IC Novus City

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elegance is more important than suffering
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  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
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  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
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  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Slice-of-Life, Gothic, Horror, Fantasy

the northern capital

Novus City is what once was Toronto. They rebuilt the city from the ground up, although there are few structures that remain. They're known for their technology and are always trying to advance it. A lot of alchemy takes place here as well. It is the second-largest city in the country.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 5:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 55.6°F (13.1°C). Chilly with a light breeze.


Novus City is bustling as usual, with traffic jams all over as people leave their 9-to-5 jobs and head home. The town has been peaceful, with the biggest scandals being accusations of black magic and illicit practices in the name of science.


Magitech Scientist Accused of Practicing Black Magic
Dr. Kathleen Estrada has been taken into custody for allegations of practicing black magic. Supposedly, Dr. Estrada was using the life of test rats to put curses on her peers in order to rise up in her career. This arrest only supports the rumors that The Magitech Institute has been using illicit practices in the name of scientific advancement, and many are up in arms. Dr. Ilyas Greer, director of The Magitech Institute, assures the public that nothing of the sort has been happening and that if these accusations are true, they will see to it that Dr. Estrada will be punished appropriately.


- More fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


The Magitech Institute

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

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The flexible scheduling that Shears affords Avery is something they appreciate greatly, but having to stay into the later evening so often really takes away from their personal life. It's a little ironic, spending your time making people beautiful for special events while having no time for any of your own.

Their next client isn't set to arrive for another twenty minutes or so, giving them ample time to settle their ass on their personal working table and start unshelling one of the oranges from their stash, displayed in a tiny wicker basket as far away from the various hair product chemicals as they could get them.

"Shit," they hiss, their pointer finger stinging from the pressure against the orange. "I think I got another hair splinter." Placing the orange between their legs, they fetch a pair of tweezers from one of their drawers so they can hunt for the little fucker. "Got a magnifying glass on you, by chance, Kat?"

When they've successfully removed the splinter, they get back to peeling their orange. "I only have one more client today, on a Friday of all days. Can you believe it?" They grin at their boss, interrupted only as they pop a slice of orange into their mouth. They chew politely before continuing, "But I'm back tomorrow morning, so no clubbing for me tonight. Maybe I'll catch a movie. I think that new Marvel movie just came out, didn't it?"
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Katerina sits in the back room at the table, stuffing the last bit of her turkey sandwich in her mouth with one hand while her fingers flitted around her phone keyboard with the other.

☽To Mr.Obie🤓🚬🍁: Hey, I had a last minute cancellation and thought I'd ask if you wanted it before anyone else. Just let me know!☽

It had become habit whenever she got a cancellation to let Felix know and see if he wanted the spot. She constantly asked if he would rather go to a barber shop, yet he always insisted that 'no one cut his hair better than she did!' Kat was beginning to think it was just an excuse now.

"Uhh…" Kat trails off, thinking about Avery's question. She slips her phone into her apron pocket, wiping her mouth with a napkin as she makes her way back out to the front. "I think best I could do would be my lil phone one, and I don't think it'd be much help." She chuckled a bit

"If it makes you feel any better, I might not have any more tonight and I'm not ready to head home yet." Katerina let out a laugh followed by a small sigh. While most people were happy to almost be off work early, she'd much rather work until close and well after that if she could.

"Oh dude, I don't know nothin' about a Marvel movie, you know I have absolutely no life." Kat almost cackled. She was glad to have not only a stellar employee/coworker in Avery but also a bit of a friend as well.
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~ Felix ~


Even though the shop had closed over an hour ago Felix was still going through his closing list. With a memory as bad as his it's a wonder how the shop is still running so smoothly. Currently he's wandering around the store muttering to himself, "I coulda swore……no not there…maybe…no, what about……AHA!" A shout of victory as Felix found his target, a pack of cigarettes. With a proud smile on his face he pulled out one and lit it, exhaling with a content sigh. Finally he could close the store!

The day had been long but Felix enjoyed every minute. From the youths just starting their journey in magic to the plant lovers and the masters mages. Everyone had a unique want and interesting story to go with it. He loved his job and there was no better way to spend his days…well there was one other. Before the thought could even process Felix felt his phone go off in his apron.

