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Klutzy Ninja Kitty


This is a story that is canon to the Murder Series. It continues the adventures of Jack and Zinnia, an unlikely couple who met during the Gravity Falls Incident and teamed up again in Monokuma's Awakening. After the conclusion of their second Murder Game, the pair returned to Jack's world and experienced one more additional adventure that can be found here: FANFICTION - Life's Value {Jack x Zinnia} [Murder Series]

After the events of Life's Value, Jack has vanquished Aku once and for all, finally ready start the next chapter of his life with Zinnia. With no particular plans in mind other than to walk their paths together, what purpose will they find for their new lives?

[Roleplay currently canceled, but will be continued as fanfiction at some point.]


"It's been seven days now," a very stoic Zinnia mumbled to herself as she watched hues of yellow, orange, violet, and blue mingle with one another in the sky. While it was a miraculous sunset to behold, it was one she no longer wanted to watch under her current conditions. She came to the same bridge every day, only watching the sunset because she had come to that spot to wait for Jack's return. When he would fail to return she would walk back to the town she had been staying at, coming back the next afternoon to wait for him again. But day after day he never returned, and day after day she grew more worried.

She should have gone with him! She should have accompanied Jack to Aku's location so that she could help him defeat the monster once and for all! But that wasn't what Jack wanted. In fact, ever since the two had dealt with the snake bite incident he had seemed anxious about Zinnia even traveling with him at all. He wanted to go alone and keep Zinnia safe, but found it difficult to do so when she only persisted and made him feel guilty.

However, at some point close to the end of their journey, he manage to convince Zinnia that Aku was his battle and he would be able to finish it on his own. While she wanted to go with him, and was sorely tempted to follow him against his wishes, a part of her wanted to be respectful and trust that he truly would be able to do this on his own. So Zinnia reluctantly agreed to stay behind in a secure town and wait for him, also promising to visit a bridge just outside of town every afternoon to wait for his return. She could only hope that it would be soon...

"Mum?" a small voice would echo from beside Zinnia, shaking the young woman from her thoughts. She glanced down at little Aster beside her, offering the Pokemon a tired smile before reaching down to give her a pat between the ears.

"Hey, don't worry, Aster. I bet he'll be back any day now. I'm sure he's just taking his time to come back. He's probably exhausted from how hard he kicked Aku's ass, am I right?" She said, letting out a half-hearted chuckle. While she wanted to be hopeful and positive, it was difficult for Zinnia to do so after she had experienced such a realistic dream of Jack's death after having been bitten by that strange snake. Her heart still ached to this day when she thought about that dream, and made her wonder what exactly she would do if for some reason Jack didn't return.

Well, for one thing, if Jack died or had been taken prisoner she wasn't just going to sit around. No, she would find that monster and make him suffer for hurting someone who was precious to her. Revenge would be her only desire. However, if Aku actually had died, along with Jack, she wasn't sure what she would do with herself. Last time she thought Jack had died, Zinnia had lost her will to live. She didn't even want to imagine such a scenario again. She was honestly tired of crying over loss. She wasn't sure if it was something she could do anymore...

Aster whined and glanced past the bridge, earning a sigh from Zinnia. "Well, Aster dear, it doesn't look like he's going to be here today either. We should head back," Zinnia mumbled, a downcast expression on her face. She turned and began to walk back to town's inn she had been staying at, her tattered cape flowing behind her. She stopped at one point, clenching her fists tightly before punching a tree.

I hate this! I'm tired of waiting here not knowing if he's okay or not!

After hitting the tree, she rushed back toward the town, running so fast that Aster couldn't keep up. "Mur, mur, mur!" she exclaimed, running after Zinnia.

@The Tactician
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This is a story that is canon to the Murder Series. It continues the adventures of Jack and Zinnia, an unlikely couple who met during the Gravity Falls Incident and teamed up again in Monokuma's Awakening. After the conclusion of their second Murder Game, the pair returned to Jack's world and experienced one more additional adventure that can be found here: FANFICTION - Life's Value {Jack x Zinnia} [Murder Series]

After the events of Life's Value, Jack has vanquished Aku once and for all, finally ready start the next chapter of his life with Zinnia. With no particular plans in mind other than to walk their paths together, what purpose will they find for their new lives?


"It's been seven days now," a very stoic Zinnia mumbled to herself as she watched hues of yellow, orange, violet, and blue mingle with one another in the sky. While it was a miraculous sunset to behold, it was one she no longer wanted to watch under her current conditions. She came to the same bridge every day, only watching the sunset because she had come to that spot to wait for Jack's return. When he would fail to return she would walk back to the town she had been staying at, coming back the next afternoon to wait for him again. But day after day he never returned, and day after day she grew more worried.

She should have gone with him! She should have accompanied Jack to Aku's location so that she could help him defeat the monster once and for all! But that wasn't what Jack wanted. In fact, ever since the two had dealt with the snake bite incident he had seemed anxious about Zinnia even traveling with him at all. He wanted to go alone and keep Zinnia safe, but found it difficult to do so when she only persisted and made him feel guilty.

However, at some point close to the end of their journey, he manage to convince Zinnia that Aku was his battle and he would be able to finish it on his own. While she wanted to go with him, and was sorely tempted to follow him against his wishes, a part of her wanted to be respectful and trust that he truly would be able to do this on his own. So Zinnia reluctantly agreed to stay behind in a secure town and wait for him, also promising to visit a bridge just outside of town every afternoon to wait for his return. She could only hope that it would be soon...

