Kingdom Hearts: Oblivion

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The first thing to register should have been panic, fear, maybe a little bit of triumph perhaps? It was hard to tell what emotions should have been present when all Fritz could really do was stand there and be genuinely surprised that he'd struck a blow. Nothing was able to register yet, but there was a bit of confusion. Maybe? He did genuinely wonder why this kid wasn't bleeding normal blood.

Instead of pulsing red blood, it appeared to be a black, inky ooze. Fritz stared with his lips parted, trying to understand what it was that he was seeing. He tried to comprehend, but he didn't have much time to register much of anything before a loud ear splitting noise shot through the air. Fritz flinched and covered his ears from the sound.

In the flash of a few seconds, their opponent here had been speared by a lance and Fritz staggered back. The boy had been impaled by Aranea's weapon, pinned and helpless there, hopefully down, hopefully no longer a threat.

Snapping his attention to her as she spoke, he swallowed and nodded his head. "I didn't really think I could... be much help, but..." He looked back to their opponent and just had to ask, "...Is he... Is he dead?"
The book looked at a loss, a little unsure on how to feel or what to do. She had a feeling she knew why, but this was already a lot for the boy to take in. One thing at a time.

First things first.

Examining the tip of her spear, she was just as concerned as he was about the black ink streaming from Tidus' wound. "In whatever capacity he was alive.." She frowned, touchign the tip of her lance with a gloved hand to wipe off some of what remained there. She rubbed it between her fingers, watching it fizzle and dissipate on the air. "Darkness... but how?"

She turned her gaze upon Fritz. "This look anything like what you encountered back in your home world?"
Darkness. Is that what that stuff was?

It looked so familiar and left a strange lump in his gut that he didn't much like. It left a lot of questions in his head. One question was whether or not he had stuff like that inside his own body, too? Had he been touched by that same darkness? He'd been affected by something. It was just a matter of what. Tidus hadn't been affected quite the same though, had he? Maybe it was different? Was it different? This boy hadn't been walking around like some empty, emotionless thing... not at all like Fritz. He seemed to be so full of bloodlust and anger. Fritz felt neither of those things... and not anything else either.

"There were people like this back home," he answered, "Maybe a little different, but similar, I guess. They turned into these monsters, and they attacked us. We escaped through this portal, but... I don't know anything after that. I don't what happened after. It was just dark. And cold. And I woke up here alone."

He could only shrug helplessly, assuming that they were all gone now. Dead and gone. Was he the only survivor? Probably. And some survivor he was, too, that even he hadn't escaped completely unharmed. Whatever happened between then and now, he lost something.
There was a nod given in response, more or less what she'd expected from a kid who'd only just arrived with no inkling as to what was going on within himself let alone the world at large. "Must be a lot to take in." She frowned, stepping up to his side and resting a hand on his shoulder. Leaning over in front of him, she looked deep into his eyes.

"What about you? You handled yourself better than most kids your age out there. Takes a lot of courage to play decoy and turn around to attack an unknown enemy. You should be proud. If your friend Kaiya is anything like you, I'm sure he's doing everything he can to come back." she gave a reassuring smile, trying to help him cling to that humanity. "You're not like Tidus."

She turned her gaze on the husk as what was left. It had started to disintegrate, peeling away into shards of darkness.

"What happened to him seemed different from the hollowed. Well.." She said nudging him with her elbow. "Unless you feel like throwing fireballs at me all of a sudden."
"Kaiya and I practice fight all the time," Fritz answered right away, "We do a lot of sneak attacks and stuff like that. We were pretty good at it. I mean, he was usually a lot better than I ever was." Hopefully that was a good sign. Fritz could readily admit that Kaiya was a better fighter, so hopefully he put those skills to good use and was surviving out there. Even if it could only be considered play fighting and they'd never truly fought a real opponent, skills were skills and one never really knew how bad or how good they were until they were finally put to the test.

"I'm sure he's doing alright wherever he is," he decided, "He's strong. I know he is." He had to have faith that he was okay, right?

Even though he didn't feel the joy behind it, he still smiled upon recognizing the little jab Aranea had made at him. "I definitely don't feel like throwing fireballs at you," he promised. He gestured with a hand towards Tidus. "I don't feel like that at all." In fact, apart from simply not feeling any emotion whatsoever, he did feel fine and seemed to be still himself.
"That's a good sign." She said, "And it seems like you pass the test as well."

