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Mama's boy incoming :salute::salute::salute:

Name: Xiǎoláng Li magic.jpg
'Syaoran, Shaoran' (the school files have it written all kinds of ways)

Guardian Name: (Huàn Xiǎng) - "Phantasm"

Magical Epithet: -----

Solid, tall, and canvassed in tattoos. These are primarily runic in nature and are heavily rooted in the history of his people. They're also a rite of passage for young warriors back home, but he does endeavor to make them less conspicuous in more stringent environments. The cloaks and long sleeves help. When transformed, his tattoos alter rapidly and move freely across his skin if not given an instruction.

Auric Colors: Blue Dominant, White, Greentattoos.jpg

Academic Affiliation: Oatharvest Academy

3 Sentence Vibe Check: The only child born to prodigal alumni Suyin Li, Syaoran has idolized his mother's battle prowess for all of his 17 years and fought at her side against invasive creatures for several years now- though after his recent awakening, his mother has been inconsolably afraid for him, wishing she'd told him about the Guardian Sphere before now. The combined outcome of the Xianhuan and his newfound illusory abilities is that of projections and false imagery, also promising the manipulation of sensory perceptions. He is most noted for his size, a severe case of RBF, his love for combat, and a compassionate nature that exists in contrast to his practically unapproachable appearance.

Your ideal posting speed: I can do about 2-3 detailed posts or 5-10 posts of just a few paragraphs a week!

Companion: Xianhuan - Mirage
There are a great many beasts, entities, and strange creatures in Esos, but perhaps none quite so strange as the parasitic organism Eosian warriors have etched to their flesh. Borne of a sentient fungus deep in the southern isles, it has been banned for oral use by apothecaries but is heavily regulated for topical use instead. It is generally seen in use by combatants that specialize in illusion and conjuration magics via strict training. Still, the fact remains that Syaoran, as are the terms, is in a mutualistically symbiotic relationship with his tattoos. Xianhuan are instructed by the bearer to move/alter rune collections according to the task or opponent at hand as a sort of command channeling mechanism.

In the world of Esos, those that practice martial arts professionally are held in the highest esteem, as each one must complete an incredibly grueling trial within the year they turn 15 for the continued rights to practice. It's a world full of magic and intrigue, but as it mainly manifests in the wildlife and maintains the planet's balance, the people there have adapted to both war and coexistence to protect it. Being from such a fearsome jungle planet, Syaoran is gifted and intuitive but still socially sheltered. He can't wait to make friends.

Meanwhile, his mother, faced with an unprecedented truth in that anyone's son could ever possibly become a guardian, has had precious little time to explain the intricacies and potential obstacles he might face as a young man entering a space once exclusive to women. Prior to this year, Suyin was convinced the best her son could hope for was to become a simple warlock, never to leave Esos.
  • Spicy
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Nemopedia and rissa
while i continue to melt and type away, here's a worldbuilding-focused boog!

who is the most feared combatant on your home-world? do they fight for good?

who on your home-world has escaped death more than twice?

what's the most famous dish on your home-world? beverage?

what's the best and worst profession on your home-world?
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Cwispy
Luddic Druids, largely considered a mixed blessing by the locals as when they come to deal with corruption, undead, or blighted fey. As they render the earth fertile when they commend these hostile creatures to it. However, if things are bad enough their continued activity causes complex machinery to break down. They do fight for good but have a differing opinion about the utility of technology since it weakens the remaining natural defense against the blighted fey when the veil is already irreparably damaged.
The caretakers are considered by many to have escaped the turn of the wheel of life but it's more of a continuation of service. Black cats are known for their nine lives but powerful witches are known to have access to them. Some witches have several retired cats at their demesne as they're at their last life and retired from their tether to the familiar's spirit to live out their lives in peace. The 'Badger of Cernunnos' as he's called, a bombastic Luddic Druid, is known for having suffered horrific wounds and returned with his honey badger at his side the next day.
The most famous dish, largely only offered at the anarchic norseman towns, would be spiced kraken. The most famous drink would be Kazakhstni cider, hard or soft, and the norsemen are rumored to have a variety of crabapple sour from fruit rumored to grow in places closer to the veil tear.
The best profession would be the norseman, since spread across the coasts in small cabals and taking on sailors where they find them. They take issue with sea monsters. The emergence of air-breathing land monsters far beneath the ocean results in implosion when at sea that brings hordes of fish plus the corporeal undead can't swim. There is a thriving industry of lineages of former pirates in ancient roman ruins that also hunt sea monsters and sometimes squabble with the norsemen. The luddic archdruids have given Writs of Abandon to the norsemen operating in their waters to mercilessly exterminate fae attempting to breach the torn veil by boat, wherever they are found. The worst job would be those remediating battlefields and towns assaulted by threats, as the bodies and undead may yet remain and there are often too many bodies yet to rise. The dead cannot be safely buried long term and often poisoned soil must be turned and healed by hand for it to grow food again.
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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: rissa
"Military history is boring! Every single one of the authorities either doesn't care about the darkness or is working for them. They'd put me in prison if they could get me."There's been many through history. As for today? Samajos, The Leviathan. He fights for his dreams. Do not tarnish it with a label.

