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The Ball Python Queen
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
  8. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Depending on my schedule I am on at various times during the week. Usually most reliable after 5, though sometimes I nap. Weekends are a free for all schedule wise.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Romance, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Possibly Sci Fi
Hey! You! Stalker! You aren't supposed to be here!
This is my area of secrety testy stuff! If you are looking for tons of help, this is not a great
place to do it! I suck at explaining things!

Here are links for me because I suck at remembering things, and I don't want to have too!
Feel free to use these things!
Adobe Color CC
Generate - Coolors.co
CSS Font Stack: Web Safe and Web Font Family with HTML and CSS code.
Best Color Palette Generators — HTML Color Codes
repeating background tumblr - Google Search
千花 | Senhana's Designer Room
GRAPHICS SHOP - Sam's bbCode Tidbits!
Here is a guide to my color schemes

  • #6F31FF





  • #A7FFD2









  • #2B2740





  • #ddd8c4





  • 3130812cad37ef3c7e6d2126bb067ccd.png

    Mermaid Tail

    Mermaid Tail Collection



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Name- Nattalie Rose Vanderwood
Nickname- Nat
Age- 32, though she's starting to loose hope in counting. Appears early 20's
Occupation- Model for Bite Entertainment
Sexuality- Straight

Height- 5'10"
Style- Casual and androgynous
Appearance extras- Has piercing in both lobes and two helix in her left ear. Has two bite marks on the back of her neck that people usually mistake for moles
Nat is someone who is perceived as the 'cool and easygoing' type, but in reality she just has lost her ability to care. Being a vampire isn't easy, and as much as she loves her job (It doesn't require much effort) she can't really bring herself to care about it, or anyone else for that matter. Most vampires have someone to cuddle up to, whether it be the person who turned them or their own small group of likeminded half dead people. Nat has no one, aside from her cat, to talk to. She can laugh, but these days its rare. Most of her time is spent halfheartedly putting her energy into her work or trying to find the meaning of life now that she's a vampire. She's under careful watch from both Bite and Fangs due to her lack of care for basically anything at this point.

Nat doesn't remember much of her life before she was turned into a vampire, only that it was sad. Unfortunately she remembers a lot about the night she was turned. Having gone to a club after turning 20 Nat was enjoying herself with some 'friends' (really more like loose acquaintances). A vampire, who had been holding back for too long, lost control of his reason and attacked the whole party. Everyone else was dead, except Nat. She survived, for what reason no one knows. From then on Fangs took control of her. She was paired up not long after in what seemed like a good pairing. Her partner, however, was a bastard. He threw her around, deprived her of food and affection, manipulated her as much as he could, before he murdered one of his close friends and was sent to 'prison' or what versions there is for vampires. Since then Nat has been despondent to life in general. She found a job and has some loose definition of friends but without her pair she feels empty, like nothing matters. Even if that pair was really using his power to manipulate her into loving him the whole time.
Extra Photos
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Name | Aliases
Anansi| Ansi, Spider Man (only by those he considers friends),

A couple Millenia or so

Sex | Gender
Male | He/Him or They/Them pronouns

Sexual Orientation | Marital Status
Pansexual with a lean towards male identifying people| Single as can be, no desire to settle after his marriage to Okonore Yaa

Aspects Of Divinity | Native Territory
Akan god of Stories, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Trickery

Kaburi-Tsuki Patronage | Pendant Preference
As the fabled Kimono designer and tapestry weaver for the Kaburi Tsuki he spends a lot of time at the establishment. He finds Mitsuru's company enjoyable. He wears his pendant as a bracelet

Specific Room Accommodations
If he's actually staying the night Anansi prefers an Arabian themed room with lots of silks and drapery. He always has his bed behind a 'door' of draped silks. Sometimes he goes for a more colorful layout but the common choice is golds and cream colors (a combination of the two images)


Anansi was once renowned for his trickery, but now he's more known for his buisness sense.
Having successfully built himself an empire of textiles and weaving he spends
most of his time talking with business associates, and as such his past trickery has earned him
good skill in convincing people to take deals. Now days he's more known for his high
intelligence and vast curiosity. Simple tricks of flattery or dishonest words to
placate him do not work and Anansi can grow quite tired of people
trying to pull the wool over his eyes. He likes to surround himself with inteligent peers
and people he finds interesting which is why he visits the Kaburi so often. Its both a
place to relax from the stress of running a business and also a place where
intelligent and interesting people gather.

Distinguishing Features | Appearance


Eye Color
Green with flecks of gold

Complexion / Body Type
Dark complexion, well built but not overly muscular

Preferred Attire
Changes depending on the location he's at. He prefers wearing loose and
breathable clothing

Body Modifications
Ever the adventurous one, Anansi is the proud owner of a piercing on the
underside of his dick. He also has a lip piercing (lower left side)
and both ears pierced

Citrus and Cinnamon

Half spider
Usually used when he's weaving or when he feels like it. Anansi keeps his upper half
of a human but his lower half becomes that of a large black spider. His Height grows to around
7'4" and the thorax of his body has shapes in gold to distinguish him from
regular spiders (like the size wouldn't do that)

Full Spider
Instead of half transforming Anansi turns himself into a full on Eight foot spider.
He doesn't usually use this form unless threatening others or scaring the life out of those
who wrong him.

Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions (if any)
-Likes to snack on insects, as gross as others may find it he thinks they are delicious
-Carnivore, but he can eat some small amount of plants. Usually prefers meat and insects
-Likes to hang upside-down or walk around on walls if he's bored. He may also create himself a sleeping
nook and then leave the cobwebs there afterwards.
-He's a fan of stringing webs across the hallway for others to walk into, a harmless but still funny prank.

Divine Abilities
Spider Silk
Anansi can create spider silk, and its the basis of his company. He originally sold hand
woven items of spider silk. Since the silk is both soft and durable its highly sought after,
however Anansi limits who can purchase the thread, one of those limited
purchasers is Mitsuru himself. Anansi oversees
all use of his silk personally.

Spider Transformation
Turns into an eight foot spider, enough said

Like a spider Anansi can stick to things most people wouldn't be able to. He can
be found walking on the ceiling at times when he's bored or feels he needs
a new perspective.

Night/Enhanced Vision
Since he's half spider Anansi has better vision than most. He can see in the dark
since spiders are mostly nocturnal and can see movement better than most
during the daytime.

Anansi is a spider, and just like the little suckers are hard to kill with a shoe
Anansi is rather agile himself, both in the physical sense and the social
sense. He's one slick son of a bitch.

