but occasionally one sees the chainsaw blade extending from its face in the same way to clean blood from the cobalt blue metal teeth. Its paws are often seen in loose shapes of a hand to use things but its form is otherwise exceptionally stable. Though it is quite heavier than a rabbit for its size and doesn't swim though being immersed seems neither to bother nor wet it much at all. Its only other feature is a segmented back plate with a handle like it had armor and can roll itself into a metal ball if it needs to.

Personality: Bunsaw is a chainsaw in a rabbit's body with a german sheperd's intellect. The hairworm's intellect is limited by its small extradimensional size and can only say small fragments of ideals related to the one that created it or basic concepts. It typically refers to individuals as either 'people-thing', outsiders as 'rip and tear' regardless if they are demonic or angelic, and undead as 'tasty food'. While it will acknowledge it knows the Doom Slayer's name the creature will not speak it and instead use parental honorifics like 'papa slayer or just 'doom slayer'.

History/Bio: In the prison where Flynn nand the doom slayer was once held, she sent her hairworm familiar to go get help to break her out of her imprisonment. While this succeeded as the creature came upon the doom slayer when he was released the creature recognized a psionically powerful ideal and freed by an open-ended request to its own auspices, seeded a new hairworm in proximity to that idea. As it hatched the neophyte swarm took a small piece of the rabbit's foot the slayer carried with them and formed a hairworm descendant of Daisy.

Aethervore - The chainsaw has particularly strong effects when used on non-human outsiders but generally the like of demons, Maykrs, or other angels. The inside of its mouth is a vortex of sharp cobalt blue teeth that can rapidly grind away flesh to charge itself with argent energy though it is usually by eating their remains.
Psionic creature - The creature effectively has a Tongues effect at all times and can speak any language. An extension of this is that Bunsaw knows what Doom Slayer wants or is thinking and is prone to comment about it. It has no organic mass, as such, and its body is composed of millions of microscale subunits of psionic power in blood-steel shells. As such it is resilient to cold, heat, corrosion, low temperature plasma, and open fire. Thus the 'fur' melts rather than ignites. Immersion in an ionic fluid (saltwater, blood) makes it very hard for bunsaw to move but can float its way through. Its body is amorphous so can squeeze through large cracks, under doors, or fit inside a chaingun ammo boxes added to a chaingun with relative ease. The creature's mind is as hard to break as the Doom Slayer's and is impractical if not impossible to compulse or corrupt through means of outsiders.
Ammo-bun - The Aethervore has an uncanny ability to manufacture ammunition the Doom Slayer uses. As well as any other ammunition that it has consumed once. The amount of argent energy required to make a given piece of argent energy varies.
Bunsaw - As it has eaten the doom slayer's chainsaw, it is able to become one. Though it looks extremely bunny themed. The teeth can tear through demonic flesh with an unending hunger. This is the same as eating the demonic parts as blood and gristle is carried along with the teeth and appear sparkling clean on the other side. Bunsaw has a particular aversion to friendly fire, at least for as what few individuals the doom slayer may qualify for such, and teeth can rapidly become tiny bunny tongues if someone gets in the way.
Regeneration - The bunsaw can heal itself with argent energy.

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless):
Aethervore - The creature may be a natural producer of wraith essence but it has limits to the amount of argent energy it can produce at one time depending on how much wraith essence it has. It can still eat but bunsaw will be limited in the things it can produce if bunsaw is tired. This can be abated by giving it primal elemental sources to consume such as gasoline, near-pure alcohol, flares, batteries, gunpowder, or strong acids.
Psionic Creature - The tongues ability does not inherently impart understanding of the ideas conveyed or the intellect to do so. It can still be frozen in place, or made brittle, and unable to move. Stasis effects that constrain the mind also put bunsaw in stasis. It is vulnerable to conducted electricity though not EM pulses directly as their metal shells aren't ferrous. The creature is too dense to fly or to swim if its interior has been flooded but isn't overly so, having about twice the average density as a person. If it can hold its mouth and nose closed the somewhat open interior makes it floating balloon with a meager positive buoyancy. While it cannot be compulseed or corrupted, Bunsaw isn't very smart, and can be convinced to do things it doesn't understand aren't in its interest.
Ammo-Bun - Some types, such as the BFG 9000 ammo(contains argent energy) or C4, is too energy dense for the small bun to fabricate right now. It is unable to vary from the ammo it has eaten so if improvised ammunition is what it was presented with, that is all ammo bun can make. It is unable to make AP ammo from regular ammo if it hasn't had a sample. In general, it is unable to fabricate complex objects with energized electrical parts, such as drones or holo-decoys, but is able to make a grenade.
Bunsaw - It tears through flesh a lot better than it does hard bone armor so the armor has to be cracked first with weapons so the bunsaw has something to split apart. While Bunsaw can drink down a blood or acid pool like this, it is a stupendous filthy mess to attempt such a thing with the resulting tongue saw especially if it is flinging acid.
Regeneration - Most healing spells do not work on the creature unless they are psionic in nature.

Skills (D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Producing Ammo: A
Bun-fu: D (Fluffy little piranha)
Being a Chainsaw: B (well, it's an adorable bunny themed chainsaw)
Intelligence: F (very limited, simple intellect)
Swimming: B (While it has to hold its mouth closed, it swims about as well as a coke bottle with arms and ears can)
Emotional Support Animal: SS (Rage, specifically)

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: Bunsaw is a weapon

Strengths: Produces ammunition, Caregiving creature, Incorruptible, chinchilla fluff

Weakness/ Fears: Electricity, Caustic Bases, Deep Ocean, Psivores

Other: Descendant of daisy and Flynn's hairworm.
Flynn_sketchpage.jpgName: Flynn the Volatile
Age (human equivalent): 62 (biological age 19 due to extended dreaming exposure to a Yellow descendant)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, homoromantic
Species: With the Storm High, Yellow descendant
World and Universe they are from: Plane - Grandfather Teeth a.k.a. The First Machine.

Appearance: A Saurid with a cobalt fan-feathered tail end and a large cobalt crest seen when raised. Stands 5'4" at the top of the head, Flynn is a larger-bodied sapient descendant of Deinonychus antirrhopus. Dense feathers adapted for water are a matte black, as is the inner down layer and her slit-eye sclera. As a blue-blooded subspecies, a cobalt-fleshed maw mixes with black incisors and curved conical teeth common to fish eaters. Toe-claws on each foot with muscled legs and their wings are spirally articulated structures connected to the arm and partly magic in biology.

Personality: Flynn is a mouthy creature prone to insults at people she does not like and gleeful commentary regardless. A direct and action-oriented creature with an indomitable thirst for the unknown. She asks for what she wants and finds the rest; however, extended isolation has left her diplomatic skills lacking. Thus, she often rambles or leaves to headlong at tasks, though she remains attentive to an intelligent study of the world. Only through her mate has she developed an appreciation for subtlety and camaraderie. Flynn's mothering instincts are often pointedly lacking. While otherwise protective of her children even if her awareness of danger is not.

History/Bio: Flynn is a Reacher who is an explorer of the metaphysical realm exposed to their people by dreaming, called Losthome or 'The Place Beyond the World' in archaic texts. These Reachers were the first to manifest there bodily while sleeping at night. Flynn continues their long history of exploring it for resources and developing the talents and magical ability to stabilize objects into natural matter. Proficient to an extreme at this as her clutch mother was the Yellow. This individual, a demigod-like figure associated with an elemental force of their world, haunts their people and seeks to dominate. A descendant of the Yellow garnered her no small amount of fear, but their defensive army embraced her for her power. Sent to the Reachers to train and seek weapons in their dream world. One of the Yellow's lineages along this perilous road protected her from the worst the dreaming had to offer. Once permitted to roam alone, she suffered a curse imposed by her clutch mother. The particular habit and ability of breeding with anything with the right parts and a libido to match. Even the dead, undead, or, more importantly, the various intelligent projections of Losthome. The tampering makes that impulse particularly strong when isolated in Losthome, as her race has an estrus. Flynn doesn't know why the half-whelps are so crucial that her clutch mother cares to turn them into murderous homunculi. After killing and eating her mother twice, as the only one who can survive the Yellow's abilities, Flynn took to her newfound world as an escape until she found a better option.

Blood Mage - Flynn is a ritualistic caster and has a spellbook to this effect. It lists varied and purpose-built spells for a field researcher of her kind and even a few structures. Almost all are rituals or making enchanted objects for later use than immediate spells. As an accomplished Reacher of means, the book is valuable as it contains seeds of a small library.

Flying diver species - Flynn can hold her breath for twenty to thirty minutes, even under moderate activity. Water-resistant oily feathers combined with powder down offer her excellent insulation. The helical carbon-fiber wings can extend and retract to serve as paddles underwater.

Bloodwrit - Flynn does have spells she can use immediately, as casters can inscribe spells upon her. A plinth opened by blood magic provides a surface for other mages to add to her repertoire, and she can then employ them to varying degrees of success. Over time, some very frequent spells and her inner nature made some naturalized. Thaumatlogical Shell, her first, caused the most firey havoc during her whelping days. The second one to forcibly enter into Losthome with others, though she loathes to employ it. The third came with necessity, Tongues, to understand the many creatures. The last was False Husk, shaping her into the body of another creature, which requires a sleeping or willing target.

Hunter's sight - Eyeshine gives her species excellent vision in the dark, given their pitch-black home. One quality of the blue-blooded subspecies of her kind is also a binocular infravision. The iris folds away inside her eye, revealing the rear of the tubular eye, showing the world in thermal contrast.

Power limitations:
Blood Mage - These are not something she can cast off the cuff. Almost all require time, tools, and preparation. Particular grimoires she's paid to have others enchant her book require much time for those seeds to grow.

Flying diver species - She cannot take off on a whim as her wings take time to extend from their compact form fully. Predominantly a glider, Flynn has neither a high top speed nor much maneuverability. If the wind picks up, Flynn may thus end up thrown at the earth or water. Flight feathers take a long time to molt and regenerate should the individual spines break unless she has time to effect some magical healing.

Bloodwrit - Flynn cannot open the plinth for someone to infuse her with a spell and infuse the spell simultaneously; both processes take time. Nor can she teach another a spell that she does not herself know. She requires a second individual to imbue the spell as long as it is not beyond her power, as she cannot contain the spell without draining it away. Any spell a being could commit to memory she can use as her aurea is supremely adaptive. Natural degradation of spells that aren't natural to her depends on how well the caster knows them. Some of her spells are native now, though given any materials they cost her, she has very few to cast frequently. Her fireball requires a drinkable, potable fluid such as fruit juice accessible to her person. Even gravy will do. Certainly the blood of other creatures. It is entirely consumed with the spell and affects the fireball's nature. The second puts her in a coma for 2-4 hours after arriving in Losthome, which is intensely dangerous as it is even more so without an escort for her and her whelps. The Tongues spell requires little more than her to physically lick the target or herself if she has some intellectual understanding of the language. When created by a sleeping or willing creature, a False Husk flows over her body and does not take damage well. Should the false husk take lethal damage, she will be ejected from it bodily. The false husk requires a great deal of food to maintain over time, and she cannot cast verbal spells or the ones she's imbued with given someone else's throat.

Hunter's sight - Flynn cannot move her eyeballs but for a few degrees of yaw from the back of the eye. Her species has relatively poor color eyesight quality due to the reflective layer regardless. She has to move her whole head to see something but has depth perception. Infravision is entirely blocked by substances that block infrared, such as clear plastic, glass, water, or many clouds of dust. Flynn cannot see pigments in the hunter's sight that do not provide thermal contrast. As such, she cannot read her book or anything similar in near-total darkness. The complexity of her eyes means she cannot flip quickly between them, needing a few moments to readjust while she has little functional sight.

Skills (D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Blood Magic - S
Elemental magic (nonfire) - C
Elemental magic (fire) - B
Alteration magic - C
Survival tools (creation/use/improvisation) - B
Ranged weapons (Pistols) - C
Ranged weapons (Rifles) - D
Thaumatalogical Gunsmithing - A
Aethermechanics - A
Planar Orienteering/Mapmaking - B
Hunting/Tracking - C
Exolinguistics - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:
Hairworm concordant - A small box that houses a hovering collective creature from her plane that is common in the dreaming world. Inside contains a very particular clockwork music box that it enjoys. Friendly and mildly intelligent, she uses it for her blood magic rather than cutting her flesh open to get blood. In this way, the hairworm allows her to write with her blood and inscribe it on parts used for casting.

Deep weed Backpack - Flynn's forest green backpack is waterproof plant material. The thick, ever-wet seaweed material glows when exposed to water, fending its contents from being soiled even under pressure. It does not readily burn as the exterior is either moist or covered in hoar frost depending on the temperature

Flynn's husk - crop.pngContracted Husk - A false husk or a contracted one resembles that creature, even on metaphysical inspection or surgery. This particular one is by ritual contract, so as long as the being is alive and the husk is not critically damaged, it can take quite a bit of abuse. She uses this to skirt the approval and pass the territory of more particular entities. This particular one is a contract with a human named Lucy Ferre, a security officer from the starship. She modified the husk with minimal dermal armor and the bare essentials of a construct intelligence. Separate embedded weapons are contained in tattooed extradimensional spaces. The husk is entered and exited from a seam along the spine. The husk eats to self-repair, and Flynn breathes through it, but that doesn't feed Flynn when it does so. She eventually needs to leave the husk, or she'll starve. While she can sleep in the husk, it's dreamless, disorienting, and not nearly as restful. If the husk is damaged when she does exit it, some of its current damage will be imposed on Flynn as she is dematerialized inside. While she is not inside the husk, its eyes bleed slightly and are hollow. The husk only has human-quality color vision though she can use her thermal vision through it with some focus.

Incorrigible curiosity - Flynn does not fear easily a quality that comes with long-term binding to a Hairworm. If a problem is difficult it is worth studying. Fear attracts more profound horrors within Losthome, and any Reacher not soon dead learned to suppress it, bond with a hairworm, or both.
Willful hermit - The willpower of veteran far-afield soldiers walking miles with a broken leg is common to Reachers. Often, they must tend to wounds themselves. She will not complain of a lack of water, food, or entertainment and is well-adapted to operating behind the lines of unassailable foes.
Continuous flow blood - Flynn does not have a heartbeat. Her heart is a biometal structure all blue bloods are born with, which pumps blood continuously. Her circulation is excellent and thus handles pressure changes or deep water exceedingly well. Their lungs are similarly built for continuous unidirectional airflow. They possess little inherent biological noise while idle.
Salt/iron-tolerant - Flynn's kidneys can process saltwater, though not in large quantities. Relatedly, they can also drink blood and eat raw meat in large quantities.

