ALWAYS OPEN OPEN SIGNUPS Magic Unbound: The Academy Between Worlds SU

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Just a guy interjecting with my random thoughts where they probably aren't wanted or needed.
1.He used to loved ones dying as part he also knows he'll die one day so he doesn't bother to think about it.
Have you considered rather than being indifferent to death, going with something more along the lines of, still bothered by it but rationalising it as "necessary" as a sort of coping mechanism for dealing with loss? Both characterisations are ultimately fine, but that one might speak more to a troubled past and provide more room for growth.

what if his aura is black and orange because he's endured so much pain over his life time open to ideas on this.
I'm not sure I understand the rationale here? Did you perhaps miss the section on Auric Colours in the opening post – it's hidden in a dropdown so I can see how you might have. Orange is the colour associated with positivity, whereas brown is the nagative one, so using it seems odd in this context. Unless of course, you're going with the trope of someone that maintains a positive outlook no matter the circumstances.

3. he could teach the kids that there's a darker side to earth and shamanic magic and the pros and cons of using it
Might I ask what exactly shamanic magic is to him and more importantly what that darker side entails? Is it a practice that involves communing with the spirits of nature? Performing rituals? Perhaps it requires sacrifice? In essence, how do you envision it looking and working? (Note that I know nothing about real-world Shamanism and am basing everything I said off tropes and stereotypes, hopefully, none of that was too offensive).

Also as a side note, there are a few grammatical and spelling errors on your sheet. Not that I can talk considering I practically failed high school engilsh and have only by some unholy force managed to fumble my way through all my Uni reports up until now, but might I suggest trying a service like Grammerly to give your posts the once over? Since people can actually read my posts – or at least I think they can – I can attest to its efficacy.

Feel free not to ignore all this, again this is just the unfiltered (spellchecked) stream of consciousness of a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about..
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i don't think this rp is for you, @Rads, hopefully you'll find an rp to squeeze Rain into in the future, but his concept just won't work here
Curses! I was beaten by seconds.
  • Sweet
Reactions: rissa
Cutting onions. Absolutely the worst. And another thing. The customer is. NOT. ALWAYS. RIGHT. No you can't get your burger on a lettuce wrap, I don't care that you're "gluten sensitive"!

Just one thing? Never again would someone place an order, RIGHT BEFORE I CLOSE! Ten minutes– fine – I haven't cleaned the flattop, I can do most of the menu. But there is a special place in hell for people that come in and want food at the last freaking minute.

The way I related to these responses. LMFAO instant trigger to my hustle days 😭

Also I love how there are multiple characters coming from earth but none of the earth's mentioned align, suggesting this alternate universe or wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey shenanigans ongoing. All of the spiderman pointing at each other. 😂 Can't wait to see this all melt together in the IC.
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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That's fair i thought i had a least a little something going that time but seems i can't get the ideas to fully flow. I wish you all the best in the rp and hopefully my creative juices will come back asap.
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Reactions: Hyphae and rissa
Also I love how there are multiple characters coming from earth but none of the earth's mentioned align, suggesting this alternate universe or wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey shenanigans ongoing.
I think you'll find there's exactly one Earth. It just has a dozen or so different layers of hidden magic, all somehow completely unaware of each other.

On that note though, the fact that humans exist on each of these worlds - or at the very least, creatures that call themselves human and resemble one another enough that any distinction is meaningless - would suggest some shenanigans going on.

Were humans seeded amongst different worlds? That explanation seems unlikely if we assume that the different versions of Earth share the same fossil records and whatnot which would be hard to fake, not to mention failing to explain other instances of shared history, like locations or individuals.

Is there instead some kind of magical force – let's call it fate - compelling worlds towards certain world states? That explanation would explain a lot more but open up even more questions, like how this force decides what's important and whether can it be manipulated. A simple version of this would be to say infinite realities, infinite Earths included, and the World Between, or something on it, is the thing connecting to other worlds by some selection criteria that for some reason favours superficially similar but not quite the same planets called Earth.

