Nephilim’s Niches

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the smallest giant
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Hi, I'm Nephilim. Feel free to call me Neph, or anything else you want!

I was thinking about what to write here, using the prompts from the message, but I honestly haven't got much to say (I preemptively wrote a RT and put everything I felt necessary to share inside of that).

But, one thing I didn't get to talk about in the thread was my niche interests, so I'll do that here I guess.

My username likely tipped off, but I do have a semi-infatuation with the Bible and religion in general. I was forced into the Catholic church in my earlier life and slowly weaselled out, but still there remains some sort of… reverence doesn't seem like the correct word, but it conveys what I mean well enough. I love angelic and demonic depictions, I love the anthological stories to make points poignant, and the changing points of view. It is just interesting to me, as is the imagery used to depict it, but I do not have any strong attachments to the actual religious aspect of it personally.

Another thing that has my attention is masks. Masks are so fucking cool. The hiding of the face behind something that you feel better describes your inner self. I wholeheartedly blame Uta (first mancrush ever too) from Tokyo Ghoul for that. I had never thought about them deeply before I heard his thesis about them, and an interest in them just blossomed from there.
The history, the progression, the injection of them into certain cultures, their dwindling existence in the modern world. It's all so interesting, and as I stated before: some of them are dope as hell.

I also love music so goddamn much. It all started with my mother showing me Paramore's Misery Business, then I continued on a path that took me to bands like Bring Me the Horizon, Sleeping With Sirens, and Black Veil Brides.
Since then, my music taste has only expanded as I try to satiate my palette. I've taken a recent love for UK Rap, Midwest Emo, (old) Country, Metal, and Indie Folk.
If you have any music suggestions at all, throw 'em my way!

The last thing that comes to mind, and probably what I should've started out with: creating. I love it. Have you ever looked at something and just felt awestruck that someone's mind came up with such an idea? Ever looked at a piece of art and felt a trail of cold tickle up your arm at just how much expertise and emotion is in each stroke? Has a song ever hit your ear and registered in your brain with nothing but reverence for its creator(s)?
Humans are such beautiful creatures. There is nothing more admirable and loving than being yourself and sharing that with someone else.

Anyway. That's about it for my intro- feel free to shoot me a message if you want to talk! I'd love to get to know some of you!
Welcome. As a former Protestant/Fundie who left his faith when it stopped making logical sense and got tired of how many denominations claimed to have the truth, I can say that I also share an infatuation with angels of both the fallen and unfallen kind, as well as things like Gnosticism. Even if I no longer believe in or necessarily like my old religion because of how dogmatic it is, or any religious system for that matter. Regardless, hopefully you can find someone to explore such ideas with here.
Welcome to Iwaku! Hope you like it here! : 3