Weakness/ Fears:
Mesotherm - Flynn is not warm-blooded, but her high thermal insulation mutes this somewhat. A mesotherm does produce some body heat. She will not heat up quickly once she gets cold, though she can recover eventually given somewhere warm.
Low-fat - Flynn's race does not accumulate much body fat; thus, it only has a slight positive buoyancy in the water and needs a stable food supply.
Directional senses - Flynn's hearing is highly directional, and she hears less from behind her direction of sight than in front. She has to move her head to keep awareness around her continuously.
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  • Wicked
Reactions: rissa
Name: Xeir

Age: 5000+

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Species: Primordial Silver Dragon

World and Universe they are from: Swallowed Star, Earth 2061

Appearance: Natural form stands an easy 20 meters in height, and nearly double that in length. With scales of deep black and pale blue. the scales shift color from deep black and blue to a iridicent silvery pink, Her eyes are of a pearl blue. Almost like a water color. Her human form stands an easy two meters tall, Slender arms, what would be termed "healthy thin", her hair is kept long and is of a bright silvery coloration. Her eyes as a human are of a deep red and catlike. Her human form also has four horns like a dragon, their pattern and scales when her hair is well kept have the look ofsomething of a hairband or crown. She dresses primarily in teal or tourqoise hanfu dresses with black boots. Her left arm has what many confuse as tattoos but are really her dragon scales

Personality: A seemingly "mindless" or "driven" Beast General according to most human terminology. Xeir is an enigma to most human nations, and an anthema to others. Confusing to some, but focused in others. Xeir, being a "Mindless Beast" is everything but, her focus is solid, and her mind clear. As a Beast Lord, Xeir has the calm demanor that can unnerve even the beast strike team of Warriors. Instincts will only get you so far. Xeir is a tactical Beast Lord, using her territory she explored to her personal advantage. A leader; Xeir has begun teaching fellow Beasts in her territory on how to mimic humans in appearance

Born well over five thousand years into the past on Earth in the depths of what was once Otaru Japans harbor, Xeir hatched the youngest of nine other hatchings, and the only surviving hatchling. Less then a week of her hatching she had discovered and eaten a Muya Crystal, which triggered a metamorphosis from a simply I-Rank monster to a a B rank monster, known among modern Earth humans as a Beast Lordor Beast General.

Shortly after eating the Muya Crystal, Xeir fell into a deep sleep that lasted for an easy five thousand or so years, allowing her evolution from an I-Rank monster, pretty much useless beast of burden if properly trained at the time into a B rank monster to properly cultivate.

Upon waking up in modern day ruins of Otaru Harbor in 2061 on Earth, Xeir learned on her own how to mimic human apparance. But there was no masking her aura at the time, nor was she able to hide her dragon horns on her head. She kept hidden, scared of losing her newly found freedom from the waters of the old harbor and took time to explore the ruins of Otaru. Soon making it her own she found other monsters of similar rank or even lesser rank. Having them all work for her could be helpful. Instead she allowed them to live with her so long as they respected her and followed orders when needed.

In the ruins of an old mall she built her first nest. But it was somehow more akin to a proper human house inside a much larger building that had seen better days. She laid her only egg there, a gorgeous blend of black, silver and blue designs upon its surface. She had no idea if the baby within would survive or not. As the Humans constantly made incursions searching for treasures that the monsters collected.

Out of hope to either form an agreement to make Otaru hers and hers alone, barring humans from entering her territory so her baby could grow in peace, Xeir took her recently recovered, and rebuilt, 8x8 armored truck into Kyoto Base City to ensure the agreement was struck. It took a bit of doing, nobody wanted to deal with a B rank monster who had literally shown up at their front door with a request to take a section of the remains of the northeastern part of Hanxia, what used to be northern Japan, as her own.

After a week, the agreement was struck, and Warriors and others would be forbidden from entering City 153, formerly known as Otaru Japan, and that included the harbor there. Only the Mayor of Kyoto Base City knew of the agreement, and he told his wife "It was as if the abyss tested me and found me worthy of friendship instead of hatred."

Powers: As a Primordial Dragon her racial abilities predate even the known dragons. However, her most use racial abilitiy tends to be teleportation, and spirit/mana based attacks. She can breathe underwater as per normal for her racial ability and if she wanted to, could easily go into space without worry

Power limitations: Due to her age, her abilities are limited, any over extended use of her main abilities, in this case her breath weapon, or prolonged teleportation, or even prolonged spirital attacks and defenses will tire her, she'll need a good eight standard hours worth of bed rest before she can continue to use such abilities and full strength

Skills: Swordsmanship; A level skill, mostly due to constant self decipline and training with fellow beasts in City 153.
Stealth; B level skill, mostly due to the fact that she had to constantly hide from Humans searching for treasures.
Flight; SS level skill, natural ability to fly and hover in place. If needed she can out fly a fighter jet.
Cooking; G level skill {basically useless}, Xeir is used to other beasts bringing her "tribute" namely, already cooked, or burned deceased monsters.
Human Mimicry: S level skill, allows her to mimic a human woman, to a point.
Primoridal Dragon Form; S level skill, allows her to switch from human mimic form to her natural form {can only do this twice per day, afterwards she needs a one full day rest {or 1 week in RP real time}}
Human speech: D level skill, an attempt to learn and speak humans words, or at least what they call the "Common Language" {its worked so far}
Driving: B level skill, allows her to drive her 8x8 rebuilt tactical truck when going on incursions closer to human controlled zones.

A sword of "SS strength steel" known as a Black God Sword, recovered from a deceased Warrior, its abilities allow the weilder to defend and attack on both a physical and mystical level
Personal scales for defense and offense where needed
Beast protected 8x8 military tactical truck top get around or hide her egg inside of when needed. She learned to drive this on her own thanks to the transports "Memories"

Strengths: A Mothers Love, Dragon of the ancient world, Curious

Weakness/ Fears: Loss of her child, Too Curious for her own good, Still very young

Other: All pictures below this line
Black God Sword - https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/s...odBlade.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220621162849
Xeir's human appearance - https://chat.roleplaygateway.com/_m...wQwXhIOiNGtMagvUhAGQVKgp?width=800&height=600
Xeirs Primordial Dragon appearance - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...04/1151801212849635338/4697855transformed.png
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Name:David Caddel "Chicago."

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero.

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Payday

Appearance :

The mask is about as simple as possible, a porcelain white with a smooth texture. It lacks distinguishing features beyond its two large black sockets

Personality (Over six lines long.): David is mild mannered in nature, slightly gruff in tone, and speaks with a colorless vocabulary. This tone is barely controlled, fluctuating quickly and constantly through a conversation as his opinion changes. Despite this, his body language sits in contradiction to his words and tone. His shoulders are normally raised, and his grip on any given thing is tight and uneasy. He doesn't trust easily, often sinking into biting tones and unfavorable comparisons. There is an impulsive streak to him, his sense following after his actions to make excuses for making a bigger mess than there needed to be or to explain why his rasher decisions were justified. To his credit, in spite of his occasional anti-social behavior with words he behaves himself in a group setting enough to cooperate and keep allied personnel safe.

History/Bio (Over eight lines long; no canon blending- as in direct interaction with canon characters.): Legends of criminal history pop up in the news on a decade by decade basis. Masterminds, pulling off perfect plans and stealing millions while running circles around the law. Ghosts, stealing the world's treasures in the middle of the night, not a scrap of a lead left behind. Technicians, who create and use specialized equipment to punch through the best security systems that the rich could be persuaded to buy. Muscle, the person you sent in to make a mess and a statement. Organizers, famed for bringing the best people in their budget together and stealing from the most secure places in the country.

Chicago was none of these things. He had the unique misfortune of being a police officer. A person who nearly dropped out of high school and signed up for the Army in order to have a chance out of his rough home life. When he left his tour, the economy was in recession. Getting a good job opportunity was basically hopeless for a person who failed at education and had the poor social sense he did, apart from police work. He went through 6 months of police academy, three years as an officer, before signing up to the SWAT team.

Corruption is something he didn't pay much attention to at first. He'd make a complaint or two if something was egregious, but making a fuss wasn't normally worth it. The guy would get fired, prosecuted, and become an informant for criminals if everything went right. More often than not the police union would shelter them. It was easier for him to accept it and move on. There were genuinely far worse people he helped get rid of on a monthly basis. Police brutality and money laundering against the city were the least of his concerns.

This mild acceptance ended during 2023. He had the misfortune of overhearing the chief speaking with someone on the phone. The Chiefs words were carefully chosen, but David wasn't a fool. They were talking in some kind of code. It didn't take a genius to connect the dots of the floundering administrative performance in the department in the coming months, the growing crime wave in Los Angeles, and the communications. His boss like it or not had been working with the criminal low lives David excused his own apathy over.

He spent the best month grabbing the 3 coworkers he trusted most, a supervisor for the group, a sponsorship from a rather wealthy resident, and coordinated a set of staggered resignations. After that, they became a group of glorified vigilantes trying to overthrow the corrupt mayor and city council staff by attacking their criminal connections. Initial, well intended attempts to genuinely arrest criminals and bring them to a temporary prison made from a farm with help from contacts went nowhere. Too many people, not enough space, not enough logistical funding to keep the network going.

The following days were tense. Disagreements on if and how to proceed were spreading through the group. Chicago wanted to just go for it, grab some key people and evidence, and release it. Bury the criminals in an unmarked grave and be done with it. One of the partners wanted to cut their losses and leave while they had the chance, which Chicago thought was cowardly. Another wanted to blow the whistle to the FBI, but Chicago believed their hands were full on the east coast already. The last was more stubborn than any of them, wanting to keep going as is.

Chicago was kidnapped after the group agreed to split off from each other for the night and meet again in the morning.The status of the rest of his crew is unknown.

Powers: N/A

Skills: David's skills are not particularly spectacular, but he has a wide and diverse spread of skills. These operate under the assumption professionals are B rank (For example Doctors and Scientists in their chosen field).

A: Physical Endurance
B: CQC (Guns)
B: Academic Law Enforcement skills (Paperwork, bureaucracy, strategies, etc)
B: Marksmanship.
C: Mental Endurance.
C: Heist Planning
C: Small Unit Tactics
C: CQC (Knives + Unarmed)
C: Firearm Versatility.
C: Non Endurance Physicality
C: First Aid
D: Driving

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: David possesses two weapons that are customized versions of their original variants.

Primary: A Benelli M4 chambered for 12 gauge, featuring a horizontal leveler.

Secondary: The Cole 9mm Submachine gun featuring a long barrel, a speed pull magazine, and a 1.5x sight.

Melee: A combat knife.

David carries two Doctor Bags that provide emergency aid to injured people. Each bag holds four supplies, each supply able to get a person to full fighting shape. This is, of course, made to help humans and has limited use for other species.

David has a pair of handcuffs, and a handcuff key.

David wears an experimental self repairing ballistic vest and mask, obtained from his sponsor. This equipment is responsible for saving his life and allowing him and his crew to take on criminal groups in Los Angeles.

Strengths: David lasts a very long time in combat in comparison to most people in his tier of street level fighters. He is able to act calm under pressure, making him hard to suppress or panic. His training with a wide variety of firearms makes him able to adapt to the local environment. He can lay down suppressive fire with a machine gun as well as he can take precision shots with a battle rifle. He is also familiar with a good amount of specialized equipment from the modern era, he is unlikely to be confused or surprised.

Weakness/ Fears: David lasts any sort of resistance to superpowers, magic, or psychic ability. His lack of superpowers, and lack of peak genetics, on his own keep his ceiling well within peak human capabilities. He has no formal training in melee combat beyond knives and basic unarmed strikes. A sword in his hand is of very questionable use due to never using one. He can aim an exotic weapon just fine, but maintaining and reloading it is another matter entirely. He is impatient with people he doesn't know well, making him liable to blow them off after they displease him. Lastly, he gets wrapped up in his own head and thought process very easily and struggles with keeping perspective.
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Name: Pumpkin Raider

Age: 18 (physically 28 due to time alterations within his home realm)

Gender (Can be genderless too): Male

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Species: A certian evolved species of human. It affects him positively in some way and negitavely in others.(will be explained in powers and weaknesses)

World and Universe they are from: Divi-Go

Appearance (Just a basic description of what your character looks like. Needs to be over four lines long. Please include basic shit like height and complexion, as well as physical build.): A skinny, yet partially well built figure with visible muscle. He wears a black shirt and baggy brown pants made of a thin cloth like material. Over it he wears a grey chestplate and a grey shoulder plate as well as armor on his legs and brown boots, they are made of a metal that according to him "doesnt seem durable at the looks of it, but it hasnt broken yet eh?"(he has been though a very intense adventure, see history for more). on his left shoulder he wears a royal blue shoulder plate, this has a history to it, and it contains magic power that helps him.(see history for more information on this armor) The most important part of him that stands out is what he wears on his head, a carved out jack-o-lanturn helmet(it is just pumpkin, not anything special)(see powers and history for more info as to why he wears this). If his helmet was taken off he has pure black eyes with veins coming out of the eyes, dark brown longish hair that covers the eyes slightly, and a scar covered by a bandage on his nose.

Personality (Over six lines long.): Pumpkin Raider is a rational person, with every situation, he seems to rush into it with a plan. He is also very caring of those who seem outcasted by society, as this has to do with his origins and where he hails from. He is willing to go to his limits to help those in need, even if they betray his trust sometimes. He is a believer that everyone deserves a chance within a world, and if they dont fit into the world they are in, they can find a place within another world where they can be happy (read history to see why he believes this and how he accomplishes this). Dispite being accepting of people, he has not found a person like him, a person who fits everywhere and nowhere at the same time. But he is contempt with being alone in the end, as long as he can help others and have something to fight for.

History/Bio (Over eight lines long; no canon blending- as in direct interaction with canon characters.): [WARNING. THIS'LL BE A MOUTHFUL. BUT ITS WORTH IT IF YOU READ IT. OTHER OC's FROM MY WORLD USED.]
Pumpkin raider started out as a boy in the land of divigo, a place divided in half. He was different, as whenever someone looked at his face he felt an intense pain and started screaming. The people of divigos island side decided he was best off exiled. So they did just that, banishing him to the corrupted side of divigo, Oddsworld.
Oddsworld is a place where the land constantly shifts and glitches, things come from other dimensions and worlds, and dissapear too, the daylight cycle is a mess as well. These disortions, called "oddsquakes" by pumpkin raider, are very traumatic and scary to the unexperienced eye. Pumpkin raider even recalls seeing 15 different solar eclipses in 1 oddsquake.

The years went by, and he made friends with the locals. He also figured out that by wearing a pumpkin on his head, as long as it was carved, he could see through it. not just through the holes, but through it completely, with the holes looking slightly darker. To this day he has no idea why this works. Interestingly, due to him being accustomed to wearing a pumpkin for extended periods of time, He has grown used the smell of rot and decay, making him resistant to repugnant smells and having a reduced gag reflex (whether its for better or for worse). due to the oddsquakes throughout the years he also collected mysterious objects, leading him to learn how to forge after being taught by the locals of oddsworld. Leading him to craft his own armor/weapons. He found an axe the easiest for him to weild, making it his weapon of choice. He soon became the guardian and leader of oddsworld, helping rebuild after frequent oddsquakes and helping guide others when entering oddsworld.