Aranea gave a nod as if deciding something important, then stepped closer to examine the last remnants of Tidus as he began fading away into shards of black. She held her hand out for a moment, then paused, looking over her shoulder. "You are hollowed, but you're different somehow. I'm not sure what happened, but you didn't have a negative reaction to the darkness flooding the area and for the most part seem to retain majority of your sense of self. You can think and act without the darkness transforming you."

She held out her hand to the darkness seeping off Tidus' body. It shuddered as if being repelled at first, then slowly drifted toward her, coalescing into a single point. "I feel like there's going to be a lot of danger on the road ahead of you, so you're going to need a weapon that can stand against the heartless, and the skills to fend off someone like this on your own." Her face turned sour for a moment, "Or worse.."

As the body of Tidus disappeared, and the last bit of darkness was absorbed, the ball of darkness crackled and condensed itself down into something tangible. It was either rock or crystal, it was kind of hard to tell since it didn't shine of reflect any of the light around them. More like an empty void that anything solid. Yet Aranea grasped it from the air and gave a nod. Then she tossed it at Fritz.

"So me and the boys are going to train you."

(Sorry for the delay, Been going through some medical problems. Feeling a lot better now though.)
Though there was no emotional response that Fritz could drum up behind it, he was relieved that he didn't turn out like this. He hadn't been aware that this had been a test, but maybe it was however unintentionally, and it was good that he passed it. Had he turned into something dark and violent, he was fully and keenly aware that he wouldn't be able to feel any remorse or guilt towards anyone he should choose to attack and hurt or kill, but he was still so apprehensive even thinking about it. Maybe there was something in him emotion-wise that still managed to cling along with him... or maybe it was the fact that he at least remembered what it was like to feel and that was enough.

"I'd never want to turn out like that," he decided, "I don't want to hurt anyone. I can't... feel sad, but I know what it does feel like... losing someone." He looked up Aranea with resolve in his eyes. "I don't want anyone else to have to feel pain or hurt or grief. Not because of me." Maybe that was enough, too, right? If he didn't have his own emotions, he could work to protect those of others, right?

Catching the object tossed his way, he turned it over in his hands. Curiously, he examined the crystalline form, wondering just what it was. It came from the body of Tidus, that was obvious. Some sort of essence, he supposed, but before he could ask about that, he found himself to be more curious about her offer for training. "You would do that?" He wished that he could say he was grateful, but there was nothing to push through. Just nodding his head instead, he said, "Thank you. I'd like to be able to defend myself. I don't want to die... not like that. I need to find my friend... and a way to fix this... whatever it is." If it was at all possible to cure himself, he wouldn't stop until he figured out how.

(Welcome back and no worries at all! Glad you're feeling better!"
Aranea knew full well there was no genuine emotion behind the boy's eyes, but there was something there. Something kept Fritz from becoming a heartless, and maybe that would be enough to get him somewhere he needed to be.

She had a good feeling about this boy.

"That's all well and good, but how do you plan on fighting?" she asked, crossing her arms. I'll train you, but you'll have to decide how to use those skills. You'll need to pick a weapon that best suits you. For that, I'd suggest taking that essence to the shop above the accessory shop we passed on the way here. There's a special craftsman who can help."

(thank you! Was still having issues apparently, still feeling better by the day!)
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Well that was a very good question. How did he plan on fighting? Fritz had some scattered practice here and there playfighting with friends, but there was no play in this anymore. This wasn't wooden sticks and paddles that stung if they hit but otherwise hardly did any serious damage. This wasn't a game where he could tap out if he had enough and have his opponent respect that and back off and give him a chance to take a breather and rub his bruises. From here on, this was real and he really could lose whatever was left of himself.

"I'd like to check out the shop," he agreed with an adamant nod, "I think that I could wield a sword with some practice." Real swords were a great deal heavier than the objects of plastic and wood he was used to, but he would get used to it. He would have to. His only other choice would be to roll over and die and let these Heartless take the rest of him. Even though he could hate them or fear them or be disgusted at them for what they did to him, he could put everything else he had into making sure they didn't finish the job or turn more people into... whatever he was.
"A sword? hm." Aranea stroked her chin, taking a moment to consider the choice. "A Good choice. Given how light you are on your feet, I think that suits you pretty well. Alright then"

Giving a nod, she turned toward the great doors separating the districts, holstering her lance on her back and waving Fritz to follow. "Sounds good. I think he'll be happy for the company."

