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Jin Jeong
Idol, Producer, Theater

Location | Date | Apartment

The black town car cruised through the city streets with ease, its lustrous shine reflecting everything it passed. Its current image projected was the curious gaze of those bustling around. The sidewalks were filled with crowds of people, preoccupied with going about their lives until they caught a glimpse of the luxury vehicle driving by. The latest Genesis G90 was the pinnacle of opulence. Just to set eyes on it was a rare occurrence for the average person, leaving those in its wake to wonder what figure of importance might be sitting behind the tinted windows.

As Jeong stared blankly out the window from the back seat, he watched the world pass by without him. The world was loud, so incredibly loud when every noise felt like an explosion in his head. His sensitive ears were covered by his favorite pair of headphones, hugging his head tightly and blocking out the background noise of the world. In his ears, the gentle soundtrack of Il Trovatore filled his head.

The opera was one which he had been fortunate enough to see while his mother was still alive, and he often listened to it to calm his anxious thoughts. A story about a bastard son held a special place to him, like kindred spirits each fighting their own battles. But, even as the Italian's soprano voice belted its aria at the height of the song, even it was not enough to settle his mind today.

As his dark holographic nails listlessly danced along the door, he contemplated jumping out, feeling his feet becoming restless as he pictured himself fleeing. But, as much as he would love to feel the fresh air fill his lungs, he still hesitated. The consequences of such a blatant disregard of obligations, outweighing his desire to escape.

The entire morning was spent in similar indecision, with every step not without his near-constant wavering.

As his manager, or rather the man's true role as his families substitute guardian meant to keep Jeong focused and out of trouble, entered his room first thing in the morning the raven-haired youth hid under his covers, hoping this was all a dream. After a stern scolding, Jeong arose like a zombie, a dead expression and all. The groan that rumbled in his throat was all the protest he could muster, his energy depleted from spending another night restlessly awake.

Jeong's next silent display of uncertainty was with a long shower, which he intentionally stretched out in order to bide his time to think. However, it seemed that with every thought he only grew more confused.

When his manager first proposed the idea of signing up for the show, Jeong immediately rejected it. It involved too many cameras, too much attention, and fuss when he simply wanted to stay in his studio and make music. It was already a struggle to attend events like award shows, and he seldom performed concerts for this exact reason. To have to live while being recorded constantly, all to be viewed by potentially millions of people was suffocating.

More than that, the concept itself felt morally wrong. It wasn't a question about falling in love, Jeong already knew that was impossible. From watching his father and step mother's loveless marriage, to the numerous dates his family's hired matchmaker has sent him on, true love doesn't exist. At least not for him, and to pretend it did for the sake of the show would be plain deception. Jeong just didn't want to partake in something like that.

Instead of listening to his concerns, however, his family too started pressuring him into accepting the offer. To them, it was great exposure and would provide Jeong with an opportunity to reach even more people than before. In the end, all they saw was fame and fortune. It didn't take long for his objections to cease.

Even though the show offered to pay for a stylish, Jeong was adamant that he do it himself. The thought of someone caring for him like that, doing the things he was perfectly able to do for himself was...uncomfortable as if he was being a burden.

As Jeong dried his hair he did so carelessly, leaving it in its usual messy appearance. It hung down his neck, sometimes shifting in his face and making it difficult for others to see him properly. His manager always pestered him about it, saying that he should get it cut, or style it so that his "pretty" facial features could be better seen. However, it was that exact reason he preferred it like that. With his hair, it felt like a shield, as if those tiny strands kept him safe from all those judgmental glances. He could hide, even if just a little.

When it came to clothes, Jeong was equally uninterested. His style could be described as unfashionable. Regardless of any trends, he always stuck with items within his comfort. This meant oversized clothes that modestly covered his body in mute clothes, best for going unnoticed. For today, this included a tan-colored knitted sweater with a chest pocket accent. His pants were grey skinny jeans rolled up at the bottom with earthy colored sneakers. It was decent, his manager made sure of it, but he certainly didn't look like the typical flashy idol.

Even with Jeong's neverending internal battle, he still was running excessively early. As the car rolled to a gentle stop in front of the racing arena, the engines purr subsided. His slender finger swiped his phone, letting the music to fall silent and slipping the headphones around his neck. It was quiet, and now he was utterly alone inside his mind.

"We're here Sir," The driver spoke, turning his head to look at Jeong in the back seat. "Hng…" A mumble of acknowledgment mixed with apprehensiveness was all that the youth could summon at that moment. With his grey orbs trained on the world outside, he savored the last few moments of peace before facing the commotion that awaited him. Even with the sidewalk blocked from pedestrians, there were still crowds of onlookers wanting to catch a glimpse of their favorite idols.

The film crew was stationed on the sidewalk, preparing to capture the opening shot of Jeong exiting his car and arriving for the first date. All around was the glint of lenses, with cameras mounted onto cherry pickers hovering in the sky, to cameras attached to cameramen with a vest, and even fans cell phone poking up from the mass of people. Behind them, stood people holding boomsticks and bright floodlights illuminating the building. Even further back was the director, barking orders into a headset for the production team to follow. Dozens of people, all ready to capture every unforgiving detail.

As he glanced around, he weighed his options. It was too late to leave. After seeing everyone's expectant faces, all eager and anticipating his arrival, he simply didn't have the heart to disappoint them. With a deep breath, he reached for the handle. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, repeated in his mind like a mantra.

The moment that the door opened, Jeong was hit with an onslaught of overwhelming sensations. Outside, the world was abuzz with life. The sounds of cars honking and construction machines echoed through the tall buildings. His nose crinkled at the smell of noxious gasoline before the heavenly scent of spicey Tteokbokki from a nearby pojangmacha catering the film crew wafted over. The cool breeze felt refreshing on his overheated skin, causing his hair to blow around his face.

"Annyeong hasimnikka." (Formal. "Good afternoon") Jeong spoke softly, giving a respectful bow to the director. Even as the chattering of eager fans grew louder, Jeong merely lifted his head for an awkward wave. He didn't have it in him to peek up from the ground, knowing that if he saw the number of people looking at him he wouldn't be able to recover.

Jeong paused, taking a moment to catch his breath, fidgetting with his glasses and idly straightening out his clothes. He was stalling, trying to build up the courage to enter the building. I'm almost inside. Just a little more. The voice of receiving a call from his father, disappointed and angry that he was again ruining their image was enough to push him on.

The youth tentatively strode forward, his long legs taking wide steps to close the gap faster. With a trembling hand lifting to meet the door handle in a tight grasp, he froze. What am I doing? This is too much. As his hand fell away from the door, he stood motionless as he debated in his mind. This was a bad idea, I should go. As Jeong went to take a step back, he found that his feet had grown heavy, as if they had sunk into the cement and he was unable to lift them for a single step.

As he stood paralyzed, he could feel the eyes and camera's boring holes in him. The area around him seemed void of air, as every gulp never quenched the burning in his lungs. He was stuck, petrified in place by his own thoughts, unable to do anymore that remain standing. However, his impassive expression never hinted at the war he was waging inside.

Created by Black_Sheep & edited by Jenamos[/CENTER]

Seong Joon
Idol, Rapper, Lyricist

Location | Date | Apartment

The idol was running late, fashionably so, but late nonetheless. It started the night before with a few too many drinks with some friends, leading to his late morning start. But after that, it really wasn't his fault. The outfit his stylist had picked out for him was hideous, the thought of leaving his condo like that still makes him gag. He had to put together an entirely new wardrobe, trying on different outfits and switching certain items until he found just the right look. All the while his manager was nagging in his ear. How was it his fault that the stylist was incompetent?

Once on the road, Joon was able to make up some time with his driving skills. He easily weaved his way in and out of traffic while speeding along the highway. It's not reckless when he's done it countless times, he could be considered an expert. Perhaps it could become a new venture, racing if he ever got bored.

As he spotted the large congregation gathered on the sidewalk, he figured that this must be his destination. Why else would these many people be waiting outside if not to see their favorite idol? The red Corvette came to an abrupt halt, causing the tires to screech along the pavement and drawing everyone's gaze. As the group erupted into a feverish commotion, Joon took immense satisfaction in being the cause. A prideful grin spread across his face. It was like a high, the feeling of being on top of the world and having everyone eating out of the palm of his hands.


Immediately as Joon stepped out from the sports car the street was illuminated with the jarring bright bursts of cameras. The flashes were nearly blinding as the idol held up a hand to cover some of his view. His headache from the poor decisions of the previous night thumped painfully, however it was impossible to tell he felt like vomiting behind the charming smile he wore.

"Anyoung haseyo!" (Hello! Good afternoon.) Joon tilted his head down into a respectful bow, letting his mussed up hair fall into his face. As he peered back up, a slender hand moved to wave enthusiastically at the onlookers, flashing a radiant grin. The sounds of girls squealing were irritating on his ears, yet a symphony of triumph to his ego. It was so easy, a few well-placed actions and a deadly sweet smile and soon everyone was swooning for him.

After taking some selfies with fans, Joon finally glanced at the building, noting its rather humble appearance. It was cute, in an old fashioned artisan sort of way. Though it wasn't somewhere Joon would visit if it weren't for the sake of the show. It just didn't fit his aesthetic, it was modest while Joon was anything but. His flashy appearance would clash with the cafe's plain decor.

More than just the outwardly incompatibility was another, slightly more sinister reason Joon hardly attended any types of eateries. The calories. Even from outside, he could smell the sugary aroma of baked goods. It was nearly mouthwatering. If he had been younger, or not relying on his looks for a job, he might have ordered all the different shop specialties to test. Sweets might be his weakness, but as tempting as it might be, he kept himself restrained. As good as they seemed, it wasn't worth the latent regret. The momentary pleasure in exchange for prolonged exercise.

The few times he did was for the sole reason of stirring up excitement for the places opening, an appearance he was paid handsomely for. Or, to spread rumors about his newest partner while on a date, something more akin to a business deal for the sake of exposure rather than attraction. Other than when his manager dictated, he avoided places filled with gluttonous temptations.

Joon only ever drank black coffee as it had the fewest calories, so frilly places like this weren't on his mind. The coffee, although worth its inflated price was lost on him when he usually gulped it down as fast as he could. It wasn't as if he had the time to lounge around sipping a cup of coffee all day. The only reason it was allowed into his strict diet was for the energy boost it provided, something he so often needed when working twelve or more hour days.

As for this particular outing, Joon was unhappy with the decision but willing to tolerate it. He would simply have his usual order, and decline any offer of overly sweet treats. After all, Joon would never turn down air time, nor a chance to network with other top celebrities in the same industry. To him, that was all this was, a publicity opportunity. It wasn't as if someone could actually find love with some stranger on a reality show.

When he stepped towards the entrance, his body moved gracefully with confident strides. A cheerful smile tugging on his lips. He was eager to meet his partner, his mind abuzz with the possibilities. With his various connections, Joon was aware of many of the other contestants, all of them processing their own potential to create an interesting storyline for the audience. Whether his childhood friend Iseul or his past flame Danbi, they all held the promise of captivating television. Which, was really the goal.

Regardless of who it was, Joon would ensure that his segments would captivate the audience while projecting himself as the heartthrob prince and favorite of the show. Even as a partnership, he wouldn't let himself be outshined by anyone. This was the perfect opportunity to show off his romantic side, and allure even more fans with his charm and beauty. He was not going to let it pass by.

Ting. Ting-ta-da-ting.

While Joon opened the door, he heard the bell ring joyously overhead, alerting everyone of his presence. His hair fluttered around his face as the door softly closed behind him. A slender hand lifted to brush the hair from his eyes, as he glanced around in child-like awe. "Gwiyeowoyo~" ("Cute" Standard) He mused quietly, though intentionally loud enough for the microphones to hear.

The inside of the cafe was as quaint as he had suspected, though the atmosphere was actually very comfortable. The red brick walls evoked a vision of a traditional fireplace, its warm flame feeling pleasant on a cold day. The dark wooden floor and furniture kept the space dim even without all the lights, adding to its quiet presence. The walls were lined with nature photos and freshly cut flowers which reminded him of his mother's shop. As he inhaled a deep breath, the sugary aroma washed over his senses, his stomach silently growling. The male ignored this sensation, moving forward with his fraudulent escapades.