"Mum?" a small voice would echo from beside Zinnia, shaking the young woman from her thoughts. She glanced down at little Aster beside her, offering the Pokemon a tired smile before reaching down to give her a pat between the ears.

"Hey, don't worry, Aster. I bet he'll be back any day now. I'm sure he's just taking his time to come back. He's probably exhausted from how hard he kicked Aku's ass, am I right?" She said, letting out a half-hearted chuckle. While she wanted to be hopeful and positive, it was difficult for Zinnia to do so after she had experienced such a realistic dream of Jack's death after having been bitten by that strange snake. Her heart still ached to this day when she thought about that dream, and made her wonder what exactly she would do if for some reason Jack didn't return.

Well, for one thing, if Jack died or had been taken prisoner she wasn't just going to sit around. No, she would find that monster and make him suffer for hurting someone who was precious to her. Revenge would be her only desire. However, if Aku actually had died, along with Jack, she wasn't sure what she would do with herself. Last time she thought Jack had died, Zinnia had lost her will to live. She didn't even want to imagine such a scenario again. She was honestly tired of crying over loss. She wasn't sure if it was something she could do anymore...

Aster whined and glanced past the bridge, earning a sigh from Zinnia. "Well, Aster dear, it doesn't look like he's going to be here today either. We should head back," Zinnia mumbled, a downcast expression on her face. She turned and began to walk back to town's inn she had been staying at, her tattered cape flowing behind her. She stopped at one point, clenching her fists tightly before punching a tree.

I hate this! I'm tired of waiting here not knowing if he's okay or not!

After hitting the tree, she rushed back toward the town, running so fast that Aster couldn't keep up. "Mur, mur, mur!" she exclaimed, running after Zinnia.

@The Tactician

In tired silence, the samurai almost seemed to glide with the air as he followed the well-worn, dirt path. The man carried himself with an air of merit about his alert form, a hand placed upon his sword's grip as he watched for any sign of bandits. The rough feeling of its worn handle was a welcome reminder of his ability to cut down any evil that stood in his way, warming his heart as he did not fear what lied ahead. However, what truly warmed his heart was the memory of what had occurred only two days beforehand.

The sorcerer who had brought great upheaval and destruction to his world was finally vanquished, both in the distant future and now in the present. His journey was finally nearly over.

It had not been a simple or easy bout by any means. There had been a few stray burns and cuts upon his skin by the end of the duel with Aku, ones that he did not dare leave untreated before heading back to this village. It was worth the pain of treating those wounds though, to know that his world's tormentor was vanquished for certain now. He had made certain the demon was truly banished from existence, to never return this time and wreak havoc upon future generations. The future would never need to worry at the prospect of its dictator returning now, and nor would the samurai known simply as Jack.

Yet each of his steps was filled with a heavy worry as he wondered what he would find in his destination. The town was far enough away from Aku's realm within his homeland that Jack did not believe it would be subject to attack soon after his departure, but he couldn't help the fear in his heart as he neared closer and closer to the end of his journey. It was clear to him that his overthinking was irrational, unneeded as he knew what Aku's minions would face if they attacked the town...

Yet he could not help but worry as he had left his cherry blossom with only her daughter and dragon-like companions. It was the only means to keep from thinking of what he would without her if that worry came true. His fretting was out of almost-certain hope that she was perfectly content if upset at being left from the final battle, out of the joy he would experience once they reunited as one.

His fretting was out of worry for their future as one, as a family who would provide inspiration and hope for his homeland as they rebuilt as one.

As he came upon the bridge to the town, he released a sigh as it was revealed to be devoid of life as the final rays of the sun set upon the lands where it rose. It seemed he had taken too long to meet her here, to embrace as if they were a pair of lovers in one of the grand tales of heroic adventure he had read for mild entertainment during their travels. Yet while it was disappointing in a way, it was also lightening upon his heart as it would not have fit their story together. They had come together by chance, and if fate wished for them to meet elsewhere to become one again, then so be it. Jack would only draw his blade if fate tried to steal her from his life.

And so, he pressed on, passing over the bridge as the water below remained still and without disturbance. Perhaps he might catch up to her soon, before she arrived back at the inn they had reserved a room within. Either way, it shouldn't be too much longer before they met again.​
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In tired silence, the samurai almost seemed to glide with the air as he followed the well-worn, dirt path. The man carried himself with an air of merit about his alert form, a hand placed upon his sword's grip as he watched for any sign of bandits. The rough feeling of its worn handle was a welcome reminder of his ability to cut down any evil that stood in his way, warming his heart as he did not fear what lied ahead. However, what truly warmed his heart was the memory of what had occurred only two days beforehand.

The sorcerer who had brought great upheaval and destruction to his world was finally vanquished, both in the distant future and now in the present. His journey was finally nearly over.

It had not been a simple or easy bout by any means. There had been a few stray burns and cuts upon his skin by the end of the duel with Aku, ones that he did not dare leave untreated before heading back to this village. It was worth the pain of treating those wounds though, to know that his world's tormentor was vanquished for certain now. He had made certain the demon was truly banished from existence, to never return this time and wreak havoc upon future generations. The future would never need to worry at the prospect of its dictator returning now, and nor would the samurai known simply as Jack.

Yet each of his steps was filled with a heavy worry as he wondered what he would find in his destination. The town was far enough away from Aku's realm within his homeland that Jack did not believe it would be subject to attack soon after his departure, but he couldn't help the fear in his heart as he neared closer and closer to the end of his journey. It was clear to him that his overthinking was irrational, unneeded as he knew what Aku's minions would face if they attacked the town...