As they left to meet with the mysterious craftsman, a different mettle was being forged elsewhere in the flames of combat.

Edges sparked in the frigid air as Kaiya passed his opponent. He stopped and whipped around, bringing up his blade to guard against what felt like a wall of white closing in. His weapon flickered between shapes, sometimes a sword, then a staff, then a shield, and back again in a black haze. The force of the blow sent the boy sliding backward on the snow until his stance was broken, sending him tumbling backward through the air to crash violently against a massive chunk of stained glass platform protruding from the ground.

His pained yell echoed into the abyss as he slumped to the ground, gritting his teeth. An eye caught the unsettling blank platform behind him and he scoffed. "I'm not going to die here, Damnit... I have someone out there waiting for me!"

Do you?

Kaiya clenched his fist and struck the glass behind him, pushing himself against it. "Damn right.." He growled at the voice he wasn't sure existed.

And what makes you so sure you're not the only one left?

His fist opened, resting a palm against the glass as thundering footsteps brought a menacing silhouette before him. A Giant with overlarge arms that dragged the ground on either side and glowing yellow eyes peered down into his soul.

Kaiya grinned through red-tinged teeth, and the Giant seemed to watch the panels behind him. A pulse of color was like a beating heart, and it was gone again. "Cause I can feel it. He's out there somewhere."

Another pulse as his hand left the glass, and he found his footing. In his other hand, the weapon seemed to settle on an edged weapon but the haze still obscured it.


"I'm coming, Fritz!" He declared, raising the blade to point at the Giant. A frigid aura enveloped him, and his breathing calmed. "Just wait a little longer."

The First District was calming down in the wake of the attack. Families moved from The Second lined the walkway as the guard took a headcount and offered food and water. Aranea for her part was immediately mobbed the second someone noticed her. Questions about what the light was, and if it was a Hero coming to help them.

"We should focus on finding somewhere for these people to stay first. The Second is a mess and will take a little while to clean up and clear out the heartless." Aranea deflected, and the guard gave a her a salute, but the citizens weren't so easily sidestepped. Further questioning her about bringing a child to the battlefield in regards to Fritz.
  • Nice Execution!
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Though this town was a haven for wayward souls, people that got lost and had nowhere else to go, it was proven now that it was far from a perfectly safe paradise away from whatever horrors there were out there in the universe. That darkness reached even here where the people who had literally nothing yet were hoping to hide and maybe even try to rebuild. Though this wasn't Fritz's home and he was still new to this whole world and this dark Heartless menace, he was already grateful for Aranea and others like her who were dedicated to keep these people safe.

He flinched though as they mobbed around and swarmed her with questions. He couldn't feel any sort of shame or discomfort, but could only try to imagine what she must be feeling. Did she ever grow tired and weary of them needing her protection? Did she take enough breaks? How long had she been doing this and how much longer could she keep doing it?

They seemed to be questioning her about Fritz himself and he did his best to look like he wasn't paying attention. He already couldn't feel bothered by it, so that helped a little bit about it. Adding a question of his own when there was a break and he could get a word in, he asked, "Is there anything I can do to help these people find places to stay?" Of course, he still needed to get himself a proper weapon in case more of those Heartless showed up... that way he could join the fight against them.

She had already done so much to help him, all he wanted to do was be useful now. Maybe keeping himself busy anyway would help keep his mind off his own problems.
"Help them find a place to stay?" Aranea turned to face him.

"W-What? But shouldn't he be looking to find a place to stay, himself?" An older gentleman stepped forward in concern, but Aranea raised her hand before he or anyone else could do anything to try and stop Fritz.

" The kid wants to help, so why not let him? This place can only prosper when we work together, right?" She looked around for objections, receiving none. A few people nodded, speaking amongst themselves. Aranea crossed her arms and pinched her chin while thinking of the best way for the boy to help. "Well, we have a third district where there's some more housing, but there's Heartless all over the place. I'd say you should be able to handle them once you get a weapon. Although..." She paused for a moment.

"There is another way you might be able to help in the meantime. The cafe down the stairs has a few extra rooms you could ask the owner about."
For a moment, Fritz wondered if he might have done something wrong by asking to help. It was probably just unexpected. He was a stranger to this town and he probably just looked lie some dumb kid. Well, that, at least, was to be expected He was exactly both of those things... just maybe minus the dumb part. Fritz was many things, but didn't really consider himself all that dumb.. Just... confused, was all. Inexperienced. Unused to this change in his life and this part of him that had been stolen away by the Heartless.