(😈Kitty💘: Hey, I had a last minute cancellation and thought I'd ask if you wanted it before anyone else. Just let me know!)

Of course, think of the devil and she shall appear. A ghost of a smile passed his lips as his finger glided over the keyboard. (I'll be there in 15)

Hanging up his apron Felix let himself smile as he locked the front door. She did this often, and even if he didn't need a haircut, he always said yes. But it's been a week so he was in need of a trim. His hair was getting shaggy, more than usual. So, he's definitely gonna hear it from Kat. The woman was insistent on him getting consistent hair cuts, but also wants him to go to a barber.

Slipping on a jacket he walked out the back door, locking it behind him, Felix started his walk to shears.


Walking into Shears a shiver ran through his body at the sudden change of temperature. While the warmth was welcomed, the cold on him disagreed. But still his eyes scanned the room, quickly locating Kat. "Hey, Kitty! I heard you had an opening," He called out with a smirk, mirth in his eyes as he walked over to her.

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Kat moved a little too quickly as her phone vibrated in her pocket. With a cheesy grin on her face she shyly bit the knuckle of her left hand, typing a message out with the other.

☽To Mr.Obie🤓🚬🍁: Lucky you texted back so quick! I was just about to give your spot away!

Katerina pokes fun through text; and just for a moment, she even debates sending a winky face. Of course, she doesn't, hoping to get her teasing point across without the tell-tale emoji. Had she known her name had a heart emoji by it in his phone, she likely would have fainted, arrow through it or not. Maybe she was a mediocre Bon Jovi song?

Kat was lowkey smitten. Yes, the mermaid had recently found herself growing quite fond of the man; but of course, she would never admit it to herself, so why would she even think of admitting it to him? She didn't like anyone, let alone a client whose hair she cut. But… denial is a river in Egypt.

What seemed like only a few minutes later, Katerina heard the familiar chime that sounded every time someone came through the shop door. She slightly cringes and her nose wrinkles hearing Felix's nickname for her. Kitty.

"Oh, Obie, you know I always have a spot for you in my chair," she teases, putting emphasis on her nickname she always used for him. "Looks like you should've came and saw me sooner. You're lookin' a lil shaggy."
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~ Felix ~

Obie, the nickname she always uses for him in retaliation. Felix knew Kat didn't care for being called Kitty, but he loved seeing her reactions. Plus, she was the only person who could even get away with calling him that. Then again, Kat's the only person who thought of calling him that. A smirk found its way onto his face as he walked over to her. As he shimmied out of his coat Felix chuckled, "Yea, I've been busy with the shop."

Looking down at the woman he gave her a smile as he sat in the chair, asking, "Has it been slow today?" Kat wasn't the one to like the lulls or slow periods, and Felix knew that. So, he loved coming in to keep her busy. There was also the fact that he was, maybe a little too quickly, falling for her. She was everything he wanted in a woman. Hardworking, honest, nice to him; it was everything he needed from anyone really.

  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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Katerina gasps, putting on a frown, a hand over her heart as she feigns offense. "Obie! Too busy to come see lil ol' me?" She sighs crossing her arms over her chest, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm beginning to think you've found a better hairstylist." She briefly turns to look at the fae, "Ya hear that Avery? He's replacing me." Turning back to him, Kat couldn't help the smirk that crossed her face as she poked fun at Felix.

It was weird to say the least — her relationship with the man. She was surprised when she started to take a liking to him considering she didn't like many any men that weren't her family. 'You've been talking to a guy?!' Her brother, Winn exclaimed when she told him about Felix. It took a long while for her to get it through his head that he was only a client and maybe a friend.

"Meh, the day's been kinda slow," she shrugged. "Had a few cancellations, hence you in my seat today." Kat threw a black smock over his torso, spinning him in the chair to face her. "So, are we doing the usual or something different?"
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~ Felix ~


And of course, the sarcasticness he loved. Why? He couldn't tell you, but he always loved a woman who's joking and will put him in his place. Kat was one of those people. "Comeon' you know I could never replace you," He retorted with a wink. Of course he could never replace Kat. Even if he wasn't crushing on her Felix would still come here.