She pauses, letting her statement sink in.He did his best a long time ago. Wound up selling his world, and became a boogeyman for what he did. Now he's trying to buy it back.

"The forces of darkness are afraid of me, thats why they keep sending pawns after me to tell me to stop, or slow down. They even tricked my dad into wasting his life hunting me down to bring me home. Doesn't he get I'm trying not to be found for his own safety? He's going to get himself hurt at this rate." You should your dad again.

She tactfully avoids eye contact.

"Other Patricians globally corrupted by it too. Subtly, but clearly so. They're willing to do whats easy rather than whats right. Vampires are obviously born from it. I cut ties to a lot of people I used to think were my friends because of it."

Her eyes become a glare as she speaks with an insistent tone, the same way you would rashly tell a child that the sky is blue because it is.

"Assassins, Spys, and Mercs are the worst, they kill innocent people for money!"How dare you try and make me answer this question?

She points at herself with her free open left hand, smiling proudly.

"As a Patrician, I am everything good about law enforcement, soldiers, firemen and everyone else people call heroes except me are ignorant of or a pawn of Darkness. I fight it even though I stand alone."She is unfortunately very predictable.

"I escaped death more than twice! The brooch was my 7th! That's an important number!"I know their names, but I never bothered to count.

She brings in her lips slightly.I miss them.

"There's plenty of people who escaped death a few times. Soldiers, police, they talk about those stories all the time. We venerate them, put them on pedestals that most can't possibly stand on in earnest. They solve things on a surface level when they're not making things worse."

What's the most famous dish on your home-world? Beverage?

She blinks at the question, rug utterly pulled from under her. Uhh.... Italian Pizza?

"I... I mean China has a lot of people so maybe its Chinese food? But thats not a dish. Burgers maybe? Or is it Pizza? I never met anyone that hated pizza except Lucy, but she was lactose intolerant."Do you want to talk about her?

She blinks at the mention of Lucy, breathing out and shaking her head.You still don't answer me.
  • Love
Reactions: rissa
Stril is at peace and has been so for a long, long while. Though it is said that the king of Stril, the father of Ophelia is a powerful fighter and sorcerer. There just is no battlefield to show it off on other than tournaments, in which all insurance is paid to make sure no one actually gets harmed. The ageing king often jests that it is his daughter, Ophelia, who will be truly fearsome as prophecy has it that Stril's peace will end with her.

In the world Sablier itself the Wangigya tribe in Naragi is said to be the most fearsome tribe to come across. Fearless and as strategic as they are strong they make up the perfect aggressors. Despite all these capabilities the Wangigya still live in fear of the king dragon, however, the one and true ruler of Veer, as they call the world. It is the only reason why these born conquerors haven't ventured out of the misty landscape of Naragi.

A running joke goes that Lyssander of Sud was born three times. The first time as the orphan Lyssande, the boy with no family and leader of Stril's wandering orphans by default and age.

The second time was through Ophelia, when she ran away from home and joined the orphans of Stril. Though Lyssander didn't die then the ordeal had come close to it when the guards were chasing the princess and Lyssander fell into the bay of Stril. It was through luck that he survived that, despite an inability to swim and a general clumsiness. After that he was regarded as Lyssander the bonded, for it was through this incident that the special bond between Lyssander and Ophelia was revealed.

The third time Lyssander was reborn was after the first of many assassin attacks targeting him. Believed is that the reason behind the attack are the prophecies, though it could have been misdirected. It was the first time his magical talent came to light, only confirming him as the herald of bad omen.