Yet he could not help but worry as he had left his cherry blossom with only her daughter and dragon-like companions. It was the only means to keep from thinking of what he would without her if that worry came true. His fretting was out of almost-certain hope that she was perfectly content if upset at being left from the final battle, out of the joy he would experience once they reunited as one.

His fretting was out of worry for their future as one, as a family who would provide inspiration and hope for his homeland as they rebuilt as one.

As he came upon the bridge to the town, he released a sigh as it was revealed to be devoid of life as the final rays of the sun set upon the lands where it rose. It seemed he had taken too long to meet her here, to embrace as if they were a pair of lovers in one of the grand tales of heroic adventure he had read for mild entertainment during their travels. Yet while it was disappointing in a way, it was also lightening upon his heart as it would not have fit their story together. They had come together by chance, and if fate wished for them to meet elsewhere to become one again, then so be it. Jack would only draw his blade if fate tried to steal her from his life.

And so, he pressed on, passing over the bridge as the water below remained still and without disturbance. Perhaps he might catch up to her soon, before she arrived back at the inn they had reserved a room within. Either way, it shouldn't be too much longer before they met again.​
At some point, Zinnia's frantic daughter caught up to the woman and leaped onto the back of her leg, refusing to let go. Frowning, Zinnia shook her leg to try and remove the whismur.


"Aster, please let go. I'm not really in the mood for fun and games," she muttered, attempting to grab the pokémon and remove her. However, Aster's reaction to Zinnia's touch completely surprised the young woman: the little creature reached up and bit onto her mother's arm. Zinnia let out a yelp, quickly pulling her arm back in astonishment. "Young lady, you do not bite your mother! You're in big trouble! Now let go of my leg and--"

Cutting Zinnia off, Aster let out a piercing whale that would cause the lorekeeper to cover her ears. A whismur's cry was powerful and could damage the eardrums of others if they weren't careful. But it wasn't like Aster to let out a cry without thinking! Zinnia had taught her better than that!

"Ugh, what has gotten into you tonight, Aster?" Zinnia grumbled, finally pulling the pokémon off her leg and into her arms. Even in Zinnia's arms the whismur wouldn't calm down. She quirked and struggled until Zinnia dropped her, running circles around her mother afterwards.

While Zinnia wouldn't understand why Aster was behaving in such a manner, the little one had a good reason. Truthfully, she had sharper senses than any human and knew that Jack was nearby. She desperately either wanted her mother's attention so that Zinnia would turn around and walk back to the bridge, or at least to distract her for a moment so that Jack would be able to catch up. However, as Zinnia stated, she wasn't in the mood to deal with Aster's shenanigans. The dark-haired woman let out a scowl and stepped around the small pokémon.

"I honestly don't know what your problem is. If this is your way of telling me you want to play or that I should cheer up it honestly just isn't going to work," she grumbled, the frustration showing in her voice. "Leave me alone," she added, her shoulders slumping. While she would try her best and put up a tough front, Zinnia honestly felt miserable. Every day Jack was gone felt like living a years worth of time as a sparrow with a broken wing or a being with half a heart. So she blindly ignored Aster, paying no mind to the signals her pokémon tried to give.

Giving up on Zinnia after a moment, Aster let out a huff and ran back to the bridge by herself, screeching loudly when spotted Jack. She jumped onto his leg and hugged it tightly, eager to have his attention after he had been gone for so long. "Mur, mur, mur!" she cried, her voice so loud that it even alerted Zinnia.

The lorekeeper stopped walking and squinted back into the distance, unable to see Jack or Aster through the darkness. "Aster get back here!" Zinnia shouted, clenching her fists at her sides.

@The Tactician
At some point, Zinnia's frantic daughter caught up to the woman and leaped onto the back of her leg, refusing to let go. Frowning, Zinnia shook her leg to try and remove the whismur.


"Aster, please let go. I'm not really in the mood for fun and games," she muttered, attempting to grab the pokémon and remove her. However, Aster's reaction to Zinnia's touch completely surprised the young woman: the little creature reached up and bit onto her mother's arm. Zinnia let out a yelp, quickly pulling her arm back in astonishment. "Young lady, you do not bite your mother! You're in big trouble! Now let go of my leg and--"

Cutting Zinnia off, Aster let out a piercing whale that would cause the lorekeeper to cover her ears. A whismur's cry was powerful and could damage the eardrums of others if they weren't careful. But it wasn't like Aster to let out a cry without thinking! Zinnia had taught her better than that!

"Ugh, what has gotten into you tonight, Aster?" Zinnia grumbled, finally pulling the pokémon off her leg and into her arms. Even in Zinnia's arms the whismur wouldn't calm down. She quirked and struggled until Zinnia dropped her, running circles around her mother afterwards.

While Zinnia wouldn't understand why Aster was behaving in such a manner, the little one had a good reason. Truthfully, she had sharper senses than any human and knew that Jack was nearby. She desperately either wanted her mother's attention so that Zinnia would turn around and walk back to the bridge, or at least to distract her for a moment so that Jack would be able to catch up. However, as Zinnia stated, she wasn't in the mood to deal with Aster's shenanigans. The dark-haired woman let out a scowl and stepped around the small pokémon.

