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Coded by Ardent
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  • History Of Magic

    In the beginning, the world of Magaia was full of chaos and anarchy. Each day was a grueling fight for survival. The environment was inhospitable, with wildfires raging through forests and droughts causing crops to fail. The land continually shifted erratically, while natural disasters like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis were common occurrences.

    At this age, humans were still evolving into the hairless bipedal people we know today. But, down the evolutionary line, other species formed. These are the ancestors of the magical species we know today. The Titans, the Sabers, the Fae, and the Álfar.

    However, it was the Primordials who ruled over the land. These were a race of powerful creatures created from the abundance of unstable mana floating through the universe. They had been corrupted by the overwhelming power and would destroy anything in their paths.

    Eventually, a group of ancient beings gathered together. They formed a team and went on a quest to defeat and seal away all of the Primordials. Once all the Primordials were defeated, peace came over the land. Humans soon emerged and settled in among the other magical species living on Magaia.

    Left: The wasteland of Magaia. Right: A group of hero's fighting a Primordial
  • The Schools of Magic
    In Magaia, there are three schools of magic. Respectfully, they are spells, potions, and rituals. They each have their own degree of power and uses.

    A mage using magic

    Spells: A spell is a spoken incantation and must be accompanied by a wand or hand movement.

    Some simple spells include levitating an object, opening a lock, or lighting a candle.

    Potions: These are brewed and created using a mix of earthly ingredients and personal magic. Many recipes are passed down through families and kept highly secret. They can also be known as salves or tonics, depending on the location.

    Some simple potions include ones for healing or to give a burst of magical power.

    A brewing potion. A ritual is being performed.

    Rituals: This is the strongest type of magic that can be performed, and is often performed in a group to even greater increase its power. It requires a ceremony. Although each will differ, they usually require the writing of runes, earthly ingredients, and the use of personal mana.

    A common but difficult ritual is creating a Mythal. This ritual requires several powerful magic users. It is used to protect and ward a large area, restricting access to certain classes and people or even hiding it entirely.

    Another is the creation of Gates, which are used to teleport quickly between large distances. This also requires several powerful magic users to perform.
  • Magical Species
    A mage is a human born with the ability to use magic. This ability can only be passed down through genetics, meaning that it runs in families. If a person doesn't have any history of having a past relative who was a Mage, it would be impossible for them to become one.

    In general, most start to develop their ability around puberty, or the ages of 9 to 13. While some have been known to be late bloomers, this is quite rare.

    All Mages are able to learn how to cast basic spells, brew simple potions, and, with some practice, perform easy rituals. However, to become truly proficient, most mages elect to attend to either become an apprentice to another mage or attend a school. After enough practice and time, they can eventually unlock their full potential. However, regardless of their skill or knowledge, if they ever use up all of their mana, they run the risk of dying.

    Each Mage is born with a type of magic that they are inherently gifted at. This also typically will run in family lines. So, if a family member is intrinsically gifted at fire magic, it is highly likely the offspring will be as well. However, things can get muddled when there is the history of different Mage abilities in genetics. It is then usually up to chance.

    A Mage using their power.

    An Oracle is a term for special Mages whose ability specializes in gathering otherworldly knowledge. This can include those with precognition, psychometry, mind reading, or astral projection.

    Oracles usually develop their powers when they are young and, as they age, become more proficient. In general, they don't need to be taught how to utilize their skill and will naturally progress with age without the need for schooling or teachings. For them, this power is similar to a sixth sense. These Mages are typically taken as children and raised in temples and churches or work as advisers to the leaders of their country.

    An oracle, and an elf.

    The Elves are a magical race who are born with an innate ability to use magic. Due to their intrinsic ability, they are highly proficient. By the time they have reached the age of a toddler, they are able to cast simple spells. As they grow, it is common for them to learn how to brew potions and perform rituals.

    Unlike humans, elves do not specialize in any single category of magic. Instead, they are able to master difficult spells if they have trained properly. However, they are in similar danger of burning out and possibly dying if they go overboard in using their magic.
  • Dark Magic
    In Magaia, both Mages and Elves are capable of performing dark magic. This includes any kind of magic that disrupts the natural order, such as necromancy, blood magic, enacting control over the mind or body, corruption, destruction, and curses. It is one of the most powerful magics. However, it is uncontrollable and often comes back to bite the wielder, causing them to become corrupted and consumed by it.

    Dark magic is not taught in schools and can only be taught through other mages or ancient forbidden texts. However, the act of teaching and learning black magic is against the law in virtually every country and is punishable by death. Despite this, some still use it to pursue unsavory and often illegal desires.

    Dark magic will corrupt anything it touches.

Coded by Ardent
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  • Humans
    The human race is the most abundant and prolific species in Magaia. They make up the largest population and are spread throughout the entire world. As the majority are nonmagical and are considered to have a weak constitution compared to the other races, they are often looked down upon and discriminated against. Some even call them the cockroaches of Magaia, considering them a pest that just won't die.

    Despite this, humans have an indomitable determination and intrinsic desire for power and wealth. It is these corrupt aspirations that often lead them toward many wrongdoings. Humans are known to start wars with each other and other races for reasons that others would find trivial.

    A human princess returning home.

    The human race has a large assortment of appearances. They can have a wide range of hair, eye, and skin colors. Even their height and build can vary. Depending on the location, humans can live very different lives. Each has its own culture, religious practices, and traditions. While some live in small settlements with their tribe, others live in big cities. These broad differences often lead to tension between the many different countries, territories, clans, and tribes that humans pledge their allegiance to.

    Humans are a short-lived race compared to some others. They only live to be about 80 to 100 years old.

    Human clans
  • Mages
    A human who is born with magical ability is called a mage. They only make up a small percentage of the human population. Besides their ability to perform magic, they are like humans in every other way.

    While for the most part, humans and mages tend to get along. In many cultures, Mages are admired and considered a symbol of pride. Some are given status, jobs, or even roles within the community based on their ability. However, some humans are resentful of Mage's power. In some cases, humans will take advantage of a Mage's ability or even murder them out of prejudice.

    A Mage teaching students. And Magnisi, a Mage school.

  • Elves
    The elves are a magical race of people known for their intelligence and beauty. They have a similar range of complexions as humans, ranging from pale to copper and even darker pigments. In general, they stand just slightly taller than the average human at 6 to 7 feet tall with a slender build. Their ears are pointed, and many prefer to keep their hair long.

    Elves are one of the most technically advanced races in Magaia, often living in grand cities powered by magic. To them, magic is just a part of everyday life. Most are born knowing how to perform basic spells and are naturally gifted as they practice and grow.

