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Resident Biopunk Enthusiast
Original poster
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  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, magical, medieval, scifi, romance and action!


Lescatia was never a land of vibrance, but it was still a land of morbid beauty. The morning was heralded by the gaunt roosters crowing, crows squawking, and dogs barking. The Border City was, for all intents and purposes, an actual city even by outsider standards. Even now, the marketplace was slowly starting to ramp up, its many merchants selling bonebread, a Lescatian staple. It was one of the more amusing by products of Lescatia being the way it was: It was common practice, due to the meagre wheat harvests and actively encouraged by the Nobility, that mills would add bonemeal to the bread mix. While the fact that the bread lasts longer was obvious, the bonemeal helps develop stronger bones in the living populace, which in turn means sturdier undead being buried.

Konrad of Lescatia strode through the gloomy light that was considered "Day" by the land. The Prince's influence meant that the skies were in a parement haze, to allow the vampiric masters to step out into the daylight without being too inconvenienced. For Konrad, it was paramount to his image: No being of good comes out only at night. Guardsman stood at attention as they watched their master stroll through the crafts district, everyone who looks at the lord of the Border City either scurrying away, bowing before scurrying away, or just froze in place in shock. It's... not pleasant. Even after so much time, it's clear that the Border City still feared him, albeit there was admiration in there too.

The strangeness about the matter this time, is his Shadow was missing. There were many rumours about what was hiding under the heavy cloak that was the imposing 8-foot figure of Antrus. Despite Konrad's attempt at otherwise, or maybe because of it, the prevalent rumour is that it's a goulish abomination, something he refuses to try and disprove or approve, lest they know what's under that cloak.

He couldn't be as bothered as he usually was by this, though. His mind was somewhere else, at the growing number of refugees living in his slums, straining his city with their desperation. He would eventually have to close his gates, force those that are desperate enough to come to a land of death for survival to fend for themselves... but he did not wish it. He would ensure that his people would be safe, and that those that seek asylum from the Hungols would find it here.

"Ah, there you are." Konrad stated, striding his way to a small smithy that operated within his city. He knew most people within his city, being a long-lived vampire gave you plenty of time to remember names if you cared enough to know it to begin with. He especially gave special "care" to the local industries. He believed the Border City could, feasibly, be self-sustaining given enough time, and mysterious bags of money and other resources have found themselves in the hands of promising craftsment throughout the centuries to start it off. One of these Smiths, the first of their ancestors to move to the City, if he recalled, was blessed the same way.

"My locally-grown Smiths" Konrad started, smiling slightly as he looked at the woman's operations, before frowning.

"Apologies. Is it Elaria or is it Olwen? It's... hard to remember every person's name and face, and harder still to make sure it's the right face for the right name."

"No matter, regardless. I have need of your services, Smith. Are you available?"

@Pink Orchid

Kruger's camp had a visitor.

Lescatia's barren wilds was still dangerous thanks to the menagerie of unnatural beasties roaming the place, not to mention the rife oppertunity of bandits, packs of Ghouls, and so forth. Even so, the massive, hulking giant of a creature, swaddled in a thick cloak of double-clothed bat leather and wool, strode carelessly, casually through the dark of the forest, the hood covering most of his face, and an imposing mask made out of blackened wood covering his face.

While clearly trying to stay upright, it was obvious that whoever this creature was, was used to being hunched. The large cloak, like a corpse blanket, seemed to stuck out further than the creature inside, snagging on various odd, hard growths sticking out of its body. The 8-foot creature didnt' seem too bothered about Kruger and his men, either, only finally stopping fifty yards or so from their camp, lest they make the mistake of shooting him.

"Sellswords!" came a gargling "voice". There was no true voice, instead it sounded like a hissing, whispering, gurgling thing, as if someone was constantly choking on their own blood and using the sound it made to form words.

"I come in the name of the Border City's ruler, Konrad of Lescatia! I demand to speak with your leader for a contract."

With that, the creature simply.... stood there, waiting for their response, completely motionless thanks to the mask and cloak hiding any minute movements. The chilly wind of Lescatia couldn't even ruffle the cloak, so heavily set it was.




The first servant that saw the Matriarch screamed in shrill terror and ran away, but it was an appropriate enough response. The Matriarch was a grotesque creature for most standards, an unholy fusion of woman and spider. She lazed about, casual as ever, as if she didn't just come out of nowhere and appeared out of nowhere in the front courtyard of the blockhouse the Prince had constructed for Yongrui. She was busy inspecting flowers, either grown or wild, as she called out again

"Yongie! Deary! We need to talk!"