Symbol Of Divinity
A spider

Divine Familiars
A maine coon cat named Asha (her name means Lively). She's about
2 years old and loves her master very dearly. She isn't always fond
of strangers but has grown used to some of the permanent
members of the kaburi and seems fond of Mitsuru.


Brief Background
-Origin of birth unknown
-Was first told us trying to take stories from the sky god Nyame who hoarded all the stories
-Anansi offered to pay for them and being told he could not afford them Anansi asked for the price anyway
-To meet the set price Anansi captured the four most dangerous creatures in the world, The python Onini, Hornets Mmoboro,
leopard osebo, and fairy Mmoatia
-Anansi tricked all four beings into being captured, successfully winning back stories for the people
-Many other tales of his exploits are told and Anansi regards most of them in fondness
-After a while Anansi had four sons and one daughter with his wife, Ntikumahis first son, Tikelenkelen his bid headed son,
Nankonhwea his son with a spindly neck and spindly legs, Afudohwedohwe his pot bellied son, and
Anansewa, his only daughter
-Loosing interest in having kids and his life as a 'family man' Anansi divorced his wife. He still visits
and takes care of his kids as he's not one to neglect his duties
-Having divorced his wife Anansi turned his small side buisness of peddling his silk into a
full blown textile empire, becoming quite popular in many locations
-Mitsuru and Anansi crossed paths around 400 years ago when Mitsuru requested
higher quality uniforms for the Kaburi.

Divine Relations
Mitsuru-Buisness Relationship
Anansi is the provider of all uniforms and tapestries for the Kaburi Tsuki
so their relationship is naturally a good one. He has an open pass to do what he
likes at the Kaburi, though he would never dare break Mitsuru's trust.

Personal Kinks | Restrictions
+Bondage/Binding (specifically to others)
+Interesting people
+Undefined roles (who said tops can't be praised or have their nipples played with)
+Mutual praise/care
-Anything bathroom related
-Starfish partners
-Blood Play
-Being forced without prior consent (or forcing someone else)
-Non consenting/drunk partners (it's no fun unless everyone enjoys it)
-Anything slimy

Anansi is down to try pretty much anything once, but he's had a
bad experience with slimy tentacles in the past and would prefer
to avoid the option at all costs

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Color= #00afb9

Name | Aliases
Mihiro Ito| Miho, Ito-sama, Miho-chan, Miho-kun

Appears around his early 20's
Actual age- Around 200 years old

Sex | Gender
AFAB| Transmasculine |He/Him pronouns
Miho was born female but has since transitioned into male identifying. He's had top
surgery (with the scars to prove it) but no bottom surgery. He has become comfortable in his new
body and despite using He/Him pronouns he still dresses effeminately during his dances
and for fun from time to time.

Sexual Orientation | Marital Status
Attracted to Male or Androgynous Identifying Beings| Single and Ready to Mingle
Miho is attracted to those who identify as male or who are non binary/intersex. He has a hard time
imagining himself in a relationship with anyone hyper feminine, partially because it reminds him
of his past. Also just not his preference. He's also a hardcore bottom.

Species | Lineage Status
Sazae Oni|Pure Blood
A Sazae oni is a type of Oni that come from monstrous turban snails and haunt the seas.
They appear on moonlit nights to dance on the waters surface like exotic dancers or dragons. As a proud
lineage of Saxae oni Miho was taught the traditional art of Nihon Buyou and Noh Mai. Originally it was
intended to lure sailors to their doom, now Miho uses it to entertain guests at the Kaburi.

Kaburi-Tsuki Position | Rank
Miho has been at the Kaburi for just under 100 years or so, so while he isn't the oldest
creature there Miho has spent half his life at the Kaburi and is well versed in the way things run.
His specialty is traditional japanese dance, and, if you butter him up enough,
perhaps he'll remove his kimono for you.

Miho is a generally kind person, but that doesn't mean he's a doormat. Miho is not about to have
someone else walk all over him. He's perfectly happy to be accommodating but if you think you can be a dick
and still get treated nicely you have another thing coming. Miho's temper can be a little wild at times but he's
to date never yelled at a guest. He can be passive aggressive though. Miho tries to appear confident and
loving but he has his moments of self doubt, especially surrounding his true form. He was always
told by others who saw it that it was disgusting or hideous so he tends to hide it from guests
and other attendants alike. While he tends to act a little coy Miho is happy
to indulge on the Kaburi guest's greatest fantasies, so long
as it doesn't involve hurting anyone else or
him topping.

Distinguishing Features | Appearance
Pretty average for an oni that was born Female, but he still dislikes feeling short

Eye Color
Silver, with matching white eyelashes

Complexion / Body Type
Extremely pale complexion with hints of blue creeping in on the ends of his horns.
He's deceptively well built though some people mistake him as a twig
beneath the robes. His muscles are more lean than bulky.

Preferred Attire
Something casual and flowing, usually a kimono style uniform. He prefers to wear
something subtle with delicate patterns in a male style (Haori and nagagi, sometimes with hakama).
Miho usually wears his hair in a braid or a ponytail with some strands loose to frame his face.

Body Modifications
Miho went a little wild when he left home and thus has quite a few body modifications.
Miho has five piercings in his right ear (as shown plus two lobe) and four in his left (one lobe, two helix, one orbital).
In addition Miho has one piercing in each horn (as shown). He also has shoulder and chest tattoos (as shown)
as well as tattoos to cover up his top surgery scars.

Sea breeze and Citrus

Horns as seen above
Can transform himself into a half merman when he decided to. He often takes baths in his
merman form as its easier and a good way to unwind. This form gains him sharp nails and teeth as
it is technically his natural form, though Miho prefers to appear more human to assimilate
with the rest of the guests at the Kaburi
Merman form (with horns and white hair of course)

Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions
-Miho is technically omnivorous but he prefers meat, specifically seafood
-Miho dislikes showing off his merman form to anyone as he considers it ugly. If caught in said
form Miho is likely to try and hide or become embarrassed
-Miho hates leaving people on bad terms, but also can have a temper. Even if he lashes out
at his fellow coworkers Miho is always coming back a few hours later to apologize,
often with gifts to make up for being an asshole.
-Miho loves creatures of all kinds and is hardly ever 'grossed out' by anyone else's forms.
He is, after all, a horrible demon himself. How could he hate someone else who's just like him?

Specialized Abilities
Water Manipulation
Coming from the sea Miho has control over water. He can't move oceans or anything like that
but simple and small amounts of water can be under his control. The more water
(or the greater number of orbs/different masses of water) the more concentration the
manipulation requires.

