BUG Not receiving emails and alerts

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勇気 竜火
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title says it all: I'm not receiving alerts or emails on threads. one of my partners replied to a thread of ours and I didn't receive an email that they did. they told me so, and when I checked I didn't see an alert. it wasn't until I checked my "watched threads" did I see the the reply. I'll provide screenshots with the exception of emails for privacy.

the bolded text in green is the reply from my partner.
Okay, so sometimes a thread gets messed up and thinks that it's already sent you an alert and thus it wont spam you and send more! So you have to go view the thread and view every page (or at least the most recent 5 pages) of the thread to kinda reset it and get it to start sending alerts and stuff like it's supposed to.

OR using "Mark all threads/forums as read" will also do the trick on resetting it!

It's the same for emails sometimes too, but I would double check your spam filter juuuust in case.
for the first two, will I know it reset everything if someone replies to the thread?
edit: clearly I did receive an alert for this one lol

as for the email, I did check my spam as I thought that was the case too! but nada :(
for the first two, will I know it reset everything if someone replies to the thread?
edit: clearly I did receive an alert for this one lol

as for the email, I did check my spam as I thought that was the case too! but nada :(

Yeah, it should start giving you alerts properly again for the the thread! :D