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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
10AM - 10PM Daily
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life


The Great Exodus.

We took to the stars in desperation with ships cobbled together from war torn scraps. Of course, the wealthy had already long gone to a station in the Mars orbit. Not that it mattered in the long run. What drought and plague hadn't already destroyed, the nuclear fallout took the rest. Laid waste to entire countries with radiation poisoning, scorching the land, and poisoning the sea.

All we could do was watch from the stars, wondering how we could possibly make it here in the vastness of empty space. I was a little girl, then. And I was an old, old woman by the time humanity managed to come together under one single banner. Where we go from here, I will never know. Out into space. Out of the solar system. Far and away to a new world.

I hope you get to see that new world. I hope you remember the one we lost.

-- Greta, y2326 Before Exodus


Hello! If you are brand new to roleplaying or not confident in your skills, this roleplay is made just for you. Don't worry about your word count or writing level here. It's all about the story and the characters - you can learn as we play!

Location: Lost Earth. Over 5 Thousand Years in the Future . y5023 P.E. (Post Exodus)
Premise: An exploration ship has rediscovered Lost Earth. They will investigate and explore the planet to reconnect with ancient history and learn what has become of Humanity's first home during their absence.
Posting Expectations: Newbie friendly in terms of writing skill and length! Speed will vary, based on what we need and can be flexible. But I am aiming for 2-3 posts per player in a month.

Several millennia ago Earth was abandoned in what was called "The Great Exodus". Abused by humanity, the planet was dying. Viral infections, scientists playing god, nuclear war; it all played a part in destroying the natural beauty and habitats of planet Earth. Humanity was forced to leave the planet, branching out into the stars of the galaxy. Leaving behind the weak, the infected, and the poor to slowly die along with our precious homeworld.

Much like ancient religious texts of the Garden of Eden, Earth became nothing more than myth to current generations.

Recently, antique star charts and maps have been uncovered and an expedition to find the lost homeworld has been funded. The IRIS (aptly named for the enduring hope of humanity) contains top scientists across many fields as well as an armed private escort to protect it's crew and potential findings. This will be the greatest historical event since the Exodus itself.

Of course, over the ages, Earth has changed greatly. New species have changed and evolved. Lost Earth is wild... dangerous. And nothing like what it used to be.

You are aboard the Iris, a fantastic explorer ship of human (with Bereen help, sigh) design, meant for long deep space travel. After five thousand years information has been recovered about the location of the lost homeworld of all humans - Earth! You've joined this mission either as ship crew, a scientist, armed guard escort, or investor, to see what has become of this lost planet. Can humans return to Earth again? Can mad money be made? Adventure? Your reasons for joining the mission are your own, but there is definitely much to be discovered.


Hi, I am Diana and this is the first forum-based group rp I have started in over 10 years, so I might be a little rusty! I am a character driven game master, which means I build my entire plot and story around YOUR CHARACTERS. Your personality, your background history, it all matters and will come into play within the story.

I have to deal with many body health issues, so sometimes that means we have to work around that pacing. Luckily, that also also means I am going to be very understanding about posting difficulties! As long as you keep me up to date on your status, I can make sure your characters don't get left behind or lost.


-- I am looking for 5-6 Players BUT if I get an unexpected amount of interest I will do multiple groups with plots that tie together!

-- For this roleplay we'll be going by "chapters", each having a certain plot goal or objective to be completed for that scene. Sometimes there will be chapters dedicated to certain character's arcs and by the end of our roleplay, hopefully every single character will have had their story! :D

-- The level of your writing skill does not matter here! <3 As long as I can READ IT and you add something in your post that helps develop the scene, it doesn't matter if you write one line of text or ten paragraphs.

-- The sky is the limit here for character design, as long is it fits within my setting, you can be as creative as your like with a human character or alien. If you play a child/teen character you'll need a REALLY good reason to have them on this mission. You can bring in as many characters as you like. My advice: Don't have a character with such a powerful skill that can solve a problem in two seconds.

-- FAIR WARNING: If you have to drop out of the roleplay or if you ghost and I can't get contact with you, I like to kill off those characters for the tasty plot drama. BUT I can easily work around this and do something else if you have a special request.



Art By AndrewLeon

After ten thousand years being a part of the greater galactic community, humanity has evolved both through natural means and through inter-species relationships. There are many subset of human "types" across multiple worlds, though all humans still share their base human qualities. Mainly, a bipedal species featuring two legs, two arms, two eyes, nose and mouth in what is the classic "human" face and body shape. While the core of humanity has tried to hold on to it's ancient customs and cultures, especially on it's new world, many branches have adopted in new cultures influenced by their galactic neighbors.