"I honestly don't know what your problem is. If this is your way of telling me you want to play or that I should cheer up it honestly just isn't going to work," she grumbled, the frustration showing in her voice. "Leave me alone," she added, her shoulders slumping. While she would try her best and put up a tough front, Zinnia honestly felt miserable. Every day Jack was gone felt like living a years worth of time as a sparrow with a broken wing or a being with half a heart. So she blindly ignored Aster, paying no mind to the signals her pokémon tried to give.

Giving up on Zinnia after a moment, Aster let out a huff and ran back to the bridge by herself, screeching loudly when spotted Jack. She jumped onto his leg and hugged it tightly, eager to have his attention after he had been gone for so long. "Mur, mur, mur!" she cried, her voice so loud that it even alerted Zinnia.

The lorekeeper stopped walking and squinted back into the distance, unable to see Jack or Aster through the darkness. "Aster get back here!" Zinnia shouted, clenching her fists at her sides.

@The Tactician

Jack had just crossed the bridge when the little pink puffball appeared from the darkness. His grip tightened for a moment on his sword before loosening, his expression likewise turning from a stern alertness to a wholehearted smile. His eyes were filled with a quiet warmth as he reached down and picked up his lover's surrogate child, gently holding and hugging the creature as he tried to calm her nerves and quiet her cries.

"Shush, little one, shush. It is alright, I am here again..." He held back a frown as he wondered why the child was alone. It did not seem scared of anything that might come after her from the darkness, no panic except when she realized that she had found him once again. While that meant there was no danger perhaps at the moment, it did leave a question of where Aster had appeared from.

Then her voice rang out from the darkness, and as the warmth in the samurai's heart grew, so did his realization of where his daughter had come from. It seemed fate did wish for the lovers to meet sooner than expected, even if it was in the shadows of the night.

"Come, little one, let us greet your mother and welcome her to our embrace."

With a tone softer than his normally obedience-attracting voice that he used for all but his closest of companions, the samurai soothed his child's panic once again while patting her head before walking into the darkness, searching for the woman who had was the center of both their lives.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Jack had just crossed the bridge when the little pink puffball appeared from the darkness. His grip tightened for a moment on his sword before loosening, his expression likewise turning from a stern alertness to a wholehearted smile. His eyes were filled with a quiet warmth as he reached down and picked up his lover's surrogate child, gently holding and hugging the creature as he tried to calm her nerves and quiet her cries.

"Shush, little one, shush. It is alright, I am here again..." He held back a frown as he wondered why the child was alone. It did not seem scared of anything that might come after her from the darkness, no panic except when she realized that she had found him once again. While that meant there was no danger perhaps at the moment, it did leave a question of where Aster had appeared from.

Then her voice rang out from the darkness, and as the warmth in the samurai's heart grew, so did his realization of where his daughter had come from. It seemed fate did wish for the lovers to meet sooner than expected, even if it was in the shadows of the night.

"Come, little one, let us greet your mother and welcome her to our embrace."

With a tone softer than his normally obedience-attracting voice that he used for all but his closest of companions, the samurai soothed his child's panic once again while patting her head before walking into the darkness, searching for the woman who had was the center of both their lives.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
A scowl escaped Zinnia's lips when Aster would fail to listen and return to her side. While she was sorely tempted to send another Pokémon to retrieve the mischievous little whismur, the woman cared too much about the little one to leave the task of retrieving her to another. Even if she was frustrated, Zinnia wouldn't leave Aster's side. So she stomped toward Jack and Aster, catching the pokémon's attention when she did.

Aster leapt from Jack's arms and rushed up to Zinnia, frantically gesturing in Jack's direction. She knew how much Zinnia missed him, and wanted them to reunite just as much as Jack did.

Sighing, Zinnia picked Aster up in her arms and shook her head. "I swear, sometimes you cause me way too much troub--"


The lorekeeper cut herself off, staring past Aster. Her red eyes had finally adjusted to the dark, allowing her to see the second figure standing nearby. In shock, she dropped Aster, causing her to hit the ground and let out a screech. However, this time Zinnia didn't respond to the screech. Her attention now belonged solely to Jack.

She rushed past Aster and headed for Jack, the sound of her heart pounding in her ears.

He's back?! Is it really you, Jack?!

Any ordinary couple probably would have reunited in a romantic way, sweeping into each other's arms and embracing to share a passionate kiss under the stars.

But nothing about these two had ever been normal.

Zinnia skidded to a stop in front of Jack, looking him up and down for a moment without saying a word. She then reached out to him and...

...slapped him across the face.

"I-Idiot," Zinnia spat out, her voice shaking and full of emotion. "A whole week, Jack, you've been gone for a whole week. D-Dammit, you had me so freaking worried," she added, looking into his face with tears glossed over her eyes.

You have no idea how much I missed you. Thank the Dragon Lord you're back...

@The Tactician
A scowl escaped Zinnia's lips when Aster would fail to listen and return to her side. While she was sorely tempted to send another Pokémon to retrieve the mischievous little whismur, the woman cared too much about the little one to leave the task of retrieving her to another. Even if she was frustrated, Zinnia wouldn't leave Aster's side. So she stomped toward Jack and Aster, catching the pokémon's attention when she did.

Aster leapt from Jack's arms and rushed up to Zinnia, frantically gesturing in Jack's direction. She knew how much Zinnia missed him, and wanted them to reunite just as much as Jack did.

Sighing, Zinnia picked Aster up in her arms and shook her head. "I swear, sometimes you cause me way too much troub--"


The lorekeeper cut herself off, staring past Aster. Her red eyes had finally adjusted to the dark, allowing her to see the second figure standing nearby. In shock, she dropped Aster, causing her to hit the ground and let out a screech. However, this time Zinnia didn't respond to the screech. Her attention now belonged solely to Jack.