After taking in his surroundings, the first people that Joon laid eyes on were the film crew who had been waiting inside. His lips pulled into a bashful smile as if he was embarrassed that they had been watching all this time. "Anyoung haseyo." He bowed respectively to the crew, keeping up his polite attitude. A moment later, he noted the baristas, again bowing as they appeared to barely be contained their excitement. His ego swelled as another playful grin lit up his face at the workers. Everything was going perfect, he had set the stage and was effortlessly playing his part.

"Annyeonghaseyo," When he heard the voice of another, his heart lept with anticipation. Joon turned delicately on his heels, quickly pulling on an expression of wonderment. However, as he met the other's gaze, he realized who his partner was. Joon stood still, his expression never faltering though his eye subtly twitched with irritation. Out of everyone, it had to be one of the overly-ambitious wannabe-rappers trying to take his throne. It was ridiculous. How did someone like him even get a spot on this show?

Even though underneath his sociable front Joon wanted to turn to the director to complain, he knew that doing so would be bad for his image. For now, he decided to hold his tongue, though the moment the cameras were off he would attempt to right such a disgraceful situation. Joon scanned the other up and down, unimpressed with what he saw. Although he was going to behave, didn't mean that he couldn't throw some subtle shade.

"It's nice to officially meet you. I'm Casper, or you can call me Chanhee if you prefer."

As the other introduced himself, Joon blinked, tilting his head as he played dumb. "Ah, you must be my date?" He asked as if he didn't recognize Chanhee as an idol. "Mannasuh bangapseumnida! ("Happy to meet you.") I'm Rabbit. But, you can call me Bunny, that's what my fans do," His cheerful voice hid the teasing assumption that Chanhee was a fan. "Or, Joon is good too. I don't mind," A tense but warm smile washed over his face. "Jal bootak deurimnida." ("Please look after me.")

"Would you like to sit for a moment? I've been sitting here if you'd like to join me."

When Chanhee pulled out a seat, Joon recognized that he was most likely aiming to steal the spotlight. The thought only annoying him further. "Yes, thank you," Joon replied, setting himself to sit eloquently in the chair. As he crossed his legs, he leaned back in the chair. His arm rested on the arm of the chair, his hand cupping his face as he smiled expectantly at the other. "So, have you been here long? I hope I didn't keep you waiting, I can never turn down a request for a photo from fans..." He spoke, his tone more mischievous than sincere.

It was only a beat before Joon felt himself become bored. In truth, he wanted this date to be over. Just being around Chanhee was putting him in a worse mood. "Shall we order?" He asked, standing without waiting for the other's reply.

Created by Black_Sheep & edited by Jenamos​

Theodore Davenport

Location | Interactions | Mentions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus. Iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem. Tempus egestas sed sed risus pretium. Cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu. Integer enim neque volutpat ac tincidunt vitae semper quis. Libero nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet. Facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim. Lectus sit amet est placerat. Facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus faucibus.

Created by Black_Sheep & edited by Jenamos
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai

Duke of the Undead
Zephaniah Blanchet



August 12th 1771


Emergency Doctor

Paris, France


Hair: Medium length, curly blond​
Eyes: Blue​
Height: 5'5"​
Weight: 125lbs​
Build: Feminine, Slender, Petite,​
Complexion: Fair, Glowing, Clear​
Style: Victorian, Lolita, Pastel Goth, Harajuku, Haute Couture, Cosplay​


Seraphic, Pragmatist, Eccentric, Observant, Sadistic, Uncomplaining, Sensualistic, Defiant, Self-Assured,​
Realistic: When dealing with what most would consider stressful or high-pressure situations, Zeph is able to respond in a calm and clear-headed manner. Many times, he can seem as if he is detached because he doesn't let emotions cloud his judgment, however, this only helps him make quick and decisive decisions. He has no delusions about what he is able to accomplish as a medic, which keeps him from having any false hopes or creating any fallacies.​
Brilliant: Even as a child Zeph always stood out among his peers. Although he always led people to believe that it came naturally, he had to work hard to gain the amount of knowledge that he possesses. While at work he is meticulous, almost to the level of obsessive. He is dedicated to his job and performing his duties to the best of his ability. This has led him to be one of the most skilled doctors from his medical school. He is ambitious in his goal to be the best and never stops in his pursuit to reach it.​
Charismatic: Even though Zeph isn't naturally charming, he will often make an effort to act overly friendly and approachable. As a doctor he has found that it is easier to work when people like him, finding that patients believe him to be more trustworthy. Although he doesn't consider this to be his true personality, viewing it as a type of act, he can't deny that he can easily flip a switch in his mind. He will sometimes use this as a persuasion tactic when he is trying to convince someone of something. Many believe him to be sweet and innocent when they first meet, which helps him get his way. However his antisocial personality comes more naturally, and acting this way is much more draining for him. People are usually surprised when he finally drops the act after a while.​

Idiosyncratic: Most would describe Zeph as strange, and not like any type of doctor they have met before. Although he would state that his true nature is asocial, that would not be the truth. For the most part, Zeph's real personality is quite neurotic. He is known to be erratic, bouncing between trying to act friendly, and to this intense whimsical state. Only when there is a literal danger to someone's life, does he ever get honestly serious. Normally he is spontaneous with his actions since he is often looking for some type of entertainment from people. He enjoys messing with people to see different kinds of reactions, that are part of his curious nature. Talking to people who annoy him, he is frequently sarcastic, and generally not taking things seriously, especially if someone is acting like a child.​

Dissident: When it comes to following the rules, Zeph leaves much to be desired. He doesn't do too well with taking orders and can tend to be a spoiled brat. He has a rebellious nature that drives him to do the reverse of things, whether that is rules, laws, or societal standards. He prefers to go opposite of the grain, and his stubborn nature causes him to plant his feet and hold firm. It is clear that he has his own opinions about things, and is unwilling to relent to others. He is often reluctant to accept help, preferring to figure things out on his own than admit that he doesn't know something.​

Hedonistic: Almost everything that Zeph does is based on his constant search for enjoyment. He is extremely intelligent, however, that often means he is left feeling bored. To keep himself amused he likes to tease and harass the people he is close to. As a true sadist, sometimes that is as simple as making someone flustered, and other times that means playing with someone's body until they beg for release. Although he is highly motivated by pleasure, he has a strict policy about sleeping with people. He has no issue messing around with a mostly willing victim, though his favorite is corrupting those who claim to be pure, he never goes all the way. In fact, even though most would call him a whore for the activities he engages in, he has only ever had sex with one other person due to his commitment issues. When playing with others, he will always be clear that it is just a casual fling until he gets bored. He is very perverted, kinky, and sadistic which he loves to use to his advantage when playing with his toys, which is what he always calls the people he has chosen to bully. Even though he won't promise to be monogamous, liking to have multiple people to tease, he is highly possessive of his toys.​

However, not everything he does for enjoyment is based around sex. He also loves to play mind games with people, his favorite is taking advantage of the fact that most people are nervous about medical things. Though he also likes to do experiments and test his theories of unsuspecting people. With his two conflicting personalities, he will often act like a saint in front of one person, but the moment they turn their back he will tease another. He finds it hilarious to see the different expressions that people make when he says perverted things or drops his act.​

Pretentious: There is no doubt that Zeph is a great doctor and a strong vampire, and the man is well aware of that fact. He is confident in his abilities both medical and powers to be able to handle anything life may throw at him. He has worked hard and believes that he deserves all the praise possible. Sometimes this takes the form of overconfidence, though if you ask him he deserves the right to gloat. However deep down, since he has never received any praise from his family, he supplements it with his own boasting.​


Alexei Borgov - Presumed Alive

Father - Duke Ambroise Blanchet - Deceased
Mother - Duchess Camille Blanchet - Deceased
Brother - Marceau Blanchet - Deceased
Sister - Elise Blanchet - Deceased

Ex-Boyfriend - Count Laurent Dubois - Deceased
Sire - Alexei Borgov - Presumed Alive

Vasil: The thorn in his side. His darling rose. It's so strange, how the man has become his world when they couldn't even stand to be in the same room together once upon a time. After being married over a century, and knowing each other for over two, simply calling the man his husband doesn't quite convey enough. Without Vasil, surely Zeph would have been lost in the darkness of never-ending life.

Antoni: It's difficult to put into words the sort of relationship that Zeph and Toni have together. Both being equally daring and voyeuristic has led to some lascivious times. Though, nothing is ever truly acknowledged. Rather, everything consists of smirks and glances.

Judy: A little baby bird he picked off the street, fallen from the safety of its nest into the world of depravity. Zeph tends to dote on him, finding him too weak and innocent to take care of himself. Though, eventually, he hopes to see Judy come out of his shell and truly experience all that life can offer.

Danny: Zeph instantly found Danny intriguing. His false confidence and overt bravado make it extremely entertaining to tease the little human. As a familiar, he has been one of most interesting to date.

Rose: One of Zeph's favorite additions to the house. She is a calming feminine force among these heathens and barbarians. Plus, it helps that Rose has impeccable taste in clothes. She is Zeph's go-to when he needs to blow off some smoke, literally. They can talk for hours about plants, and often spend time together in the garden.

Vy: Another little bird that Zeph likes to spoil. She has an equally terrible family, though has somehow managed to maintain a warm disposition. Zeph also wants to see her grow stronger, and take revenge on those who have wronged her.​


  • Zeph was born as the first son and heir to his father's title as duke. He was born into lavish wealth, with every need and desire taken care of.
  • Growing up, he spent his summers in his father's family villa in the country. While the rest of the year was spent in the city at his family's large estate. He had many personal tutors, who taught him everything he would need to know to become a great duke one day.
  • Even as a child, Zeph was quite a handful. He often skipped lessons to explore the estate, and later the city. Among his immediate family and most trusted staff, he had a reputation to be eccentric. Having interests that lay beyond the strict social norms of the time period.
  • As he got older, he started to attend galas and balls with his parents, exposing him to the french politics he would soon be a part of. Although he found them boring, this was where he eventually met Laurent.
  • The man was ten years his senior and had an exhilarating aura that seemed to draw Zeph in. They quickly became friends and spent lots of time together. He was the only person in Zeph's social circle that he felt truly understood him and accepted his quirks. It's no surprise that he quickly developed a crush.
  • After a while, to Zeph's surprise, Laurent confessed that he also had feelings for him. It was a shock, but the young Zeph felt a wave of emotions he had never experienced before. He agreed to start dating, despite knowing the consequences of such a scandal this would cause if it ever got out to the public.
  • While their relationship grew closer, Zeph fell even more madly in love. Laurent became his entire world. His first love, his first kiss, and eventually his first partner in bed. However, it wasn't meant to last.
  • It turned out that for Laurent, this was all part of a political power scheme and Zeph was merely a pawn. He revealed to the world Zephs homosexual nature to embarrass his family and gaining favor among their rivals.
  • This led to Zeph being disowned, losing his inheritance and title, and being exiled. His family sent him away to a small island in the french countryside, where no one would know who he was. This absolutely destroyed Zeph, sending him into a depressive and destructive spiral.
  • Although Zeph wanted revenge he knew in his current state he would be unable to achieve it. This was when, as luck would have it, he met Alexei. The man heard about Zeph's plans to overthrow the monarchy, and offered his assistance. Thus, Zeph became a Vampire.
  • With this newfound power, he was able to aid in the french revolt. Destroying the system which denied him his right, and crushed his heart. His family fled, but he was able to watch as Laurent was sent to the guillotine.
  • Once everything was over, Zeph had thought that he would feel better. However, he felt just as empty as he had when he was in his youth. He was alone again,
  • As he faced eternity alone, Zeph wandered the world looking for distractions. He met lots of people, though none of them ever ignited the spark within him. As decades went on, Zeph often ran into Vasil, and they would always fight or ruin each other's plans. The man was a headache. Yet, seemed to be the only constant in his undead life.
  • Eventually, the pair started to grow close, with Vasil bringing him flowers from all the exotic places he had been. Each coming to understand that Alexei was the true enemy. And so, after nearly a century of resisting fate, they got married.
  • For a while, they caused chaos together, starting wars, revolutions, and disasters wherever they went. But, even that grew boring after a while. So, they felt like they needed a change of pace, and bought a house in the new world. Starting a new adventure with new people.
Vampiric Transformation
  • Unlike many, Zeph was a willing participant in his transformation. Alexei had searched for him and gave him the choice, which Zeph confidently accepted. Although one might think drinking human blood and killing someone might way on a conscious, Zeph was unaffected, his mind clouded with revenge
  • The process was scary, yet Zeph was never actually afraid. He was in such a horrible pit of depression, that he didn't care what happened to him.
  • As the transformation process was complete, Alexei took it upon himself to teach Zeph all about being a Vampire. It didn't take long for him to start growing stronger. And soon, he had his revenge.
  • Afterward, soon found out, he was once again used. His Sire had only turned him, so that Zeph would be able to incite the revolution, thus hurting his enemy, Vasil.

