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Minor Being of Mayhem
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Paranormal, and Horror
Little Blackbird

This is a dark gothic fantasy story based in the town of Arkley known and yet not for its odd citizens and mysterious past. The town was founded around four hundred years ago by three families - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family is known for their own special brand of peculiarity - The Whitmores like outsiders a bit too much, the Flemings seem to flinch at the sight of the sun, and the Mulvahils are far too obsessed with bodies of water. The truth of the matter is that they are not human - never have been, really. Then again, few in this little town are humans and those that are were practically cast out from normal society for one reason or another.

This town of otherworldly creatures and odd little humans rarely sees travelers or tourists save for once a year. At the tail end of the autumn season, Arkley hosts a grand festival open to any and all called the Festival of Spirits. It is a magnificent three day event to honor the founding families and all those who have passed on. There is music, performances, costumes, and contests! And at the end of it all: The Whitmore Masquerade; where at the end, guests of honor are asked to bring the festival to a close by taking a candle to Maybelle's Grove and honoring the first person to die in Arkley. Most never notice the ghostly blackbird that watches them as they traverse the forest. They never notice their hosts slipping away into the shadows. And they never notice when a young girl cries in mourning. Most never make it past the first hour of the hunt.

You see, long ago a young girl named Maybelle died. Her father couldn't let her death go and made a deal with something even monsters considered abnormal. It brought her back in the form of a phantom, doomed to forever haunt the forest she died in. Its price for this boon? The man's family would forever be beholden to it. Every year on the night she died, all members of the Whitmore family past the age of sixteen must complete a sacrifice or the creature would take their souls away.

  • The Basics

    I'm fairly new to this site, but not new to running these types of groups. In fact, this is an overhaul of one of my first ever groups and actually one I had plans to turn into a book, but dropped before writing. I have a lot of information about this world and a general plot for us all to follow, but I have plans to change things around based on the characters you create and the actions they take. I would like this role play to help you explore more into your characters in a dark fantasy setting. There is going to be violence, gore, death, and so much tragedy that this will probably be incredibly edgy.

    The rules are the same general ones you'd find everywhere - No godmodding of any kind, no perfect characters, follow the site rules, and don't bully or harass people ooc. As for posting, I would like at least two paragraphs for each post and one post every two weeks at the least. A member of a founding family counts as a citizen. However, you can have up to four characters currently.

    The story is loosely planned to follow the idea of your characters, the travelers and the citizens, getting to know each other over the course of the festival. The travelers will realize that people are hiding something, but can't quite figure out what. Each traveler character will enter a raffle where a few will be selected to take the walk to Maybelle's Grove where they will be hunted by the characters of the Whitmore family. From there, they will work to get out of the forest while the others are told what is happening and try to get in to help. The citizens will either work to stop them or help them. Or, at least, that's the general idea.

    This is a dark victorian/gothic-esque fantasy setting...which was kinda based off Bloodbourne. This means that things will get dark and dreary. Know this before deciding - there is no happy ending and someone will lose. So, if you want what I'm hoping will be an emotional ride full of future emotional damage for your characters, look no further.

  • Character Info

    There are many playable roles and there should be enough founding family members for everyone to have one. The founding families all play a rather vital role and are all in on the hunt, though the Whitmores are the only ones to actively participate in it. The three families are very much designed to be morally gray or downright evil in some cases, but I encourage you to forge your own path for your character. There are NPCs that can still push the plot where it needs to go.

    Oh! Before I forget, your characters can also be supernatural creatures. I even have a list ready to go as I would like them to follow a less modernized version of the creatures. You are, of course, free to add to the list. Just give me the rundown of your idea and we'll see about getting the creature to fit into the world.

    You can have up to four characters. I will make npc's if we do not have enough people to enter the forest.

    The Founding Families:
    There are three families that built Arkley - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family has their own dark history and their own curse to bear. The Whitmores are beholden to a creature called Decay that turned them into shapeshifters. There will be four roles available for this family. The Flemings are cursed with vampirism that any who join the family is infected with as it is bound not to their blood, but to their name. There will be two roles available for this family. The Mulvahils are the descendants of the last true siren making them an endangered species. There will be two roles available for this family.

    The Travelers:
    There are people born outside of Arkley who have traveled here for one reason or another. There is no limit on this role.

    The Citizens:
    These are people who were born in Arkley or came here and decided to stay. They know or suspect the truth of this festival. Some might even be in on it - this is a rather tight knit town, afterall. There is no limit on this role.

I have the lore, species, and magic systems all written out. I am working on putting it all together into something that actually looks nice. Below is the link to the google docs which has everything you need to know. I will also link the other threads here when they are up.

Song Playlists:​

All Character Roles
Below is a list of all roles and the characters filling those roles. Feel free to reserve any spots!

The Whitmore Family
Myron Whitmore | Son of Waverly Whitmore (@MissyMay)
Amarantha Withmore | Daughter of Minerva Whitmore & Forrest Monaghan (@SilverPaw)
Armand Whitmore | Son of Ambrose Whitmore & Anais Bouchard (@Bahiyya)
Majna Whitmore | Child of Serena Whitmore(@StarlightStarbright)
Horace Whitmore | Child of Waverly Whitmore (@The Lotus Archives)

The Fleming Family
Nikolas Fleming | Son of Sydney & Theresa Fleming (@cry)
Rivka Fleming | Daughter of Claude & Neil Fleming (@cowboyclown)

The Mulvahil Family
Gladiolus Mulvahil | Daughter of Lacey & Edgar Mulvahil (@Ai-in Ayan)
Nerina Mulvahil | Daughter of Lucia & Carmela Mulvahil (@Princess Rose)

Felix Fletcher | Merchant Thief (@MissyMay)
Laverne Wycliffe | Journalist's Apprentice (@MissyMay)
Penelope Albrecht | Novelist (@cry)
Jamil De Bosque | Performer/Drag Queen (@StarlightStarbright)
Mizuko Ryu | Traveling Noble (@The Lotus Archives)
Onne | Guardian (@The Lotus Archives)
Olenn Jordenson | Stable Keeper (@Luther)

Mina Delagney | Constable (@MissyMay)
Hyacinth Adventurine | Butler/Bodyguard (@Ai-in Ayan)
Amir Bijan | Owner of the Achaemenes (@The Lotus Archives)
Oleander Valcourt | School Teacher (@cry)
Baron Grady | Surgeon (@Luther)

Character Info & Sheets
You are open to make whatever type of character your wish so long as they at least loosely fit into the setting and can explain why they are the way they are. You can make a time traveler, you can make a woman literally haunted by the ghosts of her past, you can make a sarcastic man cursed to be a hairless cat. You can even make the mortal reincarnation of one of this worlds gods... though I do ask that you request something like that first. The only limit is your imagination and the world setting. If you want to add or make up a new species, please ask me and we can create some info for it. I also changed the rule so that you only have to make one character if you want to, but four is your maximum limit as of right now. My only ask is that you avoid making overpowered characters without reason or weakness.