The Matriarch liked endearing terms. Even for her own food.

The Matriarch had been keeping a close eye on the place, and Yongrui's actions within Lescatia itself. The newcomer vampire had to endure a decade of close-eyed scrutiny before there was even a chance of fullhearted acceptance within the Lescatian nobility. No doubt, though, his ability to source obscure goods from beyond Lescatia's borders have made him many friends. Even the Prince demanded odds and ends, the demands being voiced by the Matriarch. Officially, she was Yongrui's ward.

She much preferred the term caretaker.

"Yongie! Come now, we must talk business! Serious business!"

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Olwen Smith

It was the dark hours of the morning when Olwen rose from her slumber. It was a habit she had shared with her late father. The house was utterly silent. It was something that the young woman hadn't quite got used to yet. Her father, who wasn't all that great of a conversationalist, had always at least made small talk or discussed business with her in the mornings. Sometime a little bit later in the morning her younger sister would stumble out to join them. Elaria had filled the rest the morning before starting the work day with her chatter. Her family was gone now though. Elaria had been married for eight months now, and her father had died only a couple weeks after that. Olwen shook herself from her musings. Honestly, her sister would tease her senseless for being so sentimental. Anyway, the rest of the day awaited.

The young woman had hastily pulled on the closest pair of pants and shirt. Then her boots that she kept beside the bed. As always she braided her hair into two braids on either side of her head. There was no need to coil them on top of her head yet, as she probably wouldn't be working the forge until the afternoon today. Olwen exited her bedroom into her main living area. She dined on a third of a loaf on Lescatia's staple bone bread. It was hard not to notice the growing number of refugees in the city. With more bodies in the city the less food there was. While Olwen was in no danger of starving to death yet, but if she rationed she could survive longer. With breakfast out of the way she exited her living quarters and down into the shop proper.

She set to work straightening out some things that had got a little out of sorts the day before. Olwen was so immersed in her work that she didn't even notice when the door to her shop swung open a little. At least not until he spoke. The young woman startled a bit although she hoped it went un-noticed. She straightened up and turned around.

"Olwen. Elaria is married now. Thinks she wants to herd sheep,"Olwen replied, coolly.

If she was being honest with herself she didn't blame him for the mix up especially once she took in who it was. Olwen and her sister did look alike despite the ten years between them. He wouldn't have been able to tell with her back turned. Plus, Lord Konrad was a lord. He was probably too busy with more important matters to try and remember every face of his subjects. It was nice though that he could remember both their names though.

Olwen offered him a curt nod. Not much of an acknowledgement of his rank perhaps, but it was a lot nicer then she was with other people. Her family had served him for generations and that still meant something to her.

"You're my first customer of the day. What do you need?"she asked.

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The girl tucked an auburn lock behind her ears, gently stirring the fragrant oil-and-beeswax mixture while humming a song. She watched it drip from the wooden spoon and sniffed it. She closed her eyes, her lips tugging upwards. Living with Vampires really makes you appreciate the little things in life. Iva's joy was working with herbs just like her mother used to do, honoring her in some way.

Shaking off the sentiments she rolled up her sleeves, revealing the pale skin marred by teeth. Carefully she poured the mixture into small tin containers.


Startled she nearly dropped the pot. She wiped her hands and quietly walked towards the window, blood curdling upon seeing the grotesque creature. It has been a decade but the sight of the Matriarch still sends chills down her spine. How did she get inside? With trembling hands she reached for the shutter and closed it as quietly as she could. As soon as the shutters closed Iva ducked down and rushed towards a corner of the kitchen. Arms wrapped around her knees she held her breath.

A blonde whimpering girl burst through the kitchen door. Breathing heavily she glanced around and spotted Iva, she cried even harder now.

Iva's stiff body let out a sigh, "Get down," she mouthed the words with a harsh wave.

Ana nodded and went down on her knees, crawling with a snotty nose underneath the table. " I....I...-"

"Shut up!", she whisper shouted while pressing herself further into the corner.

"I..I want to go home. Iva! I hate it here." the girl sobbed.

But Iva simply turned her head away, hugging her knees tighter and calm her breathing. If she still believed in god she'd pray for the creature to take the girl instead of her. She gave Ana a quick side glance, shushing her again when she heard voices.