    Elves live to be around 500 years old. Furthermore, disease and poison don't have an effect on them.

    Capital City

    In Elven society, androgyny is the standard of beauty. They take great care to keep themselves well-groomed and always appear perfect. They are known to be the epitome of beauty, with graceful bodies, an alluring face, and delicate skin. The humans are so captivated some believe that dark magic is somehow involved.

    For Elves, beauty is tied to someone's worth. At their core, they are vain creatures.

    In Elven society, it is not uncommon or strange to see same-sex couples. It is their belief that such prejudices are archaic, and instead, they put an emphasis on creating unions to gather power. As such, most marriages are not for love but instead to gain some benefit such as wealth or status. Furthermore, procreation is to create an heir, or a powerful offspring to elevate the family further. For this reason, it is also common for Elves to have multiple partners. All so they can accumulate as much power and wealth as possible and elevate their status.


    For the most part, Elves mistreat other races. They often look down on weaker and imperfect things. Though, if they find something useful, they have been known to tolerate it while it lasts.

    The Elves follow a strict social hierarchy. When determining status, they observe the Ordering, a social order all Elves adhere to. This social hierarchy structure assigns a rank to each individual so that none are equal to another.
  • Halflings
    A halfling is a term for a wide range of mixed-raced species, such as half-elf, half-orke, half-dvergr, and half-giant. This can occur when a human produces offspring with another race. Even though this is a rare occurrence, it does happen on occasion.

    When these mixed-raced species are born, they are often looked down on by the other full-blood species. Some people will even refer to them as mongrels. This is because they are physically and magically weaker than their full-blooded parentage.

    Meanwhile, in terms of the elves, they are the least tolerant of halflings. If found out, the baby is often killed and the parents put on trial. If somehow able to survive, the half-elf will be significantly weaker than other elves, even if its human parent was a mage.

    With Orkes, they tend to be brutal with their upbringing and expect them to keep up with all the other kids their age. However, they grow to be less muscular and possess smaller tusks.

    The Giants and Dvergr's are the most tolerant of their halfling counterparts. Their heights tend to even be close to the average human, while they also benefit from a slightly longer lifespan.

    A Mongrel being punished
  • Dwarfs
    The Dwarf is a non-magical race of people with short stature. Although they tend only to stand between 3 and 4 feet, they have a sturdy frame as they weigh, on average, the same as a typical human. Further, like humans, Dwarfs have various hair, eye, and skin colors. Depending on the clan, Dwarves' hair can signify social status.
    A male Dwarf

    Dwarves highly valued the ties between family and friends, weaving tightly knit clans. Many of these clans live in cities underground. Some are carved into a mountain and may take centuries to complete. In contrast, others are found in hillsides and banks and support a smaller settlement.

    While each clan usually focuses on something different, Dwarves are highly skilled craftsmen. They are also known to be skilled inventors, merchants, and miners. Though, a number of them also left their homelands to become adventurers. Some reasons for this include greed, a sense of adventure, and a sense of duty to bring honor to their clan. As they often possess wisdom beyond other races, along with their pragmatism and sense of honor serving diplomacy well, they are often hired or sought out as advisers and make impeccable mentors.

    A female dwarf. Typical dwarf homes.

    Dwarves are generally known to be tough, robust, and dependable. Yet, also stubborn and cynical. Their society emphasizes politeness, even to the point of holding their tongue and not speaking their mind. Respecting their elders, who they expected sound leadership and the wisdom of experience. And following traditions.

    As naturally dour and suspicious, Dwarves are slow to trust others. Their friendship is difficult to earn but strong once won. This is why it is considered one of the highest honors for a Dwarf to go into battle for a friend. The Dwarves often look down on the other races for being reckless and fickle. However, while they are usually careful and calculated, they succumb easily to their vices.
  • Giants
    The Giants are a nonmagical species. They have a humanoid appearance, just larger than the average human, standing between 8 and 9 feet. They live around 500 years, and because their lifespans were much longer than humans, giants were slow to make decisions and would not be rushed. Their bone structure is denser than the average human, allowing them to be strong but slowing them down slightly. In females, their pregnancy lasted twice as long as an average human.

    As peaceful people who follow the teachings of Minwari, they have been met with conflict from others looking to take advantage of them. For centuries, they have been struggling against enslavement by other species. It wasn't until a rebellion set them free. However, the cruelty had already done a number on their population, causing their numbers to shrink drastically. When Paraltor began to attack Mahada, their country and last safe place, all the Giants moved into the mountains, as far away from people as they could. Their only desire was to be left alone. Now, they had become so rare to see, many doubted they even existed.

    They live in small villages, mainly consisting of immediate family members. Their numbers were limited because of their size and difficulty finding plentiful food. To find a mate, one must travel to their sacred homeland, the Sabai mountains, where legend says that the Titans of Old gathered for a meeting but fell asleep and created the vast mountain range that their new generation now lives on.

    The Sabai mountains. The ruined capital city Bakto.

  • Orks
    The Orkes are an extraordinarily diverse and prolific race. Depending on their tribe, Orkes can have vastly different skin tones. These can range from green, blue, purple, and grey. Despite this difference, Orkes generally share many innate physical similarities. Most stand between 7 to 8 feet tall. While they appear humanoid, they possess an impressive muscular physique that gives them the strength to overpower other creatures easily. On their heads, they have pointed ears, similar to elves, and lower canines that resemble boar tusks. These tusks are a status symbol in their culture.

    An Orke can live to around 80 years. However, many die before this age in battle, considering that the most honorable way to die.

    Orkes are strong and hardy, surviving in even the most uninhabitable places. This robust constitution is why many have gone into the occupation of beast hunters. In general, Orkes tend to be nomadic, though they have also been known to establish settlements or their community within a city where they can find work.

    In their culture, respect is a valued aspect of society. Showing or committing dishonor is akin to sinning, which can trigger the short tempers they are known to have. Similarly, they are known to be highly honorable warriors who abide by a strict set of rules when in a fight or at war. This also extends to women, who are treated equally to men and are expected to contribute and fight to precisely the same degree as their male counterparts.

    Even though they are known to be resourceful and very clever, they still face discrimination from others. This is especially true for the Elves, who are known to look down on Orkes with the belief that they are all muscles and have no brains. In the past, some Orkes tribes have enslaved humans. Although this has mostly been abolished, humans still hold a grudge and fear Orkes.

    Various appearances of Orks.