I'm not particular about how you set up your character sheets. I only really care about a name, age, story role (traveler, citizen, founding family), a detailed backstory and the answer to the three questions. I would prefer semi-realistic art, realistic art, or real people as face claims. Below is a basic character sheet you can use.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll answer asap.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

@SilverPaw @fauxklimt @Dusk
Just in case you guys are still interested or want a look at the lore (google docs) before committing,
I also changed the rule on the character limit so you only have to make one, but can still make up to four.​
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Would love to reserve a spot as one of the Whitmore's and a librarian citizen that works for the Mulvahil's while I get character sheets written up if that's okay?
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Would love to reserve a spot as one of the Whitmore's and a librarian citizen that works for the Mulvahil's while I get character sheets written up if that's okay?
  • Wicked
Reactions: fauxklimt

Name: Silvanus Whitmore | 'Vannie' by his mother (FC: Deakan Bluman)
Age: 20
Gender: Cis male (he/him)
Species: Shapeshifter | Other form is a fox
Sexuality: Bisexual - Demiromantic
Occupation: Alchemist
Role: Son of Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan

Personality: Much like his animal form, Silvanus is is a healthy mix of mischievous and wise. In his early years, Silvanus was disobedient and hyperactive, but with time and lots of discipline, Silvanus became a respectable member of Arkley. Although no one would call him particularly deceitful due to this, Silvanus is what some would call 'two-faced.' When he is at work, Silvanus is quiet, polite, and helpful. As soon as he leaves the lab, however, Silvanus is back to being his rowdy self. He tries to subdue it when he can, but due to his family's curse, the fox side of him comes out in unexpected moments. He thrives in environments with structure to combat these tendencies. He's social, cunning, and curious to a fault. When Silvanus gets into trouble, he is always apologetic and either is or feigns a guilty conscience, which makes it difficult to stay angry with him.

Likes: Peanut butter, canines and felines, running, being in the woods, trying new teas at The Silver Hart, making new friends, singing and playing harp, The Flemings, studying up on various forms of magic, holidays and celebrations, caving, rock-climbing, sweet strong drinks, helping tend to the greenhouse, going to the library at night alone to read, gardening, beekeeping.

Dislikes: Mornings, an incident in his teenage years left him frightened of the tower in his family's manor so he avoids it, strong smells (his nose is quite sensitive), loud banging noises, being described as annoying or petulant, others seeing him emotional.


Backstory: Silvanus was born to Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan in the town of Arkley 20 years ago. He learned quickly, spoke nearly full sentences by 18 months, and was running just after he learned to crawl. But his exceptional learning capacity also came with a thirst for knowledge and a hyperactive mind. Silvanus grabbed and destroyed everything he could get his tiny hands on. At the time just past his toddler years and into his early childhood years, Minerva and Forrest were at their wit's end with Silvanus' behavior. Overnight, he'd gone from a loving, but excitable child to The Terror of Whitmore Manor. Several years of this went by before his parents finally got sick of his behavior. Silvanus was given a strict regimen and while he protested at first, Silvanus slowly, but surely wisened up. On top of that, when he was old enough for his mother to explain the Whitmore curse, Silvanus understood that he had a great weight to bear, as did every other member of the family.

When his fox form fully manifested, Minerva and Forrest finally understood why Silvanus was the way he was. It wasn't entirely his fault, of course, but that didn't keep them from making sure he accepted responsiblity. They raised him with a strict hand because it's what he needed. It paid off and shortly after Silvanus' friend sacrifice, he sobered up a bit and decided to try his hand at something serious. He took up an apprenticeship with a local alchemist, who taught Silvanus everything she knew. He learned fervently, spending late nights practicing alone in the tower of the Whitmore Manor. One night, he attempted an elixir beyond his abilities. No one but Silvanus knows what truly happened that night, but his fear of the tower and his frequent nightmares hint at the horror that he experienced alone up there in the dark.

Though his rowdy reputation still preceded him, Silvanus was well-known and well-liked amongst the locals that truly knew him. He's not hard to find, often either at the lab, at his parents' estate, drinking tea at The Silver Hart, or milling about around town to chat.
Gotta read up on the lore yet, but I'd like to reserve a Whitmore for now.
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Here are my characters! The code I used isn't mobile friendly so there will be a spoiler tag at the end for the non-coded versions.

Myron Whitmore

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter | Red Deer
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: Owner of the Silver Hart
Role: Founding Family


Likes: Nature, Botany, Tea, Wildlife, Forests, Gardens, Potions, Poisons, Sweets
Dislikes: Violence, Disrespect, Yellow, Winter, Dandelions, Snow, Cold Weather

Myron is a gentle and compassionate young man with a deep affinity for nature. His nurturing and empathetic spirit shines through his aptitude for herbalism, potion making, and healing. He has a warm demeanor and often offers a listening ear and comforting shoulder to cry on to visitors and citizens alike. The shapeshifter cherishes his family and loves every single one with his whole heart. His family is all he truthfully cares for in life, but their nature and his own still disturbs and haunts him. Still, he tries to keep a light heart and a smile for everyone he meets. He'll offer a quick joke or a little story told in soft voices; a warm, comforting embrace and a hand to hold in times of need.

He is reluctant to participate in the annual festival. He finds it rather macabre and sinister to treat this all as some great party. Perhaps he has too much empathy for those that enter the forest, or at least that is what his grandmother might tell him. She worries over him, as does his father. His other form is no deadly predator and his gentle nature makes him reluctant to act. It is a struggle for him every time this event comes around - he would much rather simply forget this all happens.


Myron was born to Waverly Whitmore with no real knowledge of his mother other than that she didn't want to be involved in his life. Still, his childhood was filled with all the warmth and affection a child could ever need with a doting if overprotective father, family his age to play with, and a grandmother who loved to teach him gardening. To be honest, he had no idea of his family's dark secrets well past when he should have put two and two together. His father, uncle, aunt, and grandmother disappear on the night of the masquerade, telling him that he is too young to make the trip to Maybelle. Really, he's almost embarrassed to think about how he didn't think of anything sinister happening until his fourteenth birthday.

Still, it was quite a shock when he learned of his family's curse on the night of his sixteenth birthday. He was almost hurt that no one had told him but he supposes it was fair. He would probably keep it a secret too - a child has no reason to know of such dark things until they absolutely have to. Though he really did wish they had given him fair warning that the first transformation hurts - or perhaps that was just him. He can still remember the pain vividly and still experiences some degree of it to this day. It also hurt to see the shock and despair in the eyes of his family as his form came out to be a deer, of all things. It will make things harder, his father had told him. Deer are prey to humans, not predators, for all that they could still defend themselves. Waverly had told him that he or another family member would do the hunting for him and stick by him if he hunts for himself. He was fine with that, to be honest, but he still felt guilty for being a burden on his family.

Two years ago, there were more people in the forest than who needed to be hunted for the Whitmore's survival. In his deer form, he came across a teenage boy that was unfortunate enough to enter this place on a dare - not even part of the raffle. Myron can still remember the cry of fear when their eyes met. He could only imagine what it must have looked like in his eyes - a giant deer with razor sharp antlers made up of black ichor. It took an hour for the boy to calm down and another for Myron to coax the boy onto his back. He carried the boy to the edge of the forest and pushed him beyond the influence of Decay. The boys eyes went glassy as he forgot that entire night and left to go back to the inn. That night only solidified just how awful this whole thing was for everyone.

Myron eventually came to accept his role in this town, though it still troubled him deeply. He even opened a tea shop and inn called the Silver Hart - his father laughed at that name - for travelers to stay at. It certainly made things easier; he now had a position in Arkley to talk directly to travelers. He would warn away those with children from entering the raffles and push those aging or obviously sick towards it.


If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
He won't stop his family from doing what they must to survive, but he won't actively help either. He also actively warns people away form the raffle to save them but few listen. He's only ever helped one person leave the forest during the hunt, but he might do it again.

Find Me by Aviators

Mina Delagney

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Sexuality: Asexual
Occupation: Constable
Role: Citizen


Likes: Arkley, the townspeople, thunderstorms, nighttime, blades, wolves
Dislikes: Summer, spiders, her biological family, being ignored, ridiculous expectations, parents ignoring their children

Mina had always been a bit of a wild child, at least in her parents eyes. She would never settle down and didn't take well to instructions. She lost that fire within her as she grew up under the heavy hand of her parent's expectations. She learned to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself, told that quiet resentment was perfectly normal. She gained a determination to break free and a hatred for restrictions that her life brought. She was never a social butterfly that her parents had demanded, instead she was a silent and wrathful and unwilling to make friends. That upbringing still reflects in her personality to this day though she has slowly gained that spirit she once had.