Ever since he met Kat things have been…different. Felix didn't have many friends, or family for that matter. So Kat was a breath of fresh air. So different from his ex. For a second a flash of their breakup would run through his mind. 'Nope not having that'. That was the past and he was moving forward, towards a fulfilled life. Unlike that psycho.

"I can see that," He replied with a slight snicker. Looking her in the eyes Felix smiled softly as he nodded, "The usual. You know I don't like to switch it…we tried that once and I looked awful." He grimaced internally at the image of him with short hair. If it wasn't for his goatee he would have hid from the world.

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The smirk that brushed across Kat's lips was basically involuntary. She couldn't help that she was smitten about the fact that she was the only person who'd be cutting his hair. Of course, he wasn't anything special though (at least that's what she tried to tell herself) considering she had plenty of clients that only she dealt with. And even if she didn't want to admit it, Kat knew something was different about Felix. Why else would she spend time with him?

Kat snickered a little at the thought of the last time Felix talked her into giving him a different haircut than usual. He quickly went from Obie to Coconut Head in a matter of minutes. It wasn't long before Kat's snicker turned into a full-blown laugh.

"Hey, I don't know who told you a Dutch boy haircut was a good idea, but I do know you should've listened to me when I told you it was a horrible one." Kat giggles, her fingers flitting around clipping and cutting, occasionally she blows away the stray hairs that fly into her face.

Should she ask if he had any plans for the holiday? Will he think she's prying? No, it's not forward at all, in fact it's perfect stylist conversation next to gossip, but she'd leave that for the next time she saw Lune or someone. "Doing anything for Hallow's Eve?" She combs through his dirty blonde locks one last time before taking a step back to appreciate her work.
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~ Felix ~


"Is the laugh necessary?" He questioned, teasingly. Felix had visibly relaxed as Kat began cutting his hair. There was something about her that just brought most of his walls down. He couldn't quite say all, seeing as they haven't really met outside of haircuts too often. In fact, he can only name 1 or 2 times and that was just in passing. It's weird how smitten he was with their purely 'professional' relationship, as Kat would say. "But, I guess I shouldn't have listened to that person's advice," He muttered slightly.

That advice of course coming from his ex, whom he has been trying to avoid for the last 2 years. But he's run the same shop for about a year and half so it wasn't that hard to find him. Either way, he did his best to avoid her.

Snapping back to reality Felix looked at Kat. "I haven't made any plans yet." There would be a pause before he hesitantly asked, "If you're not doing anything for Hallow's Eve would you…would you want to go on a date?" His gaze would not break as he asked this question, instead a more soft expression came to his face. Felix knew nothing would move forward if he didn't at least try.

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Katerina nods, lips turned up into a small smile, "Yes, yes it really is. You with bangs, dude!" She tried her best to stifle the laughter erupting from her. "You're just lucky I picky swore to never post the picture anywhere." Kat was sure to keep that one for herself and whoever saw it as Obie's contact photo whenever he called. "You shouldn't have since it seems like they definitely have it out for you."

Kat was only lucky that she hadn't taken a sip of her drink or else she'd have spit it all over. A date?! You went on dates with people you were fond of, and from the look on Felix's face, she could tell it was a date date and not just a date — because there was definitely a difference.

"I— uh, a date? Wow…" Kat let out a nervous chuckle, mentally weighing her options. On one hand she went out with Felix and things were fine, on the other she went out with him and things somehow went horribly and she'd lose her friend in the process. She didn't want that at all. But did she want to spend the holiday sitting alone at home with a bottle of wine and horrible television?

"I'm not one for surprises Obie, and you sure have caught me by one," she starts with a sigh, "but I don't have anything planned, so what the hell, why not?" She shrugged with a small smile, her nonchalance only a mere fraction of the excitement she felt on the inside.
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The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 55.6°F (13.1°C). Chilly with a light breeze.


Magic and spooks, Novus city tries to beat Rockcaster in Halloween festivities.

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~ Felix ~


Pacing back and forth in his living room Felix checked his clock again, 6:57 pm. Of course it was. Throwing a black petite coat over his simple teal button up and jeans, he rushed to the door. Nerves wrecked his body. It was the day. The day he planned meticulously for the last 2 days. His date with Kat. Just thinking of it made his heart flutter. He finally got a date with the woman he's been smitten with.