Coded by Ardent
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  • General Information
    The massive expanse of land of Lani Shikei comprises five distinct tribes, each having control of their separate territory. Each territory has its particular climate and terrain, all profoundly impacting the tribe that occupies that land.

    While each tribe runs things slightly differently, the leader is chosen based on natural leadership ability and overall strength. Simply being born to the chief doesn't give someone the birthright to become an heir. Furthermore, if the capability of the chief or their decision-making skills is ever put into question at any time, another member may issue a challenge or a Danasdi, where the winner becomes the new leader of the tribe.

    The leader of Lani Shikei is determined similarly.

    A festival called Tsoh'dahi, or Great Battle, is held every five years. It is a week-long celebration where the chief of each tribe meets to fight for supreme leadership of the land. It is held at Shinanii, the territory's capital city, during the summer solace.

    The festival's first day consists of the current leader welcoming the opponents and their entourage into the capital, hosting a great feast and entertainment. The second day is a day of rest to prepare for the fight. And the third day is the battle. This can take nearly the whole day. But, once it is finished and the winner is decided, it is followed by more celebration and a peaceful transfer of power and knowledge.

    In Lani Shikei, most of its history is passed down through oral stories around bonfires. It was rare for them to keep written records, and the few that were created were often destroyed when the tribes were at war.

    For as far back as anyone can remember, the tribes were at war with each other. They each were trying to establish dominance over the territory. However, a treaty was signed after other countries tried to exploit the internal conflict and steal territory and resources. This treaty established one ruler over Lani Shikei, uniting all the tribes under a single banner.

    Even though the tribes have been united, tensions still remain. While it is rare, there are still squabbles between tribes over territory. However, due to the treaty, they cannot use violence. Instead, if they cannot reach peace, the King of Lani Shikei will pass a decision on the matter themselves, regardless of whether the tribes like the outcome or not.

    While some tribe members want to put the past behind them and create beneficial deals with the other tribes, others still hold grudges. Many elders still believe in the superiority of their tribe and repeat the old propaganda to influence the new generation. Some of these sentiments include strictly marrying within your tribe, exiling those who leave your tribe, and rejecting outsiders.

    Technology: In the eyes of other countries, Lani Shikei is considered to be behind in many worldly advances. This is one of the main causes why other countries often look down on them and consider them weak and an easy target to overthrow. However, what they lack in technology, they make up in spirit and pride.

    Marriage: Due to the harsh environment in which the tribes live, they place great importance on living a free and fulfilling life. With this mentality, it is common for tribespeople to marry multiple partners, have many children, and create a large family unit. They are one of the few human clans accepting same-sex couples.

    Naligai: In Lani Shikei, more than the traditional male and female genders are recognized throughout the tribes. These could range from feminine males, masculine females, intersex, androgynous and transgender. Rather than stigmatizing these individuals, they are highly regarded as spiritually gifted. Furthermore, they are considered hard workers, able to do both male and female jobs, and artistically gifted.

    Hair: Throughout the country, each tribe believes that a person's hair is considered sacred and significant to who they are as an individual, family, and community. Some tribes will use two braids, while others will use three. Each style is important to each tribe and corresponds with a meaning or ceremony.

    In preparation for ceremonies, they take great care in the grooming, styling, and ornamentation of their hair. They believe that by wearing feathers, they pay respect to the bird's strength and power and invoke those qualities for themselves. Women and men would adorn their hair with fur wraps, woolen wraps, feathers, fluffs, and beadwork for war dancing and ceremonies. Depending on the ceremony or their family's distinction, some families will paint their hair.
  • Tkoh'loo village
    The Tkoh'loo village is known for its fishing and exceptionally skilled fishermen. Its name means "from water". They are also one of the leading trading ports for Lani Shikei. Due to their reliant food source, they can live a comfortable life. This contentedness kindles the welcoming behavior towards strangers.

    The village is located on the Toiyah peninsula in the continent's Northeast. The territory is almost surrounded by water, with only one side that backs up to the Dsil'nitsa mountain range. The land nearest the ocean comprises sandy beaches, while more inland consists of stony terrain. The primary source of fresh water is the Loolini River, which starts in the Northern part of the Dsil'nitsa mountain range. Off the Eastern coast is the Kakeyah archipelago, a chain of scarcely inhabited islands.

    The surrounding ocean is filled with various types of fish, with an entire thriving ecosystem just under the water's surface. It ranges from tuna, bass, salmon, mackerel, sea turtles, and even sharks. Above the water, opportunistic birds such as seagulls and albatross stick close to the fishing boats.

    The main occupation in the village is fishing; however, there is an endless supply of other tasks that need to be done. Those skilled in woodworking can make and fix boats, while others build huts for the tribespeople. They also make money selling goods and raising and training specialized animals.

    While the village isn't specialized in farming, they keep domesticated animals such as dogs, cats, hawks, and horses. Many dogs come from specialized breeds that allow them to be proficient at fishing and, when sold, can garner a large sum. Some families have been breeding these dogs for generations and consider it an honorable profession.

    The tribe lives in large wood, thatch, and clay huts. These huts are built to house an entire extended family under a single roof. While they prefer to build near the ocean, they usually pick spots up an incline to avoid their village being washed away. This is a lesson passed down from their ancestors.

    In one of these huts is where the village's children will attend school. They will usually start when they begin walking and speaking. When the boys reach the age of puberty, they will stop attending and begin working with their fathers, while the girls will continue until their teenage years. Both girls and boys will receive the same education, though when the boys leave to work, this is when the girls begin learning how to sew, make jewelry, and learn about caring for animals.

    While some garments and hats could be very decorative, most clothes worn were for environmental protection. Women wore skirts or gowns of buckskin, soft leather, or woven wool or plant fibers, and men's clothes were generally quite minimal. This consisted of a simple loincloth or in the winter buckskin pants and a tunic.

    The principal imports are wood, salt, coal, thread, and iron.In contrast, the main exports are fish, shells, and boats. With their welcoming nature, they are always willing to trade with even strangers.

    Death Ceremony: When someone from the Tkohloo village dies, the body is washed with a sea sponge and water from a sacred spring. The body is dressed in traditional clothes and wrapped in seaweed. Within the seaweed bindings will be some of their favorite earthly possessions, along with food, herbs, and gifts from loved ones.

    When the body is prepared, it is put onto a raft and pushed out to sea. The tribe believes that the Creator will guide the soul to the afterlife, while it is the duty of the living to return the body to the sea. Where they believe they have come from.

    Ligaii Festival: Every year, when the fish go upstream to spawn, the tribe celebrates with a three-day celebration. During this celebration, there is abundant food and dancing, and they honor the fish's contribution to the circle of life.