Both girls stilled their movements, eavesdropping.


Inside the Vampire's bedroom a pile of warm bodies stirred at the shriek. An arm rose first before the nude Vampire pushed its body through the women. His dark hair obscured his face as he sat there, his muscles tightening.

"Yongie! Deary!...", the sound of his nightmares called out to him.

He looked down at his recent meals, squeezing their flesh here and there. "Wake up." No one responded. Looking around he picked one out and rolled her over the edge, hearing her land with a heavy thud and a yelp. "Wake up!" Now the women were roused from their sleep. Slowly getting dressed themselves and dispersing to whatever chores waited for them. He climbed out of bed himself and donned his dark robes.

Leisurely walking down the stairs, taking his time and cursing the Matriarch to the hell she belonged. She called out to him again. He hated that nickname. No respect for names. "One of these days I will burn her entire brood to ashes....She'll respect my name then."

He chuckled. Names. His mother set his fate in stone with his name.

He caught glimpses of the abominable Arachnid as he passed by windows. Whatever possessed the Prince to create such a thing Yongrui will never understand. He had dabbled in Fleshcrafting himself once but found these magicks too grotesque to keep at it. Perhaps he was too... 'young' to understand the art or the beauty behind it.

He paused at the door, took a deep breath and sculpted a smile before swinging them open. Stepping into the gloom of day with welcoming claws. "Matriarch!"

He approached with hand held out, gently taking hers, "Ah...You...How do the villagers say it again. Your sight makes my eyes sore." He grinned.
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"Ah, Olwen." Konrad stated, a small smile on his lips "A shame what happened to your father. Pleasant fellow. You have his spine, you're not nearly as outwardly scared of me as others. I appreciate it." He stated, though it was more to himself than to the young smith. He cleared his throat, standing a little taller as he pulled a piece of parchment. As all parchment from vampires, it was far too thin to be regular animal hide. It's always best not to think too hard of what they could be using for paper in the Vampire homes

He found a table, striding towards it and gesturing for Olwen to follow. Laying it out gingerly, the Noble showed Olwen a sketch of what looked like a long, triangular spike, with a T-shaped handle at the end and several crude loops around the handle. The spike was very long relative to the tiny t-shaped handle. It seemed highly impractical, like a giant sewing awl with lots of attachements for the thread

"For the foreseeable future, you are now under employ of Lescatia proper, Olwen. You will be given as much iron as you need, and you need to make as many of these spikes as you can. There is no quota, no upper limit. Just keep making them. I'll come personally, or send a servant, every now and then to collect, and pay you per spike. Three coins each. They must be at least a foot long and at most two feet. The loops for tying rope is also of paramount importance, and must be smoothed enough to not cause chafing of the rope. You are allowed to take other orders, as well. Officially you must give me at least six a day, but I'll take whatever you give me."

"Don't care too much about how it looks. Function over form and speed is the epitome of this task."

@Pink Orchid


"Oh, look at you, thinking you're clever." The Matriarch cooed, talking to Yongrui like a loving owner would talk to a particularly clever dog, "I could just eat you up"

As always, her lighthearted, loving voice cracked, and a hissing, predatory hunger shone through, for but a moment

A spider the size of a rat had scurried its way on to one of the walls where Iva and Anne was hiding, its unnaturally red eyes seemingly staring at them

"As pleasant as it is to see you trying your best, Yongie, I have very important business. The Prince has another request for you. He asks that you tell me everything you know about the Hungols, and a further report on their progress to our homeland. If the old maps are to be believed, your homeland is between theirs and ours. The Prince has faith in your knowledge being useful."

"I also want that servant girl of yours. Iva, I think you call her."

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Yongrui's eyes flashed as dangerously red as hers did eventhough he held his charming smile. Always the rebel. But never a fool. The vampire knew not to step on... too many toes, and to choose his words carefully. His time in Lescatia has taught him that he's no longer alone at the top of the food pyramid. He had equals now, some more dangerous than he was...

He gently let go of the Matriarch's hand and turned to grow some distance between them, glancing around the courtyard and noting the other inhabitants, watching them, nervously. "So what important business brings you here, then?" he turned and faced her again.


Meanwhile Anne and Iva were still hiding in the kitchen, eavesdropping. That is until Anne noticed the eerie spy staring at her. Ever so slowly the blonde crawled backwards.