He liked the way that Aranea was thinking though. She had a point in saying they needed to work together to prosper. Nodding his head once in agreement, he said, "Yeah. I just want to help." He might have been... wrong in some obnoxiously hollowed out way, but he was still upright and walking and talking and in control of his thoughts and his body. As long as he was capable of working, he could work.

"The cafe," he repeated with another nod, "Alright. Got it. I'll ask there then." Afterwards, he could get himself a sword and see what could be done about these Heartless in the third district. Stepping away, he made for the cafe, talking to himself as he walked. "Get these people rooms... get a weapon... fight Heartless. Okay. Okay, that's not so bad. I can do this." He could do this. He was making his best attempt at pepping himself even if he knew he couldn't exactly feel nervous or apprehensive or worried. He also couldn't hype himself which was annoying. Then again, he couldn't feel annoyed either. It was like the feeling was there and struggling to lift itself to the surface.

Maybe it was like a phantom pain. He'd heard about such a phenomenon. He'd heard about people that lost limbs yet insisted they could still feel them. Maybe this was similar. He remembered how an emotion felt and it lingered and pretended that it was there.

Shaking his head of the thought, he couldn't help but wonder if he had thought that before? Had he made the connection before? Jeez. Why did it feel like he was losing his mind?

Trying to push the thoughts aside again, he stepped into the cafe area and looked around, calling out, "Hello? Anyone around?"
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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With everyone accosting Aranea near the door the streets of town seemed unusually empty. A glimpse of what it must've been like before. The Cafe had an eerie stillness about it. Candles set for meals no one had a chance to order, and chairs placed so perfectly that something felt off.

There was no sign of the owner, but in the far corner under the steps the shadows stirred and a familiar sickening perfume drifted through the air.
  • Creepy
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The moment he entered the cafe, Fritz immediately had the impression that something wasn't quite right here. He didn't see nor hear anyone around, but the candles on the tables were lit like guests were expected to come in at any moment and sit down for their meals. Fritz stared a the flickering flames for a moment. He couldn't say why, but maybe something about them was captivating... or maybe he was trying to feel something. Candles were usually cozy, after all.

Something stirred in the corner of his vision and he turned his head towards the stairs. The shadows shifted there as though someone was lurking and Fritz found himself wishing that he'd gotten a proper weapon first so he could have pointed it to try and look intimidating. Taking a step forward, he asked, "Who's there?"
"Not even a hint of fear.. now that is intriguing." The shadows ebbed and flowed, churning within itself with what might have been assumed to be excitement. "I wonder if it is because you lack the sense to know what to and not be afraid of, but even so.. this IS progress isn't it?"

The familiar voice faded in and out as if encountering some form of interference, then fell completely silent.
Fritz kept his eyes on the shadowy corner, eyes narrowed as he stared and tried to make out a shape. The voice was familiar to him and he didn't like that one bit. The words as well, he couldn't tell if they were intentionally mocking him and trying to be insulting or if they were just showing intrigue at his lack of fear. Would he be construed as being brave or did he accidentally give himself away that he just couldn't feel that fear?

Either way, silence met him after and he didn't have a chance to do any hard questioning either to himself or to the mysterious shade. They definitely seemed to be questioning the very same thing and that did make him wonder if he would have felt unease or worry in this moment if he could. He remembered what it felt like to be cautious and he could cling to that memory and force himself to take it easy at least.

"Gone?" he questioned aloud to no one in particular. "Who are you, stranger... and what do you know of me and how to find me?" Rhetorical questions that they were, he didn't expect answers and could only sigh. Stepping further into the cafe, he had a job to do here and called out a little louder, "Hello? Is anyone here?"
The shadows stirred to life once more as Fritz made his way further inside. they were different this time though, gone was the subtle shifting for favor of an agitated churning as if it were fighting with itself. Or that something was trying to break free. It bubbled and roiled, flared and shrank sporadically. The fluctuating air pounded like an overtuned subwoofer as the table nearest the stairs took the worst of the bursts, rocking it's candles violently to the ground with a clammer of metal and stone.

"N-Now hold on just a sec! We're here! We're still here!"

This voice was different from the one before. Unfamiliar and boyish; as a delicate hand reached out from the darkness grabbing furiously at the air.
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