Maybe the different realities are in fact created by vastly powerful cosmic beings, that like to plagiarise each other's work, with humans being a particular favourite. There is Earth Original and the rest are just fanfiction.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: rissa
would suggest some shenanigans going on.
  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: Hyphae
ajdsk I made the mistake of trying to make an edit on my phone and messed up the coding on my post ;;; I'm kinda dumb so I forgot to preview my post lmao

I only have my phone currently and I can't click the edit post button on it so uh it's gonna be like that until Wednesday evening sry 🫡🫡 It's legible kind of lol

nvm I stole my brother's computer 👉👈
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Reactions: rissa
ajdsk I made the mistake of trying to make an edit on my phone and messed up the coding on my post ;;; I'm kinda dumb so I forgot to preview my post lmao

I only have my phone currently and I can't click the edit post button on it so uh it's gonna be like that until Wednesday evening sry 🫡🫡 It's legible kind of lol

nvm I stole my brother's computer 👉👈
:cheerful: glad u got it fixed!!! if ya hadn't i coulda snooped in and edited it for ya! ✨

im loving all these introduction posts btw, got me in the bg like

small update to the class threads: while i will be writing bits here and there throughout the week, it is my turn to dm friday, so im pairing rp + dnd prep this week, so ima say more than likely they'll be posted saturday or sunday night! a potential for earlier buuuuuuut i shan't make promises i cannae keep! (plus, i'd really like to get everyones intro posts in so i can squeeze in some personal deets :devil: )
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Reactions: Nougat
Fate seems to have been conspiring to keep me busy since the moment the IC dropped :bawling:. Finally found the time to do it so my post should be up in a few minutes (I say this to force myself to just post the damn thing rather than continuously make tiny edits to it). Kinda realised at the end that I wrote Alice doing a whole lot of nothing, which is less than ideal, but I guess I can always make a follow-up post later.
  • Wicked
Reactions: rissa
hey yall, the recent update borked the pinned post in the wolpy IC thread, so for those of you who've yet to post, i've went ahead and stripped it down in the spoiler below. i don't have the brainpowa to fix it just yet, but i'll let yall knw when i do! ✨

Your Invitation

Welcome to another year at Wolpurgiswora University, where young women (and recently, men) come to learn, harness, and develop their Guardian Share— the powerful magic that lies deep within each and every Guardian; the power behind their Epithet; their sliver of Grace.

While all Magical Guardians begin as mid-tier witches power wise (or worse), Wolpurgi alumni graduate with exclusive and tailor-made skill sets, weapons, armor, and magical paraphernalia that was conceptualized and customized for (and sometimes by) each guardian. By the end of their training, both their gear and knowledge (be it history, spell theory, or hex-tech construction) is a perfect representation of their niche expertise and general preferences and proclivities; effectively transforming students into creative, educated, and well trained killing machines in order to face the forces of pure incorrigible evil.

If you would like to register for entry, visit the deputy headmistresses office with your soul brooch in hand for magical identification and an advisory meeting on academic placement.

Admissions: Always Open

Summer nears its end as the school year begins anew, ushering in several new faces, several new phases, and for the students in Years 1 through 3, several curriculum alterations that may prove Wolpurgiswora University to be more dangerous than it's been in many betwixt years.

Beyond the uncanny existence many now face and the drama that's been stirred into action, the Magical Guardians of the World Between can feel it; the Breath of the Halted Nigh drawing near. The time has come to set aside differences, philosophies, and creeds... but not everyone is so keen on relenting, despite the fact that everyone whose been there longer than five years has felt the sporadic, anxious, paranoid feeling crawling up their spine.