Merman transformation
He's made from the sea thus its only natural he has a sea form that makes it easier to get around.
The transformation into this form isn't exactly comfortable nor is it pleasant to watch so Miho often hides
when he transforms from one to the other. He thinks his merman form is rather monsterous
despite seeing many strange things at the Kabrui he still considers this form rather ugly
and tries not to show it off to customers unless they specifically ask.

Siren Song
Though an often unused tactic since they prefer dancing the Sazae oni can also use a
'siren song' to lure sailors to their death. It's a form of persuasion that Miho hates because, well, its
taking away the consent from others. As he hasn't practiced using it sometimes his natural singing
can become a 'sailors curse'. This prevents him from singing around others as he
doesn't want to use his gift to gain favor. He would rather do
it through his raw skill.

Pet | Companion
Kumo- Mercat
Looking more like a blob of turquoise water this feline is a steady companion of
Miho. The oni found her when he was all alone and thus brought her with him to the Kaburi

Brief Background
While Miho's family is quite well known as a very powerful dance family Miho was never really like the rest
of the bunch. Everyone in his family is all about drawing in a crowd and earning as much money as possible
while tricking others into falling in love with them. Its the traditions of mesmerizing dance and their
siren song that keep people coming back for more. Miho was never a big fan of that. While he loved
to dance Miho often took liberties that would get him scolded. On top of that Miho found himself
identifying as male rather than female. When he dared to bring it up in a fit of outrage
Miho was swifty shunned from his family and told never to return.

At the age of 100 Miho was out on the streets with no family to call home. During this time he found Kumo
who quickly became his companion. Eventually Miho found the Kaburi where he used his knowledge
of traditional dance to gain a spot as a performer. Over time Miho gained enough money for
top surgery and has since settled into both his identity and body. He finds himself
happy at the Kaburi, but any mention of his family or their long history makes
Miho rather unhappy.

Personal Relations
Mikoto- Friendly
Since Mikoto is the Japanese god of the moon and Miho is a water spirit
Miho sees Mikoto as his 'guardian deity' of sorts. Mikoto and Miho both swing the same
way in terms of preferring to bottom so they are rarely seen as sexual partners but
Miho is always glad to entertain Mikoto with traditional dance and the
occasional bout of drinks and perhaps, if he's up to it, sex.

Personal Kinks | Restrictions
+Light Bondage
+Light Punishment
+Rope Art
+Power Bottoming
-Needles or Blood
-Overly effeminate acting (being forced to act like a high femme person)
-Rape scenarios
-Being forced to top
-Causing serious harm to others
-Bathroom Play
-Fetishization of him being trans (because its insulting as hell)

Personal Quarters
Miho's room is a very dark space as he likes it that way. Things are often close to the floor or arranged in a comfy
manner. There is a large pool resembling a lake with darkened grey skies through a door at one end of his room.
Miho prefers to keep trinkets here and there and his wardrobe is filled extensively with costumes and
different props and outfits. The room can become a disaster quickly if he isn't careful but
Miho does do one thing, always keep trash out of his room and always keep
it dark.

Picture reference
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Name | Aliases
Felix Niko| Felix, Niki, Niko

199 Years Old (Appears to be Mid 20's)

June 13th

Sex | Gender
Cis Male| He/Him Pronouns
Felix was born male and has never seen anything else fit. He's quite happy
with his gender

Sexual Orientation | Marital Status
Panromantic-Demisexual| Single
Felix has never been one to sleep with others on a whim. He's not particular about who
he falls for, though it tends to lean towards more quiet and less obnoxious individuals.
He has never been in a long term serious committed relationship and his
sexual experience could be considered as next to none

Species | Lineage Status
Caldarius|Pure Blood
The caldarius are known for serving kings as healers. They take disease from sick people and
spread it, being able to cure themselves and the disease in the process of taking it away. His family
is very proud of their lineage with serving high ranking individuals, and while
Felix's job isn't considered the most glamorous of them all he is still
considered as part of the family.

Kaburi-Tsuki Position | Rank
Kitchen Worker | Head Chef
Felix has been around the Kaburi for quite some time (Over 100 years) and has worked his way up
from a lowly server to head chef. His passion for cooking was always a pass time but now he serves up meals
to the Kaburi Tsuki patrons. His powers can be transferred to his cooking so his meals often
have small healing abilities to take away ailments over time. They are by no means a miracle cure and
can't relieve serious ailments but people who eat his meals often leave feeling better
than when they came in.

Felix is serious and focused on his work. Even in the crazy atmosphere of a busy kitchen he's always
calm and collected. That being said he has no time for your bull shit and will rip you to shreds if you start
getting in his way. He will do it all with a straight face too. Known as 'the man without a smile' Felix
is rather stone faced and doesn't show his emotions. He's dedicated to doing his job right and well, which is
part of why he has become a head chef in the first place. Felix has little time for the whims of others and
often spends a lot of his time alone. People don't really want to be around an inexpressive
person who doesn't talk much. Felix hasn't ever really had many friends so he doesn't think he's lonely,
but only because he has no idea what it feels like to have friends in the first place.
He's awkward when it comes to his true feeling and has trouble saying the words that matter.
He tends to leave gifts behind without a word instead of directly saying thank you.

Distinguishing Features | Appearance


Eye Color
Grey with a touch of lavender

Complexion | Body Type
Skiny and Lanky with porcelain white skin. He doesn't have much
obvious muscle but he is rather tall.

Preferred Attire
Like the outfit above he prefers his attire to be tight sleeved and neat, something
easy to wash when it gets dirty and without long sleeves because tying them back defeats
the purpose of wearing them.

Body Modifications
Lobe piercing in each ear

Lavender and Amber
After work he tends to smell like the kitchen (lots of food aromas and spices)

He has a massive pair of silver grey wings that appear at will. When they aren't out there is a small
tattoo of wings between his shoulder blades. When exposed his wingspan is 8 feet
or so. He can fly quite well with his wings and on his days off is often seen sunning them
in a tree.

Wears a feather earring in one ear at times

Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions
-Does not like being touched. He often react jumpily if you touch him when he's not expecting it
-He's god a RBF. He can't really change it but often people underneath him assume he's always mad at them when
he often isn't even thinking about them.
-His thinking face is similarly angry. People think he's silently pissed off when he's just thinking
through something. It gives him a bad reputation
-Felix is particular about his food and thus often cooks his own, even on his days off.
-He doesn't like showing off a lot of skin and almost always wears long sleeves, even when he's working
in the hot kitchen. He asks Anansi for special consideration with the weight of his uniform so as not
to overheat while working.
-He has a special passion for sweets and often makes them for those he cares about. Since he sucks at
expressing himself with words or facial expressions he often leaves behind gifts to say
thank you instead of actually saying it.

