IC Jasper Town

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

come have fun in the sun

A seaside town with a large population of Fae, particularly Merfolk. Located on the coast and close enough to the capital, many aquatic goods businesses are located here.


DATE: October 29th, 2035. Friday.

TIME: 5:30 PM. Afternoon.

WEATHER: 50°F (10°C). Cold, windy and dreary skies.


The shores of Jasper Town are quiet. Shops are beginning to close early because of the weather as people begin to head home.


Wind Warning
Strong winds and gusts throughout the town! Wear warm sweaters and jeans, and tie down anything that may be blown away! It may also drizzle in the evening.


- Fun activities will be added later. Can add any of your ideas too.


Mian Mart

[See Buildings and Businesses thread]

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: wren.
There's a storm coming, and Nagisa has felt it coming for a few days now. The forecast describes this drizzling as rather benign, according to the weather report app on his phone, but their radars must be faulty. Honestly, they need more Merfolk on their team. Specifically, Coral Merfolk like him — they have a built-in radar with more accuracy than any machine could probably give you. The timing, the intensity, the acidity... Part of the package deal with controlling water, probably. You'll hear no complaints about it from him, though. He quite likes knowing when to stay home and when it is safe to venture out, and, if he needs to go out, how much danger he's likely to be in.

Fortunately, it seems like the brunt of the storm won't be arriving until later in the night, which leaves the day relatively safe to indulge in. His morning swim won't be impeded. Nor his day-off midday swim. He can skip his night swim. It'll be raining, of course, but that's no problem. He loves the rain. His entire life revolves around water, after all. One might argue that it's a greater part of him than it is even for most other Merfolk. He has a sort of kinship with it. Being in the water is when he feels most relaxed. Is it the same for all Merfolk? He's never really thought to ask because the answer seems likely to be 'yes.' Surely they must feel that same pull to it? That same feeling of almost needing to be in it, and that irrational sadness that comes every now and again when they remember that they cannot live in it?

Irrational, of course, because he'd never been allowed to live in it. The war happened long before him, so he was born and raised on land just like all the other merfolk of today. He can't even imagine the pain of the war's survivors, having lived all their life in the water in (at least from what Nagisa has heard) fantastic cities that could have rivaled hubs like Black City. Then their entire worlds were turned upside down and torn with the ruin of the water, leaving them all shaky-legged like baby deer and constantly yearning for a home they'd never see again. An entire culture, an entire economy, an entire way of life gone so fast. The only consolation is that they haven't lost the water entirely, given that they can at least swim in it for a little while before it becomes harmful. And they can at least continue their trading with the land cities. Otherwise, they would have been entirely screwed.

Not that he probably has much room to talk about economics. He's extremely lucky to be from one of the most powerful surviving Merfolk families. He's never had to worry about money a day in his life. Meanwhile, people like his friends Lilou and Kairi spend their childhoods starving. That's why he has always been more than happy to spend his unnecessarily grand allowance on others rather than himself. He's just one guy, he doesn't need much to keep him alive and content. Since his family makes their money off of the labor of their kind, it's the least he could do to pay things back.

Don't forget about the storm later tonight!

His friends are probably getting annoyed with the reminders he keeps sending in the group chat (which he made some time ago for the sake of plan-making when people started getting a little too nervous about possible favoritism). Still, he knows how careless and forgetful some of them can be, and he'd hate for them to get caught out in it. He wouldn't enjoy having to hear about the death of his friend in the news under the headline 'MERFOLK STRUCK BY LIGHTNING WHILE TAKING A DIP.'

He, himself, has not ventured outside since four. He quite enjoyed sitting around in the rain, letting it soak through the thin fabric of his white button-down and plaster his hair to his head while he sat on the porch of his bungalow, watching the tide ebb and flow. He'd canceled going into town — people aren't likely to go to the open markets in this weather, and anyway, the markets tend to close in this kind of weather. This means his house smells a bit fishier than normal, his fridge nearly overflowing with buckets of seafood he'd intended to sell. Oh well.

Now he's resigned himself to resting inside, having toweled off and slipped into a loose sweater and shorts. He sits cross-legged on his couch, sipping his sparkling white grape juice from a wine glass while he watches whatever drivel happens to catch his attention on the television. Mostly cooking shows. It's funny, really — this is probably one of the most mundane, typical ways that people spend their time, and yet it feels almost like cheating to him. Cheating life, that is. He's always so busy between work and meeting with his friends, who have spread out across cities, that he rarely has time like this for himself.

Kai, sorry again that I can't visit today. I was really looking forward to seeing you.
code by wren.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: wisteria
Chamali shuts off the boat's engine and sits idly for a few minutes. Today's been a good day, a fairly decent catch. Mostly smaller fish, more restless around the surface after this morning's storm, but he'll get quite a bit for the quantity. He thinks, somewhat resentfully, that his parents would approve of a job well done today. But unfortunately, fishing seems to be in his blood—literally and figuratively. His father has taken him out on their boat since Mali could walk. He loves being on the boat and on the water, even fishing recreationally, but having to do it for work is what's distasteful to him.