Stril is famous for its fertile lands and the harbour, allowing its own fresh produce and catch from all around. Rumoured is even that the water in Stril is laced with honey, giving it a sweet aftertaste for all. It is thus no wonder that its cuisine is focused on emphasising the freshness of their products. Ophelia's favourite dish from Stril would be fish cake, fresh catch folded in a lovely pastry baked in an oven. It is known to be light and filling, but above all refreshing and easy to eat while going on adventure. Lyssander's favourite dish would be the filled everything soup, a light broth in which whatever is in season is thrown together. A simple poor man's meal in Stril, but one that Lyssander holds fond memories of and he finds easy to make.

Stril's most famous beverage isn't the honeyed water, however. It is 'treebark', the drink that's said to have brought the first king of Stril to the lands and made him decide to stay. Treebark is, as suggested by its name, made with tree barks that are boiled and kept in the water to ferment and eventually become the infamous drink. Subtle and fizzy this drink comes in various variations of mixed trees and exotic trees, though the original drink is said to be made of the pine tree.

If you ask the misty lands of Naragi, however, their cuisine is far superior to the kingdom citadels like Stril. Famous for its heated waters and misty lands they are far more reliant on fresh game and seafood, allowing for filling stews and fermented drinks that are hung in closed off sacks in the waters at varying levels of heat, allowing unique flavour profiles to develop.

However, all agree that it is the mystical Veer that has the best food, as the story goes that whatever comes from Veer is so addictingly good that all other food will taste like sand afterwards.

The story often goes that there are no bad professions in Stril, but Lyssander will quickly dispute that. While Ophelia might say the worst job is that of the king, having to lead so many and carry the responsibility of everyone on his shoulder, Lyssander will quietly whisper that the worst jobs are those of the orphans and the unnamed. Those in vulnerable positions that cannot haggle over their pay and that no one will stand up for. The forgotten professions that no one thinks of to keep the daily infrastructure ongoing, like cleaning the sewers, or the soot within the furnaces. While Stril is a wealthy city, poverty is low, and slavery outlawed there are the shadows that loom that those who don't have to worry about their place in the world won't think about.
  • Sweet
Reactions: littlekreen
After some time of being away and finally catching up on new CS's, here is my only contribution:

boots with fir

The whole club was lookin' at Matti.
I plan to get to the boog between today and tomorrow.
  • Haha
Reactions: rissa
"From what I know, there hasn't been a war in my lifetime. I haven't travelled far yet, though."

Yunek hummed thoughtfully, his head falling back to gaze at the sky as he thought of his answer. "The Leader's bloodline is supposedly blessed by the Writer. They say it was his ancestor who singlehandedly pushed back the monsters and kept the people safe as the communities in the area were established." The steady rise and fall of Yunek's voice indicated that it was something he'd heard many times, but the doubtful twist of his lips and his furrowed brow were easy to read. He tilted his head down again, his hair falling over his face.

"That was ages ago, though. There's been no need to fight with the other villages, and there's no use fighting against the Forest and its creatures. Personally, I've never seen the Leader so much as break into a light jog, but even the surrounding villages respect the strength of his bloodline. The strongest humans I've seen personally are those who live by the water. They could probably throw me the length of the Forest. They're all very kind, luckily, and put all their strength into catching fish."

"Old Man Rybak supposedly has had some brushes with death during his years as a sailor. He does seem like someone who could look death in the eye and win; he's missing an arm from the elbow down, but he'll still chase away the brats who cause trouble at the markets. His fish head soup can definitely scare away death itself."

Yunek snorted a laugh at his own joke, though he quickly sobered up. "I guess I have, too. No one expected me to live so long -- my village doesn't care much to help those whose families have disappeared. I suppose my parents were more of the reclusive sort as well, because not even the neighbours ever came near my house except to take their belongings away to burn. My parents both disappeared when I was young, and in the middle of winter no less. I should have froze or starved to death. I would have, if not for Tazi showing up when it did. Kept me warm on winter nights and kept me company when I was looking for food."

Tazi seemed to notice Yunek's worsening mood, melting out from his shadows to rest its head on his lap. He absentmindedly stroked its head as he continued.

"Now I'm a messenger between the villages. It's not as bad for myself as it is for others, really. I have a means to defend myself from what hides in the shadows. But my world does not take kindly of the invasion of humans, so it will try to defend itself if you spend too long outside of your established spaces. I've heard others say that it hasn't been as bad recently, though -- I think I'm just a bigger target. Oh, and also--!" His voice rose in volume, annoyance colouring his tone. "I'm lucky time seems to pass faster in The World Between, because my village keeps thinking I've died! The first time I came back on break they were already moving my personal items to the pyre. I don't even remember what I said to them to convince them to wait a bit longer before tossing all of my things in the fire. I think I told them the Forest kept growing over my paths so it took me longer to leave, which would have backfired if I was someone they cared about." Yunek huffed, throwing himself dramatically on top of Tazi. The shadow creature just grinned, swiping its tongue over his cheek. This seemed to have its intended affect, as Yunek was much calmer when he spoke next. "I suppose that doesn't really count, though. I'm not really in any danger besides the risk of being homeless. It's more of a social death than anything."

