IC Julian City

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upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic

Location: Walking on Air > Dorian's car. | Tag: @MaryGold 's Dorian, @wren. 's Lionel.
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The sun god hadn't waited for any conclusive response from Lionel about the party. He'd leave it to Dorian to see that conversation through. The thought kept a pleased, vaguely smug curve to his closed mouth while he stepped back outside before resuming his place in the car.

It was odd – the things a person keeps from childhood impressions. He'd loved Lionel so much himself, in his own more brotherly way, that when he'd realized Dorian favored Lionel in a different way, it'd stayed with him all along. Whether it remained true to this day or not, he was sure Dorian would sort it one way or another! There was some excitement in the unknown chaos of it.

On his own, Leland scrolled on his phone. He was in no rush. He wasn't in Julian City to rush to some party or other – Dorian, his family, the experiences they might catch up on or form: these were the reasons he was there.

However long Dorian needed with Lionel in there, for shoes or whatever else came up? Leland was happy to wait in the car. Really, even if nothing came of it and Dorian's crush had faded with time, he enjoyed the opportunity to play the troll wingman for Dorian. How often did he ever get to do that? It was novel and mischievously fun.

Leland's thoughts pulled toward Theodore, so he opened his recently renewed chain of text messages with his old friend. Candidly, Leland had romantic hopes with the professor, and he'd become more upfront in his language about that. It gave Leland a thrill of anxiety - something hopeful and exciting. There was always the risk of -


His summery blue glance clouded a little with a touch of processing dismay. The most recent message from Theodore had come through while Leland had been in Lionel's shop. It was a bit longer and more formal. Oh.

Theodore's message had been polite. It'd been caring even. But it was, ultimately, a confirmation that Theodore did not wish to pursue any romantic notions. Perhaps at one point he had - the suggestion was there - but he'd also met someone else. That was the ultimate punctuation to the matter. More, Theodore requested that perhaps they not meet up, not too soon, not while he was in a fresh relationship with someone else. Leland understood, he could respect that - just to be certain that a new partner didn't come under risk of feeling like they were something casual.

Though, the sun god drooped a little in the back seat, wilting toward the reality of autumn. He sent back a brief message, the best he could manage. Gratitude, encouragement, and hopes for a good future. Funny how sometimes wishing someone well was a way of leaving their lives.

No, not 'funny.' There was no mirth in that back seat. In that moment, Leland was grateful that he was alone.

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  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: wren. and MaryGold
Did you mistake me for Callum now, he says. Now. Dorian's expression and tone exude nothing but gentleness, but the accusation is clear and makes Lionel wince. He'd noticed his slip of the tongue earlier when he'd mistaken him for Connie. Had it hurt him? It's not like he'd ever care about Lionel's opinion of him, but he spent a lot of his childhood being compared to his elder brother, so perhaps he'd been reminded of that treatment.

"All of you boys always looked so similar, it's a wonder I was able to tell you all apart so easily," he tries to return the joke, folding his hands together and rubbing his skin with his thumb to soothe his guilt. "Joking, of course." He struggles to meet Dorian's eyes, instead focusing on him putting on the boots. He has nicely-shaped feet; slim, well-arched, and average for a man of his size. Are they pretty under his socks, too?

The subject change allows him to relax some, though it's Dorian's smile that puts him most at ease. It looks genuine enough that he can't help but smile back, even laughing at Leland's expense. Dorian's impressive ability to redirect tension is no doubt a consequence of his political prowess. "It does sound fun, and I wouldn't want to hurt Leland's feelings..." Still, he's never been a huge fan of crowds, and knowing the Stoll family, they're likely going somewhere pretty high-end, i.e., somewhere someone like Lionel doesn't belong.

His doubt is interrupted by Dorian thrusting his foot toward him, the familiar and alluring scent of leather wafting up at him. It's instinctive to take it in his hands, one hand on his ankle and the other on the sole of the boot. "Oh, sure!" He scoots forward a bit, propping his foot on his chest to free up his hands and grab the laces.

"You know, there's such a thing as a Halloween knot?" he smiles as he crosses the laces over each other and pulls them tight. "It's designed to look like a hangman's noose. There's also a boat shoe knot, though it's unfortunately not very pirate-y." His deft fingers work quickly, already decided on their course. "This a reef knot. If you don't want a bow, I'd say this is the next best thing. It'll hold securely and looks more elegant than some of the other more ornamental knots like those other two. Then I would just... tap the ends into the boot... There!"

He waits for Dorian to approve it before gesturing for the man to lift his other foot, repeating the process with equal speed. "I'll go the party," he decides, "For a little while, at least. The problem of not having a costume remains, though. Do I need one?"
  • Sweet
  • Wicked
Reactions: MaryGold and sele



Dorian was no red blood, he lived a life that reminded him of that every day, but he was still a vampir. Which meant he could hear things that some creatures could not, but most especially anything to do with blood. And the blood that had once been rushing and pumping quickly from Lionel's heart grew quieter and steadier, the veins that widened narrowed and the red that had blossomed on his face faded away. He was evidently calmer than he had been the moment he made a single mistake, and Dorian was glad for it, finding that he too could relax and please that Lionel could not have sensed the unease he had felt before.