Specialized Abilities
-Healing Abilities-
Caladrius are known to take the sickness of others onto themselves and spread it around. As such
Felix can take small portions of illness from others and essentially heal it. This does not apply to things like
broken bones or cuts, but does apply to colds, viruses, and other pathogens. Since it is a direct
transfer taking on too much means Felix can become ill for a while, hence why his meals
only have small healing capabilities. If he distributed his full power to everyone he would perish

-Enhanced Resistance-
Because his body was naturally made to take sickness from others Felix has stronger resistance to pathogens
and illnesses, and thus something like a simple cold will hardly make a dent in his system. He can
become ill, it just takes a hell of a lot more to do so

He has an 8 foot wingspan, so he can fly when his wings are out. He can also make them
disappear completely so they don't get in the way in the kitchen.

-Bird Transformation-
Caladrius are traditionally pure white birds. When he wants to escape or is just feeling
particularly distressed Felix turns himself into a white dove so he can escape whatever the hell is
bothering him

Pet | Companion
None at the moment, but Felix is rather fond of felines
and tends to hang out at the stables to be with the animals
in his spare time. At the least they don't judge him for his RBF

Brief Background
The Niko family is well known in Rome for being the go to family for caladrius. The rest of his siblings are often
hired by gods, royals, or other people of noble statue to help prevent illness and poisonings. Not only are caladrius useful
they are also a sign of wealth, thus most of his numerous siblings have become large status pieces. For a while
Felix was seen as the 'failure sibling'. He wasn't charismatic or good conversation like others and was often passed
over for his somewhat sullen features that made him seem imposing rather than good company.
Since he was not hired Felix had plenty of time to go and do his own thing, including baking and cooking.
As he found time to explore the world Felix came across the Kaburi Tsuki and fell in love with the establishment.

Starting out as nothing more than a lowly server Felix worked hard to make his way up the ranks. By the time his
family heard from him next he was serving many gods form different pantheons every day at his job. While his
parents were less than thrilled the place was a brothel they begrudgingly accepted that he was doing
good work, perhaps not in the way they imagined but he was certainly getting the most
out of his siblings in both pay and prestige. Some of his siblings are a little
jealous that he snagged such a good job but wouldn't
dare set foot in a brothel.

Personal Relations
Mikoto- Well Known
The god of the moon is rather picky about who handles his food, thus Felix has met
Mikoto a handful of times and has over time build up the trust between the two of them. They aren't
friends per say, but Mikoto trusts him and Felix is considering that a blessing. Felix personally
handles all the gods food and him alone, lest the moon god throw a temper tantrum.

Personal Kinks | Restrictions
He's got no experience so a relatively blank slate
However, he REFUSES to do anything bathroom related

Personal Quarters
His room is more vertical than horizontal room. The room itself is filled with plants and
a waterfall that seems to come from somewhere near the ceiling. There is lots of natural light
and the platforms inside his room are accessible both by stairs and flight. The platforms themselves
are made of a wood that is somewhat redish orange in color. The rest of the room is accented with black and
grey colors, giving a calming but beautiful aura to his room. The bed itself is near the top of the room,
and is low to the ground and quite plush. Each platform has its own
purpose, but despite that Felix spends most of his time or the top few platforms
where his books and bed are.


Name- Amondi Cassius Alders
Title- Lord Amond, 2nd son of Duke Alder
Nickname- Amon
Age- 22
Primary Gender- Cis Male
Secondary Gender- Omega
Species- Avicartus
Avicartus, or 'the people of the sky' are avian hybrids. The exact reason they came about is unknown as much of their history has been lost to the passage of time. What is known is that each person has an 'ancestral bird'. The exact process of this choice is unknown as well but plays a part in the physical characteristics of each individual. Strong genetic lineages of the same ancestral bird have been formed as its thought to help create a pure link between them and the birds that give them their flight. In terms of logistics the wings of an Avicartus can vary in size and shape and resemble their ancestral birds. They can be hidden away as adults and take the form of a simple tattoo in what many people refer to as the avicartus' accent or image color. This tattoo appears between the shoulder blades and dissappears when the wings are called for. Avicarts can use magic to some degree, but that is also thought to be determined both by their ancestral bird and their genetics.

Ancestral Bird- Arn
Known as the national bird of the Kassius kingdom the Arn is revered by many and seen as a symbol of good luck. Very few have been blessed with their ancestor being an Arn but attempts to repeat it genetically in the past seemed to have produced no dividends. At the moment Amon is the only known Avicart with the Arn as his ancestral bird
Appearance Details
Height- 5'7"
Build- Slender verging on the side of skinny
Eye color- Left eye is a dark grey color, Right eye is a stunning bright blue
Piercings- Two lobe in each ear
Magic- Amon is sure that he has magical abilities and he remembers practicing them in the distant past but since his secondary gender assignment he has been forbidden from practicing magic. He can not control it and while he's aware his affinity seems to be to both water and sky related magics he can't do any meaningful actions.

Amon is seen as cold and unfeeling by the general public. Anyone who tries to woo him or get into his good graces is met with indifference and an unwelcoming attitude. Amon isn't seen in public very often but when he does appear at parties he's often alone in the back of the room, almost like an elegant porcelain doll. He gives short answers and snarky replies, but when he's genuinely angry Amon can go off. Its only been known to happen a few times but apparently the results were... explosive. He detests being seen as the 'frail omega' and refuses to be treated as such. He has hobbies, dreams, ambitions, and he isn't going to let some stupid secondary gender bother him. He's rather naive in terms of love and takes things rather literally. Can be difficult to woo as grand gestures like expensive gifts can't buy his affections.

Amon was the much loved second son of the Duke and Dutchess of Alder. A family of historic Avicarts their eldest ancestor, the first duke of Alder, was an Arn. He helped lead the kingdom of Kassius to great triumph and was said to be rather close to the king. After the official bird of the empire became the Arn and the Dukedom's crest prominently featured it at its center the first duke set out to have children who would also have their ancestor be an Arn. Sadly despite taking many wives and having many children none of them gave the result he was looking for. The battle for the next duke was vicious but eventually an Avicart who's ancestor was a Raven took over the household. Since them the lineage has been exclusively Ravens, until Amon was born.

Perhaps it was his ancestors deciding that the time was right once again, or maybe just dumb luck, but Amon came out with beautifully grey white wings that stunned everyone. His family rejoiced that they would see an Arn rule their house once more. That was the plan anyway. Amon was given lessons on swordsmanship, magic, and everything he needed to start developing into a ruler. That was until his secondary gender assignment tests at the age of 7.