Iva frowned, leaning sideways to see what scared Anne. Grimacing she got up and grabbed a log from beside the hearth, carefully raised it above her head and....


Yongrui listened intently to the requests before he got distracted by the commotion in the kitchen. He turned his head briefly, just in time to see the girls chasing something. He turned his attention back to the Matriarch, "I might need some time to gather what I know, shouldn't take too long though."

One supposes a Vampire will always have a soft spot for their origins. His brows furrowed slightly as he nodded to her comment about his country, "What's left of it. I heard they changed things up quite a bit." Oh well, kingdoms come and go. I wonder how many these elders have seen disappear?

He looked up at the Matriarch, brows arched. "Iva?" For a moment he grew worried that he might lose another servant to her kin. "What about her?" He asked as he approached the kitchen window.
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"That is life," Olwen said, shortly.

The mention of her father had her immediately on edge. The young woman couldn't talk about his loss. Sometimes she wondered when she had become this cold. When her mother had died and she become a woman before her time. Had it been when the letters from Beric had come to a halt? There had been other losses too before her father: people she had been friends with before her life had become all about the work. At some point she had forgotten how to grieve. People died and Olwen just felt numb. As for being afraid or not being afraid of her lord...well, Olwen couldn't talk about that either. It was awkward. The smith was so long out of the practice of relationships and feelings(excepting maybe Elaria) that anything she said would just sound stupid.

Business though, she could talk about business.

Olwen heaved a small sigh at the fact they had to go sit down at a table. Why couldn't he just hold up the paper for her to look at? It would take far last time. It took all her self restraint not to roll her eyes. The smith followed her lord though and sat down across from him. Once she was properly situated she pulled the piece of paper towards her for a better look.

"I can do this," Olwen replied, as she studied it over. Probably wouldn't sleep much doing it. One day she would need to seriously think about taking an apprentice like Elaria suggested if she could find someone she wouldn't scare off.

Orders like this usually had to do with bigger problems with the ghouls and other weird creatures that roamed the kingdom. Olwen was more then happy to provide for the people who kept the kingdom safe. It was sad to say, but it would also be good business. Members of the militia would also probably also come to her to make sure their armor and weapons were in top shape. Or would need new equipment.

The young smith took her eyes up from her paper to look at her Lord.

"How long do I have before you have to head out and deal with...uh this...?"Olwen asked.

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The spider Iva went to squish just.... scurried away, far too quickly and seemingly far too clever to just stand there and get smacked to death. It was also not keen on attacking them either, clearly.


"Yes. The Prince mentioned a few times that your homeland is seemingly more eager to rip itself to pieces than others. No matter, though. It's none of my business." The Matriarch stated, shrugging, acting as if his questions weren't even worth considering. She stretched out dramatically, taking her sweet time to answer his question about Iva, letting it hang in the air just to piss him off for a bit longer, before finally answering.

"I'm not killing Iva, if that's what you're afraid of." The Matriarch stated, frowning dramatically as she stared down at Yongriu "The Prince has heard talks of a magic user in your court, one you haven't disclosed..."

She let the implication hang in the air for a moment, eyes narrowed "The Prince wants all petty mages your kind think are hidden to be brought forward. We need soldiers, and fire is quite potent to most things, isn't it Yongi?"



Konrad was no fool. He could tell the moment he spoke that he had stepped on her toes. He couldn't apologize, it was unbeckoming, even for him. When Olwen looked at him, his face had a grim expression, studying the spikes for a moment before looking at her and shrugging

"I don't know. But soon. I am not a cruel lord. If you fail the quota I won't kill you. So, do it when you can, however you can, but don't be intentionally lax." He stated, nodding to her.

"If you'll excuse me. One of our bakers was murdered last night." Konrad stated matter of factly "I trust you will notify me if something is wrong?"

He was already getting up

@Pink Orchid



The border City's slums wasn't more depressive than another city's slums. How can you go further than rock bottom? It's something Antrus thought about several times now, the 8-foot behemoth, swaddled in a thick cloak to hide his twisted flesh. The abomination was the embodiment of physical intimidation, something needed when faced off with the desperation of starving refugees.

Lord Konrad had been buying bread in bulk to try and feed the refugees, but you couldn't live off bread alone. People needed clothing. Warmth. Culture. The Border City's slums was stretched to its absolute limit, and a baker had been murdered for two more loaves of bread. Antrus wanted to kill him, but Konrad urged repentence.