When she was no longer bound by the constraints of her family, she learned things about herself. She was adventurous, she loved fighting and she loved to make things herself. She became resourceful from her time on the road and gained a free-spirited approach to life.


Mina was born to a rather wealthy but rigid family who saw her only as a means to an end. She was born to expand their wealth and marry someone she didn't know and didn't love. She was taught at an early age to be a proper lady and never speak out against anything done to her. She hated it - she hated her whole family. Well, not all… She had an aunt that visited only rarely that would bring her many things - daggers, maps, a compass, and pictures of far off places. Mina began to dream of what it might be like if the aunt took her away with her one day.

At the age of seventeen, Mina gathered the courage to ask after being told she would marry the next year. Her aunt told her that she couldn't take her with her on those adventures as Mina would never truly escape her family that way. Instead, her aunt gave her one last gift and told her to make her own adventure. The gift was a pack with everything she would need to make it on the road. It was already prepared and ready to go before she had even asked and Mina felt like crying at that very moment.

That night she slipped away with the help of a servant, leaving only a note telling that she had left and was not coming back. She traveled on the road for months and saw many things. One day in the middle of spring, she found her way into a little town of strange people called Arkley who saw her for what she truly was - one of them.

She was taken under the wing of the Chief of the Police and given a job as a constable. The chief became almost a mother to her and was the one to turn her into a creature of the night. Mina took her surname and if anyone asked, that was her mother.


If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?
Yes, she knows the truth and she will never betray the Whitmore's. The people of this town are more of a family to her than those that share her blood. If a few outsiders need to be sacrificed to keep a few of her family safe, then so be it. She'll carry them to their graves herself if she has to.

Disappear by Mylie Taylor

Felix Fletcher

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Faerie
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Merchant | Thief
Role: Traveler


Likes: Dangerous thrills, forests, gossip, cats, stealing, dressing up, making deals
Dislikes: Physical touch, fog, police, dancing, being ignored

Felix is a charming and affable man that wouldn't hesitate to take your jewelry with a sleight of hand and a wiry grin. He's skilled at deception and masking his emotions behind an unflappable facade. Be wary around him - he's a smooth talker fully capable of talking his way out of trouble or into it if he wishes. While he seems quite friendly and helpful, Felix is driven by self-preservation and willing to betray those who trust him. He's been called a wolf in sheep's clothing by a few, and he's inclined to agree.

That all being said, he is still just a man. Felix can form genuine connections though he actively tries not to. It makes it a lot harder to walk the path he does if he makes friends. He's not an apathetic monster out for his own gain… Well, mostly. He is out for his own gain, but he does have morals! He doesn't steal from the poor and he doesn't trick children. And he… actually, not that's really it.


Felix has genuinely no idea where he came from nor what his real name is. That should probably concern him since he can only remember as far back as his sixth birthday - or the day he was found since he doesn't know his birthday. A homeless woman was actually who found him and technically raised him. They didn't really have a mother-son relationship. She made sure he survived and taught him the skills he uses everyday - she was also the basis for his human disguise. He was a faerie the woman had told him; a natural trickster who rarely leaves the outskirts of human society. She told him he was probably a changeling child and abandoned once they realized. There was no lost love between them when she disappeared one night and never came back. She hadn't even been the one to name him, he picked the name for himself when he began to scam people and steal.

Honestly, he lived day to day just trying to survive well into his teenage years. His life turned around when he accidentally stole a small fortune from a rich man. He taught himself how to identify those who had more money and began to target them instead. Many were naive or thought themselves infallible. He failed a lot in the beginning, but eventually he began to get away with more and more. Eventually, he had enough money to live comfortably but felt the call to move around.

He took to the roads and left the city of his childhood behind, seeking more fortune or perhaps more thrills.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

The Danger by Jon Car

Laverne Wycliffe

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Apprentice Journalist
Role: Traveler


Likes: Flowers, puzzles, journals, writing, mysteries, sketching, research
Dislikes: Crowds, nighttime, knitting, dresses, staying still, make up

Laverne is a determined and inquisitive young woman. Her insatiable curiosity fuels her passion for uncovering untold stories and shedding light on hidden truths. She possesses a keen intellect, sharp wit, and a tenacious spirit that drives her relentless pursuit of the truth. With a penchant for investigation, she fearlessly delves into any mysteries she can get her hand on, unearthing secrets that could shatter the facade of even the most idyllic of settings. Nothing will stand in her way when she sets her mind on a task. She's a fearsome foe to have and a great ally to keep close.

Laverne is a trailblazer, unafraid to challenge the status quo and expose the darkness lurking beneath the surface. Her indomitable spirit is matched by her unwavering sense of justice. She possesses a strong moral compass and a deep empathy for those whose voices are silenced. Her determination to seek the truth is fueled by a desire to bring about positive change and hold those in power accountable.


Laverne is the eldest of a pair of twins born to a rather famous professor, Dr. Charles Wycliffe. She and her sister, Lavina, grew up loved but sheltered. Her parents had another child before her and her sister that disappeared one day. They had searched for years before deciding to try to have another child. Even at an early age, this made her enraged - why had the so called police done nothing to find her lost sibling. She began sneaking around trying to find any information and asking questions to the older servants. It took years but she eventually gathered actual evidence that points towards her own uncle. He kidnapped her brother to replace his own dead son that he accidently killed in a fit of rage. She brought the evidence to a constable and asked him to do something about this.

What came of it was nothing. The constable either didn't look into the evidence or a higher up didn't care. All of her work was tossed out and when she went to her mother and father they refused to believe her. They thanked her for looking into this, but they told her that her cousin looked too much like her aunt for it to be anyone but hers. Admittedly, this broke her heart at that moment. No one believed her despite all the proof she found. Even her own twin told her that she simply couldn't believe family would do that to one another. So, she remained quiet about her interest in detective work after that day

Perhaps Laverne would have become the best detective the world had ever seen had she remained on the path before her. Yet, the inaction from the constable haunted her. She wondered if he cared or if his boss took one look at the case and threw it out. She looked more into the career only to find red tape blocking true justice in so many ways. The rich could pay their way out of any crime while the poor were tossed in prison without a trial. She felt remorse for that which she loved so much until she found an old, beat up newspaper. It was dated a few months prior and in its headlines told the story of a political figure arrested for murder.

Laverne had an epiphany. If the police could do nothing, then a citizen of this nation could. She worked hard for the next few years and became an apprentice under the esteemed Journalist, Edmund Carmichael. He was almost more of a parent than her own distant ones at times. He never missed her birthday and brought her gifts after each trip. He confessed to her that he never had a child and never married because the person he loved left him at the alter. He plans to leave her his fortune and estate, even offering to adopt her to avoid any issues.

She's been thinking about that more and more lately. She might accept his offer soon.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

Born Bold by Valley of Wolves

Myron Whitmore
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter | Red Deer
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: Owner of the Silver Hart
Role: Founding Family


Likes: Nature, Botany, Tea, Wildlife, Forests, Gardens, Potions, Poisons, Sweets
Dislikes: Violence, Disrespect, Yellow, Winter, Dandelions, Snow, Cold Weather

Myron is a gentle and compassionate young man with a deep affinity for nature. His nurturing and empathetic spirit shines through his aptitude for herbalism, potion making, and healing. He has a warm demeanor and often offers a listening ear and comforting shoulder to cry on to visitors and citizens alike. The shapeshifter cherishes his family and loves every single one with his whole heart. His family is all he truthfully cares for in life, but their nature and his own still disturbs and haunts him. Still, he tries to keep a light heart and a smile for everyone he meets. He'll offer a quick joke or a little story told in soft voices; a warm, comforting embrace and a hand to hold in times of need.