She rushed past Aster and headed for Jack, the sound of her heart pounding in her ears.

He's back?! Is it really you, Jack?!

Any ordinary couple probably would have reunited in a romantic way, sweeping into each other's arms and embracing to share a passionate kiss under the stars.

But nothing about these two had ever been normal.

Zinnia skidded to a stop in front of Jack, looking him up and down for a moment without saying a word. She then reached out to him and...

...slapped him across the face.

"I-Idiot," Zinnia spat out, her voice shaking and full of emotion. "A whole week, Jack, you've been gone for a whole week. D-Dammit, you had me so freaking worried," she added, looking into his face with tears glossed over her eyes.

You have no idea how much I missed you. Thank the Dragon Lord you're back...

@The Tactician
Jack remained silent as scolding mother and panicked daughter reunited, not wishing to disturb them before Zinnia was ready. He now understood why Aster had been alone, had been running through the dark. She had wished to unite her adopted mother with him after hearing him coming from afar, a sweet little act. He would need to provide her with a gift to thank her and encourage her to continue such acts.

In the meantime, he simply took in his lover's appearance and understood the stress he had put her through. She seemed rather haggard, clothes disheveled and without care. The rings under her eyes weren't flesh, as if she hadn't been to remain at peace for even a night during their time apart. She had been tired of waiting the moment he had left her sight just a week before, and each night had been excruciating as he worried over him.

The slap was well-deserved, and he did not turn aside to dodge it or even flinch as it left a red mark on his cheek.

"I know, and I am sorry for causing you such worry, Zinnia."

Instead, his flinch was reserved for the sight of tears in her eyes. With a sigh as he did not deny his mistake in keeping her from accompanying him, he moved to try and wrap his arms around her, to hold her close to assure her that he was here once again.

"I simply wished to protect you... but it is over now. The future is secured and my homeland can rebuild once again, and you will not need to worry about any sort of departure on my part."
Jack remained silent as scolding mother and panicked daughter reunited, not wishing to disturb them before Zinnia was ready. He now understood why Aster had been alone, had been running through the dark. She had wished to unite her adopted mother with him after hearing him coming from afar, a sweet little act. He would need to provide her with a gift to thank her and encourage her to continue such acts.

In the meantime, he simply took in his lover's appearance and understood the stress he had put her through. She seemed rather haggard, clothes disheveled and without care. The rings under her eyes weren't flesh, as if she hadn't been to remain at peace for even a night during their time apart. She had been tired of waiting the moment he had left her sight just a week before, and each night had been excruciating as he worried over him.

The slap was well-deserved, and he did not turn aside to dodge it or even flinch as it left a red mark on his cheek.

"I know, and I am sorry for causing you such worry, Zinnia."

Instead, his flinch was reserved for the sight of tears in her eyes. With a sigh as he did not deny his mistake in keeping her from accompanying him, he moved to try and wrap his arms around her, to hold her close to assure her that he was here once again.

"I simply wished to protect you... but it is over now. The future is secured and my homeland can rebuild once again, and you will not need to worry about any sort of departure on my part."
Although she wouldn't admit to it, Zinnia immediately felt bad after slapping Jack. Here he was, a selfless person whom she loved, standing before her looking rather exhausted from his journey. There was no way the samurai deserved it. Yet, he didn't even try to avoid the slap or stop her, but simply accepted it. Heck, he even apologized for making her worry! As different as the two of them were, Zinnia couldn't understand how he so masterfully kept his emotions under control. But even though she didn't understand, it was still one of the things she loved about him.

Although she calmed slightly due to his reaction, the young woman squirmed and moved away from his embrace like a stubborn child. It wasn't her intent to seem aloof or uncaring, she just wasn't sure how to handle her emotions. "S-Stupid, you shouldn't have let me slap you," she lightly scolded, her resolve to stay upset quickly fading. "I just--"

I lost my mother, my father never stuck around, Zen abandoned me, and I lost my Aster.


"Losing people is just a tragic reoccurrence in my life," she replied, looking away from him and down at her feet. She kicked up a cloud of dirt that was hardly visible in the darkness. "And after experiencing that snake dream I get worried... more than normal." Zinnia reached up to wipe her eyes, finally realizing herself that they were wet with tears.

"I, er," Zinnia started to say, almost too overwhelmed to know what she should say next. "Oh, screw it! Just come 'ere!" The dark haired woman almost jumped at him, tightly hugging him. She rubbed her cheek on him, affectionately snuggling like a kitten. "I missed you so much! So it's true you're really done with your journey?" she asked, hopeful. "Because, darn it, I'd love it if we could take a break from fighting for a while!"

@The Tactician
Although she wouldn't admit to it, Zinnia immediately felt bad after slapping Jack. Here he was, a selfless person whom she loved, standing before her looking rather exhausted from his journey. There was no way the samurai deserved it. Yet, he didn't even try to avoid the slap or stop her, but simply accepted it. Heck, he even apologized for making her worry! As different as the two of them were, Zinnia couldn't understand how he so masterfully kept his emotions under control. But even though she didn't understand, it was still one of the things she loved about him.