He shakes his head and begins locking up the fishing equipment, and unloading the two coolers of fish from the boat and carrying them over to his truck. Once everything's settled, he starts up the truck. Now that Mali's back on land and within reach of a cell tower, texts and missed calls begin to come in; his parents asking him what's taking so long, and his friend, Nagisa, reminding him about the storm coming later. He ignores the many texts from his parents—they'll see him in a few minutes, anyway—and replies to his friend.

Thanks for the heads up, the clouds weren't indication enough hahah.

The kid's funny, but nice enough to care about his friends.

Mali plugs his phone into the aux and heads toward to the store and home.

His parents were thankfully busy with a couple of customers to make too much of a fuss with his catch. He knows his father would've criticized Mali for not catching any bigger fish, and his mother would make a big deal about filling up both coolers. But he was able to drop them off with a quick hello and goodbye to them on his way upstairs.

As soon as he's home—in other words, the apartment above the shop—he runs a hot shower, needing to take the chill out of his bones. Normally he likes being out on the cool water, but after pulling in netfuls of fish for hours in chilly weather, his sore muscles would appreciate the heat.

Forty minutes later, he's lying in bed, scrolling through his phone. He's slightly annoyed the fishing trip took him longer than he anticipated. He thought about driving into Black City earlier, but there's was no point now, really. Especially considering he'd get caught in the rain for sure. And he doubts there'd be anyone wanting to go out here.

He sighs and resigns himself to another night in.
Code by Jenamos
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  • Love
Reactions: wren.
The nice thing about an oncoming storm is that everyone stays away from the beaches, meaning that Cypress gets to scour them without worrying about other people. Sure, it's dangerous to be out in stormy weather, and the waves are already quite choppy from the harsh winds rolling in, but there's no lightning yet. His tongue didn't pick up any electricity in the air yet before he'd dived in.

So, his pale body rolls in sharp, fluid movements deeper and deeper down into the ocean depths, away from the waves attempting to toss him around like a beach ball. He can't spend too much time in these polluted waters, but the things you can find at the bottom of the ocean are often more interesting than what you can find in the sands of the shore, so it's worth it. It's not like he has much to live for these days that he'd be missing out on by gradually poisoning himself into an early grave.

The water is murky, and the cloudy skies are not forgiving in terms of allowing light into the water's recesses, but it's not much of a challenge for him. While his childhood bullies might have mocked him for being a hybrid, it certainly has its benefits.

His efforts are rewarded in the form of a dozen purple varnish clams, a harp shell, a diamond engagement ring, and a broken Incredibles watch, all of which he stuffs into his little mesh bag before beginning his ascent. When he surfaces, the struggle to stay above the waves and glide back to shore is far more challenging than getting into the water, and his arms are burning by the time he's hauled himself up onto the sand. It's gritty and uncomfortable and the way it clings to him when he's wet sets his teeth on edge, but he can never truly hate the beach despite its inconveniences.

He gasps for air as his gills go flat and his lungs begin to inflate and deflate once more in his chest, crawling across the sand until he's dragged his tail out of the water. He flops onto his back, feeling not unlike a wet rag dropped on the ground, staring up the gray sky. He holds his bag of goodies up and admires it with a pleased smile. It's a shame that someone lost what must be their wedding ring, but they've probably replaced it by now, so he won't feel too bad about reselling it.

"Sir, you do realize there's a storm coming?"

Rolling his head toward the sharp voice, he spots a middle-aged woman squinting at him from the sidewalk. Her lipstick is smeared at the corner. He blinks. "Yes."

Her expression twists into something familiar. He's missed something. "You'll get struck by lightning if you stay out here," she adds, like he's not aware of how lighting works.

"There's no lighting yet."

She frowns, staring at him for a few uncomfortable moments that have him pursing his lips. Finally, the silence is broken when the woman clicks her tongue and continues on her way.

Disregarding her, Cypress shifts back into his legs, shaking himself like a dog before gathering up his discarded clothes and slipping them back on. He snatches up his bag and sandals before moving to the grass to wipe his feet as best as he can, then finally slips his sandals on as he begins the short trek to his house, eager to cook up the clams he's caught.
「 N/A 」
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Dusk
"Thank you my good man, you know I have to keep the lady happy!" Nigel chimes at his usual bartender as he grabs his and Eisha's drinks.

"Have you asked her out yet? I know you don't expect her to wait the rest of her life!" Nigel groans, rolling his eyes a bit at his friend.