He is reluctant to participate in the annual festival. He finds it rather macabre and sinister to treat this all as some great party. Perhaps he has too much empathy for those that enter the forest, or at least that is what his grandmother might tell him. She worries over him, as does his father. His other form is no deadly predator and his gentle nature makes him reluctant to act. It is a struggle for him every time this event comes around - he would much rather simply forget this all happens.


Myron was born to Waverly Whitmore with no real knowledge of his mother other than that she didn't want to be involved in his life. Still, his childhood was filled with all the warmth and affection a child could ever need with a doting if overprotective father, family his age to play with, and a grandmother who loved to teach him gardening. To be honest, he had no idea of his family's dark secrets well past when he should have put two and two together. His father, uncle, aunt, and grandmother disappear on the night of the masquerade, telling him that he is too young to make the trip to Maybelle. Really, he's almost embarrassed to think about how he didn't think of anything sinister happening until his fourteenth birthday.

Still, it was quite a shock when he learned of his family's curse on the night of his sixteenth birthday. He was almost hurt that no one had told him but he supposes it was fair. He would probably keep it a secret too - a child has no reason to know of such dark things until they absolutely have to. Though he really did wish they had given him fair warning that the first transformation hurts - or perhaps that was just him. He can still remember the pain vividly and still experiences some degree of it to this day. It also hurt to see the shock and despair in the eyes of his family as his form came out to be a deer, of all things. It will make things harder, his father had told him. Deer are prey to humans, not predators, for all that they could still defend themselves. Waverly had told him that he or another family member would do the hunting for him and stick by him if he hunts for himself. He was fine with that, to be honest, but he still felt guilty for being a burden on his family.

Two years ago, there were more people in the forest than who needed to be hunted for the Whitmore's survival. In his deer form, he came across a teenage boy that was unfortunate enough to enter this place on a dare - not even part of the raffle. Myron can still remember the cry of fear when their eyes met. He could only imagine what it must have looked like in his eyes - a giant deer with razor sharp antlers made up of black ichor. It took an hour for the boy to calm down and another for Myron to coax the boy onto his back. He carried the boy to the edge of the forest and pushed him beyond the influence of Decay. The boys eyes went glassy as he forgot that entire night and left to go back to the inn. That night only solidified just how awful this whole thing was for everyone.

Myron eventually came to accept his role in this town, though it still troubled him deeply. He even opened a tea shop and inn called the Silver Hart - his father laughed at that name - for travelers to stay at. It certainly made things easier; he now had a position in Arkley to talk directly to travelers. He would warn away those with children from entering the raffles and push those aging or obviously sick towards it.


If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
He won't stop his family from doing what they must to survive, but he won't actively help either. He also actively warns people away form the raffle to save them but few listen. He's only ever helped one person leave the forest during the hunt, but he might do it again.

Mina Delagney
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Sexuality: Asexual
Occupation: Constable
Role: Citizen


Likes: Arkley, the townspeople, thunderstorms, nighttime, blades, wolves
Dislikes: Summer, spiders, her biological family, being ignored, ridiculous expectations, parents ignoring their children

Mina had always been a bit of a wild child, at least in her parents eyes. She would never settle down and didn't take well to instructions. She lost that fire within her as she grew up under the heavy hand of her parent's expectations. She learned to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself, told that quiet resentment was perfectly normal. She gained a determination to break free and a hatred for restrictions that her life brought. She was never a social butterfly that her parents had demanded, instead she was a silent and wrathful and unwilling to make friends. That upbringing still reflects in her personality to this day though she has slowly gained that spirit she once had.

When she was no longer bound by the constraints of her family, she learned things about herself. She was adventurous, she loved fighting and she loved to make things herself. She became resourceful from her time on the road and gained a free-spirited approach to life.


Mina was born to a rather wealthy but rigid family who saw her only as a means to an end. She was born to expand their wealth and marry someone she didn't know and didn't love. She was taught at an early age to be a proper lady and never speak out against anything done to her. She hated it - she hated her whole family. Well, not all… She had an aunt that visited only rarely that would bring her many things - daggers, maps, a compass, and pictures of far off places. Mina began to dream of what it might be like if the aunt took her away with her one day.

At the age of seventeen, Mina gathered the courage to ask after being told she would marry the next year. Her aunt told her that she couldn't take her with her on those adventures as Mina would never truly escape her family that way. Instead, her aunt gave her one last gift and told her to make her own adventure. The gift was a pack with everything she would need to make it on the road. It was already prepared and ready to go before she had even asked and Mina felt like crying at that very moment.

That night she slipped away with the help of a servant, leaving only a note telling that she had left and was not coming back. She traveled on the road for months and saw many things. One day in the middle of spring, she found her way into a little town of strange people called Arkley who saw her for what she truly was - one of them.

She was taken under the wing of the Chief of the Police and given a job as a constable. The chief became almost a mother to her and was the one to turn her into a creature of the night. Mina took her surname and if anyone asked, that was her mother.


If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?
Yes, she knows the truth and she will never betray the Whitmore's. The people of this town are more of a family to her than those that share her blood. If a few outsiders need to be sacrificed to keep a few of her family safe, then so be it. She'll carry them to their graves herself if she has to.

Felix Fletcher
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Faerie
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Merchant | Thief
Role: Traveler


Likes: Dangerous thrills, forests, gossip, cats, stealing, dressing up, making deals
Dislikes: Physical touch, fog, police, dancing, being ignored

Felix is a charming and affable man that wouldn't hesitate to take your jewelry with a sleight of hand and a wiry grin. He's skilled at deception and masking his emotions behind an unflappable facade. Be wary around him - he's a smooth talker fully capable of talking his way out of trouble or into it if he wishes. While he seems quite friendly and helpful, Felix is driven by self-preservation and willing to betray those who trust him. He's been called a wolf in sheep's clothing by a few, and he's inclined to agree.

That all being said, he is still just a man. Felix can form genuine connections though he actively tries not to. It makes it a lot harder to walk the path he does if he makes friends. He's not an apathetic monster out for his own gain… Well, mostly. He is out for his own gain, but he does have morals! He doesn't steal from the poor and he doesn't trick children. And he… actually, not that's really it.


Felix has genuinely no idea where he came from nor what his real name is. That should probably concern him since he can only remember as far back as his sixth birthday - or the day he was found since he doesn't know his birthday. A homeless woman was actually who found him and technically raised him. They didn't really have a mother-son relationship. She made sure he survived and taught him the skills he uses everyday - she was also the basis for his human disguise. He was a faerie the woman had told him; a natural trickster who rarely leaves the outskirts of human society. She told him he was probably a changeling child and abandoned once they realized. There was no lost love between them when she disappeared one night and never came back. She hadn't even been the one to name him, he picked the name for himself when he began to scam people and steal.

Honestly, he lived day to day just trying to survive well into his teenage years. His life turned around when he accidentally stole a small fortune from a rich man. He taught himself how to identify those who had more money and began to target them instead. Many were naive or thought themselves infallible. He failed a lot in the beginning, but eventually he began to get away with more and more. Eventually, he had enough money to live comfortably but felt the call to move around.