Checking his pockets to make sure he had his keys and wallet, Felix exited his apartment and locked the door. As he walked down to his car his mind began to wander. He had planned everything even to what lights would be around them. Walking down more steps Felix felt that sliver of discouragement, what if she doesn't like it? What if she walks away? Their friendship would be over, a thing of the past.

But Felix knew Kat, to an extent, and had a guess as to what she would like. Not having to plan it was her ideal date. That alone made him think about the kinds of relationships she had. That was none of his business and something he would not be asking for some time. Reaching his short bed truck Felix hopped in, turned on the car, and sent a quick text to Kat.

(😈Kitty💘: I'm leaving to pick you up now)

With that he took off…


It was about 15 minutes later that Felix was in front of Kat's house, or at least that's what the GPS said. He sat there, beyond nervous before he pulled his phone off the mount and messaged her.

(😈Kitty💘: Hey I just got here)

Putting his phone back Felix gulped as his mouth suddenly became dry. Was he more nervous now? Of course. She was to be walking up to him at any moment. And how is he supposed to respond when she gets in? Does he need to be casual? Maybe he just needed to act natural?

He was cold. The chill pressed into January's skin, and the wind harassed the strands of his hair that had escaped his braid. However, his desire for solitude overcame his desire for warmth. He required a respite, a quiet moment to himself, and he had escaped to the lonely terrace. Despite that, he longed to return to the warmth of the interior, heated by electricity as much as by the bodies of the guests. But the swirl of socialization had overwhelmed him, and January needed a break from it, even a cold one. He could only stand around the edges of the room looking sullen for so long before someone noticed. And for unfathomable reasons, appearing disinterested seemed to garner him more attention.

Halloween was not an important holiday for January, which meant little, as he did not find any holidays particularly important. The naga would have been perfectly content to remain at home, wrapped around a heater and tucked beneath a blanket as the chill of the world pressed in on the windows. Yet he had chosen to be there, at a party, of which he was not the most fond. His thoughts often drifted to his family at such occasions, and the less he thought of them, the happier he was. Furthermore, most parties, such as this one, were full of people. It had been a decision largely made on a whim, one he couldn't quite place. January knew the host only in passing, and it was on Avery's invitation that he arrived.

The wind rustled him again, and January pulled the fabrics of his long woven silver coat tighter around him. Despite his desire to shift back to his natural form, his legs remained human, tucked together between the fabric of his skirt. He had long ago learned that the space his tail took up was ungainly, and with a lifetime of practise he had become adept on his legs. January's appearance was always curated. He did not know how to not put effort into it. His presentation was important to him, and he had forgone any sort of costume for the evening, despite it being a party which encouraged such. He would not be caught dead dressed in a tacky costume, although that was not to say that there weren't those who put a great deal of effort into their festive outfits. It would be a disservice to call fine, handcrafted, and painstakingly sewn fabrics anything but art.

The faint sound of the door opening pulled January from his thoughts. He was not quick as he shifted his head and his gaze in that direction. Another man had joined him on the balcony. The man was shorter than January, and had long, almost impossibly red, hair. His expression was grumpy. He likely wanted a moment away from the party, too. There was plenty of room for them both to have space without interacting.

"Ah." January made a noise just loud enough to be heard despite the distance.
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  • According to Plan
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As Kat finished the last dark ringlet of her now completely curly hair, appropriately, jamming out to Green-Eyed Lady by Sugarloaf, her doorbell rang. Confusion crossed her face and she could've sworn Felix said he'd pick her up around 7:30, until she remembers what day it was.

Kat grabs the large spider decorated bowl, filled with candy and swings the door open with a smile. The dark-haired woman is greeted by a zombie, Mario, Princess Peach and a banana; all of which yell a perfectly practiced 'trick or treat!'

"You all look awesome!" Kat laughs, tossing small handfuls of candy into each bag. "Thank you! And you look very pretty Ms. Kat." Princess Peach — who Katerina now only just recognizes as her next door neighbor compliments, earning she and her friends another handful of candy. "Even prettier than the Princess herself? Why thank you." Kat giggles, and with that and another seemingly rehearsed 'Happy Halloween, thank you," they were off to the next house for more free goodies.