Special ability: Blood Manipulation
User can shape and manipulate blood of oneself, others or from their surroundings, whether it be from blood-banks, hospitals, or battlefields.

Unable to create blood, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources
To manipulate one's own blood for external applications, one would have to draw blood.
Has an effective range of twenty feet.​


Likes: Photography/Cinematography, Working, Night sky, Reading, Rain, Fires, Horror movies

Dislikes: Idiots, Old people, Team Sports, Crying, The Cold, Kids, Rom-coms, Over-sharers

Fears: Being alone, Dying, Vulnerability

Hobbies: Floriography, Chess, Dissection, Gambling, Archery, Collecting old books, Calligraphy, Billiards

Roommate application

Why do you want to live in a vampire house?
When you live for eternity, things can get boring fast. Having an interesting group of people around is key to fighting off an idle mind.

What qualities make you a good housemate?
I'm beautiful to look at.

Do you have any pets?
Just Esme my Galapagos tortoise. She is my light, and I love her more than anything. And yes, I don't care if Vasil knows.

How neat are you?
Why would this matter when you have others to pick up after you?

What are some of your hobbies?
I like to garden and piss off the neighbors.

How do you feel about sharing?
It depends on the kind of mood I'm in. If I find something entertaining, then I rarely like to share it. However, there are certain things which are more fun in a group.

Do you have a familiar/Master? Who?
My familiar is Danny, though I also look after mon petit Judy.​

Last edited:

Ciar Donovan



October 13th


Host Source

Guardian Initiative Force

Cardiff, Wales











Last edited:

Judas Caldwell



July 18




Salem, Mass


Hair: Long red hair that is tightly curled and often a mess
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140
Build: Delicate, Petite, Chaste
Complexion: Pale, Freckled, Smooth
Style: Modest, with neutral tones. Are typically hand-me-downs or bought used.


Curious, Mindful, Altruistic, Dutiful, Melancholic, Magnanimous, Modest, Selfless, Impressionable, Sensitive, Individualistic, Timid, Incorruptible, Honest, Hardworking, Genuine, Forgiving, Empathetic, Moralistic, Eccentric, Obedient, Pure, Reserved, Self-conscious

Compassionate: Despite the numerous hardships that Judy has faced over the years, he had managed to keep his thoughtful and caring disposition. If anything, those past difficulties have only made him more sympathetic to others' struggles. Even when some don't necessarily deserve his kindness, he still won't hesitate to help someone in need.

Loyal: Judy doesn't have many people who he is close to, however on the rare occasion that someone treats him well it creates a bond that he would never break. From that moment on, he will be forever faithful and devoted to them. This includes working hard to please them and being a trustworthy companion.

Conflicted: As a familiar, he is willing to go to any lengths to serve his master. However, he often feels guilty about the tasks he must perform. He was raised to have a certain set of morals, many of which he finds himself breaking the longer he stays. It often feels like two contrasting battles going on inside of him.

Naive: Growing up as sheltered as he was, it's not surprising that Judy doesn't know much about the outside world. His mind is innocent, and he often tries to think the best of people. However, this disposition easily gets him into trouble.


Father - Dennis Caldwell - 50
Mother - Abigail Caldwell - 45
Brother - Micheal Caldwell - 25
Brother - Rapheal Caldwell - 22
Sister - Mary Caldwell - 18
Sister - Eve Caldwell - 17
Brother - Uriel Caldwell - 15
Brother - Gabriel Caldwell - 12
Sister - Addison Caldwell - 10

Rivalries/Enemies: None

Zeph: When Judy was in the height of trying to discover whether he had been lied to his entire life, Zeph was the one who appeared in the midst of that struggle to show him a world he never would have thought existed. Judy feels immense respect and loyalty to the man, bordering on a hero complex, and would do just about anything he asked for. Even though all of Zeph's teasing and faults, Judy would never say even a single bad word about him.

Vasil: Ever since Judy was brought to the house, Vasil has never been friendly towards him. Judy often receives cold stares or is ignored completely. He doesn't know the reason for this treatment but is committed to winning the man over through hard work.

Antoni: Although Judy was brought to the house by Zeph, his main job has been helping translate for Antoni. He isn't technically the man's familiar, though he also doesn't really know what sort of relationship they might have as it isn't like he could ask him. Even so, Judy takes his job seriously and does the best that he can to help.

Danny: As soon as Judy moved in, he quickly became friends with Danny. Judy has always looked up to the other, as he seems so outgoing and well-liked, possessing qualities that he lacks. For Judy, this is his first real friend, and he tries to go out of his way to show his appreciation to Danny.

Vy: It often feels as if Vy and Judy are twin souls, they have similar histories and are both soft-spoken. This is probably why they get along so well. Although Judy has a hard time socializing, he always feels safe when he is around Vy.


  • Judy was born as the third son of a deeply religious family. His father is a minister. When he was born with bright red hair, his parents thought he was the son of the devil, thus giving him the name Judas.
  • Growing up, Judy was often mistreated by his family. They lived on a small homestead, where they were homeschooled by his mother. The only time they left home was to go to church. The town they lived in was small, and also very religious, so he was often treated as an outcast by the members of the congregation.
  • As he got older, Judy began questioning the religious teachings he had grown up with. Although he wanted to believe that all the hardships he had endured were all part of God's plan, he also rejected the idea of worshiping an entirety that could be so cruel. So, he set out trying to discover if God was real.
  • Judy knew that it would most likely be impossible to get any definitive information about God's existence, so his plan was to try and prove if anything supernatural existed. He hypothesized that if he could prove that ghosts or demons existed, then surely God did as well. This is when he started researching information about the occult, buying demonic summoning books, and cursed or haunted items.
  • This search is what led him to a witch's den. Unbeknownst to him, he had walked into a shop thinking he would be able to find some new material to investigate, when in reality he was about to be attacked and used to make a witches brew. However, right before his fate was sealed, Zeph happened to see what was happening and save him.
  • After that, Zeph took an interest in Judy, and brought him back to the vampire house. Judy was in awe that such beings existed, and wanted to learn more, so he agreed to work as a familiar.

Likes: Animals, Sweets, Warm Baths, Mythology, Jazz, Occult, Hot Chocolate, Oversize Sweaters, Spring,

Dislikes Yelling, Religion, Darkness, Bugs, Sports, Hospitals, Hot Weather, Swimming, Big Crowds, Parties, Drama, Thunder

Fears: Spider, Priests, Churches, Drowning, Heights, Flying, Injections, Falls, Confined Spaces, Being Alone

Hobbies: Reading, Art, Piano, Sewing, Baking

Roommate application

Why do you want to live in a vampire house?
I want to be able to serve my master and be available at any time of the day. Plus, I think it would be exciting to live among supernatural creatures. It's an experience most people don't get the chance at.

What qualities make you a good housemate?
I'd like to think I am pretty considerate of others, and I'm also receptive to hearing any issues that someone might have with me. I really just want to get along with everyone.

Do you have any pets?
My family had a small farm, so I've been around a lot of animals growing up. However, since moving out I have not owned any pets for myself.

How neat are you?
I enjoy cleaning, I think it's relaxing and cleanses my mind. So, I would say I'm pretty neat.

What are some of your hobbies?
Well, I really like art. Any kind really, music and painting the most. Though, some people say that my hobbies reading about the occult are strange, so I usually don't bring that subject up.

How do you feel about sharing?
I grew up with lots of siblings, so learning to share was a requirement.

Do you have a familiar/Master? Who?
I suppose that my master is Zeph? But, I also help Toni most of the time...I don't really know.

What We Do In The Shadows
Friday, April 26th
Sarasota, Florida

As the bright spring sun vanished below the horizon, it was replaced by the waxing crescent moon. A mere sliver hanging in the sky like a hook, hardly illuminating amongst the flickering stars. With the daylight gone, the creatures of the night began to stir.

In the ordinary city of Sarasota, most of its inhabitants were already fast asleep in their beds. All except the occupants of a particularly mysterious house. The dilapidated Victorian-style manor sat at the end of the long street, looking forbidding over the rest of the houses.

It had a reputation among its neighbors for being owned by a group of eccentric individuals. Though, hardly anyone ever caught a glimpse of them. The majority of the tenants only ever seemed to be active at night. Yet, the house always had a constant flow of guests who would only ever enter, and never be seen leaving. The windows were covered in newspapers, with the curtains drawn and hurricane shutters remaining year around. But, the most frustrating for the neighbors were the strange noises coming from the house all night long. While most just accepted this unusual behavior, others despised them.

On this particular night, a letter had just arrived by raven, marked with the seal of the Vampiric Council. Such an important matter meant that a house meeting needed to be held to discuss its contents. The ringing of a pink Swarovski crystal bell echoed throughout the house, summoning everyone to the study.

Code by the amazing and beautiful @Dvyniai
  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai

The Shadow of the North
Rhine Sanria

Shadow, Rhi



Enby Male

Dark Mage




Hair: Mostly black with a white stripe in the front. Its a medium length that hangs below his ears.
Eye: Grey
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110lbs
Build: Delicate, Slim, Frail
Complexion: Anemic, Unblemished, Dark Undereyes
Clothes: Rhine tends to wear both male and female clothes, while also liking things that are gender non-specific. The colors tend to be dark, mainly black but with the occasional navy blue or royal purple. He doesn't like to go shirtless. He can most often be found wearing a simple shirt and pants, with a fur coat and moccasins.
Distinguishing Marks:
Tattoos: None
Piercing: Rhine has both of his earlobes pierced.


Traits: Suspicious, Calculated, Melancholic, Perceptive, Secretive, Dedicated, Self-reliant, Resourceful, Sensitive, Serious, Unsociable, Idealistic, Independent, Complex, Reserved, Deceptive, Naive, Deceived, Neurotic, Insecure, Cynical

Strategic: Since Rhine is physically weak, he has to use other means to overcome an obstacle. Instead of brashly rushing forward, he prefers to sit back and plan his moves. Though, oftentimes he never leaves his planning phase. He is clever and able to think of his feet in order to improvise. However, he has district triggers that can push him to act emotionally.

Driven: After living in a lift that is filled with unending difficulty, it has caused Rhine to become stronger than anyone thought possible. Even though he resents this observation, it is without a doubt true. If anything can be said about him, it's that he is a survivor. He is willing to do what it takes to continue on, even if it would have been easier to just give up.

Compassionate: Even though he puts on a tough exterior, Rhine still has a heart. He cares for those who are considered weak or outcasts. He can't stand to see people be treated badly and are protective of other disabled people. His entire life goal revolves around improving the quality of life for individuals like himself.

Withdrawn: After years of being shunned and living in near isolation, Rhine has lost the cheerful attitude he once had. Now, he is aloof and withdrawn, not wanting to get attached to people in fear of being abandoned again. He no longer feels like he knows how to communicate with others, and feels uncomfortable being in populated areas.

Misguided: As a young child being thrust out into the world, Rhine was naive. The person who he thought was his savior, fanned the flames of his anger and hurt, and led down the path of darkness. He truly doesn't want to hurt anyone, however, he is too invested to simply let this feeling of vengeance go.

Contradictory: Even though Rhine likes to push people away and tout his independence, in the end, he is a depressed and lonely person. Whenever he feels vulnerable, he will often lash out in order to hide how he truly feels. Which is, scared and sad.

