
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster



Olympus City rises like a crystalline beacon between the multiverse of the Gods.

It stands as a testament to their individual mastery and the ever-evolving mortal realm. Marble boulevards intertwine with ethereal skylines, where Zeus hails a hover-chariot and Athena consults an endless digital scroll. In mythica the ancient world's pantheons coalesce and combine into a cosmic frenzy; a metaverse maelstrom where they're forced to coexist and coalign— they exchange stories over celestial smoothie bar dates, negotiate alliances in grand, epic chambers, and indulge in the timeless artistry of divine galleries.

In this hodgepodge collection, gods and goddesses navigate their divine duties and indulge in their immortal passions, all from the luxury of high-tech modernity. Helios oversees the day from a luminous tower that acts as a lighthouse for the metaverse while Bastet rarely leaves her feline sanctuary hidden away in the mortal realm. Myth and modernity entwine in this twilight of a new age, as the denizens of the immortal realms, once cloaked in the mystique of ancient glory, find themselves infused with the pulse of a contemporary existence, enabling a kaleidoscope of cultures and hues that is mythica.


  • Welcome to Olympus City,

    Where the Immortal Gods live and play...
  • In mythica, characters are beings of incredible might...

    Olympus City houses all of this power, all of these personas— and stands as a beacon of immortal evolution. While unending, save a few curious and long-forgotten ways, most beings who reside in Olympus City are impervious to permanent death.

    Some can go through the cycle of rebirth, but it is rare, instead once a God or immortal suffers enough damage (be it physical, emotional, or spiritual) will fall ill and eventually pass into a state known as the Great Sleep. Their bodies essentially wilt, their internal light diffusing to such a degree they resemble mortal.

    Below are a few quick facts about the most common beings that live in Olympus City:

    Gods and Goddesses

    To an extent, all Gods and Goddesses have the ability to manipulate existence within their perspective domains. Every single divine being has at least one domain - and domains DO overlap - to create political factions or fissures that potentially halt or expediate the growth on the mortal realm. Additionally, all divine beings are empowered by worship from the mortal realm - meaning "popular" gods and goddesses are typically stronger, have more domains, and generally fair better in Olympus City.

    All Gods & Goddesses have the following abilities:
    • Domain(s)
    • Divine Arts
      - Aura
      - Smite
      - Weapon (Or Accessory)
      - Flying
    • Divine Existence
    • Worship Empowerment

    Major Gods & Goddesses
    • Typically have 3-5 domains and matching abilities directly related to their domains. (ie. thunder/electricity n weather manip for Zeus).
    • Kings and Queens and perhaps Crowned Princess/es also have Divine Authority - which essentially allows them to veto negative situations or scenarios but has a significant chance to weaken them and increase their odds of falling into a Great Sleep.
    • Power Bestowal
    • Teleportation
    Minor Gods & Goddesses
    • Typically have 1-3 domains and matching abilities directly related to said domains. (ie. luck bestowal for the goddess tyche)
    • In addition, they can choose between the abilities to bestow others power (blessings, boons, and banes) or instant teleportation.


    For the sake of NPC creation, as most, if not all Celestials (ancient and divine personifications of natural phenomena) are hermits, either forced to live within their own domain or to tread the same steps every day for eternity, Celestials are meant to be sought after, not free roaming.

    They are often less humanoid than their Godly counterparts, though still retaining the ethereal beauty that makes them divine.

    • Unlike the Gods, Celestials have almost total control over their domains at the cost of being strictly limited to its domain. Likewise, while in their literal "physical" domain, an Ancient Celestial will always sense someone's presence and has almost full control of the time and spice within.


    Demi-Gods do not have domains, but they do take their powers and abilities directly from their divine parentage. This varies with said divine parent, but on average they're stronger than Deified Humans but weaker than Minor Gods and have a limit on how much ambrosia they can handle before they become ill and Ichor Drunk.

    • While their powers are completely dependent upon their divine parentage, they typically have 2-5 "powers" that grow and develop with age.
    • Much, much stronger than their mortal counterparts. Demi-gods fulfill a strange function within Olympus City society, and if chiefly depends on whether or not their godly parent has "accepted" or "denied" their involvement. Many places of employ will outright refuse to service or employ "blacklisted" demi-gods!

    Deified Humans

    Much like demi-gods, Deified Humans are much, much stronger than their mortal counterparts but still lack in comparison to natural born deities. This is why they're ranked below demi-gods, typically, as that innate and wholesome divinity isn't something often overcome. It has happened before, though it's rare and only a few of the Celestials remaining remember the ways.