Antrus preferred looking at the fear in the refugees' eyes than reason with Konrad. It was something the former ghoul understood.

"ALMS. BREAD. IN A LINE" came his hoarse, shrill voice, a whisper somehow projected out like the shout of an old shipman. It rattled in your ears and made your teeth hurt, and coupled with Antrus' presence, it made the entire operation smoother.

Cloaked ghouls, similar to Antrus but lesser in calibre, shuffled about, giving fresh loaves of bonebread to the refugees


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It was a cold, dreary day when Anira arrived to Lescatia. She had traveled by foot for days to make it to the kingdom, and her shoes were now worn and falling apart. She had little but the clothes on her back and her shawl to keep her warm, which she drew over her shoulders as she shivered from the cold. She wandered the streets, praying for work or help.

It seemed her prayers had been answered. But if God had sent His angel, He sent a most terrifying one. A painfully loud and haunting voice shouted out, advertising alms and bread. Her stomach twisting with hunger, Anira eagerly joined the line. She kept her eyes on the ground, trying not to look at the horrifying creature.

Hearing the creature's calls for a baker, Anira's ears perked up. Was this the work she'd been searching for?

"I can bake," she announced, stepping out of the line. "My parents were bakers, I learned it from them."
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Yongrui slowly leaned back against the window with arms crossed, smiling softly; trying not to roll his eyes at the Matriarch's petty display. He held his hand over his quiet heart and gave her a half-hearted bow in gratitude for sparing Iva. His attitude however changed when she mentioned hidden magicks.

"...Oops." He straightened himself and crossed his arms again. It's not like he hid her talents for ulterior motives just…The Vampire didn't see her as a threat. Magicks were difficult to learn, even a lifetime of learning only let you master a handful of spells. Vampires made it look easy because they have until the end of time to practice and perfect it. He stared at the Matriarch more intently, maybe for the first time admiring the design of her existence.

He sighed at the loud clanging of pots coming from the window behind him, "Fine…take her." His eyes burned red as he turned around and reached into the kitchen, "I don't see what the Prince sees in her," grabbing hold of Iva's scruff and dragging her out the window onto the ground.

Iva shrieked as she was lifted off the floor and flung to the ground. As she got her bearings again she turned pale, staring up at the enormous creature. Frantically she crawled backwards with a scream till she hit Yongrui's legs. She turned on all fours, still clinging to his boots, "My Lord, please!"

-"She can't even keep a candle alight." Yongrui looked down at her, and helped her up.

Iva breathed heavily, confused she looked at him questingly.

-"Calm down," he brushed her auburn hair out of her face. "You're going to be in the Matriarch's care for a while."

Iva looked back and forth between the two, shaking her head.

"Shhh…", he gave her a small smile, grabbed her shoulders and turned her around followed with a push. "Bring her back when she's been proven useless."

Iva calmed herself and wiped her tears, waiting for the Matriarch.
A few others stepped forward, professing they're bakers as well. One, a man younger than anyone who stepped forward, kept talking and talking about how he was just that good a baker, and he surpassed everyone else in skill

".... Better than anyone here! I'm a prodigy!"

Antrus was ignoring him, staring into the eyes of the others for a moment, before freezing when he saw Anira. He stared at her face, and even under the hood, hiding his grotesque form, it was clear as to why he was staring at her. His head tilted to the side, like a cat looking at a struggling mouse, before he pointed dramatically to Anira.

"You. I will give you the first chance." He hissed, walking forward.

No one really wanted to contest anything Antrus said, seeing as he was taller than everyone and a fair bit wider to boot.

The hulking abomination stretched his hand out, holding a loaf of bone bread. His hands were covered in cloth, thick enough to cover his obscure flesh, but nothing could disguise how unnaturally long they were, and how big they were.

"Eat, and tell me what is the difference between outsider bread."



The Matriarch, for her part, clapped her hands happily, like a child recieving a puppy, when Yongrui went to fetch his slave, tilting her head in amusement as she saw the human scurry around in fear, like a sheep being seperated before its slaughter.

She didn't say anything to Yongrui's depreciation of her value. Why would she? He didn't need to know everything, after all.

An elagent hand from her human half reached out, petting Iva on the head like she was a cat "Don't worry, bloodling. You're not in trouble. Your owner is, but I'm sure he'll have the Prince's forgiveness soon enough." She stated dryly, smiling softly towards her for a moment before she spoke "I'm the Matriarch. The Prince wants you to serve him. You think you could do that, hmm?"