[this is when it starts getting good]
One particular day after an oddsquake, he discovered a green crystal ball and a book in the rubble. A plane landed in oddsworld, it was the scavenger robot, his friend, who had also found a strange crystal, this one however, was blue. The robot scavenger also mentioned how it seemed to cast a protective shield over his plane, and that there was a strange mechanism in the middle of the world. Pumpkin raider told him to keep the blue crystal safe, and that he would inspect it later after he had inspected the book. The real reason pumpkin raider told the scavenger robot to keep it safe is because Pumpkin raider believed it would protect robot scavenger, as he had mentioned a protective shield.

Upon inspecting the book pumpkin raider learned of 3 types of magic, Blue, green, and orange. The green magic was used for tricks and illusions, and feats noone could do by themselves, relying on the cleverness of the user. Blue magic was used for protection and defense, relying on the will of the user. and orange magic was used for attacks and weapon summoning, relying on the power of the user.

The book also contained the method of creating a portal using the 3 magics in their crystal form, using the mechanism in the middle of the land.
Pumpkin raider quickly realized that the three crystals had been found, one was in his possesion, the second in the possession of the scavenger robot, and the third, the orange crystal, was on a landmark called "gods rock" in the island side of divigo, and had been their mysterious magic source for years, and the reason why oddsworld citizens never dared to invade. Pumpkin raider, devised a plan in order to get the orange crystal.

Pumpkin raider, after preparing, went over to gods rock, only to be stopped by Pheniox Riley, the defender of the island side of divigo. Riley was preparing to attack, pumpkin raider was surrounded by island citizens in their armor, weilding magic branded weapons and torches, all odds were against him, there was no way out, at least, not the fair way.

Pumpkin raider, as mentioned before was the guardian of the oddsworld people, and he would get them to safety, by any means nessacary. even if it meant he had to play dirty

Pumpkin raider had studied more about how to use the crystals, particulary in this case the green crystal, and he memorized 1 incantation that would help him in this exact scenario. Green Flash. A spell that would freeze everyone but the user within their place in time. Pumpkin raider decided now was the time. So he whispered the incantation. All time froze, and he took the crystal. He returned to the center, where scavenger robot was waiting with pumpkin raiders bag, which contained supplies needed for him to survive for a while, and the blue crystal. With all the crystals collected, pumpkin raider put them in the proper places in the mechanism, A ray shot out and a portal was created. Pumpkin raider bid scavenger robot farewell, till they met again. And he yelled out, "FOR ODDSWORLD, WE SHALL FIND OUR PLACES WITHIN THE MULTIVERSE. I SHALL RETURN".
He was yelling this to the oddsword citzens hiding nearby the portal, with magic of their own ready. They would stay here until pumpkin raider came back with the proper spell to place each of them in a world in which they belonged and fit in.
So with that, he jumped through the portal.

Pumpkin raider found himself in another world, he met Ri, a sorcerer/mage gifted with the three magics pumpkin raider used to get here. Pumpkin raider was in the perfect place, Divimag, A place where people were gifted with at least one magic trait, sometimes two, and as of 2 cases unnaturally, all 3.
Ri was an unexperienced sorcerer however, but he was determined. so he prepared a spell that would open a gateway back to divigo, as the one pumpkin raider used was very innefficient and required a seperate incantation for each, and only one person could go through at a time. with the other spell mutliple people could come through, and it would stay open as long as they needed.
However, Ri's determination was for naught, as the spell was botched (messed up) by a simple word being wrong.
Pumpkin raider and ri were thrown into a world known as the divine earth, where they discovered they had not been transported alone. Multiversal beings had been sent with them, alterations of Ri. Rye; a pandemic and zombie virus survivor along with his daughter elis from Earth-Nine, Rai; a warrior with his girlfriend Cara from Divinine, and on top of that there was also another Ri in the world they were in as they landed in his BACKYARD named Rhi; a technology and robotic engineering genius with his girlfriend maddie (name subject to change, i forgot what i named the character).

The 8 greeted eachother and ri explained why they had gotten here, and rhi explained that in this world theres 3 magical crystal deposits guarded by a corperation known as delta core. They devised a plan to gather "core crystals" to open a doorway back to their respective universes.

Meanwhile at delta core, the head scientist informed mr delta of an anomaly within the universe they were in. Mr delta, realizing this was a threat to his monopoly over magical substances (and by magical substances i mean magic crystals that contain the respective magics, not drugs LOL) and he sent out an assassin known as ray, a trained martial artist with cybernetic implants in his body and a powerful beam sword that could extend to an infinite length (that is, if the material didnt explode. also what the blade could cut through is determined by the power source strength. the longer the blade = the less it could cut through.)

Pumpkin raider and his accompliances raided the first base, the green crystal mine. Which was poorly maintained. They successfully got the green crystal and they celebrated shortly before moving on the the second one.
The second base was a orange crystal base, this was the first time they encountered ray. during ray and pumpkin raiders encounter, ray mentioned he looked the same as another person he knew. Pumpkin raider was confused and their fight ended in a draw.
Later, pumpkin raider asked ri about the potential of other "pumpkin raider"'s. This is when pumpkin raider was finally educated on the theory of infinite universes.

Meanwhile within the timeline a few things happen
  • ray recruited help from a mysterious assassin. as well as a mysterious figure that emerged, asking where pumpkin raider was.
  • Ri's very VERY close friend Celeste came back from a council meeting to find out Ri had used the spell she had told him NOT to try without her presence. she starts the spell to follow in his footsteps. She also notices that theres papers strewn everywhere, something ri DIDNT do.
  • Rhi starts development on Ryes SLAYER ARMOR.
  • Rai Proposes to Cara (YAY!)
  • Pumpkin Raider trains overnight. and receves the blue shoulder piece from Ri, Which gives Pumpkin raider +100 mana (within worlds that have mana points) for each type of magic he uses, as well as access to the three magics without use of a special crystal.
  • A strange being visits Mr Delta, offering to make a deal to make him stronger
  • The ANOMALY CONTAINMENT AGENCY agents, Agent Rijuy and his girlfriend Lucielle, Get involved
The Crew goes to the blue crystal mine, only to find that it has been locked down, except for the front door, which is wide open. They all go in, theres dead bodies everywhere of scientists. they go to the elevator for the mine. they go down, and suddenly all the lights go out. Down decends ray, he says that the end of the road is near for the crew. Then down decends the pumpkin raider of Divine Earth, and pheniox riley. as well as androids. Ri Starts to chant an incantation, and before he finishes he says "youve all seen the light side of magic, But you havent seen the dark side yet. i will show you my power" Ri charges up and his royal blue mage armor changes to a dark purple, and his magic changes to Purple, red, and yellow. They then begin to fight. Pumpkin raider finds himself against the other pumpkin raider, who easily downs him. but before he can make the final blow, something awakens within pumpkin raider. As the evil pumpkin raider swings down, his axe shatters against the now black and flaming white pumpkin helmet. Pumpkin raiders axe enlongates and out from the other side and the top comes a green large blade, this is his awakened form, a result from his dedication and exposure to magic. From there Pumpkin raider defeats his enemy, then goes to confront Riley.

Pumpkin raider explains his intentions, Riley believed them to be of evil. but he saw truth within pumpkin raider. deep down they were both the same, they wanted to protect their people. Riley swore he would give the oddsworld people another chance if they didnt find a world in which they belonged. and Riley started fighting on the good side.

The androids were growing stronger until celeste arrived, Using magic lightning to overload them and cause them to explode. she scolded Ri, saying that he could have gotten hurt, admitting her fear of what might have happened to him if he hadnt had any company. Ri apologizes and the two fall in love. Celeste thanks pumpkin raider for helping Ri, and they all head back to the house.

The last target they had was to claim the portal back to their respective realms. The SLAYER ARMOR was finished and Rye grew to be the strongest in the group out of brute force. They went to the gateway to find it protected by an army, its leader was Mr Delta, corrupted by a possessive virus known as the POSSESSIVE DARKNESS. Rye went to battle him, causing in an epic battle between the two while the rest of the crew fought past the army. then the battle was interuppted by Agent rijuy using his vocals to make everyone cover their ears. Rye, unaffected by this due to his armor, Landed a killing blow to Mr. Delta. But that only caused the darkness to take over Mr. Delta completely. Causing the birth of THE TITAN, Smog filled the air, and whoever touched it seemed to die instantly. But Rijuy and lucielle had a plan, But thats a different story.

They created a portal and got everyone back to their respective realms, except for pumpkin raider, who chose to go to divimag.
Within Divimag, Pumpkin raider trained, and he got his people all to their respective worlds where they lived in peace.

But pumpkin raider still lives today, Travelling the multiverse, Until.... he found this universe.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):

Biotics: None

Magic: Has the three magic types as described above in history. to recap, orange is attack, blue is defense, and green is tricks. He has various spells he can use, which i will specify at a later date, i wont bullshit my way through any situation however, i will try and keep his mana and skill balanced as possible. His axe, when he makes it glow black, Will allow him to make several slashes within several nanoseconds

Superpower: He can shrink and grow things with a simple cantip. this only works on pumpkins and he uses this to quickly store them. Also pumpkins last longer when around him.

Racial abilities: He can see through pumpkins as if he didnt have one on his head, except for the hole parts, which appear slighty darker. any pumpkin on his head gains extended durability, meaning it wont rot for an extended time and it can withstand more attacks. The degree of this durabilty is that of a low end bullet proof vest. This ability only applies to pumpkins and the pumpkin must be carved.

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless):

Biotics: Biotic implants will not work on him due to how his body works

Magic: He is limited to a certian amount of mana before being exausted. In his awakened state he has unlimited mana at the cost of the stability of his body. he cannot last more than 1 hour in this state before he has to get out of it or else he starts to die, melt, grow weaker, and turn into dust. if he were to keep up this state even after the time limit he would last about 15 more minutes before dissapating. He can use his black axe ability 5 times in a row before fainting from exaustion.

Superpower: While his cantip ability requires no mana, it only applies to pumpkins, and only uncarved pumpkins. And he can only shrink and unshrink one at a time.

Racial abilities: if the pumpkin isnt carved he cannot see through it. and it cant be too carved or else it wont work.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Axemanship - S
Pumpkin carving - SS
Rituals - B
Incantations - B
Cooking - D
Shotguns - C
Universal Understanding - B
Perception - S
Strategy - A

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)
Axe: Looks like a firemans axe. "Im not sure what its made of but it hasnt broken yet" (this axe is ordinary, its his magic that makes it do what it does. It does glitch from time to time, Each time it glitches, the target is hit with an explosion on impact. Pumpkin raider experiences knockback from this explosion but no damage ONLY FROM THE EXPLOSIONS ITSELF.)
Armor: Dark Grey "Im not sure what its made of but it hasnt broken yet" (this armor is ordinary, but glitches from time to time, during these glitches, Its as if hes not wearing armor.)
(if the chestplate and his axe glitch at the same time, he gains a small invincibility frame)

9 magic crystals: 3 Orange, 3 green, 3 Blue. each have 3 uses before they turn grey and unusable. They can be recharged with their repective magic up to 3 uses if not exausted, and any magic up to 3 uses if exausted. (like for example you can have 9 green crystals if you exaust the other 6 non green crystals.

Rations: Rice and beans with non perishable milk (it doesnt expire, has good nutrition, But tastes bad though). For a total of 10 days.

Magical Torch: Its a flashlight with flames! its powered by 1 mana per hour and the time can be stacked. it wont go out in water but emits no heat. Its used as a light only.

Shotgun: Its just a shotgun. he has 12 shells. (when it glitches it fires 2 shots instead of one in a quick burst)

Strengths: anything thats in his skills is a strength. he also has resistance to bad smells

Weakness/ Fears: If you get his pumpkin head off hes very sensitive to light and if you look him in the eyes he will have greater pain than if you just looked at his face.

Other: I shall add trivia for the character within my profile posts.

This took several hours to type T-T

Name: Shivaji Ohm


Gender (Can be genderless too): Male

Sexual Orientation: Flexible.

Species: New type human

World and Universe they are from: Gundam Universe

Appearance : Standing in at 173 cm and weighing in at 99kg with a 10% body fat content. Shivaji is a solid and well built individual with short raven black hair and matching eyes. His fair skin holds various scars across his body from his time in the armed forces of Europa.

Personality : War changes people, once bright sparks of naivety and eagerness for life are too often snuffed by the horrors of war. Some are born for it, while others like Shivaji are made. Emotionally broken and mentally conditioned into disposable yet brutally effective soldiers, these young men and women of the Cosmic era often find themselves unable to connect to anyone, their emotional growth forever stunted by the cruel reality of war. Shivaji like many others his age is a man of action, where words hold little meaning when everything is suffocating from the corruption and lies all around him. This environment has made him a quiet lad with a deeply analytical mind. His monotone and general apathy give mute testament to the horrors trapped behind his sad eyes.

History/Bio (Over eight lines long; no canon blending- as in direct interaction with canon characters.): The war between earth and the space colonies had become an eternal conflict, every generation destined to fight once more. This is how life went in the cosmic era, after a short peace between nations someone would always begin the fight again. His family had been rebels against the Earth Federation from the colony on Europa. There he trained to fight and to pilot one of the weapons for war. A mobile suit from the last conflict, known as the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam. Though the war officially started shortly after his 17th birthday. He had been engaged in conflict with Earth Federation forces since he was 14, working first as a spy and then an assassin; the boy was accustomed to death when he faced off in his first mobile suit fight at 16. Four years after the official start of the war, he found himself caught inside a spatial anomaly during a routine check around Jupiter.

Waking up to find himself and his suit alone in the vast vacuum of space, he would be discovered by a crew of scrapers and taken aboard their space station. It was there that he realized he was no longer in his home universe.

Powers None

Power limitations N/A

Skills ::
Mobile suit Piloting- S
Close quarters Combat -A
Close quarters battle -A
Tactical skill- B
Mechanical Engineering- B
Marksmanship- B
Field survival - D

Weapon(s)/ Equipment :: two 20xMrde or Mrdr
pistols, each firing 20 rounds these weapons along with his pair of combat knives are his main weapons atm.

Strengths: heightened spatial awareness, heightened endurance due to conditioning. Heightened reaction time.

Weakness/ Fears: Fears tendril monsters. He's human without super powers or resistances so he's got plenty of weaknesses.

Haro- While not a weapon this droid companion is capable of interfacing with other technologies. Equipped with advanced AI, a pair of five-fingered manipulators, feet, the ability to float and even serve as a laptop, Haro has become Shivaji's main companion through the war and now as they find themselves facing a new challenge, he will depend on the adorable teal spherical robot even more.

Skygrasper - With an overall length of ten metres and an armement comprising of four 20mm Machine Guns behind the noise, two Medium Caliber Cannons on each wing, one Beam Cannon located on the turret on its back and several Anti-ship Missile the skygrasper is a capable air combat unit. The Skygrasper utilizes three hardpoints to carry any additional Strike Packs so the Strike can re-equip without having to return to base or the station.

Gundam - GAT-X105 Strike Gundam

Height: 17.72 m
Weight: 64.8 metric tons
Operating system:: General Unilateral Neuro-Link Dispersive Autonomic Maneuver Synthesis System

Armament - Igelstellung" 75mm Multi-barrel CIWS
Mounted in the Strike's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. These light projectile weapons are used to intercept missiles, to destroy lightly armored vehicles, etc.