"It depends where you are. The people by the water make quite a few fish dishes. Personally, I'm not able to stomach many of them; their pickled kalapataa is particularly strong. They do have some lighter dishes that I enjoy, though, like their fish dumplings." Tazi perked up at the mention of food, though it wasn't as though it ate any of it–it did rather enjoy the smell, however.

"In my home, the most abundant resource is the trees, which are so abundant that we barely have room to grow anything else. Luckily, there are many parts of a tree that are edible and nutritious." Yunek lifted a hand, folding down one finger at a time as he listed things off. "The inner bark of many of the trees nearest to the village are edible. Mostly, what people do is sundry it and then grind it down to use as flour. We use it for trades a lot, both raw flour and baked bread, so I guess that's a popular dish? I'm not a great cook, though, so I've never tried to make anything with it. You can eat bark raw too–I did that when I was younger. But you'll have to spit out the fibers after you chewed them, they're too hard to digest. You can also fry them, or boil them to make a tea.

"We eat tree root too, just you have to harvest it when the tree is still young; a bit difficult otherwise. They're usually used for medicinal purposes though; every tree has different properties, but I never had to chance to learn most of them. I do keep a lot of magaro root at home; it's supposedly pretty good for muscle pain and fatigue. The village by the water tends to ask for a lot of it. The easiest way to prepare it is as a soup or tea, so I guess that would be a popular beverage?

"Some of the trees have edible sap as well. It's mostly just to add flavouring to food though – some of it is sweet, some it bitter, really just depends on what you want.

"Leaves and fruit, obviously, you can eat too. For the most part. You need to be careful if you're picking them, to make sure you get the right ones. There are a lot of poisonous plants in the Forest that look like edible ones, so it'd recommended to let someone who is trained to identify plants harvest them. If you're desperate, though, sometimes you just have to try your luck–don't look at me like that." The last bit was directed at Tazi, who growled, a low rumble, in response, before resting its head back on its paws. Yunek just sighed.

"As I said before, there's not a lot of space for large crops. Some people have gardens, though. I grow some small vegetables as well."

Please note that, while the components of the trees surrounding their village are used by many as a source of food, most people have much more varied diets than Yunek does as the village had long established trades with the surrounding communities! Yunek just does not have much money and thus cannot afford most things that come from other villages. The exception is villages that he is in regular contact with, such as the village by the water, since they will often give him things like extra food.

He is not a very good cook anyway, so he shouldn't be trusted to cook things like raw meat.

"The best profession is probably a matter of opinion. Personally, I think that the healer's job is quite nice. You get to help people, and it isn't too dangerous either. The healer is quite well-respected as well. Even the Leader will take the time to listen to her opinion, as he should; she knows far more than most of the villagers. Still, she treats everyone with the same amount of respect that they give to her. I think that it's by far the best job you could have anywhere." Yunek spoke with a smile; it was clear that he had a high opinion, not only of the profession, but of the woman who currently held the role. Then he shook his head quickly as though to clear his mind, and his next words were far more bitter.

"The worst professions are those that take you away from the established human territories. I don't think the world likes us much. It can barely tolerate us staying in the areas we call our own. It hates when we try to venture further. So people like foragers or messengers are in the most danger out of everyone in the village because we dare to try and take more than we already have." Yunek sighed. "They're important jobs, though. Someone must do them. The Leader typically assigns the undesirable to take these roles–people like me, who otherwise are taking up much needed space that could go elsewhere. Some people volunteer though, for whatever reason. I would have volunteered regardless."
Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Name someone your character has wronged.

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Describe a moment where you felt like a villain. Do you regret it?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Describe a moment where you felt like a hero. What did you think about it?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Describe a childhood rival.

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Describe your characters most recent nightmare.

