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Oookay, sorry I took so long but there's a post!

Haha a couple of hours is hardly a long time. ^^ I really need to work on my bachelors thesis today but if I can squeeze in a reply I'll do it. Otherwise you'll get one tomorrow or during the weekend. o^o

I do like that he's teasing her. I think they're going to have a fun dynamic. XD

Hi there!

So, I would possibly be interested in joining (if you're still accepting new people) and I'm wondering if the choice for my character has to be between vampire or human, or if other folkloric inspirations would also be permissible? I currently have an idea for a rusalka inspired character, who I figured was maybe brought into the city as a 'gift' to one of the vampire nobles (either one I play myself, or if anyone would be interested in connecting our characters, that could work as well). If that doesn't work I have a couple of other ideas as well. Some kind of priestess or religious figure could be interesting (if that's applicable to this setting) or otherwise more of a rogue/spy type character. ^^
I somehow never replied to this

Alright so the Prince cares about Lescatia. He's racist, I mean he is a vampire, but he enjoys things that help him or at the very least don't cause him problems. As for religious sects... well the Prince is egomaniacal enough to tolerate cults worshipping him. Otherwise the only caveat he has is "I don't fucking care as long as they're not interfering"

He likes leaving the humans alone cuz he knows that vampire fuckery will eventually break something if it's done just for the sake of it

Oh alright, that's fair. XD I mean I never ended up making her so it doesn't really matter, lol. But yeah that's good to know. ^^ I guess... Leonid might get in trouble if he's found out but drama is fun. X,D

Also I may have to rename him, I didn't realize how close it is to Cleonid until after I'd posted his CS
yeah names being way too close for comfort happens more often than you think, lmfao. Edit as you please I'm still trawling through my backlog

I've done this to myself, actually. XD I have one character named Ari, another named Aria and a third named Ariana. At least they're all in different rps.

I mean if @Lesbingus is alright with I can keep him as is and we just... Lampshade it if they get around to interacting. XD Otherwise I'll figure something out. ^^

Also do tell me if I need to edit anything about him. o^o

@Taka Actually I think I might have an idea for how to set the scene, if I'm permitted to do that @Lurcolm? It would kind of rely on them having spent a bit of time together, though. ^^
All good with me!

There, a post. ^^ Tell me if anything needs changing! (Or I took too many liberties, I may have been overly excited with setting things up >.>')

Also if you would like to know what the book is, to make writing your post a bit easier:
It's an original manuscript of a famous playwright from Ithicar. He or she passed away several decades ago, but their legacy has lived on. I assume that with the invasion of the Hungols most of their work was lost, so the fact that one of them showed up in Lascatia... well, for Emilia at least, that's exciting. XD Basically the news that the former director of the theater where the playwright created most of their masterpieces was amongst the recent waves of refugees reached her, and hoping against hope that he might have managed to save some of their library, she would've sent Kanaan to locate the man and convince him to sell whatever he might have had. Or something along those lines, anyway. Feel free to tweak it in any way that suits you. ^^
Alriiiiiiiiiight. I like the posty. I like the ideas. It's a green light from me as long as @Taka aggrees to it as well
Yep I'm all good to go, gotta take care of a couple things around the house and then I'll get to writing up a post of my own!

Yay, awesome! Heading to bed now but I'm excited to read it tomorrow.
Her name is Cleolind, so it's not that close, so all good in my book, lol.

I... completely misread that. X,D Well then, there definitely shouldn't be a problem, haha. ^^
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I lied.
I mean I didn't, I absolutely need to work on that essay. But... inspiration struck so... ; w ; There.
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Probably won't get a reply out until later tonight, I've gotta go into town and run around for a while lol. Wondering if we should slow down a lil to let others get their posts in though?
Probably won't get a reply out until later tonight, I've gotta go into town and run around for a while lol. Wondering if we should slow down a lil to let others get their posts in though?
No worries, take your time! Though... Yeah, perhaps we should. ^^'
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I just need to know, is Leonid accepted? ^^
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I just need to know, is Leonid accepted? ^^
*strokes his imaginary beard*

Ye. If he directly appeals to Konrad, he might even remember them. That's for later though. You can plunk him in there
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I'm interested in this thread are there any werewolves in this universe?
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I can't remember if there are werewolves.
But I don't see why not. Let's wait for Lurcolm, he's the group leader. : 3
I can't remember if there are werewolves.
But I don't see why not. Let's wait for Lurcolm, he's the group leader. : 3

I mean Leonid kind of is one. Or at least akin to one, in the more traditional 'result of a curse' sense haha. XD He doesn't turn during the full moon but beyond that... o-o XD
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I'm interested in this thread are there any werewolves in this universe?
Welcome to the party!