Although she calmed slightly due to his reaction, the young woman squirmed and moved away from his embrace like a stubborn child. It wasn't her intent to seem aloof or uncaring, she just wasn't sure how to handle her emotions. "S-Stupid, you shouldn't have let me slap you," she lightly scolded, her resolve to stay upset quickly fading. "I just--"

I lost my mother, my father never stuck around, Zen abandoned me, and I lost my Aster.


"Losing people is just a tragic reoccurrence in my life," she replied, looking away from him and down at her feet. She kicked up a cloud of dirt that was hardly visible in the darkness. "And after experiencing that snake dream I get worried... more than normal." Zinnia reached up to wipe her eyes, finally realizing herself that they were wet with tears.

"I, er," Zinnia started to say, almost too overwhelmed to know what she should say next. "Oh, screw it! Just come 'ere!" The dark haired woman almost jumped at him, tightly hugging him. She rubbed her cheek on him, affectionately snuggling like a kitten. "I missed you so much! So it's true you're really done with your journey?" she asked, hopeful. "Because, darn it, I'd love it if we could take a break from fighting for a while!"

@The Tactician
The warrior seemed to haveas his lover pulled away, continued to scold him for his mistake. She had every right to be upset at him, and he wouldn't stop her from making her pain known. Instead, he would simply weather her anger, knowing that she would calm eventually.

"It is alright... You were simply worried and upset, my love..." He tried to comfort her as she spoke, knowing the ache in her heart all too well. The journey had taken its toll on many of his relationships in the past, and now, it caused pain within the most precious of his bonds. They were simply fortunate that the quest was finally over with, that they could finally move on. The first step to leaving this chapter in their lives behind?

A simple yet tight hug. Finally, a smile returned to the samurai's lips as he caught the dragon master in his arms and held her close, content to allow her to nuzzle his chest for a few moments. "I have longed for you as well, Zinnia," He chuckled as she began to almost glow with hope and excitement, "And yes, there will be no more fighting a little while, dear." As if to set her nerves further at ease, a well-worn hand gently patted her head before a kiss replaced it.​
The warrior seemed to haveas his lover pulled away, continued to scold him for his mistake. She had every right to be upset at him, and he wouldn't stop her from making her pain known. Instead, he would simply weather her anger, knowing that she would calm eventually.

"It is alright... You were simply worried and upset, my love..." He tried to comfort her as she spoke, knowing the ache in her heart all too well. The journey had taken its toll on many of his relationships in the past, and now, it caused pain within the most precious of his bonds. They were simply fortunate that the quest was finally over with, that they could finally move on. The first step to leaving this chapter in their lives behind?

A simple yet tight hug. Finally, a smile returned to the samurai's lips as he caught the dragon master in his arms and held her close, content to allow her to nuzzle his chest for a few moments. "I have longed for you as well, Zinnia," He chuckled as she began to almost glow with hope and excitement, "And yes, there will be no more fighting a little while, dear." As if to set her nerves further at ease, a well-worn hand gently patted her head before a kiss replaced it.​
Oh, what an immense relief to Zinnia! Hearing him say they were doing with fighting was almost like music to the dragon trainer's ears. Jack was finally finished with his mission. In a way, it meant the start to a brand new adventure they would be able to have together. What that adventure would be like, Zinnia wasn't entirely sure. They had often daydreamed about what their lives would be like in passing, like fleeting wishes for a future that seemed so very far off. It was hard to fathom that they had finally reached said future.


"F-i-n-a-l-l-y. FINALLY!" Zinnia gleefully exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Jack's neck. She lifted her legs off the ground for a second using him to support her for a second before she would drop back down. "Man, it feels like I've been waiting ages for us to get to this point!" she said, moving back only a step so she could stretch her arms. She didn't give him space for long, however, before she had already clung to his arm.

"We should deeeefinitely celebrate! We should--" Zinnia cut herself off, finally realizing she might've been getting a little too excited. It wasn't like her to usually think things through, but it was hard it ignore how tired and haggard Jack looked. After all, he had just come back from a long journey. "Ehh, actually I'm sure you want to get some rest, huh? Let's just go back to the town and get you to bed. You look like you're practically about to pass out."

On the ground, Aster began to whine before gently pawing at the back of Zinnia's legs. Translating for the pokémon, Zinnia said, "Aster hates that town. People have been giving her and I strange looks lately. I get that this world doesn't have pokémon, but they could at least show us some respect, you know?" Zinnia paused to growl in the back of her throat. "I tried to be a good girl while you were gone though. So I promise I didn't "teach them a lesson," she added. It wasn't often that Zinnia, Aster, or her dragons were noticed by residents from Jack's world. They never stayed in one place long enough for anyone to take notice when she and Jack had traveled together. But she had ended up staying in that town for quite some time while she waited for the samurai to return.

@The Tactician
Oh, what an immense relief to Zinnia! Hearing him say they were doing with fighting was almost like music to the dragon trainer's ears. Jack was finally finished with his mission. In a way, it meant the start to a brand new adventure they would be able to have together. What that adventure would be like, Zinnia wasn't entirely sure. They had often daydreamed about what their lives would be like in passing, like fleeting wishes for a future that seemed so very far off. It was hard to fathom that they had finally reached said future.


"F-i-n-a-l-l-y. FINALLY!" Zinnia gleefully exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Jack's neck. She lifted her legs off the ground for a second using him to support her for a second before she would drop back down. "Man, it feels like I've been waiting ages for us to get to this point!" she said, moving back only a step so she could stretch her arms. She didn't give him space for long, however, before she had already clung to his arm.