Another pet, head tilted

"After that, you can even come back home."
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Anira shrunk into herself as the creature stared at her, knowing exactly why she had caught his eye. She turned her head slightly and lowered it, trying to conceal her scars from those around her. Murmurs drifted through the crowd as people speculated and shared their pity and disgust. Anira wished desperately that she could disappear, away from the judging eyes of others.

A hush fell over the crowd as the creature's booming voice instructed Anira to tell him the difference between the loaf of bread he held out to her and outsider's bread. Daunted by the creature's size, Anira hesitantly took the loaf. First, she turned it over in her hands, observing its weight and size. It was heavier than an average loaf of bread. She gently broke it apart, deeply inhaling its aroma. Her stomach growled loudly, crying out for her to take a bite. Finally, she did.

She noted how dense the bread was. As she swallowed, it felt as though the bread sank to the bottom of her stomach. She finished the loaf, marveling at how full it made her feel.

"You've incorporated some sort of additional ingredient that makes it thicker and more filling. I'm not sure what it is," she admitted. "But this bread can feed more people than an ordinary loaf."

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Iva flinched when the Matriarch petted her, expecting pain. But it didn't. Her shoulders were still tight but she at least managed to unclench her hands from her skirt as she shyly looked up at the monstrous woman. She nodded with a trembling voice, "Yes, Matriarch."

"That is good enough for the start." Antrus hissed, tilting his head from side to side to study Anira intently, diligently.

Being that close. Anira could see a semblance of what's hidden under the hood. Warped flesh, massive beak-like jaws. A creature of horror instead of an angel, indeed.

"You will come with me. I will show you the bakery." Antrus stated

"That's not fair!" Came the blurt of the young man that claimed he was the greatest baker in all the lands "How come that scarred bitch gets first try!"

Antrus loomed back up, staring the crowd down. A deathly quiet came to them. Not even the young man wanted to argue with Antru's gaze squarely on him.

"You are fully entitled to share your grievances with Lord Konrad," Antrus started, "but, if I find you breaking Lescatia's laws, breaking the border city's laws, I can promise you that the amount of joy I will feel flaying your skin from your flesh will far outweigh the screams the rest of you vermin will hear."