    Nahaltin Festival: In the coming days before the rainy season, the Thokloo tribe will hold a festival meant to appease the god of rain. It is a tradition that they don't eat or drink for three days to show their sacrifice in hopes that they will be spared from any large storms that season.

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    Terra Turtles: This ancient legend states that giant turtles are underneath the major land masses. These turtles carry the land on their backs, floating on the surface. It is believed that when natural disasters occur, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, it is due to angering the giant turtles.

    Sea Ancestory: In this ancient legend, it is believed that due to the Tkohloo villagers' natural fisherman skills, which include great prowess in swimming, diving, and holding their breath underwater for an extended time, they must come from the water. Some even go as far as to say they are part mermaids, even though the creatures are merely a rumor.

    Koupia: The Koupia is a mysterious creature that people rarely see. It is known as the doomsday fish. In this ancient legend, these creatures are seen as being harbingers of disasters and destruction. If you are unlucky enough to see one, it is a warning sign from higher powers that a disaster is impending.
  • Yikasi
    The Yikasi tribe is nomadic, never staying in one spot for long. They often travel depending on the seasonal movements of the animals. As their life and circumstances are always uncertain, they live boldly and freely.

    While their established territory is in the southern end of the continent, due to their nomadic nature, they often migrate along with the animals they hunt. The terrain is rugged, consisting of hills with rocks and few plants; near Toiyini Lake, it becomes rolling, grassy plains. Toiyini Lake, along with various rivers, is the tribe's leading source of fresh water. The territory's western side has steep cliffs actively collapsing into the sea.

    The tribe's main occupation is hunting and selling the various pelts and bones from their kills. However, they are also skilled in crafts, such as making jewelry out of bones and training horses.

    The Yikasi's leading source of food is large game hunting. This can include buffalo, elk, and deer depending on the season. In the winter, when things get more scarce, they have also been known to hunt rabbits, foxes, and various birds. While the primary purpose is food, the tribe uses every piece of the animal, including its pelt and bones.

    The Yikasi lived in medium-sized tepees or conical-sized tents. These were made from animal hides or pelts that the tribe had caught. As the tribe moved often, these were not permanent structures and would be assembled and disassembled frequently.

    With the tribe's constant movement, it was difficult for the kids to receive an education. Their belongings had to be carried on horseback, leaving little room for unnecessary things such as books, paper, and ink. While boys and girls were considered equal, most of their schooling revolved around learning about animals and the seasons.

    Due to their nomadic lifestyle, the Yikasi often followed animals into other tribes' territories. This occasionally led to conflict between the other tribes. Many of the tribes hold a grudge against them and consider them to be a nuisance.

    In the Yikasi tribe, most clothes are made from buffalo and deer. The men would wear a shirt, leggings, and moccasins. And in the winter, a buffalo robe. Women would wear a long dress, leggings, and moccasins. They are known for the fringe and beadwork that adorned their clothes.

    The main imports are iron, salt, coal, and wood. Their main exports are dried meats, pelts, and specialized bone jewelry. While they often dislike strangers, they typically work with those from within Lani Shikei once they have built some trust.

    Death Ceremony: When someone from the Yikasi tribe dies, they will bless the body by sacrificing an animal and using the blood to paint sacred symbols on the person's skin. The body is then dressed in traditional clothing and adored with bone jewelry.

    Once the body is prepared, the tribe will gather for a large celebration. The body will be placed inside a huge bonfire and lit on fire until it is ashes. The tribe believes they are protecting their kin from having their body disrupted by animals.

    Lokicha: When the winter snow melts and the sun starts to warm the world, it marks the beginning of the Lokicha festival. This festival marks the beginning of Spring and the start of the birth of many new baby animals. The festival is a large celebration where the tribe will rest and pay tribute through offerings and traditional performances to the newly born animals that one day might help keep them alive.

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    Stars: In this ancient legend, the Yikasi tribe believes that the stars moving across the sky are horses running through the heavens. Similarly, this is how they explain the phenomena of thunder.
  • Sintahdi
    The Sintahdi tribe is known for being mysterious, reclusive, and having deep ties to nature. While also being very matriarchal. They live south of the Dsil'nitsa mountain range within the Tsin'nitsa forest. The tribe needs to keep their village's location a secret. Due to this, they are rarely willing to trade or even interact with strangers.

    The Tsin'nitsa forest is a dense old-growth forest. These trees mainly consist of pine, evergreen, and birch. Many of the trees can live to be several hundred years old. Some of the largest can be up to twenty feet wide and a hundred feet tall. The forest floor is covered in lush underbrush consisting of tall grasses, medicinal herbs, and bushes with edible fruit. With the nearby mountains to the north, streams run down and feed into the Natu'nitsa River. This keeps all the plants well watered.

    The Sintahdi tribe's leading source of gathering food is foraging. They have it memorized and know exactly where all the edible plants are. However, they also trap small prey and farm already existing plants. This mainly consists of minor games like foxes, rabbits, and deer.

    Rather than occupations, the tribe believes everyone must pull their weight for them all to survive. Because of this mentality, all the members continue to do their jobs, even though they rarely see payment. Instead, within the tribe, they generally barter and share what they need.

    The Sintahdi tribe builds their homes in the forest in a floating village. They build single-family cabins out of wood and use rope walkways to connect to each other's homes. These homes are all expertly camouflaged, and it is rumored that it is invisible even if you are standing right below them.

    Furthermore, unless the Sintahdi decides otherwise, they are usually only spotted by others once every five years at the Tsoh'dahi.

    Education is vital for the Sintahdi tribe. It is so important that many members take on this responsibility, as they believe that children should be raised by many. Until teenagehood, the children are taught to read and write while also learning about the importance of nature, which keeps them safe and nourished.

    In Sintahdi, all their clothes were made from plant fibers or tree bark. Women wear a long dress and leggings made from plant fibers. Then, moccasins are made of leather. Men would wear a tunic and leggings also made from plant fibers. In the winter, both men and women would wear cedar-bark raincoats.

    The main imports are iron, thread, and stone tools. Their main exports are wood, dried fruits, nuts, and medicinal herbs. Due to their secretive nature, they will only work with very trusted individuals.

    Death Ceremony: When a member of the Sintahdi tribe dies, the body is washed with moss and natural yucca suds. The body is dressed in traditional clothing and wrapped in a blessed pelt. Some of the members' favorite earthly possessions, such as food, herbs, and gifts, will be within the pelt.

    Once the body is prepared, they place the body inside a hollow tree. The tree is then decorated, and the hole is sealed with moss and mushrooms. The tribe believes that this allows the body to return to nature.