"We should deeeefinitely celebrate! We should--" Zinnia cut herself off, finally realizing she might've been getting a little too excited. It wasn't like her to usually think things through, but it was hard it ignore how tired and haggard Jack looked. After all, he had just come back from a long journey. "Ehh, actually I'm sure you want to get some rest, huh? Let's just go back to the town and get you to bed. You look like you're practically about to pass out."

On the ground, Aster began to whine before gently pawing at the back of Zinnia's legs. Translating for the pokémon, Zinnia said, "Aster hates that town. People have been giving her and I strange looks lately. I get that this world doesn't have pokémon, but they could at least show us some respect, you know?" Zinnia paused to growl in the back of her throat. "I tried to be a good girl while you were gone though. So I promise I didn't "teach them a lesson," she added. It wasn't often that Zinnia, Aster, or her dragons were noticed by residents from Jack's world. They never stayed in one place long enough for anyone to take notice when she and Jack had traveled together. But she had ended up staying in that town for quite some time while she waited for the samurai to return.

@The Tactician
Jack chuckled as his lover actually jumped up for their hug for a moment, hanging around his neck as he kept her lifted up. It was something he was used to, and by this point, he had come to look forward to them as they reminded him what he had in his life now. "A long time indeed, my love... And now we have the time we need," He sighed with a relaxed sound, content to let her choose how she wished to hold him. As she wrapped herself around his arm, his hand reached down and gently took hers, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"It is alright if you wish to celebrate now, Zinnia," The samurai responded to her concern with a wave of his free hand, trying to ignore his own exhaustion. It was unfortunately true, the battle with his nemesis had left him prepared to rest for several days, but he had so far fought off the urge to simply lie down and do so. However, each moment he fought, the signs of his exhaustion grew, no matter how much he tried to smile and hide it.

However, what she said next awoke him well and a frown appeared on the warrior's lips as his grip tightened on her hand, "... I will have words with them if need be... You are a fellow hero such as I, my love, and you do not deserve to be gawked..." After that though, he couldn't help but chuckle at her comment about being good, "Do not worry, I am sure you'll find a chance to be a 'bad' girl soon enough~"
Jack chuckled as his lover actually jumped up for their hug for a moment, hanging around his neck as he kept her lifted up. It was something he was used to, and by this point, he had come to look forward to them as they reminded him what he had in his life now. "A long time indeed, my love... And now we have the time we need," He sighed with a relaxed sound, content to let her choose how she wished to hold him. As she wrapped herself around his arm, his hand reached down and gently took hers, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"It is alright if you wish to celebrate now, Zinnia," The samurai responded to her concern with a wave of his free hand, trying to ignore his own exhaustion. It was unfortunately true, the battle with his nemesis had left him prepared to rest for several days, but he had so far fought off the urge to simply lie down and do so. However, each moment he fought, the signs of his exhaustion grew, no matter how much he tried to smile and hide it.

However, what she said next awoke him well and a frown appeared on the warrior's lips as his grip tightened on her hand, "... I will have words with them if need be... You are a fellow hero such as I, my love, and you do not deserve to be gawked..." After that though, he couldn't help but chuckle at her comment about being good, "Do not worry, I am sure you'll find a chance to be a 'bad' girl soon enough~"
Ever an affectionate kitten-like woman, Zinnia rubbed her head on Jack's arm as she continued to cling to him. She let out a laugh when he suggested they could celebrate now, eyeing him up with an excited smile. "Don't let me push you into something if you're too tired. If you give me an inch, you know I'll always try as hard as I can to take a mile." Zinnia paused for a moment before adding, "Buuuut, if you insist, we could celebrate a little bit. Care to grab a drink and watch the stars? I guuuuuess that'll do for now."

The lorekeeper perked up even a bit more at Jack's mention of her getting a chance to be a bad girl soon, forgetting she had even mentioned anything about the residents of this world giving her a hard time. "Say it isn't so!" she teased. "Pure hearted Jack is finally going to let me be a bad girl? Boy, life is just going to get better and better now, isn't it?" she said shooting him a flirty wink.

Before Zinnia could say anything else, she felt Aster continue to claw at her legs, becoming more persistent. "Mur, mur!" she exclaimed, actually jumping up high enough to nudge Zinnia's belt.


"Oh, I get it," Zinnia said, frowning as she looked down at her bare belt. "I guess I don't have my dragons with me. Did I forget them? Weird. I was sure I had them on my belt before I came out here. It's not like me to forget them. I guess we'd better hurry back to town so I can make sure they're--"

Before either one of them could say anything else, Aster took off running, heading straight for a person who was standing at the entrance of the town. She lunged at the individual's leg, biting down hard on it. The bitten person yelped, so surprised they actually dropped something they were holding. Zinnia and Jack would recognize the familiar object as... one of the dragon trainers very own pokéballs.

"Argh, it's no wonder Aster was so upset! Some piece of shit tried to rob me!" Zinnia exclaimed, letting go of Jack's arm. Her red eyes burned with fury as she suddenly rushed onward, trying to catch up with Aster and the stranger.

@The Myrmidon
Ever an affectionate kitten-like woman, Zinnia rubbed her head on Jack's arm as she continued to cling to him. She let out a laugh when he suggested they could celebrate now, eyeing him up with an excited smile. "Don't let me push you into something if you're too tired. If you give me an inch, you know I'll always try as hard as I can to take a mile." Zinnia paused for a moment before adding, "Buuuut, if you insist, we could celebrate a little bit. Care to grab a drink and watch the stars? I guuuuuess that'll do for now."