"Armor Schneider" Combat Knives
Stored in the Strike's side skirt armor are a pair of folding "Armor Schneider" combat knives. These knives do not need power from the suit, can be thrown, and their blades vibrate at high speed allowing them to pierce through most armor except PS armor.

--Current strike kits--

-Beam Sabers
These are the Aile Strike's primary close combat weapons and can slice through any armor that does not have an anti-beam coating. One can be used as a reserve weapon, or both can be used simultaneously in a twin sword fashion or joined to form a duel ended sword.

-57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
Aile Strike's primary ranged weapon, it can be stored on the side skirt armor. The beam rifle can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It has an additional handle that can shift to the side, and is often used for extra stability when the Aile Strike is firing its rifle rapidly.

A piece of equipment designed to increase the Strike's defensive capability, it is mounted on the left forearm and/or handheld. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the Strike's armor, however it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect bea
m weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective
Last edited:
Name: Dr. Alande Vara

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Asexual.

Species: Human

World and Universe they are from: Old World of Darkness, Mage the Ascension

Appearance :


Personality (Over six lines long.): Alande is brash, confident, smug, and incredibly straight to the point. He does not beat around the bush, they either don't talk to you at all or exactly what he wants to tell you. Small talk and subtle manipulation are skills he broadly rejects in favor of directness. This has occasionally landed his competitors in the Technocracy in hot water when they assumed he had no knowledge or talent in intrigue, or would have loose lips. He is well aware that what he presents is all others see and is happy to take advantage of that fact.

History/Bio: Aladne was always prideful, even as a young child. He was a standout student, had a strong respect for rules, and had an unparalleled focus on work. Known to be a snitch in school, he made a habit of presenting himself with such earnestness that people tended to avoid him. This was fine by him, mostly because it left him time to focus on things that actually interested him. He had a small group of like minded peers and the approval of his educators, and that was more than enough for him.

He started to branch out slightly in middle school. Coming from a wealthy family, he was able to learn fencing from an instructor. He took this training and proved to be quite naturally talented at the sport. After moderate success at fencing, and prestigious success in high school, he found it quite easy to get into university. At around this time he was personally offered by his school counselors extremely generous financial offers in return for committing to work for a medical group in the local area. He happily accepted it, biology and medical science appealed to him and it sounded a lot better than working behind a desk his entire life.

What he didn't know is that this medical group was a subset of the Technocratic Union's Progenitor convention. As he went through his education, he was continuously pushed and slightly prodded over time to align with Technocratic ideals. After obtaining his MD, he entered the organization and was subsequently inducted through standard procedures.. This began with separating him from his old life. As a result,he officially went missing. Newlife involved making him the subject of propaganda, harsh almost Spartan regiment and punishment, and a healthy injection of the carrot and the stick approach. Despite his eccentric nature, he wasn't one to not tow the line. His oddities were within the bounds of acceptability, and his actions were nothing if not beneficial to the Union..

Eventually, he worked under a field agent whose goal was to work within a rather rural community in Africa to improve the lives of the locals. This was of course a play to convince the public of the usefulness of science in their lives rather than a sincere concern for their well being. That said, it was good work. While in one of the tents, he was working on a patient. Weakness, headache, anxiety, agitation, nausea, muscle spasms, delirium. The diagnosis was rabies.His supervisor gave him a pat on the back. Unlike usual however, he wasn't given instruction by his supervisor. Their relationship had always been very top down. He was simply told that he knew what to do.

Gritting his teeth, he headed to the medicine counter and took out the anesthesia equipment. He knew that the brain temperature was increasing to lethal levels.Working fast, he induced a coma in the patient and injected medicine entirely following his gut. Some of which was considerably expensive, but again out of the ordinary his supervisor was more than content to simply watch.

The procedure definitely shouldn't have worked. The hospital neither had the materials, the equipment, or anything else to remotely attempt what could only be called a 'mockery of the Milwaukee Protocol'. Regardless, Alande did step away from the patient, breathing heavily, sitting down in a chair and waiting. Recovery took weeks, but the man did. A respected member of the farming community, the incident was instrumental in the establishment of the Technocratic consensus in the area. Alande would come to learn of this as their Epiphany.

Time would pass, Alande would wind up working closely with a member from another Convention, an New World Order operative named Ethan Garcia. With recent operations by Reality Deviants, the two were brought together with some other colleagues from different Conventions to create a field team to combat their influence in the city of Buffalo. The two of them became quite close, creating a deeply mutual partnership as part of their efforts to ensure that people remained content with their scientifically based lives. He had nothing to complain about with the assignment. The change in attire from lab coats to civilian wear to stay undercover was a fantastic change of pace. Time forced Alande to become quite proficient with Material Science and Prime Utility, the former more so than his original focus on Life Science. After all, he was far more focussed on convincing the masses in the good of technology and science than he was his field of choice. Material Science just happened to be useful.

This leaves Alande in an odd position. Ripped out in the middle of his position by what he assumes is a dimensional anomaly, with rescue not coming, and the Union doubtlessly wondering if he had deserted them, he is left adrift. Still, that something or someone gives him messages over his laptop that he understands as some connection to his subconscious, and knows better to mention it out loud.

Powers: As a Technocratic scientist, Alande is proficient with a small handful of spheres of para science. Devices are given the para prefix or put under the umbrella term of hypertech. (I used the terms interchangeably, whoops) Although he, and most members of the technocracy, would swear up and down it's not magic it functions like any mages sphere would. The following explanations are simply things he and other Technocrats tell themselves to justify and explain their theories. Perhaps it is because of this fact that his magical powers are heavily centered around him and what he interacts with thanks to him being far, far from home. The magical wonders and objects he makes have to contend with not only the place he's in, but his own beliefs. This is explored in more detail in the weaknesses section.

Alande has Command over the principle of Material Sciences. This allows him to create para scanners to see material components of objects, integral stability, innate properties, etc. He can use 'para chemical reactions and methodology' to 'reorganize atomic structures' (read: Transmute) material into other materials. He is able to join inert matter to living tissue, disintegrate it, or make other spectacular transmutations. Finally, he's able to radically improvised para technology from scrap materials (read: Perform exceptionally para transmutation).

Alande has Control of the principles of Life Sciences This allows him to alter his own characteristics slightly, though keeping him in the bounds of what is meaningfully considered human. He's also able to apply this principle to create agents which allow rapid healing, put them to sleep, or inflict serious long term harm. It also allows him to use biochemical signatures to detect life forms and to alter/transform simple life forms like insects, plants, viruses, bacteria, etc.

Alande can Control the principles of Primal Utility Theory. This allows him to create his gadgets that allow him to conduct his parascience'. Equally importantly, he is able to manipulate the emission of energy fields of humans 'advancing their self interest'. This allows him to draw energy from what is essentially commerce. He can evaluate the value of this utility, deposit it, and extract it from a venture. The more valuable the venture, the more he can extract from it. This ranges from local businesses on the small ends, and international leaders on the high end. The more valuable however, the more he needs to invest, be it in personal connections or with outside energy. He also is able to store this energy in matrices. This power is also very useful in combining with other sciences.

Alande can Control the principles of Entropic State Control. This allows him to scan for likely future events, and note details in a person's behavior that discerns if they are telling what they believe to be the truth or not. This can of course be countered by sufficiently good liars, or people of sufficient will. He can spot weak points in objects, people, and arguments and use them to his advantage. He can also predict dice throws, card draws, and other random events. He can also manipulate these random events (insofar they affect himself), and target these weaknesses. He can affect predictable patterns and tilt probability in his favor, or the favor of his objects. He can also accelerate decay by increasing the speed in which objects decay.

Because of this set of powers, Alande is able to invent and create devices that combine these attributes and degrees of manipulation.

Alande's Avatar/Enlightened Genius is the portion of his soul which is the source of his ability to perform magic. He would describe its voice as his subconscious. This Avatar has a Questing pattern.

Power Limitations: Because of his own belief in his methodology, and the separation from his home universe, everything he makes that interacts beyond himself or his inventions has to have, to some degree, a plausible scientific explanation by his own standards. Standards that are quite strict. He may be able to clone a werewolf by isolating the 'changing gene', but he cannot simply wave their hand and turn the werewolf to silver. This necessitates him building the inventions he needs in order to use these powers or to use relevant tools in order to do so, though he hardly complains. The type of tool also matters, using tools that he's not familiar with limits what he's capable of. He is thus proficient with Armor, Weapons, Gadgets/inventions, Laboratories/Lab Gear, Nanotech, Computerse/IT, and Devices/Machines. He can't leave the definition of the human umbrella, or alter complex lifeforms. He also is limited to substances within scientific possibility and can't create radioactive material.

Hyper-Cybernetics: S
Hyper-Biotech: S
Swordsmanship: S
Technology/Hypertech (Nanotech): A
Technology/Hypertech (Other)
Social Engineering: B
Willpower: B
Blatancy: C
Medicine: C
(Real and Hypertech) Computers: C
Academics: C
Other Natural Sciences: C
Firearms, bows, and other ranged weapons: F

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:

Modifiable Weapons Platform: For a technocrat, the usage of melee weapons earned Alande notable criticisms. Despite this, Alande has repeatedly shown his worth in the field. His general attitude combined with his presentation does not suggest he is a scientist, something he uses to his advantage. Plenty of reality deviants fail to notice that the leather jacket wearing,cane walking pedestrian is actually part of the Technocracy they were so careful to avoid is something they only realize after a rapier pierces their chest. If you ask Alande how it works, he will describe how he was able to use an intersection of nanotechnology and very precise engineering to make a weapon capable of taking multiple forms that has several settings, from inaudibly vibrates at a precise frequency to drill through materials in a thrust, inducing rapid decay on a target, and even nonlethal thrusts that bring people to sleep. In reality, this is him utilizing his 'magic' through his weapon.

Casual Field Wear: His clothing has a few settings to change its durability and material nature. It is able to soak a moderate amount of damage, and can focus its orientation against different elemental categories and kinetic damage. The armor passively breaks down materials that strike it aggressively. Sensors and move-by-wire systems allow him to quickly deflect high speed projectiles with his weapons platform. (This is aim deflection. Alande is not a bullet timer.)

Eyes of Isaac: His sunglasses are more than just for show. Through these lenses, he sees the world through the sensory applications of his hyper technology.

Laptop: Alande carries around a slim but unassuming laptop he uses to code his nanomachines. Constructed with high tech materials.

Nanomachines: Alande carries an array of reusable syringes filled with nanomachines programmed for different effects. They're usually fleeting, and are installed as auto-injectors under his armor. The nanomachines are thankfully reusable.

Strengths: Alande is extremely flexible in many situations, especially if he's given sufficient time to prepare. He's able to rapidly create inventions both mundane and advanced. They're also no slouch at putting them to use. His swordsmanship, gained from his athletic career in fencing, is naturally bolstered by his power set when activated making him a formidable foe in close quarters.

Weakness/ Fears:
Alande is only human. His inventions in regard to himself are temporary and only last so long before his original biology restores itself. A successful ambush during downtime is incredibly effective against him. He gets flustered easily when his inventions fail and he's not in active danger, leaving a momentary opportunity to exploit this advantage. His tools also don't work in the hands of others (Unless they possess an Avatar/Enlightened Genius), something he believes is due to advanced safety features and lack of knowledge of advanced science by unauthorized individuals. In reality, it's a result of the user simply not having Quintessence. Lastly, he is entirely on the defensive in ranged situations due to having no proficiency in marksmanship whatsoever. He is also highly reliant on his inventions. Even though their hypertech nature makes them immune to typical tampering methods, tech is more than capable of breaking anything electronic reliant like his nanomachines. Magic is also capable of neutralizing his devices. He is considerably prideful and struggles to even entertain them.
Erythronaut 'Erie'
Age (human equivalent): N/A
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: pansexual, aromantic
Species: Humanoid, Unbound Pact Husk, Augmented
World and Universe they are from: Plane - Grandfather Teeth a.k.a. The First Machine.

Appearance: An olive-skinned female hardbody with several fading bullet scars and a few permanent ones from Lucy. She has bright eyes and is sometimes a little dirty from curious adventures. With a habit of keeping shiny things in her storage as well as weapons, she is likely to have baubles and shines attached to her clothing that jingle.

Personality: In many respects, it is a mirror image of Flynn with a certain innocence and optimistic outlook. She's incredibly trusting unless she has a reason not to and this does make her particularly gullible. Entirely sleepless she is frequently lonely. Flynn's lack of respect for personal space has left her with barely any of it to speak of.

History/Bio: A false husk or a contracted one resembles that creature, even on metaphysical inspection or surgery. This particular one was originally by ritual contract, so as long as the being was alive and the husk was not critically damaged, it could and did take quite a bit of abuse. Flynn used this to skirt the approval and pass the territory of more particular entities. This particular one was in a contract with a human named Lucy Ferre, a security officer from the starship. Since Flynn's drunken attempt at self-destruction and promotion to being a Yellow the pact has been broken, and Grandfather Teeth made several alterations to the husk and Flynn.

Flynn modified the husk with minimal dermal armor and the bare essentials of a construct intelligence that Grandfather Teeth expanded. Separate embedded weapons are contained in tattooed extradimensional spaces mostly inherited from the drunken rampage. Now with Flynn unable to enter the husk, Erie has a mind of her own and has to take care of herself. As Erie is a sapient creature, a blood golem she created, Flynn respects her as one would a child.

Anthropophagic regeneration - Altered by Grandfather Teeth to amplify the consumption ability. She can eat the body of sapient creatures at high speeds and use fresh kills to heal herself. The powerful bite can be used offensively against living targets. Erie cannot be zombified as all fluids are caustic to undead or blood drinkers. As a result of being aetherically caustic, she is structurally immune to mundane blood-borne diseases.

Necrotic Catalyst - While rotten sapient meat or sentient meat isn't useful for healing, the surplus becomes power for weapons employing sangithaumaturgy or magic. Fresh sentient meat, such as animals, provides more power but less than rotten sapient meat. Energy from vegetable matter is negligible. Periodically produces black pearls if they contain too much energy.

Extradimensional Storage - Various tattoos on her body form an array of storage spaces, mostly for guns. Organic objects will not degrade while in storage though living things will die.

Ontokinetic adapter - Internal mechanisms that removed Flynn from the awareness of higher-order entities while in the husk now stabilize severe fluctuations in the fabric of reality. If unable to stabilize the space, the husk will adapt to operate within the space. Technical objects inserted into her body will undergo constant reality shifting until eventually becoming part of Erie, and thus Grandfather Teeth.

Power limitations:
Anthropophagic regeneration - The healing effect generally requires more biomass than was damaged and large amounts of water. Rotten meat is not useful for regeneration even if it is sapient. She does not naturally heal otherwise, and magical healing used on her tends to have mild to moderate negative consequences for the caster.

Necrotic Catalyst - Does not naturally accrete mana from world sources. While she can reingest the black pearls, they are too toxic for most other magical beings to use unprocessed.

Extradimensional Storage - Objects in storage are in stasis and do not function while inside. While the total amount of space is high, the discrete space per object and the openings are not. It cannot contain objects much larger than a rifle.