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Likes: Animals, Learning, Fruit, Listening to Rain, Music, Watching Snow, Stories
Dislikes: Bright lights, Traveling, Physical Exercise, Doctors. Vegetables, Nature, Aggression,
Fear: Getting Ill and Dying, People and Crowds, Being Alone, Vulnerability, Being Weak
Hobbies: Reading, Studying Dark Magic, Horseback Riding,


Xie'koah Medraxia - Childhood Friend - High Sage - Pav
While Rhine was a child, he was often left secluded because he was too sick to play with the other children. It was a lonely existence. However, Xie would often sneak into his room at night to quietly play and tell him about his adventures during the day. These were some of the only happy memories Rhine has from his childhood. Xie was like an older brother to him, teaching lots of things such as braiding. Even though most thought he was weak Xie always told him that he was strong for battling his illness. When Rhine was kicked out of the tribe, Xie was the only one who questioned the decision, a fact that Rhine treasured. Even after all these years, his affection for the male has never dimmed, apartment by the spun cord that Xie made him that Rhine keeps with him still.

Eskyr Juno - Childhood Friend - Chief/General - Quake
The other person who would often keep him company was Eskyr. She would often come with Xie to visit him at night, telling of her adventures and stories. Even though it was simple, it was the only thing that kept him going through loneliness. To Rhine, she was like an older sister and he cared for her deeply.

Valerian - Healer Friend - Light Mage Scholar + Healer - Beetle
With Rhines numerous health problems, he often is in need of care. However, after how he has been treated he decidedly hates most doctors. When he met Val, the man treated him kindly and healed him. Now, whenever he needs treatment, Val is typically the one that he turns too. Over the years, they have developed into friends.

Fia - Friend - Monster of Drohael - ET
While living in the middle of nowhere, the only way to get supplies is by traveling to nearby tribes. On his route, he has met Fia. Although at first there relationship was rocky, they soon became close friends. It seems they are two lonely souls who drifted together. Now whenever he passes through her territory, he often stays for a few days to visit.


  • Rhine was born to the Rohwesh tribe. He was born nearly a month and a half early, and his birth was quite complicated. He almost didn't make it. Despite miraculously surviving, Rhines life continued to be a struggle.
  • As a child, he was constantly sick. With his poor health, he often couldn't do normal kid activities. Things such as climbing trees or exploring, were just too much strain on his already weak body. However, on occasion Xie and Eskyr would visit him.
  • In order to keep the tribe from knowing just how weak he was, Rhine's mother kept him hidden away. Even when he was healthy, he wasn't allowed to go outside or interact with any other tribe members.
  • When he was around eight, suspicions grew and the chief made the decision that Rhine was too weak and useless to stay. In the middle of the night, several tribesmen broke into his house and kidnapped him. Although his mother cried for mercy, his father held her back.
  • The men restrained him roughly with rope, beating him in the process as he tried to squirm away. He was thrown in a burlap sack and ridden out into the mountains until sunrise. They then dumped him in the middle of nowhere, leaving him to die.
  • As Rhine remained restrained, he began to wander the mountains in search of salvation. After two days, he was weak and on the verge of death. It was then that he met Caldor.
  • Caldor had found him while on his way back from a supply trip Vondjolrr. He brought Rhine back to his small homestead and nursed him back to health. With Rhine being so young and having nowhere else to go, Caldor essentially adopted him.
  • Caldor had been banished for practicing Dark Magic, trying to resurrect his dead husband. This led to him holding a deep hatred for the Outlands and its rules. While Rhine started to grow up, Caldor instilled the same sentiments onto him and fueled the flames of his hurt and anger.
  • Although Caldor thought that the system was beyond repair, Rhine believed that he could change it. With this mindset, he dedicated himself to learning everything he could. It wasn't long before he started down the path of Dark Magic.
  • Even though Rhine was still physically weak, he started to grow powerful. For the first time, he felt as if he could protect himself and stand up for others like him.
  • At 19, Rhine decided that it was time that he go to the Capital, and start his plan for revolution. Caldor was hesitant, but in the end, the man gave him his blessing.


Learned: Necromancy
Rhine has learned the ability to resurrect the dead. They can also communicate with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily and placing them into a vessel. He is able to preform this with his staff, which doubles as a walking cane.

At his current state, Rhine is only able to do this to less superior creatures such as animals. Furthermore, he is unable to call upon souls who have already reached eternal rest, or whose body has decayed to the point of falling apart. This, a soul cannot be contained. This action requires excess energy and focus and drains him depending on the size of the creature being resurrected.

Animal Husbandry: After growing up on a farm, Rhine has become an expert in animals and their required care. This includes horseback riding.

Plants: Rhine has a vast knowledge of plants and their effects. While traveling, he knows which are able to be eaten, which are poison, and which are used for medicine.

Inconspicuous: Because of his mobility wheelchair, Rhine is often taken as someone who is harmless. This causes people to easily let their guard down, making it easier for them to attack or get information out of.

Health Conditions: Ever since Rhine was a child, he has been extremely ill. Although not much is known about his condition, it is similar to an autoimmune disorder. He is easily susceptible to illnesses and gets sick often. His body is overall very weak and unable to create muscles or put on body weight. His bones are brittle, and he often gets injured easily. As he has gotten older, it has started to affect his mobility, Symptoms such as muscle spasms, and difficulty walking are happening more frequently.

Anemia: Due to his poor health, Rhine has developed severe anemia. This is the main culprit for his sickly pale skin.

Mental Health: After such a traumatic experience of being thrown out of his tribe, Rhine suffers from extensive depression, and suffers from anxiety. It is still difficult for him to become close to others, as he is always afraid of being abandoned again.

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The Maiden of Drahael Kae
Aeris Nezzulo

Aer, Nezzy



Trans Femme

Kiri's Fiancee

High Oracle



Hair: Long white hair that stretches down his back
Eye: Blue
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120
Build: Lithe, Feminine, sylphlike
Complexion: Glowing, Pale, Soft
Clothes: Although Aeris prefers gender non-specific clothing, he tends to lean towards women's garb most often. As such, he often feels uncomfortable showing his chest. He can often be seen wearing long robes, with his hair braided. When it is summer time, he will wear a skirt with a bralette top that exposes his stomach.
Distinguishing Marks: None
Piercings: Aeris has both of his earlobe pierced, along with his belly button.


Traits: Thoughtful, Indecisive, Conscientious, Ambitious Optimistic, Disordered, Methodical, Dutiful, Curious, Stable, Peaceful, Magnanimous, Observant, Articulate, Modest, Companionly, Reliable, Dignified, Scholarly, Earnest, Sentimental, Willful, Reserved, Fawning, Reticent, Self-sacrificing

Farsighted: Even before his gift presented, Aeris has been the type to think ahead rather than act recklessly. When someone wrongs him, or when there is something he wants to achieve he will make elaborate plans that will lead him to success. He is able to make wise decisions, using his observant and logical nature.

Altruistic: Aeris is someone who is deeply empathetic, truly feeling the pain of others as if it was his own. He is the type of person who cares a great deal for those he is close to, sometimes more than he cares for even himself. He is protective and patient, willing to do anything for the people around him.

Knowledgeable: One of Aeris's most valued qualities is his intelligence. Since he is not as physically capable as others, he feels that this is the sole thing that makes him useful. He spends most of his day trying to further his understanding of the world, and learn as much as he can.

Selfless: As an Oracle, it is his job to help others. It is Aeris's passion, and he finds joy in it. However, he often puts others' needs and wishes above his own. Even relinquishing them if he believes that it might trouble someone else. It is difficult for him to express himself, and even more so to advocate what he wants.

Obsessive: When Aeris commits or puts his mind to something, nothing can interrupt his focus. He tends to hyper-fixate on things, going without breaks or food. This would continue until he passed out or reached whatever goal he was intending. It can look quite neurotic from the outside, however, he prefers to call it organized chaos.

Insecure: Despite reaching the status that he has, he still feels unworthy and self-conscious. Even now, he still doesn't feel like he has achieved enough compared to others. It is difficult for him to be vulnerable, as he fears becoming a bother. As such, he almost never shows any negative emotions to people. Instead, he keeps his worries and fears to himself.

Moral Alignment - Neutral Good
Likes: Incense, Nature, Helping People, Learning, Astronomy, History, Dancing, Puzzles, Chess,
Dislikes; Negativity, Yelling, Cold Weather, Conflict, Storms, Nightmares, Darkness, Weapons
Fears: Blood, Losing the people he loves, Not being able to return to his body
Hobbies: Meditation, Gardening, Drawing, Research, Birdwatching, Calligraphy, Floriography


Kirisnoti Drohvdyn - Fiancee/Childhood Friend - Chief of all Chiefs - Dvy
Even when Aeris was a young child, he has always felt intense affection for the man. At the time, he thought it was mere admiration. However, as he grew older and wiser, he understood that it was much more. For a long time, Aeris denied his feelings in favor of improving himself first. He wanted to be worthy to stand by his side as his most trusted right hand. All of his goals revolve around wanting to be useful. After all these years of resignation to happily stay on the sidelines, Aeris is finally confessed.

Gira - Childhood Friend - General - Beetle
Despite Gira's attempt, Aeris was never afraid of the fiery child. In fact, he often copied and followed him around, admiring his courage and strength. Again, Aeris was unaware of his crush until it turned into a burning passion. Unlike most, Aeris got to see the soft side of Gira, and was happy that the man would come to him for support. When Gira would visit him at the Temple, Aeris was always overjoyed. What started as nursing their lovesick hearts together, soon grew into love. However, Aeris believes this is simply one-sided and is too afraid of ruining their friendship to confess.

Val - Childhood Friend - Healer - Beetle
The sweet younger brother that he never had. Val and Aeris often played together when the older kids ignored them. Aeris has always felt affection for the other, endeared by Val as he would follow him around. When Aeris left for the Temple, the only comfort was knowing that Val would soon join him. The two grew closer as they grew, both studying to grow their knowledge of the world.

Ravieshu Varrus Drohvdyn - Fellow Spouse - Kirisnoti Husband - Muns
As Kiri's first husband, Ravie is someone that Aeris cares deeply for. Aeris had the privilege to perform the marriage and happily gave his blessings. Although he hasn't spent lots of time together as Aeris lives at the Temple, he still considers him a good friend. When he can, he often tries to help Ravie with meditation and breathing exercises.

Ezeran Vylkorric - Fellow Spouse - Kirisnoti Husband - Pav
With being Kiri's second husband, Aeris cares deeply for Ez. He again had the privilege to perform the marriage and was happy that Kiri could be surrounded by so much love. Again, Aeris hasn't been able to spend much time with the man, though the few he has been enjoyable. Aeris coincides Ez to be a good friend and is thankful that Kiri has someone to take care of him.

Ciardha - Friend - Drohaelca Healer - Mochii
Aeris has known Cia since they were young. They often would sit together and discuss various philosophical ideas while drinking tea.


  • Aeris was born into the Drahaelca tribe as the son of the Nezzulo family.
  • While he was young, he often played with the other kids in the tribe. His favorites were Kiri, Gira, and Val. Aeris would often follow after Kiri and the other older kids. He unknowingly had a puppy love crush on Kiri, drawn to his confident and alluring aura.
  • He was often bullied for his small size and weak physical ability. Those who often took part were Gira and Kiri. However he never despaired, and instead, he planned an elaborate revenge, earning the other kids respect.
  • As he got older, he started experiencing what he thought were horrific nightmares, causing him to develop a trauma around sleeping. However, as he got older, he started to realize that these were not dreams but instead another plane. It took several more years until he started to understand what it was, or how to control it.
  • Even though his parents often suggested sending him to the temple to learn more about his gift, he refused. Aeris didn't want to leave Kiri and the others.
  • While the conflict on the border increased, the tribe was beginning to be in danger.
  • One night, Aeris went into another plane as usual and saw a future where he witnessed the tribe being attacked and Kiri dying. This caused Aeris to wake in a panic. It was then that he heard strange noises outside, and he realized that the tribe was being attacked. He quickly rose from his bed, warning others of the attack and frantically searching for Kiri. When he finally found the man, he had reached him just in time. He stopped the Neskorian who was attempting to slay Kiri, saving the man's life.
  • After the attack, Aeris was unsure of what to do. While the rest of the tribe were planning to move to Drahael Kae, Aeris was being pushed to go to the temple. It wasn't until he received another vision, one which he never spoke to anyone that he decided to finally go to the temple
  • Once there, he devoted his time to learning about his gift, and studying magics and scholarly works. It took up most of his time, often going days without sleeping.
  • As much as he hated being away from Kiri, he did enjoy his work. He devoted himself to the service of others, and he found it very rewarding.
    While he was at the temple, He often kept track of Kiri's progress during his journey to become chief of chiefs. It was difficult watching from afar, especially when Kiri almost died. During his recovery, he often traveled through the alternate plane in order to take him out of his body so he wouldn't be in pain.
  • When Kiri finally reached the temple, it was the first time they had seen each other in years. However, instead of the reunion he expected, Aeris was surprised that Kiri had brought with him a fiancee. Aeris agreed to marry the two, happy that they had found joy with each other. That night, Gira and Aeris comforted each other's lovesick hearts.
  • It wasn't long before Kiri was gone again, and Aeris was back to work. With his talent and hard-working nature, he quickly advanced through the ranks. He became renowned through the Outlands as a great High Oracle, and people traveled from all over just to see him.
  • However, one day in the astral plane, he saw another future. This one was far more terrifying than any he had ever seen. It seemed something awful was coming. A striking fear that the end may be near, and that he was running out of time, fueled his decision to finally confess his feelings for Kiri. With an accepted proposal, he would finally be at the man's side, just when he was needed most. As if by fate, or maybe by design.