The lorekeeper perked up even a bit more at Jack's mention of her getting a chance to be a bad girl soon, forgetting she had even mentioned anything about the residents of this world giving her a hard time. "Say it isn't so!" she teased. "Pure hearted Jack is finally going to let me be a bad girl? Boy, life is just going to get better and better now, isn't it?" she said shooting him a flirty wink.

Before Zinnia could say anything else, she felt Aster continue to claw at her legs, becoming more persistent. "Mur, mur!" she exclaimed, actually jumping up high enough to nudge Zinnia's belt.


"Oh, I get it," Zinnia said, frowning as she looked down at her bare belt. "I guess I don't have my dragons with me. Did I forget them? Weird. I was sure I had them on my belt before I came out here. It's not like me to forget them. I guess we'd better hurry back to town so I can make sure they're--"

Before either one of them could say anything else, Aster took off running, heading straight for a person who was standing at the entrance of the town. She lunged at the individual's leg, biting down hard on it. The bitten person yelped, so surprised they actually dropped something they were holding. Zinnia and Jack would recognize the familiar object as... one of the dragon trainers very own pokéballs.

"Argh, it's no wonder Aster was so upset! Some piece of shit tried to rob me!" Zinnia exclaimed, letting go of Jack's arm. Her red eyes burned with fury as she suddenly rushed onward, trying to catch up with Aster and the stranger.

@The Myrmidon
"There is no need to feel as if you are pushing me, my love," Jack responded, returning the smile as best he could, "We have been apart for awhile, and even when together, we have had little time for ourselves... If you wish to watch the stars together, then I will do so for as long as they shine with light."

At the teasing wink shot his way, a light blush came to the nobleman's cheeks, but he remained resolved and without embarrassment in his expression or tone, "I am pure-heated, yes, but where you are concerned, Zinnia? I am willing to turn a blind eye if you are wronged..." However, outside of a squeeze of her hand, he didn't have a chance to say or do anything else as they noticed the missing devices that normally hung upon Zinnia's belt.

While at first, Zinnia herself seemed only curious and confused by their disappearance, the samurai's nerves were instantly on edge. Jack knew how deeply that the dragon master cared for her strange creatures that took to the sky, a bond between them nearly as close as the one between mother and daughter. While she was occasionally careless, he doubted she would simply forget her precious companions... and he was soon proven correct as Aster took after the thief who had tried to kidnap Zinnia's friends.

With a scowl, he chased after the dragon master and quickly overtook her, a focus in his eyes as he closed the distance between himself and the pickpocket. As Aster sunk her teeth deeper into the man's leg, Jack used the distraction to leap at him, one foot swinging out to knock his head to the side and disorient him in the process.​
"There is no need to feel as if you are pushing me, my love," Jack responded, returning the smile as best he could, "We have been apart for awhile, and even when together, we have had little time for ourselves... If you wish to watch the stars together, then I will do so for as long as they shine with light."

At the teasing wink shot his way, a light blush came to the nobleman's cheeks, but he remained resolved and without embarrassment in his expression or tone, "I am pure-heated, yes, but where you are concerned, Zinnia? I am willing to turn a blind eye if you are wronged..." However, outside of a squeeze of her hand, he didn't have a chance to say or do anything else as they noticed the missing devices that normally hung upon Zinnia's belt.

While at first, Zinnia herself seemed only curious and confused by their disappearance, the samurai's nerves were instantly on edge. Jack knew how deeply that the dragon master cared for her strange creatures that took to the sky, a bond between them nearly as close as the one between mother and daughter. While she was occasionally careless, he doubted she would simply forget her precious companions... and he was soon proven correct as Aster took after the thief who had tried to kidnap Zinnia's friends.

With a scowl, he chased after the dragon master and quickly overtook her, a focus in his eyes as he closed the distance between himself and the pickpocket. As Aster sunk her teeth deeper into the man's leg, Jack used the distraction to leap at him, one foot swinging out to knock his head to the side and disorient him in the process.​
Scrambling as quickly as he could to pick up the pokéballs and shove them into a rucksack on his person, the man would only anxiously drop them again when he would hear the footsteps of Jack and Zinnia approaching. To make matters worse for him, no matter how hard he shook his leg Aster refused to let him go. Giving up on shaking his leg, he reached down and grabbed hold of Aster--putting all of his attention into pulling the pokémon off himself.

The thief howled in pain when he would finally manage to pull Aster off himself. Ignoring the bloody wound on his leg, he instead pulled something from his rucksack and shoved it into Aster's mouth, causing her to choke and screech. "Chew on that," he spat out, just in time for him to be kicked in the head by Jack. He let out a cry and fell to the side, just as Zinnia would rush up to him.


The woman grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him up so she could punch him across the face. "That's for stealing from me!" Gritting her teeth together, Zinnia punched him again. "That's for ruining my reunion with my boyfriend!" Although that had probably been one of the first times she had ever called Jack her boyfriend, she was too frustrated with the thief to notice. Instead, she punched him again, a smirk crossing her lips. "And that one was... just because I don't like you!" She stuck her tongue out at him, dropping him to the ground afterwards. "Now what do you have to say for yourself?!"


After his brutal beating from Zinnia, it was clear that the man was unconscious. Scowling, the young woman reached down to take his rucksack, rifling through it to look for her pokéballs. "The nerve of that guy!" Shifting her eyes, Zinnia smirked mischievously. "Heh, heh, Jack how about I steal his stuff? It's only fair~"

@The Myrmidon
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