He took to the roads and left the city of his childhood behind, seeking more fortune or perhaps more thrills.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

Laverne Wycliffe
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Apprentice Journalist
Role: Traveler


Likes: Flowers, puzzles, journals, writing, mysteries, sketching, research
Dislikes: Crowds, nighttime, knitting, dresses, staying still, make up

Laverne is a determined and inquisitive young woman. Her insatiable curiosity fuels her passion for uncovering untold stories and shedding light on hidden truths. She possesses a keen intellect, sharp wit, and a tenacious spirit that drives her relentless pursuit of the truth. With a penchant for investigation, she fearlessly delves into any mysteries she can get her hand on, unearthing secrets that could shatter the facade of even the most idyllic of settings. Nothing will stand in her way when she sets her mind on a task. She's a fearsome foe to have and a great ally to keep close.

Laverne is a trailblazer, unafraid to challenge the status quo and expose the darkness lurking beneath the surface. Her indomitable spirit is matched by her unwavering sense of justice. She possesses a strong moral compass and a deep empathy for those whose voices are silenced. Her determination to seek the truth is fueled by a desire to bring about positive change and hold those in power accountable.


Laverne is the eldest of a pair of twins born to a rather famous professor, Dr. Charles Wycliffe. She and her sister, Lavina, grew up loved but sheltered. Her parents had another child before her and her sister that disappeared one day. They had searched for years before deciding to try to have another child. Even at an early age, this made her enraged - why had the so called police done nothing to find her lost sibling. She began sneaking around trying to find any information and asking questions to the older servants. It took years but she eventually gathered actual evidence that points towards her own uncle. He kidnapped her brother to replace his own dead son that he accidently killed in a fit of rage. She brought the evidence to a constable and asked him to do something about this.

What came of it was nothing. The constable either didn't look into the evidence or a higher up didn't care. All of her work was tossed out and when she went to her mother and father they refused to believe her. They thanked her for looking into this, but they told her that her cousin looked too much like her aunt for it to be anyone but hers. Admittedly, this broke her heart at that moment. No one believed her despite all the proof she found. Even her own twin told her that she simply couldn't believe family would do that to one another. So, she remained quiet about her interest in detective work after that day

Perhaps Laverne would have become the best detective the world had ever seen had she remained on the path before her. Yet, the inaction from the constable haunted her. She wondered if he cared or if his boss took one look at the case and threw it out. She looked more into the career only to find red tape blocking true justice in so many ways. The rich could pay their way out of any crime while the poor were tossed in prison without a trial. She felt remorse for that which she loved so much until she found an old, beat up newspaper. It was dated a few months prior and in its headlines told the story of a political figure arrested for murder.

Laverne had an epiphany. If the police could do nothing, then a citizen of this nation could. She worked hard for the next few years and became an apprentice under the esteemed Journalist, Edmund Carmichael. He was almost more of a parent than her own distant ones at times. He never missed her birthday and brought her gifts after each trip. He confessed to her that he never had a child and never married because the person he loved left him at the alter. He plans to leave her his fortune and estate, even offering to adopt her to avoid any issues.

She's been thinking about that more and more lately. She might accept his offer soon.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?
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I would also be interested. If possible, can I reserve a spot under the family Mulvahil

Going to read through the lore after work
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Nikolas "Niko" Fleming
Vampire Spawn

Name: Nikolas Virgil Fleming
Age: Twenty-Six (26)
Gender: Cisgender Male
Species: Vampire
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: Tailor
Role: Founding Family Member (Son of Sydney and Theresa Fleming)
Personality: As with most Flemings, there is a certain sense of affluence that surrounds Nikolas. As if weaved into his genetic makeup, certain nuances of everyday life he simply does not understand. He'll never fully grasp the idea of not having enough money to do with whatever he pleases. Nor will he put the ties together between those around him who see him as nothing more than another wealthy offspring whose struggles in life border on which outfit looks best on his frame in the evenings. Due to this, some social cues simply go over his head. Rarely does he realize when people are being sarcastic, nor does he know a general criticism from a pointed jab. Call him daft, if you'd like, but he is merely a product of his upbringing.

Beyond the uppity air of a rich son that most note when first interacting with Niko, he possesses a confidence that most can only strive to achieve. Even in his grandest failures, it is difficult to find the young vampire without a casual grin on his features or a delicate shrug moving his shoulders. Rarely upset, Niko finds that walking through life with a blatant disregard toward others is preferable to allowing deceit and pain to grow close. At heart, Nikolas is someone who has no idea what he wants out of life. He depends on routine and expectations to walk him through life.
Likes: Fashion Designing | Monthly Allotted Blood | Night Walks | Witty People | Gossip | Dressing Up | Jewelry | Dancing | Reading | Giving Flowers | Interesting Travelers | Expectations (in certain circumstances)
Dislikes: Swimming | His Sleep Interrupted | Early Mornings | Bitter Smells (i.e. Coffee) | Messy Individuals | Dogs | Being Creatively Blocked | Joint Pain | History Lessons | Small Spaces | Sea Creatures (such as fish, not other supernaturals) | Getting Dirty
Backstory: Growing up in the heart of Arkley, he was privy to most people who made the forgotten town their home. While one of, is not the wealthiest family in school, Niko grew up with a personal nanny and private tutor. He has no doubts that his father and mother loved him, but they were busy. Sydney, head of the family or not, constantly seeks validation from the town. Theresa, in her own way, strives for personal success by holing up in the estate until the latter half of the year, during which she attends a multitude of planning gatherings for the Festival of Spirits. Thus, Niko was left to his own devices. At times, this meant forging his creativity in one of the many empty rooms of the Fleming abode amidst thread and sewing needles, other times, it meant wandering the town.

Love and strife have always been two sides to the Fleming family name. Given the integral part the Flemings play in Arkley, there have been many generations that have come before Nikolas that fall pray to the loveless bloodlust that seems to have settled in their veins. Much like his grandfather, and their patriarchal founder Lord Haywood, Nikolas found a broken love when he was quite young. At sixteen he met Brair Harrison, a citizen who had moved to Arkley at the behest of her mother. The pair were faerie, setting up a humble flower shop that they spent all of their life savings on creating. The two had next to no money or status in Arkley, but Briar was mystifying and charming, and Niko fell prey to doing whatever it was she asked.

They fell together, as young people do, but there was always something that prevented them from becoming anything other than late-night lovers. At first, he felt as if his mother was the issue. She claimed that Briar would offer Niko nothing in the long run, that the two were incompatible, and that Niko should let her go sooner rather than later. Those requests were easily ignored, but, then, Briar began to ask for large sums of money. Pleaded, on her knees clutching his coat, that he pay for her mother's lease. That she could not see her mother struggle, not when he had begun to promise her everything. He did this willingly, paying for their shop's rent for nearly two years before Briar's mother, Katherine, approached him. Katherine, out of kindness or exhaustion, revealed that Briar was sick, had been since birth, and had always tried to unburden her mother whenever the chance arose. She never blatantly said that Briar did not love Niko, but it was clear that the young fae had been more interested in a wealthy vampire son than she had in ever seeing the pair of them wed.

Briar passed away when Niko was twenty-two. He remembers the flowers that her mother had on display, and he remembers the hollowness in his chest that had been present since before she'd grown too sick to leave her bed. Still, he never mentioned what Katherine had told him, and he held her hand every night he was able before she died. In the aftermath, it was his father who sat him down and recalled the stories of their ancestors, of how their first loves are often cursed. Since Briar's death, he's grown closer to his father and finds it difficult to speak amicably with his mother. While she does not ask, Niko still buys enough flowers from Katherine's shop to cover her rent should she need them. Mostly, he fills the empty rooms of the Fleming estate with floral reminders of Briar, but he also often hands them out to people in the marketplace.