    • Deified Humans typically have 1 domain but it isn't unheard of them to have another. 3, outside of the rarest occasions, is the max, however as their soul cannot handle the excess.
    • Like demi-gods, their powers grow and develop over time, though it must be said the depth of their powers oft outshine the quantity of demi-gods.

    Nymphs, Fey, & Otherkin

    The most mortal of the immortals, nymphs, fey, and otherkin are all creatures who "eventually return" and are oft mistreated without a second thought because of this fact. Why trouble over a nymph when it'll return in a few moons, after her rose tree is prayed beneath? Within the past few generations activism has begun in favor of nymphs and their compatriots, but they still have a long way to go.

    • Typically have powers relating to their natural or spiritual tie to the mortal world. More often than not they're also skilled magic users and the lucky few artisans who know how to weave magic into stone and precious gems are offered life-changing contracts by CEOs and business magistrates in the Hub.
    • Some fey are mortal some are true - but due to True Feys having so much power they're regulated higher on the food chain.
    • Goblins, hobgoblins, and trolls are treated perhaps the worst, regulated to the Verdency or nighttime janitorial jobs in the Hub.
    • Most often employ the use of a familiar, whether by magical or spiritual means, to ease their daily burden or simply companionship.
  • Daily life in Olympus City...

    Manners and basic etiquette is important to Olympus City - this is the city of the gods after all - and crimes are either brushed off (petty theft) or made an example of (killing a significant portion of mortals worshipping another god without just cause) without mercy. In the basic day to day life, Olympus City runs like any other major city we see around us in the real world, if not a bit more advanced... Holographic technology is all the rage right now, but the word is VR is right around the corner and the biggest technophiles in O.C. are feigning for it to drop.

    There's also a normalcy for those who like a simpler life; travel away from the Hub by train or by car or perhaps one of the newly invented nymph brooms and you'll find a quieter pace of existence in the Verdency, with its rolling hills and pastures and the orchards and vineyards in the distance glowing against the horizon. The Quarters thrums along somewhere between the two, the suburbia of the gods, if you will - where students attend the finest academic institution in the immortal realms and PTA moms wage bake wars every third week of the month.

    Similarly to real life, Olympus City exists for those who reside within it. Those with immortal hungers, passion, and creativity to do the impossible.

    Social Caste

    • Royalty: A finite and privileged class; the Three Kings of Olympus and their Queens and direct descendants are considered royalty - though the lines blur significantly with one of the king's infidelity. In addition to the Kings and Queens of other Pantheons who've made their way to Olympus City.
    • Nobility: The nobility in Olympus City is a fickle institution, dating back a few millennia, to those gods and goddesses who aided the 12 Olympians in the Arkin Wars and the trinity of battles now known as the Titanomachy Campaigns. The gods and their descendants were rewarded for their bravery and with the promise of continued oaths, share a significant portion in stock and say over what and what does not happen in O.C.
    • Upper Class: While not noble, some of the upper class members of O.C. society could surely buy their way in - what with their abundance of cash flow and their several multi-billion-drachma businesses shooting up and down the skyline, painting a future of their success. Sometimes, the crown agrees - sometimes it does not.
    • Lower Class: Deified Humans, mortal fey, and nymphs who've crawled their way out of indentured servitude or were perhaps simply born in squalor - eyes towards the sky and the brilliant skyline. Or perhaps a disgraced god or goddesses, exiled from the sisterhood of maidens because you fell in love with another.
    • Indentured: Mortals with who've offended the gods and received punishment in luxury - but more often than not, nymphs, mortal fey, naiads, and goblins who managed to make it to the pinnacle of existence and realized it's a cruel, cruel world on top.
    • Hermits: Typically Ancient Celestials, rarely seen gracing Olympus City, instead they're sought after for ancient niche knowledge or perhaps bargained with for a forbidden favor. Djinn and Deified Humans who don't immediately integrate into O.C. will often be labeled Hermits as well.


    The Sleeping Ancients
    Completely omniscient beings, creators of their universes, ancient and unknowable. In mythica these beings are unplayable, and for good reason, for if the Sleeping Ancients wake, life as the Gods know it will cease to exist.

    The Court of Kings and Queens
    Gods and Goddesses who claim sovereignty over immortal realms and other Gods themselves. Zeus. Odin. Ra. These beings rule over the separate immortal realms with their own laws and quality of life, but Olympus City is oft claimed to be Zeus' domain.

    The Ancient Celestials
    Archangels and personifications of natural phenomena, the Celestials are few and far between and due to their station in life, are rarely capable of straying beyond their divine realms. Players are recommended to only create Celestials as NPCs or submit a Destination form of their Celestials divine realm.