A normally peaceful space, the World Between has begun to change— altered by the emotions, the intents, and the overall wellbeing of those within. On the day Minister Marsden Scarheart made the plea that they should rip the Guardian Share out of the young men who'd been given Grace the ground shook for hours, steadily, shifting the World Between. The very next day, when Minister Cunningham proclaimed she'd crush any who attempted, the rose-pink sky erupted, a violent storm born and releasing mint-green lightning for hours on end.

At the beginning of the new school year, with the World Between's summer season coming to an end, the warm air just a tad sticky when not under shade, the ground lies still and the sky unbroken, both waiting patiently to see what would come.

As both were but echoes and manifestations of the silent, private voices from those living within.


When posting IC please use the following:

A header that includes character name, location, and a tag (ie. @rissa) for direct interactions with fellow characters/players. If you would not like to be tagged, let it be known!

All the basic roleplaying "rules" apply here (and all Magic Unbound IC threads), with the caveat that due to the very nature of the roleplay, all characters will inevitably get the "main character treatment" once or twice throughout the narrative. Don't hate the playa, hate the game, baby.

On the flipside: many characters (even NPCs) come into Wolpurgiswora as the 'chosen one' of their home world— this is 100% absolutely acceptable IC behavior, one that's often expected by the administration. One that often doesn't fully "break" until 3rd year. So— if that's the route you'd like to take, please feel free to do so! OOCly, however, you're all equal minions for me to emotionally torque. Needless to say, just roleplay with respect and you'll be gucci!

I'll be the one supplying these spotlight moments, but I'm continually inspired by posts and the development of characters and their relationships therein. If you'd like to play a certain trope, scene, or concept out, feel free to bring it up in the OOC or message me privately!

Collaboration. Co-creation. The creation of player lore. I absolutely adore all of these things. One of my favorite things about being a GM/DM is being presented with characters, their choices and beliefs, and then designing challenges to overcome, emotions to unpackage, and foils, be it environmental or social.

So go ham. You've an entire world at your fingertips and I eagerly await to discover them.

The worst that'll happen is that I ask you to edit something back within lore constraints.

This, however, also applies to interactions (perhaps not so much this thread as the IC Class threads, unless otherwise stated) between characters and posts in general; attempt to move { something } along in each reply. Be it the narrative as a whole, a conversation between you and another player, etc. Not every post needs to be several paragraphs long, though please don't feel the need to trim posts if they end up chonky (ima eat em up either way).

If another player can't respond within a week or two, don't fret, we're just gunna move on until they can hop back in or we get a replacement student. I tried to base the Class rosters off a couple factors: characters that felt best for the concepts I wanted to play with, their preferred posting speed, boog refinement responses, and some [redacted] stuff I shan't talk about just yet. :devil:

That's about it for now, but I'll tag everyone in the OOC if any major additions or alterations are made.


Rewards? Why yes!

There's a couple reasons why though— so let's go over those first.

The Wolpurgiswora University thread is a "hub" for and betwixt the separate class threads.

The words, scenes, and chapters within will be considered "canon" but it will not follow the typical reply-response-reply of a plot driven thread. Nor will everything posted in this thread be mandatory for you to respond to. Two parts CYOA and one part random encounter, this thread is meant to be a catch-all for fun, spooky, or tense interactions that happen outside of the structure and plot of the separate classes, but still pertain to the overall story we're trying to tell.

Think of it like this: Wolpurgiswora University is quite large. At any given time there's at least 500-800 students, not including the faculty and alumni that sometimes loiter about. There are a TON of interactions that happen throughout ones day or week that don't get spotlighted or even remembered once the experience is through, and that's essentially what's going on here.

Sometimes it will be simple day-to-day interactions. Sometimes it may be an obstacle to overcome. 9 times out of 10 these "prompts" will be solo-driven, meaning you'll only need to respond however many times it takes you to fulfil the achievement. (Kinda like an IC boogaloo!) Other times, it'll be a group detention scene or a 3v3 in the hallway after lunch.