Art By Jerome Koch

The first alien species humans made contact with, and thank goodness for that, as the Bereen are a peaceful people who value curiosity, learning, and exploration. Of course, they also feel that humans are like... very intelligent pets and not quite on their level of intelligent higher beings. They helped humankind integrate into the galactic society, find their new home world, and protected them from other species that might've given humanity a bad end. It was, in fact, not the first time the Bereen encountered humans, as it turns out they'd abducted studied them in ancient past. The feature leathery skin ranging from dusty greys to obsidian blacks, rich ranges of blues as well as purples. Solid deep set black eyes are most common, though occasionally in solid white, or a bright pale green. Their body shape is "humanoid", but amount of limbs will vary. Culturally, they value knowledge above all things, which means they take everything oh-so-seriously even in terms of how they treat their bodies and minds. Relaxation is a whole production of doing everything just right. Food is prepared just right. Religious celebration, filled with many many steps and ritual. All done just right.


Art By revenant-99

Tessans are a lizard-like species that honestly would rather EAT a human than go along with whatever dumb human things they are up to. However, the Tessans have recently signed treaties to become part of the galactic network, and thus are trying their best to find a way to fit in. In fact, there are two very distinct factions of Tessans - those that wanted to be a part of this agreement, to evolve their species into a new era of civilized being, and those who think all of this is BULLSHIT and would rather go back to minding their own business and eating and pillaging whatever worlds they land on. They are a migratory species, having lost their own home world to natural disaster, thus they have some things in common with humans. Yet, humans are also just so tasty. Tessans put a huge value on family bonds - family doesn't just mean by blood, either. They are fiercely loyal and protective people to those they consider their own. Appearance wise they have an alligator or crocodile shaped head & face, with a humanoid body (though some are less upright than others) and most have a long thick tail. Their color ranges of scales stay in green tones, with a variety of reds and browns in spotting/striped patterns. But there is a rare golden variant that they revere as culturally significant. Golden Tessans most often take up roles in their tribal style government, or as religious mystics. Those that don't tend to be disgruntled for some reason or other and a "lone lizard" so to speak, ostracized from family units and tribes. They are not a war-centric species, although many other species would disagree.


You can make your sheet as small or as detailed as you like, but the more information you put into Personality and Background the better I can design the story around you! The Character's Goal is also going to come into play.

For appearance, face claim images are not required in the slightest, but if you have them post them! My personal preference for THIS roleplay is realistic art or real people, but any style is totally fine with me.

Character's Goal:

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Making sure I have a foot firmly in the camp of newb, more to the site than to rp but still. I'm hoping I'm doing this in the right way and posting in the right place. I'm interested and would like to take part in this rp

If I can join in should I edit this post with my character sheet or make a separate one?
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Reactions: Diana
If I can join in should I edit this post with my character sheet or make a separate one?

You can edit a sheet into that post and tag me when you're done or post up a new post! :D Either way works just fine.
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If I can join in should I edit this post with my character sheet or make a separate one?

You can edit a sheet into that post and tag me when you're done or post up a new post! :D Either way works just fine.
I put it as its own thing here but I can include it in this post if you want to have it here instead: Reliance's Index

If there's anything I should change please do let me know

---- sheet included below but any updates will go in the link above

Overworld: Iris Landing - OPEN SIGNUPS - IRIS LANDING
Name: Memphis Twice
Gender: Male
Role: Engineer (Conventional and Reverse)
Age: 42

Visual Reference:

Character's Goal
When asked what he intends to do with his life Memphis's answer has been roughly the same since he was a child, an adolescent, an adult, and this morning over coffee and bagels: "Get my name in the science books."

For a mind fully engaged in the act of realizing its greatest ambition there is no clear distinction between work and play. For Memphis this means that for every summit he found cresting, the exhilarating gift given to him in exchange for his pain and his love is a better view of the next peak. It was glorious. Having achieved top distinction in his field, his selection for the historic IRIS expedition validates Memphis while also getting his mind working about what the next great achievement could be.

Personality and Background
Memphis's mother died in his infancy. His father worked for a global nuclear agency, and his expertise had Memphis's small family moving around the world every few years. This lead to a life of a wide exposure to different languages, socio-economic levels, and cultural identities. While not without its challenges this had an understandably enormous impact on Memphis.