Overnight Amon's life went from joyous to cold. He was an omega, something that could never rule the house of Alder, not without major scorn. They quickly became resentful of their second son, which Amon was used to from his older brother but not his parents. This is when the first incident occurred. After three days of being ignored Amon burst into tears after his mother rebuffed him trying to hug her. It resulted in the majority of their drawing room being covered in ice that took days to thaw. It did little to change his parents attitudes. They put on a face in front of him, keeping polite but distant conversation. Eventually the little Arn's heart grew cold and resistant to others.

As he grew Amon's teachings were shifted. No longer was he expected to learn politics and the ways of leading others, instead he was taught how to walk in heels, how to dance, how to be a 'proper woman' for his future husband. Sewing, embroidery, menial tasks meant to show that he was a good quiet wife, and while Amon grew to like some of them to some degree he still longed to learn magic, to study new things, to explore and perhaps venture his own business, all options that were shut down by his parents. Amon was officially introduced to society at 18, but he has yet to be married four years later. This is because his parents are highly picky. If they expect someone else to inherit the dukedom then they must go over them with excruciating detail, and its not like Amon's older brother Sedric will let him do that. Instead the family is in the middle of negotiating an arranged marriage with one of the emperor's sons to further strengthen their house's influence.
Name- Alexander Garrett De Claire
Title- Alex the crown prince of Chrisillis
Age- 24
Gender- Male
Secondary Gender- Omega (Though this fact is hidden)
Orientation- Bisexual, though he almost entirely prefers men
Race- Char
Char are a race of little known origin. They are said to have lived all over the land at one point but have dwindled in numbers in more modern history. The last remaining kingdom of Charis is Chrisillis. The Char are distinguished by their large feline like ears, tail, and wings. They come in all shapes and colors, the most coveted being pure white. They are known for their flight and their increased agility as well as the tendency to be a bit high brow and haughty like elves.
Home- Chrisillis
Located in a valley surrounded on most sides by mountains and on the last by the ocean Chrisillis is the last remaining kingdom of Char due to its location. With plentiful mines full of jewels the kingdom was persecuted for many years. When a settlement was reached the kingdom created a road through the mountains for trade so their jewels could be sold to other areas for a higher price. This, however, defeated their mountain defenses and has made them more vulnerable, not that the greedy king Xylon and his wife Marie noticed. They also sport a large and adept military that keeps the Char safe. Being a knight is seen as a coveted job and they are paid well for their sacrifices.

Height- 6'
Build- Lean, slightly toned
Piercings- Four in each ear. He likes to change them depending on how he's feeling. He's not allowed to wear more than two in each ear during public appearances which his father tries to limit. He also has nipple piercings (done by a previous fling in his late teens)
Skin markings- A mole on the left side of his spine on his lower back, a few moles dotted here and there, including one in the hairline on his forehead and another on his left butt cheek.
Favorite Scent- Alex is known to smell quite a bit liked spiced apple cider, a mixture between light florals and more earthy or masculine scents.

From the outside looking in Alex is a well-mannered, polite (if somewhat reserved) gentleman who follows in his father's footsteps of becoming a great alpha leader. Behind closed doors the opposite is quite true. Alex has little time to deal with anyone, let alone his father. He hates annoyances, particularly omega females vying for his throne, and detests the royal mediocrity he is expected to produce. In fact Alex is expected to marry an alpha woman, let her get pregnant by a suitable male partner (he's guessed it may be his father if they are so desperate but doesn't dwell on the thought) and have children. He's expected to play the part of an alpha for the rest of his life, and thustly he's quite bitter. He hates alphas, especially bossy ones, does his own thing, and couldn't give a rats ass about the 'right' way to do things. Alex is deeply just lonely and needs someone to see him for him. He's lost as to what he even is anymore after so much time and often spends time brooding about it.

Alex has no idea who his mother was, but what he heard from the whispers in the hall she was an omega that had supposedly tempted his father into infidelity. When his father found out he had the woman captured and confined to the dungeons. His step mother, not able to have children of her own due to an attack, tried to adopt Alex as her own after his mother was silently and brutally executed. When he came out looking nothing like his two very white haired parents the kingdom was abuzz with chatter that he was a bastard child. Sadly his step mothers situation didn't miraculously change and when his secondary gender started to reveal itself everything was stopped. His father never looked kindly at him again (not that he did much before) and his step mother shunned him. Her warm and caring embrace and gentle stories Alex had come to love were gone, replaced by a cold indifference. She'd even become violent in outbursts of rage at times. His training to be king was officially stopped, not that Alex let that stop him. He kept reading, kept learning, vowing to make sure that whatever vermin his parents were would not grace the halls of the castle again once he took over. His parents have it in their heads that they will find Alex a suitable wife they can train to lead the kingdom as if he was never there, someone with hair as pure as snow is their only rule. So far this has brought a line of parasitic women into his life, some of them vying for his attention because he must be able to choose his bride, others not even bothering to hide their greed for the throne. Alex gets angry at even the mention of future marriage and, at the moment, wishes he could just rip out his scent gland and anything else that would allow him to bear children so it could never even have the remote chance of happening.
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Color= #0077b6
Name | Aliases

Kelren Strom| Kael, Kel, Ren, Storm
Doesn't really mind what you call him as long as you don't baby talk him

205 Years old
Appears mid to late 20's
The exact aging rate of a mix between a siren and a nixie is not known, but both of his parents are
easily into their thousands of years old so Kel tries not to think about his age. His mother, on the other hand, will
not let him forget how old he is and thus he remembers to the exact year.

Sex | Gender
Intersex/Shapeshifter|He/Him/His pronouns
Kel is a bit of an interesting case. While he identifies as male and carries male genetalia he has inherited some
of the shapeshifting abilities from his father. This extends to his genetalia and while he technically considers himself
male and tends to express as such for his body he has been known to alter this nether regions for his own entertainment.
He is never known to use female pronouns at any time and would be rather cross if you did (in the silent 'I will feed
you to cerburus' way). He does not mind the use of they/them pronouns but prefers masculine pronouns.
He also tends to express himself in a traditionally masculine way.

Sexual Orientation | Marital Status
Single| Pansexual with a preference for bratty partners
Kel isn't super strict on who he sleeps with, its all about who draws his interest. He, however, finds little interest
in people who will willingly kneel at his feet and take whatever he wants to do. There's no fun in the slow sexual torture if
the other party doesn't fight back at the least a little bit! Kel's preference is for those who seem strong willed
and unyielding to his advances. He does tend to go for more masculine aligned individuals but he
considers that partly because they tend to be less thrilled about the idea of a man
banging them so hard that they see stars. He also tends to avoid
going into any relationship that's more than just sex. He isn't one to settle
down quickly, or easily, and has never done so since he's been at the Kaburi.