Due to it's quasi-optional nature, I'll be handing out small, 'random' rewards over time. First posts. 10th. So on. Take a peek at the types of rewards below:

Amount: 1d4
Amount: 1d6
Amount: 1d8
Old Coin Purse
Amount: 1d10+5
Old Coin Purse
Amount: 2d10+5
Old Coin Purse
Amount: 3d10+5
RPC or "Roleplay Credits"
Amount: 1d4+1 OR 2d4+1
RPC or "Roleplay Credits"
Amount: 1d6+2 OR 2d6+2
RPC or "Roleplay Credits"
Amount: 1d8+3 OR 2d8+3
Magical Trinkets
Varying in amount, quality, and home world design. Like a
  • Painted wooden key whose teeth change configuration every day at dawn
Magical Trinkets
Varying in amount, quality, and home world design. Like a
  • Opalescent conch shell that giggles when you hold it to your ear
Magical Trinkets
Varying in amount, quality, and home world design. Like a
  • Thimble that helps you daydream when worn

*RPC can be turned into Crystal Tears with the current exchange rate being: 10 RPC to 1 CT
  • Useful
Reactions: Hyphae
@Hyphae Since I think Alex and Alice are sharing a crisis moment, do you mind if I introduce Alex to her in my first post? It's a lengthy one, but I'm getting close to the end of it now. What do you think?
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@Hyphae Since I think Alex and Alice are sharing a crisis moment, do you mind if I introduce Alex to her in my first post? It's a lengthy one, but I'm getting close to the end of it now. What do you think?
I don't mind even a little bit. Rather, that would be awesome.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: Cwispy
Name: Errol Rapture
Guardian Name: Erikius
Magical Epithet:

Height: 5'11'' Weight: 150-160 lbs.
Magic Unbound - Errol.jpg

Auric Colors: Yellow and Orange
Academic Affiliation: Wildheart Academy

3 Sentence Vibe Check: Barely in his twenties, Errol is a loud and chaotic, but fun loving dude who's all about having a good time and making a lot of friends, and he is fiercely loyal to what friends he has and would follow them to the ends of the earth if he had to. Sometimes a little mischief maker, he's a giggly jokester that also loves music and games and entertaining anything from a few friends to a whole crowd with particular interests towards illusion magic. The vibes of the Wolpurgiswora University are such a far cry different than the high tech-laden city of Eternis where he hails from, but in a good way... in a really good way that excites and fascinates him. Coming from a world of science and tech, he loves the much less busy, much less crowded and hectic grounds of the university where everything's not as jam packed together in tight alleys and too much electronic noise.

Your ideal posting speed: At least once a week

-- Optional --
Companion: None
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  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: Nougat and rissa
I HAVE DONE IT! I forgot what it was like to format on this site. I'll have to get back into the swing of making my posts look good. Looking at everyone's formatting I feel like a chump xD

EDIT: @Hyphae Maybe you'd want to do a collab post in google doc or something for our moment of trauma bonding? xD
The bulletin boards are getting some action.
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I am once again reminded of why I need to stop making characters that are really bad at conversing.
EDIT: @Hyphae Maybe you'd want to do a collab post in google doc or something for our moment of trauma bonding? xD
The bulletin boards are getting some action.
Apparently, I don't get notified for edits that mention me. That's probably a good idea huh.
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I am once again reminded of why I need to stop making characters that are really bad at conversing.
EDIT: @Hyphae Maybe you'd want to do a collab post in google doc or something for our moment of trauma bonding? xD
The bulletin boards are getting some action.
Apparently, I don't get notified for edits that mention me. That's probably a good idea huh.
We can kick off one for the next reply. I'll send you a link when I get home. YAY! Alex made a friend :D
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Reactions: rissa and Hyphae
@PolyesterH @Nougat

Oh, nice, I've just been wondering which of your characters to approach, and now I can do both. My post will be written sometime tomorrow, though.
Welp, I did start but it's gunna have to be tomorrow (and hopefully I do seriously manage to finish it). I know the general gist of what I want to write, at least, so that's some progress.