Ontokinetic adapter - Her mind may become unstable or psychically inductive within a field or object that severely disrupts time. While this may be useful to others, it may be problematic if Erie stands in place and cognitohazardously insists she is a giant traffic cone. Strong-minded individuals may be able to resist the infectious thought when others may be stuck rationalizing the presence of a giant traffic cone in the room. If the logical basis for the thought is sufficiently disrupted, it's possible to break her from the loop. It may also result in a new irrational thought.

Skills (D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster):
Survival tools (creation/use/improvisation) - C
Ranged weapons (Pistols) - B
Ranged weapons (Rifles) - C
Planar Orienteering/Mapmaking - C
Anomolous object analysis - S
Artistic Drawing - A
Computing - C
Neural Interfaces - A
Ontokinesis (reality-bending) - C
Close Quarters Combat - B

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:

Thaum shell pistol - This fires small explosive rounds and is a less flexible version of the weapons platform now used by Flynn.

Shotfun - A shotgun that fires alcoholic jello shots with the force of a beanbag round. While they hit hard, they jiggle in space for a moment before falling to the floor. The shots seem to mostly taste like bacon as Erie doesn't and can't really benefit from alcohol.

Condiment bottle - A yellow mustard bottle that uses her power supply to produce a random condiment.

Tablecloth - A normal tablecloth that assumes that position regardless if there is a table underneath it. Requires energy on Erie's part to support weight but collapses if someone looks underneath.

Soft serve emitter - A ray gun similar to Agatha's that turns parts of what the beam destroys into a random flavor of ice cream.

Shadow laser pistol - This fires a laser at a target and motivates their shadow to physically strike them. The laser itself only appears to have done damage as long as the strike is continuously observed. Has no effect on inanimate objects.

A very incorrigible childlike optimism with the functional pragmatism of an adult machine.
A creative creature that likes people even if they don't like themselves.
Has an innate understanding of the abstract forces involved in complex anomalous systems.

Weakness/ Fears:
Has a very particular fear of deific or other outer beings with no real distinction of good or evil.
Very poor ability to discern lies or untruthfulness, gullible.
Psyche breaks down if reality is too unstable and may make things worse.
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Piper "Pip" Delaney
The Grail Warden

Name: Piper "Pip" Delaney

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Human // Magical Guardian

World and Universe they are from: Phantasya // the Universum (Magic Unbound)

Appearance: What Pip lacks in height, she makes up for in wiry brute strength. Lean and lithe and at a measly five-foot, Piper Delaney, at first glance, doesn't seem like much of a threat. Get on her bad side though, and that happy-go-lucky charisma she radiates morphs into something deep and unsettling, like the desperate will of a trapped animal. She has large expressive eyes— a deep aegean blue —which are often overcome by a strumming golden glow when channeling her soul. A thick scar travels across the bridge of her nose, a little shorter on the right than the left, and four permanent spells take residence beneath her right eye, represented by four dots. Golden wheat locks fall past her shoulders in a blunt, choppy cut with minimal layers that either stays down or gets put in a messy bun. She makes a lot of faces; silly faces, pouts and cringes of disgust— she has a lot of restraint, just not around smells. Pip looks visually nauseated (and usually is) whenever she encounters foul scents, completely on instinct.

When Pip initiates her transformation, she dissipates into a shower of golden dust that begins to reform. During transformation, she becomes an orb of light, emanating a rose-gold warmth. When she reappears, (and is actively transformed):
  • She is wearing golden nephilim-inspired plate armor
  • Wields both shield and sword
  • Grows in height, to a comfortable 6'2"
  • Wears a long feathered cape, white in color
  • Her wiry build is translated; she doesn't get bulkier but her natural strength is doubled
  • Her hair doubles in length, spilling out the back of her winged helmet

Personality: Pip is your average girl wonder— happy-go-lucky, hard headed, and thankfully over her clumsy phase; still, it often takes a few good knocks for this nineteen year old to really get the gist of a lesson well learned. More clever now that she's in her seventh year at Wolpurgiswora University, Piper is still just a teenager and has her bouts of teenage angst and unreasonableness, though it has been tempered by years of hunting cursed witches and the abominations they summon. Trauma, perhaps, has sharpened her instincts, readied her claws, and gave her a knack for sussing out the truth in people. Still, the Epithet inscribed upon her soul urges her ever onwards, to embody and be the conduit for hope. More than just the moral desire to represent hope, Piper Delaney is driven by the metaphysical force itself, having realigned her soul and granted a smidgen of control over it. This responsibility is one she takes seriously, though the full breadth of that hasn't fully hit her yet. All she knows— all Pip understands and cares about it keeping the flame of expectations, promises, and desires aflame.

She also gets an absolute kick out of raunchy jokes and will burst into a fit of giggles if given the opportunity.

Biography: Phantasya is a world of magical chaos; boundless ambient energy waits to be harnessed and recycled and the denizens of her world, pleasant or mal-aligned, vie for the right to control the flow. Positive or Negative, those who control the flow control the world. While the common folk live life with bits of magic passed down through the generations, some have been chosen by the world itself and granted an exceptionally large portion of magic. Piper Delaney is one of these chosen— known as "Wardens" all across Phantasya. Some Wardens, or at least the powers granted to these Wardens, are reborn throughout the years, and many myths and legends have cropped up surrounding these worldly heroes.

Born with the Grail Warden's power, False Ancients has molded and framed how Piper exists, and molded once again when her very soul was rewritten on her sixteenth birthday. The Guardian Sphere too chose Pip, granting her a share of magic itself. All of that responsibility, all of that pressure to succeed, all of that honor… is hard to live up to.

Pip does her best, clinging to the small chance that all of her efforts will match up to the grandiose belief that she can help protect her homeworld and the Universum as a whole.

Piper Delaney started showing signs of magic when she was three years old and of the nine magic types, seemed to have an affinity for abjuration and conjuration. When she was twelve, she had her first vision, guided by the last Grail Warden. By the time she was fourteen, she was leading small groups of other young Wardens against cursed witches and their minions of negative energy.

When she turned sixteen her soul was inscribed with her Epithet, Hope, by the Guardian Sphere and was granted access to the World Between and Wolpurgiswora University, where she has spent the past seven betwixt-years studying and improving her magical prowess.


False Ancients

Every Grail Warden since the first has wielded False Ancients— the manifestation of Phantasya's concentrated sense of purity in struggle. As every Grail Warden has fought for Positive energy, this has manifested in a quasi-holy warrior who fights with sword and shield and powerful blasts of energy. As Phantasya itself evolved with time, so too has the power that the Grail has collected and passed down.

S —— Grail Sword and Shield and Armor: While they can be summoned and dismissed individually, the Regalia of the Grail Warden is a sword and shield made of an unknown golden-hued metal that is incredibly strong, durable, and lightweight. It seems to grow in strength the more confident Pip is, though she is unaware of this fact. Though the sword and shield transform to be the most comfortable size, the Grail Warden can manipulate the length and style of the sword and shield with time spent meditating and training. Once "set", the current configuration is capable of being summoned and dismissed during combat with relative ease, allowing Pip to impale with her sword in one motion and bash a skull with the other. Likewise, the armor regalia adopts the style of the current warden, although it keeps the Grail aesthetic (feathered cape, golden-hued plate, winged helmet). Beams of energy spew from the sword and shield, sometimes directed, sometimes randomly, and sears through negative entities.


While Pip can dismiss her sword or shield in an instant, it takes ten heartbeats to summon it back into her hands. If she wishes to wield an incredibly massive sword, a la the Dragon Slayer, Piper must completely dismiss her shield and use both hands. Likewise, if she wishes to play the role of shieldbearer, with a massive shield, she must dismiss her sword and use both hands to bolster and carry the shield. Both shed a fair bit of rose-gold light and the beams of light that randomly spew forth are arcs of pure positive energy that deal no small amount of damage.

A —— Gambol Stride: Pip becomes ephemeral and teleports up to 30 feet away in bounding, frolicing steps, like a stone across water. Her feet create small discs of rose-gold light wherever they land during this teleportation and she's capable of altering her course midway.


She can use Gambol Stride about 5 times per day now, before it becomes too much of a stresser on her body. Additionally, she can only use it consecutively once. (IE. She cannot "cast" Gambol Steps 3 times in a row to teleport 90 ft away.) Her location must be in line of sight and must be unobscured— while she can alter her course, if she occupies anyone or anything's space while ephemeral she tends to get bruises and comes out of Gambol Stride with the wind knocked out of her.

E —— Epithet Evo: The concept of Hope pairs nicely with the Grail and it seemed like a natural evolution for the Grail Warden to gain the ability to influence, inspire, and ingrain it into others. This ability is not understood well and rarely actively used; despite this, because of the combination, Pip is a natural beacon for those who will cause her to struggle. Especially upon Phantasya, where mal-aligned entities seek out and devour Positive energy, Pip is in constant danger (and currently unaware of the fact) that her very presence calls out to those in the dark.

Additionally, previous Wardens have left a portion of their:

A —— Strength
C —— Battle Intuition
B —— Memory

Magical Abilities

By nature of being a Magical Guardian, Pip has access to all nine types of magics known to the Universum and can cast magical spells known to her or ones that she creates. However, over the course of her academic career, she's put focus into abjuration and conjuration, the two she feels an innate affinity for. Below are a few spells, abilities, and effects she uses often:

C —— Bow Before the Grail: A powerful magical presence erupts from Pip, one that registers on a physical and intuitive wavelength. Like an aura of force that dominates an area, the ground trembles and the guilt of your sins are rounded up to the surface of your psyche. Bow Before the Grail instills a sense of dread to those who perceive the Grail Warden within a 30 foot radius and encourages them to flee, freeze, or grovel.


Pip cannot exclude anyone, teammates or innocent bystanders, from this aura. She must calculate and choose when to use this. While this ability doesn't exact harm, it does instill a sense of fear and reverence that she doesn't like to put her friends through.

A —— Ordinance of the Warden: A soft magical light surrounds Pip and those nearby of her choice and for a brief moment in time, all gain a small boon. The boon lasts about a minute.




Pip can cast Ordinance up to four times per day. The boons do not stack, you'll replace the one you have if it's cast it back to back and completely wear off after the minute has passed. While the Health Ordinance will close minor to moderate wounds, it is not a "full heal" but rather field surgery. Ordinance's boons bless unproportionally when it comes to strength, granting more to those with naturally greater strength. The same is said for luck and speed.

SS —— Dome of Providence: A shimmering dome is conjured around Pip, focused on her or the location it was cast. Currently, she's able to create a 15x15 barrier, most often realized as a dome, that prevents entry to anyone who would cause her harm. With barrier commands, Pip can add additional parameters and effects. Most famously is the command to heal, though she's also known to mix it up.


The Dome of Providence is incredibly draining to cast and must be done so continuously. It takes about three minutes to finish once started and she can only do it once, maybe twice per day. The dome lasts 2 or 20 minutes exactly, depending on Pip's desire. In close combat, Dome of Providence provides an almost guaranteed path to success, escape, etc., as it envelopes Pip and only Pip under its gaze. Either as a refuge out of combat or the defense on the back lines, the dome focused on a location is 15x15 feet wide and can protect as many who can squeeze inside. Barrier commands cannot be given until the dome is active and they take an additional uninterrupted minute to encode. Afterwards, Pip is left with severe exhaustion.

S —— Ameliorate: By the grace of Phantasya, Pip augments her strength— magical and physical —up to three times. She increases incrementally and in her final Amelioration, stands 12 feet tall.


Extremely taxing on the body. A complete knock out within five minutes of her second Amelioration is common and expected, despite the constant training in the House of Light. Pip has only managed to reach the final transformation once before, during an excursion to the Void Between. The explosion of augmented powers resonating ever stronger is hard to control. The more you augment, the harder it becomes to manage and although the chance is slim, especially for someone like Pip, there is a chance of losing control and going berserk. Ameliorating once lasts roughly 15 minutes and is used more often than not as a "finishing" move. She needs a few days to recharge before using Ameliorate again, regardless of how many of the three 'charges' were used.

It is important to note that these are magical abilities and effects; anti-magic fields render this all inert. Additionally, on worlds where magic simply does not exist (or cannot be sparked into existence), her Guardian Share magic specifically is useless, as she temporarily loses connection to the Guardian Sphere. In the Universum, this is known as Syne Amere— or without the Guardian's love. To be lacking something connected and inscribed upon your soul is a very jarring experience, one that Magical Guardians never wish to relive.


(D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster)

B —— Physical Strength
S —— Physical Endurance
C —— Physical Speed
B —— Swordsmanship
B —— Perceptive
B —— Magical Combat
C —— Baking
D —— Spell Creation
B —— Penmanship
C —— Making friends
S —— Audacity
SS —— Bashing skulls with a shield

Weapon(s) / Equipment:

Daggers: In the event she is rendered magicless, Pip keeps a pair of daggers in her backpack.

Backpack Contents:
— Clothes from her homeworld (black denim cargo pants, a blessed off-white cardigan, and two pairs of socks)
— Rosewood wand, about 11" with minute runes etched around the base
— Various notes, notebooks, homework, and project research
— Her Wildheart signet ring
— Wallet:
Gold drachms (93)
Silver drachms (71)
Gemhearts (27)
Crystal Tears (14)
Ruby Spheres (3)​
— Magical Toolkit: Scales, Censer, Broom, Ink pen, Cauldron, Glass jars, Sealing wax, Crystal vials, Mortar and pestle, Component Pouch, Ink pot (12 ounces), Candles (5 of each auric color + 10 additional white candles)
— Component pouch contents include:
Herb Bundle
12 sticks of Incense
Gemstone Assortment
Essential Oils (2 flasks per)​

Note: Her backpack functions as a miniature Bag of Holding. It still weighs 15 pounds regardless of what is inside and causes a small explosion of force if the extraplanar writing is disturbed inside. Luckily, this is difficult to do.

Magical Brooch: While inert, this magical brooch rests within her soul itself and thus cannot be truly taken from her, nor can it really be harmed. In some ways it can be seen as a portion of her soul realized, but it has no active ability or power, other than to be a "homing" beacon to the World Between. It has evolved over time and travel and now the Octet is represented alongside the Guardian Sphere.

Strengths: Upbeat and positive, rarely anything jars Piper Delaney out of her good mood. This has an effect on people that she's just now starting to understand and she takes great pride in uplifting those around her. She is charismatic, almost to a fault, and will go out of her way to be helpful. Pip has gained a lot of influence and connections this way, able to call in favors and lean on a wide array of support systems. Likewise, that wide array casts a large net on news, rumors, and underground knowledge.

Weakness: In a way, Piper's existence is polarizing; her very essence screams for you to cling to your strongest and craziest desires, to shoot for the stars and never give up. To those with acute otherworldly senses, this creates a vast array of potential outcomes. To some, her presence is painful, to others a delight, a feast to a dark entity that must be fed post haste. Due to the aforementioned reasons above, stealth really isn't Pip's strong suit, even if she herself is capable of being stealthy. Her empathetic and compassionate nature lends her into hasty decision making in the heat of a moment, always running towards cries of pain and chaos. She's been led into many a trap that way.