Species | Lineage Status
Water Spirit | Mixed Breed
Siren (Mother) x Nix (Father)
Both of his parents are water spirits with similar but distinct forms. His father is a nix, an amorphous water spirit
known for shapeshifting. The nix has a mixture of histories but is most known for appearing as a naked male playing a
violin who lures people into the water to drown. His mother is a siren, a lineage that seemingly speaks for itself.
Their soothing voices are known to represent the aspects of temptation and desire

Kaburi-Tsuki Position | Rank
Sexual Wellness Instructor | Part time Shamisen Player
Kel, the man of many talents, spends most of his time as a sexual wellness instructor along with Denali.
His workshops vary but lead towards effective and safe ways to increase pleasure in the bedroom. One of his most
famous workshops is on rope art, where he teaches various types of ways to tie yourself, or others, into
interesting positions. He has come to enjoy the work and teaches more informational sessions as
well explaining how to use certain sex toys effectively as well as a dive into new
kinks and options to increase the excitement of your sex life.

When not teaching sexual wellness classes Kel can be seen playing the shamisen for performances.
He often accompanies the performers with his skills, something he picked up rather quickly at the kaburi after
he was hired. People like to watch him play because its one of the few times Kel tends to look serious.
Kel wears his pendant as a piercing, specifically the second lobe piercing in his right ear.

Kel is often seen as a kind individual who takes his time to properly greet guests and complement them. He's
got both charm and good looks meaning that lots of guests would like to have him as company for the night. He is,
however, known for devouring his night guests which makes some gods weary of his personality all together.
You see Kel looks like a nice individual on the outside, but he puts most of that on for his own gain. Kel
finds joy in making other people squirm underneath his gaze and will happily find different
ways to make them do so. Of course his favorite way is to torture them sexually, pushing and pulling
their wits until they break.

Kel is always friendly to others but doesn't ever let conversations get too personal. He always allows just enough
to give the illusion of trust. In reality Kel doesn't really like people getting too close to him and tends to put up an invisible
wall between himself and others. Settling down was never on his mind and so he often rejects anything that seems
like budding feelings towards him. Deep down he doesn't want people to be tangled up in his twisted
inner desires and thinks that happiness in the long run will come from somewhere else for everyone.

Distinguishing Features | Appearance


Eye Color
Fog grey with hints of blue and purple

Complexion / Body Type
Tall and lanky, very pale skin with hints of shimmering scales here and there. You
can see the scales most prominently on his shoulders and forearms and they carry the same greyish blue
and purple coloring as his eyes. They can dry out if he's without water so you are likely to see Kel damp more often than
not. He also has a tattoo on his left upper arm and around his shoulder. His overall build is strong but not
overly buff. His most notable feature is his towering height.

Preferred Attire
Sleeveless shirts with a high neck that hug his body. Likes darker colors for both his fabrics and
jewlery. His style tends to be slightly more adorned than most male outfits, taking care to add chains, silver
accents, and other items to match his jewlery. He is somewhat fashionable but never sacrifices comfort
over fashion. Usually has his nails painted to match his outfit as well.

Body Modifications
A long list of piercings in each ear
Left- Two lobe, Darth, Industrial Bar
Right- Two lobe, Darth, Two Helix

Pomegranate, Fresh Orange Blossom, Vanilla, Amber
Sometimes you can get a faint scent of ocean breeze on him

Kel is a shapeshifter so he can adjust his form somewhat.

Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions
-Eats mostly seafood, but his diet is not limited by any allergies or intolerances, its simply his preference
-Kel almost always wears a smile but its often unsettling rather than comforting. The smile gives an air of kindness to most
but tends to have a slightly sinister undertone that unnerves some people
-Kel needs to be submerged in water regularly. Because both of his parents were aquatic staying hydrated is key for both his
own health and the health of his scales/skin
-Kel seems to carry rope on him at all times. Why? No one knows, not even Kel really. He just feels more comfortable
having something he can use to immobilize others within his grasp
-Kel can't stand clingy people. Its one of the few times he will openly show his annoyance with others. If someone is
quite literally clinging onto his arm you can see him grimacing to the side or pulling off an extremely pissed face.
He always makes sure to smile to the customer though, lest he loose his job.
-Kel can't stay out of anyone's business, especially if its romance related gossip. The man wants the tea

Specialized Abilities
Water Manipulation
With his father being a Nix Kel has some abilities to shapeshift water. As a Nix doesn't have a true form and are said to be made
of water Kel has control over it, though not a great deal of control. Causing tidal waves or changing tides is far out of his
purview, but he most certainly can cause someone's drink to spill on themselves, or a jet of water to go up their nose

The Nix were known as shapeshifting beings and as such Kel has inherited this power from his father. However unlike
his parent he can't turn into just anything. His shapeshifting forms are limited to a large white and black horse
(from his fathers' Nix descendance) and a half merman form (from his mother, the siren). He also has some ability to
change his human form but things like height and build are out of his control. He can, however, alter his genetalia
slightly to add a slit should he choose to do so (He doesn't often choose to)

Siren Voice
Kel is half siren so he has inherited the powers of his mothers voice. He can lure people in with his voice and promise them all
their desires and they'll believe him. Kel isn't really fond of using his voice though. It makes things far too easy, which is
part of why he isn't a primary performer. He prefers to use his voice only when necessary to save others or himself.

Instrumental Talent
As weird as it seems the nix are renowned for their musical talent, particularly with the violin. As such stringed
instruments are relatively easy for Kel to learn, though its not instantaneous. So far the two most common instruments are
the violin and the shamisen, both items which he uses to accompany the performances of the kaburi staff

Pet | Companion
None, unless you count the people he's absolutely whipped into being his sexual partners

Brief Background
Kel's parents aren't the most unlikely couple in the world but they certainly aren't something common. Both hailing from the
waters around Europe his parents met in the Netherlands while his mother was on a trip to see the world. They fell in love rather
quickly and soon produced a child, Kel was the result of that union and for a time his family was happy. His father was doting
and his mother was always caring. Of course things wouldn't always be happy.

His mother and father fell out of love just as quickly as they fell in love. Kel, being young, was forced to leave with his mother
towards warmer waters. He spent a lot of his formative years swimming back and forth to spend time with each of his parents.
His home life was nothing exceptional, normal doting parents who wanted the best for their kid, even if they didn't love each
other they tried their best to get along.