    The Major and Minor Gods
    The majority of characters will be Gods, major or minor, who make up the different pantheons. These beings are tremendous in power and draw said power from the worship of humans in the mortal realm.

    If humans are made of earth, and Gods are beings made of starlight and cosmic matter, then the djinn are beings of smoke and flame; the breath of nature. Some serve the Gods, some roam the mortal realm, and others are in cahoots with the Gentry of Fiends.

    Half mortal and half divine, demi-gods are as numerous and plenty as the gods, though they vary in ability and power. Their role in the life of the Gods depends on their divine parentage and where they hail in the immortal realms.

    Deified Humans
    Sometimes mortal are granted the ultimate form of rebirth; that of a God. A being of immense power and will, of purpose and starlight. Deified Humans are not as powerful as other Gods at a baseline, but there've been instances, such as Lilith, where they grow stronger with age and worship.

    The Gentry of Fiends and Seraphs
    Angels and Devils and Demons abound are within this classification. Every millennia or so the Gentry changes its own internal hierarchy, depending on their whims and the fears and hopes upon the mortal realm.
  • mythicamap.png

    Olympus City is the bustling metropolis of the gods, alight with magic and technology and immortal passions that last centuries. The gods oft do as they please, as long as their mortal duties are attended— though those not widely worshipped must make a living one way or another to survive the chaos and maelstrom of Olympus.

    To that front, it is known that anything can be found here. When you live for millennia, passions run deep, be it gambling, sex, or proliferation, for the right price, anything and anyone can be found here. Drachma, cred, and the right connections definitely get you a leg up.

    Though Olympus City sprawls like a great slumbering beast upon the Infinite Coast, it is not the only place the gods have to traverse. The immortal realms (the heavens (Olympus City is here), the seas, and the underworld) all have secret entrances scattered throughout the city.

    The Quarters is overrun by sprawling estates, mansions twice as large as the next, and lavish condos that overlook the Infinite Coast. While primarily the residential district of Olympus City, there's a lot to do here, especially ones of the lavish, luxurious, and expensive variety.

    Notable Locations
    • The Mall of Olympus
    • University of Olympus

    Verdency is as quiet as life in Olympus City gets. It's a haven for the small folk, those inclined to nature, spirits, and growth of all kind. While the city boasts a lavish technophile existence, those in the Verdency still focus on hard labor intertwined with godly boons and ancient magical techniques to produce superb quality, if at a sacrifice of quantity.

    • The Vineyards
    • The Orchards
    • The Fæton Square
    • The Arena

    The Trade Hub is Olympus City's bustling pride and joy. The palace is located here, not too far from the train depot, which has railway lines to and from the Underworld and Oceanus, so those who don't live in O.C. can still travel daily to work. The depot closes at 10pm sharp, however, as portal reconstructors sleep for the night. So be timely or find yourself stuck wherever you may be...

    Notable Locations
    • Zeus' Domain, the Palace of the Gods
    • The Train Depot
    • The Redlight Domain
    • The Soothsayers Casino

    For those with extra musings or businesses or destinations to add to Olympus City, you can use the following "form" and post it in the Olympus City Destinations page for all of us to see, in addition to acting as connection-grabber for other players!

    Things to include in your Destination submission:
    • Name of the destination
    • Classification (ie. Is this a business? Is this a restaurant? Spa? Hotel?)
    • Owner, staff, and employees (Who all works here? Are they open for hire? Can people create characters that work here?)
    • Business hours and/or contact information
    • Include a description alongside a picture of your destination, and don't forget to include how to get to your location, the ambiance or vibe, as well as a few sensory key words to spark the muses
  • Feel free to fill this out as you wish, as long as all the necessary info is there!

    Note: Due to this being a sandbox roleplay, with bimonthly events to keep the IC fresh and active outside of personal plots and scenarios, players are permitted up to 15 characters each. Choose your sweet spot in terms of characters - for me, it's about 3 revolving "main characters" with a few dedicated NPCs to keep things fresh. You're more than welcome to create a plethora of NPCs that only you can use or ones that anyone can use - think a bank teller at Drachma Bank or a waitress at the local bar and grill. These characters may not get the brunt of social activity in terms of RP, but they are unlimited. >:)

    true name.
    nickname. *
    gender. *
    sexual orientation. *
    being classification.

    distinguishing features.
    dress / clothing style. *

    personality. +

    relationship status. *
    friends / rivalries. *

    powers / abilities. +
    godly appearance / clothing style. *
    misc lore. *

    player survey. (optional)
    posting expectations.
    preferred pairings.
    favorite tropes.
    rp nopes.
    rp favs.