Gift: Astral Projection
Aeris has the ability of astral projection. This power means that he is able to separate their spirit from the body by entering a meditative state, gaining access to the astral plane. In the astral plane, Aeris is able to see the present, and future.

Present: While in the present astral plane, Aeris is able to see the current world and explore. This can include the spirits inside of those currently alive, along with the wandering of those who have passed. If he wants to connect to someone who is alive and separated by a great distance, he needs to either have a strong soul connection with the individual or have a deeply personal item that belongs to the person. This creates a tether which he can use to find the spirit, along with his way back to his body.

Future: While in the future, Aeris is able to see how the world might become around him. If he wants to see someone else's future, he would either need to be near that person or have a tether.

Even though he is able to see the future, it isn't set in stone. Every decision has an effect on what might happen. While being in a meditative state, Aeris is extremely vulnerable and unable to defend himself. Even though his spirit is able to access all these places, he is unable to interact with anything that isn't in the astral plane. While in the astral plane, if the tether is broken and he is unable to find his way back to his body, he is likely trapped in the meditative state until his death. Furthermore, leaving his body without a spirit could lead to another spirit taking over.

Knowledge: With living at the Temple, he has access to some of the best magical research in the Outlands. Over the years Aeris has taken full advantage of this, going over as much information as he can.

Horseback riding: As a child, Aeris loved to ride horses through the village, the breeze in his hair. As a result, and also because of his love for animals, he has become very skilled in horseback riding. He has gotten to the point, where he can hit a bullseye even on a galloping horse.

Archery: Despite his poor physical ability, the sole skill that he was able to perform well in was archery. He would often practice for hours as a child, hoping to impress his friends.

Hyperfixation: When something draws Aeris's interest, it can be near impossible to break that focus. If he has a question or something he wants to know, he won't stop until he has an answer. Oftentimes, this means going days on end shut away in his study, forgetting to eat or sleep. Most of these fixations revolve around research materials, along with magic texts and old tomes.

Cold intolerance: Due to his gift, constantly putting his body into a deep meditative state similar to a coma, Aeris's body naturally drops in temperature during this time. When he comes back to his body, he is always extremely cold. This can be made worse when in colder climates. If he isn't careful, it can result in his hands and feet becoming red and numb. He often can be seen shivering, and wearing extra layers of clothes to fight off the constant chill.

Physical Ability: As someone small in stature and low in weight and muscles, Aeris is decidedly not formidable based on his physicality. It is difficult for him to lift heavy objects, or excerpt himself for long periods. Although he practices things like self-defense, it doesn't come naturally and he still isn't very skilled.

Nightmares: With his gift, Aeris has developed a phobia of sleeping and nighttime. He often would wake with nightmares because of the things he would see in the astral plane. Because of this, he often goes without sleep or refuses to sleep at night time. Even during the day, he prefers to sleep with the light on.

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The Spoiled Prince
Aleon Viotto

Al, Leon





Gymos Prince



Hair: Short, light blonde
Eye: Blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lbs
Build: Slender, Petite, Athletic
Complexion: Glowing, Porcelain, Smooth
Clothes: Aleon has been called the pinnacle of fashion, a trend setter, and an icon. He will only allow the finest of furs and linens to touch his skin. When it comes to colors, he likes them to be bright and stand out.
Distinguishing Marks: None
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None


Traits: Ambitious, Cultured, Persuasive, Argumentative, Charismatic, Confident, Impulsive, Prideful, Willful, Irrational, Chaotic, Bold, Individualistic, Outspoken, Competitive, Moody, Demanding, Boisterous, Intelligent, Childish, Possessive, Impatient, Naive

Passionate: Aleon can be described as intense, his assertive and confident nature easily taking over any situation. Though, he often ends up getting distracted by petty things, when he sets his mind to something he isn't easily discouraged.

Optimistic: In any situation, Aleon always has a mindset that he will succeed. Even if he doesn't necessarily have a plan, that won't stop him. He believes that he can create the future he desires simply by continuing to try. He is discontent with his current position and adamant that he is going to change it. Most of the time he has a goal, but his plan is something that comes later.

Ostentatious: With his lavish upbringing, Aleon has grown accustomed to enjoying the finer things in life. This has allowed him to receive an exceptional education which includes cultural values and refined manners.

Reactionary: Whenever Aleon is faced with something that upsets him even in the slightest, he has a tendency to react impulsively. He can often be brash and irrational, which means that he sometimes ends up getting himself into trouble. Even though he knows that he is overreacting, he still can't stop himself. It's like a compulsion, feeling like if he doesn't respond in a tough way that he will be thought less of.

Disobedient: Ever since he was a kid, Aleon has had trouble with authority. He doesn't like to be told what to do. If given an order, he is more likely to do the opposite. He is stubborn, and defiant by nature, and not easily controlled.

Insecure: Despite putting on a tough exterior, Aleon is actually overcompensating. As the youngest royal heir, he feels like many people look down on him. This is the reason for his haughty attitude. Although some of it is because he is dense, the underlying reason is that he craves praise and recognition. He is afraid of being considered useless, so he puts on airs to appear more self-assured, hoping that people will believe it. Another way he overcompensates is his overly-competitive nature. He is constantly trying to prove himself, desperately wanting to earn respect from those who hold authority. Although this often leads him to do stupid things, he refuses to let others get the better of him.

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Likes: Luxury, Fashion, Furs, Alcohol, Baths, Competition, Music,
Dislikes: Orders, Filth, Politics
Fears: Failure, Being a disappointment, Vulnerability,
Hobbies: Falconry, Archery, Horseback Riding, Hunting


Chaol Aedion - Childhood Friend - Gydis Heir - Blue
When Aleon was young, he thought that Chaol was his competition. As such, he often bullied the older child. However, he quickly gave up when he saw that Chaol was too kind to fight back. After that, they soon became friends. Even as he was told to stay away from the Gydis family, he ignored the orders and spent more time with Chaol

Aimer Bryvanin - Childhood Friend - Neskorian Refugee - ET
As a member of the Neskorian elite, Aimer was someone that Aleon met through their status. However, when he saw how secluded the other was, along with the horrible words about his disability said behind his back, he decided to befriend him. Aleon often persuaded the other to come along on adventures, or get into trouble.


  • Aleon was born as a prince to the Gymos family. Although technically an heir, as the youngest he was always destined to walk in his sibling's shadow.
  • As a child, Aleon was extremely competitive with his siblings. He thought that if he could win, or be the best, that it would prove that he was worthy of taking the thrown one day. However, as he grew older, he realized that nothing he did would ever change his position in life. He grew to resent the customs of Neskoria.
  • With this realization, Aleon became even more of a spoiled and rebellious force. He chooses to do whatever he desired, refusing to simply be a political pawn for his family.
  • When Vabros attacked, he was hardly able to make it out alive. If it weren't for the countless warriors that gave their lives to protect the capital, he surely would have perished.


Gift: Light Manipulation
Aleon is able to manipulate the light around him with his mind. With this power, he is able to absorb the light around him, making him a bright beacon that can easily blind someone. As light is what allows people sight, he is able to bend it at will, allowing him to become invisible or create illusions.

Drawbacks: Because this ability relies on the use of light when in a place that is pitch black, it renders Aleon useless. He is only able to absorb what is around him, and cannot create a source himself. When in dark spaces, he will often feel lethargic and weak. In order to use this power, he needs to have taken in enough light beforehand. If he hasn't, then it will drain his energy which could potentially cause him to pass out and experience severe fatigue and migraines.

Learned: Telekinesis
Recently, Aleon has taken to studying telekinesis. With this power, he is able to lift small objects with his wand or hand and move them short distances.

Drawbacks: Since he is still quite new to this, Aleon is only able to perform these actions with small objects of less than twenty pounds. Furthermore, his reach is only at around ten feet. This requires a lot of focus, and can often leave him with a headache if used too much. With this being a learned ability, he cannot perform this simply with his mind. Instead, he often uses a wand or his hand to gesture the desired movement.

Highly Educated: Being born as a royal means that Aleon has the best teachers in Neskoria at his disposal. His parents ensured that he learned a wide variety of things, both in and out of the classroom. Aleon is an excellent swordsman, marksman, and archer, though he has never put either skill to a real-life threat. He has hundreds of hours of experience riding horses and hunting game for sport. While many had to work to survive, he was learning proper etiquette and manners. In many ways, he should be a proper nobleman.

Experience: All the practice in the world won't prepare you if you never use it in real life. This is especially true for Aleon. In many of his skills, he is graceful and perfect, but undoubtedly unhelpful in a life-threatening situation. What does shooting a bullseye mean if you can do it while under pressure? For all the confident words he often spouts, his actions often fall short.

ADHD: Aleon suffers from the condition of ADHD, which means that he has difficulty focusing on things for long periods of time, often feels restless, and takes longer to take in information.

Conversing with Women: Despite his years of etiquette practice, Aleon is easily flustered when it comes to talking with women.

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Emison Jidal



January 24th



Neskorian Slave



Hair: Shaggy short black hair

Eye: Hazel

Height: 5'5

Weight: 125lbs

Build: Scrawny, Petite, Short

Complexion: Pallid, Unblemished, Lustrous

Clothes: As a slave, Emison wears whatever he is given. Usually, this entails old and ragged clothing. He has one nice outfit which he is only worn when he is going to be around other nobility. This is in order to keep up his Master's social standing.

Distinguishing Marks: Emison has a pair of large feathery wings. When he is in good health, the colors are a bright rainbow that flows down his back. But, when he is in bad health the color starts to dim.

Tattoos: He has a slave tattoo on his wrist. It's a simple symbol that represents who had sold him along with a corresponding number to identify him.

Piercings: None.​


Thoughtful, Organized, Timid, Curious, Loyal, Passive, Modest, Dependent, Observant, Sentimental, Obedient, Compassionate, Patient, Indecisive, Reliable, Dutiful, Sensitive, Forgiving, Genuine, Obsessive, Empathetic, Trusting, Uncomplaining, Naive,

Selfless: The first thing that people notice about Emison is his giving nature. He is the type of person who cannot ignore someone in need, regardless if it puts himself at a disadvantage. Emison views himself as privileged and feels that it is only right that he shares what he has. When it comes to the people who he is designated to care for, he will run himself ragged in order to ensure that their every need is met.

Optimistic: Despite his situation, Emison has never felt unhappy about it. In his eyes, he is lucky to be able to live the life that he does. Even when he is treated badly, he is still thankful for everything he has.

Insecure: With his self-worth being reliant on his good behavior and ability to complete difficult tasks, it can be a lot of pressure. Even though he tries to be perfect, he is still human and can make mistakes. When this happens, he can feel like a disappointment. His relationship with others is often unsteady, which will leave him feeling equally unstable. This shows itself through anxiety and nervousness.

Complacent: Even though at times life can be difficult, Emison would never consider changing anything. If dealing with these hardships means that he gets to stay by the sides of the people he cares for, then he is willing to do so. He has long since lost any fight he might have had and feels happy to continue life as it is.