  • Failing. Letting a cursed witch consume the souls of innocent people. Disappointing her family, professors, and everyone rooting for her.
  • Not being strong enough to save the Universum.
  • Never returning home / to her timeline, to her people.
  • Spiders. Anything with too many arms and legs and eyes.
  • Time loops. After being trapped in one for several months within the Void Beyond last school year, Pip has a paranoid, irrational fear of them and sometimes questions reality when situations— and people —get a little too uncanny.
  • Sensory deprivation. It quite literally drives her mad, unable to sense anything. It is against the natural order and her very soul trembles.

She was on an unapproved visit to Phantasya when she was 'scattered' and was wearing her school uniform: a plaid pleated skirt in Wolpurgi colors (wistera, pale dogwood cream, tearose pink, grey-violet), a charcoal colored long-sleeved blouse with the crest embroidered on the chest pocket, a plaid bow, with charcoal knee-highs with two plaid stripes, and charcoal-colored mary janes. On top is her newly issued hooded cloak. Uniform Ref

I mention this because the fabric itself is more durable than average, flame and water resistant, as well as enchanted to be comfortable in any environment. Despite this, I wouldn't rank it any higher than C as it was intended for comfort, not protection. The enchantment would not protect her from an inferno or a blizzard and while the fabric is durable, it isn't kevlar. A training blade may slide against it frictionlessly, but a kitchen cleaver would definitely make purchase and cut through with ease.

Ep. 3 Absolution // League of Legends

Name: Piper "Pip" Delaney

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Human // Magical Guardian

World and Universe they are from: Phantasya // the Universum (Magic Unbound)

Appearance: What Pip lacks in height, she makes up for in wiry brute strength. Lean and lithe and at a measly five-foot, Piper Delaney, at first glance, doesn't seem like much of a threat. Get on her bad side though, and that happy-go-lucky charisma she radiates morphs into something deep and unsettling, like the desperate will of a trapped animal. She has large expressive eyes— a deep aegean blue —which are often overcome by a strumming golden glow when channeling her soul. A thick scar travels across the bridge of her nose, a little shorter on the right than the left, and four permanent spells take residence beneath her right eye, represented by four dots. Golden wheat locks fall past her shoulders in a blunt, choppy cut with minimal layers that either stays down or gets put in a messy bun. She makes a lot of faces; silly faces, pouts and cringes of disgust— she has a lot of restraint, just not around smells. Pip looks visually nauseated (and usually is) whenever she encounters foul scents, completely on instinct.

When Pip initiates her transformation, she dissipates into a shower of golden dust that begins to reform. During transformation, she becomes an orb of light, emanating a rose-gold warmth. When she reappears, (and is actively transformed):
  • She is wearing golden nephilim-inspired plate armor
  • Wields both shield and sword
  • Grows in height, to a comfortable 6'2"
  • Wears a long feathered cape, white in color
  • Her wiry build is translated; she doesn't get bulkier but her natural strength is doubled
  • Her hair doubles in length, spilling out the back of her winged helmet

Personality: Pip is your average girl wonder— happy-go-lucky, hard headed, and thankfully over her clumsy phase; still, it often takes a few good knocks for this nineteen year old to really get the gist of a lesson well learned. More clever now that she's in her seventh year at Wolpurgiswora University, Piper is still just a teenager and has her bouts of teenage angst and unreasonableness, though it has been tempered by years of hunting cursed witches and the abominations they summon. Trauma, perhaps, has sharpened her instincts, readied her claws, and gave her a knack for sussing out the truth in people. Still, the Epithet inscribed upon her soul urges her ever onwards, to embody and be the conduit for hope. More than just the moral desire to represent hope, Piper Delaney is driven by the metaphysical force itself, having realigned her soul and granted a smidgen of control over it. This responsibility is one she takes seriously, though the full breadth of that hasn't fully hit her yet. All she knows— all Pip understands and cares about it keeping the flame of expectations, promises, and desires aflame.

She also gets an absolute kick out of raunchy jokes and will burst into a fit of giggles if given the opportunity.

Biography: Phantasya is a world of magical chaos; boundless ambient energy waits to be harnessed and recycled and the denizens of her world, pleasant or mal-aligned, vie for the right to control the flow. Positive or Negative, those who control the flow control the world. While the common folk live life with bits of magic passed down through the generations, some have been chosen by the world itself and granted an exceptionally large portion of magic. Piper Delaney is one of these chosen— known as "Wardens" all across Phantasya. Some Wardens, or at least the powers granted to these Wardens, are reborn throughout the years, and many myths and legends have cropped up surrounding these worldly heroes.

Born with the Grail Warden's power, False Ancients has molded and framed how Piper exists, and molded once again when her very soul was rewritten on her sixteenth birthday. The Guardian Sphere too chose Pip, granting her a share of magic itself. All of that responsibility, all of that pressure to succeed, all of that honor… is hard to live up to.

Pip does her best, clinging to the small chance that all of her efforts will match up to the grandiose belief that she can help protect her homeworld and the Universum as a whole.

Piper Delaney started showing signs of magic when she was three years old and of the nine magic types, seemed to have an affinity for abjuration and conjuration. When she was twelve, she had her first vision, guided by the last Grail Warden. By the time she was fourteen, she was leading small groups of other young Wardens against cursed witches and their minions of negative energy.

When she turned sixteen her soul was inscribed with her Epithet, Hope, by the Guardian Sphere and was granted access to the World Between and Wolpurgiswora University, where she has spent the past seven betwixt-years studying and improving her magical prowess.


False Ancients

Every Grail Warden since the first has wielded False Ancients— the manifestation of Phantasya's concentrated sense of purity in struggle. As every Grail Warden has fought for Positive energy, this has manifested in a quasi-holy warrior who fights with sword and shield and powerful blasts of energy. As Phantasya itself evolved with time, so too has the power that the Grail has collected and passed down.

S —— Grail Sword and Shield and Armor: While they can be summoned and dismissed individually, the Regalia of the Grail Warden is a sword and shield made of an unknown golden-hued metal that is incredibly strong, durable, and lightweight. It seems to grow in strength the more confident Pip is, though she is unaware of this fact. Though the sword and shield transform to be the most comfortable size, the Grail Warden can manipulate the length and style of the sword and shield with time spent meditating and training. Once "set", the current configuration is capable of being summoned and dismissed during combat with relative ease, allowing Pip to impale with her sword in one motion and bash a skull with the other. Likewise, the armor regalia adopts the style of the current warden, although it keeps the Grail aesthetic (feathered cape, golden-hued plate, winged helmet). Beams of energy spew from the sword and shield, sometimes directed, sometimes randomly, and sears through negative entities.


While Pip can dismiss her sword or shield in an instant, it takes ten heartbeats to summon it back into her hands. If she wishes to wield an incredibly massive sword, a la the Dragon Slayer, Piper must completely dismiss her shield and use both hands. Likewise, if she wishes to play the role of shieldbearer, with a massive shield, she must dismiss her sword and use both hands to bolster and carry the shield. Both shed a fair bit of rose-gold light and the beams of light that randomly spew forth are arcs of pure positive energy that deal no small amount of damage.

A —— Gambol Stride: Pip becomes ephemeral and teleports up to 30 feet away in bounding, frolicing steps, like a stone across water. Her feet create small discs of rose-gold light wherever they land during this teleportation and she's capable of altering her course midway.


She can use Gambol Stride about 5 times per day now, before it becomes too much of a stresser on her body. Additionally, she can only use it consecutively once. (IE. She cannot "cast" Gambol Steps 3 times in a row to teleport 90 ft away.) Her location must be in line of sight and must be unobscured— while she can alter her course, if she occupies anyone or anything's space while ephemeral she tends to get bruises and comes out of Gambol Stride with the wind knocked out of her.

E —— Epithet Evo: The concept of Hope pairs nicely with the Grail and it seemed like a natural evolution for the Grail Warden to gain the ability to influence, inspire, and ingrain it into others. This ability is not understood well and rarely actively used; despite this, because of the combination, Pip is a natural beacon for those who will cause her to struggle. Especially upon Phantasya, where mal-aligned entities seek out and devour Positive energy, Pip is in constant danger (and currently unaware of the fact) that her very presence calls out to those in the dark.

Additionally, previous Wardens have left a portion of their:

A —— Strength
C —— Battle Intuition
B —— Memory

Magical Abilities

By nature of being a Magical Guardian, Pip has access to all nine types of magics known to the Universum and can cast magical spells known to her or ones that she creates. However, over the course of her academic career, she's put focus into abjuration and conjuration, the two she feels an innate affinity for. Below are a few spells, abilities, and effects she uses often:

C —— Bow Before the Grail: A powerful magical presence erupts from Pip, one that registers on a physical and intuitive wavelength. Like an aura of force that dominates an area, the ground trembles and the guilt of your sins are rounded up to the surface of your psyche. Bow Before the Grail instills a sense of dread to those who perceive the Grail Warden within a 30 foot radius and encourages them to flee, freeze, or grovel.


Pip cannot exclude anyone, teammates or innocent bystanders, from this aura. She must calculate and choose when to use this. While this ability doesn't exact harm, it does instill a sense of fear and reverence that she doesn't like to put her friends through.

A —— Ordinance of the Warden: A soft magical light surrounds Pip and those nearby of her choice and for a brief moment in time, all gain a small boon. The boon lasts about a minute.




Pip can cast Ordinance up to four times per day. The boons do not stack, you'll replace the one you have if it's cast it back to back and completely wear off after the minute has passed. While the Health Ordinance will close minor to moderate wounds, it is not a "full heal" but rather field surgery. Ordinance's boons bless unproportionally when it comes to strength, granting more to those with naturally greater strength. The same is said for luck and speed.

SS —— Dome of Providence: A shimmering dome is conjured around Pip, focused on her or the location it was cast. Currently, she's able to create a 15x15 barrier, most often realized as a dome, that prevents entry to anyone who would cause her harm. With barrier commands, Pip can add additional parameters and effects. Most famously is the command to heal, though she's also known to mix it up.


The Dome of Providence is incredibly draining to cast and must be done so continuously. It takes about three minutes to finish once started and she can only do it once, maybe twice per day. The dome lasts 2 or 20 minutes exactly, depending on Pip's desire. In close combat, Dome of Providence provides an almost guaranteed path to success, escape, etc., as it envelopes Pip and only Pip under its gaze. Either as a refuge out of combat or the defense on the back lines, the dome focused on a location is 15x15 feet wide and can protect as many who can squeeze inside. Barrier commands cannot be given until the dome is active and they take an additional uninterrupted minute to encode. Afterwards, Pip is left with severe exhaustion.

S —— Ameliorate: By the grace of Phantasya, Pip augments her strength— magical and physical —up to three times. She increases incrementally and in her final Amelioration, stands 12 feet tall.


Extremely taxing on the body. A complete knock out within five minutes of her second Amelioration is common and expected, despite the constant training in the House of Light. Pip has only managed to reach the final transformation once before, during an excursion to the Void Between. The explosion of augmented powers resonating ever stronger is hard to control. The more you augment, the harder it becomes to manage and although the chance is slim, especially for someone like Pip, there is a chance of losing control and going berserk. Ameliorating once lasts roughly 15 minutes and is used more often than not as a "finishing" move. She needs a few days to recharge before using Ameliorate again, regardless of how many of the three 'charges' were used.

It is important to note that these are magical abilities and effects; anti-magic fields render this all inert. Additionally, on worlds where magic simply does not exist (or cannot be sparked into existence), her Guardian Share magic specifically is useless, as she temporarily loses connection to the Guardian Sphere. In the Universum, this is known as Syne Amere— or without the Guardian's love. To be lacking something connected and inscribed upon your soul is a very jarring experience, one that Magical Guardians never wish to relive.


(D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster)

B —— Physical Strength
S —— Physical Endurance
C —— Physical Speed
B —— Swordsmanship
B —— Perceptive
B —— Magical Combat
C —— Baking
D —— Spell Creation
B —— Penmanship
C —— Making friends
S —— Audacity
SS —— Bashing skulls with a shield

Weapon(s) / Equipment:

Daggers: In the event she is rendered magicless, Pip keeps a pair of daggers in her backpack.

Backpack Contents:
— Clothes from her homeworld (black denim cargo pants, a blessed off-white cardigan, and two pairs of socks)
— Rosewood wand, about 11" with minute runes etched around the base
— Various notes, notebooks, homework, and project research
— Her Wildheart signet ring
— Wallet:
Gold drachms (93)
Silver drachms (71)
Gemhearts (27)
Crystal Tears (14)
Ruby Spheres (3)​
— Magical Toolkit: Scales, Censer, Broom, Ink pen, Cauldron, Glass jars, Sealing wax, Crystal vials, Mortar and pestle, Component Pouch, Ink pot (12 ounces), Candles (5 of each auric color + 10 additional white candles)
— Component pouch contents include:
Herb Bundle
12 sticks of Incense
Gemstone Assortment
Essential Oils (2 flasks per)​

Note: Her backpack functions as a miniature Bag of Holding. It still weighs 15 pounds regardless of what is inside and causes a small explosion of force if the extraplanar writing is disturbed inside. Luckily, this is difficult to do.

Magical Brooch: While inert, this magical brooch rests within her soul itself and thus cannot be truly taken from her, nor can it really be harmed. In some ways it can be seen as a portion of her soul realized, but it has no active ability or power, other than to be a "homing" beacon to the World Between. It has evolved over time and travel and now the Octet is represented alongside the Guardian Sphere.

Strengths: Upbeat and positive, rarely anything jars Piper Delaney out of her good mood. This has an effect on people that she's just now starting to understand and she takes great pride in uplifting those around her. She is charismatic, almost to a fault, and will go out of her way to be helpful. Pip has gained a lot of influence and connections this way, able to call in favors and lean on a wide array of support systems. Likewise, that wide array casts a large net on news, rumors, and underground knowledge.

Weakness: In a way, Piper's existence is polarizing; her very essence screams for you to cling to your strongest and craziest desires, to shoot for the stars and never give up. To those with acute otherworldly senses, this creates a vast array of potential outcomes. To some, her presence is painful, to others a delight, a feast to a dark entity that must be fed post haste. Due to the aforementioned reasons above, stealth really isn't Pip's strong suit, even if she herself is capable of being stealthy. Her empathetic and compassionate nature lends her into hasty decision making in the heat of a moment, always running towards cries of pain and chaos. She's been led into many a trap that way.

  • Failing. Letting a cursed witch consume the souls of innocent people. Disappointing her family, professors, and everyone rooting for her.
  • Not being strong enough to save the Universum.
  • Never returning home / to her timeline, to her people.
  • Spiders. Anything with too many arms and legs and eyes.
  • Time loops. After being trapped in one for several months within the Void Beyond last school year, Pip has a paranoid, irrational fear of them and sometimes questions reality when situations— and people —get a little too uncanny.
  • Sensory deprivation. It quite literally drives her mad, unable to sense anything. It is against the natural order and her very soul trembles.