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Describe an irrational fear your character might have. Do they show it?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

discord no longer offers permanent invite links (unless i convert the server to a community) so if you're interested in joining, shoot me a message or post here!

how is everyone doing posts wise? theres a few unfinished interactions going on in the IC as of rn-- does anyone need any additional interactions from moi? i worked a half day today and there's no dnd tonight, so i'm hoping to get caught up on writing since i actually feel decent for once!! WOOOOO. i hope yall are doin well--- if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask <3 ✨
Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?
1) Interring those dying people with souls that are too damaged or infected to be turned by the wheel of life when they finally perish. Sometimes she has to kill them herself to keep them from turning into monsters. They then need to be burned in a ritual pyre and she has to eat the ashes. Their potash and tattered soul slowly returns to the cycle via the green and is why the gardens flourish around her.

2) She has to slaughter invasive feral pigs a lot. They cause damage to the farmland and to the innocent after the escape from farmers and breed incessantly. They're loud, violent, and smell terrible. Since they're so fecund and eat anything a flock of dark-tainted pigs left to fester can wreak havoc. She takes clothes from nearby at night as payment for the duty even though they eventually turn to burlap. The only good thing about it is the crows eventually tell the wolves that she's leaving a trail of dead pork behind her and the wolves let her pet them sometimes at the end.

3)Gravedigging. She knows bodies are buried near her farmland. They are often not remotely at rest and the Green is similarly disquiet about them lying there. She has to find a shovel and spend hours digging down until she can pacify, salt, burn, then consume the ashes so the Green will stop pulling her leash toward it. The smell of a freshly opened grave let alone one currently on sacramental fire is very uniquely revolting. It's why there's frequently crow skeletons/corpses beneath their scarecrow stands as they go there to pass safely unless she can help them.

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?
The green tends to put her where the scarecrow stands are, and the farmers keep putting them in the middle of a field. She'd really like them to put them at the edges where she could do her job and still see people. Or scenery. Or animals. Really, anything other than cornrows.

What does everyone seem to do better than you?
Cooking, she really would like to know how to cook but it's hard to do that in the middle of a field. She's really, really, tired of eating raw vegetables. Sometimes there's enough wood nearby to make a small campfire that doesn't threaten the field but it's not often.

Describe a moment where you felt like a villain. Do you regret it?
A world at open war with the dark creates places to save the little saplings that are left in the wake of destruction. Orphanages are creches for those with no home to go to but sometimes the ones that go there have cuts too deep to heal. The dark can fester if left untreated and there was a time where she had to cleanse one, by force. A salt dagger wet with black drops of the same slashed and cut as wailing infants and children terminally posessed by a revenant of their own had to be forced back. She didn't know how to purge them yet and there was no other way to the revenant but through the ranks of the stolen. She felt like a monster being begged to stop as they helplessly screamed about the pain without control of their bodies. She deeply regets not taking the time to see what was there before rushing in. That she might have been able to save them instead of burn them under the full moon, one by one.

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?
She has two sisters, one that trained with her father in the guard. It was one of the reasons she joined the liminal guard in the first place and Melody's death gutted her older sister though Melody doesn't remember the traumatic event of her own passing that well. After she started moving as a guardian scarecrow there wasn't even anything left for her older sister to visit and both of them would end up ships passing in the night at best as the Green moved its footsoldier around. It's made her something of an unwilling outcast that has trouble connecting with people on anything but a superficial level. Her other sister is still very close, as ashes in her right leg.

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.
While it's probably inaccurate to say it's hers there is a small box that follows her around sometimes. The offering boxes are carved by the dutiful of the green faith and she finds them more often at the bottom of the scarecrow stands. They might have tools, food, or baubles related to whatever the green wants her to do. Or just gifts from the locals. At times the Green is a little more insistent and the small light-brown wicker box with an arched lid follows her around until she opens it to see what's inside. It has a loose triquetra symbology in the center surrounded by oak leaves, acorns, and crescent moons. Runic symbols are scattered across the inside. The front panel features a carved pentacle with ivy and mistletoe vines. The side panels have intricate knotwork with the phases of the moon. The interior is lined with green cloth with an engraved prayer from whoever its creator originally was. She has found many things that led to creatures or misdeeds. The green is rarely picky about what's disturbing its balance and its goals more inscrutable. Once she found a whistle whittled into a piece of wood and recognized it as a limb that only grew near a particular lake. As she went to investigate she came upon a bearded man sitting on the lake edge quietly whittling another, then threw it into the lake. He'd lost his entire family to creatures of the dark, the last of his line now, whittling one for each of those he'd lost and threw them far from shore so that the waters could remember the dead for him when he was gone. She sat next to him and though he recoiled for a moment at a roaming guardian wearing her own face that changed when she returned the one she'd brought to him. With a single wide eye that pounded to a furrowed brow he nodded, picked up his sword, then left with an oppressive vigor. She spent some time finishing the strange little kitty he'd been whittling, then threw it into the lake. Quietly filled with hope that one might yet stay on land.
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: rissa
I feel so bad. And I blame a few things. First, it's been so incredibly hot. We've had 20 plus days of over 100 degree weather.