Antrus left the threat in the air, before grunting "Give the bread out. I will show this one her bakery."

~~~~~ (Five tildes next to each other is called a Dinkus and that amuses me deeply)

"Well, Yongi. I think our business is concluded." The matriarch stated, grabbing Iva by her shoulders and haphazardly plunking her on the massive spider part of her being. it made Iva essentially ride the Matriarch as she scurried her way away from the group.

"I'll be back in a few days to get that info! Be sure to be a bit more polite, Yongi. You look so tense today. It's bad for your heart. You didn't even invite me for tea! And the Prince says you're cultured of all things"

With that, the Matriarch scurried away, Iva on her spider back.

She was unnervingly quick, faster than any horse
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Anira could feel her heart racing as she stared under the creature's beak. It was a creature of nightmare, pulled straight from haunted dreams and placed in front of her. Tentatively, she nodded at its order.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the chattering of the crowd. Anira shied away from the harsh voice, his cutting words causing her to wince. Tears welled in her eyes and she froze, wanting desperately to disappear.

Then, like an angel from Heaven– a true angel; terrifying features, booming voice, and all – the creature silenced the man. She was thankful for his threat to the man. It wasn't an exact defense, but she was glad to see him cowed.

Casting back once last glance at the man, whose face remained a ghostly white, she followed behind the hulking creature. They walked for a few minutes along shops and buildings, all nestled closely together. Eventually, they arrive outside a stone building with a sign engraved with the image of a loaf of bread.

Nervously, Anira piped up. "Is this it?"
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"Yes. This is it." Antrus gestured vaguely. The cloaked figure sniffed loudly, like a giant wolf tracking prey. Catching some sort of scent, his head tilted to the side.

"We can't enter yet. They haven't taken the body."

"Master Konrad!" The creature hiss-howled to the building, standing straight and at-attention. The bundle of roiling bloodlust and sadism that was Antrus folded like paper to the unenforced will of the vampire that stepped out. The lord stood slightly taller than most people, and his flesh was the pale. He sported pointed ears, something he intentionally made to seem supernatural to the common folk.

Large, lupine-canid creatures traced behind him. Massive hounds built like hunting dogs, albeit far larger than most. Too-cunning eyes watched Anira, then Antrus. An entire pack emerged from the shadows and left Anira be, but bit at Antrus' heels playfully. The abominant swatting them away like a child would a naughty dog.

Konrad seemed to be wholly unpeterbed by her scar, there wasn't even a single break in his poise as he smiled to her

"Is this the new baker, Antrus?"

"She must first be tested, but yes. Signs are promising." Antrus replied, eyes staring unblinkingly to Konrad.

"Good." Konrad stated, before giving a small bow "I am Konrad. A pleasure to meet you, although I would prefer you had come to my city in less... dire circumstances. I assume you weren't lying to my dear Antrus when he called for a baker?"
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@Karo Keep forgetting to tag deeeerp
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It took everything in Anira not to shake at the sight of the large hunting hounds that followed behind the tall, pale man. She remembered how the invaders had large dogs too, which they'd sic on victims at random. She had been lucky enough to hide from these hounds with their gnashing teeth, but their snarls and the screams of their prey being ripped apart stuck with her.

Gathering her courage, she directed her attention to Konrad. "Nice to meet you," she responded meekly. "I'm Anira."

She shook her head at his question. "No, I am really a baker. Before my city was pillaged, I helped my parents with their bakery."

Curiously, she glanced behind Konrad. "What happened to the previous baker?"

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Iva yelped at being lifted off the ground, her feet and arms moving helplessly in the air before she was placed on the monster's thinly covered hairy back. At first Iva didn't dare touch her any further but the jolt of the creature's turning lunged her forward. It was an odd and 'wrong' feeling…the skin was cold and stiff, the humanoid torso and arachnid carapace fused together … Iva didn't understand the forces at work here. It made her skin crawl. She was relieved that her master didn't dabble in any of this, I'd much rather be drained.

The auburn haired girl turned and looked back at the blockhouse, watching it and the curious crowd that had gathered get smaller and smaller. Turning back she hugged herself, wishing they could've at least let her take her cloak with her.

Iva looked around the dreary landscape.

A hopeless place during all four seasons. Harsh, bitter winters during which starvation hits the hardest and where the dead have slowed almost slumbering through the winter. But the beasts were more vicious and bold. Spring is cold and wet where mud, sludge and rot clog and eat away at everything; slippery roads, deceptive puddles, and tools breaking constantly. The summers were just as cold but dry enough for pestilence to plague the lands, easily contaminating everything they can get their paws on; rats thieving scarce food, bats spreading sickness, and insects festering everywhere, even in our hair. Iva's hair itched by the thought of it. Then there was autumn, a culmination of everything with the dead more lively than the living.

She snapped out of daydreaming, quickly laying low against the Matriach's large body when they passed a rogue pack. Undead of various stages hunched over a carcass, groaning and growling and feasting. A few had already moved away from the scraps to continue their journey, but amongst those few others stood out. Humanoid haunched figures draped in rags took notice of the passing pair, hissing.

Iva took a deep breath, finding comfort that these creatures wouldn't dare attack the Matriach…surely they wouldn't…Would they?

