CHARACTER Karo's Collection

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Baby Noodle
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
- Fantasy
- Sci-fi
- Horror and Thriller
- Romance
- Modern (with a twist)
- Magical
- Historical
- Almost anything really

Name: Nasri Arbaab

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Race/Nationality: Nubian

Occupation: Craftsman

Personality: A tinkerer by nature, Nasri feels most at home by herself working with her hands. She is a woman of few words, preferring to keep to herself. Cold and aloof, she keeps her distance from others. She doesn't expect much from anyone, relying solely on herself. Most would describe her as gruff and univiting.

Biography: Nasri has been a fixer her whole life. Her father, a craftsman himself, began teaching her the family trade as soon as she could walk. She quickly fell in love with the craft, filling up her spare time by breaking things, learning how they work, and fixing them. She quickly became renowned in her city as a child prodigy, able to fix anything, no matter how beyond repair it may seem.

Life was peaceful in her city of Jahara for many years, until it became the center of a land dispute between Nubia and the Zamiru tribe. Jahara became dangerous to live in, and with her family dead in the crossfire, Nasri had nothing tying her to the city anymore. She traveled to Ubasa and began a new business there fixing things. Eventually, the royal family noticed her talents and she was approached to be their personal craftsman.

  • Fixer-upper: With or without her bag of tools, there is nothing Nasri cannot fix.
  • Heavy-lifter: Nothing is too heavy for Nasri, who grew up lugging stone to help build homes.
  • Bullseye: She is also quite the accurate thrower, able to hit her target the majority of the time.
Other: Nobody knows how Nasri got her scars.
  • I'm SHOOK
  • Love
Reactions: Lesbingus and rissa