Kat couldn't stop the beaming smile that spread across her lips. Nostalgic memories of Winter dragging her around to Trick or Treat against her will Hocus Pocus style flooding her brain. What'd she give to go back even just for a night.

At the buzz of her phone, she's snapped back to reality. Her sweet smile quickly fading; the fun, sentimental thoughts that were in her head only moments ago replaced with anxiety and honestly a twang of regret?

Now she was nervous.

Felix was on her way to pick her up and take her on a date that she agreed to! Nervous was an understatement. She was petrified. Was saying yes a mistake? What if things went wrong and their relationship was never the same afterwards? She actually had a friend in Obie, and it all boiled down to the fact that she didn't want to lose that. And as much as she didn't want to admit it yet, she didn't want to lose him either.

Despite all these thoughts running through her head, she still texted back!

☽To Mr.Obie🤓🚬🍁: Cool! I'll see you soon then, Obie!

She tosses her phone on the couch with a sigh, "A little pre-gaming for anxiety never hurt anybody." Kat smirks to herself, starting for the kitchen to wait for Felix.

☽ ☽ ☽

A shot of vodka and a text message later, Kat's nerves are still there; although a bit less thanks to the alcohol slowly making its way through her bloodstream.

☽To Mr.Obie🤓🚬🍁: I'll be right out!

The usually moody woman — while still riddled with nervousness — was feeling unsurprisingly giddy. Yes she was immensely worried, but what lady wouldn't be excited about going on a date?

Kat checks her hair one last time, spinning in the mirror to look at herself in her favorite little black corset dress. Unsure of the feelings of Mother Nature or what plans Felix has in mind, she grabs her dark red shawl, placing it over her shoulders. With a huff, she opens the door, being sure to place the candy bowl outside for the kids.

Upon seeing Felix's car she can feel her heart pound faster in her chest. She was doing this. They were going on a date, and there was no turning back now. Well, she could… but that would've been an asshole move. Taking another deep breath, she makes her way to the curb giving a small wave.
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There was no position in which Seth would be in that he'd think of himself as the type of parent whose life didn't exist outside of his child and fatherhood. But the one night he spent away from his five-year-old since his divorce, all he could think about was wishing he was at home watching the silly little animated monster movies while curled up on his couch with his son pulling on his hair. Being a military man for most of his life made his socialization skills worsen over time, but now it seemed the best communication skills he had were with children who hadn't begun the first grade yet. Nothing made that more obvious when he was in a room full of adults laughing, chattering, and enjoying themselves whereas he was growing bored and tired with the entire room in such a short time.

He was no stranger to showing up to events and parties alike to keep face. Doing so was a crucial part of being a nobleman and upholding his status and family name. Though, this was a party he had been invited to by a friend. This party was not meant for connections, working, and being a noble. This party was intended for fun. Something that, at this point, Seth wasn't sure he knew anything of it.

Amongst the crowd of Vampir, Were, Fae, and Darklings, Seth knew none of them but one. A friend who knew so many that they disappeared into the crowd and fused with the faces of those whose names Seth forgot as soon as they were given. His haven was the alcohol being served. Once one glass was bottomed out, it was replaced with another one or two until he was not quite sober but certainly not drunk. His faculties remained in his control, but his body warmed enough so that he was no longer on edge.

That was until he was growing too warm underneath his collar. Seth had dressed up for the party, but he wasn't wearing a collar. He was wearing a uniform, his knight uniform. One with his medals on full display that had caused some to compliment his craftsmanship and laugh when he told them they were real along with the sword tied to his side. The layers of his uniform were stuffy now when at a time before they were not and fit him quite well in attitude and pride. Now, he was loosening the top buttons of his blazer and grabbing another glass as he opened the doors to the balcony.

The wind hit his face without hesitancy, cold and refreshing against his heated face. It was quite literally a breath of fresh air amongst the smells of perfumes and colognes. With all their sensitive noses, one would think some would have milder scents. But the balcony was free of it all and free of -


Seth's gaze fell over to the side catching sight of the very thing he hoped he would have escaped. A person. However, his attire suggested that he was of higher importance than most of the people inside. The fabrics from which his clothing was cut belonged to something only a higher class could wear, but it stuck out more due to the simple fact that he was not in costume. Or his costume was to be different, in which case, he succeeded.