She was on an unapproved visit to Phantasya when she was 'scattered' and was wearing her school uniform: a plaid pleated skirt in Wolpurgi colors (wistera, pale dogwood cream, tearose pink, grey-violet), a charcoal colored long-sleeved blouse with the crest embroidered on the chest pocket, a plaid bow, with charcoal knee-highs with two plaid stripes, and charcoal-colored mary janes. On top is her newly issued hooded cloak. Uniform Ref

I mention this because the fabric itself is more durable than average, flame and water resistant, as well as enchanted to be comfortable in any environment. Despite this, I wouldn't rank it any higher than C as it was intended for comfort, not protection. The enchantment would not protect her from an inferno or a blizzard and while the fabric is durable, it isn't kevlar. A training blade may slide against it frictionlessly, but a kitchen cleaver would definitely make purchase and cut through with ease.
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Name: Saber

Age: Undefined

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Pseudo-Servant

World and Universe they are from: Fate

Appearance: Saber is a tall woman, standing at a surprising 204 centimeters tall. With a hardened body, compact and very muscular, hidden behind a layer of moderately simple armor from olden times, which has references to where her origins point her to be from. Saber has cold, gray eyes that display very little emotion. The same could be said about her face. Both could be as a result of the girl whose body the heroic spirit took to materialize. She possesses scars in several parts of her body, most notably, two large ones shown in her face. Saber's hair is a wild, long mane of gray locks around knee-length.

Personality: Saber is a conflicted individual. On one hand, she is the materialization of a smith from legend. Forgemaster behind the creation of many items of their own immense fame. A determined individual with a will of steel, one who never backs down from any situation. They are not only a great blacksmith, but an admirer of such work. This results on his work being made with exceptional care and attention. On the other, in order for this Heroic Spirit to materialize, he took over the body of a young woman who happened to have somewhat of an affinity with them. This woman is as determined and willing to fight for whatever cause she happens to support. However, there is still a bit of a disconnect between the two parts. This results in a bit of a struggle on the emotional front. "Cold, but not cruel" would be a neat summary of Saber's personality.

Bio: A Germanic/Norse legend of sorts, Saber was summoned back to the world by Hiroshi Matsunaga. A young, yet extremely talented, wandering mage from a noble bloodline, who was able to achieve such a feat in his quest to reach The Root. He even designed a way to maintain a more stable connection with Saber in order to avoid her vanishing due to the lack of a Holy Grail or something of the sort.
Higher ups from several imporant names in the mage world caught wind of this eventually. Particularly the Holy Church. They would not stand for such a thing. They sent their forces to end this heretical creation, end its creator, or both. Being smart, Hiroshi evaded their efforts for quite some time, and even successfully confronted them on more than one ocassion. But he eventually was bested. Mortally wounded after an altercation with an executor, Saber drove the threat off and ran with Hiroshi in her arms. They didn't make it far. Hiroshi died, and Saber was left to fend for herself. She wouldn't run out of mana were she to be rational, her saint graph alteration somewhat made her wish to take vengeance, but she wasn't that irrational. And thus, while pondering on what should she do with her life now next to Hiroshi's unmarked grave, a bright green light engulfed her and send her away from her home world, to an unknown destination...


Physiology: As a summoned Heroic Spirit, Saber's physical standards are far beyond what any human could perform. Her strength and endurance (A) are outstanding, while her speed and magical energy (C+) is a bit above average for a servant, her luck (C) is average for her kin.
The other two important factors when talking about a servant are their Skills and Noble Phantasms.

- Magic Resistance (B): A staple skill of the Saber class. At this rank, Saber is unaffected by low and medium levels of magic, while spells of high caliber have diminished effects.

- Territory Creation (A): Traditionally a Caster skill, Saber utilizes it rather untraditionally. Instead of a regular mage's workshop being created, this version manifests as a smithy that is an extension of Saber, and follows her as she moves.

- Appreciation of Weaponry (A): Comprehension related to armament. With just one glance, he can grasp how to confront ordinary weapons that aren't Noble Phantasms. In the case of the rank being A or higher, it's possible to understand more modern armament. It works as accurate advice for allies, and perceives the weak points of the enemy.

- Independent Action (A+): Saber can operate without a Master to an extent. The support of a Master is unnecessary even while unleashing a large amount of Magical Energy. It is an ability that bends the rules and allows for the continued materialization of Servants even after the conclusion of a Holy Grail War. Still, for Saber to realize her full potential, a Master is needed due to the class conflict this skill has with Saber.

- Sword Trial (A): Trying out the sword. Test slashes, test swordsmanship. A method to measure the sharpness and performance of swords. Saber can freely draw out the power endowed to a weapon. If he felt like it, she could even draw out its maximum power to the point of the weapon self-destructing in a single stroke. Saber can also test other weapons, though not as efficiently.

- Battle Continuation (C): Skill that allows Saber for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. It will also reduce mortality rate from injury. This Skill represents the ability to survive and/or the mentality of one who doesn't know when to give up, consisting of one's strength of vitality in predicaments.

- Feather Step (A): A Skill stemming from Saber's ???. It resulted in Saber having nimble legs that can jump in the air as if they were light as a feather.

Noble Phantasms:
??? (A): A sword crafted by Saber for ???, though she borrowed it in this particular incarnation. Powerful enough to intimidate other legendary sword wielders (???). Usually a greatsword of great power, when its true name is revealed, it can blast powerful waves and blasts of energy. Said energy is highly destructive.

??? (A+): Saber's forge fully manifested. When not used with its true name revealed, Saber is able to summon tools and materials to forge, as well as "mundane" (still extremely high quality) weapons that can be used freely. With its true name revealed, Saber creates a reality marble, a pocket dimension of sorts, that houses a fully equipped forge. Within it, Saber can forge or upgrade weaponry and armor she can comprehend to great extents, Imbuing them with magic more powerful than what modern magecraft could achieve should she wish to.

Strenghts: Loyal, reliable, selfless

Weakness/Fears: Dependant on a Master, struggles to communicate, prone to explode if pushed the wrong way

Other: The human vessel name for Saber is Emma. She dons a steel mask from her days with Hiroshi, more so because he told her to.
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Name:Olivaster - Oliver or Ollie for short.

Codename: Shezmu, taken from the Egyptian God of blood. It was given to Oliver by Enkidu when they discovered that Oliver was Hemokinetic.

Age: 27
Gender : Male
Sexual Orientation: Open has no experience
Species: Dhampir
World and Universe they are from: Valan(Ang Kor) - World unknown, he knows he lived in Enkidu's forest after his parents death. He is unsure where that is as he can only get there using the book of the Gates, and he has attempted to find the end of the forest but has never succeeded. This and several of his studies suggest it is it's own pocket dimension inside the multiverse as he can not travel to space and see the forest from that height. He has never been able to break atmo.
Standing at a height of 173 cm with a weight of 76.2kg. Ollie has a toned and well defined mesomorphic build with medium length blonde hair and deep crimson eyes that he hides behind a crimson eye covering. His dusky complexion and pointed ears are among his most defining traits. Casually ignoring the horns.
Personality :
Infj personality types are soft spoken with strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for something they believe in, though they may not say what they believe in. Ollie is no different, where youth had once made him rash and reckless. Quick to use his powers against anyone who dared to challenge him, age has brought wisdom and caution. Having seen the dangers and horrors of the multiverse, Ollie has been both humbled and inspired by the powers that are beyond him. As the Student of Enkidu he was always aware of the Multiverse, but having spent the last 12 years traveling through it as he searches for Enkidu. His mind had been opened to the understanding that anything is possible. This has instilled a sense of defiant hope inside the young man, knowing that regardless of how long he must search the multiverse, he will eventually find his master and learn the truth of his origins. While he stays away from drawing the attention of the prominent figures and powers of the multiverse, it isn't due to his desire to be alone. He is unskilled in the social arts and finds trouble interacting with people due in most to his lack of knowledge when it comes to society and how it works.

The child of a vampire and a human taught in blood magic, Oliver should have never been born, in fact both sides of his family rejected him and his parents to the point that they were targeted by their own clans. It was during this time that his parents reached out to their old friend, a hero known as Enkidu or the horned man, as Oliver's godparent they entrusted Oliver to him should anything Happen to them.
Unfortunately, When Oliver was four his parents were tracked down and murdered by a joint venture between the vampire clan of his father, who had decided that a half-breed would be too dangerous to be allowed to live. What they didn't expect was for Enkidu to become involved and take the child after rescuing him from said hit squad.
For as long as Oliver can remember he has been with Enkidu, This father and son relationship would be the reason Oliver became the Vigilante Shezmu. When Ollie was 16, Enkidu was captured by the mutant named Mercius and her government, Oliver recovered Enkidu's Grimoire known as the tome of Servants, a heavily encrypted collection of magical rituals and incantations, and set out to slay Mercius and free Enkidu. His journey would take him throughout the cosmos, but first it would take him to Earth(????). Where a Relic of Enkidu's was said to have been locked away. Arriving on earth Oliver would establish himself as a person of interest during what became known as the Siege of Australia. Where thousands of horrors crawled out of the desert and sacked most of the continent before the planet's Heroes could push them back. In the coming war Oliver would travel the earth fighting pockets of these horrors as he searched for the Relic. When he discovered that the relic he was after was one of the 18 Grimoires of magic that his Master had written, he chose to reclaim it regardless of who currently owned it, in a fight against the Government, Oliver would reclaim the Grimoire and use its power to learn how to travel the Multiverse.

For the next twelve years Ollie would travel the Multiverse, searching for the remaining relics of his master. A search that has taken him from one realm to another, six years into his journey he would locate and acquire a second Grimoire written by Enkidu. This Grimoire detailed the arts of alchemy and how to apply them. Six years in and thanks to the two Grimoires, Oliver was finally able to understand the concept of traveling between multiverses. On his first step through towards his next destination called Earth 0. Not aware of the barrier between the multiverse and this one. He was ricocheted and fell only to awaken and find himself thrown headfirst into The Evrensel Conflict.

Hemokinesis, or the ability to manipulate blood.

Mystiokinesis- Magic/Spell crafting. The ability to manipulate the magical particles or energy of the user and the realms.

Transmutation/Alchemy - The user can alter or transform matter, energy, elements, objects, beings and concepts etc. into anything else, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily. Requires one to understand the science behind the sacrifice and the outcome.

Racial abilities - Daywalker Physiology - Dhampirs inherit powers from Vampires such as superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, senses, stamina, endurance, healing factor, even immortality and hypnosis. They feed on human blood and possibly other vampires as well. It is also possible that, like with vampires, the dhampirs' powers and abilities increase and improve with time, age, experience, and consumption of blood whether human, animal, or even vampire blood. They can be as powerful as, if not, more powerful than vampires, so they have to train very hard to increase their powers. A dhampir's powers are not accessed until they're 18, some growing up entirely unaware they're a dhampir at all.

Superhumanly Acute Senses - The dhampirs' sense of sight and hearing are heightened to levels comparable to those possessed by true vampires. They are capable of seeing objects with perfect clarity at much greater distances than ordinary humans. They retain this same level of clarity even in near-total darkness. The dhampirs' hearing is similarly enhanced, allowing them to detect sounds that an ordinary human can't hear and enabling them to hear sounds an ordinary human can hear but at greater distances. The dhampirs' sense of smell is as acute as a wolf's or a dog's, enabling them to track prey for miles by the scent of the victim's blood alone. dhampirs are also able to sense the presence of supernatural beings or forces whereas an ordinary human would be oblivious to them. They can also instinctively sense impending danger, usually posed by humans. They can also sense emanations of good or evil, instinctively avoiding the former while congregating to the latter. Overall, their keen senses give them several advantages when hunting or eluding enemies.

Aura Perception - Their heightened vision allows them to see their prey by their blood auras. His magical awareness boosts this.

Enhanced Eidetic Memory - Dhampirs have perfect memory recall, are unable to forget, and develop mentally at a rate far faster than their chronological and biological age, speaking in complete sentences and walking just days after birth. Their minds are often called "vaults" in which they store all their information permanently, regardless of how far such memories recede into the past.

Superhuman Strength - Dhampirs are supernaturally much stronger than humans. In addition to inheriting their vampiric parent's strength, they can also be as strong as, if not, stronger than a pure vampire. They always have the advantage of superior strength in direct combat with a human and can toss an average size, fully grown humans across a room with great speed and force. Other examples of their strength ability include single-handedly lifting a grown man high off the ground by the throat and snapping their necks, tearing people apart, and ripping out internal organs such as hearts.

Superhuman Durability - Their strength also contributes to their durability. They are resistant to very high impact forces and great falling heights. Jumping from a skyscraper won't affect them. The dhampir anatomy allows them to perform such feats.

Superhuman Speed - Dhampirs are capable of running and moving at speeds greater than even the finest human athlete. They can also accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an instant, faster than the human eye can see. They can be as fast as, if not, faster than a pure vampire. When running across long distances, they appear as vibrating blurs of motion. Their reflexes are similarly heightened. They move so fast that everything else, when compared to them, appears to be moving in slow motion.

Superhuman Agility - Dhampirs possess superhuman agility. Their agility, balance and coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. They can leap several feet into the air and are able to move, jump, climb, flip, and run at incredibly fast speeds without difficulty or exhaustion. They can perform above-human parkour feats and virtually always land on their feet.

Superhuman Stamina - Dhampirs musculature generates less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human. They can exert themselves at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair them. In addition to granting them great endurance, it allows them to be stronger than any human and possibly large animals. They are able to bench-press cars with ease and are capable of lifting about 10 tons.

Eternal Life - Due to their Vampire heritage, dhampirs do not age. However, when they are born, they age normally until they reach adulthood, at which point they cease to age and can potentially live forever. Once they stop aging, they then become immune to conventional illness, disease, virus and infection, including a werewolf bite.

Regenerative Healing Factor - Dhampirs, like true vampires, possess an accelerated healing ability that allows them to heal mild to moderate injuries with much greater speed and efficiency than ordinary humans. Dhampirs are capable of healing from severe slashes and puncture wounds within a matter of minutes to hours depending on the severity of the wound. However, they are not able to regenerate missing limbs or organs. They can snap their finger bones back into place after being broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso impalement after a few minutes, whereas humans take longer to recover from similar injuries (which usually ranges from months to years). Their healing factor also allows them to be completely immune to extra-terrestrial diseases or viruses. Their immune system is said to be ten times more aggressive than a normal human. This, together with their healing factor, defends them from any infections, allowing them to be effective at all times without becoming impaired or rendered helpless. Due to his blood magic, he can filter things from his blood.

Fangs - Dhampirs can grow a pair of fangs from their mouths, which they use to feed. Their fangs will occasionally come out and extend when they feed, are aroused by the scent of blood, or feeling intensely threatened or angered, especially if they are new vampires who have yet to gain complete control over their bloodlust.