Given his training in controlling himself, he'd have been upset with himself if the other man had.

He was content in letting the man talk as he laced his boots, tying knots that Dorian had never heard of but could still appreciate the intricacies of. He hummed once or twice, acknowledging the man's comments and his understanding of his line of working, until he finished tying the last knot. There was an uncomfortable heaviness that rested in his stomach that nudged him to ask him in trying another knot, or try on a different pair of boots. If he left without anything more, Leland would be disappointed. Lionel was his caretaker for so long, and what chance would he get to see him again hen he went back to work in Black City.

He'd be an awful older brother to leave now.

"I'll go to the party."

The stone that settled in the pit of his belly was suddenly gone as Dorian looked into Lionel's eyes, though his never looked back (something he was way too familiar with). His chest felt lighter, slightly nauseously so. He could admit he was mildly excited by the prospect. Leland would be pleased, and it would be nice to catch up with someone he considered an old friend. Especially when he had never gotten the chance to say goodbye.

"You do need one," Dorian admits, unable to hide the smile in his voice as he rises onto his feet and extended a hand to help Lionel do the same. "But that is an easy solve. Well, as long as you trust Leland to find you something suitable. I know a store we can stop by on the way there."

Once they were both standing, Dorian released his hand, and flexed his knuckles at his side. "But first, will you ring me up? I think this pair will do just fine." To emphasize his point, he rested the heel of his foot on the bench and did a simple pose with hands on his hips. "Anything fancier and I'm afraid I'll end up attracting uninvited people to the party as well. Besides, we can't leave Leland alone too long in the car. He might begin to feel abandoned." But what was more likely, he'd start plotting more devious ideas to torment Dorian further.

@wren. @sele 」​

  • According to Plan
  • Love
Reactions: sele and wren.
The hand thrust in front of his face makes him blink, eyes finally lifting to Dorian's as he takes his hand and allows the other man to kindly pull him to his feet as well. His hands are soft. His own must be soft, too, now that the calluses of servitude have faded.

"I trust that Leland has developed great taste, though I don't think I want to deal with washing off a bunch of body paint." he jokes. "A cheap bag costume will work just fine." Though, they might not want to be seen with someone wearing something so tacky. It doesn't really matter to him; if they insist on something, he'll wear it.

The theatrical pose that Dorian strikes makes him snort a laugh, a wave of fondness welling up in his chest. "I've missed you both," he admits, because it's safe to do so as long as he comes across as an old family friend saying hello and not a pet finding its owners again after getting lost.

He grabs the shoe box and walks around him to the check-out counter, ringing him up on automatic. "I need to finish closing up, so feel free to wait for me in the car, I'll try to be quick," he insists.

He waits for Dorian to leave before running his closing procedure on fast forward, putting the forgotten broom back in the storage closet, counting the till with practiced, nimble fingers, and turning off all of the lights. After slipping his coat on, he steps out into the chilly night and locks the door behind him, movements a little clumsy as his anxiety sets in again.

These are the people he'd least like to embarrass himself in front of, yet he's going to a party with them? Since when has he ever been good at parties?

Choking down his nerves, he turns to the expectedly expensive car and cautiously opens the back door to climb in.
@MaryGold | @sele
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold and sele
upper class redblood
son of a blood moon
confident, optimistic

Location: Dorian's car. | Tag: @MaryGold 's Dorian, @wren. 's Lionel.
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The luxurious dimness in the back seat gave way to ambient streetlights – and someone's silhouette - as a door opened. Leland was yet in the cool shadows of his inward autumn, quietly lamenting Theodore's polite rejection. He was slow to warm awake from that place, though mechanically, he straightened and turned a courteous face toward whoever opened the backseat door.

The summer blue of his eyes were vacant at first, devoid of comprehension or even presence. But his pupils sharpened with recognition – and it gave subtle, though tangible appreciative design to the rest of his expression.

He'd entirely forgotten the faux threat he'd made not long ago to Lionel – that he and Dorian would be incredibly hurt if he didn't join them for the party. The relief that eased the shape of his eyes was purely for the sight of the man entering the car beside him. And because this helped pull him up from a sort of melancholy that never truly suited his nature.

"Oh, the party... So you are coming along then? I knew you loved us after all!" Leland slowly stumbled out of his thoughts at first,only to pick himself up, then verbally sprint right back into a familiar, spirited tease. It came with dimples pinning the corners of his mouth content again. To the point of his comment - he'd always known Lionel cared for Stoll brothers, though; it didn't require renewed assurance.

His glance cheerily lingered on Lionel, and any hints of emotional malaise diminished. Though, Dorian? Leland glanced forward. Had he missed his brother's return while embarrassingly languishing within his internal sense of romantic loss?

"Have you and Dorian decided on a costume?" He asked of Lionel while still looking forward in the vehicle. There was a touch of absent-mindedness in the polite reflex of the question. Maybe the glooms of autumn hadn't entirely released the sun god to return to his natural summer after all.
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold and wren.