Night City Chronicles: A Cyberpunk Interest Check

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makes the heart grow fonder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Online Availability
8am - 11.30pm GMT
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Modern, Horror, Dystopian, Scifi, Superhuman, Steampunk
Night City Chronicles

There's no place like Night City, the infamous city state in what was once California. Depending on who you ask, it's a vibrant, exciting city, a unique melting pot of cultures. A cityscape full of opportunities, interesting people, and technology once thought impossible. The City of Dreams, home to legends like Morgan Blackhand, Rogue Amendiares, Alt Cunnigham, and Adam Smasher. Of course, there's plenty out there who would disagree. People who would dismiss it as a overcrowded dystopia ruled by unchecked megacorps, corrupt politicians and unabated gang warfare. Crime rates are sky high, cases of cyber-psychosis are a near every day occurrence, and even ordinary citizens can be driven to extreme measures just to get by. These are the people that voted Night City the worst place to live in both the NUSA and Free States. The first to point out that real NC legends don't usually live long enough to enjoy their success.

But you were one of the dreamers. You headed to Night City with big dreams. Hopes of being that one in 500 million to beat the odds and strike it big as a legendary edgerunner. Ambitions to walk among the rich and powerful as a successful member of the corporate elite. Or maybe you're just trying to outrun your old life and scrape enough eddies together to pay the rent and keep kibble on the table.

Maybe you'll get there one day. Right now? You're holed up in a shitty apartment building in a slightly sketchy part of Heywood. No shards containing the engrams of long dead rockerboys, or a sketchy piece of Sandevistan hardware that's fallen into your lap. It's not much, but it could be a lot worse. You know the owner of the building, one of the last remaining properties in NC not owned by a mega-corporation. At least this means that they're a little more understanding when it comes to rent, and while they're not the fastest to sort out repairs in your apartment, at least they don't charge you ridiculous fees for the pleasure. They also somehow manage to keep 6th Street and the Valentinos from hassling their tenants too much, but you know better than to ask for details on the hows and whys there.

Sure would be a shame if anything were to happen to this little neat set up. Especially as you've yet to find yourself the right circle of friends, a crew to fall back on. Hey, all legends had to start somewhere, right?


It's been a long, long time since I've stretched out my GM muscles, but here I am. Presenting, a Cyberpunk RP that may seem a little familiar to anyone who's played Cyberpunk Red's Jumpstart kit to begin with, but it's an initial hook that does seem to work for a broad range of characters and backgrounds... so that's where we'll start!

You will be playing as an Edgerunner, someone who lives the fast paced lifestyle of those looking to make a name for themselves in Night City. Maybe you're a Rockerboy following in the footsteps of Kerry Eurodyne, a Netrunner out to learn all the secrets of the Net, or a Solo who's just looking to have an excuse to blow shit up. As of right now however, you're a low level nobody in Night City. Maybe you like that. If you're still here however... You probably don't. The first 'act' of the RP will focus on the crew forming, and learning to work together, and then later moving onto other jobs, missions, and assorted antics that may or may not make you some hard earned cash and/or street cred.

Cyberpunk as a genre rarely has any happy endings, and can deal with some heavy topics. That said, to start with, I'm hoping to keep it relatively light hearted, and roll with the vibe players want to continue with for future storylines.

I may incorporate some simplified stats and skills into character sheets to be used in combination with dice rolls to simulate luck and chance. This is something that I'd be more than happy to help you out with as a GM, or something that can be left out altogether depending on player appetite.

Sign ups, discords and all that goodness to follow if there's enough interest! If you've got any questions, ideas, queries, throw them in the thread or shoot me a DM.
  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: Nemopedia
Oh I would 1000% be interested in this
  • Love
Reactions: Absinthe
I'm about to make some more bad decisions but put me down!!!
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Reactions: Absinthe
I'm interested in!
  • Love
Reactions: Absinthe
Thanks everyone :D I'll work on pulling together a discord and finagling some character sheets together for the weekend - I'll post the links when they're ready!
I'm definitely interested, been awhile since I've written on site and I should stop lingering.
  • Love
Reactions: Absinthe
Better late than never! Things are still a little rough around the edges, and will grow and change as it develops, but anyone who's still interested can pop into the discord server below.