But also BG3 came out and it's been hard for me to function properly. I'm going to try to wrap up my collab with @Hyphae and then hit the refresh button on being more active in this roleplay!
  • Love
Reactions: rissa
no worries or apologies necessary!! i've been slow-going myself, finally feeling better after the hospital visit only to push myself too hard when i returned to work. 😅 needless to say the openers for class 1c and 2b are LONG overdue! at one point i wanted to post them together, simultaneously, but as i lost my starter for 2b and am about 70% done with 1c, im hoping to get it posted tomorrow or sunday night! along with the intro post, i have a few graphics im working on— and wanted to know if yall wanted me to create ID cards for your characters! completely optional, but i figured it could be a nice lil touch!

@Cwispy is bringing in an upperclassman npc and i figured i'd "officially" open the floor to any and all who'd like to do the same!

edit: to add — despite the openers coming, any and all interactions in the wolpy uni hub is welcomed and expected — the more u post there, the more GOODIES yee shall receive
fei yin.png
Wong Fei Yin (黃飛燕)
Guardian Name

The Tenth Dragon.

Magical Epithet
Wouldn't you like to know?

Tall, long-limbed, and pale. Her brother jokes sometimes that she looks like a ghost wandering the dark halls of their city. His teasing aside though, Fei Yin knows she's pretty, and she takes care to ensure she remains as such. Her skin is perfectly clear, not a blemish in sight. She is leanly muscular, both from being a dancer and from the copious amount of walking she must do to navigate her city.

Perhaps due to a subconscious concern of scarring her face, her transformed appearance features an intricate mask which covers her entire face. The mask is shaped like a dragon's head, with azure scales, red whiskers, and long golden horns. Her hair, normally short and dark, is longer in her transformed form, turning into a long braid the same shade as her mask. She has a striking tattoo of the Azure Dragon covering almost her entire body, with its head situated on her upper back. Sometimes she seems to see far more than a human should. The motif continues for her clothing, with a scaled halter top and skirt. Her legs are scaled as well, ending with shoes fashioned after the four-clawed feet of the dragon.

Her appearance is notably more modern than the women in her neighbour's family, who all look rather like ancient shamans.

Auric Colours
Main: Yellow
Auxiliary: Orange, indigo

Academic Affiliation

3 Sentence Vibe Check
The dark alleys of the Kowloon Walled City hide more than crimelords and questionable workplace safety practices, as 19 year old Feiyin had the unfortunate luck to discover. The dancer and model surely would have found her life tragically cut short after being attacked by a goeng si, but she was luckily saved by her neighbour shortly before it was discovered that she, too, was gifted with the Guardian Share. Without much choice of her own, she's found herself dragged into a millenniums-old fight between humans and creatures whom she had only ever heard of in stories.

Your ideal posting speed: once every 1-2 weeks!

None at the moment. Her neighbour, Cherry, has several such companions (or at least her family, with a long history of magic users, does), and had even offered to ask one to watch over Fei Yin as she learned how to use her powers, but she has high hopes of meeting one on her own. She'd really like a pei yau after meeting Cherry's, as she was quite adorable after she stopped seeing Fei Yin as a threat.

  • The existence of magic was not known by the general populace until recently. Unfortunately, as technology continued to advance, it was bound to happen eventually. Though it was just beginning to get out that creatures of myth existed, Fei Yin was the first magic user to be noticed by the general populace, after cameras caught her fighting a malicious fox spirit in Kowloon. This incident rocketed her into the spotlight, when originally the magic users worked in the shadows.​
    • Her guardian name resulted from her sudden burst into stardom. The Tenth Dragon is a bit of a dumb reference to where she was caught on camera; Kowloon can be directly translated into english as nine dragons. She's not a fan of the name, personally.​
  • She is from a parallel Earth where Kowloon Walled City still exists! There's like an excessively long list of factors causing this and some after effects but it's not necessary for anyone's understanding so we'll leave it there lmao​
Made another girlie 👉👈 I've had her in mind since like the day after I made Yunek ngl​
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Wong Fei Yin (黃飛燕)
Guardian Name

The Tenth Dragon.