She looked up when she felt her face being tickled by pale blonde hairs. Slowly rising again, Iva stared at her wondering who the woman was in her previous life. Despite her monstrous form, the human part of hers was still pretty. Perhaps she was a noble once? Or a well cared servant? Or maybe she was taken from another country like Iva was.

She licked her lips, opening and closing them, choosing her words carefully, "Wh-Where are we going?"

"Am I going to die?"


Yongrui tilted his head and squinted his eyes and puckered his lips in thought. Tea. Hm, well…No, she's too big. That won't kill her….Unless? He tilted his head the other way, hmmm~ No. She's too big, that won't kill her. His lip pulled over a fang followed by a sigh and some mumbles.

Yongrui watched the giant creature scurry away at a frightening speed. As Iva looked back Yongrui simply lifted his chin, squared his shoulders and turned around, walking back within the courtyard.

"Alright everyone.", the crowd dispersed, "The big scary monster is gone. Back to your duties." he said as he walked towards the kitchen window.

The dark vampire peeks his head in and spots a panting teary-eyed farm girl with disheveled hair amidst the chaos. "Anita."


He threw an eye roll at her, "Anne. You've been with us for what, a year now?"

The girl stayed silent.

He motioned for her to get closer as he grabbed a rag off the counter. Gently he wiped her tears and any dirt off her round face, "Aren't you done wallowing in self-pity already? Hm? Iva stopped after a few months."

He threw the rag at the mess behind her, "There's nowhere else for you to go, love. This is your palace," he gestured at the blockhouse and servant quarters. "Out there is starvation," his claw reached out to brush her hair back in place, " disease, rape- Well that is if they dare and lay a finger on you. You're tainted now. Tainted by the evil vampires. Ooooh~" he wiggled his fingers dramatically.

Anne couldn't help herself again and burst into tears, her whole body shook.

Yongrui grabbed her shoulders tightly, "Stop it. Stop." Shaking her playfully with a smirk, "Stop it."

He retreated, stopped smirking, eyes flashing red, "If I see one more salty drop pour out that dim-witted head of yours I'll have you drained and throw to the ghouls."

With that threat Anne swallowed hard and tried to calm herself down, while avoiding the vampire's gaze.

"Tears ruin the blood. And clean up this mess!!" Yongrui turned on his heel and walked away, reaching a hand at one of the vampires.

"Ah! Do you remember where I put those maps of Hungolia? Oh, and that reminds me I need to pay a visit to Beltoše. It's been a while and winter might come early this year. "
"Died, I'm afraid." Konrad stated, the sorrow and disappointment clear in his voice. While he wasn't mournful, it was clearly something that bothered him. "One of the criminal elements murdered him, thinking he was getting rich on all the refugees. Granted he was getting compensated, he wasn't rich for it."

A disappointed sigh, another headshake, before he looked up at her with his most earnest attempt at a warm smile "And sorry for the repeated questioning. It's easy to lie in these trying times. Desperation and fear pushes people into terrible things. I can't go around punishing people for being desperate if I can help it."

"We disposed of the body and the criminal is being apprehended as we speak. I can't expect you to suddenly start work, but you must get working as quickly as possible. The Border City's taken control of all food production, with a promised profit of a quarter-coin per coin spent. I hate it, snuffing the constructive enterprising, but we're being drowned in open mouths to feed."

There was a sigh that could possibly, feasibly, potentially, be described as hopeless to anyone brave enough to say it to the vampire's face.

"I admit, I've forgotten everything I learned about baking. You will also be guarded to prevent another murder. All bakers and food producers are suffering the same treatment. If you need anything, I will have messenger posted that will talk to me directly. Is everything clear?"


The dreary landscape's bleak nature had a beauty to it, sure. The same beauty that death poems and murals dedicated to death have. The rogue dead were feasting on what seemed to be a husk of the giant spiders, the only true apex predator of the region. Even those were controlled, lawful to some unknowable law. With the Matriarch so close the ruler wasn't too hard to guess about them.

When she started speaking, the Matriarch stopped dead in her tracks. Not out of anger, or anything like that. She stopped because she got distracted by Iva's words, turning her entire focus on the girl close enough to the stray dead for it to be a problem. Indeed. One of the half-rotten zombies shambled its way towards them. The Matriarch's confused expression towards Iva apparently her only response.

As quick as death, one of the Matriarch's spider legs skewered it. Usually zombies of that type were hard to kill, latent magicks being more than what is normally "invested" into such a creature, but the Matriarch's leg seemingly sucked all unlife out of it like a lemon being squeezed of its juices. It dried up into a husk, which she promptly flung out into the sky to get it unstuck from her leg

All the while, she was actually focused on Iva's question, pondering it over as if she didn't even think that far ahead to begin with

"I'm... not quite sure how much I should tell you, deary. Don't worry, you won't die. If I wanted you dead I'd have killed you back at Yongi's place. The long and the short of it is the Prince has ways to increase your magic. Under his servitude, of course, but if you impress him, who knows what will happen! The Prince has so many ways to promote someone, after all."

Her sweet smile at the statement had all sorts of implications.


Yongrui would quickly notice something. Spiders staring at him happened from time to time, scurrying away the moment he noticed them as if knowing on instinct. Now, however, the Matriarch has deemed it prudent to make it abundantly clear he was being watched. Wherever he looked, there was somewhere a spider watching him. Large or small. Camoflauged or brightly coloured. Sometimes, it even intentionally moved into his view just to remind him.

The Prince wanted to make sure he knew that this was something he wanted done right, and he'd be watched all the while while he does it
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