POSITIVITY One Good Thing About Today - Every Day!

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It's pouring outside, and no one showed up in my office today. With no distractions, I completed all my work in 3 hours and now I can just chill, get ahead on the work assigned for the rest of the week, and take some time to listen to the rain on the roof.
Today my little one took his first few steps unassisted... I might have been VERY excited.
I also got to get out and till the soil in my little veggie garden, adding some much needed manure before planting season is upon us. It's been a pretty grey and dreary spring, so when the weather decides to cooperate, it makes me happy.
Well, it's Mother's Day, and while I don't celebrate seeing as my mother passed, I find it lovely to wish all the other Mother's in the world a happy day. So, my positivity today is that all Mothers on the site have at least 1 person wishing they joy on their special day!
Have a friend staying over! Hey @Lyrikai! 8'D

Gonna take the doggo on a nice, long, woods walk, today, after work! I get off eeeearly! 🙌

Making fish tacos for dinner afterward.

Weather's beautiful!

I've got so many views on my personal stories and I'm thankful for each and every one. Ya'll rock. <3
I got at least 1 post to everyone I owed posts toward after my weekend away.
I got to exchange messages with one of my favorite people on Iwaku
I got AMAZING Plot bunnies with @Miyu for a Blade meets Vampire the Masquerade plot line.
I had a great lunch, and though my practice got cancelled tonight, I have something to do, AKA VIDEO GAMES
I touched grass today! In that I went on a hike with @ThatDamnedSuccubus and the cutest doggo and another friend that we will someday summon here to iwaku.
I'm doing my replies today and it is invigorating me. It's really helping me move past the anger and hurt I was feeling about a situation I could not control.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
It's a beautiful, but rainy day, and I have to go into the office, but some if my amazing partners dropped posts, so I have something to look forward to when I finally get home.
It's my pupper's birthday today! She is two years old!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: ThatDamnedSuccubus
Still alive. Still here. Still keeping at it. Despite not wanting to. Despite everything.

Warm, rainy, day, outside. Cozy, cozy. Going to treat myself with kindness, today.
Got around to washing my car this afternoon. Celebrating that small success.
Goddamn, did I sleep in, today. Felt good.

Stayed up late last night tending to my silly, little, cult in Cult of the Lamb.~

Weather is hot and sunny and gorgeous and perfect for a cold-blooded lizard lady like me. 🌻
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
Took a nice warm bath and made myself a proper dinner. (Home made mac n cheese.) Instead of just eating pretzels and ritz crackers like I've been doing the last couple nights.
Today is a nice easy day at work, one I won't have starting Tuesday, but this weekend is also jam packed with fun and adventure (even though I AGAIN won't make it to the beach due to rain)..... But, I'll be out and about getting stuff done and enjoy my last week of summer!

Oh, and I woke up at like 3 am this morning, so I should now be caught up on all RPs... So that is good, especially since I need to cut back with the new project.
I'm having a nice and cozy Friday morning! I have some posts to write and a few projects to pick away at. And some food I need to make today for camping this weekend!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: ThatDamnedSuccubus
Bought my dog a hat with a strawberry print on it and I can almost make her wear it for long enough to get pictures? She shakes her head and it falls back around her neck, but it looks cute like that, too. Like she's ready for adventure! 🙌:strawberry:

I honestly really love this board. I tend to ruminate on the bad things and I have so many set, negative, thought loops that it's ridiculous, but this simple, little, thread puts things in perspective and celebrates the small things.

And, I love hearing about the good things happening to other people, too! ✨
  • Love
Reactions: Lyrikai
Dropping by again to SCREAM. The new Twenty One Pilots album is fucking AMAZING. Gods, I absolutely devour everything they do, I swear. Every one of their songs hit me straight in the soul.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lyrikai
Bought my dog a hat with a strawberry print on it and I can almost make her wear it for long enough to get pictures? She shakes her head and it falls back around her neck, but it looks cute like that, too. Like she's ready for adventure! 🙌:strawberry:

I honestly really love this board. I tend to ruminate on the bad things and I have so many set, negative, thought loops that it's ridiculous, but this simple, little, thread puts things in perspective and celebrates the small things.

And, I love hearing about the good things happening to other people, too! ✨
You are such an amazing person. Just FYI. That is mt good thing for today! Succubus is a lovely friend. That is all!
  • Love
Reactions: Lyrikai
I wholeheartedly agree. Succubus is a fantastic friend :heartbeat:

My mood today also is that we are going camping this weekend :D It's gonna be so cozy and relaxing
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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