Magical Epithet
Wouldn't you like to know?

Tall, long-limbed, and pale. Her brother jokes sometimes that she looks like a ghost wandering the dark halls of their city. His teasing aside though, Fei Yin knows she's pretty, and she takes care to ensure she remains as such. Her skin is perfectly clear, not a blemish in sight. She is leanly muscular, both from being a dancer and from the copious amount of walking she must do to navigate her city.

Perhaps due to a subconscious concern of scaring her face, her transformed appearance features an intricate mask which covers her entire face. The mask is shaped like a dragon's head, with azure scales, red whiskers, and long golden horns. Her hair, normally short and dark, is longer in her transformed form, turning into a long braid the same shade as her mask. She has a striking tattoo of the Azure Dragon covering almost her entire body, with its head situated on her upper back. Sometimes she seems to see far more than a human should. The motif continues for her clothing, with a scaled halter top and skirt. Her legs are scaled as well, ending with shoes fashioned after the four-clawed feet of the dragon.

Her appearance is notably more modern than the women in her neighbour's family, who all look rather like ancient shamans.

Auric Colours
Main: Yellow
Auxiliary: Orange, indigo

Academic Affiliation

3 Sentence Vibe Check
The dark alleys of the Kowloon Walled City hide more than crimelords and questionable workplace safety practices, as 19 year old Feiyin had the unfortunate luck to discover. The dancer and model surely would have found her life tragically cut short after being attacked by a goeng si, but she was luckily saved by her neighbour shortly before it was discovered that she, too, was gifted with the Guardian Share. Without much choice of her own, she's found herself dragged into a millenniums-old fight between humans and creatures whom she had only ever heard of in stories.

Your ideal posting speed: once every 1-2 weeks!

None at the moment. Her neighbour, Cherry, has several such companions (or at least her family, with a long history of magic users, does), and had even offered to ask one to watch over Fei Yin as she learned how to use her powers, but she has high hopes of meeting one on her own. She'd really like a pei yau after meeting Cherry's, as she was quite adorable after she stopped seeing Fei Yin as a threat.

  • The existence of magic was not known by the general populace until recently. Unfortunately, as technology continued to advance, it was bound to happen eventually. Though it was just beginning to get out that creatures of myth existed, Fei Yin was the first magic user to be noticed by the general populace, after cameras caught her fighting a malicious fox spirit in Kowloon. This incident rocketed her into the spotlight, when originally the magic users worked in the shadows.​
    • Her guardian name resulted from her sudden burst into stardom. The Tenth Dragon is a bit of a dumb reference to where she was caught on camera; Kowloon can be directly translated into english as nine dragons. She's not a fan of the name, personally.​
    • She is from a parallel Earth where Kowloon Walled City still exists! There's like an excessively long list of factors causing this and some after effects but it's not necessary for anyone's understanding so we'll leave it there lmao​

    Made another girlie 👉👈 I've had her in mind since like the day after I made Yunek ngl

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

If you could know one thing about your future, what would it be?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.
"When I was really small, my dad had to take my brother and I to work with him when our neighbours were busy. Apparently my mom watched us sometimes too, but we got bored sitting in her clinic and would always mess with her things." Fei Yin shrugged. "I'm not really interested in medical things, so I'd probably do the same now.

"My dad owns a Chiuchow food stall, and he'd let us help out with little things like cracking eggs and washing vegetables. We'd get pretty tired out by the end," she said, punctuating her sentence with a laugh. "At the end of the night, I'd be half asleep. I can still remember the quiet after he'd shut off the stoves and the fans. My dad has been an old man since birth, so he uses an abacus when he's tallying up receipts. I'd fall asleep to the sounds of the clacking beads and his voice.

"I usually woke up by the time he was ready to leave, but I liked to pretend to be asleep so he'd carry me part of the way home. How could you not feel safe like that? It didn't last that long, because my brother pulled me aside one day and told me to stop before my dad got hurt, which is a valid concern—the ground can be pretty wet in some places."

"I really didn't think I'd have to do so much PR. You know, I have an entire fanclub? I'd love it if it were for my regular life, but it just adds another layer of responsibility when I'm in a fight. I have to make sure no one gets hurt, because some people get much too close. And everything I do reflects back on all other magic users in Hong Kong." Fei Yin sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It would help if some of them share the limelight, but for the most part they've managed to hide from everyone really well.