Moral Alignment: Neutral good
Likes: Ocean, Stars, Cooking, Art, Rain, Sweets, Music, Animals, Flowers
Dislikes: Thunder, Spiders, Coffee, Social Events, Disorganization
Fears: Shouting, Darkness, Fires, Failure
Hobbies: Gardening, Reading, Sewing​


Aimer Bryvanin - Master - Neskorian Nobility - ET
When Emison first came to work at the Bryvanin estate, he was often treated badly by most of the family. Although it was to be expected as a slave, since he was still young it was difficult to cope with. It was then that he started to befriend Aimer, the sole person who treated with kindness and like he was less than human. Over time, they grew closer and he was able to feel happiness for the first time. When Aimer needed help because of his declining sight, Emison eagerly volunteered. He has been dedicated to caring for Aimer ever since.


  • Emison was born in the Brajolrr tribe. His parents were a young couple, and he was their first child.
  • When he was around four, his tribe was attacked and he was taken as a slave. He only has vague memories of this, though he was left with an intense fear of blood and fire. Even now he doesn't know the fate of his family. But after all this time, he has forgotten their names and faces.
  • Afterward, he was brought to Neskoria and was sold to someone who specifically trained young slaves to a higher standard than nobility would require. It was here that any rebellious nature he might have had was beaten or starved out of him. He learned how a slave was supposed to act, along with the many chores and duties.
  • When he was around ten, he was sold to the Bryvanin family as a common worker. As he got older and took on more responsibilities he was assigned to aid Master Aimer as his sight became worse.


Magic: Flight
The user can fly, or otherwise move through the air using large feathered wings.

  • The user is only able to fly for about half an hour at most before they become exhausted. This ability is similar to other exercising, where the user must practice and condition themselves or their muscles and endurance.
  • The user is only able to go about twenty miles per hour at most. Similarly to the above, the user must practice in order to achieve the full ability.
  • The user can only carry about fifty extra pounds at most while in flight. This is something that the user would need to build up, and would mean that the total flight time would be reduced significantly.
  • If the wings are clipped or injured, it is similar to other normal appendages that need time to heal or can even become useless.

Educated: Despite his circumstance, Emison has been able to achieve a relatively good education. This mainly comes in the form of cultural observation, such as listening to people talk or viewing art or books. It wasn't very formal, but he is typically more knowledgeable than most slaves.

Organization: After years of performing his duties, he has become an expert in maintaining a household and ensuring that everyone's needs are taken care of. He can perform a range of duties from basic chores, cooking, sewing, and gardening.

Defense: With living in a somewhat safe environment, Emison has never had to learn to defend himself. Things such as fighting or holding a sword are out of his realm of knowledge.

Survival: Similarly to the above, Emison has no idea how to survive in a wild environment. He is used to the luxury of living in the Neskorian capital for most of his life. This means that he has never had to hunt or forage for food. In fact, he wouldn't even know what plant is edible or what creature is likely to attack.​

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  • Name:
    Emery Nolan



    Age & Birthday:
    16, Unknown



    Residence Hall:

    Culinary Arts, Zoology, Mythology

    Extra-curricular Activities:
    Book Club, Honors Society, Horticulture Club, Orchestra

  • When born into a life of privilege, one would expect a blissful existence. After all, to have every need met, every desire filled, and to never want for anything, what is left to be unhappy about? Yet, it was the most basic of human necessities that were missing from Emery's life.

    The parents that should have provided him with the unconditional love that he craved were absent from his life. As a baby when he cried, it was various nannies who held him. When he made achievements in school, it was his tutor who congratulated him. When he was sick, it was a strange doctor who took care of him.

    From the moment of his conception, he became a burden. They were too busy living life to its fullest, to worry about a child. As soon as he was old enough, he was sent away to boarding school with his brother. At that time, the most he could expect was the occasional postcard or holiday phone card. But even that seems to be dwindling.

    When asked about his family, it causes Emery to become visibly upset and when pushed too hard he has been known to shut down and become mute. Even though it is clear that his situation bothers him, he still always makes excuses for his parents. Claiming that they are simply too busy and that he wouldn't want to bother them.

  • Appearance:
    Short. Dark brown




    Delicate, Slim, Frail

    Fair, Glowing, Clear



    Distinguishing Marks:
    Freckled cheeks

    Emery prefers to wear baggy clothes in order to hide his insecurities about his body. This usually includes oversized sweaters and sweatshirts in either black, purple, or blue. As for pants, it's simple skinny jeans and tennis shoes.

    Thoughtful, Reserved, Insecure, Compassionate, Scholarly, Observant, Articulate, Modest, Submissive, Reliable, Conscientious, Self-sacrificing, Reliable, Timid, Serious, Naive

    Studious: Emery is the type who takes his learning very seriously. For him, it is always exciting to learn something new, and a great distraction for the troubling thing going on around him. When he feels confident about a subject, it tends to ease some of the nerves he has when he is at school.

    Humble: Despite his academic achievements, Emery has never been the boastful type. This is in part because he doesn't want to draw unwanted attention to himself, but also because he understands the struggle that comes with learning. Even with his success, things don't come easy for him, and he doesn't believe that intelligence is the only method to success

    Ruminative: With everything he does, Emery has likely spent hours thinking about every aspect or possibility. This started as a way to ease his anxiety but has evolved to encompass his entire life. It has gotten to the point that his contemplative nature has made him indecisive with decisions. He often appears lost in thought and somber.​

    Unassertive: When faced with most social situations, Emery would rather avoid or fade into the background. It is difficult for him to speak, or draw attention to himself. Even if that means being passive when he is being pushed around. He doesn't have many friends, and only ever seems at peace when he is out in nature and reading.

    Naive: Even though Emery has learned many things, he would be sorely considered book smart. When it comes to the real world, he tends to be inexperienced. Things such as social norms and customs are lost on him.

    Melancholic: In many cases, Emery often can appear unfriendly because of his preoccupation with learning. However, underneath his stony expression, he is actually quite lonely. Even though he believes it's easier to be alone, it still isn't something that he desires. With his inability to be vulnerable, and his denying that anyone could understand him, he often pushes people away or doesn't even try.​

    Insects: The tiny creatures that we share our world with typically go unnoticed. That is until they become a nuisance. For Emery, he finds these creatures fascinating and can spend hours hunting for and observing them.

    Nature: When the world often feels so loud, the serenity that nature provides is a welcome reprieve. Whether it is simply sitting under a tree, or planting something in the garden, Emery enjoys those quiet moments.

    Birds: While gazing from below, the birds that fill the skies appear so free. The way they move through the air so effortlessly draws Emery's attention. With their harmonious songs, they are truly beautiful.

    Chess: It was a game learned by chance, as he idly picked up a magazine reporting on the championship. The structure and firm rules in contrast to the infinite number of moves and strategies caught Emery's attention.​

    Crowds: With a school full of students, it's hard to ever find a moment alone. The classrooms are always packed, along with the halls and courtyards. As someone who feels suffocated being surrounded by so many people, it makes life difficult.

    Confrontation: The raised voices, the tense posture, and the harsh gazes of a hostile situation all put Emery on edge. As someone who just wants to get along with everyone, he wants to avoid any arguments even if it means being passive or mistreated.

    Sports: The conflict of competition is intense, yet Emery seems to not have any drive to win. The feeling of the hot sun shining down on his pale skin, along with the sweat dripping down his face isn't an enjoyable experience.​

    The Forest: It is difficult to ignore the whispered rumors about the forest. The place seems to be riddled with mysteries, many of which are quite scary to Emery. It is a place he would never want to enter, going so far as to avoid even getting near its edge.​

    Reading: One of the best feelings is getting lost inside a good book. When he is reading, Emery is able to escape his troublesome life and explore another.

    Drawing: The world is a truly magical place, filled with creatures and places of beauty. It was this appreciation that started Emery's journey to document the world around him through drawing.

    Baking: Emery has always had a sweet tooth. The effort and work to bake some delicious treats are worth every minute. It is enjoyable when he can make things for other people that he cares for.​

    Health Conditions:
    Social Anxiety: For as long as he can remember, Emery has had difficulties in social situations. It can often feel as if he is being watched, judged and his every move is scrutinized. Even though he logically knows this to be false, he can't seem to escape the shell that he hides inside of.

    Selective Mutism: When the anxiety reaches its limit, Emery is known to go mute. He can obviously speak and isn't impaired in any way. However, this reaction will often occur in select overwhelming social settings.​

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  • Leonardo Ferdinand
    Leonardo Ferdinand


    {Secondary - Club/Student Leader, Team Captain, Other Positions}

    Age & Birthday:
    17, April 24th



    Residence Hall:

    Theatre Arts, Culinary Arts

    Extra-curricular Activities:
    Baseball Team, Choir, Newspaper Club, Cheerleading

  • Leonardo Ferdinand

    When Leo was born, his parents choose his name in hopes that he would have the courage and strength of a lion. It was a lot to live up to. As the child of a model and film director, they had great expectations. Even at only a few months old, his parents were already signing him up for commercials and product photoshoots. At just six months old his face was printed on a huge international diaper company products. From there, his resume continued to grow. Leo spent most of his young life traveling with his parents all over the world. He got to experience things that most can only dream about. By the time he was ten, he had already been to almost thirty different countries.

    While his parents worked during the day, he was often left by himself for long stretches of time. When his parents returned for the night, they were usually too busy or tired to be present in the moment with him. In a desperate attempt to quell the loneliness inside of himself, he began to act out. On occasions that he would have a nanny or tutor watching him, he would end up running them ragged with his unending energy and mischievous tendencies. Although his childish method achieved its goal, the attention that he received was solely negative.

    Even though his parents like to say they encouraged his free spirit, being in a family who was constantly in the public eye meant that he quickly was taught how to behave. The media wanted to see a perfect family, and that is what his parents portrayed. And to break that illusion was worse than death. Over the years, he developed a better way to cope with the loneliness he felt in his heart. Instead of causing trouble, he became the clown. A person who makes others smile would never be alone. At least, that is what he thought. Yet, that feeling still persisted.

    By the time he had entered his teens, the fake flawlessness that his parents constantly preached to him was suffocating. It was as if he was a puppet, never allowed to express his emotions nor make his own decisions. While with his parents, they were able to keep him in check. But, as his parents started working longer hours, leaving him home as they went overseas, his emotions finally boiled over. To fill the lonely and rebellious hole in his chest, Leo started to attend parties every night. It quickly became his routine to drink until he passed out, and he never spent a night alone. His days were filled with friends and adventures, but he still wasn't fulfilled.

    When his parent returned, they quickly wanted to send him off to boarding school. A sort of rehab without the negative implications of a genuine clinic. Leo wasn't keen on the idea, though he knew he wouldn't have much of a choice. So he agreed, with the sole condition that he got to go to Grimsworth.

  • Leonardo Ferdinand

    Medium length. Dyed blond with dark brown roots.




    Willowy, Supple, Toned

    Tan, Smooth, Clear


    Ears: Leo has two forward helix's, three helix's, and two mid helix's, and one lower helix. He has three lobe piercings and his tragus done.

    Face: The bridge of his right eyebrow has a ring hoop. His left nostril is pierced with a silver stud. He has his septum pierced with a silver circular barbell. The bottom lip has a pair of snake bites. His tongue has a single silver stud.

    Body: Both of his nipples are pierced with captive ring hoops. His belly button has a single piercing that typically dangles down.​

    Distinguishing Marks:
    Scar: Leo has several scars on his body from accidents he has had when he was drunk.​

    Clothing: As some who grew up surrounded by high fashion, Leo has a great appreciation for it. He goes through great effort to ensure that everything he wears looks good. Some of his favorite pieces include a leather jacket and skinny jeans. With long hair, he can often be seen wearing his hair pinned back with bobby pins or with a headband. His style is quite flamboyant, and it wouldn't be strange to see him wearing a crop top or booty shorts.