    Chahala: On the day of summer solace, the longest day of the year, the Sintahdi tribe celebrates the Chahala festival. This festival is meant to thank the broad trees that provide shade during the hot summer. They are often decorated in jewelry to honor the tree while songs and dances are performed.

  • Dsilaan
    The Dsilaan tribe is known for being the most bellicose and unfriendly of all the tribes. They especially resent those who have left for the Capital. It is said to be as rugged and stony as the mountain they live on. The Dsilaan tribe is located in the north of the continent within the Dsil'nitsa mountain range.

    The Dsil'nitsa mountain range is full of steep, rugged mountains that are difficult to traverse. There are large builders and loose rocks that can quickly shift underweight. Those unfamiliar with the environment can easily lose their way or fall to their death.

    In the winter, heavy snow creates ice packs on the peaks. When these ice packs melt, they create little streams that run down the mountains. This snow is the primary source of fresh water for the tribe.

    It is said that the Dsilaan tribe will attack any outsider who comes into their territory. As such, they rarely participate in any bartering or selling of goods. The main occupation was hunting and trapping food, but they also had many stone masons who carved out new caverns.

    With the mountain's elevation, not much vegetation grows. As such, the tribe's primary food source is hunting the few animals that venture up the mountain. This usually includes things like pronghorns, mountain goats, and bighorn sheep. However, there will also be the occasional black bear or coyote.

    The Dsilaan tribe builds their homes inside the mountains they live on. They dig out large rooms with interconnecting caverns to create a completely underground village. The excavated stone is used to build walls and their outer defenses against intruders.

    The tribe doesn't emphasize traditional schooling. However, even from a young age, they teach the children the importance of hard work and strength. The boys study fighting techniques and wartime strategies, while the girls learn chores, sewing, cooking, and intricate carving.

    While resources for clothes were scarce, it was important to keep them warm. Women often wore a dress made of plant fiber and fur-lined leggings with a leather jacket. Meanwhile, men would wear a tunic made of plant fiber and fur-lined leggings with a leather jacket. In the winter, they would also adorn mittens and wool hats. The Dsilaan tribe doesn't believe in wearing shoes.

    The tribe's main imports include wood and herbs. Their main exports are wool, iron, and salt. It is said that the Dsilaan tribe will attack any outsider who comes into their territory. As such, they rarely participate in any bartering or selling of goods. This includes those who were formerly a part of the tribe.

    Death Ceremony: When a member of the Dsilaan tribe dies, the body is washed with wool and water. They are dressed in traditional clothes and wrapped in several pelts. Those who knew the deceased leave gifts and other favorite items, food, and herbs.

    Once the body is prepared, they carve a shallow grave and place the body inside, along with gifts and the deceased favorite weapons. They will then fill the hole with dirt and cover the mound with rocks.

    Bikaii: When the child of the Dsilaan tribe reaches the age of puberty, they must leave their tribe and go out on their first hunt. They must do this barehandedly and are not allowed to return until they have made a kill. When they have completed the task, the animal is used as a feast for the entire village to celebrate.

  • Kiditte
    The Kiditte tribe is a farming community. Due to their abundance of food, they are welcoming to strangers and have a solid connection to nature.

    The Kiditte village is located on the east coast of the continent. Even though it is the smallest of all five tribal territories, it hosts one of the largest populations. This is due to the tribe's stable living and abundance of resources.

    While the main occupation is still homesteading, most of these farms have been around for generations and passed down through the family. But, as a growing town, many other necessary jobs are emerging from the once small farming village. These include those with advanced medical knowledge of humans and animals, barbers and seamstresses, mailmen, traders, and hunters.

    The tribe lives on the only area of fertile land in Lani Shikei. In the past, when ancient glaciers carved out the terrain, they deposited rich minerals into the earth. As time passed, the minerals collected in the land that the Kiditte now calls home. This caused the soil to be rich in minerals and made it the perfect spot for farming. In this area, plants grow in abundance.

    In addition to farming, the Kiditte tribe is also skilled at animal husbandry. They keep various animals, such as cows, chickens, sheep, and goats. This provides them with meat and dairy that would otherwise be lacking in their diet.

    Most of the wild animals around the area consist of scavengers, such as crows, ravens, songbirds, squirrels, raccoons, and rats. These animals often try to eat the crops and get into the food storage. The large animals in the area are coyotes, who prey on farm animals.

    The Kiditte tribes live in large multigenerational longhouses. These are built with timber from the surrounding land, which has been cut to make room for fields of crops. Due to the tribe's ever-growing population, there is a near-constant construction of new homes.

    One of these structures is where the tribe houses the school. It contains several rooms with multiple teachers, all accommodating the many students and their different ages. The students learn traditional things, such as reading and writing, while learning about nature and botany.

    The Kiditte tribe is the only tribe that can produce cotton clothes. They would wear loincloths, cotton dresses or tunics, leggings, and moccasins. When it would rain, they would wear rain hats and raincoats from the bark of trees.

    The tribe's main imports include iron and tools. While their exports include seeds, dried food, wool clothes, and aged cheese. They are one of the few villages that will trade with outsiders and strangers.

    Death Ceremony: When a member of the Kiditte village dies, the body is washed with natural yucca suds and sacred spring water. It is then dressed in traditional clothing. The tribe would then leave herbs, dried food, and personal items on the body.

    Once the body was prepared, those who were related to the deceased would carry the body to the sacred burial ground. While they buried the body, the tribe would perform traditional music and dances to celebrate the person's life. They believed that burying the body returned them to the ground and nourished the soil that they lived off of.

    Chihoni: At the end of the fall harvest, the Kiditte village has a large festival to celebrate this year's yield. This is when the tribe has the most abundance of food, so they throw a huge feast to feed everyone. During this time, they will rest since the harvest was taxing on their bodies.

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  • Enviroment
    Paraltor is located north of Lani Shikei, separated by the Naslani Sea.

    The country's northernmost area is affected by cold and dry arctic winds. Due to permanent frosts inhibiting plant growth, only hardier grains, such as barley, buckwheat, millet, oats, and wheat, can survive. In this area, arctic animals are adapted to living in extreme temperatures. These include polar bears, seals, reindeer, arctic foxes, snowy owls, hares, and wolves. Many of these animal hibernate through the winter months.

    In the southwest, the climate is hot and dry. The Kaloon desert is an expanse of rolling hills of sand, where the area gets so little precipitation that it makes growing anything nearly impossible. The desert makes it difficult for both people and animals to survive. The main wildlife includes reptiles like snakes and lizards and insects such as scorpions and tarantulas. Some camels are used to carry people and goods across the desert.