Where Kel's warped sense of fun came from no one knows, though his mother considers it his fathers influence and vice versa.
Kel has always been sort of reserved and cut off from other beings where he lived. He wasn't good enough to be a siren,
nor was he good enough to be a nix. He didn't fit into either spot. Perhaps after all that time alone it warped his
sense of what was fun. As Kel grew he found himself wanting to explore, just like his mother had. On his 100th birthday
his parents allowed him to do just that.

Spending a lot of time traveling Kel picked up friends from many places but ultimately found the Kaburi. With no desire
to go back to his homes where he would be forced to suppress one side of himself Kel decided to try out for the Kaburi,
where his acquired skills in sexual exploitation were put to good use as a sexual wellness instructor. While his image
of being a kind hearted teacher wanting to pass on knowledge may be more of a front Kel does enjoy his
work and being able to see other get a happy ending even though he considers himself unable to do the same.

Personal Relations
Chiaro- His Next Victim
Kel is fascinated by Chiaro, partly because of how aggressive the unicorn is.
He considers Chiaro one of his goals in a way. Conquering Chiaro and watching him squirm is an
idea that gives Kel an immense sense of satisfaction. At the current moment he's mostly watching
and waiting for his prey to be in just the right position to strike.

Personal Kinks | Restrictions
+Dirty talk/Degradation (In a consensual manner, of course)
+Feisty partners (he likes a challenge)
+Rope Play (To others, not himself)
+Orgasm Denial/Edging
+Impact Play
+Rough Sex (biting, marking, scratches)
+Toys (cock rings are a must. Its fun to make others squirm)
+Sensual foreplay
+Use of sensations (ice cubes, feathers, alternative touches) to tease others
+Nipple Play
+Titty fucking
+Pretty Open to new ideas
-Bathroom play (He isn't fond of a body fluid mess)
-Non consensual sex or harm
-CNC (He's not a fan of pretending to be a rapist or something)
-Quiet partners
-Pillow princesses and other boring partners
-Insults (He may want to talk down to you but he will NEVER call you worthless because of who you are)
-Using his siren voice during sex

Personal Quarters
Kel's room is somewhat nature driven, with natural stone walls that are filled with plants. He generally goes for darker
grey colors, but blue is a known accent of his room. He has lots of toys he uses for both his workshops and his own personal
use around his room but he keeps them tucked out of sight (He isn't that crass). His room also has a natural shower of sorts
that he uses to rinse off (and have shower sex because he's rather fond of it). He has a pool on one end of his room
that is filled with lukewarm water. He uses it to bathe in when he needs a good soak for his scales.

Rough Inspiration Images
1 2 3
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Color= #0077b6
Name | Aliases

Kelren Strom| Kael, Kel, Ren, Storm
Doesn't really mind what you call him as long as you don't baby talk him

205 Years old
Appears mid to late 20's
The exact aging rate of a mix between a siren and a nixie is not known, but both of his parents are
easily into their thousands of years old so Kel tries not to think about his age. His mother, on the other hand, will
not let him forget how old he is and thus he remembers to the exact year.

Sex | Gender
Intersex/Shapeshifter|He/Him/His pronouns
Kel is a bit of an interesting case. While he identifies as male and carries male genetalia he has inherited some
of the shapeshifting abilities from his father. This extends to his genetalia and while he technically considers himself
male and tends to express as such for his body he has been known to alter this nether regions for his own entertainment.
He is never known to use female pronouns at any time and would be rather cross if you did (in the silent 'I will feed
you to Cerberus' way). He does not mind the use of they/them pronouns but prefers masculine pronouns.
He also tends to express himself in a traditionally masculine way.

Secondary Gender/ Leaning
Kelren is known for being a dom, especially around his bar. He'll punish unruly subs who get jealous of all
the people around them getting some with a few commands and have them turn into putty. He's
also open to playing with his customers if the mood strikes but he rarely takes them to bed. He's helped out
a fair few subs in distress release their tension or provided a bit of extra spice into consenting couples
playing on the dark side of his bar.

Sexual Orientation | Marital Status

Single| Pansexual with a preference for bratty partners
Kel isn't super strict on who he sleeps with, its all about who draws his interest. He, however, finds little interest
in people who will willingly kneel at his feet and take whatever he wants to do. There's no fun in the slow sexual torture if
the other party doesn't fight back at the least a little bit! Kel's preference is for those who seem strong willed
and unyielding to his advances. He does tend to go for more masculine aligned individuals but he
considers that partly because they tend to be less thrilled about the idea of a man
banging them so hard that they see stars. He also tends to avoid
going into any relationship that's more than just sex. He isn't one to settle
down quickly, or easily, and has never done so since he's been at the Kaburi.

Species | Lineage Status
Water Spirit | Mixed Breed
Siren (Mother) x Nix (Father)
Both of his parents are water spirits with similar but distinct forms. His father is a nix, an amorphous water spirit
known for shapeshifting. The nix has a mixture of histories but is most known for appearing as a naked male playing a
violin who lures people into the water to drown. His mother is a siren, a lineage that seemingly speaks for itself.
Their soothing voices are known to represent the aspects of temptation and desire

Owner of Casseopea| Professional Rope Master
While Kel doesn't perform his job as a rope master outside of the club he's quite well known and before
the bar it was his full time job. Just the alure of the famous master performing a show draws in
crowds on Saturday nights. If you're lucky you might get to be the one at his mercy.

Kel is often seen as a kind individual who takes his time to properly greet guests and complement them. He's
got both charm and good looks meaning that lots of guests would like to have him as company for the night. He is,
however, known for devouring his night guests which makes some gods weary of his personality all together.
You see Kel looks like a nice individual on the outside, but he puts most of that on for his own gain. Kel
finds joy in making other people squirm underneath his gaze and will happily find different
ways to make them do so. Of course his favorite way is to torture them sexually, pushing and pulling
their wits until they break.

Kel is always friendly to others but doesn't ever let conversations get too personal. He always allows just enough
to give the illusion of trust. In reality Kel doesn't really like people getting too close to him and tends to put up an invisible
wall between himself and others. Settling down was never on his mind and so he often rejects anything that seems
like budding feelings towards him. Deep down he doesn't want people to be tangled up in his twisted
inner desires and thinks that happiness in the long run will come from somewhere else for everyone.

Distinguishing Features | Appearance


Eye Color
Fog grey with hints of blue and purple

Complexion / Body Type
Tall and lanky, very pale skin with hints of shimmering scales here and there. You
can see the scales most prominently on his shoulders and forearms and they carry the same greyish blue
and purple coloring as his eyes. They can dry out if he's without water so you are likely to see Kel damp more often than
not. He also has a tattoo on his left upper arm and around his shoulder. His overall build is strong but not
overly buff. His most notable feature is his towering height.