Now, four years later, Niko continues about his facade of a rich young lord who has too much money to spend and even more time on his hands. If this had been what the person he loved most wanted from him, he has no problems adhering to those expectations.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
The annual festival is an event that Niko cherishes dearly. It depends on the travelers in question, but he is doubtful that he would try to "help" anyone. He rather make sure the "show" happens, and for that, travelers are necessary...
The Answer // Smallpools

Penelope Albrecht
Forgotten Whitmore

Name: Penelope Elizabeth Albrecht-Whitmore
Age: Twenty (20)
Gender: Cisgender Female
Species: Shapeshifter (Bobcat)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Novelist
Role: Traveler
Personality: A curious young woman, Penelope has always had a quick mind and sharp tongue. Oftentimes getting her in trouble as a child, she's never been one to adhere to authority. Instead, she prefers to run through a hiking path barefoot with a peal of laughter following in her wake. The world is full of mysteries, and for whatever reason, Penelope has taken it upon herself to shoulder the duty of discovering them. There is always a question on the tip of her tongue, her body poised on tip-toes as she tries to see something she couldn't before, and a pen in her hand as she attempts to document everything. People either love or hate her nature, finding her endearingly charming or annoyingly talkative. Despite this, rarely do people's opinions of her bother her, although she does love to try to prove herself correct when someone begins to question her methods, personality, or what she believes in.

Despite her curiosity, Penelope, hypocritically, detests when people ask questions about her personal effects. A private person, she has no qualms asking someone their deepest darkest secrets and then refusing to answer those same questions in return. There is a slight disconnect in her mind between her own personal pursuits for knowledge and finding equality among herself and her peers. She does not think herself better than anyone, the opposite, in fact, but true personal connections where she feels comfortable enough to share about her worries and fears have been hard to come by. She wishes for those connections, deeply, but with so much secrecy to her life, peeling back those notions is a har process to come by in regard to Penelope.
Likes: Sending and Receiving Letters | Fragrant Smells | Writing by Hand | Warm Drinks | Lush Greenery | Friendly Get Togethers | Exploring | Nature Walks | Yoga | Curious People | Museums | Lemons
Dislikes: Her Heterochromia | Tight Clothing | Most Desserts | Young Children (Has no Experience) | Heteronormative Family Expectations | Secrets | Being Ignored | People Who Don't Take No for an Answer | Drinking | Loud Music | Her Father
Backstory: One may or may not assume this from Penelope's wayward personality, but she did not have a typical nuclear family upbringing. Being raised by a single mother, the pair of them moved around quite a bit while she was a child. A few months in London, a year in Pennsylvania, a three-week stint in Thailand... Schooling and settling down roots were an afterthought to Penelope's mother Lynley. As a child, Penelope assumed their dynamic to be that of the norm. Traveling the world with only a slim income and fickle friendships to get them by, the two had only each other in the wonderment that is the world.

As Penelope entered her teens, her mother, who had never been particularly good at hiding secrets from her, began to ask incessantly about Penelope's health. Eventually, when a teenage girl can no longer stand her mother asking if she is okay, she demanded Lynley reveal what was truly wrong. At fourteen, with her mother's hands clasped in her own and the clear skies of Europe behind them, Lynley explained what her life had been like shortly before Penelope was born. How, in a small town named Arkley, Lynley married a man and gave birth to a son. Despite the shock of the story, the most vivid part of the night she remembers is the way her mother's dark eyes glittered with tears. How she had not regretted having a child, but regretted the secrets she had been privy to but had chosen to ignore. Unable to spend her life in a small town of what she dubbed, "filled with decay", she ran. Unaware that she had been pregnant with Penelope at the time, she chose to keep her daughter in hopes that she might do better with her second child.

Despite all her curiosities, Penelope never could bring herself to ask her mother for her father or brother's names. Nor, once the black mark that had encircled her wrist since birth burned bright and she fell to the floor in agony, did she question why her mother was not surprised. Her mother actually seemed to sob in relief, murmuring thanks that Penelope's soul had presented as a predator. Still, her mother did not leave her completely in the dark, and as the years progressed Penelope slowly began to learn more of what life had been like in Arkley when her mother had been young. The secrets of supernatural creatures, the owed of blood, and the cost of survival...

Little does Penelope know, but Lynley managed to kill four individuals so that her daughter may live past the age of sixteen. Random men, drawn in by a woman and too much to drink, Lynley found it almost too easy to make sacrifices in the name of her child. However, the most recent killing proved difficult, and afraid for her daughter's time-limit for a sacrifice, took her own life instead. Penelope found her mother, seemingly asleep in her bed, with two handwritten notes clutched to her chest. One read, My Daughter, and the other, My Son. At twenty, Penelope buried her mother in a small grave plot in New England.

Now, she has made plans to go to Arkley. The draw of the small town has always been there, tugging at her mind, but with the promise of her only surviving family being found there and the answers to the secrets that surround her shapeshifting, she can ignore the call no longer.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?
buzzkill // mothica

Oleander Valcourt
Fae Forgery

Name: Oleander Titus Valcourt
Age: Thirty-two (32)
Gender: Cisgender Male
Species: Fae
Sexuality: Androsexual
Occupation: School Teacher
Role: Citizen
Personality: The quintessential helpful gentleman, Oleander is a known face around the town of Arkley. Always there when someone needs a hand, assistance, or guidance, there is little that the Fae has not been involved in since his arrival to the small town some ten years ago now. While not one to regularly seek out leadership, there is a sense of wisdom and intellect that gathers around the man. Easy to smile and quick to laugh, it takes a lot for individuals to pick up on when Ollie is truly bothered by something. While seemingly close to many people, he does not feel as if he has been given the same privileges that he awards to others. Most view him as an easy-going, compassionate man who is always busy with something.

For those that are closer to Ollie, they know that he's just as sentimental as he is judgemental. A quick wit and pension for holding grudges lay just underneath his friendly exterior. While not expressively rude or mean-spirited, a lot of his friendly demeanor is made up of the need to please those around him. Fitting a mold of a charismatic, bright, schoolteacher is much easier than giving into the notions of his sour machinations lying in wait. At heart, the faerie loves to be right, is highly opinionated, and isn't afraid to do something solely to sate his own neverending interests.
Likes: Drinking | Reading | Collecting Small Odds and Ends | Interesting Conversations | Learning About Other Cultures | Trying New Food | Playing Harmless Tricks | Wine | Dancing | Receiving Gifts | Affection
Dislikes: People Asking for Something Last Minute | Cold Nights | Large Insects | Most Meat Options | His Fae Form | Liars | "I Can't" People | Maths | Historical Non-Fiction Novels | Idle Manipulation/Threats
Backstory: Born into a Traveler group of Faeries, Oleander was named after the nearest useful plant within the vicinity of his birth. While he had his mother, Camellia, to help foster his growth, there were also always other Fae to lend a hand should his mother ever need. The Traveling group, which was nicknamed the Thicket Wisps by outsiders, was a cohesive small society. Oleander spent as much time learning how to cook by his mother's side as he did the midwife, or learning to hunt as much with the bowsman as he did the laundress. Each of them took to their duties with pride and the small fae boy loved nothing more than to learn all tips and tricks from his elders that he could.

When Oleander was still a child, he learned to be helpful in order to get the things he wanted. If he wanted an extra piece of fruit from the traveling salesman the Thicket Wisps met on the road, he'd have to promise one of the older Faerie women to do extra chores for them that night. His mother only started to humor taking him to neighboring towns once he'd proven himself responsible enough to not dart off at the first interesting thing. Life is a give and take, and Ollie learned that lesson before that of other small children. The problem with this realization, though, is it's hard to dispute when you've taken too much.