    The Staigen Sea is an oasis, allowing its people to use its salty water to irrigate their crops, such as barley and corn.

    To the southeast, the summer monsoon season significantly impacts the weather. During this season, a low-pressure system south of the Sabai mountain range attracts moisture-laden winds from the ocean. As a result, many areas of Paraltor are the wettest places in Magaia. The high temperatures and precipitation make it the perfect condition for producing rice and tropical fruits. The thick tropical jungle is home to many exotic animals. These include jaguars and various primates like gorillas, chimpanzees, spider monkeys, toucans, eagles, okapi, and tapirus.

    In the northernmost area of the country, arctic animals that are adapted to living in extreme temperatures reside. These include polar bears, seals, reindeer, arctic foxes, snowy owls, hares, and wolves. Many of these animal hibernate through the winter months.

    In the Kaloon desert, it is difficult for animals to survive. The main wildlife includes reptiles like snakes and lizards and insects such as scorpions and tarantulas. Some camels are used to carry people and goods across the desert.

    The thick tropical jungle in the southeast is home to many exotic animals. These include jaguars and various primates like gorillas, chimpanzees, spider monkeys, toucans, eagles, okapi, and tapirus.

  • History
    Ever since Paraltor was first established, it has been a volatile place. For as long as its people can remember, it has been plagued with war, famine, sickness, and a heartless monarchy. Even the land had become desolate and bare due to the constant wars and indiscriminate extracting of all natural resources. Death was a daily occurrence; you had to become ruthless to survive.

    Despite the monarchy living a lavish life, just outside the castle walls, Paraltors people were starving. This was due to the former King Baghatur's constant taxation, strict laws, and Paraltor's lack of natural resources. With the continuous state of poverty, many were forced to join the King's army just to feed themselves.

    Paraltor's trajectory only seemed to change when Batukhan returned. His goal was to start a rebellion and overthrow his father. He started by gathering some small outer villages but soon gained great numbers as they moved towards the capital.

    When he won, everyone thought life would improve just as he promised. And, for a while, it did. While Bakukhan continued to take over more lands, those in his army were granted official positions in his new government and could reap the spoils of war.

    Many of these soldiers were former farmers and peasants who had been poor their entire lives. As such, when they had the chance to take from others, they were known to take everything and leave only destruction in their wake. So, while they prospered, those in the countries they raided suffered.

  • Lifestyle
    Education: In the olden days, only children who lived in the capital and had family who were important figures could attend school. The rest of the country was too poor to build a schoolhouse or afford supplies. Furthermore, they often needed the help of child labor to hunt or farm to feed their families.

    Now, Batukhan has been trying to build schools in various villages and raise the education level of his people. Many of whom cannot read or write.

    Occupation: While there are many types of jobs, most of them have become unprofitable. The fish have dried up, the farms won't produce, and the land has become dead. For years, the only [rofitable job has been a soldier.

    Marriage: In Paraltor, they believe in a traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Anything outside of this they consider to be strange.

    Technology: The main technological advancements that Paraltor possesses are in war machines and weapons. Other than this, they are comparable to Lani Shikei regarding technology.

    Clothes: Due to Paraltor's poor citizens, most people wear inconsistent clothes. They could often wear anything they could get their hands on, whether made, passed down or traded. It was also common to take items from conquered lands. Furthermore, with the rugged environment and temperature differences, it was important for their clothes to be warm and durable but layered for when the temperature rose.

    They often used wool to make felt and would acquire furs. In the coldest periods, fur garments were worn in a double layer. When they conquered Mahada, silk was acquired, and they began wearing undergarments made with this material.

    Both men and women would often wear a short robe or deel. A deel was a one-piece long jacket folded over and closed on the left side of the chest with a button or tie positioned just below the right armpit. The robe was made of cotton or silk; heavier versions had additional fur, felt lining, or quilted padding.

    Under the robe, another thin robe or a simple cotton or silk undershirt might be worn. Trousers were worn under the ever-present robe. Winter trousers could be made entirely from fur or have cotton, wool, or silk padding.
  • Religion

    The country's official religion is Camani. It revolves around the worship of the ancestor spirits and devotion to "Father Sky," otherwise known as Haolin. This is an all-encompassing system of belief that includes medicine, religion, reverence of nature, and ancestor worship.

    Central to the system are the activities of male and female shamans (Daichin) and shamanesses (Shulam) who enter trances to communicate with deities and spiritual beings who possess the shaman's body. Shamans wear costumes and masks and employ ritual artifacts specific for treatments or healing.

    While most of these Shamans are oracles, there have been instances of imposters giving false information for money and power.

    In Camani, Batukhan is considered one of the embodiments, if not the main embodiment, of the Haolin spirit. The Temple of Batukhan is an essential place of worship for those who practice this religion.

    Batukhan practices religious tolerance and allows his conquered lands to continue to practice their desired religions.

  • Leadership
    Paraltor has always been known as power-hungry and corrupt. And, rather than diplomacy, it has always preferred to use its military strength to domineer other countries and take their resources. They were a perpetual bully in Magaia's world politics.

    The country has utilized a hereditary monarchy since it was established long ago. This ruling also applied to those with positions within the government. The former King, Baghatur, was notorious for ruling with an iron fist. Under his rule, he raised the taxes so many could not feed their families. Many became prisoners or were forced to enlist in his military when they were unable to pay.

    Furthermore, he often ignored the pleas of his people, refusing to help during natural disasters, plagues, or famine. Instead, he would hoard resources for himself.

    The country rejoiced when King Batukhan took control of the country after the rebellion. He has implemented a meritocracy. This means that all the appointed officials are done so based on their talent, effort, and achievement rather than wealth or social class. His first decree was to lower the taxation and spread their limited resources among the surviving soldiers.

  • Important Locations
    The Temple of Batukhan
    This temple was erected when Batukhan became King. He is believed to be one of the main embodiments of the Haolin spirit and is an essential place for those who practice Camani. The temple is made of carved stone and is located near the capital. Inside, it has a carving of King Batukhan, tapestries, and religious texts.

    This city is the capital of Paraltor. It is the largest and most populated place within Paraltor borders. Despite that, most of the town is made of wooden shacks that appear to be about to fall apart. Most of the town is still quite poor, with only a few living in decent new housing. The royal castle peeks over the city, looming with its contradictory elegance.