He also succeeded in agitating Seth upon first meetings.

"Ugh," he groaned, the noise coming from the base of his throat.

He turned halfway to head back inside, but a second gust of wind tousling his strands of hair and tickling his skin served as a reminder of why he came in the first place. One person was better than too many. He just had to convince himself of that.

Seth turned back onto the balcony and closed the door behind.

"I just need a second to breathe." He sighed, only briefly addressing the stranger on the balcony with him.

He looked to the opposite end of the balcony and shuffled over to the seat that was left available. It was hardly cushioned, but with the weather being as unpredictable as it was, he could understand why. His bottom would have to be cold until he sat long enough.

He sighed again, this time more deeply, and took a second sip from his drink. If he didn't have it in his hand and Rani was with his son, he would have Facetimed Nubs. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath. He really couldn't exist outside of his son, could he? Was he losing himself as an individual or had he lost himself a while ago? At least he wasn't the only one who couldn't seem to handle a room full of people intended to be enjoyable.

Seth brushed his blowing strands from his face, tucking as many as he could behind his ear, carefully glancing at the man with greenish eyes.

@Dusk 」​

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January hadn't offered much of a greeting, arguably he had offered nothing of one. But the sound he'd made was a polite one, intent on alerting. It was not one full of the evident disgust that this man made. January's nose crinkled. For a moment, he wondered if the other man was going to turn right back around and leave. He didn't. Instead, he closed the door, offering January only a quick aside.

"I'm sure," the pale-haired man replied coldly, perhaps a little harsh in his tone, but he did not enjoy having someone react to him as if he was some kind of parasite. Still, January observed the redhead from the corner of his eye as he took a seat, curious.

The man was dressed in a military uniform, which January noticed immediately did not entirely fit him. It appeared to be a real one, decorated with plenty of medals to boast about. And he wondered if it belonged to the man, or perhaps it had belonged to a parent. The Naga wasn't familiar with military fashion, but he knew enough to know it was not an exceptionally old uniform. His guesses were further obscured by his inability to discern the man's age, who might've his age or older. Despite the imperfect fit, the man cut a sharp figure.

For a moment, there was silence. Aside from side eyeing the stranger, January kept his gaze forward, looking out onto the city below. He focused on the evening skyline and the tops of the buildings, imagining worlds within each window. Not a fan of heights, January felt a faint stir in his stomach when he looked down, or even if he thought about it too much. It was at least part of the reason he hung back away from the railing, placing himself against the wall.

The stranger cursed under his breath, and January frowned. It might not have been directed at him, or about him, and it probably wasn't, but the man had expressed nothing but displeasure about his presence.

"I'm sorry?" He asked, tone a touch softer this time.



"It isn't in response to your … presence, if that's what you're wondering." Seth answered, not particularly fast, but without a moment's pause as he eyed the man. Unwelcomed presence would have been more accurate, but he was well aware that he was the one who intruded, even if it felt like the stranger was a nuisance figure. How was he supposed to go through an identity crisis when there was another person sitting right there menacingly, even in silence.

Seth had never been good with people. He never cared that social skills were lacking, or inept, or ill-developed. The importance of communications only seemed to grow less and less important the older he got when he had the status of a noble attached to him, but thrown into the battlefield to bleed. All he knew was how to gut others, and that skill extended far from the usage of his hands and teeth, but with his tongue as well.

Crude. His ex-wife called him. But she was the one who had an affair. So, her words mattered even less.

"I can say I'm not really happy to see you either, though." Unnecessary to be said, but it slipped from in his more than upsetting thoughts He was unhappy that all he could think about was being with his child, the only other being he felt happy around, and upset this stranger was there witnessing this moment of weakness. What a great and fun party he was a part of!

Seth rolled his eyes when his hair was blown out of place again. Even the wind wanted to piss him off this fine night. He drew all the red he could grab in one hand and wrapped it around itself into a sloppy bun. "What are you doing out here anyway? Did you get dumped?" That happened at parties, no? He remembered hearing more than one story where it occurred. Was he being rude on purpose now? A smidgen.

@Dusk 」​

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