"Besides that? I always hate taking out the trash. A lot of people will just throw their garbage out the window or leave it on the roof, but my parents never let us do that – it makes it harder for the rubbish collectors. I don't want to make things harder for them, of course. Nothing makes me empathize with them more than when I'm walking down 20 stories to the waste collection point.

"It's so hard to hide things here! I really don't know how Cherry's family managed to keep their magic a secret for so long. Even before someone filmed me, apparently my entire existence was pretty common knowledge in my city. Apparently there were even some people calling me our city god — I'm glad that one didn't catch on, at least—imagine if I had to go around introducing myself as a god, ha!"

"I've met a few other magic users besides Cherry's family, and I think they usually just get magic quicker than I do, if that makes sense? Most of them are from families with a long history of magic, though. My gut reaction is still to punch and kick things, which doesn't always work very well." Fei Yin laughed. "One time I tried to punch a ghost, and I ended up hitting the wall instead. I had a dance competition the day after! I was so scared that I broke my hand."

"Honestly, I like not knowing about the future! Life would be a lot less interesting if I knew what was gonna happen. If I had to pick one though?" Fei Yin hummed thoughtfully, tilting her head to one side. "It would be nice to know if there's anything that'll happen to my family in the future. My parents both have high blood pressure, and I wouldn't be surprised if my brother just tripped down the stairs one day, he has horrible balance. So it would be great to know ahead of time if something is going to happen so I can be there."

"I have an older brother, but that's all. My parents realised they could never do better than me so they left it at that." Fei Yin flicked her hair back, a smug smile on her face for a moment before she laughed. "No, but I think having my brother around is a good thing. We fought a lot as kids, but it was mostly because we were always in each other's space. We still are, now, but we've learned to deal with it.

"I think it's good to have siblings. Sometimes you need to be knocked down a few pegs, and no one will be better at that than someone you shared a room with for most of your life. When I found out about all this," she waved her arm vaguely around her, "he was the first one to know after Cherry. I needed someone to tell me that I wasn't just going insane, and I trust him to be honest with me. I think I'd be a lot less confident in my choices if I didn't know he would call me out the second I do something stupid–and he knows I'd do the same for him."

"Neither my mother or I are really jewelry people, to be honest, so neither of us have much. I have a few rings and necklaces that I bought from one of the jewelry stalls on street level. Auntie Yip – the owner – never chased me out when I was just a brat poking around her shop, so she has a loyal customer in me now. The first necklace I got from her was actually a gift, though. I was going to buy it with the money I got from my first modeling job, but she wouldn't take my money and just pushed me out of the shop with the necklace. I brought her dinner for a few nights to make up for it, though.

"I also have a jade bracelet that my mother gave me — though I suppose that's never been in my jewelry box, because I wear it all the time." Fei Yin presented her arm as proof, the green bangle on her wrist. "I'm not sure I would be able to take it off even if I wanted to, honestly; it was hard enough getting it on."

What is the name of your home world?
"Earth. To be specific, I live in Kowloon Walled City, which is Chinese territory inside the British colony of Hong Kong."

What's the current state of your home world?
"Normal, I guess? There's a lot of countries, and I'm not really someone who watches the news a lot. Since people found out that legends were real, the government has been pushing harder to get authority in Kowloon Walled City; I guess they noticed that most of the creatures tend to congregate in the area. A lot of people are against it for different reasons, though. Mostly people are scared that if they get their hands in our city that they'll try to drive us all out." Fei Yin shrugged. "Personally, I don't want them around 'cause the police keep trying to talk to me when they see me in costume around Hong Kong. I don't know if they know already, but I'd rather they didn't know where I live. I'm sure that some of the triad groups that live in the city know about me already, but they just haven't said anything yet. That'll change fast if the police start following me in, though."

Choose one dominate and auxillary auric color (sans white, black, and brown) to designate to your home world.
Gonna go with a red dominant and indigo auxiliary for this particular earth.

What stereotypical group-role does your character fit into? Where would they like to be instead, if they don't like where they fit currently?
Absolutely the connector friend who is always looking to get to know people and expand her social circle! She's always been quite good at making friends and networking, a skill which has served her well throughout the years.

What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
The Wheel of Fortune

Do you know when to give up?
"I think I know when to stop most of the time, but if I really want to succeed, I tend to go against popular opinion. I said this to my brother once: if you keep banging your head against the same wall, eventually you'll break through it. That, or you'll break your head, and then you're not really thinking about your first problem, ha! "
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