    Impulsive, Daring, Individualistic, Charming, Optimistic, Affectionate, Moody, Observant, Passionate, Disordered, Persuasive, Witty, Curious, Outspoken, Imaginative, Leisurely, Noncommittal, Contradictory, Whimsical, Aimless, Hedonistic

    Cheerful: Leo is a very social being, and his uplifting attitude, often draws people in. He isn't the type to let something get him down for long, or at least not when he is around others. When Leo is with others, he is the life of the party. Even going out of his way to make others smile and laugh. Which, can sometimes cause him to get into trouble. But, when others around him are having fun, it helps put him at ease and take his mind off his own troubles.​

    Secretive: Despite how open Leo can be about most aspects of his life when it comes to his emotions he keeps them hidden to the point of repressing them. Since he believes that people only like him because of his fun attitude, he is afraid that if he shares that he will become a burden and everyone will leave him. This would be devastating to him, so he keeps anything negative in his life to himself. The only time he allows himself to feel these is when he is by himself, which regularly leads him to make poor decisions and self-medicating.

    Easily Discouraged: When Leo gets excited about something, there isn't anything in the world that can stop him. However, that is a rare occasion. The other times he is the type to give up at the first sign of difficulties. A large part of this trait is his fear of failure. This has to lead him to have poor grades and many breakups.​

    Music: After years of repressing any negative emotions he might have, listening to music became his only form of expression. It became an outlet and felt like the only thing that kept him sane.

    Social Events: When you're surrounded by people, how could you possibly lonely? This is the main thought behind Leo's tendency to attend so many events. Even if it is simply a lowkey hangout session with his friends, it's better than being alone with his thoughts.

    Body Modifications: To be different is to be human. Leo can't help but rage against conformity, and his body is the perfect canvas. Whether it's dyed hair, tattoos, or piercings, Leo is drawn to the individuality that they provide.

    Arcade Games: If it provides entertainment and fun, Leo likely enjoys it. One of his favorite pass times is going to the local arcade and trying to beat his friend's high scores. It is something that always took his mind off of troubling thoughts.

    Sunshine: The sun shining down onto him is one of Leo's favorite feelings. It is as if he is being enveloped into a warm hug. On sunny days, it wouldn't be unusual to catch him skipping class and napping in the sun.​

    Rules: The thought of mindlessly following rules or orders without question brings a feeling of giving up control. When someone tells Leo what to do, he is likely to do the exact opposite. Just to prove that he can.

    Storms: With the chaos of a storm raging outside, Leo was often left to weather it alone. Even though he is no longer a helpless child, he still feels antsy whenever the storm grows too loud.​

    Loneliness: It would seem ridiculous that the person constantly surrounded by people would ever feel alone. Yet, that is exactly the thing he fears most. When he is by himself, the thoughts that he is able to ignore come to the front of his mind.​

    Rock Band: One of the most freeing experiences in the world is playing music with all your heart. Leo had been involved in a number of bands over the years, and it had become something that he loves dearly. When he is having trouble, he will often pull out his guitar and jam with all the energy he has. And when he sings, he sings with his full heart. This is one of the few times when he can be honest and express his emotions.

    Theater: With parents in the entertainment industry, often stressed the importance of observing the arts. It was one of the few family activities that Leo truly enjoyed. When he watched plays and musicals, it brings him back to a more simple time and he is able to forget his troubles. Over the years, he has developed a deep appreciation for art. The costumes, the makeup, the sets, it all brings the story to life. Not to mention his love of reciting the songs from the top of his lungs.​

    Health Conditions:
    ADHD: Leo has always had more energy than he could ever use. As a child, it was often difficult for him to sit still. As he got older, his attention difficulties became worse. Though, when something sparks his interest he hyperfixates on the topic.

    Depression: Even from a young age, Leo has always suffered from depression. At first, it was simply that he was unhappy. But over the years he has steadily lost interest in hobbies, become lethargic and moody, and developed poor sleeping and eating habits.

    Addiction: As a product of his constant partying, Leo took up drinking and using drugs as a way to self-medicate. It has gotten to the point that he cant go without using them without having withdrawal symptoms.​

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Leonardo Ferdinand
Abernathy Hall (Dorm)
Baby @neptune

Emery Nolan
Benji @Vinn


The Good Doctor
Kiran Albertine



Healing Hands, Aegis, Fracture


Human Enchanted


Magic Type
Devine Abjuration


Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 125lbs
Build: Slender, Lean, Petite
Complexion: Pale, Smooth, Aglow
Distinguishing Marks: He has a small mole below his left eye.
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Both earlobes are pierced.


Altruistic, Thoughtful, Curious, Diligent, Determined, Energetic, Insecure, Secretive, Brilliant, Self-sacrificing, Charismatic

Loyal, Passionate, Empathetic

Suspicious, Reserved, Opinionated, Discontented

Motivation: To help people, especially those who society looks down on or who are too weak to help themselves.

Personal Goal: To end the discrimination against certain species and half breeds such as Enchanted's.


Defining Act: When Kiran was a child, many of the Conjurers that he knew often looked down on him. Many would make comments about his existence being disgusting, or ignore his presence entirely. This came to a head when he had asked to play with some kids, and the Conjurers attacked him.

Biography: Kiran was born to an Awoken mother, and Conjurer father. To this day, he is unaware of who his father is, and his mother refuses to speak about him. She would often get visibly upset when he would ask about his father, and eventually he stopped. It has just been himself and his mother for his entire life.

Even as a child before he truly understood what he was, Kiran has never felt like he fit in. He was able to perform special magic unlike his Plainspoken friends. However, he never fit in amongst the Conjurers either. He became aware of the general dislike of Enchanted at an early age, watching how his mother was mistreated and the comments that many would make about him. Although she always told him to ignore them, it affected him greatly.

As he got older, he grew to reciprocate the loathing that Conjurers felt towards him. He became determined to change the antiquated thinking, so that others wouldn't have to endure what he did. Kiran devoted himself to his studies, learning medicine in the plainspoken world and healing magic in the awoken world.

  • Love
Reactions: Dvyniai

The Mystical Simurgh
Errol Demir

Aspect Type


December 5th


Street Performer/Theif



Hair: While from a distance, Errol appears to have medium-length, wavy golden-brown hair. It is only under closer inspection that it can be discovered that his hair is really no hair at all. Instead, it is actually feathers. The top of his head or crest is covered in speckled golden-brown feathers, that like most birds can fluff up and down when startled or angry. At the sides of his head sits a pair of ear tufts that stand upright when he is alert, or drape down the side of his face when calm. (Example: One, Two)​
Eyes: With a pair of sharp amber-colored eyes, his orbs are about one and a half times as large as a normal human. Like birds, the increase in size contributes in part to their visual acuity. Errol also has ciliary muscles that help to view objects at varying distances.​
Height: At a meager five foot three inches, Errol is considered quite short by human standards. However, for his species, this is very normal. Similarly to birds, the body is designed to be as lightweight as possible to make it easier to achieve flight. Therefore, having a short frame is beneficial to his species.​
Weight: Errol weighs just over a hundred pounds. Errol has a low percentage of body fat, and muscles. Although part of his low amount of body fat is due to food scarcity, he also has a high metabolism that prevents him from gaining weight or muscles easily.​
Build: With being both short and slim, Errol has a petite frame. His gings, which double as his arms, are slightly long, while his legs are more average for his build. (Example: One, Two, Three)​
Complexion: While his skin is a beautiful bronze tone, the feathers that adorn his wings and body are a range of bright rainbow colors. (Example: One)​
Plumage: The feathers start at the top of his head, spreading down the back of his neck to where his wings connect to his back. From there, his feathers continue to travel down his body until the tailbone. At the tailbone, a two-foot-long fan-shaped tail protrudes from his body.​
Wings: Errol has an approximately five-foot wingspan when they are fully stretched. The wings start just below his shoulder blade and drape down to about the knees. At the end of the wings are his hands, each finger ending in a sharp claw.​


Affectionate, Curious, Loyal, Naive, Clever, Intuitive, Excitable, Compassionate, Ambitious, Charismatic, Playful, Courageous, Empathetic, Selfless, Genuine, Sociable, Individualistic, Proud, Secretive, Passionate​
Optimistic: Despite all the hardships that Errol has had to face, he still believes that with enough hard work and determination that he can change both his situation and that of his clans. Even though he has many obstacles, he is determined to achieve the life that he wants.​
Selfless: In everything he does, it is for the benefit of his clan. Ever since he was a child, he vowed to one day give them a life where they could live comfortably and without any fears. This is his main goal in life and the reason that he is able to keep moving forward in the face of hardships. Even in his daily life, it is not unusual for him to stop to help someone in need.​
Prejudiced: Despite being a Turk himself, Errol has come to resent his homeland. After being persecuted and forced to flee, his outlook on the country and its people has gone sour. Even now he feels a great deal of animosity towards them, and others with similar opinions of Aspects. It isn't unusual for him to become irritable or ignore them altogether when forced to be around them.​
Meddlesome: With his inquisitive nature, Errol often ends up sticking his nose into other people's business. Although he always has good intentions, it doesn't always appear that way to others. At times he can be unknowingly intrusive. This, combined with his sympathetic attitude towards others, means that he inserts himself into situations that don't involve him and try to help or fix them. Often unable to turn a blind eye knowing someone is struggling. But, this behavior doesn't always have a good outcome.​
Suspicious: After years of persecution and oppression, Errol has become distrustful of people and constantly has to question their intentions. He has grown accustomed to having to hide from people. Even when he appears friendly, he is always waiting for the moment that they will betray or hurt him. Despite his desperate desire for connections, it takes him a long time to fully trust someone.​


Occupation: Street Performer & Theif
When in need of money, Errol will often perform on the street to passing crowds. While this usually consists of aerial routines, he has also been a roadside oddity. Although at times this can be humiliating, he takes advantage of people's distractions to pickpocket and steal their valuables.​
Backstory: Errol was born in Turkey in a clan of other bird Aspects. When he was just a young boy, his clan was often harassed and persecuted. This continued until they were chased from their homes and had to flee with nothing but the clothes on their back. Since then, they often migrate around without settling anywhere for too long. Errol will often venture into nearby cities and settlements to make money for his clan.​


Hooded Cloak: He often wears this in order to go unnoticed, and avoid trouble due to his feathers and wings.​
Dagger: This is solely for his protection, though he doesn't like to use it unless necessary. He stole it off of some affluent-looking man.​
Voice: With a wide vocal range, Errol has a bewitching singing voice. His clan has songs and melodies that have been passed down for generating that he learned as a small child. As he grew older, he practiced and improved. He has now collected songs from all over Persia.​
Pickpocketing: After years of watching his family live in poverty while the rich sultans and officials grew richer, Errol decided to take some of that wealth for himself. He has spent years perfecting his movements to the point he can steal valuables from someone with ease.​
Aerial Performer: Errol has never been against using his beautiful and unique body to make money. With the help of his wings, he is able to delicately glide through the air, performing intricate maneuvers and routines.​
Fragile: Like most birds, Errol has thin and hollow bones which help to make his body lighter. However, this makes him much more susceptible to injuries than the average person. A fall from a decent height could easily break his legs while being struck could easily break his rips or nose.​

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Guardian of Hell
Keegan Ernesh



March 25





Hair Colour: Dark brown​
Eye Colour: Amber​
Height: 172cm​
Weight: 130lbs​
Body Type: Lean, Athletic, Sinewy​
Complexion: Bronze, Glowing, Dewy​
Distinguishing Marks: Keegan's body is often adorned with a multitude of cuts and bruises from the frequent fights he finds himself in.​
Scars: As someone who frequently engages in fights and dangerous activities, Keegan has several large scars covering his body.​
Tattoos: Keegan has a tattoo of a rat on his chest. He got the tattoo when he was only 16, as proof of his dedication to the cause.​
Piercings: On a dare, Keegan got both of his ears pierced.​
Domestic Form: When in his domestic form, Keegan has a pair of furry ears sticking out from the top of his head, along with a tail protruding from his back at the base of his spine. His eyes are a bright amber, that almost seems to glow in the dark. While his canine teeth are bigger and sharper than the average human.​
Feral Form: While in his feral form, Keegan appears as a shadowy black dog with fire smoldering under its skin. When he opens his mouth to reveal his dagger-like fangs, fire bursts forth with each breath. His eyes burn like bright embers. Its size is double the size of a normal wolf, with powerful muscles and sharp claws that could encompass an entire human skull.​