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  • Enviroment
    Nakoki is connected to Paraltor through its eastern border. Mahada formerly neighbored it; however, it absorbed the territory when Paraltor conquered the country. The new border is the Sabai Mountains.

    The country of Nakoki is a large peninsula. It reaches out into the Maupoko Ocean. Due to the constant oceanic breeze, the climate is very temperate.

    In the south, near the ocean, the temperature can be warm to hot, with humid summers, cool to mild winters, and frequent sunny skies. Though moving inland, the region becomes mountainous.

    While moving north, the terrain descends from the Silnos mountains, through hilly uplands, into broad, low northern plains, vast in the east; the temperature features cool to warm summers and cool winters with frequent overcast skies. At the eastern border is the Sabai mountain range.

    Many animals live in the forested and uninhabited areas. These include boar, moose deer, reindeer, wolverine, fox, lynx, jackal, otter, mink, and badger. The wolf and brown bear are also ordinary but have declined due to overhunting. In the water, there are sturgeons, herrings, eels, catfish, pike, and various types of carp.

  • History

    On the surface, Nakoki seems like a fairly peaceful place. Unlike many other countries, they don't have a long war history. Nakoki is considered one of the most powerful countries in Magaia based solely on its main population being elves. It is the elves' homeland, and due to their prejudice against other species, it would be rare to see any other species.

    In the past, Nakoki as a country had secluded itself from the rest of Magaia. Even going as far as to lock down their borders and use their military to keep people out. It was due to this that they often missed many world happenings. Yet, despite this, they never fell behind and even became trendsetters for the rest of the world upon easing their laws and border security.

    Another reason that they have been generally left alone is due to their magical prowess. Many hesitate to engage in conflict as a country full of some of the strongest magical species. However, when tensions arise, Nakoki throws their weight around to achieve their goals. This and their bias against other species have made them particularly disliked in world politics and war.

    Despite all this, when Paraltor began raiding the continent, they were the only country able to ward off the attacks.

  • Lifestyle

    Education: In Nakoki, they consider education the building blocks of their future. Those who can attend the highest-ranked establishment are thrust ahead of others and given a better status among their peers. This has led to Nakoki being known for its well-funded and top-rated schools. Many of which are some of the best in all of Magaia.

    Occupation: There are numerous jobs in Nakoki, all affecting a person's status in the community. While those of a lower status may choose to become whatever they want, those born or working towards a higher status always follow in their parent's footsteps.

    Marriage: To accumulate as much power, money, and status as possible, it is customary for the elves living in Nakoki or around the world to marry multiple partners. They are very open to same-sex couples and have a broader definition of sexuality and identity than most human clans.

    Technology: Nakoki is considered one of the most advanced countries in Magaia. While it is most progressive regarding magical advancements, it has also made great strides in developing technology to make life more comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, and efficient.

    Clothes: In Nakoki, both men and women wear the same clothing. It comprises two main garments—a tunic (peplos or chiton) and a cloak (himation). The peplos was a large rectangle of heavy fabric; usually wool, folded to reach the waist. It was placed around the body and fastened at the shoulders with a pin or brooch. The chiton was made of lighter material, usually linen. It was a long, wide rectangle of fabric sewn up at the sides, pinned or sewn at the shoulders, and usually girded around the waist.
  • Religion
    In the country of Nakoki, religion is wholly rejected. They do not have a state religion and actively practice anti-religion. The government has enacted strict policies opposing supernatural worship or practice, whether organized or not, and the growth of religions.

    Culturally, religion is viewed as nothing more than nonsense. Or something weaker beings use to calm uncertainty over their role in the universe but has no truth. Those who go against this standard can be expected to be socially ostracized and even face jail.

  • Leadership
    An aristocratic oligarchy rules Nakoki. The leaders consist of a small, privileged ruling class. These people were born into a family with a high status or managed to climb the social and political ladder. Though, the former is much easier than the latter. Nepotism is quite common, along with political marriages, to keep power within the family.

    Those who live at the bottom of the social hierarchy can expect to live a rough life. They are considered worthless and given very few rights by the government.

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Coded by Ardent
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  • Environment
    Mahada was located just southwest of Paraltor. The country of Paraltor currently occupies it.

    In the North, Mahada contained most of the Sabai mountain range. In this region, the mountain range has some of the highest peaks in Magaia, ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 feet. At the top, the mountains experience harsh, freezing, and inconsistent weather, making travel nearly impossible without an experienced guide or "Yatda."

    In the southeast, Mahada touches the Northern tip of the Staigen Sea. In contrast, the southwest leads to a more temperate climate. At the southern end is the tallest mountain, Mount Arigo, whose peak is said to be the burial ground of Titans.

    The vegetation can be broadly classified into four types—tropical, subtropical, temperate, and alpine—each prevailing in a zone determined mainly by elevation and precipitation. The tropical evergreen rainforest is confined to the humid foothills of eastern and central Sabai. Evergreen dipterocarps—a group of timber and resin-producing trees—are common; their species grow on different soils and hill slopes of varying steepness.

    With decreasing precipitation and increasing elevation westward, the rainforests give way to tropical deciduous forests, where the valuable timber tree sal is the dominant species. Wet sal forests thrive on high plateaus at about 3,000 feet, while dry sal forests prevail higher up. Temperate mixed forests, containing conifers and broad-leaved temperate trees, extend from about 4,500 to roughly 11,000 feet.

    The alpine zone begins above the tree line, between 10,500 and 11,700 feet, and extends up to about 13,700 feet in the western Sabai and 14,600 feet in the eastern Sabai. It contains all the wet and moist alpine vegetation.

    The animal life at elevations above the tree line consists almost exclusively of cold-tolerant endemic species that evolved from the wildlife of other mountains after the uplift of the Sabai. Elephants and rhinoceroses are restricted to parts of the forested region—moist or marshy areas, now largely drained—at the base of the low hills in the south. Black bears, clouded leopards, langurs, and goat antelopes (e.g., the tahr) are some of the denizens of the Sabai forests. The rhinoceros is abundant throughout the foothill zone of the Sabai, as is the musk deer.

    Snow leopards, brown bears, lesser pandas, and yaks have limited populations in remote sections of the Sabai at higher elevations. The yak has been domesticated and is used as a beast of burden. Above the tree line, however, the most numerous animals are diverse types of insects, spiders, and mites, the only animals that can live as high as 20,700 feet.

  • History
    The country of Mahada is one of the few remaining old countries. It has been established since the beginning of the Giants, and legend says it is even the sacred homeland of the Titans. The place is of historical and religious importance to the Giants, and it contains many sacred temples, pilgrimage sites, burial grounds, and notable government buildings.