Right before adulthood, Ollie took more than what he was warranted. Thinking himself above it all, teasing the lines of power, he showed his Fae form to a group of human teenagers around his age. His human form, while ethereally symmetrical and flawless to the human eye, is notably attractive. His Fae form, on the other hand, is nearly grotesque in nature. Gone is the warm dark hue of his skin, instead replaced with a sickly dark gray that seems to be stretched taunt over his bones. Olive-green eyes turn sickly yellow, bright enough to highlight the elongated teeth that protrude from his mouth ever so slightly. His dark hair becomes a wild mess and poisonous red flowers fall brokenly from the matted waves. Any human would be terrified at the sudden change from a jovial young man to a monstrous piece of nightmarish flora.

His assumption that the humans would find his form more interesting than frightening was wrong. Soon, the Thicket Wisps were raided, and butchered, by a group of human hunters that caught them by surprise. Many of Oleander's once-family fled, never to be seen again once the fire and chaos had burned away, but more Faerie lay strewn across the forest floor at Ollie's feet. Call it irony or luck, but, for one reason or another, he managed to survive.

It took a few years of solitary travel for Oleander to come across the town of Arkley. He came during the Festival of Spirits a decade ago, young and still wild from the forest, but desperately seeking another group to call his own. While perhaps the nuances of the town didn't reveal themselves until he had established himself, years later, there is a... darkness that surrounds Arkley. Despite everything, Oleander is drawn to the town, wanting to understand the relationships that were built and continue to support the town. After about four years of doing odd jobs here and there, he took a short apprenticeship with the previous school teacher. Aging out of the career and finding Ollie to be knowledgeable in a plethora of fields, the old man spent another year transitioning the young Fae into the role. Now, surprisingly, five years later, the Fae continues to act as the school teacher while continuing to search for the hidden hearts of Arkley.

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?
There hasn't been someone directly coming to him and explaining the truth of the festival... but he has his suspicions. Whether he's completely right or wrong in his assumptions, he has no plans to attempt to get a confession out of anyone soon. With personal grievances against humans, Oleander could literally care less if a few travelers every year go "missing" from the festival. He prefers the travelers to be strictly human, and would purposefully lead traveling humans to enter the raffle instead of Faerie, Vampires, Shapeshifters, etc.
Afraid of the Dark // TALK
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If possible, could I reserve a spot under the Whitmore family?
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Thank you for the tag, however, I don't have the time to join right now. I might check back later if things open up. Best of luck, everyone.

Armand Whitmore
The Elder Bastard

Name: Armand Basil Whitmore
Age: 24
Gender: Cisgender Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Owner of Whit Pigments art shop // Artist
Role: Founding Family Member (First-Born to Ambrose Whitmore)
Personality: There is a reason for his tiger form. Armand was born a tempestuous child, but with the nurturing of his father, a warm, confident, and observant son was produced to counter his born nature. His art is where he feels the most free, and it's usually where he gets a lot of his frustrations out. While he is not a fan of the hunt, his first kill made him a believer in Fate, and he has somewhat accepted what he must do...just enough to do it. He pretends that he is not in turmoil by using his excitement for challenges as a cover—a barrier from his true feelings, if you will. The hunt is not the sort of adventure he seeks, only a necessary evil. Because of this, he has a love-hate relationship with the forest.
Likes: Challenges, Art, Wine (a lot of it), Travelers, Talking about Art, Pastries, Nature, The Forest, His Siblings
Dislikes: The Hunt, The Forest, Fate, Screaming, Overwhelming Smells
Backstory: However unfortunate, Armand is the first-born, bastard son to Ambrose Whitmore and black Frenchwoman Anais Bouchard. Ambrose was not always faithful to Serena, and at one point, he did love Anais before she died in childbirth. He was surely loved by his father, but as for his stepmother, he grew up wondering her feelings towards his existence. And as there often is, there was a bit of pressure on Armand as the first born. His birth was a violent one, and thus he grew to be a volatile child, and it took many days, months, and years for Ambrose to shape Armand from a blunt knife to a sharp sword. He was taught to cultivate his wit, trained to defend himself, and pushed to be among the sharpest in any given room.

One of the things that Armand found for himself that helped him keep his unpredictability at bay was art. He was rather good at it at a young age, discovering his affinity for it when he was 8 years old. It stuck with him, turning into his most powerful outlet for his more rash emotions, making room for his father's teachings. His determination stemmed a lot from not wanting to disappoint Ambrose. One can imagine his relief when his other form came out to be a predator—a tiger.

His first kill was one that stuck with him and one that will stick with him until the end of days. The closer he got to having to participate in the hunt, the bigger the pit that was in his stomach. And in the beginning, he tried to resist. There was a young traveler that he got to know, Brennan. A gifted teen, Brennan was well on his way to being led to the forest for the hunt, and as Armand started to like him, panic rose. He was close to steering him away from Arkley, but his father saw what he was doing and couldn't abide his reluctance that directly put Armand's life in danger, at the mercy of Decay. It did not end for Brennan, as Ambrose put Armand in a position where he had to make a split second choice—Armand killed Brennan in the hunt. Since then, Armand has been more resigned to his fate. In order to carve himself out a piece of heaven amongst hell, he grew to create his own art shop called Whit Pigments when he was 21. It's a one-stop shop for all things art, providing the best pigments around. He also is something of a custom mask maker.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Armand does not like the Hunt at all, however he is resigned to Fate. He won't help the travelers, and as far as hindering them, he keeps an eye out for Travelers that he believes may deserve it, to help assuage his guilt.
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Name: Gladiolus "Glad" Mulvahil
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Siren
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Performer
Role: Founding Family Member (Child of Lacey and Edger Mulvahil)

> Challenges
> Poetry
> Children Stories/
Stories in general
> Music
> Sweet things
> The sun
> Heat
> Pollution
> Tattoos

Much like the waters they loved so dear, Gladiolus was a tide - forever affected by the waxing and waning of the moon.

With those who she works with, they have thought of Gladiolus like the trickling stream, always going with the flow and easily approachable. She rarely said no to any role she was given. They said that she always gave her all with her performance, capturing who the character was and enthralling those watching.

With her family, she was a bit different. To the eyes of the public, Gladiolus was disciplined, well-mannered, and quiet. She was well versed in their history and would be the family's 'centerpiece' for formal gatherings even outside the mansion. Behind closed doors, Glad was just a lady who wanted to experience everything.

Predictably unpredictable. That was what her generation and those close to her would tease. Having a heart of a curios child, she would go to leaps and bounds to search for answers. Her mood changes with the moon, getting more emotional the closer the full moon was. One could see the cracks of her mask or the shift of her attitude - her quips, her snappy replies, the way she flirts with others, and her being a bit touch-starved.

Nobody in her family ever told her about their mysterious history. Why would they? Gladiolus was still too young to understand it. They let Gladiolus do whatever she liked during her childhood. Granted that she do good in school as well as attend her trainings.

What she did in her down time was either swim around the lake or explore the rivers around the town. They did not mind her swimming around as they can keep an eye on her from a distance but exploration was a bit dangerous especially when her flaming red hair gave her away as member of the founding family. They restricted her from going out to the woods by giving her more training and work.

Her transformation when she turned 11 was the most memorable thing that happened to her as she felt more free in this form. She felt powerful, unstoppable. She felt she can do anything, accidentally summoning a lightning storm. The family thought that was enough and ordered Glad to come back. She did not listen. Going back in the water, she evaded those who tried to capture her. This caused a little manhunt under water and Glad was severely punished from her mischief. She was not allowed to go swimming for a year.