Werewolves probably exist as sone lone-beast sorta thing. Most are probably employed by vampires and are probably pretty rare. There's a lot of things that can nom a lycan before it even has the time to get lynched

Or you could play a refugee coming in
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Konrad will probably pay your nobleness a visit, if ya'll want
@Karo In a bid to keep you in the loop, I could either thumbsuck some random NPC interaction, or we could wait until some of the others post a CS and see how they can link up. I don't really want to leave you out of the loop
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@Karo In a bid to keep you in the loop, I could either thumbsuck some random NPC interaction, or we could wait until some of the others post a CS and see how they can link up. I don't really want to leave you out of the loop

If @Karo has Anira head out for one reason or other, I could send Leonid her way. Alternatively he could show up somewhere in the vicinity of Konrad's estate, though I'd need to think of a plausible reason for that. o-o'
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@Karo In a bid to keep you in the loop, I could either thumbsuck some random NPC interaction, or we could wait until some of the others post a CS and see how they can link up. I don't really want to leave you out of the loop

If @Karo has Anira head out for one reason or other, I could send Leonid her way. Alternatively he could show up somewhere in the vicinity of Konrad's estate, though I'd need to think of a plausible reason for that. o-o'

I'm down for this. Though I have to warn you, I will be on vacation for three weeks so my response would be then. If you don't want to wait that long (and I don't blame you if so), then I can have her interact with an NPC or just go to sleep until I get back.
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@Karo In a bid to keep you in the loop, I could either thumbsuck some random NPC interaction, or we could wait until some of the others post a CS and see how they can link up. I don't really want to leave you out of the loop

If @Karo has Anira head out for one reason or other, I could send Leonid her way. Alternatively he could show up somewhere in the vicinity of Konrad's estate, though I'd need to think of a plausible reason for that. o-o'

I'm down for this. Though I have to warn you, I will be on vacation for three weeks so my response would be then. If you don't want to wait that long (and I don't blame you if so), then I can have her interact with an NPC or just go to sleep until I get back.
This is workable. We hiatus your girl until you come back. By then I can figure some other bulshit out.

@Karo In a bid to keep you in the loop, I could either thumbsuck some random NPC interaction, or we could wait until some of the others post a CS and see how they can link up. I don't really want to leave you out of the loop

If @Karo has Anira head out for one reason or other, I could send Leonid her way. Alternatively he could show up somewhere in the vicinity of Konrad's estate, though I'd need to think of a plausible reason for that. o-o'
So a thought I had is Konrad already sending Antrus out to sniff out any supernaturals and deal with them in some way. Leonid could just be jmped by him
@Karo In a bid to keep you in the loop, I could either thumbsuck some random NPC interaction, or we could wait until some of the others post a CS and see how they can link up. I don't really want to leave you out of the loop

If @Karo has Anira head out for one reason or other, I could send Leonid her way. Alternatively he could show up somewhere in the vicinity of Konrad's estate, though I'd need to think of a plausible reason for that. o-o'

I'm down for this. Though I have to warn you, I will be on vacation for three weeks so my response would be then. If you don't want to wait that long (and I don't blame you if so), then I can have her interact with an NPC or just go to sleep until I get back.
This is workable. We hiatus your girl until you come back. By then I can figure some other bulshit out.

@Karo In a bid to keep you in the loop, I could either thumbsuck some random NPC interaction, or we could wait until some of the others post a CS and see how they can link up. I don't really want to leave you out of the loop

If @Karo has Anira head out for one reason or other, I could send Leonid her way. Alternatively he could show up somewhere in the vicinity of Konrad's estate, though I'd need to think of a plausible reason for that. o-o'
So a thought I had is Konrad already sending Antrus out to sniff out any supernaturals and deal with them in some way. Leonid could just be jmped by him

I like the sound of this, sounds like a good way to bring him into the story. ^^ Shall I get a starting post up for Leonid and then we go from there? Or do you want to set it up?
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