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Noctis the Devious

Of Lies and Stories
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Sporadically, Though out the Day
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
- Modern/Magical/High Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Romance-ish
- Supernatural
- Original
- Fandom
- Action
- Adventure
- Espionage
- Apocalyptic
- Alternative Reality
- Genre-Bent Reality
- Steampunk
- Cyberpunk
- Dieselpunk
- Magipunk
- Sci-fi
- Superhuman

Raina Somers
Female | 24 | Lady | CS

To start with, Raina is going to be really REALLY bored. She's an intelligent woman that prefers highly regarded combat roles (in her cannon it's being a knight, in the Hoggy AU she wants to be an aurror), since there's no real equivalent here for an elite woman, she's just a highly talented fencer seeking a challenge.

I also like to imagine she day dreams about her carriage being robbed and dramatically fending off the robbers or saving August from an assassin ("What do you mean no one wants your head?" as August stares into the camera with an absolute done expression.) I also imagine she probably did want to be a knight or even a pirate when she was a child (but I'm sure her mother put a quick end to that thinking).

As intelligent as she is, however, she's a chaotic dumbass who is more likely to face situations head empty rather than with an actual plan. Do with that what you will. (She more than likely won't be engaging in thrilling sword clashes but she'll crash your party, wedding, or even funeral for free).

Is she open for romance? Until plans change no. I'm mainly looking for friends for her. It is worth mentioning that her love language is time and getting involved in her friends' hobbies and even political interests is how she wants to get to better know and understand the people around her. She doesn't care much for people thinking she has a shelf life; she doesn't feel as old and as decrepit as people think she should feel and will continue to enjoy single life with a glass of wine in one hand and plate of chocolates in the reach of the other.
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Raina's Library

Time's Past
An Ode to Etiquette? - IN PROGRESS - Three young Elites are placed in etiquette class together to learn how to behave in high society, but this may prove to be the class that retires their etiquette teacher...

Current Events
[Event]: A News Years Fete - IN PROGRESS - While attending a party hosted by his Grace, Thomas Caldwell, Raina hears a certain rumor that has her hunting down innocently searching out a good friend...
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[Father] Lord Dacian Somers - DECEASED - The Earl of Grey passed away a week before Raina's debute, but while he was alive she was very much a daddy's girl. She looked up to the man and learned from him that it didn't take jumping through hoops to be loved. She still practices fencing and often uses his saber to duel.

[Mother] Lady Sadie Somers - She never did like Raina and never told her why. At first Raina wanted to become the ideal elite woman for her but found out early on she would always be over looked for her siblings and gave up, further straining their relationship. Knowing how emotional her daughter was, Lady Sadie opted to keep Raina home while the rest of the family attended the funeral. She still expected Raina to debute...

[Sister] Lady Celeste Somers - MARRIED - With words like honey and intentions dripping with poison, Celeste managed to snatch her herself a husband of convenience. The oldest at 34, her and Raina don't see much of each other these days as she has never quite gotten over Declan becoming Earl instead of her, even though it's always been the son's that inherited titles.

[Sister] Lady Selene Somers - MARRIED - They were never really close but Raina still somehow retain a pleasant relationship with her. She's currently in an unhappy marriage that she never talks about. Instead, she talks about the places she visits when she occasionally travels and sends home trickets. Every now and then Raina may even be graced with a letter.

[Brother] Lord Dacian Somers - MARRIED - He was 18 when he inherited his father's title, and as he saw it, he had to, even taking a bride to do so. Otherwise his mother would have temporarily seized control over their estate and Raina would promptly be kicked out. He had a good relationship with both of his younger siblings and didn't want to see anything like that happen to either one of them. Raina is forever grateful but relentlessly frustrated by this situation; being unwilling to marry meant she brought this on herself.

[Brother] Mr. Kyler Somers - SINGLE - As the baby of the family he grew up doted on even by Raina, though he could deal without the impromptu sword fights but at least it was with her help he grew into a capable duelist. Well enough concidering he grew into a rake and being bisexual? Well that just meant his options were endless. He doesn't have plans for the future with his older siblings, excluding Raina, proving capable enough elites, so he's content with his lifestyle as is.

[Best Friend] Sultanzade Yilmaz bey "Mr. August Yilmaz" - August and Raina met as young teens during etiquette lessons and became friends... somehow... She loves dragging him into situations he would normally not be found in and finds his company not entirely insufferable. She loves to annoy him on occasion, but has no appreciation for others who try to do the same. He's mostly like another brother to her.

[Best Friend] Mr. Caleb Browne - Caleb and Raina met through the same etiquette classes and honestly it doesn't appear at first glance that these two like each other at all. Not living particularly close together also meant they were almost always apart and then the whole thing with him being sent off to war happened. She's not sure where she stands with him now and yet the idea of them no longer being friends never crossed her mind.

[Friend] The Honorable Miss Nicholson - Julia and Raina are birds of a feather with similar dispositions that allowed them to kindle a growing bond, and it all started with the way Raina debuted to high society.

[Other] Sir Reuben Egerton - TBD

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