ISO Superhero Team

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Original poster
Hey y'all, lately I've really wanted to do a superhero role play. I've got a few character ideas of my own and love seeing what other people bring to the table. I'd like this to be a small group of players, though it would be totally fine for someone to have multiple characters.

If you have your own concept or want to collaborate I'd be happy to discuss plot ideas with you. If you don't want to necessarily play a role in GMing but have some plot bunnies that might fit this genre, please let me know! I can't guarantee anything but I always love getting input from others to help diversify the story and keep everyone satisfied and engaged.

General feel I'm going for: Modern or near-future, full of wonders both good and bad thanks to the powers and sheer genius of many gifted individuals. There can be prosperous cities, crime-ridden cities, and everything in between. I'm thinking something similar (but not identical) to The Incredibles universe. I'd also like the Main Team to be mostly "good" alignments, one or two neutrals might be ok. If you want to play a villain let me know. If there's enough interest I think it would be fun to have a squad of Baddies working against our heroes.

Level: Elementary and/or Intermediate. Life is intense, so I'm looking for something fun. While I'd like effort to be put into basic grammar, characterization, structure, etc. I don't want this to be anything super formal. We don't need to fret over perfection in this rp.
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Hey! I'm always up for superheroes and I have a few plot ideas I'd love to bounce around with you. I'm up for being a co-GM with you, and while my coding skills aren't super great, I can at least help with prettying things up a bit. I also love organization and setting up character sheet templates, so I can help with that, too!

If you'd like to start something, let me know and we can bounce ideas off each other. Would you prefer to discuss here, or in a PM?
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Hey! I'm always up for superheroes and I have a few plot ideas I'd love to bounce around with you. I'm up for being a co-GM with you, and while my coding skills aren't super great, I can at least help with prettying things up a bit. I also love organization and setting up character sheet templates, so I can help with that, too!

If you'd like to start something, let me know and we can bounce ideas off each other. Would you prefer to discuss here, or in a PM?

I'd love to talk more about all of these things! Let's take the convo to PMs :)
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I'd be interested!
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I am interested!
I've got a character I might toss in because I think it's a fun concept. But I honestly don't know if I have the time. But hey, here's more interest. Or I'll like, toss the ideas your way to use as you see fit anyway.
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this looks fun. I'll stick around to see how this goes.
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Thank you all for the interest! I will definitely keep you posted. @neobendium and I are currently doing some preliminary world-building, plotting, etc. to prepare for an official sign-up! Stay tuned :)
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Looking forward to the world-building, as it's kind of important to me, at least. It's not right to create a character who doesn't fit the setting. Cape comics might be able to cover just about everything, but if there's specific flavors of things one should lean toward, it's good to know what those are.
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There would also be the overall tone to consider, but it all sounds fun. Throwing my hat in the ring, anyway.
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Is this evolving?
Is this evolving?
We are working on the rules and the plotline now. It'll probably take a week at the very least to post an OOC, but we are making progress, and will tag you all to confirm interest once it's been put up.
We are working on the rules and the plotline now. It'll probably take a week at the very least to post an OOC, but we are making progress, and will tag you all to confirm interest once it's been put up.

Guess I'll judge the final product when it drops by.
How goes the world-building?
How goes the world-building?
Fairly good. We're discussing rules, character sheets, and coding now. It's slow going, but it's going!
Cool. Good luck with the coding in particular. I'm not the type to be savvy with pretty presentation, in part because it can just take a long time to put together.
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I expressed my interest and then forgot to follow the thread, whoops.
Anyways, I'm looking forwards to what you guys have in store for us.
Is this still looking? I have a few superhero characters already, though they are a bit OP (one was deliberately OP for comedy reasons, kind of like One-Punch Man, and the other was OP because she was going to become a literal god). But could make a more grounded hero if there's clearer rules on what is/isn't allowed for origins and powers.
Is this still looking? I have a few superhero characters already, though they are a bit OP (one was deliberately OP for comedy reasons, kind of like One-Punch Man, and the other was OP because she was going to become a literal god). But could make a more grounded hero if there's clearer rules on what is/isn't allowed for origins and powers.
It's still in the planning stages, so anyone who expresses their interest so far is welcome. Once the OOC goes up we will be choosing who actually joins.
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