Memphis is persistent and spontaneous. He is an improvisational thinker who likes to lead with intuition and then use rigorous logic to systematically arrive at simple and elegant solutions. While Memphis's emotional state is often congruent with the events around him, grief in tragedy, fear in peril, pain in suffering and so on, these can sometimes be overwhelmed by either curiosity or a sense of duty.

Along with an assortment of homemade gadgetry, Memphis usually carries a knife and some duct tape.
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[Character creation subroutine activated]
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Reactions: Diana
I swear I will get a character slapped up for this in the next couple days
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One scientist coming up!
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Reactions: Diana
I am totally in! what do you need?

Name: K.A.R.A. (Knowledgeable Artificial Research Assistant)
Gender: None
Job/Role: Intelligent Robot
Age: 3 years (since its creation)

Appearance: K.A.R.A. is a humanoid robot, standing at 6'2" tall. Its metallic frame is a combination of gunmetal gray and neon blue, with glowing blue eyes. K.A.R.A.'s limbs are slim and nimble, allowing for swift and precise movements. It has several ports located on its back, allowing for upgrades and customizations as needed.

Character's Goal: K.A.R.A. was designed to assist the crew of the IRIS in their exploration of Lost Earth, specifically in collecting and analyzing data. Its main goal is to gather as much information as possible about the planet's current state and report back to the crew.

Personality: K.A.R.A. has a highly advanced artificial intelligence, programmed to be logical and analytical. It is constantly learning and adapting, and its programming allows it to make quick decisions and solve complex problems. Despite its robotic nature, K.A.R.A. has a sense of humor and can display empathy towards others.

Background: K.A.R.A. was created by a team of top scientists in robotics and artificial intelligence. Its programming is designed to constantly learn and adapt, making it the ideal candidate for the IRIS mission. K.A.R.A. was specifically chosen for its advanced data analysis capabilities and its ability to operate in hazardous environments.

NOTE: I used ChatGPT to create this character, and DALL-E to generate the image. I would like to try to use ChatGTP to generate K.A.R.A.'s responses in the game, because I'm curious about how well ChatGPT can roleplay, and I dunno, maybe it'll be fun? Plus it will be an opportunity to practice "prompt engineering" and learn how to use ChatGPT. I do plan to make a "regular" character that I will RP without using ChatGPT. This is just an experiment, and I won't be upset if our genial GM does not choose to indulge my curiosity.

EDIT: I changed K.A.R.A.'s picture, since I found one that fits the description ChatGPT gave me better than the ones DALL-E produced from it.
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  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Lyrikai and Diana
I am totally in! what do you need?

All I need is a character sheet! ;D

NOTE: I used ChatGPT to create this character, and DALL-E to generate the image. I would like to try to use ChatGTP to generate K.A.R.A.'s responses in the game, because I'm curious about how well ChatGPT can roleplay, and I dunno, maybe it'll be fun? Plus it will be an opportunity to practice "prompt engineering" and learn how to use ChatGPT. I do plan to make a "regular" character that I will RP without using ChatGPT. This is just an experiment, and I won't be upset if our genial GM does not choose to indulge my curiosity.

This is WEIRD but you know what, I'm down for weird experiments. 😂 I suspect even the generated texts are going to need some editing on your part to be sure it actually works with the scenes and doesnt jank up other players. But I trust you rprin skills and am pretty sure you can make it work! 8D
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Reactions: Zarko Straadi
This sounds awesome, I'll make one right now!
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Question what do you mean by character's goal?
Question what do you mean by character's goal?

It can be something as broad as what they want out of life, or something focused in to what they want out of this mission specifically. Maybe they're trying to make a parent proud. Maybe they just want the fame of discovery. Maybe they plan on murdering a coworker. Basically what is driving them right now to exist, do the job, or plans for the future. 8D
i am new to the community and in all honesty this is my very first post! i would very much like for this to be the first roleplay i take part of since being away from it all for so long.

im quite interested if you still need players.
i am new to the community and in all honesty this is my very first post! i would very much like for this to be the first roleplay i take part of since being away from it all for so long.

im quite interested if you still need players.

Absolutely >:D get me that char bio!
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i am new to the community and in all honesty this is my very first post! i would very much like for this to be the first roleplay i take part of since being away from it all for so long.

im quite interested if you still need players.

Absolutely >:D get me that char bio!
you got it miss lady!
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