Abrasive, Selfless, Chaotic, Genuine, Truehearted, Irrational, Bold, Spontaneous, Passionate, Confident​
Positive Traits:
Loyal: Keegan has dedicated his life to the people and causes that he cares about. As a passionate person, when he sets his mind to something, he can't be swayed. No promises or threats could make him become a traitor. If it's for the things that are important to him, he is able to muster any amount of courage.​
Compassionate: Even though Keegan has a hard time showing it, he cares a great deal about the people around him. While he is normally an irresponsible person, when it involves his friends he is uncharacteristically reliable. He is protective of the ones around him, and would willingly risk his safety for them without a second thought.​
Carefree: Even though Keegan has had to overcome the obstacle of growing up as a Rat, he is as nonchalant about his situation as ever. While most would be discouraged or resentful, he is perfectly content with his low status and lack of wealth. Though, it is also possible that he is just too dense to realize how bad he actually has it. But, he's never known any different. At his core, he is a fun-loving and adventurous person, always looking for the next daring scheme to bring some excitement.​
Determined: Keegan is a stubborn person. Once he has decided on something, he won't waver. When he puts his mind to something, he becomes a capable and resourceful person. He is discontent with society, and adamant that he is going to change it. Most of the time he has a goal, but his plan is something that comes later. Though, what he lacks in organization and thoughtfulness he makes up with confidence.​
Negative Traits:
Impulsive: The first thing that people notice is his reactive nature. Although this might make him decisive, when something sets him off he can become brash and irrational. He will often say or do things without thinking. In the back of his mind, he knows he is overreacting, but he can't help it. It's like a compulsion. This is the main reason that he so often finds himself in fights and arguments with people.​
Prideful: As someone who was born at the bottom of society, Kee often feels as if he needs to overcompensate for others constantly looking down at him. This can cause him to have a haughty attitude. He is afraid of being considered weak, so he puts on airs to appear more confident hoping that it will dissuade people from messing with him. Another way he overcompensates is his overly competitive nature. He is constantly trying to prove himself, desperately wanting to earn respect from those that matter most to him. Although this often leads him to do stupid things, he refuses to let others get the better of him. In the end, he craves praise and attention.​
Naive: As much as Keegan is actually quite pure of heart. Even though he will often try to flirt with girls, he is awkward, and the moment they show him any small amount of attention he becomes too flustered to think straight. Although he often swears, he isn't crass or crude and will blush if someone speaks too vulgar to him. With his expressive face, it is always quite obvious what he is thinking, even if his lips are saying something different. Because of his immature, almost child-like thought process, he often is clueless about other people's true feelings for him, always being slow to realize someone likes him.​
Willful: With his headstrong nature, Keegan often has a hard time listening to other people, and is generally uncooperative. This becomes even worse around people of authority. He often feels the need to do the opposite of what he is told, simply to prove his independence.​
Likes: Smoking, Fighting, Exploring, Chaos, Fires, Thrills, Dogs, Candy​
Dislikes: Vegetables, Humans, Aristocrats, Rules, Cats, Commitment​
Fears: The thing that Keegan fears the most is his own weaknesses. It is something that he always tries to hide. In his mind, he believes that if he shows any weakness it makes you a burden and a target.​
Motivations: More than anything Keegan wants to see reparations for the horrible things that humans have done to monsters, and that are treated equally.​


Faction: Rats​
Occupation: Bouncer at Hilda's bar​
Marital Status: Single​
Father - Deceased​
Keegan's father died during the war, leaving him with his mother as his sole guardian. His father died protecting Keegan from attacking humans, and the memories still haunt him to this day.​
Mother - Missing​
A few months after the war, Keegan's mother suddenly disappeared from their bed. The door was left open as if she simply wandered into the night never to be seen again. While Keegan spent years searching, he has never found any trace of her.​
Other Relationships:
Ryker: Keegan has always looked up to Ryker as a sort of older brother and hero, constantly trying to make the other proud. After his mother disappeared, Ryker would often look out for him. When Ryker was caught, Keegan was devastated, and vowed that one day he would help him escape.​
Rhiana: Similarly to Ryker, Keegan has always thought of Rhiana as an older sister. When Ryker was caught, Keegan tried his best to look out for Rhiana as best he could. Though he would never admit it.​
Hilda: Even though Keegan initially caused trouble for Hilda, she was the only one who believed in him and offered him a job. Ever since he has felt a sense of gratitude. While he is working, he keeps his temper under control to fulfill his promise of not hurting her business.​
Mio: When Keegan still lived in Carnival, his neighbor was Mio. He always looked up to the older girl, and pestered her to teach him how to tight rope. They grew to have a sort of sibling relationship over the years until he ran away. Even now, he often visits her.​


Keegan was born into an idyllic family home. His parents were part of the circus and often kept him secluded from the world. While he was young, he believed that his life was like any other. With his parents, he felt safe and happy.​
When the war began, it felt as if chaos suddenly erupted around him. Keegan would never forget the day that his father left to help fight. His mother shed unending tears. He never returned home​
Once the dust had settled, nothing was the same. As hard as his mother tried to pick up the pieces, she simply wasn't capable. She fell into a deep depression, sleeping for days and crying all the time. Eventually, one night while Keegan was asleep, she left and never returned.​
Although Keegan spent years looking for her, he was never able to find a single lead. During this time, he was taken in by Ryker and Rhiana and became a part of the Rats.​


Weapons of Choice:
Fists: Keegan's favorite fighting style is with his bare fists. The feeling of punching flesh and breaking bones is one of the few things that helps to relieve his anger.​
Fire: Keegan has always been entranced with fire. Whether starting one in someone's yard or throwing a Molotov, it's cathartic to watch it burn and destroy.​
Enhanced Senses: As a canine, Keegan has some of the superior attributes that many other normal canines possess. This includes an excellent sense of smell that allows him to track his prey, or identify hidden items. Keegan also has better sight than a normal human, being able to see in the dark and identify movement from a distance. Lastly, Keegan's hearing is far more sensitive, allowing him to hear faint sounds from much longer distances.​
Enhanced Physiology: Similarly, as a canine Keegan has enhanced physiology. While running or performing physical activity, he has higher endurance than the average human. He is able to run marathons without much toll on his body. In fact, if he doesn't do intense exercise, he tends to feel restless. Keegan also has enhanced strength, allowing him to lift or carry much more than his own weight. Lastly, he possesses superior agility that helps him move easily.​
Molten Derman Armor: When Keegan gets angry or upset, his entire body starts to unconsciously shift and heat up. The blood in his veins turns into magma, while his skin hardens and turns into hardened molten rock. These rocks act as a type of armor that protects him. The surface of his skin smokes and simmers. If he were to get injured in this form, the lava within his veins will leak from his body and burn anything it touches.​
Skills of Note:
Pickpocket: Keegan grew up poor living in the sewers with the other Rats. The only way to survive was to steal. Keegan became skilled in the act out of necessity, and now has the dexterity to steal someone's possessions right out from under their nose.​
Hunting: While he started learning how to capture rats that invested buildings, he has learned how to hunt larger game.​
Parkour: When navigating the city, Keegan prefers the path less traveled. It wouldn't be strange to find him jumping fences, climbing walls, or hopping from one roof to another. The more dangerous route, the better.​
Navigation: Keegan knows the city like the back of his hand. He has traveled down every side street and alley, while most of the parks have been his home at some point.​

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The Newbie
Sasha Dubois



Oct 10th


MIB Agent



Hair Colour: White

Eye Colour: Blue

Height: 167

Weight: 130lbs

Body Type: Delicate, Willowy, Petite

Scars: None

Tattoos: None

Piercing: Earlobes​

Benevolent, Rash, Naive, Diligent, Earnest, Selfless, Empathetic, Strong Willed

Altruistic: At the core of Sasha's being, he is a compassionate and selfless person. More than anything else, he wants to help people, and he is willing to go to any lengths to do so. He is kind and is unable to turn a blind eye to anyone in need, even if it inconveniences him. Even though he was raised in an environment that holds many prejudices, he treats everyone equally and fairly.

Eager: When it comes to Sasha's work, he is energetic and lively. He loves being able to make a difference in the world, which is the reason he always gives it his all. Although sometimes the job can be tough, or things move slowly, he is always dedicated and working hard. Even going so far as working on his days off. He could almost be considered stubborn, with how determined he can be not to give up.

Idealistic: With Sasha being raised in a sheltered environment, he was oblivious to the harsh realities most faced. Because of this, he is often naive about things now that he is out in the world. He once thought that he would be able to solve all the problems easily, but now that he is forced to look those realities in the eye, he realized it wasn't as easy as he once thought. The real world and its truths tend to shock him, though he is still able to keep his spirits up and an almost child-like enthusiasm,

Impulsive: Even though Sasha always has good intentions, he is sometimes hasty when it comes to making decisions. When he sees someone in trouble, he readily jumps into action. At times this is good, but in most cases, this reckless behavior can be dangerous. He puts others' safety above his own, and wouldn't hesitate to jump in front of a bullet for anyone.

Likes: Raining, Jogging, Coffee, Sweets, Card Games, Using the siren, Working, Animals

Dislikes: Thunder/Lightning, Criminals, Tea, Vegetables, Waiting, Violence

Fears: One of the biggest fears that Sasha worries about is that he won't be able to save everyone. Although he knows this isn't realistic, he can't help still wanting this. He has a severe fear of failure and letting those around him down.

Motivations: Sasha's goal is to facilitate peace between Monsters and Humans.​

Occupation: MIB Agent

Marital Status: Single

Mother: Alive
Sasha's mother is a researcher working to better understand Monsters. While she is normally a kindhearted woman, she has a deep hatred for Monsters. She was attacked when she was in her twenties by a Monster, and Sasha's father was the investigator. After that, they fell in love and soon gave birth to Sasha.

Father: Alive
Sasha's father also works for the MIB. He is a distinguished agent that has moved up the ranks and earned himself a prestigious reputation within the agency. As such, it was always decided that Sasha would follow in his father's footsteps.

Other Relationships:

As the youngest of five children, Sasha has always had to go out of his way to prove himself. With highly accomplished parents, and siblings he has always had a lot of pressure to succeed and follow in their footsteps. It was never a choice whether he would join MIB. It was simply what was expected of him.

When he was young, he was always considered the black sheep of the family. He would often feel as if he doesn't belong because he doesn't share the same hatred of Monsters as the rest of the family. This would sometimes put him at odds with his parents when he would voice that he just wanted everyone to get along. So, in time he learned to keep his convictions to himself.

Even though many within the agency assume that he got the position due to nepotism, Sasha has worked very hard for his position. He wants to help people and make his parents proud.​

Weapons of Choice:
Taser: Although as an agent, Sasha may be required to carry a gun, he would prefer less-lethal weapons. He often carries a taser on his holster and is more prone to draw it than his gun.

Pepper Spray: Similarly, Sasha also carries a can of pepper spray as a way to defuse escalating situations without the need for violence.

Skills of Note:
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: As a child, Sasha's father would often give him lessons on how to protect himself if he were to ever be in danger. When he grew older, he would often practice this with his older siblings in faux fights.

Linguist: Sasha is skilled at learning new languages. At this time he knows several, including Spanish, French, Japanese, and Russian. It is one of his favorite things to study while he was in school.

Basic First Aid: With being an agent, Sasha decided to take several courses in first aid. He is currently certified to perform this task.

Photographic Memory: Sasha has a near-perfect memory, especially of things that he sees. It is easy for him to remember things that he reads in almost exact words, or recall the details of situations.​
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The city that never sleeps, is also the city that never notices.

All over New York City, missing person flyers have become a common sight, faces with names and histories but who remain unknown. Though, as the months dragged on, and the local police's investigations were at a standstill, the posters remained up. The people were still unaccounted for.

It isn't until an attack on downtown Manhattan that people begin to whisper. One of those missing people, a young woman, appeared in a maddened state, destroying everything in her path. It took the Watchdogs putting her down for people to wonder if perhaps these "missing persons" weren't actually missing at all.

With the gravity of the situation slowly starting to become clearer, the Watchdogs launched their own investigation. However, their only clue is a sigil of the world-ending snake from Norse mythology, a large S placed beneath the snake found on a piece of clothing the woman was wearing.


A group with a seemingly endless amount of resources and funding has gained enough traction to put their secret plan into action. After all, money can get you anything in life.

Below the city streets, there exists their base of operations. A twisting collection of tunnels, steeled door rooms, and laboratories - all for the sake of creating a legion of unbeatable meta-humans. Their reason? You'll have to find out yourself.

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