    The country flourished with prosperity and peace in the past. However, a decade ago, Paraltor began laying siege to the countries at their borders, vying to extend their territory. Due to Mahada's typically nonviolent customs, they were easily defeated. Those who remained fled into the inhospitable mountains, seeking to hide from any further violence.

  • Lifestyle

    Education: Education was an important part of life in the past. It was even included as a principle of life in Minwari, Mahada's religion. Before the war, large schoolhouses were constructed where students could attend from toddlers to young adults. The capital houses an impressive public library that contains thousands of books, scrolls, and ancient texts. However, during the raid, the library and all its contents burned to the ground.

    Now, with the destabilization of the country, many of the schools have been destroyed. Most children now have to work rather than attend school.

    Occupation: With the land recovering from the war, jobs such as farming, fishing, and hunting are still trying to recuperate. However, those who know how to cut stone and logs to build new homes and shops have endless opportunities. Many merchants and tradespeople have recently come to the area to scavenge for left-behind valuables.

    Marriage: For the Giants that once inhabited Mahada, they followed the Minwari religion. In Minwari, they believe in soulmates, or people destined to love each other for their entire lives. It's even said that they will be reincarnated together.

    While Minwari is clear about someone only having one soulmate due to the belief in reincarnation, it isn't unusual to see same-sex couples.

    Technology: In general, Mahada is advanced in architecture. They have mastered the art of creating sprawling structures that fit their size comfortably. Furthermore, rumors exist that they have built secret passages and bunkers throughout the Sabai mountain range. However, that has never been confirmed.

    Clothes: For women, the traditional Mahada clothes consist of the sari, a long piece of cloth draped around the waist and worn with a blouse. They are made of cotton or silk and come in various designs and colors. Women will also often wear a matching shawl with their outfits.

    For men, they will wear the daura suruwal. It consists of a knee-length shirt and a loose-fitting trouser. The clothing is made of cotton or silk and comes in different colors and designs. Men will also have a topi, a traditional cap made of cotton or wool that is often embroidered.

    Species: While Mahada was originally the home of Giants, it is rare to find one in public nowadays. All the sensible ones have gone into hiding, while the rest met an ill fate. Mahada is now home to various walks of life, mainly traders, bandits, and miners. All were looking to profit off the destruction and desolation of the Giants.
  • Religion

    While Mahada is a secular country, its primary religion is Minwari. It is the primary religion that the Giants practice and makes up the majority religion in Mahada.

    Minwari is a diverse system of thought marked by various philosophies and shared concepts, rituals, cosmological systems, pilgrimage sites, and shared textual sources. Prominent themes include eternal duties, such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, virtue, and compassion.

    The primary practices include worship, fire rituals, devotion, fasting, chanting, meditation, sacrifice, charity, selfless service, learning and knowledge, recitation and exposition of scriptures, homage to one's ancestors, family-oriented rites of passage, annual festivals, and occasional pilgrimages.

    Local legend tells that hundreds of years ago, a Sage named "Ma" was the one who first established Minwari and that the name Mahada means "the protected place." He established the first worship sites at Hatu, the convergence of Mahada's two main rivers. Legend also states that he selected a pious farmer to be the first of many kings whose familial dynasty ruled over Mahada until being defeated by Paraltor.

    It is also a widespread belief that the Great Sage Ma is routinely reincarnated whenever she dies. A birthmark in the shape of a lotus flower on the baby's body is the only way to denote this bodily change. However, she has been missing for some time.

    A temple

    It has been years since the last Sage Ma passed away. Yet, no one has found the new reincarnation. Losing their religious guide during the most difficult time in the country's history is especially troubling. Some say that Mahada was cursed. In contrast, others say that the Sage Ma was kidnapped and held hostage. Either way, when the world needed them most, they disappeared.

    Ma Laytani: This festival is celebrated to mark the birthday of the first Great Sage Ma. The date always lands on the day of the full moon in April. It is considered one of Mahada's grand festivals and is hosted in the village Kapabini, Great Sage Ma's birthplace. Many people who practice Minwari make a pilgrimage to this special place. It is celebrated with decorations of flowers, bright clothes, meditation, and a feast.

    Natra Tai: This festival is celebrated to commemorate the death of loved ones. It is said that a long time ago, a Narayan queen was grieving the death of her daughter. And, to console her, the king asked the public who had lost their loved ones to come out in the procession to show the queen that she was not alone. Since that time, Natra Tai has become an important celebration. People will dance, sing, and dress in colorful outfits during the celebration.

  • Leadership

    The Narayan dynasty has ruled over Mahada for centuries. Legend says that during the country's establishment, the Great Sage Ma themselves chose one of their ancient ancestors to lead the country. As the decades turned to centuries, time passed, and the Narayans remained in charge of Mahada.

    When the old king retired, the throne was passed down to the most suitable child. This continued throughout history.

    The Narayan dynasty ran the country with wisdom and rationality, keeping the peaceful teachings of Minwari at the forefront of their decisions. As such, the country rarely went to war and often solved its issues diplomatically, and their simple lifestyle allowed them to prosper.

    When Paraltor attacked, its first act was to destabilize the country. To do that, they slaughtered all the known members of the royal family, leaving the country without a rightful leader. They then flooded the cities with soldiers and locked down the borders and harbors.

    In recent years, whispers have begun to spread about the unrest of the locals. A secret group has started to gather, like-minded in their hatred towards their new occupiers. While no one knows who the leader of this group is, some say that they have ties to the deceased royal family.

  • Important Locations

    The city of Bakto was once the glorious capital city of Mahada. With its extra large structures, it was built with the Giants in mind. It sat in the lower range of the Sabai mountains, intertwined with the natural peaks and valleys of the land. However, after the war with Paralter, most of it now sits in ruins. The beautiful stone castle, where the royal family once lived, is decimated and painted in blood. While the once envious library sits in ashes.

    Mount Arigo:
    In Mahada, Mount Arigo is considered sacred. It is the tallest mountain in all of Magaia. Many Giants and all types of people make the pilgrimage to the top. It is said that if you can reach the top, you will gain enlightenment. However, due to its rugged environment, very few can accomplish this feat.

    The Great Sage Ma established this as the first worship site for the Minwari religion. It is located at the convergence of Mahada's two main rivers. Hatu is a large stone temple. Inside is a library with religious texts, a large worship room, and sculptures of Minawri's various gods and goddesses.

    Narayan Tombs:
    The Narayan tombs are located at the base of Mount Arigo. They are very sacred to the people of Mahada. They hold the many generations of the royal Narayan family.

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