"Hey, I got something up my sleeve, and that's all I'm telling ya 'bout it, alright? You can just put these on my tab, Elijah!" And with a hearty laugh he makes his way off, weaving through the small crowd of people chatting and dancing it up to make his way to the beautiful brunette waiting for him.

Elijah had every right to be up his ass about Eisha. Everyone and their mama knew that he was smitten about her, yet he still hadn't taken the chance to officially make her his woman. And there were plenty of chances. Nigel was just a patient man waiting for the right time to come. And honestly he didn't want to ruin their friendship trying to show her feelings she wouldn't reciprocate.

"I come bearing drinks!" He says with a beaming smile as he settles into the booth across from Eisha. It was nice to be on land having a nice meal instead of rocking on a boat.
code by wren.
  • Love
Reactions: peach

Eisha gave Nigel a teasing smirk, tilting her head slightly to the right as he sat back down across from her. She could read his face, watching Nigel interact with the bartender as he had done so many times before.

She chuckled to herself, trying to hide her crooked evil genius smile from him. She knew everything, of course. But she'd give him the chance to come clean when he felt like it. She adored his company after all, surely it was just a matter of time before officially asked her. Right? Yikes.

The curvaceous woman accepted her drink gratefully, nodding her head in approval to the man across from her. "Thank you, Nigel." She soothed, her voice smooth like a melted chocolate. " I've been thinking about this all day." She laughed heartily, lifting the glass to her lips and taking a sip of whatever coconut rum drink she'd decided on this time. " I'll leave the tip tonight and pick up the tab next time, yeah?" Eisha asked, smiling warmly at Nigel.
「 」
Code by Jenamos

Taking a sip of his cider, Nigel shook his head. "Now, you know I'm all about equality, but you also know the tab is always mine, Eish." Nigel smiled, unable to resist the urge to look at the stunning woman across from him just a little longer than usual.

He knew she'd give him shit for it. 'Why are you staring at me?' She'd ask and he'd always say, 'I can't look at a gorgeous woman?' It was a wonder how he hadn't just put his big boy pants on and asked her out yet.

His anxiety and unwillingness to lose his closest companion always surpassed his yearning to make her his; although, now that he had a solid plan in mind on how to go about the situation—really make it a moment to remember— he wasn't as worried. In fact, he was almost certain that he and Eisha's friendship could withstand the sands of time!

"So I've been meaning to ask," he starts with a small clear of his throat, "how would you feel about coming with me to see Aeaea City?" They had talked about it plenty of times before considering Eisha had never been.
code by wren.
  • Love
Reactions: peach

Eisha held his eye contact with a crooked smirk, leaning forward against the table and offering a smoky chuckle. "Stubborn as a bull." Eisha mused, swirling her glass to mix her drink.

Sipping on her drink, Eisha couldn't help but feel her eyes shoot open and her brows raise when Nigel had said he needed to ask her something, but she played it off smoothly with another of her poker faced smirks.

" Oh? And what's that?" She queried, tilting her head and letting a deep brown lock of hair tumble off her rounded shoulder. A soft gasp left her full lips, a wide grin quickly taking its place amongst them. " Aeaea? That sounds wonderful!" She sat up in her chair and flipped her hair back over her shoulder.

" I'd love to, Nigel. I've been needing to take a vacation. And you have too." She teased playfully, chuckling. It was really sweet of him to offer to show her around his hometown, she was really flattered at the thought of it. She couldn't wait to send pictures and boast about her awesome vacation with her hunky best friend to her brother Cosimo.
Code by Jenamos

"That's great," Nigel perked up at her agreement with a beaming smile, "I'm excited to show you around! And you're right, we do deserve this!" While he'd expected nothing less than excitement from the mermaid, he was still happy to see and hear it from her.

He also couldn't help but notice the quickness in which she looked at him when he said he had a question. So she was onto him! In her defense though, he wasn't exactly modest when it came to his crush on Eisha. But if you asked him, he was just a gentleman.

Evidently just about everyone and their mama knew about his crush and wanted him to do something about it too! But Nigel was taking the time to make sure things were perfect. And a day or so in his hometown would definitely help with that.

"Calamari sticks for the lady and loaded waffle fries for the man," one of the waitresses briefly stopped by, handing them their food before she happily made her way around to other tables. "I forgot I'd even ordered food for us, I was so wrapped up in thoughts about our trip." Nigel chuckled. He was sure to buy his and Eisha's favorite, and they could share if she wanted. Gentleman remember?
code by wren.
  • Sweet
Reactions: peach

The first official time skip. There has been a fast-forward of two days later and the city falls on the day of Halloween.


DATE: October 31st, 2035. Sunday.

TIME: Time is up to the players for their scenes.

WEATHER: 49°F (10°C). Cool with light breezes but a clear sky.


The holidays have set in and the partying and beach parties have begun.

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