For someone who is considered as a child still, Gladiolus was devastated by the punishment. She fell into depression shortly after, refusing to do anything with the family and locking herself in her room. Her own grandfather was concerned about this and decided to take Glad outside the town to visit a nearvy city. Looking around with disinterest, she heard the most peculiar sound. Following it to the source, she found herself before a street performer with an instrument she never saw and it gave off something akin to bagpipes and violin combined. The performer was also singing, attracting people with his voice and expression, coaxing others to dance and sing with him.

Enthralled by the sound, she turned to her grandfather and he nodded, already giving Glad permission. The rest was history. Gladiolus studied music and she had mastered most of the instruments - her favorite was the hurdy-gurdy.

One day, while composing another song, she thought back to the street performer. Why not share her talent to the others? Let them discover the beauty of music and arts. With that, she entered the world of performance.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers
She would do nothing for the most part but watch, maybe record the events that followed to turn it into a song. If she was to be asked by the other founding members to try and warn the winner, she will.
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I've read all of the info! I definitely want to join this RP if you'll have me!

I have a character idea in mind but I want to ask a few more questions so I will know what to classify this character as, and whether to scrap them or not.

So my general idea is a younger teen character that was adopted into the Whitmore family, but isn't a Whitmore by blood. They wouldn't be a shapeshifter; I'm still trying to determine if they'll be a human or perhaps a…changeling of some sorts? Which would be different from a shapeshifter (instead of transforming into an animal, they can assume multiple different human forms). But regardless, would this character be considered a citizen that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores? Or would they fill a Whitmore spot despite not being a Whitmore by blood?

This character is simply a general concept at the moment, and I'm awaiting your input. I'm also brainstorming my traveler idea and will get back to you on that.
I've read all of the info! I definitely want to join this RP if you'll have me!

I have a character idea in mind but I want to ask a few more questions so I will know what to classify this character as, and whether to scrap them or not.

So my general idea is a younger teen character that was adopted into the Whitmore family, but isn't a Whitmore by blood. They wouldn't be a shapeshifter; I'm still trying to determine if they'll be a human or perhaps a…changeling of some sorts? Which would be different from a shapeshifter (instead of transforming into an animal, they can assume multiple different human forms). But regardless, would this character be considered a citizen that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores? Or would they fill a Whitmore spot despite not being a Whitmore by blood?

This character is simply a general concept at the moment, and I'm awaiting your input. I'm also brainstorming my traveler idea and will get back to you on that.
That would depend. If your character was adopted by Ambrose and Serena, Minerva and Forrest, or Waverly then I would count them as having filled a Whitmore spot. If the character was adopted by a cousin to the aforementioned people, then they would be considered a citizen of Arkley that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores.
I've read all of the info! I definitely want to join this RP if you'll have me!

I have a character idea in mind but I want to ask a few more questions so I will know what to classify this character as, and whether to scrap them or not.

So my general idea is a younger teen character that was adopted into the Whitmore family, but isn't a Whitmore by blood. They wouldn't be a shapeshifter; I'm still trying to determine if they'll be a human or perhaps a…changeling of some sorts? Which would be different from a shapeshifter (instead of transforming into an animal, they can assume multiple different human forms). But regardless, would this character be considered a citizen that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores? Or would they fill a Whitmore spot despite not being a Whitmore by blood?

This character is simply a general concept at the moment, and I'm awaiting your input. I'm also brainstorming my traveler idea and will get back to you on that.
That would depend. If your character was adopted by Ambrose and Serena, Minerva and Forrest, or Waverly then I would count them as having filled a Whitmore spot. If the character was adopted by a cousin to the aforementioned people, then they would be considered a citizen of Arkley that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores.
Hmmm…well, before I make a decision, are there any Whitmore spots available? From what I can see, there's one more slot open, but I just want to be sure.
I've read all of the info! I definitely want to join this RP if you'll have me!

I have a character idea in mind but I want to ask a few more questions so I will know what to classify this character as, and whether to scrap them or not.

So my general idea is a younger teen character that was adopted into the Whitmore family, but isn't a Whitmore by blood. They wouldn't be a shapeshifter; I'm still trying to determine if they'll be a human or perhaps a…changeling of some sorts? Which would be different from a shapeshifter (instead of transforming into an animal, they can assume multiple different human forms). But regardless, would this character be considered a citizen that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores? Or would they fill a Whitmore spot despite not being a Whitmore by blood?

This character is simply a general concept at the moment, and I'm awaiting your input. I'm also brainstorming my traveler idea and will get back to you on that.
That would depend. If your character was adopted by Ambrose and Serena, Minerva and Forrest, or Waverly then I would count them as having filled a Whitmore spot. If the character was adopted by a cousin to the aforementioned people, then they would be considered a citizen of Arkley that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores.
Hmmm…well, before I make a decision, are there any Whitmore spots available? From what I can see, there's one more slot open, but I just want to be sure.
There is one more left.
I've read all of the info! I definitely want to join this RP if you'll have me!

I have a character idea in mind but I want to ask a few more questions so I will know what to classify this character as, and whether to scrap them or not.

So my general idea is a younger teen character that was adopted into the Whitmore family, but isn't a Whitmore by blood. They wouldn't be a shapeshifter; I'm still trying to determine if they'll be a human or perhaps a…changeling of some sorts? Which would be different from a shapeshifter (instead of transforming into an animal, they can assume multiple different human forms). But regardless, would this character be considered a citizen that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores? Or would they fill a Whitmore spot despite not being a Whitmore by blood?

This character is simply a general concept at the moment, and I'm awaiting your input. I'm also brainstorming my traveler idea and will get back to you on that.
That would depend. If your character was adopted by Ambrose and Serena, Minerva and Forrest, or Waverly then I would count them as having filled a Whitmore spot. If the character was adopted by a cousin to the aforementioned people, then they would be considered a citizen of Arkley that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores.
Hmmm…well, before I make a decision, are there any Whitmore spots available? From what I can see, there's one more slot open, but I just want to be sure.
There is one more left.
Alright! Great! Can I mayhaps reserve that spot while I figure my beloved lil character out?

By the way, which of the characters that you've listed would be the most inclined to adopting someone with no Whitmore blood, in your opinion?
I've read all of the info! I definitely want to join this RP if you'll have me!

I have a character idea in mind but I want to ask a few more questions so I will know what to classify this character as, and whether to scrap them or not.

So my general idea is a younger teen character that was adopted into the Whitmore family, but isn't a Whitmore by blood. They wouldn't be a shapeshifter; I'm still trying to determine if they'll be a human or perhaps a…changeling of some sorts? Which would be different from a shapeshifter (instead of transforming into an animal, they can assume multiple different human forms). But regardless, would this character be considered a citizen that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores? Or would they fill a Whitmore spot despite not being a Whitmore by blood?

This character is simply a general concept at the moment, and I'm awaiting your input. I'm also brainstorming my traveler idea and will get back to you on that.
That would depend. If your character was adopted by Ambrose and Serena, Minerva and Forrest, or Waverly then I would count them as having filled a Whitmore spot. If the character was adopted by a cousin to the aforementioned people, then they would be considered a citizen of Arkley that just so happens to be cared for by the Whitmores.
Hmmm…well, before I make a decision, are there any Whitmore spots available? From what I can see, there's one more slot open, but I just want to be sure.
There is one more left.
Alright! Great! Can I mayhaps reserve that spot while I figure my beloved lil character out?

By the way, which of the characters that you've listed would be the most inclined to adopting someone with no Whitmore blood, in your opinion?
hmm... I would say that Minerva & Forrest would be most likely to adopt a child with no Whitmore blood. Waverly and Ambrose aren't fond of outsiders.
Heh, should be interesting if so, cause I'm making a Minerva daughter who'd lost her twin brother a few years back.