    * = optional
    + = no need to go in depth unless you're inspired. just gimme (and others) enough to work with!


It's important to note that mythica. is a sandbox roleplay.

It thrives with player created plots and relationships that form and break and reform again - rivalries and political maneuvering that elevate and demote. Mythica is primarily a setting, though every three months, in addition to the opening post, there'll be an "Event Post" which give opening threads and plot hooks that span Olympus City, the rest of the immortal realms, and perhaps even the mortal realm.

Multiple characters are allowed and encouraged, in addition to the creation of NPC's.

Three posts per Event cycle is the absolute minimum, but more is preferred! I recommend 2-3 paragraphs per post, but I understand not every post needs to be that long (nor can you capture a scene in so little sometimes), but as long as you're giving something to reply to, I don't mind.

I also prefer quality over quantity!

While the "player survey" at the end of the character sheet is optional, please do list your posting expectations in your character sheet. It is a bulletin board for your fellow players - an honest interpretation to let others know your limits. For example, mine would look like...

  • posting expectations.
    3-5 character responses per month - sometimes less sometimes more. Life happens, just know I'll be squealing in the discord server/dm's if you give me the opportunity. I've come to like jump in "concepts" - be they relationship, background hooks, or just a whimsy idea that I cooked up before bed.

If this sounds like your jam, hit up the "Character Sheet" tab above and post a character below. There's no set template for your sheets, just ensure they're mobile friendly. Great choices to choose from here and here.

  • One character per post please, as you'll know you're character has been accepted when your post receives a "Creative" reaction.

I took plenty of inspiration from @MaryGold's marvelous set up for the Cervian Guidebook to condense and create a rhythmic flow for the chaos that is Olympus City. I may have gotten a lil wordy still though...

Got a question? Ask me below, I'll be happy to clarify!

Reserved for Navigation, F.A.Q., and cast list!
And a Discord link for those inclined to join :3


true name: Basileia
nickname: Leia, Hess, Hestia
gender: Female
sexual orientation: Demisexual Demiromantic
being classification: Goddess of the Hearth


appearance: A soft-bodied, shapely woman with fair skin and copper toned eyes and hair

distinguishing features: Large doe eyes, full lips
dress / clothing style: Romantic, feminine style.


Honest | Diplomatic | Understanding | Optimistic | Naive | Trusting | People Pleaser | Easy Going | Protective | Nurturing | Bottles her Emotions | Selfless to a Fault | Self Critical | Family Oriented | Humorous | Responsible

motivations: family, love, peace
fears: solitude, pain, failure


caste: Nobility
occupation: Chef
relationship status: Single
Hera- Sister
Demeter- Sister
Zeus- Brother in-law


domains: The Home, The Hearth
powers / abilities: Pyrokinesis, Serenity Inducement, Blessing Bestowal

godly appearance / clothing style:

misc lore:
- Maiden goddess, could change for "the one"
- Has a deep love for domestic life
- Owns a fine dining restaurant and pours her heart into it
- She's never mad, just disappointed
- Eldest daughter complex

player survey
posting expectations: Do what you gotta do!
preferred pairings: All :3
favorite tropes: Childhood friends to lovers, familial bonds, fake dating, soulmates, best friends, academic rivals, enemies to lovers

rp nopes: Extreme violence
rp favs: Fluff, romance, slice of life, angst
「 」
Code by Jenamos
Last edited:
  • Creative
  • Love
Reactions: rissa and MaryGold
The indomitable one (in profession)
Emma/Ella (to friends)
Goddess of oaths (of gods)

Amazonian height
Conventionally beautiful
Slender build
Dark eyes & hair, medium skin
Full red lips
Tries hard not to wrinkle her face
Always ready for court

Workaholic, no chill
Never forgets
Never lets you forget
Radbruch was a weakling

Until death do us part
Women get the job done
No whiners only winners

Committing perjury

(Latin) Notary
Divorce attorney
Divorced with kids
Kids are grown ass adults

The river Styx
Oaths (of gods)

powers / abilities.
Binding oaths
Punish oathbreakers

misc lore.
Sent by her father, the titan Oceanus, Styx was the first from the pre-Olympian gods that sided with Zeus in his war against the Titans. In honour of that Zeus made Styx the goddess of oaths, overseeing all the solemn oaths that are sworn by the water of Styx.

player survey.
posting expectations. stay alive, look alive
preferred pairings.
favourite tropes. pining love,
rp nopes. smut
rp favs. you ;)

  • Creative
Reactions: rissa