GROUP RP PLOTTING Knights of the Order of the Rose Cross

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Conspiring behind my back I see! This is not a good way to get noticed in my squad soldiers!

lol. Sounds good actually!
Any idea when we'll actually have a Plot Description OOC up?
Um, soon... like within a day hopefully... Quick question, would they be able to just move this thread over to the OOC? Also if I could get a role call for people who are still planning on joining up?
I know Piper and I will be involved!
Theoretically, you could move this thread , but I think it might be better to start anew, for the sake of having the plot summary immediately visible on the front page, providing both the hook, setting, and plot points- consolidated into a readable format. It would be a bit of a task for a new player to comb through these pages for information! :)
I still plan to join. But I agree with Sir Basil about making a new one. This is could be confusing to someone if it stay like it was lol.
Just so it's clear and not hearsay, Basil has the right of it. I'll most certainly be joining up.