Immunity To Vampire Vulnerabilities - True vampires have numerous and very particular supernatural vulnerabilities, most to almost all of which dhampirs are totally immune to. For instance, dhampirs are unaffected by direct exposure to sunlight, whereas most vampires are either rendered comatose during the daylight hours or are quickly incinerated when exposed directly to sunlight. Vampires are also highly allergic to silver, supposedly because of the metal's mystical purity. As a result, silver blades or bullets are capable of killing vampires. If a vampire is not killed and merely injured, it will still take a vampire much longer to heal than if the injury had been inflicted by another material. Dhampirs are also immune to the effects of vervain (a.k.a. verbena) while, in contrast, vampires are rendered almost powerless when confronted by it. Dhampirs themselves could be injured by a silver or wooden weapon as much as an ordinary human would, but their healing powers would be able to heal from the injury as if it were an ordinary wound. Dhampirs are also immune to the effects of religious icons, such as crucifixes, while vampires are rendered almost powerless when confronted by them. Dhampirs may not have to feast on blood (though they only need to feed once a week), and they can enter homes without permission.

Daytime Walking - Due to their human side a Dhampirs can walk in the sunlight with no issue unlike most vampires

Power limitations:(*)Can only use 2.4 liters of his own blood before passing out. Has a total of 3.6 liters of blood in his body.

(*)A liter is 1000 ml or grams
1130 gm -1500gm for clothing
655gm for sword
600 gm for a set of sai & tonfa
668 gm for spear
500 gm for staff
450gm for a bow. With.003 gm per arrow
300gm per dagger
200gm for a nine section whip

Hemokinetic Constructs are limited to martial weapons

Can not magically create blood, must come from a source, whether it be an animal or person. The stronger the blood the better.

Magic skill- S
Martial weapons and combat- S
Medical knowledge -A
Mixology- B
Tracker- B
Hunter - B
Tracking evasion - B
Perception - B
Infiltration - B
Awareness evasion - A

Weapon(s)/ Equipment:: 3 of the 18 Grimoires of Enkidu. The three he has are known as the Book of the Gates, a tome on Traveling through the Multiverse and Across dimensions.) The Tome of Metamorphos(Alchemy and Transfiguration). And the Book of Servants, a book of summoning, wards, commands, and rituals. These heavily enchanted tomes are the most treasured artifacts in Ollie's possession, acting much like Holocrons(Star wars), they allow Ollie to interact and learn from his master once again. Even if it is simply a sliver of his master's soul or consciousness.

Toolbelt- One bag of infinite capacity- contains- 9 XL Blood potions, a pack of blood pills, 6 medium vials and twelve small vials of blood.

Quickly Inspired
Determined and passionate

Weakness/ Fears:

Non power based
Has never been taught Braille or how to read/write
Has never integrated into society, thus has no idea how to handle other people.
Has no social knowledge.
Has a hard time trusting anyone or letting them in.
Is untrained and unfamiliar with modern tech.
Easy to convince as long as it doesn't violate his beliefs

Racial based weaknesses
Magic - Dhampirs are susceptible to the powers of magic.
Hunger - Dhampirs must feed on blood in the same way that their vampiric parents do.
Red Sunlight - While not affected by normal (yellow) sunlight and immune to all the weaknesses of traditional vampires, dhampirs are vulnerable to long exposure of red sunlight which is able to fatally burn their skin.


If Oliver lost his hand it would take .36 percent of his weight in blood to heal (260gms) and that's just to equal the weight of the hand, multiplied that by two (equals 520gm) this is for the conversion cost of blood to organic tissue.
Then add .25% of his hands weight to have blood and fluids in the limb. (588gm) this is the weight converted to a minute per gram scale and you have how long before it's healed. (588 minutes is 9.2 hrs) to have a new fleshy hand.

Equation A+B=T
A = weight of limb×2
B = .25×A
T= time

Unless he uses greater healing magic of course.​

Enkidu is not Enkidu's real name, this is major reason Shezmu has not found him. This is something that will be revealed to him only when he has recovered either Enkidu or all of his Grimoires. However finding eighteen books amongst thousands of realities is incredibly difficult even with the use of magic.
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Name: Alexandr Demitri Zorakov

Titles: The Shadow Keeper, The Shadow Broker, The Seller of secrets. The black merchant.
Age: Unclear, around 300
Gender: male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Species: Vampire
Affiliation: The Anu. The Shades and Shadows(The House of Spades)
World of origin - Valan(Ang Kor)

Appearance (Just a basic description of what your character looks like. Needs to be over four lines long. Please include basic shit like height and complexion, as well as physical build.): Always dressed in the finest black suit one can find, the Shadow Brøker rarely shows his face, instead choosing to interact with everyone from behind a mask or a proxy. Standing at exactly 2 metres or 6ft 6inches the Shadow Broker boasts an impressive physique, well trained in the combat and arcane arts the Shadow Brøker is most notable for his mask of shifting shadows. Beneath the mask is a red eyed man with handsome features and Black hair. His appearance still holds traces of his once naturally tanned skin.

Personality (Over six lines long.): A man of few words, the Shadow Broker does not speak unless it is absolutely necessary, he does not involve himself in anything unless there is a reason to or a profit to be gained. While quiet and unassuming the Shadow Broker is quick to anger even though one wouldn't notice until it was already too late to parlay. Keen on acquiring and selling valuable information and arms. The Shadow Broker holds nothing more valuable than rare and one of a kind artifacts, lifeforms, Crucial secrets and money. If you are rich enough you can buy knowledge on or access to almost anything.

History/Bio (.): Alexandr is not the first to dawn the mantle of The Shadow Broker, born on Valan to a prostitute and a crime boss, Alexandr learned young that while most wanted to be the strongest or the richest in order to gain power. True power, the type that could make good men turn against their loved ones, the type of power that would have men risking their lives and professions for. This power was in the secrets they kept, the lies they clung to. Holding the remains of the skeletons they had long buried, Alexandr learned to wield a power that made him infamous. Learning his father's secrets was easy, and learning the names and titles of the men and women that were customers of his mother was even easier. While it may have taken some time, by the time the young Alexandr turned eighteen he would lead his own information network calling his agents Shades and Shadows. Using the house of Spades to rank his agents starting at two going up to king's who oversaw various city operations throughout the Bloody Principality. His actions however covert were not unseen and before his nineteenth birthday he would find himself standing face to face with the Prince Nikolai Dragnoski Tepes of Wallachia Nephew to Empress Tepes of Nephros. This chance encounter would change the trajectory of Alexandr's life, being hired as the Spymaster to the Prince of Wallachia, Alexandr would use his position to spread his operation throughout all of Nephros and beyond their borders. Sometime after his twenty Fourth birthday, when his reach had spread as far as Rome and the forsaken islands of Cyprus, Krete and Malta, The Empire of Nephros was attacked by the Churches Armies, though the Empire won the overall war, the conflict left them weakened to the horrors that poured from the tundras every year. Despite the challenges the empire was able to fortify enough of the Northern border to withstand the onslaught. Bolstered by their stream of victories, the Empire would launch a crusade to reclaim the Forsaken Isles of Cyprus and Krete. Using blackmail and his growing power to secure enough forces, Alexandr would challenge the Imperial court for the right to lead the charge. With success won and forces mustered he would lead the war to reclaim the Isles, and four years later would be crowned the ruler of Krete and Cyprus. On his coronation he would be turned into a vampire, sired by Prince Nikolai, the same vampire who opened the door to his Ascension. Over the next several decades he would lead his own armies and spy network in service of the Empress and the Prince, all while serving his own means. During this time he reclaimed Malta for himself and the northern reaches of Ukraine for the empire. Over the next half a century he would gain the title of Lord of Shadows during his time as Spymaster and Ambassador for the Empire. Unknowingly piquing the interest of The Anu who is always looking for the next Shadow Broker. Ruled only by his own sense of mortality Alexandr would fall victim to the trapping of the Imperial Court before too long and shortly before his 200th birthday a member of the court conspiring with the Churches AX, their Elite Vampire killers orchestrated to have Alexandr assassinated on his next trip to Rome during the next round of negotiations. While the assassination attempt was a failure, it changed how Alexandr interacted with the world. Choosing to spread false information of its success he escaped to Constantinople and donned a black mask. Spreading another rumour that the attack had left him disfigured he would now send body doubles anytime he was required to go anywhere. His reliance on his Shades and Shadows would lead to a new rumour spreading that the attack had succeeded and the Empire was too proud to admit one of their elites had been slain. This rumour worked in Alexandr's favour and even more so for The Anu, who chose Alexandr to become the next Shadow Broker. After long enough time becomes meaningless and he is unsure of when he first encountered The Anu, however just like with the Prince the encounter would change his life forever. With his network being self-sufficient and a successor in place Alexandr would join The Anu. Unaware that by joining The Anu he would effectively become the antithesis to the patron saint of Spymaster's throughout Ang kor, becoming a being whose entire existence serves to ensure that the proper secrets are told to the right people at the right price at the right time. Unless you have made a deal with The Anu to keep your secret, there is no secret or weapon he will not sell. He is also known to sell the use of his agents in mercenary work, work he secretly takes part in to keep his skills sharp.​

Powers : Umbrakinesis - Shadow manipulation- the user is capable of shaping and controlling shadows.
Enhanced Senses - Vampires are usually portrayed as having extremely keen senses that are superior to those of humans. These undead possess remarkable hearing and a strong sense of smell. and are capable of tracking blood over long distances.
Immortality- Vampires can potentially live forever. They never age, are immune to disease and disability, and will die only by violent means.
Enhanced Agility - Certain lore bestows vampires with amazing agility, stating that they can climb vertical surfaces and jump from the tallest buildings without hurting themselves upon landing. They are also portrayed in the modern era as having reflexes faster than those of any human.
Night Vision - Vampires can traditionally see in the dark.
Shape-Shifting- Recent Western stories state that vampires can transform into mist, bats, crows, owls, moths, rats, cats, foxes, and wolves.
Superhuman strength- Vampires are far stronger than humans, and can lift 1 to 2,5 tons.
Superhuman speed- Vampires speed is greater than humans
Hypnosis- Vampires can hypnotize humans to their will.
Telepathy- Vampires can read the thoughts of a human being.
Telekinesis- Vampires can move objects with their mind
Supernatural Regeneration- Vampires can heal from wounds and disabilities. Wounds from bullets and crossbows have little effect on them.
Wall-crawling- Vampires can adhere to sheer surfaces
Vampirization- Vampires can convert humans to Vampires.

Power limitations:
Holy light magic- Like Holy water and sunlight had an evil baby, strong against Shadow magic, Umbrakinesis and the undead.
Silver - Silver burns vampires on contact in some tales.
Decapitation - Vampires, much like humans, can be killed by cutting off their head.
Heart Removal - When the heart of the vampire is removed they will die, although some stories state that a vampire may remove its own heart and hide it elsewhere, in order to avoid this fate.
Fire - Vampires are as vulnerable to fire as humans.
Sunlight - A vampire can be killed by the sun's rays. Ancient vampires are immune to the sun. He is not that tho.
Impaling The Heart- Destroying the heart (e.g. a wooden stake to the heart) is a traditional way to kill vampires.
Holy Water - Holy water burns a vampire's skin like acid.
Holy Ground - Vampires cannot set foot on holy ground - (land consecrated by a true priest). The more powerful a vampire the more powerful the magic needed to hold them out. The Vatican is one such place considered impervious to lesser Vampires.
Invitation: Several stories state that they are unable to enter a dwelling without invitation from the owner and can be forcefully removed if invitation is rescinded by the owner.
Moonstone - Weakens vampires powers.
Old Latin incantations against vampires.

Diplomacy -A
Linguistics- C
lock picking -B
Lying- A
Mind blocking-SS
Martial arts-S
Observation- B
Perception- S
Poetry- C
Stealth- A

Weapon(s)/ Equipment: He wields wires made from a Tungsten carbide alloy. The secret to which is known only to him.

A pair of sabres, one given to him by the Empress upon granting him his titles, this beautiful Kilij is as much a functional weapon as it is an astonishing work of art and badge of office. With golden inlays and various jewels decorating the sword and the scabbard.

The other sabre was claimed off of the AX agent sent to kill him and is made of Damascus steel with silver folded into the blade.(Shape is the same as this one)​
Ring of day walking- A magical ring that allows a vampire to walk in the daylight without fear. A gift granted to him by the Empress when he took the office of her diplomat.

Strengths: Classy, love of learning, humble,

Weakness/ Fears: Greedy, impulsive, can't resist a good secret and will pay a good price for information. He is also bound to sell information for a reasonable price, as part of his contract. Money.



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Name: Allister Grimoire

Age: Eleven

Gender (Can be genderless too): Demimale [he they]

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Species: Half human, half bird.

World and Universe they are from: The Nowhere, from Little Nightmares.

Appearance (Just a basic description of what your character looks like. Needs to be over four lines long. Please include basic shit like height and complexion, as well as physical build.):
Allister is a tall, lanky pale thin boy with dark purple hair. He wears a white button up with a light grey scarf over it. It's rather muddy from the rain and various other dangers in the City. He wears brown jeans with a piece of rope as a belt on it, which is where he keeps his scythe. He has scars running on his left hand up to his neck, and the scars on his face are hidden by his mask, which is a circular mask with two holes cut out of it for him to see and one on his mouth for him to breathe.

Personality (Over six lines long.):
Allister is a relatively talkative child and will converse with others easily. He is also very stealthy and can slip past foes with ease, but can also just as easily be caught off guard and disrupted. He dislikes touch and will flinch or step away from it if someone attempts to touch him without his consent. However, he's very kind and loyal and gets attached rather easily to people, leading to him getting into strange situations to protect someone. He's also very easily distracted. When first met he's usually rather skittish but it's easy to gain his trust.

History/Bio (Over eight lines long; no canon blending- as in direct interaction with canon characters.):
Allister used to live in the real world as a normal boy, but was frequently bullied due to his appearance, as he looked rather young. People would look at him in either disgust, terror, or sometimes even pity, with younger kids calling him a monster and older kids calling him a freak, which is how he was sent to the Institute.
So, he did the easiest thing to escape his reality. He dreamed. He dreamed, and dreamed, and dreamed…until it turned into his nightmare.

Later on in the Nowhere, he ended up finding his best friend, Scipio, and they stuck together, eventually finding more children who had been lost in the Nowhere and forming a group, called C.A.R.D.S which ended when a monster found their hideout and murdered all of Allie's friends, including Scipio, who was killed and eaten right before his eyes.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):
Mirror Manipulation; He can travel through anything that has a reflection and is able to manifest within mirrors. Additionally, he has two black raven wings on his back that allow him to fly.

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless): He can't fly forever, since he will get tired. Additionally, he can't carry much weight.
When he is phasing through a reflection, it's hard for him to control where he goes and he must stand on equal ground of said reflection to give him time to properly phase through. Additionally, if he is within a reflection and the object said reflection is coming out of breaks, he will be forcibly taken out.

Skills (Any skill your OC is particularly adept at, from swordsmanship, to piloting, to knitting should be mentioned here. Should also state their skill level D-Slightly Above Average, C-Above Average, B-Excellent, A-Master, S-Above Master, SS-Grandmaster): Pickpocketing, C. Stealth, A.

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)
A small scythe, and a hand mirror. Neither is enchanted.

Strengths: Sneaking around, thievery.

Weakness/ Fears: Loss, getting overly attached to someone or something which can cause him to go back for it.

Other: he's from my fanfiction 'The Obsidian Nightmare'!!​