Preferred Attire
Sleeveless shirts with a high neck that hug his body. Likes darker colors for both his fabrics and
jewlery. His style tends to be slightly more adorned than most male outfits, taking care to add chains, silver
accents, and other items to match his jewlery. He is somewhat fashionable but never sacrifices comfort
over fashion. Usually has his nails painted to match his outfit as well.

Body Modifications
A long list of piercings in each ear
Left- Two lobe, Darth, Industrial Bar
Right- Two lobe, Darth, Two Helix

Pomegranate, Fresh Orange Blossom, Vanilla, Amber
Sometimes you can get a faint scent of ocean breeze on him

Kel is a shapeshifter so he can adjust his form somewhat.

Notable Quirks | Dietary Restrictions
-Eats mostly seafood, but his diet is not limited by any allergies or intolerances, its simply his preference
-Kel almost always wears a smile but its often unsettling rather than comforting. The smile gives an air of kindness to most
but tends to have a slightly sinister undertone that unnerves some people
-Kel needs to be submerged in water regularly. Because both of his parents were aquatic staying hydrated is key for both his
own health and the health of his scales/skin
-Kel seems to carry rope on him at all times. Why? No one knows, not even Kel really. He just feels more comfortable
having something he can use to immobilize others within his grasp
-Kel can't stand clingy people. Its one of the few times he will openly show his annoyance with others. If someone is
quite literally clinging onto his arm you can see him grimacing to the side or pulling off an extremely pissed face.
He always makes sure to smile to the customer though, lest he loose his job.
-Kel can't stay out of anyone's business, especially if its romance related gossip. The man wants the tea
-While at times Kel loves showing off his prowess in pleasing his partners he can get jealous if they start pandering to
an audience instead of him.
-Kel may be a dom but he's verse in terms of topping/bottoming. He usually tops but every now and again during
a threesome or when he's just in the mood Kel will allow someone to fuck him.

Specialized Abilities
Water Manipulation
With his father being a Nix Kel has some abilities to shapeshift water. As a Nix doesn't have a true form and are said to be made
of water Kel has control over it, though not a great deal of control. Causing tidal waves or changing tides is far out of his
purview, but he most certainly can cause someone's drink to spill on themselves, or a jet of water to go up their nose

The Nix were known as shapeshifting beings and as such Kel has inherited this power from his father. However unlike
his parent he can't turn into just anything. His shapeshifting forms are limited to a large white and black horse
(from his fathers' Nix descendance) and a half merman form (from his mother, the siren). He also has some ability to
change his human form but things like height and build are out of his control. He can, however, alter his genetalia
slightly to add a slit should he choose to do so (He doesn't often choose to)

Siren Voice
Kel is half siren so he has inherited the powers of his mothers voice. He can lure people in with his voice and promise them all
their desires and they'll believe him. Kel isn't really fond of using his voice though. It makes things far too easy, which is
part of why he isn't a primary performer. He prefers to use his voice only when necessary to save others or himself.

Instrumental Talent
As weird as it seems the nix are renowned for their musical talent, particularly with the violin. As such stringed
instruments are relatively easy for Kel to learn, though its not instantaneous. So far the two most common instruments are
the violin and the shamisen, both items which he uses to accompany the performances of the kaburi staff

Pet | Companion
None, unless you count the people he's absolutely whipped into being his sexual partners

Brief Background
Kel's parents aren't the most unlikely couple in the world but they certainly aren't something common. Both hailing from the
waters around Europe his parents met in the Netherlands while his mother was on a trip to see the world. They fell in love rather
quickly and soon produced a child, Kel was the result of that union and for a time his family was happy. His father was doting
and his mother was always caring. Of course, things wouldn't always be happy.

His mother and father fell out of love just as quickly as they fell in love. Kel, being young, was forced to leave with his mother
towards warmer waters. He spent a lot of his formative years swimming back and forth to spend time with each of his parents.
His home life was nothing exceptional, normal doting parents who wanted the best for their kid, even if they didn't love each
other they tried their best to get along.

Where Kel's warped sense of fun came from no one knows, though his mother considers it his fathers influence and vice versa.
Kel has always been sort of reserved and cut off from other beings where he lived. He wasn't good enough to be a siren,
nor was he good enough to be a nix. He didn't fit into either spot. Perhaps after all that time alone it warped his
sense of what was fun. As Kel grew he found himself wanting to explore, just like his mother had. On his 100th birthday
his parents allowed him to do just that.

Spending a lot of time traveling Kel picked up friends from many places but ultimately found himself settling
amongst the humans. It was odd at first to run amongst those who had no idea of what he could do but eventually
Kel found his peace. At first he was known for being a traveling rope instructor, something he'd learned in
his own time. He became quite well known amongst the BDSM community and his flirtatious nature brought
many people to his doorstep. Eventuall Kel found his own place to settle in an area where monsters were just
as prevalent as the humans. A place that despite being odd he was accepted. That's when he opened
Casseopea with all his funds. He loves his little shop and it has been highly successful for being
a place where those who are different are accepted. Now he's known for being the kind yet
somewhat playful bar owner who loves to tease but stay just out of the grasp of others. While his image
of being a kind hearted teacher wanting to pass on knowledge may be more of a front Kel does enjoy his
work and being able to see other get a happy ending even though he considers himself unable to do the same.

Personal Kinks | Restrictions
+Dirty talk/Degradation (In a consensual manner, of course)
+Feisty partners (he likes a challenge)
+Rope Play (To others, not himself)
+Orgasm Denial/Edging
+Impact Play
+Rough Sex (biting, marking, scratches)
+Toys (cock rings are a must. Its fun to make others squirm)
+Sensual foreplay
+Use of sensations (ice cubes, feathers, alternative touches) to tease others
+Nipple Play
+Titty fucking
+Pretty Open to new ideas
-Bathroom play (He isn't fond of a body fluid mess)
-Non consensual sex or harm
-CNC (He's not a fan of pretending to be a rapist or something)
-Quiet partners
-Pillow princesses and other boring partners
-Insults (He may want to talk down to you but he will NEVER call you worthless because of who you are)
-Using his siren voice during sex

Personal Quarters/Home
Kel's house is somewhat nature driven, with natural stone walls that are filled with plants. He generally goes for darker
grey colors, but blue is a known accent of his room. He has lots of toys he uses for both his workshops and his own personal
use around his room but he keeps them tucked out of sight (He isn't that crass). His room also has a natural shower of sorts
that he uses to rinse off (and have shower sex because he's rather fond of it). He has a pool on one end of his room
that is filled with lukewarm water. He uses it to bathe in when he needs a good soak for his scales.

Rough Inspiration Images
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